A Study of Cutaneous Manifestations Associated With Diabetes Mellitus

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International Journal of Advances in Medicine

Kadam MN et al. Int J Adv Med. 2016 May;3(2):296-303

http://www.ijmedicine.com pISSN 2349-3925 | eISSN 2349-3933

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2349-3933.ijam20161079
Research Article

A study of cutaneous manifestations associated with diabetes mellitus

Manish N. Kadam1*, Pravin N. Soni2, Sangita Phatale3, B. Siddramappa4
Department of Skin & VD, Indian Institute of Medical Science & Research Medical College, Badnapur, Jalna,
Maharashtra, India
Department of General Medicine, Indian Institute of Medical Science & Research Medical College, Badnapur, Jalna,
Maharashtra, India
Department of Physiology, MGM Medical College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
Department of Skin & VD, KLEs Medical College, Belgaum, Karnataka, India

Received: 21 March 2016

Accepted: 19 April 2016

Dr. Manish N. Kadam,
E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright: the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: Diabetes mellitus is a fairly common medical disorder that involves almost every specialty in its
spectrum of clinical manifestation, and up to 1/3 rd of patients with diabetes mellitus are estimated to have cutaneous
changes. In other words using broadest criteria all subjects with diabetes will diabetes will develop cutaneous
manifestations of this disease.
Methods: A total of 100 diabetic patients with cutaneous manifestations, who attended skin OPD at Civil Hospital,
Belgaum, Karnataka, India and K.L.ES Hospital and Medical Research Centre, were randomly selected. The present
study was conducted over a period of 22 months from March 1995 to December 1996. Total 100 cases were included
in this study. The male to female ratio is 1.6:1 approximately. Detailed history, physical examination, cutaneous and
mucous membrane involvement examination was done. Diabetes Mellitus was confirmed by urine sugar and blood
sugar estimation. The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus was done on the basis of criteria laid down by national diabetic
data group. Urine and blood sugar estimation was done in all the cases.
Results: Fungal infections were common cutaneous manifestation followed by bacterial infections and generalized
pruritus. Those patients who were on oral hypoglycaemic drugs, insulin therapy found to have photodermatitis and
localized lipoatrophy. The common associated skin diseases with diabetes mellitus were fungal infection (38%) and
viral infections (2%). Unexplained generalized pruritus was observed in (17%) cases, followed by pruritus ani is (3%)
and prurigo simplex in (1%). Cutaneous markers of diabetes i.e acrochordons were observed in 17% cases. The other
manifestations observed were lichen planus (6%), PLE (3%), psoriasis (3%), vitiligo (2%), Kyrles disease (2%),
infected eczema (2%), scabies (2%), lichen simplex chronicus (2%) and pemphigus vulgaris (1%).
Conclusions: The physicians should be aware of cutaneous manifestations in diabetes mellitus. Where the ignorance
of skin manifestations in diabetes or improper treatment may makes the condition worse. The early detection and
early treatment of common skin manifestations in diabetes will prevent further complications or ineffectiveness due to
treatment especially in cases of carbuncle, extensive tinea corporis, psoriasis, lichen planus, macro and micro
angiopathies, trohic ulcers etc. A well-controlled diabetes by drugs, diet and exercise will allow the patient to lead a
normal life like any other normal individuals.

Keywords: Cutaneous manifestations, Diabetes mellitus, Skin manifestations

International Journal of Advances in Medicine | April-June 2016 | Vol 3 | Issue 2 Page 296
Kadam MN et al. Int J Adv Med. 2016 May;3(2):296-303

