Going For Gold Intermediate P 4 30 PDF
Going For Gold Intermediate P 4 30 PDF
Going For Gold Intermediate P 4 30 PDF
$upermodel in fhe hot sea{
m:=i= Jhe model Sophie Dahl.
I 20. i* the grarrddaughler
Wltu is your ide,r! mun..
tChris ari,l Tonr. Lileppssll
of the children,s writer
ffiffi There are
Roald IJalrl. She is quire
Somebodl u ho makes rne
some family Iaugh a lot. nho tliinks
unusual ber.ause. lor onee- I
connections luoL lantastic rritlr
we have a supermodel
between the lr.ho
unrrashed hair
is bigger than the a\erage - and
people in these who'll -enrl me flouels.
size. S6pfiis norks lor
photos. What Basi,.alJ). no one I knou.
model agenel Storm. She
do you think unfofiunateiy.
has beerr in a number u[
they are?
top lashion magazines What uas the Last.film
in,.lurling Elle. loniry Foir thc lusl pop group \.ou
anrl ItuIiun Vugtre. She /o secf 1r$31x pp1p,.-.
kindll agreed to ansr^cr \oltingham)
sume quesl;ons [r.om
our I vent on a date to see
Armogerldon in \er,r \urk.
Horu did you start Tlre [ilnr uas dreacllul ancl
modelling? Is it something lhe dale nol mur.h bef ler.
1ou altrnls u.ontcr! lo do: f;1t1 grotrlr lss\a \4pr-p
(Danni Fielcling, Bilstol) tIe Bearti- Bo), anrl Ihpr
were fantasticl
I aftudll) wanled lo be ::
ffi I inchesler../
I j*': :cr.rplete article and decide if these What do you do when you don't understand
.-r '::- :';e or false. a word?
A just continue reading and not worry
:, c cal supermodel. about it
; ',vant to be a model. stop every time and look up every word in
ot of time between fashion shows. a dictionary
stop sometimes and look up important
:- her own.
words in a dictionary
'er ideal man stop sometimes and try to work out the
:he pop group she saw recently meaning of important words from the
her grandfather. context
=- .-: won't be working as a model in five 4 What is good or bad about each of the
'.: possibilities in question 3 above?
1 Discuss these questions with a partner. Read it on your own, without a dictionary.
',' Highlight any words you don't understand.
ch of these things have you read recently in English?
Decide which of the highlighted words are
- al or part of a book
important in order to understand the whole
I an article in a newspaper
article or story.
- a text in this coursebook
I something else Look at the important words again Try to
work out the meaning from the context.
- ,', hen you read in English, do you usually
Use any clues you can find in the sentences
- understand every word?
around the word.
i understand most of the important words?
I understand about half of the words? Be prepared to report back to the class. Say
) understand only a few of the words? which words you chose and how you worked
out the meaning.
A question of family
tEJ 1 Listen to three different people answer the
first two questions in Exercise 1. Write down
the surnames with the correct spelling.
2 Compare your answers with another student. P 2 Now listen. How many brothers has she got?
How many sisters?
-at are they doing tonight?
I'tum and Dad
,gt u.l;a-l 1"" (( /e nrr>Cr> , - a,n; in
( -'i
| sn t sAe
I UNIT 1 A question of family
ffi Complete these sentences
with the names of family members
in the box.
.- Look at the photograph and tell another student if you like
Example: My wifes father is my this kind of family occasion. Give reasons.
Example: Yes, I like family meals because my brother comes home for
them. He left home last year and I don't see him often.
grandfather aunt cousin
sister-in-law father in larv
niece widow stepmother
have a ...
5 My brother's wife is my ...
6 My mother's sister is my ...
7 lf my husband dies I become a
Example: father-in-law -
Present occuPation:
UNIT 1 A question of familY
ii',n.*{ ::i:liij:
Iji. house ,.
