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Tenses are forms of a verb that show the time, continuance or completion of an
action or a state that is expressed in connection with the moment at which a
statement is made about it. The following tenses are commonly used:

Present Tenses:
Simple Present Tense
Present continuous Tense
Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Past Tenses:
Simple Past Tense
Past Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Future Tenses:
Simple Future Tense
Future Continuous Tense
Future Perfect Tense
Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Simple Present Tense

The Simple Present is used:
1) To express a habitual action
Ex: He drinks tea every morning.
I get up every day at five oclock.
My watch keeps good time.

2) To express general truths

Ex: The sun rises in the east.
Honey is sweet.
Fortune favours the brave.

3) In exclamatory sentences beginning with here and there, to express what

is actually taking place in the present.
Ex: Here comes the bus!


There she goes.

4) In vivid narrative, as a substitute for the Simple Past.

Ex: Sohrab now rushes forward and deals a heavy blow to Rustum.
Immediately the Sultan hurries to his capital.

5) To indicate a future event that is part of a plan or arrangement.

Ex: We go to Bombay next week.
They leave tor London by the next mail.
We sail for America next Saturday.
When does the college reopen?

Note: also the other uses of the Simple Present Tense.

1) It is used to introduce quotations
Ex: Keats says, A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.

2) It is used, instead of the Simple Future Tense, in clauses of time and of

Ex: I shall wait till you finish your lunch.
If it rains we shall get late.

3) As in broadcast commentaries on sporting events, the Simple Present is

used, instead of the Present Continuous; to I describe activities in progress
where there is stress on the succession of happenings rather than on the

4) The Simple Present is used, instead of the Present Continuous, with the
type of verbs mentioned below. We must say, for example, I see the
sunrise, not I am seeing the sunrise.
a) Verbs of perception, e.g. see, hear, smell, notice, recognize.
b) Verbs of emotion, e.g. want, wish, desire, feel, like, love, hate,
hope, refuse, prefer.
c) Verbs of thinking, e.g. think, suppose, believe, agree, consider, trust,
remember, forget, know, understand, imagine, mean, mind.


Present Continuous Tense

The Present Continuous is used
1) For an action going on at the time of speaking
Ex: She is singing (now).
The boys are playing hockey.

2) For a temporary action which may not be actually happening at the time
of speaking
Ex: I am reading David Copperfield (but I am not reading at this moment).

3) For an action that is planned or arranged to take place in the near

Ex: I am going to the cinema tonight.
My uncle is arriving tomorrow.

The following verbs, on account of their meaning, are not normally used in
the continuous form:
1) Verbs of perception, e.g. see, hear, smell, notice, recognize.
2) Verbs of appearing, e.g., appear, look, seem.
3) Verbs of emotion, e.g. want, wish, desire, feel, like, love, hate, hope,
refuse, prefer.
4) Verbs of thinking, e.g., think, suppose believe, agree, consider, trust,
remember, forget, know, understand, imagine, mean, mind.
5) have (=possess), own, possess, belong to, contain, consist of, be
(except when used in the passive).

These verbs are used in the Simple Present. They may, however, be used in the
continuous tenses with a change of meaning.
Ex: I am thinking of (=considering the idea of) going to America.
Mr. Singh is minding (=looking after) the baby while his wife is out

Present Perfect Tense

The Present Perfect is used
1) To indicate completed activities in the immediate past.
Ex: He has just gone out.
It has just struck ten.


2) To express past actions whose time is not given and not definite.
Ex: Have you read Gullivers Travels?
I have never known him to be angry.
Mr. Hari has been to Japan.

3) To describe past events when we think more of their effect in the present
than of the action itself.
Ex: Gopi has eaten all the biscuits (i.e., there arent any left for you).
I have cut my finger (and it is bleeding now).
I have finished my work (=now I am free).

4) To denote an action beginning at some time in the past and continuing up

to the present moment.
Ex: I have known him for a long time.
He has been ill since last week.
We have lived here for ten years.
We havent seen Padma for several months.

