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KEB Quickstart PM Gearless

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Quick Start-up Guide (or GALaxy Controller

GOVERNOR KEB Combivis F5 Drive -PM Gearless

To Get a Running Platform:

r:::~~:n=:::""'l WARNING: Jumping inputs high can be dan-

gerous because important safety circuits will
not function. Inputs should only be jumped for
the purpose of running the car on inspection
during initial start-up.

Remove all jumpers before placing a car

='=""~~ in service.

Run Bug

1. Wire Motor and

Main Line Power as
shown in Diagrams.

2. Install and Wire

0 Governor.
REAR DOORS: For Jobs that have Rear Doors, Also
Jumper RLM-H24, RGS-T31 , and RPM-T32 to any SS 3. Add Jumpers and Set Switches on main
1/0 board GALX-1064 as shown in Figure
MANUAL/SWING DOORS: For Jobs that have 1.
Manual or Swing Doors, Also Jumper EQR-R20 and
EMH-R23 to any SS terminal 4. Wire the DBR Temperature Sensor to the
Temperature Sensor Board (Figure 2)
-....._ .. located

Figure 1 5. Check/Set Parameters in Drive.

-see Drive Settings page of this guide
Jumpers for encoder
quadrature from
Motor to
6. Wire Encoder cable from drive to Encoder Isola-
Controller CPU tion Board (Figure 3) and Check Encoder PPR.
-Double Check PPR and RPM settings on Drive from
step 5.

-Set PPR and RPM on Controller (Large LCD) under:

Adjustable Variables>> Car Motion>> Encoder PPR
On to Rnn Adjustable Variables>> Car Motion>> Encoder RPM
Figure 2
7. Check PIC and PAL inhibit LEDs (Figure 4).
-If either the "PIC Inhibit" LED or the "PAL Inhibit
LED is lit on the Safety Processor Board check the
"ELEV SERV" Menu (when "ELEV SERV" is on the
Figure 3 screen, press the "ENTER" button to view the status)
from Drive here
-If LCD displays "open"- check door lock/gate
PAL Inhibit (off to run)~ switch jumpers

-If LCD displays "INS ERR" - make sure that the

"INS" input is high and that the "ACC", "MRI",
"ICI", and "AUTO" inputs are off.

8. Check Speed and Direction of Motor Rotation.

-If Platform Rnns Slow or OverCurrent Fault on
Drive, or if Motor Rotation is backwards, change LF.28
Parameter on Drive. "Encoder channel swap I direc-
(see Drive Settings page of this guide)

Figure 4 'PIC Inhibit (off to run)

Test Procedures
Warning: When performing any of the following tests, the mechanic should
follow the required precautions and procedures set forth in the local and
national elevator codes.

Buffer Test Normal Terminal Slowdown Test

The following test procedure explains how to override the The following test procedure explains how to override the
cars position system so that it will run into the terminal cars position system so that it will run into the terminal
landing at contract speed but it is not intended to circumvent landing at the contract speed but it is not intended to
any procedure mandated by the elevator code. circumvent any procedure mandated by the elevator code.

1.Inspect and prepare the car according to the Elevator 1.Inspect and prepare the car according to the Elevator
Industry Inspection Handbook. Make sure that the car is Industry Inspection Handbook. Make sure that the car is
loaded properly for the test and that the appropriate car or loaded properly for the test.
counterweight safety is tied.
2. For the bottom normal terminal slowdown test, jump DTS
2.For the car buffer test, jump DT, DT1, DT2, DT3 and DTS terminal limit to SFC (110VAC).
terminal limits to SFC (110VAC). For the top normal terminal slowdown limit test jump UTS
For the counterweight buffer test, jump UT, UT1, UT2, UT3, terminal limit also to SFC. Refer to the job schematics for
and UTS terminal limits, also to SFC. Refer to the job specific terminal wiring locations.
schematics for specific terminal wiring locations.
3.From the Controllers LCD display, select the Elevator
3.From the Controllers LCD display, select the Elevator Setup menu and then select Car Buffer Test to perform a
Setup menu and then select Car Buffer Test or bottom normal terminal slowdown test or Counterweight
Counterweight Buffer Test. Buffer Test to perform a top terminal slowdown limit test.