INTRODUCTION fungal elements in dermatophytoses and wet smear

examination under 10% KOH was also done for candidial
Diabetes mellitus is commonest metabolic disorder infections. Examination of pus, discharge were taken for
affecting the people all over the world. In global arena, grams staining for demonstrating organism; culture and
even though diabetes has been known since antiquity and sensitivity for bacterial and fungal examination was done
in last five decades new discoveries have provided great in selected cases; biopsy of skin lesions from involved
hopes, there are continuous research efforts to find ways site were done in selected cases.
and minimize morbidity and mortality which continues
unbated.1 It is estimated that there are 10 million diabetics RESULTS
in India and for every diagnosed diabetic there is another
undetected diabetic. The Manifestation of diabetic in The present study was conducted over a period of 22
tropic has distinct features. Genetic ecological and months from March 1995 to December 1996. Total 100
nutritional factors greatly influence the metabolic profile cases were included in the study.
of such diabetes, while evolution of vascular diseases in
this population may be related to degree and duration of Table 1: Age wise distribution of the cases.
carbohydrate metabolic abnormality. Diabetes mellitus is
a fairly common medical disorder that involves almost Age (in years) Number of cases Percentage
every specialty in its spectrum of clinical manifestation, 10-20 2 2
and up to 1/3rd of patients with diabetes mellitus are 21-30 5 5
estimated to have cutaneous changes. In other words 31-40 12 12
using broadest criteria all subjects with diabetes will 41-50 23 23
diabetes will develop cutaneous manifestations of this 51-60 14 14
disease.2 The skin manifestations in diabetic state are also 61-70 13 13
seen in non-diabetic state. The exact pathogenesis of
71-80 1 1
most skin findings associated with diabetes mellitus are
generally unknown. Recently attention is focused on one
factor common to all from of diabetes-Hyperglycemia. As per Table 1, nineteen patients were within the age
But the probable pathogenitic factors causing skin group of 40 years. Constituting 19%. The lowest age of
manifestation are mainly hyperglycemia, macro and patient was found in two patients who were of 20 years of
microangiopathy, and neuropathy.2 There are very few age.
Indian studies available on cutaneous manifestation
associated with diabetes mellitus hence present thesis is As per Table 3 and 4, about 38 cases were having fungal
undertaken to study cutaneous manifestions, associated infections (includes) Tinea corporis, Tinea cruris, Tinea
with diabetes mellitus in patients attending civil hospital, Versicolor, Candidal inteetrigo, Candidial vulvovaginitis,
Belgaum and K.L.ES Hospital, Belgaum, India. The Candidal balanoposthitis and oral candidiasis
present study was undertaken to ascertain different constituting 38%. In this study, 13 cases were having
cutaneous manifestation of diabetic patients presenting bacterial infections (includes carbuncle, folliculitis,
with skin manifestations. Cutaneous complications due to furunculosis and palmar abscess) as shown in Table 3 and
ant diabetic therapy. 4 it constitutes to 13% of total cases. As per Table 3 and
4, 17 cases presented as generalized pruritus which
METHODS constitutes 17% of total cases.

A total of 100 diabetic patients with cutaneous In present study 81 patients above 40 years constituted
manifestations, who attended skin OPD at Civil Hospital, 81%. The oldest person in the present study was of 72
Belgaum, Karnataka and K.L.ES Hospital and Medical years age.
Research Centre, were randomly selected. The present
study was conducted over a period of 22 months from As per Table 2, out of 100 cases 62% were males patients
March 1995 to December 1996. All the cases were and 38% were female patients. The male to female ratio
examined with a detailed history, physical examination, was 1.6:1 approximately.
cutaneous and mucous membrane involvement. Diabetes
mellitus was confirmed by urine sugar and blood sugar Seventeen cases of acrochordons were observed of which
estimation. 5 cases were associated with generalized pruritus, 3 cases
were associated with Tinea cruris, 2 cases were only
The following investigations were done-routine blood having acrochordons, 2 cases of skin tags were having
examination like HB%, total count, differential count and associated monilial intertrigo and one case each was
ESR were done in all cases; urine routine and for sugar associated with infected eczema, furuncle, folliculitis,
and albumin was done in all cases; blood sugar tinea pedis and psoriasis respectively.
estimation that is fasting blood sugar or random blood
sugar was done in all cases; direct examination of Lichen planus was seen in sex cases constituting 6% of
scrapping taken from involved sites to demonstrate total cases.