The following adverbs (or adverb phrases) can be used with the Present
Perfect: just, often, never, ever (in questions only), so far, till now, yet (in
negatives and questions), already, sincephrases, forphrases, today, this
week, this month, etc.
Note: The Present Perfect is never used with adverbs of past time. We should
not say, for example, He has gone to Rajahmundry yesterday. In such cases
the Simple Past should be used (He went to Rajahmundry yesterday).

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

The Present Perfect Continuous is used for an action which began at some
time in the past and is continuing.
Ex: He has been sleeping for five hours (and is still sleeping).
They have been building the bridge for several months.
They have been playing since four oclock.

This tense is sometimes used for an action already finished. In such cases, the
continuity of the activity is emphasized as an explanation of something.
Ex: Why are your clothes so wet?, I have been watering the garden.


Simple Past Tense

The Simple Past is used to indicate an action completed in the past. It often
occurs with adverbs or adverb phrases of past time.
Ex: The steamer sailed yesterday.
I received his letter a week ago.
She left school last year.

Sometimes this tense is used without an adverb of time. In such cases the time
may be either implied or indicated by the context.
Ex: I learnt Hindi in Nagpur.
I didnt sleep well (i.e., last night).
Babar defeated Rana Sanga at Kanwaha.

The Simple Past is also used for past habits

Ex: He studied many hours every day.
She always carried an umbrella.

Past Continuous Tense

The Past Continuous is used to denote an action going on at some time in the
past. The time of the action may or may not be indicated.
Ex: We were listening to the radio all evening.
It was getting darker.
The light went out while I was reading.
When I saw him, he was playing chess.

This tense is also used, with always, continually, etc., for persistent habits in the
Ex: He was always grumbling.

Past Perfect Tense

The Past Perfect describes an action completed before a certain moment in
the past.
Ex: I met him in New Delhi in 1970.
I had seen him last five years before.

If two actions happened in the past, it may be necessary to show which action
happened earlier than the other. The Past Perfect is mainly used in such


situations. The Simple Past is used in one clause and the Past Perfect in the
Ex: When I reached the station, the train had started (so I couldnt get into the
I had done my exercise when Hari came to see me.
I had written the letter before he arrived.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

The Past Perfect Continuous is used for an action that began before a certain
point in the past and continued up to that time.
Ex: At that time, he had been writing a novel for two months.
When Mr. Mukerji came to the school in 1965, Mr. Anand had already
been teaching there for five years.

Simple Future Tense

The Simple Future is used for an action that has still to take place.
Ex: I shall see him tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be Sunday.

Note: The Simple Future Tense generally expresses pure or colourless future.
When the future is coloured with intention, the going to\infinitive construction
is preferred.
Ex: He is going to build a new house.

Future Continuous Tense

The Future Continuous represents an action as going on at some time in
future time.
Ex: I shall be reading the paper then.
When I get home, my children will be playing.

This tense is also used for future events that are planned.
Ex: Ill be staying here till Sunday.
He will be meeting us next week.

Future Perfect Tense

The Future Perfect is used to indicate the completion of an action by a certain
future time.

Ex: I shall have written my exercise by that time.

Before you go to see him, he will have left the place.

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

The Future Perfect Continuous indicates an action represented as being in
progress over a period of time that will end in the future.
Ex: By next July, we shall have been living here for four years.
When he gets his degree, he will have been studying at Oxford for four


