Trade Xaltocan PDF
Trade Xaltocan PDF
Trade Xaltocan PDF
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In Trade, Tribute, and Transportation, Ross Hassig argues that indigenous towns in the northern Basin of
Received 16 October 2012 Mexico during the colonial period were largely self-sufcient. They traded with Mexico City mostly in
Revision received 15 July 2013 elite goods, but for the most part they produced for their own subsistence or traded with nearby towns.
Chemical characterization by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and portable X-ray uores-
cence (pXRF) of ceramics and obsidian from post-conquest contexts in Xaltocan, a site in the northern
Keywords: Basin of Mexico, reveals that Hassigs model is partly correct for describing Xaltocan. The town focused
Colonial Mexico
on trade with nearby towns and it produced some ceramics for local consumption. However, Xaltocan
was hardly isolated and self-sufcient in the post-conquest period. Instead, the data suggest that the peo-
Ceramics ple of Xaltocan also obtained ceramics and obsidian from a greater variety of sources than under Aztec
Obsidian domination. Rather than being an isolated rural site, Xaltocan either increased its external connections
Trade and number of trading partners after the Spanish conquest, or it managed to obtain a greater variety
pXRF of products than before through a bustling market system.
Aztec 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Introduction tools. We build upon a model proposed by Hassig (1985), which re-
mains one of the most inuential studies of colonial economies in
Scholars who study states and empires are becoming increas- Mexico.
ingly interested in aspects of ancient economies that were not un- In Trade, Tribute, and Transportation, Hassig (1985) provides a
der the direct control of elites (e.g. Graff, 2012; Hirth, 2009; model for the political economy of the Basin of Mexico in the f-
Millhauser, 2012; Morrison, 2001; Sheets, 2000; Sobel, 2012). Rev- teenth and sixteenth centuries, as the region became incorporated
enue extraction by elites in many situations certainly created into the Aztec empire, and a century later, conquered by the Span-
changes in the work patterns of people producing tribute, often ish. During this time period, the city of Tenochtitlan grew and in
caused impoverishment and diseases due to overwork and exploi- 1428 it became the capital of the Aztec empire (Berdan and Smith,
tation, reshaped market systems, and reduced the quality of life for 2003: 67). Spanish conquerors, aided by indigenous armies that
imperial subjects, among many other social and cultural effects wanted to overthrow the Aztecs, conquered Tenochtitlan in 1521
(e.g. Bareld, 2001: 3031; Brumel, 2005a; Fowler, 1993; Hassig, (Hassig, 2006). They put an end to the Aztec empire and began
1985; Sinopoli, 1994; Van Buren, 1996). Given the abundance of an era of Spanish colonialism that lasted three centuries. The Span-
literature that emphasizes elite control of ancient economies, ish ruled from Tenochtitlan, which came to be known as Mexico
Sheets (2000) has called for a shift in focus toward commoners ef- City under Spanish domination (Gibson, 1964).
forts to provision their houses, produce surplus for exchange, and Hassig describes the changes in the political economy in the Ba-
maintain some measure of economic independence from elites. In- sin of Mexico beginning with the period when Tenochtitlan incor-
spired by Sheets call, we examine aspects of the economy in colo- porated other city-states and rural areas into its hinterland. Briey,
nial Mexico that were not entirely controlled by Spanish Hassig argues that Tenochtitlan created a relationship of interde-
colonizers: production and exchange of ceramics and obsidian pendence with its hinterland, extracting agricultural produce,
raw materials, and population (or labor) from rural areas. To ex-
tract resources from the rural hinterland, the Mexica (the people
Corresponding author. Fax: +1 512 471 6535.
from Tenochtitlan) used a variety of economic, political, and reli-
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (E. Rodrguez-Alegra), millhau-
gious strategies that bound the rural hinterland to the capital. This
[email protected] (J.K. Millhauser), [email protected] (W.D. Stoner).
0278-4165/$ - see front matter 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
398 E. Rodrguez-Alegra et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 32 (2013) 397414
relationship of interdependence continued into the colonial period, and external connections, and how political changes under two dif-
although it changed along with demographic collapse, new tech- ferent empires affected the local economy.
nologies, the incorporation of European goods into the market sys-
tem, and other factors that affected trade, tribute, and Trade, Tribute and Transportation
transportation. Hassigs model remains one of the most complete
studies of the colonial political economy in central Mexico, and it Hassigs goal in Trade, Tribute, and Transportation was to de-
isworth evaluating with fresh data. scribe how Mexico City grew and how it gained control of its rural
We build upon Hassigs model by focusing on ceramic and hinterland and exploited it economically (1985: 4). To achieve this
obsidian exchange in early colonial Xaltocan, a rural site approxi- goal, Hassig focused on the entire Basin of Mexico as a region and
mately 30 km north of Mexico City (Brumel, 2005a) (Fig. 1). examined four main aspects of the relationship between the city
Ceramics and obsidian were necessities in indigenous households and its hinterland: population, the agricultural potential of the
before and after the Aztec and Spanish conquests (Smith, 2003: land, consumption rates, and transportation efciency (Hassig,
123). By studying the patterns of exchange of ceramics and obsid- 1985: 6). While Hassig devoted much effort to developing a model
ian, we can evaluate how well Hassigs general political economy for the Aztec political economy in the Basin of Mexico, we summa-
model describes the effects of Spanish colonization upon the ex- rize here only the model pertaining to the early colonial period
change of everyday necessities in Xaltocan. We characterized 251 (post-1521), developed in the second part of the book. This is the
ceramic fragments, and three clay samples from Xaltocan by model that we can evaluate with the data collected in our study.
instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). We also charac- Hassig argues that in the early colonial period the relationship
terized 53 colonial obsidian samples and 50 Aztec obsidian sam- between population, agriculture, consumption, and transportation
ples by portable X-ray uorescence (pXRF), laboratory XRF was in a state of ux for several reasons. First, Mexico City was no
(lXRF), and INAA (Millhauser et al., 2011). These three analytical longer the capital of the Aztec Empire, nor was it the center of the
techniques allowed us to identify the sources of different artifacts extractive system that brought in resources from rural areas. Spain
found in Xaltocan in the period after the Spanish conquest (post- was the new core that extracted riches from Mexico City and its
1521). To evaluate whether there were changes in the sources of hinterland. Spanish authorities enacted laws that brought tribute
ceramics and obsidian found in Xaltocan between the Aztec and in money rather than agricultural goods, and tried to prohibit trade
the post-conquest period, we compare the results to previous in European goods among indigenous people to maintain a monop-
sourcing studies of artifacts from Aztec Xaltocan (1428 CE-1521; oly over its revenues (Hassig, 1985: 226238). Second, new trade
esp. Nichols et al., 2002; Peters, 2002). To provide a broader regio- goods and labor patterns introduced by Spaniards and the dramatic
nal context for the results, we provide comparisons with a study of demographic changes that resulted from the conquest forced
ceramic exchange in the colonial period (Garraty, 2006). By com- changes upon the political economy (Hassig, 1985: 153160). In
paring where the artifacts were made or raw materials were ac- comparison with the Aztec, Hassig argues that the Spanish de-
quired in the two time periods, we can understand changes and pended less on coercive labor or tribute, and more on market ex-
continuities in patterns of production of ceramics for local con- change to provision Mexico City and extract resources from its
sumption in Xaltocan, changes and continuities in trade partners hinterland (Hassig, 1985: 263).
