D4B Housing Schemes

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NWFP Environmental Protection Agency

Environmental Assessment Checklists and Guidelines

Small Housing Schemes

No: Version: B Date: 21 May 2004 Page 1 of 16


1. Introduction.........................................................................................1
1.1 Scope of the Guidelines .............................................................................. 1
1.2 How to These Guidelines ............................................................................ 1
1.3 Glossary ....................................................................................................... 2

2. Project Profile .....................................................................................3

2.1 Project Description...................................................................................... 3
2.2 Environmental Aspects ............................................................................... 4
2.3 Mitigation Options ....................................................................................... 5

Environmental Assessment Checklist .....................................................7

1. Introduction

Housing is an obvious and pressing funded, having 20 or more units but less
human need. Until quite recently, the than 100 units.
formidable task of providing housing has
overshadowed environmental 1.2 How to Use These Guidelines
considerations. However, with
increasing pressure on land and The project proponent (the local
resources has come a growing government, municipal government, city
understanding of the major and severe government, the cantonment board,
environmental impacts generated by private association or organization) is
residential development. obliged to use these guidelines. The
project proponent has to fill in an
environmental impact assessment form.
1.1 Scope of the Guidelines The following steps are to be taken in
These guidelines are applicable to the this regard:
developments of all formal housing Step 1: Provide information on project
schemes, government or privately [use Section I]

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Step 2: Determine Applicability (Are about the environmental effects of a

you sure that IEE or EIA is not project is collected, both by the
required?) [use Section II] developer and from other sources, and
taken into account by the planning
Step 3: Describe the physical, biological
authority in forming their judgments on
and social environment [use
whether the development should go
Section III]
Step 4: Assess potential impacts and
Environmental Management to carry
applicable mitigation measures
out the developmental activities in
[use Section IV]
sustainable manner
Step 5: Provide undertaking to the EPA
Habitat the general place or physical
on mitigation measures and
environment in which a population lives
compliance [use Section V]
Impact on Environment means any
Completed form is to be submitted to the
effect on land, water, air or any other
NWFP Environmental Protection
component of the environment, as well
Agency for evaluation. NWFP EPA
as on wildlife harvesting, and includes
may request for additional information
any effect on the social and cultural
or decide to undertake visit to the
environment or on heritage resources.
proposed project site in order to assess
the environmental impact of the Landslides a slide of a large mass of dirt
proposed project. and rock down a mountain or cliff
Mitigation Measure means a measure
1.3 Glossary for the control, reduction or elimination
Act means the Pakistan Environmental of an adverse impact of a development
Protection Act, 1997 on the environment, including a
restorative measure.
Aesthetic Value/Aesthetic Quality
beauty or landscape (of an area) Project Proponent a person, company,
NGO or any agency that sponsors and
Contamination introduction of promotes a project.
impurities in the environment
Public Sector that part of an economy,
Environment means (a) air, water and industry, etc., controlled by the State
land; (b) all layers of the atmosphere; (c)
all organic and inorganic matter and Private Sector the part of an economy,
living organisms; (d) the ecosystem and industry, etc., which is free from direct
ecological relationships; (e) buildings, State control
structures, roads, facilities and works; (f) Regulations means the Pakistan
all social and economic conditions Environmental Protection Agency
affecting community life; and (g) the Review of Initial Environmental
inter-relationships between any of the Examination and Environment Impact
factors in sub-clause (a) to (f). Assessment Regulations, 2000
Endangered Species a species in danger Soil Erosion physical removal of soil
of becoming extinct either by wind or by running water
Environmental Assessment a technique Siltation accumulation of silt in a water
and a process by which information body

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Subsidence the sudden collapse of land moisture, especially when regarded as

into a hollow beneath it the natural habitat of wildlife
Wetland A lowland area, such as a
marsh or swamp, that is saturated with