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As per table 3 and 4, three cases of psoriasis was The above table shows that most of the patients presented
observed, out of which one case had associated skin tags. with multiple symptoms. As per Table 5, symptoms like
Thus, 3% of cases were observed. Two cases of kyrles polyurea (94%), polyphogia (75%), polydypsia (89%).
disease were observed in this study as shown in table 3 Loss of weight (19%), generalized pruritus (17%).
and 5 i.e. 2% of total cases. As per table 3 and 4, viral painful sensation (14%), itching on genitals (5%) were
infection constitute 2% of total cases, out of which 1 case observed. Accordingly above symptoms were observed in
was of herpes simplex and 1 case of herpes zoster, all diabetic patients except in 14 patients who were
respectively. One case of lipoatrophy associated with detected underlying diabetes following skin
Tinea cruris was observed i.e.1% of total cases. Two symptomatology.
cases of photodermatitis were observed which constitutes
2% of total cases. There were two cases of infected Table 4: Cutaneous manifestations associated with
eczema, which constitutes 2% of total cases. Monilial diabetes.
balanoposthitis was observed in 5 cases, of which 4 cases
had phimosis. Disease associated with diabetes Percentage
Fungal 38
Table 2: Gender wise distribution of the cases. Bacterial 13
Acrochordans 17
Gender Number of cases Percentage Generalized pruritus 17
Males 62 62 Lichen planus 17
Females 38 38 Psoriasis 3
Polymorphic light eruption 3
Table 3: Associated skin disease with diabetes. Pruritus ani 3
Parasotic infection (scabies) 2
Skin disease Number of cases Percentage
Vitiligo 2
Tinea corporis 6 6
Kyrles disease 2
Tinea pedis 5 5
Infected eczema 2
Tinea cruris 3 3
Viral infection 2
Tinea versicolor 3 3
Lichen Simplex Chronicus 2
Candidal Intertrigo 8 88
Photodermatitis 2
Candidal 6 6
vulvogaginitis Lipoatrophy (Localized) 1
Candidal 5 5 Bullous disease 1
Balanoposthitis Prurigo simplex 1
Oral Candidiasis 2 2
Folliculitis 8 8 Table 5: Symptoms at the time of study period.
Furuncle 2 2
Symptoms Number of cases Percentage
Carbuncle 2 2
Polyurea 94 94
Palmar Abscess 1 1
Polyphagia 75 75
Generalized Pruritus 17 17
Polydypsia 89 89
Acrochordans 17 17
Loss of Weight 19 19
Lichen planus 6 6
Generalized pruritus 17 17
Psoriasis 3 3
Painful sensation 14 14
Polymorphic light 3 3
Itching on genitalia 5 5
Kyrles disease 2 2
Table 6: Patients on ant diabetic therapy.
Lichen simplex 2 2
Modes of therapy Number of cases Percentage
Scabies 2 2
Only on insulin 10 10
Vitiligo 2 2 Oral hypoglycemic
Herpes simplex 1 1 76 76
Herpes zoster 1 1 No treatment 14 14
Pruritus ani 3 3
Prurigo simplex 1 1
Pemphigus vulgaris 1 1 Table 6 showed that out of 100 cases studied 10 patients
Photodermatitis 2 2 were only on insulin therapy the other 76 patients were
Lipoatrophy 1 1 on hypoglycemic drugs. The other 14 patients who were
Infected eczema 2 2 detected during the investigations have been referred to
diabetic clinic for further management.