Fig. 1. Map of the Basin of Mexico, showing Xaltocan and other sites mentioned in the text (shown as triangles). Dark gray areas show an estimate of the extension of lake
levels at their lowest point in the sixteenth century. Light gray areas are an estimate of the extension of lake levels at their highest point. Crosses denote obsidian sources.
E. Rodrguez-Alegra et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 32 (2013) 397414 399
A third factor that altered the colonial economy was related to Anthropologists and other social scientists have been unable to
changes in transportation. In the few decades after the Spanish agree on a denition for luxury goods, much less to agree which
conquest, European draft animals, wheeled carts, and a newly-built goods belong in the category of luxuries (e.g. Douglas and Isher-
road system improved land transportation. These factors expanded wood, 1979; Roche, 2000). In his classication of Aztec goods,
Mexico Citys hinterland, and provided more expedient transporta- Smith (2003: 122) follows a denition provided by Appadurai
tion of bulk goods than tlamemes, or human carriers, had provided (1986: 38), who argues that luxury goods may be restricted to
before the conquest. Colonial tlamemes then focused on areas elites, difcult to acquire, useful for social signaling, and highly
where roads did not exist and wheeled carts could not reach. But associated with the person who consumes them. Luxury goods
not all changes made transportation and trade easier. Trade pat- may also require specialized knowledge for their appropriate con-
terns changed in the colonial period as the lakes in the Basin of sumption. Smith provides four other categories of goods, based on
Mexico silted up because of deforestation and erosion in the sur- their social context: necessities, widely used goods, regionally lim-
rounding piedmont and dried due to purposeful draining of the ited goods, and goods with specialized utilitarian uses. Smith
lakes by the Spanish. By 1543 the northern lakes were permanently (2003: 122) classied ceramics mostly as necessities, dened as
cut off from the southern part of the Basin (Hassig, 1985: 207 things that were required for the functioning of most or all house-
209). The new difculties in transportation fostered more trade holds. The main exception is fancy decorated polychrome pottery,
among the northern towns, and inhibited trade between the north- which he classied as a luxury. Smith also classied obsidian tools
ern part of the Basin and Mexico City (Hassig, 1985: 253). The eco- as a necessity when used in households, although they fall in other
nomic integration created by new roads in Mexico failed at some categories if used for specialized industrial tasks.
point during the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century, as We recognize the problems with dividing goods into elite and
epidemics reduced the indigenous work force in charge of trans- bulk goods, and we focus instead on specic goodsceramics and
portation, and Spanish colonizers focused the development of obsidianand their patterns of production and exchange. How-
roads to connect major centers of resource extraction and produc- ever, we use Hassigs categories in the article whenever necessary
tion without linking the roads to areas they saw as marginal. With- to clarify the relevance of our data to the discussion of his model.
out providing a specic chronology for this process, Hassig (1985: Perhaps we can see overlapping networks of trade in different
267) argues that as transportation faltered and fragmented, the items, rather than clear distinctions between trade in bulk and elite
diverse regions of New Spain were left only tenuously linked by goods. Archaeological research is ideal to evaluate and build upon
inadequate roads, permitting economic interaction only at the le- Hassigs general, regional, historical model.
vel of elite goods and reducing the countryside to relatively iso-
lated and necessarily self-sufcient regions. According to this
model, trade and tribute provided Spaniards with the revenue they
desired, but for the most part, rural towns produced for their own Xaltocan
subsistence and traded in local or regional markets. Other authors
have also described rural towns in colonial Mexico as isolated Xaltocan was, until the mid-twentieth century, an island sur-
(Socolow, 1996: 3), exchange as highly local, and production for rounded by Lake Xaltocan in the northern Basin of Mexico. It has
subsistence (Bauer, 1996: 2425). been inhabited for eleven hundred years, and it was an indepen-
To create this model, Hassig relied mostly on historical docu- dent regional capital until the Aztec conquered it in 1428 and
ments and to a lesser extent on a few archaeological reports (Has- made it a tribute-paying province (Brumel, 2005a). Historical
sig, 1985: 78), and he focused on the entire Basin of Mexico as a sources contradict each other on whether Xaltocan paid tribute
region. In this paper we build upon Hassigs ndings by focusing on to Tenochtitlan or Texcoco, two of the capitals of the Triple Alli-
archaeological materials from Xaltocan, an approach that brings ance, the other being Tlacopan (Hicks, 2005: 195), and perhaps it
new insights into the colonial political economy in a number of paid tribute to both cities (Brumel, 2005a: 35). The town only ap-
ways. First, by focusing on Xaltocan we can gain a clear, more de- pears once in the Codex Mendoza as providing tribute for Aztec
tailed picture of how this rural towns relationship with Mexico military garrisons, but its tributary obligations are unclear from
City and with nearby towns shaped its economy. This level of detail the historical record (Morehart and Eisenberg, 2010: 97).
can help us view the economy in a rural site (Xaltocan) more In 1521, Spanish conquistadors attacked and burned Xaltocan
clearly than Hassigs general, regional model. Second, by focusing on their way to Tenochtitlan (Corts, 1970: 118; Hassig, 2006:
on archaeological data, we gain access to material culture that 142143). Spanish conquistadors then made Xaltocan an encomi-
was of little interest to Spaniards and is therefore not particularly enda, and the people of Xaltocan continued to pay tribute to the
well-documented in historical sources, but that was part of the Spanish long after the conquest (Bejinez Jurez, 1999: 97; Hicks,
everyday life of indigenous people. This can help us understand 2005). By 1543, transportation by canoe between Lake Xaltocan
how well the documents, shaped strongly by the interests and lim- and Lake Texcoco was cut off. Lake levels in the Basin of Mexico
ited knowledge of the Spanish, characterized the daily life and eco- had dropped due to silting caused by deforestation and grazing,
nomic life of indigenous people. and strips of land separated what was once a system of intercon-
Third, by examining ceramics and obsidian specically, we can nected lakes. By 1609 Spaniards began to drain the northern lakes,
study how the colonial political economy affected the production further reducing water levels. The Spanish conquistadors built
and exchange of two specic goods that have been studied for roads that connected Mexico City with Zumpango and Tecama
the Aztec period in Xaltocan (Brumel and Hodge, 1996; Hodge (north and east of Xaltocan, respectively; Hassig, 1985: 207
and Neff, 2005; Millhauser, 2005; Nichols et al., 2002; Peters, 210). The people of Xaltocan had to travel between 0.25 and 0.5
2002). Although Hassig certainly focused on some specic goods leagues to San Juan Atenango, a subject of Xaltocan, to use the
(e.g. silver and agricultural produce), for the most part his analysis Camino Real for transportation to Mexico City.1
was based on a dichotomy between what he called elite goods
and bulk goods. Hassig argued that trade between towns in the Archivo General de la Nacin, Mexico City. Tierras Vol. 1584 (Fojas 43r, 54v, 56v,
northern Basin and Mexico City was based mostly on elite goods, and 58r). The denition of a league in this document is not entirely clear. The distance
between Xaltocan and San Juan Atenango is reported between 1=4 and 3=4 of a league
although he did not dene specically what elite goods were. away. Tonanitla, which is 3.6 km away from Xaltocan, is listed as 3=4 of a league away
The literature on luxury goods, a category that may or may not from Xaltocan. This would make a league roughly 4.8 km. In the Yucatan peninsula, a
be equal to Hassigs elite goods, can be informative. league is considered to be 4.2 km.