F'i., The *":
was absolutct; '"'",
:"o'"':'il* ,. .,,.. walking
*,,lLins on the
Student A Excuse me' Could you tell me if you was
+ ;T"':T.r:T:l1::ifJ ".0"a,
have any Engtish grammar practice books?
Student B Certainly, they are over here, next to ' had never known
Knowrr 4a """n.,
dt ;:,'l;,:':;: .:r'"
witching hour.
1r ,t -u^.'.itrhins hour'
what tnef .r1.a the
the dictionaries. herself, this was 1rel had o'nce whlst to her'
Student AThank You verY much. r The wirching hour' somebody
, Everythtng
Evervthing *"'
rr --^.1 -^*nletelv
*i' t"';;;;
rhe street.
up tl" '-
t= ::onl' '?"kl1 i).
she troze ,n*,
was somerhing coming
Roald Dahl is a famous writer of =t '
!.' Sndd.t-tlY
oPPosite side'.
children's books. The extract below comes from : oil rhe
his book The BFG (Big Friendly Giant)' The - *a'
lt'io*r,t 'o)n''hi"g blark ,
i'g rall and
young girl in the story is based on his and uery thin'
Sonething uery tall and uerl black
granddaughtel Sophie Dahl. Before you read,
what you think the words below in bold -*T?1,0, lt couldnt::l]'"::: *r;:
mean. Then check Your ideas in an
,, [:Iii:,: ffi;
a human'
i; '
;;, ," talr its head washis:
: 'r
U NIT I A question o' ':-
- ,',:'k with another student. You are going to write o correct punctuation? See Writing reference
(Punctuatron) p. 148.
.-: next part of the story. Read the outline and the
': owing questions. 5 Write your final version, making any
- --e BFG wants to be friends with Sophie i mprovements necessarY.
.'/hy? How does she feel about that?
Unit test l:Teacher's Book
re lrr
g* Ti me out
& :'ii=:::L.t',b
: -ri" l:a
., state verbs . ,, , , . .. .
Example: My dad often plays tennis at the weekend.
-- of these sentences is not correct? WhyT .
l(q- nt n/dAtL
l-.nmar reference 2.2 p. 137
lil.f broLhp-r/srster
the international tennis
Sre (l) ..'...."""""" nrne months a yearon
was l7'
;." ;;" her first title when she four times a day' but
off at Sam' l (3) """""""""' a shower
"" alarm (2) " "" ' "" ls the important on""ti
(4) me up after the
'.-e flrst one in the rnot*ng
::. hours I sleeP everY night' big glass of mill<' t (5) '-"""""
is cereal, yogLutt' toast and honey and lot or pasta and
onry o..uriJ:';,,.i roi ,un.r,'a tZ;" """" ' ""' a #;;"".
:cffee, and r '
"J,],.;;;;";;.:l::::lEl -" -
1:!'*o : -:" li't":::;',::11.T;i:i:#:,il"'ff"*"
on court
s*u'auv on arternoons and Sundavs
---^,, .^ if I
Ask another student How often do you "'7 and put a tick free time
(D in tf,e correct box.
ffi Match the verbs on the left
with the activities on the right'
Student A How often do you get up before 6 a'm'?
Student B tVeYer/ Example: going to - the cinema
.ti. r.. 4 -i: ' '. .:: - a,..i t ,.:.,.. e s
$r -,:S ,*:. k F * F 6 d # .S.G .,*., i : t ?-t.i-1-!-:i"fjjl
f{?;f 1
J sone+wes of+en alwrys ,.!@*.ii$,..ia'tt.
gz+ ryVfue .-{txr()3?
4 a}n-, ..,:'
:']].b .{.ano.!
lwe affee .l.:t;d{alr;ii.ri.;:.:.: l,r
fa VeAfaa ,'lgeri<a{b.aG.t.,r
l r,:eC;P.,!is1l.',.'..-:i
rd inbl Vfae .tna.-rP..,ta1al':.
glg:+o kr4
l*u +o nys<
gn |rlrrtet^u* '.,1;l;r*;*t""liri!rrlrrrrlr*"";alr;l'r'!&rliil':i'i'y1'f
do+e ulalqyt',p
ffi How manY sYllables do the
words on the right have? Which
g: to a fi|r,,
syllable is stressed?
