Notices To Mariners UK 14wknm15 - Week14 - 2015
Notices To Mariners UK 14wknm15 - Week14 - 2015
Notices To Mariners UK 14wknm15 - Week14 - 2015
T & P Notices in Force
Weekly Edition 14
2 April 2015
(Published on the UKHO Website 23 March 2015)
For information on how to update your ADMIRALTY products using ADMIRALTY Notices to
Mariners, please refer to NP294 How to Keep Your ADMIRALTY Products Up--to--Date.
Mariners are requested to inform the UKHO immediately of the discovery of new or suspected
dangers to navigation, observed changes to navigational aids and of shortcomings in both paper
and digital ADMIRALTY Charts or Publications.
The Hydrographic Note Form (H102) should be used to forward this information and to report any
ENC display issues.
H102A should be used for reporting changes to Port Information.
H102B should be used for reporting GPS/Chart Datum observations.
Copies of these forms can be found at the back of this bulletin and on the UKHO website.
The following communication facilities are available:
Notices to Mariners Website: Web:
Searchable Notices to Mariners: Web:
Urgent navigational information: e--mail: [email protected]
Phone: +44(0)1823 353448
Fax: +44(0)1823 322352
H102 forms e--mail: [email protected]
(see back pages of this Weekly Edition) Post: UKHO, Admiralty Way, Taunton,
Somerset, TA1 2DN, UK
All other enquiries/information e--mail: [email protected]
Phone: +44(0)1823 337900 (24/7)
Crown Copyright 2015. All rights Reserved. Permission is not required to make analogue or PDF copies
of these Notices, but such copies may not be sold without the permission of the UKHO. For permission to
sell copies of the Notices or to make (non -- PDF) digital copies please email
[email protected]
Printed in the United Kingdom for the UKHO
The Weekly Notices to Mariners (NM) updates for paper Charts and Publications can be accessed via or the searchable NM Website The latest
digital NM Weekly update is available 10 days prior to the paper publication date; there are no
subscription fees for access to the UKHO Notices to Mariners Website.
NB: The NM database includes historical NM data from 1 January 2000, for NMs prior to 2000 the
Cumulative List of Notices to Mariners (NP234B-00) must be used.
Software required:
Adobe Acrobat Reader (Version 6.0 or later). Reader software can be obtained direct from the Adobe
website (
Enter the website and select the search option that you require
following the on screen instructions:
To view the NM, NM Note or full-colour NM Blocks, click on the relevant link.
Enter the website, and then select Notices to Mariners. This will give you
access to the following range of Notice to Mariners services:
- Weekly NMs
- NM Block, Notes and Diagrams
- Annual NMs
- Cumulative NM List
For further details of the online NM facilities please see the NM Guidance Notes on the website,
additional detail includes:
File content and description
PC and printer specifications
If you experience any difficulties, please contact the UKHO Customer Service on:
Tel: +44 (0) 1823 337900 (24/7)
e-mail: [email protected]
While every effort is made to ensure that the data provided through the Notices to Mariners
service is accurate, the user needs to be aware of the risks of corruption to data. It is important
that the user should only use the data on suitable equipment and that other applications should
not be running on the users machine at the same time. Users should exercise their
professional judgement in the use of data and also consult the Mariners Handbook (NP100)
for further details.
The user needs to be aware that there is a possibility that data could be corrupted during
transmission, or in the process of display or printing on the users equipment, or if converted
to other software formats, and is accordingly advised that the UKHO cannot accept
responsibility for any such change, or any modifications or unauthorised changes, made by
licensees, or other parties.
Crown Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. Correct at the time of printing.
Weekly Notices are dated for the Thursday appropriate to the week that the printed version is despatched from the UKHO.
They are available earlier from the UKHO website.
Section I - Publications List
At the beginning of the Publications List is an index of ADMIRALTY Charts affected by the Publications List. Thereafter
there are a number of standard lists which contain details and announcements concerning charts and publications relevant for
the particular Weekly Notice. Full details of how to use the various lists contained in Section I are available in NP294.
Special Announcements and Errata are occasionally included at the end of this Section.
Section IA - Temporary and Preliminary (T&P) Notices
A list of T&P Notices in force (along with a list of those cancelled during the previous month), is included in the Weekly NM
each month (see below).
Section IB - Current Hydrographic Publications
Information about Hydrographic Publications including the current edition numbers is included in the Weekly NM at the end
of March, June, September and December.
Section II - Updates to Standard Nautical Charts
The notices in Section II give instructions for the updating of standard nautical charts and selected thematic charts in the
ADMIRALTY series. Geographical positions refer to the horizontal datum of the current edition of each affected chart
which is stated in the notice alongside the appropriate chart number. Positions are normally given in degrees, minutes and
decimals of a minute, but may occasionally quote seconds for convenience when plotting from the graduation of some older-
style charts. Where Leisure Products are referred to different horizontal datums from the standard nautical charts for that
geographical area, positions in the notices cannot be plotted directly on these products. Bearings are true reckoned clockwise
from 000 to 359; those relating to lights are from seaward. Symbols referred to are those shown in NP5011. Depths and
heights are given in metres or fathoms and/or feet as appropriate for the chart being updated (abbreviated where necessary to
m, fm and ft respectively). Blocks and notes accompanying notices in Section II are placed towards the end of the section.
T&P Notices. These are indicated by (T) or (P) after the notice number and are placed at the end of Section II. They are
printed on one side of the paper in order that they may be cut up and filed. To assist in filing, the year is indicated after the
notice number and an in-force list is published monthly. Information from these notices is not included on charts before
issue; charts should be updated in pencil on receipt. Associated diagrams are reproduced with Blocks at the end of Section II.
Original Information. A star (*) adjacent to the number of a notice indicates that the notice is based on original
Section III - Navigational Warnings
NAVAREA I Navigational Warnings in force at the specified time quoted in the header are reprinted in Section III. It is
recommended that this reprint should be kept in a file or book, followed by subsequent weekly reprints. Only the most
convenient ADMIRALTY Chart is quoted. The full text of all Warnings in force is included in Weeks 1, 13, 26 and 39 each
Section IV - Sailing Directions
Updates to all Sailing Directions are given in Section IV. Those in force at the end of the year are reprinted in the Annual
Summary of ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners Part 2 (NP247(2)). A list of updates in force is published in Section IV of
the Weekly Edition quarterly. Updates may be cut out and pasted/changed directly into the book or alternatively it is
recommended that updates are kept in a file with the latest list of updates in force on top. The list should then be consulted
when using the parent book to see if any changes, affecting the area under consideration, are in force. It is not recommended
that changes be stuck in the parent book.
Section V - Lights
Updates to all the List of Lights are given in Section V and may be published in an earlier edition than the chart-updating
notice. The entire entry for each light updated will be printed (including minor changes) and an asterisk (*) will denote which
column contains a change. In the case of a new light, or where a new sequence is added below the main light, an asterisk (*)
will appear under all columns. All Section V entries are intended to be cut out and pasted into the appropriate volume. It is
emphasised that the List of Lights is the primary source of information on lights and that many alterations, especially those of
a temporary but operational nature, are promulgated only as updates to the List of Lights. Light positions should be
regarded as approximate and are intended to indicate the relative positions of lights only. Charts should be consulted for a
more authoritative position. When a light is affected by a separate chart-updating notice, its Light List number is always
included in the relevant text contained in Section II. The range of a light is normally the nominal range, except when the
responsible authority quotes luminous or geographical range - see special remarks for ranges used by each country.
Section VI - Radio Signals
Updates to all the Radio Signals are given in Section VI. When a chart-updating notice is issued for information that is also
included within the Radio Signals, the appropriate volume reference number is quoted, followed in parentheses by the
number of the Weekly Edition containing (in Section VI) the corresponding update to the service details. The updates in
Section VI should be cut out and pasted into the appropriate volumes.
Section VII - Miscellaneous Publications
Updates to the following selected miscellaneous Nautical Publications are contained in Section VII.
NP100 The Mariners Handbook
NP133A Paper Chart Maintenance Record
NP231 ADMIRALTY Guide to the Practical Use of ENCs
NP294 How to Keep your ADMIRALTY Products Up-to-date
NP136 Ocean Passages for the World
NP350(1) ADMIRALTY Distance Tables Atlantic Ocean
NP350(3) ADMIRALTY Distance Tables Pacific Ocean
NP350(2) ADMIRALTY Distance Tables Indian Ocean
NP735 IALA Maritime Buoyage System
NP5011 Symbols and Abbreviations used on ADMIRALTY Paper Charts
NP5012 ADMIRALTY Guide to ENC Symbols used in ECDIS
All Tides Publications
Nautical Almanac Publications, including Sight Reduction Tables.
Section VIII ADMIRALTY Digital Products and Services
Information relevant to ADMIRALTY Digital Products and Services.
Further Guidance
The Mariners Handbook (NP100) gives a fuller explanation of the limitations of charts and details of the UKHO policy for
the promulgation and selection of navigationally significant information for charts. Details of chart updating methods can be
found in How to Keep Your ADMIRALTY Products Up-to-date (NP294). All users are advised to study these
Updating information is published by Weekly Notices to Mariners supplemented by navigational warnings for items of
immediate importance. It should be borne in mind that they may be based on reports which cannot always be verified before
promulgation, and that it is sometimes necessary to be selective and promulgate only the more important items to avoid
overloading users; the remainder being included in revised editions of the charts and publications concerned.
Laws and Regulations
While, in the interests of the safety of shipping, the UKHO makes every endeavour to include in its publications details of the
laws and regulations of all countries appertaining to navigation, it must be clearly understood:-
(a) that no liability whatsoever can be accepted for failure to publish details of any particular law or regulation, and
(b) that publication of the details of a law or regulation is solely for the safety and convenience of shipping and implies no
recognition of the international validity of the law or regulation.
Reliance on Charts and Associated Publications
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information on ADMIRALTY charts and within nautical
publications, it should be appreciated that it may not always be complete and up-to-date. The mariner must be the final judge
of the reliance he can place on the information given, bearing in mind his particular circumstances, local pilotage guidance
and the judicious use of available aids to navigation.
Charts should be used with prudence: there are areas where the source data are old, incomplete or of poor quality. The
mariner should use the largest scale appropriate for his particular purpose; apart from being the most detailed, the larger
scales are usually updated first. When extensive new information (such as a new hydrographic survey) is received, some
months may elapse before it can be fully incorporated in published charts. On small scale charts of ocean areas where
hydrographic information is, in many cases, still sparse, charted shoals may be in error as regards position, least depth and
extent. Undiscovered dangers may exist, particularly away from well-established routes.
Satellite-Derived Positions and Chart Accuracy
Mariners must not assume that charts which are referred to WGS84 Datum, or those for which shifts to WGS84 Datum are
provided, have been surveyed to modern standards of accuracy. On some charts, owing to the age and quality of the source
information, some of the charted detail may not be positioned accurately. In such cases mariners are advised to exercise
particular caution when navigating in the vicinity of dangers, even when using an electronic positioning system such as GPS.
For further details, see The Mariners Handbook (NP100). This applies to both paper and digital (ADMIRALTY Raster
Chart Service and ENC) versions of charts.
Admiralty Charts affected by the Publication List
Are you about to update your ADMIRALTY charts? By completing this short survey you can help us with some
important research on chart storage.
Please note that to complete this survey you will need a tape measure to record internal measurements of your
chart drawers.
Thank you
Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Folio 2015 Catalogue page
~445 International Chart Series, Antarctica - Graham Land, Lemaire 1:35,000 97 136
INT9118 Channel.
64 5650 S. 65 0850 S., 63 3400 W. 64 1750 W.
~1913 Mediterranean Sea - Italy, Gulf of Genoa - Western Part, Imperia to 1:100,000 26 42
Punta Della Chiappa.
43 5220 N. 44 2660 N., 8 0000 E. 9 1340 E.
~1914 Mediterranean Sea Italy, Gulf of Genoa - Eastern Part, Punta 1:100,000 26 42
Della Chiappa to Viareggio.
434400N. 44 2451 N., 9 0500 E. 10 2741 E.
Admiralty Publications
DP330 NavPac and Compact Data 2016-2020 March 2015 DP330 is a new edition of Navpac and Compact Data
covering the period 2016-2020. The NavPac software
(v3.4.0) runs on a PC under Microsoft Windows
(Vista/7/8) providing the navigator with a simple and
efficient method of calculating his position at sea using
sextant observations. It also provides rise/set times and
positions of the Sun, Moon, planets and navigations stars
for planning astronomical sights. It can also calculate great
circle and rhumb line tracks.
Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Folio 2015 Catalogue page
~1165 England and Wales, Bristol Channel, Worms Head to Watchet. 1:75,000 2 20
~1188 International Chart Series, England - East Coast, River Humber, 1:25,000 7 26
INT1553 Spurn Head to Immingham.
Grimsby. 1:10,000
~1534 International Chart Series, England - East Coast, Great Yarmouth 1:25,000 7 26
INT1558 and Approaches.
A Great Yarmouth Outer Harbour. 1:7,500
B Great Yarmouth Haven. 1:7,500
~1535 International Chart Series, England - East Coast, Lowestoft and 1:25,000 7 26
INT1559 Approaches.
Lowestoft Harbour. 1:6,250
Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Folio 2015 Catalogue page
~2635 International Chart Series, British Isles, Scotland - West Coast. 1:500,000 5 20, 22, 26, 28 & 30
Includes significant safety-related information as follows: new
submarine cables and changes to depths from the latest British
Government surveys.
~3275 International Chart Series, Wales - South Coast, Milford Haven, 1:12,500 2 21
INT1651 Milford Docks to Picton Point.
A Pembroke Reach. 1:5,000
B Continuation of River Cleddau. 1:12,500
C Continuation of River Cleddau. 1:50,000
D Carew River. 1:50,000
Chart Title, limits and other remarks Scale Folio 2015 Catalogue page
~3497 International Chart Series, England - East Coast, River Humber - 1:25,000 7 26
INT1554 Immingham to Humber Bridge and the Rivers Ouse and Trent.
A Humber Bridge to Whitton Ness. 1:50,000
B Whitton Ness to Goole and Keadby. 1:50,000
C Keadby to Gainsborough. 1:100,000
D Goole. 1:5,000
~3715 International Chart Series, United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi (Ab 1:32,500 40 62
INT7224 Zaby).
24 1623 N. 24 3560 N., 54 1760 E. 54 3200 E.
Mn Zyid. 1:12,500
Admiralty Publications
NP36 Indonesia Pilot Volume 1 (8th Edition) 2014. 02/04/15 Updated to Week 48/14 (27/11/14) First
& updates in NM week 14/15. This edition
e-NP36 supersedes NP36 (Seventh Edition 2012)
which is cancelled.
NP45 Mediterranean Pilot Volume 1 (Fifteenth Edition) 2014. 02/04/15 Updated to Week 51/14 (18/12/14)
& First updates in NM week 14/15.
e-NP45 This edition supersedes NP45 (Fourteenth
Edition 2011) which is cancelled.
431 Brazil Southern Coast, Porto de Sepetiba and Approaches. 1:20,000 431 95
22 5410 S. 23 0100 S., 43 4860 W. 44 0000 W.
Continuation to CSA Terminal. 1:20,000
22 5600 S. 22 5800 S., 43 4680 W. 43 4990 W.
1272 Black Sea, Giresun, neada, nebolu and Sinop with Approaches. 1272 31
A Approaches to neada. 1: 100,000
B neada. 1:25,000
C Approaches to Giresun. 1:100,000
D Giresun. 1:12,500
E Approaches to Sinop. 1:100,000
F Sinop. 1:25,000
G Approaches to nebolu. 1:100,000
H nebolu. 1:12,500
1274 Black Sea Turkey, Samsun and Fatsa with Approaches. 1274 31
A Samsun. 1:12,500
B Approaches to Samsum. 1:100,000
C Fatsa. 1:20,000
D Approaches to Fatsa. 1:100,000
1423 International Chart Series, North Sea, Terschelling to Esbjerg. 1:375,000 1423 9
INT1045 INT1045
Includes changes to routeing measures.
1632 International Chart Series, North Sea, DW Routes and TSS North 1:150,000 1632 9
INT1420 Friesland to Vlieland. INT1420
1633 International Chart Series, North Sea. TSS North Friesland and 1:150,000 1633 9
INT1417 GW/EMS to Vlieland and Borkum. INT1417
3267 International Chart Series, North Sea Germany, The Elbe - 1:30,000 3267 9
INT1454 Krautsand to Schulau. INT1454
Stadersand. 1:15,000
Admiralty Charts
Chart to be On publication of
WITHDRAWN Main Title New Chart/New Edition
1165 England and Wales, Bristol Channel, Worms Head to Watchet. ~1165
1188 International Chart Series, England - East Coast, River Humber, ~1188
INT1553 Spurn Head to Immingham. INT1553
1534 International Chart Series, England - East Coast, Great Yarmouth and ~1534
INT1558 Approaches. INT1558
1535 International Chart Series, England - East Coast, Lowestoft and ~1535
INT1559 Approaches. INT1559
2635 International Chart Series, British Isles, Scotland - West Coast. ~2635
INT1061 INT1061
3275 International Chart Series, Wales - South Coast, Milford Haven, ~3275
INT1651 Milford Docks to Picton Point. INT1651
3496 International Chart Series, England - East Coast, River Humber, ~3496
INT1565 Immingham and Hull. INT1565
3497 International Chart Series, England - East Coast, River Humber - ~3497
INT1554 Immingham to Humber Bridge and the Rivers Ouse and Trent. INT1554
3713 International Chart Series, United Arab Emirates, Approaches to Abu ~3713
INT7223 Dhabi (Ab Zaby). INT7223
3715 International Chart Series, United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi (Ab ~3715
INT7224 Zaby), Ss an Nakhl and Muaffah. INT7224
With effect from Weekly Edition 16 of 2015, there will be some changes to the format of updates to Standard Nautical Charts within
ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners Section II. The purpose of making these changes is to simplify the Notices, making them clearer and
easier to understand.
The changes are as follows:
1. Location information in the title of each Notice to Mariners will be simplified.
2. Cross-references to ADMIRALTY List of Lights and Fog Signals and/or ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals will no longer be
Notices to Mariners Block descriptions will no longer list the feature types that have been amended.
In Force 27 March 2015
Cancelled Notices
1199(P)/08 1820, 2707 ........... IRELAND, West Coast, Killary Harbour and approaches: Depths .................. 4
1621(P)/08 2254, 2423, 2789 IRELAND, West Coast, Approaches to Dingle Bay: Depths ............................ 2, 4
1622(P)/08 2423, 2424 ........... IRELAND, South West Coast, Approaches to Bantry Bay, Dunmanus Bay and 2
Long Island Bay: Depths....................................................................................
1623(P)/08 2423, 2424, 2495 IRELAND, South West Coast, Valentia Island to Black Ball Head: Depths ..... 2, 4
1700(P)/08 2723 ...................... IRELAND, North Coast, Inishtrahull Northwards to Rosguill Peninsula: 3
Depths ................................................................................................................
1701(P)/08 1879, 2723, 2725 IRELAND, West Coast, Tory Island to Dawros Head: Depths.......................... 3, 4
2496(P)/08 1127, 2420, 2703, IRELAND, West Coast, Eagle Island to Malin More Head: Depths ................. 4, 5
2725 ......................
2550(P)/08 2254, 2423, 2789 IRELAND, West Coast, Brandon Point to Blasket Islands: Depths ................. 2, 4
6440(P)/09 2173, 2420 ........... IRELAND, West Coast, Galway Bay , Inishmore, North Coast and Golam 4
Head to Ardfry Shoals: Depths ..........................................................................
243(P)/10 2423, 2424 ........... IRELAND, South West Coast, Bantry Bay and Dunmanus Bay : Depths......... 2
3053(P)/10 1127, 1879, 2725. IRELAND, West Coast, Approaches to Donegal Harbour & Blacksod Bay: 4, 5
Depths ................................................................................................................
5557(T)/11 2529 ...................... SCOTLAND, Hebrides, Approaches to Stornoway, Loch Erisort, Tannaraidh 5
South-eastwards: Scientific instruments; Buoyage............................................
1347(P)/12 1820, 2173, 2420, IRELAND, West Coast, Mannin Bay and Approaches: Depths ........................ 4
2707, 2708 ...........
1A.1 Wk14/15
2. BRITISH ISLES - continued
1402(P)/12 1796 ...................... SCOTLAND, West Coast, Isle of Mull, Western Approaches to the Sound of 5
Mull: Depths.......................................................................................................
1652(P)/12 1765, 2081, 2424 IRELAND, South Coast, Newfoundland Bay to Hake Head and Kinsale 2
Harbour: Depths .................................................................................................
1318(P)/13 1127, 1778, 1796. SCOTLAND, West Coast, Approaches to the Sound of Mull: Depths; Rock ... 5
2524(T)/13 1796 ...................... SCOTLAND, West Coast, Outer Hebrides, Sound of Barra: Depths ................ 5
3211(P)/13 1796 ...................... SCOTLAND, Hebrides, Barra Southwards to Berneray: Depths ...................... 5
3233(T)/13 2199, 2798 ........... IRELAND, North East Coast, Torr Head North-eastwards: Measuring 3
instruments .........................................................................................................
3427(T)/13 1984, 2173 ........... IRELAND, West Coast, Galway Bay, Burnacurra Point South-westwards: 4
Buoy ...................................................................................................................
5161(T)/13 121, 129, 1882 .... ENGLAND, East Coast, Bridlington: Works..................................................... 7
5404(P)/13 44, 2093 ............... IRELAND, East Coast, Ards Peninsula, Ballywalter to Guns Island: Depths; 3
Drying heights ....................................................................................................
5422(T)/13 108, 2037, 3418 .. ENGLAND, East Coast, South Coast, Approaches to The Wash and Chichester 1, 7
Harbour: Measuring instruments; Buoyage .......................................................
284(T)/14 1123, 1178, 2649. CELTIC SEA, UK Sector, Nymphe Bank SE and Cockburn Bank SE: 1, 2
Scientific instruments; Buoyage ........................................................................
300(T)/14 219, 1954, 2635 .. SCOTLAND, North Coast, Whiten Head NE: Buoyage ................................... 5, 6
397(T)/14 2792 ...................... IRELAND, West Coast, Killybegs Harbour, Black Rock Pier N: Light- 4
beacons; Pontoon ...............................................................................................
2080(P)/14 1121, 1320, 1411, IRISH SEA, England, Scotland, Liverpool Bay to Ardnell Bay: Submarine 3, 5
1753, 1826, 1978, power cable ........................................................................................................
1981, 2093, 2126,
2131, 2198, 2199,
2220, 2221, 2491,
2635, 2724 ...........
2356(T)/14 219, 1234 ............. SCOTLAND, North Coast, Foinaven Oil Field W: Measuring instruments ..... 6
2738(P)/14 1121, 2126, 2168, SCOTLAND, West Coast, Lower Loch Fyne to Kilbrannan Sound: Submarine 3, 5
2476, 2481, 2723 cables..................................................................................................................
2764(P)/14 2036, 2038, 2793 ENGLAND, South Coast, Isle of Wight, Cowes Harbour: Restricted area....... 1
3027(T)/14 1889, 1890 ........... SCOTLAND, East Coast, Cromarty Firth, Newhall Point NW: Buoy .............. 6
3034(T)/14 1901, 1967 ........... ENGLAND, South Coast, Plymouth, Cattewater, River Plym: Bridge; Works; 1
Vertical clearance ...............................................................................................
3593(T)/14 2173, 3338 ........... IRELAND, West Coast, Killard Point and Donegal Point NW: Measuring 4
instruments; Buoyage.........................................................................................
3821(P)/14 2669, 3653, 3654 CHANNEL ISLANDS, Guernsey, Little Russel S to The Great Bank N: Depths 16
4832(T)/14 121, 1190.............. ENGLAND, East Coast, Westermost Rough Wind Farm E: Hulk .................... 7
4995(P)/14 44, 1121, 1411, IRELAND, East Coast, Dundrum Bay to Carlingford Lough: Depths; Drying 3
2093 ...................... height..................................................................................................................
5496(T)/14 1840 ...................... IRELAND, West Coast, Bantry Bay, Castletown Bearhaven, Dinish Island SW: 2
Wave recorder; Buoy..........................................................................................
5643(T)/14 1077, 1889 ........... SCOTLAND, East Coast, Cromarty Firth, Nigg Oil Terminal: Light ............... 6
5652(P)/14 2022, 2036, 2037, ENGLAND, South Coast, Southampton Docks, Southampton Water, Central 1
2038, 2041, 2045, Solent, Eastern Solent and Nab Channel: Maintained channels; Buoyage;
2793, 3418, 8002 Precautionary area ..............................................................................................
767(P)/15 8001 ...................... ENGLAND, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Tees Bay: Legend; Automatic 7
Identification System .........................................................................................
892(T)/15 34, 883 ................. ENGLAND, Isles of Scilly, Saint Marys Road to Crow Sound, Nut Rock SW 1
and Innisidgen N: Mooring buoys......................................................................
993(P)/15 807, 808, 3140 .... CHANNEL ISLANDS, Guernsey, Little Russel to The Great Bank : Depths; 16
Drying heights ....................................................................................................
1001(P)/15 1190....................... ENGLAND, East Coast, Southern approaches to the River Humber: Depths... 7
1291(T)/15 210, 1446 ............. SCOTLAND, East Coast, Nigg Bay: Scientific instruments............................. 6
1584(T)/15 104, 107, 1188..... ENGLAND, East Coast, Approaches to the Humber, Spurn Head S: Works.... 7
1605(T)/15 1121, 1411, 1415, IRELAND, East Coast, Approaches to Dublin, Bennet Bank S: Buoy ............. 3
1468 ......................
1606(T)/15 1410, 1787 ........... IRELAND, East Coast, Blackwater Bank W: Buoy .......................................... 3
Wk14/15 1A.2
5718(T)/09 2733, 2734 ........... ICELAND, South West Coast, Hvalfjrur: Buoyage....................................... 15
4272(T)/10 3137 ...................... ARCTIC OCEAN, Svalbard, Spitsbergen, Srkapp Land Southwards, 15
Srkapp: Radar beacon ......................................................................................
5297(T)/10 3136 ...................... ARCTIC OCEAN, Svalbard, Prins Karls Forland West-north-westwards and 15
Kvitya Southwards: Measuring instruments ....................................................
2772(T)/11 4010 ...................... ARCTIC OCEAN, Greenland Sea, Greenland Basin and Knipovich Ridge: 15
Measuring instruments .......................................................................................
4608(T)/11 2674 ...................... NORWAY, West Coast, Storegga: Data collection buoy.................................... 13
5413(P)/11 3504 ...................... NORWAY, West Coast, Mongstad Base: Port developments............................. 13
4472(T)/12 2897, 2899, 4112, ICELAND, Northwards and North-westwards: Measuring instruments ........... 15
4644(T)/12 2961 ...................... RUSSIA, Barents Sea Coast, Gulyayevskiye Koshki to Naryan-Mar: Buoyage 14
5145(P)/12 3499 ...................... NORWAY, South Coast, Larvik, Revet Westwards and Southwards and 12
Sandefjord: Alongside depths; Coastline; Depths..............................................
539(T)/13 3509, 3562 ........... NORWAY, South Coast, Oslo Havn, Bjrvika and Srenga: Buoyage ............. 12
2618(T)/13 3500, 3770 ........... NORWAY, South Coast, Oslofjorden - sgrdstrand Eastwards: Submarine 12
power cable ........................................................................................................
3386(T)/13 1333, 3502 ........... NORWAY, South Coast, Eidangerfjorden, Kattya Westwards: Submarine 12
pipeline; Buoy; Reported anchorage ..................................................................
4939(T)/13 2897, 4101, 4112, NORWEGIAN SEA, Iceland Northwards and North-eastwards, Kolbeinsey 13, 15
4113....................... Ridge and Jan Mayen Ridge: Measuring instruments........................................
773(T)/14 3160, 3499 ........... NORWAY, South Coast, Approaches to Oslofjorden, Sndre Sster S, 12
Seikrakk: Buoy...................................................................................................
1051(T)/14 3212, 3546 ........... NORWAY, West Coast, Karmsundet, Approaches to Husya: Works............... 13
1375(P)/14 1333, 3502 ........... NORWAY, South Coast, Brevikfjorden, Brevik SE and Sandya S: Submarine 12
cable; Submarine pipelines ................................................................................
1410(P)/14 2306, 2307, 2674, NORWEGIAN SEA, Halten Bank NW, W and SW: Submarine pipeline......... 13
4101 ......................
1529(T)/14 2333 ...................... RUSSIA, Barents Sea Coast, Mys Teriberskiy N: Mooring buoys.................... 14
1653(P)/14 274, 281, 286, 288, NORWAY, West Coast, Hjeltefjorden, Fedjeosen and approaches, Soltra N and 6, 7, 13
292, 299, 2182C, W, Utsira Ground NE: Scientific instruments ....................................................
2182D, 2291, 2672,
2673, 3504, 3546,
3555, 3556 ...........
1856(P)/14 4101 ...................... NORWAY, West Coast, Norwegian Sea, Vring Plateau SE: Submarine cable 13
1860(P)/14 3160 ...................... NORWAY, South Coast, Oslofjorden, Kirky to Fredrikstad: Submarine 12
pipeline ...............................................................................................................
1861(T)/14 2315, 2330, 2683 NORWAY, North Coast, Norwegian Sea, Magerya S, W and NW and 14
Bjrnya (Bear Island) SE: Measuring instruments; Buoyage ..........................
2157(T)/14 2897, 2900, 4010, NORWEGIAN SEA, Iceland N and NW: Measuring instruments .................... 13, 15
4101, 4112............
3177(T)/14 3550 ...................... NORWAY, West Coast, Klosterfjorden NW: Restricted area; Platform ............ 13
3213(T)/14 2966 ...................... RUSSIA, Barents Sea Coast, Murmansk, Utes Abram-Pakhta E and SW: Buoy; 14
Obstructions .......................................................................................................
3549(T)/14 3547, 3550 ........... NORWAY, West Coast, Leirvik SE, Kjtteinta NE: Buoy ............................... 13
3556(T)/14 3136 ...................... ARCTIC OCEAN, Svalbard, Sjubre-banken SE: Measuring instrument.......... 15
4356(T)/14 2733, 2734, 2897 ICELAND, Reykjavik SW, Reykjanesgrunn, Hafnasjr, Hullid: Measuring 15
instruments .........................................................................................................
178(T)/15 2683 ...................... NORWEGIAN SEA, Bjrnya (Bear Island) S: Measuring instruments.......... 14
402(T)/15 2307 ...................... NORWAY, West Coast, Frohavet NE: Current meter; Buoy.............................. 13
523(P)/15 3553 ...................... NORWAY, West Coast, Selbjrn NW, Salthella N: Rocks; Depths; Perches .... 13
859(T)/15 301, 3546 ............. NORWAY, West Coast, Haugesund Havn, Karmsundet, Haraldsvik SE: 13
1418(P)/15 2987, 3516 ........... NORWAY, South Coast, Kristiansand, Vesterhavn N and Topdalsfjorden: 12, 13
Works; Spoil ground...........................................................................................
5403(T)/08 2106, 2117............ GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Approaches to Travemnde: Buoy; Works............. 10
1955(T)/10 858 ........................ SWEDEN, West Coast, Approaches to Gteborg, Trubaduren Eastwards: Foul 10
1A.3 Wk14/15
3748(T)/10 2106, 2117............ GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Approaches to Travemnde, Lbecker Bucht: 10
Works; Buoy; Explosive dumping ground .........................................................
2466(T)/11 798, 836, 837, 853, SWEDEN, East Coast, South Coast, West Coast: Danger areas........................ 9, 10,12
872, 879, 1402,
2107, 2223, 2251,
2360, 2361, 2856,
2857 ......................
2580(P)/11 3443 ...................... FINLAND, Saaristomeri, Approaches to Korppoo and Kemi: Nature reserve 11
3672(T)/11 2676, 2677, 2679 POLAND, Approaches to winoujcie, winoujcie Harbour and Oderbank 10
(awica Odrzana) Southwards : Breakwater; Restricted area; Buoyage; Spoil
grounds ...............................................................................................................
5336(T)/11 2278 ...................... RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Kaliningradskiy Morskoy Kanal, Povorot 10
Izhevskiy North-eastwards: Jetty .......................................................................
285(P)/12 2303, 3443 ........... FINLAND, South Coast, Gulf of Bothnia to Gulf of Finland: Radio reporting 11
points; Radio reporting lines; Pilotage ...............................................................
286(P)/12 3437, 3441, 3443 FINLAND, West Coast, and Gulf of Finland: Maximum authorised draughts . 11
1499(P)/12 2303 ...................... FINLAND, West Coast, North end of Gulf of Bothnia: Maximum authorised 11
draughts; Swept areas.........................................................................................
3392(T)/12 911......................... SWEDEN, West Coast, Malm, Vstra Hamnen and Nyhamnen: Depths; Buoy 10
5460(T)/12 2676 ...................... POLAND, Szczecin, Wyspa Gryfia Southwards: Works; Buoyage .................. 10
5726(P)/12 3415 ...................... FINLAND, West Coast, Gulf of Bothnia, Approaches to Uusikaupunki: 11
Recommended tracks; Buoyage; Lights; Beacons .............................................
5749(T)/12 2227, 2241, 2248 ESTONIA, Approaches to Tallinn, Naissaar Southwards: Restricted area........ 10, 11
265(T)/13 2680, 2688 ........... POLAND, Gdask, Port Pnocny, Basen Paliw Pynnych Nr 2 South- 10
westwards: Works; Buoyage ..............................................................................
2496(T)/13 2248, 2817, 3817, FINLAND, South Coast, Helsinki South-eastwards, Helsinki Lighthouse 10, 11
3818 ...................... Eastwards and Kalbdagrund Lighthouse North-westwards and South-south-
westwards: Current meters .................................................................................