2. Project Profile

2.1 Project Description 3. Government-sponsored or

privately-owned housing project
Depending upon the needs of the local
in which the builder not only
community and the local sociopolitical
does the town planning but also
framework, housing may be provided by
constructs the houses and sells
either the public or private sectors, or a
the finished houses to the buyers.
combination of both. Housing projects
come in several forms: 4. Government-sponsored or
privately-owned housing project
1. Unplanned informal projects
in which the builder does the
where people convert their
town planning, develops plots,
private land, mostly agricultural,
constructs the amenities and sells
to residential land. Although the
the plots to the buyers. The
houses in such housing schemes
owners of the plots then make
are usually well built, there is no
their own arrangement to
overall town planning. Such
construct houses on the plots.
schemes are characterized by
lack of community facilities These guidelines are restricted to the
(such as open spaces, community third and fourth form discussed above.
centers, proper shopping areas, For the purpose of environmental
and transport facilities), narrow management the discussion in this
and rarely straight streets, poor guidelines are divided into following
sewage system, and being prone phases:
to flooding during rainfall due to
poor drainage. Phase 1: Siting and design of
housing schemes
2. Squatter settlements often on
encroached lands. Houses in Phase 2: Site development and
these schemes are often poorly construction of amenities. This
made. The general town includes leveling, construction of
planning conditions are often roads, laying of sewer system and
even worse than the first form utility lines, and construction of
discussed above. In some cases, mosques, community centers,
government ultimately parks and other common facilities.
legitimizes the squatter Phase 3: Construction of individual
settlements by providing services houses. For schemes where this is
and legalizing ownership. undertaken by the developer, this

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phase often coincides with the tourism potential from poor siting
previous one and is completed in of the project
relatively short period, usually 2 to Increase in storm water run-off
3 years. If the houses are from the site and consequent
constructed by the owners of the increase in downstream flooding
plots, this activity starts after the caused by excessive pavement or
completion of previous phase and compaction of the site
the construction of houses in the
entire scheme may take many Potential social and cultural
years, sometime decades. conflict between surrounding
population and occupants of the
Phase 4: Operation of housing proposed housing scheme due to
differences in values

2.2 Environmental Aspects Site Development

Vegetation removal and
Housing Scheme Siting and Design
consequent erosion of land by
Issues related to compensation for water or wind
land and assets, particularly, if the
Contamination of surface water
land is acquired by the government
from improper disposal of
from private owners
construction waste, runoff from on-
Loss of prime agriculture land site machine maintenance (oil
Destruction of forests, wetlands change, refueling, washing)
and habitats containing rare and affecting surface and groundwater
endangered species of plant and supplies; and lack of adequate
animals sanitary facilities for construction
Contamination of soil, surface
water and groundwater from Siltation of surface water caused
poorly planned sewage and solid by runoff from earth left barren by
waste management system removal of vegetation
Creation of breeding grounds Dust from earthworks and wind-
disease vectors from poorly borne dust caused by removal of
planned sewage and solid waste ground cover
management system Noise and air pollution from
Change in traffic pattern and construction equipment and
increased traffic load on roads that vehicles
were designed for smaller traffic Spread of diseases by creation of
volume an environment favoring disease
Increased erosion and risk of vectors, such as, standing water
landslides from poor siting of the that may serve as a breeding
project ground for mosquitoes
Loss of aesthetic value of the Lowering of aesthetic quality of
location and consequently the the project area and its surrounding

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by improper disposal of 2.3 Mitigation Options

construction waste
Most of the environmental issues
Labor related issues such that jobs associated with the development of a
for local population and social housing scheme can be addressed if the
conflicts between labors from other scheme is designed on the principles of
areas and the local population good environmental and engineering
practices. Construction impact are
Construction of Individual Houses usually more intense on a short time
Noise from construction activity is scale, however, many of these are often
a nuisance to the surrounding reversible.
residents, particularly if the In housing schemes where houses are
construction is carried out during constructed by individual homeowners,
the night control on construction practices will be
Blockage of road and streets from challenge. As project proponent, the
storage of construction material developer of the scheme will be legally
(bricks, sand and gravel) on the bound to implement the mitigation
road measures during the design and site
development phases. However, once the
Dispersion of sand and silt on the scheme is developed the constructed or
street by run-off, wind, and the plots will be handed over to
carryout with vehicle tyres individuals. In what form the
Filth and stench and possible environmental commitments can be
spread of disease vector due to lack transferred to the homeowners during
of adequate sanitary facility for construction of individual houses will
construction workers require some additional legal tools.
Similarly, once the construction of the
Lowering of aesthetic quality of
scheme is complete its operation is taken
the project area due to improper
over by a cooperative society. Any
disposal of construction waste
commitments for the operation phase
Operation may have to be transferred to the society.
The development of these tools is
Groundwater and surface water beyond the scope of these guidelines.
contamination due to absence or The options that are available include,
inadequate maintenance of amending the byelaws of the local
sewerage system government to include the condition that
Soil and surface water any construction of houses in housing
contamination caused by absence scheme will comply with the conditions
or inadequate maintenance of solid of environmental approval. Similar
waste management system conditions can also be included in the
cooperative housing society law for
Erosion and siltation of surface operations of housing schemes.
water due to absence or inadequate
maintenance of vegetation cover Design and Planning
Key elements of environmental sound
design and planning are:

