A Holistic Approach To Innovation Management in Banking

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Vesna Tornjanski1, Mladen udanov2, Gheorghe Svoiu3
Eurobank a.d. Belgrade, Serbia, e-mail: [email protected]
University of Belgrade, Faculty of organizational sciences, Serbia, e-mail: [email protected]
University of Pitesti, Romania, e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. This article analyses theoretical background of economics, socio-technical approaches, market orientation and
innovation and frameworks to guide managers in banking towards a resource-based view theory [19] have provided important
holistic approach for successful innovation management in a highly theoretical findings to the innovation theory. Also, research
dynamic and competitive business environment. We aim to provide a
findings on contributing factors to successful / failed
holistic viewpoint by eclecticism in review of multiple approaches.
innovations in financial services [21], approaches to new
With regards to a holistic perspective on innovation management in
banking, the paper provides strong foundation to better product development [22] or customers involvement in the
understanding the dynamics in banking and facilitates exploring of development process [23] have contributed to the innovation
future business opportunities for sustainable competitive advantage theory and practice in certain aspects of service innovation.
in banking, which is particularly significant for this sector. However, none of these theories represent a comprehensive
framework that guides managers toward successful innovation
Keywords: innovation management, banking, holistic approach, management considering a holistic perspective. Also, scholars
open innovation, strategic innovation. that deal with the innovation management in service sector
assert that major gaps in understanding development of service
innovations in financial service sector still exist [20].
Banking industry is facing the numerous challenges in recent
Despite the fact that prior studies have provided significant
decades as a result of mainly external forces that are changing
contribution to the innovation, most research is focused on
the market at high speed. Phenomena such as: volatile
particular aspects of innovation and accordingly does not
business environment, dynamic customer needs, regulatory
provide a holistic framework to innovation management.
pressures, rapid technological development, fierce competition
Moreover, the previous literature suggests that managing
and shorter product and service life cycles are trends that
innovation is a complex and risky process [18], hence requires
shaping banking sector in the 21st century. In order to sustain
systematic and more holistic approach to innovation
competitive, banks need to understand these trends and to
management in order to be successful in innovation outcomes
redefine existing business strategies without any delay [1, 2].
and organizational performances.
Innovation is widely accepted as the core of a competitive
The aim of this paper is to extend and deepen the theoretical
economy [3], taking into account that has always represented a
background of innovation and to provide an overview of
key role in sustainability and development of any organization,
conceptual frameworks for innovation management from
as an inseparable part of organizational ambidexterity.
holistic perspective to facilitate discovering future business
Innovation implies a set of knowledge and actions that leads to
opportunities for sustainable competitive advantage in banking
creation of new products, services, processes and markets, or
expansion existing ones. As such, innovation is recognized as
one of the competitive forces of an organization [4, 5]. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
Also, it has been argued that organizations may achieve a
better business performance with the clear and unambiguous Innovation implies an idea, object or fashion experienced as
innovation strategies [6]. Depending on how well new by organization, units or individual [53]. Perceiving
organizations set up and implement product and/or service innovation at the organizational level, innovation can be
development activities and thus accomplish continuous defined as a new idea, product, service, process, technology
innovation success is influenced by their organizational and structure. Earlier studies adopt innovation as a process that
innovativeness [7, 8]. encompasses generation, acceptance, adoption and
In the last half-century, many researchers have produced an implementation of novelty [54, 55]. In the context of
extensive scientific overview regarding the innovation. Some organizational innovation, it includes research, development,
studies are based upon innovation typologies such as and implementation of new ideas and behaviours [58].