1. She is taking milk daily

A. She takes milk daily

2. They are working in our factory since 1990

A. They have been working in our factory since 1990

4. They have left for Rajahmundry yesterday

A. They left for Rajahmundry yesterday

5. I shall call you when my friend will arrive.

A. I shall call you when my friend arrives.

6. He was late so he is scolded by the teacher

A. He was late so he was scolded by the teacher

7. The criminal was hung two days ago

A. The criminal was hanged two days ago

8. We cant help listen to them

A. We cant help listening to them

9. Dont get off the bus until it will stop

A. Dont get off the bus until it stops


10. The house is belonging to me.

A. The house belongs to me.

11. Ive bought this book a week ago

A. I bought this book a week ago

12. One wont rise high in life unless he will work hard
A. One wont rise high in life unless one works hard

13. Much water has flown under the bridge.

A. Much water has flowed under the bridge.

14. Bhaskar have a factory in Kakinada.

A. Bhaskar has a factory in Kakinada.

15. My brother arriving tomorrow

A. My brother is arriving tomorrow

16. The bell rang while I talking to my friend

A. The bell rang while I was talking to my friend

17. I am absent yesterday

A. I was absent yesterday

18. I am waiting here for three hours.

A. I have been waiting here for three hours.

19. Birds flies in the sky

A. Birds fly in the sky

20. She is not seen since yesterday

A. She has not been seen since yesterday

21. Either he or I has to suffer.

A. Either he or I have to suffer.


22. There is plenty of books in Sastrys library

A. There are plenty of books in Sastrys library

23. The great thinker and reformer are dead

A. The great thinker and reformer is dead

24. The number of honest people are small

A. The number of honest people is small

25. Half the crop has been destroyed

A. Half of the crop has been destroyed

26. One of the girls have got the prize

A. One of the girls has got the prize

27. Many a fool think so

A. Many a fool thinks so

28. Bread and butter are complete food

A. Bread and butter is complete food

29. Time and tide wait for none.

A. Time and tide waits for none.

30. Economics are a difficult subject

A. Economics is a difficult subject

31. I and He have lifted the box

A. He and I have lifted the box

32. The students of this college talks well

A. The students of this college talk well

33. His knowledge of grammar intricacies are vast

A. His knowledge of grammar intricacies is vast


34. The committee have issued its report

A. The committee has issued its report

35. No news are good news

A. No news is good news

36. English as well as French are taught here

A. English as well as French is taught here

37. Every boy and every girl were given a certificate

A. Every boy and every girl was given a certificate

38. Some of the ink have spilt on the table

A. Some of the ink has spilt on the table

39. The bell is being ringing now.

A. The bell is being rung now.

40. Where the book was found?

A. Where was the book found?

41. You are requested to not smoke here

A. you are requested not to smoke here

42. Penicillin discovered Alexander Fleming

A. Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming

43. The bangle broken by her

A. The bangle was broken by her

44. Where are my luggages?

A. Where is my luggage?

45. The furnitures in his home are imported from China

A. The furniture in his home is imported from China


46. Measles have broken out in the area

A. Measles has broken out in the area

47. Physics are my favourite subject

A. Physics is my favourite subject

48. His savings is huge

A. His savings are huge

49. She bought ten dozens apples

A. She bought ten dozen apples

50. The two Father-in-Laws met to discuss the arrangements

A. The two Fathers-in-Law met to discuss the arrangements

51. He is my cousin brother

A. He is my cousin.

52. Gopi is running fifteen

A. Gopi is fifteen (or) Gopi is fifteen years old.

53. She is my fathers sisters daughter

A. She is the daughter of my fathers sister

54. This is my friends Bhaskars car

A. This is my friend Bhaskars car

55. I and Bhaskar attended the meeting

A. Bhaskar and I attended the meeting

56. The Students enjoyed a lot

A. The Students enjoyed themselves a lot

57. Sriram is more cleverer than Bhaskar

A. Sriram is cleverer than Bhaskar


58. Raghu is most tallest boy in the college

A. Raghu is the tallest boy in the college

59. This is the most perfect dress for you.

A. This is the perfect dress for you.

60. The pollution in Hyderabad is worse than Delhi.

A. The pollution in Hyderabad is worse than that of Delhi.

61. The umpire is the least person to leave the ground.

A. The umpire is the last person to leave the ground.

62. What is the last score?

A. What is the latest score?

63. Ravi is the boy who came latest

A. Ravi is the boy who came last

64. This is the last fashion in our shop.

A. This is the latest fashion in our shop.

65. There are less girls than boys in the class

A. There are fewer girls than boys in the class

66. There is not much fish in the river

A. There are not more fish in the river

67. They have formed an union.

A. They have formed a union.