400 E. Rodrguez-Alegra et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 32 (2013) 397414
Although we have a document from 1569 that describes post- Xaltocan and other towns, and an overall reduction in trade, which
conquest Xaltocan, the description of economic life in Xaltocan probably decreased the distance reached by obsidian from differ-
and its surrounding region is limited to a comment that people ent sources. A study of obsidian in colonial contexts by Rodr-
were generally poor in the entire area, and that people made a liv- guez-Alegra (2008a,b) in comparison with a study of obsidian in
ing from shing, hunting waterfowl, and from processing lime- Aztec contexts by Millhauser (2005) found an increase in obsidian
stone for sale in the market (Montfar, 1897: 9196). While the tool production in colonial Xaltocan after a decrease in production
document supports the argument that Xaltocan was an indigenous in the Late Aztec period. A study by Millhauser et al. (2011) found a
town (apparently no Spaniards lived there), it is of limited useful- wider variety of sources of obsidian in colonial Xaltocan when
ness in describing Xaltocans connections with Mexico City and compared to the Aztec period. While the data from that study
other towns. To date, for example, none of the excavations or sur- are already published, we elaborate on the interpretations of the
veys of Xaltocan have produced evidence of lime processing in the pattern discussed by Millhauser and colleagues and integrate those
area, casting doubt about the accuracy of the documents. results into a broader study of the colonial economy of Xaltocan.
Gibson (1964: 366) argued that Xaltocans economy improved
by the end of the sixteenth century, basing his comments on an
Sampling and analysis
ofcial description of the town written in 1599. The people of Xal-
tocan exploited the lake and sold salt, reed mats, and lime in the
For the present study, we chose three clay samples, 251 ceramic
markets. They also produced corn in such abundance that indige-
fragments, and 103 obsidian artifacts (53 from colonial contexts
nous people from nearby towns would go to Xaltocan for maize
and 50 from Postclassic contexts). We excavated all artifacts strati-
when their crops failed. The people of Xaltocan, according to this
graphically during the summers of 2003 and 2007 in Xaltocan. All
report, enjoyed a period of prosperity through the seventeenth
ceramic samples are from strata that date to the sixteenth and sev-
century, by participating in the colonial market. The report points
enteenth centuries based on the predominance of majolica (tin-
to the possibility that Xaltocan was not isolated in the colonial per-
enameled earthenware) produced during the rst two centuries
iod, and that it may have been active in market exchange, although
after the conquest (see Lister and Lister, 1982), and the much lower
it does not provide enough details to identify which markets the
frequencies of decorated Aztec or eighteenth- and nineteenth-
people of Xaltocan participated in.
century ceramics (Rodrguez-Alegra, 2009). Elizabeth Brumel
provided us with three raw materials (clay) samples from clay
sources in the vicinity of Xaltocan, collected in 2003. These sam-
ples aid in determining whether at least some of the ceramics in
our study were produced from local clay sources.
If Hassigs model is correct, we have four main expectations for
We selected a stratied random sample. Ceramics were selected
patterns of ceramic production and exchange. First, we expect that
randomly within a limited number of types. The results of the anal-
no utilitarian ceramics (including plain ware and lead-glazed cook-
ysis cannot, therefore, be generalized to all colonial ceramics at the
ing and storage vessels) will come from Mexico City or other sites
Xaltocan, but they can inform the relative proportions of each cera-
south of Xaltocan. A previous study by Peters (2002) did not nd
mic type that derived from the various production sources around
trade in plain ware between Xaltocan and Tenochtitlan, and we
the Basin of Mexico.
do not expect trade in plain ware to begin in the colonial period.
We do not expect trade in lead-glazed cooking and storage vessels
with Mexico City either, even though lead glazing was introduced Ceramic types
by Spanish potters. Instead, we expect lead-glazed earthenware to
come from other sites in the northern Basin, due to the transporta- The ceramics in this study included a variety of serving vessels
tion problems between Xaltocan and Mexico City mentioned and utilitarian pottery, some of Aztec tradition, and some made
above. with techniques and forms introduced by the Spanish, such as lead
Second, we expect that Aztec-tradition serving vessels, repre- and tin glazing (Table 1). Twenty-three of the ceramic artifacts in
sented mostly by Red Ware, will be of local manufacture. Under the sample are classied as Aztec-tradition Red Ware (Fig. 2). They
Aztec domination, the people of Xaltocan produced Red Ware lo- have a paste that res to a light gray or orange color, and are cov-
cally (Nichols et al., 2002), and if isolation from Mexico City in- ered on one or both sides with a bright red slip that is then
creased in the colonial period due to transportation problems, smoothed, and often burnished or polished to a high luster. Potters
trade in Red Ware should not increase. often decorated Red Ware vessels with motifs in black, white, yel-
Third, we expect that the only ceramics that were brought to low, orange, or a combination of these, although black motifs are
Xaltocan from Mexico City will be ne ceramics, including majolica the most common (Charlton et al., 1995; Parsons, 1966). Red Ware
(tin enameled serving vessels) and porcelain. Majolica and porce- was made mostly into serving vessels, including bowls, dishes, and
lain were made by Spanish potters or imported from Europe and copas (goblets), and its production continued, and perhaps even in-
Asia. Figurines, even those that depict Spanish dress, should be lo- creased, in the colonial period until around 1625 (Charlton, 1968,
cally-made and not imported from Mexico City. Figurines are not 1970, 1979; Charlton et al., 1995). We analyzed a sample of Red
part of what we consider luxury goods, and thus, they are expected Ware from colonial contexts to determine whether the people of
to be local. Finally, our fourth expectation is a function of the pre- colonial Xaltocan produced Red Ware, obtained it from Mexico
vious three: the proportion of ceramics produced in Xaltocan City, or obtained from other nearby towns. In PC1-PC5, ve colonial
should increase through time, and the proportion of ceramics pro- units excavated in Xaltocan, Red Ware makes up 13.37% of all rims
duced in other sites should decrease, as Xaltocan became more (n = 1185) (all data on rim sherd frequencies in this section are ob-
self-sufcient. tained from Rodrguez-Alegra, 2009, Table 13.2).
It is difcult to t obsidian into any expectations based on Has- We also sampled 89 plain ware sherds, distinguished by the
sigs model and categories. One could argue that if towns in the lack of any decoration besides a slip (Fig. 3). Indigenous potters
northern Basin of Mexico became increasingly self-sufcient, then made plain ware mostly into cooking and storage vessels, including
the model would predict that the sources of obsidian found in Xal- jars and comals (griddles), as well as bowls and other forms asso-
tocan would be fewer in the colonial period than under Aztec dom- ciated with serving and cooking. Plain ware is common in all pre-
ination. This would be due to a reduction in trade between Columbian occupational phases in Xaltocan (Brumel, 2005b, c),
E. Rodrguez-Alegra et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 32 (2013) 397414 401
Table 1
Ceramic types sampled.
Fig. 3. Plain ware fragments excavated in Xaltocan. Fig. 4. Lead-glazed earthenware excavated in Xaltocan.
