Analise of Queer As Folk PDF
Analise of Queer As Folk PDF
Analise of Queer As Folk PDF
Using the American series Queer as Folk (QAF) as a lens into queer televisual
representation, this article undertakes a political economic analysis of the shows
production and combines it with existing textual analyses of the series, in order to argue
that the quest for valuable demographics privileges viewers*gay and straight*with
access to race, class, and male privilege, and leads to whitewashed representations of
affluent, gender normative, gays and lesbians. Seeking to explore the implications of such
claims, I take up Fejess (2000) notation that the media [are] part of the larger social
process of creating identities for lesbians and gays and offer a qualitative analysis of
audience research involving a small sample of avid Canadian viewers of QAF. Among
these viewers, white, middle-class, gay, and questioning men were most likely to validate,
experience, and forge personal and collective gay identities in relation to the series. That
is to say, those non-heterosexual viewers most likely to be deemed valuable by Viacom
were best able to validate existing gay identities and come out in relation to QAF. This
research points to the ways in which gays, lesbians, and queers who fall outside of
demographics assessed as valuable may continue to be excluded from popular
representation and the apparently validating experience of consuming commodified
versions of oneself on television.
Keywords: television; niche marketing; lesbian and gay identities; Queer as Folk;
audience reception
Queer as Folk (Cowen & Lipman, 20002005), a dramatic and rather soapy series,
featured an ensemble cast of seven white, gay and lesbian characters who had gay and
lesbian friends, a larger queer community, and sex**plenty of sex.1 Clearly, at least
on the face of it, this was a different televisual representation of gays and lesbians than
Dr. Wendy Peters, Nipissing University, Gender Equality and Social Justice, 100 College Drive, Box 5002, North
Bay, Ontario, P1B 8L7, Canada. Email: [email protected]
of creating identities for lesbians and gays (p. 115). He is not suggesting a
hypodermic needle model where media fill passive viewers with beliefs and
identities, but rather a postmodern one in which media operate alongside other
systems of regulation and control**such as law and medicine**in the
production, circulation, and naturalization of discourses concerning sexual
identities, practices, and desires. Building on Fejess further assertions that
[m]edia images are very powerful in helping one develop a sense of identity
and, more specifically, that [p]eople coming out search the interpersonal and
media environment to understand their feelings and sense of difference (p. 115),
I offer a qualitative analysis of audience research involving a small sample of avid
Canadian viewers of QAF and suggest that, among these viewers, white, middle-
class, gay, and questioning men were most likely to validate, experience, and forge
personal and collective gay identities in relation to the series. Specifically, those gay
and questioning viewers most likely to be deemed valuable by Viacom were better
able to produce themselves as gay subjects, and validate their existing gay identities,
by watching QAF.
Based on these audience reception findings, and in keeping with Fejess claims
above, I assert that as media conglomerates consolidate the power of popular
representation within privatized neoliberal markets, they gain further influence in the
production and shaping of the personal and collective identities of their viewers.
They produce and widely distribute the representations that ultimately foster greater
access to, and validation of, gay subjectivities for privileged queers over others. In
turn, we see a further investment in, and entrenchment of, hierarchies of privilege
that structure queer communities. It is also worth considering QAF and the
commodification of gay and lesbian identities in a larger societal context. Changing
public opinions, court challenges, the continuation of neoliberal economic frame-
works and the increasing privatization of gayborhoods,5 in combination with the
discovery of gay markets and mainstream viewers edgy tastes, have all been part
of a broader movement contributing to the increasing acceptance, not of a complex
range of queer identities, but of gays and lesbians who represent the ideal consumer:
white, privatized, and affluent.
In the context of television studies, I draw on the recent work of Miller (2009),
specifically his vision of Media Studies 3.0.6 Fundamental to this approach is
a particular focus on gender, race, class, and sexuality in everyday life across
national lines (p. 6), that combines the study of ownership and production with
textual analysis and ethnographic research on audiences (see also Miller, 2010). In
this spirit, this article addresses and attempts to bridge the institutional context of
the production of QAF, the text itself, and Canadian viewer responses to a
transnational AmericanCanadian series with its origins in Britain. I point to the
limits of gay visibility by exploring how the neoliberal deregulated media markets
in the United States produce texts for valuable viewers and encourage privileged
gay subjectivities.