technological innovation [9, 10], product and process Innovation management represents the implementation of
innovation [11], service innovation [12] and strategic inventiveness within organization, and in essence it illustrates
innovation [13, 14], while some studies are focused on a certain pattern of organizational change [24]. Also,
economics of research and development, innovation diffusion innovation management is defined as the invention and
and innovation output [15 - 17]. Many theories such as implementation of a management practice, process, structure,
institutional theory, cognitive theories, transaction cost or technique that is new to the state of the art and is intended
to further organizational goals [25]. To achieve successful innovate in isolation if they intend to be competitive. At the
innovation management, it has been argued that organizations end of the 20th century, Chesbrough identified several factors
have to achieve valuable performance and integration of the that eroded the underpinnings of the closed innovation concept
domains that imply innovation strategy, management of when closed innovation shifted to open innovation. Numerous
creativity and ideas, selection management, portfolio examples of concept success, like Innocentive [79], illustrate
management, implementation management and human theoretical framework. One factor was changed in industry and
resource management [48]. society which resulted in increased mobility of highly
Considering the ongoing globalization of economics and experienced and skilled people. The mobility of knowledge
markets that accelerate innovation processes and due to workers allowed ideas and knowledge to spill over from
significant changes in financial service sector, holistic central R&Ds to companies of all sizes in many industries.
approach to innovation management is recognized as highly Secondly, the development of financial structures such as
valuable to face the challenges in a dynamic and complex private venture capital caused the innovation processes to
business environment. Some researchers argue that the holistic exceed the boundaries of a company. Thirdly, shorter product
economic approach of innovation systems provides a fruitful life cycles, advanced technology and increasingly
basis for better understanding the dynamics of service knowledgeable suppliers and consumers challenged the
innovation [26]. companies to profit from their internal source of knowledge.
Some authors have developed a pilot holistic model for These factors affected all industries once they made a closed
service industry, drawing innovation as interaction of internal innovation approach no longer sustainable. As a result of these
and external stakeholders [27]. The holistic model consists of influencing factors, an open innovation approach has replaced
two parts. One part implies managing key business activities the traditional closed innovation [33, 34].
in a targeted manner, i.e. the involvement of customer contact Open innovation is defined as the use of purposive inflows
employees by the top management. It has been argued that and outflows of knowledge to accelerate internal innovation,
customers' involvement have positive attitude to long-term and expand the markets for external use of innovation,
relationships to avoid the cost of starting a new relationship respectively [35]. According to the idea of open innovation, a
and thereby positively interact with contact employees [43]. shift from the previously closed boundaries of an organization
Also, the strategic focus on innovation management is to a semi-permeable membrane should enable an innovation to
supported by many scholars. Furthermore, it is considered that easily move between the internal R&D and external
the successful innovation strongly depends on top environment. Moreover, the central role of innovation is to
management support as main activity in the innovation process research new ideas that have saleable potential at the open
[32]. The second part of the model is related to foundation of a market [36].
positive climate for innovation [27]. Creating a positive Following pioneering definition and researches regarding
innovation climate is closely associated with the open innovation, literature on open innovation concept has
organizational ability to bring together customers in the covered various topics. These topics include the different
innovation process. Recently conducted empirical studies forms and the degrees of organization's openness, knowledge
argue that customers' involvement into development of flows, the involved parties into the innovation process, and the
product and service innovations are much more successful influence of openness on innovation performance [36, 39, 40,
than without them [28], and customers now co-create value 41]. Open innovation has come a long way in the past decade,
with the enterprise more and more, taking on an active role of in both the quantity and quality of research on the topic. The
prosumers [78]. Many authors have agreed that customers original conception of open innovation has been enhanced
need to be an integral part of a holistic innovation strategy. through inbound knowledge flows from other frameworks and
Moreover, literature argues that, in financial services, theories innovation, strategy and economics. At the same time,
customers need to be in the centre of business focus [29 - 31]. outbound flows from open innovation have shaped and
However, due to changes in the business environment, influenced innovation studies and other areas of social science
engaging customers into the development process require new research [44]. Since its origination, the concept of open
methods and suitable information and communication innovation has had powerful links to resource-based view of
technologies to facilitate external knowledge flows into the the organization, as well as the related dynamic capabilities
organization, especially in financial service sector as one of perspective. Furthermore, there are strong links between open
the knowledge-intensive industries. Designing interface innovation and research on absorptive capacity [44].
between financial service organizations and its customers Given that intellectual assets and knowledge flows became
simultaneously facilitates interaction with the customers and inseparable components of the new economy, open innovation
creates possibilities to collect new ideas [30]. is extended for the most recent definition which states that
Taking into account increasing trend towards customers' open innovation is distributed innovation process based on
integration into the innovation processes, a new model of consciously managed knowledge flows outside an
innovation has been recently occupied both, scientists and organization, using tangible and intangible mechanisms
practitioners worldwide, i.e. open innovation model. The idea equivalent to the organization's business model [42].