402 E. Rodrguez-Alegra et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 32 (2013) 397414
from Europe and eventually brought to Xaltocan. We characterized the collections from Oaxaca or had a chance to compare our sam-
this small sample of Columbia Plain sherds to determine whether ples with the ones in those collections. This type is characterized
they were local or whether they were made in Europe. Columbia by a red paste, much like the paste of ne grade majolica from
Plain rims make up 0.02% of rims in the colonial excavation units Mexico City described by Lister and Lister (1982), a low-tin trans-
(n = 2), although there is a higher frequency of body sherds. lucent glaze (much like common grade majolica), and green deco-
Another majolica type in the sample is Green-on-Cream majol- ration. Given the red color of the paste and the transparency of the
ica (n = 16; Fig. 5). It is a common-grade majolica type, dened as glaze, this type can have a reddish tint, unlike the off-white or
such in part because of the low tin content of its glaze, which ren- cream aspect of Green-on-Cream. We included it in the sample
dered the glaze somewhat transparent. Lister and Lister (1982) ar- to verify whether it was made in Mexico City or whether it was
gue that potters mixed white clays with the red clays from central made in other locations, perhaps in imitation of types from Mexico
Mexico to make the paste light cream or white. This way, the glaze City. This type makes up 0.35% of all rims in the colonial units in
would resemble the white ground of ne majolica types, even Xaltocan (n = 31).
though the color of the paste was visible through the glaze. This Finally, a majolica type included in the sample was provision-
particular type has a cream or off-white glaze decorated in green. ally labeled as Red Paste White (n = 12) majolica. It also combines
Lister and Lister argue that this type was made in Mexico City, attributes typically associated with both, ne grade and common-
and Fournier and Blackman (2007) argue that it was made in Pue- grade majolica. On the one hand, it has the bright red paste char-
bla as well. The main reason to include this type in the present acteristic of ne grade majolica. On the other hand, it has the thin,
study is to create a reference group to compare other common somewhat translucent glaze of common grade pottery, giving it a
grade types and other types decorated in green found in Xaltocan. reddish, low-quality appearance because the color of the paste
A main question we had was whether other types decorated in can be seen through the glaze. As is the case with Red Paste
green were brought to Xaltocan from Mexico City or whether they Green-on-Cream majolica, it may be what Gmez Serafn and
were made locally in imitation of Green-on-Cream ceramics made Fernndez Dvila (2007: 131) call Remedios Monocromo, but we
in Mexico City. This type makes up 0.59% of all rims in the colonial have not had a chance to verify whether these types are the same
excavation units (n = 52). or not. We included it in the sample to try to identify whether it
The sample also includes one piece of Tlalpan White majolica. It was also made in Mexico City, or made elsewhere in Mexico. We
is a low-quality majolica type with a bright red paste covered with have not been able to secure a clear chronology for these last
a glaze full of ring bubbles that is prone to aking and discolor- two types. The archaeological contexts in which they were found
ation. Lister and Lister (1982) argue that it was probably made in contain ceramics mostly made in the sixteenth and seventeenth
Mexico City by indigenous potters. We include it in the sample centuries, but it is difcult to prove that there was no intrusion
to check whether it can be sourced to Mexico City or if it came from of material from later centuries. If these two types are indeed
elsewhere, although we admit that we will need a larger sample to Remedios types as described by Gmez Serafn and Fernndez Dv-
study this type thoroughly. Tlalpan White is a very low frequency ila, they most likely date between 1550 and 1750. But based
type in Xaltocan, with no rims and a total of 17 body sherds in the strictly on the archaeological contexts in Xaltocan, they were most
entire collection. likely made the sixteenth or seventeenth century. This type makes
Another type of majolica included in the sample is provisionally up 0.03% of all rims in the colonial excavation units in Xaltocan
named Red Paste Green-on-Cream majolica (n = 14; Fig. 5). It does (n = 3).
not appear in the classication proposed by Lister and Lister We tentatively classify the majolica in this study as luxury
(1982), and it was not part of the sixteenth and seventeenth cen- goods. The majolica types found in Xaltocan are considered com-
tury materials analyzed by Rodrguez-Alegra (2002) in the Spanish mon grade majolica, far from the more rened ne grade majolica
houses in Mexico City. Based on the attributes described by Gmez (see Lister and Lister, 1982). They were not the most luxurious
Serafn and Fernndez Dvila (2007: 131), it may be the type they types produced by the Spanish. Still, we believe that they were
call Remedios Verde/Crema in Oaxaca, which they date to 1550 important objects for display among indigenous people, who did
1750; however, we prefer to exercise caution and not claim that not necessarily share Spanish denitions of luxury wares and
our sample is denitely Remedios Verde/Crema. We have not seen who ranked material goods according to different criteria of quality
and value. Majolica fullled several of the criteria that could help
dene it as a luxury, as discussed above, including being difcult
to acquire, being useful for social signaling, and being associated
with the people who used it. Majolica in Xaltocan is not clearly
associated with indigenous elites, based on its distribution in many
scattered areas at the site and on a lack of majolica in areas that
could be considered elite. Still, majolica was likely associated with
Spaniards, and could be seen as a luxury (Rodrguez-Alegra, 2010).
In this analysis we also include nine gurines. These include
four gurines depicting people in colonial (Spanish) dress, one
horses head, two other animal heads, and two possible supernat-
ural animal heads. All of these gurines were excavated in colonial
contexts. The four humans and the horses heads are denitely
colonial, independently of the context in which they were found,
given the presence of Spanish dress and animals. The chronology
for the last four is entirely dependent on context and not on the
formal attributes of the gurines. We included them in the study
to determine whether colonial gurines were traded or locally
made. Figurines do not t clearly into the elite and bulk goods cat-
Fig. 5. Green-on-Cream, and Red Paste Green-on-Cream (bottom right corner)
egories used by Hassig. Smith (2003: 122) tentatively classies
majolica excavated in Xaltocan. (For interpretation of the references to color in this them as widely used goods, that is, goods that can be found in
gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) most households but that are not clearly essential for survival.
E. Rodrguez-Alegra et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 32 (2013) 397414 403
We expect that the colonial gurines will be locally-made, given database and returns the 10 most chemically similar specimens
that they are not luxury goods. (Glascock, 1992). Particular attention was given to samples from
Xaltocan previously analyzed by this laboratory (Nichols et al.,
2002; Stoner et al., 2008). The sample was then compared to cera-
Obsidian sample
mic chemical reference groups previously established in the Basin
of Mexico using discriminant analysis (Hodge et al., 1992; Nichols
Our obsidian sample consists of 53 artifacts associated with
et al., 2002). Minor adjustments were then made to the initial
colonial pottery at Xaltocan, which were compared with 50 exca-
group assignments. Finally, Mahalanobis distance-based probabil-
vated in Aztec contexts (Millhauser et al., 2011). Obsidian tool pro-
ities were used to calculate the probability of membership within
duction and use continued well into the colonial period in Mexico
any of the existing Basin groups (following Nichols et al., 2002).