196 W. Peters
the audience into a different economic relation to the product, where the tastes of
audience-as-market, as direct purchasers of the channel, are not as obscured by the
normalizing processes of the mass market. This segmentation allows for a pluralism
that recognises previously marginalized cultures, albeit by their ability to pay.
(p. 84)
In the deregulated media marketplace, niche market networks allow for representa-
tions of marginalized groups. However, Arthurss notation*albeit by their ability to
pay*is central to the decisions made by networks that narrowcast in determining
which marginalized cultures will gain representation and, more specifically, which
valuable segments of a marginalized group will be flattered and courted by the
Commercial and cable broadcasters are concerned with the size of a programs
audience and the amount of disposable income viewers have to spend. Viewers are
hierarchically ranked as valuable or not, based on their disposable incomes. As
Wible (2004) points out, such priorities can lead to programming only to young,
affluent*and white*audiences (p. 35). He offers the example of Latinos in the
United States who were shown through Nielsen ratings to represent a large percentage
of viewers yet were rarely marketed to prior to 2000, because media executives still
198 W. Peters
widely perceive[d] that all Latinos are poor (p. 45). By the same logic, televisual
representation prior to the 1990s suggests that gays and lesbians have not always been
a valued demographic group. Becker (2004) dates a significant representational shift
for gays and lesbians into new prominence to the 1990s when television network
executives began to believe that their most valued demographic, 1834-year-olds,
were a progressive and sophisticated group of liberal-minded viewers who would
embrace gay and lesbian characters. In a complementary analysis, Fejes (2000) argues
that the discovery that gay men were an attractive consumer market because of their
supposedly high-income profiles helped to bring gay characters to the small screen.12
Channel 4s public-service mandate led to the production of a miniseries about gay
men that mapped favorably onto the privatized free market model of appealing to
valuable demographics, including gay-positive straight viewers and supposedly
wealthy gay viewers.13 Together these market conditions facilitated QAF s move from
Manchester to Pittsburgh.
provide materials out of which we forge our very identities; our sense of selfhood;
our notion of what it means to be male or female; our sense of class, of ethnicity
and race, of nationality, of sexuality; and of us and them.. . . Media stories
provide the symbols, myths, and resources through which we constitute a common
culture and through the appropriation of which we insert ourselves into this
culture. (p. 9)
I remember being very excited to see a show about gay people. I was pretty young
then, and not out too long and I was just so happy to hear that a show about gay
people, with actual lives and feelings was going to be airing. (Survey)
Sidneys excitement in seeing such a series complements Ian who also watched
QAF from the first episode. He writes, I was interested in a show that would have
dramatic stories of queer life (Survey). These desires for dramatic stories of queer
life and gay people, with actual lives and feelings could ostensibly be satisfied, for
example, by a series such as Six Feet Under; however, as another participant, Kenneth,
articulates, many of the gay, lesbian, and queer viewers were looking for a show not
simply featuring gay characters, but one that focused on gay communities. Kenneth
writes, The show began around the same time I had come out to my friends at
school. I was excited that there was a television show that was about gay culture and
gay life in North America (Survey). The desires of these viewers point to connections
between large-scale representations in popular culture and the personal experience of
identifying with a rarely represented and marginalized group. These viewer responses
suggest that gay, lesbian, and queer viewers desired queer representation beyond what
was offered on television at that time and saw great promise in QAF. That said, after
tuning in, not all of these viewers enjoyed the series equally, and the cohort most
active in producing their sexual identities in relation to the series were young men
who were coming out.
