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Models - Chem.multicomponent Tubular Reactor

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Created in COMSOL Multiphysics 5.


Multicomponent Tubular Reactor with Isothermal


This model is licensed under the COMSOL Software License Agreement 5.2a.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. See www.comsol.com/trademarks.
This example uses the Chemical Reaction Engineering Module to study an elementary,
exothermic, irreversible reaction in a tubular reactor (liquid phase, laminar flow regime).
The reactor uses a constant temperature cooling jacket to keep its temperature down. The
steady-state behavior of the reactor is investigated. The reaction kinetics and physical
properties of the species are modeled with the Chemistry interface, which is available in
the Chemical Reaction Engineering Module.

The Model Definition section provides a general description of the complete reactor
model, whereas the Modeling Instructions details how to set up and solve the model.

Model Definition

The reaction is a reversible conversion of species A, B, and C in liquid.

A+BC (1)

A is the notation for propylene oxide, B water, and C propylene glycol. B is in excess and
is modeled as a solvent. The reaction kinetics is 1st order in regard to the concentration of

r1 = k1 cA (2)

2 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G
Figure 1 illustrates the model geometry.

Cooling jacket

Rotational symmetry

Figure 1: Model geometry for the 2-dimensional rotationally symmetric models.

The system is described by a set of differential equations on a 2D surface that represents a

cross section of the tubular reactor in the rz-plane. That 2D surfaces borders represent
the inlet, the outlet, the reactor wall, and the center line. The reactor model uses the
following differential equations; mass balances for the species, one heat balance, and one
momentum balance for the fluid flow. Due to rotational symmetry, the software need only
to solve these equations for half of the domain shown in Figure 1.

You describe the mass balances and heat balances in the reactors with partial differential
equations (PDEs). The equations are defined as follows.

Mass Balance
2 2
1 C i Ci C r 2 --------
- + D p ------------i 2U 1 ------
D p --- --------- + D p ----------- - - + Ri = 0 (3)
r r 2 2 Ra z
r z

where Dpi denotes the diffusion coefficient, Ci the concentration, U the flow velocity, Ra
the radius of the reactor, and Ri is the reaction rate. The equation is set up and solved using
the Transport of Diluted Species interface.

3 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G
Mass Balance Boundary Conditions
Inlet (z = 0)
C i ( r, 0 ) = C i0

At the wall (r = R)
- ( R, z ) = 0

The boundary condition selected for the outlet states that convection dominates transport
out of the reactor. Thus this condition keeps the outlet boundary open and does not set
any restrictions on the concentration.

Outlet (z = L)
----------- ( r, L ) = 0

where L denotes the length of the reactor.

Energy Balance Inside the Reactor

2 2
1 T T- T- r 2 T
k --- ------- + k --------- + k --------- 2U 1 ---- C P ------- r A ( H Rx ) = 0 (4)
r r 2 2 R z
r z

where k denotes the thermal conductivity, T is temperature, is density, CP equals the heat
capacity, and HRx is the reaction enthalpy. The energy balance is modeled with the Heat
Transfer in Fluids interface.

Energy Balance Boundary Conditions

Inlet (z = 0)
T ( r, 0 ) = T 0

At the wall (r = R)

T Uk
------- ( R, z ) = ------- ( T T a )
r k

where Ta denotes the constant temperature in the cooling jacket.

As for the mass balance, choose the boundary condition at the outlet for the energy
balance such that it keeps the outlet boundary open. This condition sets only one
restriction, that the heat transport out of the reactor be convective.

Outlet (z = L)

4 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G
------- ( r, L ) = 0

Momentum Balance
The fluid flow is modeled with the Laminar flow interface that solves the Navier-Stokes
equations. At the inlet and outlet, laminar flow and constant pressure conditions are set,

We now list the models input data. You define them either as constants or as logical
expressions. In defining each parameter in COMSOL Multiphysics, for the constants
Name use the left-hand side of the equality in the following list and use the value on the
right-hand side of the equality for the Expression that defines it.