68. I wish to eat a ice cream.

A. I wish to eat an ice cream.

69. The man is mortal.

A. Man is mortal.


70. That is one rupee note

A. That is a one rupee note

71. I am a M.A but my brother is a B.A

A. I am an M.A but my brother is a B.A

72. The Washington D.C is the capital of U.S.A.

A. Washington D.C is the capital of U.S.A.

73. The secretary and the correspondent is in the meeting.

A. The secretary and the correspondent are in the meeting.

74. Try to not be one of these at the workplace

A. Try not to be one of these at the workplace

75. She is having a house.

A. She has a house.

76. He has suffered from cold

A. He has suffered from a cold

77. Dont make noise

A. Dont make a noise

78. Why she is crying?

A. Why is she crying?

79. He said that he is busy.

A. He said that he was busy.

80. He entered the studio

A. He entered into the studio

81. He entered an agreement

A. He entered into an agreement


82. I dont agree with your proposal.

A. I dont agree to your proposal.

83. I agree to you in this matter

A. I agree with you in this matter

84. We cant avoid speak to her.

A. We cant avoid speaking to her.

85. I requested her wait for me.

A. I requested her to wait for me.

86. I suggest you to go for the interview.

A. I suggest that you should go for the interview.

87. He did his homework, isnt he?

A. He did his homework, didnt he?

88. Lets go to a film, dont we?

A. Lets go to a film, shall we?

89. She likes tea, do she?

A. she likes tea, doesnt she?

90. The boy has lost the way, didnt he?

A. The boy has lost the way, hasnt he?

91. She drives fastly.

A. She drives fast.

92. Translate this in English.

A. Translate this into English.

93. I know him more better than you

A. I know him better than you


94. He is awaiting for you

A. He is awaiting you

95. I will meet you on the Monday

A. I will meet you on Monday

96. He came on yesterday

A. He came yesterday

97. The computer is superior than that

A. The computer is superior to that

98. She used to sing on every morning

A. She used to sing every morning

99. I go to school by walk

A. I go to school on foot.

100. He considers me as his guru

A. He considers me his guru

101. They named the baby as pinky.

A. They named the baby as pinky.

102. I will tell to him about this.

A. I will tell him about this.

103. My House is besides the temple

A. My House is beside the temple

104. He gave the child money beside food.

A. He gave the child money besides food.

105. Beside Ravi, Raghu and Ram are going to picnic.

A. Besides Ravi, Raghu and Ram are going to picnic.


106. Why are you angry to him?

A. Why are you angry with him?

107. I am suffering with fever now.

A. I am suffering from fever now.

108. Though he is poor but he is honest

A. Though he is poor he is honest

109. As you are my friend, so I dont do that.

A. As you are my friend, I dont do that.

110. He gave her good advices

A. He gave her good advice or good pieces of advice.

111. As I was getting into the bus, my purse has been stolen
A. As I was getting into the bus, my purse had been stolen

112. I cant come as I have a work to do.

A. I cant come as I have work to do.

113. This is the house which I live.

A. This is the house which I live in.

114. This is the chair that Mahatma Gandhi sat

A. This is the chair that Mahatma Gandhi sat on

115. No sooner he did come on to the platform, when the police caught him.
A. No sooner did he come on to the platform, than the police caught him.

116. I am familiar on this case

A. I am familiar with this case

117. He is living here since 1990.

A. He has been living here since 1990.


118. I sent him five hundreds rupees.

A. I sent him five hundred rupees.

119. I didnt attend to the meeting

A. I didnt attend meeting

120. Kamala having finished the exam, she left the hall
A. Having finished the exam kamala left the hall

121. Being a rainy day, I stayed indoors.

A. It Being a rainy day, I stayed indoors.

122. The father with his colleagues have left for a hour.
A. The father with his colleagues has left for a hour.

123. Radha as well as Aparna have left for Delhi.

A. Radha as well as Aparna has left for Delhi.

124. Please write your name with ink.

A. Please write your name with in ink.

125. She is the youngest of the two sisters.

A. She is the younger of the two sisters.

126. The office works from ten and four

A. The office works from ten to four

127. You can meet the principal between two six

A. You can meet the principal between two and six

128. He is loving his family

A. He loves his family

129. This factory is not belonging to them.

A. This factory does not belong them.


130. One must love his country.

A. One must love ones country.

Practice Bits
1) Sushma ______________ to college every day. (go)
2) The river ______________ under the bridge. (flow)
3) The children ______________ in the garden. (be)
4) What ______________ this machine do? (do)
5) Birds ______________ in the sky. (fly)
6) A thing of beauty ______________ a joy forever. (he)
7) The match ______________ at 9 o clock. (start)
8) He ______________ tea every morning. (drink)
9) The earth ______________ around the sun. (revolve)
10) We ______________ watching movies. (like)

