Prevention, Fishing and Casing Repair - Ashraf Abdo
Prevention, Fishing and Casing Repair - Ashraf Abdo
Prevention, Fishing and Casing Repair - Ashraf Abdo
Casing Repair
pennwell Books
Copyright 1995 by
PcnnWel1 Publishing Company
1421 South Sheridan Road/P.O. Box 1260
Tulsa, Oklahoma 7410 I
Short, j.A.
Prevention, Fishing and Casing Repair/James A.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-87814-439-0
I. Oil well drilling - Accidents - Prevention. 2. Oil wells -
Maintenance and repair 3. Oil wells - Equipment and supplies -
TN871.2.S5373 1995 94-48577
622' ,338'0288 - dc20 CIP
I 2 3 4 5 6 - 95 96 97 98 99
This book should include a coauthor: my wife, Catherine "Miss
Kitty" Leona (Campbell) Short, a major contributor in almost too many
ways to mention. Therefore, we dedicate this book to our grandchil-
dren with hugs "000" and kisses "XXX."
Bless each of you. We love you dearly for what you are, what you
mean to us, and what you have given of yourselves. Spread your
wings, take the future in your hands, and mold it to a bright and
glorious dream.
In some musing moment of reminiscence, please remember
Maw Ma and Paw Pa
Who Love You
Questionable Operations 8
Slip- and Tong-Area Failures 8
Connections 9
Bits and Cones 11
Tri pping Tubulars 14
Shutdo~n 15
Pulling Wet Drill pipe 16
Drilling Out Cement 16
Op en-Hole Testing 17
Other Precautions 19
Undergauge Holes 19
Strapping 19
Pi pe Wiper 21
Drill-Call ar CIamps 22
Summary Precautions n__23
Rig Selection 24
Unmatched Rigs 25
Pump Failure 27
Hoisting Eq ui pmen t 29
Blo~ou t Preven ter 31
Testing 31
BOP Drills 32
Other Preca uti ons 32
Do~nhole Failures 33
MUD 33
Changes 36
Aerated Mud 36
Losses 38
Hole Cleaning 39
Emusifier- Wetting Agents 41
Bari te , 42
Bri dgi ng 42
Barite Sag 43
Barite vs. Iron Ores mm m 43
General Procedures and Actions 46
Point Of Loss m m__ 47
Dry Drilling m m m m___m__m 48
Remedial Actions 48
Low-Rate Lost Circulation m__ 49
Moderate-Rate Lost Circulation 49
High-Rate Lost Circulation m 51
Cementing Lost Circulation 52
Influence on Hole Problems 57
Problems 58
Surface Formations m 58
Shallow Gas u 58
Swelling Clays ___m m 59
FI uid -Sensitive Shales m 59
Geopressured Shales 60
Fractured Formations 61
High -Permeability Reefs u 63
Other Formations m u___m 64
Combination Formation Problems 64
Depleted Reservoirs 67
Cause and Correction 72
Recommended Deviation and Dogleg 73
Take Immediate Action 81
Learn All Details 85
Develop a Plan of Action 87
Work on the Fish from the Top Down 97
Select the Strongest Catch Tool m 98m__m
Pull the Fish out of the Hole without Delay mmm_ 98
Do Not Rotate When Pulling a Fish um_m__m m 98
Expedite Fishing Operations _m___mmmm m__98
Eliminate the Cause of Fishing if Necessary--mm-- 98
Don't Arbitrarily Assume the Fishing Job Is Easy -- 99
Priority of Operations mmmu m mum 99
Operations Recorders __m___mm m_uuumm 99
Stuck Condition of Fish m m m__ 99
Keep Top of Fish Clean umm-m-m m-m 100
Anticipate Mechanical Repairs _mm_m_m 100
Summary Guides to Fishing __m 100
Take Reasonable Risk - Improvise 101
Pore Pressure 102
Pore- Pressure Plots 103
Transition Zones 106
Detection 109
Control 110
Operations 112
Assembly 112
String Reamer 114
Detection 128
Prevention 132
Removal 132
Wireline Keyseat 133
Overshot 139
Single Bowl l3 9
Double Bowl l44
Triple Bowl 144
Trap Door 145
Si de-door n 145
Continuous 145
Casing Bowl 145
Basket 145
Regular 145
Reverse Circulating 149
Poor Boy 14 9
B oot 150
Spear 153
Pipe 153
Wash pi pe 154
Packer Retriever 15 6
Screw-in Sub 158
Taper Tap 158
Die Collar 159
Mills 160
Junk Mills 164
Skirted Mills 165
Cement Mills 165
Pilot Mills 165
Reamer Mills 166
Tapered Mills 166
Pineapple Mills 166
Throated Mills 166
Mill Shoes 166
Pip e Cutters 168
Jars 170
Hydraulic Fishing 172
Hydraulic Drilling m m-m 17 3
Mechanical Fishing u n 173
Mechanical Drilling m m___ 173
Accelerator Jars _m m_mm m 173
Burn per Sub 176
Combination Hydraulic Jar and
Bum per Sub 176
Surface Bumper Sub 177
Wash pi p e 177
Safety Joint 177
Kn uckle Joint 180
Ben t Sub 181
Bent Joint 181
Wall Hook 182
Circulating Sub 183
Ported" Side-door" Back-off Sub 184
Shock Sub 184
Shear Rams 184
Tools Run Inside Casing 184
Pulling Tool 184
Reversing TooI 184
Roller 185
Whi pstock 186
Casing Patch 186
Casing and Tubing Swage 186
Chemical Cutter 188
Grab 189
Jet Cutter 190
Junk Catcher 190
Junk Shot 191
Magnet 192
Socket 193
Wire line Spear 193
Bailers 197
Bucket Bailer 198
Dart-Bottom Bailer u 198
Dump Bailer 198
Sand Pump 198
Chipping 199
Blind Box 199
Friction Sdcket 200
Cutters and Perforators u 201
Wireline Cutter 201
Wireline Tubular 201
Mechanical Wireline Pipe Perforator 204
1mpre ssi on Block 205
H Ydr auli c Jars 206
Mechanical Bumper Jars 206
Sinker Bars 206
Casing and Tubing Swage 206
Explosives 208
Rope Socket 208
Overshot 208
Surface Equipment 209
Drill and Work Strings 209
Drill pipe n 21 0
Aluminum Drillpipe m___mm_m m 211
Tubing n n n n__- 211
Coil Tubing m m n__mnm 212
Stabilizer n_n__nnnn___n_nn__n___216
Double-Drilling Bumper Jars m___mm__m 217
Assemblies 219
Drilling n n n n 220
Overpull n nn_nnnnnn 221
Handling and Inspection mmm__m m 222
Fish ing n n n n n n 224
Milling n n n n___n n nnn 225
Wash Over ___nn___nn___n_nnn nnnn__nnnnn__n__ 225
Reaming n nnn_n n__n_n nnn 225
Clean Out n n n nnn 226
Wire line Assemblies 227
Electrical Free-Point Pipe Logs 245
Begin Working Immediately 247
How Hard to Work uu 247
How Long to Work u uuu uu__ 253
Procedures and Techniques 256
Working Results Indicate Working Method 256
Working Force Levels m m m 257
Initial Working Direction m mnm 257
Working to Establish Movement and Circulation - 258
Work Up n 263
Work Down 265
Final Working Procedure m nn_m m 266
Working Wirelines u__u_u 268
Where to Part 270
Backing Off 272
Regular Back-off _m_m__m m m 272
Outside Back-off m n 278
Blind Back-off _m m___mn m 2 78
Cutting u u 281
Chemical Cu Her m m 281
] et Cu Her n_n_n nn_nn__ 283
Mechani cal Cu Her m m m n m 283
Cones 313
In Soft Formations m m___m m mn 317
In Hard Formations m 318
I3its ~ 321
Stuck Bi ts 322
Parted Bits and Large Junk mmm___m m__ 322
Without Drilling Jars and Bumber Sub 324
With Drilling Jars and Bumper Sub 325
Sticking the Drill-Collar Assembly 326
Working, Back Off, and Clean Out __mm__m m 326
Recovery in Multiple Sections-m m m m- 327
Fishing and Washing Over m m m___m___mm 327
Pum p ing Out Pipe 328
Inside Catch n nn_nnn_n_n 330
Fishing Neck 331
Perforating for Circulation 333
Parted or Twisted Off 335
Out-of-Gauge Hole n___338
Accidental Sidetracking nn__nn_nnn 338
Where and How the Assembly Is Stuck 339
Pipe Free to Move Downward 340
Working and Rolling Out m__m__m341
Wearing Out the Keyseat _m m_m 341
Reaming Out the Keyseat m_m___mmmm__m 343
Set Pipe on Bottom mm mm_mmm n 343
Assembly Firmly Stuck 345
Keyseated at the Bit _m m_nmmnmnm__m 346
Stuck at the Top of the Bottomhole Assembly m__ 347
Back Off and Recover 347
Types of Wirelines 418
Operating Precautions 419
Running Close-Tolerance Tools n 420
Jumping the Sheave 421
Worn Wirelines ___n n 421
Flagging Wirelines n 421
Swabbing Precautions 422
Crippled Rope Socket n 424
Wireline Keyseats 426
Operating Problems 426
Fishing Assemblies 429
Fishing for Wirelines 429
Wire line Insid e Pipe 430
Grab and Spear n___43 0
Stripping Over Stuck Wireline 435
Parting Wirelines 440
Fishing for Wireline Tools 441
Cement Applications in Casing Repair 473
General Review 4 73
Squeezing Relation to Fracturing 474
Squeeze Cementing 477
Con ven tional 478
Staging --480
Cement Backed by Metal 481
Multiple Conseoutive Squeezes 483
Casing, Rotary, Mast, and Crown Alignment 490
Parted Conductor Casing 495
Loose at the Surface 497
Leaking Around the Surface 498
Wear at or Near Bradenhead 499
Overall Wear 501
Buckl ing 507
Parted Casing 508
While Running 508
In an Uncemented Section 510
In a Cemented Section 512
Alignment Tool 513
Loose Float and Shoe Joints 518
Releasing Casing from a Bradenhead or Hanger
Sp 001 523
Normal Tensional Pull 523
Casing Jacks 524
Release by Cutting 524
Split or Burst Casing 526
Colla p se d Casing 531
Liners 536
Failed Intermediate Casing above a Liner 536
Squeezing the Liner Top 538
Drill Collar Pin Failure 223
The preface for the book Fishing and Casing Repair is equally
applicable to this sequel. Prevention, Fishing and Casing Repair with
other significant additions. The word "Prevention" in the new title
represents an underlying theme that is repeated throughout the new
text whenever applicable. The importance of prevention has been
emphasized by additional years of experience and contacts with oth-
ers. The same is true of many related activities, such as working stuck
pipe. Work it longer and harder before taking other action. Remem-
ber that fishing does not start until there is actually a fish in the hole.
More people need to be involved in and have a clearer understand-
ing of the overall fishing process.
Coverage of detecting transition zones, setting casing at the correct
point in a transition zone, and controlling kicks is expanded. Wall
sticking is covered in more detail, including additional methods of
releasing pipe stuck in this common sticking situation. Special
problems such as barite sag and fishing in high-angle directional and
horizontal holes are discussed. Cementing is covered in more detail
because ofits wide use in lost circulation, plugging back, and casing
repairs. Special attention is given to temporary plugging, plugging
back, and sidetracking.
There is an increasing awareness of the importance of prevent-
ing fishing and conducting fishing operations correctly. One indica-
tion of this is that there were very few, if any, references on the sub-
ject when the first book was written as compared to the relatively
large number of references included in this book. I believe Fishing
and Casing Repair contributed to this and optimistically hope that
Prevention, Fishing and Casing Repair will make an additional con-
Chapter 1
Prevention is the process of recognizing the causes of fishing
and taking preventive measures. Prevention covers a broad range,
basically anything relating to the well from spud to abandonment.
Human Error
Many fishing jobs reportedly are caused by human error. This is
not recognized here as a valid cause for fishing. The actual cause is
2 Chapter 1
probably due either to lack of experience or poor judgment. Correct
the problem with improved supervision and good training under
experienced supervisors. Higher motivation to improve job perfor-
mance can be a major contribution. Hurrying and lack of time are
not valid reasons for the many problems that result in fishing jobs.
As an example, a wear bushing was positioned incorrectly while
nippling up the blowout preventers. This caused a major fishing job
involving over 10 days' rig time for a 20,00o-ft depth capacity rig. It
occurred with experienced crews and supervisors. Failure to mea-
sure "strap" drillpipe on the last trip before running casing or a liner
may cause errors in depths and other problems. Another example of
human error is included in the following example.
Spud Conference
A good method of solving a problem is to discuss it with other
interested people. This may lead to an obvious solution. Another
method is to hold a "spud conference" to discuss potential prob-
lems. Include anyone familiar with the situation. such as operating
personnel and service company representatives. Limit the number
of people attending the meeting to create an effective group. and
confine the discussion to the subject.
Spud conferences are common on most critical wells and those
where special problems are expected. In one case a spud conference
was held prior to deepening a well and proved very beneficial. as
illustrated in the following example.
Washover pipe was run to wash over a fish but became
wall stuck after washing over a short distance. It was
soaked free and released. The hole was sidetracked after
extensive fishing operations.
6 Chapter 1
Over 16% of the rigs were conducting some type of fishing op-
eration during the two-month survey period. Total daily rig operat-
ing costs during fishing are about 75% higher than during normal
drilling operations. Therefore, almost 25% of the total drilling ex-
penditure was wasted during the survey period. The loss is consid-
erably higher when considering sidetracking, lost holes, and
Actual drilling costs were approximately 13% higher than the
original cost estimate during the same period. Therefore, after al-
lowing 10% for contingencies, the wells may have cost as much as
23% more than the original estimate. Such overexpenditure fre-
quently is blamed on increased costs. But most ofthe 13%, or 23%,
increase is attributed to fishing and related operations. The similar-
ity of 23% here and the previous 25% are significant.
Many problems occur during drilling and other operations. Fre-
quency of failure increases with increasing operational difficulty.
Successful and efficient operations have the least number of prob-
lems. When one does occur, a detailed review of the problem and
associated factors leads to the best solution. Always consider alter-
nate solutions. The best prevention is to conduct operations in a
prudent, orderly manner.
Competent, experienced personnel design and implement cor-
rect procedures. Successful operators conduct all operations in a
prudent manner with full consideration of potential fishing. Don't
overlook important items while trying to expedite the job. Consider
possible consequences before undertaking a course of action. Know
how to fish out any equipment before running it into the hole. Con-
sider other ways of doing the job if the tool cannot be fished out. If
there is no alternative available except possibly sidetracking, use
the tool as a calculated risk.
Handle equipment as smoothly as possible. Be aware of the prob-
lems caused by operations, such as running full-gauge bits into un-
der-gauge hole and unintentionally backing off or sidetracking.
Always use the minimum mud weight with allowance for a mar-
gin of safety. Hole problems frequently are associated with higher
mud weights. These include wall sticking, cuttings removal, and
control of mud properties. Problems often are more severe in soft to
medium formations. Higher mud weights also generally decrease
penetration rate. The importance of minimum weight mud often is
8 Chapter 1
Avoid these practices and check the area frequently. Bent tool joints
can be detected easily when rotating the drillpipe on trips. In some
cases similar problems occur in the tong area. Some of these failures
are illustrated in the following.
. Making connections is a common operation, but bit plugging and
sticking are not. The drilling assembly usually sticks at one of two
points during a connection - while lifting the assembly off the slips
after making the connections, or while lowering the bit to resume
drilling. Severity may increase due to caving, which may occur in
recently drilled formations that have not stabilized. A less common
problem is breaking the kelly.
Circulatingand reamingdown 5-10timesbeforemakingthe con-
nection reduces the risk of sticking. However, this extends normal
connection time of 3-5 minutes to 10 minutes or more, depending
on depth. Often it is not necessary to make even one reaming pass
before the connection, although at least one pass is recommended.
However, the best approach is to have a competent drilling supervi-
sor and crew who recognize when it is necessary to ream before a
Bit plugging and sometimes sticking are most common when forc-
ing the bit into caving while setting the kelly drive bushing into the
rotary. The bit may be pushed into cuttings or caving material with
extra weight in order to insert the kelly drive bushing into the rotary.
-'L ...L L
.. L
Drillcollars --- -4- .!....-
.. _m _._ ' __ _
..- ....
- - _. .- _. _.. _u.
10 Chapter 1
Depending upon the rig equipment, some procedural and equip-
ment changes may help prevent sticking during connections. A longer
kelly allows drilling the hole deeper before making the connection
(Fig. 1-1). Both holes have the same amount of fill or caving mate-
rial. The short kelly causes the bit to sit on the cavings before the
kelly drive bushings enter the rotary. The long kelly allows drilling a
relatively deeper hole, so the kelly drive bushings are in place in the
rotary while the bit is still ,some distance above the cuttings. This
reduces the risk of plugging or sticking when inserting the kelly bush-
ings into the rotary.
The operator frequently shuts the pump down as the bit is pulled
up off bottom. This dissipates pressure inside the drilling assembly
for a reasonably dry connection. It also increases the chance of cut-
tings accumulating at the bottom of the hole. A better procedure is to
shut the pump off after the kelly is midway out of the hole and then
use the mud box if necessary. Very little pumping is required be-
cause of the small annular space in the drill collar section.
Kellys may be bent in the upper two or three feet of the square.
Causes include excess weight on the kelly, and rough handling when
picking up, setting back, or making connections. A bent kelly and a
heavy swivel may vibrate or swing as the bent section enters the
drive bushing. This can cause the kelly to break while drilling, de-
pending on the severity of the bend and the rotary speed, The driller
usually prevents this by stopping drilling with the bent section of
the kelly out of the bushing. This reduces the distance between the
bit and the bottom of the hole on connections, thus increasing the
risk of plugging and sticking. Prevent this by using a long, straight,
heavy-duty kelly.
Start the pump immediately after making the connection and
before lifting the drillstring. This helps remove the cuttings or cavings
and distributes them uphole (Fig. 1-2). Then lift the drill string the
minimum amount and pull the slips.
Packed cuttings
...- - - Topof drillcollars - .-
. - - - 0"_'
. .-
... . ..
I ....
. -L
Drillingjars and a bumper
_ :::;,,:=.::::.::::-:
--"';":"'-:.,":.,".sub may help release the
pipe if it is stuck with
cuttings on top of the bit
-.. .. -- -
Packed cuttings
.__ - - u_
12 Chapter 1
Fluctuating torque may also be caused by increased bit weight and
drilling in fractured formations or those containing chert or pyrites.
Experienced operators detect loose or locked bit cones by the de-
scribed actions and pull the bit before losing the cones and causing a
fishing job.
Sometimes, excessive time is required to begin drilling because
a new roller or drag bit must first form a cutting pattern on the bot-
tom of the hole. The drilling action in this instance often is similar
to drilling in fractured formations or formations containing chert or
pyrites. If this is the case, select the smoothest running combination
of bit weight and rotary speed for roller bits and continue drilling.
Diamond or drag-type bits normally drill fractured formations satis-
factorily, although the running action may be rough. Otherwise, pull
them if drilling chert or pyrites or if there is suspected junk in the
A bit entering a harder formation may slow down or stop drill-
ing. It may be balled up, so spud and ream to remove the ball. If the
drilling rate reduces slowly when a tooth-type roller bit is in the
hole, this may indicate the teeth are becoming worn, so normally
you should pull the bit. Insert-type roller bits often are less affected
by formation changes. A drilling rate reduction associated with in-
creased torque indicates worn or locked rollers; again, you should
pull the bit. Sometimes the rollers torque briefly and lock while the
bit rotates relatively smoothly, although the drilling rate is negli-
gible and torque increases. The rollers are locked and sliding on the
bottom ofthe hole, so pull the bit before the journals wear and break,
dropping off the cones.
A partially worn diamond or drag-type bit may slow down, with
a relatively constant or slightly increasing torque, when it drills into
a harder formation or a formation for which the bit is not designed.
Torquing may also indicate either fractures or formations containing
chert or pyrites, which destroy the diamonds. One piece of chert
may wear out an entire row of diamonds, causing a ring out. The
diamonds may embed completely when entering a softer formation,
resulting in a slight pressure increase.
One of the main causes of fishing for bit cones is running the bit
excessively, as illustrated in the following example.
Bit selection is beyond the scope of this text, but the following
contains general comments:
Tripping Tubulars
Many failures occur during tripping, not all directly associated
with tripping. Examples include dropping the blocks, running into
the crown or rotary, setting slips improperly, handling drill collars,
and making up the drill and other tools. Take all precautions, such
as running a pipe wiper while tripping in the hole.
Check the condition of drillpipe rubbers during the trip; replace
and/or add more as needed. Change drillpipe breaks and order of
stands periodically on trips to distribute wear and prevent excess
tightening of tool joints. Note the condition of all tool joints as they
14 Chapter 1
are disconnected. Replace pipe that has overly tight tool joints. Mud
in a fresh broken tool joint indicates a leak. The best practice is to
lay the two joints down and have them inspected and/or refaced.
Pin failures can cause severe fishing jobs. For example, the first
31f2-in. drillpipe pin above the drill collars parted while milling on
two 61f2-in.bit cones at 15,000 ft, causing a moderately severe fishing
Periodically change 5 or 10 joints of pipe on top of drill collars
to an uphole position. Avoid running the same section of drillpipe
in deviated hole sections for extended periods - 200 to 500 drilling
hours for normal conditions; shorter intervals for rough, high torque
drilling, reaming, or drilling on junk. Remove and replace bent pipe.
DO NOT make special "hole wiper trips" during long bit runs
except as required by special' conditions.
Occasionally, the rig will shut down while drilling or tripping
due to mechanical problems. Repair these as soon as possible. The
main consideration is how to prevent the drillpipe from sticking
during the shutdown. One example is a leaking hydraulic line where
the rig could still be operated for a few minutes.
When a shutdown must occur and there is ample warning, the
best procedure is to pull the drillpipe up into the last string of cas-
i~g. Check the annulus periodically to ensure it remains full. It is
not necessary to circulate constantly, but if the drill pipe is very deep,
it is a good practice to circulate slowly at about 20-40% of the nor-
mal circulation rate.
If a shutdown occurs during drilling, pick up the kelly as high as
possible. Lower the drill pipe 6 in. to 1 ft at 10-30 minute intervals,
depending upon depth, the distance available for lowering, and the
amount of time the rig is expected to be shut down. Ensure that the
amount lowered each time is sufficient to move the entire drilling
assembly as shown by the weight indicator.
Do not lower the tool joint below the kelly into the rotary. This
allows the drill pipe rams to be closed if necessary and leaves a con-
nection at a convenient point if one is needed for additional opera-
tions. A high pump rate can be used for a short period of time, but
pumping at a high rate for an extended period of time with limited
drillpipe movement can cause undesirable well-bore erosion.
During tripping, install the kelly and pick up as high as possible.
Then lower periodically as described. Ifthe kelly cannot be installed,
install the drill pipe inside preventer and lower the drill pipe slowly
as described.
There have been cases where the drillpipe has been lowered in
this manner for over 24 hours and was still free when operations
Open-Hole Testing
There is a higher risk of sticking and a resulting fishing job dur-
ing open-hole testing. There are areas where the test tool can be left
seated and the formation tested for a week without sticking the tool.
18 Chapter 1
In hindsight, the thin sand stringer should have been tested with tub-
ing. Because of an approaching deadline completion date, it was tested
with the drillpipe as the fastest method.
Other Precautions
There are many other details, sometimes apparently small ones,
that can prevent problems which in turn often lead to larger prob-
lems. For example, check for metal cuttings in the mud with a ditch
magnet. Clean the magnet periodically. Examine the metal fragments
for indications of casing and other metal wear. Check the drillpipe
rubbers and replace them as necessary. Otherwise, continued wear
can lead to a hole in the casing or a backed-off casing shoe. There are
many other similar examples.
Undergauge Holes
Undergauge holes may present risks of problems such as pinched
bits and sticking. The main cause of undergauge holes is drilling
with a worn, out-of-gauge bit. Another cause is the failure to run
stabilizers or reamers, especially near bit reamers when drilling hard
formations. Muds that form thick filter cakes and swelling forma-
tions also cause undergauge holes. Treat the mud and ream as neces-
Corrections for undergauge holes are indicated by the cause. Al-
ways run a near-bit stabilizer with fixed blade or diamond bits. In
harder formations, run bits with more gauge protection. Ensure that
all reamers and stabilizers are full gauge. Use roller reamers with
hard formation cutters for hard, abrasive formations.
Ream the last 60-90 ft before reaching bottom with a new bit.
This removes cuttings and caving material that may cause sticking.
It also helps prevent running a new, full-gauge bit into a tight,
undergauge hole. Although this prevents premature roller bit failure
by pinching the cones, it may also cause lost cones, requiring mill-
ing and fishing. An immediate fishing job may be required if the bit
is wedged in the tapered hole section (Fig. 1-3).
It often is ADVISABLEto strap the pilot bit or bullet nose below
a hole opener, using light or heavy strapping depending on the ap-
plication (Fig. 1-4).
In one case a bullet nose on an 8% x 12IJ4-in.hole opener was not
strapped and backed off. It was recovered with a short-skirted over-
shot dressed with a basket grapple using a mill shoe heavily coated
with tungsten carbide.
20 Chapter 1
Figure 1-4 Strapping a tool joint
Melal straps
~- Tooljoinl-
Side view
Pipe Wiper
Small items such as nuts, bolts, tong dies, and hand tools are
sometimes lost in the hole. This usually occurs while pulling the
drill collars through the rotary, changing the bit or other tools on the
drill-collar assembly, or running the assembly in the hole. These items
are seldom lost in the hole while pulling the assembly because of the
pipe wiper. The pipe wiper is removed on the last stand of drillpipe
above the drill collars to keep the wiper from being split or damaged
when pulling out the larger diameter drill collars.
As an important preventive measure, a pipe wiper should be used
on the assembly at all times, especially when handling drill collars
in the rotary and tripping in the hole. (It may be omitted during drill-
Drill-Collar Clamps
Another preventive action is to use drill-collar clamps on all
downhole tools that do not have a relatively large diameter differ-
ence between the area where the slips are set and the section above
the slips. Place drill-collar clamps on all drill collars, even bottle-
neck types. In special situations, bottleneck drill collars can vibrate
or jar and fall through regular slips if the clamp is not used.
In one case, jars were lowered through the rotary and the
bottlenecked drill collars were set in regular slips without the clamp.
The jars opened, causing a vibration, and the drill collars vibrated
and dropped through the slips, which created a fishing job.
When running casing, a drill-co lIar-type clamp should be used
for the first several joints. This is especially important when using
spring-loaded elevators and slips. Lock these down and/or use drill-
collar clamps on light loads as illustrated in the following example.
22 Chapter 1
joint to drop. The float collar had a thread protector with a rim that ex-
tended abut I/Sin. over the edge of the semiflush tool joint.This rim caught
in the top of the rotary slips, closing them flush on the top of the joint.
A short bar was wedged into the top of the thread protector. The cat
line, or lifting line, was tied to this, and the joint was picked up about 2 ft
by dragging it through the closed rotary slips. A drill-collar clamp was
then placedon the joint.The drill-collar clamp should havebeen placedon
the joint before placing the joi!1t in the elevators.
Most operators use the drill-collar clamp for 20-30 joints of cas-
ing or until the casing weight is sufficient to ensure it will not let
spring-loaded slip-type elevators open. Automatic fill-up equipment
often does not function correctly until several joints have been run
and there is an adequate differential pressure. These light and possi-
bly alternating casing loads increase the risk of accidently dropping
the casing, especially with spring-loaded running equipment, so the
safety clamp should be used as a safety factor.
A few operators use the drill-collar clamp while running the entire
string of casing. This probably is unnecessary and takes extra time.
The best procedure is to use the drill-collar clamp until the pipe has
gained sufficient weight so it will keep the slips from springing open
and releasing. After the casing load becomes relatively high (over
50,000 Ib), the drill-collar clamps probably would not hold the cas-
ing if it were dropped. As prevention, though, the clamps should be
used on the first few joints of casing run.
Summary Precautions
Other precautionary items are summarized in the following list
and are included throughout the text.
Cut the correct bell or taper on the casing landed in a cas-
to drill deeper.
Keep a full-opening inside preventer (in the open posi-
Mechanical failures frequently cause fishing jobs. Almost any
type of normal drilling problem, such as a hazardous formation, open-
hole testing, or the reaming out of keyseats, can become a fishing
operation if equipment fails. Therefore, mechanical problems cre-
ate, both directly and indirectly, a need for fishing. The solution is to
select the correct equipment, operate it correctly, and keep it in good
operating condition.
Rig Selection
Rig selection offers another opportunity for preventive measures.
Select a rig that has the proper specifications for drilling the well.
Normally these include the type of rig, power, hoisting equipment,
pumps and the depth capacity of the mast and substructure, floor
space for pipe set-back, mud-handling capacity, blow-out preventers
and choke manifold, and similar items.
Rig selection is important for preventing problems because of
the possibility of lack of power, mechanical failures, and generally
unreliable equipment. The best rigs for deeper and more critical holes
are usually equipped with a silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) sys-
tem. Alternating-current (AC) generators, usually driven by diesel
engines, are very efficient. The bus bar provides variable power dis-
tribution to larger and efficient high-torque, direct-current (DC) mo-
tors. AC current is distributed to small motors (up to 10 Hp), and
most rigs have a smaller AC stand-by light generator.
24 Chapter 1
Diesel electric rigs are less flexible. Diesel engines drive DC gen-
erators that are less efficient. Power distribution is limited to indi-
vidual generator units. Smaller AC generators supply power for lights
and small motors.
Mechanical rigs are somewhat less flexible, but can be highly
efficient, especially in shallower, less demanding drilling. Diesel
engine power passes through torque converters into a compound drive
group. In most cases this power is distributed to the drawworks, the
pumps, and sometimes the rotary.
Check all available records before selecting a specific rig. Down-
time is very important. The operator usually pays for a specific
amount of downtime and the rest is at the expense of the contractor.
However, this does not help ~n the case of ongoing expenses such as
mud costs and ancillary services, including tool rental and third party
work. Other cases such as lost circulation, caving, and stuck pipe
almost invariably deteriorate with time. Review downtime on tour
sheets from prior operations. Note that many repairs made during
rig operation do not cause downtime and may not be noted on the
tour report. Checking the record of equipment repairs should indi-
cate if the rig has had excessive repairs or if some component has
failed repeatedly. The cut and slip and bit records, mud reports, and
similar records should also be checked. .
Unmatched Rigs
Unmatched rigs have one or more components that are either
under- or oversized for the nominal depth capacity. A common ex-
ample is oversized pumps, which can cause problems because
6 lines 8 lines
240,000 Ib
normally they are run within specified limits based upon pressure,
volume, and strokes per minute. Sometimes the output volume may
be too high, causing excess pressure on the downhole equipment,
borehole erosion, especially around the bottom-hole assembly, and
difficulties using mud motors and turbines. These problems can oc-
cur even when running the minimum-size pump liner or plunger. In
many cases the pumps cannot be throttled down because ofthe mini-
mum SPM requirements based on the pump-operating specifications.
Throttling valves or adjustable- or fixed-vent chokes are seldom sat-
26 Chapter 1
isfactory. The problem can be prevented by knowing the volume and
pressure requirements of the hole during drilling and selecting a rig
with the correct pumping equipment.
Pump Failure
The most common mechanical problem is a pump failure. This
creates many problems if it occurs in a situation such as cleaning out
heaving shales or circulating out a kick. Normally, the rig is equipped
with a standby pump for use when the main pump fails. However,
the standby pump may also fail. A pump failure that almost caused a
fishing job is illustrated in the following example.
Pump Failure
A wildcat well was drilling a 9Y2-in.hole at 19,000 ft with 5,000 ft of
open hole below the last casing string. The very hard, abrasive sand shale
sequence was drilled with an insert bit in a dispersed polymer mud con-
taining 4% emulsified oil.The packed hole drilling assembly included 73/4_
in. drill collars, integral blade stabilizers, a shock sub, drilling jars. a keyseat
wiper above the drill-collar assembly, heavyweight pipe, and a combina-
tion 5 and 5'/2-in. drillstring.
A trip had just been made to change bits, and the mud viscosities and
gels were slightly high (funnel viscosity 63 see, PV 63, YP 13, gels %). The
calculated pore pressure was 17.5 Ib/gal, and the 16.8 Ib/gal mud had an
equivalent circulating density of 17.3 Ib/gal.The slightly underbalanced mud
system was being used to improve penetration rates, which averaged about
5 ftlhr.
The hole had been logged at 18,000 ft and was shut down for 48
hours, from the time drilling stopped until it resumed. Hole deviation had
begun increasing slowly from 2 at the casing shoe to 7 at 17,500 ft. At
that time, a packed pendulum assembly was run and the hole deviation
was reduced evenly to r.The average maximum absolute dogleg was less
than 1.5/I 00 ft.There was some minor keyseat formation in the interval
from 16,000 to 18,000 ft, indicated by the pipe drag of up to 30,000 Ib and
the difference between the two-arm and three-arm calipers' hole diam-
The hole diameter increased gradually from bit size atTD to about 13
in. diameter below the casing shoe. The normal increase in hole diameter
was caused by mud erosion. The hole was being circulated at 340 gpm and
2,800 psi.The lifting quality of the mud was satisfactory to slightly low for
cuttings removal in out-of-gauge hole sections, as indicated in Table I-I.
In several places, though. the diameter was greater than the maximum
caliper reading of 16 in.
The on-line pump failed while drilling, and the second pump was placed
on line while the first was repaired. After drilling about I hour, the second
pump failed. Since the first pump was expected to be repaired shortly, the
driller decided to pick the pipe up and move it slowly (normal drag =
25,000 Ib) instead of pulling the entire drilling assembly up into the casing.
When circulation stopped, the 42-ft kelly was 30 ft down. The pipe was
moved by picking up about 60 ft off bottom (kelly and one single) and
lowering it about 5 ft every 5 minutes. After about 11/2hr, the pipe drag
began to increase.With the kelly about 5 ft into the rotary, the pipe could
not be moved upward with 50,000 Ib of overpull. The pipe was left hanging
about 25 ft off bottom with normal weight and without trying to pull the
pipe free. Pump repairs were completed in another hour.
The pump was started slowly.The pipe was worked to establish circu-
lation, which took about 20 minutes. By stopping the pipe above bottom,
it was possible to move it downward, which allowed some free movement
and helped establish circulation. If the drillpipe had been pulled harder
into the cuttings, it could have been stuck tighter, possibly necessitating a
fishing job. After working the pipe for another 30 minutes, the drilling
assembly was freed. The hole was circulated for another 30 minutes, while
working the pipe slowly. and drilling operations were resumed.
Another point regarding the example is whether the pipe should have
been pulled up into the casing.There was no apparent reason to pull the
pipe into the casing when the first pump failed since a second pump was
available. But when the second pump failed, the b.est course of action was
not as easy to determine.