2882(T)/13 857 ........................ SWEDEN, West Coast, Gteborg, lvsborgsfjorden, Arendal: Depth ............. 10
3065(T)/13 3441 ...................... FINLAND, Saaristomeri, Ut Westwards: Data buoy....................................... 11
3287(T)/13 2676 ...................... POLAND, winoujcie, Wolin, Nb. Energpol-5 Southwards and North- 10
westwards: Buoyage...........................................................................................
4560(T)/13 877 ........................ SWEDEN, West Coast, Helsingborg, Bulkhamnen: Maximum authorised 10
4748(P)/13 1009 ...................... SWEDEN, East Coast, Gulf of Bothnia, Approaches to Lule, Sandfjrden: 11
Depths ................................................................................................................
4824(T)/13 931 ........................ DENMARK, Islands, Odense Fjord, Gabet: Depth ........................................... 10
4825(T)/13 888 ........................ SWEDEN, East Coast, lands hav, Klitaskr South-south-eastwards: Spoil 10
ground ................................................................................................................
5054(T)/13 2288, 2369 ........... POLAND, Approaches to Gdynia and Gdask, Wadysawowo North- 10
westwards to Stilo Northwards : Measuring instruments...................................
5055(T)/13 869 ........................ SWEDEN, West Coast, Approaches to Uddevalla, Byfjorden, 12
Frlandshamnen: Depth .....................................................................................
299(T)/14 2676 ...................... POLAND, Szczecin, Wyspa Grodzka S: Works; Buoyage................................ 10
579(T)/14 2288, 2369, 2688 POLAND, Gulf of Gdask, Approaches to Gdynia and Gdask, Hel NE and 10
Zatoka Pucka: Measuring instruments ...............................................................
657(T)/14 2150, 2369 ........... POLAND, awica Supska (Stolpe Bank) SE and SW: Measuring instruments 10
851(T)/14 689, 832, 858, 881, SWEDEN, Skagerrak to Gulf of Bothnia: Measuring instruments.................... 9, 10,11,
890, 1402, 2107, 12
2115, 2251, 2252,
2296, 2297, 2298,
2299, 2360, 2361,
2362, 2594, 2595,
2816, 2817, 3160,
3499 ......................
887(T)/14 2150, 2679 ........... POLAND, Zatoka Pomorska (Pommersche Bucht), winoujcie NE: 10
Measuring instrument.........................................................................................
Wk14/15 1A.4
888(T)/14 1089, 2222, 2241, BALTIC SEA, Finland, Gulf of Bothnia to Gulf of Finland: Measuring 10, 11
2248, 2252, 2264, instruments .........................................................................................................
2297, 2301, 2817,
3438, 3817, 3818,
3820 ......................
1174(T)/14 874 ........................ SWEDEN, West Coast, Falkenberg: Maximum authorised draught; Depths .... 10
1527(T)/14 2278 ...................... RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Baltiysk, Inner Road: Buoy; Light ........................ 10
1862(T)/14 887 ........................ SWEDEN, East Coast, Stockholms Skrgrd, Staboudde-Koh: Restricted area 10
1917(P)/14 2251, 2288, 2360, BALTIC SEA, Lithuania to Sweden, Klaipeda to Sandvik: Submarine power 10
2842 ...................... cable ...................................................................................................................
1973(T)/14 2225 ...................... ESTONIA, Approaches to Muuga Sadam, Viimsi Poolsaar N: Obstruction ..... 11
1984(P)/14 2469 ...................... GERMANY, Nord-Ostsee Kanal, Elbehafen Brunsbttel, Brunsbttel NE and 9
Rendsburg S: Depths; Submarine power cable; Port developments ..................
2050(T)/14 875, 2594 ............. SWEDEN, West Coast, Kullen: Scientific instruments ..................................... 10
2069(T)/14 845 ........................ SWEDEN, East Coast, Sdertlje, Sdertlje Kanal: Works............................. 10
2131(T)/14 2369, 2816 ........... POLAND, Approaches to eba: Wrecks; Rocks ............................................... 10
2536(T)/14 870, 1402 ............. SWEDEN, West Coast, Hrman W: Measuring instrument ............................ 9, 12
2662(T)/14 2344 ...................... GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Kieler Frde, Friedrichsort SE: Restricted area; 10
Buoyage; Anchorage area ..................................................................................
2701(T)/14 2676 ...................... POLAND, Szczecin, Wyspa Okrtowa NW: Buoy; Bridge; Pontoon ............... 10
2788(T)/14 949 ........................ DENMARK, East Coast, Arhus, Bassin 7: Restricted area ............................... 10
2898(T)/14 2370 ...................... GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Rostock: Works....................................................... 10
2977(T)/14 2680, 2688 ........... POLAND, Gdask, Martwa Wisa River: Buoyage........................................... 10
3227(T)/14 2569 ...................... RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Approaches to Vysotsk: Buoy ............................... 11
3229(T)/14 2264, 2718, 2727 RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Primorsk Oil Terminal NW, Proliv Byrkzund: 11
Foul ....................................................................................................................
3375(P)/14 1089, 1090, 2248, FINLAND, South Coast, Approaches to Hamina: Maximum authorised 11
2264 ...................... draughts ..............................................................................................................
3612(T)/14 2150 ...................... GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Usedom E: Light-beacon; Foul............................... 10
3845(T)/14 903, 2594 ............. DENMARK, East Coast, Kbenhavn N, Skovshoved: Works; Restricted area; 10
Buoyage; Poles...................................................................................................
4260(T)/14 853, 869 ............... SWEDEN, West Coast, Tn N: Measuring instrument...................................... 12
4407(T)/14 2857 ...................... SWEDEN, South Coast, Approaches to Karlskrona, Hassl Northwards, 10
Hasslbron Bridge: Fairway; Buoyage ..............................................................
4467(T)/14 2292 ...................... LATVIA, Port of Lepa- jas, Br- vosta: Buoy ........................................................ 10
4609(P)/14 2106, 2942 ........... GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Howachter Bucht: Buoyage; Firing practice areas . 10
4610(T)/14 2106, 2117, 2942. GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Mecklenburger Bucht, Sagasbank SE: Buoy; 10
Restricted area; Wreck .......................................................................................
4612(T)/14 2117, 2942............ GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Fehmarn, Puttgarden NE: Buoyage; Restricted area 10
4696(T)/14 811, 820................ SWEDEN, East Coast, Stockholm, Frihamnen NE: Works............................... 10
4790(T)/14 900 ........................ DENMARK, Islands, Lilleblt, Kolding Fjord, Skrbk: Works.................... 10
4917(T)/14 2276 ...................... . . 10
LITHUANIA, Klaipeda, Kiaules Nugara SE: Works; Submarine pipeline;
Restricted area ....................................................................................................
4930(T)/14 2117, 2150, 2601, BALTIC SEA, Germany: Buoyage; Measuring instruments ............................. 10
2679, 2942, 2945
4942(T)/14 2150, 2945 ........... GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Jasmund S: Foul; Restricted area............................ 10
4943(T)/14 2117, 2944............ GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Mecklenburger Bucht SE, Heilingendamm NE: 10
Wreck .................................................................................................................
4944(T)/14 2944 ...................... GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Rostock N: Foul; Restricted area ............................ 10
5009(T)/14 2106, 2117, 2942. GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Mecklenburger Bucht: Restricted area.................... 10
5053(T)/14 2106, 2942 ........... GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Hohwachter Bucht: Restricted area; Foul............... 10
5330(T)/14 2680 ...................... POLAND, Port of Gdynia, Basen II - Wendy: Obstruction; Restricted area; 10
5367(P)/14 2248, 2256, 3817 FINLAND, South Coast, Pellinki Pellinge S, Tunnholmen NE to Stngskr and 11
Stengropsholmen S to Sandkallan E: Depths.....................................................
5487(P)/14 3814 ...................... FINLAND, South Coast, Approaches to Loviisa, Orrengrundsfjrden: Depths; 11
Light-beacon; Buoy............................................................................................
1A.5 Wk14/15
5509(T)/14 2218, 3818 ........... FINLAND, South Coast, Helsinki, Mustikkamaa Blbrslandet W: Works ..... 11
5540(T)/14 872, 2362 ............. SWEDEN, East Coast, Ut SE: Restricted area ................................................ 10
5552(T)/14 811......................... SWEDEN, East Coast, Stockholm, Grndalsbron: Works ................................ 10
5564(T)/14 430 ........................ DENMARK, East Coast, Limfjorden, Aalborg Northwards, Limfjordsbroen: 9
Works; Vertical clearance...................................................................................
5623(T)/14 2115, 2945............ GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Wittow NW, TSS North of Rgen : Restricted area 10
72(T)/15 811......................... SWEDEN, East Coast, Stockholm, Lilla Vrtan, Loudden NE: Works ............ 10
82(T)/15 857 ........................ SWEDEN, West Coast, Gta lv, Frihammen NE: Bridge; Works .................. 10
117(P)/15 2594 ...................... SWEDEN, West Coast, Hgans: Depths; Alongside depths............................ 10
223(T)/15 2856 ...................... SWEDEN, East Coast, Elleholm: Works ........................................................... 10
427(P)/15 877 ........................ SWEDEN, East Coast, Helsingborg, Nordhamnen, Vsthamnen, Sydhamnen 10
and Bulkhamnen: Depths ...................................................................................
485(T)/15 930, 2591 ............. DENMARK, East Coast, Vejle Fjord, Holtserhage N: Measuring instrument .. 10
565(T)/15 2680 ...................... BALTIC SEA, Poland, Gdynia: Restricted areas; Buoyage .............................. 10
807(T)/15 2223, 2226, 2231, LATVIA, Ventspils NE and SW, Akmenraga ba- ka, Uava and Ov- u: 10
2288, 2816, 2817 Automatic Identification Systems ......................................................................
866(P)/15 2297, 2298, 3437, FINLAND, West Coast, Gulf of Bothnia, Approaches to Uusikaupunki: 11
3438 ...................... Fairway; Maximum authorised draught; Swept areas; Buoyage; Recommended
tracks; Lights......................................................................................................
905(T)/15 958, 2360 ............. DENMARK, Islands, Bornholm N, Davids Banke E: Works; Wreck; Buoy .... 10
917(T)/15 853, 869 ............... SWEDEN, West Coast, Approaches to Brofjorden, Tn: Lights....................... 12
923(P)/15 802 ........................ SWEDEN, East Coast, Mlaren, Western Part, Vsters, Mlarparkshamnen 10
and Tegeludden: Works; Buoyage; Channels; Berth; Islet.................................
924(T)/15 857 ........................ SWEDEN, West Coast, Gta lv, Marieholm W: Works; Bridges; Buoyage; 10
Dolphin; Jetty .....................................................................................................
1178(T)/15 870 ........................ SWEDEN, West Coast, Mseskr SW, Hake fjord and Svanesund S: 12
Measuring instruments; Buoyage.......................................................................
1287(T)/15 2288, 2816 ........... . 10
LITHUANIA, Klaipeda W: Foul .......................................................................
1314(T)/15 2364 ...................... RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Sankt Peterburg, Reyd Lesnoga Mola and 11
Ugolnaya Gavan: Obstructions........................................................................
1316(P)/15 2364 ...................... RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Sankt Peterburg, Lesnoy Mol S: Works ................ 11
1319(T)/15 2363, 2395 ........... RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Kronshtadt S: Works.............................................. 11
1385(P)/15 3438 ...................... FINLAND, West Coast, Gulf of Bothnia, Kaurissalo W, Katanp: Nature 11
reserve ................................................................................................................
1409(T)/15 811, 820................ SWEDEN, East Coast, Kvarnholmen to Vikdalen: Works; Bridge ................... 10
1468(T)/15 2288, 2369 ........... POLAND, Approaches to Gdynia and Gdask, Rozewie W: Measuring 10
instrument; Buoy ................................................................................................
1492(T)/15 924, 925 ............... SWEDEN, East Coast, Skelleftehamn, Kallholmsfjrden NW: Maximum 11
authorised draught..............................................................................................
1532(T)/15 853, 869 ............... SWEDEN, West Coast, Approaches to Brofjorden, Malmn SE: Foul; Anchor 12
berths ..................................................................................................................
1546(T)/15 931 ........................ DENMARK, Islands, Odense Fjord, Odense Havneterminal: Wreck; Buoyage 10
1547(T)/15 877, 2108, 2115, BALTIC SEA, Entrance to the Baltic, The Sound, TSS In The Sound: Works. 10
2594 ......................
1578(T)/15 2718 ...................... RUSSIA, Baltic Sea Coast, Primorsk Oil Terminal: Buoyage........................... 11
1582(T)/15 2106, 2341, 2942 GERMANY, Baltic Coast, Kieler Frde, TSS Off Kiel Lighthouse NW: 10
Buoyage; Restricted area....................................................................................
1609(T)/15 938, 2106, 2596 .. DENMARK, Islands, Storeblt, stbroen: Works; Vertical clearance ............. 10
1615(T)/15 2676 ...................... POLAND, winoujcie, Nb. Wadysawa IV S: Wreck; Buoy.......................... 10
3922(T)/10 110, 122, 1630..... NETHERLANDS, Buitenbanken North-eastwards, Goeree: Military practice 9
area .....................................................................................................................
1036(P)/11 1408, 1503, 1631, NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Welland Gas Field: Platform; 7, 9
2182A ................... Restricted area; Works; Obstructions; Buoyage.................................................
5080(T)/11 120 ........................ NETHERLANDS, Westerschelde, Schaar van Spijkerplaat: Depths ................ 9
Wk14/15 1A.6
BELGIUM - continued
5447(T)/11 1635, 1875, 3619, GERMANY, North Sea Coast, Approaches to The Elbe, Auenelbe Reede: 9
3767 ...................... Foul ....................................................................................................................
1061(T)/13 1632, 1633 ........... NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, Friesland Junction Northwards: 9
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
1517(T)/13 1423, 3767 ........... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, Helgoland North-north-westwards: Buoy; 9
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
2493(T)/13 1187, 2182A, NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, South Rough: Submarine pipeline; 7
2182B.................... Platform..............................................................................................................
2726(T)/13 122, 125, 1630, NETHERLANDS, Den Haag, Scheveningen North-westwards: Submarine 9
1631 ...................... cable; Platform; Submarine pipeline ..................................................................
2863(T)/13 1630, 2449 ........... BELGIUM, Bligh Bank Eastwards: Foul .......................................................... 7, 9
5420(T)/13 3766 ...................... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, Sylt N, Salzsand: Wreck................................... 9
129(P)/14 267, 272 ............... NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Alma Oil Field and Galia Oil Field: 7
Works; Offshore installations.............................................................................
436(T)/14 1423, 2182A, GERMANY, North Sea Coast, TSS East Friesland NE: Obstruction................ 7, 9
1118(P)/14 292, 294, 295, NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Frigg Field NE, Norwegian Sector, 6, 13
2182C, 2182D, Ellon and Grant Gas Fields SE: Works; Submarine pipeline; Offshore
2673 ...................... installations; Platform ........................................................................................
1250(T)/14 292 ........................ NORTH SEA, Norwegian Sector, Grane Oil Field SE: Data collection buoy... 6
1660(T)/14 1423, 3767 ........... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, Helgoland N: Restricted area; Foul.................. 9
1664(P)/14 1423, 1632, 1633 NETHERLANDS, East Friesland TSS NW: Wrecks ........................................ 9
1802(P)/14 272, 273, 2182B.. NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Jasmine Gas Field NW to Judy Oil 7
Field SE: Works; Offshore installation; Submarine pipeline .............................
1835(P)/14 125, 126, 1546, NETHERLANDS, North Sea Coast, Egmond aan Zee to Borkum: Nature 9
1631, 1632, 1633, reserves...............................................................................................................
1635 ......................
1857(P)/14 288, 2673 ............. NORTH SEA, Norwegian Sector, Troll Gas Field , Troll A platform to Oni: 13
Submarine power cables ....................................................................................
1936(P)/14 278, 291 ............... NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Alba Oil Field W : Works; Submarine 6, 7
cable; Offshore installations...............................................................................
1981(P)/14 278, 291, 1409 .... NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Golden Eagle Oil & Gas Field N: 6, 7
Works; Submarine pipelines; Offshore installations ..........................................
2068(T)/14 1406, 1630, 1872, BELGIUM, Westhinder Anchorage Area: Foul................................................. 7, 9
1873, 2449 ...........
2236(P)/14 267, 272 ............... NORTH SEA, Danish Sector, Harald Gas Field to Gorm Oil Field: Submarine 7
pipeline; Platform...............................................................................................
2458(P)/14 2182A, 2182B...... NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Dogger Bank, South-West Patch: 7
Offshore installations .........................................................................................
2777(P)/14 295, 2673 ............. NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Tern Oil Field SW: Works; Offshore 6, 13
installations; Submarine pipeline .......................................................................
2779(P)/14 278, 2182B, 2182C NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Montrose Oil Field: Submarine 6, 7
pipelines .............................................................................................................
2813(P)/14 295, 2673 ............. NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Tern Oil Field SW: Works; Offshore 6, 13
installations; Submarine pipeline .......................................................................
2903(T)/14 112......................... NETHERLANDS, Harlingen W, Kimstergat: Buoy.......................................... 9
2940(P)/14 110, 1406, 1630, BELGIUM, Lodewijkbank: Works; Wind farm; Buoyage; Radar beacon ........ 7, 9
1872, 1874, 2449
3067(T)/14 295, 299, 2182D, NORTH SEA, Norwegian Sector, Snorre Oil Field: Submarine cables ............ 6, 13
2305, 2673 ...........
3206(T)/14 1422, 1423, 3766, GERMANY, North Sea Coast, Sylt NW, DanTysk to Butendiek: Submarine 9
3767 ...................... power cable ........................................................................................................
3277(T)/14 1872, 1874 ........... BELGIUM, Zeebrugge W, Wenduine NW and Blankenberge N: Works; 9
Submarine pipelines; Buoyage...........................................................................
3478(T)/14 110, 122, 1630..... NETHERLANDS, Approaches to Europoort, Maasgeul W and N: Dredged 9
3590(T)/14 3619 ...................... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, The Elbe, Trischen SE, Neufahrwasser: Wreck 9
3611(T)/14 3631 ...................... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, Entrance to the Ems, Juister Riff S: Obstruction 9
1A.7 Wk14/15
BELGIUM - continued
3854(T)/14 1423, 3767 ........... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, Helgoland NW: Buoyage; Measuring 9
instruments .........................................................................................................
4169(P)/14 110, 1630.............. NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, Buitenbanken NW: Wreck ......................... 9
4243(P)/14 126, 1631 ............. NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, TSS Off Texel E: Wreck ............................ 9
5138(P)/14 426 ........................ DENMARK, North Sea Coast, Lemvig: Works; Mole; Light ........................... 9
5213(T)/14 1873, 1874 ........... NORTH SEA, Belgium: Measuring instruments; Buoyage............................... 9
5234(P)/14 1408, 1503, 1504, NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Horne & Wren Gas Fields: Works; 7, 9
1631, 2182A ........ Platform; Buoyage .............................................................................................
5426(T)/14 120, 1423, 1633, NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector and German Sector: Measuring instruments; 9
1635, 1874, 1875, Buoyage..............................................................................................................
3631, 3632, 3766,
3767 ......................
5559(T)/14 128 ........................ BELGIUM, Westerschelde, Liefkenshoek: Moorings; Restricted area ............. 9
5562(T)/14 291, 1239, 1942 .. NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Claymore Oil Field and Scapa Oil 6
Field: Buoyage ...................................................................................................
5653(T)/14 2, 266, 267, 2182A, NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Dogger Bank N: Buoyage .................. 6, 7
2182B, 4140.........
5783(T)/14 208 ........................ NETHERLANDS, Rotterdam, Prins Johan Frisohaven: Works ........................ 9
5785(T)/14 1546 ...................... NETHERLANDS, Den Helder NE, Malzwin: Buoyage ................................... 9
5786(P)/14 1423 ...................... NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, Nordschillgrund or Lower Scruff SW: 9
Wreck .................................................................................................................
222(T)/15 426 ........................ DENMARK, North Sea Coast, Thyborn: Works ............................................. 9
225(T)/15 1635 ...................... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, Norderney N: Wreck; Buoyage ........................ 9
352(T)/15 3631 ...................... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, Alte Ems, Mwensteert NW: Buoy.................. 9
381(P)/15 2305, 2674 ........... NORTH SEA, Norwegian Sector, Tampen E, Snorre Oil Field NE: Works; 13
Offshore installations .........................................................................................
429(T)/15 128 ........................ BELGIUM, Doel, Deurganckdok S: Moorings; Restricted area ....................... 9
652(T)/15 1872, 1874 ........... NETHERLANDS, Approaches to Westerschelde, Geul van de Walvischstaart: 9
Virtual aids to navigation; Buoyage ...................................................................
871(P)/15 1423, 1635 ........... GERMANY, North Sea Coast, TSS Terschelling - German Bight N: Works; 9
Wind farm; Restricted area; Buoyage ................................................................
891(T)/15 110, 1872, 1874... NETHERLANDS, Walcheren, Domburg NW: Buoy ........................................ 9
910(P)/15 1423 ...................... NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, Friesland Junction N: Wrecks.................... 9
912(T)/15 122, 125 ............... NETHERLANDS, Scheveningen: Buoy ........................................................... 9
913(P)/15 8008 ...................... NORTH SEA, German Sector, Port Approach Guide Bremerhaven: Radar 9
reference line; Radar beacons ............................................................................
1073(P)/15 1423, 1632, 1633, NORTH SEA, Netherlands Sector, Friesland Junction: Routeing measures; 7, 9
2182A, 2182B, Traffic separation schemes; Precautionary area; Area to be avoided ................
4140 ......................
1196(T)/15 126 ........................ NETHERLANDS, Petten W : Buoy .................................................................. 9
1207(T)/15 292 ........................ NORTH SEA, Norwegian Sector, Alvheim Oil Field: Data collection buoy ... 6
1294(T)/15 120, 1872, 1874 .. NETHERLANDS, Approaches to Vlissingen, Oostgat and Sardijngeul: 9
Buoyage; Depths ................................................................................................
1383(T)/15 1872 ...................... BELGIUM, Blankenberge: Depths .................................................................... 9
1425(P)/15 1872, 1873, 1874 BELGIUM, Koksijde-Bad N to Zeebrugge NE: Depths ................................... 9
1493(T)/15 3631 ...................... NETHERLANDS, Entrance to the Ems, Horsbornplate SE: Works; Restricted 9
area; Buoyage.....................................................................................................
1496(T)/15 1423, 1633, 1635, NORTH SEA, German Sector, German Bight Western Approach TSS: 7, 9
2182A, 2182B, Superbuoy ..........................................................................................................
4140 ......................
1610(T)/15 1872, 1874 ........... NETHERLANDS, Westerschelde, Cadzand-Bad: Restricted area; Buoyage.... 9
1611(T)/15 120, 128 ............... NETHERLANDS, Westerschelde, Schaar van Valkenisse: Depth .................... 9
1629(P)/15 292, 2182C........... NORTH SEA, United Kingdom Sector, Norwegian Sector, Ness Oil Field W 6
to Heimdal Gas Field: Submarine cable.............................................................
1649(P)/15 288, 294, 295, 299, NORTH SEA, Norwegian Sector, Martin Linge platform and Huldra Gas Field: 6, 13
2673, 3555, 3556 Submarine cables; Submarine pipelines; Moored storage tanker ......................
Wk14/15 1A.8
1814(P)/11 304, 2821, 2822 .. FRANCE, West Coast, Lorient and Pass de lOuest: Depths ............................ 17
5102(T)/11 2148, 2451, 2675 FRANCE, North Coast, Dieppe Northwards: Buoy; Automatic Identification 1, 16
System; Restricted area ......................................................................................
5793(T)/11 2028, 3673 ........... FRANCE, North Coast, Outer Approaches to Le Trieux, Plateau de la Horaine 16
North-eastwards: Restricted area .......................................................................
811(T)/12 1350 ...................... FRANCE, North Coast, Dunkerque Port Ouest, Avant-port Ouest: Buoy ........ 9
940(P)/12 1150....................... SPAIN, North Coast, Ria de Suances, El Tropiezo to Muelle de Solvay: 17
Beacons; Light-beacons .....................................................................................
3159(T)/12 1104, 2649............ FRANCE, West Coast, le dOuessant Westwards, Little Sole Bank South- 1, 16
westwards: Obstructions ....................................................................................
4345(T)/12 3259 ...................... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Approaches to Setbal, Outo North-north- 18
eastwards: Works................................................................................................
5831(T)/12 86, 88 ................... SPAIN, South West Coast, Cadiz, Canal del Norte: Restricted area.................. 18
177(P)/13 83, 89, 3636 ........ PORTUGAL, South Coast, Portimo, Ponta Joo de Arens South-westwards: 18
Reef; Buoyage ....................................................................................................
4640(T)/13 323, 1350, 1872, FRANCE, North Coast, Approaches to Dunkerque, Passe de LEst: Depths .... 1, 9
1873 ......................
1154(P)/14 1150....................... SPAIN, North Coast, Approaches to Puerto de Luanco and Puerto de Lastres: 17
Depths; Marina...................................................................................................
1373(T)/14 2643, 2646, 2647, FRANCE, North Coast, North Coast to West Coast, Saint-Malo to Les Sables- 16, 17
2648, 2663, 2669 dOlonne: Automatic Identification Systems.....................................................
4171(T)/14 87, 3634 ............... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Montedor SW: Platform; Automatic Identification 18
System ................................................................................................................
4212(T)/14 3221 ...................... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Rio Tejo, VTS Algs W: Buoy................................ 18
4215(T)/14 83 .......................... PORTUGAL, South Coast, Faro SE, Canal de Faro: Buoy ............................... 18
4403(P)/14 323, 1350, 1351, FRANCE, North Coast, Approaches to Dunkerque: Buoyage .......................... 1, 9, 16
1873, 1892 ...........
215(T)/15 3257 ...................... PORTUGAL, West Coast, Viana do Castelo, Rio Lima, Molhe Cabedelo SW 18
and W: Depths ....................................................................................................
873(P)/15 83 .......................... PORTUGAL, South Coast, Cabo de Santa Maria W, Barra Nova and Mar 18
Santo: Depths .....................................................................................................
1033(P)/15 2356 ...................... FRANCE, West Coast, le dOuessant, Baie du Stiff: Depths ........................... 16
1183(P)/15 2976 ...................... SPAIN, South West Coast, Approaches to Ro Guadalquivir: Buoyage............ 18
1613(P)/15 20, 2663, 2664, FRANCE, West Coast, Pertuis de Maumusson, Pointe de la Coubre: Lights.... 16, 17
3000, 3057, 3058
1623(T)/15 2148, 2451, 2613, FRANCE, North Coast, Approaches to Fcamp: Measuring instrument; 1, 16
2656, 2675 ........... Buoyage..............................................................................................................
1088(T)/13 219, 245, 1129, NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Froyar South-westwards, North-westwards, 6, 13,15
2182D ................... North-eastwards and South-eastwards: Measuring instruments ........................
1550(T)/14 1689, 1831 ........... NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Arquiplago da Madeira, Baa do Porto Santo, 20
Ilhu de Cima SE: Data collection buoy ............................................................
2974(T)/14 4407 ...................... NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, Mid-Atlantic Ridge North-westwards: Sub- 82
surface oceanographic buoys and moorings ......................................................
1239(T)/15 311, 529, 709, 716, NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, INDIAN 19, 20,34,
827, 829, 3139, OCEAN, NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN: Data buoys............................................ 35, 36,37,
3872, 3876, 3877, 38, 42,43,
4104, 4115, 4202, 46, 53,64,
4203, 4209, 4215, 87, 89,92,
4216, 4510, 4701, 95
4702, 4703, 4706,
4707, 4708, 4714,
4806, 4810 ...........
6985(T)/08 2236 ...................... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Adler: Restricted area ............................................ 31
5878(T)/09 3312 ...................... BLACK SEA, Russia, Sochi South-eastwards: Restricted area ........................ 31
5175(P)/10 3400 ...................... EGYPT, North Coast, Mersa Mat.rh.: Coastline ................................................ 24
1A.9 Wk14/15
938(T)/12 2214, 2233 ........... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Novorossiysk South-westwards: Scientific 31
instruments .........................................................................................................
3004(T)/12 2233, 3311............ RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Gelendzhik, Mys Tolstyy South-westwards: 31
Scientific instruments.........................................................................................
4573(T)/12 2242 ...................... UKRAINE, Kerch Strait, Kerch-Yenikal Channel, Burunskoye Koleno: Depths 31
4574(P)/12 1442, 1483 ........... ITALY, East Coast, Approaches to Venezia: Works........................................... 27
5743(T)/12 1591, 2634 ........... ISRAEL, Mediterranean Sea Coast, Ashdod North-westwards: Platform ........ 30
5828(T)/12 2634 ...................... ISRAEL, Mediterranean Sea Coast, Hadera Westwards: Obstructions ............. 30
359(T)/13 1701, 1704 ........... SPAIN, Mediterranean Sea Coast, Golfo de San Jorge or de Sant Jordi South- 25
eastwards, Afortunada Oilfield: Buoyage ..........................................................
631(P)/13 2203 ...................... UKRAINE, Buzkyy Lyman, Approaches to Mykolaivskyi Potash Terminal 31
(Nika-Tera): Coastline; Depths; Berths; Works; Buoyage; Anchorage area......
738(T)/13 269 ........................ CROATIA, Approaches to Ploe, Kanal Vlaka Westwards: Works; Buoy ...... 27
1179(T)/13 3318 ...................... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Novorossiysk, Sheskharis Southwards: Works...... 31
1915(T)/13 953 ........................ ITALY, West Coast, Civitavecchia, Container Terminal Westwards: Buoyage; 26
Light-beacon ......................................................................................................
1947(T)/13 186, 187, 188 ...... ITALY, East Coast, Strait of Otranto: Current meters........................................ 27
2188(T)/13 965 ........................ ITALY, Sicilia, South Coast, Porto di Licata, Darsena Marianello: Piers.......... 24
2500(T)/13 119......................... ITALY, West Coast, Approaches to Livorno, Torre del Boccale to Torre del 26
Romito: Obstructions .........................................................................................
2710(P)/13 908, 916 ............... ITALY, West Coast, Isola di Procida Northwards: Submarine pipeline; Buoy.. 26
2959(T)/13 518, 562 ............... SPAIN, Mediterranean Sea Coast, Valencia, Drsena Xit: Obstruction; Buoy 25
3164(P)/13 119, 131, 140, 186, ITALY, West Coast, Gulf of Genoa to Golfo di Napoli South Coast Capo 24, 25,26,
187, 196, 994, Rizzuto and Golfo di Taranto East Coast Golfo di Manfredonia and 27
1018, 1204, 1212, Promontorio del Gargano to Isole Tremiti SARDEGNA East Coast to
1941, 1976, 1985, North West Coast SICILIA North Coast East Coast: Restricted areas
1992, 1999 ...........
3498(P)/13 252 ........................ ALGERIA, Approaches to Djen-Djen: Anchorage area; Pilot boarding places 24
3702(T)/13 350 ........................ ITALY, West Coast, Gulf of Genoa, Vado Ligure: Works.................................. 26
3846(T)/13 2230, 2232 ........... ROMANIA, Midia, Capul Midia Eastwards: Obstruction; Restricted area....... 31
3963(T)/13 2242 ...................... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Port Taman South-westwards: Measuring 31
4453(T)/13 2284 ...................... ROMANIA, Approaches to Constana, Portul Constana-Sud: Works.............. 31
4821(T)/13 1578 ...................... MONTENEGRO, Kotor: Buoy.......................................................................... 27
4826(T)/13 966 ........................ ITALY, Sicilia, Siracusa, Porto Grande, Molo S. Antonio: Works .................... 24
4844(T)/13 3312 ...................... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Lazarevskoye North-westwards: Measuring 31
instrument; Buoy ................................................................................................
4955(P)/13 236, 237, 1086, TURKEY, Black Sea Coast, Black Sea Coast to Mediterranean Sea Coast: 28, 30
1095, 1099, 2074, Automatic Identification Systems ......................................................................
2632 ......................
5338(P)/13 908, 1908 ............. ITALY, West Coast, Golfo di Napoli and Golfo di Salerno, Isola di Capri ENE: 26
Restricted area ....................................................................................................
435(T)/14 186 ........................ ITALY, East Coast, Bari NE: Current meters..................................................... 27
562(T)/14 1574 ...................... CROATIA, Neretvanski Kanal, Ploe S: Current meter .................................... 27
852(T)/14 954 ........................ ITALY, West Coast, Salerno: Port developments............................................... 26
1149(T)/14 1210 ...................... ITALY, Sardegna, Porto di Arbatax: Works ....................................................... 25
1150(T)/14 1998, 1999 ........... ITALY, West Coast, Approaches to Livorno, Isola Gorgona NE: Buoy ............ 25, 26
1411(T)/14 355 ........................ ITALY, West Coast, Port of Genova, Bacino Porto Vecchio, Ponte B. Assereto 26
and Ponte C. Colombo: Works...........................................................................
1412(T)/14 1643 ...................... ITALY, South Coast, Taranto, Mar Grande: Obstructions ................................. 27
2244(T)/14 3312 ...................... BLACK SEA, Russia, Sochi: Works; Buoyage ................................................. 31
2482(T)/14 965, 2123 ............. ITALY, Sicilia, Gela SE: Obstruction; Restricted area....................................... 24
2631(T)/14 2216, 2242 ........... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Kerch Strait, Mys Panagiya W: Restricted area..... 31
2644(P)/14 2214, 2216, 2217, UKRAINE, Crimean Peninsula: General information....................................... 31
2232, 2233, 2234,
2242 ......................
2754(T)/14 2202, 2205, 2212 UKRAINE, Approaches to Port Yuzhnyy, Odeska Banka NW: Spoil grounds; 31
Buoy ...................................................................................................................
