50 MWTechnicalProposal-final2

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50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)


50MW Solar Photovoltaic Power Project in Ganeshpura of

Rajgarh District,
MP- India

Tender - IFB No. CS-5707-004-9 (31st August 2012),


Moser Baer Solar Limited (Lead Member) along with its


October 2012

Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

PROJECT: Setting up of 50MW Capacity Solar Photo Voltaic Grid Connected Power Plant

1.0 Introduction:

NTPC, India's largest IPP, having installation capacity of around 39 GW, which is 18% of Indias
generating capacity contributes above 25% of Indian Electricity demand. Ranked as 337th in the
2012, Forbes Global 2000 ranking of the Worlds biggest companies and has become a
Maharatna company in 2010, one of the only four companies to be awarded this status in India.
Going forward , it plans to become a 128 GW company by 2032 with 28% of its installation from
non-fossil base power generation. This is in view of global warming and fast depleting of fossil
fuel, and thus plans to set-up 1000 MW from renewable energy sources out of which 301 MW
will be from Solar energy by year 2017.

In this regard, it has invited bids from Indian bidders to set-up Indias largest Solar Grid
Connected farm of 50 MW capacity on turnkey basis at a single place at village Ganeshpura in
Rajgarh District of Madhya Pradesh. The land has been acquired by NTPC from the state of MP
and intends to set-up the plant in nine months time from the date of NTP. The technology has
been selected as Poly or Mono CrSi with Central inverters of capacity 500 KW or more from the
bidders who have manufacturing facility in India with proven manufacturing technology
experience and also having proven EPC execution experience. NTPC will build a 11/132 kV
substation and establish the transmission system for power evacuation purpose through other
vendors and it is intended that EPC bidder would provide 50 MW power at 11 kV at the given
battery limit as specified in technical scope of works.

About the Bidders

Moser Baer Solar Limited (MBSL) the 1st Indian Solar EPC company in MW scale having a state
of the art PV module manufacturing unit at Greater Noida plant qualifies for the stated technical
qualification of the bid in regards to both manufacturing and EPC execution experience and
intends to execute this project on turnkey basis in a consortium along with M/s Sunil Hitech
Engineers Limited (SHEL). SHEL would play as financial partner supporting for the required
project financing and would facilitate for sourcing of BoP. Both parties have entered into a MoU

Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

in this regard for execution of contract with a clear division of works for participating the bid
and to execute the project. MBSL will be the lead partner in this consortium bid.

Moser Baer established in 1983 is one of Indias leading technology companies. The flagship
company Moser Baer India Limited (MBIL) is Worlds second largest manufacturer of optical
storage media and Moser Baer Solar Limited (MBSL) is its 100% subsidiary for photovoltaic
manufacturing business. MBSL manufacturing set-up was established between 2005 and 2007
and went into operation from 2008 with the primary objective of providing reliable solar power
as a competitive non-subsidized source of energy. It has leveraged its core competencies in high
volume manufacturing of optical media products to create a world class photovoltaic
manufacturing facility.

The key strengths to be brought by individual consortium partners will be as below:

State of the art manufacturing facility with yearly capacity of 150 MW
Proven manufacturing quality with over 200 MW PV modules in operation in India and
outside India
PV modules are IEC certified and is the only solar company in world to be rated with five
star by TUV
Biggest EPC and O&M provider in Solar Grid farms and so far has built 160 MW (above 1
MW) and also has built over 3 MW decentralized solar installations. Around 85 MW are
under construction.
Well acquainted with the proposed site conditions with a 1.25 MW project
commissioned which is adjacent to the proposed NTPC site and also is operated and
maintained by MBSL.
Secured several firsts of its kind achievements
o 1st in India to commission a 1 MW solar PV project (Mahagenco Chandrapur)
o 1st in India to commission a 5 MW solar PV project (Shivgangai)
o 1st in India to commission a 30 MW solar PV project (Patan Gujrat)

Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

o 1st in India to commission a Thin Film BIPV project (Hydrabad)

A leading infrastructure company having strong presence in Indian Power sector for
fabrication of technology structures and erection of Power Plant equipment
An approved vendor for NTPC for its existing conventional coal based power projects
Strong financials of the company with very strong networth
Willingness to enter into solar sector with a long term association with MBSL

2.0 Technical & Financial Eligibility:

2.1 Technical Eligibility

MBSL being the lead member of this consortium bid meets the following qualification criteria as
mandated in bid:

Manufacturer of offered Poly CrSi PV module and manufacturing base is located at

Greater Noida, India

The offered module i.e. 240 Wp as nominal rating and Poly CrSi as type has been IEC
certified and are in operation for more than 1 year

Designed, Supplied, Erected and Commissioned above 250 KW Grid Connected Solar PV

2.2 Financial Eligibility

The collective annual sales of the consortium partners for the previous 3 years is above
Rs 604 Crore.

Individual networth of both partners of the consortium is more than 25% of its paid-up

The banker of SHEL has issued a comfort letter for financing the project by providing Rs
260 Crore limit upon winning the project

Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

Moreover MBSL have manufacturing base of 150 MW and is well poised to meet the bid time
requirement for project completion.