The apparent safest procedure would have been to pull the pipe up
into the casing.This probably would have prevented a stuck pipe and the
need for a fishing job. However, the well was being drilled in a near-bal-
anced condition, so there could have been a kick while tripping - one of
the most dangerous times for a kick to occur. Since the pumps were inop-
erative, the pipe could not be slugged and would have to be pulled wet, a
slow, slightly dangerous procedure. The delay would increase the risk of a
kick.There would be no way to fillthe hole while pulling up into the casing
except with the mud-mixing pump. Mud lost from pulling a wet string and
28 Chapter 1
inability to add mud could lower the mud column.reduce the hydrostatic
head, and increase the risk of a kick.This probably was a major factor in
the operator's decision to leave the pipe near bottom. The risk of wall
sticking was minimal because of the near-balanced mud system. The obvi-
ous problem was sticking due to cuttings and slough material.
There are several preventive measures that could have been used had
the operator decided to pull the drilling assembly up into the casing. Pull-
ing slowly would have reduced'the risk of swabbing. This would also have
reduced the mud loss when the stands were disconnected. The annulus
could have been filled with water, which. though a less preferred fluid,
would have provided some hydrostatic head. Ifthe well had kicked, it would
have given a more positive indication compared to air and would have
helped prevnt fluid or gas entry into the borehole.
The primary problem was inadequate pumps. Preventive measures
should have included improved pump maintenance to ensure the pumps
were in good operating condition. If pumps require excessive repair. they
should be replaced. However, this may be difficult because of contractual
obligations and other considerations.
In summary. the operator selected a course of action in this situation
that involved some risk. but it was successful and saved time.
Hoisting Equipment
One ofthe most serious mechanical problems is a hoisting-equip-
ment failure. The most severe problems are a broken drilling line, a
failed crown block or traveling block, drawworks drum, or brake.
There is a danger of dropping the drilling assembly, which could
result in a fishing job and a high risk of injury to personnel. There is
NO EXCUSE for dropping the blocks.
Ton-mile records and good cutoff procedures have almost elimi-
nated broken drilling lines. However, a prudent operator will check
the drilling contractor's records to ensure that good line slipping and
cutoff practices are used. These records should also be checked any
time an operation calls for the drilling assembly to be downhole for
an extended period. If the drilling line is approaching a cutoff point,
the line should be cut before starting the downhole operation.
Sometimes, it is necessary to stay in the hole longer than ex-
pected. This can cause severe line wear that could require either: (1)
shutting down to cut the line at a time when a fishing job almost
certainly would occur (such as for drilling and cleaning out a caving
formation); or (2) continuing operations (such as jarring) with an in-
creasing risk of a drilling-line failure. Frequently checking the con-
dition of the drilling line is an important preventive action.
30 Chapter 1
After the repairs were completed, the kelly was connected to the
drilling assembly and circulation was established without difficulty.Shortly
thereafter, the drilling assembly was picked up and found to be free, and
was pulled and inspected.
Blowout Preventer
The blowout preventer (BOP) system, which includes the choke
manifold, accumulator, fill-up line, control stations, and accessory
equipment, is one of the most important equipment items on the rig.
Operators should ensure that preventers have an adequate pressure
rating. A general guide is that the working pressure rating should be
equivalent to the maximum pressure expected in the well. The most
common preventer stack has three pipe rams and a bag-type preventer.
Some wells may require shear rams, a rotating head, or a diverter. A
rotating head is commonly used when drilling long sections
A variety of standard precautionary procedures should be ob-
served. Pipe rams should always be in the lowest preventer. Some
operators use an extra set of blind rams in the lowest position, espe-
cially on a four-ram stack. If an extra set of pipe rams is kept on
location, the upper blind ram can be replaced immediately when
required. Control stations must be conveniently positioned so they
can be safely operated under all possible conditions. The blind ram
control should frequently be fit with a breakable restraining device
to prevent accidental closing. Before running casing, one pipe ram
should be changed as a casing ram.
An inside blowout preventer should be on the rig floor at all
times, open and ready for use, including available crossover subs
(such as for running casing). Place the opening and closing tool in a
convenient, known place. Many operators hang it on the side of the
BOP control panel.
Good well head security is important when running casing. This
procedure normally includes changing pipe rams to fit the casing for
annular control. The preventers normally are tested after changing
rams, especially on critical wells. Have an inside preventer with a
changeover sub to fit the casing available on the rig floor.
A careful operator will maintain a complete testing and mainte-
nance program, and will record the tests on the tour report. Tests
should include: closing and opening pipe rams once per day; actuat-
ing the choke manifold controls and closing and opening all rams
32 Chapter 1
Downhole Failures
Downhole failures include lost bit cones, parted pipe, mechani-
cal failures in downhole tools, washed out tool joints, cracked pins,
and split boxes. All rig equipment should be maintained carefully,
inspected at correct intervals, and operated within design limits.
The fact that many severe fishing jobs are caused by downhole
conditions and the way the downhole assembly is operated points
up the importance of using good procedures and exercising extra
care when drilling in problem formations.
A twistoff is a relatively common failure that invariably causes
fishing. The main cause of a twistoff is torque in excess of the strength
of one or more components of the downhole tubulars. In many cases
it can be prevented by drill string maintenance and careful handling
procedures. Worn pipe and fatigued or damaged tool joints are major
causes of twistoffs. Prevention measures include inspection and re-
placement as necessary. Fine-threaded connections, such as those
on an overshot bowl, or test tool and some casing and tubing threads
are less strong and therefore susceptible to twistoff problems associ-
ated with over-torquing.
The risk of twisting off is higher when running combination work
strings. Common pipe combinations are 5 in. x 41/2in.. 3 IJ2in. x 2 7/8
in., and 27/8in. x 2%-in. Higher-risk combinations include 41,12 in. x
27/8in. x 3% in. x 2% in., and 27/8in. x 1% in. The larger, heavier pipe
at the top of the string has a relatively higher momentum during
rotation as compared to the smaller pipe in the lower part of the
assembly. If the bit or tool on the bottom of the assembly hangs up,
this higher momentum can twist offthe pipe body or tool joint of the
smaller, weaker pipe. Stopping the pipe rotation very quickly anhe
surface can cause a similar failure, especially when using large drill
collars relative to the size of the pipe.
Under normal conditions, combination assemblies generally can
be operated satisfactorily. The frequency of failure increases as the
difference between the two pipe sizes increases. Problems can be
prevented by minimizing the use of combination strings, especially
with large size differences. When these combinations must be used,
they should be operated carefully with minimum torque.
One ofthe most important preventive procedures is to select and
maintain a good mud system with good physical properties. Do not
overlook this, even while combating either lost circulation, slough-
ing, kicks, fishing, or any combination of these. Many of the follow-
ing precautions are self explanatory, but they warrant repeating here
because of their common occurrence.
Changes in mud properties are good indicators of conditions such
as contamination or increasing salinity from saltwater flows. These
conditions are listed in Table 1-2.
The recovery of drill cuttings usually depends on the drilling
rate, a figure that tends to be relatively constant. Recovery may be
reduced by a lack of cleaning or by accumulation in washed-out hole
sections. An increase in cuttings recovery may be due to caving, vis-
cous sweeps, or drilling into a higher pressure zone. The shape and
volume of cutting may indicate a possible kick situation, as described
in the section "Kicks" in Chapter 2.
Aerated Mud
Aerated mud has a frothy appearance somewhat similar to gas-
cut mud. If the mud appears to be gassy and yet no gas is detected by
the mud-gas analyzer, then the mud probably contains air. An opera-
tor should be careful to differentiate between air and gas in the mud,
because gas is an important indicator of a kick, while aerated mud
seldom is a problem. Severe cases may affect pump pressure and
operation. A common cause of aerated mud is a leaking suction or
mud-gun nozzle whipping or mixing air into the mud. Mud may
also be temporarily aerated by pumping it into empty drillpipe or
casing. Air trapped in mud can be removed with sub-surface mud
mixers and de-gassers.
36 Chapter 1
Pump pressure normally fluctuates in a range of about 2% or in
the order of 50-100 psi. To maintain a constant pump pressure, check
to see that the pump throttle setting has not changed and check the
pump output to ensure it is operating correctly. .
Decreasing pressure commonly indicates a leak. A surface leak
usually is easy to detect. However, ifthis is not the cause, stop pump-
ing and immediately pull the pipe to prevent parting, such as a
washed-out tool joint, and leaving a fish in the hole. Other causes of
pressure decreases are reduced mud weight, gassy or aerated mud
(in rare cases due to an air leak), and a partially plugged or starved
pump suction. A kick may also cause pump pressures to decrease
Increasing pump pressures often are associated with a partially
plugged or balled bit or a worn diamond bit (usually due to a ring-
out). Other causes include increasing mud viscosity (which decreases
pump SPM), excessive formation caving or sloughing, cuttings accu-
mulation due to improper hole cleaning, and deteriorating mud prop-
erties, such as an increasing equivalent circulating density.
Since mud volume seldom fluctuates, any changes should be
investigated. Mud volume increases may be caused by a kick, or by
fluid, liquid, or gas flow into the mud system. Chlorides and mud
weight should be checked to detect a flow of saltwater or, less com-
monly, of fresh water. Water may enter the mud system at the surface
through a leaking valve or other means. The most common cause of
reduced mud volume is lost circulation, followed by surface losses.
A considerable amount of makeup mud is required to fill the new
hole for fast shallow drilling in large diameter holes.
The most common weight fluctuations are caused by an out-of-
balance system. These fluctuations can be corrected by increasing
mixing-action or water-back heavy streaks and adding weight mate-
rial to light streaks. Weight may fluctuate due to entrapped air or
gas. Barite sag causes fluctuating mud weight, especially in direc-
tional and horizontal wells, as described in the section "Barite Sag"
in Chapter 1. Weight fluctuations may cause mud to flow back, which
increases the difficulty of operations and can cause a plugged bit.
Increased solids and deteriorating mud properties may cause mud
weight increases. Pills or trip slugs due to frequent tripping also may
cause weight increases. These may be controlled by decreasing the
size of the slugs and increasing water additions. To ensure its accu-
racy, verify the mud balance.
Dilution causes decreases in mud weight, most commonly from
water added at the surface or water entry into the well bore. This can
cause weight material to settle out of the mud.
Among the natural ways that mud is lost are as a coating on the
cuttings, as filtrate, and through equipment leaks and minimal evapo-
ration. Miscellaneous mud losses include pulling wet pipe, connec-
tion losses, not using a drain pan, accidental losses over shaker
screens, and flow surges due to fast reaming-down on connections.
Miscellaneous losses normally are a very small percentage of the
total volume. They are more common at shallower depths, usually
because of lower quality mud and higher make-up volume associ-
ated with a larger-sized hole. A special case of mud loss is covered
in the section "Lost Circulation."
Losses of mud cannot be readily calculated, but they can be esti-
mated from make-up volumes during normal drilling. Although it is
not a true loss, make-up volume is included here. A rough rule of
thumb for make-up volume is 5 bbls/100 ft drilled or 15 bbls/day for
a shallow to medium-depth 8%-in. hole in medium-drillable, nor-
mal-pressured formations.
Because the volume of mud in the circulating system is constantly
changing, the magnitude of mud losses are not always readily appar-
ent at the time they occur. A summary mud volume balance can be
calculated for a section or for the entire well, as listed in Table 1-3.
38 Chapter 1
Table 1-3 Drilling well mud volume balance
Hole Cleaning
A clean hole is important to efficient operations. This normally
is not a problem in cased holes, but may be a problem in open holes.
A clean hole helps prevent sticking and facilitates most fishing. Drill
cuttings and cavings should be flushed out of the hole convention-
ally with the circulating mud. Factors that strongly affect hole-clean-
ing efficiency include the type, physical condition, and chemical
condition of the mud; the circulation rate; and the hole condition.
Hole condition includes deviation and diameter, especially of
washed-out sections (Fig 1-6).
MOM M.....
." "
Low-viscosity mud High-viscosity pill or sweep
Flow rate in the washout section (possum belly) is distributed more evenly with the
high-viscosity sweep, washing oul the hole and removing accumulated cuttings.
40 Chapter 1
Figure 1-7 Drill cuttings slump
Emulsifier-Wetting Agents
Emulsifier-wetting agents are important additives in oil mud sys-
tems. They should be used with careful judgment: excess usage
increases mud costs, while restricted usage can lead to settling of
solids and barite and may cause bridging and, possibly, stuck pipe.
The general tendency is to add excess wetting agents because of the
severe consequences of under-treatment. The problem is difficult to
prove by definitive testing or data, as illustrated in the following
Well A kicked and was killed with additions of barite and emulsifier
wetting agents. The well was brought under control and drilled ahead with-
out problems. Well B took a kick, and weight material was used to kill the
well. Drilling was resumed without problems. Emulsifier-wetting agents
were not added with the first part of the barite, but the mud had been
pretreated a few days prior to the kick.Well C also kicked and was con-
trolled with barite additions without the use of emulsifier-wetting agents.
The pipe was found stuck after the kick, and a fishing job had to be per-
formed. The mud reverted, requiring extra treatment and make-up. Wa-
ter-wet barite was recovered during cleanout.
Barite is the standard mud-weighting material used in the drill-
ing industry, usually supplied within American Petroleum Institute
specifications. In rare cases it may contain excess impurities such as
sand, calcite, or limestone. Sand is abrasive, and other impurities
may contaminate some mud systems. Probably the main disadvan-
tage of barite is using it in very high-weight mud systems, where it
tends to cause a high concentration of solids. It is also susceptible to
attrition, causing small-sized mud solids over long periods of time.
Other weight materials such as salt (NaCI), calcium chloride
(CaCl), potassium chloride (KCl) and, to a lesser extent, magnesium
chloride (MgCl)are used in special situations, such as with comple-
tion fluids. Dolomite, limestone, and iron ores have been used to a
limited extent as weighting material.
Barite may settle out of the mud and form a plug or bridge. The
plug can be almost as hard and tough as cement. The action is simi-
42 Chapter 1
lar to bridging with sand, cavings, or drill cuttings. Common causes
are low mud viscosity and gel strength.
There also is a tendency for barite to settle out of mud at a mud/
water interface, causing bridging. This can stick the pipe and packer,
possibly resulting in a need for fishing. Water commonly is spear-
headed ahead of cement, so sometimes the cement and mud should
be separated with a spacer. A good spacer in many cases is gel, with
water containing 20 lb of bentonite/bbl in place of plain water.
Barite Sag
Barite sag occurs when dispersed barite particles in the mud sys-
tem settle and collect on the low side of the wellbore. It is not sig-
nificant in vertical and low-angle directional holes, but it is more
common in high-angle and horizontal holes where it may cause seri-
ous problems, especially with heavy-weight mud. Severity increases
with increasing angle and higher mud weights.
Under certain conditions the semifluid barite slumps or slides
down the well bore and accumulates in a manner similar to that of
cuttings. This increases or decreases the mud weight in localized
areas. The barite concentrations redistribute in the mud when circu-
lation resumes. The net result is areas of high and low mud density.
The most common problem is lost circulation, but the slumping bar-
ite may cause sticking.
Barite sag often is not recognized. It can be detected by mud-
weight variations while circulating after shutdowns when the mud
column has not been moved for some time. Common shutdown situ-
ations include tripping, after running casing, while recording mea-
surements, and similar operations. Variations in mud weight greater
than 4 lb/gal have been noted.
Measures to prevent barite sag include maintaining good mud
properties so the barite particles stay in suspension; minimizing
noncirculating time; stopping periodically while tripping into the
hole and circulating for short periods; stagging into the hole; and
circulating at shorter intervals and increasing circulation time for
more severe cases. Observe similar precautions when running cas-
Iron ores are more abrasive than barite. Excluding all other fac-
tors, an abrasive fluid drills faster than a nonabrasive fluid. How-
ever, the increase in speed is questionable from a practical view-
point. Also, excessive abrasiveness definitely causes excessive wear
on the pumps and circulating equipment. The main objection to iron
ores is their abrasiveness, which has caused as much as a 20% in-
crease in pump repair costs. Other reported problems include excess
settling in mud tanks, a need for higher ultimate-yield mud to keep
the ores (hematite) in suspension, excess shaker screen plugging, mud
loss due to run over, difficulty in cleaning tool joints properly, and
possibly associated tool joint wear that is excessive.
Claims that iron oxides increase penetration rates have not been
substantiated in the field or in published literature. In most cases
the reduced volume of solids in the mud is given as the main reason
that penetration rates are increased. However, it is uncertain whether
the reduction in solids overcomes the other objections.
Lost circulation, a major problem in many drilling operations, is
the loss of fluid from the borehole. The severity of lost circulation
ranges from extra operating time to a blowout, or lost hole. It also
can occur in combination with other conditions, causing additional
problems. Lost circulation is divided into two broad classifications:
the more common natural lost circulation and the less common(?)
induced lost circulation. .
. Allow for lost circulation in the drilling and casing program when
Drill lost circulation zones and lower sections with a maximum-
clearance drilling assembly to minimize the pressure on the for-
. Lost circulation may result in the need for a fishing job, so drill
with assemblies using the minimum number of tools such as ream-
ers, stabilizers, and drillpipe rubbers to facilitate possible fishing.
. Run a drilling jar and bumper sub.
Running an extra string of casing is expensive, but in some cases
it is the most economical way to operate. At the least, an extra
string of casing should be provided for if severe lost circulation is
Provide for extra storage to ensure a sufficient mud supply. Have
an extra solids-settling pit when lost circulation material must be
carried in the mud system for an extended period. Maintain an
ample supply of water, mud-mixing material, and lost circulation
material. Consider setting up a mud-mixing plant to reduce the
time required by rig equipment. Do not overlook the need for
sufficient supervisory personnel, including reliefs.
. Prevent plugging by removing the jets from the bit or run a core
head type bit with a large opening. Open-ended drillpipe may be
used, but the core head is better in case cleaning out is necessary.
46 Chapter 1
Well bores frequently are very sensitive to pressure changes after
establishing circulation and may start losing mud again. Minimize
in the system.
Report LCM concentration in the mud in percent by volume.
Measure by catching 1,000 cc of mud and straining out the LCM,
damp dry it, and return it to the cup. Read the percentage from
the calibration on the cup. For example, 50 cc of material in the
cup is 5% by volume of LCM in the mud.A rough conversion is 1%
by volume equals 2.5 Iblbbl based on LCM density of 45 Iblcu ft.
Point Of Loss
Lost circulation frequently occurs at the bit. Otherwise, the point
where the loss occurs in the borehole may not be known. This infor-
mation may be needed in order to seal the point efficiently, such as
spotting LCM pills. The point of loss may be located with regular
and differential temperature surveys, which are most commonly run
inside of drillpipe. This is a safety procedure both to prevent stick-
ing the small tools and to control the well better if high-pressure
zones are exposed in the wellbore.
Spinner surveys are less common and may require large volumes
of mud. In some cases, the survey instruments can be run through
and out the drill pipe, with the end of the pipe near the estimated
point of loss. Some tools, such as spinner surveys, may be affected
by the amount of LCM in the mud system.
Remedial Actions
When lost circulation first occurs, the problem should be ana-
lyzed in order to determine a course of action The first action may
be readily apparent; if so, initiate it immediately. In most cases the
pump rate should be reduced to reduce the loss. Prudent operators
drill with a minimum-weight mud but reduce it if conditions per-
mit. There is a high risk of caving and sticking during lost circula-
tion so, as the first step, prevent sticking by pulling the bit up at least
50 ft or preferably above any formations that caused problems in the
past. This allows the drilling assembly to be worked both up and
down if sticking occurs and it also improves the chance of releasing
pipe stuck on bottom. Then work the pipe down the hole, reaming
and cleaning out as needed, after the hole stabilizes. If conditions
permit, pull the bit inside the last string of casing.
Reducing either actual or apparent mud weight can have a strong
effect on lost circulation. Consider a well that is losing 11lb/gal mud
48 Chapter 1
at a constant rate in a zone at 10,000 ft with a pore pressure gradient
of 0.46 psi/ft and a differential pressure of 1,120 psi. Lowering the
mud weight 9% to 10 Ib/gal decreases the differential pressure 46%
to 600 psi and reduces the rate of fluid loss by a similar amount.
Therefore, the circulation loss can be reduced substantially with a
small weight reduction, even with a relatively low mud weight.
In some cases, increasing viscosity a small amount may help re-
duce lost circulation. Flow rate is approximately inversely propor-
tional to viscosity. A fluid with' a viscosity of 2 cp flows at about one-
half the rate of a mud with a viscosity of 1 cp under the same condi-
tions. Higher viscosity mud may help regain circulation in a few
cases if it does not cause an increase of apparent mud weight.
50 Chapter 1
Wait about two more hours and if the hole is not full, fill it slowly.
Then begin pumping slowly down the drillpipe. If the hole circulates,
then add LCM to the mud as necessary and continue circulating until
there is full circulation. Resume operations, generally cleaning out
to the bottom first. Take all precautions to prevent the lost circulation
from reoccurring.
If the hole does not circulate but stands full, wait for additional
healing. If it still does not circulate, another LCM pill should be spot-
ted. The second LCM pill is mixed with higher concentrations of
LCM to as much as 75 Ib/bbl for very severe lost circulation and a
larger or smaller volume pill depending upon the rate of loss and
how successful the first pill was. Rig mud pumps usually begin miss-
ing at concentrations of 50-60 Ib/bbl, due to plugging screens and
sticking valves. Pump and displace the pill in a manner similar to
that for the first pill and wait for the hole to heal. Procedures can be
modified as indicated by results of the first pill.
It frequently takes two or more pills to regain circulation. Once
it is regained, the hole should be allowed to heal for a few more
hours to help ensure that lost circulation does not occur again after
operations are resumed. The lost circulation material should usu-
ally be left in the mud system for at least 12-24 hours after regaining
circulation. This allows time to determine whether the lost circula-
tion has healed and may also help prevent losses in lower zones
after starting drilling. One recommended procedure is to leave the
LCM in the mud for about 8-12 hours, then screen out half of it by
alternately flowing over and bypassing the shaker at even time inter-
vals for one circulation. Screen out the remainder several hours later.
If circulation has not been reestablished after spotting about three
LCM pills, then the procedures described for high-rate lost circula-
tion should be considered.
52 Chapter 1
lost circulation zones have been successfully cemented at depths of
18,000 ft with mud weights in excess of 15 Ib/gal and bottomhole
temperatures around 3000 F.
Some operators hesitate to cement lost circulation, probably be-
cause of unfamiliarity and because it is a time-consuming, higher-
risk operation. The risk can be minimized by cementing in a prudent
manner with the correct assembly. Cement contaminates some muds,
but this can be handled by pretreatment, dilution, replacement, or
The tendency of some to underestimate the effectiveness of ce-
menting to seal off lost circulation is unfortunate, since cementing
frequently is the most convenient and efficient solution. The next
reasonable alternative usually is to run a liner or casing. This is sel-
dom a good solution because of the risk, higher cost, and the need
for changing the well plan (such as reducing the hole size), which
may restrict deeper drilling. Also, casing may not run to the bottom,
so lost circulation still occurs. However, casing may eliminate uphole
problems so that deeper zones can be cemented.
Cement with a good slurry of Class A cement. Various other ce-
ments, such as thixiotropic cements, have been used in special situ-
ations. Generally, use the procedures for mixing and displacing the
slurry described in the section "Squeeze Cementing" in Chapter 7.
Always consider using accelerators, but do not use retarders unless
absolutely necessary. Design the slurry for a minimum thickening
time, and add about 10 Ib/bbl of LCM. Use normal to minimum slurry
weight and possibly lighter weight bentonite slurry for longer ce-
ment columns.
Normally cementing should be done through open-ended pipe,
a core-head-type bit, or a washover shoe with the end of the pipe at
or below the lost circulation zone. Mix the slurry and pump it into
the pipe. About half of the slurry should be displaced out the bit
with mud, or in severe cases, gel water. The pipe should be picked
up a safe distance, allowing the rest of the slurry to fall out of the
pipe. For very severe lost circulation and if there is a risk of sticking,
set the end ofthe pipe a safe distance above the lost circulation zone.
Displace the slurry with a sufficient volume to ensure clearing the
If the hole stands full or begins circulating while displacing the
cement plug, then pick up the drill pipe and wait a short time before
adding LCM and beginning to clean out. Sometimes close the pipe
rams and apply a small amount of pressure - usually an equivalent
mud weight increase of about 1/4-lb/gal. Gradually increase the pres-
sure at 10-20 minute intervals until the pressure is the equivalent of
the normal mud weight.
If the hole does not stand full, wait for the equivalent of 1% thick-
ening times and begin loading the annulus slowly. If it holds, add
LCM to the mud system and start circulating slowly, increasing the
Cause and Prevention 53
rate slowly as the hole stabilizes. Then drill out the cement care-
fully. DO NOT RUN THE BIT INTO GREEN CEMENT. If the lost cir-
culation is cured, drill ahead. Otherwise cement again, adjusting the
procedures and slurry volumes as indicated by prior cementing re-
It is not uncommon to cement very severe lost circulation sev-
eral times, especially wide fractures. All fractures and other large
voids or conduits should'be cemented at or below the fracture propa-
gation pressure or else the fracture will continue to grow. Cement
these by staging. In one case lost circulation was so severe that stag-
ing was actually started during displacement by adding small incre-
ments of displacing fluid down the pipe behind the slurry.
Placing slurry in large fractures and vugs and in the wellbore
one time, then drilling out will theoretically stop lost circulation.
However, from a practical viewpoint, this is seldom the case. Field
experience indicates that complete sealing in one stage is highly un-
likely. One procedure is multi-stage cementing. A modification is to
spot the slurry, pick up and wait until it reaches an initial set, then
apply moderate pressure, either by filling the hole or closing the
pipe rams, which usually restores the lost circulation. The cement-
ing procedure should be repeated until a satisfactory pressure is ob-
tained. In one case, a 4-ft mine shaft was cemented successfully in
this manner.
Cementing lost circulation often is effective, as described in the
following example.
54 Chapter 1
Circulation was lost at 2,640 ft and regained with LCM. It was lost
again at 2,710 ft, regained with LCM, and lost again at 2,730 ft. The hole
was dry drilled to 2,800 ft. A ISO-sack cement plug (no. 3) was set at
2,800 ft, the pipe was picked up, and a 100-sack cement plug (no. 4) was
spotted at 2,150 ft.
After a wait on the cement, the hole was cleaned out with good re-
turns until it was drilled to 2,740 ft, where all circulation was again lost.
The hole was cleaned out to total depth and dry drilled to 2,856 ft. A
100-sack plug was set at 2,850 'ft (no.5), the pipe was picked up, and a 75-
sack plug (no. 6) was set to 2,470 ft.About 10 bbl of mud were pumped in
the hole 20 minutes after spotting the last plug.
After a 6-hour wait on the cement, the hole was loaded with mud.
The first cement bridge was found at 2,490 ft.Various bridges and string-
ers were cleaned out to 2,760 ft, at which point circulation was lost again.
The hole was cleaned out to 2,805 ft by dry drilling. A 50-sack plug (no. 7)
of thixiotropic cement with 3% CaCl, 10 Ib of Gilsonite/sack, and Y4Ib of
cellophane flakes/sack was spotted at 2,800 ft. The pipe was picked up to
2,520 ft, and a I25-sack cement plug (no. 8) was spotted. The hole was
loaded from the top and held fluid.
After another wait on the cement, the hole was cleaned out to total
depth with full circulation. It was circulated and conditioned while adding
lost circulation material, then drilled ahead with full circulation. No add i-
tionallost circulation problems were encountered and the well was com-
pleted satisfactorily.
Overall, this was a good operation to plug off a severe, long lost cir-
culation section. Lost circulation pills were tried until they were found
unsuccessful. At that time, the method was changed from plugging to ce-
menting, and later to cementing with double plugs.The cement plugs were
squeezed by dumping water on the top of the hole, and later were tested
by loading the hole from the top - a good procedure.
A number of wells were drilled in the area by various operators. Dif-
ferent procedures were tried, including using an extra string of casing.
However, the most economical procedure was to use lost circulation pills,
which were frequently successful, or otherwise followed by cementing.
56 Chapter 1
One of the most important preventive measures is understand-
ing formations and how they affect drilling, fishing, and other
operations. The most common formations are shales, sand, sandstone,
limestone, dolomite, salt, and various miscellaneous formations. They
range from thin stringers to massive sections and often occur in
combination, such as sandy shale, shaley lime, or limy sand. Problems
caused by or related to one formation may occur in another.
Shales are especially important because they comprise over 50%
of the formations drilled and probably cause a correspondingly higher
percentage of hole problems and fishing jobs. Shale chemistry is com-
plex and physical states vary, including massive, laminated, frac-
tured, and unconsolidated with varying degrees of hardness.
Various formation conditions can affect the mud. High tem-
perature formations usually occur at deeper depths due to the normal
temperature gradient. A few areas have higher gradients so high
temperatures occur at shallower depths. Some mud-treatment chem-
icals break down at higher temperatures, so those which are least
affected should be chosen. High temperatures can affect the electrical
components in electric logs and directional measuring instruments.
Insulating tools are available for logging under high-temperature
Most formations contain oil, gas, saltwater, or a mixture ofthese.
Some contain carbon' dioxide (C02) or hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which
corrode tubulars and drilling tools. C02 may cause suffocation. H2S
causes both corrosion and embrittlement, and IS EXTREMELY POI-
SONOUS. even in very low concentrations. Precautions for working
with H2S should include warning systems, masks, portable air packs,
and good training.
Formations directly or indirectly cause many problems, which
lead to fishing jobs and further problems during fishing. To prevent
sticking and/or adverse effects on fishing, drill and control them prop-
erly, using correct procedures. A straight hole eliminates most
crooked-hole problems. It may be necessary to run casing. Take spe-
cial precautions in deviated holes.
Surface Formations
Surface formation problems include lost circulation, caving,
sloughing, and cleaning out gravel. These problems can be corrected
by using heavier mud, higher viscosity, dry drilling, and/or setting
large conductor. Drilling on boulders may cause a crooked hole. Drill
the conductor hole with a rat-hole digger, or dig it with a backhoe
and set a large-diameter conductor as described. This also allows
additional drilling weight to drill deeper boulders more efficiently.
Very hard surface formations are difficult to drill because of the
lack of bit weight. Drilling a pilot hole may be applicable. Some-
times, an operator can take advantage of the surface terrain, as illus-
trated in the following example.
Spud In on Hillside
Part of the Appalachian Basin has a layer of well-cemented sandstone
exposed on the valley bottoms. Spudding into the sandstone frequently
requires extra time drilling the first 50-100 ft. due to the lack of drilling
weight. When possible. the location should be built on the hillside several
hundred feet above the valley bottom. These softer formations drill rela-
tively fast with a minimum bit weight. When the bit reaches the hard sand-
stone layer.there is enough drill-collar length and weight to drill the harder
sandstone layer efficiently.The cost of the extra hole and the extra cost to
build the location on the hillside is more than offset by the savings in rig
Shallow Gas
Gas under normal to moderately high pressure may occur at shal-
low depths. Therefore, there may be very little warning or reaction
58 Chapter 1
time when a kick occurs. The normal flow line increase or pit gain
usually is followed immediately by a gas flow. Always use a diverter
in these situations.
The danger is illustrated in the following example.
Shallow Gas
A development well was being drilled in an area known to have shal-
low gas. The drilling program included 9%-in. conductor at 60 ft, 7-in.
surface casing in an 8%-in. hole at 2,500 ft, and a 6'14-in.hole to 9,500 ft.
Gas normally occurred in the interval from 900-1,600 ft.The worst prob-
lem encountered in about 25 wells drilled in the area was a small kick that
flowed mud about 5 ft above the derrick floor before depleting.
The conductor was set and the flow line welded to the top of the
conductor in the normal manner. The well blew out while drilling at 1,400
ft with 9-lb/gal native mud. All of the mud was blown from the hole and
the gas column ignited. The heat weakened the legs of the mast and it
collapsed. The gas flow subsided, the fire went out, and the hole filled with
water from shallow water sands in an elapsed time of about 25 minutes.
No injuries occurred, but the mast was a complete loss and the remainder
of the rig required extensive repairs.
The problem could have been eliminated with a diverter, such as a
rotating head. A conventional preventer could not have been used effi-
ciently, except possibly with an open blooie line connected below the
preventer. Otherwise, a closed preventer would probably have been blown
out of the hole, since there was an insufficient length of conductor to
anchor it.
Swelling Clays
Swelling clays are unconsolidated clay-type formations that fre-
quently occur near shorelines such as the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast.
Most swelling clays are drilled rapidly. The drill cuttings have
rounded edges and are soft, often dispersing easily into the mud sys-
tem causing extra treatment. Balled bits are common. Cuttings may
overload the mud system and cause an apparent mud-weight increase.
Maximize the circulation rate and reduce the drilling rate if neces-
sary to keep the hole clean. Inert mud systems such as saltwater or
oil mud have been very successful in removing the clays.
Fluid-Sensitive Shales
Fluid-sensitive, swelling, disintegrating, bentonitic, and mud-
making formations with a high montmorillonite content are all simi-
lar classifications. Most shales are sensitive to water-base fluids to
Geopressured Shales
Geopressured shales, or popping shales, are formations with a
combination of pore pressure and physical characteristics that cause
fragments to spall or pop off into the wellbore. It is most common in
shales, but limited field evidence indicates that it may occur in very
fine-grained, well-cemented sands and other formations with very
low permeability.
With geopressured shales, penetration rates frequently increase
and the mud may be gas cut. Drill cuttings vary in size, but they have
a distinctive long, tabular shape with relatively sharp edges and oc-
casional concoidal fracture faces. Often there is a pronounced in-
60 Chapter 1
crease in cuttings volume. Note of caution: These cutting are similar
to those recovered while drilling pressure transition zones, so al-
ways be aware of the potential of a deeper, high-pressure zone.
The spalling action normally is attributed to a pore pressure that
is greater than the combined structural strength holding the frag-
ment in place and the differential pressure between the hydrostatic
mud pressure and the pore pressure acting on the equivalent of the
cross-sectional area of the fragment. Shale has very low permeabil-
ity, so pressures cannot equalize through the fragment and are con-
tained by the surface of the particle and the contact surfaces between
the particles. The particle is released and moves into the' wellbore
with an assumed popping action - hence the term "popping shales."
Excluding natural fracturing, this explanation leaves some ques-
tion, since many formations support higher-pressure differentials into
the wellbore without spalling. Air-drilled holes through normally
pressured shales at 10,000 ft have a pressure differential into the
wellbore of over 4,000 psi without appreciable spalling. A gas-drilled
hole through a geopressured (0.55psi/ft) sand shale sequence at 9,000
ft had a differential pressure into the wellbore of 4,500 psi without
any spalling.
Preventive procedures include recognizing the problem early, and
taking precautions to prevent sticking while continuing drilling.
Spalling generally decreases with time. For more severe cases, an
operator should clean out, pick up and wait for the shales to spall,
then clean out again. Repeat the procedure until the spalling slows.
Increase the mud weight in small increments of 0.2-0.3 lb/gal if con-
tinued spalling prevents drilling, then circulate and clean out to de-
termine if the weight increase is effective. Theoretically, the only
way to cure the problem without casing is to increase the mud weight
until it approaches the pore pressure; however, it seldom is neces-
sary to increase the mud weight this high. The final alternative is to
run casing.