Wk14/15 1A.10
2755(T)/14 2232 ...................... UKRAINE, Tarkhankutskyy Pivostriv SW: Mooring buoys............................ 31
2778(P)/14 237, 776, 2074, TURKEY, South Coast, Anamur Burnu S to Yeoryios Bay: Works; Submarine 30
2632 ...................... pipeline ...............................................................................................................
2905(P)/14 2399 ...................... BULGARIA, Burgas, West Basin SE: Less water............................................. 31
3367(T)/14 201, 204, 269, CROATIA, Otok Bra to Umag: Current meters ............................................... 27
1471, 1574, 2712
3564(T)/14 186 ........................ ITALY, East Coast, Molfetta : Explosives dumping ground; Anchor berth....... 27
3743(T)/14 177 ........................ MALTA, Ta Xbiex E: Submarine pipelines; Restricted area; Buoyage............ 24
3793(T)/14 1643 ...................... ITALY, South Coast, Taranto, Mar Piccolo, Pta. Penna S: Buoyage; Restricted 27
area .....................................................................................................................
3838(T)/14 1202 ...................... ITALY, Sardegna, Alghero, Molo Sopraflutto E: Works ................................... 25
3933(T)/14 354 ........................ ITALY, West Coast, Port of Genova, Porto di Voltri: Restricted area................ 26
3942(T)/14 906, 1911.............. ITALY, West Coast, Fiumicino NW: Works; Marine farm; Buoyage ................ 26
4224(T)/14 269 ........................ CROATIA, Split, Gradska Luka SE: Works; Buoyage ...................................... 27
4380(P)/14 36 .......................... MALTA, Il - Bajja Ta Marsaxlokk: Dredged area ............................................ 24
4439(T)/14 2538 ...................... MALTA, South Coast, Approaches to Marsaxlokk, Benghajsa Reef SW: 24
Platform; Restricted area....................................................................................
4827(P)/14 3313, 3317 ........... GEORGIA, Kulevi: Depths ............................................................................... 31
4828(P)/14 3313, 3317 ........... GEORGIA, Poti: Depths; Obstructions; Lights; Leading lights; Buoyage ..... 31
5082(P)/14 965 ........................ ITALY, Sicilia, Porto di Licata: Marine farms; Breakwaters; Pontoon; Lights . 24
5565(T)/14 2213, 2232, 2282 ROMANIA, Portul Sulina E: Wreck.................................................................. 31
81(T)/15 2242 ...................... UKRAINE, Kerch Strait, Kerch-Yenikal Channel, Port Kyrm SE: Depths....... 31
328(T)/15 1705, 2114............ FRANCE, South Coast, Golfe dAigues Mortes and Ste : Buoyage; Works ... 25
331(P)/15 1426 ...................... SLOVENIA, Koper: Buoyage; Dredged area; Virtual aid to navigation; 27
Recommended track...........................................................................................
354(P)/15 1471, 1473 ........... ITALY, East Coast, Trieste to Monfalcone: Harbour limits; Restricted areas; 27
Anchor berths; Anchorage areas ........................................................................
686(P)/15 2408 ...................... GREECE, West Coast, Approaches to Igoumentsa: Works; Buoyage; 27
Breakwater; Lights .............................................................................................
706(P)/15 3313, 3317 ........... GEORGIA, Batumi: Anchorage areas; Lights; Leading lines; Buoyage; 31
Submarine pipeline; Anchor berths....................................................................
743(P)/15 3312 ...................... RUSSIA, Black Sea Coast, Entrance to Tuapse: Depths ................................... 31
918(T)/15 166, 1705 ............. FRANCE, South Coast, Golfe du Lion (Gulf of Lions) S: Measuring 25
1135(P)/15 91, 142, 773, 1912, STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR, In the Strait of Gibraltar TSS: Traffic separation 18
3578 ...................... scheme; Precautionary area; Recommended direction of traffic flow; Inshore
traffic zone; Anchorage areas.............................................................................
1220(P)/15 252, 2121 ............. ALGERIA, Approaches to Annaba: Traffic separation schemes....................... 24
1309(P)/15 1578 ...................... MONTENEGRO, Tivat, Porto Montenegro: Breakwaters; Lights; Pontoons; 27
Works .................................................................................................................
1362(P)/15 186, 196, 200, 201, CROATIA, Adriatic Sea, Gulf of Trieste to Dubrovnik S: Vessel traffic service 27
202, 204, 220, 515,
1471, 1574, 1578,
1580, 2711, 2712,
2719, 2774 ...........
1612(T)/15 908, 914, 915 ...... ITALY, West Coast, Rada di Napoli, Anchorage C3: Foul; Buoy ..................... 26
5264(T)/10 614, 623, 625, 686 SIERRA LEONE, Approaches to Freetown Eastwards: Works ........................ 20
5382(T)/10 595, 1383, 1384, GHANA, Tema South-eastwards: Buoyage....................................................... 34
3432 ......................
3192(T)/11 306, 307 ............... ANGOLA, Girassol and Dalia Terminals Northwards: Buoyage ...................... 34
4558(P)/11 306 ........................ ANGOLA, Ponta da Moita Seca Westwards, Kizomba A Terminal 34
Southwards: Platforms; Submarine pipelines ....................................................
3647(T)/12 1384 ...................... TOGO, Lom South-eastwards: Buoy; Automatic Identification System......... 34
3064(T)/13 3101 ...................... IVORY COAST, Approaches to Port DAbidjan : Wreck ................................. 34
3680(T)/13 1362, 3099 ........... IVORY COAST, San-Pdro Southwards: Wreck .............................................. 34
3762(P)/13 306, 658 ............... ANGOLA, Malongo to North Pigging Platform: Submarine pipeline .............. 34
1A.11 Wk14/15
4238(P)/13 1384, 1385, 1392 BENIN, Cotonou Southwards: Anchorage areas ............................................... 34
4938(P)/13 1322 ...................... GABON, Cap Lopez: Wrecks; Obstructions ..................................................... 34
216(P)/14 658 ........................ ANGOLA, Entrance to River Congo, Ponta da Moita Seca W: Works; 34
Submarine pipeline.............................................................................................
772(P)/14 1392 ...................... TOGO, Port de Lom: Works............................................................................. 34
870(T)/14 412, 601, 612 ...... GUINEA, Approaches to Conakry, Ile du Goulu E: Buoy ................................ 20
1248(T)/14 1001 ...................... SENEGAL, Dakar, Mle 9: Works .................................................................... 20
1372(P)/14 306, 3291 ............. ANGOLA, Malongo to Sanha Terminal: Submarine pipelines; Submarine 34
2148(T)/14 1690 ...................... MOROCCO, West Coast, Ad Dakhla, Pennsula de Ro de Oro S and SW: 20
Wrecks; Buoy .....................................................................................................
2183(P)/14 3290 ...................... CONGO, Pointe-Noire and Approaches: Depths; Works .................................. 34
2386(P)/14 306, 3290 ............. ANGOLA, Yombo Terminal N to Kossa 1 Terminal SW: Channels; Submarine 34
pipelines; Submarine cable; Waiting areas.........................................................
3036(P)/14 1001 ...................... SENEGAL, Dakar Port and Ile de Gore: Piers; Obstructions .......................... 20
4443(T)/14 1000, 1001 ........... SENEGAL, Approaches to Dakar Port, Ile de Gore N and E.: Wrecks; 20
4735(P)/14 607 ........................ SENEGAL, Rivire Saloum, le Ndar to Guague Mendy: Depths .................... 20
5827(P)/14 305 ........................ GABON, Lucina Terminal and MBya Terminal: Offshore installations; 34
Moored storage tanker; Single Buoy Mooring; Platforms; Restricted areas;
Waiting area; Pilot boarding place .....................................................................
308(P)/15 1000, 1001 ........... SENEGAL, Dakar Port: Works; Channel .......................................................... 20
314(P)/15 306, 3291 ............. ANGOLA, Cabinda, Sanha Oil and Gas Field SW: Platforms .......................... 34
590(P)/15 306 ........................ ANGOLA, Kuito Terminal NW: Submarine pipelines ...................................... 34
855(P)/15 412 ........................ GUINEA, Approaches to Conakry: Dredging area; Works ............................... 20
865(P)/15 1688 ...................... MAURITANIA, Approaches to Port de lAmiti: Buoyage; Quay ................... 20
1614(T)/15 91, 142, 773, 2717, MOROCCO, West Coast, Cap Spartel SW to Knitra NE: Fish traps............... 18, 24
3132 ......................
1653(P)/15 1661, 1699 ........... MAURITANIA, Baie de Cansado, Pointe Chacal SE and Banc de la Gazelle E: 20
Depths; Dredged areas; Wreck...........................................................................
5556(T)/12 644 ........................ MOZAMBIQUE, Approaches to Maputo, Canal do Norte, Baixo Cutfield 36
Northwards: Buoy ..............................................................................................
1315(P)/13 688 ........................ MADAGASCAR, East Coast, Tamatave and Approaches: Depths; 37
Obstructions; Foul; Wrecks; Light .....................................................................
2753(T)/13 4153, 4154, 4155 SOUTH AFRICA, South Coast, Mossel Bay (Mosselbaai), Vleesbaai and FA 35
Platform North-eastwards: Current meters; Buoy..............................................
5452(P)/14 5125, 5126, D 6083 SOUTH AFRICA, South Coast, Cape Town E, Agulhas Bank and Transkei 0
Basin : Maritime limit ........................................................................................
304(T)/15 646 ........................ MOZAMBIQUE, Baa de Maputo, Canal da Polana NE: Depth ...................... 36
1102(P)/15 8005 ...................... SOUTH AFRICA, East Coast, Port Approach Guide Durban: Restricted area; 35
Dredged area ......................................................................................................
4972(T)/06 1214, 1223, 1235, KUWAIT, : Measuring instruments; Buoyage ................................................... 40
2882, 2884, 3773
1030(P)/12 2132, 2373 ........... EGYPT, Red Sea Coast, Wdi Feirn Terminal, Berth No 2: Buoyage............. 32
413(T)/13 542 ........................ YEMEN, Approaches to Port of Hudaydah: Wreck .......................................... 32
1488(T)/13 3412 ...................... UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Dubai (Dubayy), Jumana Island South- 40
westwards: Mooring buoys ................................................................................
1592(P)/13 233 ........................ EGYPT, Suez Canal, Great Bitter Lake (Al Buhayrah al Murrah al Kubr): 32
Dredged depths...................................................................................................
2035(T)/13 2884 ...................... IRAN, Ras-e Tanb South-westwards: Wreck; Buoy......................................... 40
2256(P)/13 3777, 3788, 3790, SAUDI ARABIA, East Coast, Approaches to Ad Damma- m (M- na-
al Malik 40
3812 ...................... Abd al Az- z): Dredging areas; Buoyage; Works; Anchorage area..................
2960(T)/13 3739 ...................... UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Dubai (Dubayy), The World Project South- 40
westwards: Buoy ................................................................................................
Wk14/15 1A.12
11. RED SEA, ARABIA, IRAQ AND IRAN - continued
2984(P)/13 2858 ...................... OMAN, Diba- to Fujayrah Eastwards: Submarine cable .................................... 40
3078(P)/13 81 .......................... RED SEA, Sawa- kin and Approaches: Port developments................................. 32
3234(T)/13 1229 ...................... IRAQ, Hadd Warbah, Khawr Abd Alla- h: Wreck ............................................. 40
3400(T)/13 2837, 2858, 2888, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Dubai (Dubayy), The World Project North- 40
2889, 3175, 3176 westwards: Buoy ................................................................................................
4678(T)/13 3523 ...................... OMAN, Gulf of Oman, Approaches to Wuda- m, As Suwayq North-westwards: 40
Wreck; Buoy.......................................................................................................
5220(P)/13 3951 ...................... UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Ruqq Umm al Anbar SW: Marine Reserve; 40
Reclamation area; Bridge ...................................................................................
1342(T)/14 3787, 3950 ........... QATAR, Approaches to Mesaieed, West Channel: Buoyage............................. 40
2471(P)/14 2889, 3176, 3177 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Approaches to Abu Dhabi (Abu- Zaby), Khalifa 40
Port W: Anchorage area .....................................................................................
3211(P)/14 3951 ...................... UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Jabal az. Z.annah (Jabal Dhanna) NE and Jaz- rat 40
Da- s to Zirku- (Jaz- rat Zarakku- h): Harbour limits ...............................................
3212(P)/14 2443, 2444, 2886, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Jabal az. Z.annah (Jabal Dhanna) NE: Vessel 40
2887, 2889, 3177, traffic service......................................................................................................
3178, 3179, 3413,
3780, 3951 ...........
3647(P)/14 3787, 3950 ........... QATAR, Approaches to Mesaieed, Fasht Al Arif N: Works; Buoyage;
- 40
Platform; Light ...................................................................................................
4851(T)/14 2444, 2837, 2889, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Zarkouh Oilfield N: Restricted area ................. 40
3178, 3179 ...........
4903(T)/14 2837, 2888, 3174 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Oman, Saleh Oilfield E: Buoy.......................... 40
5129(P)/14 3739 ...................... UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Jebel Ali (M- na- Jabal Al- ), Palm Jumeirah 40
1A.13 Wk14/15
2689(P)/12 61, 1565, 1566 .... INDIA, West Coast, Approaches to Kochi (Cochin) and Port of Kochi 41
(Cochin): Dredging areas; Buoyage; Anchorage areas; Pilot boarding places ..
3622(T)/12 825, 840, 842, INDIA, East Coast, Andaman Sea, North Andaman Island Eastwards to Great 42, 43,45
1398, 1419 ........... Nicobar Island Eastwards: Buoyage ..................................................................
4002(P)/12 569 ........................ INDIA, East Coast, Krishna- patnam Port: Port developments ........................... 43
4781(P)/12 538 ........................ INDIA, East Coast, Pa- ra- dip Port (Pa- ra- dw- p): Dredging area............................ 43
172(P)/13 492 ........................ INDIA, West Coast, Mormugao: Breakwater; Jetty; Berth ............................... 41
626(T)/13 2622, 2623, 2624, INDIA, West Coast, Mumbai (Bombay) and Approaches: Dredging areas; 41
2630 ...................... Spoil ground .......................................................................................................
874(T)/13 40, 58 ................... PAKISTAN, Approaches to Karachi Harbour, New Manora Breakwater and 41
Manora Breakwater: Lights................................................................................
1396(T)/13 319, 828, 829 ...... INDIA, East Coast, Visha- khapatnam Southwards: Obstruction ........................ 42, 43
2306(T)/13 492, 707, 708, 709, INDIA, West Coast, Gulf of Kachchh South-westwards to Lakshadweep 32, 41,42
2736, 2738, 4703, Southwards: Data buoys.....................................................................................
4705, 4706, 4707
4428(P)/13 1487, 2622, 2736 INDIA, West Coast, Approaches to Mumbai (Bombay): Radio reporting line . 41
4845(T)/13 825, 827, 828, 829, INDIA, East Coast, Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea: Data buoys; Buoyage.. 42, 43,45
830, 840, 1398,
4706, 4707 ...........
4867(T)/13 38 .......................... PAKISTAN, Gwa- dar, West Bay and Orma- ra Westwards: Islets........................ 41
1623(T)/14 2760, 4070, 4071 INDIAN OCEAN, Sumatera: Scientific instruments; Buoyage ........................ 35, 42,46
2442(P)/14 670, 3466 ............. INDIA, West Coast, Gulf of Kachchh, Approaches to Navlakhi: Buoyage ...... 41
3117(P)/14 2622, 2630 ........... INDIA, West Coast, Trombay Channel SW: Works; Jetty................................. 41
3895(P)/14 2622, 2630 ........... INDIA, West Coast, Jawahar Lal Nehru Port, Nha- va Creek: Works; Jetty ....... 41
4115(T)/14 1495, 1497 ........... INDIAN OCEAN, La Runion, Port Runion NE: Scientific instruments ....... 38
4117(T)/14 1495, 1497 ........... INDIAN OCEAN, La Runion, Pointe du Gouffre NW: Wave recorder .......... 38
4210(P)/14 3895 ...................... INDIAN OCEAN, Comores, Ngazidja, Mouillage de Moroni: Depths; 36
Obstructions .......................................................................................................
4216(T)/14 1495, 1497 ........... INDIAN OCEAN, La Runion, Saint-Denis W, Ravine de la Grande Chaloupe 38
NE: Works ..........................................................................................................
4662(T)/14 3464 ...................... INDIA, West Coast, Ka- rwa- r Naval Harbour: Buoy; Obstruction...................... 41
4675(T)/14 819 ........................ SRI LANKA, South Coast, Galle Harbour, Central Channel: Buoy ................. 42
5265(P)/14 2756, 2757 ........... INDIAN OCEAN, Comores, Mayotte, Baie de Longoni, Anse Choa and Petite 36
- Terre (Ile Pamandzi) NW: Depths ...................................................................
5450(T)/14 1495 ...................... INDIAN OCEAN, La Runion, Saint-Gilles les Bains N and SW: Buoyage; 38
Beacons ..............................................................................................................
5483(T)/14 823, 830 ............... BURMA, Approaches to the Mouths of the Ayeyarwady, Baragua Flats SE: 43, 45
Restricted area ....................................................................................................
122(T)/15 318, 319, 320, 321, INDIA, East Coast, Bay of Bengal: Obstructions.............................................. 42, 43
827, 828, 829, 2069
146(P)/15 1487, 2622, 2623, INDIA, West Coast, Port of Mumbai (Bombay): Anchor berths; Buoyage; 41
2624, 2630 ........... Wreck .................................................................................................................
564(P)/15 682, 699 ............... INDIA, West Coast, Gulf of Kachchh, Sikka Creek and Reliance Tanker 41
Berths: Buoyage; Leading line; Restricted area; Depth .....................................
662(T)/15 90, 817, 829 ........ BANGLADESH, Elephant Point SW: Wreck.................................................... 43
669(P)/15 713 ........................ INDIAN OCEAN, Mauritius, Port Louis: Port development ............................ 38
781(P)/15 2623, 2624, 2630 INDIA, West Coast, Mumbai (Bombay) and Approaches: Light-beacons; 41
Buoyage; Depths; Dredged areas; Dredged depths; Anchorage area; Leading
916(T)/15 707, 708, 828, INDIA, West Coast, Diu Head to Alleppey: Obstructions................................. 41, 42
1474, 1509, 1565,
1566, 2736, 2738
990(T)/15 817, 818, 829 ...... BURMA, Ramree Island W: Offshore installations........................................... 43
Wk14/15 1A.14
1106(P)/15 317, 318, 319, 320, INDIA, East Coast, West Coast, Pa- ra- dip to Gulf of Khambha- t: Automatic 41, 42,43
321, 814, 1486, Identification Systems ........................................................................................
1487, 1508, 1509,
1564, 1565, 1566,
1584, 1586, 1587,
2069 ......................
1255(T)/15 492, 1509 ............. INDIA, West Coast, Approaches to Panaji, Aguada W: Restricted area ........... 41
1462(P)/15 1564, 3467, 3468 INDIA, West Coast, Port of New Mangalore and Approaches: Works; Berths; 41
1463(P)/15 682, 3466 ............. INDIA, West Coast, Kandla and Approaches: Works; Buoyage; Spoil ground 41
5165(P)/08 94 .......................... SINGAPORE, MALAYSIA, THAILAND, BRUNEI, VIETNAM, HONG 47
KONG, PHILIPPINES: Submarine cable ..........................................................
4645(P)/12 792 ........................ MALAYSIA, Peninsular Malaysia, West Coast, Selat Manjung (Selat Dinding) 45
and Sungai Manjung (Sungai Dinding): Depths; Works....................................
1710(T)/13 2152, 2155 ........... MALACCA STRAIT, Peninsular Malaysia, West Coast, Pelabuhan Klang, 45
Tanjung Bakar North-eastwards: Wreck; Buoy .................................................
3962(T)/13 2403, 3831 ........... SINGAPORE STRAIT, Middle Channel, Middle Rocks Westwards: Works ... 45
4318(T)/13 2403, 3937, 3949 INDONESIA, Sumatera, Selat Riau, Pulau Batam, Tanjung Turut Eastwards 45, 46
and North-eastwards: Light-beacon; Buoy ........................................................
4345(P)/13 341, 937, 996, SINGAPORE, BRUNEI, PHILIPPINES, HONG KONG, CHINA, JAPAN: 47, 50,53,
1962, 2347, 3488, Submarine cables ............................................................................................... 57
4509, 4510 ...........
564(T)/14 2139, 3940, 3945, MALACCA STRAIT, Permatang Sedepa (One Fathom Bank) N: Buoy; Wreck 45
3946 ......................
1017(T)/14 830, 2777, 3919 .. MALACCA STRAIT, Tanjung Jamboaye N: Scientific instruments ................ 45
4672(T)/14 2403, 3831, 4042 SINGAPORE STRAIT, Johor S: Buoy.............................................................. 45
4876(P)/14 4043, 4044 ........... MALAYSIA, Peninsular Malaysia, West Coast, Johor: Buoyage; Depths; 45
Dredged areas; Drying height ............................................................................
707(T)/15 2139, 3901, 3902, MALACCA STRAIT, Permatang Sedepa (One Fathom Bank): Wreck............ 45
3940, 3945, 3946
708(T)/15 3902, 3946 ........... MALAYSIA, Peninsular Malaysia, West Coast, Tanjung Tuan South- 45
eastwards: Buoy; Wreck.....................................................................................
709(T)/15 827, 830, 2760, INDONESIA, Sumatera, Noth West Coast, Pulau Bunta: Lights...................... 42, 45,46
2777, 3900 ...........
710(P)/15 1312, 1789, 2403, INDONESIA, Sumatera, Selat Durian to Muara-Muara Sungai Reteh: 45, 46
3902, 3948 ........... Submarine cable .................................................................................................
1147(P)/15 4030, 4031, 4033 SINGAPORE, Tuas View: Reclamation area; Channel limits; Buoyage .......... 45
2855(T)/06 1251 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Approaches to Dadong Shuidao: Restricted area.. 52
2275(T)/08 1124, 1199, 1759. CHINA, East Coast, Zhoushan Qundao, Huibie Yang, Dawushi Westwards: 50
Wreck .................................................................................................................
5652(T)/09 1124....................... CHINA, East Coast, Zhoushan Qundao, Daishan Dao Eastwards: Buoy; 50
Automatic Identification System........................................................................
4270(T)/10 880 ........................ CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Huang Hai, Lanshan Gang: Buoyage.................... 52
4771(T)/10 2410 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Dong Hai, Min Jiang, Dayu Westwards and South- 50
westwards: Light-beacon; Radar beacon; Beacon; Automatic Identification
System; Buoyage................................................................................................
5172(T)/10 341, 937, 1555, CHINA, South Coast, Approaches to Hong Kong, Dangan Shuidao, Po Toi 47, 50
1962, 3026, 4127 South-westwards: Obstruction ...........................................................................
6028(T)/10 2376 ...................... TAIWAN, West Coast, Kao-hsiung Kang, Kao-hsiung Kang First Entrance: 50
Depths; Works ....................................................................................................
126(T)/11 1124, 1199............ CHINA, East Coast, Zhoushan Qundao, Qushan Dao Eastwards: Anchorage 50
area .....................................................................................................................
3424(T)/11 1249, 1252 ........... CHINA, Bo Hai, Liaodong Wan: Automatic Identification Systems ................ 52
3537(T)/11 343 ........................ CHINA, South Coast, Zhujiang Kou, Lingding Shuidao: Buoyage .................. 47
1A.15 Wk14/15
3649(P)/11 3690 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Dayao Wan, North Entrance Fairway: Fairway; 52
Depth ..................................................................................................................
4123(T)/11 3480 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Jinjia Sha South-eastwards: Virtual aid to 52
navigation ...........................................................................................................
5319(T)/11 986, 1046 ............. THAILAND, Gulf of Thailand Coast, Ko Si Chang, Hin Kong Nai 47
Northwards: Buoy ..............................................................................................
5414(T)/11 66, 3963 ............... THAILAND, Gulf of Thailand Coast, Laem Kho Kwang Southwards: 47
Scientific instruments.........................................................................................
696(T)/12 2103, 3879, 3967 GULF OF THAILAND, Cambodia, Approaches to Kampong Saom, Kas Tang 47
North-eastwards: Platform .................................................................................
1643(P)/12 1255 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Longkou, Longkou Gang Southwards: Reclamation area ..... 52
2501(T)/12 1754, 1761, 2419 CHINA, East Coast, Beijiao Bandao North-eastwards: Virtual aid to navigation 50
3744(T)/12 3452 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Taiwan Strait, Xiamen Gang, Gulang Yu, Lujiang 50
Shuidao: Works ..................................................................................................
3976(P)/12 4122, 4129 ........... CHINA, South Coast, Hong Kong, Lantau Island, North Coast, Hong Kong 47
International Airport Eastwards: Reclamation area; Buoyage...........................
3997(T)/12 341, 3026 ............. CHINA, South Coast, Macao East-south-eastwards, Qingzhou Shuidao, 47, 50
Qingsan Men: Light-beacons .............................................................................
4557(T)/12 342 ........................ CHINA, Zhujiang Kou, Dachan Shuidao: Buoyage .......................................... 47
5876(T)/12 3378 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Qinhuangdao Gang, Shiwandunji Hangdao North-eastwards: 52
5877(T)/12 54 .......................... CHINA, South Coast, Hainan Dao, North West Coast, Yangpu Wan, Shentou 47
Gangqu: Works...................................................................................................
629(P)/13 3489 ...................... SOUTH CHINA SEA, Shantou South-eastwards: Submarine cable................. 48
1937(T)/13 3990, 3992 ........... CHINA, South Coast, Gulf of Tonkin, Fangcheng Gang Eastwards: Buoy ...... 47
1948(T)/13 2412, 3236 ........... EASTERN CHINA SEA, Senkaku Shoto- North-westwards: Data collection 50, 53
2299(T)/13 2409 ...................... TAIWAN, West Coast, Peng-hu Tao South-westwards, Peng-hu Mini Three 50
Links Route: Works............................................................................................
2871(T)/13 1281 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Approaches to Yangkou Gang, Taiyang Sha Southwards: 52
Buoy; Pilot boarding place.................................................................................
3079(T)/13 1059 ...................... VIETNAM, Song Thi Vai, Posco Port Westwards: Buoyage ............................ 47
3163(P)/13 1736 ...................... CHINA, South Coast, Meizhou Wan, Pan Yu Eastwards: Port development.... 50
4053(T)/13 1962, 1968, 3489 SOUTH CHINA SEA, Lufeng Terminal North-westwards: Offshore 48, 50
installation ..........................................................................................................
4179(T)/13 1209 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Longkou Gang: Submarine pipeline; Depths......................... 52
5038(T)/13 2619 ...................... TAIWAN, North Coast, Chi-Lung, Ho-ping Tao, Chien-shan Pi South- 50
eastwards: Scientific instrument ........................................................................
5137(T)/13 2409 ...................... TAIWAN, West Coast, Tai-nan South-westwards, An-ping Kang: Buoyage . 50
5403(T)/13 1555, 3488, 3489, SOUTH CHINA SEA, Southern Approaches to Hong Kong, Wenwei Zhou SE: 47, 48
4508 ...................... Obstruction .........................................................................................................
5423(P)/13 1754, 1760, 1761, TAIWAN STRAIT, Hsin-shan Chou to Peng-Hu Tao and Hsi Y to Jinmen 50
1767, 2409, 2419, Dao, Pai-sha Chia to Mazu Dao and Dongyin Dao: Submarine cables .............
3236, 3658 ...........
57(T)/14 1199....................... CHINA, East Coast, Zhoushan Qundao, Approaches to Huangze Yang, 50
Dongbanyang Jiao SW: Buoy ............................................................................
74(T)/14 2413, 2419 ........... CHINA, East Coast, Dong Hai, Dongluo Liedao, Xiluo Dao S and Sanli Jiao 50
S: Virtual aids to navigation ...............................................................................
77(T)/14 2412, 4509 ........... EASTERN CHINA SEA, Zhoushan Qundao SE: Platform .............................. 53, 57
222(T)/14 937, 1555, 1962 .. CHINA, South Coast, Approaches to Daya Wan, Qing Zhou SE and Sanmen 47, 50
Fairway S: Spoil grounds ...................................................................................
296(T)/14 4127, 4129 ........... CHINA, South Coast, Zhujiang Kou, Dangan Shuidao (Lema Channel) and 47
Dahao Shuidao (Lantau Channel): Traffic separation schemes; Precautionary
437(P)/14 1379, 3446 ........... MALAYSIA, Peninsular Malaysia, East Coast, Kuantan Port and Approaches: 47
Breakwater; Works; Extraction area ..................................................................
656(T)/14 1206, 1255 ........... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Yantaigang Xigangqu: Buoyage............................ 52
Wk14/15 1A.16
872(T)/14 1738, 1759 ........... CHINA, East Coast, Maotou Yang, Xiaoeguan Dao NE: Virtual aid to 50
navigation ...........................................................................................................
1418(P)/14 66, 2414, 2426, SOUTH CHINA SEA, Songkhla to Kakap Natuna Oilfield NE: Submarine 47
3482, 3961 ........... cable ...................................................................................................................
1466(T)/14 1722 ...................... CHINA, South Coast, Haitan Dao W, Jidiao W: Works .................................... 50
1539(T)/14 2618 ...................... TAIWAN, West Coast, Tai Chung, Coal Wharf NE: Works; Buoyage ............ 50
1613(P)/14 1761, 2412, 3235, TAIWAN, North East Coast, San-tiao Chio SE to Sakishima Gunto N: 50, 53,57
3236, 3658, 4509 Submarine cable .................................................................................................
1804(P)/14 1281 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Approaches to Yangkou Gang, Taiyang Sha E: Beacon... 52
2189(T)/14 4119, 4121, 4122, CHINA, South Coast, Hong Kong Island NW, Western Fairway: Fairway ...... 47
4129 ......................
2232(P)/14 1124, 1134, 1144, CHINA, East Coast, Zhoushan Qundao, Daishan Dao N and NE: Submarine 50
1199....................... cables..................................................................................................................
2255(P)/14 103, 3488 ............. CHINA, South Coast, Hainan Dao E, Wenchang Oilfield S: Submarine 47
pipeline ...............................................................................................................
2450(T)/14 1555, 3026 ........... CHINA, South Coast, Outer Approaches to Hong Kong, Jiapeng Liedao W: 47, 50
2630(P)/14 2376 ...................... TAIWAN, West Coast, Kao-hsiung Kang, Second (South) Entrance SE: 50
Buoyage; Works .................................................................................................
2727(P)/14 341, 343, 3026, CHINA, South Coast, Macao E and Lantau Island W, Jiuzhou yang to Lingding 47, 50
4129 ...................... Yang, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge: Channels; Fairways; Buoyage ........
2880(P)/14 3452 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Taiwan Strait, Gulang Yu, Lujiang Shuidao: Submarine 50
3404(T)/14 54 .......................... CHINA, South Coast, Hainan Dao, North West Coast, Yangpu Wan, Shentou 47
Gangqu, Approaches to Oil Pier: Buoyage ........................................................
3648(T)/14 1760, 1968, 2409 TAIWAN, West Coast, Peng-Hu Kang-Tao, Peng-Hu Tao, Li-cheng Chiao to 50
Chin-hu SW: Submarine cable ...........................................................................
3767(T)/14 1206 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Bohai Haixia, Yantaigang Xigangqu: Works ........ 52
3768(T)/14 1737 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Quanzhou Gang, Xiaozhui Men: Virtual aid to 50
navigation ...........................................................................................................
4087(T)/14 1601, 1603 ........... CHINA, East Coast, Inner Approaches to Shanghai, Changxing Dao, Baoshan 50
Hangdao SW: Virtual aid to navigation .............................................................
4225(P)/14 1965 ...................... VIETNAM, Approaches to Hai Phong and Hon Gai, Lach Huyen, ao Ha 47
Nam, Cua Nam Trieu and Song Bach Dang to Hai Phong, and Passe Henriette
to Hongay.: Buoyage; Channels; Depths; Lights; Pilot boarding place;
Reported anchorages ..........................................................................................
4264(T)/14 3489 ...................... SOUTH CHINA SEA, Pratas Island SW: Buoy ................................................ 48
4317(T)/14 3489, 4508 ........... SOUTH CHINA SEA, South China Basin, Macclesfield NE: Buoy ................ 47, 48
4410(T)/14 3884 ...................... VIETNAM, East Coast, Da Nang, Ban Dao Son Tra N: Buoy.......................... 47
4465(T)/14 3489, 4410, 4509 TAIWAN, Luzon Strait, Philippine Sea, Batan Islands E: Buoy ....................... 48, 57
4562(T)/14 2662, 2665 ........... CHINA, Bo Hai, Tianjin Gang, Chuanzha Hangdao, Basin No 2: Works......... 52
4864(T)/14 341, 343, 3026 .... CHINA, South Coast, Macao E and Lantau Island W, Lingding Yang and 47, 50
Qingzhou Shuidao : Buoyage.............................................................................
4972(P)/14 67, 2414, 3966, THAILAND, Gulf of Thailand Coast, Khlong Yai to Ko Kut and Ko Kut to Ko 47
3967, 3985 ........... Mak: Submarine power cable.............................................................................
5116(P)/14 1199, 1602, 2347, CHINA, East Coast, East China Sea, Shanghai E: Submarine cables ............... 50, 52,53,
2412, 3480, 4509 57
5163(P)/14 1767, 3449, 3452 CHINA, East Coast, Taiwan Strait, Xiamen Dao, Xiamen Gang and 50
Approaches: Fairway; Works; Port developments; Depths................................
5218(T)/14 67, 2414, 3965 .... THAILAND, Gulf of Thailand Coast, Prachuap Khiri Khan E: Platforms ....... 47
5447(T)/14 1206 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Bohai Haixia , Yantaigang Xigangqu: Works ....... 52
5448(T)/14 1721 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Dong Hai, Yueqing Wan NE, Maoyan Dao SE: Works.... 50
5838(P)/14 1260 ...................... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Yantai Gang, W. Breakwater: Breakwater; Depths 52
212(P)/15 841, 880 ............... CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Lanshan and Approaches, Crude Oil Pier NE: Port 52
development .......................................................................................................
