Term 3 Week 9
Term 3 Week 9
Term 3 Week 9
Term 3
Newsletter Week 9
Belmore Street,
Gulgong, 2852
Linda Macleod
Deputy Principal:
David Tooney
Head Teachers:
Sharelle Fellows
Chivonne Gofers (CAPA/
Kathryn Lane (Mathematics/
Graham Wilson (Science/
Year Advisers:
Whats Happening
Amelia Greenwood (Year 7)
Sophia Tooney (Years 8 &
Carly Sewell (Years 10 &
11-15 Sep Yr 11 Exams
Matthew Stanley (Year 12)
11-15 Sep NAPLAN Readiness Test
Support Staff:
Gail Ratcliffe (Aboriginal
15 Sep Go Mad Celebration
Education Officer) 21 Sep Yr 12 Fete/Informal Assembly
Justine MacLennan
(Learning and Support 22 Sep Yr 12 Breakfast/Formal Assembly
22 Sep Yr 12 Reports Issued
Melanie Freudenstein
Cheryl Seis (School
Administrative Manager)
Linda Macleod
This week Year 11 have been completing their Preliminary Final Examinations and
will receive marks and feedback during the course of Week 10. I would like to
remind students in year 11 that at the start of next term they will be our school
leaders and as such are expected to be role models for other students. This needs to be demonstrated in a number of ways,
including the wearing of correct school uniform. I would appreciate your support in maintaining highs standards at Gulgong
High School.
Year 12 Music students completed their HSC Practical Assessments on Tuesday. They have worked hard to ensure that their
performances were the best they could be and I was impressed in the manner in which they prepared themselves for this
day. A huge thank you to Mr Iain MacLennan for his hard work and dedication in assisting the students with their pieces.
I would like to welcome Ms Simona Thornett to our staff for the remainder of 2017. Ms Thornett will be working in PDHPE
until the end of term and then will take up the Visual Arts teaching position for the remainder of the year.
Next week marks the final week of formal schooling for our Year 12 students. I have been impressed with the manner in
which they have conducted themselves over the past week, their continued attendance at both normal classes and extra
tutorials, and of their application and effort to their studies in this important time. I look forward to their Formal assembly
next Friday and congratulating them on the completion of their Secondary Education.
A massive congratulations to Ms Sewell on her organisation of the Careers Expo last week. The feedback from the school
community and students has been outstanding; I would like to thank all of the businesses, agencies and services who
participated in this inaugural event.
Science/TAS Faculty News
The last newsletter reported extensively on the recent wether show results and I would
like to congratulate the students and staff involved again as part of our faculty report.
With this challenge complete, full effort is being directed to the preparation of steers for
Scone in early November. The steers are reported to have been the easiest to break in and
a large team is being assembled to accompany them to the steer show.
We have been very pleased to have Ms Whale as a student teacher of Agriculture and Sci-
ence for the past 6 weeks. Ms Whale has extensive knowledge of the cattle industry and
has won many prestigious awards for her cattle. She has been very generous in sharing her
knowledge with this years Agriculture students during the show preparation time. We
wish Ms Whale well as she continues her studies in Education and hope to have her back
in the near future as a qualified teacher.
Along with the high-energy involvement in show preparation, this years crop of lambs are
on the ground and doing well. The AI program has been very successful, with the highest
% uptake for some time. As part of the stud registration, students have been diligently
weighing and recording lambs. With the current dry weather, feed is scarce and this prob-
lem will need to be addressed with feed purchases and a limited irrigation system. Any do-
nations of quality feed would be most welcome.
Science/TAS Faculty News
It is not only the Agriculture section that has been busy. Year 12 Industrial Technology Timber pre-
sented their major projects and folios for HSC assessment recently. The jobs were completed on time
and were a credit to the students and the school. Congratulations to Mr Newton for his enormous
efforts to mentor and teach these talented individuals.
Stage 5 students are working toward their major timber and metal jobs. These are excellent prepara-
tory tasks, readying students for the rigorous regime of assessment in senior years. Year 9 are cur-
rently completing a metal tack hammer and a timber storage box. The metal class have been very
enthusiastic and enjoyed learning how to use the metal lathes. Both Year 10 classes are working on
their own chosen projects ranging from fire pits and cat kennels to wine racks in the various disci-
plines. It has been greatly encouraging to see the continued effort applied by both classes.
Year 11 Textile students presented their major projects to Mrs Woods for marking. Again, this is pre-
paring students for their HSC major work. Students should take on board the critique provided by Mrs
Woods to maximise their Year 12 mark. The projects are currently on display in the school foyer and
are exemplary pieces.
Stage 4 and 5 Textile students are also working toward completion of their major work and folios. By
all accounts, the future looks bright for high quality textile pieces if these students continue into senior
Stage 5 Food Technology classes are working on a major assessment task also. With the theory compo-
nent due this week, students will then commence working in their groups to plan and prepare a 2-
course meal on a Hawaiian theme.
