CONF (8)
npf.conf NPF packet filter configuration file
npf.conf is the default configuration file for NPF packet filter. It can contain definitions, grouped rules,
and tables.
Definitions are general purpose keywords which can be used in the ruleset to make it more flexible and easier
to manage. Most commonly, definitions are used to define one of the following: IP addresses, networks,
ports, or interfaces. Definitions can contain multiple elements.
Having one huge ruleset for all interfaces or directions might be inefficient; therefore, NPF requires that all
rules be defined within groups. Groups can be thought of as higher level rules which have subrules. The
main properties of a group are its interface and traffic direction. Packets matching group criteria are passed
to the ruleset of that group. If a packet does not match any group, it is passed to the default group. The
default group must always be defined.
Rules, which are the main part of NPF configuration, describe the criteria used to inspect and make decisions
about packets. Currently, NPF supports filtering on the following criteria: interface, traffic direction, proto-
col, IPv4 address or network, and TCP/UDP port or range. Supported actions are blocking or passing the
Each rule has a priority, which is set according to its order in the ruleset. Rules defined first are accordingly
inspected first. All rules in the group are inspected sequentially, and the last matching dictates the action to
be taken. Rules, however, may be explicitly marked as final (that is, "quick"). In such cases, processing
stops after encountering the first matching rule marked as final. If there is no matching rule in the custom
group, then rules in the default group will be inspected.
Definitions (prefixed with "$") and tables (specified by an ID within "<>" marks) can be used in the filter
options of rules.
Certain configurations might use very large sets of IP addresses or change sets frequently. Storing large IP
sets in the configuration file or performing frequent reloads can have a significant performance cost.
In order to achieve high performance, NPF has tables. NPF tables provide separate storage designed for
large IP sets and frequent updates without reloading the entire ruleset. Tables can be managed dynamically
or loaded from a separate file, which is useful for large static tables. There are two types of storage: "tree"
(red-black tree is used) and "hash".
Special rules for Network Address Translation (NAT) can be added. Translation is performed on specified
interface, assigning a specified address of said interface. Minimal filtering criteria on local network and des-
tination are provided.
line = ( def | table | nat | group )
/dev/npf control device
/etc/npf.conf default configuration file
ext_if = "wm0"
int_if = "wm1"
group (default) {
block all
npfctl(8), npf_ncode(9)
NPF first appeared in NetBSD 6.0.