Fractured Formations
Fractured formations are naturally fractured. Calcite and other
evaporates commonly occur in the fractures and may be found free
in the cuttings or adhering to the fracture face. Fracture widths range
from micro fractures to very large fractures that can cause stuck bits.
Fracture orientation ranges from well ordered to random.
Fractured formation drill cuttings sizes range from very small
(similar to drill cuttings) to large blocks or tabular pieces, with sharp,
angular edges and corners. Some are so large that they must be bro-
ken up by drilling before they can be circulated out of the hole.
Problems associated with fractured formations include caving
and potential sticking, out-of-gauge holes, ledges and bridges, and
Fractured Shales
A 2I,OOO-ftwildcat well was drilling an 81/2-in.hole at 18,500 ft with a
packed-hole drilling assembly and a premium-grade, sealed-bearing button
bit that had an average life of 40 hours at 2.5 ft/hr. Hole deviation was 4
at the last casing shoe at 14,000 ft. Formation dip was 20 and expected to
be 30 at total depth. The formation was a naturally fractured, extremely
hard and abrasive sandstone, containing chert and pyrites. Hole sections
from 15,000 to 20,000 ft and from 16,500 to 17,000 ft had severe caving
problems and required lengthy cleanout before stabilizing. It was common
to clean out 200-300 ft after a trip.
The hole was sidetracked while cleaning out a bridge at 16,600 ft.
Repeated efforts to enter the old hole were unsuccessful. This hole was
drilled to 16,750 ft, where a survey showed a 5 deviation, further verify-
ing the new hole. The old hole had an 8 deviation at this depth. While
running back in the hole. a bridge was encountered at 16.600 ft. While
cleaning this out, the bit entered the original hole, going to J7,800 ft with
some reaming. Entering the old hole after aCcidentally sidetracking is an
infrequent problem caused by incorrect operations.
It was decided that in subsequent trips the bit would most likely reen-
ter the new hole,The new hole had a lower angle of deviation. probably by
sidetracking the original hole on the low side; therefore the original hole
needed cementing, even if in this case the cement actually was softer than
the formation. This procedure required abandoning over 1,000 ft of origi-
nal hole, but it represented the least risk of running the 7-in. intermediate
drilling liner into the wrong hole.
The hole was cemented after cleaning out caving and bridges several
times. A packed-hole assembly with the bottom two reamers as stabiliz-
ers was run and the cement was cleaned out with a high rotary speed and
low bit weight. This further increased the stiffness of the assembly. helping
to ensure that it entered the new hole. After cleaning out. the assembly
was picked up, and it encountered caving and a minor bridge running back
to bottom. The sidetrack section was reamed to straighten the new hole
as much as possible, reduce the dogleg. and ensure entry and continued
operations in the new hole. The hole was cemented again and cleaned out
with the same procedure used earlier, including reaming with a stiffer as-
sembly. Running this assembly represented some risks, especially in view
62 Chapter 1
of the caving formations. However, at this point it was necessary to en-
sure that one hole was open to run the pipe through and that the hole
would stay open for running casing or a liner.
The hole was drilled ahead, maintaining the deviation at 4-6. Frac-
ture zones were drilled, including some bridging. At 20,000 ft, a 7-in.
intermediate liner was run without difficulty.
High-Permeability Reefs
Reefs with high permeability generally also feature vugular po-
rosity or other large voids. Pinnacle reefs, such as those in Michigan,
are similar to high-permeability. reefs and characteristically have thick
sections. Some of over 500 ft have been reported, often with a small
areal extent.
Reefs often cause either lost circulation, high pressure flows, or
a combination of the two. Difficulty increases with increasing per-
meability and higher pressures. Drilling into the reef usually results
in a kick or lost circulation. Lost circulation may be followed by
kicking after reducing the hydrostatic head. Reefs filled with oil gen-
erally cause less problems than those filled with gas. In one case,
while drilling a long pinnacle reef section, over ten kicks occurred
and it was necessary to close the well in and circulate it dead. An-
other pinnacle reef with a gas cap caused so many problems that
serious consideration was given to plugging back and sidetracking
to try and enter the oil column.
The method of drilling a reef depends upon the specific condi-
tions. One solution seldom applies to all cases. Generally, the casing
should be set near the top of the reef, especially if overlying shales
are fluid sensitive. Otherwise the lost-circulation-and-kick sequence
of problems decreases the stability of the shales, causing additional
problems and higher risk of sticking. Lost circulation material sel-
dom is effective except in lower-permeability reefs.
Drilling very high permeability reefs with a floating mud col-
umn has had varying degrees of success. They should be dry drilled,
with precautions taken to prevent sticking by cutting accumulations.
Control the annulus by maintaining a lightweight mud cap, adding
mud periodically. Run a back pressure valve for pressure control
while making connections and tripping. Use a retrievable-type valve
to allow wire-line work and place it near the bit so the drill pipe can
be pulled out of the hole to a point where the annular mud column
controls the pressure. Mud should be added to the annulus while
tripping. Log through a lubricator while continuing mud additions
in the annulus as needed. The blow-out preventer should be fitted
with blind rams and rams to fit the drillpipe and drill collars.
Casing 1"-:;-
at 5.950 f1'
6.000 It
- - - -I..'ip ,,'I-pare-pressure
1.600psi ~p" 1.083 pSI
/___/_ 3000
Lost 800 psi 0.5 psi/It 9 Ib/ga___
column 01
40" API oil
712 psi
8.000 It
--- -- --- ---
High- Pore pressure --
Gas 011
pressure 0.6 psi/It 11.5 Ib/gall
(40' API)
--gas zone- " 4.800 psi at 8 000 It
-"- -- - ---- --
Case 1---Drillinto zone at 8.000 It with 9.6-lb/gal mud. Surface pressure ~ 800 pSI.
differential pressure into lost zone (6.000 It) 800 psi.
Case 2-Assume all mud has migrated into the lost-circulation lOnfJ:
surface pressure " 4.000 psi: dilferential Into lost zone
., - 4.600 3.000" 1.600 psi.
mud were lost. The pipe was pulled into the casing and the mud weight
was reduced to regain circulation. The well kicked when the mud weight
was reduced to 13.6-lb/gal. It was shut in with 1,100 psi on the drillpipe
and 2,450 psi on the casings. It was circulated on a choke.The mud weight
was increased to 14.8-lb/gal mud with about 30% returns when all returns
were again lost.
The well was squeezed with a diesel oil bentonite (gunk) and circula-
tion was established. The drillpipe was pulled and rerun open-ended. Cir-
culation was lost whilewashingout within 4 ft of the bottom. The forma-
tion was squeezed with 250 sacks of cement, full returns were established,
and drilling operations were resumed.
66 Chapter 1
During the next several months. the welLwas drilled to about 16,500
ft. Less than 20% of the work time was spent drilling. The major part of
the time was spent mixing and spotting lost circulation pills,squeezing the
formation with cement (and once with a diesel oil bentonite squeeze).
circulating out gas on the choke. and mixing mud. About 15.1-lb/gal mud
would hold the pressures. but mud losses ranged from 100-800 bbl/day.
The well was deepened about 120 ft in a month. with increasing lost
circulation and kicks. until operations were effectively at a standstill. Af-
ter a considerable delay. which included several cement jobs, circulation
was established at total depth. A 5-in. Fj liner was run and cemented with
limited returns.The top of the liner tested satisfactorily. and the well sub-
sequently was completed as a commercial producer.
This combination of lost-circulation and gas kicks is probably one of
the most difficult. risky. and expensive drilling operations that can be at-
tempted. Before setting the loin. casing. the last 3.000 ft of hole was drilled
at an average of about 90 feet per day.The lower hole below casing was
drilled at an overall average rate of 20 feet per day.The lower formations
were slightly harder, but the extra time was caused primarily by combat-
ing lost circulation, circulating out gas kicks, and mixing mud.
That operations were surprisingly free of stuck pipe and similar prob-
lems is attributed to setting the loin. casing and employing experienced,
qualified operating personnel. The obvious problem here was the
underdesigned casing program. As a note of interest, subsequent wells
were drilled in the area by extending the casing depths, although they did
allow the option of an extra string of casing.
Depleted Reservoirs
The term "depleted reservoirs," as used here, refers to those res-
ervoirs where the pressure is less than the original, often substan-
tially so. Depleted reservoirs are becoming an increasingly common
and important consideration for deeper drilling operations in older
fields. Associated problems include sidetracking and redrilling
junked production wells, and drilling infield wells, disposal wells,
and wells for secondary and tertiary recovery.
There is very little information in the literature about detecting
depleted formations from pore-pressure plots. Operators intuitively
expect conventional pore-pressure plots to predict the original pres- .
sure condition. Based on limited evidence, this expectation is valid.
For example, a geopressured gas reservoir was produced, so pres-
sures declined from 30% to 60% of original pressure. Wells drilled
later had pore-pressure characteristics through the overlying transi-
tion and geopressured zones similar to the original wells.
Lost circulation is the main problem when drilling into and
through depleted formations. It may be necessary to protect the de-
Depleted Reservoir
A shallow, high-volume gas well was drilled and completed in a nor-
mal-pressured. high-permeability sand at 2,200 ft. After an extended pro-
ducing life, the well was effectively junked when a packer and some tubing
were lost in the hole during a workover. Bottomhole pressure was 17Spsi
(I.S3-lb/gal. 0.079S-psi/ft) and the formation had sufficient remaining re-
coverable reserves to justify drilling a replacement well, providing the for-
mations were not damaged.
Replacement well plans included setting SI/2-in. casing on top of the
sand, drilling a 4Y2-in. hole through the sand with clear water containing
potassium chloride (KCI) (8.8-lb/gal. 0.4S76 psi/ft). hanging a slotted liner
hung on a pack-off-type hanger, and completing the well through 2%-in.
open ended tubing. Only a minimum amount of water would be lost to the
68 Chapter 1
formation - part of it would be recovered by swabbing and the remain-
der would dissipate into the formation without causing appreciable dam-
The well was drilled and completed according to the plan.There was
intermittent, partial circulation while drilling through and below the sand,
recovering some cuttings. After drilling to total depth and picking up, the
crew checked the hole for cuttings and had negligible fill-up after one
hour. The slotted liner was run a':ld seated without difficulty.The well was
swabbed in through tubing, and flowed intermittent heads of water, gas,
and finally, dry gas. An estimated 20% of the water lost in the hole was
recovered.The well was placed on production and produced satisfactorily
without stimulation.
The depleted formation had a pore-pressure equivalent of 1.53-lb/gal
and was drilled with 8.8-lb/gal m'ud, a considerable difference. However,
the fracture pressure of the depleted formation was calculated at 11.39-
Ib/gal by Eaton's method. This indicated the well could be drilled with nor-
mal mud weight without lost circulation due to fracturing. Therefore, the
only apparent risk was seepage-type lost circulation, which was shown
earlier to be of minor concern.
The best estimated current bottom hole pressure was about 5,000
psi. which indicated that the well could be drilled without the liner. How-
ever, mud weights were critical, so equivalent circulating densities were
calculated at different yield points and circulating rates at 10,000 ft, as
listed in Table 1-8.
70 Chapter 1
Because of the wide margin of error, it was decided to use the con-
ventional program and make the final decision to set the liner after drilling
to the liner-setting depth.
The well was spudded and drilled in the normal manner. While drill-
ing the upper sand, a minimum mud weight was maintained primarily by
monitoring the gas in the mud and carefully considering drill gas, which at
times may be confused with gas that flows into the well bore due to an
underbalanced mud system.
The upper sand was drilled' with a maximum mud weight of 15.6 Ib/
gal. About 50 bbls. of mud were lost almost immediately after drilling
about 50 ft into the lower sand. Circulation was regained after a short
time and the hole was drilled to total depth with 15.7-lb/gal mud. Casing
was run and cemented and the well completed in the normal manner.The
lost circulation in the lower sa'nd was attributed to either a depleted,
high-permeability sand stringer or loss into a fracture.
72 Chapter 1
on its own. The obvious preventive measure is "drill a straight hole,"
but this is not always possible. Maintaining an excessively low de-
viation may cause increased cost. If there is a natural tendency for
the hole to deviate and it does not adversely offset operations, allow
it to deviate. Control the deviation only if it is excessive. Formation
conditions may increase the cost of maintaining deviation and dogleg
within acceptable limits. However, this additional cost often is justi-
fied in view of potential hole problems and the possibility of a lost
hole, especially in deeper holes. The main point is to be aware ofthe
risk, evaluate the problem, and take action accordingly.
Use the correct assembly and operate it correctly. Do not wait
too long to take the positive preventive action. First, try reducing bit
weight and increasing rotary speed. Otherwise, run a packed hole
assembly, which tends to drill a straight hole in the same direction
as the prior hole. This reduces crooked hole but may not help devia-
tion. The stiffness of the assembly should be adjusted based upon
formation and hole conditions. Deviation can be reduced or main-
tained by drilling with a regular packed-hole or forced pendulum.
Use an angle-building assembly if hole angle drops excessively. Re-
move or reduce excessive crooked hole by reaming.
Running a deviation assembly can correct the hole direction if
horizontal control is needed or if other procedures are ineffective or
cause excessive drilling time. DO NOT overcorrect with an exces-
sive change of angle that may cause a dogleg. Ream after deviating to
remove sharp bends and smooth the curvature. Eliminate sidetrack-
ing or deviating whenever possible. Deviate on the low side of the
hole instead of blind sidetracking to minimize the sidetracking angle.
Set casing at or very near bottom to eliminate long sections of larger-
diameter hole.
Highly deviated, extended-reach and horizontal holes create spe-
cial problems. Evaluate the risk before drilling and then take all pre-
cautions. Otherwise, eliminate crooked holes whenever possible.
Permissible dogleg severity varies for different areas of opera-
tion. The acceptable deviation and dogleg limits should be defined
in the drilling program.
74 Chapter 1
Table 1-10 Recommended maximum deviation and
dogleg angles
5,000 0 - 100 I 4
100 - 1,000 2 4
1000 - 5,000 4 4
10,000 0 - 100 1/2 3
100 - 1,000 I 3
1,000 - 5,000 2 4
5,000 - 10,000 5 4
15,000 0 - 100 '/ 3
100 - 1,000 1/2 3
1,000 - 5,000 I 4
5,000 - I0,000 3 3
10,000 - 15,000 8 3
20,000 0 - 100 <I/ 3
100 - 1,000 1/4 3
1,000 - 5,000 '/2 4
5,000 - 10,000 3 2
10,000 - 15,000 5 3
15,000 - 20,000 8 3
76 Chapter 1
Mathews, W.R., and Kelly, Dr. John, "How to Predict Formation
Pressure and Fracture Gradients," Oil and Gas Journal, Feb.
Nederveld, L.S., and Vleaux, G.J., "A Barite Alternative," Drilling-
DCW, April 1980: 80-84.
Saasen, Arild, Marken, Craig, Sterri, Njal, and Jacobsen, Jon,
"Monitoring of Barite Sag Important in Deviated Drilling," Oil
and Gas Journal Aug. 26, 1991: 43-50.
Short, J.A., "Jim," DrjJ]ing and Casing Operations, PennWell
Publishing Company, Tulsa, OK, 1981.
Short, J.A. "Jim," Introduction to Directional Drilling, PennWell
Publishing Company, Tulsa, OK, 1993.
Stein, N., "Resistivity and Density Logs Key to Fluid Pressure
Estimates," Oil and Gas Journal, April 8, 1985: 81-86.
Tomren, P.H., Iyoho, A.W., Azar, J.J., "Experimental Study of
Cuttings Transport in Directional Wells," SPE Drilling
Engineering, Feb. 1986.
Walker, C.O., "Alternate Weighting Material" SPE 1116, Presented
at the annual Fall Technical Conference of the Society Of
Petroleum Engineers of AIME in New Orleans, LA, Sept. 26-
29, 1982.
Wilson, G.J., "Dog-Leg Control in Directionally Drilled Wells,"
Transactions AIME, 1967,240: 1-107.
Zamora, Mario, and Hanson, Paul, "Rules of Thumb to Improve
High-Angle Hole Cleaning," Petroleum Engineer International,
Jan. 1991:44-51;Feb. 1991:22-27.
Competent personnel with experience in both drilling and fish-
ing operations and with good communications skills are absolute
necessities to prevent fishing and to conduct operations successfully
when fishing occurs. A good understanding of fishing tools and their
application aids in successfully completing fishing operations.
Fishing is not a normal drilling operation, but specialized, analo-
gous to casing and cementing. Most personnel are less familiar with
these procedures. Take extra precautions because unfamiliarity leads
to mistakes which, in turn, may cause additional fishing or a second
fish and the risk of losing the hole. The importance of experienced,
conscientious personnel and good communications cannot be over-
emphasized. A well-qualified specialist in preventing fishing jobs
would be of great value. There will always be occasions where high
82 Chapter 2
Figure 2-1 Hole opener cutter and shank recovered in a
junk basket
-- ~---~
" "',--'"
$ m \\~
~ II! /]J III \\\%~
Roller cutter
/11I!Jill ill ~ ~ ~--i...........
\_) c ~.......... Shank
~ l
--- ------------
In (a), sidetrack started as a ledge: a light application of wt on the bit should crush the
ledge, forcing the bit into the original hole. In (b) and (c), the ledge is increasing but
probably can be eliminated. In (d), the hole is sidelracked; probably will be very difficult
to reenter the original hole. The sequence Irom (a) through Ie) can occur in a few
84 Chapter 2
This was a lucky(?) fishing job. Normally, the basket would not have
caught the cone shank combination, or the fish would have been dragged
out of the basket by the protruding edge of the shank as it rubbed on the
wall while being pulled. Nevertheless, it was recovered, and considerable
rig time was saved by taking immediate action.
. List the drill pipe, drill tubing, or work string being used.
Include the weight, grade, and condition. Note the tool
joint type and OD. List other details such as hard banding,
wear groove, etc. Repeat this for other pipe strings in com-
. bination assemblies.
List detailed information about the drill-collar assembly,
including overall length, type of connector, and ID. List
the length of each collar and OD at each end and in the
middle of the collar. Record the length and diameter of
Tool joint
Fixed-blade stabilizer
0.75 fl
1.43 ft
in. 00 tool joint
in. 00
-t Junk sub
4.'" t'
6-1/8 in. 00
Tool joint
4- 6-1/8 in. 00
Near bit stabilizer
0.95 It 8-5/8 in. overblades
3.201t + ~ 6-3/8 in 00
1- ,}/::s?:(?r{:~;!~y::::/~!i.j Bottom of fish, 8.508 It
Note record 105where applicable
86 Chapter 2
length measurements and %2 in. for diameters. Measure diameters
so there is no allowance for wear. Accurate measurements are very
important because they help determine the type and size of the catch
Then verify the overpull based upon the allowable strength of
the weakest member in the complete assembly. Normally allow for
buoyancy and calculate as provided for in the section "Overpull" in
Chapter 3. This is a very important consideration for working a stuck
fish. The overpull should be known, but verify it.
Next, learn all about the wellbore, formations, and related con-
ditions. Normally the operating personnel will know these, but a
review is warranted. Hole conditions include inclination, crooked
hole, dogleg, keyseating, wall sticking, high torque and drag, etc.
Formation conditions and characteristics include the type of forma-
tion, caving, fluid sensitivity, lost circulation, drillability, tendency
to cause a crooked hole, increasing severity with time, and other
items that adversely affect operations. Review the mud properties.
If the cause of the failure and the method ofrecovering the fish is
not readily apparent, check all other sources of information includ-
ing discussions with personnel. Records include drilling reports, well
logs, mud and bit records, lithology logs, geolograph charts, etc.
Geolograph charts (current and prior) are a good source of informa-
tion on pipe weight, excess drag and torque, and keyseat develop-
ment. They also help detect leaks in the drillstring. A mud report
may show minor contamination that has recently become more se-
This procedure is time well spent. A complete study of all infor-
mation almost invariably leads to a plan of action and indicates the
correct fishing procedure. It also provides information for the post-
88 Chapter 2
Always record complete dimensions of all equipment run in the
hole. This is noted several times in the text and repeated here for
emphasis. The initial equipment may be obvious. If so, arrange for
delivery as early as possible, even before completing the plan of ac-
tion if necessary. Provide for reserve equipment and subsequent
equipment deliveries. Anticipate requirements and make arrange-
ments accordingly. DO NOT WAIT ON FISHING EQUIPMENT ex-
cept in extraordinary cases. DO NOT modify fishing plans because
of equipment availability. This normally is not an acceptable prac-
tice, except as a last alternative, so use good judgment.
90 Chapter 2
long-range plan. It may be based upon various actions. The most
common are after a certain type of action or operation is unsuccess-
ful, a fixed time limit, or a fixed expenditure limit. This plan does
not necessarily have to be made as soon as fishing starts, but it should
be developed early in the job. Like all plans, it must be flexible, yet
followed rigorously unless new developments warrant a change.
Recognize that some fishing jobs are unsuccessful and must be ter-
minated before completion. .
Consult with geologists, reservoir engineers, and others respon-
sible for a well before starting an extensive fishing job. This may
help determine whether fishing is warranted and provide guidance
concerning the course of action. For example, the geological infor-
mation found in the well may indicate that reserves above the fish
may be sufficient to justify completion without fishing. The same
information may also indicate that deeper reserves do not warrant
fishing or justify drilling at a different surface location that has more
Determine when to stop fishing early in the life of the job. Often
there will be several more procedures or operations to try when the
time to abandon a fishing job approaches. But unless the fishing job
has been progressing satisfactorily and is near completion, these last-
minute efforts are frequently unsuccessful. If there has been enough
time to try all reasonable, practical methods, it is time to try another
In some cases, fishing results may change the course of action,
and the operator must select an alternate plan. Assume a drilling
assembly stuck below prospective producing horizons. The plan
could be to continue fishing for a period of time and, if results are
unsuccessful. either complete through the stuck assembly or back
off and run casing. If an additional fish were lost in the hole above
the prospective producing horizon and plugged on the inside, this
would eliminate the available alternative and require selecting a dif-
ferent, and often less favorable, long-range plan.
It is difficult to determine when a fishing job should be termi-
nated, but the decision must be made and may lead to completion
problems as illustrated in the following example.
92 Chapter 2
One main criterion for determining when to stop fishing or what
other action to take often is controlled by economics. Calculate these
in a regular manner. For example, sidetracking economics includes
the cost to sidetrack and redrill, compared to the estimated cost to
recover the fish. Sidetracking includes the cost to set a cement plug,
dress off and sidetrack the hole and drill to the point where the hole
was lost. Base the redrilling cost on the actual cost from the original
well. Allow for problems if appropriate. However, economics may
be less important in some situations. For example, if a wildcat well
drilling a large favorable prospect is lost, then this may be taken as
the risk loss of doing business and the prospect redrilled.
Prudent operations or obligatory considerations may override
economics. It may even be mandatory to continue fishing. Some-
times the fish left in the hole allows communication between oil and
gas zones so reservoir energy is lost, thus reducing recoverable re-
serves. The fish may provide an undesirable channel for fresh or
saltwater into productive zones.
The fish may include a radioactive tool such as a neutron source.
Regulatory agency rules normally require a diligent effort to recover
the tool or isolate it with cement. Otherwise future operations must
be conducted so they are a safe minimum distance from the radioac-
tive tool. Normally regulatory agency approval is required prior to
abandoning the hole.
Many other factors affect the decision to quit fishing. Some of
these include length and depth of the open hole, the type of forma-
tion, hole sizes and depths. The overall effect of all factors must be
considered when deciding whether to quit fishing. If it is determined
that fishing will be unsuccessful, four alternatives are available: (1)
plug back and sidetrack; (2)plug and redrill; (3)complete in, through.
or above the stuck assembly; or (4) plug and abandon the hole.
Sidetracking often is an obvious alternative to continued fish-
ing. Normally it is a relatively easy procedure, but it may be compli-
cated by hole and formation conditions. Vertical, directional, and
horizontal wells may be sidetracked in open or cased holes. There
may be more problems sidetracking in high-angle directional and
horizontal holes, especially in horizontal holes. Sidetracking in cased
holes often is more difficult because of the need to mill part of the
If sidetracking is a reasonable option, consider whether the cas-
ing was used to eliminate a formation problem, since the same for-
mations may be exposed in the sidetracked hole. Sidetracking in or
near pore pressure transition zones can be especially difficult, espe-
cially for casing set into the transition zone. This casing normally
prevents lost circulation in the higher zones with lower pressure
because of the heavier mud required to drill the higher pressured
94 Chapter 2
Figure 2-4 Completing in or above a fish
... -- .
... Cement
... ......
- - -..
.. ... ...
. Bit
Post-analysis of a fishing job basically includes a report of what
happened, how it was corrected, and what action will prevent it from
happening in the future. The report is not intended to and should
not be used to place blame. Any criticism should be constructive.
Prepare the report a relatively short time after finishing the fishing
job. The person directly in charge of the fishing job normally prepares
the report. Also have it reviewed by the various personnel involved.
Much of the information for the report is found in the earlier
investigations to learn all details, the fishing plan of action, and when
to quit. Often there is a tendency to forget all about the fishing job
when it is over. This is somewhat natural. But something should be
learned from almost any fishing job.
Learning what happened may prevent a future occurrence. For
example, a fishing job may be caused by a pin failure in the lower
drill-collar assembly. Check the remaining drill collar tool joints. If
one c.onnector failed, the other connections were exposed to the same
conditions and also subject to failure. The connectors could have
failed from excess torque. This means restricting future operations
to decrease torque or increasing the frequency of inspections to de-
tect damaged connectors.
The Post Fishing Report is not "hindsight," but an attempt to
learn the facts and make logical deductions. The following questions
are examples of what should be considered.
96 Chapter 2
. Was the drill- or work string stuck differentially, with drill
cuttings or caving, an object dropped down the hole, or in
. recent past?
Was the mud weight being increased or decreased? Were
the mud properties being changed, or did the mud contain
. dissolved gas?
What are the formation characteristics (sands, washouts,
. doglegs, etc.)?
Give a complete description of the fish with all measure-
ments, where it was stuck or positioned, and other perti-
nent details.
. Was immediate action initiated? What was done and how
effective was it? What other actions should have been
. taken?
What equipment or materials were on location to aid in
immediately freeing stuck pipe or initiating the fishing
operations? Should additional equipment or materials be
. Was a fishing job required? Were there obligatory reasons
Guides to fishing generally apply to all fishing or sticking situa-
tions. General guides are more detailed with a broad application.
Summary guides generally are short, explicit, and to the point. These
are similar to general preventive actions. Many guides are included
in various places in the text. Some are summarized here as remind-
ers, not necessarily listed in the order of importance.
98 Chapter 2
uncommon in these conditions to lose a second or even third fish in
the hole while fishing.
Priority of Operations
Remember, the main objective is to recover the fish. Other opera-
tions may be required as a secondary objective. It may be necessary
to complete the secondary objective, such as removing a keyseat by
reaming, before returning to the .primary objective of fishing.
Do not continuously repeat unsuccessful operations or proce-
dures. A procedure may be indicated as the best way, but if it does
not work after several attempts, then try something else.
Operations Recorders
There are various types of recorders used in drilling operations.
Various parameters are recorded, such as drill string movement and
weight, rotary torque, pump pressure and strokes, pit volume, mud
properties, and others, depending upon type and number of
These tools help both during drilling and in sticking and fishing
situations, serving many useful purposes. They aid in checking for
and verifying problems, and possibly in determining procedures for
solving them. A close check of the mud pressure and volume and
pump strokes helps detect leaks before they cause a fishing job. Mud
gas detectOl:s show the amount of gas in the mud, serving as an early
warning of a kick. Pit volume and flow-line recorders help detect
kick situations in time to control them with only minor difficulty
and risk. Pit volume totalizers determine very small volumes of lost
circulation and whether the hole is filling properly when pulling the
pipe. The pipe depth and weight recorders help to determine whether
keyseats are forming and the amount of pipe drag. Torque recorders
indicate hole condition. Other parameters can be recorded depend-
ing upon need.
100 Chapter 2
.. Do not wait on fishing tools.
Pore Pressure
Pore pressure is the pressure of the fluid within the pore space
of the formation. Normally it is equivalent to the hydrostatic pres-
102 Chapter 2
sure exerted by a column of water with a vertical height equal to the
depth to the point of measurement. Normal pressure gradients de-
pend upon the salinity ofthe water in the pore spaces. Salinity ranges
from a freshwater gradient of 0.433 psi/ft or 8.33 Ib/gal to more com-
mon saltwater, which has 20,000 ppm Cl, equivalent to 0.442 psi/ft
or 8.5 Ib/gal. Higher gradients of saltwater with 80,000 ppm Cl equiva-
lent to 0.468 psi/ft or 9.0 Ib/gal occur.
Abnormal pore pressures are those above or below the normal
range. They commonly have a'limited areal extent. The common or-
der is increasing pressure with depth, but pressure reversals occur
with a lower pressure below a zone of higher pressure.
The most common causes of abnormal pressures are geological
conditions such as tectonic forces, depth of burial, rate of sedimen-
tation, matrix strength, and varying degrees of repressured or de-
pleted formations. They commonly occur in basins and areas con-
taining sediments, such as shale beds over several hundred feet thick,
that serve as a pressure seal. Sand sections within these geopres-
sured shales frequently are over-pressured.
High-pressure formations have pore pressures in the range of 0.62
psi/ft or 121b/gal to 0.78 psi/ft or 151b/gal, but some exceed 1.10
psi/ft or 21.21b/gal. Subnormal or low pore pressure formations have
pressures as low as 0.25 psi/ft or 4.8 Ib/gal.
Abnormal pressure formations with high permeability cause
problems ranging from blowouts to lost circulation. Otherwise they
are not dangerous to drill as long as the formation has a very low
permeability so fluids cannot move into or out of the wellbore at
dangerously high rates. High-pressure formations containing gas are
potentially more dangerous than those containing oil or water be-
cause of the greater compressibility and reduced density of gas com-
pared to a liquid.
Pore-Pressure Plots
Pore-pressure plots help detect and predict pore pressure. They
are a major aid in locating and evaluating transition zones and the
magnitude of increasing or decreasing pore pressure. They help se-
lect the optimum mud weight to maximize penetration rates and
maintain a margin of safety to prevent kicks. The plots are based
primarily upon drilling and geological information as listed in Table
The data listed in Table 2-1 are used to develop the plots listed in
Table 2-2.
104 Chapter 2
pressure plots on wells in the area, and similar data. They serve as a
guide for preparing the drilling and casing program and as a general
reference to help interpret pore-pressure plots constructed while
drilling. Often these are less accurate and definitive compared to
drilling pore-pressure plots.
Drilling pore-pressure plots are prepared primarily from data and
meassurements recorded during drilling. Measurement-while-drill-
ing instruments can be very heJpful because they record electric log-
type data that is immediately available.Having immediate data is a
major advantage over waiting until a section is drilled and logged.
Data recorded after logging is normally too late to help with drilling
the well.
Gather and plot data in a c:;onventional manner. Plot at the cor-
rect depth by correcting for lag, usually on two- or three-cycle log
paper. Common plotting scales include l-in.ll00 ft for detecting
trends and l-in.ll0 ft for finer definition. Recognize that a base-line
shift may be required at major geological boundaries.
Normally use the general area pore-pressure gradient as a base
line. Plotted points give the pore pressure above or below this. Ref-
erence these from the base line with standard scales. However, there
is always a question about the accuracy of these standard scales in
each specific well because every well seems to be exceptional. Also,
standard scales may not be available for wildcat wells. Calibrate and
correct the standard scales by determining the pore pressure when-
ever possible.
Obtain a starting pore pressure with a leak-off test in the open
hole immediately below the casing shoe. Conducting the test cor-
rectly will not hamper operations. Leak-off tests at greater depths
may be unreliable because the point of leakage may be indetermi-
nate due to longer openhole sections. An openhole drillstem test
often provides pore pressure at a specific depth.
Various types of gas include gas shows, swabbed gas, connection
gas, drill gas, trip gas, drill cuttings gas and background gas. Relate
the depth of gas entry by lag time. Some of these are more accurate
and others, such as swab gas, may give a false show. Connection and
trip gas and some gas shows may indicate the pore pressure subject
to the mud weight. Do not confuse connection gas with drill gas.
Sand stringers in massive shale sections can be very good indicators
of pore pressure, especially when drilling near balance. Use gas-cut
mud data with caution because of the tendency of gas to migrate into
the mud, especially oil mud. Check the effect of background gas due
to the natural gas content in oil mud by measuring the amount of gas
in weathered diesel.
Transition Zones
Transition zones are the depth interval in which the pressure
gradient changes from the gradient in the upper zone to an abnormal
pressure in the lower zone. They usually also represent the changing
geological environment between the two pressure regimes. They are
based on pressures but defined in terms of pressure gradients.
Prevent kicks and possible blowouts while drilling by detecting
transition zones. Predict the extent oftransition zones to select exact
casing points, especially in situations requiring precise mud weight
control. Wells have been either lost or abandoned before reaching
total depth because of setting one or more casing strings too high, a
costly, preventable mistake.
Pressure gradient changes across transition zones are relatively
constant but variations occur. Several transition zones may occur in
a wellbore but one is most common. Most zones have increasing gra-
dients but decreasing gradients occur. Small gradient changes may
not be significant, but larger changes can be very important.
Detect transition zones by their special properties, mainly using
pore pressure plots (Fig. 2-5) and indicators described in the section
on kick detection. Verify the transition zone by correlation with
nearby wells if data are available. The nearest well may be a long
distance away but pore-pressure plots tend to be similar over large
areas. Detection in exploratory wells may be more difficult but nor-
mally should not be a major problem with the volume of potential
information and the reliability of drilling indicators.
106 Chapter 2
Figure 2-5 Pore-pressure plot
20-in. ,!if 500 It
2 13 3/B-in.
@ 2,000 It
\ \
.<:: \ \
OJ \
10f- \\ \ I I 9 5/8-in. at 10,000tt
\ \
12 f-
\ \
\ } I
14 / /
-- I I - @ 14.800 II
161- I I / .- - 5-11).
FJ line' at 16.000 tt
18 .....-....-.......--.-.....-..
The comment has been made too often to the effect that a well
was drilling ahead in a normal manner when "all of a sudden it drilled
off into a high pressure zone and kicked!" The most probable hap-
pening in this case was failure to observe drilling indicators and
pore-pressure plots. This should and can be prevented, Transition
and high-pressure zones, like keys eats, warn the observant operator.
108 Chapter 2
The data in Table 2-3 illustrate general pore-pressure changes in
transition zones. DO NOT USE for a specific well.
Blowout detection and prevention procedures are well estab-
lished. As an important note of warning, maintain the blowout con-
trol equipment to keep it in good operating condition and adequately
tested. The crews should be well trained with blowout drills.