I was watching [QAF] before I came out, and it was just part of my whole personal
identification as a gay man. So, it kind of helped me through all that. It was also a
very personal thing too, because I was watching alone. It was part of my personal
development. (Focus group)
I started watching it when I was in grade ten, which is three years ago actually, and
it kind of gave me a glimpse of what gay culture would be like, because I wasnt
really familiar with it, and I was kind of questioning. It gave me a glimpse of
Church Street and what it might be like. (Focus group)
Building and Privatizing Community and Collective Gay Identities through Queer as
Watching QAF was not strictly a solitary practice used in the production of individual
gay identities. Viewers use of QAF to cultivate and validate gay identities extended to
a desire to enjoy queer community together with other QAF viewers. Adding a
further layer to the intertwining of queer identities and commodification, a desire for
collective queer community viewing brought four white, middle-class, gay male
participants out to Woodys*a Toronto gay bar where some of the scenes in the
series were shot*to watch QAF regularly on Monday nights.24 Viewers who
described going to Woodys were generally older and more monied than those who
described coming out in relation to QAF. The gay men who regularly watched QAF
at Woodys all sought a community experience that was specifically based around gay
identification. As Ian explains, We go to Woodys to share the experience with the
community, as it is one of the rare occasions that television caters to queers
(Survey). Similarly, Jack, who was in his early sixties and had moved from a small city
in Southern Ontario to Toronto after coming out recently, explained how his Monday
nights revolved socially around QAF,
For the last three years Ive watched it at Woodys, and I think its just as much fun
sometimes to watch the audience as it is to watch the program. My roommate and
I, we have cable, but we make Monday night an outing. Wing night at [a lounge]
and then we go across to Woodys. (Interview)
it easier to come out. I came out late in life and certainly when I was growing up there
wasnt anything like this (Interview).
Again, it becomes clear how important this rare depiction of gay life is to some of
the gay men who watch the series. For Ian and Jack, as well as two other white,
middle-class, gay men in this study, going to Woodys facilitated gay personal identity
building and maintenance, added a queer community dimension to watching QAF, as
well as a further privatized class-based dimension. While many straight, gay, queer,
and lesbian viewers watched QAF with friends at someones home or alone in their
parents home, gay and queer viewers with some disposable income were better able
to access and enjoy the increasingly privatized Toronto gayborhood for the price of a
beer or two.25 QAF, Woodys, and Torontos Church Street offer opportunities for
queer identification, role modeling, and community building, and they are*at least
in part*for profit and privatized consumption. As some white, middle-class, gay,
QAF viewers with access to disposable income validate and enjoy themselves as
members of the community*even though they have cable at home*it appears
that access to gay and lesbian identities, representations, and spaces is now more
readily available to everyone, albeit by their ability to pay. In keeping with Viacoms
aim to attract the gay and lesbian population . . . with [their] projected buying
power of $485 billion (Viacom, 2004), this research suggests that among non-
heterosexual viewers, gay identified viewers with access to privilege along the lines of
sex, race, and class have greatest access to the personal and community identifications
that are produced and performed in relation to QAF.26
Representations and Rights for Gays and Lesbians Albeit by Their Ability to Pay
Recent and ongoing mainstream struggles and victories for gay rights in the United
States and Canada foreground white, middle-class, monogamous gays and lesbians
seeking access to normative structures such as legal marriage*rather than the
abolition of marriage, for example*equal spousal benefits, access to becoming
adoptive parents, and same-sex couple immigration. While these are, arguably, rights
worthy of struggle, it is significant that the project of gender and sexual liberation
across race, class, sex, and gender has been publicly sidelined in favor of privatization,
consumption, rights, and benefits. In this quest for normative representation and
rights, Manalansan (2005) points out, for example, that people of color are
inevitably shunted from the sites of gay mainstream political and cultural desires*
the family, marriage, economic stability, and legal personhood (p. 103). In looking
at the white, middle-class, gender-normative representations of gays and lesbians on
television, increasing transformation of gay ghettos into business districts (Walcott,
2004, p. 36), and U.S. and Canadian court challenges seeking increased legal rights,
QAF can be situated within a larger pattern whereby marginalized groups are
conditionally admitted into the mainstream albeit by their ability to pay and to
The pink dollar niche market and the public fight for equal rights and benefits
fit well within neoliberal economic frameworks that seek to offload government
expenses onto private citizens. Gays and lesbians in the United States and Canada can
have more complex and flattering televisual representations, not through government
regulation protecting diversity and the public interest, but rather through proving
themselves to be valuable, wealthy demographics. As the move from Channel 4 to
Pink Dollars, White Collars 207
[1] QAF utilizes the conventions of a community-based realist drama organized around a clique
of friends who are shown in a wide variety of locations. In Canada, the one-hour series aired
at 10:00 pm with an audio and textual warning that the series contains nudity, sexuality,
coarse language, and that viewer discretion is advised.
[2] Many have argued that queer politicization crystallized with drag queens and transgender
citizens leading the fight alongside gays, lesbians, and bisexuals at the Stonewall Inn in 1969.
Gays and lesbians, however, have been the primary beneficiaries of this movement in the
realm of television and, arguably, all aspects of American and Canadian societies.