of open innovation hypothesizes that organizations cannot While some authors emphasize that open innovation

represents the most suitable way towards creating the superior approach to reduce time to market. Accordingly, business has
value to the customers and organization [30, 37], another to be viewed not in terms of functions or products, but rather
underline that open innovation concept is a holistic approach as key processes. Process innovation incorporates the
to innovation management [38]. employment of a business process view with the utilization of
innovation to key processes to achieve large-scale cost
3. INNOVATION IN BANKING INDUSTRY reduction and developments in flexibility and quality at
service level [59]. Some empirical studies show that local
The lines dividing competing banks are becoming banking development influences the probability of process
progressively indefinite, exceptionally with regard to the innovation, but weak affects the product innovation [47].
products and services offering. Accordingly, it becomes Banks that aim at enhancing shareholder wealth have to
extremely challenging for the banks to obtain differentiation concentrate on managing underlying risks and operations.
advantage over competitors, taking into account competitors Risk-shifting innovation refers to unbundling of the particular
can easily imitate. Consequently, competitive edge is based on elements and risks of certain mechanisms that should be
the ability to provide strategic services that are tailored to the further integrated using diverse combinations [45], while
unique requirements of clients in a timely fashion [49]. Many operations innovation focuses on technologies and business
authors argue that innovation represents an additional means practices that will allow banking operations to innovate in line
by which banks may straighten out market performance and with the predefined business strategy [60].
achieve competitive advantages at the financial market [51, Administrative innovations include organizational structure
52]. and administrative process. This type of innovation represents
Innovation in banking industry is acknowledged as an the innovativeness that are indirectly related to the
influential factor that basically changes economics of banking organization's basic business operations, while significantly
and the financial system in general. Also, it has been argued influences a management systems [54].
that innovation has the power to enhance the efficiency of the Since business environment has changed over the last 30
financial systems in the performance of its core functions years, banking sector is undergoing a period of transformation
[45], and accordingly to significantly contribute to the that results in adoption of new business models, suitable to
economics [45]. Financial innovation is defined as something deal with the uncertainty and complexity. Business model
new that brings cost reduction, risk reduction, and provides innovation becomes extremely valuable for the banking
advanced products, services and instruments that fitting the industry, since its affecting long-term success of a bank.
financial system stakeholders requirements [46]. Moreover, it has been argued that innovation in business
Successful innovation in the banking industry is based on the models becomes a more important than innovation in product
set of integrated drivers that encompass excellence, and service as factors that foster sustainable competitive and
satisfaction, simplicity, sociability, differentiation, growth of an organization [61].
separability, innovation speed, technology use, product fit and 3.2. Innovation culture in banking
innovative culture [64, 65]. Most organizational scholars perceive organizational culture
3.1. Types of innovations in banking as powerful weapon to achieve better business performance
Previous literature on the type of innovation in banking and enable long-term effectiveness of organizations [62].
differentiates areas of innovation on product innovation, Creating a more innovative culture requires a change in the
process innovation, and risk-shifting innovation [45]. In system, because peoples beliefs about innovation are related
addition to this, John White, Americas Banking Lead of the to beliefs about other aspects of the system [66].
Institute for Business Value extends the innovation types in Leading organizations cherish an innovative culture and
banking to the operations innovation, business and enterprise entrepreneurialism by having strong support from strategic
model innovation [50]. Some authors state that most oft- management and structured internal processes which promote
recurring types of innovation are product, process, networking, collaboration and risk-taking among employees.
administrative, technical, radical and incremental innovation Also, these organizations have a clear performance
[56]. management structure measures and rewards for desirable
Product innovation includes new products or services behaviors which encourage innovation [63]. The innovative
introduced by a bank to meet customers' needs [58]. Banks culture within an organization incorporates an innovative
that are active innovators of products use organizational vision and leadership, style of management, development of
systems substantially different and more suitable for idea creation, flexible organizational structure and advocates
developing new products in comparison to the less active organizational support for innovativeness [65].