3.0 EPC credentials / experience of MBSL the lead member

The list of executed projects and projects under construction above 1 MW is as below:

3.1 Commissioned projects

Location Size Customer PV module Technology Scope Commissi

MW oned in
Chandrapur 1 Mahagenco Asi Thin Film (own make) Turnkey (executed thru its Apr 2010
Maharastra parent company MBIL)
Shivgangai 5 MBECL Asi Thin Film (own make) Turnkey Dec 2010
Banaskanta 15 + 15 MBECL Thin Film with 10 MW of Project Management Oct 2011
Gujrat Asi (own make) service*
Jodhpur 5.5 MBPV Ltd Asi Thin Film (own make) Turnkey Nov 2011

Pokhran - 1 Basant Asi Thin Film (own make) Turnkey Jan 2012
Rajasthan Enterprise
Bhilwara - 5.5 MBECL CdTel Project Management Feb 2012
Rajasthan service *
Bolangir 5.5 MBECL CdTel Project Management Feb 2012
Orissa service *
Chanranka - 5 ZF Steering CdTel Turnkey Feb 2012
Upleta - Gujrat 15 MBECL Thin Film with 5 MW of Project Management Feb 2012
Asi (own make) service *
Churu - 1 Navbharat Asi Thin Film (own make) Turnkey Mar 2012
Rajasthan Buildcon (P)
Khimat - Gujrat 25 MBECL Thin Film with 5 MW of Project Management Mar 2012
Asi (own make) service*
Porbandar - 15 MBECL Thin Film with 5 MW of Project Management Apr 2012
Gujrat Asi (own make) service*
Porbandar - 20 MBECL CrSi (3 party module) Project Management Apr 2012
Gujrat service*
Upleta - Gujrat 10 MBECL CrSi (3 party module) Project Management Apr 2012
Upleta - Gujrat 5 MBECL CrSi (3 party module) Project Management May 2012
Rajula - Gujrat 5 Sunkon CdTel (FSLR) Turnkey May 2012
Rajgarh MP 1.25 JSR CrSi (own make) Turnkey June
(adjacent to Developers 2012

Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

NTPC proposed Pvt. Ltd.

Total 160 MW

* Project Management service included for Design, Engg, Procurement, tendering, quality assurance,
supervision of erection and supervision for commissioning.

The completed projects are running exceptionally well and the completion certificates in this regard
from the respective clients have been annexed with the bid.

Few of the installation photographs is enclosed along with the bid.

3.2 Projects under Construction :

Location Size Customer PV module Technology Scope Time line

Jainavad 25 MBECL CrSi (3 party) Project Management Dec 2012
Gujrat service*
Kamalpur 25 MBECL CrSi (3 party) Project Management Dec 2012
Gujrat service*
Kamalpur 25 MBECL CrSi (3 party) Project Management Mar 2013
Gujrat service*
Rajula Gujrat 5 Sunkon Asi Thin Film (own make) Turnkey Nov 2012
Total 85 MW

* Project Management service included for Design, Engg, Procurement, tendering, quality assurance,
supervision of erection and supervision for commissioning

Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

4.0 Project Characteristics

Sl Item Specific Offered in Bid MBSL recommendation (if any)

No Requirement

1 PV module 1. Type 1. Poly CrSi The offered module by us is of

Mono/Poly CrSi Poly CrSi type & of nominal
2. IEC 61215 & IEC 2. Certified power rating (240 Wp) has
61730 (part I & operational experience > 1
PartII) certified year. However with
3. Manufactured 3. Yes improvement in cell efficiency
in India & with higher transmission
4. Nominal rating 4. 240 Wp efficiency of the glass over the
in Wp of offered time which PV industry is
module should thriving for - the module o/p is
have been in likely to increase for the same
operation for type.
more than 1 year
5. Guaranteed o/p 5. Complied For a 50 MW project, NTPC
from PV modules may consider PV modules of
90% (min) at rating 240 Wp (+) for an
end of 10th year & aggregate capacity of project of
80% (min) at end 50 MW. Each string shall have
of 25th year identical rating of module and
6. Complied and
6. RFID tag in addition each inverter will
weather protected
have identical rating of PV
RFID tag for
modules so that module
identification will be
mismatch loss is addressed.
marked external to
2 Inverter 1. Capacity (min) 1. 1200 KW
500 KW
2. Eff > 97% at 2. Complied and
75% load Euro eff 98.4%
3. Enclosure IP20 3. Complied
4. pf > 0.95 (lead 4. pf - 0.90 (lead or
or lag) lag)
5. Ambient temp : 5. Ambient temp :
0 to 50 Deg C -10 to 50 Deg C
6. THD < 4% 6. THD < 3%
7. Loss in night 7. Loss in night time
time < 0.05% < 0.015% (180 W)
8. Grid Freq 50 8. Better
Hz + 3%

Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

Sl Item Specific Offered in Bid MBSL recommendation (if any)

No Requirement

3 Mounting 1. Seasonal tilt 1. Provided with 5- The seasonal tilt is likely to give
Structure structure 20 35 Deg 4% extra yield which can be
manually adjustable achieved with addition of 4% in
tilt DC capacity (2.5 MW add) w/o
increasing the inverter / Power
2. Wind speed 2. Complied evacuation capacity. The Capex
150 kmph + Opex in this option will be
3. MS hot dip 3. Complied. Cold equal or lesser than the base
galvanized and rolled sheet with option and the layout /
galvanization hot dip execution will be simplified and
coating as per IS galvanization with would avoid any manpower for
4759 coating of xx micron movement of this structures.
4. Fasteners SS 4. Complied The land is also undulated with
304 high level difference and hence
fixed structure is
recommended from our
prospective and with
operational experience over
160 MW. Further it is required
to provide higher pitch more
than 7.25 M for a tilt position
of 35 Deg C which is not
becoming possible with given
land and given contour. So the
yield benefit may not be
realized at 35 Deg Tilt position
with higher inter row shading
loss. This may give more solar
irradiance but not necessarily
higher electricity yield during
35 Deg tilt position.