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As per Table 7, about 76 patients were on oral Table 8, 13 cases with bacterial infection were subjected
hypoglycemic drugs, and 10 cases were on insulin for Grams staining, of which 8 cases were of folliculitis,
therapy. Out of these, 3 cases were detected having 2 cases of furuncle, 2 cases of carbuncle and one case of
complications due to antidiabetic therapy of which 2 palmar abscess.
cases had photodermatitis probably due to oral
antidiabetic therapy i.e. sulphonylureas. One case had 10% KOH examination was done in 40 cases in present
localized lipoatrophy due to insulin therapy. study. Out of these 40 cases, 21 cases were of candidasis,
17 cases of fungal infection and 2 cases of polymorphic
Grams staining was carried out in 34 cases in the present light eruption (P.L.E).
As per Table 9, all the 21 cases of candidal infections
Table 7: Complications due to therapy. were positive for fungal elements i.e. pseudohyphae
andbudding spores were seen. Out of 21 cases of
Modes of No. of Cases with candidiasis, 8 cases were of candidal intertrigo, 5 were of
treatment cases complication candidal balanoposthitis 2 cases of oral candidiasis and 6
Oral cases of candidal vulvovaginitis. All the 5 patients who
hypoglycemic 76 2 Photodermatitis presents with candidal balanoposthitis were
drugs uncircumcised. As per Table 9, total 17 cases of fungal
Insulin 10 1 Localized atrophy infection were subjected for 10% KOH examination, of
which 6 cases were of Tinea corporis, 5 cases of Tinea
Table 8: Grams staining. pedis and 3 cases each of Tinea cruris and Tinea
versicolor respectively. Table 9 also shows, 2 cases of
No. of polymorphic light eruption (P.L.E) were subjected for
Diagnosis Investigations/results
cases 10% KOH examination, so as to rule out fungal infection
8 C. Intertrigo Yeast and and both the cases were negative for fungal elements
6 C. Vulvovaginitis pseudohyphae under microscopy.
5 C. Balanoposthitis
2 Oral candidiasis As per Table 10, out of these 13 cases of bacterial
5 Folliculitis infections 8 cases were of folliculitis, 2 cases of furuncle
Gram positive cocci
2 Furuncle and 2 cases of carbuncle. In all these cases
staphylococcus aureus was isolated. In only one case of
2 Carbuncle
palmar abscess staphylococcus epidermidis was isolated
1 Palmar abscess on culture.
Table 9: Direct examination of scrapping with Table 10: Culture of bacteria.
10% KOH.
Diagnosis of No. of
No. of cases Culture/Results
bacterial disease cases
where KOH Diagnosis Results Folliculitis 8 Staph aureus isolated
was done Furuncle 2
8 C.Intertrigo Positive for fungal Carbuncle 2
6 C.Vulvovaginitis elements Palmar abscess 1 Staph epidermidis isolated
5 C.Balanoposthitis
2 Oral candididasis Lichen planus
6 T. Corporis Positive for fungal
5 T. Pedis elements Histopathological examination in six cases of Lichen
3 T. Cruris planus showed epidermal hyperkeratosis, focal
3 T. Versicolor hypergranulosis and mild irregular acanthosis with basal
Negative for fungal cell degeneration. Dermis showed band like lymphocytic
2 P.L.E. infiltrate closely hugging epidermis and around blood
Out of 34 cases in whom grams staining was done of
which 21 cases were of candidal or monilial infection and Psoriasis vulgaris
remaining 13 cases had bacterial infection. As per Table
8, out of 21 cases of Candidiasis, 8 cases were of All the 3 cases were subjected for histopathology. All of
Candidal intertrigo, 6 cases were of Candidal them showed classical histological features of Psoriasis
vulvovaginitis, 5 cases of Candidal balanoposthitis and 2 vulgaris epidermal hyperkeratosis with parakeratosis,
cases with oral candidiasis. All candidal cases revealed Acanthosis, elongated rete ridges and immediately
grams positive yeast cells and pseudohyphae. As per beneath parakeratotic site spongiform pustule or munro