A kick occurs when formation fluids, usually gas,.oil, saltwater
(kick fluids) or a combination ofthese over-balance the mud column
and begin flowing into the wellbore and toward the surface. They
always create a high-risk condjtion. Most are preventable. However,
they can be detected in sufficient time to control them, minimizing
any serious problems. Otherwise they endanger personnel and can
cause situations ranging from stuck pipe to a blowout and loss of the
hole. In any drilling situation, and especially during kicks or blow-
outs, be aware of gas and oil, which are highly inflammable. Satis-
factorily predicting transition zones and detecting and controlling
kicks has been verified by extensive, reliable field experience.
Kick detection is the procedure of identifying a kick, the precur-
sor of a blowout. It includes monitoring various indicators and
recognizing when to take action. The most successful detection rec-
ognizes the kick very shortly after it occurs and in time to control it
before a blowout develops. In the optimum case, it may not be nec-
essary to shut the well in.
Detect kicks by monitoring various indicators. Prepare pore-pres-
sure plots, update and review as necessary to detect transition zones
and determine the correct, safe mud weight. Increased penetration
rate, flowline increases and continued flow during connections have
consistently been the best and earliest indicators of a kick, followed
closely by flowline and pit volume increases, gas in the mud, and
the shape and increased volume of cuttings and caving. Look for
tabular, splintery-shaped cuttings with sharp edges, and sometimes
conchoidal-shaped sides. Gas in the mud includes background, con-
nection gas, trip gas, and cuttings gas. Gas analysis for the individual
components gives a good indication of the type of kick fluids. Check
micro-fossils or their environmental indicators if they are known to
be associated with the transition zone. Increasing mud chlorides may
indicate a pending saltwater flow.
Generally drill with a near-balanced mud system. Contrary to
popular opinion, this is probably the safest and most economical
procedure. Drilling generally is faster with fewer problems, and kick
Controlling a kick is the procedure of circulating and removing
kick fluids while maintaining full control of the well and restoring it
to a safe operating condition. The following kill procedure is a brief
Slow pump rates are used to help kill a kick. Normally two are
recorded at about one-third and two-thirds of the normal pump rate
while drilling. Record the pressure and pump strokes per minute
(SPM) on the daily report. Kill procedures depend upon the situa-
tion when a kick occurs. A very minor kick may be circulated out
without closing the pipe rams.
In most cases, stop drilling. shut down the mud pump. pick up
the pipe until the bottom of the kelly is above the rotary, shut the
well in by closing the UPPER drillpipe rams and record the shut-in
pressures. ALWAYS close the UPPER pipe rams, leaving the lower
pipe rams as a safety shut-off or as a replacement for the top pipe
rams if they are damaged or become worn.
The shut-in drill pipe pressure determines the pressure and mud
weight needed to kill the well. The initial pit volume increase indi-
cates the volume of kick fluids entering the wellbore at the pressure
conditions where the fluid enters the wellbore. Normally increase
the mud weight and circulate the well with the correct mud weight
to kill it, preferably in one circulation. Circulate through the drill pipe
and out the choke manifold at one of the slow pump rates based
upon the SPM. Control the flow rate through the choke manifold to
obtain the same drillpipe pump-in pressure for the slow pump rate
SPM being used. Two or more circulations may be required for high
volume kicks or those in which there is a high gas content in the kick
Gas solubility in oil mud can increase the risk in some kick situ-
ations. Normal free gas expands due to the decreasing pressure as it
moves up the hole. The increased gas volume is released through the
BOP choke manifold as noted. However, additional gas may be solu-
bilized in oil mud. Pressure reduces as the mud moves uphole and
dissolved gas in the oil phase "flashes" out of solution. This gas in-
creases both the amount of gas available for expansion and the ex-
110 Chapter 2
Reaming can be a high-risk operation. Reaming is probably the
most common cause of unintentional sidetracking. Other risks while
reaming incl ude sticking the assembly and twisting off. The severity
ofreaming problems probably approaches that of keys eating and "vall
sticking. Ream only when absolutely necessary. ALWAYS ream with
the correct type of assembly and operate it carefully.
Normally ream with the recommended assembly, usually a drill
collar reaming, wiping assembly, or string reamers. Reaming with a
regular assembly and bit is seldom effective except when reaming a
newly drilled hole.
The drill collar reaming assembly is the most common reaming
tool. It is most commonl y used for reaming near bottom, but is also
used for reaming higher in the hole.
The assembly is similar to a packed-hole or stiff assembly. It has
two stabilizers separated by two drill collars, with a reamer located
between them. The reamer may be a vertical or spiral-blade type or
three- or six-point roller reamer. Use full-gauge tools and larg(~ d iarn-
eter drill collars to increase.
The two end stabilizers act as fulcrums or contact points. The
drill collars act like a leaf spring, forcing the reamer(s) to cut into the
inner wall. This helps straighten a crooked hole section or remove a
keyseat. In severe cases it may be necessary to run a more limber
assembly with smaller drill collars and possibly an extra collar be-
tween the stabilizers. A more aggressive tool may have two reamers
separated by a drill collar, all between the two stabilizers. Usually
drilling jars and a bumper sub are run on top of the drill-collar
112 Chapter 2
There is a high risk of sidetracking when reaming off bottom
with this assembly. Eliminate this with careful operations and by
running a pilot bit or bull-nose type hole opener. These virtually
eliminate the risk of sidetracking. DO NOT use an under-gauge or
worn bit for severe reaming.
Normally ream with a slightly faster rotary. Do not ream too long
at anyone point. Several moderately fast, light reaming passes are
much better than one slow pass. Try to smooth or open the hole over
several runs, reaming completely through the crooked, deviated, or
dogleg section. This reduces the risk of sidetracking and leaves a
smoother wall.
Do not force the reaming assembly into a very tight hole with
excessive weight because of the risk of sticking. If the reaming as-
sembly is too aggressive and causes "very hard running," then pull it
and run one that is less aggressive. After reaming, run the next as-
sembly into the hole carefully. There may still be a risk of sticking.
It is very important to keep the pipe moving downward, picking
up as necessary, while reaming with a reaming assembly or even a
regular assembly. Otherwise there is a high risk of sidetracking, es-
pecially with a bit on bottom. The bit may form a ledge if the pipe
begins to take weight and the reaming rate slows. This leads to side-
tracking. Often a developing ledge can be eliminated by increasing
the weight and reducing the rotary speed so the bit slips off the ledge
and back into the original hole. Usually, the best practice is to ream
with the heaviest weight possible, depending upon torque and col-
lar weight. Use the combination of weight and rotary speed that gives
the highest reaming rate. Reaming problems are illustrated in the
following example.
String Reamer
String reamers are conventionally run in the drillstring. They
ream while drilling or with the bit off-bottom to remove keyseats
and, less commonly. to remove a crooked hole. One reamer is most
common but two may be used. sometimes separated by a joint of
The string reamer is moderately efficient, but there is a high risk
of twisting or backing off, or of tool joint failure, often due to metal
fatigue. Run them only when the keyseat cannot be wiped out with a
drill collar keyseat wiping assembly or even a regular keys eat wiper.
String reamers are somewhat of a last resort tool because of the dan-
ger of failure while running.
A full-gauge, 3600 contact, spiral-type reamer or a six-point reamer
minimizes the fatiguing action on the reamer tool joints compared to
a vertical blade reamer. In soft to medium-hard formations, a spiral
blade stabilizer may provide sufficient cutting action. Use a three- or
six-point roller reamer dressed with cutters designed for the forma-
tion hardness or for reaming in harder and or abrasive formations,
114 Chapter 2
Figure 2-6 Removing a keyseat with a string reamer
a b c
116 Chapter 2 stuck at 2.500 ft. 300 ft off bottom. and was cemented. An unsuc-
cessful fishing job occurred at 5.000 ft and the hole was sidetracked at
4.000 ft. Drilling continued to 12.000 ft. with numerous problems due to
caving formations. lost circulation. high hole deviation. doglegs, and high
drag and torque.
The hole was logged and data indicated the well would have to be
drilled to 14.000 or 15.000 ft to test the objective horizons. Deviation
increased to 15 at the total depth. and the hole was in bad condition.
Four hole sections had an absolute dogleg over 4/1 00 ft. Drill collar ream-
ing assemblies and string reamers were used extensively for the crooked
hole and to ream out keyseats. Pipe drag was excessive. and caving and
lost circulation problems were becoming more severe.
A recommendation to set 7-in. casing was rejected, and the well was
drilled ahead with increasing problems. including severe pipe drag. String
reamers were run most of the time, and in one case two string reamers
were run in different sections of the hole. Three days were spent working
on the keyseat sections with a drill collar keyseat wiping assembly. A ta-
pered drillstring (41/2-4 in.) was run. and the number of drill collars re-
duced to the minimumto reduce overall pipe weight.
On a bit trip at 14.300 ft. the drill collars. were worked up through
several lower keyseats but could not be worked through one at 4,000 ft.
After about 4 hours of work. it was decided to try to drill up through the
keyseat with the wiper on top of the drill collars. This appeared to be
cutting too deeply into the formation. and the pipe was trying to stick.
A string reamer was connected and the pipe was run in the hole. The
keyseat section was reamed for about six hours, passing through the sec-
tion at various times. While picking up, the reamer stuck in the keyseat
where the top of the drill collars originally stuck. It was decided to try to
drill upward and rotate the reamer through the section for a period of
time before working the pipe down and backing off.The pipe was worked
for about two hours when it parted about 6 in. above the top of the first
tool joint above the reamer. A later examination of the break indicated a
fatigue failure.
The fish did not drop as indicated by an impression block, which also
showed the top of the fish forced into the wall of the hole. Various types
of fishing tools were run but could not get over the top of the fish. Most
of these tools had marks on the sides showing that they were passing the
top and hitting the side of the fish. After about 10 days of fishing. the
well was plugged and abandoned.
The direct cause of losing the hole was due to keyseats caused by a
crooked hole.This could have been prevented by using better drilling tech-
niques. including packed-hole assemblies. However, their limited use is
somewhat justified by the excessive formation problems, and they caused
or contributed to one of the fishing jobs and the sidetracking operations.
Not running 7-in. casing was an obvious mistake.
118 Chapter 2
string, or when back torque exceeds about % to Yzturns per 1,000 ft
of open, straight, hole. These are approximate depending upon depth,
length of open hole, deviation, dogleg and related factors.
Generally drag and torque can be reduced by correcting the fac-
tors causing them. Often this requires correction while drilling since
some are difficult to correct later. Drill tool weight reductions can be
effective, especially in the lower hole and for high directional and
horizontal drilling. Split bottomhole assemblies with part ofthe drill
collars in the vertical hole section are very effective in horizontal
holes. Tapered drillstrings and replacement of some drill collars with
heavyweight drill pipe may be helpful. Aluminum drillpipe reduces
weight substantially but causes severe operating problems.
Good mud is essential. Increase water-base mud lubricity eco-
nomically by adding 4-7% diesel oil and mixing well with emulsi-
fying agents. This small amount of oil does not appreciably increase
the lubricity of the drilling mud as measured by common tests. How-
ever, it has been field-proven to help reduce excess drag and torque
and is strongly recommended. It also helps prevent sticking and aids
in releasing stuck assemblies. Oil muds have good lubricating quali-
ties and should always be considered for more demanding situations.
Other additives used to increase mud lubricity include asphalt, al-
cohol-base lubricants, and graphite. However, field practice has in-
dicated questionable results with these additives.
Granulated material such as glass, plastic beads, and ground
walnut hulls have been effective in many cases for reducing excess
drag and torque. Ground walnut hulls can be especially effective in
this case. They also may prevent wall sticking and help reduce mi-
nor, leaking-type lost circulation.
The method(s) by which granulated materials reduce drag and
torque is not well understood. One opinion is that granulated mate-
rials embed into the wall of the formation leaving numerous small
points to hold the drill string off the wall of the hole, thus reducing
torque and drag and the risk of wall sticking. This appears to have
the most merit, based on field experience.
Another opinion is that they act as miniature ball bearings, re-
ducing the friction between the drill string and the walls of the hole.
Therefore they should be most effective in a cased hole. However,
there are fewer problems in cased holes, and field experience does
not support the use of granulated material in this case.
Granulated materials are applicable to most muds but must be
retained in the system to be effective. This generally requires by-
passing the shale shaker since particles are larger than efficiently-
120 Chapter 2
Reducing Drag and Torque with Walnut Hulls
An on-structure wildcat had 9%-in. casing set at 5.000 ft and was
drilling an 83/~-in.hole at 12,000 ft in medium drillability formations with a
standard 41/2-in.drillstring with 7-in collars. Inclination ranged up to 5
with a maximum dogleg of less than r. Pickup drag increased to 25% over
hook load and slack-off drag to 20% below hook load while making con-
nections and working on bottom. Torque gradually increased to 7 rounds
of back torque. The mud was treated with walnut hulls, first using a batch
treatment followed by a continuous treatment. This reduced drag to 10%
of hook load and torque to 2Y2 rounds of back torque.
NOTE:This is only one of many examples of the effectiveness of wal-
nut hulls when used correctly.
Wall sticking, or differential pressure sticking. occurs when a
section ofthe downhole assembly. usually the drill collars, lies next
to and literally sticks to the wall of the wellbore. It can be one of the
more difficult. and least understood. sticking problems. Consequently,
there probably is a higher incidence of wall sticking than is gener-
ally recognized by the industry. One reason for this is the failure to
recognize the type of sticking and to take preventive actions (Fig.
Also, wall sticking is not consistent. As an example, conditions
are frequently favorable for wall sticking when running casing, one
ofthe main reasons for keeping the casing moving until it is cemented.
HoWever, there are instances where casing was run and left sitting
for a relatively long time without sticking. In one case, 7-in. casing
was run to 9,500 ft in an 8%-in. hole, below 1,500 ft of 9%-in. surface
Drill coilar
casing, left sitting on the slips for 1 hour and 40 minutes without
circulating, and the.n picked up, rotated, and cemented without any
problem. However, this is the exception. A similar situation often
occurs in open-hole drillstem testing.
The primary indication of wall sticking is stuck pipe, often rap-
idly and completely, but with full circulation. General indications of
wall sticking are similar to keys eating so it is important to distin-
guish between the two. Circulation is almost always unrestricted,
similar to keys eating. Wall sticking often occurs after the drill tools
122 Chapter 2
remain motionless for a period of time, whereas keys eating gener-
ally occurs when the pipe is moving upward. Wall sticking is more
common when the assembly is at or near bottom. Keyseating tends
to occur on trips and when the pipe is an appreciable distance above
total depth. Casing may become wall stuck, but it seldom, if ever,
Wall sticking very commonly occurs after a drill string keyseats.
Most keyseating occurs at the top of the drill collars. The lower col-
lars press against the side of the wellbore and remain there without
movement, often for an extended period, so there is a high risk of
wall sticking.
Wall sticking occurs when the side of the drill collars comes into
contact with the wall of the open wellbore, when the pipe is at rest.
There have been few, if any, documented cases of wall sticking in
the drillpipe section. Generally, the hydrostatic head of the mud col-
umn exerts a differential pressure into the formation, a main cause
of wall sticking. This differential first seals the perimeter of the con-
tact area with wall cake, cuttings, and other mud solids. Then the
differential pressure acts against the entire contact area to push the
collars against the wall- hence the name of "differential pressure
sticking. "
The forces involved in wall sticking can be estimated. Assume a
pressure differential of O.llb/gal, 0.0052 psi/ft or 520 psi at 10,000
ft. Further assume a contact area 3-in. wide and 25 ft long. Then the
contact area is (25 ft long x 12-in.lft x 6-in. wide) 900 square inches.
The lateral force on pipe under ideal conditions is (900 in.2 x 520
psi/in.2) 468,000 lbs. It is not uncommon to see overbalanced mud in
excess of lIb/gal, which would represent an equivalent lateral force
well into the millions of pounds. The vertical shearing and releasing
forces would be less but still very high, depending upon the coeffi-
cient of friction. This illustrates one of the most important preven-
tive measures: USE MINIMUM MUD WEIGHT.
The effect of a thick wall cake is demonstrated in Fig. 2-8. If
a 4%-in. OD drill collar is pressed through a 1/16-in.wall cake in a
6Y4-in. hole, it could leave a minimum width of about 2 in. subject to
wall sticking. Under the same conditions with a !fa-in. wall cake, the
width increases to over 3 in. This emphasizes the importance of a
thin wall cake to help reduce the risk of wall sticking, so use good
There is no convenient way to measure directly or predict these
forces during operations except by field results, but they can be very
large. Field instruments are available for measuring the sticking
coefficient of mud filter cake. These can be helpful but are seldom
used because of the many unknown forces, areas, and other related
6 1/8-in. 10 hole
with 1/16-in.
wall cake
Assume 4 3/4-in. 00 drill collars flush against the side of a 6 \' 10 ~lole with two
mud-cake thicknesses. Further assume the mud cake is mover! from tJ"tween the
4 3/4-i". drili coliar and the wall of the hole to form a pressure seal al the langential
point where the drill collar 00 intersects the 10 of the hole al the wall cake jO.
With a 1/16-ln. mud cake. circurnferenllallength IS about 2 in. With i1 1:8-01"1.mud
cake, length IS about 3.1S in.. almosl a 60% increase.
-<,/)~;;> /,/
~~l~~ cake
124 Chapter 2
The severity and speed of wall sticking depends upon the size of
the contact area, the magnitude of the differential pressure, and re-
lated factors. The area of contact depends upon the relative differ-
ence in the diameter of the drill collars and the diameter of the hole,
the length of the section, and the wall cake thickness. Sticking can
occur very rapidly, in some cases within a few minutes. Wall stick-
ing is more common in freshly drilled holes, especially while mak-
ing connections and using a low-quality mud. The formations are
apparently not completely sealed at this time, so the pressure differ-
ential is more active. Mud loss is relatively uncommon.
Wall sticking can be prevented in many cases by eliminating the
causes listed in Table 2-4.
All of the factors in Table 2-4 are important, but the ones that
should be emphasized are using good quality, minimum mud weight;
keeping the drill tools moving as much as possible; and taking spe-
cial precautions in crooked, deviated, and horizontal holes, espe-
cially under keyseating conditions. Prevent or alleviate sticking by
setting down a maximum safe weight on the drilling assembly im-
mediately after the assembly wall-sticks, or keyseats.
A keys eat is a slotted or recessed section in the wall of the
wellbore, cut by the movement of the downhole assembly (Fig. 2-9),
or less commonly by a wireline. A section of the downhole assembly
with a larger diameter can wedge into the keyseat, sticking the tools.
Keyseats are a major cause of fishing. The severity of keyseats is
emphasized by the fact that an estimated 20% of all severe fishing
jobs in softer formations and about 40% in harder formations are
related to or caused by keyseats. Almost all keyseats can be detected
and either eliminated or reduced in severity to permit continued
Keyseats occur in almost all formations and at all depths. They
are more common in crooked and deviated holes, especially at higher
angles of inclination. The simplest keyseat usually is near the point
where the wellbore first deviates appreciably from vertical. They often
occur in pairs such as on opposite sides of an S-shaped crooked hole
section. Keyseats may occur in deviated sections either as bottom or
top side keys eats when the hole angle changes in the upward direc-
tion. Keyseats are described in the vertical plane but occur in any
Keyseats develop at varying rates, normally related to factors that
cause them and affect their severity (Fig 2-10). They continue devel-
oping until they are deep enough to stick the drilling assembly. They
develop slower in hard formations but are more difficult to wipe out
and often cause problems for a longer time. The opposite holds true
for softer formations. Layers of alternating hard and soft rocks are
similar. The combination of hard formations and crooked hole, such
as severe doglegs, causes most keyseat problems.
Keyseat growth rate and severity generally increases with time
unless remedial action is taken. Drilling deeper increases the weight
hanging below the keyseat. This allows more time for growth and
126 Chapter 2
Figure 2-9 Keyseats in layered formations
I '
9 -
-'~9- -
~ .'..
Amount 01 material to remove
increases the magnitude of the forces applied to the keys eat area.
The types, sizes, and differences in diameters of component parts of
the drilling assembly and how it is handled also affect the growth of
keyseats. The actual rate of growth after a keyseat starts to develop is
unknown. It is believed to develop at a reducing rate with time be-
cause of the increasing area that must be cut and tho decreased force
available per unit area.
In most cases, keyseats can be detected in time to take preven-
tive action before sticking the pipe. It has been well established that
experienced, conscientious personnel often will detect these prob-
lems by careful observations. Proper prevention includes observing
signs of keyseat development and taking action.
Detect keyseats by observing drill tool action as indicated by
torque and weight, including fluctuations, while drilling, making
connections, and tripping. Begin trying to determine the exact loca-
tion and possible severity of the keyseat when it is first detected or
128 Chapter 2
suspected. Review deviation and directional surveys and informa-
tion on crooked-hole sections. Note hole conditions and informa-
tion on keys eats on the drilling reports and pass them on verbally to
the next crew.
Early detection reduces the risk of sticking. Also it is easier to
ream out a growing keyseat compared to a mature one. If the keyseat
is cleaned out at an early stage, less material must be removed; there-
fore it takes less time and the keyseat can be removed faster and
easier. There is less risk of fatiguing, or possibly having a failure in
the drilling assembly, and the risk of sticking is reduced.
All holes have a natural level of drag and torque. This is rela-
tively low for a straight hole and higher for crooked, deviated, and
horizontal holes. Drag should be reduced at a constant rate as the
pipe is pulled out of the hole. Keyseats may be detected by a peri-
odic increase in drag or pull while moving the assembly upward. If
the weight indicator shows a slight drag or extra pull at 31-ft inter-
vals (assuming schedule 2 drillpipe), this is an indication that the
tool joints are forming a keyseat. When the drill collars reach this
point on the trip out of the hole, there should be an additional pull,
even though it may not be excessive.
The top of the drill collars may ride over a developing keyseat
and show only a moderate pull. This may occur as a higher drag or
pull at the point where the top of the drill collars, stabilizers, ream-
ers, or bit moves upward through the keyseat.
It often is difficult to detect which point on the drilling assembly
is hanging up in the keyseat. If the weight indicator shows extra drag
at 31-ft intervals, and a heavy drag or pull or actual keys eating oc-
curs immediately after the periodic (31 ft) increases in drag, then
there is a high probability that the keyseat is at the top of the drill
collars. This can give a relatively accurate depth measurement to the
bottom of the keyseat. If the periodic increases in drag stop and the
pipe is pulled out of the hole a distance equal to the length of the
drill collars before a heavy drag or possible keyseat occun!, this indi-
cates that the bit is hanging up and again provides a definite depth
to the keyseat.
A similar drag effect in the reverse order may be observed while
running the pipe in the hole. However, this usually is less common
and more difficult to detect. Reamers and stabilizers may cause ad-
ditional drag and torque and mayor may not obscure drag and torque
indicators. Spiral-type. stabilizers frequently cause a torquing effect
on the drill pipe when they pass through a tight section.
It is not uncommon to detect minor indications of a keyseat on
one pipe trip and make a trip later without any problems. Then the
drilling assembly might stick in a keyseat on the next trip, causing a
fishing job. Normally, the second trip after a keys eat is detected will
130 Chapter 2
Figure 2-11 Limit dogleg angle to prevent keyseats
Note: If hole sections a and b are not in the same plane. check
tables of absolute angles to find the absolute dogleg.
Ground level
I Maximum deviation. "/100 It
/ <t
Dogleg, 0/100 It
I <t.
__ -t--I--m__---.
Target area
Prevention basically includes countering the actions that cause
keyseats. It is equally important to recognize the occurrence of
keyseats and take action accordingly. One of the best preventive ac-
tions is to drill a straight. vertical hole, especially with minimum
dogleg (Fig. 2-11). However, sometimes the higher cost of drilling a
straight hole through crooked-hole formations is not justified com-
pared to the cost and risk of preventing keys eats. Other holes are
drilled directionally and some horizontally for economic and other
reasons. Handle these by minimizing the conditions that cause
keyseats, such as drilling smooth curved and straight sections. Oth-
erwise watch for keyseat developments and remove them as neces-
sary. However, the straighter and the more vertical the hole is. the
less trouble will occur because of keyseats.
The most common point subject to keyseating is at the top of the
drill collars. Reduce severity by placing the correct type of keys eat
wiper on top of the drill collars. The recommended wiper is the float-
ing, tapered-sleeve type described in the section "Keyseat Wipers"
in Chapter 3. It serves a dual purpose. It is moderately effective in
wiping out keyseats. especially developing keyscats. More impor-
tant, it is very effective in releasing an assembly kcyseatcd at the top
of the drill collars. Ensure that the keyseat wiper selected has the
proper design and adequate strength to perform the intended opera-
Drilling jars and bumper subs do not aid in releasing a key seated
pipe if the top of the drill collars are stuck in a keys eat and these
tools are below the sticking point. However, they often are very ef-
fective if the assembly is stuck below them, such as at the bit.
Take action immediately when the keyseat is first detected, or
even suspected. The type of action to take ranges from watching the
keyseat for added development to removing it by reaming. It depends
upon various factors. What is the type and weight of the downhole
assembly and does it have a keyseat wiper? What type of formations
are being drilled? Is the hole in good condition? Is it crooked or devi-
ated? How severe is the keyseat?
132 Chapter 2
Keyseats can be removed. However, this seldom removes the
cause, and the keyseat usually begins to form again when drilling
resumes. Remove or partially remove keyseats based upon severity.
Remove very minor keyseats by reaming with the assembly in use,
especially a stiff assembly, or a keys eat wiper run on top of the drill
collars. Otherwise, remove the keyseat by reaming with a keyseat
wiping assembly or string reamer as described in the section "Ream-
The decision of when to clean out a keyseat is based on experi-
ence and knowledge of the particular well conditions. It is not an
easy decision to shut down drilling and spend one or two days wip-
ing out a keyseat, especially when the operations are relatively haz-
ardous. Unfortunately, in field practice there may be a tendency to
wait too long before making the decision.
Releasing keyseated tools is described in the section "Wall Stick-
ing" in Chapter 5.
Wireline Keyseat
Wireline keyseats form when the wire line wears a groove or slot
into the side of the open-hole wellbore. Like tubular-type keyseats,
they most commonly occur in crooked and deviated holes. In a few
cases the wireline may wear a keys eat in a metal obstruction, such as
the bottom of the casing. These are less common but can be very
Drilling a straight hole is the main preventive procedure but is
not always practical. Otherwise, observe the drag on the tool and
ream out the hole if a keys eat begins to develop.
Open-hole logging tools are most commonly keyseated in wireline
keys eats. Like tubulars, if the tool is pulled too tightly into the keyseat,
it will stick and is difficult to remove. In a few cases it can be worked
out of the hole. Otherwise it must be removed by fishing, as described
in the section "Wireline Fishing" in Chapter 6.
134 Chapter 2
Moore, Preston L., DrjJljng Practices Manual, PennWell Publishing
Company, Tulsa, OK, 1974: 269-296.
Sayers, Bob, "Capping Blowouts from Iran's Eight-Year War," World
Oil, Part 1, May 1991: 45-48; Part 2, July 1991: 81-82.
Sonnemann, Paul, "Circulate-and-Weight Well Control Method Has
Several Advantages," Oil ErGas Journal, Jan. 31, 1994: 96-97.
Uzcategul, Humberto, Darrell Hewitt, and Reinaldo Golindano,
"Precise Guidance Puts Record-Depth Relief Well On Target,"
World Oil, June 1991: 39.
Varcoe, Brian E., "Shear Ram Use Affected by Accumulator Size,"
Oil ErGas Journal, Aug. 5, 1991: 34-37.
Watson, Davie W., and Preston Moore, "Momentum Kill Procedure
Can Quickly Control Blowouts," Oil Er Gas Journal, Aug. 20,
1993: 74-77.
Wikie, D.l., and W.F. Bernard, "Detecting and Controlling
Abnormal Pressure," World Oil, July 1981: 129-144.
Williamson, Joseph Stephen, "Casing Wear: The Effect of Contact
Pressure," SPE 10236, Society of Petroleum Engineers, San
Antonio, TX, Oct 5-7,1981.
138 Chapter 3
pressure zones that may affect fishing operations. Fracture sand or
barite plugs may block lost circulation zones or bridge around pipe
in an annular space as a way of holding pressure or preventing the
pipe from dropping. Pipe with left-hand connectors can back out
conventional right-hand connected pipe. Perforating tools help es-
tablish circulation. Logging tools may be used to locate the top ofthe
fish, to determine the extent of sticking, or to obtain pipe stretch
data in order to locate the free point. Other wireline tools run and
detonate a back-off shot or part the pipe by different methods.
When considering the use of a special fishing tool, either be-
come thoroughly familiar with the tool and its operation, or obtain
information about the tool from the supplier. Two fishing tools may
appear similar; usually there are differences. The supplier of each
tool should be considered the final authority on the use and opera-
tion of the equipment. Knowing the tool's appropriate use and op-
eration may also help in selecting between two similar pieces of equip-
ment. If this is insufficient, contact a knowledgeable third party for
An overshot is the most important and widely used fishing tool.
There are many variations of this outside catch tool. Overshots make
a strong catch and are efficient, versatile, and reliable. They prob-
ably have caught over 90% of all fish recovered. Sometimes it is
difficult to disengage the overshot from the fish. Otherwise, the most
common failures are a split shoe, split body, or body connection fail-
ure. Always use the strongest bodied overshot possible (Fig. 3-1).
Single Bowl
The single bowl overshot is the most common overshot and is
widely used. Its basic parts are a top sub, bowl with taper, slip de-
vice, guide, packoff if desired, and various types of shoes. The top
sub connects the drill string with the overshot bowl and also serves
as a stop when engaging the fish. Stops can be inserted to shorten
Top sub
Basket grapple
Mill control
Basket grapple
with long catch stop
Outer seal
Top sub -....
Bowl-.... Bowl
_ Grapple control
Overshot with Overshot with Short Catch
Basket Grapple Spiral Grapple Releasing Overshot
Basket grapple
mill control packer Mill Extension MillGuide Oversize Guide
ered over the fish so that the top of the fish passes through the guide
shoe, slip, or grapple section, and fits up into the bowl of the over-
shot. Do not rotate the overshot excessively since this can damage
the wickers and may prevent catching the fish. When the fishing
assembly is picked up, slips or grapples catch and hold the fish firmly.
Tools and Assemblies 141
The fish is worked as necessary until it is free, and then pulled.
Ordinarily, bumping down during a job is limited because this is a
releasing procedure. Tools such as a stuck pipe log or back-off string
shot can be run through the overshot into the fish if the top of the
fish is open.
The overshot's inner tapered bowl section can be fitted with ei-
ther slips or basket spiral grapples to catch a fish. These tools have
tapered exteriors to conform with bowl tapers. They normally catch
a fish with an outside diameter of about 1/16in. over or under the
nominal catch size of the grapple.
The spiral grapple, or long catch, is a left-hand helix with inte-
rior ridges or wickers. A basket grapple is an expandable split cylin-
der that is helically tapered to conform to the tapered bowl section.
The interior has left-hand wickers. The grapple is equipped with a
key or spine that allows the grapple to move up and down a short
distance inside the bowl and that provides a means of transmitting
torque from the bowl to the grapple. The basket grapple can be a
short catch tool since it has an upper lip that prevents the fish from
traveling up into the bowl. When the basket grapple is used, the fish
must have a clean top and be full-gauge since the basket grapple
only catches the upper few inches of the fish.
The overshot is released if the fish cannot be recovered or if it is
necessary to pull the fishing string. Release the overshot by bumping
down and rotating to the right while slowly lifting the fishing string.
This releases the slips on the conventional right-hand releasing over-
shot so the fishing assembly can be pulled. Sometimes the slips or
grapples may stick when the overshot is subjected to heavy working
loads. The release may then require heavier bumping down and the
application of stronger right-hand torque, often with considerable
effort. If this does not release the fish, then a string shot may be run
and detonated opposite the slips or grapples to jar the fish loose.
When the overshot hangs above the fish, the normal circulating
pattern is down the drillpipe and overshot, around the guide shoe,
and up the annulus. After taking hold of the fish, use the same circu-
lating pattern to remove it. Do not circulate excessively or with high
pressure in this configuration since the mud can erode the catch tool,
causing it to release the fish.
Most overshots can be fitted with packoff elements. These seal
the annular space between the outside top of a fish and the inside of
the lower part of an overshot. This fitting diverts the fluid flow down
into the fish. If circulation can be established through the fish, it
normally is easier to release and recover the fish (Fig. 3-2). Packoffs
usually are not high-pressure devices but will often withstand suffi-
cient pressure to establish circulation through the fish.
142 Chapter 3
Figure 3-2 Overshot circulating patterns
Both the grapples or slips and the circulating packoff can be eas-
ily damaged if the top of a fish is ragged, contains splinters of steel,
or is out of round, bent, or otherwise damaged. For protection, some
overshots can be fitted with a mill control in the lower sub. The mill
control removes burrs and repairs minor damage to the fish's top as
it guides the fish into the overshot. A guide or mill guide retains the
grapple and serves the same purpose. To a limited extent, either may
be dressed with tungsten carbide so the tool can serve as a milling
shoe. The mill may be run below a mill extension guide that has
been fitted to the bottom of an overshot. DO NOT mill excessively
with the mill shoe. There is a risk of breaking the mill shoe or dam-
aging the grapple. Use a regular mill if the top of the fish is severely
It may be best to catch a lower tool joint if it is near the top of the
fish, especially if the condition of the top of the fish is questionable.
Dress the overshot with slips or grapples to catch the tool joint. Se-
lect the bowl length and use bowl extensions so that the grapple,
Triple Bowl
The triple bowl is similar to three single bowl overshots run one
above the other. It contains three catches. The smallest catch is in
the top ofthe bowl and the largest is in the bottom. It is seldom used
144 Chapter 3
because of the increased problems when compared to those of a single
or double bowl tool. Otherwise, the triple bowl is operated similarly
to the single bowl overshot.
Trap Door
The trap door overshot has a slip block that travels on an in-
clined carrier. It catches long, small-diameter fish, such as coil tub-
ing or partially collapsed tubing that may not be completely circular
in its cross section. The trap door is lowered over a fish, which passes
up into the tool and into the drillpipe. The slip block closes against
the fish and holds it for recovery when the overshot is picked up.
A side-door overshot is used to recover wireline as described in
the section "Fishing for Wirelines" in Chapter 6.
The continuous overshot, sometimes known as a full-opening
overshot, is modified for different uses. One type has a full opening
into the running assembly to allow the overshot to slip over a long
fish that then passes up into the fishing string. This type is used
primarily to fish for small diameter tubing strings and coiled tubing
by swallowing long sections.
Casing Bowl
A casing bowl is an outside catch tool sometimes called a casing
patch, external patch, or casing overshot. It is similar to a slim-hole
type, full opening single bowl overshot (Fig. 3-3) and operated in a
similar manner, except it is not designed to be released. It is used to
connect or reconnect casing strings and other large-size tubulars.
Normally a casing bowl is run into a hole on casing to connect to
a casing fish. It is latched onto the top of the casing fish, tension is
applied, and the casing is landed in the casing head and nippled up.
A seal type can be used, or the repair can be cemented. This tool and
its procedures make a good, full-gauge casing repair.
Baskets catch small junk such as bit cones, sidewall cores, bul-
lets, tong dies, and remnants from milling by swallowing them. Vari-
ous types are available.