4 String 1. Monitoring at 1. Monitoring of

Combiner each string level current / Power of
Box each string formed
with 24 modules in
2. Surge 2. Complied
protection at each
3. IP 55 3. Complied

Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

Sl Item Specific Offered in Bid MBSL recommendation (if any)

No Requirement

5 DC cables 1. As per TUV 1. Complied for It is suggested that the cables

specification 2 pfg cables other than which is going to be exposed
/ 1169 / 08.2007 which is to be direct sun-light should be solar
under- ground grade UV protected cable with
buried insulation and different outer-
sheath as per TUV specification
2 pfg / 1169 / 08.2007. All
cables from individual strings to
string combiner box will be of
this grade only. However the
cables which are from string
combiner box to central
inverters (no string inverters in
this case) will be of single core
Aluminium / cupper conductor,
1.1 kV grade with PVC / XLPE
insulation with PVC
outersheath, FRLS armoured
cable as per relevant IS. Also
cables of 35 Sqmm of Solar
grade cable is not in
manufacturing globally.
This is also international norm
and practice for solar farms
using central inverters. This
could have been complied had
the plant had been designed
with string inverters.
6 SCADA Central Complied The SCADA scope shall be for
monitoring with all the equipments covered
control of under the scope of bid
inverters and
7 Civil RCC foundation Complied Depending upon actual soil
foundation and for any data we would propose
of mounting alternative design ramming with GI pipes / TMT
structure to be proof rod bar / auguring of screw
checked by NIT/IIT which we have pioneered for
and approved by the solar farms in collaboration
NTPC with UK based farms. We
propose same to be approved
and avoid any proof checking
by NIT/IIT but alternatively

Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

Sl Item Specific Offered in Bid MBSL recommendation (if any)

No Requirement

proof checking thru actual pull

put test. Our view is to
establish the size / depth of
ramming section through
empirical trial tests in field . Its
not very accurate theoretically
determine the co-efficient of
friction of adjoining soil.
8 Module Underground GI Complied along with It is suggested to avoid such
washing pipes for each row five bore well and extensive water laying
system water storage tank arrangement for a such 50 MW
capacity plant and alternatively
to have tractor trolley
arrangement with inbuilt water
pressurizing pumps to run for
cleaning of modules. This will
be simple and find required
water jet pressure for proper
cleaning of modules.
9 DC system 1000 V system MBSL with its vast experience
Design design in PV field has experienced and
System with come across with a PID
negative earthing (potential impact degradation)
of PV modules which is
characterized with fall in Vocc
during plant operation. This
effect is seen when the PV
system is operated at higher
voltage (near about 1000 V DC)
and in severe humid
conditions. To nullify such
effect it is recommended to
reduce the potential to be
achieved through (-ve) bus DC
side earthing at each inverter
end. The inverters will be
provided with ground fault
detector for finding any earth
fault in (+) ve side of DC bus.

10 AC side 10 nos 11 kV Complied with ring It is recommended that radial

power feeders is allowed type system means of power evacuation is
evacuation for interfacing allowed which would require


Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

Sl Item Specific Offered in Bid MBSL recommendation (if any)

No Requirement

with NTPC 11 kV 11 nos of feeders

In such system each inverter
control room where there will
be a 11 kV board receiving
output from 2 X 2.4 MVA
transformer is independently
radically connected t0 NTPC 11
kV board. This will be simpler
arrangement and would limit
the cable sizes.
11 kV fault level : Complied for 31,5
31.5 kA kA (1 sec)

System earthing Earthed Proposed to have Yny 0 at

11/132 kV transformer with 11
kv side being solidly earthed for
proper earthing protection of
the system. Restive earthing is
not recommended neither
required in view of no load at
11 kV is envisaged in solar
power plants

The recommendations are not necessarily the Deviations but are in light of better project
executing norms and request NTPC team to call for the discussion / presentation in this regard
to amicably sort out the technical specification for this largest Solar farm to be set-up at single
location in the state of MP.

5.0 Project Location / Layout

The proposed site is located at village Ganeshpura in Rajgarh district of MP which receives one
of the best solar irradiance of about 1973 kwh/m2 in horizontal plane. Its is about 150 kM away
from Bhopal and NTPC has identified 250 acres of waste and non-agricultural land ideally suited
for Solar PV grid connected farms.

The bidders have made site inspections and is well aware about the site terrain and local
conditions as MBSL is operating a 1.25 MW with our Poly CrSi modules since June 2012. The site
photographs is enclosed as part of this bid document for immediate site reference purpose.


Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

There is 18 M level difference from North to South in 650 M length and in west to east direction,
there is 27 M level difference in 1200 M span length. Further hard rock at 1.5 M depth and soft
rock at 0.5 M depth is envisaged. In line with the clarifications and bid document we envisage

The land will be divided into few pockets / blocks which would be at different elevation
but each block will be graded

Nalla and few portions as per contour survey and physical site visits will be avoided for
any module mountings. Suitable cross over bridges will be provided for crossing of
DC/AC cables

To the extent possible natural drainage will be maintained without having any elaborate
arrangement forrain/storm water drainage. The land blocks will be sloped towards the
natural nallas flowing inside the plot.