(Pastrana, 1998; Pastrana and Fournier, 1998; Rodrguez-Alegra,
2008a,b). Both green and non-green (gray, black, brown, and red)
obsidian is found in abundance in colonial contexts in Xaltocan NAA results
(Millhauser et al., 2011; Rodrguez-Alegra, 2008a,b). Although at
least 1215 sources of obsidian are known to have been consumed The chemical characterization study reveals that the ceramics
in central Mexico (Cobean, 2002), generally, green obsidian found in the sample were produced in a variety of locations (Tables 2
in the region is associated with the obsidian source at Cerro de las and 3). Fifty-nine samples were most likely made in Xaltocan
Navajas,Pachuca, and non-green obsidian is associated with Otum- (belonging in the Xaltocan 1a group, n = 25; and the Xaltocan 1b
ba. However, Moholy-Nagy (2003) has demonstrated that source group, n = 34), indicating that it was a site of production for local
attribution of obsidian artifacts based on visual inspection alone consumption. Some of the samples belong to pottery traded with
can underrepresent the number of sources of obsidian because towns in the northern Basin of Mexico, including Cuauhtitlan
many sources include far more color variation than our typologies (n = 25), and Otumba (n = 7). Other samples were traded from the
allow for. She recommends chemical analysis to source obsidian central Basin of Mexico, including pottery from Mexico City
artifacts more accurately than is possible by visual inspection. (n = 53 [Tenochtitlan, n = 30; Xal_C, n = 23]), the southern Basin
Other less-exploited sources that yield green obsidian include El of Mexico (probably Chalco [Southern Basin 1, n = 1]; and else-
Pizarrn, Rancho Tenango, and El Encinal in the Tulancingo area. where in the southern Basin [Southern Basin 3, n = 3]); and from
Other sources of non-green obsidian include the Tulancingo-area Texcoco (n = 1) (Fig. 6). A highly variable cluster of lead-glazed
sources, El Paredn, and Malpas, in and around the Basin of Mexico earthenware sherds were provisionally assigned to a group named
(4085 km away) as well as Zacualtipan, Ucareo, Oyameles-Zara- XAL_D (n = 17) (Fig. 7). These were distinct from all other known
goza, and Pico de Orizaba (110200 km away) (Braswell, 2003; paste recipes in the Basin of Mexico. As is usual in chemical char-
Clark, 1989; Cobean, 2002;Pastrana, 2007: 3742). Cobean (2002) acterization studies, a portion of the samples remain unassigned: a
presents an excellent description of the obsidian sources in Mexico, total of 85 sherds, which account for 34% of the specimens ana-
including chemical characterization data for the different sources. lyzed. The majority of the unassigned specimens likely pertain to
Therefore, we decided to characterize a sample of green and non- local production. They show a high probability of belonging in
green obsidian from Xaltocan, to determine whether it came from more than one of the local Xaltocan groups, making it difcult to
major sources, especially Pachuca and Otumba, or if it came from assign them to a specic group.
other locations as well. Our methods for determining obsidian In some ways, the results conform to the expectations based on
sources involved chemical characterization by X-ray uorescence Hassigs model: the ceramic types sampled from Xaltocan were
and neutron activation analysis, the results of which we compared made locally or were exchanged with nearby centers in the north-
with the database of Mesoamerican obsidian sources at the Univer- ern Basin, such as Cuauhtitlan and Otumba. The very low frequen-
sity of Missouri Research Reactor, following Glascock (2002) and cies of pottery from Texcoco and sources in the southern Basin also
elaborated by Millhauser et al. (2011). meets Hassigs expectations; however, the presence of ceramics
from Mexico City contradicts Hassigs model, which predicted that
pottery consumers in the northern Basin of Mexico would be self-
Chemical characterization methods
sufcient and largely (but not completely) isolated from pottery
producers in Mexico City. Still, most of the ceramics found in Xal-
A thorough description of the ceramic analysis methods em-
tocan that were produced in Mexico City were majolica and not
ployed in this study can be found elsewhere (Glascock, 1992; Neff,
plain ware, which ts Hassigs model in terms of the movement
1992, 2000; Stoner and Glascock, 2011). All samples were prepared
of elite vs. utilitarian goods, assuming that majolica would have
in the same way. Outer slips, glazes, paint, and contaminants
been an elite good, as argued above.
adhering to the surfaces of the pottery sherds were removed with
Our results are also consistent with Christopher Garratys study
a silicon carbide burr. Samples were crushed in an agate mortar
of Aztec plain ware in various sites in the northern Basin of Mexico.
and weighed for short and long irradiations at the University of
He found that plain ware in the northern Basin of Mexico was
Missouri Research Reactor. Thirty-three elements were measured,
mostly made locally and exchanged in regional markets rather
but nickel (Ni), arsenic (As), and antimony (Sb) were removed from
than exchanged over long distances (Garraty, 2006: 218223). To
consideration due to missing values (in the case of Ni) or remnant
facilitate comparisons with previous studies, and given that the
contamination from glazes (in the cases of As and Sb).
sample was drawn at random within types, we discuss the results
The approach used to interpret the compositional data involved
by ceramic type. We then discuss the ceramic results in compari-
hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal components anal-
son with sources of obsidian.
ysis to establish initial groupings within the sample. The initial
chemical groups were then compared to the Basin of Mexico data
to determine if any specimens within the current data set could Aztec tradition Red Ware
be assigned to established Basin of Mexico chemical groups. The
rst step of this procedure was to conduct a Euclidean distance Aztec tradition Red Ware was made in Xaltocan (n = 13), Cuauh-
search of the unknowns compared to the Mesoamerican INAA titlan (n = 1), and the southern Basin of Mexico (n = 2). Seven Red
database housed at MURR, consisting of over 20,000 reference Ware samples remain unassigned. In keeping with the expecta-
samples. This technique compares the sample to the entire MURR tions of Hassigs model, the pattern mostly shows that trade
404 E. Rodrguez-Alegra et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 32 (2013) 397414
Table 2
Ceramic samples and their chemical groups.
Table 2 (continued)
Table 2 (continued)
Table 2 (continued)
focused on the northern Basin of Mexico. Sixty-one percent of the only 15% was made in Xaltocan. None of the plain ware analyzed
sample was either made locally or in Cuauhtitlan. Still, 39% of the by Peters came from Tenochtitlan. In our study the ratio is different,
sample was made outside of these two towns, which is a surpris- and we nd a higher proportion of plain ware made in Xaltocan
ingly high gure. (45%) compared to plain ware made in Cuauhtitlan (4%) in the colo-
A previous study characterized sixteen Red Ware sherds from nial period. We see a denite increase in local production of plain
Phase 4 in Xaltocan (14301521 CE) by INAA (Nichols et al., ware in the colonial period, which was predicted by Hassigs model.
2002: 68). In the Aztec sample, eleven were of local manufacture, The presence of plain ware pottery from the southern Basin of
one was from the southern Basin, and four remain unassigned. Nic- Mexico and from Mexico City is surprising, even in such low fre-
hols and colleagues did not nd any evidence of trade in Red Ware quencies. The samples from the southern Basin are jar fragments,
with Cuauhtitlan when Xaltocan was under Aztec control. This and they could have been traded primarily as containers of food
could indicate a change in items traded in the colonial period, or or other substances. The sample from Mexico City is a basin, and
it could be a function of small sample size, which would make it it was probably not traded as a container, given its wide, open
less likely to nd sherds from Cuauhtitlan if their frequencies were mouth. Only one sample is assigned to the Texcoco group. It is a
low in comparison with sherds from Xaltocan. Regardless, the colo- Plain Orange bowl. The presence of this sample is not enough to ar-
nial pattern shows continuity with the Late Aztec pattern, with the gue that trade with Texcoco included non-elite goods. A larger
possible exception of new trade in Red Ware with the southern Ba- sample would be needed to evaluate Texcocos role as a trading
sin of Mexico and with Cuauhtitlan in the colonial period. More partner with Xaltocan. Still, there was some non-local trade in
sampling will be needed to determine whether there was signi- plain ceramics in the colonial period, and trade in cooking vessels
cant new trade in Red Ware in the colonial period. even included vessels made in towns outside of the immediate
vicinity of Xaltocan. This result is consistent with Garratys
(2006: 221) ndings, which indicated some exchange between
Plain ware
Texcoco and areas to the south, but not much exchange between
Texcoco and sites to the north or the west.