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micro abscess was observed. Upper dermis showed mild Bacterial infections
chronic inflammatory infiltrate.
Thomas George et al in his study observed 14% of
Table 11: Culture for fungus. diabetic patients having bacterial infections.4 But, Anand
LC et al observed 26% of diabetic patients with bacterial
No. of infections.3 In present series 13% of total diabetic patients
Diagnosis Culture report
cases had bacterial infections which are in concurrence with
Candidal balanoposthitis 3 Candida isolated George T et al.4 Hence examination of urine and blood
for sugar is advisable in patients who have recurrent
Kyrles disease chronic bacterial infections. Diabetes mellitus may be
background for various bacterial infections. Pyoderma
Two patients of kyrles disease were subjected for biopsy developing in known diabetic signifies poor control.
and histological section stained showed heavy keratotic
partly parakeratotic plug occupying. Basophilic debris is Fungal infections
present in parakeratotic layer. Dermis showed cell
infiltration around blood vessels Thirty eight (38) cases were found to have fungal
infections constituting 38% which is malor group of
Pemphigus vulgaris coetaneous manifestations in diabetes in present study.
Similar higher incidence of fungal infections (44%) was
Only one case of pemphigus vulgaris was studied and observed by George T et al whereas Anand LC et al
subjected for biopsy and histological section stained observed fungal infections in 35% of cases.3,4 In
showed, epidermal hyperkeratosis with suprabasal bullae uncircumcised males, monilial balenitis, may be the first
formation and eosinophilic spongiosis. clue to diabetes. In present series 5% of diabetic patients
presented with balanoposthitis 6% cases had
Prurigo simplex vulvovaginitis, 8 % patients had Candidal interteigo and
in 2% of cases oral candidiasis was noted. Almost similar
Only one case of prurigo simplex was studied and observations were made by George T et al.4 The poorly
subjected for biopsy and histopathological examination. controlled diabetic patient is particularly at risk for
Epidermis showed mild hyperkeratosis, irregular developing severe acute mucocutaneous candidal
acanthosis and papillomatosis. The dermis showed infection.1 In present study 2% of cases had oral
marked perivascular round cell infiltration. candidiasis, of which one was unknown diabetic and
other patient was irregular in treatment.
Viral infections
Diabetes Mellitus is a common metabolic disorder that
involves almost every specialty in its spectrum of clinical Whether viral infections in diabetics are common or
manifestation, thus skin is unique, dynamic, reactive and uncommon is a point of controversy. As such Brown et al
mirror of internal organs. No diseases of skin are peculiar states that there is high incidence of Herpes zoster with
to diabetes, yet there are diseases, the incidence of which postherpetic neuralgia in diabetics, but Rogozzino and
is more common in diabetes than in non-diabetics. In Melton et al found 15% diabetics with Herpes zoster
present series 81% of patients were in age group of 41 infection and also concludes that Herpes zoster is not a
years and above which constituted the major age group, risk factor for diabetes mellitus and vise-versa.5,6 In
having cutaneous manifestations associated with diabetes, present study there were two patients of viral infections
whereas almost similar observation (74%) was made by that is one case of Herpes zoster and one of Herpes
Anand LC et al in his study.3 Among those the infections, simplex which constitutes to 2% of total cases.
like bacterial, fungal and other associate diseases like
necrobiosis lipodica diabeticoram, unexplained Psoriasis
generalized pruritus or pruritus ani have been found to be
more cooun in diabetics than in non-diabetics. Whether The existence of relationship between diabetes and
hyperglycemia is sole factor responsible for various skin psoriasis was suggested as early as 1897 by Strauss Pick
conditions cannot ne authentically accounted, for the lack et al.7 also reports the presence of relationship between
of enough evidence.4 these two diseases. Green wood et al claimed 2.4% of
diabetics had psoriasis.8 These are several Indian studies
The sex incidence was found to be more in males (62%) indicating presence of relationship between the two
than in females (38%) in the study by Thomas Georges et diseases. Psoriasis and diabetes mellitus had been
al.4 In the present series similar observation was made variously reported in literature as 2.4% to 5.7%.9 In
showing 62% males and 38% females. The male present series there are 3% of psoriatic patients with
preponderance was obvious in above 41 years age group, diabetes which is almost consistent with finding of above
where similar observations were also made by Thomas authors.
George et al. 4

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Lichen planus Kyrles disease