Layout is enclosed along with the bid -

o Base case :
Mounting structures with a seasonal tilt with 3 positions ( 5 Degree 20
Degree 35 Degree)
Inter row Pitch 7.25 M
2 X 6 MMS (table size) with 2 foundations for each structure
Higher pitch i.e. > 7.25 M is required to reduce the inter row shading
loss below 2% but not possible with given land and given contour of the

o Alt case :
Fixed tilt Mounting structures at with 20 Degree (south facing)
Inter row Pitch 7.25 M
2 X 12 MMS (table size) with 4 foundations for each structure

Layout considers

o Min height of Module from FGL 500 mm

o 11 nos of Inverter Control Rooms with 10 rooms accommodating for 4 inverters
(4.8 MW) and one inverter room will accommodate 2 inverters (2.4 MW).
o Fencing over the land perimeter for around 6.5 kM
o Roads / pathway from main entry to plant to 11/132 kV main control room (to
be developed by others) and the road will be connecting to each of the inverter
control room (11 nos). The running length of road is estimated to be xx kM
o Strom water drainage as per catchment area of the 250 acre connecting to
natural nalla.


Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

o Lighting protection of PV array yard with lighting masts each covering a radius of
about 105 M
o AC cable trench from inverter room to main HT control room (of NTPC) where
ever possible along with the road with 1.1 M depth
o Five nos of borewell for module washing arrangement with required water
storage. GI underground piping distribution for each row of PV array yard

6.0 System Design and Sizing

6.1 DC Side

Item Values
Nominal Capacity of modules 240 Wp (208344 nos)
Inverter nominal Capacity (AC) 1200 KVA (42 nos)
Nos of modules in series to form a string 24 nos (each string capacity = 5.76 KWp)
Nos of strings combined in each string 24 nos (each string combiner box capacity =
combiner box 138.24 KWp).

Since each String combiner box will have source

more than 2, each string will be protected with 16
Amp (1000 V) fuse for protection of reverse
current and cable protection

Nos of String Combiner box connecting to 9

each inverter
Since 9 nos of String combiner box is connected in
the DCDB of inverter, each such feeder in the
DCDB will be provided with right size of DC fuses
to protect the cables and reverse current flowing
from one circuit to another.
DC capacity of plant 50002 KWp
AC capacity of plant 50400 KVA
DC cable sizing
From individual string to String 1 C X 6 Sqmm Cu Solar grade Cable as per TUV
combiner box specification
From individual String combiner 1 C X 240 Sqmm, 1.1 kV grade, Aluminium
box to Inverter conductor, Armoured, XLPE insulation with PVC
FRLS grade outersheath

The size of cables selected so that its amperage

capacity is > 1.25 times of Impp and voltage drop
in any part is < 2% of its Vmpp. Short time rating of
cables is not applicable as PV side is limiting
current source with limited solar GHI available
(max 1000 W/M2)


Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

Item Values

System Design 1000 V (DC)

Inverter Vmpp range 550 875 V (DC) Checked with 24 modules in a
string will stay in the given range for the given
temperature co-efficient for Vmpp of modules in
worst temperature conditions.
Optimum tilt angle of the mounting 20 Deg. It is the most optimum tilt angle position
structure considering the maximum energy yield output. The
increase in tilt angle may increase the receipt of
GHI in inclined plane but not necessarily increases
the plant out put in kwh as there is higher inter
row shading loss. In view of this all seasonal tilt of
20 Deg is selected and if NTPC goes for seasonal
tilt structure (as per our base offer) then other two
tilt angle of 5 and 35 degree will be there .
In the analysis max inter row shading loss is
capped at 2%

The DC SLD is enclosed along with the bid

6.2 AC Side

Item Values
Inverter Transformer Capacity 2.4 MVA (21 nos) = 50.4 MVA
11 kV HT panel 800 Amp (40 kA) rating with four feeders (VCB)
with IP 20 enclosure will be housed inside each
inverter control room. Each will have 2 feeders
from each 2.4 MVA inverter transformer.

11 such 11 kV HT panels will be there one in ech

Inverter Control room.

Five (5) nos Rings will be formed out of which 2

above HT panels will be inter connected in ring
fashion and one (1) ring will have 3 above HT
panels interconnected in ring fashion.

Each ring will have two connections to 11 kV

switchgear of NTPC through 5 X 2 = 10 nos feeders.

The ring which will connect 2 HT panels will handle

9.6 MVA nominal power while the ring which
would connect 3 panels will handle 9.6 MVA + 2.4
MVA = 12 MVA


Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

Item Values
Each ring will have dual redundancy in case of
failure of one stream and increase the plant

The cable connecting from each ring to NTPCs 11

kV board shall be 11 kV grade (UE), XLPE, 3 Core
and armoured, FRLS. The amperage capacity will
be such that the amperage capacity in derated
condition is above 640 Amp with short time rating
of 40 kA

The AC SLD is enclosed along with the bid

6.3 Climatic Conditions

Following conditions are considered for its project component selection and system design

Ambient temperature: up to 48C, all equipments shall be designed for 50C ambient.
Open storage temperature: up to 48C.
Humidity: up to 98 % RH
Maximum wind speed: 150 kmpH
Seismic location: As per site location

7.0 Scope of Work

Basic / detailed designing, project component selection, preparing engineering and construction

Manufacturing and supply of Solar PV modules for 50 MWp capacity

Supply, sea and inland transport of all balance solar PV plant equipments including the spares
covering for

o Mounting structures
o DC cables
o String combiner boxes
o Central Inverters
o Inverter Transformers
o 11 kV HT panels
o 1.1 kV grade Power cables connecting from Inverter to LV side of Inverter transformer
o 11 kV grade AC cables


Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

o Control cable
o Weather station (pyronometers, Thermometers, anemometers)
o Lighting arrestors for PV array yard
o Under ground Earthing mat and earthing electrodes
o Prefabricated Inverter control room structures
o Illumination system for road and pathway, plant boundary and inverter control room

Civil works including

o Site preparation
o Construction of site office with minimum requirement for OHAS for working employees
at site
o Leveling and grading of blocks of land (each block can be at different elevation). Grading
the soil with south slope.
o Module foundation work (alternative ramming)
o Inverter Control room buildings
o Roads
o Drains
o Fencing
o Culverts / cable bridges
o Ramps for material unloading and creation of space for material storage

Arranging for construction power (DG set and Discom 11 kV power) and construction water

Arranging for required statutory approvals for construction and commissioning of the plant
including for obtaining permissions from chief electrical inspectorate

Installation and erection of plant for the specified scope of supply items

Commissioning of the solar PV plant with trial run operation for cumulative 72 hours of trouble-
free operation during which functionally all plant components will be demonstrated and the
system will be in generating mode.

PG test

Warranting the solar PV plant covering mechanical structure, electrical works including
PCU/Inverters / HT boards against all defects through a defects liability period (DLP) of five years

Operation and maintenance (O&M) of the entire solar PV plant for a period of one year from the
date of commissioning

Battery Limit Terminal Point : - Termination of 11 kV feeders at 11 kV switchgear of NTPC


Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

Training owners personnel for operation and maintenance, handing over the plant to owner,
provision of all the documentation necessary for the correct performance and maintenance for
the life cycle time of solar PV plant.

8.0 Energy yield simulation result and solar radiation assessment (P50 estimation)

The plant capacity rated for 50 MWp is under standard conditions i.e. 1000 W/M2 falling on
inclined plane and standard cell temperature of 25 Deg C and Air-Mass (AM) ratio of 1.5. In
actual site conditions all these parameters vary and would accordingly produce varied energy
output. The design aims to keep the system losses to the best possible level nevertheless there
would be losses. In order to compute the estimated energy output from the proposed solar
project, we have used specialized PV system Design Software (PV syst V5.54) and weather /
solar radiation data from Meteonorm.

The various system losses encountered under different category is as below

Loss Nature of Loss Value estimated

Losses due to the environment (irradiation, shading and soiling)
Near shading losses Near shading losses caused by rows placing - 1.3 %

The incidence effect (IAM-Incidence Angle

Modifier) corresponds to the weakening of
IAM factor on global the irradiation really reaching the PV cells -2.8%
surface, with respect to irradiation under
normal incidence

Soiling losses Losses due to dusty and dirty modules - 1.6%

Losses due to modules characteristics

Deviation of actual irradiation to STC

Loss due to irradiance
irradiation, i.e. decrease of the model -2.7%
efficiency with decreasing irradiance

Thermal behavior of the field - which

strongly influences the electrical
Loss due to
performances - is determined by a thermal -10.8%
balance between ambient temperature and
cell's heating up due to incident irradiation

Losses due to "mismatch" are related to the

Mismatching losses at fact that the real modules in the array do
MPP not rigorously present the same I/V


Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

Loss Nature of Loss Value estimated

Deviation of the average effective module
Module Quality loss efficiency by respect to manufacturer -1.1%

Losses due to cabling

DC cabling losses at
Cabling losses of DC cabling -1.1%

Losses due to electricity conversion

Inverter losses occurring in the DC to AC

Inverter losses -1.5%

Transformer losses Losses due to the LV/MV transformer -1.0%

The PV syst simulation carried out with 20 Deg Fixed and Mteonorm weather file is enclosed along with

As per the simulation and with consideration of 98% availability of transmission system and 99.5% plant
availability the estimated energy output on 1st year is expected to be 80.369 MU which would degrade
approximately @ 1% per year because of light induced degradation. With seasonal tilt system being
deployed the energy output would increase by 3-4%. This is just for estimation purpose and with
Probability factor of 50% (P50 analysis) and no way to be considered as minimum guaranteed output
from the plant, for which NTPC to refer the respective bid format for contractual purpose with the given
GHI stated in bid document.

9.0 Suggested Vendor for Solar PV and BoS

Components Preferred Make

Solar PV Modules MBSL (poly CrSi) 240 Wp (+)
Bonfiglioli RPS 1360 TL (transformer less) 1.2 MW
Central Inverters SCHNEIDER 680 KW
ABB 630 KW
SMA 900 KW
Mounting structure Sunil Hitech Engineers Ltd (SHEL)

String Combiner Boxes L&T / Trinity Touch (Meteo Control) / Hansel / Skytron
SCADA Monitoring System L&T/ Trinity Touch (Meteo Control) / SKYTRON


Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

Components Preferred Make

Keylios (Polycab)
DC Cables (upto 25 Sqmm)
Lapp Kabel
Prysmian (Ravin Cables)
Trinity Touch / Solar Plast
Cooper Bussmann
DC Fuses
Surge Protection Devices DEHNguard
Ferraz Shawmut

HT System (11 kV)

Components Preferred Make
Alstom / Schneider Electric
Transformers (LV/11kV) Crompton
11 kV HT Panel / VCB Areva
HT cables (11 kV),
HT End termination Kit M Seal
Alstom / Schneider Electric
Protection Relays
Automatic Electric
Current Transformers


Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

HT System (11 kV)

Components Preferred Make
Battery Charger
Lead Acid Batteries
HBL / AmarRaja

Table 16: LV System (<1kV)

Components Preferred Make
LV Cables (1.1 kV grade for AC side and DC Nicco
side above 25 Sqmm) Polycab
Cable Glands
Bimetallic Cable lugs Cosmos
Asian Ancillaries
Cable trays Elcon
Profab Engineers