Plain ware excavated in Xaltocan was produced locally (n = 40),
The unassigned samples are most likely of local production. They
and in Cuauhtitlan (n = 4). In addition, one sample was made in
remain unassigned due to their high statistical probability of belong-
Mexico City, and two were made in the southern Basin. A total of
ing in more than one of the chemical groups, making it difcult to jus-
42 samples remain unassigned. This nding indicates the continu-
tify assigning them to one group over another. Future studies may
ation of ceramic production in Xaltocan after the Spanish conquest.
provide clearer statistical justication for assigning them to any of
The continuation of trade with Cuauhtitlan, and the fact that most
the local chemical groups, or otherwise clarify their provenance.
of the plain ware was made in Xaltocan after the conquest is lar-
gely consistent with Hassigs model, and the expectation of local
production and regional trade. Lead-glazed earthenware
Peters (2002) characterized a sample of Aztec plain ware from
Xaltocan by INAA. She found that when Xaltocan was under Aztec Lead-glazed earthenware was made locally (n = 4), in Cuauhtit-
control, 70% of the plain ware sample came from Cuauhtitlan and lan (n = 19), Otumba (n = 5), and Mexico City (Tenochtitlan
Table 3
Fig. 6. Canonical discriminant (CD) functions 1 and 2 of colonial ceramics from Xaltocan. Ellipses represent 90% probability of membership in the named chemical groups.
Fig. 7. Scatterplot of Co (ppm) and Na (ppm) of colonial ceramics from Xaltocan. Ellipses represent 90% probability of group membership.
compositional group, n = 1). Thirty samples of this type remain by the other chemical groups (on a linear scale). This may be sug-
unassigned. In addition, 17 samples belong in the XAL_D chemical gestive of contamination, differential weathering/leaching, or some
group, a highly variable group. This group has the lowest concen- other source of chemical variation that is not directly related to the
trations of Ca and Sr and relatively low concentrations of transition potting behavior. Given that XAL_D is made up entirely of Lead-
metals. This group also displays unusually high concentrations of glazed earthenware, with known contamination issues pertaining
rare earth elements (REE); however, the specimens within the to As and Sb, contamination likely has something to do with the
chemical group do not display homogeneous REE composition. In- highly variable REE concentrations observed. Thirty lead-glazed
stead, each specimen falls on a gradational range of REE concentra- samples did not resemble any known reference group in the Basin
tions that varies from values similar to the remainder of the sample of Mexico. Such a high proportion of unassigned samples is not
to maximum REE concentrations four to ve times those displayed unusual in chemical characterization studies.
410 E. Rodrguez-Alegra et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 32 (2013) 397414
A surprising nding of this study is the local production of lead- samples with bright red paste fall into the Tenochtitlan group,
glazed pottery. We have not found artifacts or facilities associated including Red Paste White (n = 12), Red Paste Green-on-Cream
with lead glazing in Xaltocan so far, perhaps due to sampling prob- (n = 14), one Tlalpan White, and one Green-on-Cream sample.
lems resulting from the modern occupation in the town, which One of the Green-on-Cream samples remains unassigned.
makes it difcult to excavate in most of the core of the site (Rodr- The samples with the off-white or pink paste fall into the XAL_C
guez-Alegra, 2010). The nding shows that the absence of Span- group, and they consist of two majolica types, as dened by Lister
iards in the town was not an obstacle to the adoption of glazing and Lister (1982): Green-on-Cream and Columbia Plain. This group
technologies. Hernndez Snchez (2012: 143) argues that of all as- is differentiated from the Tenochtitlan group mostly based on con-
pects of Spanish ceramic technology, lead glazing was the one that sistently high Ca values that cannot be explained by post-deposi-
was most widely adopted by indigenous potters. Xaltocan was one tional processes. Both Green-on-Cream and Columbia Plain can
of many sites all over New Spain where indigenous people adopted be considered common-grade majolica,2 which is distinguished in
glazing technologies, as demonstrated clearly by the INAA data. part by its translucent glaze, a product of low tin concentrations in
The people of Xaltocan also imported a higher proportion of the glaze. To approximate a white color in the ceramics, potters
lead-glazed earthenware from Cuauhtitlan in comparison to plain mixed the red-ring clays found in the Basin of Mexico with calcar-
ware. Perhaps this can account for the reduced percentage of plain eous clays, which helped lighten the color of the nished product
ware from Xaltocan: exchange focused on lead-glazed pottery signicantly. The higher concentration of Ca in these samples is
rather than on plain ware. probably due to the effect of clay mixing. We assigned this group
The lack of plain ware from Otumba, given the presence of ve to Mexico City based on the work of Lister and Lister, who identied
lead glazed samples, is consistent with the pattern found by Peters it as a product of potters living in Mexico City, as well as on the
(2002), who did not nd trade in plain ware with Otumba during the greater abundance of these types in the capital when compared to
Aztec period. The pattern indicates that lead-glazed earthenware other sites. Fournier and Blackman (2007) have argued based on
and plain ware, in spite of being made mostly into cooking vessels, INAA studies that Mexico City Green-on-Cream was made in Mexico
were not necessarily traded in tandem in the colonial period. City as well as in Puebla. Regardless of whether the samples are from
The lead-glazed sample made in Mexico City is a jar with a wide Mexico City or Puebla, theyprovide evidence of long distance trade
mouth. Although we do not have the data necessary to prove this, it with sites outside of the northern Basin of Mexico.
is most likely that it was not used for transporting foodstuffs, given Hassigs model predicts that trade between Mexico City and the
the wide orice, which would have made it improper as a container northern Basin would focus on what he called luxury goods. As dis-
for foodstuffs. This sample was most likely from a cooking vessel. cussed above, we tentatively classify majolica as elite goods. In that
Seventeen samples belong to a chemical group provisionally sense, the data provided by this study largely conrm the expecta-
named XAL_D, of unknown provenience. The group is highly vari- tions of Hassigs model. Regardless, it is important that the people
able, in a way that is difcult to understand. It is possible that the of Xaltocan imported these types from Mexico City. Red Paste
variability is the result of a large number of production loci supply- White, and Red Paste Green-on-Cream are not the products of rural
ing lead-glazed pottery to Xaltocan. Fournier and Blackman (2007) workshops in the northern Basin that imitated products from Mex-
have argued that lead glazing was adopted in an unknown number ico City. It remains to be seen whether rural indigenous potters
of production centers all over New Spain, and our nding could adopted the production of any types of majolica at all, but the data
indicate that Xaltocan obtained glazed ceramics from many of from Xaltocan do not support this idea.
those production centers.