Example: jogging - 2 sYllables -
utrayts al jsgging
+e uledehd
aatch iV m
+e ntrhlg
1 Complete the following
sentences with a verb from
Exercise 1 in the correct form'
ExamPle: l'd like to .9a. .. tt
Tell other students about the person you interviewed' the cinema tonight.
= l'd like to . . .. .. basketball
Example: Sonia never gets up before 6 a'm'
for my school team.
I . .. ... .. lots of PhotograPhs
on my last holidaY.
l started . ... the guitar tl^ .
I think stamPs is the
most boring hobbY in the worlc
I like .. .... ... .. chess on mY
t,\11 _ ^-:_
{._ ,, :h another student. Can you 4 ln which order does she talk about the
::'er words to go with the verbs following things?
- lxercise I ?
when and how often she does it E
-. - pop concerts why she likes it
where she does it E
:= your partner which activities how long she has been doing it E
' ^ -. partner should ask you two how she first became interested in it tr
: : I rt each activity.
5 Prepare to tell another student about your
A <e playing football. favourite free time activity. Make notes about each
of the areas in Exercise 4.
3 -:.t often do you play?
r ^.-.^^1_
.,LC d VVeeK.
3 '. ,-.o
do you play with?
6 Now tell another student. Try to speak
continuously for at least one minute.
A ,sually play with some friends who
- --:,
Jeremy is a
university student
who wants a break
from his studies.
He particularly likes
crime thrrllers.
I r' ]]lll'lur-,- -
: - i:: cai ta e of Bogdoon on the big f) Lr'f-*ir'!A;
: I - -:^srorted into a world of tall<ing lrr>{{r>*
., , .. ..d cats with attitudel Amazing r:,*f i*Y'l $.-?;*s1.**
: --:-,.'"/arming story deflnitely one
-- --. --rers of the family will love and
:: :..,' .nd againl
,, ,5* :]
. -- :cme of the wrldest men of the
- -. 'l' new islands, adventure and
- :^'ance and some dramatic scenes of
2 Short English-English explanations
i .,t ..i ..' ,.
-** *:::: Story
,,., ,ir. i
3 Drctionary style
-;" : .l rides
-:^ come from two very different lndlan
-:. :hey meet by chance tn a parl<, Soon
= :ut then they have to fbce the reality of /'3rn^7i/ a$e'live
-.eir fbmiiies are totally against the l{ someone zs
-ar will they do? 3ru*7i*,3r\Lrn?ire6*
**1 tYY
r'-' ' '/' tieY sh.,*oYd:
i,*,ir, !::)
Ttme 2
-. i:nny follow up lo Porcy Ime /. More
sli${y oryry n I',," {elin3y
': cw the rves of a group of lriends rn gru*py in.-ou* l'm lired'
- :.-r the strangesi American high school you
-o encounten
UNIT 2 Time out
4 Pictures
continuous or
idr6*+SS+& simple?
anythrng else!
--4 \/ +j;#j Complete these sentences with one of
8ol+ h?L-tClVriS- the verbs in the box in the correct form of
turrpwC 'to
the present continuous.
6 Grids
go have work rain
'i *:r $r $:.' {a s:: q. {. &i &*$Sr{'{" | ........ ... dinner with friends tonight
"i& $1r
m -. : ack most of the time. So this week
'cr dinner this week, And I usually sleep afu.rt yarl bst wisles'
-- p.m. to 7 a.m. ... weli, this week I am
' ---e day from about 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. lt's
"' , rr ends are th nking I'm crazy\.
.lmrnurm : r.!'cise or sports clothes sleep 4 Now, write your own answer to the task in
ixflmr-fi: -:3:ion reading material music Exercise 2. Divide your letter into separate
paragraphs. Use topic sentences where possible.