4.Turn off the automatic door switch. To execute the test the 4.Turn off the automatic door switch. To execute the test, the
car must be level at the floor and on automatic operation. car must be level at the floor and on automatic operation.

5.The test also cannot be started from a terminal landing. If the 5.For this test only adjust parameters UT Vel and DT Vel on
car is at a terminal landing, the LCD display will show To the Safety Processor Board to contract speed.
position the car press Enter. Pressing Enter will place the
car in the middle of the hoistway. If the car is already 6.The test also cannot be started from a terminal landing. If the
positioned correctly for the run, the display will give the car is at a terminal landing, the LCD display will show To
option to position the car or skip to the next step. position the car press Enter. Pressing Enter will place a car
call in the middle of the hoistway. If the car is already
6.Once the car is located in the correct starting position, select positioned properly for the run, the display will give the option
Run Buffer Test. When the Enter button is pressed, the to position the car or the skip to the next step.
cars position will be modified internally to the top of the
hoistway for a car buffer test or to the bottom of the hoistway 7.Once the car is located in the correct starting position, select
for a counterweight buffer test. The car will then run once at Run Buffer Test. When the Enter button is pressed, the
high speed to the appropriate buffer. cars position will be modified internally to the top of the
hoistway for a car buffer test or to the bottom of the hoistway
7. While the car is in motion, the LCD display will change to for a counterweight buffer test. The car will then run once at
Press Enter Button to Cancel Buffer Test. Pressing the high speed to the appropriate limit.
Enter button will cause the car to execute an emergency
slowdown. 8.While the car is in motion, the LCD display will change to
Press Enter Button to Cancel Buffer Test. Pressing the
8. After the test is complete, place the car on inspection and Enter button will cause the car to execute an emergency
inspect the car and buffer. slowdown.

9. Remove all jumpers, remove load weights and untie the 9 After the test is complete remove all jumpers and adjust
car or counterweight safeties if previously tied. the UT Vel and DT Vel parameters on the Safety
Processor Board back to their original values.
10.Return the car to automatic operation.
10.Return the car to automatic operation.
Test Procedures
Warning: When performing any of the following tests, the mechanic should
follow the required precautions and procedures set forth in the local and
national elevator codes.

Emergency Terminal Limit Test Overspeed Test

To perform an emergency terminal limit test, the mechanic To perform an overspeed test, the mechanic should follow the
should follow the required precautions and procedures set required precautions and procedures set forth in the local and
forth in the local and national elevator codes. The following national elevator codes.
test procedure is written to show how to override the cars
position system so that it will run into the terminal landing at 1. With the car on automatic, run the car to the top or bottom
contract speed but is not intended to circumvent any procedure (away from the desired test run direction).
mandated by the elevator code.
2.Set LF.20 (car speed) to 135% of the value already there.
1.Inspect and prepare the car according to the Elevator
Industry Inspection Handbook. Make sure that the car is 3.Set LF.42 (high speed) to 135% of the value already there.
loaded properly for the test.
4.In the controller change the following: Adj Var -> Car
2.For the bottom emergency terminal limit test, jump the Motion -> MTR RPM to 125% (or more if necessary) of the
bottom normal terminal slowdown limit switches DT, DT1, value already there.
DT2, DT3 depending on how many normal slowdown
switches the job has to SFC (110VAC). For the top emergency 5.In the controller, go to: Elevator Setup -> Overspeed Test
terminal limit test jump the top normal terminal slowdown and press Enter. You can now place a car call in the
limit switches UT, UT1, UT2, UT3 also to SFC. Refer to the direction you need to test. The car will overspeed in the
job schematics specific terminal wiring locations.
desired direction.
3.From the Controllers LCD display, select the Elevator
6.Return all parameters to the original values.
Setup menu and then select Car Buffer Test to perform a
bottom emergency terminal limit test or Counterweight
Buffer Test to perform a top emergency terminal limit test. Reset Gripper Fault or Emergency Brake
4.Turn off the automatic door switch. To execute the test, the
car must be level at the floor and on automatic operation. To reset a rope gripper fault, first verify that the cause of the
rope gripper fault has been corrected and then follow the
5.The test also cannot be started from a terminal landing. If the directions below:
car is at a terminal landing, the LCD display will show To
position the car press Enter. Pressing Enter will place a car 1.Place the car on machine room inspection.
call in the middle of the hoistway. If the car is already
positioned properly for the run, the display will give the option 2.From the LCD Interface, select the Elevator Setup menu and
to position the car or the skip to the next step. press the enter button.