While we believe that this interpretation is the most likely, Figurines
Dean Arnold (2008: 226) provides an ethnoarchaeological example
that makes our interpretation tentative. In Ticul, Yucatan, changes Colonial gurines were made locally (n = 2), in Cuauhtitlan
in the chemical composition of pastes through time were reected (n = 1), and possibly Otumba (n = 2). The other four gurines remain
in a larger number of compositional groups identied by INAA. The unassigned. One of the gurines made in Xaltocan was an animal
greater variability in clay composition was not clearly related to head, and the other represents a colonial persons head. The gurine
changes in production loci, or to the presence of more producers. made in Cuauhtitlan represents a person in Spanish colonial dress.
It was simply due to changes in clay procurement strategies and One of the gurines tentatively assigned to Otumba is a person in
locations to supply clay to potters. Clay mining specialists changed colonial garb, and the other is a horses head. The unassigned gu-
the locations where they obtained clays for different historical, so- rines include two supernatural animals (one resembling a gargoyle
cial, and political reasons. Potters altered the temper that they and one resembling a devil), a crudely-made horses head, and a
used to adapt to the different clays they obtained. These adjust- person dressed in colonial garb. This pattern clearly demonstrates
ments are unrelated to a greater variety of production loci, but af- trade was not limited to household necessities alone because there
fected clay composition in ways that could be detected by chemical was trade in gurines. Regardless of the expectations derived from
characterization. Thus, until we can assign the samples to specic Hassigs model, it is interesting that gurine producers outside of
provenances, it will be difcult to determine whether the greater Mexico City made gurines depicting individual in Spanish cloth-
variability in the composition of clays from Xaltocan has to do with ing, and that people traded in these gurines.
a greater number of places supplying lead-glazed pottery to Xalto-
can at any period in time, changes in clay procurement, changes in
pottery production over potentially ve centuries of use of lead- Obsidian
glazed earthenware in the town, or possibly experimentation and
innovation involved in the adoption of a new technology. A study of 103 obsidian samples from Postclassic and Colonial
contexts at Xaltocan (Millhauser et al., 2011) complements the
To be precise, Lister and Lister (1982) considered Green-on-Cream to be common-
None of the majolica types were produced locally, indicating grade majolica from Mexico City. They classied Columbia Plain as Morisco Ware.
Still, it can be considered a common-grade kind of majolica, given its light paste,
that the people of Xaltocan must have traded to obtain them. coarse forms, and semitransparent glaze. The comment that it is common-grade is not
Almost all of the different types of majolica excavated in Xaltocan meant to be an attempt at reassigning it in the classication proposed by Lister and
have been assigned to chemical groups from Mexico City. The Lister (1982) but rather to emphasize the low quality of the type.
E. Rodrguez-Alegra et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 32 (2013) 397414 411
ceramic characterization study. Of these, 53 samples were exca- ity in the data set, especially low frequency artifacts, and in this
vated in post-conquest (post-1521) strata, and 50 were excavated case, sources (Cowgill, 1964). Some of the sources that are present
in contexts dating to the Aztec and pre-Aztec era in Xaltocan. The in the colonial period are also absent from the earlier sample,
data are presented in detail by Millhauser et al. (2011), and we fo- including Pachua-3, Ucareo, Zacualtipan, and Oyameles-Zaragoza.
cus here on summarizing the results and integrating the discussion In spite of the small sample size from the pre-conquest period,
with the results of the ceramic study. we offer a tentative explanation for this pattern integrating the re-
The results indicate that in Postclassic (pre-conquest) Xaltocan, sults of the chemical characterization study and the results of
there was obsidian from Pachuca-1 (one of the main compositional typological studies of chipped-stone tools in Xaltocan (Brumel
subsources of obsidian from Pachuca), Otumba, Tulancingo, Uca- and Hodge, 1996; Millhauser, 2005; Rodrguez-Alegra, 2008a,b).
reo, and San Juan de los Arcos (Fig. 8). The Tulancingo source Briey, under Aztec domination, the chipped-stone sample is con-
was represented by only one specimen from Phase 1 in Xaltocan, sistent with the sample one would nd if there was a reduction in
before the Aztecs conquered the site and incorporated it into their local production of chipped-stone tools. The collection consists
empire. In the colonial period, there was obsidian from Pachuca-1, mostly of nished tools, including prismatic blades, projectile
Pachua-3, Otumba, Ucareo, Zacualtipan, Oyameles-Zaragoza, and points, scrapers, and other formal tools. There is little evidence of
an unknown source of gray obsidian. In part, the results of the local tool production and the abundance of obsidian decreased sig-
study reveal much continuity in obsidian procurement over a span nicantly in Xaltocan (Brumel and Hodge, 1996; Millhauser,
of 800 years or more in Xaltocan. Millhauser et al. (2011: 3149) ar- 2005). A reduction in the availability of obsidian, a decrease in tool
gue that if statesespecially the Aztec empireever controlled production, and a reduction in the number of sources of obsidian
obsidian procurement in central Mexico, they did so by taking used in Xaltocan is the pattern one would expect if the Aztecs con-
advantage of obsidian procurement traditions that had existed trolled the availability of obsidian as well as obsidian tool produc-
for centuries rather than by eliminating them. Obsidian exchange tion in a subject state like Xaltocan. Pastrana (1998; Pastrana and
networks were more durable than the political systems that vied Dominguez, 2009) has argued that the Aztecs controlled the
for control in the Basin of Mexico (Hirth, 1998: 452; Millhauser exploitation of obsidian at Pachuca, and perhaps elsewhere,
et al., 2011: 3150). although not all scholars agree (e.g. Clark, 1986). The data from
The sources of obsidian in Xaltocan indicate an emphasis on Xaltocan are consistent with the pattern of Aztec imperial control
sources to the north and east of the Basin of Mexico, especially over obsidian exploitation and distribution, but not sufcient to
Pachuca and Otumba. The entire sample (n = 10) from the period prove that such control existed. Alternatively, changes to local pat-
when Xaltocan was under Aztec domination (14281521), belongs terns of work to meet Aztec imperial demands for tribute in labor
to the Pachuca-1 and Otumba sources, although there is one sam- and goods may have decreased the local demand for obsidian tools
ple from an unidentied source. This pattern was not surprising gi- and raw material, a pattern that Brumel (1986) also noted at Xico.
ven the predominance of green obsidian in the entire assemblage. The data from the colonial period in Xaltocan are also consistent
However, what is surprising is that among the fraction of the with what one would expect if Aztec imperial control over obsidian
assemblage that is non-green, other sources of obsidian that had procurement and tool production existed and was eliminated after
been used in low frequencies in Xaltocan before the Aztec conquest the Spanish conquest. Colonial contexts in Xaltocan contain n-
(Tulancingo, Ucareo, and San Juan de los Arcos) are not present in ished tools (prismatic blades, scrapers, projectile points, etc.) and
the sample after the Aztec conquest. This pattern is difcult to also evidence of tool production, including exhausted cores, rst
interpret due to the small sample size (n = 10; Millhauser et al., series blades, and production debitage (Rodrguez-Alegra,
2011: 3150). Small sample sizes may be sufcient to identify major 2008a,b). There is also an increase in the abundance of obsidian
trends in the data set, but they may also miss some of the variabil- in colonial contexts when compared to the period of Aztec
Fig. 8. Map of central Mexico showing sources of obsidian represented in the sample from Xaltocan. Obsidian sources are marked with crosses.