The constants in the model are:

Activation energy, E = 75362 J/mol

Frequency factor, A = 16.96E12 1/h
Thermal conductivity of B, ke = 0.559 W/(mK)
Overall heat-transfer coefficient, Uk = 1300 W/(m2K)
Inlet temperature, T0 = 312 K
Temperature of the coolant, Ta0 = 273 K
Heat of reaction, HRx, dHrx = -84666 J/mol
Average fluid flow rate, u0 = 0.002 m3/s
Concentration A at inlet, cA0 = rho_po_p/M_po*(1/9) mol/m3
Concentration B, cB0 = rho_w_p/M_w*(7/9) mol/m3
Molar heat capacity B, cpm_B = 74.5 J/(molK)
Reactor radius, Ra = 0.1 m
Reactor length, L = 1 m
Density, A, rho_A = 830 kg/m3
Density, B, rho_B = 1000 kg/m3
Density, C, rho_C = 1040 kg/m3
Reference dynamic viscosity of B (at 293 K), myref_B = 1 mPas
The conversion of species A is given by

5 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G
C A0 C A
x A = ------------------------
C A0

which in COMSOL Multiphysics form is xA = (cA0-cA)/cA0.

All necessary reaction kinetics and mass transport properties are incorporated into the
model with the Chemistry interface.

Note: The Non-Isothermal Flow coupling is used in the model. This functionality
requires the CFD module or the Heat Transfer module.

Surface plots for the surface temperature and conversion are shown in Figure 2 and
Figure 4. These show that where the temperature is low little conversion takes place and
vice versa. This since, the rate of the reaction is temperature dependent. The low
temperature closest to the wall is due to the coolant.

Figure 3 and Figure 5 show the temperature and conversion surface profiles at three
locations along the length of the reactor. The further along the reactor the reactants travel
the more reaction takes place and the higher the temperature becomes. The impact of the
coolant are shown in these figures as well.

6 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G
Figure 2: Temperature surface.

Figure 3: Radial temperature surface profiles.

7 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G

Figure 4: Conversion surface.

Figure 5: Radial conversion surface profiles.

8 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G
Some example exercises below can easily be performed with the model to understand the
system better.

1 How does the thermal conductivity of the mixture affect the temperature distribution?
2 How does the coolant temperature decrease the mixture temperature at the outlet?
3 Add more reacting components, e.g. a side reaction to the Chemistry interface. How
will this affect the results?
4 Use more complicated reaction kinetics. The reaction can be shifted to a second order
reversible reaction.

1. S. Fogler, Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering 4th ed., p. 557, Example 8-12
Radial Effects in Tubular Reactor, Prentice Hall, 2005.

Application Library path: Chemical_Reaction_Engineering_Module/Tutorials/


Modeling Instructions
Starting COMSOL Multiphysics you are greeted by the Model Wizard. Here you choose the
dimension of your model geometry as well as the physics interfaces required. You can
return to the Model Wizard later in the modeling process should you wish to expand your
model to include additional physics interfaces.

From the File menu, choose New.

In the New window, click Model Wizard.

1 In the Model Wizard window, click 2D Axisymmetric.
2 In the Select Physics tree, select Chemical Species Transport>Chemistry (chem).
This interface can be used to calculate reaction kinetics and thermal- and mass transport

9 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G
3 Click Add.
4 In the Select Physics tree, select Chemical Species Transport>Transport of Diluted Species
This sets up the required mass balance equation for species A and C. B is a solvent and
is not accounted for here.
5 Click Add.
6 In the Number of species text field, type 2.
7 In the Concentrations table, enter the following settings:


cA and cC are the dependent variable names.

8 In the Select Physics tree, select Heat Transfer>Heat Transfer in Fluids (ht).
Selecting this physics interface adds an energy balance to the model.
9 Click Add.
Also, set up select the Laminar Flow interface to describe the fluid flow in the reactor.
10 In the Select Physics tree, select Fluid Flow>Single-Phase Flow>Laminar Flow (spf).
11 Click Add.
12 Click Study.
13 In the Select Study tree, select Preset Studies for Selected Physics Interfaces>Stationary.
The Stationary analysis type lets you investigate the steady-state behavior of the reactor.
14 Click Done.

Start by defining the reactor geometry. In 2D axisymmetry the representation of the
tubular reactor is reduced to a simple rectangle.

Rectangle 1 (r1)
1 On the Geometry toolbar, click Primitives and choose Rectangle.
The geometry is automatically drawn as you leave the Geometry node. You can also click
the Build All button on the Settings toolbar.
2 In the Settings window for Rectangle, locate the Size and Shape section.
3 In the Width text field, type 0.1.
4 Click Build All Objects.

10 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G
5 Click the Zoom Extents button on the Graphics toolbar.


