The Importance of Saying Amen (Rabbi Eli Mansour)

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The Importance of Saying Amen

Rabbi Eli Mansour

The passuk says in Yeshayahu "Pitchu Shaarim Veyavo Goy Tzaddik Shomer Emunim" The
Zohar Hakadosh says do not read it Emunim but "Amenim" Open the gates for the nation that answers
"AMEN.Answering Amen is the key to open up the gates.Answering Amen can open the gates of
Parnasa, zivugim, shalom bayit, bruit, and the list goes on and on. And answering Amen will help all
your Tefillot get answered.The Shaloh Hakadosh writes if a person listens to the blessings that people
say and answers Amen with causes a great Kedusha in Shamayim and causes much Shefa
in this world. (Shefa is abundance, blessing, and the Zohar explains Shefa as a pipe that all Brachot
come through to this earth, but you have to open up the pipe and Amen is that key to open the pipe)

The Zohar tells a story about Rav Safra who used to run from shul to shul to be able answer
Amenhe grabbed every opportunity to answer Amen! He looked at it as a privilege that Hashem gave
him to get Bracha in his life.The Gemara in Berachot says that the person who answers Amen is greater
then the person who makes the Beracha! HUH? The first guy says like 10 words and this other guy
comes along and says one word and he is greater? Amen means Emet so you are saying what the other
guy said is true why does that make you greater? The Gemara answers the proof is that the soldiers go
down to fight and then the battalion goes after drives in and puts the flag down and pronounces victory.
The Maharsha asks what is the proof?

In Shamayim there are Matrigim(Prosecutors) they spend their whole day in front of Hashem
arguing why we should not get Bracha in our lives. We come along and try to get Bracha in our lives
and say Baruch Ata Hashem, we are in battle with these prosecuting angels. All of a sudden a second
battalion comes in and starts help us fight, who is the second battalion? The guy who answers Amen he
comes in and says he is right! Now its two against one! Because of the second guy who answered
Amen we are zoche to Hashem's Brachot!

Rabeinu Bachya says that in Beit Din, in order for a testimony to be accepted you must have
two witnesses. No matter how great a single person is, its not accepted. When a guy makes a bracha or
says Kadish he is testifying that Hashem is great and that He is one, but there is a problem because in
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Shamayim they are saying its very nice but its only one person's testimony so its not admissible in
court. But when the next guy comes along and says AMEN in Shamayim its now considered a real

The Rama(Rav Moshe Iserles) asks when does a child qualify to Olam Haba? He quotes a
Midrash that says once a child says Amen he is zoche to Olam Haba. The Rama says this is where the
custom came from to get little kids to say Amen as soon as possible. One Amen gets a child into
OLAM HABA!!!!!!! A second of work for an eternal reward.Rabbi Eliyahu HaCohen writes, that in the
Megilla of Purim, it says "Vyehi Omen et Hadassa", referring to the fact that Esther had no parents and
Mordechai her uncle raised her and a miracle happened and he was able to nurse her. Rabbi Eliyahu
explains Vyeh Omen also means Vyehi Amen, he trained her to say Amen. David HaMelech says Lulay
hemanti lerot btuv Hashem beretz chayim.David HaMelech says that what Zechut will get him to the
Eretz chayim? Lulay He"amanti" I was trained to say Amen as a child.

Hashem has many names. The Zohar tells us that every name represents a different trait of
Hashem. The holiest name we have is Yud Key Vav Key. This name is the name of ultimate mercy and
Rachamim. Every time a Sofer writes Hashem's name he has to go to the Mikveh. When a person
mentions another person's name there is closeness that is created. This is what they teach you in
business school. Hey Yair! Right therethere is closeness oh he knows my name. Hashem says He
wants us to be close to Him so he lets us says His name. Yud Key Vav Key=26 (Btw G-d also equal 26)
Ado-----ny(that's the name of Hashem represents Judgment) The Zohar says that the purpose of our
coming into this world is to take that name of Judgment and turn it into sweetness. How do you do
that? Ado---ny=65The Zohar says we should put them together letter one and then letter one letter
two and then letter two etc and The Zohar says this name is the greatest letter of Rachamim! The
numerical value of these two names is 91! Know that the number 91 is a great number in Yahadut.

On Succot we leave our save homes and go out to flimsy Succot. We need Hashem to protect us
and if you look at the word Succah has the gematria of 91and the Gemara says Tze Medinat Geva
leave your house and go to the Succah the word Tze is Tzaddi and Alef is 91The Rabbis were telling
us we need the power of these two names.
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The Teva of Noach was dangerous outside hot water and inside it was a jungle he really needed
Hashem's help. The Torah tells us the dimensions of the Teva 300 by 30 by 50 amot why does the Torah
tell us this? Are we building a Teva.

The Malbim answers imagine the two names in front of you

Yud and Alef= 10*1=10 Hey and Daled= 5*4=20 which equals 30

Vav and Nun= 6*50=300

Hey and Yud= 5*10=50

This is how Noach received protection!

The Torah tells us that we are not allowed to chop down a fruit tree. Eilan which is the Hebrew
name of a fruit tree is gematria is 91! You are cutting down the powerful names of Hashem!
Okay Rabbi very nice! Now what does all this stuff have to do with me how do "I" tap into these
names! AMEN!!!!!! ALEF MEN NUN=91 This is the combination of both of Hashem's names! The
guy who says the Bracha only says one of the names of Hashem but the guy who says AMEN is a
mixture of both!! When you answer Amen you have to have in mind Emet its trueand sometimes you
should think Ken Yehi Ratzon its true and it should come trueand the third kavanah is the merge of
the two names!