[3] Viacom owned Showtime while QAF was on the air. Showtime became a subsidiary of the
CBS Corporation in 2005. In 2010 Viacom owns BET, MTV, LOGO, and Paramount, while
CBS Corporation owns Showtime and Simon & Shuster (to name only the holdings relevant
to this research).
[4] By desiring and engaging in same-sex intimate relationships, the characters on the series
violate normative gender expectations that all people will be naturally heterosexual. Apart
from this significant gender transgression, the central gay male characters are over-
whelmingly masculine, with the exception of Emmett, and the lesbian characters are
maternal and feminine. The characters transgressions against heteronormativity are
otherwise couched in proper gender codes.
[5] For more on the privatization of gayborhoods, see Walcott (2004) and Valverde and Cirak
[6] Miller describes Media Studies 1.0 as constructing audiences as passive consumers (p. 5).
Media Studies 2.0*in his estimation*neglects the production and regulation of media,
while conferring too much agency onto viewers.
Pink Dollars, White Collars 209
[7] According to Davis (2007) there were some signs that some sectors of the [British]
television audience might accept alternative depictions of gay and lesbian characters: more
rounded characters who werent entirely sanitised or always morally correct (p. 10). He cites
Channel 4s Tales of the City from 1993 as a breakthrough because [a]lthough queer sex
mostly occurred off-screen, at least it was evidently happening . . . (p. 10). Further, Davis
points to the BBCs This Life (19961997) where the only gay housemate in a gang of five,
talked openly about his sexuality and had a great deal of (graphically depicted) sex (p. 10).
Although QAF (U.K.) had a predecessor in depicting sex between men on British television,
the series was often referred to by critics and academics as groundbreaking, even
revolutionary. . . [and] a milestone in the battle for sexual equality (Davis, 2007, pp. 12).
[8] Becks beer, which sponsored the first two episodes, withdrew their sponsorship (Davis, 2007,
p. 19). Meanwhile the Independent Television Commission, which monitors British
broadcasting, received 163 complaints . . . [and i]n the ITVs history, only Channel 4s
screening of Martin Scorceses film The Last Temptation of Christ caused more controversy
(Davis, 2007, p. 19).
[9] According to Davis (2007): Queer as Folk drew around 2.5 million viewers for its first
episode, with a further 1.3 million watching the Saturday night repeat. Added together, this
makes for a 17 percent audience share*significantly larger than Channel 4s usual average of
about 10 percent . . . Throughout the first series, ratings held fairly steady at around 2.3
million for the Tuesday broadcast, and 1 million for the weekend repeat (p. 18).
[10] The show was to be shot in Toronto and set in Pittsburgh.
[11] I place minorities in quotation marks to signal that some groups designated as
minorities, such as women, actually constitute majorities.
[12] Fejes also suggests that the discrepancy between the higher income profiles of men over
women results in greater representation of gay men rather than lesbians in popular culture.
[13] Billingham (2005) writes that according to audience research the largest single
demographic viewing group [for QAF U.K.] was made up of young women between the
ages of eighteen and thirty (p. 122). Drawing on Billingham, Davis (2009) further identifies
the appeal of Queer as Folk beyond a gay niche market*indeed, the main audiences were
gay men and young heterosexual women (p. 12).
[14] The border crossed in relation to QAF seems to be the representation of sexually active
gays and lesbians on otherwise straight TV. I argue that on QAF the boundaries
separating straight from gay remain primarily intact because queer sexualities that confound
identity categories are rarely depicted on the series.
[15] Facilitated by deregulation, todays unprecedented concentration of media ownership by four
conglomerates*Disney, News Corporation, Time Warner, and Viacom*with their greatly
enhanced access to production, distribution, advertising, publicity, syndication, and
globalized distribution, allows these corporations synergy. According to Casey et al.
(2002), synergy describes the way conglomerates use multiple holdings to create, distribute,
and advertise, which means that a greater value is added to products than would have been
the case had those parts remained separate (pp. 236237). Courtesy of neoliberal inspired
television deregulation, Viacom came to own many communications assets (see Holt, 2003)
and used an impressive number of these communication related companies in the creation,
distribution, marketing, and franchising of QAF.
[16] Viacom owned Blockbuster Inc. from 1994 to 2004.