1 On the Home toolbar, click Parameters.
Now, move on to define model specific constants and expressions. You can type in
constant names and their values in the Parameters dialog. Note that you can enter units
enclosed in brackets after the constant values. This can be very useful as the software is
able to keep track of unit consistency throughout the model setup procedure.
In this case, the model parameters are available in a text file that is imported.
2 In the Settings window for Parameters, locate the Parameters section.
3 Click Load from File.
4 Browse to the applications Application Libraries folder and double-click the file

Add a variable computing the conversion of species A.

Variables 1
1 On the Home toolbar, click Variables and choose Local Variables.
2 In the Settings window for Variables, locate the Variables section.
3 In the table, enter the following settings:

Name Expression Unit Description

xA (cA0-cA)/cA0 Conversion species A

Select the mixture type and enable transport- and mixture properties to be computed.

First the reaction kinetics and mixture properties will be set up, this is done in the
Chemistry interface.

1 In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) click Chemistry (chem).
2 In the Settings window for Chemistry, locate the Model Inputs section.
3 From the T list, choose Temperature (ht).
4 Click to expand the Mixture section. From the Mixture list, choose Liquid.

11 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G
5 Click to expand the Calculate transport properties section. Locate the Calculate Transport
Properties section. Select the Calculate mixture properties check box.

Reaction 1
1 On the Physics toolbar, click Domains and choose Reaction.
The reaction is irreversible and contains three species: A, B, and C.
Define the reaction expression and use the in-built Arrhenius expression for calculation
of the reaction rate constant.
2 In the Settings window for Reaction, locate the Reaction Formula section.
3 In the Formula text field, type A+B=>C.
4 Click Apply.
5 Locate the Reaction Rate section. From the Reaction rate list, choose User defined.
The reaction rate and unit are by default defined by the mass action law. To remove the
unit error (yellow), multiply the expression with 1[mol/m3].
6 In the r text field, type chem.kf_1*chem.c_A*1[mol/m^3].
7 Locate the Rate Constants section. Select the Use Arrhenius expressions check box.
8 In the Af text field, type A*1[m^3/mol].
9 In the Ef text field, type E.
10 Locate the Reaction Thermodynamic Properties section. From the Heat source of reaction
list, choose User defined.
11 In the Q text field, type -chem.r_1*dHrx.

Continue with the definitions of each of the species. B (water) is a solvent. With a solvent
present in the mixture, the computed mass transport properties will fit the settings in the
Transport of Diluted Species interface.

Species: A
1 In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1)>Chemistry (chem) click
Species: A.
2 In the Settings window for Species, locate the General Parameters section.
3 In the M text field, type M_A.
4 In the text field, type rho_A.

Species: B
1 In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1)>Chemistry (chem) click
Species: B.

12 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G
2 In the Settings window for Species, locate the Species Type section.
3 From the Species type list, choose Solvent.
4 Locate the General Parameters section. In the M text field, type M_B.
5 In the text field, type rho_B.
6 Click to expand the Species transport expressions section. Locate the Species Transport
Expressions section. In the k text field, type ke.
7 Click to expand the Species thermodynamic expressions section. Locate the Species
Thermodynamic Expressions section. From the Species enthalpy list, choose User defined.
8 In the Cp text field, type cpm_B.

Species: C
1 In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1)>Chemistry (chem) click
Species: C.
2 In the Settings window for Species, locate the General Parameters section.
3 In the M text field, type M_C.
4 In the text field, type rho_C.
5 In the Model Builder window, click Chemistry (chem).
6 In the Settings window for Chemistry, locate the Model Inputs, Concentrations section.
7 In the table, enter the following settings:

Species Species type Concentration input Reaction rate

B Constant, solvent cB0 solvent

8 Locate the Calculate Transport Properties section. In the ref text field, type myref_B.
9 In the Tref text field, type Tref_my.

TR A N S P O R T O F D I L U T E D S P E C I E S ( T D S )
On the Physics toolbar, click Chemistry (chem) and choose Transport of Diluted Species (tds).

In the next step of the model setup you will specify the parameters and source terms
needed for the mass balance equation defined for species A and C. As you click the
Transport of Diluted Species node the Equation section of the Settings window will tell you
which equations that are being solved for. The Domain Selection shows a list of the
geometry domains to which the equations apply. Note that you can change the mass
transport mechanisms included in the mass balance equation through selections in the
Transport Mechanisms section. This can be done at any time in the modeling process.