404(T)/15 343, 4123 ............. CHINA, South Coast, Hong Kong, Urmston Road, Black Point NE: Works.... 47
424(T)/15 1738 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Jiaotong Yang, Baiguoshan Dao NE: Virtual aid to 50
navigation ...........................................................................................................
1A.17 Wk14/15
453(T)/15 341, 4129 ............. CHINA, South Coast, Hong Kong, Cheung Chau NW and Chi Ma Wan 47
Peninsula E: Works ............................................................................................
498(P)/15 1605 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Chang Jiang, Tongzhousha Shuidao, Langshan Sha N, 50
Baimaosha Nanshuidao, Baoshan Hangdao N: Wrecks; Depths; Submarine
cable; Virtual aid to navigation; Anchorage area ...............................................
518(T)/15 2653 ...................... CHINA, Bo Hai, Bohai Wan, Approaches to Tianjin Gang: Obstruction.......... 52
627(P)/15 1722 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Eastern Approaches to Xinghua Wan: Bridge; Traffic 50
separation scheme; Buoyage; Lights; Restricted areas; Vessel traffic services;
Radio reporting line; Ferry route; Automatic Identification System .................
650(T)/15 1286, 1287 ........... CHINA, Bo Hai, Approaches to Yingkou, Xi Tan N: Restricted area............... 52
737(T)/15 66, 3961 ............... THAILAND, Gulf of Thailand Coast, Songkhla approach: Wreck................... 47
939(P)/15 1036, 1039, 1059, VIETNAM, South Coast, Approaches to Ho Chi Minh City, Song Thi Vai and 47
1100....................... Vung Tau: Depths; Pilot boarding places; Port developments; Anchor berths;
Submarine cables; Submarine pipelines; Anchorage areas; Recommended
track; Fairway; Precautionary area; Floating dock; Light; Obstruction.............
1021(P)/15 66, 2426 ............... GULF OF THAILAND, Bongkot Gasfield NW: Platforms; Moored storage 47
1054(P)/15 1348 ...................... SOUTH CHINA SEA, Kepulauan Natuna, Pulau-Pulau Natuna Utara and 48
Semium: Depths .................................................................................................
1111(P)/15 1254, 1255, 1256, CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Chengshan Jiao: Traffic separation scheme .......... 52
3480 ......................
1127(P)/15 1601, 1603 ........... CHINA, East Coast, Chang Jiang, Approaches to Shanghai: Depths................ 50
1256(T)/15 4121, 4122, 4129 CHINA, South Coast, Lamma Channels, Peng Chau S and Sunshine Island N: 47
Works .................................................................................................................
1370(T)/15 1736 ...................... CHINA, South Coast, Meizhou Wan, Meizhou Dao W: Works ........................ 50
1377(T)/15 1124....................... CHINA, East Coast, Daishan Dao, Guan Shan E: Works.................................. 50
1378(T)/15 1603 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Changxing Dao SE: Works............................................... 50
1389(P)/15 739 ........................ CHINA, Yellow Sea Coast, Lianyungang, Xugou Hangdao S: Port 52
1391(T)/15 1124....................... CHINA, East Coast, Huibie Yang, Donghuo Shan NE: Works ......................... 50
1393(T)/15 1124, 1144, 1199. CHINA, East Coast, Donghai Bridge , Xiaowugui Dao S and W: Works ......... 50
1411(T)/15 1736 ...................... CHINA, East Coast, Meizhou Wan, Xiuyu Gang NW: Works .......................... 50
1510(P)/15 66, 3963 ............... THAILAND, Gulf of Thailand Coast, Ko Samui to Ko Phangan: Submarine 47
power cable ........................................................................................................
3630(T)/06 JP 1061, JP 1065.... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Tokyo Ku, Section No 4, Tokyo- 53
tohyo Signal Station Southeastwards: Obstruction ............................................
5081(T)/06 JP 1087................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Chiba Ko, Shiizu Passage: Depths ................... 53
5763(T)/06 JP 1088................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Katsunan Ku: Depths . 53
2962(T)/07 JP 1087................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Chiba Ku, Section 4: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
3842(T)/07 JP 1061................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Keiyo Sea-Berth North- 53
westwards: Obstruction ......................................................................................
3852(T)/07 JP 87....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Katsuura Ko: Depths .......................................... 53
4621(T)/07 JP 91....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Yokosuka Ko, Section 7: Pile ...... 53
1304(T)/08 JP 94, JP 95, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Yokkaichi Ko: Obstruction................ 53
JP 1055B ................
3658(T)/08 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Koyama Misaki Northwards: Depth ....... 55
3662(T)/08 JP 1137................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Fukuyama Ko, Kurinoki Northwards: Depths ................ 54
3663(T)/08 JP 1137................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Fukuyama Ko, Okiura Quay Southwards: Depths .......... 54
4117(T)/08 JP 89....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Suruga Wan, Shimizu Ko, Section 3: Depths... 53
4118(T)/08 JP 89....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Suruga Wan, Shimizu Ko, Section 3: 53
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
4519(T)/08 JP 1088................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Katsunan Ku: Depths . 53
5079(T)/08 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Approaches to Koyama Misaki: Depths.. 55
Wk14/15 1A.18
15. JAPAN - continued
6156(T)/08 JP 1086................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Chiba Ku, Section 2: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
141(T)/09 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Approaches to Susa Ko: Depths.............. 55
1007(T)/09 JP 89....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Suruga Wan, Shimizu Ko, Section 3: Depths... 53
2050(T)/09 JP 90....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Sagami Wan, Zushi Wan: Depth ...................... 53
2051(T)/09 JP 80....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Iro Saki North-eastwards: Depth...................... 53
2667(T)/09 JP 90, JP 1062........ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Kaneda Wan: Depths ................... 53
2671(T)/09 JP 137A.................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Takamatsu Wan: Depth.................................................... 54
2918(T)/09 JP 1227................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Hakata Ko, Section 1, Susaki Wharf 53
Northwards: Depths ...........................................................................................
3042(T)/09 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Tokyo Ku, Section 3: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
3043(T)/09 JP 90....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Sagami Wan, Shonan Ko Eastwards: Depth .... 53
3619(T)/09 JP 1097, JP 1098.... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Shioya Saki Northwards, Yotsukura Ko: Light .. 55
3778(T)/09 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Toyko Wan, Keihin Ko, Tokyo Ku, Section 3: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
3781(T)/09 2024, JP 226.......... JAPAN, Nansei Shoto- , Okinawa Gunto, Iheya Shima, Dana Misaki: Depth; 53
Rock ...................................................................................................................
3889(T)/09 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Uomachi-no-Hana Westwards: Depth..... 55
4060(T)/09 JP 107..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Higashi-Harima Ko , Befu Public Wharf: Obstruction ... 54
4209(T)/09 JP 226..................... JAPAN, Nansei Shoto- , Okinawa Gunto, Iheya Shima: Depths ......................... 53
4355(T)/09 JP 1086................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Chiba Ku, Section 1: 53
Obstructions .......................................................................................................
4516(T)/09 JP 1088................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Katsunan Ku, 53
Akanehama South-westwards: Depth ................................................................
4523(T)/09 JP 179, JP 187........ JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Tsushima, Tsutsu Saki South-westwards: 53
Depth ..................................................................................................................
5182(T)/09 JP 1062, JP 1067.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Kisarazu Ko , Kisarazu Ko 53
Breakwater Northwards: Depths ........................................................................
5469(T)/09 JP 213, JP 1222...... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , West Coast, Koshikijima Retto, Kami-Koshiki Shima, No 53
Shima and Nishi-no-Ura: Depths .......................................................................
6128(T)/09 JP 213, JP 1222...... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , West Coast, Koshikijima Retto, Futago Shima: Depth ......... 53
6679(T)/09 JP 201..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Azu Shima South-westwards: Depths ..... 53
6804(T)/09 JP 89....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Suruga Wan , Shimizu Ko , Section 2, Hinode 53
Wharf : Depths ...................................................................................................
526(T)/10 JP 1097................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Kashima Nada, Kashima Ko North-westwards: 55
Depths ................................................................................................................
803(T)/10 JP 151..................... JAPAN, Shikoku, West coast, Bungo Suido, Uwajima Wan South-westwards, 53
Komobuchi Byochi: Depths...............................................................................
1132(T)/10 JP 95, JP 1051, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Approaches to Nagoya Ko, Isewan 53
JP 1055B ................ Sea-Berth Southwards: Obstruction ...................................................................
1731(T)/10 JP 89....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Suruga Wan, Shimizu Ko, Shin-Okitsu Wharf 53
North-eastwards: Depths ....................................................................................
2101(T)/10 JP 1055A, JP 1055B JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Nagoya Ko, West Passage: Depths.... 53
2328(T)/10 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Tokyo Ku, Section 2: 53
Depths; Obstruction ...........................................................................................
2607(T)/10 JP 1061, JP 1086.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ku, Ichihara Passage 53
Westwards: Obstruction .....................................................................................
2774(T)/10 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Uta Shima North-westwards, Futashima 55
Guri: Depth.........................................................................................................
2781(T)/10 JP 179, JP 187, JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Iki Shima Westwards, Joga-no-Seto and Tsuri 53
JP 1228................... Sone: Depths ......................................................................................................
1A.19 Wk14/15
15. JAPAN - continued
2975(T)/10 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Saba Shima Westwards and Hime Shima 55
South-eastwards: Depths ....................................................................................
3114(T)/10 JP 1247A, JP 1247B JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Oita Ko, No1 Oil Terminal Eastwards : Depths.............. 53
3116(T)/10 JP 226..................... JAPAN, Nansei Shoto- , Okinawa Gunto, Izena Shima, Ate-no-Ishi: Depth....... 53
3220(T)/10 JP 1101, JP 1102 .... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Iyo Nada, Kunisaki Ko South-eastwards, Hogo Se: 54
Depths ................................................................................................................
3341(T)/10 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Kuro Saki Southwards: Depth................. 55
3611(T)/10 JP 179, JP 187, JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Genkai Nada, Iki Shima Westwards: Depths ... 53
JP 1228...................
3870(T)/10 JP 127, JP 1101 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Kaikyo East Entrance, He Saki South- 54
eastwards: Obstruction .......................................................................................
3873(T)/10 JP 127, JP 1101 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Suo Nada, Ube Ko South-eastwards: Depths.................. 54
4654(T)/10 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Kawashiri Misaki Eastwards, Ima Misaki: 55
Depths ................................................................................................................
4941(T)/10 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Kawashiri Misaki Eastwards: Depths ..... 55
5345(T)/10 JP 1033A................ JAPAN, Hokkaido- , South Coast, Tomakomai Ko, Section 1: Depths ............... 55
5507(T)/10 JP 213..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , West Coast, Amakusa Nada, Oniki Wan Southwards: Rock. 53
5733(T)/10 JP 1061, JP 1065.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Tokyo International 53
Airport, Runway D Northwards and Westwards: Depths ..................................
5736(T)/10 JP 1101, JP 1102 .... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Iyo Nada, Kunisaki Ko: Depths ...................................... 54
6140(T)/10 JP 1056................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Mikawa Wan, Kinuura Ko, Minatomachi 53
Southwards: Depths ...........................................................................................
105(T)/11 JP 1088................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Katsunan Ku, Koya- 53
Shin Eastwards: Depths......................................................................................
526(T)/11 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto North Traffic Route: Depths ......................... 54
528(T)/11 JP 1101, JP 1102 .... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kitsuki Wan, Gongen Hana South-eastwards: Depths .... 54
785(T)/11 JP 137A, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto East Traffic Route: Depths ............................ 54
786(T)/11 JP 1101, JP 1102 .... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kunisaki Ko Eastwards: Depth ....................................... 54
1005(T)/11 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Shiwaku Shoto, Gantsuga Se: Depths ............................. 54
1112(T)/11 JP 127, JP 1101 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Ube Ko, Motoyama Misaki South-westwards: 54
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
1145(T)/11 JP 1109................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Kure Ko, Niko Kawa: Depths .............. 54
1175(T)/11 JP 127, JP 129, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Suo Nada, Kanda Ko: Depths.......................................... 54
JP 1101...................
1176(T)/11 JP 129..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Suo Nada, Kanda Ko: Restricted area ............................. 54
1682(T)/11 JP 1061, JP 1086.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Chiba Ku: Breakwaters 53
1866(T)/11 JP 104, JP 132........ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kurushima Kaikyo Traffic Route, Osumi Hana East- 54
north-eastwards: Depth ......................................................................................
1939(T)/11 JP 1088................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Katsunan Ku: Depths . 53
2285(T)/11 JP 90....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Sagami Wan, Shonan Ko Southwards and 53
Eastwards: Depths..............................................................................................
2286(T)/11 JP 101A, JP 101B, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Kobe Ku, Section No 4: Obstruction ......... 54
JP 131, JP 1103 ......
2287(T)/11 JP 1127B ................ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Mizushima Ko, Tamashima Harbour Island Eastwards 54
and South-eastwards and Takahashi Kawa: Depths...........................................
2426(T)/11 JP 1055A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Nagoya Ko, Section 4: Depths .......... 53
2645(T)/11 JP 201..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Nagato, Kawashiri Misaki Northwards: Depths.................... 53
2860(T)/11 JP 149, JP 201........ JAPAN, Honshu- , Northwest Coast, Tsuno Shima North-westwards: Depths ... 53, 55
3121(T)/11 JP 1097................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Kashima Ko: Obstruction ................................... 55
3246(T)/11 JP 201..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Nagato, Sano Se to Kawashiri Misaki: Depths...................... 53
3248(T)/11 JP 1155B ................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Niigata Ko, Ajirohama Northwards: 55
Depths ................................................................................................................
3250(T)/11 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Shiwaku Shoto, Mukuchi Shima Westwards and 54
Southwards: Depths ...........................................................................................
Wk14/15 1A.20
15. JAPAN - continued
3253(T)/11 JP 198, JP 1228...... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Approaches to Imari Wan: Depths ................... 53
3484(T)/11 1801, 1802 ........... JAPAN, Hokkaido- , North Coast, So- ya Misaki Eastwards: Depths ................... 55, 56
3762(T)/11 JP 1121................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Sakaide Ko, Section 1, West Wharf: Depths................... 54
3764(T)/11 JP 137B, JP 153, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Hon Shima South-eastwards: Depths........... 54
JP 1121...................
3765(T)/11 JP 137B, JP 153, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Approaches to Sakaide Ko, Ko-Sei Shima 54
JP 1121................... South-westwards: Depths...................................................................................
3830(T)/11 JP 90, JP 1061, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Chiba Ku, Section 4: 53
JP 1087................... Obstruction .........................................................................................................
3832(T)/11 JP 90, JP 1061, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Yokohama Ku Eastwards: 53
JP 1062................... Obstruction .........................................................................................................
4053(T)/11 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Approaches to Mi Shima: Depths ........... 55
4203(T)/11 JP 1107................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Amagasaki-Nishinomiya-Ashiya Ku, 54
Asanagi: Depth...................................................................................................
4321(T)/11 JP 66, JP 90, JP 1061, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Yokohama Ku, Section 53
JP 1062................... 3: Obstruction.....................................................................................................
4930(T)/11 JP 131..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Akashi Kaikyo North-westwards, Eigashima Ko 54
Southwards: Wreck ............................................................................................
4931(T)/11 JP 106, JP 131........ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Akashi Kaikyo South-westwards, Harima Nada: Wreck 54
5052(T)/11 JP 129..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanda Ko: Depth............................................................. 54
5147(T)/11 JP 90, JP 1061, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Kisarazu North-westwards: 53
JP 1062................... Obstruction .........................................................................................................
5148(T)/11 JP 1052................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Mikawa Wan, Nakashiba Southwards: Foul .... 53
5322(T)/11 JP 201..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Fukuoka, Kario Hana North-westwards: Depths 53
5517(T)/11 JP 1051, JP 1053, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Irago Suido: Wreck .......................................... 53
JP 1064...................
5518(T)/11 JP 1055A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Nagoya Ko, Section 4: Depths .......... 53
5522(T)/11 JP 1121................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Sakaide Ko: Obstruction ................................................. 54
5523(T)/11 JP 137B .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Hitsuishi Shima Eastwards: Depths ............. 54
5526(T)/11 JP 127..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Ko, Chofu Ku, Kanju Shima Eastwards: Depths 54
5754(T)/11 JP 1265................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Wakamatsu, Wakamatsu Futajima Quay South- 54
eastwards: Depths...............................................................................................
5883(T)/11 JP 137A.................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Shodo Shima, Uchinomi Wan, Ji-no-Hanage: Depth...... 54
54(T)/12 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Northwest Coast, Mi Shima: Depths ..................................... 55
59(T)/12 JP 91....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Yokosuka Ko, Section 5: Depths . 53
267(T)/12 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Hamada Ko North-eastwards, Asa Guri: 55
Depth ..................................................................................................................
268(T)/12 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Hi-no-Misaki South-westwards, 55
Approaches to Nima Ko: Depths .......................................................................
400(T)/12 JP 1052, JP 1053.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Morozaki Suido, Kado Ishi Southwards to 53
Kaida Hana Eastwards: Depths ..........................................................................
530(T)/12 JP 1086................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Chiba Ku, Section 1: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
531(T)/12 JP 66....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Yokohama Ku, Tsurumi Kawa: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
538(T)/12 JP 131..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Awaji Shima, Tsuna Ko: Depth ....................................... 54
640(T)/12 JP 106, JP 137A, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Ka Shima to Te Shima: Depths .................... 54
JP 153.....................
750(T)/12 JP 1097................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Kashima Nada, Approaches to Hitachi Ko: 55
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
866(T)/12 JP 1052, JP 1053.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Morozaki Suido: Depths .................................. 53
1098(T)/12 JP 1155B ................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Niigata Ko, Entrance to Higashi Ku: 55
Depths ................................................................................................................
1587(T)/12 JP 134B .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Himeji Ko, Hirohata Passage: Depths............................. 54
1A.21 Wk14/15
15. JAPAN - continued
1588(T)/12 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto North Traffic Route, Yo Shima South- 54
westwards: Depth ...............................................................................................
1859(T)/12 JP 134B .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Himeji Ko, Shikama Ku, Section 1, Suka: Obstruction .. 54
1860(T)/12 JP 137B, JP 153, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Mizushima Traffic Route: Depth..................................... 54
JP 1121...................
1861(T)/12 JP 137B, JP 153, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto North Traffic Route and Approaches to Ushi 54
JP 1121................... Shima: Depths; Drying patch .............................................................................
1968(T)/12 JP 1097................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Approaches to Hitachinaka Ko: Obstructions .... 55
2143(T)/12 JP 1106................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Tokuyama-Kudamatsu Ko, Tokuyama, Section 1: Drying 54
patch ...................................................................................................................
2237(T)/12 JP 70....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Enshu Nada, Iwata Southwards: Depths .......... 53
2350(T)/12 JP 101A.................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Kobe, Rokko Island North-eastwards: 54
Depths ................................................................................................................
2569(T)/12 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Mi Shima: Depths.................................... 55
2573(T)/12 JP 89....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Shimizu Ko, Outer Harbour Breakwater 53
Southwards: Wreck ............................................................................................
2644(T)/12 JP 64B.................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Sendai-Shiogama Ko, Sendai, No1 Pier South- 55
eastwards: Works................................................................................................
2866(T)/12 JP 201..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North-West Coast, Yuya Ko Northwards, Nagato Westwards: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
2985(T)/12 JP 1107................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Amagasaki-Nishinomiya-Ashiya Ku, 54
Section 2, Naruo Kawa: Depths .........................................................................
3202(T)/12 JP 66....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Yokohama Ku, 53
Daikoku Breakwater Southwards: Obstruction..................................................
3478(T)/12 JP 201..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Yuya Ko: Depths ..................................... 53
3855(T)/12 JP 149, JP 201........ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Tsuno Shima Northwards: Depths........... 53, 55
3857(T)/12 JP 132..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kurushima Kaikyo, Naka Suido, Nakato Shima 54
Eastwards: Depth ...............................................................................................
3950(T)/12 JP 201..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Tsuno Shima: Depths .............................. 53
4289(T)/12 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Mizushima Traffic Route Eastwards, Yo 54
Shima Northwards: Depths ................................................................................
4390(T)/12 JP 137B .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Western part, Kama Shima and Yo Shima: 54
Depths ................................................................................................................
4607(T)/12 JP 1055A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Nagoya Ko, Section 1, Sorami 53
Eastwards: Depth ...............................................................................................
4847(T)/12 JP 137B .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Kama Shima South-eastwards: Depths ........ 54
4973(T)/12 JP 142, JP 1108 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Nasabi Seto Southwards: Depths ......... 54
4974(T)/12 JP 142, JP 1108 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Atata Shima Westwards: Depth............ 54
5066(T)/12 JP 1107................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Amagasaki-Nishinomiya-Ashiya, 54
Ogimachi Pier: Depths .......................................................................................
5068(T)/12 JP 126, JP 1101, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Suo Nada, Iwai Shima Westwards: Wreck...................... 54
JP 1102...................
5197(T)/12 JP 1056................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Chita Wan, Minatomachi Southwards: Depths...................... 53
5200(T)/12 JP 1220, JP 1221.... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , South East Coast, Uchiumi Ko North-eastwards: Depths ..... 53
5402(T)/12 JP 1081, JP 1083.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Yokosuka Ko, Section 3 to Section 53
5: Depths; Obstructions......................................................................................
5697(T)/12 JP 151, JP 1102 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bungo Suido, Hayasui Seto, Taka Shima Southwards: 53, 54
Depths ................................................................................................................
58(T)/13 JP 87....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Katsuura Ko Eastwards, Mashio Ne: Depths ........................ 53
134(T)/13 JP 1064................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Irago Suido: Depths.......................................... 53
474(T)/13 JP 1064................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Irago Suido, Irago Misaki Southwards: Depths 53
926(T)/13 JP 151..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , East Coast, Bungo Suido, Usuki Wan, Ji-Muku Shima 53
Southwards: Depth .............................................................................................
981(T)/13 JP 54, JP 1098........ JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Ishinomaki Wan, Sendai-Shiogama Ko: 55
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
Wk14/15 1A.22
15. JAPAN - continued
1027(T)/13 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Mizushima Traffic Route: Depth ................. 54
1029(T)/13 JP 187..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , West Coast, Goto Retto, Shiro Se: Depth.............................. 53
1268(T)/13 JP 142, JP 1108 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Ono Seto and Kuroshima Seto: Depths 54
1477(T)/13 JP 1064................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Irago Suido, Irago Misaki Southwards: Depth. 53
1479(T)/13 JP 127, JP 128........ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Ube Ko: Depths ............................................................... 54
1574(T)/13 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, BIsan Seto South Traffic Route, Oki-no- 54
Naka-Se: Depths.................................................................................................
1781(T)/13 JP 142..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Ko, O-Kakuma Shima Westwards: 54
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
1907(T)/13 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Keihin Ko, Tokyo, Section 3, No 10 Wharf 53
Eastwards: Depths..............................................................................................
1909(T)/13 JP 137A.................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Tsuda Wan Northwards, Tora-ga-Hana 54
North-westwards: Rock......................................................................................
2153(T)/13 JP 67, JP 1065........ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Tokyo Ku, Section 3 53
and Kawasaki Ku, Section 1: Depths.................................................................
2154(T)/13 JP 142..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Ko, Kannon Saki West-south-westwards: 54
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
2229(T)/13 JP 66....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Yokohama Ku, Section 4 Westwards, 53
Tsurumi Kawa: Depths.......................................................................................
2230(T)/13 JP 141..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Osaki-Kami Shima, Onishi Ko Eastwards, Gongen Hana 54
Northwards: Rock ..............................................................................................
2231(T)/13 JP 142, JP 1108 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Ko , Kirikushi Wan: Obstruction................... 54
2365(T)/13 JP 142, JP 1108 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Hiroshima Ko Southwards, Jigoku Hana 54
South-westwards: Obstruction ...........................................................................
2366(T)/13 JP 142, JP 1108 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Miyajima Seto, E-no-Shima 54
Southwards: Depth .............................................................................................
2368(T)/13 JP 198..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , West Coast, Goto Retto, Uku Shima Northwards and North- 53
eastwards: Depths...............................................................................................
2434(T)/13 JP 65....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Hachinohe Ko, Section 3, Middle Breakwater 55
Southwards: Obstruction ....................................................................................
2566(T)/13 JP 67....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Kawasaki Ku, Section 53
1, Daishi Unga: Depths ......................................................................................
2568(T)/13 JP 91, JP 1062........ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Yokosuka Ko, Section 3 and 53
Section 5: Depths ...............................................................................................
2574(T)/13 JP 142, JP 1108 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Hiroshima Ko, Hijiri Saki North- 54
eastwards: Obstruction .......................................................................................
2692(T)/13 JP 151, JP 1102 ...... JAPAN, Shikoku, West Coast, Bungo Suido, Uwajima Wan: Depths ............... 53, 54
2831(T)/13 JP 151..................... JAPAN, Shikoku, Bungo Suido, Uwajima Wan: Depths ................................... 53
2832(T)/13 JP 151..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , Bungo Suido, Hoto Shima Eastwards, Kita-no-se: Depths ... 53
3042(T)/13 JP 1267................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Hibiki-Shinko Ku, Hibiki Hakuchi Eastwards: 54
Depths ................................................................................................................
3137(T)/13 JP 106, JP 150A, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Tomogashima Suido, Koitsuki-no-Hana Westwards: 54
JP 150C .................. Wreck .................................................................................................................
3139(T)/13 JP 142, JP 1108 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Kannon Saki Southwards: Obstruction 54
3833(T)/13 JP 151, JP 1102 ...... JAPAN, Shikoku, West Coast, Bungo Suido, Hokezu Wan, Osaki Hana South- 53, 54
westwards and Mizukosu Shima Eastwards: Depths .........................................
3834(T)/13 JP 179, JP 198, JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North-west Coast, Azuchi-O Shima, Umagome Hana North- 53
JP 1228................... eastwards: Depth ................................................................................................
3835(T)/13 JP 198..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North-west Coast, Azuchi-O Shima, Umanokashira Hana to 53
Naka Sone: Depths .............................................................................................
4021(T)/13 JP 142..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Kurahashi Shima Westwards, Tsune-ga- 54
Ishi Saki North-eastwards: Depths.....................................................................
4022(T)/13 JP 142..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Naga Shima Eastwards: Depth............. 54
4130(T)/13 JP 1052, JP 1053, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Approaches to Morozaki Suido: Depths .......... 53
JP 1064...................
1A.23 Wk14/15
15. JAPAN - continued
4132(T)/13 JP 198, JP 1228...... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , West Coast, Azuchi-O Shima, Kai Se Northwards and 53
Nagasaki Hana North-westwards: Depths .........................................................
4133(T)/13 JP 198..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , West Coast, Ikitsuki Shima, Kei Shima Northwards: Depths 53
4134(T)/13 JP 1222................... JAPAN, Nansei Shoto- , Osumi Gunto, Nishi-Shin Sone and Kuro Shima 53
Northwards and South-westwards: Depths ........................................................
4212(T)/13 JP 1062................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Approaches to Misaki Ko: Depths ................... 53
4213(T)/13 JP 1052, JP 1053, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Morozaki Suido to Nakayama Suido: Depths.. 53
JP 1064...................
4287(T)/13 JP 1062................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Approaches to Uraga Suido, Tsurugi Saki 53
North-eastwards and South-south-westwards: Depths.......................................
4288(T)/13 JP 1052, JP 1053.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Approaches to Mikawa Wan, Nishio: Depths .. 53
4620(T)/13 JP 1064................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Irago Suido, No Shima South-westwards: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
4713(T)/13 JP 1109................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Approaches to Kure Ko, Mitsugo Shima 54
Eastwards: Depth ...............................................................................................
4808(T)/13 JP 1055A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Nagoya Ko, Section 4: Depth............ 53
4810(T)/13 JP 142, JP 1108 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Ko, Kannon Saki West-south-westwards: 54
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
4913(T)/13 JP 1056................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Mikawa Wan, Kinuura Ko: Depths; Drying 53
4914(T)/13 JP 123, JP 1146 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Sakai-Senboku Ku and Osaka Ku, Yamato 54
Kawa, Approaches to Kita Hakuchi: Depths; Obstructions...............................
5201(T)/13 JP 1144................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Wakayama-Shimotsu Ko, Shimotsu Ku: Depths ............ 54
5219(T)/13 JP 106, JP 137A, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto East Traffic Route, Taka Se: Depth............... 54
JP 153.....................
5393(T)/13 JP 1052, JP 1057B . JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Mikawa Wan, Shiroya NW: Obstruction ......... 53
196(T)/14 996, 1648, JP 77, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kii Suido, Kamoda Misaki SW: Wreck .......................... 53, 54
JP 150C ..................
197(T)/14 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Shiwaku Shoto, Tokudakino Ishi SW: Depth.................. 54
521(T)/14 JP 1227................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Hakata Ko, Kashii Park Port S, Sections 1 and 53
2: Depths ............................................................................................................
622(T)/14 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast , Tokyo Wan , Keihin Ko , Tokyo Ku , Section 3 53
, Chuobo Signal Station W: Depths....................................................................
625(T)/14 JP 91, JP 1062, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast , Tokyo Wan , Yokosuka Ko , Kannon Saki NE 53
JP 1081................... to Kaneda Wan E: Depths ..................................................................................
627(T)/14 JP 1055A, JP 1055B JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Nagoya Ko, West Passage, Section 6: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
748(T)/14 JP 63....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Onahama Ko, Offing Breakwater N: Buoyage...................... 55
830(T)/14 JP 1155B ................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Niigata Ko, Higashi Ku: Depths ............. 55
1108(T)/14 JP 90, JP 1062........ JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Wan, Uraga Suido, Uki Shima NE: Depths................ 53
1322(T)/14 JP 126..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Tokuyama-Kudamatsu Ko, Hikari, Shimata Quay NE: 54
Depths ................................................................................................................
1323(T)/14 JP 1162A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Fushiki-Toyama Ko, Toyama Ku: Depths 55
1324(T)/14 JP 1162A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Fushiki-Toyama Ko, Kokubu Ku: Depths 55
1532(T)/14 JP 1100................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Ishinomaki Ko, Hibarino Breakwater, 55
Westwards: Depths.............................................................................................
1534(T)/14 JP 165..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Mishima-Kawanoe Ko, Muramatsu Quay S: Depths...... 54
1536(T)/14 JP 190, JP 1227...... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Hakata Ko, Central Passage: Works................. 53
1614(T)/14 JP 101A.................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Kobe, Higashi-Kobe Passage: Depth ......... 54
1615(T)/14 JP 91, JP 1062, JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Wan, Yokosuka Ko, Oki-no-Kayama Ne: Buoy......... 53
JP 1081...................
1616(T)/14 JP 90, JP 1062........ JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Wan, Uraga Suido, Ebi Ne S: Wreck.......................... 53
1714(T)/14 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Keihin Ko, Tokyo West Passage E: Depths........................... 53
1716(T)/14 JP 91....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , Tokyo Wan, Yokosuka Ko, Kurihama Wan: Depths ............. 53
Wk14/15 1A.24
15. JAPAN - continued
1717(T)/14 JP 123, JP 1103 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Osaka, Inner Harbour Passage, Sections 5 54
and 6: Restricted area .........................................................................................
1792(T)/14 JP 1055A, JP 1055B JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Nagoya Ko, Sections 4 and 5: 53
Dredging area .....................................................................................................
1793(T)/14 JP 70, JP 93............ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Kumano Nada, Nagashima Ko SE: Buoy ........ 53
2006(T)/14 JP 123, JP 1107 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Osaka Ku, Section 6: Depths ..................... 54
2007(T)/14 JP 1107................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Nakajimakawa Bridge: Depth .................... 54
2008(T)/14 JP 1055A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Nagoya Ko, North Passage: Depths ................. 53
2112(T)/14 JP 1155B ................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Niigata Ko, Higashi Ku, Timber No 1 55
Quay: Depths......................................................................................................
2205(T)/14 JP 142..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Ko SW, Hijiri Saki: Depth............................. 54
2309(T)/14 JP 94, JP 95............ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Yokkaichi Ko, LNG Berth: Depths ... 53
2312(T)/14 JP 142..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Hashirajima Suido, Hodaka Shima NE: 54
Depth ..................................................................................................................
2423(T)/14 JP 142, JP 1108 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Mae Shima, Oki-no-Iso: Depth ............ 54
2608(T)/14 JP 77....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Hidaka Ko, Shioya Quay NW: Depths............. 53
2609(T)/14 JP 1150................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Wakayama, Wakayama Ku, Section 1: Depths ............... 54
2741(T)/14 JP 31....................... JAPAN, Hokkaido- , South Coast, Kushiro Ko, Nishi Ku, Section 2: Depths..... 55
2745(T)/14 JP 31....................... JAPAN, Hokkaido- , South Coast, Kushiro Ko, Nishi Ku, Section 2: Floating 55
2751(T)/14 JP 179, JP 201........ JAPAN, Honshu- , NW Coast, Tsuno Shima S: Depths....................................... 53
2834(T)/14 JP 1162B ................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Fushiki-Toyama Ko, Shinminato Ku: 55
Depths ................................................................................................................
2837(T)/14 JP 1155B ................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Niigata Ko, Higashi Ku: Depths ............. 55
2858(T)/14 JP 67....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Keihin Unga, Section 53
1: Depths ............................................................................................................
2913(T)/14 JP 127, JP 128........ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Ube Ko, Oki-Ube SW: Dredging area............................. 54
2914(T)/14 JP 1155B ................ JAPAN, Honshu- , NW Coast, Niigata Ko, Higashi Ku: Depths ......................... 55
2915(T)/14 JP 1109................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kure Ko, Ondo-no-Seto S: Depths.................................. 54
2916(T)/14 JP 1101, JP 1102, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Suo Nada, Ushi Shima N: Depth..................................... 54
JP 1108...................