- -: I usually have cereal for breakfast,
F Unit test 2:Teachert Book
-:< l'm having chocolate for breakfast
The senses
., 1
1 Discuss these questions with a partner.
1 Which clothes in the photos do you like best? Why?
2 What colour do you like wearing best? Why?
3 Do you usually buy clothes (and bags, phone, etc.) in
the same colour or lots of different colours? Why?
2 Read paragraph 1 of the article Winning colours
and discuss the highlighted questions.
but can often make yott look reserved. This may yellow colour makes them feel positive and
be why people sometimes think that British people energetic and could be the difference befir'e.
don't want to make a stl-ong lmpression. Although medal and no medal.
black is common in Britain, most people agree that
in fact blue is the world's favourite colour. School So, next time you have an important event -_'
uniforms and business suits are often blue. Iife - a race, a match, an exam or an interr-_-
Wearing blue will show that you are an efficient think about yotl;r clothes. The colour of you:
and hard-working person. clothes can change your life!
UNIT 3 The senses
each one. 2 Match the sentences above with the correct rule.
:=role who are fe.?F.f.v.94.. . don't {-:l:
. We use gerunds after prepositions.
fulml[.*E about their feelings. -itjr:,,
. We use gerunds when an activity is the subject of
ffi Which alternative is correct in each sentence? Why? *
ffir,rrc'<. H 1 lt's fun lo go/going shopping.
e :.
funne:+- ''vho is physically powerful B
is 2 l'm looking forward to go/going to the party. :
3 l'd like to golgoing to the party.
=-: ....:......... .., you say what you & e6 e +a I * e s6 e a a * 6 9 * r e ae * a * e 6 ae a e 6 e o an *
uu* i
1ffi.ffirc - a confrdent way. "
4 Complete the
2 Complete the table below. lf you are unsure of the spellings or ti'=
meanings of any of the words, check in a good English-English dictiona-
sentences by choosing the
(e.9. Lon g ma n Wo rdwise D i cti o na ry).
correct verb from the box
and deciding if it is a From verb to noun, -ment -ionl-tionl-ation
gerund or not. use the suffixes: imorove - !mp-:q.yg.*erl inform
Example: He's really worried excite - impress
about flying to Australia. enjoy - reduce
see use wait
3 For each question, complete the second sentence with one word
l'mtiredof . ... so that it means the same as the first.
for Alex - he's half an
hour late I
Example: I only feel secure when I wear black.
She's not interested in Wearing black gives me a feeling of . s-ecqri*.r.
bail games. 1 | want to improve my clothes and hair.
I really don't know how I want to make some . to my clothes and hair.
to th is 2 The price of these leans was reduced from f 60 to f4O.
computer properly. Therewas af20. . in the price of these leans.
They are thinking about 3 We need to inform you about what clothes to wear.
. tickets for We need to give you important about what clothes to wear.
the show next week.
,','nk it was taken in an English-speaking
:ountry because the magazines have 1 We can use the verb to look in different
:':glish on them. lt could be in the uSA, ways to describe a picture. Complete the
but l'm not sure. sentences below with /ike, as if or nothing.
Use the examples above to help you.
'1 He looks friendly.
- -.. then talk about the details in the picture.
the sentences below. Which picture does 2 He looks . .. a friendly person.
- :':-e refer to?
= ,:ks quite f riendly. 2 Write three more sentences for the pictures
- :..s like quite a boring 1ob. using the verb to look.
-. - t<s as if he can't decide what to buy.
- - - (s as if you can pay by credit card.
3 Work with a partner and take it in turns
to describe one picture. Use the phrases in
Exercises 1 and 2 to help you.
UNIT 3 The senses
1 Think of a smell you like and a smell you hate.
Tell a partner.
them quickly and answer the
Which situation is the woman talking about? questions below.