1) I ______________ to you about him. (speak)
2) Rajiv ______________ for Bangalore yesterday. (leave)
3) Venu ______________ the letter a week ago. (receive)
4) Kalpana ______________ Spanish in schiool. (learn)
5) Irene ______________ the Taj Mahal when she ______________to Agra
last year .(see, go)
6) Bharat __________ the entrance exam well. (write)
7) They __________ a ballet at Ravindra Bharathi. (perform)
8) After he _________ his home work, he went out with his friends. (do)
9) I __________ cricket every morning last year. (play)
10) Vivek __________ me a year ago. (meet)


1) Teja __________ him tomorrow. (meet)
2) They __________ this car for sure. (sell)
3) If you run, the police __________ you. (suspect)
4) Neena __________ the report by Monday. (submit)
5) Gouri __________ a dance next week. (perform)
6) We __________ as soon as you are ready. (leave)
7) The boys __________ the game by five o clock. (finish)
8) I __________ a cake for you. (bake)
9) Abdul Kalam __________ Hyderabad soon. (visit)
10) If Sonam invites me I __________ the party. (attend)

1) Look, the old man _________ across the street. (walk)
2) They __________ the programme now. (watch)
3) Mother __________ my favourite dish for lunch. (make)
4) Take an umbrella with you. It __________ .(rain)
5) Divya __________ because she lost her purse. (cry)
6) The students __________ for their exams which begin tomorrow. (prepare)
7) Shriya cannot talk to you because she __________ her home work. (do)
8) The children __________ in the water. (play)
9) What __________ you __________ about? (talk)
10) The beggar __________ for alms. (beg)

1) While I __________ a letter, I heard a loud sound. (write)
2) When I last saw him he __________ chess. (play)
3) Meenal __________ when the phone rang. (study)
4) When Sita reached home, the children __________ T.V. (watch)


5) Sandeep jumped off the train while it __________ . (move)

6) They __________ the old wall when it collapsed. (paint)
7) The little boy __________ when the mosquito bit him on the cheek. (sleep)
8) I spilt coffee on my book while I __________ it (read)
9) He __________ from fever even before he left for Delhi. (read)
10) The travelers __________ amongst themselves when the police arrived

1) By the time I go home, my children __________ . (sleep)
2) I __________ in Chennai for a week. (stay)
3) They __________ next week for the Municipal Election. (vote)
4) This time tomorrow we __________ on the beach in Singapore. (sit)
5) Please dont disturb me tomorrow. I _________ the IPL match on T.V.
6) He _________ us next week. (meet)
7) They _________ a party next month to celebrate their silver wedding
anniversary. (host)
8) We _________ into our new house next week. (shift)
9) He _________ in Hyderabad tomorrow morning. (arrive)
10) My neighbour _________ my dog for a walk every day when I am away.

1) Ashish _________ all the biscuits. (eat)
2) I _________ my home work. (finish)
3) She _________ her finger. (cut)
4) Chetan _________ just _________ out for lunch. (go)
5) The clock _________ just _________ twelve. (strike)


6) I _________ him for a long time. (know)

7) _________ you _________ my wallet ? (see)
8) Mr. Martin _________ a book on English grammar. (write)
9) Rahul _________ disobedient. (be)
10) The holidays are over. Schools _________ . (reopen)

1) The match _________ by the time I reached the stadium. (start)
2) The train _________ the platform by the time we reached the station.
3) I would not have missed the interview if my flight _________ on time.
4) The thief _________ by the time the police arrived. (escape)
5) I _________ already _________ my lawyer before I lodged the complaint.
6) Even though he _________ for the exams, he failed. (prepare)
7) I went to my friends house at nine, but he _________ already _________
out. (go)
8) By the time Anushka turned twenty-nine, she _________ a novel.
9) When I reached the airport I realised that I _________ my ticket at home.
10) If we _________ of your arrival we would have met you. (know)

1) He _________ a house by the end of next year. (build)
2) She _________ in hospital for 6 months by the end of July. (be)
3) The Prime Minister _________ 5 years in office by March. (complete)
4) Let us leave at 5 p.m. I _________ my exercise by then. (finished)


