D4B Housing Schemes
D4B Housing Schemes
D4B Housing Schemes
1. Introduction.........................................................................................1
1.1 Scope of the Guidelines .............................................................................. 1
1.2 How to These Guidelines ............................................................................ 1
1.3 Glossary ....................................................................................................... 2
1. Introduction
Housing is an obvious and pressing funded, having 20 or more units but less
human need. Until quite recently, the than 100 units.
formidable task of providing housing has
overshadowed environmental 1.2 How to Use These Guidelines
considerations. However, with
increasing pressure on land and The project proponent (the local
resources has come a growing government, municipal government, city
understanding of the major and severe government, the cantonment board,
environmental impacts generated by private association or organization) is
residential development. obliged to use these guidelines. The
project proponent has to fill in an
environmental impact assessment form.
1.1 Scope of the Guidelines The following steps are to be taken in
These guidelines are applicable to the this regard:
developments of all formal housing Step 1: Provide information on project
schemes, government or privately [use Section I]
D4B-Housing Schemes
Small Housing Schemes
D4B-Housing Schemes
Small Housing Schemes
2. Project Profile
D4B-Housing Schemes
Small Housing Schemes
phase often coincides with the tourism potential from poor siting
previous one and is completed in of the project
relatively short period, usually 2 to Increase in storm water run-off
3 years. If the houses are from the site and consequent
constructed by the owners of the increase in downstream flooding
plots, this activity starts after the caused by excessive pavement or
completion of previous phase and compaction of the site
the construction of houses in the
entire scheme may take many Potential social and cultural
years, sometime decades. conflict between surrounding
population and occupants of the
Phase 4: Operation of housing proposed housing scheme due to
differences in values
D4B-Housing Schemes
Small Housing Schemes
D4B-Housing Schemes
Small Housing Schemes
D4B-Housing Schemes
Small Housing Schemes
General Information
1. Project Name or Title____________________________________________
2. Project Proponent (Department, organization, or owner) ________________
3. Address ______________________________________________________
4. Telephone ____________________________________________________
5. Fax _________________________________________________________
6. E-mail _______________________________________________________
7. Representative of the Proponent___________________________________
8. Designation ___________________________________________________
9. Name of the person who conducted this assessment ___________________
10. Designation ___________________________________________________
11. Qualification___________________________________________________
Project Information
12. Project Location________________________________________________
13. Cost of the Project______________________________________________
14. Period of construction (start and end dates) __________________________
15. Scheme type
Government Sponsored Private
16. The developer will provide:
Constructed houses Housing Plots
17. Number of housing units in the proposed scheme _____________________
18. Brief Project Description _________________________________________
Please attach a map of the proposed project area
19. Area of the housing scheme
D4B-Housing Schemes
Small Housing Schemes
Total _____________________________________________________ m2
Proposed covered __________________________________________ m2
Open space _______________________________________________ m2
20. Indicate what facilities will be provided in the scheme and the land use:
Housing units ______________________________________________ m2
Mosque___________________________________________________ m2
Paved roads _______________________________________________ m2
Unpaved roads _____________________________________________ m2
Parking lots________________________________________________ m2
Community centers__________________________________________ m2
Shopping areas_____________________________________________ m2
Parks ____________________________________________________ m2
Other_____________________________________________________ m2
21. The total construction material that will be utilized? ____________________
22. Land acquisition
The total area:________________________________________________
Present ownership of land ______________________________________
What is the present use of the land? ______________________________
How the land will be acquired (Through Land Acquisition Act or Direct
Purchase)? __________________________________________________
When the compensation will be paid? _____________________________
23. In case of state land, are there any squatter settlements on the land? ______
If yes, please specify
Number of settlements _________________________________________
Will any compensation be paid? __________________________________
When the compensation will be paid? _____________________________
24. Is construction work during the night planned? ________________________
25. How many trees will be removed for the construction of the scheme? ______
26. How many new trees will be planted? _______________________________
27. Will the developer undertake landscaping and plant grass and ornamental
plants for the entire scheme? _____________________________________
D4B-Housing Schemes
Small Housing Schemes
28. Number and type of major equipment and vehicle that will be used ________
29. Number and type of staff that will work on the project ___________________
30. Describe the proposed sewerage disposal scheme:
Expected quantity of wastewater _________________________________
Length and type of sewers ______________________________________
Any treatment system for the sewer _______________________________
Proposed final disposal_________________________________________
31. What will be the source of water for the scheme? ______________________
32. Will natural gas be supplied?______________________________________
D4B-Housing Schemes
Small Housing Schemes
D4B-Housing Schemes
Small Housing Schemes
6. What is the present land use in the vicinity (roughly a radius of 500 m) of the
proposed housing scheme?
Residential Commercial Open Land Industrial Other
(Thick, (Office, (Parks,
Moderate, Shops, Fuel Farmlands,
Sparse) Stations) unutilized
plots, barren
(Please attach a map of the proposed project site and indicate roughly the
area that you have considered for this evaluation)
7. Please provide the traffic count for all main roads adjacent to the proposed
scheme or roads that will provide access to the scheme. The count should be
based on data collected, for both directions, on at least three typical working
days. Use the following format:
D4B-Housing Schemes
Small Housing Schemes
D4B-Housing Schemes
Small Housing Schemes
D4B-Housing Schemes
Small Housing Schemes
D4B-Housing Schemes
Small Housing Schemes
D4B-Housing Schemes
Small Housing Schemes
Section V: Undertaking
Name ____________________
Designation ____________________
D4B-Housing Schemes