2917(T)/14 JP 1086................... JAPAN, Honshu- , S Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Chiba Ku, Section 3: Depths 53
2918(T)/14 JP 1067, JP 1081.... JAPAN, Honshu- , S Coast, Tokyo Wan, Kisarazu Ko: Depths ........................... 53
2919(T)/14 JP 67, JP 1061, JAPAN, Honshu- , S Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Kawasaki Ku, Section 1: 53
JP 1062................... Restricted area ....................................................................................................
2995(T)/14 JP 1083................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Yokosuka Ko, Section 1, Mizu-ga- 53
Ura: Depths ........................................................................................................
3176(T)/14 JP 94....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Yokkaichi Ko, Section 3, 53
Kasumigaura North Wharf NE: Depths .............................................................
3289(T)/14 4510 ...................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Nojima Saki SE: Buoy........................................ 53
3451(T)/14 JP 1061, JP 1065.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Tokyo Ku, Section 4: 53
Restricted area ....................................................................................................
3577(T)/14 JP 139..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Kyo-ga-Misaki SW: Depth...................... 55
3581(T)/14 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Shiwaku Shoto, Tokudakino Ishi S: Obstruction ............ 54
3654(T)/14 JP 5......................... JAPAN, Hokkaido- , West Coast, Otaru Ko, Section 2: Depths .......................... 55
3655(T)/14 JP 5......................... JAPAN, Hokkaido- , West Coast, Otaru Ko, Section 2: Obstructions ................. 55
3656(T)/14 JP 5......................... JAPAN, Hokkaido- , West Coast, Otaru Ko, Section 1: Depths .......................... 55
3657(T)/14 JP 5......................... JAPAN, Hokkaido- , West Coast, Otaru Ko, Sections 2 and 3: Depths ............... 55
3693(T)/14 JP 1169................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Saruyama Misaki SW, Akagami Saki: 55
Depth ..................................................................................................................
3694(T)/14 JP 70, JP 1051, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Toshi Shima W: Depth ...................... 53
JP 1052, JP 1053....
1A.25 Wk14/15
15. JAPAN - continued
3695(T)/14 2347, 3480, JP 179, JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Iki Suido, Futagami Shima: Light.................... 52, 53
JP 187, JP 198,
JP 1228...................
3777(T)/14 JP 70, JP 1051, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Momotori Suido N: Depths ............... 53
JP 1053...................
3866(T)/14 JP 123, JP 1107 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Osaka Ku, Section 6: Depth ....................... 54
3870(T)/14 JP 226..................... JAPAN, Nansei Shoto- , Okinawa, Maeda Misaki E: Obstruction ...................... 53
4080(T)/14 JP 123..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Osaka Ku, Section 3, No 8 Quay S: Depths 54
4181(T)/14 JP 101A.................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hanshin Ko, Kobe Ku, Section 2, No 6 Breakwater S: 54
Depths ................................................................................................................
4183(T)/14 JP 1102................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bungo Suido, O Shima N and NE: Depths ..................... 54
4291(T)/14 JP 148..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Akita, Akita Ku, Section 2, New North 55
Breakwater E: Depths ........................................................................................
4292(T)/14 JP 148..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Akita, Akita Ku, Section 1 and 2, North 55
Breakwater SE and NW: Depths ........................................................................
4293(T)/14 JP 148..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast , Akita, Akita Ku , Section 2, New North 55
Breakwater W and SE: Depths...........................................................................
4294(T)/14 JP 148..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Akita, Akita Ku, Section 2, No 2 South 55
Breakwater N : Depths .......................................................................................
4313(T)/14 JP 137B, JP 1121 ... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Sakaide Ko, Section 2 and Ko-Sei Shima E: Depths ...... 54
4685(T)/14 JP 149..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Mi Shima NW: Depths ............................ 55
4687(T)/14 JP 90....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Tateyama Wan: Depths ................ 53
4803(T)/14 JP 137A, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, I Shima SW: Buoy........................................ 54
4804(T)/14 JP 142, JP 1108 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Kurahashi Shima S, Ka Shima NW: 54
Depth ..................................................................................................................
4805(T)/14 JP 151..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , Bungo Suido, Saiki Wan, O Shima NE: Depth ..................... 53
4806(T)/14 JP 1220, JP 1221.... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , East Coast, Hyuga Nada, Uchiumi Ko, Tosaki Hana E: Depth 53
4808(T)/14 JP 104, JP 141, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Aki Nada, Osaki-Shimo Shima SW: Depth .................... 54
JP 1108...................
4961(T)/14 JP 148..................... JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Akita-Funagawa Ko, Akita Ku, Section 1: 55
Depths ................................................................................................................
4963(T)/14 JP 70, JP 1051, JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Irago Suido SW, Tainoshima Sho: 53
JP 1053................... Depths ................................................................................................................
4964(T)/14 JP 77....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Hidaka Ko, Shioya Quay: Works ..................... 53
5094(T)/14 JP 127, JP 129, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Suo Nada, Kanda Ko, Kitakyushu Airport S: Depths .... 54
JP 1101...................
5095(T)/14 JP 64A.................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Sendai-Shiogama Ko, Shiogama Ku, Section 2, 55
Center Wharf N: Depths.....................................................................................
5096(T)/14 JP 1056................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Mikawa Wan, Kinuura Ko, 13 Go Chi SE: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
5205(T)/14 JP 31....................... JAPAN, Hokkaido- , South Coast, Kushiro Ko, Outer Harbour, South 55
Breakwater S and East Breakwater E: Depths ...................................................
5206(T)/14 JP 1162A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Fushiki-Toyama Ko, Fushiki Ku: Depths 55
5207(T)/14 JP 1097, JP 1098.... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Shioya Saki SW, Ena Ko: Lights ........................ 55
5208(T)/14 JP 1061................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ku NW: Restricted area .... 53
5209(T)/14 JP 1051, JP 1053.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Enshu Nada, Ijika Shima NE: Depth. 53
5210(T)/14 JP 151..................... JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , Bungo Suido, Saiki Wan, O Shima NE: Depth ..................... 53
5470(T)/14 JP 1051, JP 1053.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Yoroi Saki N, Hansu Hana E: Depths 53
5471(T)/14 JP 107, JP 131........ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Higashi-Harima Ko E, Sumiyoshi SW: Depths .............. 54
5473(T)/14 2024, 2412, 4509 JAPAN, Nansei Shoto- , Amami Gunto- , Io- Tori Shima W: Depths..................... 53, 57
5612(T)/14 JP 1265................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Ko, Wakamatsu Passage, Okudokai Passage and 54
Approach: Depths...............................................................................................
5724(T)/14 JP 65....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Hachinohe Ko, Section 3: Depths....................... 55
Wk14/15 1A.26
15. JAPAN - continued
5725(T)/14 JP 90....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Sagami Wan, Inamura-ga-Saki S: 53
Depths ................................................................................................................
5726(T)/14 JP 1057A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Mikawa Ko, O Shima NW: Depths.................. 53
5727(T)/14 JP 1051, JP 1053.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Rokuro Saki NE and SE: Depths ..................... 53
5728(T)/14 JP 1150................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Wakayama-Shimotsu Ko, Wakayama, Outer Harbour, 54
Saikasaki Gyoko: Works ....................................................................................
5729(T)/14 JP 126, JP 1133C ... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Tokuyama-Kudamatsu Ko, Shin-Nan-Yo, Section 3, 54
Maruyama Hana NW: Works .............................................................................
29(T)/15 JP 1155A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Niigata Ko, Nishi Ku: Depth................... 55
30(T)/15 JP 65....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Hachinohe Ko, Section 3, Middle Breakwater 55
SE: Restricted area .............................................................................................
31(T)/15 JP 79....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Ishinomaki Wan, Oshika Hanto, Ayukawa Ko: 55
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
32(T)/15 JP 1098................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Sendai Wan SW, Soma Ko: Obstruction ............ 55
33(T)/15 JP 150C .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kii Suido, Tokushima NE, Yoshino Kawa: Depths......... 54
34(T)/15 JP 134B .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Himeji Ko, Shikama Ku, Section 1, Shikama East 54
Breakwater N: Depths ........................................................................................
102(T)/15 JP 134B .................. JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Himeji Ko, Shikama Ku, Section 1, Imazaike E: Depths 54
103(T)/15 JP 63....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Onahama Ko, Fujiwara Wharf: Restricted area.. 55
237(T)/15 JP 1056................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Mikawa Wan, Kinuura Ko, Sakai Kawa, 53
Kamezaki Wharf NE: Depths.............................................................................
238(T)/15 JP 137B, JP 153 ..... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bisan Seto, Kasaoka S: Buoy .......................................... 54
400(T)/15 JP 1162A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Fushiki-Toyama Ko, Kokubu Ku: 55
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
401(T)/15 JP 1065................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Tokyo Ku, Section 3, 53
No 10 Wharf SE: Works.....................................................................................
600(T)/15 JP 1162B ................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Fushiki-Toyama Ko, Shinminato Ku: 55
Works .................................................................................................................
601(T)/15 JP 127, JP 128, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Suo Nada, Ube Ko: Depths ............................................. 54
JP 1101...................
602(T)/15 JP 1247B ................ JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Oita Ko, Nishi-Oita Hakuchi: Dredging areas ................ 53
603(T)/15 JP 179, JP 187, JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , North Coast, Iki Suido, Yobuko Ko: Obstruction.................. 53
JP 1228...................
604(T)/15 JP 214B .................. JAPAN, Kyu- shu- , South Coast, Kagoshima Wan, Kagoshima Ko, Taniyama 53
Ku, No 2 Jetty E: Depth .....................................................................................
727(T)/15 JP 1086................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Section 3, Chiba 53
Passage: Depths..................................................................................................
728(T)/15 JP 1057A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Atsumi Wan, Mikawa Ko, O Shima W: 53
Dredging area .....................................................................................................
811(T)/15 JP 1088................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Chiba Ko, Katsunan Ku, Funabashi 53
Fairway, Akanehama SW: Depths......................................................................
812(T)/15 JP 95, JP 1055B ..... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Nagoya Ko, East Passage: Works...... 53
813(T)/15 JP 127, JP 1101, JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Kanmon Ko, He Saki SE: Works .................................... 54
JP 1262...................
966(T)/15 JP 1155A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Niigata Ko, Nishi Ku, Shinano Kawa: 55
Works .................................................................................................................
967(T)/15 JP 1100................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Ishinomaki Ko, Hibarino Central Wharf S and 55
SW: Works .........................................................................................................
968(T)/15 JP 80....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Sagami Nada, Ito Ko, Teishi Shima NE: Depth 53
970(T)/15 JP 1120................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Niihama Ko, Section 1, Kikumoto Quay SE: Depths; 54
Drying patches ...................................................................................................
971(T)/15 JP 142..................... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Hiroshima Wan, Atata Shima SW, Iwakuni Ko: Depths. 54
1083(T)/15 JP 28....................... JAPAN, Hokkaido- , West Coast, Ishikari Wan, Shioya Wan: Light ................... 55
1084(T)/15 JP 1155A................ JAPAN, Honshu- , North West Coast, Niigata Ko, Nishi Ku, Irifune E: Depth .. 55
1A.27 Wk14/15
15. JAPAN - continued
1085(T)/15 JP 66....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Yokohama Ku, Section 53
3: Vertical clearance ...........................................................................................
1086(T)/15 JP 66, JP 67............ JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Kawasaki Ku, Section 53
2: Vertical clearance ...........................................................................................
1344(T)/15 JP 94....................... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Ise Wan, Yokkaichi Ko, Section 3: Depths ...... 53
1444(T)/15 JP 151, JP 1102 ...... JAPAN, Seto Naikai, Bungo Suido, Okuchi Wan, Ji-O Shima NE and Taka 53, 54
Shima N and Mikame Ko NE: Depths ...............................................................
1557(T)/15 JP 1049................... JAPAN, Honshu- , East Coast, Kashima Ko, South Breakwater N: Works ......... 53
1558(T)/15 JP 1081, JP 1085.... JAPAN, Honshu- , South Coast, Tokyo Wan, Keihin Ko, Yokohama Ku, Section 53
5: Works .............................................................................................................
1237(T)/06 2432, 3046 ........... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Zaliv Petra Velikogo, Ostrov Askold 56
Southwards: Obstruction ....................................................................................
3359(T)/10 4512 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Poluostrov Kamchatka, East Coast, 56
Approaches to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy: Obstructions; Area to be avoided
3997(T)/10 1065 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Gadeog Do Westwards, Gadeog Sudo: Buoyage.......... 52
1677(T)/13 1259 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Pusan, Tadae Po, No 6 Area: Buoyage ........................ 52
2427(T)/13 1802, 1803 ........... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Ostrov Shpanberga Westwards: Buoy ............. 55
2707(T)/13 3390 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Gwangyang Hang, Gwangyang LNG Terminal 52
Eastwards and South-eastwards: Buoyage.........................................................
2988(T)/13 3390, 3391 ........... KOREA, South Coast, Approaches to Gwangyang Hang, Yeosu Haeman: 52
Buoy ...................................................................................................................
3630(T)/13 1558 ...................... KOREA, West Coast, Mokpo Hang, Yongdang Wharf Westwards: Buoyage... 52
4953(T)/13 3642 ...................... KOREA, West Coast, Inchon, Chagyakto North-eastwards: Buoyage ............ 52
1933(T)/14 1230 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Southern Approaches to Oktyabrskiy, 56
Bolsheretskiy W: Wreck ...................................................................................
2289(T)/14 3928 ...................... KOREA, West Coast, Maenggol Sudo: Buoyage .............................................. 52
2484(T)/14 1065, 1163............ KOREA, South Coast, Yeon Do W: Buoyage ................................................... 52
2585(T)/14 4511, 4512............ RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Ostrov Sakhalin, East Coast, Nyyvo 55, 56
Southwards: Offshore installations ....................................................................
2746(T)/14 3340 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Gulf of Tartary, Bukhta Datta: Restricted area 56
2988(T)/14 3390 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Gwangyang Hang, Gwangyang Man W: Buoyage ....... 52
3098(T)/14 3390 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Gwangyang Hang, Yeosu Oil Terminal : Buoyage ....... 52
3144(T)/14 3044 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Vladivostok, Proliv Bosfor-Vostochnyy: 56
Restricted areas ..................................................................................................
3582(T)/14 3044, 3045 ........... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Zaliv Ussuriyskiy, Ostrov Skrypleva SE: 56
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
3911(T)/14 3340 ...................... RUSSIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Gulf of Tartary, Zaliv Chikhacheva: 56
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
3999(T)/14 3480, 4509 ........... KOREA, South Coast, Cheju Do SW: Buoy ..................................................... 52, 57
4000(T)/14 3365 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Approaches to Geomundo, Oenarodo S: Buoy............. 52
4703(T)/14 1259 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Approaches to Pusan Hang, Saeng Do SE: Buoy ......... 52
558(T)/15 1065 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Jinhae Hang, Budo Sudo SE: Buoy .............................. 52
667(T)/15 3390 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Gwangyang Hang, Songdo W and Jungheung Pier NW: 52
1159(T)/15 913, 1256 ............. KOREA, West Coast, Oeyon Yolto, Ochongdo W: Wreck; Restricted area .... 52
1387(T)/15 1259 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Pusan, North Inner Harbour SE: Buoyage .................... 52
1597(P)/15 127, 882, 896, 913, KOREA, South Coast, East Coast, Gyeong-In to Pohang: Vessel traffic 52, 53,56
1065, 1258, 1270, services ...............................................................................................................
1271, 3365, 3391,
3666, 3928 ...........
1681(T)/15 1065 ...................... KOREA, South Coast, Approaches to Busan New Port: Buoyage.................... 52
2946(P)/08 1336, 3834, 3835 MALAYSIA, Sarawak, Tanjung Po to Tanjung Serabang: Depths; Drying 47, 48
height; Wrecks; Fish havens; Note.....................................................................
Wk14/15 1A.28
1696(P)/09 3835 ...................... MALAYSIA, Sarawak, Kuala Paloh and Kuala Rajang to Sibu: Depths; Lights; 48
Beacons; Buoyage; Wrecks; Submarine power cables; Submarine pipelines;
Dolphins; Restricted area ...................................................................................
6289(T)/10 13 .......................... PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Cebu, Approaches to Cebu Harbour, Bantolinao Pt 58
Northwards: Buoy ..............................................................................................
2489(P)/12 287, 967, 1338, MALAYSIA, Sabah, Pulau Banggi Westwards, Northwards and Eastwards: 48
1654, 3728 ........... Depths; Rock; Coral...........................................................................................
152(T)/13 962, 2391, 3809, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Luzon, Sorsogon Bay to Ticao Island, Masbate Pass, 48, 58
4473, 4479, 4480, Jintotolo Channel, Iloilo Strait, Guimaras Strait, Taon Strait: Submarine cable
4485, 4486, 4487
2617(P)/13 967, 3809, 4413, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Palawan to Mindoro and Coran Pass Eastwards: 48
4414, 4482, 4483, Submarine cables ...............................................................................................
4484 ......................
2624(P)/13 1852, 2576 ........... INDONESIA, Kalimantan, East Coast, T. Batu to T. Tanahguning: Submarine 59
cable ...................................................................................................................
3235(P)/13 3810, 3815, 4413, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Luzon, Samar and Leyte, Albay Gulf to Samar Sea: 48, 58
4477, 4478, 4486 Submarine cable .................................................................................................
3510(T)/13 918 ........................ INDONESIA, Jawa, North Coast, Approaches to Cigading: Buoy ................... 60
4641(T)/13 161 ........................ MALAYSIA, Sarawak, Batang Rajang, Tanjung Sebubal Southwards: Wreck 48
5021(P)/13 3482, 3483, 4508 MALAYSIA, Sarawak, North Luconia Shoals West-north-westwards: Works. 47, 48
5349(P)/13 1654 ...................... MALAYSIA, Sabah, Pulau Banggi E and SE: Rocks........................................ 48
1751(P)/14 1336, 3482, 3483, MALAYSIA, Sarawak, Beting Tugau (Parsons Shoal) E: Platform.................. 47, 48
3837 ......................
3883(P)/14 921 ........................ INDONESIA, Jawa, Pelabuhan Surabaya: Wrecks; Restricted area; Buoy....... 60
493(T)/15 928, 950, 1649, MALAYSIA, Sabah, Sandakan NE, Berhala: Light; Buoyage.......................... 47, 48,58,
1868, 2576, 3483, 59
4507, 4508 ...........
750(P)/15 1844, 2134 ........... BRUNEI, Muara, Pulau Muara Besar: Works ................................................... 48
1031(P)/15 3931 ...................... PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Luzon, West Coast, Manila Harbour: Depths; Works; 48
Light-beacon; Berths; Spoil grounds .................................................................
1109(T)/15 3015, 3029 ........... INDONESIA, Kalimantan, Approaches to Sungai Barito: Buoyage................. 59
2800(T)/08 4620, Aus 379 ....... PAPUA NEW GUINEA, Port Moresby Southwards: Fish trap; Buoy.............. 66, 67
3423(T)/08 Aus 151 .................. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Western Port , Western Channel, Sandy Point 65
Southwards: Channel depths; Depths.................................................................
4289(T)/08 Aus 235, Aus 236 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Moreton Bay, Spitfire Channel: Buoyage............. 66
4297(T)/08 Aus 137 .................. AUSTRALIA, South Australia, Port Adelaide: Channel depths; Channel limits 65
1333(T)/09 4721, Aus 312 ....... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Timor Sea, Sahul Banks South-eastwards: 60, 63
Tanker mooring buoy; Radar beacon .................................................................
4810(T)/09 Aus 755, Aus 756 .. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Cape Naturaliste, Geographe Bay: Scientific 64
instruments .........................................................................................................
4051(T)/10 Aus 252 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Shute Harbour, Repair Island Westwards: Wreck; 66
Buoy ...................................................................................................................
4702(T)/10 Aus 153, Aus 157 .. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip, Geelong: Depth information................... 65
181(T)/11 Aus 357 .................. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Ninety Mile Beach: Obstructions ............................... 65
2187(T)/11 Aus 194, Aus 195 .. AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Port Kembla , No 3 Jetty Westwards: Spoil 65
ground; Buoyage ................................................................................................
3900(T)/11 Aus 252 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Laguna Quays: Depths.......................................... 66
4310(T)/11 Aus 194, Aus 195 .. AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Port Kembla, No 6 Jetty South-eastwards: 65
Obstructions; Buoyage .......................................................................................
4977(T)/11 Aus 236 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Moreton Bay, Wynnum: Wreck; Buoy ................. 66
219(T)/12 Aus 781 .................. AUSTRALIA, South Australia, Gulf St Vincent: Obstruction .......................... 65
595(T)/12 Aus 133 .................. AUSTRALIA, South Australia, Wallaroo: Depth information.......................... 65
2409(T)/12 Aus 252 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Hook Island, Cockatoo Point: Light-beacon ........ 66
3049(T)/12 Aus 818 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Curtis Channel: Wreck.......................................... 66
3770(T)/12 Aus 236 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Moreton Bay, Coochiemudlo Island: Light- 66
beacon; Buoy......................................................................................................
5103(T)/12 Aus 113 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Fremantle: Depth information .................... 64
1A.29 Wk14/15
5353(T)/12 Aus 236 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Moreton Bay, Peel Island, Lazaret Gutter: Beacon 66
422(T)/13 Aus 270 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Port Douglas: Depth information ......................... 66
647(T)/13 Aus 327 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Glomar Shoal Westwards: Scientific 63
instruments; Buoyage.........................................................................................
659(T)/13 Aus 154 .................. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip, River Yarra, Appleton Dock: Works ...... 65
881(T)/13 Aus 243, Aus 818 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Bundaberg, South Head North-eastwards: 66
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
886(T)/13 Aus 170, Aus 766 .. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Maria Island: Scientific instruments ........................ 65
1188(T)/13 Aus 235, Aus 236 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Pumicestone Channel: Light-beacons; Beacons; 66
Depths ................................................................................................................
1192(T)/13 Aus 4 ...................... AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Weipa: Depth information .................................... 63
1194(T)/13 Aus 62, Aus 742 .... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Barrow Island: Anchorage area .................. 63
1414(T)/13 Aus 245 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Gladstone, Wiggins Islands: Restricted area ........ 66
1416(T)/13 Aus 819 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Fitzroy River, Upper Flats Reach South- 66
eastwards: Wreck ...............................................................................................
1420(T)/13 Aus 115 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Bunbury, Leschenault Estuary: Depths....... 64
1512(T)/13 Aus 57, Aus 741, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Dampier: Obstruction ................................. 63
Aus 742 ..................
1716(T)/13 Aus 236 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Moreton Bay, Garnet Rock: Light-beacon; Buoy. 66
1722(T)/13 Aus 754 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Perth, Rottnest Island Westwards and North- 64
westwards: Scientific instruments......................................................................
2278(T)/13 Aus 64, Aus 743 .... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Thevenard Island to Ashburton Road: 63
Dredging area; Spoil ground; Restricted area ....................................................
2279(T)/13 Aus 81 .................... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Geraldton: Depth information..................... 64
2886(T)/13 Aus 256, Aus 827 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cape Cleveland: Wreck ........................................ 66
3405(T)/13 Aus 270 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cooktown: Depth information.............................. 66
3631(T)/13 Aus 197, Aus 200, AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Cape Baily to Ben Buckler: Scientific 65, 66
Aus 808, Aus 809 .. instruments .........................................................................................................
3632(T)/13 Aus 197, Aus 200, AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Manly: Scientific instruments ..................... 65
Aus 201 ..................
3634(T)/13 Aus 246, Aus 819 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Gladstone, East Banks: Scientific instruments ..... 66
4244(T)/13 Aus 24, Aus 26, AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Darwin, Weed Reef South to Middle Arm 63
Aus 27, Aus 28 ...... and East Arm Port to Preston Point: Scientific instruments; Buoyage ..............
4963(T)/13 Aus 487, Aus 798 .. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Cape Barren Island: Scientific instruments.............. 65
5234(T)/13 Aus 831 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cape Tribulation: Wreck; Restricted area............. 66
5235(T)/13 Aus 249, Aus 250 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Hay Point: Automatic Identification Systems ...... 66
58(T)/14 Aus 4 ...................... AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Weipa, Urquhart Point NE: Light-beacon; Buoy.. 63
61(T)/14 Aus 826, Aus 827 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cape Bowling Green: Scientific instrument ......... 66
245(T)/14 Aus 831, Aus 832 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Two Islands: Wreck .............................................. 66
791(T)/14 Aus 235, Aus 236 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Flinders Reef: Buoy.............................................. 66
796(T)/14 2916, Aus 310 ....... AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Timor Sea, Pulau Selaru SW: Buoyage; 60, 63
Scientific instruments.........................................................................................
901(T)/14 Aus 172 .................. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Hobart, Wrest Point: Beacon.................................... 65
1023(T)/14 Aus 263 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cairns, Trinity Inlet: Wreck .................................. 66
1228(T)/14 Aus 154 .................. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip, River Yarra, Victoria Dock: Obstruction; 65
Berth ...................................................................................................................
1622(T)/14 Aus 62, Aus 66 ...... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Barrow Island: Scientific instrument; Buoy 63
1625(T)/14 Aus 171, Aus 796 .. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Frederick Henry Bay, Pipe Clay Head to Pitt Water: 65
Scientific instruments.........................................................................................
1747(T)/14 Aus 245 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Gladstone, Boatshed Point E: Scientific 66
instrument; Buoy ................................................................................................
1977(T)/14 Aus 256 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Magnetic Island E, Bremner Point: Scientific 66
instrument; Buoy ................................................................................................
2169(T)/14 Aus 270 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cooktown, Endeavour River: Wreck.................... 66
2172(T)/14 Aus 262 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Yorkeys Knob: Light-beacon................................ 66
2174(T)/14 4723 ...................... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Exmouth Plateau: Buoyage; Scientific 63
instruments .........................................................................................................
2339(T)/14 Aus 832 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Decapolis Reef: Light-beacon; Buoy ................... 66
Wk14/15 1A.30
2342(T)/14 Aus 236 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Moreton Bay, East Channel: Scientific 66
instruments; Buoyage.........................................................................................
2624(T)/14 Aus 743 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Ashburton Road, Parkes Reef: Scientific 63
instrument; Buoy ................................................................................................
2626(T)/14 Aus 328 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Montebello Islands N: Buoyage ................. 63
2888(T)/14 Aus 64, Aus 743 .... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Ashburton Road: Anchor berths; Pilot 63
boarding place; Recommended track; Pilotage..................................................
3089(T)/14 Aus 348 .................. AUSTRALIA, South Australia, Port Macdonnell: Works; Lights..................... 65
3091(T)/14 Aus 194 .................. AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Port Kembla: Depth information ................ 65
3093(T)/14 Aus 245, Aus 246, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Gladstone: Scientific instruments; Buoyage......... 66
Aus 819 ..................
3094(T)/14 Aus 235 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Mooloolaba: Depth information ........................... 66
3411(T)/14 Aus 242, Aus 243 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Bundaberg: Depth information ............................. 66
3558(T)/14 Aus 490, Aus 819, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Great Keppel Island E: Wreck .............................. 66
Aus 820 ..................
3562(T)/14 Aus 310 .................. AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Timor Sea, Evans Shoal E: Buoyage; 63
Scientific instruments.........................................................................................
3667(T)/14 Aus 249, Aus 250, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Mackay, Round Top Island to Slade Point: 66
Aus 823, Aus 824 .. Scientific instruments; Buoyage ........................................................................
3674(T)/14 4723, 4725, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, North West Cape: Offshore installation; 63, 64
Aus 328, Aus 329 .. Obstruction .........................................................................................................
3679(T)/14 Aus 144, Aus 158 .. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip, Great Ship Channel: Depths ................... 65
3982(T)/14 Aus 26, Aus 28 ...... AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Darwin, East Arm, Bladin Point: Works .... 63
3983(T)/14 Aus 235, Aus 815 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Moreton Bay, North West Channel: Scientific 66
instruments .........................................................................................................
3984(T)/14 Aus 236 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Moreton Bay, Rous Channel: Depths ................... 66
3986(T)/14 Aus 119 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Esperance: Depth information .................... 64
3993(T)/14 Aus 24, Aus 27, AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Darwin: Depth information ........................ 63
Aus 28 ....................
4240(T)/14 Aus 64, Aus 743 .... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Herald Reef to Ashburton Road: Scientific 63
instruments .........................................................................................................
4242(T)/14 Aus 136 .................. AUSTRALIA, South Australia, Port Pirie: Depth information ......................... 65
4552(T)/14 Aus 826, Aus 827 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cape Bowling Green E: Buoy .............................. 66
4553(T)/14 Aus 245, Aus 246, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Gladstone, East Banks to Parsons Point: Scientific 66
Aus 819 .................. instruments .........................................................................................................
4712(T)/14 Aus 257 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Townsville, Breakwater Marina Channel W: 66
Wreck; Buoy.......................................................................................................
4715(T)/14 Aus 52, Aus 53 ...... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Approaches to Port Hedland, Manilya 63
Sandbank: Scientific instrument; Buoy..............................................................
4716(T)/14 Aus 137 .................. AUSTRALIA, South Australia, Port Adelaide: Depth information .................. 65
5227(T)/14 4644, Aus 487 ....... AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Bass Strait, Three Hummock Island NE: Scientific 65
instrument; Buoy ................................................................................................
5230(T)/14 Aus 249, Aus 250, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Hay Point: Buoyage; Restricted area.................... 66
Aus 823 ..................
5232(P)/14 Aus 62, Aus 66 ...... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Barrow Island, Town Point: Light-beacons; 63
Buoyage; Lights .................................................................................................
5238(T)/14 Aus 59 .................... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Port of Dampier: Buoyage .......................... 63
5239(T)/14 Aus 327, Aus 328 .. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Montebello Islands, Tryal Rocks N: Lights; 63
5249(T)/14 Aus 250 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Mackay: Depth information.................................. 66
5264(T)/14 Aus 319, Aus 320 .. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Browse Island NW: Offshore installation ... 63
5266(T)/14 Aus 59 .................... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Port of Dampier, Dampier Cargo Wharf : 63
Harbour developments; Buoyage; Light ............................................................
5267(T)/14 Aus 328 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Montebello Islands, Tryal Rocks N: 63
5369(T)/14 Aus 262, Aus 263, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cairns: Depth information .................................... 66
Aus 830 ..................
1A.31 Wk14/15
5372(T)/14 Aus 170, Aus 766 .. AUSTRALIA, Tasmania, Mercury Passage, Maria Island, Booming Bay: 65
Obstructions .......................................................................................................
5545(T)/14 Aus 198, Aus 199 .. AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Botany Bay: Depth information.................. 65
5547(T)/14 Aus 255 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Abbot Point: Depth information ........................... 66
5549(T)/14 Aus 256 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Cleveland Bay and Approaches, Magnetic Island 66
E: Scientific instrument......................................................................................
5554(T)/14 Aus 328 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Barrow Island NW: Scientific instrument... 63
5555(T)/14 Aus 319, Aus 320 .. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Browse Island NW: Scientific instruments. 63
5556(T)/14 Aus 327 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Rankin Bank NE: Scientific instrument...... 63
5557(T)/14 Aus 151, Aus 788, AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Western Port: Scientific instruments .......................... 65
Aus 801 ..................
5779(P)/14 Aus 328, Aus 329 .. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Exmouth Gulf, North West Cape: Light ..... 63
5803(T)/14 Aus 28 .................... AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Darwin, East Arm: Buoyage ...................... 63
5806(T)/14 Aus 235, Aus 236, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Approaches to Moreton Bay, North Banks, North 66
Aus 814, Aus 815 .. West Channel: Scientific instruments ................................................................
148(T)/15 Aus 328 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Barrow Island: Scientific instruments; 63
150(T)/15 Aus 52, Aus 54 ...... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Port Hedland: Depth information ............... 63
151(T)/15 Aus 64, Aus 743 .... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, West Reef to Fly Island: Scientific 63
instruments; Buoyage.........................................................................................
152(T)/15 Aus 137 .................. AUSTRALIA, South Australia, North Haven: Depths ...................................... 65
183(T)/15 Aus 238 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Brisbane River, Hamilton Reach: Works.............. 66
373(T)/15 Aus 249, Aus 250 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Hay Point: Depth information .............................. 66
379(T)/15 Aus 24, Aus 26, AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Port Darwin, West Point E to Channel 63
Aus 27, Aus 722 .... Island N: Works..................................................................................................
382(T)/15 Aus 245, Aus 272 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Port of Gladstone, North Passage Island W: 66
Anchorage area...................................................................................................
384(T)/15 Aus 245, Aus 272 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, North Passage Island E and NE: Scientific 66
instruments .........................................................................................................
394(T)/15 Aus 153, Aus 157 .. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip, Corio Bay, Hopetoun Channel: Light- 65
beacons ...............................................................................................................
940(T)/15 Aus 256, Aus 827 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Townsville, Cleveland Bay, Sea Channel: 66
Obstruction; Light-beacon .................................................................................
941(T)/15 Aus 62, Aus 66 ...... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Barrow Island: Scientific instrument; Buoy 63
946(T)/15 Aus 120 .................. AUSTRALIA, South Australia, Nuyts Archipelago, Goat Island NE: Buoy .... 65
972(T)/15 Aus 327, Aus 328, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Montebello Islands: Scientific instruments. 63
Aus 329 ..................
973(T)/15 Aus 236, Aus 237 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Brisbane River, Fishermans Island: Restricted 66
area .....................................................................................................................
974(T)/15 Aus 144, Aus 158 .. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip, South Channel: Depths........................... 65
975(P)/15 Aus 112, Aus 113... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Fremantle, Swan River, Inner Harbour: 64
Automatic Identification Systems ......................................................................
977(T)/15 Aus 244, Aus 245, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Gladstone: Depth information .............................. 66
Aus 246, Aus 271,
Aus 272 ..................
