Battlefleet Gothic Dark Eldar Move-Move-Shoot Rules

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Dark Eldar

Initial Rule Design: Manteuffel - PDF, Layout and Rule alterations: Roy ‘Horizon’Amkreutz - Artwork: John ‘Magelord’ Reed
Dark Eldar Special Rules Eldar receive a bonus +1 modifier in the first round Slave taking
of any boarding action and a -1 modifier in any The Dark Eldar roll as normal on the critical hit table
The Dark Eldar use the following special rules. Note: subsequent rounds. when making a hit & run attack. If they roll a ‘1’ they
unless specifically stated otherwise, the Dark Eldar do not inflict damage but instead the Dark Eldar gain
do NOT use any of the special rules for Eldar Corsairs Shadowfields +10 Victory points. This reflects the desire of the
presented in the Battlefleet Gothic rulebook. Where Dark Eldar ships are protected by form altering Dark Eldar to take captives, often when to do so is
the Dark Eldar use such rules, these are re-printed energy shields, called shadowfields. These create an tactically foolish.
below to avoid confusion. eerie and uncertain fog around Dark Eldar vessels
through which little information can be ascertained. Mimic Engines
Dark Eldar Movement Pinpointing the exact location or speed of a Dark All Dark Eldar are fitted with Mimic engines. These
Dark Eldar vessels are incredibly sleek and agile, Eldar vessel behind shadowfields can prove very engines warp electronic and return distorted signals
bearing arrays of delicate fins and operating tricky indeed. Against attacks that use the Gunnery to enemy vessels. At distance, Dark Eldar ships
sophisticated manoeuvring systems which allow table, the shadowfields cause one column shift to equipped with Mimic Engines can easily be confused
them to turn with an ease horrifying to the crews of the right, in addition to any other column shifts for with other (often friendly) vessels. Dark Eldar ship
Imperial vessels, leaden by comparison. Because of range or Blast markers. Against any other form of equipped with a Mimic Engine may take a free move
this, Dark Eldar ships do not need to pass a Command attack (lances, torpedoes, etc), roll to hit a Dark Eldar at half speed after deployment, before the start of
check in order to use Come to New Heading special ship as normal, but the Eldar player may then make a play. Once play commences, Mimic engines provide
orders and saving roll for his shadowfields: no additional benefit, as the ships are identified for
count as automatically passing any Command check what they are by the enemy.
to do so. In addition, Dark Eldar cruisers have no 1-4 Hit!.
minimum required movement before turning. 5-6 Missed!

Dark Eldar Leadership

All Dark Eldar ships add +1 to the Leadership score
generated on page the Leadership table on page 10
of the Battlefleet Gothic Rulebook, giving them a
leadership value of between 7 and 10.

Lock on
Dark Eldar ships incredible manoeuvrability allow
them to bring weapons to bear in a split second. Even
the Dark Eldar must focus their fire on target vessels
to obtain accuracy only dreamed of by other races.
Dark Eldar ships on Lock-On orders may only fire
in their Forward fire arcs, no matter what their stated
fire arcs are.