product innovators banks. Active product innovator banks However, due to a risk-averse culture, short-term focus that
have also progressed considerably in opening up traditionally is typical for banking industry, siloes approach to operations
tight operating structures in order to initiate product and lack of internal capability, banking sector is not
innovation [57]. recognized as the most innovative industry [63]. Past was
Process innovation implies new elements introduced into a characterized with a tight bureaucratic organizational structure
bank's operations [58]. Banking industry needs a revolutionary with high levels of centralization and standardization, which

resulted in inflexible business models. Yet, today's banking systems had the most impact in terms of time to market, cost
industry confronts to a highly competitive business of innovations and functionality of innovations [68].
environment that requires quick and effective response to Over last few years, there is a consistent trend showing that
rapid external changes [1, 67]. Although organizational culture banks are more innovative in distribution channels than in
in the banking industry is changing, there are still barriers that other areas of business. Also, based on survey results, the
discourage innovative culture within the banking sector. highest priority of IT investments in the forthcoming period
Organisation culture and organisation silos are viewed as very will be in channels (26%), followed by products innovation
important barriers to innovation, particularly for large and (21%), while process innovation is in the third place of priority
medium size banks. In contrast, small banks tend to suffer less with 18%. Customer service and experience innovation, sales
from cultural issues and organisation silos [68]. and marketing innovation and other innovation have lower
Development of innovation culture in banking sector, and priority of planned IT investments [68]. Planned IT investment
particularly in large banks represents a challenge task to the areas are presented in Figure 1.
strategic management, since banks have to have strong focus
on risk management and to take into account regulations when
innovating. Also, innovation culture development implies a set
of activities with strong support of senior management and a
lot of time to innovative culture flourishes [68].
Key to successful adoption of innovative culture is the
inclusion of all employees in the innovation process. Also,
recognition and rewarding contributors magnifies the
awareness of the significance. Innovation departments can
play a role in developing the organisation culture but there is
still a wide variance in the use and structure of innovation
departments, even in the most innovative banks [68] Fig. 1 PlannedIT investment areas in banking sector [68]
3.3. Technologies and innovations in banking Overall, innovations in terms of technologies will represent
Information and communication technologies (hereafter: investments with the capabilities for banks to launch products
ICT) represent a strategic competence and significant driver of and services faster, with the features such as personalized
change at most companies since the end of the 20th century products using multiple channels. Enterprise-wide systems
[69]. The role of ICT evolved over the last 20 years. can support these capabilities, and a componentized approach
Traditional back office function is shifting toward a more to deployment of these systems can reduce risk and make the
strategic role enabling both, supporting an existing business exercise more practical [68].
strategies and shaping new ones [70].
Following growing consumer requirements and strong 4. TOWARDS A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO
competition, banks are investing a lot into PC banking INNOVATION MANAGEMENT IN BANKING
technology. As a result, banks are introducing new
technologies that facilitate consumers to do financial Innovation management represents a vital process for
operations at more comfortable and accessible way [49]. banking industry. Taking into account that innovation process
Significant innovations related to technologies that marked the encompasses a number of business activities undertaken to
last decades are ATMs, internet banking, telephone banking, carry out the innovation into market, it has been noticed that in
e-banking and e-money [49, 71]. Recently, m-banking has the extremely volatile and uncertain business environment,
been recognized as an extraordinary opportunity for a new innovation management requires new forms of managing the
mode of e-commerce, and major factor that influences banking process. Accordingly, a holistic and systematic approach to
performance and business at a high speed [72]. Besides of management innovation along with the development and
innovations of banking distribution channels, innovations of adoption of effective implementation mechanism and
internal banking systems exercised strong influence on structures, are elements that should be the basis for managing
performance and profitability of banks, too. Among all, innovation to create significant improvements in the value
customer relationship management and bank management creation to all corresponding stakeholders. Moreover, effective
technologies are recognized as the most featured technologies external linkages focused on generating a portfolio of ideas
[49, 73]. should be in the focus of any organization, yet banking
According to the Efma and Infosys survey results of over particularly [1, 74].