1184(T)/15 Aus 238 .................. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Brisbane River, Hamilton Reach to South 66
Brisbane Reach: Works ......................................................................................
1185(T)/15 Aus 249, Aus 250 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Hay Point: Scientific instrument; Buoy................ 66
1191(T)/15 Aus 256, Aus 257 .. AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Townsville: Depth information............................. 66
1192(T)/15 Aus 26 .................... AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Darwin, Middle Ground: Obstruction ........ 63
1193(T)/15 Aus 28 .................... AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Darwin, Preston Point: Scientific 63
instruments; Buoyage.........................................................................................
1194(T)/15 Aus 26, Aus 28 ...... AUSTRALIA, Northern Territory, Darwin, East Arm: Buoy............................ 63
1200(P)/15 Aus 347 .................. AUSTRALIA, South Australia, Robe: Radar beacon........................................ 65
1201(P)/15 Aus 54 .................... AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Port Hedland, Burgess Point S: Light- 63
beacons ...............................................................................................................
1404(T)/15 Aus 198, Aus 199 .. AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Botany Bay, Kurnell N: Works ................... 65
Wk14/15 1A.32
1406(T)/15 Aus 293, Aus 299, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, North Coast, Torres Strait, Prince of Wales 66
Aus 700 .................. Channel, Channel Rock NW: Wreck..................................................................
1407(T)/15 Aus 314 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Sahul Banks: Scientific instruments ........... 63
1662(T)/15 Aus 207, Aus 208 .. AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Newcastle: Depth information .................... 66
1670(T)/15 Aus 200, Aus 202 .. AUSTRALIA, New South Wales, Sydney Harbour: Depth information .......... 65
1671(T)/15 Aus 235, Aus 236, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Moreton Bay, Mud Island to Caloundra: 66
Aus 814, Aus 815 .. Automatic Identification System........................................................................
1674(T)/15 Aus 235, Aus 236, AUSTRALIA, Queensland, Moreton Bay, Brisbane River: Depth information 66
Aus 237, Aus 238,
Aus 814, Aus 815 ..
1676(T)/15 Aus 328 .................. AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Barrow Island NW: Buoyage...................... 63
1677(T)/15 Aus 58, Aus 59, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Dampier: Scientific instruments ................. 63
Aus 60 ....................
1678(T)/15 Aus 58, Aus 59, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Dampier: Depth information....................... 63
Aus 60 ....................
1679(T)/15 Aus 332, Aus 752, AUSTRALIA, Western Australia, Pelsaert Bank N and SE: Buoyage.............. 64
Aus 753 ..................
1680(T)/15 Aus 154 .................. AUSTRALIA, Victoria, Port Phillip, Port Melbourne, Webb Dock: Works; 65
3828(T)/08 NZ 68, NZ 681....... NEW ZEALAND, South Island, South Coast, Foveaux Strait, Bird Island 72
Westwards: Obstruction .....................................................................................
5792(T)/11 NZ 54, NZ 541....... NEW ZEALAND, North Island, East Coast, Bay of Plenty, Astrolabe Reef 71
North-eastwards: Buoy.......................................................................................
72(P)/13 NZ 61 ..................... NEW ZEALAND, South Island, North Coast, Golden Bay and Tasman Bay: 71
Lights; Light-beacons.........................................................................................
2986(P)/13 NZ 5411, NZ 5412. NEW ZEALAND, North Island, East Coast, Tauranga, Opunui Point to 71
Omokoroa Point Northwards: Light-beacons ....................................................
3622(P)/13 NZ 541 ................... NEW ZEALAND, North Island, East Coast, Motiti Island: Depths ................. 71
3848(P)/13 NZ 5411 ................. NEW ZEALAND, North Island, East Coast, Tauranga Harbour, Katikati 71
Entrance: Buoy...................................................................................................
5352(T)/13 NZ 46, NZ 463, NEW ZEALAND, South Island, Cook Strait, Tory Channel Entrance: 71, 72
NZ 6153 ................. Obstruction .........................................................................................................
321(T)/14 NZ 4633, NZ 4634. NEW ZEALAND, North Island, South Coast, Wellington , Evans Bay and 71
Lyall Bay: Restricted areas.................................................................................
322(T)/14 NZ 4633, NZ 4634. NEW ZEALAND, North Island, Wellington, Thorndon Container Terminal: 71
Restricted area ....................................................................................................
2287(T)/14 NZ 54, NZ 541....... NEW ZEALAND, North Island, East Coast, Tauranga, Astrolabe Reef: 71
Restricted area ....................................................................................................
2807(T)/14 4600, 4640, NZ 58 NEW ZEALAND, North Island, East Coast, Honeycomb SE: Scientific 71
instruments .........................................................................................................
4051(T)/14 4600, 4640, NZ 55, NEW ZEALAND, North Island, East Coast, Poverty Bay E: Scientific 71
NZ 56 ..................... instruments .........................................................................................................
4760(P)/14 NZ 6422 ................. NEW ZEALAND, South Island, East Coast, Timaru Harbour: Works; 72
Restricted area; Buoy .........................................................................................
5308(T)/14 NZ 521, NZ 5215... NEW ZEALAND, North Island, East Coast, Whangarei Harbour, Portland 71
Reach: Works .....................................................................................................
5449(P)/14 NZ 531 ................... NEW ZEALAND, North Island, East Coast, Mercury Islands and Mercury 71
Bay: Depths; Rocks............................................................................................
5638(P)/14 NZ 46, NZ 61, NEW ZEALAND, South Island, North Coast, Marlborough Sounds: General 71, 72
NZ 463, NZ 6153, information .........................................................................................................
NZ 6154 .................
267(P)/15 NZ 62, NZ 63......... NEW ZEALAND, South Island, East Coast, Kaikoura: Marine Reserve ......... 72
458(P)/15 NZ 63, NZ 64......... NEW ZEALAND, South Island, East Coast, Banks Peninsula, Akaroa 72
Harbour: Marine Reserve ...................................................................................
530(P)/15 NZ 46, NZ 463, NEW ZEALAND, North Island, South Coast, Cook Strait, Wellington: Rock; 71
NZ 4633 ................. Wreck .................................................................................................................
1A.33 Wk14/15
19. NEW ZEALAND - continued
531(T)/15 NZ 4314 ................. NEW ZEALAND, North Island, West Coast, Manukau Harbour Entrance: 71
Depths ................................................................................................................
994(T)/15 NZ 6321 ................. NEW ZEALAND, South Island, East Coast, Lyttelton Harbour, Sticking Point 72
E: Restricted area ...............................................................................................
1574(T)/15 NZ 6422 ................. NEW ZEALAND, South Island, Timaru Harbour, Patiti Point E: Obstruction. 72
5229(T)/05 4624 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Melanesian Basin, Nauru: Fish traps ................... 70
4177(T)/09 968 ........................ SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, le Futuna and les Wallis: Fish havens................ 70
60(T)/10 1735 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Solomon Islands, New Georgia Island, Port Noro, 68
Hathorn Sound: Jetty..........................................................................................
824(T)/11 2907 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Nouvelle-Caldonie, Passe de Dumba 68
Southwards: Fish haven .....................................................................................
3442(T)/11 1103....................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Polynsie Franaise, les De La Socit, Tahaa 73
Eastwards, Passe Toahotu: Buoy........................................................................
3875(T)/11 1382, 1436 ........... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Nouvelle-Caldonie, Tahiti, South Coast, Bassin 73
de Tapuaeraha, Reef Toataire South-westwards: Wreck....................................
5211(T)/11 4510 ...................... NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, North Pacific Basin, Hachijo- Shima South- 53
eastwards: Buoy .................................................................................................
3021(T)/12 3994, 3995, 3996, SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Solomon Islands: Fish havens.............................. 66, 68
3997, 3998, 4621,
4623, 4634 ...........
2249(T)/13 4510, 4806, 4810 NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Morton Seamount Westwards and Takuyo- -Daisan 53, 89,92
Seamount Southwards : Data buoys...................................................................
2575(T)/13 2293, 4510, 4511. NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Ryofu-Daini Seamount to Ryo- fu- Seamount : 53, 55
2751(T)/13 1640 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, les Marquises, Nuku-Hiva, Baie de Taiohae: 73
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
2869(T)/13 935, 936, 1576 .... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Nouvelle-Caldonie, les Loyaut: Fish havens; 68
Depths ................................................................................................................
3847(T)/13 1382, 1436 ........... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Polynsie Franaise, Tahiti West Coast, Passe de 73
Taapuna Northwards, Lagon de Punaauia: Wreck .............................................
4673(T)/13 936, 2462, 2907 .. SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Nouvelle-Caldonie, Approaches to Noumea- 68
Passe de Dumba, le Te Ndu Southwards: Obstruction....................................
218(T)/14 2928 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Nouvelle-Caldonie, Passe de Thio: Buoy .......... 68
679(T)/14 1494, 1570, 1576 SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Vanuatu, fat, rakor Bay SW: Buoyage........... 68
681(T)/14 2462, 2463, 2907 SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Nouvelle-Caldonie, South Coast, Nouma, 68
Grande Rade and Baie Maa: Scientific instruments ..........................................
1618(T)/14 4622, Aus 399 ....... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Papua New Guinea: Scientific instruments; 67, 68
1680(T)/14 761, 4506 ............. NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Marshall Islands, Jaluit Atoll S: Data collection 57
2693(T)/14 4509 ...................... NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Taiwan SE, Bashi Channel NE: Data collection 57
3016(P)/14 NZ 82, NZ 827, SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Tonga Islands, Tongatapu, Haapai Group and 70
NZ 8248, NZ 8275. Vavau Group: Lights; Light-beacons; Buoyage................................................
5246(T)/14 4601 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Tasman Sea, Tasman Basin: Buoy ....................... 71
5517(T)/14 998, 1060, 1382, SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Polynsie Franaise, les de la Socit, Archipel 73
1640, 3664, 4654, des Tuamotu , les Marquises : Fish havens.......................................................
4655, 4656 ...........
532(P)/15 NZ 8655 ................. SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Samoa Islands, Upolu Island, Apia Harbour: 70
Buoyage; Breakwater .........................................................................................
Wk14/15 1A.34
20. PACIFIC OCEAN - continued
624(T)/15 761, 4051, 4052, NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN: Data buoys ............. 57, 63,68,
4060, 4061, 4062, 70, 73,74,
4506, 4604, 4605, 88, 89
4606, 4607, 4615,
4618, 4619, 4623,
4624, 4625, 4629,
4632, 4653, 4802,
4808, 4811............
1179(P)/15 1570, 1575, 1638 SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Vanuatu, Espirtitu Santo, Luganville, Tutuba: 68
Depths ................................................................................................................
1374(T)/15 1060, 1107............ SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Polynsie Franaise, les de la Socit, Bora-Bora, 73
Passe Te Ava Nui: Explosive dumping ground; Restricted area ........................
1514(T)/15 3664 ...................... SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN, Archipel des Tuamotu, Hao, Quai Louarn SE: 73
Explosive dumping ground; Restricted area ......................................................
4867(T)/11 47 .......................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, West Coast, Washington, Sinclair Inlet, 90
Bremerton, Point Turner: Works; Obstructions; Vertical clearances .................
982(T)/13 3089 ...................... PERU, Paita North-westwards, Punta Telegrafo Northwards: Spoil ground..... 98
3988(T)/13 4245, 4250 ........... CHILE, Northern Coasts, Pta. Galera Westwards: Data collection buoy .......... 98
1611(T)/14 2319 ...................... COLOMBIA, Pacific Ocean Coast, Baha de Buenaventura, Approaches to Ro 98
Buenaventura to Isla Cascajal NW: Automatic Identification Systems.............
1762(P)/14 4246, 4247 ........... CHILE, Northern Coasts, Ports in Bahia Concepcion: Depths; Piers; 98
Obstructions; Light-beacon; Pilot boarding places; Dolphin; Port
4891(T)/14 3089 ...................... PERU, Salaverry W: Anchorage areas............................................................... 98
5527(T)/14 2799 ...................... ECUADOR, Baha de Santa Elena and Manta N: Buoyage .............................. 98
5533(T)/14 509 ........................ ECUADOR, Golfo de Guayaquil, Data De Posorja W: Wreck ......................... 98
829(P)/13 3200, 3593, 4213 SOUTHERN OCEAN, South Sandwich Islands, Traversay Islands 96
Northwards: Volcanic activity............................................................................
2910(T)/14 4709 ...................... SOUTHERN OCEAN, Tasmania SW: Buoyage ............................................... 65
4399(P)/14 1776 ...................... ANTARCTICA, South Shetland Islands, King George Island to Livingston 97
Island, Barnard Point to Demay Point: Coastline; Rocks; Depths.....................
4710(P)/08 3585, 3592, 3597 SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN, South Georgia, Willis Islands to Eisehul and 96
Undine harbour: Islets; Rocks............................................................................
4090(P)/09 531 ........................ ARGENTINA, Puerto Mar del Plata: Leading line; Depth ............................... 96
6114(T)/10 545 ........................ BRAZIL, East Coast, Porto de Aratu, Dow Chemical Terminal South- 95
westwards: Works; Buoyage ..............................................................................
1291(T)/13 3064, 3703 ........... URUGUAY, Canal de Lobos, Punta de la Barra Southwards: Works; Outfall; 95
Restricted area ....................................................................................................
1309(T)/13 529, 530, 3971 .... BRAZIL, South Coast, Cabo Frio South-eastwards: Mooring buoys................ 95
4052(T)/13 1749, 2001 ........... URUGUAY, Approaches to Montevideo, Isla de Flores South-eastwards: 95
Restricted area ....................................................................................................
4741(T)/13 431 ........................ BRAZIL, South Coast, Porto de Sepetiba (Itagua) Westwards: Restricted area 95
144(T)/14 526 ........................ BRAZIL, North Coast, Porto de Mucuripe and Approaches: Buoyage............. 95
1262(T)/14 549 ........................ BRAZIL, South Coast, Porto de Itaja: Depths.................................................. 95
2399(T)/14 3561 ...................... ARGENTINA, Rio de la Plata-Canal Emilio Mitre E and W: Obstructions; 95
Depths; Wreck....................................................................................................
4097(T)/14 555 ........................ BRAZIL, South Coast, Porto de So Francisco do Sul, Ponta da Cruz NW: 95
5695(T)/14 3981 ...................... BRAZIL, South Coast, Approaches to Porto de Itaja: Spoil ground ................ 95
5696(T)/14 540, 545, 3975 .... BRAZIL, East Coast, Approaches to Baa de Todos os Santos, Ponta de Santo 95
Antnio NW and Banco de Santo Antnio SW: Current meters .......................
1A.35 Wk14/15
5774(P)/14 431 ........................ BRAZIL, South Coast, Baha de Sepetiba, Porto de Sepetiba (Itagua) and 95
Approaches: Buoyage; Rocks ............................................................................
179(T)/15 3755 ...................... ARGENTINA, Puertos Ingeniero White, Nacional and Galvn, Puerto Galvn, 96
Muelle de Inflamables W: Pontoon....................................................................
658(T)/15 329, 330, 3959 .... BRAZIL, North Coast, Rio Par, Ponta Taipu NW: Depths .............................. 95
791(T)/15 1692, 3107 ........... ARGENTINA, Patagonia, Banco Sarmiento: Data collection buoy.................. 96, 97
1125(T)/15 587 ........................ BRAZIL, South Coast, Porto de Paranagu: Buoyage; Alongside depths ........ 95
1268(T)/15 531, 3065 ............. ARGENTINA, Puerto Mar del Plata, Escollera Sur, Escollera Norte, Escollera 96
Abrigo: Lights ....................................................................................................
1269(T)/15 557, 4200, 4207 .. ARGENTINA, Mar del Plata SE: Buoy ............................................................ 96
1274(T)/15 3064, 3703 ........... URUGUAY, C. Santa Mara NE and Punta del Este E: Buoyage...................... 95
1332(T)/15 556, 1749, 2001, RIO DE LA PLATA, Banco Ingls NW: Light-vessels; Light; Automatic 95
3064 ...................... Identification System; Restricted area ...............................................................
1661(P)/15 3970, 3980 ........... BRAZIL, South Coast, Ilha de So Sebastio S and SW: Depths ..................... 95
1665(T)/15 526 ........................ BRAZIL, North Coast, Porto de Mucuripe: Buoy ............................................. 95
5533(T)/07 481, 483 ............... WEST INDIES, Trinidad and Tobago, Gulf of Paria, Serpents Mouth, Middle 87
Channel: Buoyage ..............................................................................................
2555(P)/08 793 ........................ WEST INDIES, Windward Islands, Grenadines, Canouan, Taffia Bay: 87
Reclamation area ................................................................................................
1435(T)/09 475, 483 ............... WEST INDIES, Trinidad and Tobago, Approaches to Point Lisas Industrial 87
Port, Couva Shoal South-westwards: Buoy .......................................................
5290(T)/10 494, 594, 596, 1042 WEST INDIES, Windward Islands, Martinique: Fish havens........................... 87
329(T)/11 1044, 1045, 2191 WEST INDIES, Trinidad and Tobago, Bocas Del Dragon Northwards, 87
Chaconia Gas Field Westwards: Wreck .............................................................
330(T)/11 1044, 1045 ........... VENEZUELA, Gulf of Paria, Punta Campana Eastwards: Data buoy.............. 87
331(T)/11 1044 ...................... WEST INDIES, Trinidad and Tobago, Tobago, Englishmans Bay North-north- 87
westwards: Buoy ................................................................................................
124(T)/12 517, 520 ............... GUYANE FRANAISE, Outer approaches to Cayenne, les du Salut 87, 95
Northwards: Wave recorder ...............................................................................
983(T)/13 99 .......................... SURINAME, Suriname Rivier, Resolutiebank West-south-westwards: Light- 87
beacon; Buoy......................................................................................................
1518(T)/13 481, 483, 1045 .... CARIBBEAN SEA, West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago, Gulf of Paria, 87
Columbus Bay North-westwards: Data collection buoys ..................................
1564(P)/13 2064, 2065 ........... WEST INDIES, Antigua, Sandy Island Channel to North West Channel, Saint 86
Johns Harbour and Crabs Peninsula to Parham Sound: Depths........................
1619(T)/13 494 ........................ WEST INDIES, Windward Islands, Martinique, Cul-de-Sac du Marin, Pointe 87
Marin: Light .......................................................................................................
2625(T)/13 2261 ...................... COLOMBIA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Puerto Barranquilla, Rio Magdalena, Isla 88
Ica South-eastwards: Buoy; Works ....................................................................
3005(T)/13 99 .......................... SURINAME, Suriname Rivier, Paramaribo, Jagtlust Westwards: Light- 87
beacon; Obstruction ...........................................................................................
3705(P)/13 519, 533 ............... GUYANA, Georgetown, Demerara River: Lights ............................................. 87
4257(P)/13 396, 486, 1218, CARIBBEAN SEA, Colombia, Barranquilla Westwards to Beata Ridge 82, 83,86,
2261, 4401, 4403 Westwards and Cartegena to Rosalind Bank Northwards: Submarine cables ... 88
4535(T)/13 2191 ...................... VENEZUELA, Baha de Barcelona, I. Pritu Adentro Southwards: Buoyage; 87
Light-beacon ......................................................................................................
4554(P)/13 372 ........................ GULF OF MEXICO, Gulf of Campeche, Coatzacoalcos Eastwards: Works.... 83
4559(T)/13 1045, 3320 ........... VENEZUELA, Ro Orinoco, Boca Grande and Approaches, South Channel: 87
LANBY ..............................................................................................................
5132(T)/13 99 .......................... SURINAME, Suriname Rivier, Ornamibo Eastwards: Light-beacon; 87
Obstruction .........................................................................................................
1371(T)/14 371, 494, 594, 596 WEST INDIES, Windward Islands, Martinique, Harve de la Trinit NE, Baie 87
de Fort-de-France and Sainte-Luce SW: Buoyage.............................................
2348(T)/14 398 ........................ WEST INDIES, Bahamas, Freeport Harbour, North Shore N: Depth ............... 83
3405(T)/14 2434 ...................... COLOMBIA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Baha de Cartagena, Bajos de Cinaga 88
Honda: Buoyage.................................................................................................
Wk14/15 1A.36
3552(T)/14 2626 ...................... MEXICO, Caribbean Sea Coast, Bay of Campeche: Spoil ground; Submarine 83
pipeline ...............................................................................................................
4860(P)/14 444 ........................ CUBA, South Coast, Baha de Cienfuegos, Bancos Damuj: Depths................ 84
4875(P)/14 411......................... CUBA, North Coast, Puerto Mariel: Channel limits; Buoyage; Port 83
development .......................................................................................................
5055(P)/14 1798 ...................... COSTA RICA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Puerto Limn and Puerto Mon: Dredged 85
areas; Obstruction; Depths; Anchorage area; Wreck; Submarine pipeline;
351(T)/15 2261 ...................... COLOMBIA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Puerto Barranquilla, Rio Magdalena, Isla 88
Rondn N and Isla 1972 SE: Buoyage; Light-beacons......................................
514(P)/15 1033, 1034 ........... GUYANE FRANAISE, Approaches to Dgrad des Cannes: Channel; 87
Buoyage; Beacons; Leading line........................................................................
535(P)/15 1400, 3098, 3111. PANAMA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Atlantic Entrance to the Panama Canal and 88
Gatn Approach N: Channel limits; Channel depths; Buoyage; Depths ...........
1103(P)/15 8006 ...................... PANAMA, Panama Canal, Port Approach Guide Panama Canal Northern 88
Entrance: Note....................................................................................................
1128(T)/15 618 ........................ WEST INDIES, Leeward Islands, Guadeloupe, les de la Petite Terre: Buoyage 87
1261(T)/15 491 ........................ WEST INDIES, Leeward Islands, Guadeloupe, La Dsirade, Grand Anse: 87
Buoy ...................................................................................................................
1384(P)/15 1798 ...................... COSTA RICA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Puerto Limn: Depths............................ 85
1519(T)/15 804 ........................ WEST INDIES, Leeward Islands, Guadaloupe, Access channel to Pointe-- 87
Pitre: Beacon; Buoyage; Virtual aids to navigation ...........................................
1527(T)/15 1278, 2262 ........... COLOMBIA, Caribbean Sea Coast, Baha Colombia W: Obstruction ............. 88
1297(T)/11 324, 2666 ............. CANADA, Newfoundland and Labrador, Banquereau Bank Eastwards and 76, 78
South-eastwards, Hamilton Bank North-eastwards: Sub-surface oceanographic
buoys and moorings ...........................................................................................
176(T)/13 4112, 4405............ GREENLAND, East Coast, Kap Farvel Eastwards: Measuring instruments; 15, 76
Buoy ...................................................................................................................
1567(T)/14 4740 ...................... CANADA, Newfoundland and Labrador, Bay of Islands, Approaches to York 78
Harbour, Seal Island N and S: Depths................................................................
3871(P)/14 4734, 4763 ........... CANADA, Newfoundland and Labrador, Ile Saint-Pierre, Sainte-Pierre and 78
Grande Miquelon, Roche Miquelon Extrieure: Depths....................................
5328(T)/14 4746 ...................... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, East Coast, Gulf of Maine, Crowell Basin 80
W: Obstructions..................................................................................................
Source: UKHO
1A.37 Wk14/15
Wk14/15 2.1
Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio
1548 2.28 53 1605(T)/15 2.52 3
1549 2.28 53 1606(T)/15 2.52 3
1550 2.29 53 1607 2.48 81
1551 2.29 53 1608 2.48 81
1552 2.29 53 1609(T)/15 2.53 10
1553 2.30 53 1610(T)/15 2.53 9
1554 2.30 53 1611(T)/15 2.54 9
1555 2.31 53 1612(T)/15 2.55 26
1556 2.33 53 1613(P)/15 2.55 16, 17
1557(T)/15 2.56 53 1614(T)/15 2.56 18, 24
1558(T)/15 2.57 53 1615(T)/15 2.53 10
1559 2.38 65 1616* 2.46 87
1560 2.33 52 1617 2.49 80
1561 2.38 66 1618 2.49 81
1562 2.38 66 1619 2.49 81
1563 2.39 63 1620 2.50 81
1564 2.44 89 1621 2.10 12
1565* 2.8 1 1622* 2.27 47
1566 2.47 81 1623(T)/15 2.55 1, 16
1567 2.11 11 1624 2.35 58
1568* 2.8 7 1625 2.36 46
1569 2.19 29 1626 2.15 9
1570 2.47 79 1627 2.41 65
1571 2.48 78 1628 2.23 40
1572 2.12 11 1629(P)/15 2.54 6
1573 2.33 52, 53 1630 2.41 65
1574(T)/15 2.63 72 1631 2.41 65
1575 2.39 65 1632 2.42 63
1576 2.20 29 1633 2.25 36
1577 2.13 11 1634 2.26 46
1578(T)/15 2.52 11 1635 2.44 90
1579 2.20 29, 30 1636 2.15 9
1580 2.14 9 1637 2.43 65
1581 2.21 30 1638* 2.24 40
1582(T)/15 2.53 10 1639 2.13 11
1583 2.48 81 1640 2.26 45
1584(T)/15 2.52 7 1641 2.27 47
1585 2.39 65 1642 2.50 81
1586 2.39 63 1643 2.50 79
1587 2.34 52 1644 2.50 83
1588 2.40 65 1645 2.51 81, 82
1589 2.48 81 1646 2.14 11
1590 2.46 83 1647 2.51 81
1591 2.35 60 1648 2.43 67
1592 2.9 14 1649(P)/15 2.54 6, 13
1593 2.23 40 1650 2.23 31
1594 2.21 28, 29 1651 2.15 6, 7
1595 2.22 29 1652 2.17 9
1596 2.34 52, 53, 56 1653(P)/15 2.56 20
1597(P)/15 2.57 52, 53, 56 1654 2.18 9
1598 2.40 65 1655 2.7 58
1599 2.40 66 1656 2.45 90
1600* 2.9 1 1657 2.27 47
1601 2.40 63 1658 2.10 15
1602 2.41 65 1659* 2.9 7
1603 2.46 88 1660 2.45 91
1604 2.41 63 1661(P)/15 2.64 95
2.2 Wk14/15
Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio Notice No. Page Admiralty Chart Folio
1662(T)/15 2.58 66
1663 2.36 60
1664 2.51 83
1665(T)/15 2.64 95
1666 2.7 6
1667 2.45 90
1668 2.8 70
1669 2.11 13
1670(T)/15 2.59 65
1671(T)/15 2.59 66
1672 2.37 60
1673 2.14 10
1674(T)/15 2.60 66
1675 2.35 52
1676(T)/15 2.61 63
1677(T)/15 2.61 63
1678(T)/15 2.62 63
1679(T)/15 2.62 64
1680(T)/15 2.63 65
1681(T)/15 2.57 52
1682* 2.37 47, 59, 60
1683 2.28 47
1684 2.28 47
Wk14/15 2.3
2.4 Wk14/15
Wk14/15 2.5
Admiralty Chart No. Notices Admiralty Chart No. Notices
Chart No.
INT 403 1645
INT 508 1682
INT 750 1593
INT 1015 1658
INT 1017 1658
INT 1041 1629P, 1651
INT 1045 1654
INT 1062 1605T
INT 1070 1623T
INT 1159 1572
INT 1160 1572
INT 1240 1567
INT 1249 1577
INT 1250 1572
INT 1299 1615T
INT 1303 1582T, 1609T
INT 1353 1582T
INT 1364 1582T
INT 1366 1580
INT 1369 1609T
INT 1370 1609T
INT 1376 1673
INT 1412 1636, 1654
INT 1413 1654
INT 1456 1654
INT 1463 1654
INT 1472 1652
INT 1473 1652
INT 1474 1610T, 1626
INT 1478 1611T
INT 1479 1611T
INT 1480 1626
INT 1509 1659
INT 1510 1659
INT 1542 1666
INT 1553 1584T
INT 1566 1584T
INT 1608 1605T
INT 1609 1606T
INT 1663 1605T
INT 1704 1623T
INT 1705 1623T
INT 1736 1565, 1600
INT 1812 1614T
INT 1845 1613P
INT 1849 1613P
INT 1951 1653P
INT 3386 1612T
INT 3671 1581
INT 3785 1576
INT 5251 1587, 1597P
INT 5252 1597P
INT 5254 1597P
INT 5355 1597P
INT 5360 1573, 1597P
INT 5363 1597P
INT 7017 1593, 1638
INT 7199 1593, 1638
INT 7209 1593
INT 7211 1638
INT 7215 1638
INT 7232 1638
INT 7731 1633
2.6 Wk14/15
Source: UKHO
928 1067/15 Effective from 26/03/15 on publication of charts 4445 and 4446.
Insert magenta limit and chart reference, 4445 (see Note - POSITIONS), as follows:
3811 1069/15 Effective from 26/03/15 on publication of charts 4445 and 4446.
Insert magenta chart limit and chart reference , 4445 (see Note - POSITIONS), as
4470 1069/15 Effective from 26/03/15 on publication of charts 4445 and 4446.
Insert reference, Adjoining Chart 4445, in S border at longitudes 121 375E. and
122 225E.
Insert reference, Adjoining Chart 4446, in W border at latitude 6 425N.
Source: UKHO
Wk14/15 2.7
Source: UKHO
1565* ENGLAND - South Coast - Dover - Outer Harbour - Anchorage area. Legends. Note.
Source: Dover Harbour Board
2.8 Wk14/15
Chart 1503 (INT 1509) [ previous update New Edition 30/10/2014 ] ETRS89 DATUM
20, Wks with 19, Wks 52 5515N., 1 3740E.
20!, Wk with 18), Wk 52 5882N., 1 2879E.
1592 NORWAY - North Coast - Tanafjorden - Auster Tana NW - Leading line. Leading lights. Legend.
Light List Vol. L, 2015/16, 4152.4 and 4152.5
Source: Norwegian Notice 4/52949/15
Wk14/15 2.9
2.10 Wk14/15
1669 NORWAY - West Coast - Approaches to Krst, Austre Bokn SE - Depths. Rocks.
Source: Norwegian Notice 4/52988/15
Chart 3212 (panel A, Krst and Approaches) [ previous update 1357/15 ] WGS84 DATUM
0 8
59 1262N., 5 2924E.
/ (a) 59 1276N., 5 2948E.
(b) 59 1248N., 5 3050E.
1 4
59 1283N., 5 2986E.
13 (c) 59 1313N., 5 3121E.
4 and extend 10m contour E to enclose
59 1288N., 5 3069E.
1 5
(d) 59 1281N., 5 3063E.
Delete depth, 2, close NW of: (a) above
, close NW of: (b) above
depth, 16, close N of: (c) above
2 , close N of:
(d) above
Wk14/15 2.11
1567 FINLAND - lands - Approaches to Maarianhamina (Mariehamn) - Buoyage. Maximum authorised
draughts. Depths. Recommended tracks. Legend. (continued)
Chart 3437 (panel A, Maarianhamina (Mariehamn)) [ previous update 3606/14 ] FINNISH DATUM
Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to buoyage,
maximum authorised draughts and depths, centred on: 60 0008N., 19 5992E.
recommended track, pecked line, with maximum authorised
draught, <64m>, joining: (a) 60 0190N., 19 5710E.
(existing recommended track)
60 0307N., 19 5611E.
(b) 60 0378N., 19 5576E.
(existing recommended track)
maximum authorised draught, <64m>, orientated S/N, centred
on: 60 0393N., 19 5578E.
legend, 160, orientated NNW/SSE, centred on: 60 0181N., 19 5721E.
Jr,W from: 60 0126N., 19 5699E.
to: 60 0129N., 19 5703E.
Delete former recommended track, firm line, with maximum
authorised draught, <73m>, and associated legend, 160,
joining: (a)-(b) above
recommended track, pecked line, joining: 60 0282N., 19 5632E.
60 0282N., 19 5640E.
Chart 2219 (INT 1160) [ previous update New Edition 18/10/2012 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert depth, 115 60 0724N., 25 0332E.
depth, 104 (a) 60 0834N., 25 0731E.
depth, 144 (b) 60 0895N., 25 0873E.
Replace depth, 128 , with depth, 111 60 0776N., 25 0578E.
Delete depth, 117 , close N of: (a) above
depth, 199 , close N of: (b) above
2.12 Wk14/15
1577 FINLAND - South Coast - Approaches to Porvoo - Bod SW, Kalvn S, Haxal S and Suur-Pellinki SW -
Source: Finnish Notice 5/69/15
Chart 2256 (panel B, Pellinki Pellinge) [ previous update 4048/14 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert depth, 139 (a) 60 1169N., 25 4657E.
Delete depth, 16, close N of: (a) above
Wk14/15 2.13
1646 RUSSIA - Baltic Sea Coast - Vyborg - Ostrov Malyy Shchit S - Light.
Light List Vol. C, 2014/15, 5536
Source: Russian Notice 10/1293/15
1673 DENMARK - East Coast - Middelfart NW - Snoghj W and Galsklint E - Landmarks. Aero lights.
Source: Danish Chart Correction 8/97/15
1580 GERMANY - North Sea Coast - Brunsbttel - Neuer Vorhafen SW and Binnenhafen S - Dolphin.
Source: German Chart 46
Note: This update is included in New Edition of Chart 3625 to be published 26 March 2015.
Chart 2469 (INT 1366) (panel C, Brunsbttel) [ previous update 2544/14 ] WGS84 DATUM
53 53606N., 9 09013E.
Delete depth, 98 , and associated 10m contour 53 53218N., 9 07823E.
2.14 Wk14/15
1651 NORTH SEA - Norwegian Sector - Volve Oil Field - Submarine cable.
Source: Norwegian Notice 4/52990/15
Note: Former Notice 2784(P)/14 is cancelled.
Wk14/15 2.15
1651 NORTH SEA - Norwegian Sector - Volve Oil Field - Submarine cable. (continued)
2.16 Wk14/15
Chart 110 (INT 1473) (panel B, Slijkgat to Stellendam) [ previous update 1331/15 ] WGS84 DATUM
Bd Iso.R.8s P 8 51 5049N., 4 0252E.