An increased incidence of an abnormal glucose tolerance It is one of the features associated with diabetes mellitus
test in Lichen planus, particularly of recent onset has as claimed by many authors like Jelinek et al also quotes
been already stated by Powell S et al and Jain RK et that Kyrles disease is usually associated with diabetes
al.10,11 An increased incidence of oral lichen planus in mellitus and chronic renal failure.1 In present series 2%
diabetes is observed by Jelinek et al.1 In this series 6% of cases of Kyrles disease were observed, of which one
cases of lichen planus without oral lesions were found. patient chronic renal failure had and was on dialysis.
Lisi and colleagues states that lichen planus (oral and
cutaneous forms) are associated with an immunological Eczema
defect and metabolic alternation respectively.
In present study there were 2% cases of infected eczema,
Skin tags or acrochordans and Lichen simplex chronicus constituting 4% of total
cases. According to Anand LC et al one cannot say that
Acrochordans are associated with impaired carbohydrate the disturbed carbohydrate metabolism is cause of
metabolism and may serve for identifying patients at risk eczema.3 It may be mere association, but carbohydrate
of having diabetes mellitus. Khana M et al noted 26.3% intolerance must be given serious consideration in
patients of skin tags with overt diabetes mellitus or treatment of any refractory eczema which is resistant to
impaired GTT.12 Huntley AC et al also claimed a treatment and which definite etiological factor is not
relationship between multiple, large hyper-pigmented detected.
tags and diabetes.13 In present study skin tags are sign of
diabetes is unproven at present. The association is Parasitic infections (scabies)
suggested theoretically by fibroblast growth factor in
diabetes and potentiation of effect of this factor by In the present study there were 2% of total cases having
insulin. scabies who were known diabetics Klein LJ et al has
noted a case of crusted scabies in diabetic alcoholic.17 In
Generalized pruritus present study, we have not come across diabetics having
crusted scabies. The occurrence of scabies in diabetes
Persistence generalized pruritus is an indication for may be a mere association.
complete medical survey because this symptom is often
associated with various medical diseases such as uremia, Phimosis
jaundice, lymphoma and internal malignancy. It should
not be over looked that there are purely cutaneous In present series there were 5% cases of candidial
reasons for generalized pruritus.4 Anand LC et al quoted balonoposthitis of which 4% cases had phimosis and all
that pruritus of unexplained nature of generalized or of the 5% cases were uncircumcised. Thomas George T
localized type may be the earliest pointer to the existence et al quoted that balanoposthitis is a common presentation
of diabetes and also claimed 40% of diabetics having of diabetes mellitus and uncircumcised males,
pruritus of unexplained origin.3 In present series there particularly having Monilial balanitis may be the first
were 17% cases of generalized pruritus along with clue to diabetes.4 In such cases, phimosis occurs due to
diabetes mellitus, which is comparatively less as balanoposthitis where there is uncontrolled diabetes
compared to the results of Anand LC et al. Demis et al mellitus and improper treatment.
showed 3% incidence of generalized pruritus in diabetes
mellitus.14 Localized anogenital pruritus appears to be Pemphigus vulgaris
manifestation of diabetes mellitus.1 In this study 3% of
patients were observed having pruritus ani. In present It is an autoimmune disorder and is associated with
series we observed a case (1%) of Prurigo simplex. pernicious anemia, Hashimotos thyroiditis etc., but not
diabetes mellitus. In present study we observed one case
Vitiligo of pemphigus vulgaris.

A close association has been found between vitiligo and Photodermatitis

diabetes mellitus. Dawber et al found that 4.8% of
diabetics had vitiligo 4.5% to 7.7% frequency of vitiligo It is a known complication of sulfonylurea Jelinek et al.1
has been reported in late onset of diabetes.15 Hajini GH et In present series 2% of the cases having photodermatitis
al though associated with both insulin dependent and non were observed probably due to intake of sulfonylurea.
insulin dependent types of diabetes, in most of patients it These patients improved, when they were shifted onto
is seen after age of 40 years.16 In present study 2% of Bigaunides. We also observed 3% of cases having
total patients having vitiligo were observed and both of polymorphic light eruption.
them were of above 40 years.