13 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G
Moving on to the Transport Properties node, you are expected to provide diffusivity of
species A and C. The variable names you type in have previously been defined in the
Variables and Parameters lists. Here, it is also possible to couple the interface to other
interfaces. In this example, you instead use the Multiphysics node to do this.

Transport Properties 1
1 In the Model Builder window, expand the Transport of Diluted Species (tds) node, then
click Transport Properties 1.
2 In the Settings window for Transport Properties, locate the Diffusion section.
3 In the DcA text field, type chem.D_A.
4 In the DcC text field, type chem.D_C.
5 In the Model Builder window, click Transport of Diluted Species (tds).

Reactions 1
1 On the Physics toolbar, click Domains and choose Reactions.
The reaction rates are selected from the Chemistry interface.
2 Select Domain 1 only.
3 In the Settings window for Reactions, locate the Reaction Rates section.
4 From the RcA list, choose Rate expression for species A (chem).
5 From the RcC list, choose Rate expression for species C (chem).

Inflow 1
1 On the Physics toolbar, click Boundaries and choose Inflow.
2 Select Boundary 2 only.
3 In the Settings window for Inflow, locate the Concentration section.
4 In the c0,cA text field, type cA0.
5 In the c0,cC text field, type 0.
Selecting the Danckwerts boundary condition is a manner to speed up the computation
and improve the solution.
6 Locate the Boundary Condition Type section. From the list, choose Flux (Danckwerts).

Outflow 1
1 On the Physics toolbar, click Boundaries and choose Outflow.
2 Select Boundary 3 only.
Assigning the Outflow condition to the outlet boundary imposes n*Dgrad(c)=0, that
is, the transport of mass across the boundary is dominated by convection. Note that the

14 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G
mathematical representation of the boundary conditions are displayed in the Equation
section of the Settings window. The boundary conditions for the axis of symmetry as
well as the no flux condition for the reactor wall are set by default.

This concludes the definition of the mass balance for species A and C. Now, move on to
set up the Heat Transfer in Fluids interface.

H E A T TR A N S F E R I N F L U I D S ( H T )

Fluid 1
The Heat Transfer in Fluids feature asks for the thermal conductivity, density, and heat
capacity of the fluid mixture. These are taken from the Chemistry interface.

1 In the Model Builder window, expand the Heat Transfer in Fluids (ht) node, then click Fluid
2 In the Settings window for Fluid, locate the Heat Conduction, Fluid section.
3 From the k list, choose Thermal conductivity (chem).
4 Locate the Thermodynamics, Fluid section. From the list, choose Density (chem).
5 From the Cp list, choose Mass-averaged mixture specific heat (chem).
6 From the list, choose User defined.

Initial Values 1
1 In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1)>Heat Transfer in Fluids (ht)
click Initial Values 1.
2 In the Settings window for Initial Values, type T0 in the T text field.
3 In the Model Builder window, click Heat Transfer in Fluids (ht).

Heat Source 1
1 On the Physics toolbar, click Domains and choose Heat Source.
Add a Heat Source feature to include the effect of the exothermic reactions as defined in
the Chemistry interface to the heat balance.
2 Select Domain 1 only.
3 In the Settings window for Heat Source, locate the Heat Source section.
4 From the Q0 list, choose Heat source of reactions (chem).

Next, add the boundary conditions specifying a temperature at the inlet, the heat flux
between reactor and cooling jacket, and an outflow condition at the outlet.

15 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G
Temperature 1
1 On the Physics toolbar, click Boundaries and choose Temperature.
2 Select Boundary 2 only.
3 In the Settings window for Temperature, locate the Temperature section.
4 In the T0 text field, type T0.

Heat Flux 1
1 On the Physics toolbar, click Boundaries and choose Heat Flux.
2 Select Boundary 4 only.
3 In the Settings window for Heat Flux, locate the Heat Flux section.
4 In the q0 text field, type -Uk*(T-Ta0).

Outflow 1
1 On the Physics toolbar, click Boundaries and choose Outflow.
2 Select Boundary 3 only.

Now, move on to the Laminar Flow interface.


Fluid Properties 1
1 In the Model Builder window, expand the Laminar Flow (spf) node, then click Fluid
Properties 1.
2 In the Settings window for Fluid Properties, locate the Fluid Properties section.
3 From the list, choose Density (chem).
4 From the list, choose Dynamic viscosity (chem).
Assume that the flow has a Laminar Flow pattern as it enters the reactor.
5 In the Model Builder window, click Laminar Flow (spf).