Boarding Actions
The Dark Eldar are furious and brutal pirates, fanatical
in the pursuit of violence and the hunt for captives.
Their all-consuming blood lust can often overcome
them, leaving them in an uncontrolled frenzy. Dark
Dark Eldar Weapons Impaler Attack Craft Phantom Lance
Dark Eldar vessels make use of the following weapons. The Impaler is a specialized form of prow mounted attack This is the Dark Eldar equivalent of the pulsar, using dark
craft, a little like an assault boat, but large enough to carry matter powered lasers. Roll a dice for each point of the
Attack Craft enough Dark Eldar assault troops to potentially overwhelm Phantom lance’s strength when firing, with the following
Dark Eldar attack craft consist of Raptor fighters, Razorwing an entire ship. effects:
bombers, Slavebringer assault boats and Impaler Assault
Modules. All Dark Eldar Attack Craft are hit by turrets only After an Impaler is launched it has a maximum reach of 30cm 1-3 No hits
on a D6 roll of 6. in the ordnance phase. After it completed its movement and 4 1 hit
has not hit a ship it returns to its carrier at once. 5-6 2 hits
Impalers benefit from the ‘resilient’ rule (eg. a 4+ save
Raptor Fighters
against fighters) like the Eldar fighters or the Space Marine Dark Eldar Torpedoes
Raptor fighters have a speed of 30cm and need a 4+ to remain
Thunderhawk. Dark Eldar torpedoes are equipped with superior targeting
in play after removing ordnance as with Eldar fighters.
sensors allowing them to re-roll any failed to-hit roll.
When the Impaler successfully moves into contact with an
Razorwing Bombers
enemy ship, it makes a Hit & Run attack. Roll a 2D6 on the Leech Torpedoes
Razorwing bombers have a speed of 20cm and may re-roll
critical hit table. If the Impaler is hit by turrets the module Dark Eldar ships are also armed with leech torpedoes next to
their die roll when determining the number of attacks.
still makes an attack on the enemy ship but now only rolling their standard torpedoes. The Dark Eldar must specify when
a 1D6 on the critical hit table. he launches a torpedo salvo what they are.
Slavebringer Assault Boat
Slavebringer assault boats have a speed of 30cm.
Note: Impalers are not deployed from launch bays, so the Just like a standard torpedo Leech torpedoes succesfully hit
overall number of launch bays in a fleet does not affect the an enemy ship when they pass their armour value but instead
number of Impalers which you are permitted to launch or of causing hitpoint damage the leech drains energy from the
have in play. But you may not have more Impalers in play as enemy ship which gives them the status of being crippled
there are mounts for them available in the Dark Eldar fleet. regarding weaponry, shields and turrets. The enemy ship may
attempt to repair/disable the effect of the Leech torpedo in the
Dark Eldar Weapons Batteries repair phase on a succesfull 6+.
As pirates adept at striking with the utmost speed, Dark Eldar
specialize in rapid, pin point attacks before their relative Leech torpedoes make no use of the Eldar stealth
fragility forces them to withdraw. Because of this, Dark Eldar technology.
rely on sophisticated targeting technology which allows
them to apply a +1 modifier to the left on the Gunnery table, Note: an enemy ship being affected by a Leech torpedo at
whenever they fire. Other than this, the weapons batteries fire the end of the game and which has not reached the status
as normal. crippled through loss of hitpoints does not give away victory
points for being crippled because of the Leech torpedo.
Multiple Leech hits on the same vessel do not multipy the
effect but each torpedo must be disabled individually (eg
when a ship is affected by 3 Leech torpedoes it must roll 3
“Has the Tau subject been altered as wished for by succesfull 6+’s in the repair phase).
our Archon?”
“The operation has been succesfull, time started to
tick.” The Haemonculi replied under an evil grin.
Dark Eldar Critical Hits Table
2D6 Result

2 +0 Weapons Systems Damaged. None of the ship’s weapons may fire until the damage is repaired.

3 +0 Prow Armament Damaged. The ship’s main prow armament (not its weapons batteries) are damaged and may not fire until it has been repaired.

Maneuvering Systems Damaged. The ship’s steering fins, turning thrusters and maneuvering sensors are damaged. The ship must pass a Command check in order
4 +0
to come to new heading until the damage can be repaired.

5 +0 Weapons Batteries Damaged. The vessel’s integral weapons batteries are damaged and may not be fired until repaired.

Turning Fins Dented. The ship’s sleek shape is distorted by the damage, reducing its maneuverability. Until the damage is repaired, the ship may only make turns of
6 +0
up to 45o.

7 +0 Engines Damaged. The ship’s speed is reduced by 10cm until the damage is repaired.

8 +1 Superstructure Damaged. Roll a dice every time the ship attempts to go on to special orders. On a score of a 1 the ship suffers 1 additional damage point.

9 +0 Commanders Slain. A number of the ship’s commanders are killed in the explosions, reducing the ship’s leadership by 1. This damage may not be repaired.

10 +0 Shadowfield Generator Destroyed. The ship’s shadowfields cease to work. This damage may not be repaired.

11 +D3 Hull Breach. A huge gash is torn in the ship’s hull, causing much damage.

Bulkhead Collapse. Substantial portions of the ship buckle under the strain of increasing damage. If you’re lucky, enough of the ship will hold together at least a hile
12 +D6


T he Torture class cruiser is the largest of the vessels which commonly comprise
Dark Eldar fleets. As with all Eldar vessels, the Torture class is frequently
confused with other craft, and in the light on information gathered from other
sectors since the war, vessels of this class are thought to be responsible for as many
as thirty attacks previously attributed to other Eldar vessels. Some sensor logs seem
to indicate that these vessels share many characteristics with those of the Corsair
Eldar codified as the “Shadow” and “Eclipse” classes, leading experts of the Fleet
Ministrum of Alien Studies to merely classify them as variations of the same.
However, other accounts seem to indicate that these vessels are actually some sort
of amalgam of these classes, while other encounters reveal characteristics differing
so widely in both configuration and armament that every new report makes it even
more challenging to properly classify these vessels. The handful of accounts of
Dark Eldar vessels of slightly varying configurations attacking one another only
add to the confusion, as even opposed Eldar factions exist cannot be discounted.
The attack on monitoring station Adecca, where three hundred technicians were
captured and later hurled from attack craft making low orbit runs over the planet of
Bladen seemed almost to invite retribution, and it is now thought by some that in
committing acts the Dark Eldar may even be seeking to imitate each other to beget
Cruiser/6 40cm 90º 2/Shadowfield 5+ 0


Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 12 L/F/R
In addition, Torture class cruisers may be equipped with one of the following for the
points shown in the fleet list:
Prow Phantom Lance 30cm 2 L/F/R
Prow Torpedo Tubes 30cm 4 F “I don’t care if they are fighting each other. They are still aliens! Fire at
Impaler Attack Craft 30cm Special F will!”
fighters - 30cm - Captain Greyling at the
Launch Bays bombers - 20cm 4 - Battle of the Crimson Gate
assaults - 30cm

CRUISER (CA) 60 pts
180 pts

T he smaller vessels used by Dark Eldar Raiders exhibit just as much variation
as their larger companion vessels. Whether these represent different classes
or simply differing vessels of the same designation is difficult to determine. These
escort-sized vessels have never been positively identified beyond the nomenclature
of ‘Corsair’ which could equally be a reference to its piratical crew, a ship class, or
even the given name of the said vessel. Like the cruiser sized vessels, Dark Eldar
escorts have been known to make use of deceptive devices codified as mimic en-
gines, though this is not always the case. Operating with devastating effect around
the planet of Naxmi and its cluster of mining moons, the Naxmi Pirates seemed to
operate without the use of any kind of deceptive device, but still remained beyond
the reach of the increasingly frequent patrols sent to guard against them. Even the
aliens themselves may have been unaware that this impunity came from operating
inside the psychic blackout caused by the encroaching Hive fleet Leviathan – a
fact which soon came to damn both Naxmi and its Pirate curse to hell. These Dark
Eldar escorts are also notable in that, despite their compact size they also possess
the ability to launch a form of attack craft - a kind oversized assault boat known as
the Impaler. The use of such devices is virtually unknown in the escorts of other


Escort/1 45cm 180º 1/Shadowfield 4+ 0


Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 2 L/F/R
In addition, Torture class cruisers may be equipped with one of the following for the
points shown in the fleet list:
Prow Phantom Lance 30cm 1 L/F/R
Prow Torpedo Tubes 30cm 2 F “Do not offer them gold, they do not come for riches. Do not offer them
surrender, they do not come for victory. Offer them nothing, they come only
Impaler Attack Craft 30cm Special F
for your souls.”
Weapons Battery 30cm 3 F
Dark Eldar Fleet List

Fleet Commander Ordnance

Ships with launch bays may launch any mix of Raptor fighters, Razorwing bombers
0-1 Dread Archon and Slavebringer assault boats.
You may include 1 Dread Archon in your fleet, who must be assigned to a ship Raptor fighters have a speed of 30cm and need a 4+ to remain in play after removing
comes with a Leadership value of 10 and 1 re-roll. If the fleet is worth over 750 ordnance as with Eldar fighters. Razorwing bombers have a speed of 20cm and may
points, a Dread Archon must be included to lead it. re-roll their result when determining the number of attacks. Slavebringer assault
boats have a speed of 30cm. Ships with torpedo tubes are armed with both Eldar
Dread Archon 100 pts torpedoes and Leech torpedoes, though the Leech torpedoes must be loaded with a
separate reload ordnance roll as described in the special rules. Impalers, although a
You may purchase extra Fleet Commander re-rolls for your Dread Archon by pay- form of ordnance are not counted alongside other ordnance for purposes of launch
ing the cost listed below: limits, running out of ordnance and so on. In these respects Impalers follow their
own special rules.
One re-roll 25 pts
Two re-rolls 50 pts Attack Rating
Three re-rolls 100 pts Due their aggressive raiding style, Dark Eldar have an attack rating of 4.

Capital Ships
0-12 Cruisers

Dark Eldar Torture Class Cruiser 225 pts

Torture Class Cruisers Torture Class Cruisers may choose one of the following for
the points shown:
Prow Torpedoes +20 pts
Phantom Lance +20 pts
Impaler Assault Module +10 pts “ ...Repeat, this is Ensign of Mars, we are crippled…
Launch Bays +40 pts ...five assault boat strikes three standard hours ago, no casualties, engines
Dark Eldar fleets must contain of at least three escorts for every Torture class ship ...further eight strikes two standard hours ago, seventeen casualties, forty-
taken. five taken prisoners...
....fourteeen strikes two standard hours ago, nineteen taken, no further da-
Escorts mage done... they seem to be polaying with us...”
Your fleet may have any number of escorts. - Last recorded communication
from the Ensign of Mars
Dark Eldar Corsair Class Escort 60 pts

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