Stage 5 IST are working on their small group Digital Media Assessment Task where they are producing
a 5 minute video. Students will write an original script, design storyboards, develop a portfolio of their
work, incorporate animations, music and credits before acting, recording and editing their video. With
21Century learning skills at the forefront of educational discussion,
this covers many areas in creativity, critical thinking, collaboration
and communication in a digital context.
Yr 11 Textiles Projects
Year 10 Science students completed their online VALID exams recently. Results are expected late in
Term 4. These will be posted home. Meanwhile, Year 8 are in the process of completing a report on a
practical task and Year 7 are preparing for presentations on a plant or animal group. The recent oral
presentations by Year 9 were very pleasing and students are congratulated for embracing the chal-
lenge so strongly.
Earlier this year, Year 7 entered in the NSW crystal growing competition. The standard is always high
and awards difficult to achieve. For this reason it is extremely pleasing to announce that Haylee Mul-
lette, Makayla Rankin and Madison Turner placed 3rd in their grouping. In addition, 5 students re-
ceived Highly Commended awards and a large number made the final round of judging. This is our
best set of results to date and speaks highly of the diligence and patience of the students involved.
The Go Mad team, comprising Renee Apap, Maddison Wilson and Maddison
Morrissey have been busy throughout the term in putting their project ideas into
With the theme of Better Waste Less Waste the girls developed an educational
program to educate and enthuse students to change their behaviours towards
waste production.
They delivered their program to 139 students (Years 5-7) from the three local
schools: GHS, GPS and All Hallows. The team led students in discussion to under-
stand how they create waste and what they can do to change their habits and
produce less waste.
*No dig gardens
*How long does it take for waste to break down in landfill
*Mid Western Regional Councils waste policy
Students rotated around the four activities and they took part in a How long does it take for waste
raffle to win a range of drink bottles, cloth shopping bags and a items to break down
lunch box.
Many thanks must be given to Nick Hall (Red Hill) Margie Field and Sue
No Dig Garden
Fuller (GHS) and Peter Cotterille (Mid Western Regional Council) for deliver-
ing the workshops. Also parent helper Diane Apap worked behind the
scenes to ensure the students were provided with a healthy no waste morn-
ing tea. Her assistance was greatly appreciated. It is hoped that students will
be encouraged to evaluate their behaviours and try to reduce waste in their
Danial Crane
Jack Egan
Study Skills
Learning Collaboratively
We are all different in the way we prefer to learn. Some students like to work in groups, and others prefer to work
alone. Some students like to discuss things over Skype or messenger and some like to work together in person.
There is a reason why we have the saying two heads are better than one, so lets see how this applies to different
types of students.
- It is great that you are very self-sufficient. Students who prefer to work alone are often confident in their
own abilities. However sometimes these students make it more difficult for themselves by not asking for
help when they need it. So if you are this type of student, dont struggle on alone when you get into
difficulties or dont understand something. Being able to ask for help when you need it is an important
skill for academic success. Just become more aware that you dont always ask for help and instead try
reaching out a little more when you need help.
- The other area to consider is that when you talk about things with other people it can often help you to
see things from a different perspective. By discussing ideas with another person, you also may find you
clarify your own thoughts. By not being open to collaboration, you might not develop your ideas as well as
you could or you might not see potential issues that a fresh pair of eyes and ears might discover. If you
havent done much collaboration, give it a try and you might find yourself surprised at how valuable you
find the experience. If you already love working with other people:
- Make sure that you always contribute equally and dont expect other people to do all the work for you.
- Collaboration doesnt mean cheating. For example, it is ok to discuss an assignment and what you think
it is about and how you might approach it, but it is not ok to write the assignment together and hand in
similar pieces of work.
- Collaboration also doesnt mean wasting time. If you are working with other people make sure you are
staying on task and not getting distracted.
- Every now and then you have to do things on your own. If you always do your Maths homework with
your friends, you might not really know what you can and cant do on your own. The first time you find
this out could be a test which could be a big issue. Always ask yourself if the work you are doing is going to
be enhanced by collaboration or if it is more appropriate to try the work on your own.
- It is important each night to have a certain amount of homework time on your own. If you want to
collaborate when you are working at home, make specific times to do this. Dont skype the entire night
with your friends. Instead have set times for collaboration and set times for independent work. You and
your parents can learn more about groupwork skills at www.studyskillshandbook.com.au by logging in
with the details below and working through some of the units.
Username: gulgonghs
Password: achieve83
Community Notices
Sunday 17th September 10am-12pm
at the back of
Mudgee Pool
*Call in and have a chat to the Committee
*Find out whats happening in this tri season
*Club Race Dates
*Junior and Senior Training Schedules
*Swimming cap and drinking bottles give a ways for members
Or visit us on Facebook
Staying In Touch
Term Dates for 2017
Student Absences:
Schools are required to keep important
attendance data and it is essential to
maintain accurate records.
In the event that your child/ward is
absent, please contact the school and
provide an explanation. Gulgong High School
Students may still bring in notes to ex- now has a Facebook
plain their absence, but parents and
caregivers are now encouraged to use page for regular
our new electronic system.
school updates.
In the event of a students Search for Gulgong
absence you can now notify High School and hit
the school by SMS on Like.
0418 131 099.
Recent School Photos