Dissertation Report ON: "A Study On Retail Banking With Special Reference To Yes Bank"
Dissertation Report ON: "A Study On Retail Banking With Special Reference To Yes Bank"
Dissertation Report ON: "A Study On Retail Banking With Special Reference To Yes Bank"
I , Rohit Kumar student of Amity Global business School,Chandigarh declare that I have completed the Project
work titled A Study On Retail Banking With Special Refrence To Yes Bank as a part of my academic
fulfillment. This information contained in his project work is true and original to best of my knowledge and belief.
Rohit Kumar
M.B.A (2015-2017)
Enrollment No A30701915057
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to many people. This dissertation is an effort to
contribute towards achieving the desired objectives. In doing so, I have optimized all available
resources and made use of some external resources, the interplay of which, over a period of time,
led to the attainment of the set goals.
I take here a great opportunity to express my sincere and deep sense of gratitude to my
esteemed faculty Dr Neha gupta for giving me an opportunity to work on this project. The
support & guidance from sir, was of great help & it was extremely valuable.
I also express my sincere thanks to all the people who, directly or indirectly, contributed in
time, energy and knowledge to this effort.
Certified that Ms. has done Dissertation under my guidance, the work entitled Study Of Retail
Banking With Refrence To Yes Bank, is her original research work done under my guidance for
Certified that this work is suitable for submission for partial fulfillment of the requirement of
MBA Degree.
D. Company profile
- Product/Services Profile 24
- Workflow model (end to end) 47
F. Research Methodology 60
- Title of the Project 61
- Statement of the problem 61
- Objectives 61
- Operational definitions 62
- Data collection 62
- Statistical Tools used for research 62
- Sampling Technique Sampling Unit, Sample Size and 63
Sampling method.
- Plan of Analysis 66
- Limitations to the study 67
H. Summary of findings 91
I. Suggestions 93
K. Learning Experience 97
L. Annexure 99
i) Financial Statements 100
ii) Questionnaires 107
(iii) Bibliography 111
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