There was once a great Rabbi named Rebbe Mordechai Yaffe, who lived in Prague, the most
famous of his sefarim is the Levush. He once got a letter from the city of Posen to be the chief rabbi.
But he said that he wasn't worthy yet. Because he still wanted to learn how to establish the calendar.
The Levush had to first go to Venice and see the Great Rabbi Yitzchak Abuhab who knew the
calculations on how to make the calendar. He was zoche to learn from this rabbi and master it and he
wrote a book discussing it. One of the times that the Levush was by Rav Yitzchak Abuhab his son was
in the house and took a fruit and made a bracha and the Levush who was engrossed in his learning did
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not answer Amen. Rabbi Abuhab saw this and told the Levush to leave immediately and that he is
placed in Cherem. When you are in Cherem no one can talk to you, you cannot be counted in a minyan
or get an aliyah. So after the thirty days the Levush came to his Rabbi and asked Rebbe what did I do
that I deserved such punishment? So the Rabbi answered, I love you more than I love my own son but
that day when a Bracha was made in your presence and you did not answer Amen, in Shamayim there
was a death sentence on you, and I had to take it off so I put you in Cherem. But let this be a lesson to
you! Missing Amen is THAT important!

The story is not over yet! Rabbi Yitzchak says to the Levush I will only forgive you on one
condition. You are now starting your career as a Rabbi, I want you to promise me that wherever you go
you will tell over the following story: In Spain there is a certain city where king was a great anti-
semite, and he would do whatever he can to get decrees against the Jews. There was one wealthy
influential Jew who the king enjoyed his company, and when the Jews were in trouble they would send
this wealthy Jew to save them. One time a certain decree was made against the Jews and they went to
this influential Jew to go speak to the king, The guy said but I got to daven Mincha so they told ihm
lets go the Jewish people are in trouble so he decided he will pray at the palace. He sits down and starts
to talk to the king and sees the king is in a good mood. Suddenly a priest comes in who came a long
way to see the king and gets on his knees and starts to kiss the ground that the kings walked on and
starts to praise the king. So the Jew saw that the priest aint stopping anytime soon so he decided that he
was going to go to the side and pray Mincha, when the priest finished he said and now we are all going
to answer AMEN and they all answered AMEN and he said did someone here not answer? So they said
we all did.and he saw the Jew standing to the side and said who is he, and they said oh he is a Jew
and he is praying now. I have a tradition from the church that if everyone answer Amen to this long
blessing it all comes true now that one person didn't answer the king doesn't get the blessing the king
was furious and ordered the Jew to be beheaded!!! And so it was! The Jews heard about this and were
confused what happened this guy was a Tzaddikone of his friends fasted three days to be able to get
a dream from this guy to find out what happened. The guy came to him in a dream and told him don't
worry I am in Gan Eden, but what happened was that when I was younger a young boy made a bracha
of Hamotzei next to me and I didn't answer Amen, and death sentence was made in Shamayim for me,
but I was saved. The angels told Hashem that if a king of flesh and blood reacts like this to someone
not answering Amen to his blessing all the more so Hashemand I was taken out of this worldRabbi
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Yitzchak told his student the Levush let this be a lesson for you even one AMEN!!!! You cannot miss,
Amen is THAT important!!! The Levush says in his sefer that a parent should tell his children this story
atleast once a month.

There was a woman who was married to very wealthy man. She decided that she wanted to do
something for Klal Yisrael, but something unique. So she thought to herself what happens to people
who died and do not have children to say Kaddish for them. She decided she will hire people to say
Kaddish for these people. When her husband died unfortunately the money went with him and she was
left with nothing. One day she was walking on the road very depressed and she met a man and he saw
that she was depressed and told her that he is wealthy and he can give her money to pay all her debts
and she can pay him back when she can. You have to bring witnesses that I signed the check. Surprised
she went to the Yeshiva and got a Rabbi and then Yosef Chayim Sonnenfeld to witness the man signing
the check. The next day she goes to the bank and the bank teller sees the high number and tells her that
she has to go to the supervisor, after all the people she reaches the president of the bankshe shows
him the check and he passes out! When he wakes up he tells her you got this check from this man? So
she says yes. He asks her do you know what he looks like? So she tells him yes I saw him yesterday. So
the man turns around and points to a picture and says this man is my father and he died last year. So
she tells him I even have witnesses. So she brings the witnesses and they tell him that they saw the man
sign the check. The man says last night my father came to me in a dream and told me that someone will
come to the bank with a check from him and I should sign it, because when he died last year I wasn't
religious and I didn't say Kaddish and that woman paid someone to say Kaddishand for that reason I
came back from the dead to pay her back!

Imagine every Amen is a zechut for the niftarhow can we just say oh it was only an Amen
who cares! A doctor once came to Rav Moshe Feinstein Zecher Tzadik Vkadosh Lbracha and asked
him that he has a patient and he wants to know if he should do an operation. If he does the operation
the man might live 6 more months but it will be very painful. The doctor said that when he told this to
Rav Moshe, Rav Moshe started to cry, this is what it means feeling other people's pain. Rav Moshe told
him that he had to think about and come back tomorrow. The next day Rav Moshe told him do the
operation, because if you do he will be able to answer AMENand in that zechut he will be able to
live longerbecause every time you answer Amen you create for yourself a Malach, and the Malach
protects you and the gematria of Malach is 91 the same as AMEN
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A childless man came to the Baba Sali for a bracha to have childrenand the Babi Sali said you
will have a child this year and that year his wife conceived but had a miscarriage. So the man returned
to the Baba Sali and said I don't think this is the Bracha the Rabbi meant to give meThe Baba Sali
was about to put on his Talit to pray and he called ten men in to answer Amen and he said the Bracha
with all the kavanot and they all answered Amen and the Baba Sali told this man you have nothing to
worry about your wife will give birth to a baby boy and exactly a year later on that day she gave birth.

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