A regular basket or junk basket has an upper body, a bowl (or
basket), a sub to hold the retainer ring and fingers, and a shoe (Fig.
3-4). The fishing assembly connects to the upper body. The bowl
Upp!)r sub \
Slip ~
Upper slip bowl
Slip bowl
Packing adapter
ring top
Packing rings
Packing adapter
ring bottom
Double Slip
Finger Shoe
Valve cup
Sleel ball
Valve seat
Junk catcher
1't1rLJst bearin~J
Flipper dog
148 Chapter 3
Double catchers partially account for increased tool efficiency
in softer formations. To avoid the problem of broken fingers, the tool
sometimes is drilled down until the bottom is literally plugged with
a core of formation. If the core remains in place while pulling the
tool, it normally will recover any junk left in the bottom of the origi-
nal hole.
To drill a core and keep it in place, start drilling in a normal
manner but with a reduced pump rate. After drilling about 1% ft of
formation, slow the pump rate again, increase the drilling weight,
and reduce the rotary speed. The net effect ofthis action is to jam the
core into the bottom of the junk basket. This is very effective in soft
formations but less so in harder formations.
Reverse Circulating
One popular modification is the reverse-circulating junk basket.
It is similar to a regular basket except that it has a reverse circulating
action to help sweep or wash junk, especially smaller junk, into the
basket. Channels and ports located in or near the shoe direct the
fluid flow from the periphery of the shoe toward the center of the
basket. As the junk sweeps into the basket, the mud passes through a
second set of ports into the annulus.
In operations, run the tool into the hole and circulate normally
down through the junk basket, around the shoe, and up the annulus.
Then drop a ball to divert the mud flow and help sweep the junk
into the basket. For all other steps, the tool is operated convention-
Poor Boy
Effectively, a poor-boy basket is a piece of casing strongly welded
to a bit sub or tool joint to allow connecting to the bottom of the drill
tools (Fig. 3-6). Saw-tooth-type teeth are cut in the bottom of the
casing. Each is about as long as half the casing diameter. Various
tooth designs are used, and sometimes the outer part of the teeth are
tapered to help them bend inward during drilling. Vertical slots may
be cut in the top of the basket to let fluids pass while running in the
A poor-boy basket is operated similarly to a regular basket. Run
it to the top of the fish, circulate it, and then reduce the circulation
and drill over the fish until the basket stops moving downward. In
an ideal case, the junk passes up into the basket and the drilling
motion, combined with the frictional heat caused by reduced circu-
lation, bends the teeth inward to close the bottom of the basket. Then
pull the tool and cut it open to recover the junk.
In one modification of the tool, short fingers of cable are welded
on the inside of the bowl in order to help retain the junk. This tool
r ;...... ;J::::~~::::J:::;::~]::~,;::::;::::.T::::::~:.:.~~~:; A....._..
Going in the hole Drilling over junk Pulling out of the holt~
to recover junk with the Junk inside
(thme bit cones) the junk basket.
Note the curlee! teeth.
The boot basket, often called a junk sub, is a highly efficient tool
for catching and recovering large fragments of cement, metal, and
other materials in the mud flow stream near the bit, most commonly
150 Chapter 3
Figure 3-7 Junk sub (courtesy Homco)
~ ~
caught while milling. This tool eliminates the need for redrilling the
fragments, allows more ofthem to be carried out of the hole with the
circulating mud, reduces drilling time. and extends the life ofthe bit
or mill (Fig. 3-7).
The junk sub has an inner barrel or body with tool joints on both
ends. An outer body or bowl is fixed to the lower tool joint and ex-
tends upward approximately two-thirds to three-fourths of the dis-
tance between the two tool joints. The space between the outer body
and the inner body forms a bowl or basket used to collect junk and
During an operation, run the junk sub immediately above a mill
or bit. Metal cuttings and cement fragments are milled or drilled into
smaller pieces and then carried up the annular space beside the junk
sub by the circulating mud (Fig. 3-8). When the mud passes the space
between the upper lip of the bowl and the lower part of the upper
tool joint, the mud's velocity reduces slightly because of the increased
Drill collar
Area of reduced
flow rate
Accumulated junk
in basket
152 Chapter 3
cross-sectional area. The mud flow also rolls or creates eddy cur-
rents as it passes by the lip of the bowl into the larger cross- sec-
tional area. These actions allow the heavier junk and debris to drop
into the bowl of the junk sub, where it is trapped. The junk remains
in the basket until the junk sub is pulled from the hole.
Junk subs should always be run with mills and bits when drill-
ing metal, such as using a bit to break up bit cones. These subs com-
monly are run when drilling cement, cement diverting tools, float
collars, and cementing shoes. Junk subs are especially effective in
recovering metal fragments when milling or drilling on bit cones
and other metal objects.
Junk subs frequently are run in tandem, one above the other. In
one case, when three junk subs were run, the first (lower) junk sub
collected 15 lb of junk while about 5 lb were in each of the upper
junk subs.
Junk subs are available in various configurations, including long
and short barrels, side-door types, and basket top cut on a slant to
provide a larger opening on one side. Junk subs are one of the most
trouble-free tools that can be run. They are highly efficient and should
always be used whenever applicable.
Spears are probably the second most common type of catch tool.
They catch tubular fish with an inside catch. Tool strength normally
is less than that for an outside catch used on smaller diameter fish,
such as tubing, but often stronger for catching larger fish, such as
casing. Otherwise, spears are an efficient tool. There are a wide vari-
ety; some have different activating mechanisms for catching differ-
ent types of fish, such as casing, drillpipe, tubing, and wirelines.
The pipe spear, commonly called a drillpipe spear, is the most
common spear. Pipe spears generally catch casing and large tubulars,
not drillpipe or tubing, although they may be used for these items in
special situations. To enter smaller diameter tubulars a spear must
also be relatively small, so it may not have the necessary strength to
release the small tubular that is stuck. Sometimes, it may be difficult
to run the spear into the drill pipe or tubing in larger diameter holes.
In these cases an overshot is a better choice. The inside top of a fish
must be clean and not out of round for a successful catch.
The washpipe spear, sometimes called a Lebus spear, is a special
application. The tool is similar to a regular spear with some modifi-
cations. An inverted spear is run inside the washpipe and held in-
154 Chapter 3
Figure 3-9 Circulating and releasing spear (courtesy
. \ Retainer plate & screw
Wiper block
Wiper spring
Nose ~JlIirJe
Packer Retriever
The packer retrieving spear, sometimes called a packer plucker,
recovers packers during milling. This tool is similar to a regular spear
with modifications. The spear connects to an extension below the
bottom ofthe shoe-type mill. After running it into the hole, the spear
156 Chapter 3
passes through packer bore, and catches inside of the mill-out exten-
sion below the packer. The top slips are milled off the packer and
the spear engages the mill-out extension in order to pull the packer
out of the hole (Fig. 3-10).
Conventionally, mill packers by cutting one or both sets of slips,
chasing the packer to the bottom of the hole, and then milling it
completely. Using a packer retrieving spear often is a faster way of
removing a packer. This tool eliminates drilling the lower slips, the
extra trip to recover the packer after milling off the slips, and the
slow drilling on a loose packer.
1'!; Extension
I! 1- Millshoe
Expanded view of I
packer retriever i
bottom in 1001 I
1-_ __ __J
Tools and Assemblies 157
Screw-in Sub
The screw-in sub sometimes is called a screw-in pin or pin sub.
It is one of the strongest catches and is commonly used in catching a
backed-off fish if the fish has a good connection on top. Screwing
into the fish is not difficult if the hole is clean and vertical. Other-
wise the tool joint pin (or box) may sit on the edge of the mating tool
joint on top of the fish .and spin without engaging the fish. This oc-
curs most often in an inclined hole where either the top of the fish or
the bottom ofthe fishing assembly is slightly above the lower side of
the hole.
The screw-in sub has a small notch in the bottom of the pin or
box shoulder to eliminate the problem of spinning. If the fishing pin
or box spins on the fish, the notch will either catch and kick the
fishing pin or box over the fish to catch it, or it will slip off to one
side. Normally, it takes only a few attempts to catch the fish.
Taper Tap
The taper tap is an inside catch tool. It has an upper connection
and a tapered body that are constructed of hardened tool-type steel
(Fig. 3-11). The long, tapered body has machine-type threads that
cut and or thread the tap into the inside of the fish. This tool is used
when an outside catch cannot be made or the inside of the top of the
fish is either too small or irregularly shaped so that a spear cannot be
Connect a taper tap to the bottom of the fishing assembly, run it
into the hole, and screw it into the fish. It is more difficult to screw
in the tap if the fish is loose. The fish is pulled after careful working
as necessary.
The taper tap is used mainly in special applications because it
has several weaknesses and disadvantages. It is relatively strong in a
straight pull. However, it cannot withstand any appreciable jarring
or bumping. It effectively cuts a thread in the bore of the fish, but
these threads are relatively weak so it is easy to jar the tap loose. A
tap with a longer taper cuts a stronger thread than one with a shorter
taper. However, the tap with a longer taper breaks more easily. The
tool steel is relatively easy to break because of its brittleness and
The taper tap does not have a releasing mechanism. Normally, it
cannot be backed out since the upper fishing string would probably
back off first. If the tool must be released from the fish, try pulling
and jarring the tap. Usually, this is successful, but there is a risk of
breaking the tap and leaving a piece in the hole. If pulling and jar-
ring does not release the tap, back offthe assembly above the tap and
use a more efficient fishing assembly.
158 Chapter 3
Figure 3-11 Taper taps (courtesy Hendershot)
Taper tap with skirl an(j oversize guide Planl taper lap
Die Collar
The die collar is similar to a heavy-duty collar with a standard
top thread for connecting to a fishing assembly. The bottom has ma-
chine-type tool steel threads that cut and/or thread over the outside
top of the fish. It is an outside catch tool used to catch a fish that has
an irregular top (Fig. 3-12).
A die collar is used primarily to catch smaller or lighter weight
fish when the top of a fish is rough and cannot be milled off easily in
order to accept an overshot. This tool also is used when the top of a
fish is uneven or out ofround, such as a slightly flattened tubing top.
One disadvantage of the die collar, and the taper tap. is that it is
difficult to determine how much torque to apply during a catch. If
the tool is not rotated enough. the threads that are cut on the fish
will be too shallow and the die collar may strip off the fish at a rela-
tively low tensional pulling force. If the die collar is rotated too much,
the threads will strip and the die collar will not take hold.
The die collar is a strong tool with a strong body. Like the taper
tap, it cannot be worked and jarred too heavily because the hold may
break. However, there is little risk of breaking the collar. Except for
this tendency and the outside catch feature, the die collar generally
is similar to the taper tap and operated in a similar manner.
Mills are widely used, efficient tools that are safe to use when
operated correctly. They do not have moving parts so there is little
risk of leaving junk in the hole as the mill wears.
Mills are constructed from tubulars, generally with thick walls.
Bottom cutting mills have a tool joint connection on the top, nor-
mally in standard sizes similar to bit pins, that connect to the bottom
of the drill collars. Pilot-type mills have a similar connection on the
upper end and a smaller connection, usually a pin on the lower end.
160 Chapter 3
String reamer mills normally have a box-type tool joint on the upper
end and a pin-type tool joint on the lower end, cut to standard sizes
to run in a drill-collar or drillpipe assembly.
The bottom or cutting face of a mill is designed for its intended
use. Flat bottom mills have a flat cutting face with fluid channels so
that the fluid cleans the bottom of the hole and removes pieces of
metal cuttings. Reamer mills have ribbed surfaces where the face of
the ribs serves as the cutting surface and the channels between the
ribs as mud courses.
The mill cutting face is coated with a hard facing, usually par-
ticles of tungsten carbide, embedded in a matrix material and ap-
plied by acetylene welding. Use larger particle sizes for milling larger
objects, such as a bit. Coarse particles are often characterized by rough
running and high torque. Smaller particle sizes mill a smoother sur-
face for such operations as dressing off the top of a fish. Particle size,
particle density in the matrix, and thickness of the combined par-
ticle matrix are designed for optimum cutting action.
Since mills wear out, one might ask, "Why not put extra cutting
material on the cutting face so the mill can run longer?" If it takes
two concave mills, each dressed with a %-in. thick layer of cutting
material, to drill or mill three bit cones, then why not use one mill
with a %-in. layer of cutting material? The tungsten carbide and matrix
material combination is tough, wear-resistant, and extremely durable.
However, it is not as structurally strong as high-strength steels. Cut-
ting material deposited in an overly thick layer can break off a mill
in chunks or pieces, thus reducing the overall efficiency of the tool.
Mills use torque to drill. The amount of torque depends on the
size of the mill, the material being milled or drilled, the rate ofrota-
tion, and the milling weight. Amounts can vary from light and rela-
tively constant torques to very high, widely fluctuating ones. Exces-
sive torque can damage the running assembly, especially tool joints
or connections, and pose a risk oftwisting off because of over-torqu-
ing or fatigue failure.
Normally, run a mill on an assembly with butt-shouldered, tool-
joint-type connections. A mill may be used on tubing but remember
care must be taken to prevent damaging the tubing, especially the
connectors that can be ruined by over-torquing. In all cases, control
the milling rate and resulting torque in order to minimize the risk of
work string failure.
Mills serve many purposes, such as drilling (milling) cement,
packers, and plugs, and dressing off a damaged fish top. They drill
metal junk ranging in size from small tong dies to large drill collars
and casing. Mills are commonly used to ream collapsed casing, to
remove sections of casing, or to cut casing windows for sidetracking
(Fig. 3-13).
Taper Mills
Pilot Mill
162 Chapter 3
Figure 3-13 Mills (continued)
Junk Mill
Junk Mills
Junk mills are constructed in three basic bottom configurations:
flat, concave, and ribbed. These mills expose a maximum amount of
cutting surface to the junk to be drilled. Some of the mills have
"smooth-type" hard facing material on the lower peripheral edges to
allow some side cutting action. Junk mills generally are massive and
can drill almost any type of junk. They are also used for other pur-
poses, such as cleaning out cement. It is necessary to run junk subs,
or boot baskets, above most junk mills.
Use concave mills when pieces of junk are small. Small pieces of
junk often tend to wall off or to be suspended above the edge of a
mill because of fluid movement. The concave face helps retain smaller
pieces in the center ofthe hole where they can be rolled, broken up,
and milled until they are small enough to circulate out or to recover
in a junk basket.
Flat-bottomed mills, especially ribbed types, are dressed on bot-
tom with additional cutting material because of their construction.
They may also have additional strength, although this probably is
not a significant factor since the bottoms of the other mills are equall y
strong. These mills are preferred when drilling large pieces of junk.
When milling in casing, it is common to have a clearance of about
% to % in. between the mill and the inside of the casing and no
cutting material on the outside of the mill. This clearance reduces
the risk of milling the casing and allows the mill to trip in and out of
the hole without difficulty. It also creates a sufficient cutting surface
in order to drill most junk encountered.
In milling operations, small pieces of junk often bypass or work
up around the edge of the mill but are too large to circulate out. If the
mill is raised while milling inside casing, these pieces can wedge
the tool. With a slightly larger clearance between the mill and the
inside ofthe casing, it is normally possible to work the mill up above
the cuttings or junk so that it can be moved back under the mill and
milled to a smaller size. About the same tolerances are used when
164 Chapter 3
milling in an open hole, although some operators prefer a full-gauge
tool, especially in softer formations.
Skirted Mills
Skirted mills are like junk mills except for a short sleeve con-
nected to the lower outer edge of the mill. This shirt or mill guide
centers the mill over the fish. For example, when dressing off a small
fish, the top may wobble. A regular junk mill could mill down be-
side the fish, but a skirted mill will stay centered over the fish. The
design of a skirted mill is similar to a throated mill. However, the
skirt is not covered with cutting material and is used only as a guide.
Cement Mills
Cement mills are similar to junk mills and are often interchange-
able with them. Fuller gauge cement mills provide an increased
amount of cutting surface. Cement is usually somewhat friable, so
there is less risk of sticking a cement mill if a small piece works up
past the edge and lodges.
Cement mills normally are not as efficient as roller bits for drill-
ing cement, especially when cement is to be drilled inside larger
casing. However, a correspondingly smaller bit must be used in
smaller sized casing. The rollers on small bits have a limited life
because of their smaller bearings. As a result, there can be a higher
frequency of lost cones when drilling cement in small holes; there-
fore, a mill generally is recommended in these cases.
Pilot Mills
Pilot mills are regular flat-bottom mills with an added central-
ized bottom extension that guides the mill. A smaller mill or pilot
bit extension may be run below some larger pilot mills. The exten-
sion enters the tubular to be milled and holds the mill in a centered
position. The extension slides inside the object to be milled while
the cutting action takes place at the face of the mill.
Pilot mills are designed for milling tubulars such as drill collars,
drillpipe, or casing liners and for cleaning the top or upper inside of
some fish. These mills can be highly efficient and have a relatively
long milling life. Some mills, with cutting material on the exten-
sions, cut and mill the inside of the tubular. This action cleans in-
side the top of a fish, and in other cases may reduce the amount of
material that must be cut by the face of the mill. Pilot mills also
recover packers, as described in the section "Packer Retriever." In
special cases, a pilot mill can enlarge the ID of a large fish so it can
be caught with an inside catch tool.
Tapered Mills
Tapered mills have spiral or vertical blades on the reamer body.
The blades' outer surface tapers from the diameter of the body at the
bottom to full gauge at the top. Cutting material is laid over the outer
surfaces, and the channels between the blades act as fluid passages.
A tapered mill is run on or near the bottom of the drill-collar
assembly. It reams out tight places in casing, severely collapsed cas-
ing, casing shoes, liner tops, and the windows used for sidetracking.
Pineapple Mills
The pineapple mill is a variation of the tapered mill but with a
sharp point on the bottom. This mill can remove most casing ob-
structions, even when the entry is very small.
Throated Mills
Throated mills have a long, heavily constructed, tubular body
with cutting material on the bottom and inside or throat of the mill.
Cutting material may be used on the outer part of the mill, depend-
ing upon the conditions under which the mill is used. One main use
of a throated mill is cutting a fishing neck. Less frequently, it is used
to wash over the top of a fish for a short distance so that there is
clearance for a catch-type fishing tool.
Mill Shoes
Mill shoes, sometimes called washovers or rotary or burning
shoes, are run on the bottom of overshots, junk baskets, and wash over
pipe. They wash or mill over a fish. The term "rotary shoe" generally
implies a tool used in drilling formation material with a toothed mill
(Fig. 3-14). Similarly, mill shoes are dressed with cutting material
for cutting metal and, less commonly, cement.
166 Chapter 3
Figure 3-14 Rotary shoes (courtesy Homco)
I !-SOdY I.D'-1 I
. : .,,-,..-:1.
I I-Klust/lte 1.01 I
~Klustflle OD i
r/' .'"
i j
~: .'" : ,,~'!r.:
Pipe Cutters
Pipe cutters are sometimes called casing cutters or section mills.
They cut tubulars and generally are subdivided into two types. In-
side pipe cutters run inside larger pipe and cut from the inside out-
ward. Their use is limited to tubulars with larger inside diameters.
Outside pipe cutters run over smaller pipe and cut from the outside
inward (Fig. 3-15). First, casing cutters cut through the pipe and
then begin cutting and removing the pipe. Inside-type cutters are
commonly used to remove a section of casing for sidetracking in cased
168 Chapter 3
Figure 3-15 Pipe cutters (courtesy Homco)
.-.Upper sub
, / Upper body
Top sub Flipper dog
Upper Bearing
body assembly
} Pusher sleeve
Spring dog
For Bottleneck joints
Bearing assembly
Flipper dog
, Flipper dog pin
Pusher sleeve,
Flipper dog
torsion spring
Jars are important fishing tools and responsible for releasing most
stuck tools. Two main types are the more common hydraulic jar and
the less used mechanical jar. They are further subdivided into drill-
ing and fishing jars and may be supplemented with accelerator jars.
Understanding when to use jars and their operation, strengths, and
weaknesses is an important preventive procedure (Fig. 3-16).
Jars are available in a wide range of sizes. They normally are full
opening, allowing for mud circulation and passing small diameter
tools, such as a back-off string shot. They are run above any tool that
may stick. They deliver a high, upward-impact blow on the tools
connected beneath them. Torque can be transmitted through the jar
for regular drilling or torquing a fish. They can be used immediately,
which is often a major advantage. The chances of releasing stuck
tools are improved by starting jarring immediately after sticking;
therefore, jars help prevent and also expedite fishing.
Jars are widely flexible in the strength and frequency of the jar-
ring stroke. The force of the jarring blow is determined by various
factors, including stroke length, internal construction, weight con-
centration (usually with drill collars) immediately above the jars,
and the amount of overpull when the jars trip. Adjust the jarring
frequency by manipulating the speed and distance of upward and
downward movement of the work string.
170 Chapter 3
Figure 3-16 Drilling jars (courtesy Dailey Oil Tool Inc.)
- Downdriving
Polished stem -....-
bown - Stabilized
drivinganvil system -
Up driving anvil
Lock nut up _...........
driving hammer
Jay sockets -
Splined rotary
drive mandrel _....
- Drive rollers
- Splined
torque mandrel
I Self-adjusting
- packing
Hydraulic Fishing
The hydraulic fishing jar, sometimes called an oil jar, is the basic
tool described earlier in this section. Hydraulic fishing jars are highly
reliable and simpler to operate than other jars. They have a relative-
ly short stroke length of about 4-6 in. Depending on hole depth and
other factors, hydraulic jars can be tripped at a rate of one to four
jarring blows per minute. These jars are generally preferred over me-
chanical jars because of their reliability and faster, easier operation.
172 Chapter 3
Hydraulic Drilling
The hydraulic drilling jar generally is operated similarly to a hy-
draulic fishing jar and serves the same purpose, with minor modifi-
cations to comply with drilling action. It has a longer stroke of about
12-15in. and it is run while drilling for immediate use if sticking
Mechanical Fishing
The mechanical fishing jar is one of the first rotary jars. It is gen-
erally less efficient than other hydraulic jars, may not last as long
without failure, and cannot be stroked as fast. Otherwise, this jar
serves the same purpose as the hydraulic fishing jar and has a simi-
lar stroke length, but it is operated in a slightly different manner.
Some mechanical jars require placing about one-half turn of
torque in the assembly, picking up to the required tension, and then
releasing the torque in order to release the jars for the stroke. De-
pending on operating factors, mechanical jars can be torqued to de-
liver one to two blows-per-minute. Normally, the torque is placed
with a rotary. If the assembly sticks firmly so that the kelly cannot be
installed, then place the torque with the slips or tongs, which is more
time consuming than using the kelly. The speed of the jarring action
is reduced correspondingly, usually to one blow-per-minute or less.
Mechanical Drilling
The mechanical drilling jar is generally similar to the mechani-
cal fishing jar. It has a heavier construction and a stroke length of
about 12-15in. and generally is operated in a similar manner. How-
ever, it is not used as often as the hydraulic tool for reasons similar
to those for the mechanical fishing jar.
Accelerator Jars
Accelerator jars, sometimes called intensifier jars, may be run
along in the fishing string with regular jars. An accelerator jar nor-
mally is full opening to the inside diameter of conventional drill
collars. Torque can be transmitted through the jar for torquing the
fish. It is not used as a drilling tool.
An accelerator jar acts as an air cushion or fluid spring, serving
as energy storage and release for regular jars, thereby increasing their
efficiency. The cushioning action also lessens the strong jarring and
impact forces on the remainder of the downhole assembly as the
regular jars are tripped.
t- Mandrel body
Middle body
174 Chapter 3
Top sub
Non-extrusion ring
Seal protector ring
Mandrel body insert seal - Knocker sub
Mandrel body insert ,.
Middle body seal (large)
Non-extrusion ring
Backup ring
Middle body seal (small)
Mandrel body
- Bowl extfmsion
Non-extrusion ring
Seal protector ring
Jar Intensifier
----.------ ~-_.-
176 Chapter 3
Surface Bumper Sub
The surface bumper sub sometimes is called a surface jar. It is
run at the surface, above the rotary, and delivers a downward blow.
Various sizes are available.
In operation this tool is positioned at the surface and connected
to the stuck tools. It is stretched with an upward pull and the trip-
ping mechanism releases at preset loading. The released energy causes
downward momentum, delivering a downward blow at the bottom
of the assembly. This tool is not commonly used.
Wash pipe
Wash pipe or washover pipe is used to wash over fish and stuck
tools. It is made from high-strength casing and fitted with flush-joint,
butt-shouldered connectors. These connectors resist continued tight-
ening and possible damage caused by the high torque conditions
under which washpipe often is operated. The washpipe is sized to
obtain the optimum clearance possible between the fish and the in-
side diameter of the washpipe, and in the annulus between the out-
side wall ofthe washpipe and the inside wall of the hole (Fig. 3-18).
During an operation, run a wash over shoe on the bottom of the
washpipe. Make up and run the required amount of washpipe, and
then connect it to the bottom of the fishing assembly. Run this mecha-
nism to the top ofthe fish and begin circulating and drilling, or wash-
ing over the fish. Up to 500 ft of washpipe is used in big holes that
have adequate clearances and lesser lengths in smaller holes.
After washing over, pull the washpipe and run a fishing assem-
bly to catch and recover the fish. As an alternate procedure, run a
spear inside the washpipe to catch and recover a section of the fish
after it has been washed over. There is a high risk of sticking the
washpipe in this process, especially wall sticking, because of the
close tolerances. Recovering stuck washpipe is very difficult at best,
because of the required sidetracking and/or the increased risk oflos-
ing the hole.
Safety Joint
The safety or back-off joint is a disengaging tool. Run it on the
bottom ofthe fishing assembly for a screw-in connection; otherwise,
run it above the catch tool. This tool allows backing off and leaving
a fish or stuck tools in the hole without using a string shot or cutting
....i .', . ;!
the fishing string (Fig. 3-19). Pull the fishing string for repairs or
changes, then run it back into the hole, reengage the fish with the
upper part of the safety joint, and resume fishing. The safety joint is
widely used and relatively safe to run.
One common use of safety joints is to replace jars that fail, usu-
ally because of heavy working, Similarly, if the hole begins to cave
178 Chapter 3
Figure 3-19 Safety joints (courtesy Homco)
Stem Stem
Shear pin
off ring Clutch ring
Set screw
Packotf ring
around the fishing string, it may be best to disengage from the fish
and pull the assembly above the point where caing has occurred or
to allow for a clean out trip. If the operator must wait for a string shot
to back off the fishing asembly, the fishing assembly could stick. With
a safety joint, the fishing assembly can be released almost immedi-
ately and pulled, or other action taken.
There are various back-off joints; most are full opening for circu-
lation and for running tools such as string shots. One type has a
coarse-threaded connection in the middle of the safety joint. This
connection requires less torque than the regular tool joint connec-
tion. The tool is backed off by rotating the assembly in the left-hand
direction. The amount of back-off torque is less than that normally
required to back off regular tool joints. However, sometimes apply-
ing sufficient torque at the tool may be limited because of drag that
increases with depth, higher angle of hole inclination, and dogleg
severity. All of these may cause problems in working the torque down
to the tool in order to back it off.
Knuckle Joint
Knuckle joints connect fishing tools to the bottom of the fishing
assembly and change the direction of the tools suspended below it.
The axis of a center line through the fishing tool string changes a few
degrees at the knuckle joint so the tools below the knuckle joint will
point in a slightly different direction (Fig. 3-20). The knuckle joint
serves the same purpose as a bent sub, bent pin, or bent joint.
Head connection
i Restriction plug
,..- Main body
Conlrol piston
. Control lever cage
Retaining ring
Drive or rOlaling pms
180 Chapter 3
The knuckle joint allows the fishing catch tool to take hold of a
fish top that is out of alignment (usually laying to the side in an out-
of-gauge hole section). A fish top in this position may be difficult or
impossible to catch with a regular fishing assembly, because the tools
tend to run down beside the fish.
There are various types of knuckle joints, including both me-
chanical and hydraulic. A common hydraulic tool aligns with the
axis of the work string during running. The lower part of the tool
deflects out of alignment, extending to one side when it is actuated
by mud pressure. Depending on its size, the knuckle joint may not
be as strong as some of the other tools used to deflect the fishing
Bent Sub
The bent sub, or kick sub, changes the direction of the axis of
tools connected below it from the direction of the axis of the running
assembly above it (Fig. 3-21). A bent sub normally is constructed
from a regular sub. The most common bent sub is a bent pin sub. The
pin on the bottom of the sub is cut in the normal manner but is kept
out of alignment with the sub body and upper box connection. The
angle of misalignment is about 2-5 from the center line of the sub.
The sub normally is named by the amount of misalignment, such as
a 3 bent pin sub that has pin cut with a 3 misalignment.
A bent box sub is less common. It has the box thread in the top of
the sub cut a few degrees off center and the pin is aligned with the
body of the sub. Otherwise, this tool is similar to and used in the
same way as the bent pin sub.
Bent subs serve the same purpose as, and (other than the fixed
angle) operate similarly to, the knuckle joint and bent joint.
Bent Joint
A bent joint is a joint of drillpipe, tubing, or in some cases, a
small drill collar that is bent so the lower pin is out of alignment
with the upper box connection. This tool is used for the same pur-
pose and generally operated in the same manner as a knuckle joint
or bent sub. However, a bent joint usually can move the bottom of
the fishing tools a further lateral distance from the center line of the
wellbore than the bent sub or knuckle joint. The bent joint, espe-
cially a bent drill collar, is stronger than a knuckle joint or a bent
Normally, an overshot with a cut lip guide is run with a bent
joint. Ensure that it is connected to the bottom of the bent joint so
the open side or lip of the guide is on the right-hand side (looking
down) relative to the bend in the bent joint. As the bent joint is ro-
I- '
I ')
I \
I '\
! \
! \
j ",\ Angle 01 deflection
tated slowly down over the fish, the open side of the cut lip guide
can contact the fish and guide it into the overshot. The joint can be
bent at the rig site, but make sure that the overshot and cut lip guide
are correctly positioned.
Wall Hook
The wall hook is a hook-shaped tool constructed as part of a
washover shoe. It helps catch the fish when the top is off center or
out of alignment with the axis of the wellbore, such as when a top is
laid over in a washed-out section. This tool also can be used when
the overshot is run under a bent joint, knuckle joint, or bent sub.
During an operation, connect the wall hook to the bottom of the
overshot. Run the fishing assembly into the hole until the bottom of
the wall hook is immediately above the top of the fish, and then
rotate and lower it slowly. The rotating wall hook contacts the top of
182 Chapter 3
the fish, and hooks it toward the center of the hole and into the shoe
of the overshot. The fish enters the overshot, is caught by the slips,
worked, and recovered.
The action of the wall hook is like that of a muleshoe or cut lip
guide. However, it increases the lateral extension and helps engage a
fish that is deeper in a washed-out area and further from the axis of
the hole. Handle a wall hook carefully since the long extension makes
this tool easy to break.
Circulating Sub
A circulating sub, run near the bottom of the fishing string, al-
lows the option of circulating through the fish or out a circulating
port in the side ofthe sub. Various types of circulating subs are avail-
able. One has a circulating port on the side of the sub that can be
opened or closed by manipulating the drilling assembly.
Another circulating sub has a ported nipple, allowing circula-
tion though the perforation. A perforation ball sealer is dropped to
seal off the perforation, which allows circulation through the fish. If
circulation is not established through the fish, release pressure, al-
low the perforation ball sealer to drop off, and circulate again through
the perforation. A main disadvantage ofthis procedure is that it leaves
the perforation ball sealer inside the fish, which could restrict
downhole operations inside the fish. In a few cases the ball may be
recovered by reverse circulation, but usually there is a high risk of
plugging the perforation.
Another sub has side circulating ports closed by rupture discs.
When these are used, the first operation is an attempt to establish
circulation down through the fish. If this cannot be done, increase
the pressure until the discs rupture, then circulate around the fish-
ing assembly.
A circulating sub may not be used when fishing with an over-
shot without a packoff because it allows circulating around the fish-
ing string. However, other methods, such as screwing in, do not al-
low this option, so a circulating sub may be needed.
Circulating through a stuck fish whenever possible is a major aid
in releasing the fish or preventing additional sticking. It is always a
good practice to circulate around the fishing assembly to prevent
sticking, especially when fishing through hazardous formations, to
keep the hole clean, and to control high-pressure zones. The drillpipe
can be perforated near the fishing tool to establish circulation around
the fishing assembly. However, the circulating sub often is a better
selection because of the time delay and cost of perforating.
Shock Sub
Shock subs dampen shock loads and vibrations when drilling in
high torque and in rough drilling situations. Normally, run these tools
immediately above a bit or mill. They can extend the lives of bits
. and mills, minimize drill string vibrations, and reduce the risk of fa-
tigue failure.
Shear Rams
Shear rams fit in the blowout preventer. They have a knife-blade-
type cutting face. They serve as an outside cutter designed to cut
drill pipe and seal the wellbore in severe emergency conditions.
Pulling Tool
The pulling tool is used inside casing to exert a very high ten-
sion force on a fish. It is a highly efficient tool when applicable.
Connect the pulling tool between the bottom of the fishing assembly
and the catch tool. Catch the fish. Then slips on the pulling tool will
engage the casing wall, anchoring the tool. The tool is rotated, exert-
ing a strong upward tensile force to the fish.
Mechanical pulling tools are actuated by rotating the work string,
which acts through a screw mechanism, creating a high lifting force.
Mud pressure acts against a piston in the hydraulic pulling tool to
exert a strong upward force.
Reversing Tool
The reversing tool is used inside casing to exert left-hand torque
in order to unscrew a fish. Like the pulling tool, it is run above the
catch tool. Tools below the bottom of the reversing tool have left-
184 Chapter 3
hand connectors. After engaging the fish, the reversing tool anchors
against the casing wall. Apply right-hand torque and rotation with
the work string. The tool converts this force to a higher level of left-
hand torque and rotation below the tool as a way of backing off part
of the fish.
One problem with the reversing tool is that often only a short
section of a fish is recovered. The fish can be backed off at any con-
nection, but the uppermost connection is the most likely one to back
off. Additional trips are required to recover the fish.
Casing rollers open the collapsed casing in place, restoring it to
or near the original ID. The casing roller has a tapered metal body
with a tool joint connection on top that connects to the drill-collar
assembly (Fig. 3-22). Cylindrical rollers are positioned longitudi-
nally around the tapered body section of the tool. Ports provide for
mud circulation.
The whipstock is used for sidetracking in cased holes. A tapered
lower edge directs the drill tools away from the original center line
of the wellbore.
Some tools are designed to be run either on tubulars or wirelines.
In most cases, these tools are more efficient when run on tubulars.
Casing Patch
The casing patch repairs holes in casing without the need for
cementing or pulling the casing. A common patch has a corrugated
steel sleeve that is run on a swaging device. When this tool is run
'and positioned, a swage is pulled though the sleeve, expanding it
and pressing the sleeve firmly against the inner wall of the casing.
The casing patch restricts the casing ID slightly and is more com-
monly used in production operations. A similar type internal casing
patch tool run on a wireline can seal holes in small tubulars (Fig. 3-
186 Chapter 3
Figure 3-23 Tubing liner (courtesy J.e. Kinley Co.)
before installation
Starting mandrel
i I
j ,,
Liner ,
,I ,,
du./ Liner guide . ...