It can help to look at the sty e c' --.
as well as the words.
3 Which does the man say is the biggest problem for hrm?
What new products with added smells does the woman
you can buy?
ffi say
May make you sleepy.
lf affected, do not drive,
d) on cleaning products
Generally, which of the following are
concerned with?
a) explarning how to use the product
b) warning about possible dangers
c) telling you how to open it
u-\]T I T- e
txi - label.
,ilufrfilllilfirrillilrr I
l r:
: ineans. gerunds and infinitives
- :^atron - A,
1 Sor" verbs are always followed by a gerund and
some are always followed by an infinitive. Look at the
- . a\/o<
-- +t
.): L l)-
I sentences below and complete the rules (A and B) by
writing gerund or infinitive.
a 1 | enjoy shopping in street markets.
tr 2 Can you imagine being allergic to perfume?
-arm or
tr 3 I decided to sit at the back of the restaurant.
tr A
:-- .a s should
T The verbs enjoy and imagine are always followed by
., f you
9 this.
3U'Ve Seen
I Other verbs that follow this rule are:
avoid consider finish involve suggest
' T B
-_-<yifyou The verbs decide and plan are always followed by the
' r. = ,ou feel sleepy Other verbs that follow this rule are:
-- -9 your car. tr agree arrange hope manage offer
-- =::.. after takrng
- = lln't use your car. tr 4 She is planning to have a party.
: - -' car until you
-: - T Grammar reference 3.2 p. 138
: : -.e where children
' - - z be able to reach
r 2 Choose the correct alternative after each highlighted
verb in the letter below.
I Deo-r Aur.n*iq
- chrldren need it. tr rea-^,
-: ., JSe, if you put , rf,s ;; ;:
, -' eyes first.
' ,- ,our contact tr
','= outttng them in
tr ,i$,:ff$Hi"*1*iHi,":fit:"
I:l n.tlil,i: ;5;,t; * i:j:. "iT;:'*''^
-: wash this out with
::es in your eyes. tr
;: 1* * ,....*.[,1o1'+io^s'" r
!);*i.: .o,rsidered
E : - <now what to do in these
:l*:. :,:l'f :
i : - ='gency situations? Discuss
-::ld do with another
hc--s o{e ;J
i.;- ;*:;i
r hc-ven)r d..,j;i:;YJ'*J.'1. the {o.,J.*"
:=:s dangerous chemicals in
ro 3o *^ri+h"),y,:: 1:;- ;;'i";:":"J,T,
(i i:.,1^",,'tn5 wifh c' {rienJ !^t,:"
sol-l'o=pin3 in/ sornelhin3
r)rn sre.r ,^r.-" 3re"o+;:';.'^?f+o
= :- d with an empty
: -:t e.
..:ps breathing
::rs burned. if#Hi"it5:tt:Hfu=^ -'' ;te c'34'in -,=.,,
how it ,^zenr. '^l
L \lT ,l The senses
f- ,--'
Match these questions and answers.
3 Change these direct questions into inc
1 Whats your first nameZ a) l'm an engineer. questions. Begin with the words given.
2 How do you spell your b; i try to go to the 'l a) How much is that jacket?
surname? gym twice a week. Could you
3 What do you do? c) Tiger Woods. He's an
b) Do you have this lacket in other colours?
4 How long have you incredible golfer. l'd also like to ... .
been Iiving in England? d) In Thessaloniki, in 2 a7 What time does the fjlm start?
5 Why are yo- the north of Greece. Could you
English b) How long does the film last?
? e) Helen's. She asked
l'd also like to .
6 Whose bag is that? me to look after it.
First you go to the administration office to find out 2 l'm going to have lunch with peter in Cambridc=
which class you are in. Th u rsday.
6 He lives in Warsaw where he was brought up 3 We drove to paris found a hotel and then had a
fantastic meal in a local restaurant.
7 They travel around ltaly at the moment
4 lve left my keys in Johns car.
