Wrap Rubric

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NARRATIVE RUBRIC For Stimulus-Based and Non-Stimulus Prompts Please note that sample links are only accessible by ERB Members.

Overall Development Organization Support Sentence Structure Word Choice Mechanics

Overall effect of the paper: Is clearly and logically sequenced Includes narrative elements such Includes sentences that are: Uses precise words and
Shows a beginning,
When Shows a command of standard
scoring, as characters, setting, dialogue,
Complete and correct phrases, sensory language to English mechanics in:
Varied in structure and length Spelling
Addresses the expectations
Is paragraphed using transitional
middle and end plot structure, and the progression provide vivid pictures of events,
Correct in their usage Punctuation
consider of a narrative essay
Includes text references
of events that develop the story setting, and/or characters
the degree Is fluent words, phrases, and techniques to Employs effective language
Includes narrative elements and show progression of story events where appropriate* and word choice
to which techniques such as characters,
the setting, dialogue, plot structure,
response: pacing, descriptions and
the progression of events

that develop the story
Include text references
where appropriate*

6 Fluent, richly developed Carefully but subtly organized Supporting details are rich, Sentence structures enhance Rich, effective vocabulary throughout Very few or no mechanical errors
Vivid language
Logical sequence of events Virtually no errors in May use figurative
Clear awareness of from beginning to end interesting, and informative style and effect relative to length or complexity

Distinctive, engaging voice Elegant flow of ideas

audience and purpose throughout; fully developed

Original, insightful, or imaginative Provides closure Successfully uses more sophisti-

Details are relevant and structure or usage language and imagery
appropriate for the focus
cated, varied sentence patterns

5 Fluent, fully developed Organized from beginning to end Details are strong and
Logical sequence of events
Sentence structures are Effective vocabulary
Generally successful in
Few mechanical errors relative
Subtle transitions Details and narrative Few errors in structure or usage
Clear awareness of varied throughout appropriate to style and effect to length or complexity

Provides closure Moderately successful in using more

audience and purpose using rich language
Evidence of voice, compositional elements are relevant and

risks attempted appropriate for the focus sophisticated sentence patterns

4 Moderately fluent, Minor lapses in order or structure Details are adequate to Some sentence variety
Generally correct
Acceptable vocabulary
Attempts to use rich language
Some mechanical errors that do not
Awareness of audience and purpose Meaning is subordinate to Details are generally Misuse of big words Limited text, but mechanically correct
adequately developed and sequencing of events support the focus interfere with communication

Ideas developed but Attempts to use more sophisticated

structure and usage

Contrived transitions
organizational devices relevant to the focus

Provides closure
somewhat limited in depth sentence patterns

3 Somewhat developed Poor transitions

Random sequencing of
Details lack elaboration
Response provides insufficient
Little sentence variety
Errors in structure or usage
Simplistic vocabulary with Some mechanical errors that do
Some errors in word choice Errors are disproportionate
Some awareness of acceptable but limited word choice interfere with communication

Repetitive or too general Attempts closure Important details are omitted Over-reliance on simple or
audience and purpose narrative events relevant details interfere with meaning

Shift in focus
to the length or complexity of

repetitive constructions the piece (errors cause major

Noticeable errors in usage

problems for readers)

2 Poorly developed Thought patterns are Supporting details are listed

Repetitious details
No sentence variety in the story Simplistic vocabulary with
Serious errors in structure or usage inappropriate and/or
Noticeable mechanical errors that
Events are not clear or sequenced Too few details Too brief to demonstrate variety Errors are disproportionate
Poor awareness of difficult to follow interfere with communication

Ideas and details are not clear Resembles free-writing, rambling

audience or purpose incorrect word choice

Continual shifts in focus

to the length or complexity of
the piece (errors cause major
problems for readers)

1 Restates topic So short that it lacks organization

So confused that the students
Virtually no details
Irrelevant details
Lack of sentence sense
Errors throughout in
Extremely limited vocabulary
Errors throughout in word choice
Mechanical errors that seriously
Too brief to evaluate Too brief to evaluate
No awareness of interfere with communication

No awareness of Errors throughout in usage

audience or purpose response is difficult to understand sentence structure

Too brief to evaluate

Inappropriate response
narrative elements

Too brief to show development

NON-SCORABLE (N): is illegible: i.e., includes so many indecipherable words that no sense can be made of the *Stimulus-based prompts with text passages only.
responseoris incoherent: i.e., words are legible but syntax is so garbled that response makes no senseoris a blank paper. REV 06.23.2016 Copyright 2016 ERB (Educational Records Bureau)

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