Amend P 10 light-buoy to, Iso.R.4s 51 4997N., 4 0231E.
Jb R5 (a) 51 5231N., 04 0202E.
Jd R6, close NE of: (a) above
Cb LFl.G.5s R7 (b) 51 5190N., 4 0259E.
Jd R8, close NE of: (b) above
Jb R9 51 5140N., 4 0294E.
Jd R10 51 5140N., 4 0340E.
Jb] R11 (c) 51 5085N., 04 0332E.
J\d R12, close SE of: (c) above
B\ P8 R13 51 5034N., 4 0283E.
Wk14/15 2.17
1652 NETHERLANDS - Goeree - Rak van Scheelhoek - Buoyage. (continued)
1654 GERMANY - North Sea Coast - Approaches to the Jade and Weser, Amrumbank W and Helgoland SW -
Depths. Drying heights. Legend. Fouls. Tide gauge.
Source: German Notices 9/(21)2-3/15, 9/(21)50/15 and UKHO
Note: Certain copies only for foul on Chart 3767
2.18 Wk14/15
1654 GERMANY - North Sea Coast - Approaches to the Jade and Weser, Amrumbank W and Helgoland SW -
Depths. Drying heights. Legend. Fouls. Tide gauge. (continued)
Chart 3617 (INT 1456) [ previous update New Edition 19/03/2015 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert depth, 136 (a) 53 4517N., 8 1187E.
drying height, 1 5 53 4594N., 8 1810E.
drying height, 1 6 (b) 53 4787N., 8 1335E.
depth, 51 (c) 53 4849N., 8 1582E.
drying height, 0 2 , enclosed by 0m low water line 53 4968N., 8 1209E.
drying height, 0 3 , enclosed by 0m low water line 53 5024N., 8 1374E.
depth, 7 (d) 53 4926N., 7 5683E.
depth, 47 , enclosed by 5m contour (e) 53 4926N., 7 5430E.
(f) 53 4900N., 7 5512E.
Delete depth, 16, close NW of: (a) above
drying height, 0 4 , close N of: (b) above
depth, 72 , close W of: (c) above
depth, 8, close W of: (d) above
depth, 77 , close W of: (e) above
depth, 67 , close E of: (f) above
legend, F.R.3m, centred on: 53 4934N., 7 5781E.
Chart 497 (panel A, Tuzla to zmit) [ previous update 911/15 ] WGS84 DATUM
Fl(3)Y.8s7M 40 4538N., 29 4508E.
40 4532N., 29 4512E.
Chart 497 (panel B, Yarimca to zmit) [ previous update 911/15 ] WGS84 DATUM
Fl(3)Y.8s10m7M 40 4537N., 29 4508E.
40 4532N., 29 4512E.
Wk14/15 2.19
Chart 1522 (INT 3785) [ previous update New Chart 08/05/2014 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert limit of restricted area, , joining: 38 2414N., 27 0445E. (shore)
38 2577N., 27 0417E.
38 2752N., 27 0525E. (shore)
38 2716N., 27 0591E. (shore)
38 2398N., 27 0502E. (shore)
Delete former limit of restricted area, , joining: 38 2412N., 27 0447E. (shore)
38 2561N., 27 0417E.
38 2741N., 27 0538E. (shore)
38 2712N., 27 0585E. (shore)
38 2394N., 27 0507E. (shore)
1579 TURKEY - South Coast - Marmaris Liman E - Ylanck Ad. N - Restricted area.
Source: Turkish Notice 6/51/2015
2.20 Wk14/15
1581 LEBANON - Trblous (Tripoli) - Ras al Ladu- s W - Submarine pipeline. Mooring buoy.
Source: French Notice 8/118/15
Chart 1561 (INT 3671) (panel A, Trblous (Tripoli)) [ previous update 3114/14 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert submarine pipeline, , joining: 34 2774N., 35 5291E. (shore)
(a) 34 2831N., 35 5228E.
R No5
(a) above
1594 TURKEY - West Coast - Foa Liman to Sakzc Koyu - Restricted areas.
Source: Turkish Notice 6/50/15
Wk14/15 2.21
1594 TURKEY - West Coast - Foa Liman to Sakzc Koyu - Restricted areas. (continued)
1595 TURKEY - Marmara Denizi - nce Br. S to Papaz Br. N - Restricted area.
Source: Turkish Notice 6/46/15
Note: Former Notice 1417(T)/14 is cancelled
2.22 Wk14/15
Chart 1279 (panel F, Approaches to Rize) [ previous update 760/15 ] WGS84 DATUM
41 0209N., 40 3207E.
Chart 3518 (panel A, Musca (Masqa) to M- na- al Fahl) [ previous update 1186/15 ] WGS84 DATUM
^ PA, with 23 3900N., 58 3400E.
Wk14/15 2.23
1638* UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - Hamr- yah to Az Zorah Oilfield - Submarine pipeline. Platform.
Source: Dana Gas Explorations FZE
Note: This update is included in New Editions 3412 and 3175, published 19th March 2015
2.24 Wk14/15
1638* UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - Hamr- yah to Az Zorah Oilfield - Submarine pipeline. Platform. (continued)
Chart 3405 (INT 7215) (panel A, Ajma- n) [ previous update New Chart 26/09/2013 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert submarine pipeline, , joining: (a) 25 28601N., 55 27397E.
(N border)
(b) 25 27800N., 55 27963E.
25 27760N., 55 27992E.
25 27501N., 55 28200E.
(E border)
legend, Gas (see Note - PIPELINES), along: (a)-(b) above
Chart 3405 (INT 7215) (panel C, Hamr- yah Freezone Port) [ previous update New Chart 26/09/2013 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert submarine pipeline, , joining: 25 3485N., 55 2233E.
(W border)
25 3474N., 55 2283E.
25 3455N., 55 2312E.
(a) 25 3438N., 55 2330E.
(b) 25 2776N., 55 2799E.
25 2750N., 55 2820E.
(S border)
legend, Gas (see Note - PIPELINES), along: (a)-(b) above
Chart 718 (INT 7731) (panel F, les Glorieuses) [ previous update 499/13 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert limit of firing practice area, pecked line, joining: 11 3470S., 47 1847E.(shore)
11 3398S., 47 1997E.
11 3467S., 47 2022E.
11 3540S., 47 2027E.
11 3607S., 47 2012E.
11 3679S., 47 1971E.
11 3545S., 47 1790E. (shore)
Wk14/15 2.25
1640 INDONESIA - Sumatera - Batu Panjang, Morong and T. Sinaboi NE, E and SE - Light-beacons.
Light List Vol. F, 2014/15, 1395.5, 1400.3105, 1400.311, 1400.3115, 1400.312 and 1401.5
Source: Indonesian Notices 3/24-29/15
2.26 Wk14/15
1640 INDONESIA - Sumatera - Batu Panjang, Morong and T. Sinaboi NE, E and SE - Light-beacons.
Lights. (continued)
1641 CHINA - South Coast - Lingding Yang - Sha Chau W - Buoy. Wreck.
Source: Chinese Chart 15435
Wk14/15 2.27
1684 CHINA - South Coast - Gaolan Liedao - Zhuhai Gang Gaolan Ganqu - Buoyage. Light.
Light List Vol. F, 2014/15, 3407.67
Source: Chinese Notices 8/292/15 and 8/293/15
Chart 1557 [ previous update New Edition 23/10/2014 ] CGCS 2000 DATUM
Bd Fl(3)R.10s X2 21 5693N., 113 1164E.
GWr Q(3)10s X1 21 5679N., 113 1179E.
F.R.9m3M 21 5485N., 113 1294E. (jetty)
GrW Q(3)10s X3 from: 21 5716N., 113 1160E.
to: 21 5708N., 113 1161E.
Bd Fl(3)R.10s X1 21 5671N., 113 1179E.
GWr Q(3)10s X2 21 5698N., 113 1161E.
1548 JAPAN - Nansei Shoto- - Yaeyama Retto - Okinawa - Nagura Wan - Depths.
Source: Japanese Notice 10/186/15
2.28 Wk14/15
1550 JAPAN - Honshu- - Tokyo Wan - Kannon Saki SE - Automatic Identification System.
Source: Japanese Notice 10/190/15
1552 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Irago Suido - Irago Misaki - Buoy.
Source: Japanese Notice 10/192/15
Wk14/15 2.29
1554 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Sugashima Suido - Toshi Shima to Kami Shima -
Submarine cables.
Source: Japanese Notice 10/194/15
2.30 Wk14/15
1554 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Sugashima Suido - Toshi Shima to Kami Shima -
Submarine cables. (continued)
1555 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Ise Wan - Irago Suido SW - Submarine cable.
Source: Japanese Notice 10/195/15
Wk14/15 2.31
1555 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Ise Wan - Irago Suido SW - Submarine cable. (continued)
2.32 Wk14/15
1560 KOREA - South Coast - Masan Hang and Cho Do S - Coastline. Depths. Legends.
Source: Korean Notices 3/40/15 and Korean Chart 2219
1573 KOREA - South Coast - Kohu ng Pando S and SE, Gadeog Do W and Sorido S - Jetty. Lights. Fog signal. Fish
haven. Coastline. Depths. Radio reporting line. Legends. Note.
Light List Vol. M, 2014/15, 4336.32 and 4336.31
Source: Korean Charts 2112 and 2200
Wk14/15 2.33
1573 KOREA - South Coast - Kohu ng Pando S and SE, Gadeog Do W and Sorido S - Jetty. Lights. Fog signal. Fish
haven. Coastline. Depths. Radio reporting line. Legends. Note. (continued)
2.34 Wk14/15
1591 INDONESIA - Banda Sea - Pulau-Pulau Leti - Pulau Leti, Pulau Moa and Pulau Lakor -
Light List Vol. K, 2015/16, 1374.3, 1374.5 and 1374.8
Source: Indonesian Notices 7/70-72/15
Wk14/15 2.35
Chart 932 (panel A, Pelabuhan Tanjungpriok) [ previous update 3018/14 ] WGS84 DATUM
6 04642S., 106 52480E.
symbol, blue and yellow emergency wreck marking buoy,
Al.Fl.BuY.3s 6 04630S., 106 52480E.
Chart 932 (panel B, Approaches to Pelabuhan Tanjungpriok) [ previous update 3018/14 ] WGS84 DATUM
6 0464S., 106 5248E.
symbol, blue and yellow emergency wreck marking buoy,
Al.Fl.BuY.3s 6 0462S., 106 5248E.
1663 INDONESIA - Jawa - North Coast - Selat Surabaya - Ujung Piring NE and Gresik NE - Submarine pipelines.
Buoy. Wreck.
Source: Indonesian Notices 6/62/15, 8/87/15 and 8/88(T)/15
Note: Former Notice 477(P)/15 is cancelled
2.36 Wk14/15
1672 INDONESIA - Java Sea - P. Goagoa SE and P. Pagerungan Besar N - Buoyage. Note. Moored storage tanker.
Radar beacon.
Light List Vol. K, 2015/16, 1244.3 and 1246.75
ALRS Vol. 2, 2015/16: 86495 (14/15)
Source: Indonesian Notices 8/78-86/15
Wk14/15 2.37
1682* INDONESIA - Java Sea - P. Keramian SE - Wrecks. (continued)
1559 AUSTRALIA - South Australia - Wardang Island NE - Point Pearce - Wrecks. Buoyage.
Source: Australian Notice 3/175/15
1561 AUSTRALIA - Queensland - Port Bundaberg - South Head NW - Training wall. Wreck.
Source: Australian Notice 3/161/15
Chart Aus 242 (panel, Port Bundaberg) [ previous update 472/15 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to training
wall, centred on: 24 453S., 152 242E.
1562 AUSTRALIA - Queensland - Torres Strait - Twin Island S - Two-way route. Depths.
Source: Australian Notice 3/163/15
Chart Aus 292 [ previous update New Chart 15/01/2015 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert the accompanying block, showing amendments to two-way
route and depths, centred on: 10 2865S., 142 2582E.
2.38 Wk14/15
1575 AUSTRALIA - New South Wales - Port Jackson - Millers Point - Buoyage. Depths.
Harbour developments.
Source: Australian Notice 4/218/15
Chart Aus 743 [ previous update New Edition 05/12/2014 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert depth, 44 , and extend 5m approximate contour W to enclose 21 2703S., 115 2462E.
depth, 31 , and extend 5m approximate contour S to enclose 21 2672S., 115 2531E.
Wk14/15 2.39
Chart Aus 244 [ previous update New Chart 30/01/2015 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert pile, 23 50165S., 151 16156E.
23 50168S., 151 16164E.
23 50173S., 151 16173E.
23 50178S., 151 16183E.
1601 AUSTRALIA - Western Australia - Onslow - Beadon Bay - Drying height. Drying contour.
Source: Australian Notice 4/227/15
2.40 Wk14/15
Chart Aus 151 [ previous update New Edition 07/11/2014 ] WGS84 DATUM
Df 38 2356S., 145 0795E.
38 2358S., 145 0819E.
1631 AUSTRALIA - New South Wales - Port Jackson - Manly Cove and Quarantine Beach NW -
Source: Australian Notice 4/219/15
Wk14/15 2.41
1632 AUSTRALIA - Northern Territory - Approaches to Port Darwin - Buoyage. Depth. Automatic Identification
System. Light-beacon. Legends.
Source: Australian Notice 4/224/15
2.42 Wk14/15
1637 AUSTRALIA - Victoria - Port Phillip - The Rip to Martha Point - Buoyage. Depth. Virtual aids to navigation.
ALRS Vol. 2, 2015/16: (13/15)
Source: Australian Notices 4/232-235/15
Chart Aus 143 [ previous update New Edition 13/02/2015 ] WGS84 DATUM
Df Fl(3)Y.3s R1 (a) 38 1666S., 144 5851E.
symbol, Virtual aid to navigation, special topmark, V-AIS 38 1949S., 144 5451E.
symbol, Virtual aid to navigation, special topmark, V-AIS, out
of position 38 1740S., 144 4098E.
( 13%, Wk)
Gf Fl(3)Y.10s R1, close N of: (a) above
1648 PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Gumasila (Amphlett) Group - Wawasi Island SW - Rock.
Source: Australian Notice 4/223/15
Wk14/15 2.43
1564 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - West Coast - California - Carquinez Strait and Suisun Bay - Port of
Benicia to Avon Pier - Depths. Obstruction. Wreck.
Source: ENC US5CA41M
Chart 590 (panel, Carquinez Strait) [ previous update 1423/15 ] NAD83 DATUM
Insert depth, 85 (a) 38 0294N., 122 0552W.
4+ Obstn
38 0275N., 122 0665W.
depth, 55 (b) 38 0251N., 122 0688W.
depth, 35 38 0255N., 122 0723W.
depth, 52 , and extend 6fm contour N to enclose (c) 38 0265N., 122 0733W.
depth, 53 , enclosed by 6fm contour (d) 38 0275N., 122 0750W.
depth, 53 , enclosed by 6fm contour (e) 38 0230N., 122 0762W.
depth, 55 , enclosed by 6fm contour (f) 38 0249N., 122 0808W.
Delete depth, 54 , and associated 6fm contour close W of: (a) above
depth, 61 , close SW of: (b) above
depth, 74 , close NE of: (c) above
depth, 72 , close SE of: (d) above
depth, 84 , close SE of: (e) above
depth, 62 , close SE of: (f) above
depth, 52 38 0300N., 122 0535W.
2.44 Wk14/15
1660 CANADA - British Columbia - Chatham Sound - Digby Island W - Snider Rk W - Marine farm.
Source: Canadian Notice 2/3957/15
1667 CANADA - British Columbia - Approaches to Juan de Fuca Strait - La Prouse Bank SW -
Source: Canadian Notice 2/3001/15
Wk14/15 2.45
1590 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Gulf of Mexico - Florida - Approaches to St Andrew Bay - Shell I SW -
Wreck. Obstructions.
Source: US Coast Guard District 8 LNM 9/11389/15
Chart 2434 (panel A, Baha de Cartagena) [ previous update 1277/15 ] WGS84 DATUM
Insert the accompanying note, BUOYAGE within title panel
legend, Buoyage (see Note), centred on: 10 2412N., 75 3262W.
10 2150N., 75 3148W.
10 1964N., 75 3256W.
10 1887N., 75 3501W.
Chart 1520 (panel B, Isla Pjaros to Maracaibo) [ previous update 3545/14 ] WGS84 DATUM
Bulkwayuu 10 4326N., 71 3340W.
2.46 Wk14/15
1566 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Virginia - Chesapeake Bay - Thimble Shoal Channel, Cape
Charles Hr.and Cape Henry - Fog signals. Landmark.
Source: ENC US4VA12M
1570 CANADA - Saint Lawrence River - Saint-lgnace-de-Loyola S and Route le aux Raisins - Buoy. Dredged
Source: Canadian Notices 2/1311/15 and 2/1312/15
Chart 4790 (panel, Port de Sorel-Tracy) [ previous update 1204/15 ] NAD83 DATUM
GlFl Y TRACY 46 03 200"N., 73 07 390"W.
Delete former GlFl Y TRACY
46 03 264"N., 73 07 194"W.
Wk14/15 2.47
1571 CANADA - Newfoundland and Labrador - Placentia Bay - Approaches to Come By Chance - Grassy Pt NW -
Fog signal.
Source: Canadian Notice 2/4839/15
Chart 4739 (panel, Come By Chance and/et Arnolds Cove) [ previous update 1042/14 ] NAD83 DATUM
Delete fog signal, WHIS, at light-buoy 47 46 100"N., 54 02 025"W.
1583 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Chesapeake Bay - Savage Neck NW - Automatic
Identification System.
Source: US Coast Guard District 5 LNM 7/12224/15
1589 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Maryland - Baltimore Harbor - Pier 11 S and Seagrit Marine
Terminal SW - Dredged depths.
Source: US Coast Guard District 5 LNM 9/12281/15
Chart 2850 (panel, Baltimore Harbor) [ previous update 843/15 ] NAD83 DATUM
Amend dredged depth to, 39ft (2014), centred on: 39 1529N., 76 3356W.
39 1533N., 76 3307W.
dredged depth to, 44ft (2014), centred on: 39 1498N., 76 3260W.
1607 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Connecticut - Long Island Sound - New Haven Harbor - New
Haven Reach - Dredged depths.
Source: US Coast Guard District 1 LNM 8/12371/15
Chart 2728 (panel, New Haven Harbor) [ previous update New Edition 12/09/2013 ] NAD83 DATUM
Amend dredged depth to, 23ft (2014), centred on: 41 17743N., 72 54367W.
dredged depth to, 35ft (2014), centred on: 41 17443N., 72 54712W.
1608 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Potomac River - Deep Point NW - Dredged depth.
Source: US Coast Guard District 5 LNM 9/12285/15
2.48 Wk14/15
1617 CANADA - New Brunswick - Bay of Fundy - Musquash Harbour - Nature reserve.
Source: Canadian Notice 2/4116/15
Chart 4749 (panel, Musquash Harbour) [ previous update 623/15 ] NAD83 DATUM
Delete symbol, National Park, centred on: 45 09 162"N., 66 14 578"W.
1618 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Delaware and Maryland - Delaware River and Elk River -
Dutch Neck E and Howell Point W, N and NE -
Automatic Identification Systems.
Source: US Coast Guard District 5 LNMs 7/12277/15 and 7/12274/15
1619 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Delaware - Approaches to Delaware Bay - Cape Henlopen E
- Legend.
Source: US Coast Guard District 5 LNM 7/12216/15
Wk14/15 2.49
1620 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Virginia - Approaches to Chesapeake Bay - Chesapeake
Channel and Cape Henry E and SE - Automatic Identification Systems. Legends.
Source: US Coast Guard District 5 LNMs 7/12208/15 and 7/12222/15
1642 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Maryland - Chesapeake Bay - Choptank River Entrance -
Automatic Identification System.
ALRS Vol. 2, 2015/16: (11/15)
Source: US Coast Guard District 5 LNM 7/12266/15
Chart 4795 (panel, Saguenay) [ previous update New Chart 03/07/2014 ] NAD83 DATUM
Insert legend, Ru, centred on: 48 25 504"N., 71 03 193"W.
1644 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Florida Reefs - Dry Tortugas - Southeast Channel SW -
Light List Vol. J, 2014/15, 3059
Source: ENC US5FL91M
2.50 Wk14/15
1645 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - North Carolina - Raleigh Bay - Cape Hatteras S -
Source: US Coast Guard District 5 LNM 07/11555/15
1647 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Pennsylvania and New Jersey - Delaware River - Devlin
Channel - Buoy.
Source: US Coast Guard District 5 LNM 7/12314/15
1664 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - East Coast - Florida Keys - Florida Bay and Vaca Key SW -
Light List Vol. J, 2014/15, 2994 and 3069.8
Source: US Chart 11452
Wk14/15 2.51
1584(T)/15 ENGLAND - East Coast - Approaches to the Humber - Spurn Head S - Works.
Source: ABP Humber Estuary Services
1. Work is being conducted in the vicinity of the oil pipeline between the Tetney Monobuoy 53 3235N., 0 0677E. and the
shore 53 3059N., 0 0218E. as part of ongoing pipeline replacement works. (WGS84 Datum).
2. Mariners are requested not to navigate within a 100m zone either side of the pipeline in the onshore intertidal area and to
pass at a reduced speed to avoid creating a wash.
3. All vessels involved will maintain a listening watch on VHF Channels 14 and 16 throughout the operations.
Charts affected - 1121 (INT 1062) - 1411 (INT 1608) - 1415 (INT 1663) - 1468
2.52 Wk14/15
1582(T)/15 GERMANY - Baltic Coast - Kieler Frde - TSS Off Kiel Lighthouse NW - Buoyage.
Restricted area.
Source: German Notice 9/(16)32(T)/15
1. A restricted area, entry prohibited, marked by red and yellow lit and unlit buoys, has been established, bounded by the
following positions:
54 2933N., 10 1596E.
54 2960N., 10 1570E.
54 3050N., 10 1800E.
54 3023N., 10 1825E.
(WGS84 Datum)
Charts affected - 2106 (INT 1303) - 2341 (INT 1364) - 2942 (INT 1353)
55 2062N., 11 0291E.
55 2043N., 11 0140E.
2. The works, carried out from a mobile platform suspended beneath the bridge, will reduce the vertical clearance by
approximately 26m.
3. Mariners are advised to pass with caution.
(WGS84 Datum)
Charts affected - 938 (INT 1369) - 2106 (INT 1303) - 2596 (INT 1370)
Wk14/15 2.53
1629(P)/15 NORTH SEA - United Kingdom Sector - Norwegian Sector - Ness Oil Field W to Heimdal Gas Field -
Submarine cable.
Source: Norwegian Notice 4/53002(P)/15
1. Submarine cable laying operations are in progress, joining the following positions:
59 3529N., 1 0322E.
59 3453N., 1 0275E.
59 3410N., 1 0990E.
59 3706N., 1 2353E.
59 3844N., 1 3071E.
59 3818N., 1 4285E.
59 3765N., 1 5487E.
59 3691N., 2 0370E.
59 3572N., 2 0806E.
59 3423N., 2 1428E. (Heimdal Field)
2. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.
3. Charts will be updated once works are complete.
(WGS84 Datum)
1649(P)/15 NORTH SEA - Norwegian Sector - Martin Linge platform and Huldra Gas Field - Submarine cables.
Submarine pipelines. Moored storage tanker.
Source: Norwegian Notices 4/53012(P)/15 and 4/53018(P)/15
1. A submarine cable will be laid between Kollsnes and the Martin Linge platform, joining the following positions:
60 3272N., 4 4981E.(shore)
60 3196N., 4 4924E.
60 3004N., 4 4399E.
60 2997N., 4 4397E.
60 2962N., 4 4231E.
60 2604N., 4 4155E.
60 3034N., 2 0079E. (platform)
2. A submarine cable will be laid between the Martin Linge platform and the Huldra Gas Field, joining the following positions:
2.54 Wk14/15
1649(P)/15 NORTH SEA - Norwegian Sector - Martin Linge platform and Huldra Gas Field - Submarine cables.
Submarine pipelines. Moored storage tanker. (continued)
6. The moored storage tanker is expected to be established in 2016.
7. Charts will be updated when full details become available.
(WGS84 Datum)
Charts affected - 20 - 2663 - 2664 - 3000 - 3057 (INT 1845) - 3058 (INT 1849)
Charts affected - 2148 - 2451 (INT 1704) - 2613 (INT 1705) - 2656 - 2675 (INT 1070)
Wk14/15 2.55
34 2900N., 6 3200W.
*34 3455N., 6 3100W.
34 5100N., 6 2100W.
35 0341N., 6 1581W.
35 0910N., 6 1387W.
35 1816N., 6 1167W.
35 2308N., 6 0975W.
35 2740N., 6 0690W.
35 3285N., 6 0512W.
35 4053N., 6 0091W.
*35 4561N., 5 5700W.
*Indicates new or revised entry.
2. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution and keep a distance of more than 4M from the coast in the vicinity of the fish
3. Former Notice 1933(T)/13 is cancelled
(WGS84 Datum)
1653(P)/15 MAURITANIA - Baie de Cansado - Pointe Chacal SE and Banc de la Gazelle E - Depths. Dredged
areas. Wreck.
Source: French Notice 10/3(P)/15
1. Depths less than charted have been reported in an area bounded by the following positions:
20 5405N., 17 0320W.
20 5405N., 17 0274W.
20 5350N., 17 0274W.
20 5350N., 17 0320W.
2. The dredged areas are reported to have depths which can be more than 4m less than charted.
3. A dangerous wreck, least depth 83m, is reported to exist in position 20 5164N., 16 5956W.
(WGS84 Datum)
4. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution and contact the local authorities for more information.
5. Charts will be updated when full details become available.
2.56 Wk14/15
1558(T)/15 JAPAN - Honshu- - South Coast - Tokyo Wan - Keihin Ko - Yokohama Ku - Section 5 - Works.
Source: Japanese Notice 10/5144(T)/15
1. Bridge pier construction works are taking place, until 9 July 2015, in the vicinity of position 35 24 36"N., 139 41 00"E.
(WGS84 Datum)
1597(P)/15 KOREA - South Coast - East Coast - Gyeong-In to Pohang - Vessel traffic services.
Source: Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Administration
1. Korean maritime authorities have embarked upon a wide ranging review of VTS services for the following ports and areas:
Charts affected - 127 - 882 - 896 (INT 5355) - 913 (INT 5254) - 1065 - 1258 - 1270 (INT 5363) - 1271 - 3365 (INT
5252) - 3391 (INT 5360) - 3666 (INT 5251) - 3928
Wk14/15 2.57
Berth Metres/Remarks
Eastern Basin 1 115
Eastern Basin 2 North of Ch 450 116
Eastern Basin 2 South of Ch 450 113
Western Basin 3 116
Western Basin 4 116
Channel Berth 97
Dyke 1 128
Dyke 2 128
*Dyke 4 165
*Dyke 5 165
Dyke 6 53
*Mayfield 4 Ch 27 to 266 128
BHP Wharf 6 to Ch 1050 73
Kooragang 2 116
Kooragang 2 North Dolphin Ch 182 to 243 116
Kooragang 2 South Dolphin Ch -92 to 00 114
Kooragang 3 Ch -40 to 00 131
Kooragang 3 Ch 00 to 220 133
Kooragang 4 162
Kooragang 5 165
*Kooragang 6 165
Kooragang 7 165
Kooragang 8 164
Kooragang 9 164
Kooragang 10 164
Throsby 1 Ch 850 to 1030 89
Carrington Wharf To be sounded as and when required
Foreshore Park Berth 59
Elgo Wharf To be sounded as and when required
Channels Metres
Entrance Approach 175
*Entrance Channel (180m) 177
Entrance Channel (174m) 174
Entrance Channel (168m) 168
Entrance Channel (162m) 162
Entrance Channel to Horseshoe 152
Horseshoe 152
Steelworks Channel to Swinging Basin 152
Swinging Basin 152
Hunter River South Arm (Kooragang 6 to buoy 16) 152
Hunter River South Arm (buoy 16 to buoy 20) 152
Basin Cutting 126
Basin Area to Eastern and Western Basin Berths 123
Basin Area to Throsby 1 92
Stockton Crossing 36
* Indicates new or revised entry.
2. Former Notice 1405(T)/15 is cancelled.
2.58 Wk14/15
Berth Metres
*Overseas Passenger Terminal 102
*Glebe Island 1 121
Glebe Island 2 119
Glebe Island 7 107
Glebe Island 8 83
White Bay 2 104
White Bay 3 107
White Bay 4 111
White Bay Cruise Terminal 108
Gore Cove 1 130
Gore Cove 2 98
* Indicates new or revised entry.
2. Former Notice 5546(T)/14 is cancelled.
1671(T)/15 AUSTRALIA - Queensland - Moreton Bay - Mud Island to Caloundra - Automatic Identification
Source: Australian Notice 4/245(T)/15
1. Virtual and synthetic AIS units exist as follows:
Charts affected - Aus 235 - Aus 236 - Aus 814 - Aus 815
Wk14/15 2.59
Berth Metres
*Fisherman Islands No12 136
Fisherman Islands No11 140
Fisherman Islands No10 140
*Fisherman Islands No9 140
Fisherman Islands No8 140
Fisherman Islands No7 140
Fisherman Islands No6 140
*Fisherman Islands No5 136
*Fisherman Islands No4 137
*Fisherman Islands No3 135
Fisherman Islands No2 139
Fisherman Islands No1 140
Fisherman Islands Grain and Woodchip 130
Caltex Fisherman Islands 143
*Fisherman Islands Coal 132
*Fisherman Islands General Purpose 115
Luggage Point Pump Out Facility 130
BP Luggage Point 143
*Caltex Products 102
*Cement Australia Co Wharf 97
*BP Products 104
*Viva Energy 109
Graincorp Liquid Terminal 103
*Incitec North 97
*Incitec South 98
*Pinkenba 1 104
*Pinkenba 2 104
Riverside Marina -
Sugar Terminal 99
Cairncross Fitting Out Wharf 71
Cairncross Breasting Wharf 44
Brisbane Naval Wharf 43
*Maritime No1 86
*Hamilton No4 103
*Hamilton No1 86
*Brisbane Cruise Ship Terminal 86
2.60 Wk14/15
1674(T)/15 AUSTRALIA - Queensland - Moreton Bay - Brisbane River - Depth information. (continued)
Charts affected - Aus 235 - Aus 236 - Aus 237 - Aus 238 - Aus 814 - Aus 815
Wk14/15 2.61
2.62 Wk14/15
1680(T)/15 AUSTRALIA - Victoria - Port Phillip - Port Melbourne - Webb Dock - Works. Lights.
Source: Australian Notice 4/264(T)/15
1. Harbour works associated with the construction of a new container terminal are in progress, until 30 November 2016.
2. Access to the following berths are temporarily unavailable:
Berth Position
3E 37 5060S., 144 5445E.
4E 37 5073S., 144 5454E.
5E 37 5087S., 144 5465E.
3. The dredger Machiavelli, tugs PT Mary and PT May and supporting vessels are conducting dredging operations in the area.
Vessels will monitor VHF CH12.
4. Two silt curtains, marked by lit flashing and unlit yellow buoys, exist between the following positions:
1574(T)/15 NEW ZEALAND - South Island - Timaru Harbour - Patiti Point E - Obstruction.
Source: New Zealand 5/58(T)/15
1. A ships anchor and chain have been abandoned on the seabed in position 44 2480S., 171 1940E.
2. Mariners are advised to exercise caution when navigating in the area.
(WGS84 Datum)
Wk14/15 2.63
Depth Position
15m 24 008S., 45 418W.
16m 24 015S., 45 239W.
(WGS84 Datum)
2.64 Wk14/15
To accompany Notice to Mariners 1603/15
On Chart 2434
The buoyage within Baha de Cartagena is
subject to frequent change. The buoyage and
other aids to na vigation are moved
accordingly. For the latest information, consult
the local Port Authority.
On Chart 928
On Chart 928
On Chart 700
On Chart 731
To accompany Notice to Mariners 1672/15
On Chart 3726
To accompany Notice to Mariners 1573/15
On Chart 127
On Chart 3391
For details of the Yeosu (Yosu), Gwangyang
and East Jeonnam Coastal VTS, see
Admiralty List of Radio Signals.
To accompany Notice to Mariners 1548/15. Image Size (mm) 65.5 by 69.4
To accompany Notice to Mariners 1559/15. Image Size (mm) 87.8 by 107.3
To accompany Notice to Mariners 1560/15. Image Size (mm) 86.7 by 114.7
To accompany Notice to Mariners 1561/15. Image Size (mm) 97.13 by 145.91
To accompany Notice to Mariners 1561/15. Image Size (mm) 59.71 by 34.2
To accompany Notice to Mariners 1562/15. Image Size (mm) 96 by 117.8
To accompany Notice to Mariners 1563/15. Image Size (mm) 44.3 by 55.9
To accompany Notice to Mariners 1563/15. Image Size (mm) 40.8 by 55.9
To accompany Notice to Mariners 1563/15. Image Size (mm) 49.1 by 55.6
To accompany Notice to Mariners 1567/15. Image Size (mm) 106.2 by 144.1
To accompany Notice to Mariners 1573/15. Image Size (mm) 46.9 by 36
To accompany Notice to Mariners 1575/15. Image Size (mm) 205 by 184.7
To accompany Notice to Mariners 1585/15. Image Size (mm) 117.8 by 143.4
See The Mariners Handbook (2015 Edition). It is recommended that the warnings reprinted below should be kept in a file or
book, followed by subsequent weekly reprints. Only the most convenient Admiralty Chart is quoted. All warnings issued
within the previous 42 days are broadcast via SafetyNET and/or NAVTEX.
The complete texts of all in-force NAVAREA I warnings, including those which are no longer being broadcast, are
available from Additionally, a quarterly cumulative list of the complete text of all in-force
NAVAREA I Warnings is included in Section III of the Weekly NM Bulletin in Weeks 1, 13, 26 and 39 each year.