150 banks worldwide, IT systems present the most significant Long-term vision to holistic approach of innovation process
barrier for banks of all sizes when innovation is in question. It lies in an interactive model with feedback loops and
has been found that one of the major issue with IT systems is interactions between different activities [1], by shifting from
that they are silo based, which implies that integration is linear to nonlinear process that requires corresponding
complex and difficult process. Banks argue that silo based innovation strategy [75]. Banks have recently shifted its focus

towards innovation strategy, which is recognized as the most simplicity, sociability, satisfaction, differentiation,
significant strategic tool of innovation, by focusing on separability, innovation speed, technology use, product fit and
establishment of a clear set of objectives, processes and innovative culture should be incorporated into an organization
innovation performance metrics. Due to wide range and and all areas of banking business.
various types of innovation areas, innovation strategy allows Literature on the type of innovation in banking differentiates
banks to effectively prioritize its resources and it is confessed areas of innovation on product innovation, process innovation,
to be the essential for banking [68]. risk-shifting innovation, operations innovation, and business
Fasnacht has developed a conceptual framework regarding and enterprise model innovation. Among all, business model
managing innovation that is based on open innovation model innovation is recognized as extremely valuable for the banking
for financial services. The model implies three basic industry, since its addressing long-term sustainability and
principles: a transition strategy from a closed to an open growth of a bank. Also, banks have recently shifted its focus
innovation model, dynamic managerial practices, and towards innovation strategy by focusing on establishment of a
appropriate corporate culture of open innovation [1]. The clear set of objectives, processes and innovation performance
model emphasizes shifting from vertical organizational metrics.
structure to structure that is founded on openness, flexibility The literature review introduced in this paper provides
and customer-centric principles. According to the authors, frameworks that guide managers toward successful innovation
strengthening trust within an organization and intensifying management considering a holistic and systematic approach,
partnerships with external stakeholders becomes increasingly with the aim to facilitate new business opportunities for
important in an interconnected world. Also, employees and sustainable competitive advantage in banking. Conceptual
customers are recognized as two most valuable assets of the framework towards holistic innovation management that is
business in financial services. [1, 31]. based on open innovation model for financial services
Many organizations in banking industry rely on an ad hoc suggests three basic principles to be taken into account in the
and unstructured innovation approaches that often results in process of transformation: a passing strategy from a closed to
incremental developments. To this end, a framework that an open innovation model, dynamic managerial practices, and
provides outcomes driving a growth takes into account seven corresponding innovation culture that fosters innovation
perspectives: a managed innovation process, strategic blooming. Introducing an innovation department can play a
alignment, industry foresight, customer insight, core significant role in shifting from traditional to a more
technologies and competencies, organizational readiness and innovative organization in banking.
disciplined implementation [76]. On the other hand, a framework that takes into account seven
A holistic observation connects theme of this article with the perspectives: a managed innovation process, strategic
trend observed by Hagel and Singer [77], where most large alignment, industry foresight, customer insight, core
corporations comprise of three bundled, but essentially technologies and competencies, organizational readiness, and
separate parts: disciplined implementation, leads to a systematic innovation
- Customer relations management management, which represents a foundation for creating
- Product innovation radical innovations as a basis for business performances
- Infrastructure management. development.
In that context, it is possible for organizational structures in There is no doubt that traditional approaches to innovation
banking industry to increase distinction of these three parts, management in banking are no longer feasible. Consequently,
ranging from changes in departmentalization [80] to complete new forms of managing innovation with a holistic view and
transformation to internal network [81]. That trend is observed systematic acting, along with the adoption of effective
at the example of Swiss private banking [82]. instruments and structures should be carried out in banking to
create superior value to customers and stakeholders,
5. CONCLUSION respectively. Shifting from linear to nonlinear innovation
processes, continually incorporating internal and external
As the global marketplace is characterized by intensive knowledge in the innovation process, consciously managing
political, economic, social, technological and demographic knowledge flows, intensifying partnerships with external
movements, change became a ubiquitous and decisive, stakeholders, creating a customer-centric organization and
creating equally possibilities and threats to the banking sector. adopting the strategic innovation framework are leading
Accordingly, a holistic approach to management innovation principles of managing innovation, aiming at building
provides strong foundation to better understanding the sustainable competitive advantage and developing sustainable
dynamics in banking and represents a valuable instrument to growth in banking.
face the challenges in volatile business environment.
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