[17] In 2005, Viacom launched LOGO, an LGBT channel which is still airing QAF weekly in
syndication in 2010. The conglomerate also currently owns two popular websites, and, that review and comment on the representations of
gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and trans people in popular culture. Through these two websites,
Viacom promotes QAF, The L Word, LOGO, and its newer gay, lesbian, and queer projects in
an online context that appears editorial, rather than promotional.
210 W. Peters
[18] As considerable attention has been given to analyzing the text of QAF (U.S.) (Beirne, 2006,
2008; Davis, 2007; Farr & Degroult, 2008; Gamson, 2000; Johnson, 2004; Jones, 2001),
I utilize other authors textual analyses to make claims about the content of the series. I give
greater attention to the institutional context of production and audience reception because
these areas have not yet been written about as extensively.
[19] Participants names have been changed and all consented to allow their words to be used in
publications. While I did not specifically collect demographic information from participants,
most disclosed age, class, race, sex, and sexuality in the course of answering questions. Their
ages ranged from 18 to near retirement. The vast majority were university students and
professionals, and while most identified as white, seven identified as Asian-Canadian, black,
Inuit, Middle-Eastern Canadian, and one as a racial minority. Viewers were recruited using
posters throughout downtown Toronto and an email circulated through queer listservs. Of
the 40 participants of this study, 16 identified as heterosexual women, 7 as queer women, 2 as
lesbians, 11 as gay men, 3 as heterosexual men (one of whom had sex with men), and one
man did not identify. These 40 participants provided me with many hours and pages of
feedback about QAF. My work offers a close reading of specific participant responses in order
to point to patterns that may be reflective of larger phenomena. I make no pretence, however,
that this work is statistically generalizable.
[20] For example, participant Bill wrote: Ben and Michael and their Sero-discordant relation-
ship. Perfect! For the first time I could relate to two gay characters who are [H.I.V.] positive
and negative and in a monogamous relationship. This storyline is parallel to my life with my
partner. To see this modeled in the media gives me a sense of normalcy. Something that I can
relate to at a deep emotional level (Survey). Bills comments offer a sense of how QAF
offered pleasurable identifications, acceptance, and personal validation to some of the gay
men who watched the series.
[21] Another less common reason was that these Canadian gay, lesbian, and queer viewers had
already watched and enjoyed the British series when it ran on Showcase.
[22] Overwhelmingly queer and lesbian women viewers disidentified with the lesbian characters
and strongly critiqued these images (Peters, 2009, p. 19). Only one queer woman, Erin,
enjoyed the lesbian characters, although she was also critical of the representation.
[23] One white, middle-class, urban, undergraduate student, Erin, also described forging a
personal queer identity partially in relation to QAF. Her experience suggests that one need
not be directly hailed by the series in order to come out in relation to it. She explained:
When I first started watching I was straight, I mean I wasnt, but everyone thought I was
because thats how I was telling everyone I was. So I made a new gay boyfriend in residence
and we would go together to someones house off-campus to watch. I was secretly
watching the lesbians and Im like getting all excited. I was totally watching for that 30
seconds in an hour of the women, like, holding hands. And my coming-out process was
kind of through that first season (Focus group). As with Lucas and Leo, QAF was part of
the resources and discourses about queerness available to Erin. Although, as she points out,
she may have had to look harder and wait longer to see the lesbian images that she was
totally watching for.
[24] This is 4 out of a total of 11 gay identified male participants. Two queer identified women in
the study said that they each went to Woodys to watch QAF once, enjoyed the experience,
but never returned.
[25] As Walcott (2004) has noted: The transformation of gay ghettos into business districts
signals the death of queer spaces as zones of socialization. In particular, the remaking of these
spaces as zones of consumption means that queers now self-select on the basis of spending
habits, and thus limits are placed on what kinds of politics, styles and tastes might bump into
each other (p. 36).
[26] I have selected the figures from 2004 in order to highlight the buying power claims made
by Viacom while QAF was on the air. As already stated, LOGOonlines most recent gay
Pink Dollars, White Collars 211
market overview for advertisers puts this figure at $835.3 billion in buying power by 2011
(LOGOonline, 2010). Returning briefly to a point made earlier in this article, while there is
scholarly agreement that lesbians are not regarded as an attractive, identifiable niche
market and that lesbians can moreover be reached through ads aimed at women generally
(Fejes, 2002, p. 201), the market research cited by LOGO continues to group gays and
lesbians together.
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