142 Syllabus SP 17
142 Syllabus SP 17
142 Syllabus SP 17
Important Dates:
Midterm Exam: Wednesday March 22.
Term Paper: Due: Friday, April 14.
Final Exam: Tuesday, May 9, 7:008:30 PM. (Location TBA)
Required Texts:
1. The Mahbhrata. Abridged and Translated by John Smith. Penguin Classics. 2009 (Smith)
2. Course Reader in Indias Great Epics. (CR I and CR II) Two Volumes. Available at University
Copy 2425 Channing Way. (In the arcade between Channing and Durant.)
EXAMS: There will be one midterm exam administered in class. The final exam will be
administered during the regularly scheduled examination period. Each of these exams will
account for 30% of the grade.
PAPER: There will be one tenpage research paper (around 3000 words) due on Friday April
14th. It must be submitted both in typed or printed and as an email attachment in MS Word or
pdf format to be emailed to the instructor at [email protected]. The paper will account for
40% of the course grade.
READINGS: Students will be responsible for all required readings listed in the syllabus.
ATTENDANCE: Attendance is mandatory at all meetings of the class and will be monitored
through the use of signin sheets that will be passed around at each meeting. It is the
responsibility of each student to see that he or she signs the sheet. Unexcused absences during
the first two weeks of the term will be grounds for dropping the student from the course. Any
unexcused absences will negatively affect the final grade.
Course Readers:
All required readings, including both primary and secondary materials will be available in the
form of a paperback abridgement and translation of the Mahbhrata (Smith) and a two volume
Course Reader (CR I and CR II). The Readers will be available for purchase at University
Copy 2425 Channing Way.