6.Once the car is located in the correct starting position, select 3.Use the up or down button to select the Reset Rope
Run Buffer Test. When the Enter button is pressed, the Gripper menu and press enter.
cars position will be modified internally to the top of the
hoistway for a car buffer test or to the bottom of the hoistway 4.Follow the directions on the screen to press and hold the
for a counterweight buffer test. The car will then run once enter button to reset the gripper.
high speed to the appropriate limit.
The enter button must be held for approximately10 seconds. If
7.While the car is in motion, the LCD display will change to the car moves unexpectedly within the 10 second delay time,
Press Enter Button to Cancel Buffer Test. Pressing the releasing the enter button will cause the gripper to re-engage.
Enter button will cause the car to execute an emergency When the gripper is fully reset the screen will display
slowdown. Gripper is Reset.

8 After the test is complete remove all jumpers.

9.Return the car to automatic operation.

Galaxy Controller KEB Combivis F5

US.10=PGLSS (PM Synchronous Gearless) 1. Learn Motor Data
US.04=Load (Load Configuration) -Set Controller inspection speed to 0
LF.4=PGLSS (Confirm Configuration) -Prevent brake from picking
-Set LF.3=S Lrn
I/O Configuration (Confirm all values below) -Press ENTER, KEB display will show START
di.0=PnP (Sourcing Input Type)
-Press and hold UP button on controller takes 2 to 5
do.42=0 (No Input Inversion)
minutes for process to finish
do.82=Rdy (Ready)
do.83=DRO (Drive ON) -Release UP button when KEB display says done
LF.2=SErSP (Serial Comm. Speed Control) -Write down these values: LF.14, LF.18, LF.19
US.83=1 (Drive PPR Output - Multiplier) -Allow brake to pick
-Return inspection speed to proper value
Motor Nameplate (Site specific)
LF.8=on (Electronic Overload Protection) 2. Learn Encoder
LF.9=(Calculated Value) (Overload Current) -Set Controller inspection speed to 0
LF.10=Motor HP (Calculated Value) -Prevent brake from picking
LF.11=RPM -Verify 2.LF.26=Conn (if not, correct the wiring to the
LF-12=Rated Current
LF.13=Rated Frequency
LF.14=Line Voltage (Initial Setting) -Set LF.3=SPI
LF.17=Rated Torque -Press ENTER, KEB will display START
LF.20=Contract Speed -Press and hold UP button on controller
-Drive will take 10 encoder position samples
Machine Data (Site specific) -Release UP button when KEB displays done
LF.21=Sheave Diameter (Inches) -Write down LF.77 value
LF.22=Gear Ratio -Allow brake to pick
LF.23=Roping Ratio -Return inspection speed to proper value
LF.27=2048 (EnDat Encoder Default PPR) -Set LF.3=Run
LF.28=Encoder Channel/Direction (may need -If LF.93 current is excessive after a trial run, change
LF.28 from 0<>1 and repeat from above Set LF3=SPI
LF.29=4 (Encoder Sample Time)
LF.30=2 (Closed Loop w/o Pre-Torque)
LF.76=8 (Encoder Multiplier) 3. Fine Tuning

Mechanical Formulas: -LF.28=0 Nothing reversed

Torque in lb/ft = HP x 5250 /RPM =1 Encoder A<>B reversed
HP = Torque x RPM /5250 =2 Motor rotation reversed
RPM = 120 x Frequency / # of Poles =3 Motor rotation & A<>B reversed

-Set 0.LF.36 to 250% - 300% of LF.17

Synchronous Speed, Frequency & Number of Poles
RPM = 120 x Freq /# of Poles
-Set the following:
Freq =# of Poles x RPM /120
Machine Roped Machine Unroped
Poles = 120 x Freq /RPM A.LF.31=3000 A.LF.31=300
d.LF.31=3000 d.LF.31=300
Horsepower, Torque & Speed A.LF.32= 350 A.LF.32= 50
HP = Torque x RPM /5250 d.LF.32=250 d.LF.32=50
Torque = 5250 x HP /RPM A.LF.33=3000 A.LF.33=0
RPM = 5250 x HP /Torque d.LF.33=1000 d.LF.33=0

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