. .,
.n Pittedtubing,. , Wire line jar action
expands liner
Telescoping support
Adhesive coating
bonds liner to I.D
01 tubing
Seals oH holes.
leaves tubing open
'''-:.:. ~.
f~/ Stop
Tool Applicatkm
--------.-..- ---.---.....-..--..-.-...--....-............................................................................
Repeat this procedure until the casing has been swaged out to the
diameter of the swage.
The amount of force used to jar down is determined by the force
of upward jarring required to release the tool. The outside diameter
of the swage will be slmost that of the inside diameter of the casing
for lightly damaged or flattened casing. For more severely collapsed
casing, a smaller diameter tool may be used first, followed by suc-
cessively larger sized tools. Swaging is repeated until the casing is
restored to or near the original ID.Wireline operations are completed
similarly, but generally with smaller tools and wire line jars and a
bumper sub.
Chemical Cutter
The chemical cutter cuts tubing, drill pipe , and small diameter
casing from the inside. It may be used to partially cut through the
wall of thicker walled tubulars that are then jarred apart.
Run a chemical cutter inside the tubular and position it at the
point to be cut. Chemicals are forced under high pressure out of jets
in the cutting tool, cutting the tubular. Standoff distance is impor-
tant for efficient operation.
188 Chapter 3
The grab, frequently called a wireline grab, recovers wireline fish
(Fig. 3-25). This tool consists of a tool joint with 2 or 3 prongs that
have pointed ends extending downward from the bottom periphery
of the tool joint. The inner sides of the prongs are fitted with barbs.
Barbs are spaced alternately on the prongs so there is one barb every
4-10 in. from the base of the tool joint to the bottom of the prongs.
Normally, select a grab with a 'barb diameter that is slightly larger
than the diameter of the wireline fish.
The grab is structurally weaker when compared to the spear, but
it is used in a similar manner. Generally, the same precautions ap-
ply. There is less risk of bypassing a wireline fish when using a grab,
Bottom view
Three prong
Jet Cutter
Jet cutters cut tubing, drillpipe, and small diameter casing with
a specially shaped, explosive jet charge. They cut tubulars from the
inside and are operated like a chemical cutter.
Junk Catcher
The junk catcher screens the mud to remove small floating de-
bris, such as pieces of packer and pump piston rubbers, perforation
ball sealers, and other small particles. This junk collects in the bowl
of the catcher or is pushed to the bottom of the hole. Otherwise,
close-tolerance tools, especially those run on wirelines such as gauge
rings and packers, can stick next to this debris by wedging against
the side of the hole.
The junk catcher has a tool joint or other screw-type connection
on top for connecting to the work string or wireline. It has an in-
verted basket with perforated or slotted sides. The diameter at the
bottom of the basket approaches the casing ID. The slots or perforac
tions are sized to catch large pieces of suspended debris as mud passes
through them. Debris that passes through the slots usually is small
enough so that it can pass around close-tolerance tools without stick-
ing them.
Run the junk catcher on a wireline or work string to screen mud.
It also may be run below a packer or other close-tolerance tools. It
screens mud efficiently so other tools can operate in clean fluid and
minimizes the risk of sticking.
190 ChaDter 3
Junk Shot
Junk shots break up large junk into smaller pieces so they can be
easily drilled, milled, walled off, or caught in a junk basket (Fig. 3-
26). The junk shot is a large, shaped jet charge that fires vertically
Hope socket
Primer charge
A strong permanent magnet recovers small junk. In the common
configuration the magnet is encased and attached to a tool joint. It is
a close-contact tool. The magnetic insert must touch or be very close
to the fish to be effective (Fig. 3-27). Magnets run on wirelines are
seldom effective in open holes because of the small amount of cut-
I I~
.. :
: I
I I I ."
J ~ )
/ "-
" ""
" "
l I'
Maqnet ring .'
.I :
Plug lyP(~
192 Chapter 3
tings or other fill material that commonly cover the junk. Magnets
can be more effective in a cased hole if it is clean.
A magnet designed to wash and clean the bottom of the hole can
be run on tubulars so the magnet can contact the junk. A magnet may
be fitted with a skirt to keep the junk from being knocked off during
tripping. Toothed skirts may be used for minor drilling and cleaning
out in order to better expose the junk to the magnet. In most cases it
is better to take such positive actions as running a junk basket or
short mill-tooth bit to break up the junk and catch it in a boot basket
or circulate it out of the hole.
The socket or rod socket is. like an overshot, except that it is
smaller so that it can catch smaller fish. It has slip teeth aligned
horizontally on slip-type inserts. The socket usually is run on a
wireline or pump rods. It is highly efficient for engaging and recov-
ering broken pump rods, weight bars, and fishing necks on rope sock-
ets. If run on tubulars and if a fish cannot be recovered, then the
slips generally can be either released or broken and released by jar-
ring and bumping.
The wireline version of the socket usually has a shear-pin re-
lease. If the fish cannot be released and recovered, bump down and
shear the releasing pin, which then releases the slips from the fish.
The shear-pin release may also be used when the socket is run on
pump rods, but this is less common.
Wireline Spear
Wireline spears recover lost wirelines. A wire line spear has a
slender, elongated metal body or prong with a tool joint connection
on the upper end (Fig. 3-28). The average tool has three to six barbs
connected to the prong and oriented to cover 3600. The diameter of
the prong should be approximately two times the diameter of the
barb. Select a spear with a barb diameter slightly larger than the di-
ameter of the wireline fish. Run larger spears on tubing or drillpipe
and smaller spears under sinker bars on wirelines.
Generally, run a guide above the spear. This prevents the wire line
from getting above the tool and causing it to stick. The guide also
pushes or bunches the wire line below the spear so the barbs can
engage it. To prevent sticking, it is important to use a guide when
running this tool in casing in order to ensure that the clearance be-
tween the guide and the ID of the casing is less than the diameter of
the wireline fish.
: I
i J
Bottom view
" -.. \
/ , '.
" --- " ,
~~ O ~-":'
;~:;i ,
'" -,,' :\( ..\:
194 Chapter 3
For operation with tubulars, connect a wireline spear below a
bumper sub and jars. Run this tool to engage the fish with minimum
weight. It is best to recover the fish without bumping or jarring since
the fish can break where it is entangled in the barbs. The tool is run
in a similar manner on a wireline. The same precautions apply to
tubular and wireline operation. Handle the wireline spear carefully
to prevent breaking, especially when fishing for large lines with large
tubulars. The spear is a stronger tool when compared to a similar
sized grab. In most cases a u&prung grab" is preferred, at least to
bunch up the line. Then use the stronger spear to catch and pull the
bunched line out of the hole.
As a very rough rule of thumb, the top of a wireline fish will be
at a distance from the bottom of the hole equal to about 112to % of the
stretched length of the wirelin,e fish. Run the spear on tubulars in
the open hole with care. Use slick tools as much as possible. When
tagging the top of the fish, DO NOT rely on the weight indicator's
set-down weight. That indication may come too late, and the tool
may already be stuck. Take special precautions, such as double pull-
ing stands, and pull an extra stand if there is any question about the
fish being caught.
When pulling a fish in the open hole, there is a high risk of stick-
ing as it is pulled into the bottom of casing. If the fish sticks, do not
pull too hard. Work down and back up to wear out the bunched wire
fish, or birdnest, so it can enter the casing. Use minimal jarring and
bumping action (Fig. 3-29).
Wire line
Rope socket
Sinker bars
Casing shoe
Wire-line spear
196 Chapter 3
Bailers remove fluids from the hole. They also may drill or clean
out the hole to a limited extent and be used to dump sand or cement
slurry on plugs or at the bottom of the hole. Bailers are most com-
monly run on wirelines (Fig. 3-30).
III Sectional
Single barrel
I j . ",
:;, 61 ~'"
Bailer bottoms
Dart-Bottom Bailer
An improved version of the bucket bailer has a check valve in
the bottom. The check extends out the bottom of the valve in a dart
shape. Fluid enters the bailer through the upper ports and through
the check valve in the bottom. After the bailer is pulled, the fluid
can be dumped through the dart bottom more conveniently than by
inverting the bailer.
When the hole has a fluid column, the dart-bottom bailer picks
up fluid from its lowest point. Fluid passes through the bailer as it is
lowered. When the tool is stopped, it contains fluid from that point.
This can be used to locate a water-oil interface.
Dump Bailer
The dump bailer carries sand or cement slurry to the point in the
hole where it is to be deposited or dumped. One of the most com-
mon applications is dumping cement slurry or sand on top of plugs.
The mechanical type has a modified dart on the bottom of the bailer
that remains closed until the dart touches the bottom of the hole.
The bailer is filled with sand, cement slurry, etc., and run slowly to
the bottom of the hole. When the bailer is set on bottom, the dart
valve locks open and the material in the bailer is dumped out by a
combination of gravity and the upward movement of the bailer.
Another modification of the dump bailer is run on a shielded
electric line. It is filled with material and run to the bottom of the.
hole, where the material inside the bailer is dumped by an electri-
cally actuated mechanism. These bailers are more commonly run in
smaller tubulars, such as when cement is dumped on top of a plug
set in tubing.
Sand Pump
The sand pump has a piston that travels the entire length of the
bailer. It is connected to the bottom of a rod that extends out through
the top of the bailer and has a connection to attach it to the running
assembly. The lower part of the piston and the bottom of the bailer
are each fitted with a check valve.
198 Chapter 3
Run the sand pump to the bottom ofthe hole. Work the piston by
listing and lowering the running line a distance approximately equal
to the length of the bailer. As the plunger moves upward, it creates a
suction action that helps pull sand and fluid into the bailer barrel.
On the downstroke, fluid passes through a check valve and into the
plunger. As the plunger is lifted again, the suction stroke moves more
fluid, with sand and other debris, into the bailer barrel. When the
bailer is full, it is pulled to the ,surface, emptied, and rerun.
The chipping or cleanout bailer is a modification of the sand
pump in which the bottom of the bailer is replaced with a cutting
face. Various designs of cuttiI;lg structures are available. On the
upstroke, the entire bailer is lifted off the bottom. It is lowered rap-
idly and the cutting structure on the bottom of the bailer cuts and
loosens debris at the bottom of the hole. On tho upstroke, the debris
cut loose by the downstroke is pulled into the bailer barrel. Depend-
ing on the skill of the operator and the running equipment, a chip-
ping bailer can be an efficient tool. For example, a 41f2-in. drillable
bridge plug was drilled with a chipping bailer until it released and
was then pushed to bottom in about 6 hours.
Blind Box
The blind box cleans the top of a fish by removing metal burrs
that prevent the fishing tool from making a solid catch. It also cuts
off short strands of wireline remaining in a rope socket after the line
parts (Fig. 3-31). If the top of the fish is burred or swelled, such as a
swelled sinker bar tool joint shoulder, the blind box may cut the
swelled section off so the fish can be caught.
The blind box has a screw-top connection on top of a steel cylin-
der with a sharp, lower inner edge. The inside diameter is very close
to the outside diameter of the top of the fish. The socket is set on top
of the fish and driven down over it with jars. This cuts and smooths
the side of the top of the fish so it can be caught with a socket or
other type of catch tool.
For example, one of the most common wireline fishing jobs is
fishing for rope sockets lost when the wireline parts, usually at the
top of the socket. Frequently, several short strands of wireline re-
main on the rope socket. These prevent the rod socket from going
over and taking hold ofthe rope socket fishing neck. In this case, run
a blind box below the jars. Jar the tool down over the rope socket to
cut the wire strands. Then pull the blind box and recover the fish
with a rod socket.
Multiple-sized blind boxes are similar but have one or more cut-
ting recesses set in steps. The lower part of the tool has the largest
inside diameter with stepwise decreases higher inside the tool. These
tools are used in the same manner as a regular blind box and serve
the same purpose, except in cutting over one or more diameters on
the top of the fish.
Friction Socket
The friction socket uses a friction hold to catch small fish that
are not stuck too tightly. It cannot be jarred or worked very hard
200 Chapter 3
without losing the friction hold. It has a screw-top connection on
top of a steel cylinder. The inside of the cylinder is cone-shaped,
apex upward, with a relatively long taper.
Run the friction socket on a wireline. Set it on top of the fish and
drive it down over the fish with the link jars. This forces the fish into
the taper, where it is caught by a friction hold and then pulled out of
the hole.
Firing pin
Sand line
Firing pin
Drive wedge
II.I '-, , ,
Groove for
Stop wedge
Run the cutter into the hole with the spring-loaded knives riding
against the edge of the casing. When the tool reaches the point where
the pipe will be cut, raise the cutter slowly until the knives enter a
casing collar and stop on the bottom end ofthe pin of the joint. Then
202 Chapter 3
Figure 3-33 Wireline pipe cutter (ripper)
Cutaway view
Cutting position I
jar the cutter upward. Each knife makes a slit in the threaded portion
of the pipe pin. If this does not release the pipe, which normally is
held in tension, lower the cutter and raise it again to make another
cut at a different point. Usually, a second cut will part the pipe. The
knives are released by a tripping action, the cutter is pulled, and
then the pipe is cut. Short lengths of casing may be recovered on the
knife blades.
Shearing washer
Safety body
Safety tripper
Orifice insert
:W4 Chapter 3
Impression Block
Impression blocks obtain an imprint of the top of the fish (Fig.
3-35). This information may help determine what type of fishing
tool to run or how to conduct the fishing operation.
The impression block has a short sub, open at the bottom, with a
tool joint on top. The bottom of the sub has welded pins on the in-
side or recesses. These pins help retain lead or babbit that is melted
and poured into the recess. This, or other means of ensuring the lead
is retained in the impression block, is extremely important. If the
lead is lost, it is very difficult to drill out. The bottom part ofthe sub
is filled with several inches of lead, which is smooth on the bottom.
Wire line adaptor
) ,
" "-
( I
-- .- ..- - -1
1= -_ ---:"1-
::- ""i- ...:-.:_-:.-J
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!'..- - - :-1.:-- .- =I
mm Hetainer ledge
.~~~~~~~jf.~.SS~.~ .....
.~...: ::...:::...:::.~t..: ::...:::..: ::..: ::..: ::-:...::
.m._. Lead
Hydraulic Jars
Wireline hydraulic jars serve the same purpose as tubular jars
and operate similarly. Weight bars are used to increase their effi-
Sinker Bars
Sinker or weight bars pull the wireline into the hole and provide
rigidity for the tools below the bars and additional weight to increase
jar efficiency. One sinker bar normally is sufficient for catching a
fish but two or more may be needed to provide tool rigidity and weight
for working tools. Conventionally, sinker bars are made of steel rods
with connectors on each end. Special heavyweight or leaded sinker
bars are steel tubes filled with lead.
206 Chapter 3
Figure 3-36 Wireline mechanical jars (courtesy Cameo)
Primer cord or dynamite are the two main explosives used in
fishing, excluding jet charges. Primer cord is used in string shots.
Dynamite is used for cutting and recovering casing for abandonment.
Explosives such as nitroglycerine and ammonium nitrate, usually
pelletized and mixed with 5-8% diesel oil, AMFO, were originally
used for stimulation but are seldom used now. Large-shaped charges
may be used to cut off wellheads and casing of blowout wells. Nitro-
glycerine or plastic explosives are used to blowout well fires.
Rope Socket
Rope sockets provide a connection between wireline tools and
the wireline itself. The bottom of the rope socket is threaded to re-
ceive tools. The top ofthe rope socket will have one of various types
of wireline connections.
Single-strand and small multi-strand lines commonly have wire
twisted around a small interlocking bolt, lug, or screw-type friction
device. Larger lines are fastened with lead or babbit, either into the
hollow rope socket or with a small sleeve or thimble that fits into the
rope socket. Shielded electric lines use special connectors. Bevel
the top of the rope socket and cut part of the wires in the head in
order to cripple it, as described in "Wireline Fishing" in Chapter 6.
The wireline overshot or rod socket catches small fish with slip-
type grapples. Otherwise, this tool is similar to and operated in a
similar manner as the tubular overshot, with allowances made for
the reduced efficiency of wire line operations. It may be necessary to
bump the overshot down over a close-tolerance fish. Release the fish
by jarring upward, and then recover it. The tool is strong but may
split or fail under heavy jarring action. Run a shear-pin release if
needed, as described in the section "Wireline Assemblies."
208 Chapter 3
Surface Equipment
Surface equipment used in fishing is generally the same as that
used in regular operations. Strength ratings of the lifting equipment
is normally in excess of the drillstring and is satisfactory for most
fishing operations. Top drive systems have many advantages, espe-
cially in operations such as cleaning out.
Pay particular attention when using a lifting system because of
the heavy working necessary to free stuck tools. Be sure the drilling
line is in good condition, and provide for slipping and cutting regu-
larly. Jarring and bumping can cause a flattened drilling line, so it is
necessary to take special precautions, such as slipping the line a
small distance frequently. Worn crown and traveling block sheaves
accelerate this problem, so ensure that they are in good condition.
Always keep the brake system -in good condition.
Special inspections are seldom necessary for only a fishing job.
However, for severe fishing jobs, consider inspecting the brake bands,
crown, traveling block component parts, etc., as is necessary before
running very heavy casing loads. Periodic visual inspections are a
good preventive procedure and highly recommended.
The circulating system can be a source of problems. There is
often a high stress on mud-handling equipment, so check it carefully
and frequently. Likewise, ensure that all blowout safety equipment
is in place and in good operating condition and that crew efficiency
is verified by blowout drills. Most rigs have a safety valve between
the swivel and kelly. Consider converting to a double-valve system
with a second safety valve located on the bottom of the kelly. This is
highly recommended for deep wells and wells drilled in very high-
pressured formations. ALWAYS position the opening and closing
wrench in the same conveniently available place. This also applies
to the inside preventer. Be sure it is open, and its opening and clos-
ing wrench is stored properly. Ensure that all personnel are aware of
where this equipment is located and how to use it.
Drillpipe used in regular operations is normally satisfactory for
most fishing jobs. This is subject to the condition of the pipe, includ-
ing wear, which is normally measured in total number of feet drilled.
Other items include slip and tong cuts, fatigue, use in corrosive en-
vironment, and tool joint condition. Consider replacing the pipe, or
at least inspecting it, especially after severe fishing jobs.
Drillpipe can be replaced with the same size pipe that is in bet-
ter condition or with pipe of a larger size or higher strength. Another
alternative is to replace part of the drillpipe with higher grade pipe,
usually in the upper part of the string. Some very high grades of pipe
may require using double elevators and other precautions, but these
can increase the risk of problems, so in general lower grades are pre-
Hydrogen Sulfide (HzS) creates special problems because it is
highly poisonous, even in low concentrations. It also causes
embrittlement that can lead to tubular failure. Tempered X-95 and
Grade E drillpipe are most common for HzS service. This may re-
quire using tapered strings to attain the desired overpull. Use of pI as-
tic-coated drillpipe may be questionable. Using the correct mud may
help. Take all precautions and maximum well-control measures to
prevent taking a kick that contains HzS.
210 Chapter 3
Hard banding on tool joints does not necessarily affect fishing
but in some cases can cause fishing. Incorrect hard banding causes
excess casing wear and even keys eats in certain conditions. Do not
use coarse tungsten carbide particles. Normally, use particles sizes
smaller than 60 to 80 mesh with a smooth surface in a band about 3
in. wide.
Aluminum Drillpipe
Aluminum drillpipe has been tested in various drilling and a
few fishing situations. Theoretically, it should make a good drillstring
because of its favorable strength-to-weight ratio. However, field re-
sults indicate that operational problems outweighed the benefits.
Some problems include corrosion in most mud pH ranges (except
for a limited few), excess wear of the pipe body and tool joint, and
high flexibility resulting in buckling and impact damage. Aluminum
drillpipe requires special tapered slips, and applying torque with
the slips or rig tongs may cause severe pipe damage.
It is also difficult to fish for or with aluminum pipe. It is very
difficult to back off, requiring about two rounds of back torque per
1,000 ft, compared to about one round for steel drillpipe. There is a
risk of accidentally backing off, and it is difficult working the torque
down. Aluminum drillpipe may be parted with a shaped charge or
chemical cutter, but string shots may shatter the pipe body adjacent
to the tool joint. Catch tools, such as an overshot grapple, may dam-
age the pipe body; in one case, aluminum pipe failed at about one-
half of the tensile rating. The best alternative is to mill or cut off the
extra pipe and fish for the tool joint. Another alternative is replacing
the top joint of the fish with a steel joint if possible.
Tubing normally is not recommended for fishing except for less
severe operations. Its strength characteristics, springiness, flexibil-
ity, and connector design are unsatisfactory for most fishing situa-
tions. It is especially susceptible to damage during milling and simi-
lar high-torque applications.
Threaded tubing connections, either plain end or external upset
couplings, are not designed for extensive tripping and the use of
high torque, even if the body strength is satisfactory. The connec-
tions may become excessively tight or tighten until they become dam-
aged and fail. Disconnecting overly tight joints may cause damage.
Extensive connecting and disconnecting causes wear and premature
failure. Tubing may be fitted with butt-shoulder-type tool joints, but
this does not eliminate the problem of damage due to excessive torque
Coil Tubing
Coil tubing is a high-strength, ductile steel tube. Common sizes
are 1 and 1% in., but other sizes are available. Common strength
ratings are 70,000 psi yield strength. In operation, an injection head
seals the tubing and lifts and lowers it. Coil tubing is run into a hole
at about 100 ftlmin or even faster with special units.
Coil tubing is used to pump fluids at rates of 1-2 bbl/min. Com-
mon usage is light-duty cleanouts, sometimes with a small mud motor
and bit. Other uses include low-volume acid cleanouts, low-pres-
sure kills, drillstem testing, running as siphon string to unload low-
pressure gas wells, displacing nitrogen to lift fluid out of the hole,
and carrying logging tools and perforating guns in high-directional
and horizontal holes. Coil tubing has been used for light-duty fish-
ing such as cleaning sand off the top of a plug and recovering a plug
and squeeze cementing.
Heavyweight Pipe
Heavyweight pipe is not only heavier than normal drillpipe but
also generally lighter than drill collars for the equivalent hole size. It
has one or two extrusions distributed along the body. These extru-
sions are shaped like tool joints for lateral support.
Heavyweight pipe may be used to modify bottomhole assemblies
by replacing some of the drill collars to reduce overall tool weight
and related drag and torque. It also reduces assembly rigidity and
provides a more balanced connection between smaller drill pipe and
larger drill collars. It reduces the risk of sticking, especially wall
sticking, because there is less contact area. Compared to regular size
drill collars, heavyweight pipe is easier to recover by fishing.
Heavyweight pipe is most commonly used to replace drill collars
run above drilling jars and bumper subs. It may be used to replace
all of the drill collars in highly directional and horizontal drilling
that use a positive displacement, mud motor, or turbine. Heavyweight
drill pipe does not affect the basic action of tho assembly since the
212 Chapter 3
configuration of tools on the lower part of the assembly primarily
determines performance.
Drill Collars
Drill collars are the main component of the bottomhole assem-
bly. They are constructed of a steel alloy and heat treated to increase
hardness. API specifications include a minimum-yield strength of
110,000 psi for drill collars with an outside diameter less than 7 in.
and 100,000 psi for larger diameter collars. Standard practice is to
run larger or full-gauge collars on the bottom and to use worn, smaller
collars in the upper assembly. Always use drill collar clamps when
handling drill collars. even the bottleneck type.
There are a wide variety of drill collars (Fig. 3-37). All serve the
same purpose of providing bit weight and the degree of flexibility or
rigidity necessary for different types of bottom hole assemblies to per-
form their designed functions. Some differences in drill collars are
noted in the following list.
nI roo,
, (
1 r
] , II
( I
~ .J
~.:,. ~
Drillpipe Heavyweight Comp- Drill Fluted, Short
pipe reeeive coUar spiral 'pony"
pipe drill drill
collar collar
(from Introduction to Directional and Horizontal Drilling
by J.A. "Jim" Short, PennWell Books, 1993.)
the industry.
Bit or crossover collars or double box collars run on the
bottom of the drill-collar assembly. The bottom of the col-
lar has a box connector that fits the bit pen.
Selecting the number and size of drill collars depends upon vari-
ous factors. Smaller drill collars are safer to run, while larger drill
collars are generally more efficient. A major consideration is when
an operator should run larger diameter collars that cannot be washed
Larger drill collars efficiently concentrate weight near the bit.
They allow drilling straighter holes through crooked-hole formations.
Fewer collars are needed for a given assembly weight. When using
larger drill collars, there is a higher risk of sticking, especially differ-
ential sticking.
Smaller diameter collars may be stabilized to give the same or
better results than larger diameter collars. Normally, stabilizers can
be cut off by milling if washing over is required. However, some
reamers used as stabilizers, such as roller reamers, are very difficult
to mill off.
214 Chapter 3
Evaluate all of the preceding factors. Generally, if there is an
option of using large drill collars that cannot be washed over or us-
ing stabilization, then stabilization probably should be used. If it is
necessary to use large drill collars that cannot be washed over, they
may be released by circulation, pulling, or jarring. If this does not
work, it is not excessively difficult to sidetrack them. An example of
this is dropping angle with a pendulum while drilling very difficult
formations. One alternative is using very large collars to drop angle
fast enough and at a reasonable drilling rate. Another alternative is
to control inclination by continuing drilling at a rate that is 20-30%
of that possible with the large drill collars. Rig time and total cost
savings justify the risk of a possible fishing job using the larger col-
Keyseat Wiper
Keyseat wipers wipe out keyseats. The preferred type has a solid
body and a floating tapered sleeve with right-hand, ribbed spirals
and is fitted with a bottom clutch. The outside diameter at the top is
approximately equal to the diameter of the drillpipe tool joints. The
aD at the bottom should be equal to the diameter of the drill collars.
During drilling, the sleeve remains stationary and the mandrel ro-
tates inside the sleeve, thus preventing wear on the ribs (Fig. 3-38).
A keys eat wiper is moderately efficient at reaming keyseats, but
its primary purpose is as a safety device to release a keyseated drill-
ing assembly, especially if the assembly sticks when drilling jars and
a bumper sub are not used, or if the assembly sticks above them.
When the keyseat wiper is pulled up into a keyseat, the sleeve
sticks or keyseats. Release it by bumping DOWN and out of the
keyseat, utilizing the mandrel travel of 12-18 in. Apply right-hand
torque to engage the bottom clutch and to help rotate the keyseated
wiper sleeve DOWN and out of the keyseat. After the pipe is free,
remove the keyseat by jarring and working the keys eat wiper into
and out of the keyseat. Repeating this procedure helps to wear out
the keyseat.
A B c
~':.c~It ";",)1 \-k1..IUUIl
1:IP,nMllclll 1'lrlH,I!J"/i Fllrnl.\thlll
216 Chapter 3
Stabilizers steady the drill-collar assembly by providing lateral
support, such as for a stiff assembly. They serve as a fulcrum in pen-
dulum and angle-build assemblies. Run them immediately above
drag-type bits, diamond bits, and polycrystalline diamond bits, as
near-bit stabilizers to steady the bit for improved performance and
longer life. Normally, these tools must be full-gauge to be effective.
Full gauge is within V16in. of the bit diameter and never less than %
in. Use roller reamers as stabilizers for hard drillability and abrasive
Different types of stabilizers are available. Primary selection
considerations are blade contact area, fixed or replaceable blade,
vertical or spiral types, and whether the blade can be milled off if
washing over is required. List stabilizer placement on drill-collar
assembly by position (Fig. 3-40).
Reamers and stabilizers are additional points of potential failure
in a drilling assembly. They are subject to extra fatigue and bending
movement stresses. They also increase the difficulty of recovering
the fish when a failure occurs. Prevent these problems by using the
minimum number of stabilizers required. For example, do not run a
dual-stabilized packed-hole pendulum when one stabilizer in a com-
mon pendulum is sufficient.
Do not stabilize the upper bottomhole assembly to prevent wall
sticking. Consider using fluted drill collars or heavy drill pipe for
severe conditions. Normally DO NOT cover more than the lower 150
ft for 6%-in. and smaller diameter limber drill collars and 180 ft or
less for larger diameters. Packed pendulum assemblies may require
a slightly longer stabilized length.
Open Integral
spiral blade
218 Chapter 3
Figure 3-41 Split assembly
~ Slrface caai1g
~1I +
Intermedate caei\g
DrI coIare
Jar bunper
DrI colan ~~
L ~ ~4:.
~ ,,~~~,~~~
a ~ ~
r i,.~ IQ~
~ Vt.~ ~ ~
~ "0- ~~.~G
.~ ~
~ '~ "" '" '>o.~
~ I ( Horizon eJ eec:tion ) I
Assemblies are made up of various tools, including drillpipe,
heavyweight pipe, tubing, drill collars, reamers, stabilizers, and other
special tools. The design purpose of the assembly is determined by
the type and placement of equipment. Stabilizers, diameter of the
drill collars, and method of operation determine the flexibility and
rigidity of the assembly.
In most cases, the number and spacing of stabilizers, and some-
times reamers, usually on about the bottom 150-200 ft of the assem-
bly, determines the type of assembly. Subs and pony collars are used
for fine-tuning stabilizers' spacing adjustments. Nonmagnetic col-
lars may replace part of the regular drill collars. Additional equip-
ment, such as a keyseat wiper, jars, and a bumper sub are frequently
used in the upper section of the assembly.
Various assemblies are used in overall drilling operations, in-
cluding fishing and vertical, directional, and horizontal drilling.
These tools are broadly divided into two general classes. Rotary as-
semblies, such as a limber drilling assembly, are driven by the rotary
or top drive. Motor assemblies, such as a directional drilling assem-
bly, have a positive displacement mud motor (PDM) or a turbine.
Combination-type assemblies, such as some high-angle directional
drilling assemblies, may use either power source.
Various types of assemblies are included as a reference in the
following list.
220 Chapter 3
A classification may include more than one type of assembly,
such as the pendulum that includes both regular and packed-hole
pendulums. The same assembly may be used in different operations,
such as using a limber drilling assembly for both drilling and cleanout.
Some assemblies may be more difficult to recover by fishing if they
become stuck, such as a packed hole and various directional drilling
Competent operators are familiar with the design, maintenance,
and operations of all of these assemblies. Knowing how and where
to use each assembly is an important preventive procedure.
Overpull is the difference between the maximum allowable de-
sign load and the actual or hook load on the tubulars. Common
strengths used are:
In most cases, overpull is the tensile strength less the actual buoy-
ant weight of the work string or tubulars in the hole. In some cases, it
may be necessary to pull the maximum amount possible, which
would be up to the ultimate strength.
Use the ultimate strength with caution and almost as an emer-
gency or "last resort" procedure since it may damage the metal even
if failure does not occur. Maximum or breaking strengths are not re-
liably predictable above the tensile strength because of stretching
and elongation. Ultimate strength normally is in the range of 10% to
20% over tensile strength.
A long-standing industry practice is to design deeper drilling
assemblies with a minimum of 100,000 lb of overpull. A more appli-
cable recommendation is listed in Table 3-1.
222 Chapter 3
The second most common downhole equipment failure is in the
tool joint. Eliminate this failure or reduce its frequency through proper
selection, operation, and periodic inspections. The main causes of
tool joint failures are excessive wear or exposure to failure during
extremely severe operations, such as fishing.
There is a high incidence of tool joint failure in a lower drillpipe
and drill-collar assembly during, or shortly after, severe services. This
also applies to the latter part of a long bit run, especially if the bit
has bad cones and bearings. Tnese tool joint failures are caused by
the high, fluctuating torque that occurs during milling or drilling.
One corrective procedure is to inspect the drill collar tool joints
at shorter time periods. If a milling job occurs shortly before a
scheduled tool joint inspection, then inspect the tools earlier than
the scheduled time and with reference to the milling job. An alternate
procedure might be to break, clean, visually inspect, dope, and make
up each tool joint, including the drill-collar assembly and five or ten
stands of drillpipe above the collars. Although this involves some
extra work, it often is justified and may prevent a more severe fishing
job than just recovering or milling up the bit cones. A similar failure
is illustrated in the following example.
Overall, this was a successful fishing job. Junk baskets often are
less efficient at recovering cones in hard formations, but the over-
shot recovered the drill collar fish efficiently. It is more difficult to
The fishing assembly or fishing string is the complete downhole
assembly used in a fishing operation. Compared to most other opera-
tions, there is a higher risk of a drill string failure in fishing. The
assembly should be as strong as possible and have the minimum
number of connections. Extra strength ensures safer operation under
high-stress conditions.
A limber drilling type assembly is used as the basis for a fishing
assembly. Normally, it is made up with the drillpipe and collars used
in regular drilling. The assembly should be slick, without any stabi-
lizers or other external obstructions. This reduces the risk of hang-
ing up caused by caving or sloughing and facilitates washing over if
Both drilling jars and bumper subs are very effective if the as-
sembly is stuck below them. Normally, they are positioned below
the top three to five drill collars. Always locate jars above the bumper
sub. The location of the bumper sub relative to the jars will not sig-
nificantly affect the action ofthe jars. However, a bumper sub closes
faster than the jars when bumping down. If a free travel bumper sub
is positioned above the jars, the jars may cushion the action of the
sub and reduce bumping efficiency.
Common fishing assemblies include the following equipment,
listed from the top down:
224 Chapter 3
inch of jar diameter. Standard collars have about the same
OD as the bumper sub and jars.
Fishing jars
Bumper sub - Combination fishing jars and bumper sub
may replace the individual tools.
The standard milling assembly is similar to the fishing assembly
except that the catch tool is replaced with a mill and 4 to 6 drill
collars are run above the mill for weight and stability. Run one or
two, and not over three, junk subs above the mill. The bumper sub
may be used to provide a constant weight for milling operations. In
this case, adjust the number of drill collars between the mill and
bumper sub to provide the required weight.
Wash Over
A washover assembly is similar to the milling assembly except
that the mill is replaced with washpipe and a washover or mill shoe
is run on bottom of the washpipe. Always run the back-off sub. The
collars below the back-off sub may be eliminated, or two or more
may be used for short lengths of washpipe. The washpipe also may
contain a spear for catching the fish.
A drill collar reaming assembly is similar to a regular drilling
assembly but has one or more reamers and sometimes a stabilizer.
The number of reamers and possibly stabilizers depends upon hole
and formation conditions and the depth location and length of the
section to be reamed. A hole opener with a pilot bit is the safest tool
to run on the bottom of a reaming assembly in order to prevent side-
A conventional assembly for reaming on or near bottom may have
reamers in the drill-collar assembly, sometimes with stabilizers in
some positions as listed below.
30 - Minimal risk of sidetracking
30 and 60
Position 3D, 60, and 90 - Moderately aggressive
Clean Out
The cleanout assembly is a regular fishing assembly, but it has
one or two stands of drill collars and a bit below the jars and bumper
sub with their associated drill collars. The assembly is slick and used
without extra collars because they are not needed and they represent
a risk of sticking.