International Journal of Advances in Medicine | April-June 2016 | Vol 3 | Issue 2 Page 301
Kadam MN et al. Int J Adv Med. 2016 May;3(2):296-303

Lipoatrophy Histopathology

Lipoatrophy is a known complication of insulin therapy Out of 100 cases who had cutaneous manifestations
and occurs more in young women and children.1 It occurs associated with diabetes mellitus. 12 patients were
due to impurities in insulin i.e. due to pork insulin or subjected for histopathological examination. The
biosynthetic human insulin. In present study, we characteristic histopathological changes were observed in
observed 1 case (1%) of a young female who was on pork 5 cases of lichen planus, 3 cases of psoriasis, 2 cases of
insulin and had localized lipoatrophy. In present study, Kyrles disease and one case of each pemphigus vulgaris
the common symptoms observed at the time of case study and prurigo simplex respectively. There were no
were, polyurea (94%), polyphagia (75%), polydipsia structural changes observed in surrounding normal skin
(75%), loss of weight (19%), generalized pruritus or in all patients whom biopsy was done. The authors like
itching (17%), pain (14% ) and itiching over genitalia Jelinek, Huntley AC and George T et al have reported
were observed in 5% of cases. According to George T et histopathological changes showing macro and
al 4 common symptoms at the time of detection of microangiopathies in normal skin of diabetics and also in
diabetes were polyurea (50%), polyphagia (48%) case of NLD and diabetic bullae.1,4,13 In present series we
polydypsia (44%), loss of weight (18%) lesional pain i.e. have not come across the above mentioned disorders and
pyoderma (4%), itching over genitalia i.e. Monilial no micro and macro angiopathies were observed in the
balanoposthitis (2%).4 The observations of higher biopsy section studied.
incidence of symptoms in the present study may be due to
inclusion of old known diabetics, whereas the lower CONCLUSION
incidence of symptoms observed by George T et al may
be due to recent onset diabetic patients.4 Diabetes mellitus is a common medical disorder that
involves almost every specialty in its spectrum of clinical
Complications due to therapy manifestations. The skin is no exception and up to one
third of patients with diabetes are estimated to have
As stated earlier, we came across three complications due cutaneous changes. The importance of skin
to therapy, two cases of photodermatitis (2%) and one manifestations lies in fact, that they are often the first
case of localized insulin atrophy (1%). Photodermatitis pointers to the diagnosis or deterioration of the disease.
was probably due to oral sulfonylureas, as the patient The physicians should be aware of cutaneous
improved on changing to Bigaunides. Localised insulin manifestations in diabetes mellitus .Where the ignorance
atrophy was observed in one (1%) young female, who of skin manifestations in diabetes or improper treatment
was on pork insulin. may make the condition worse. The early detection and
early treatment of common skin manifestations in
Laboratory investigations diabetes will prevent further complications or
ineffectiveness due to treatment especially in cases of
In present study, grams staining was done in 34 cases carbuncle, extensive tinea corporis, psoriasis, lichen
(34%) of bacterial and candidial infections and all 34 planus, macro and micro angiopathies, trohic ulcers etc.
cases revealed gram positive pathogens. Pus for culture well controlled diabetes by drugs, diet and exercise will
was sent in 13 cases (13%) of which 12 (12%) showed allow the patient to lead a normal life like any other
staphylococcus aureus and 1 case (1%) showed normal individuals.
staphylococcus epidermidis. According to Greenwood
AM et al the lesions caused by staphylococcus aureus are Funding: No funding sources
commoner in diabetics than in non diabetics it is possible Conflict of interest: None declared
that this incidence indicates in the balance of bacterial Ethical approval: The study was approved by the
flora favouring the multiplication of potentially institutional ethics committee
pathogenic gram positive cocci.8 Rayfeild et al also
quotes that there is diminution of bactericidal activity for REFERENCES
staphylococcus aureus and e. coli in diabetics.18 It is also
suggested that disturbed fluid balance rather than 1. Jelinek JE. The skin in diabetes. J E Jelinek,eds. Lea
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culture was done in 3 cases (3%) of balanoposthitis G, Aggarwal AK. Alopecia areata progressing to
which showed candidal growth in these cases culture was totalis / universalis in non-insulin dependent
done to rule out mixed infection. In 40 cases direct diabetes mellitus (type II): failure of
microscopy with 10% KOH was done of which 38 cases dexamethasone-cyclophosphamide. Pulse therapy.
were positive for fungal elements and 2 cases were 2008;74(2):171-4.
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International Journal of Advances in Medicine | April-June 2016 | Vol 3 | Issue 2 Page 303

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