CASE DIGESTtiglao Vs Botones
CASE DIGESTtiglao Vs Botones
CASE DIGESTtiglao Vs Botones
vs. it is the result of this hearing which diverts the title if the sale is
ENGRACIO BOTONES, defendant-appellant. confirmed."
March 7, 1944- the plaintiff filed an ex parte motion with the CFI, for the It is argued for the appellee that because section 3 of Rule 70 does not
confirmation of the sale in his favor. carry the last part of section 257 of Act 190 to the effect that "should the
court decline to confirm the sale, for good cause shown, and should set it
March 22, 1944- the court issued the following order: aside, it shall order a resale in accordance with law," the cases
" As prayed for in the "Motion for confirmation of the hereinabove cited are no longer efficacious.
sheriff's sale dated October 9, 1943, of lots Nos. 784 and
1146 of the cadastral survey of Concepcion, executed by the Issues:
Provincial Sheriff of Tarlac in favor of Bernardo Tiglao, 1. Whether or not the order of confirmation of the sheriffs sale is valid.
pursuant to the order of execution entered herein, the said Ruling:
sale is hereby APPROVED."
First issue:
May 7, 1948- the plaintiff filed with the CFI a motion for the issuance of a No, the order of confirmation of the sheriffs sale is not valid.
writ of possession.
The fact that the present rules still require confirmation of the sheriff's
The defendant filed an opposition alleging: sale implies the power of the court to either confirm the same or not,
(1) that the judgment of March 24, 1943, is null and void, because the when asked. And the court may properly exercise its judgment on the
defendant's former counsel had no special authority to settle the matter only after hearing both parties. Indeed, there is reason to suppose
case in the manner stated in said judgment, and that the omitted provision is superflous.
(2) that the sheriff's sale was not legally confirmed, because the
defendant was not given notice of the motion for confirmation or Commonwealth of the Philippines vs. Ching yap invoked by the appellee,
its hearing. is obviously not controlling. In said case this Court found that notice of
the motion for confirmation was sent to the judgment debtors at their
June 30, 1948, the court granted plaintiff's motion for the issuance of a address of record and when said notice was returned to the judgment
writ of possession. creditor, the latter filed it with the clerk of court in accordance with Rule
20 of the Rules of Court of First Instance. What the creditor did was held
July 7, 1948- the defendant filed a motion for reconsideration and under sufficient, because if the debtors failed to receive the notice sent to their
date of September 9, 1948, a motion invoking moratorium under address appearing in the record, it was their fault. The statement in said
Republic Act No. 342 and praying that all proceedings be suspended. case, therefore, that lack of notice does not deprive the court of its
jurisdiction to approve a sheriff's sale, was purely an obiter dictum.
October 12, 1948- the CFI denied the motion for reconsideration. Moreover, the cases of So Chu vs. Nepomuceno, Jaranillo vs. Jacinto,
Price vs. Sontua, and National Investment Board vs. Pea, did not involve
The defendant appealed. situations in which confirmation of sheriff's sale was upheld although
there was no notice or hearing. .
Under section 3 of rule 70 of the Rules of Court, the sale of mortgaged
property "when confirmed by an order of the court . . . shall operate to Somera vs. Navarro
divest the rights of all the parties to the action and to vest their rights in It was contended that no 3-day notice of the motion for confirmation was
the purchaser, subject to such rights of redemption as may be allowed by given, because the hearing of the motion was set for July 26, 1941, the
law." notice was mailed to the appellants on July 23 and was received by them
on July 26, the appellants were present and at their instance said hearing
Raymundo vs. Sunico was postponed to August 9. Other postponements were conceded and
"As the title to mortgaged real property does not vest in the purchaser the motion was not heard until December 4, 1942. This Court held:
until after the confirmation of the sale, he has, prior to that time, no right "It is clear, therefore, that the rule on notifications was
to the possession of such property, and no legal cause of complaint substantially complied with, and that any discussion now on
against the defendants, who remain in possession, exercising the rights of the particular ground was merely academic, because, even
ownership. On the other hand, the mortgagors have no means, until the supposing that the first notification was irregular, there was no
confirmation of compelling the purchaser to comply with the terms of the prejudice to appellants , Since the motion was not considered
sale. Should the mortgagors attempt to compel a purchaser to pay in his and resolved until after several transfers, of which they had
money, an answer on the part of the purchaser to the effect that the sale been duly advised." (*note: translated from Spanish)
had not been confirmed would be sufficient. The confirmation operates We have thus inferentially recognized the essential need for notice of
to divest the title out of the former owner and to vest it in the purchaser. motion for confirmation of a sheriff's sale, for, on the contrary
It is at this time when the rights or title passes, and not before. Sales of supposition. We would have summarily dismissed appellant's
mortgaged real estate should be more strictly scrutinized than ordinary contention and held that notice and hearing were unnecessary.
sales under execution. In the former the title, as we have said, passes to
the purchaser upon confirmation by the court, and the defendant or In the case at bar, the lower court undoubtedly had acquired jurisdiction
debtor has no right to redeem within the statutory period granted in over the foreclosure proceedings but, in confirming the sheriff's sale
cases ordinary execution sales. In some of the States of the American without the essential requisite as to notice of the motion for
Union there are statutes permitting the mortgagor to redeem after the confirmation, it exceeded its power, with the result that the order of
foreclosure sale has been confirmed. There is no such privilege extended confirmation is null and void.
to him by statute in the Philippine Islands. The right of the mortgagor and
those claiming under him to redeem for mortgagee is extinguished by the As stated by Mr. Justice Feria in Caluag et al "a wrong, or for that matter a
foreclosure when the same has been properly made. But, up to the time correct, decision is void, and may be set aside either directly or
of confirmation the title remains in the mortgagor." In said case this Court collaterally, where the court exceeds its jurisdiction and power in
held that a hearing "is a very essential part of those proceedings because rendering it." In Ang Lam vs. Rosillosa, it was held that "a void judgment
the hearing gives the interested parties an opportunity to lay before the may be assailed or impugned at any time either directly or collaterally, by
means of a petition filed in the same case or by means of a separate
action, or by resisting such judgment in any action or proceeding wherein
it is invoked." Hence there is no merit in appellee's contention that the
order of confirmation had become final and cannot be set aside after the
6-month period provided in rule 38 of the Rules of Court, within which
relief could be asked, had expire.