The choice of bit depends upon the situation. For cleaning an
open hole, run a rollar bit or a fixed-blade type to. eliminate the risk
of losing rollers. A dull regular or new button-type roller bit nor-
mally will not damage the top of a fish. The correct shoe will not
damage the fish and can also clean around the top of the fish for an
outside catch. The cleanout assembly is sometimes not recognized
as a separate assembly. However, it is included here because it often
is needed and using it can be an important preventive action when it
is needed and used.
The normal procedure is to clean out with a regular limber as-
sembly or whichever assembly happens to be in use at the time. In
most cases this is a satisfactory practice, but it is not the best because
about twice as many drill collars are being run as needed. Usually, a
hole needs cleaning because of cuttings accumulation, sloughing,
226 Chapter 3
formation swelling, and similar problems. These often are not high-
risk situations, but they should be considered as a warning of pend-
ing problems. Therefore, use the correct cleanout assembly, and do
not run unnecessary tools into the hole.
The most common reason for not running a cleanout assembly is
the time required to replace part of the stands of drill collars with
stands of drillpipe. However, this is not a valid reason because it is
easy to leave several stands of d,rillpipe standing back in the mast so
they can be picked up rapidly when needed. Another reason for not
using a cleanout assembly is the belief that a longer assembly is
needed for cleaning out. This is incorrect in most cases.
Wireline Assemblies
Wireline assemblies are used to conduct various operations, in-
cluding fishing with a wireline. The basic wireline fishing assembly
from the surface down includes the following:
One or more sinker bars may be run below the jars in cleanout
operations for additional weight.
It may be necessary to disconnect the fishing tool assembly from
the stuck fish if the fish cannot be released. Use a shear-pin release
for this. Many fishing tools are equipped with a shear-pin release
that is designed to release the fish by jarring either up or down, de-
pending upon the tool selected.
The type of shear release to run depends upon the situation. A
shear-down release may prevent hard bumping to catch the fish, such
as driving an overshot over the fish because bumping down would
shear the pin and release the overshot hold. The shear-up release
may prevent recovering a fish that requires heavy jarring. For ex-
ample, a shear-down release would be run above an overshot. If jar-
ring up does not release the fish, then bump down to shear the pin
and release the overshot hold on the fish. In some cases, a tool is run
without the shear-pin release, thus relying on cutting the wireline or
parting it at the rope socket if the stuck tools cannot be released.
228 Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Milling Operations
Milling or drilling action on small junk usually is rough. The
random-shaped metal pieces roll and slide under the grinding, cut-
ting action of the mill or bit. This causes a fluctuating torque which,
in turn, causes a fluctuating rotary speed. The action becomes
smoother as the pieces break up. The action is similar when milling
large pieces of fixed metal, except the torque increases as the metal
surface becomes smoother. Higher, constant torque indicates milling
at optimum efficiency.
?.'w Chapter 4
Start milling with minimum weight and rotary speed and in-
crease it with time. Do not over-torque or use excess weight. Nor-
mally circulate at slightly reduced rates. Have sufficient circulation
to cool and flush the milling surface and to carry metal cuttings to
the surface to prevent redrilling them. Higher circulation rates may
carry large pieces of junk to the top of the drill collars where there is
a risk of sticking. Milling weights vary from 500 to 2,000 lbs per inch
of mill diameter. Have sufficient drill collar weight available.
Milling speeds vary, and Table 4-1 is only a guide.
Table 4-1 Suggested rotary speeds
OD of Speed, OD of Speed,
Mill, in rpm Mill, in rpm
3% 4Y4 175 8 - 8% 80
4% - 4% 150 9 - 9% 75
5-5% 125 10- 10% 70
6-6% 100 II - 117/a 65
7-7% 90 12- 12% 60
The mill may be worn or the junk may be rotating with the mill
if downward progress is restricted and the assembly runs smoothly
at a relatively constant rotary speed with low torque, even at higher
weights. Knowing how long the mill has been running and the type
of junk being milled helps determine which action is occurring. Re-
place worn mills.
Rotating junk or a fish causes a problem. The fish or junk spins
or turns with the mill. The lower part of the object may become
smooth and rotate on the formation or on other junk, somewhat like
an inefficient bearing, and continue this way for an extended period.
Actual milling is almost negligible in this case, so change the opera-
tion. Bumping down sharply may stop the junk from spinning. Al-
ternately reduce milling weight and vary the rotary speed. Another
procedure that must be used cautiously is reducing the pump rate.
This may let some cuttings settle downhole, wedge around the fish,
and prevent it from turning. Rubblizing it with a junk shot may be
justifiable. If the junk is relatively free try catching it with a junk
basket. It may be possible to fix the junk in place by dumping ce-
ment as a last resort.
Always try to understand the milling action, what is being milled
and how it is occurring. For example, milling a clean top on the fish
is a standard procedure. Nevertheless, it is important to know that
the mill is running on top of the fish. The top could be against the
edge of the hole in a washed out section, so the mill may be cutting
on the edge ofthe fish below the top (Fig. 4-1). Continued milling in
this case may leave an additional fish in the hole. Eliminate the risk
by using a skirted mill and be very careful to have correct depth
Mills can be extremely efficient tools as illustrated in the follow-
ing example.
232 Chapter 4
up during final displacement, leaving about 1,000 ft of cement inside the
casing. The operator suspected cuttings had bridged in the open hole in
the spearheaded water column ahead of the cement. Nevertheless, the
casing was adequately cemented. as verified by subsequent logs.
The 7-in. casing was landed. the BOPs changed, and a drill-collar as-
sembly and 31/2-in.drillpipe picked up, while the crew installed rubbers on
alternating joints. Precautions to prevent running into soft, contaminated
cement had been emphasized. After picking up the bottomhole assembly
and about 9,000 ft of drillpipe, the pipe began taking on a small amount of
weight. This was much higher than the projected cement top. but a stand
was pulled to ensure that the pipe was free. Some drag was encountered.
so the first stand was set back and a second pulled.This had to be worked
part-way out of the hole. and the kelly was picked up to circulate and help
free the pipe.
At this point, missing drillpipe rubbers were noted. They had been
installed correctly. so there was no explanation of why they were gone.
The pipe stuck several times, requiring circulating, rotating and further
working. Many broken drillpipe rubbers were also circulated out. The few
recovered on the drillpipe had slipped. and some were partially damaged.
When the bit was pulled to the bottom of the BOP, it hung up and had to
be worked free. The assembly was worked out of the hole in about 12
After pulling the assembly out, the preventers were checked. The wear
bushing was not seated properly and locked correctly (Fig.4-2). The rub-
ber protectors sheared off,sliding past the cocked wear bushing.The weight
needed to cause this was not noticed because it was small compared to
the overall pipe weight.
The chisel-tooth bit originally run was unscrewed and set on the edge
of the rotary. Later it was knocked over by the last stand of drill collars
and fell into the hole. The hole was uncovered and the BOP was open. It
was unknown whether the bit fell pin up or upside-down.
A long. mill-tooth bit was run to push all junk as deeply as possible
and clean out any floating rubber. It was made up with two junk subs and
drilling jars and a bumper sub. This assembly was run and the hole was
cleaned out to about 10.000 ft. The assembly was pulled and two unsuc-
cessful runs made with impression blocks. Several unsuccessful runs were
made with short skirted overshots to catch the pin above the bit. Finally,
another impression block verified that the bit was upside-down. Junk bas-
kets with heavily dressed shoes on the bottom and inside edges were run
to cut over the bit shanks and swallow the bit, but were unsuccessful.
These activities pushed the bit down to 10,500 ft.
Heavily dressed concave mills with triple junk subs to catch metal
fragments were run to mill the bit. The average life was 10 hours per mill.
Luckily.the bit turned very little under the mill.The metal fragments from
the drillpipe protector rubbers may have helped hold it in place. The bit
Blowout preventer
or drilling spool --
Locking flange __
,.:J...t'''j.. Wear bushing
Small Fish
A "small fish" here most commonly is bit cones but may be tong
dies, nuts, bolts, hand tools, and other small pieces of junk. Recov-
ery procedures depend on the size, shape, depth, formation hard-
ness, hole size, etc. Bit-cone size is determined from the bit size and
234 Chapter 4
how long they were drilled. The recovered bit may provide informa-
tion. Did the cones drop off, and did the bit show wear from running
on junk? Impression blocks are seldom used because results are very
questionable. In most cases the time can be used more effectively
with other procedures.
Magnets are a close contact tool and less efficient on larger size
junk and junk with a small contact area, such as the end of a wrench.
They are less efficient in soft formations compared to harder forma-
tions since smaller pieces of metal tend to bury in the soft caving
material. Caving and cuttings may be removed by circulating with a
skirted magnet run on tubulars for improved recovery. Wireline mag-
nets are less effective compared to running on tubulars. However,
run the magnet on a wireline at shallow depths. if it is conveniently
Junk shots are seldom effective on small junk. They are a close
contact tool, and the junk frequently is covered with at least a small
amount of drill cuttings and caving material in the open hole. A cir-
culating-type junk shot may be available for running on tubulars,
but its use is questionable. Junk shots are not recommended in cased
holes, except special situations such as very large casing and a small
shot, well centralized to prevent casing damage.
Junk baskets can be effective for recovering small junk, especially
in softer formations. Reverse circulating baskets can be very effec-
tive on very small junk. In many cases, run a junk basket as the first
try unless the junk is very small. Run a junk basket for two or three
cones, wrenches, short pieces of pipe and similar items. Handle the
junk basket carefully since the retaining fingers are fragile and easily
broken. When possible, cut over the junk and then cut a few feet of
formation as a plug to hold junk in the basket. Run a junk sub on top
of the basket to catch small pieces of metal.
In many cases the junk cannot be recovered with a basket or
magnet and must be milled away or walled off. Small pieces of metal
conventionally are drilled and milled up with flat-bottom or con-
cave mills or a short-toothed, mill-toothed bit as described earlier in
this section. Run one or two junk subs above either a mill or bit.
Small junk can be walled off relatively easily in soft and me-
dium formations (Fig. 4-3). Any walled-off junk could fall back into
the hole and possibly stick the downhole assembly. Generally walled
off junk either remains walled off or if it is small enough to wall off
and later falls into the hole, it will not affect the drilling assembly
severely. There are very few, if any, reports of walled-off junk falling
back into the hole at a later date and obstructing operations.
- -. .-.,--- - -----
... .
Large Fish
"Large fish" as used here includes complete bits, short subs, and
similar-sized pieces of metal. The type of fishing tool depends upon
the shape and dimensions of the fish.
Screw into bits or large junk with a threaded connection on top.
If there is a neck of any type, try to catch it with an overshot. Full-
gauge bits normally will not turn over if dropped in casing. They
mayor may not turn over in an open hole depending on hole diam-
eter and washouts. Careful clean-out should not damage the connec-
tion. Short-grab overshots seldom catch a bit pin because ofthe thread
Make at least one attempt with a junk basket if it will cover the
fish. Junk shots may be effective subject to precautions regarding
their use. It is better to mill large metal objects that are hard to wall
236 Chapter 4
off. The preferred method is to mill and cut over the object so it can
be recovered as a larger piece. This reduces the amount of metal to
be milled. Use a mill shoe below either a heavy-duty junk basket or
short length of washpipe.
If the fish cannot be caught, generally the best approach is to
break the large junk into smaller pieces and then fish for it by the
procedures described for small junk. If the entire object must be
milled, normally select a concave or flat-bottomed mill. Run junk
subs. Mills can be very efficient.
Leaks are a relatively common problem. The frequency of leaks
is probably second only to losing bit cones and generally is more
severe. Normally detect surface leaks with a good visual inspection.
Downhole leaks can cause a fishing job if they are not detected and
repaired in a short time. Leaks are more common in drillpipe tool
joints and less common in drill collar tool joints. The most common
a b C
J ".>'
e 9
i I
\ !
" ' I
J I \
! i'
" ::
i I
/ L
i I.
):.:J..' 1
.~..~~... i ,,/"'
238 Chapter 4
cause is improper tool-joint makeup. The abrasive mud frequently
combines with a loose tool joint to erode and wash out the metal,
causing a washout. These are more common in tool joints but may
occur in the body of the pipe.
Leaks also may occur in some high-pressure operations such as
squeezing, circulating out a kick and testing. Some of these may cre-
ate a dangerous situation or cause a severe fishing situation. An ex-
ample is cement leaking past a retrievable packer during squeezing.
A common preventive action is to pressure-test the pipe before con-
ducting some high-pressure operations.
Most fluids, especially drilling mud, are abrasive. The circulat-
ing fluid erodes the metal surfaces. The rate of erosion is a function
of fluid velocity, pressure, metal hardness, and the fluid abrasiveness.
The inside diameter of tool joints often differs from the ID of the
pipe body. This changes the flow rate and may create eddy currents,
increasing erosion effects.
Most leaks caused by fluid erosion develop relatively slowly.
Leaks in damaged tool joints or those not made up according to speci-
fications may occur faster. Regardless of the cause, fluid passing
through the leak erodes metal. The leak grows at an increasing rate
with increasing fluid volume through the leak. This removes metal
by fluid erosion and leads to a tension failure, resulting in fishing.
Leaks increase in frequency and severity with increasing well
depth. There are more connections in a deep well than a shallow
well, so there are more points subject to failure. Deeper wells gener-
ally operate at higher pressures, which increases the risk of leaking
correspondingly. The higher pressure differential across the leak
passes more fluid compared to a more shallow well operating at a
lower pressure. The net effect is that erosion and leaks occur faster
in deeper holes.
Thbulars in deeper wells normally operate at higher levels of
tension. If 10% of the metal is eroded, then theoretically, the pipe
would fail at 90% ofthe new strength rating. Normally the leak would
be detected well before this. With operations at higher stress, a fail-
ure may occur faster in a deeper well compared to a more shallow
Leak detection is a strong fishing preventive measure. Normally
detect leaks by changes in pump pressure. The amount of change
depends upon depth of the leak, where it occurs in the pipestring,
mud pressure and rheology, and related factors. A pressure reduc-
tion of 5% in shallow wells and less in deeper wells can be signifi-
cant. The time between the first occurrence of a leak and when it
develops to the point of equipment failure can range from a few min-
utes to several hours.
Drillstring Leaks
An 83f4-in.hole was drilling at 12.000 ft with a standard 4Ih-in. drillstring.
Over a 30-minute period. the mud pressure dropped from a normal 1.500
psi to 1.350 psi with a slight increase in the pump strokes. The pressure
dropped relatively constantly over the period. indicating a developing leak.
A mechanical malfunction of the pump was less likely because of the slight
increase in pump strokes. The second pump, a twin to the first. was placed
on-line as a check and also gave 1.350 psi. In the next 30 minutes, the
pressure dropped another 150 .psi to 1.200 psi. At that time the driller
picked up the assembly. and it had a normal weight. indicating that it was
The pressure drop indicated a severe leak. A trip was started to pull
the drilling assembly from the hole to check for a leak. The pipe was ro-
tated out at the surface. chained out in order to prevent excessive
downhole movement. This was justified because of the apparent severity
of the leak and the possibility of a large washout.
After pulling 8.000 ft of drillpipe. a tool joint in the middle of a stand
appeared to be leaking as indicated by mud on the side of the pipe.The pin
broke when the tool joint was unscrewed.About half the broken area was
240 Chapter 4
a new break made when the tool joint was unscrewed. The rest of the
break was eroded. Rotating the entire drillstring while pulling it would
almost certainly have caused the failed pin to break and would have dropped
the bottom section of the drilling assembly. In this case, the problem was
recognized and the correct action taken, preventing a fishing job. It might
have been advisable to pull the pipe after verifying that the pump was
operating correctly.
This can be compared with another case of drilling a 61/a-in.hole at
15,000 ft with a 31/2-in.drillPipe. Declining pump pressures indicated a
leak. The pipe was started out of the hole, rotating out normally. After
pulling five stands, the pipe parted, dropping about 9,000 ft of drillPipe
and the drill collars. The fish was recovered with an overshot after three
There is no record of how far the pressure dropped, and chaining out
of the hole, a longer procedure than the regular method of rotating out,
may not have been justified.Also, there is no insurance that the lower part
of the drilling assembly would not have dropped while chaining out of the
hole. However, there is less chance of dropping a partially failed drilling
assembly when chaining out compared to pulling out normally.
In another case, while drilling a 15,000 ft hole, a leak developed in the
drilling assembly, resulting in an unsuccessful fishing job, and the lower
hole was sidetracked.
242 ChaDter 4
during drilling or other operations. Otherwise, begin working after
catching a stuck fish. The same general working principles apply in
both cases and in open and cased holes. Working is both a preven-
tive action and common fishing procedure.
Work stuck downhole assemblies by one or a combination of the
following actions: working to establish movement or circulation,
working up, working down, and a final working procedure. Working
creates stress reversals on the formation at the stuck point which can
be effective in releasing stuck tools. Knowing where, how, and why
the assembly is stuck helps determine the correct working proce-
dure. Working the assembly correctly greatly increases the chance of
releasing it.
Working downhole assemblies often is considered as much of an
art as it is a science. This is not correct. Working is the application of
known procedures that have been successful many times in the past
and will be equally successful in the future. Unfortunately it is all
too common in the industry to either work stuck assemblies for too
short a time and or work them incorrectly. The tendency to "Call a
fisherman!" is too often considered the only solution to stuck pipe.
Working requires various concepts to be successful. Have a men-
tal picture of what is sticking the assembly and how the working
method will release it. Begin working as soon as the assembly sticks;
this often releases it. Work steadily in a deliberate, methodical man-
ner. Be patient, an early release is the exception rather than the rule,
but it occurs. Work using one procedure long enough to determine
whether it will be successful. Then try another procedure depend-
ing upon the circumstances. The working procedures may not be
successful, so have an alternate working procedure or other plan.
.-Ii I /,(!)
Pipe Stretch 1 !
t;j (j)2"EuE Tubing (2-3/S"od.) 461b/ft ~.t.. II?
! @2-718"A.P.1. Tubing, 685 Ib 1ft
(:j)4" API Drill Pipe. 14,16 Ibill Grode E
(~)2'1/2.A,PI Tubing (2.7/S"od) S& Ibltt
@4V2"API Drill Pipe. 16.60 Ib/ft Grode E )'
2' . .f- J~
i @4" API Drill Pipe 11851b/ll
~,5" API, Drill PIpe 19.50 Ib 1ft
i '~'9'5'1/2" A.PI. Drill Pipe. 2470 Ib lIt. Grade E /
~: ,ii" 2.7/8" API DrillP,pe 1040 Ib!f1 Mod.T J. f-
f' '..
..t"-- EXM'PLE , !PLlI 4'1I2".-~,60ibiii" ...~:
.. iOP ~) @ 4q.OOO LBSe
lOver Ha-qing ,Pipe WI.
iCurveP,pe Stielch Is 58" ~
'See 15000 f!! Free Pipe
244 Chapter 4
The formula used to calculate the length of free pipe is:
L = (735.294 x S x W) / (T)
Where: L = length of free pipe, ft
S = pipe stretch (elongation), in.
W = nominal pipe weight, Ib/ft
T = total load, 1,000 Ibs
Work the pipe for a short time to minimize the effect of drag,
then pick it up to remove all slack and take a small overpull of a few
percent of the pipe weight. Mark the pipe opposite a reference point
such as the top ofthe rotary or kelly-drive-bushing. Record the weight
indicator reading. Pick up more and stretch the pipe slightly, but do
not exceed the elastic limit. Mark the pipe again opposite the same
reference point, measure the amount of stretch between the two
marks, and record it as S. Deduct the first weight indicator reading
taken from the reading at this point and record as T.
Enter T, Sand W into the formula and calculate the length of free
pipe or depth to the stuck point. This formula is applicable for dif-
ferent grades of steel in various types of pipe, regardless of the mud
weight. Free pipe length may also be calculated from charts and cal-
culator programs.
Generally monitor the free point by the stretch method when
working stuck pipe. It is a good guide to working and to the types of
working procedures. A free point that appears to move downhole on
successive measurements, "moving free point," indicates an improv-
ing condition with an increasing length of free pipe. Conversely, a
free-point movement uphole indicates deteriorating hole conditions
and a decreasing length of stuck pipe. This is analogous to the hole
caving, causing sticking at a higher point.
Cable head
Collar locator
Slip joint
Safety sub
Shooting head
Shot bar
246 Chapter 4
Drillpipe recovery logs locate free or stuck sections of pipe be-
low the free point by means of a sonic signal. These aid in situations
such as planning the length of washpipe needed and where to back
248 Chapter 4
at force levels above the minimum yield. Nevertheless, it is impor-
tant to use practical safety factors.
Normally tubulars are not deliberately damaged, but there are
cases where other factors may be more important than the risk of
pipe damage. For example, the cost of replacing a drillstring may be
justified to successfully complete the fishing job on a deep, expen-
sive well. When these cases occur, consider the risks in determining
how hard to work the assembly, especially if working above the mini-
mum yield.
Working pipe downward often is one of the most effective ways
of releasing stuck tools, especially since two of the most common
causes of sticking are keys eats and caving. In both cases, usually the
best releasing procedure is working downward. How much weight
can be set down on the assembly before it is damaged? The pipe is a
column, and the actual weight that can be supported safely by the
drillpipe can be calculated by column formulas if all data are known.
It usually is assumed that a fully supported vertical pipe column
will support as much weight in compression as it will in tension.
This implies that the pipe can be set down by approximately the
equivalent of the amount of allowable pull.
However, the downhole assembly is not a fully supported col-
umn. At best, it may be partially supported at the tool joints. If the
hole is in-gauge, the pipe body between the tool joints could bend
until it touches the wall of the hole and some minor indention into
the wall, depending upon formation hardness. However, there are
crooked or deviated holes, washouts, and other out-of-gauge sections
where additional bending can occur. So trying to calculate the pre-
cise allowable weight that can be set down, except for special cases,
is impractical.
The net result is that the maximum allowable set-down weight
must be estimated based on the strength characteristics of the
downhole assembly, knowledge of the specific downhole conditions,
and general experience. More weight can be set down safely if the
hole is in-gauge and tool-joint diameter approaches the hole diam-
eter. Again this is difficult to quantify.
Compression caused by setting down weight normally will not
damage medium- or large- sized drill collars under average condi-
tions. Therefore, the main area of possible damage is in the lower
section of the workstring (Fig. 4-7). Most operators are very cautious
about setting down pipe weight. This is partly due to the natural
caution of sticking or damaging the drillstring or plugging the bit.
There also is a natural tendency to pull stuck pipe upward, rather
than slack off.
'- .
;j- -
i" ~t::::}__;;'C
I I ......
L ...L
0I r
\ \\
...L ; ...L...L \ ...L
L ...L L..J..L
L , ..J ..L
...L I '...L..L
~..L ("'_ ...L
~ ...L .
...L 7 ,...L...L
~ ..L
L ..L,
..L f...L..J..L
,' ...J..
~ bT
L .. I \ ...L ...L
,...I. I
,...... . .. .....J..
..:,.. '
'. . ,';",
".,,". t/
~ i:.....
10 -I~
Pipe in tension Pipe in Pipe in compression
compression Small diameter Large diameter
250 Chapter 4
Consider the following field results. 6,000 ft of 2%-in. tubing was
set on bottom in 51f2-in. casing. 8,000 ft of 27/a-in. tubing was set on
bottom in 7-in. casing. 6,000 to 8,000 ft of 31f2-in. drillpipe and a
standard drill-collar assembly was set on bottom in a 6%-in. open
hole. 8,000 to 10,000 ft of 4Vz-in. drillpipe and a standard drill-collar
assembly was set on bottom in an 8%-in. open hole. All were set
down slowly and picked up later without damage. This information
helps establish set-down weights under slow, smooth, pseudo-static
Next consider a common drilling assembly with 60,000 lb of drill
collars and 10,000 ft of 41f2-in., 16.60 lb/ft drillpipe that weighs
166,000 lb (air weight). Total string weight is 226,000 lbs in air or
192,000 lb in 10 lb/gal mud with a buoyancy factor of 0.85. There
should not be a problem working the assembly down to a surface
weight of 141,000 lb, since all of the drillpipe would be in tension.
Excluding the risk of sticking, the entire assembly probably could be
completely set down slowly in an average hole without damaging
the pipe based on field experience.
Therefore it appears that one relatively safe way to work a stuck
drilling assembly downward is to slack off slowly the equivalent of
at least 5,000, up to 10,000 ft of drillpipe weight above the free point
in the average hole. If the assembly is stuck in the drill collars, the
free point is assumed to be at the top of the drill collars for purposes
of determining how much weight to slack off without damaging the
drillpipe. The force acts downward on the formation at the point of
sticking. Picking the pipe up with an overpull creates an upward
force on the formation at the point of sticking. Repeating this stress
reversal over time is a very effective procedure for releasing stuck
pipe. This general guide applies to an average hole and is subject to
modification based on experience and knowledge in the area and
the condition of the specific hole.
When setting weight down, only a portion of the total weight
actually is applied to the stuck point. As the assembly is lowered, it
tends to coil around inside the hole and drag over inclined and
crooked hole sections. The friction at these points supports some
pipe weight. The actual amount of weight supported by friction can-
not be determined because of the many unknown factors. It can be
estimated by observing the weight indicator as the assembly is low-
ered. If there is no friction, the weight will be transferred to the stuck
point over the relatively short travel distance equivalent to the stretch
and compression in the free pipe. If the assembly weight is trans-
ferred over a longer distance of travel, then the added distance re-
flects a combination of bending or coiling inside the wellbore and
252 Chapter 4
downward a short distance, stretching and elongating, to create a
strong downward force. Lower the pipe and catch it a little higher. It
continues traveling downward a short distance, stretching and elon-
gating. Then it springs upward, imparting an upward force on the
stuck point. Repeating the procedure creates stress reversals against
the stuck point. This action is sometimes described as a snap-and-
bounce procedure and can be effective in releasing stuck assemblies.
Efficiency decrease with depth and heavier workstrings.
Pipe sizes have not been specifically used in how hard to work
the tools because of unknown data. Normally, the smaller pipe would
be in a smaller hole and larger pipe in a larger hole, so to some extent
both sizes have approximately equal lateral support. Larger pipe can
withstand more total force than smaller pipe, but the larger pipe also
weighs more. Therefore, using pipe weights in terms of feet of pipe
is probably adequate.
254 Chapter 4
Deteriorating hole conditions such as sloughing, caving and bridg-
ing are the most common cause for limiting the safe working time,
especially without circulation. This emphasizes the importance of
circulating while working stuck assemblies because it reduces the
risk of additional sticking.
Additional sticking may often be detected by small jumps or er-
ratic movement of the weight indicator needle while increasing or
decreasing tension. Another indication is apparent reduced pipe-
stretch. Take periodic free points by the pipe-stretch method while
working. A deteriorating hole condition is indicated by free points
found at successively shallower depths with time or an upward mov-
ing free point. As a very rough rule, do not allow the free point to
move uphole over 300 to 600 feet before suspending working and
backing off.
256 Chapter 4
the pipe pulls tightly into the stuck point. This is the approximate
upward limit the assembly can be pulled while maintaining circula-
tion. So pick up the pipe until the circulation is restricted and then
slacked off. Lowering the pipe usually gives similar results in the
opposite direction.
Work the pipe in a slow, easy manner, using the pump pressure
as an indicator, and insuring continued circulation. Repeating this
often releases the assembly by washing and eroding the caving bridge
or other material causing sticking. This method of releasing the as-
sembly would be less effective without circulation. Normally run
the pump slowly at first, since there are cases where increased pump
rate will stop circulation, and gradually increase it. Using the pump
pressure in this manner while working the stuck pipe at times can
be more sensitive than using the weight indicator.
Torque or rotation also may guide the working direction. The
stuck pipe may rotate slightly while the pipe is in the free point
position. Torque may increase with additional pull or setdown. Then
work the pipe in the direction to cause increased torque, but not so
hard as to stop rotation.
258 ChnotAr 4
Figure 4-8 Blow plugged jet nozzles out of bit
-.-r-" --~
Running line
Well bore -..--............
Rope socket
Collar locator
Drill collars
Carrying rod
Drill bit....
After pressurizing, work the stuck tools with about 3,000 to 5,000
Ibs, first by overpull and then setting down the samfJ amount. Ifthere
is some pipe travel, continue to pull and set down with about the
same amount of weight. Continue this for an hour or longer while
monitoring the pump pressure. The start of circulation is detected
260 Chapter 4
worked both upward and downward. When the assembly sticks on
bottom, most of the working will be upward. If the assembly has
been pulled up into a tight hole, most of the working will be down-
The overall objective is to free the assembly, but the immediate
goal is to obtain movement and circulation. When the stuck pipe
begins to move, work to expand the movement until the assembly is
released. Do this by pulling the assembly upward to the end of the
free travel and then apply additional pull. Insure that this extra pull
is low enough so the pipe does not stick but can be bumped down-
ward. Then slack off until the assembly reaches the bottom of the
free-travel section, and apply additional weight in the downward
direction. Insure that the weight does not stick the assembly and it
can be pulled or jarred upward to the free-travel area. Repeat the
procedure and increase the working force as needed.
Concentrate on moving the pipe upward if it begins to move at
the upper limit oftravel. Conversely, work it in the downward'direc-
tion if it begins to move downward, depending on how much hole is
open below the assembly and other related factors. If free travel can
be obtained, the assembly usually can be released.
If the assembly is equipped with jars and a bumper sub and is
stuck at a point above these tools, they are ineffective. If the assem-
bly is stuck below the tools, they can be used to help release it.
There are several ways of working with the jars. Pull the pipe
upward against the stuck assembly to the tripping weight and wait
for the jars to trip, delivering a sharp upward blow on the stuck as-
sembly. Pipe weight reduces slightly after the jars trip due to the
elongation of the jars. Another method is to pull the pipe to a higher
level of overpull after the jars trip. A third method is to pull the pipe
steadily to the maximum weight. Adjust the rate of pull so the jars
trip at the desired tripping weight. Then lower the pipe to reset the
jars and pick up again to repeat the jarring action.
Use a similar procedure when bumping down. After the bump-
ing stroke, set additional weight down to release the fish. The jarring
and bumping action may be modified slightly, depending on the type
of tools used and their specific tripping mechanism.
Normally start jarring by tripping the jars at low levels of overpull
in the range of about 10,000 Ibs of overpull and bumping down about
the same amount. Work the stuck pipe at this level for about an hour.
If this does not establish movement or circulation, then trip the jars
at a higher level by increasing the overpull by 5,000-10,000 lb. In-
crease the tripping level gradually by 5,000-10,000 Ib increments
until the stuck assembly moves, or circulation is established, or the
jars are being tripped at the maximum safe recommended force (Table
4-2). Increase the level of bumping down similarly.
262 Chapter 4
Table 4-2 Impact values (continued)
Work Up
Working up is one of the more important working methods. Pro-
cedures for working upward are broadly similar to those for working
to establish movement, with a few specific differences. Always main-
tain the stuck point in tension. This ensures a constant upward force
against the point where the assembly is stuck. Often use a constant
minimum upward force in the range of 5,000 to 10,000 lb of overpull.
Combine torquing with working up in many cases such as working
up to release a tension packer or wedged bit.
Start working upward at a force level of about 10-20% of the
weight of the the pipe, calculated to the free point. For openhole
stuck situations such as sticking in a crooked hole or pulling into a
bridge, work at this force level for about 30 minutes to 1 hour. Then
increase the force level by about 10-20% of the free-pipe weight and
264 Chapter 4
Figure 4-9 Working stuck packers
Note: Packers must be jayed while working.
266 Chapter 4
If the assembly does not have jars and a bumper sub, then con-
sider backing off and running a fishing string with jars and a bumper
for continued working in a more efficient manner. Generally do not
consider other fishing operations until stuck tools have been worked
extensively with jars and a bumper sub. Exceptions to this include
deteriorating hole conditions and similar situations.
In the final case, work up at maximum force levels. Work con-
stantly, alternating by working down about 10% of the time. Work
constantly for an extended period, at least four hours or more. If this
is unsuccessful, then take other actions such as backing off and run-
ning different fishing tools.
Continued working, including the final working procedure, is
illustrated in the following example.
Working Wirelines
Work wirelines in a similar manner as that for tubulars except
that working options are limited to reciprocating action. Wirelines
without a wireline bumper sub or jars are worked by stretching and
slacking off the line. As with tubulars, the working action is more
268 Chapter 4
effective with a bumper sub or jars so that they can be jarred up and
bumped down. Weight bars increase their efficiency.
Working generally starts with steady upward pulls followed by
slacking off. The usual manner is to begin working the stuck fish at a
lower force level and gradually increase to the maximum safe oper-
ating limit of the wireline. If the fish cannot be worked free, then
release it and try other fishing methods. Shear loose if a shearpin
release is used. Most rope sockets are crippled, so pull the wireline
out ofthe rope socket. Wireline cutters are also available. Then catch
the fish with a wireline overshot run under wire line jars and a bumper
sub, preferably hydraulic, with heavyweight sinker bars. Work to
release the stuck tools. If wireline jars and a bumper were run ini-
tially, work and release the stuck tools. If the stuck tools are not re-
leased, then release from the fish and fish by other methods.
Electrical conduits have a limited resistance to working. Jars and
bumper subs cannot be run below them. In this case, working is lim-
ited to an upward pull and a rapid slack-off. The most common pro-
cedure is to work the stuck fish lightly. If it is not released, then the
wireline is released by pulling it out of the crippled rope socket.
Then the fish is recovered with wireline or tubular fishing assembly.
One method of working wirelines is bumping up or down by
manipulating the wire line in a manner similar to the snap and bounce
procedure for tubulars. First determine the neutral point and mark it
with a flag on the line. Pull the wireline upward, then slack it off
rapidly, and catch it sharply. The elasticity of the line lets the tools
continue traveling downward for a short distance and then snap back
upward. This action jerks the stuck tools either up or down, depend-
ing on where the line flag is stopped in relation to the original refer-
ence point. The action is very efficient at shallow depths of 6,000-
10,000 ft and efficiency decreases with increasing depth because of
the difficulty of catching and releasing the line correctly.
Where to Part
Normally part stuck downhole assemblies as deep as possible to
save as much hole as possible if the fishing job is unsuccessful, to
recover the maximum amount of pipe, and to leave a minimum
amount of fish in the hole (Fig. 4-10). This also allows positioning
jars and other tools near the stuck point where they are more effi-
cient. Excluding this, part the fish so that the top is accessible and
can be caught by the catch tool.
Often it is preferable to cut the fish in a section with a smaller
diameter, such as the pipe body. The smaller diameter may be easier
to catch, although there are exceptions. Often, it is easier to cut.
Overs hots used to catch smaller diameters generally are stronger than
those used to catch larger diameter fish.
The position of the top of the fish can be important in catching
it. Whenever possible, part the fish in a straight, in-gauge hole sec-
tion where there is less risk of bypassing the fish. It is more difficult
to catch a fish top that is against the wall of a washed out or out-of-
gauge hole section. Do not part immediately below a casing shoe for
similar reasons. Part the pipe either up in the casing or 50-100 ft
below the bottom of the casing shoe.