Alternatively, these may be requested by e-mail from NAVAREA I Co-ordinator at: [email protected]
The RNW web page also contains a link to the IHO website which allows direct access to all the other NAVAREA
Co-ordinators around the world who have made their NAVAREA warnings available on the web.
Weekly Edition 14, 2 April 2015 (published on the UKHO Website 23 March 2015).
Navarea I (NE Atlantic) Weekly Edition 14
The following NAVAREA I warnings were in force at 230500 UTC Mar 15.
071 NORTH SEA, UK AND NORWEGIAN SECTORS. Heimdal Gas Field westwards. Chart BA 292.
Underwater operations in progress by C/S Cable Innovator in vicinity of line joining: 59-34.3N 002-14.4E,
59-37.0N 002-04.1E, 59-38.5N 001-30.7E, 59-34.0N 001-11.7E and 59-34.6N 001-02.9E.
Wide berth requested.
073 Cancelled.
56-47.5N 002-05.5E Ensco 100
56-47.6N 002-09.6E Maersk Resilient
56-57.6N 001-48.4E Rowan Gorilla 5 ACP Franklin Gas Field
56-58.0N 001-52.1E Prospector 1 ACP Franklin Gas Field
56-58.9N 001-28.6E Prospector 5
57-00.7N 001-50.4E GSF Galaxy 1 ACP Elgin Gas Field
57-01.9N 001-57.3E Noble Hans Deul ACP Shearwater Oil Field
57-05.3N 000-57.7E Ocean Guardian
57-17.1N 002-10.3E Borgholm Dolphin ACP Lomond Gas Field
NEW 57-22.4N 001-59.9E Ensco 101 ACP Mungo Oil Field
57-22.5N 001-23.0E Rowan Stavanger ACP Arbroath Oil Field
57-28.4N 001-10.4E GSF Galaxy 2
57-29.6N 002-18.2E Maersk Guardian
NEW Invergordon Sedco 711
57-43.9N 000-58.2E Rowan Gorilla 7 ACP Forties Oil Field
57-48.9N 004-32.0E Maersk Giant ACP Yme Oil Field
57-56.6N 000-21.9E Blackford Dolphin
57-57.1N 000-11.8E Sedco 712
57-57.7N 000-55.0W Ensco 120 ACP Golden Eagle Oil & Gas Field
57-59.3N 000-51.2E Transocean Prospect
58-00.8N 000-55.3W Paragon MSS1
58-11.8N 000-08.1E Wilhunter
58-23.8N 001-55.0E Songa Trym
58-45.5N 001-15.5E Wilphoenix
NEW Navarea XIX Island Innovator
58-50.5N 002-14.8E Rowan Viking
58-50.7N 001-44.5E West Epsilon ACP Gudrun Oil & Gas Field
59-12.0N 002-24.6E West Alpha
NEW 59-20.5N 001-49.7E Transocean Winner
59-21.1N 001-33.1E Sedco 704
59-33.4N 001-24.0E Ocean Patriot
59-35.5N 002-45.6E Leiv Eiriksson
2. Cancel 070/15.
Cancel 033/15. ANM 993(P)/15 and ANM 995/15 refer.
NP1 Africa Pilot Volume 1 (2014 Edition) NP30 China Sea Pilot Volume 1 (2013 Edition)
England Thames Estuary
Foulgers Gat Buoyage Paragraph 13.96 1 lines 1--3 Replace by:
1 Racon:
258 Foyle Light Buoy (551532N 65262W).
Automatic Identification System:
Paragraph 10.91 Replace by: Foyle Light Buoy (551532N 65262W).
Tuns Light Buoy (551400N 65344W).
1 Foulgers Gat (513750N 12580E) is a narrow
channel for small craft about 3 miles long which leads
N to S across Long Sand through London Array Wind
Farm. It connects Black Deep to Knock Deep and is Paragraph 13.117 1 lines 1--4 Replace by:
marked by Long Sand Inner Light Buoy (safe water)
1 Racon:
(513878N 12544E) at its N end, Long Sand
Foyle Light Buoy (551532N 65262W).
Middle Light Buoy (safe water) (513560N 12645E)
Automatic Identification System:
at its S end and, Long Sand Outer Light Buoy (safe
Foyle Light Buoy (551532N 65262W).
water) (513461N 12834E) at its SE approach. It
Tuns Light Buoy (551400N 65344W).
has depths of less than 40 m in mid--channel. Skerries Light Buoy (551390N 63690W).
Wk14/15 4.1
NP43 South and East Coasts of Korea, East NP52 North Coast of Scotland Pilot
Coast of Siberia and Sea of Okhotsk Pilot (2012 Edition)
(2014 Edition)
After Paragraph 8.248 Insert:
1 Pilots are available. Pilot boards 6 miles WNW of
List West Light (8.254). See also 1.64.
Paragraph 9.33 1 line 6 For seaward of the outer sand
ridge Read 1 miles SW of the harbour entrance
Paragraph 9.312 1 lines 4--6 Replace by:
Pilotage is provided by Limfjorden Pilots; see 9.79.
Pilots embark 4 miles WSW of Lgstr Grunde front
leading light (9.299). For details see Admiralty List of
Radio Signals Volume 6(2).
After Paragraph 9.372 1 line 7 Insert:
The pilot boards in position 573700N 95700E,
about 1 mile NNW of the W breakwater head.
Paragraph 6.78 1 lines 9--10 Replace by:
....(370085N 65973W), thence 13 miles ENE to
the shore.
Paragraph 6.93 2 lines 3--4 Replace by:
....64559W) to a junction (370085N 65973W)
(6.78) (chart 93).
Wk14/15 4.3
Vol A Edition 2014/15. Weekly Edition No. 14, Dated 02 April 2015.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 13, dated 26 March 2015.
A0638 Remove from list; deleted
A0848 - Sovereign Harbour Marina 50 4724 N Fl(3)W 15s 12 7 Concrete tower 3 rapid Intens flashes every 15s
0 1984 E
Vol B Edition 2014/15. Weekly Edition No. 14, Dated 02 April 2015.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 13, dated 26 March 2015.
B0113 - Ldg Lts 134. Front. W 51 1870 N FR 5 3 Red on metal mast TE 2015
BE, , 0464 Pier. Root 3 0682 E 5
B01131 - Ldg Lts 134. Rear. 81m 51 1867 N FR 9 10 Red on metal mast TE 2015
BE, , 0466 from front 3 0687 E 8
Vol C Edition 2014/15. Weekly Edition No. 14, Dated 02 April 2015.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 13, dated 26 March 2015.
C40742 - Ostrov Kanonerskiy. 59 5478 N Dir F WRG 68 W12 Red round tower, F G1137-1152(15).
RU, 2201, 1135 Korabel'nyy Kanal. Dir Lt 30 1429 E R 6 white bands F W1152-1158(06).
1155 G 6 12 F R1158-1172(14).
Shown 24 hours. Shown 20/4 to 1/12.
2x Iso R 3s 2M and 2x Iso G 3s 2M
lights NW in Vantovyy (T) 2015
---- .. By day .. 6
5.1 Wk14/15
Vol D Edition 2014/15. Weekly Edition No. 14, Dated 02 April 2015.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 13, dated 26 March 2015.
D732225 - Jazrat Fahl. Breakwater. 23 3832 N Iso G 2s 9 3 Metal post TE 2015
OM, , 969 Head 58 3057 E 3
D7366838 Remove from list; deleted
5.2 Wk14/15
D7371052 - Jabal Az Zannah. 24 1281 N Fl Y 5s
Breakwater 52 3550 E
* * * * * * * *
5.3 Wk14/15
Vol E Edition 2014/15. Weekly Edition No. 14, Dated 02 April 2015.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 13, dated 26 March 2015.
E6560 lot Hadjret Tafalkout 36 4635 N Fl(9)W 15s 21 5 White metal pylon (fl 06, ec 06) x 8, fl 06, ec 48.
DZ, , 3311 5 3433 E 5 TE 2015
E6592 Ras Bengut. Pointe des 36 5532 N Fl(4)W 15s 63 30 White square tower W079-287(208).
DZ, , 2700 Jardins 3 5359 E 29 Obscured by Pointe de Dellys when
bearing less than 270 .
TE 2015
E6660 Port de Mostaganem. Jete 35 5599 N Fl(4)WR 12s 17 W13 White round tower (fl 08, ec 12) x 3, fl 08, ec 52.
DZ, , 1723 du Large (Jete N). Head 0 0412 E R10 10 R197-234(37), W234-197(323).
TE 2015
E6670 - Jete du Large. Near Head 35 5090 N Q(4)W 6s 15 12 White tripod tower (fl 05, ec 05) x 3, fl 05, ec 25.
DZ, , 1705 0 1746 W 14 TE 2015
E6674 Pointe de l'Aiguille 35 5253 N Fl(3)W 12s 62 26 White round tower (fl 1, ec 2) x 2, fl 1, ec 5.
DZ, , 1600 0 2933 W 11 Partially obscured 000-010(10).
TE 2015
Vol F Edition 2014/15. Weekly Edition No. 14, Dated 02 April 2015.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 13, dated 26 March 2015.
F13955 Morong 1 5518 N Fl(3)W 15s 33 11 Beacon (fl 05, ec 15) x 2, fl 05, ec 105
ID, , 631 101 4644 E 25
* *
F14003105 - Sinaboi Cape No 3 2 1169 N Fl G 3s 10 11 Green % on green fl 05
ID, , 602 101 0750 E beacon
* * * * * * * *
5.4 Wk14/15
F2689 - Silaqui Island 16 2652 N Fl(2)W 10s .. . . GRP
PH, , 0032 (PH:CG) 119 5537 E
F3408 - Zhuhangdao. Main Channel 21 5613 N Fl W 2s 37 10 % on white concrete Sync with rear
CN, G103, 45608 Ldg Lts 3497. Front 113 1217 E tower
* * * *
F34081 - Zhuhangdao. Main Channel 21 5716 N Fl W 2s 67 10 + on white concrete Sync with front
CN, G103, 456081 Ldg Lts 3497. Rear 113 1197 E tower
* * * *
Vol G Edition 2014/15. Weekly Edition No. 14, Dated 02 April 2015.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 13, dated 26 March 2015.
G0339 Praia de Au. T1 Terminal. 21 4834 S Fl(4)Y 10s 12 7 Yellow metal post (fl 05, ec 1) x 3, fl 05, ec 5
BR, DH2, 214920 Jetty. No 3 40 5898 W 4
* * * * * * * *
G033905 Praia de Au. T1 Terminal. 21 4858 S Fl(4)Y 10s 12 7 Yellow metal post (fl 05, ec 1) x 3, fl 05, ec 5
BR, DH2, 214924 Jetty. No 2 40 5891 W 4
* * * * * * * *
G03391 Praia de Au. T1 Terminal. 21 4862 S Fl(4)Y 10s 12 7 Yellow metal post (fl 05, ec 1) x 3, fl 05, ec 5
BR, DH2, 214922 Jetty. No 1 40 5907 W 4
* * * * * * * *
5.5 Wk14/15
Vol K Edition 2015/16. Weekly Edition No. 14, Dated 02 April 2015.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 13, dated 26 March 2015.
K16758 - E2 20 0306 S Q(9)W 15s 11 6 $ on yellow buoyant
(AU:AMSA) 118 3281 E beacon, black band
* *
K16925 - Town Point Wharf. Dir Lt 20 4766 S Iso WRG 4s 16 8 % on beacon G2796-2817(21),
2824 115 2863 E W2817-2832(15),
- - Ldg Lts 2824. Front .. F Bu
* * *
5.6 Wk14/15
K169253 - Town Point Wharf. MOF11 20 4767 S Fl G 3s .. . . Green % on green
115 2871 E beacon
* * * * * * * *
K1692563 - Town Point Wharf. MOF8 20 4781 S Fl R 3s .. . . Red & on red beacon
115 2890 E
* * * * * * * *
K1692565 - Town Point Wharf. MOF6 20 4778 S Fl R 3s .. . . Red & on red beacon
115 2890 E
* * * * * * * *
K21221 - Cape Jaffa. Margaret Brock 36 5710 S Fl W 5s 17 10 White GRP hut on fl 05.
Reef. Centre 139 3570 E white pile with Ra refl. TE 2015
K21228 - Robe 37 0986 S Fl(3)W 10s 63 20 White concrete tower (fl 01, ec 16) x 2, fl 01, ec 65.
(AU:AMSA) 139 4467 E and lantern W323-242(279).
19 Unintens 182-242(60)
* * * * * * * *
5.7 Wk14/15
K29986 - Double Head. Rossyln Bay. 23 0955 S Fl G 4s .. . . Green % on beacon Destroyed (T) 2015
Outer Breakwater. 100m NW 150 4726 E
of head
5.8 Wk14/15
5.9 Wk14/15
K34301 - Tufi Harbour. Ldg Lts 9 0412 S Fl W 5s 122 10 White &, black stripe fl 02.
30830. Rear. 165M from 149 1798 E 6 W280-330(50).
front Partially obscured 175-280(105).
TE 2015
K42311 - NW side of channel. No 10 41 1537 S Mo(A)W 8s 7 2 Red v on white fl 08, ec 12, fl 24, ec 36
173 1640 E beacon, red stripes
K4854 - Port-Vila. Dir Lt 078 17 4421 S Dir WRG 43 10 Orange % on orange F G07619-07775(156).
168 1892 E tower F W07775-07825(05).
F R07825-07969(144)
--- .. By day .. 4
Vol L Edition 2015/16. Weekly Edition No. 14, Dated 02 April 2015.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 13, dated 26 March 2015.
L7270 - Bolvanskiy. No 1 Ldg Lts 68 1665 N FW 20 9 White (, black stripe Vis on leading line only
RU, 2103, 1670 1842. Front 54 2700 E on 4-sided truncated
5.10 Wk14/15
L7322 - Zakhrebetnyy. No 23 Ldg 67 4061 N FR 17 3 White v, on white (, Vis 30 each side of leading line
RU, 2103, 1870 Lts 2011. Front 53 0642 E red stripe on 4-sided
truncated pyramid
L73221 - Zakhrebetnyy. No 23 Ldg 67 4034 N FR 21 3 White v, on white (, Vis 30 each side of leading line
RU, 2103, 1871 Lts 2011. Rear. 525m from 53 0616 E red stripe on 4-sided
front truncated pyramid
Vol M Edition 2014/15. Weekly Edition No. 14, Dated 02 April 2015.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 13, dated 26 March 2015.
Vol N Edition 2014/15. Weekly Edition No. 14, Dated 02 April 2015.
Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 13, dated 26 March 2015.
5.11 Wk14/15
N489627 Asyaport Harbour. Pier. No 3 40 5419 N Fl(2)R 4s 9 5 White round tower, 2 fl 05, ec 1, fl 05, ec 2
TR, , 213443 27 2829 E red bands
* * * * * * * *
N49485 - stinye. Marina 41 0677 N Fl(3)G 10s 5 3 White round tower, 3 (fl 1, ec 1) x 2, fl 1, ec 5
TR, , 20731 29 0356 E green bands
* * * * * * * *
5.12 Wk14/15
The Admiralty List of Radio Signals diagrams included in the paper version of the weekly Notice to Mariners (Section VI) are
printed in black and white. If required, a colour version of these diagrams can be downloaded from To obtain
the colour versions select View and download NMs -- select Weekly -- select Year -- select Week -- go to Selected Week Content
-- select File (for example: NP286(3)--WK01--14--PAGE149_Week01_2015.pdf)
PAGE 168, OMAN, PRE--ARRIVAL QUARANTINE REPORTING, Contacts table, rows 2 & 3.
Delete and replace by:
Port of allah: +968 23 219500, Port Control: +968 23 219052 Port of allah: +968 23 219540
Sultan Qaboos: +968 24 714000 Sultan Qaboos: +968 24 714007
Port of Sohar: +968 26 852731 & 24 697830 Port of Sohar: +968 24 697831
TELEX: Port of allah +56 7640 PORT SLL ON e--mail: Port of allah: [email protected]
Port Sultan Qaboos +56 5233 PORT SULTAN QABOOS ON Port Sultan Qaboos: [email protected]
Port of Sohar: [email protected]
Anmashan (West) Ch 16 25 28 241617N 1210016E
Anmashan (North) Ch 16 24 26 241617N 1210016E
Baisha Ch 16 25 28 234000N 1193547E
Chi--lung Ch 16 25 28 250805N 1214519E
Chinmen (Mainland) Ch 16 24 26 242733N 1182215E
Fukueichiao Ch 16 24 26 251340N 1213123E
Hotien Shan Ch 16 25 28 235246N 1213452E
Hsichuan Shuan Ch 16 24 26 224104N 1210107E
Matsu (Mainland) Ch 16 24 26 261332N 1195918E
San--I Ch 16 25 28 242347N 1214405E
Shou Shan Ch 16 25 28 223827N 1201516E
Taiho Shan Ch 16 25 28 221427N 1205102E
Taping Ch 16 24 26 233500N 1203307E
Taping Ting Ch 16 24 26 220118N 1204139E
Tsao Shan Ch 16 24 26 250538N 1215227E
Yingtzuling (North East) Ch 16 25 28 245357N 1214739E
Yingtzuling (South East) Ch 16 24 26 245357N 1214739E
NOTE: This station does not accept public correspondence.
PAGE 156, CHINA, below Ganyu Kou Lt Buoy No 323.
Gaolan Gang Lt Buoy H10 215344N 1131365E 994136638 Broadcasts every 3 minutes Virtual
Note: Starboard Hand Mark
Lianyun Gang Lt Buoy No 130 343661N 1193573E 999412146 Broadcasts every 3 minutes Real
Sheyang beiqu Lt Buoy H2 340983N 1204286E 999412319 Broadcasts every 3 minutes Real
Sheyang Nanqu Lt Buoy No H2 333716N 1210468E 999412317 Broadcasts every 3 minutes Real
Sheyang Naqu Lt Buoy No H4 333696N 1212009E 999412318 Broadcasts every 3 minutes Real
Xin Bao Hang 87 Wreck 245171N 1185945E 994136534 Broadcasts every 3 minutes Virtual
Note: Isolated Danger Mark
PAGE 184, IRELAND, below Bore Rocks Lt Buoy.
PAGE 258, UNITED STATES (Atlantic Coast), below New Castle Range Lt Gong Buoy 3N.
PAGE 199, Taiwan, Chi--lung (Keelung).
Delete entry and replace by.
VOLUME 6, PART 2, NP 286(2), 2014/15 PAGE 24, DENMARK, KBENHAVN, Sjlland, Pilots, PROCEDURE,
Published Wk 19/14
section (2).
Delete and replace by:
(Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 13 dated 26 March 2015) (2) Pilot boards in the following positions:
(a) 554600N 124200E (Middlegrund N)
BOARDING POSITIONS, section (1) (iv). (c) 560750N 123000E (Helsingr)
Delete and replace by:
Danish Maritime Authority 10/15 (Appendix) & Danish Geodata Agency
9/15, (RSDRA2015000055697 & RSDRA2015000055885), 14/15
(iv) 544070N 104620E or 544500N 105240E (Storeblt (Great
PAGE 25, DENMARK, KGE, Sjlland, Pilots, PROCEDURE, section
Danish Maritime Authority 10/15 (Appendix) & Danish Geodata Agency (2) (c).
9/15, (RSDRA2015000055697 & RSDRA2015000055885), 14/15
Delete and replace by:
PAGE 12, DENMARK, ALLINGE, Bornholm, Pilots, PROCEDURE, (c) 552650N 123300E (Kge E)
section (3).
Delete and replace by: Danish Maritime Authority 10/15 (Appendix) & Danish Geodata Agency
9/15, (RSDRA2015000055697 & RSDRA2015000055885), 14/15
(3) 551700N 144000E (Bornholm W).
Danish Maritime Authority 10/15 (Appendix) & Danish Geodata Agency section (2).
9/15, (RSDRA2015000055697 & RSDRA2015000055885), 14/15
Delete and replace by:
PAGE 19, DENMARK, GEDSER, Pilots, PROCEDURE, section (2). (2) Pilot boards in position 551950N 110400E.
Delete and replace by:
Danish Maritime Authority 10/15 (Appendix) & Danish Geodata Agency
(2) Pilot boards in the following positions: 9/15, (RSDRA2015000055697 & RSDRA2015000055885), 14/15
(a) 543040N 115670E
(b) 543700N 121600E (N of Lt buoy DW74)
section (3) (a).
Danish Maritime Authority 10/15 (Appendix) & Danish Geodata Agency
9/15, (RSDRA2015000055697 & RSDRA2015000055885), 14/15 Delete and replace by:
PAGE 22, DENMARK, HVIDE SANDE, Pilots, below NOTE section. Danish Maritime Authority 10/15 (Appendix) & Danish Geodata Agency
9/15, (RSDRA2015000055697 & RSDRA2015000055885), 14/15
Pilot boards in position 543760N 111820E.
Pilot boards in position 550600N 81500E.
(Last Updates: Weekly Edition No. 10 dated 5 March 2015)
7.1 Wk14/15
a) Safety Notice
A number of ECDIS operating anomalies have been identified, including the discovery that some models of some ECDIS equipment
might not, under certain circumstances, display all navigationally significant features or activate appropriate alarms. Due to the complex
nature of ECDIS, and in particular because it involves a mix of hardware, software and data, it is possible that further anomalies may
The document identified below contains comprehensive explanations of the types of anomalies which might be encountered, along with
advice and guidance on remedial action.
All mariners are advised to obtain the following document direct from the IMO web site:
All mariners are also strongly encouraged to use the IHO check dataset which is designed to highlight those ECDIS that are unable to
display the IMO approved chart features and those that may show the anomalous display and alarm behaviour. A copy of the IHO check
dataset is included as part of the Admiralty Vector Chart Service product to help the mariner.
This file is updated on a regular basis and should be consulted to ensure that all related issues are taken into consideration.
Week 11/15.
Wk 14/15
The latest confirmed status of T&P NM information in the ENCs that are available in Admiralty services is shown in the ENC-TandP-
NM-Status.pdf file in the INFO folder on the service media and at:
ii. ADMIRALTY Guide to ENC Symbols Used in ECDIS, NP5012. A companion to the ADMIRALTY Guide to Symbols and
Abbreviations Used on Paper Charts, NP5011.
iii. ADMIRALTY Guide to the Practical Use of ENCs, NP231. Supports ECDIS training on the interpretation and use of ENC
iv. ADMIRALTY Guide to ECDIS Implementation, Policy and Procedures, NP232. Provides clear guidance for any individual
or organisation responsible for the introduction of ECDIS, in particular those involved in the development of detailed ECDIS
operating procedures.
ADP V15.1 is now available. This includes Digital Radio Signals 1, 3, 4 and 5 as a single product licensed as two geographic areas.
Existing users who wish to subscribe to ADRS 1, 3, 4 and 5 must upgrade to V15.1 of the ADP software. The V15.1 software is
included on the ADP Weekly Update DVD.
The new ADP V15.1 DVD should automatically uninstall the previous edition, auto install the new edition and work with existing
licence keys. The first ADP V15.1 update can only be applied using an update DVD. Before installing ADP V15.1, users must ensure
that they have an ADP Update DVD from Week 12/15 or later which should be supplied by your ADMIRALTY Chart Agent.
From 1st July, 2015, UKHO will only support ADP V15.0 and V15.1. Users of older versions of the software must upgrade
before this time.
If you experience any problems receiving or installing the software upgrade, please contact your ADMIRALTY Chart Agent in the first
For information:
Please ensure that Activation Key Requests for ADP are sent to [email protected] and any Update Data Requests are
sent to [email protected]
German Tidal Stations predicted on LAT
The TotalTide application in ADMIRALTY Digital Publications (ADP) computes predictions for all German tidal stations based on
Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT).
Mariners using charts which refer to Mean Low Water Springs (MLWS) in German waters must deduct 0.5m from all predicted tidal
heights for these ports before applying them to the depths on those charts in order to determine the correct predicted depth of water. This
advice will also be contained in the Notes Tab on the Prediction Windows in TotalTide for each of the above German tidal stations.
Wk 14/15
e-NPs available:
All 74 Sailing Directions Cumulative list of ADMIRALTY Notice to Mariners
The Mariners Handbook July
The Nautical Almanac How to Keep Your ADMIRALTY Products Up-to-Date
Ocean Passages for the World IALA Maritime Buoyage System
Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners Part 1 ADMIRALTY Guide to ECDIS implementation, Policy
Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners Part 2 and Procedures.
ADMIRALTY Guide to the Practical Use of ENCs Symbols and Abbreviations Used on Admiralty Paper
Cumulative list of ADMIRALTY Notice to Mariners Charts
January Admiralty Guide to ENC Symbols used in ECDIS
A new version of ADMIRALTY e-Navigator Planning Station (v3.4) has been released. Benefits for vessels upgrading to v3.4 include
the ability to export downloaded updates to the ADMIRALTY Information Overlay for use on ECDIS, compatibility with more ECDIS
route formats and the ability to view the AVCS Readme file, meaning that vessels with Planning Station no longer need to receive the
AVCS weekly disks. Planning Station v3.4 also includes bug fixes and many usability improvements.
Admiralty e-Navigator Planning Station provides vessels with the ability to plan voyages, order products, download chart data and view
digital charts and publications from their back of bridge computer. Planning Station is available free of charge from your Admiralty
Chart Agent.
Wk 14/15
(To accompany Form H.102)
Reporting Port Information affecting Admiralty Products
Principal activities and trade.
Latest population figures and date.
Designation, depths, holding ground,
shelter afforded.
Authority for requests.
Embark position.
Entry and berthing information.
Tidal streams.
Navigational aids.
Number available.
Names, numbers or positions & lengths.
Depths alongside.
Containers, lighters, Ro-Ro etc.
Hull, machinery and underwater.
(To accompany Form H.102)
(with type, quantities and methods of
Fresh water.
(with method of delivery and rate of
Ship Sanitation.
Nearest airport or airfield.
Photographs (where permitted) of the
approaches, leading marks, the entrance
to the harbour etc.
1. Form H.I02A lists the information required for Admiralty Sailing Directions and has been designed to help both
sender and recipient, the sections should be used as an aide-memoire, being used or followed closely, whenever
appropriate. Where there is insufficient space on the form an additional sheet should be used.
2. Reports which cannot be confirmed or are lacking in certain details should not be withheld.
Shortcomings should be stressed and any firm expectation of being able to check the information on a succeeding
voyage should be mentioned.
(V6.0 Dec 2012)
(To accompany Form H.102)
BA Chart/ENC in use
(SEE NOTE 3a) Latitude/Longitude of position Latitude/Longitude of position Additional
Time/Date of
Edition Date & read from Chart / ECDIS read from GPS (on WGS 84) Information/Remarks
Number / ENC NM / ENC update (SEE NOTE 3b) (SEE NOTE 3c) (SEE NOTE 3d)
(V6.0 Dec 2012)
(To accompany Form H.102)
1. This form is designed to assist in the reporting of observed differences between WGS 84 (GPS) Datum and British Admiralty Chart
Datum by mariners, including yachtsmen, and should be submitted as an accompaniment to Form H.102 (full instructions for the
rendering of data are on Form H.102). Where there is insufficient space on the form an additional sheet should be used.
Objective of GPS Data Collection
The UK Hydrographic Office would appreciate the reporting of GPS positions, referenced to WGS 84 Datum, at identifiable locations on
Admiralty Charts. Such observations could be used to calculate positional shifts between WGS 84 and chart datums for those Admiralty
Charts which it has not yet been possible to compute the appropriate shifts. These would be incorporated in future new editions or new
charts and promulgated by Preliminary Notices to Mariners in the interim.
It is unrealistic to expect that a series of reported WGS 84 positions relating to a given chart will enable it to be referenced to that datum
with the accuracy required for geodetic purposes. Nevertheless, this provides adequate accuracy for general navigation, considering the
practical limits to the precision of 0.2mm (probably the best possible under ideal conditions vessel alongside, good light, sharp dividers
etc), this represents 10 metres on the ground at a chart scale of 1:50.000.
It is clear that users prefer to have some indication of the magnitude and direction of the positional shift, together with an assessment of
its likely accuracy, rather than be informed that a definitive answer cannot be formulated. Consequently, where a WGS 84 version has not
yet been produced, many charts now carry approximate shifts relating WGS 84 Datum to chart datum. Further observations may enable
these values to be refined with greater confidence.
2. Details required
a. It is essential that the chart number, edition date and its correctional state (latest NM) are stated. For ENCs, please state the ENC
name and latest update applied.
b. Position (to 2 decimal places of a minute) of observation point, using chart graticule or, if ungraduated, relative position by
bearing/distance from prominent charted features (navigation lights, trig. points, church spires etc.).
c. Position (to 2 decimal places of a minute) of observation point, using GPS Receiver. Confirm that GPS positions are referenced to
WGS 84 Datum.
d. Include GPS receiver model and aerial type (if known). Also of interest: values of PDOP, HDOP or GDOP displayed (indications of
theoretical quality of position fixing depending upon the distribution of satellites overhead) and any other comments.
(V8.0 Oct 2014)
1. Mariners are requested to notify the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) when new or suspected dangers to
navigation are discovered, changes observed in aids to navigation, or corrections to publications are seen to be necessary.
Mariners can also report any ENC display issues experienced. The Mariner's Handbook (NP100) Chapter 4 gives general
instructions. The provisions of international and national laws should be complied with when forwarding such reports.
2. Accurate position or knowledge of positional error is of great importance. Where latitude and longitude have been used to
specifically position the details of a report,a full description of the method used to obtain the position should be given.
Where possible the position should be fixed by GPS or Astronomical Observations. A full description of the method,
equipment, time, estimated error and datum (where applicable) used should be given. Where the position has been
recorded from a Smart Phone or Tablet, this is to be specifically mentioned. When position is defined by sextant angles or
bearings (true or magnetic to be specified), more than two should be used in order to provide a redundancy check. Where
position is derived from Electronic Position Fixing (e.g. LORAN C) or distances observed by radar, the raw readings of the
system in use should be quoted wherever possible. Where position is derived after the event, from other observations
and/or Dead Reckoning, the methodology of deriving the position should be included.
3. Paper Charts: A cutting from the largest scale chart is often the best medium for forwarding details, the alterations and
additions being shown thereon in red. When requested, a new copy will be sent in replacement of a chart that has been
used to forward information, or when extensive observations have involved defacement of the observer's chart. If it is
preferred to show the amendments on a tracing of the largest scale chart (rather than on the chart itself) these should be in
red as above, but adequate details from the chart must be traced in black ink to enable the amendments to be fitted
4. ENCs: A screen shot of the largest scale usage band ENC with the alterations and additions being shown thereon in red.
If it is to report an issue with the display of an ENC, a screen shot of the affected ENC should be sent along with details of
the ECDIS make, model or age and version in use at the time.
5. When soundings are obtained The Mariner's Handbook (NP100) should where possible be consulted. It is important to
ensure that full details of the method of collection are included with the report. This should include but not limited to:
1. Make, model and type of echo sounder used.
2. Whether the echo sounder is set to register depths below the surface or below the keel; in the latter case the
vessel's draught should be given.
3. Time, date and time zone should be given in order that corrections for the height of the tide may be made where
necessary, or a statement made as to what corrections for tide have already been made.
4. Where larger amounts of bathymetric data have been gathered, only those areas where a significant difference
to the current Chart or ENC should be specifically mentioned on the H102. The full data set may also be sent in,
with an additional note added to this effect. If no significant differences are noted, the bathymetric data may still
be of use, and sent in accordingly. Where full data sets are included, a note as to the data owner and their
willingness for the data to be incorporated into Charts and ENCs included.
6. For Echo Sounders that use electronic range gating, care should be taken that the correct range scale and
appropriate gate width are in use. Older electro-mechanical echo sounders frequently record signals from echoes
received back after one or more rotations of the stylus have been completed. Thus with a set whose maximum range is
500m, an echo recorded at 50m may be from depths of 50m, 550m or even 1050m. Soundings recorded beyond the set's
nominal range can usually be recognised by the following:
(a) the trace being weaker than normal for the depth recorded;
(b) the trace passing through the transmission line;
(c) the feathery nature of the trace.
As a check that apparently shoal soundings are not due to echoes received beyond the set's nominal range,
soundings should be continued until reasonable agreement with charted soundings is reached. However, soundings
received after one or more rotations of the stylus can still be useful and should be submitted if they show significant
differences from charted depths.
7. Reports which cannot be confirmed or are lacking in certain details should not be withheld. Shortcomings should be
stressed and any firm expectation of being able to check the information on a succeeding voyage should be mentioned.
8. Reports of shoal soundings, uncharted dangers and aids to navigation out of order should, at the mariner's discretion, also
be made by radio to the nearest coast radio station. The draught of modern tankers is such that any uncharted depth under
30 metres or 15 fathoms may be of sufficient importance to justify a radio message.
9. Changes to Port Information should be forwarded on Form H.102A and any GPS/Chart Datum observations should be
forwarded on Form H.102B together with Form H.102. Where there is insufficient space on the forms additional sheets
should be used.
10. Reports on ocean currents, magnetic variations and other marine observations should be made in accordance with
The Mariner's Handbook (NP100) Chapter 4 with forms also available at
Note. - An acknowledgement or receipt will be sent and the information then used to the best advantage which may mean
immediate action or inclusion in a revision in due course; for these purposes, the UKHO may make reproductions of any
material supplied. When a Notice to Mariners is issued, the sender's ship or name is quoted as authority unless (as
sometimes happens) the information is also received from other authorities or the sender states that they do not want to be
named by using the appropriate tick box on the form. An explanation of the use made of contributions from all parts of the
world would be too great a task and a further communication should only be expected when the information is of outstanding
value or has unusual features.
(V8.0 Oct 2014)
E-mail/Tel/Fax of sender
General Locality
Latitude Longitude
(see Instruction 2)
GPS Datum Accuracy
Name of observer/reporter