I stay with some friends for a few days until I find
my own place. 5 If I see harriet l'll tell her you want to talk to he-
,1t..'..-a,.-. ]$.
S - -: : :re words (connected with family, 7 Make the verbs in brackets gerunds or
inf initives as appropriate.
- =':- =rgh rs going to be ninety-two next 1 | really enloy . (visit) places l've never been
to before.
:' : -'-ch older than me, so my sceeni 2 We've decided (move) to Scotland.
rj: 3 Have you finished (watch)TV?
-- -'-',, nucssoi. Our parents never moved 4 He agreed (tidy) up hrs room before he
went out.
5 She's hoping (live) in Mexico for a few
_ ---=:.rta has two children by his previous months and learn Spanish.
: -: - -t ,hey've left home now. .... .. .......
6 l'm considering (apply) for a new job.
; : ,: SOUQht me a new camera and l'm
7 Sylvia suggested . . (go) swrmming as it was
- . t' oopphhstarg with it.
such a nice day.
. .- -:=C is really good at ssehc but he usually
He offered (teach) her how to play the
.: )- ijo with my friend, Laura, every morning.
- .. ; 'un about three miles. 8 Look at this extract from a story. Try to work
::- : aying Ihe raugit for years and he out the approximate meaning of the eight
: -.'= i playsinaband. underlined words from their contexts.
. - : lemslof fresh coffee! ln the moonlight, Sophie caught a q[mp:c of an
' -:.co the plate. lt's very hot. .. . enormous long pale wrinkly face with the most
- ' .:') a iseon and went downstairs to enormous ears. The nose was as sharp as a knife, and
-,- -:,: above the nose there were two brrght flashing eyes,
and the eves were staring straight at Sophie. Sophie
: -, esatt the sauce and tell me if you like it? gave a yelp and pulled back from the window. She flew
across the dormitory and jumped into her bed and hid
under the blanket. And there she crouched, still as a
6 -;: the word given in capitals at the end of
- .:':ence to form a word that fits in the
mouse, and tingling all over.
a cello a nightclub DJ
','''"',.=*.'=:::=:::::-::=:lrjir'rrrl' "":,:
record decks
to mix records ' I ian Evans is 22. Until last yeari she lived a quiet life, playing:r'';
', cello and studying music at university. Then one day, she r',r:
' " given a challenge. She agreed to take part in a television
2 programme called Faking rr. She had just four weeks to learn
Vou wjll find it easier to understand a text completely new skills and become a nightclub DJ. At the end of r-:'
.f if you predict the content before you read. training, she had to pertorm and compete againstthree professic-e
You can predict the content of a text from DJs. She had to convince the judges that she wasn't a fake.
the title and any pictures. For a month, Sian stayed with top DJ, Anne. When Sian first m:.
her, she felttotally out of place. She said,'She is so glamorous.
Discuss these questions with a partner.
lwas really quite scared atfirst.'Almost as soon as she arrived,
I Look again at the photos of Sian. however, Sian starled her training. She had lessons in 'mixing'th=
What do they tell you about her? music on Anne's record decks. She had voice training to make he'
2 The title of the text is Faking it. Read sound right:'l learned to shoutwith attitudel'said Sian. To make -=-
the dictionary definition below. What look right, she had new clothes, a new haircut and even dancing
does the title tell you about the lessons. lt wasn't only lessons, however. She also practised. She
content of the text? practised ever6hing, but mostly the 'mixing'. She was on the dec, .
for at least five hours a day.
fake (it) /ferk/ v to Pretend to be At the end of the month, Sian and three other professional DJs
not i performed in front of the judges. Their job was to pick the 'fake'.
something that You are l
None of them picked Sian. ln fact, they couldn't believe it when tt-=,
were told. She was professional and confident, due mostly to
enormous amounts of dedicated practice. lmmediately after the
30 programme, she was offered a job as a professional DJ in a top
nightclub. So, perhaps it's true that 'practice makes perfect'!