Inlet 1
1 On the Physics toolbar, click Boundaries and choose Inlet.
2 Select Boundary 2 only.
3 In the Settings window for Inlet, locate the Boundary Condition section.
4 From the list, choose Laminar inflow.
5 Locate the Laminar Inflow section. In the Uav text field, type u0.

Outlet 1
1 On the Physics toolbar, click Boundaries and choose Outlet.

16 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G
2 Select Boundary 3 only.

Last, couple the interfaces with the Multiphysics node.


Non-Isothermal Flow 1 (nitf1)

On the Physics toolbar, click Multiphysics and choose Domain>Non-Isothermal Flow.

Temperature Coupling 1 (tc1)

On the Physics toolbar, click Multiphysics and choose Global>Temperature Coupling.

Flow Coupling 1 (fc1)

On the Physics toolbar, click Multiphysics and choose Global>Flow Coupling.

This completes the setup of the physics interfaces. The next step of the modeling process
involves meshing.

Following the steps below you will discretize the geometry with a mesh. The software uses
the mesh when applying the finite element method to numerically solve the partial
differential equations. In this particular model you will create a Mapped mesh. This
meshing technique is often a good choice for simple geometries as it allows detailed
control over the mesh distribution. The mesh is dense near the reactor inlet and reactor
outer wall. This is needed to resolve sharp concentration and temperature gradients
expected when the reactor is run under non-isothermal conditions.

1 In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) right-click Mesh 1 and choose

Mapped 1
In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1)>Mesh 1 right-click Mapped 1 and
choose Distribution.

Distribution 1
First set up 50 vertical mesh lines by selecting the inlet and outlet boundaries and using
predefined distribution settings. Then, in the same fashion, set up the horizontal lines to
complete the Mapped mesh.

1 Select Boundaries 2 and 3 only.

2 In the Settings window for Distribution, locate the Distribution section.
3 From the Distribution properties list, choose Predefined distribution type.

17 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G
4 In the Number of elements text field, type 50.
5 In the Element ratio text field, type 0.01.
6 From the Distribution method list, choose Geometric sequence.
7 Select the Reverse direction check box.

Mapped 1
Right-click Mapped 1 and choose Distribution.

Distribution 2
1 Select Boundaries 1 and 4 only.
2 In the Settings window for Distribution, locate the Distribution section.
3 From the Distribution properties list, choose Predefined distribution type.
4 In the Number of elements text field, type 200.
5 In the Element ratio text field, type 0.01.
6 From the Distribution method list, choose Geometric sequence.
7 Select the Reverse direction check box.
8 In the Model Builder window, click Mesh 1.
9 In the Settings window for Mesh, click Build All.
The figure below shows the created mesh.

18 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G
Solve the model.

1 On the Home toolbar, click Compute.

The following instructions produce Figure 2 through Figure 5.

Two of these require setting up two kinds of data sets: Cut Line 2D and Mirror 2D data sets.


Cut Line 2D 1
1 On the Results toolbar, click Cut Line 2D.
2 In the Settings window for Cut Line 2D, locate the Line Data section.
3 In row Point 2, set r to Ra.
4 Select the Additional parallel lines check box.
5 In the Distances text field, type 0.5*L 1*L.

Mirror 2D 1
1 On the Results toolbar, click More Data Sets and choose Mirror 2D.
Start with the Mirror 2D plots. The first default 2D surface plot is remade for the first
Temperature Mirror 2D plot, Figure 2.

2D Plot Group 1
1 In the Settings window for 2D Plot Group, locate the Data section.
2 From the Data set list, choose Mirror 2D 1.
3 In the Label text field, type Temperature, surface.
4 Click to expand the Title section. From the Title type list, choose Manual.
5 In the Title text area, type Temperature Surface.
6 Locate the Plot Settings section. Select the x-axis label check box.
7 In the associated text field, type Radial Location (m).
8 Select the y-axis label check box.
9 In the associated text field, type Axial Location (m).

Surface 1
1 In the Model Builder window, expand the Results>Temperature, surface node, then click
Surface 1.

19 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G
2 In the Settings window for Surface, click Replace Expression in the upper-right corner of
the Expression section. From the menu, choose Model>Component 1>Heat Transfer in
Fluids>Temperature>T - Temperature.
3 Click the Zoom Extents button on the Graphics toolbar.
4 On the Temperature, surface toolbar, click Plot.

Duplicate the Temperature, surface Mirror 2D plot to make the Conversion, surface Mirror
2D plot, Figure 4.