We reserve the right to select any vendor from the above list and in case of any better make same will
be introduced during detailing stage with proper credentials subject to approval of NTPC

10.0 Estimated BoQ for the project (indicative and for reference purpose)

Sl No Item UoM Quantity

1 PV Module (Poly CrSi), 240 Wp (+) Wp 50002560

2 Inverters / Power Conversion Units of 1200 Nos 42

KVA output capacity
3 Mounting structure

Base case 12 MMS with seasonal tilt Nos 173620



Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

Sl No Item UoM Quantity

Alt case 48 MMS with fixed tilt Nos 43405

4 String Combiner Box (24 : 1) Nos 378

5 DC cables
From String to SCB (1 C X 6 Sqmm, Solar Km
grade cable) About 750 kM

From SCB to Inverter) (1 C x 240 Sqmm, XLPE, Km About 200 kM

armoured cable)
6 Connector Nos Lot

7 2.4 MVA inverter Transformer (0.360- Nos 21

0.360/11 kV)
8 11 kV HT panel (1200 A, 31.5 kA) with four Nos 11
feeders of 800 A (VCB)
9 1.1 kV grade, 1 C X 630 Sqmm, Al, PVC, kM 8 kM
armoured cable from inverter to Inverter
10 11 kV grade, 3 C X 185 Sqmm, Al, XLPE, kM 1 kM
armoured cable from inverter transformer to
HT panel in inverter room
11 11 kV grade, 1 C X 630 Sqmm, Al, XLPE, kM 50 kM
armoured cable from HT panel in inverter
room to NTPC 11 kV panel
12 Fencing kM 6.5

13 Roads kM Lot

14 Drains (storm water) kM Lot

15 Lighting arrestor (PV yard) Nos 60

16 Earthing electrode and underground Lot

earthing flat
17 Termination kit (LV and HV) Lot

18 Inverter Control room Nos 11

19 Civil foundation for Mounting structure Nos 3.5 lakh


Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

11.0 Data Sheet of Main Plant equipment

11.1 PV Modules

Type 1
Peak Power Watts (Wp) 240
Power Output Tolerance (%) -0/+5 Wp
Cell Type & No. of Cells 6/60
No. Bypass Diodes 3
Fill Factor 0.76
Module Efficiency (%) 14.8%
Maximum Power Voltage (V) 29.67
Maximum Power Current (A) 8.09
Open Circuit Voltage (V) 37.25
Short Circuit Current (A) 8.48
Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (Deg C) 45+ 3
Temperature Coefficient of P MPP (%/K) -0.44
Temperature Coefficient of VOC (%/K) -0.32
Temperature Coefficient of ISC (%/K) 0.055

The product catalogue is enclosed along with the bid.

Applicable standards

IEC61625 :- For Crystalline Silicon photovoltaic (PV) modules Design qualification and type

IEC 61730 : For PV module safety qualification


All the modules equipped with IP67 or higher protection level junction box and appropriately
sized output power cable of symmetric length with twist locking connectors.
In order to minimise power loss due to partial shading on modules, all modules equipped with
bypass diodes.
Modules are capable of withstanding a wind pressure of 2400Pa or the local wind loading,
whichever is greater.
Module frames are corrosion resistant and have adequate holes for mounting, water drain and
connecting ground conductor.


Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

11.2 Power Conversion Unit / Inverter

Technical Parameters of Central Inverters

Model Bonfiglioli RPS 1360 TL
Transformer / Transformer less Transformer less
No load loss 135 W
Input (DC)
Rated DC power 1360 KWp
Max. DC power 2100 A
Max. DC voltage 1000 V
MPP voltage range 550 875 V
Min. DC voltage/start voltage
Output (AC)
AC nominal power 1200 KW
Nominal AC voltage 360 V
Nominal AC current 1920 A
AC frequency range 50 Hz (+ 3%)
Max Power factor (cos ) 0.9 (I) 0.9 (c)
Max THD <3%
Threshold Power for start /stop of inverter 3 kW
Max. efficiency 98.6%
Euro-eta 98.4%
Further because of master-slave configuration the inverter efficiency is more than central inverters
Power Consumption
Internal night consumption 180 W
External auxiliary supply voltage Yes
Operating temperature range -10 to +50 Deg C
Degree of Protection IP 20
Overall dimensions 4400 X 2100 X 800 mm (3.55 Ton)

The product catalogue is enclosed along with the bid.

The above datasheet is enclosed for Bonfiglioli make inverters. Bidder reserve the rights to select one of
the inverter make from the suggested vendor list during detailing stage.


Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

11.3 String Combiner Box

Table 20: Technical Parameters of String Combiner Box

Maximum permissible DC voltage 1000 V
Maximum permissible DC current 16 A
Number of measuring channels 24
Maximum string current per measuring 16 A
Dimensions (H x W x D) in mm During detailed engg
Weight (kg) During detailed engg
Protection Rating IP 55 or better
Operating temperature range -10 +50 Degc
Relative humidity 95%
Communication RS 485

Type of enclosure will be

Flammability Fire retardant with self extinguishing property & free from halogen
UV resistant (UL 746 C) suitable for outdoor application
Mechanical impact resistance IK 07 or better as per IEC 62262 or equivalent standard
IP 55

11.4 Mounting Structure

The mounting structure shall be designed

To withstand wind pressure of 150 kmpH

Hot dip galvanized structures with sections made out of cold rolled sections of 1.6 mm
Seasonal tilt arrangement in base option and fixed tilt system as an alternative option
Fastners SS 304
Galvansiation coating as per IS - 4759

Base Alternative
Tilt Degree 5 -20-35 20
Pitch M 7.25 7.25
Ground coverage ratio % 46 46
Table Design
Modules per table Nos 12 24
Nos of row 2 2
Module assembly Portrait Portrait


Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

Total Mounting Structure per 173620 86810


The structural drawings for seasonal tilt is enclosed along with the bid.