412 E. Rodrguez-Alegra et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 32 (2013) 397414
dominance (Rodrguez-Alegra and Obledo, 2007). Finally, there are Red Paste Green-on-Cream. They also used some plain ware made
more sources of obsidian represented in the sample analyzed in in Mexico City and in the southern Basin of Mexico. However,
this study when compared to the sample from the period of Aztec majolica imported from Europe was not included in trade with Xal-
dominance. Changes in labor patterns are unlikely to explain these tocan. Asian porcelain is found in Xaltocan in very low frequencies:
patterns because tribute in labor continued during the 16th cen- only two fragments have been found (Rodrguez-Alegra, 2010).
tury in tandem with the massive loss of life that depleted the labor Because of their scarcity and the cost of importing European and
pool. Rather, these patterns indicate a probable reduction in con- Asian serving vessels, they may have been considered luxury goods
trol of obsidian procurement and tool production after the Spanish by Smiths (2003: 122) denition (see also Lister and Lister, 1982),
conquest. although it is difcult to determine whether they were more desir-
If the Aztecs controlled obsidian procurement and tool produc- able to indigenous people in Xaltocan than majolica made in Mex-
tion, they may have done so to force people to go to markets to ico. Regardless, the patterns in the data indicate that even if luxury
purchase obsidian and thereby increase the movement of goods goods, however dened, were traded between Mexico City and rur-
in marketplaces, although we admit that this possibility needs fur- al towns in the northern Basin of Mexico, trade certainly did not in-
ther research. If such controls existed under Aztec domination, the clude all goods dened as luxury goods by the Spanish, who
new colonial powers eliminated them. Spanish miners did not care hoarded some, if not most, scarce imports, including ceramics
to control obsidian, instead focusing their attention on the extrac- (Rodrguez-Alegra, 2010). Even if trade extracted resources, reve-
tion of metals, such as gold and silver. This resulted in increased nues, and luxuries (such as silver) from the hinterlands into Mexico
access to obsidian in the colonial period, increased trade in obsid- City and Spain, it did not always move luxury goods from overseas
ian from minor sources, and the continuation in the use of into rural areas of Mexico. Factors that could explain this pattern
chipped-tone tools well after the Spanish conquest. As indicated include a power imbalance and different economic status between
above, this interpretation should be evaluated with larger sample Spanish colonizers and indigenous populations, different access to
sizes and other data in the future. imported goods when they rst arrived in Mexico, and perhaps a
Two nal observations are important. First, in both the Aztec lack of interest in these imports on the part of indigenous people.
and the Colonial periods, Pachuca and Otumba remain the domi- Obsidian tools were not luxury goods, but rather a necessity in
nant sources of obsidian used in Xaltocan. Any changes in access Mesoamerican households (Smith, 2003). The data indicate that
to markets in Mexico City had little effect on the availability of obsidian was widely traded in the colonial period in a manner that
these sources of obsidian for the people of Xaltocan. There are reects continuity with pre-Hispanic patterns: there was a reliance
two ways to interpret this. Either we have overemphasized how on obsidian from Pachuca and Otumba. The data also indicate that
important Mexico City was for trade in the north in the Aztec per- there was an increase in the number of sources of obsidian used in
iod, or the breakdown of canoe trafc between the northern Basin Xaltocan in the colonial period, compared to the Aztec era. In a
and Mexico City had far less effect on trade of obsidian than we sense, this pattern is not compatible with the pattern of isolation
might expect. Second, the small quantities of obsidian found from and self-reliance predicted by Hassigs model. Of course, the data
rather distant sources in the colonial period imply that there were we have do not help us determine whether any of the obsidian
trade relationships or networks that existed independently of pot- was traded through markets in Mexico City. Currently we can only
tery exchange networks. In other words, trade networks were identify sources but not markets or trading partnersthis will only
more complex than Hassig believed, and they reached long dis- be addressed with more studies of obsidian sources from colonial
tances without the need for an urban center that would stimulate contexts around the Basin of Mexico. Still, an increase in the num-
or manage the trade. ber ofsources that provided obsidian to Xaltocan, coupled with an
increase in access to obsidian and an increase in obsidian tool pro-
duction (Rodrguez-Alegra, 2008a,b) show that the town was
Discussion hardly isolated, and that trade in obsidian ourished in the colonial
period. In addition, if trade with Mexico City decreased in the colo-
This study provides a good basis to evaluate Hassigs character- nial period, as was predicted by Hassigs model, this had little ef-
ization of the political economy of the northern Basin of Mexico. fect upon the supply of obsidian to Xaltocan.
The data from Xaltocan only partially support the description of
towns in the northern Basin of Mexico as mostly isolated and
self-sufcient, and trading less than before with Mexico City. The Conclusion
sources of ceramics excavated in Xaltocan are linked mostly to
towns in the northern Basin of Mexico. Xaltocan was a main site The data obtained in this study, rather than providing a basis to
of production for local consumption and some export (Stoner dismiss Hassigs model, help build on it. The data mostly agree
et al., 2013). Two other sites that produced ceramics analyzed in with Hassigs idea that towns in the northern Basin of Mexico fo-
this study were Cuauhtitlan and Otumba. Cuauhtitlan shows some cused on trading with each other. The people of Xaltocan traded
continuity as a trading partner with Xaltocan since before the pottery with nearby Cuauhtitlan and Otumba, which were about
Spanish conquest. In both periods Red Ware was mostly produced as far from Xaltocan as Tenochtitlan, and probably seemed farther
in Xaltocan, but the proportion of plain ware that was produced lo- if one considers that canoe transportation was not possible be-
cally in comparison with what was imported from Cuauhtitlan tween Xaltocan and Otumba at any point in time. The people of
changed (see Nichols et al., 2002; Peters, 2002). Otumba became Xaltocan also produced much of their utilitarian pottery locally.
a source of lead-glazed earthenware in the post-conquest period, The main difference between the patterns observed and Hassigs
even though the data indicate that Xaltocan also produced its model is that Xaltocan was neither isolated nor self-sufcient in
own lead-glazed pottery. These patterns indicate a focus on pottery the colonial period. In fact, we see more sources of obsidian repre-
trade with towns in the northern Basin. These towns supplied pot- sented in the data set, an increase in the number of sources that
tery for daily use, including cooking necessities, such as jars and produced the plain ware used in Xaltocan, and trade in newly
comals. Towns in the northern Basin also produced some of the g- available ceramic types, including lead-glazed earthenware, and
urines used in Xaltocan. majolica. Lead-glazed earthenware was produced locally in Xalto-
The people of Xaltocan used majolica made in Mexico City, can, and obtained from a variety of sources, many of which remain
including Columbia Plain, Green-on-Cream, Red Paste White, and unidentied. People in Xaltocan imported majolica made in Mexico
E. Rodrguez-Alegra et al. / Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 32 (2013) 397414 413
City. We even nd a few pottery samples that were imported from Appendix A. Supplementary material
the southern Basin of Mexico, although these are in low frequen-
cies in our sample. There was also trade in and local production Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
of gurines. the online version, at
Data from historical documents can aid the interpretation. They These data include Google maps of the most important areas de-
indicate that the people of Xaltocan sold reed mats, salt, and other scribed in this article.
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