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1. Which of the four types of the studies are presented in this case.

Research details
mentioned in the case complies with the requirements of the descriptive tupe of
research. As we see from the research researcher collected data and tried to reveal
the other players of the market and general trends. The study answers to the
question who? and considering clarifications of legal side that mentioned in the
research to the question how?. Drawing conclusion from that features we relate it
to the descriptive type of the research.

2. What issues, other than those Vicale chose to evaluate, would you have included
in your research plan for Although the
succeeded in business and gained popularity we observed few important issues that
were omitted by Mr.Vicale and they constitute gaps of the research which should be
considered before marketing product. 1. Promotion: From the research we do not
observe any actions in this direction. No research regarding promotion means was
observed initially to promote the product in the market. 2. Price: Mr. Vicale
researched for identifying the major players in the market not their price policy. Price
issue is also important in the profitability of the business. So it also should be
considered. 3. Customer segment: We would add identification of potential customer
segment as well to the research. This could be helpful in focusing on special
category of customers and increase popularity and profits of the business. 4.
Distribution canals are also avoided in the research. Potential of either online selling
and selling via toy shops should be investigated profoundly.

Using the criteria in Exhibit 1-5, evaluate the research that
conducted prior to launching its hero and villain action figure business. Prior to
launching its hero and villain action figure business conducted
Exploratory Research. Through this form of research sought
general information to discover and understand the competition if any within the
market. (Cooper & Schindler, 2011, 11-20) Though form of research was less
structured than Descriptive Research it allowed enough flexibility to explore
basic information which was later used to conduct a more formal and structured
form of research. (Christopher, Payne &, Ballantyne, 2002, 170-172

Which of the four types of studies are presented in this case.

* I believe that Descriptive would be the type of research presented in this case. Because
Vicale decided to research the potential for the action figure business. Starting with the
Internet, Vicale found dozens of companies were involved worldwide, some big and some
small. Hasbro was the biggest player, but there were numerous others, described Vicale.
Then he took his research to the retail environment. In the toy store, action figures take up
the most aisle space, second only to electronic games. And young girls have an action-figure
section, too.
* The exploratory research findings stimulated Vicales interest. It was this evidence of the
magnitude of the action-figure business, combined with a genuine respect and admiration for
the heroes of 9/11 that led to the launch of an e-commerce business to sell dolls based on
modern day heroes.
2. Using the criteria in Exhibit 1-6, evaluate the research that conducted
prior to launching its hero and villain action figure business.
* Vicale researched on the internet the possibility of making action figures that resembled
heroes and the markets for which such a possibility would hold profitable.
* Vicale also did research in retail stores, mapping how much shelf space traditional action
figures took up on store shelves.
* Vicale also consulted with a lawyer to make sure that what he was proposing would a legal
entity, (because of the people he would be replicating.)
3. What issues, other than those Vicale chose to evaluate, would you have included in your
research plan for
* I would have done customer surveys to see whether such a market would have been
* I would have done a test run of the action figures to see whether making more action
figures would have...

Hero Builders Case 1

The type of research that Mr. Vicle did was exploratory. As the definition of the exploratory
research design is to gain better understanding of something that you previously had little or
no knowledge (www2.uiah, 2007). Mr. Vicle started his venture by means of satisfying a
personal hobby as he made and collected custom made theme hero dolls. As he noticed the
attention that his 911 doll was receiving he conducted the above mentioned exploratory
research by initiating an internet search on the subject of action figures and subsequently
finding out that their was a huge market and that Hasbro was the forerunner.

His mistake was that he should have also used the casual research design to observe the
relationship of cause and effect that his dolls would have on the mass market (DJS, 2009).
He therby would have been able to better evaluate the media and public response and there
would have bee in a better position to handle the situation that eventually occurred more
effective and efficiently.

Lastly he should have employed a descriptive research where although it is very inflexible it
would have given the valued information as to if the company was ready to launch, what
target populace would they pursue as well as many other fixed items that were overlooked
(Rutgers, 2009).

In conclusion Mr. Vicle would have avoided the explosive growth of orders without a manner
of handling the needed increase of production woul dhave allowed him to be better prepared
for the eventual media explosion.

. Using the Criteria in Exhibit 1-5, evaluate the research that conducted
prior to launching its hero and villain action figure business.

a. Purpose Clearly Defined

The purpose was somewhat defined. The company wanted to honor the heroes after 9/11. The
idea started with a personal collection. Once there were requests for more dolls they looked
into mass-producing them.

b. Research Process Detailed

the research process was not very detailed. He talked about looking on the Internet and then
looking at the retail environment. Anyone else would be able to do that kind of research but
he did not give much detail about what he found.

c. Research Design Thoroughly Planned

I found no evidence of the planned research design. This project was more personal in the
beginning and was not intended to be sold in a mass-market.

d. High Ethical Standards Applied

The company did contact an attorney to make sure they were not violating the rights of the
heroes they were creating.

e. Limitations Frankly Revealed

The limitations were not addressed in this case.

f. Adequate Analysis For Decision Maker's Needs

The decision-maker did not provide adequate analysis for this project. This project went
backwards. These dolls were made more for a personal collection in the beginning and only
after interest was shown did the designer decide to mass-produce them.

g. Findings Presented Unambiguously

the findings presented in this case were very minimal because of the reasons already

h. Conclusions Justified

the conclusions in this case were not justified...

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