11.5 Inverter Transformer

Technical Parameters of Inverter Transformers

KVA rating 2400
Rated voltage:
HV Winding 11 kV
LV Winding 360-360 V
Rated Frequency 50 Hz
Number of phases 3
Vector Group
HV Winding Delta
LV Winding Star
Vector Symbol Dy11 y11
Type of cooling ONAN
Tap changing equipment OCTC
Type Offload
No. of steps 6
% of voltage at each step 2.5%
Tap Range % +5 to -10%
Temperature above ambient of 50C
Oil 50C
Winding 55C
Losses at rated voltage on principal tap and rated frequency During detailing
No load loss During detailing
Copper loss at full load at 75C During detailing
Withstand time for three phase short circuit at terminals (sec.) 2 sec
No load current at rated voltage and rated frequency. During detailing
Insulation level
Separate source power frequency voltage withstand for more than one minute
HV Winding 28 kV
LV Winding 3 kV

Full wave lighting impulse stand voltage

HV Winding 75 kV
LV Winding


Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

Technical Parameters of Inverter Transformers

Designed magnetic flux density During detailing
% Impedance (10% tolerance as per IS) 6%

11.6 11 kV HT Panel for Ring main unit installed at each inverter control room

Technical Parameters of HT panel

Reference ambient temperature for Design 50 deg C
Main system 3 Phase 3 wire
Rated operation voltage 11 kV
Rated insulation voltage 12 kV
Dry frequency withstand voltage 28 kV
Rated impulse voltage 75 kVp
Earthing system Solidly grounded (at NTPC end in its 11/132 kV trafo)
Altitude Upto 1000 M
Humidity RH 100%
System fault level 31.5 kA (3 sec)
Location Indoor
Enclosure IP 4 X
Mounting Floor mounted
Clearance Front 1.5 M, Top and Rear 1M
Temperature rise As per IS/IEC -694
Rated current 1250 A
Control Voltage 230 V AC / 110 V DC
Feeder 2 Incomer (VCB) + 2 Outgoing (VCB)

11.7 Monitoring and SCADA system

The power plant shall incorporate a communication system to monitor the output of each string
and inverter so that system faults can be detected and rectified before they have an appreciable
effect on production. Data loggers shall be used to collect data from the weather station, the
inverters, meters, and the transformers to transfer data once a day to a server which will carry
out key functions:

All the String combiner boxes, inverters, RMUs, MV Switchgear, switchyard equipments and
utility metering shall be integrated with SCADA system.
It shall provide the configuration of the proposed SCADA system along with Supervisory Station
which refer to the server and software responsible for communicating with the field
equipments, and then to the HMI software running on workstations in the control room, or


Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

The SCADA system shall be composed of an integrated operator human-machine interface

(HMI), input/output (I/O), remote telemetry units (RTU), PLCs communication infrastructure and
An industrial Ethernet LAN shall be distributed throughout the field for communication to field
The data acquisition shall be through a desk top computer of latest configuration.

It shall provide external communications link to Owner to access all data acquisition and real
time performance monitoring. The recorded data shall be sequential right from string to
metering. Source of power for SCADA system and all related hardware shall be from auxiliary
power supply with an UPS having a minimum 1 hour backup shall be provided dedicatedly for
this system. In addition to conventional parameters (V, I, KW, KVA, KVAr etc.) below is the non
exhaustive list of monitoring and recording parameters.

String parameters
String failure detection
Power generation at interconnection
Daily power generation in kWh
Monthly power generation in kWh
Annual power generation power in kWh
Power generation from the date of commissioning

Plant Performance Ratios:

Instantaneous PR (Current value)

Days average PR
Months average PR


Global Horizontal Irradiation

Ambient air temperature
Module temperature
Wind speed and direction

The SCADA will be OPC version 2.0a compliant and implement a OPC-DA 2.0a server as per the
specification of OPC foundation. All data will be accessible through this OPC server

The overview and typical architecture of SCADA is enclosed along with the bid


Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

11.8 Weather Stations

It shall provide a weather station to provide adequate meteorological data to evaluate system
performance. Station shall essentially include sensors but no be limited to monitoring of global
irradiation on tilted plain, global horizontal irradiation, ambient temperature, wind speed and
direction and relative humidity.

Apart dedicated pyranometers (2 nos) with 5% uncertainty and resolution of 1 W/M2 shall be
used for measurement of global irradiation on tilted plain and global horizontal irradiation
preferably of Kipp & Zonen make.

11.9 Lightning Protection System

The entire PV plant area including all buildings will be protected from lightning. The protection
system will be based on early streamer emission lightning conductor air terminals. The air
terminals shall provide an umbrella protection against direct lightning strike covering a radial
distance of maximum 60m. The air terminal will be capable of handling multiple strikes of
lightning current and should be maintenance free after installation.

The earthing stations for the lighting discharges shall be provided with test links of phosphorus
bronze and located at 150mm above ground level in an easily accessible position for testing.

11.10 External Lighting System

All the main and internal roads shall be lit with external lighting system strategising site security
and maintenance requirements; utmost care should be taken for avoiding any shading effect
due to the poles. The light fittings shall be highly efficient having longer life. LED based system
shall be used.