Temperature, surface
In the Model Builder window, under Results right-click Temperature, surface and choose

Temperature, surface 1
In the Settings window for 2D Plot Group, type Conversion, surface in the Label text

Surface 1
1 In the Model Builder window, expand the Results>Conversion, surface node, then click
Surface 1.
2 In the Settings window for Surface, click Replace Expression in the upper-right corner of
the Expression section. From the menu, choose Model>Component 1>Definitions>
Variables>xA - Conversion species A.
3 Click the Zoom Extents button on the Graphics toolbar.
4 On the Conversion, surface toolbar, click Plot.

1D Plot Group 11
1 On the Home toolbar, click Add Plot Group and choose 1D Plot Group.
Continue with the Cut Line 2D plots. First create the temperature plot with a 1D Plot
Group with a Line Graph, Figure 3.
2 In the Settings window for 1D Plot Group, click to collapse the Legend section.
3 Click to expand the Legend section. Select the Show legends check box.
4 From the Position list, choose Lower left.
5 In the Settings window for 1D Plot Group, type Temperature, profiles in the Label
text field.
6 Locate the Data section. From the Data set list, choose Cut Line 2D 1.
7 Click to expand the Title section. From the Title type list, choose Manual.
8 In the Title text area, type Radial Temperature Profiles.

20 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G
9 Locate the Plot Settings section. Select the x-axis label check box.
10 In the associated text field, type Radial Location (m).
11 Select the y-axis label check box.
12 In the associated text field, type Temperature (K).

Line Graph 1
1 On the Temperature, profiles toolbar, click Line Graph.
2 In the Settings window for Line Graph, click Replace Expression in the upper-right corner
of the y-axis data section. From the menu, choose Model>Component 1>Heat Transfer in
Fluids>Temperature>T - Temperature.
3 Click to expand the Coloring and style section. Locate the Coloring and Style section. Find
the Line style subsection. From the Line list, choose Cycle.
4 From the Color list, choose Black.
5 Click to expand the Legends section. Select the Show legends check box.
6 From the Legends list, choose Manual.
7 In the table, enter the following settings:

Half Axial Location

8 On the Temperature, profiles toolbar, click Plot.

Duplicate the Temperature, profile Cut Line 2D plot to create a Conversion, profile Cut
Line 2D plot, Figure 5.

Temperature, profiles
In the Model Builder window, under Results right-click Temperature, profiles and choose

Temperature, profiles 1
1 In the Settings window for 1D Plot Group, type Conversion, profiles in the Label
text field.
2 Locate the Title section. In the Title text area, type Radial Conversion Profiles.
3 Locate the Plot Settings section. In the y-axis label text field, type Conversion.

21 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G
Line Graph 1
1 In the Model Builder window, expand the Results>Conversion, profiles node, then click
Line Graph 1.
2 In the Settings window for Line Graph, click Replace Expression in the upper-right corner
of the y-axis data section. From the menu, choose Model>Component 1>Definitions>
Variables>xA - Conversion species A.
3 On the Conversion, profiles toolbar, click Plot.

Several plot groups are not used. These can be removed in the following manner.

Concentration (tds)
In the Model Builder window, under Results right-click Concentration (tds) and choose

Concentration (tds) 1
In the Model Builder window, under Results right-click Concentration (tds) 1 and choose

Temperature, 3D (ht)
In the Model Builder window, under Results right-click Temperature, 3D (ht) and choose

Isothermal Contours (ht)

In the Model Builder window, under Results right-click Isothermal Contours (ht) and choose

Velocity (spf)
In the Model Builder window, under Results right-click Velocity (spf) and choose Delete.

Pressure (spf)
In the Model Builder window, under Results right-click Pressure (spf) and choose Delete.

Velocity (spf) 1
In the Model Builder window, under Results right-click Velocity (spf) 1 and choose Delete.

Last, one can select a model thumbnail by following these steps.

3D Plot Group 2
1 In the Settings window for 3D Plot Group, type Concentration, volume in the Label
text field.
2 On the Concentration, volume toolbar, click Plot.

22 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G
1 In the Model Builder window, click the root node.
2 In the root nodes'Settings window, locate the Presentation section.
3 Find the Thumbnail subsection. Click Set from Graphics Window.

23 | M U L T I C O M P O N E N T TU B U L A R R E A C T O R W I T H I S O T H E R M A L C O O L I N G

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