Refrigerated/Frozen Doughs, Batters and Bakery Products: Industry Status and Trends
Refrigerated/Frozen Doughs, Batters and Bakery Products: Industry Status and Trends
Refrigerated/Frozen Doughs, Batters and Bakery Products: Industry Status and Trends
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Industry Statistics and Trends in late 1999 and early 2000, were classified according to a
The U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Cen- new system. This coding system, called the North American
sus, is probably the best source of secondary information Industry Classification System (NAICS), is to become the
on the nations manufacturing and processing activities. The common industry measurement system for the U.S., Canada
Census of Manufactures has been performed on the 2 and and Mexico. Classifications of items beyond the old two-digit
7 years (for example, 1982 and 1987) since 1967. In the SIC level may be different for some industries; therefore, the
late 1970s, the Census Bureau also began performing annual data used for this overview includes the 10-year span leading
surveys of most of these activities (Annual Survey of Man- up to the 1997 census (i.e., 1987-96).
ufactures). These surveys, which estimate business activity Frozen bread and bakery products are reported in two
based on a sampling of firms (as opposed to a complete cen- different categories. Frozen bread and dinner roll items are
sus), act as a way of filling in the gaps between census years. combined with all other bread-like products under the cat-
By doing so, they allow for rough year-to-year comparisons egory of SIC 2051, Bread, Cake and Related Products.
of industry activities. The time needed to compile and verify Unfortunately, SIC 2051 and its five- and six-digit SICs are
data, aggregate data for the many categories, generate tables not segmented by fresh and frozen. Therefore, none of the
to present results and print these two government publications reported information for this category could be used in this
is extensive, usually taking about two years. industry overview. However, all non-bread frozen bakery
Starting with the 1967 census, all industry activities were products are combined and listed under SIC 2053, Frozen
reported according to a Standard Industrial Code (SIC). The Bakery Products, Except Bread. This category includes all
more precisely defined an activity, the more digits contained yeast-raised and chemically leavened doughnuts, sweet rolls,
in the SIC code. For example, Food and Kindred Products cakes and other pastries, which have previously been alluded
manufacturing was listed as SIC 20, Dairy Products was to as the fastest growing segment of the refrigerated/frozen
a more closely defined segment of SIC 20 manufacturing dough and bakery products industry.
listed as SIC 202, and Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts was Frozen and refrigerated dough and batters are aggregated
a sub-sector of SIC 202 manufacturing listed as SIC 2024. with prepared flour mixes by the Census Bureau. Because
However, the results of the 1997 census, which were released detailed information on more defined industry segments is
Table 2: Adjusted Value of Product Shipments ($ millions, 1992 dollars) for Flour
Mixes and Refrigerated and Frozen Dough and Batters, 1987-96*.
earlier, the growth in these products shipments is expected variable measurement of industry activity that is greatly af-
to continue at an increasing annual rate through 2000. fected by non-industry macroeconomic forces (e.g., interest
Table 3 gives a better picture of industry trends for fro- rates).
zen non-bread bakery products. The information on valued Table 4 shows similar industry information for flour mixes
added by manufacture, cost of materials, value of industry and refrigerated and frozen dough and batters manufactured by
shipments and new capital expenditures are from the 1987 non-millers (SIC 20450). The Annual Survey of Manufactures
and 1992 Census of Manufactures and the appropriate Annual series reports this detailed information only to the 4-digit
Survey of Manufactures: Statistics for Industry Groups and SIC level, so similar information for SIC 20415 could not
Industries issues. It must be noted that industry shipments be ascertained. Because most of the volume and values asso-
and the aforementioned product shipments may differ due ciated with SIC 2041 are due to various types of bulk flour, it
to the inclusion of byproduct sales and possibly some clas- would be difficult to distinguish any trends in refrigerated and
sification adjustments made by the Census Bureau during the frozen dough manufacturing using 4-digit SIC data. However,
span between publication release dates. an analysis of SIC 2045 can be provided because SIC 2045
As was apparent in the review of product shipment values, consists of only one 5-digit SIC code, SIC 20450.
the frozen non-bread bakery products industry began grow- Although declines were noted in 1989, 1994 and 1996, the
ing rapidly following 1991. The value-added component value added segment of SIC 20450 has generally increased
of those shipments (i.e., the portion of the products value by a moderate rate from year to year. Throughout the 10-year
associated with the manufacturing process) increased by 105 period, the amount of value attributed to the manufacturing
percent from 1991 to 1996. process increased by 41.8 percent, while the value of industry
This added value may be attributed to various new product shipments during the same period increased by 41.9 percent.
offerings and the increased demand for conveniently prepared New capital expenditures for SIC 20450 processing facilities
doughnuts, cakes and pastries. As the value obtained from have been much more sporadic from year to year compared
processing rose during this time period, so did new capital to non-bread frozen bakery items, but the data suggest this
expenditures for processing facilities, although this is a highly industry, like SIC 2053, is in an upswing.
Oklahoma State University, in compliance with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Americans with Disabilities
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Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Samuel E. Curl, Director of Cooperative Extension Service,
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. This publication is printed and issued by Oklahoma State University as authorized by the Dean of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Re-
sources and has been prepared and distributed at a cost of 73 cents per copy. MHG 0204.