5) He _________ by the time you reach. (leave)

1) Tripura _________ for three hours. (dance)
2) The boys _________ football since four o clock. (play)
3) Sheela _________ the violin for two years now. (practice)
4) They _________ the bridge for several months. (build)
5) My clothes are wet because I _________ the garden. (water)

1) At the time of his transfer, he _________ in that office for ten years.
2) Sunil _________ in Latur for three years before the earthquake occurred.
3) In the morning I found that it _________ the whole night. (rain)
4) I knew that he _________ the horse for many days. (ride)
5) The company _________ to sell out its shares and wind up when the court
intervened. (try)

1) By the end of this month, we _________ here for 25 years. (work)
2) She _________ for eight months by the end of this year. (travel)
3) They _________ in Vijayawada for five years by the end of 2011. (live)
4) I _________ in this college for twenty years by the end of February this
year. (teach)
5) Sachin Tendulkar _________ for India for twenty years by 2010. (play)

1) What _________ the price of this pen? (be)


2) We _________ till you are ready. (wait)

3) The sun _________ in the east. (rise)
4) They _________ this house since 2009. (build)
5) Water _________ at 100o C. (boil)
6) They _________ the bus yesterday. (miss)
7) The journalist _________ the Chief Minister now. (interview)
8) The train _________ the platform an hour ago. (leave)
9) Dont disturb the boy. He _________ his home work. (do)
10) She _________ when her husband came home. (cook)
11) It _________ since 10 o clock. (rain)
12) She _________ for Delhi tomorrow. (leave)
13) I _________ to college last week to collect my hall ticket. (go)
14) College _________ on 15th June. (reopen)
15) Ravi _________ a film these days. (direct)
16) He _________ for a walk every morning. (go)
17) A triangle _________ three sides. (have)
18) While we _________ in the fields, we _________ a snake. (walk, see)
19) They _________ married for twenty years by the end of this year. (be)
20) Supriya _________ this watch in Japan a year ago. (buy)

I (1) goes (2) flows (3) are (4) does
(5) fly (6) is (7) starts (8) drinks
(9) revolves (10) like
II (1) spoke (2) left (3) received (4) learnt
(5) saw/went (6) wrote (7) performed (8) did
(9) played (10) met
III (1) will meet (2) will sell (3) will suspect (4) will submit
(5) will perform (6) shall leave (7) will finish (8) shall bake

(9) will visit (10) shall attend

IV (1) is walking (2) are watching (3) is making (4) is raining
(5) is crying (6) are preparing (7) is doing (8) are playing
(9) are you talking (10) is begging
V (1) was writing (2) was playing (3) was studying
(4) were watching (5) was moving (6) were painting
(7) was sleeping (8) was reading (9) was suffering
(10) were fighting
VI (1) will be sleeping (2) shall/will be staying
(3) will be voting (4) shall/will be sitting
(5) shall/will be watching (6) will be meeting
(7) will be hosting (8) shall/will be shifting
(9) will be arriving (10) will be taking
VII (1) has eaten (2) have finished (3) has cut
(4) has just gone (5) has just struck (6) have known
(7) have you seen (8) has written (9) has been
(10) have reopened
VIII (1) had started (2) had left (3) had been
(4) had escaped (5) had already consulted (6) had prepared
(7) had already gone (8) had published (9) had forgotten
(10) had known
IX (1) will have built (2) will have been
(3) will have completed (4) shall have finished
(5) will have left
X (1) has been dancing (2) have been playing
(3) has been practicing (4) have been building
(5) have been watering
XI (1) had been working (2) had been living
(3) had been raining (4) had been riding


(5) had been trying

XII (1) will have been working (2) will have been travelling
(3) will have been living (4) shall have been teaching
(5) will have been playing
XIII (1) is (2) will wait/shall wait
(3) rises (4) have been building
(5) boils (6) missed
(7) is interviewing (8) left
(9) is doing (10) was cooking
(11) has been raining
(12) leaves/will leave/is leaving/will be leaving
(13) went (14) will reopen/reopens (15) is directing
(16) goes (17) has (18) were walking, saw
(19) will have been (20) bought


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