Bollards of height up to 3 feet shall be installed along the main approach road towards modular
plot. Additionally, flood lights may be mounted at strategic locations along the boundary of the
PV plant.

Minimum of 10lux shall be maintained around the periphery of modular unit control rooms and
4 - 6lux at the main roads approaching modular unit control rooms. All the light shall be fed
from auxiliary power supply system available at the plant.

11.11 Fire Fighting and Detection System

The solar PV plant shall be equipped with suitable fire protection and fighting systems for all
control rooms and switchyard as per the NFPA fire safety standards and local fire authority
requirements. Fire fighting of transformers and other electrical equipments as required shall be
in accordance to tariff advisory committee, CBIP, IS 10028, NFPA 70 and NFPA 15.


Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

Fire Extinguishers: Portable type fire extinguishers conforming IS10658 shall be provided as
means of dealing effectively and immediately with fire caused from oils, solvents, gases, paints,
varnishes, electrical wiring and all flammable liquids and gases. System shall comply with
required insurance norms. Following type of portable fire extinguishers shall be provided in PV
array area, modular plot control rooms and main control room.

DCP type fire extinguisher 10kg capacity. (1 in each control room)

CO2 operated hand portable extinguisher 9kg Capacity. (1 in each inverter control room)
Foam type hand portable extinguisher 9kg capacity. (1 in each control room)
Hand portable pressurized water Co2 9 liter (1 in each control room)

Automatic fire detection cum alarm system shall be provided in all modular unit control rooms,
main control rooms. Fire detection and alarm system shall be integrated with required cabling
to a single fire alarm control panel. Fire detection alarm system shall include alarm initiating
multi sensor type smoke detectors. The entire system shall work on auxiliary power supply. In
case of power failure, the complete system shall function in normal condition on maintenance
free back-up batteries for a minimum period of 48 hours duration.

11.12 Auxiliary Power Supply System

A 100kVA step down transformer 360/415 V with ACDB will be installed for supply of control
and auxiliary power supply for inverters, HT panel in each modular inverter room including the
lighting/illumination around the area.

12 Civil Works

12.1 Topographical survey and geotechnical investigations

It shall be conducted following which the layout of the plant and design drawings will be

12.2 Site Preparatory work :

Clearing of weeds, chopping down of small bushes and trees.

Leveling of land with excavation and back filling of soil in blocks

12.3 Fencing:.

The Solar PV plant including array yard, control room & switchyard along with security cabins
shall be fenced and the fencing shall be a combination of chain-link and barbed wire on steel
posts of height minimum 2.5 meter above the ground and spacing 2.5 meter between adjacent
posts. The minimum height of fencing will be 2 M above the ground. Fencing shall be provided
with main entrance gates at two locations with 6m single leaf sliding doors. A wicket gate
adjacent to the main entrance shall be provided for ease of movement.


Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

12.4 Approach Roads:

Approach road will be made for connecting the respective inverter control rooms and main
switchyard control room building. It will be flexible type bituminous of width 3.75 M with one
meter shoulder each side as per IRC. At all cable crossings, Hume pipes of appropriate sizes shall
be embedded within the road.

12.5 Pathways

Pathways between solar panels will be leveled for easy movement. Where ever there is a
change in elevation it shall be made with PCC with brick soling. Brick will be class II and PCC will
be 1:3:6

12.6 Buildings

Central CMCS building with a plinth area of 2000 Sqfeet having an air conditioned SCADA room,
store room, Pantry, Toilet / urinal. It shall be RCC building with required as per the specification

11 nos Inverter room each having a plinth area of 1200 sq feet for accommodating the DCDB,
inverters and HT panel. It shall be a structural steel building with metal roofing / metal wall with
sandwitched insulation of 50 mm thick as per the specification of bid

All types of buildings shall be designed as per national building code

12.7 Water Supply and Drainage System

The solar PV plant shall have independent underground water tanks at minimum two strategic
locations. Each tank shall have a minimum capacity of 150,000 liters. Water source for these
tanks shall be from 5 nos bore wells. The water supply system shall be complete with
adequately sized electrical pumps and a standby for each type. Water supply system shall
include all the pipes laid for each mounting row, valves and plumbing works as required to
complete the system.

12.8 Storm / rain water drain

To the extent possible natural drainage will be maintained without having any elaborate
arrangement forrain/storm water drainage. The land blocks will be sloped towards the natural
nallas flowing inside the plot. Where ever required drain of adequate depth / width depending
upon the requirement will be constructed with brick/stone masonary work and will be
connected to inside natural nallas for effective drainage of the plant area.


Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)
50MW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Project (NTPC)

13. Testing of PV Plant

Following the construction of solar PV plant and issuance of physical completion certificate by
NTPC, following shall be the tests carried out

13.1 Start-Up Tests

The start-up tests shall be the first step for provisional acceptance of plant. These tests shall
essentially include

Open circuit voltage.

Short circuit current.
Validation of irradiation monitoring equipment
DC current test
Availability test
Performance ratio test

13.2 Commissioning of the plant with trial run operation for cumulative 72 hours of trouble-
free operation during which functionally all plant components will be demonstrated and the
system will be in generating mode.

13.3 PG test

14. Project Warranties

Warranting the solar PV plant covering mechanical structure, electrical works including
PCU/Inverters / HT boards against all defects through a defects liability period (DLP) of five years



Moser Baer Solar Ltd along with SUNIL HITECH ENGINEERS LIMITED (Consortium Bid)

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