As a general rule, part stuck drillpipe at least one or two joints
above the stuck point. Sometimes it is difficult to start outside catch-
tools or washpipe over a fish top parted at, or immediately above the
stuck point. Normally part drillpipe in the open hole leaving 1 joint,
90% free in tension above the stuck point, or 2 joints, 75% free in
tension above the stuck point. Part drill collars in the open hole leav-
ing about one free collar above the stuck point.
Back off stuck test tools, packers, and plugs at the backoff joint,
if available, in both cased and open holes. Pull off at the shear joint
of a stuck tool so equipped. If necessary, cut the pipe about 2-4 ft
above the top of tools fitted with fishing necks. Cut the pipe 8-15 ft
above tools that do not have fishing necks. This leaves space to cut
another clean fish top if the old top becomes worn or damaged. If the
pipe above these tools is stuck, leave free pipe as described above.
270 Chapter 4
Figure 4-10 Where to part the assembly
f!) )! ) I (((( In (
,-lIC ~ jL ~L. L llJJLLD-
\ Stuck drill Gollars
Stuck at the top 01 the drill collars
Wrong Right Wrong RighI
. .'r ' (
, ( I / '
' ''''--
1 1--1
. TI
Stuck l.:. f .l .J-
Back off;
Cut: leave
']" (
'F ! ""b,
I In
--'- .
.. _./ _J.,~
~ .~... j[t
. r
packer.J I,I
J i
] .~I/'
Backing Off
Backing off is the most common and preferred method of parting
stuck assemblies. This usually leaves three options of catching the
fish listed below in the normal order of preference.
Regular Back-off
The regular backoffusing a string shot is the most common back-
off procedure. It is very effective on shouldered tool joints. The im-
pact of the explosion jars the mating tool joint shoulders loose so
they can be rotated to the left and separated. The back-off procedure
also works well with tubing but is less successful with casing. This
is attributed to the type of connection, difficultly in placing left-hand
torque, and the wide distribution of the detonating force. Using larger
charges could be more effective, but there is a higher risk of damag-
ing the casing.
In the ideal case, the tool joint being backed off should be com-
pletely free. This is not always the case, but tool joints have been
backed off that were less than 50% free. This also may account for
the fact that sometimes the assembly will back off from one to three
tool joints above the point where the string shot was detonated.
Run a back-off assembly on a shielded electric conduit. It in-
cludes a color locator, free-point indicator, and the string shot, usu-
ally run on a small-diameter cable or pigtail 10 to 15 ft below the
collar locator. This prevents damaging electronics in the collar loca-
tor and could prevent sticking the string shot tool, which sometimes
happens when the string shot is detonated. In some cases the pigtail
may stick when it is run through the top of the fish because the pig-
tail is too flexible. In this case, run the string shot on a small rod
below the collar locator and bars. If the top of the fish is burred or
uneven, there may be a problem running this string shot into the
fish. One alternative is to use a smaller diameter, longer string shot
with fewer wraps of primer chord. Almost the same amount of jar-
272 Chapter 4
ring force can be obtained. It reduces the diameter of the string shot
and the risk of sticking or hanging it up during running.
The back-off operation includes running the back-off assembly
and locating the free point. Usually determine the free point by chang-
ing tension or torsion in the pipe (Fig. 4-11). Place left-hand torque
in the pipe and work it down. This is more difficult in crooked, de-
viated and deeper holes due to high drag and torque. However, the
torque must be at the tool joint that is to be backed off to be effective.
The amount ofleft-hand torque depends upon pipe size and depth
and strength of the back-off charge. It is available from standard tables
or the company supplying the back-off service. Then locate the next
tool joint or collar above the free point with the collar locator (Fig.
4-12). Position the string shot opposite the tool joint to be backed
off, detonate it, and pull the string shot assembly carefully out of the
Pull the string shot out of the hole, then rotate the pipe to the left
to unscrew the connection, and pull the pipe out of the hole. If there
is any tendency for the string shot tool to hang up, then unscrew the
pipe and pick it up about 15 ft. Pull the string shot slowly into the
upper pipe section and out ofthe hole. Picking the pipe up about 15
ft leaves clearance for the string-shot tool to enter the upper pipe
section if the tool is in the fish or lower open hole. Sometimes the
pipe unscrews and releases the fish when the string-shot is deto-
nated. Pull the pipe up about 15 ft when this occurs. Then pull the
string-shot assembly carefully, followed by pulling the pipe. Some-
times when the proper equipment is installed, pick up the pipe about
15 ft to allow for circulation before pulling the string shot.
In any case, do not set the pipe back down with the string shot in
the hole. If the pipe parts several joints above the backed-off point
and is picked up and later lowered, the end of the pipe could sit on
top of the fish or go down the side of the fish. The string shot run-
ning line would probably be cut in either case, leaving another fish
in the hole (Fig. 4-13).
It is not uncommon to back off uphole while trying to work left-
hand torque down the hole. This often occurs in crooked and highly
deviated holes with high drag and torque and after working stuck
pipe at higher force levels. The same tool joint may back off again
while placing left-hand torque, even after reconnecting and tighten-
ing the assembly. Therefore, prior to backing off, it often is advisable
to tighten the drillstring using the procedures described in the sec-
tion "Blind Backoff." After tightening all tool joints, work the extra
right-hand torque out by working the pipe before torquing the as-
sembly to the left for the back-off.
7060 ft.
78 stretch 7000 ft.
75 torque } 78 stretch
75 torque }
Free point
8250 ft.
77 stretch
{ 72 torque
7100 ft.
837511. 70 stretch
60 stretch 65 torque }
{ 70 torque
Pipe Cemented or
Extremely Crooked Hole "Sanded Up" in Hole Mud Stuck Pipe
Normal stretch and torque Normal stretch and Normal stretch and torque
readings lor this string 01 drill lorque readings for this readings for this liming were
pipe were established at 77 string were established established at 78 stretch and
stretch and 72 torque. It at 78 stretch and 75 .,5 torque. Due to congealed
should be noted that at 8375 torque. Free Point mud in the annulus. Free
leet and 8525 leet. torque Indicator readings found Poinl Indicator readings
movement was relatively the stretch and torque gradually decreased with wel!
normal but a decrease in movement decreased depth. Long experience has
stretch movement had abruptly 10 0 at 7100 shown under these conditions
occurred. Free Point depth feet. thereby the tubing can be Backed Off
was determined at 8250 feet establishing the Free at reduced torque and stretch
where pipe was Iree both in Point depth at 7095 readings with the Free Point
stretch and torque. feet. depth being established at
7200 feet.
274 Chapter 4
6450 ft.
78 stretch
6000 It 75 torque }
78 stretch
{ 68 torque
6250 It.
77 stretch
{ 70 torque
Free point
79 stretch
{ 69 torque
6510 ft.
76 stretch
7000 It.
75 torque }
0 stretch
{ o torque Free point
6625 It.
77 stretch
75 torque
7100 It.
o stretch
o torque
6685 ft.
76 stretch
o torque }
I. I
--- Rope socket _mmm+n.n+
nn Carrying rod
- -7_
I I _
- - Tooljoint.
I I-m--mm .. String shot
276 Chapter 4
Figure 4-13 Recovering a string shot
Note: After back-off, if tool is stuck, it may be caught as in figure a.
Pick up pipe about 15 ft as in figure b so that the tool is free to
enter it. Pipe back-offs uphole can occur before or after detonating
the string shot and frequently occur while placing left-hand torque.
Pull the string shot tool from the hole before lowering the pipe. If
the pipe is lowered, it can sit on the box as in figure e or bypass the
box as in figure f. The running line will probably be cut in either
case, leaving another fish in the hole (inside pipe).
I Ii
~) I
a b c d f)
Blind Back-off
The blind back-off is a procedure for backing off the pipe with-
out a string shot and by manipulating the pipe from the surface. The
procedure is applicable to drillpipe and tubing and has been used
with sucker rods. It is seldom used except in special circumstances.
There are occasions when the conventional methods of parting
the downhole assembly cannot be used. The most common situation
is when the inside of the pipe is plugged and an outside cutter can-
not be run because of the lack of clearance. Common situations in-
clude plugged drillpipe or tubing, and annular space too small to
run an outside cutter. Blind back-offs are moderately effective under
favorable conditions and when applied correctly.
Basically the assembly is rotated to the left until it unscrews and
releases. Normally the assembly would be expected to back off at
any point, or at least high in the hoie. However, if the technique is
applied correctly, the pipe can probably be parted within a few tool
joints or connections of the desired point. The procedure takes ad-
vantage of the fact that a tool joint in either tension or compression
is more difficult to rotate as compared to one at the neutral point.
First, find the free point with conventional pipe-stretch data. Then
tighten the tool joints to ensure that all the connections are tight. Do
this by applying maximum right-hand torque while gradually mov-
ing the free point of the pipe from the surface, or high in the hole,
downward. This assumes obtaining optimum tightening with the tool
joint at the free-point position. Later back-off operations are con-
ducted with all joints in tension, except those in the section to be
backed off. The tightening procedure IS VERYIMPORTANT, so take
278 Chapter 4
time and do it correctly. Several hours may be required for a moder-
ate depth workstring.
Start tightening the tool joints by setting down the maximum
safe set-down weight. In cased holes this may be the full weight of
the pipe to the free point and should approach that for open holes.
To some extent, do not worry about damaging the lower pipe. If the
back-off is not successful, the pipe will probably require milling.
Apply right-hand torque to the maximum safe limit. Normally apply
and hold this torque with pipe tongs. Pull the pipe upward about
10,000 Ib, or about 10-15% of the initial free pipe weight, over the
initial set-down pipe weight. Repeat this five or ten times. If the torque
reduces, indicating the joints are tightening, then restore it to the
maximum level, and repeat the working procedure until there is no
indication of additional tightening of the tool joints.
Next pull the pipe upward an additional 10,000 Ib, or another
10-15% of the initial free-pipe weight, and repeat the working pro-
cedure, replacing lost torque as necessary. It may be necessary to
change the position of the pipe tong to allow for picking the pipe up
higher in successive working. Use anoth~r tong such as an inverted
back-up tong. It is best not to release the torque until an the pipestring
has been tightened.
Continue the working procedure, increasing the pipe pick-up
weight in similar increments and restoring torque as needed until all
of the tool joints in the pipe string have been tightened. This is at a
pick-up weight of about 10,000 Ib over that necessary to move the
free point to the desired back-off point. Then release the right-hand
torque and work the pipe, with the hook unlatched, to remove all
excess right-hand torque. Work the pipe from the set-down weight to
an overpull of at least 50,000 Ib above the free-point weight.
Next, place and work left-hand torque down. The surface torque
will decrease as the left-hand torque is worked down. Use this as a
guide of how long to work the pipe before adding more torque. There
is a risk of backing off high with associated pipe movement or jump.
Tie the elevator latch securely closed so it will not snap open, allow-
ing the pipe to drop.
Work left-hand torque down by picking up until there is about
10,000-20,000 Ib of overpull at the point to be backed off. Turn the
workstring about one turn to the left. Work the pipe from about 10,000
Ib of overpull up to 30,000-50,000 Ib for about 15 minutes, or longer
if the hole is deviated or crooked. Add another turn ofleft-hand torque
and continue working. Continue adding torque and working the pipe
until about 1% rounds of torque per 1,000 ft of depth, more for smaller
tubulars, has been added. The actual number of rounds depends on
p'ipe weight, depth, hole deviation, and dogleg. Keep the free point
in tension while working the left-hand torque down.
280 Chapter 4
pressure for 5-15 minutes to remove allpipe dope. Repeat one of the
jamming procedures.
Another aid is "burring" the tool-joint threads slightly to increase
In many situations the most practical method of parting the
downhole assembly is to cut it. Select an applicable cutting tool as
described in the section "Cutters and Perforators" in Chapter 3.
Chemical Cutter
Chemical cutters are preferred over mechanical cutters because
they are faster to run, normally provide a positive cutting action,
and often involve less risk. Use the correct standoff to cut efficiently.
Chemical cutters normally are used to cut smaller tubulars such as
tubing. They can cut larger tubulars such as drill pipe in special cases.
The chemical cutter usually makes a clean cut, so the fish can be
caught with an overshot without dressing off the top.
Observe the same precautions when running a chemical cutter
as for all wireline tools. The tool has a relatively full-gauged diam-
eter. Run a screen if necessary to prevent sticking the tool. Equalize
the pressure between the inside and the outside of the pipe to be cut.
Otherwise, the cutter may be blown uphole and tangle the running
line, causing a fishing job. In a few cases it may be blown downhole,
parting the running line.
282 Chapter 4
above 7,000 ft and 25% free at 7,000 ft.The fish was perforated at 7,000 ft,
and circulation was established slowly while working the pipe. It was worked
free to 7,000 ft when it was necessary to shut down and repair surface
flow lines.
After a 6-hour shutdown, the fish was worked and circulated. A free
point indicated that the fish was 50% free in stretch at 7,000 ft and 25%
free at 7,500 ft, no movement in torsion. The fish was worked an addi-
tional I6 hours and became 50% free in stretch at 8,000 ft, with no rota-
tion and about 75% free in rotation at 7,000 ft.
A badlycavingshale from 6,000 to 8,000 ft prevented backing off be-
low about 7,000 ft because caving prevented working down left-hand
torque. If the pipe could be cut deeper, there was a good chance of recov-
ering that part of the fish through the caving shale section.
A chemical cutter was run. The chemical cutter would probably not
make a complete cut through the pipe because of the incorrect stand-off,
but a partial cut was expected. Several cuts were to be made if necessary.
The cuts could not be positioned precisely over each other, but an effort
would be made to position them as closely as possible. In this manner the
pipe could be parted at the weak point by tension.
The first cut was made at 8,000 ft, and the pipe was worked for 2
hours without being released. A second cut was made with the tool posi-
tioned as near the first cut as possible. The pipe was then worked an
additional 2 hours without being released. A third cut was made in a simi-
lar manner and, after the pipe was worked for I hour, movement was
observed. About 2 hours were required to work the first 1,000 ft of pipe
out of the caving hole section before it could be pulled freely.A cleanout
trip was made, the mud and hole were conditioned, and the remainder of
the fish was recovered in a conventional manner.
Using the chemical cutter in this case expedited the fishing operation.
Jet Cutter
Jet cutters are inside cutters run on a wireline. They cut with a
specially shaped charge. They are positioned and used much like
chemical cutters. Chemical cutters usually are preferred over jet cut-
ters because they make a smoother cut and thoro is less risk of casing
damage in a cased hole.
Mechanical Cutter
Mechanical cutting tools cut and release a section of tubulars
and mill or cut out a section of casing. They are used most frequently
as inside cutters to cut casing and as outside cutters to cut tubing.
Most tools are self-starting in that the knives, cutting bars, or
blades are forced outward, away from the cutting tool body while it
Sometimes downhole assemblies are parted with explosives such
as dynamite. This is most common when parting and pulling casing
during abandonment operations. The explosive often damages one
or two joints. However, any attempt to recover the remaining pipe
below the shot point requires extensive milling and fishing.
Shear Rams
Shear rams can part the pipestring when the pipe must be dropped
deliberately, usually under emergency conditions. They are installed
as part of the regular blowout preventers.
Shear rams are seldom used except in emergency conditions. One
example might be a situation where a well blew out during a trip.
Further assume the drill pipe rams and bag-type preventer were ei-
ther inoperative, could not hold pressure, or were leaking and could
not be changed. If there were no way to pump into the well and
control or kill it, the shear rams could be closed, cutting and drop-
ping the pipe and sealing the hole.
If the preventer stack did not include shear rams, and the blind
rams were operative, the elevator latch could be knocked open with
a sledgehammer to drop the assembly so the blind rams could be
Dropping the pipe is a drastic action with severe consequences.
It might be justified under pending blowout conditions where there
is no other method of shutting-in the well. Almost any condition or
situation is better than an uncontrolled blowout.
a b c d e
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286 Chapter 4
Cleaning inside the Fish
Cleaning inside the fish is a higher risk procedure. The fish must
be open to conduct operations inside it. These include running a
free point, backing off, and perforating for circulation (Fig. 4-15).
Common causes of a plugged fish-top are drill cuttings, caving, or
sloughing. These frequently bridge in the top of the fish. Prevent this
by limiting cleanout procedures immediately above the fish. Long
bridges can be very difficult to clean out.
Plugging in the top of the fish prevents running stuck pipe logs,
back-off shots, perforating to establish circulation, and other releas-
ing procedures. An important factor in cleaning out the top of the
fish is its accessibility, such as the top ofthe fish laid over in a washed-
out hole section.
The most common blockage that occurs in the top of the fish is a
cuttings bridge. The thickness of the bridge inside the fish can range
from a few inches to a long interval. Shorter bridges 1 to 3 ft long
sometimes can be cleaned out, but longer bridges are more difficult.
This emphasizes the importance of circulating the hole clean and
using a 'minimum number of trips to prevent knocking additional
material off the walls of the hole.
There are more options for cleaning out the bridge if the fish is
caught with a full-opening catch. The bridge may be removed by
surging or pumping it out with low pump pressure if the lower part
Screw In
Screwing in is the most common method of catching a fish. It
provides a very strong connection and engages the fish relatively
easily. Normally catch the fish by screwing in if it was released by
backing off.
In operation, connect a tool joint by mating the one on top of the
fish to a fishing assembly and run it into the hole. Stop about 25 ft
above the fish and circulate and condition the hole. Then lower the
fishing assembly slowly, usually with slow rotation and reduced cir-
Swallowing the fish is a good method of catching and recovering
small fish. The fishing tool passes over and completely encloses the
fish. In this manner the fish is caught and retrieved with a minimum
risk of losing it while tripping out.
The most common tool for swallowing the fish is a junk basket,
usually employed for catching smaller fish. The outside cut can be
another swallowing operation. Run the cutter down over the fish,
cut it and recover the cut section inside the cutter barrel, held by the
cutter knives. However, the cutter knives are relatively fragile and
may break under a heavy load. Another type of swallowing tool is
wash over pipe fitted with an inside spear, as described in the sec-
tion "Washing Over."
Outside Catch
The two main methods of making an outside catch are the die
collar and overshot. Die collars are a specialized outside catch and
seldom used because oftheir disadvantages, as described in Chapter
Overshots are widely flexible. They can be dressed with slips, or
spiral or basket grapples. All are commonly called slips or overshot
slips. They are available in a wide range of sizes and lengths, and
multiple tools can catch one of several sizes of fish in one run. They
may be fitted with a packoff for pressurization, which may help con-
trol well pressures and be instrumental in releasing the fish. There
are different types of shoes.
290 Chapter 4
The overshot is the most common, widely used outside catch
tool. Excluding slim-hole overshots, the standard overshot is approxi-
mately as strong as the equivalent tool joint strength for the screw-in
connection. The fine thread connections in the upper overshot body
are possible weak points, but overall the tool is strong.
The overshot connection to the fish is slightly less reliable and
somewhat less flexible for working the fish than the screw-in con-
nection. For example. the overshot cannot be bumped or jarred down,
especially while holding right-hand torque, since this is the conven-
tional manner of releasing it. There is little risk of braking the slips
and releasing the fish during severe operations and under heavy loads.
Normally, though, the overshot will hold as much or more than the
remainder of the fishing assembly.
The overshot slips must be sized properly. Several trips may be
required to change the slips for other sizes if the size of the fish is
unknown. When in doubt about sizes, usually run a slightly larger-
size slip. If the slip is too small, it can break while trying to run the
overshot over the top ofthe fish, leaving additional junk in the hole.
There also is a risk of breaking the slips with a rough fish top or by
not catching it correctly.
When the top of the fish is rough, it may be necessary to mill or
cut a clean, smooth top so the overshot can go over and engage the
fish. This is not a problem inside casing or in a gauge hole. But, it
may be more difficult in crooked or out-of-gauge holes because of
the difficulty of going over the fish.
Normal circulation is through a regular overshot body, around
the shoe and uphole. This reduces the risk of sticking the fishing
assembly and provides better control of exposed high-pressure zones.
Limit circulating for long periods or reduce tho rate to prevent fluid
erosion in the overshot slip section. This can weaken the slips and
release the fish but normally is not a major problem. The circulating
overshot allows circulating through the fish, which may help release
it. The pressure seal can be damaged by a rough fish top (Fig. 4-16).
Normally run the overshot on the bottom of a fishing assembly.
Stop it about 25 ft above the fish, and circulate and condition the
hole as needed. Then lower the overshot slowly down over the top
of the fish, rotating slowly. After catching the fish, test the catch by
pulling 10,000-30,000 Ib over the weight of the fishing string. This
also sets the slips. Then work the fish to release it.
Normally release the overshot by holding right-hand torque while
bumping down. It may be hard to release, especially after heavy pull-
ing and jarring. If the overshot cannot be bumped and torqued loose,
then try releasing it by detonating a string-shot opposite the slips
with some weight set down on the overshot.
Fishing assembly
I I Slips
. I I
Circulating Fish caught with the overshot
292 Chapter 4
degree of misalignment, run the overshot below a bent joint, bent
sub, or knuckle joint. In extreme cases of misalignment, run the over-
shot below a highly bent joint or place a pup joint extension be-
tween the overshot and the knuckle joint or bent sub.
a b c
I ! I
~-1\ \:_~~
\ \ \ \
Long to extreme extension
g I I 11 j
, \ \ \
. \ \
Some fish are difficult to catch because of the position of the top
of the fish, such as the top laid over in an enlarged section. At other
times, catching the fish is difficult due to the condition of the top of
the fish. If the top is bent or flattened. it may not enter the fishing
tool. Either cut it off or mill a new top. When the fish is hard to
catch, especially when the reason is unknown, it is important to try
to catch the fish' in the normal manner by using a wall hook, bent
joint, bent sub, etc. The action of the fishing assembly, impression
blocks, and the appearance ofthe recovered piece of pipe above the
break or sometimes helps determine whether the fish can be caught
with regular fishing tools.
294 Chapter 4
Consider a situation where the fish top is laid over in a washed-
out or crooked-hole section, and this is either unknown or not recog-
nized. Several unsuccessful trips may be made to try and catch the
fish, based on the assumption that the fish top is in a straight, in-
gauge hole section. Then it may be assumed that the fish top is dam-
aged. The next apparently logical step is to clean the top of the fish
by milling. A flat-bottom mill may be run, bypassing the fish top a
short distance and cutting through the side of the fish. The upper,
excised section falls and lodges beside the fish, leaving two fish in
the hole and creating a difficult fishing situation.
The first preventive measure is to KNOW the length of the mill-
ing assembly and the correct depth to the top of the fish. Run an
induction log if there is any question. Run a skirted mill that does
not have any cutting action or hard facing, on the side or the bottom
of the skirt. This will not cut the fish if it bypasses the top. If the
skirted mill does not go over the top of the fish, then run a bent joint,
bent sub, or knuckle joint to help guide it over the fish.
The importance of catching the fish without milling is illustrated
in the following example.
Inside Catch
The basic inside-catch fishing tools are spears and taper taps.
They are used mainly instead of an outside catch tool when the clear-
ance outside the fish is too small for an outside catch tool and when
they are strong enough to hold and recover large-diameter fish. Taper
296 Chapter 4
taps usually are used to catch smaller, lightweight fish. They are
seldom used, except in special cases because of the disadvantages
described in Chapter 3.
Smaller spears catch tubing, smaller drillpipe and lightweight
fish. They are relatively weak compared to the corresponding out-
side-catch. The inside diameter is small, so running wireline tools
through them is restricted. Larger spears catch large drillpipe and
casing. The casing spear is a very strong tool. Most fishing with spears
is for casing and large tubulars. Spears overall are less strong com-
pared to overshots and screw-in catches. So, the overall working ac-
tion is somewhat restricted.
Spears use inverted slips. To release the spear, the body of the
tool must be moved down a short distance relative to the slips so
they can retract and release the fish. There can be a higher risk of
being unable to release tools with inverted slips compared to those
with slips run in a normal position that release by picking upward.
In some cases, especially with a smaller spear run on larger diameter
pipe, it may be run too deeply into the fish so it lacks space to move
it further downward for releasing. This generally does not occur with
larger spears.
Washing Over
Washing over is the procedure of circulating and drilling or wash-
ing over a stuck fish with a larger diameter tubular. It is an important
fishing tool but also a very high-risk procedure, often considered a
last resort operation. Before washing over, ensure that the fish is
worked extensively with jars and a bumper sub located immediately
above the fish.
When the fish cannot be worked free, then wash over and re-
lease part or all of it. If the entire fish is released, catch and pull it. If
part of the fish is released, catch the free section, back off, and re-
cover it. This operation normally is repeated until the entire fish is
Washing over as used here includes longer strings of wash pipe
and using washover spears. It does not include relatively simple pro-
cedures such as washing over about 30 ft over the top of a fish to
clean it for catching. Washing over is a high-risk operation. Risk in-
creases with closer tolerances, greater depths, longer sections of open
hole, and higher mud weights. It is essentially a last resort opera-
tion. If the washpipe is left in the hole around the fish as a second
fish, it is very difficult to recover. If a small amount of washpipe
such as a wash over shoe and sub, are left in the hole around the fish,
it may be possible to remove these by milling. But, milling is almost
an exception because in most cases the lengths and quantity of pipe
Wash over operations, like all others, require meticulous atten-
tion to detail. This is emphasized by the fact that usually the hole
must be sidetracked or plugged and abandoned if it is unsuccessful.
Therefore plan and conduct operations carefully.
The washpipe must have an inside diameter large enough to pass
freely over the fish and small enough to run safely in the hole. The
actual length depends upon hole conditions and relative clearances.
A free-pipe log may be a guide of the length of wash pipe to run.
Other guides are wellbore deviation surveys and free-point data.
Normally, the maximum is about 500-800 ft of washpipe in large,
straight holes that are in good condition with minimum formation
problems. Run shorter lengths in smaller holes and those with hole
problems. As an example, a free pipe log may indicate that only the
upper 300 ft of a long fish is stuck. Then run about 350 ft of wash pipe.
Always run the minimum amount necessary.
Connect the washover pipe to the bottom of the fishing string
and a washover shoe on the bottom of the wash over pipe. Shoes
range from a long-tooth design for soft formations to a scallop design
for harder formations or complete mill shoe for cutting metal.
Run the washpipe to within 25-50 ft of the top of the fish, and
circulate and condition the hole. Then lower it with reduced circu-
lation while rotating slowly. Clean out the annular space around the
fish, drilling as necessary until the entire fish is covered or the top of
the washpipe is near the top of the fish. Circulate to flush cuttings
out of the hole and then pull the washpipe.
Catch the fish with a standard fishing assembly. If the fish was
washed over completely, then work it, including bumping and jar-
ring to release it so it can be recovered. If the entire fish was not
washed over, then catch and work it, taking free points if applicable.
After working extensively, back off and recover the free fish. Then
repeat catching and working or washing over as indicated by the
condition of the hole and fish.
A fish may be washed over for 300 to 500 ft or more. Then after it
is caught with a fishing assembly, it frequently is found to be free for
a few hundred feet or less. The additional sticking is attributed to
the time delay between washing over and catching with a fishing
assembly. Sometimes a fish, stuck off bottom, drops before it is com-
298 Chapter 4
pletely washed over. An example of this is an assembly stuck in a
keyseat. Then run a fishing assembly, catch the dropped fish, work it
free if necessary, and recover it. The dropped assembly usually is
damaged, often leaves sheared bit cones on bottom, and may be tightly
In these situations, run a washover spear to recover part of a fish
or prevent it from dropping after washing over. Run the spear inside
the bottom ofthe washpipe in an inverted position. Run the washpipe
into the hole in the normal manner. Catch the fish with an overshot
connected to the spear. Wash over the fish while the spear remains
stationary in the top ofthe fish. The spear slips engage the washpipe
when the fish is washed free and starts to drop. Then pull the assem-
bly and fish out of the hole.
Washing over with a washpipe spear is a high-risk operation. It
has all of the risks of a regular washover and the additional risk of
problems with the spear. Much of the equipment has close toler-
ances. The spear procedure is simple in description but complicated
in operation. It may be difficult or impossible to release the spear if
the washpipe sticks.
Close tubular and hole tolerances in all wash over operations in-
crease mechanical friction and resistance to mud flow, causing high
drag and torque. If it is severe, the forces may approach or exceed
the strength rating of either the washpipe or the fishing assembly
and cause a twist-off. Reduce mechanical friction by decreasing the
length of washover pipe.
Washing over at a higher penetration rate can overload the mud
system or cause a buildup of cuttings, increasing the risk of sticking
the washpipe. Prevent this by controlling the penetration rate. Cir-
culate as required to minimize cuttings density in the mud.
Close tolerance between the outside diameter of the washpipe
and hole diameter promotes wall sticking. Resistance to flow causes
increased pressures leading to possible formation breakdown and
lost circulation. Good mud properties are very important in success-
ful washover operations. If a water-base mud system is being used,
consider changing to an oil or oil emulsion mud system.
300 Chapter 4
Washing Beside a Fish
Washing beside a fish is the procedure of running a washstring
down beside a stuck fish. This is seldom done because of limited
clearances, collar interference, and pipe entanglement. Also, it may
not be efficient because of the material to be drilled or washed out
such as junk, hard shale, etc.
There are situations where the normal washover procedure is
less efficient, such as washing over sanded-up tubing in a cased hole
- a complicated job. In this case there is a distinct advantage of
washing out the sand by running the wash string down alongside the
fish if conditions are favorable. A case of washing out alongside the
fish is illustrated in the following example.
302 Chapter 4
the sequence of operations usually requires drilling out the original
plug and repeating the entire process, a costly procedure. Like fish-
ing, plug back and sidetrack failures should not occur but they do.
Lack of attention to detail often leads to problems or repeating the
operation. So the main preventive measure is to do it right the first
Plugging Back
A hard, immobile plug is an important part of sidetracking suc-
cessfully. Other plugs may be needed, such as isolating plugs to shut
off high-pressure formations and lost-circulation zones. They may
also be required in accordance with the rules and regulations of the
regulatory agencies having jurisdiction. The sidetracking plug serves
several purposes. It provides a firm, hard, immobile seat for direc-
tional tools, closes the original hole so the tools will not reenter it,
and stops problems from lower zones.
Select the kickoff point carefully. It should be as deep as pos-
sible to save hole. It should be high enough to allow a normal buildup
angle so the fish is bypassed at a safe distance. The deviated hole
should be far enough from the original hole to prevent problems of
high pressure and lost circulation from the original hole. Sidetrack
in a medium or medium-soft formation and avoid very soft or very
hard formations when possible. Sidetrack at least 100 ft and prefer-
ably 200 ft below a casing shoe.
It should not be necessary to set more than one plug, but there
have been cases where over five plugs were required. In one case
where this occurred, another operator sidetracked off one plug in a
comparable hole in the same area, using oil mud. This emphasizes
the importance of setting the plug properly. The most common prob-
lems include a plug that is too short; poor displacement practices,
including contamination due to failure to use spacers; excess retarder;
no sand in the plug slurry; low early strength; and not waiting for
the plug to harden. There apparently is a higher risk of failure when
setting plugs in oil mud, but there is no valid reason for this except
lack of planning and attention to detail.
The plug length is important. DO NOT select a shorter plug to
conserve drilled hole or save on cement or time required to drill it
out. The dressed-off plug length should be long enough so that the
original hole is plugged to a depth below the point where it could
interfere with the sidetracked hole. The bottom of the plug should
be at a depth where the center lines of the original and new hole are
separated by a distance equivalent to at least several bit diameters.
Use a longer plug for higher deviation and when the inclination of
the original hole is unknown.
Dressing Off
Allow the cement to harden to the required compressive strength.
In field practice determine plug hardness by observing the penetra-
304 Chapter 4
tion rate while dressing off the excess cement above the kickoff point
using Table 4-3 as a guide to plug hardness.
10 ft/hror 6 min/ft, eqv - 3,500 psi, very hard
eqv - 3,000 psi, hard
20 ft/hr or 3 min/ft,
30 ft/hr or 2 min/ft, eqv - 2,500 psi, firm
eqv - 1,500 psi, soft *
40 ft/hr or 1.5 min/ft,
50 ftlhr or 1.4 min/ft,
60 ft/hr or I min/ft,
eqv - 1,000 psi, very soft**
eqv - 500 psi, not set***
* - Sidetracking questionable
** - Sidetracking very questionable, try time drilling.
***- Drill or circulate out and reset plug
Sidetrack the hole in the conventional manner, normally with a
deviation assembly. Sidetrack direction is not selected for blind side-
Milling casing and tubulars is a common procedure associated
with fishing and casing repair. Casing may also be removed for re-
placement as described in Chapter 7. Mills are also used to remove
stuck drill collars, washpipe, and similar tubulars.
There are cases of removing two strings of casing simultaneously.
Junk is milled up with regular mills as described in the section on
milling junk in Chapter 3. Most casing and large tubulars are milled
with an inside casing cutter or section mill. Milling can cause high
and often fluctuating torque, so use part of the description in the
section "Milling Operations" in Chapter 4 as a guide.
Milling long sections of tubulars in a cased hole, and to a lesser
extent in an open hole, is almost a last-resort fishing operation. Most
of the milled cuttings are circulated out, but some can settle downhole
(Fig. 4-19). During extensive milling, the cuttings pack around the
306 Chapter 4
fish and wedge it tighter, practically precluding recovering it with
regular fishing tools. Also the mill cuttings must be milled again,
further reducing milling efficiency. Junk subs help reduce the prob-
lem. Place a wear ring or guide bushing on the section mill to pre-
vent the knives from cutting the regular casing when milling long
sections of tubulars.
---- .-.....-.---.....----..----...-........-.-
Flow line
.- - - - .
:: To shale shaker
~..: Magnet ~
1:.'. ...... ,
'Metal particles!
308 Chapter 4
Bannister, C.E., and O.G. Benge, "Pipe Flow Rheometer:
Rheological Analysis Of A Turbulent Flow System Used For
Cement Placement," SPE 10206, Society of Petroleum
Engineers of AIME meeting in San Antonio, Oct. 5-7, 1981.
Dees, John M., and William N. Spradlin, Jr., "Successful Deep
Openhole Cement Plugs For The Anandarko Basin." SPE
10957, presented at the annual Fall Technical Conference of
the Society Of Petroleum Engineers of AIME in New Orleans,
Sept. 26-29, 1982.
Dudleson, Bill, Mike Arnold, and Dominic McCann, "Early
Detection Of Drillstring Washouts Reduces Fishing Jobs,"
World Oil, Oct. 1990: 43-47.
Haut, Richard Carl, and Ronald James Crook, "Laboratory
Investigation of Light-weight, Low Viscosity Cementing Spacer
Fluids," SPE No. 10305,1981.
Kaisi, M.S., J.K. Wang, and U. Chandra, "Transient Dynamics
Analysis Of The Drillstring Under Jarring Operations By The
FEM." Society Of Petroleum Engineers, Drilling Engineering,
March 1987: 47-62.
Sabins, Fred L., and David L. Sutton, "The Relationships Of
Thickening Time, Gel Strength And Compressive Strengths of
Oilwell Cements," SPE 11205, Fall Technical Conference of
the Society Of Petroleum Engineers of AIME in New Orleans,
Sept. 26-29, 1982.
Smith, Dwight K., "Cementing, SPE Monograph Vol. 4." H. L.
Doherty Series, 1976.