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Compensate the landowners for Schedule work timings in order to

their land loss avoid nuisance to the communities
Avoid ecologically sensitive areas Solid waste produced during the
construction should be collected
Avoid prime agricultural areas
and disposed off at a landfill
Avoid steep slopes
Disposal of waste material in the
Use permeable paving to allow water bodies is to be prohibited
percolation of water back into the
Provide temporary sanitary
facilities for the workers
Stabilize steep slopes with
Maximize use of local labor
Preservation and use of natural Construction of Houses
drainage patterns in lieu of piped Provide temporary sanitation
or concrete channels with curbs facility for workers
and inlets
Avoid dumping of construction
Trees to be planted in streets material on the streets
Construct lined sewer systems to Avoid construction work during
avoid seepage to the ground the night if houses close to the
Plan access to the housing scheme construction site are occupied
to minimize impact on existing
traffic. This may include widening Housing Scheme Operation
existing road, providing access Ensure proper maintenance of
ramp and merge lanes from main sewerage system. This includes
road, etc. maintenance of sewer lines to
avoid overflow and seepage.
Scheme Development
Ensure that the solid waste
Manage the work in a way to avoid collection, segregation, and
siltation of water bodies. This may disposal system is functioning
include construction of temporary properly
check dams or settling ponds
Ensure proper maintenance of
Avoid cutting and damaging vegetation cover to prevent erosion
vegetation as much as possible and siltation of surface water
Replant recovered plants and local bodies
flora as soon as possible
Cover pile with plastic sheeting,
prevent runoff with hay bales or
similar structures
Sprinkle water to avoid dust
Use mufflers on construction
equipments to minimize noise

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Environmental Assessment Checklist

Section I: Project Description

File No _________________________________________ (To be filled by EPA)

Date ___________________________________________________________

General Information
1. Project Name or Title____________________________________________
2. Project Proponent (Department, organization, or owner) ________________
3. Address ______________________________________________________
4. Telephone ____________________________________________________
5. Fax _________________________________________________________
6. E-mail _______________________________________________________
7. Representative of the Proponent___________________________________
8. Designation ___________________________________________________
9. Name of the person who conducted this assessment ___________________
10. Designation ___________________________________________________
11. Qualification___________________________________________________

Project Information
12. Project Location________________________________________________
13. Cost of the Project______________________________________________
14. Period of construction (start and end dates) __________________________
15. Scheme type
Government Sponsored Private
16. The developer will provide:
Constructed houses Housing Plots
17. Number of housing units in the proposed scheme _____________________
18. Brief Project Description _________________________________________
Please attach a map of the proposed project area
19. Area of the housing scheme

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Total _____________________________________________________ m2
Proposed covered __________________________________________ m2
Open space _______________________________________________ m2
20. Indicate what facilities will be provided in the scheme and the land use:
Housing units ______________________________________________ m2
Mosque___________________________________________________ m2
Paved roads _______________________________________________ m2
Unpaved roads _____________________________________________ m2
Parking lots________________________________________________ m2
Community centers__________________________________________ m2
Shopping areas_____________________________________________ m2
Parks ____________________________________________________ m2
Other_____________________________________________________ m2
21. The total construction material that will be utilized? ____________________
22. Land acquisition
The total area:________________________________________________
Present ownership of land ______________________________________
What is the present use of the land? ______________________________
How the land will be acquired (Through Land Acquisition Act or Direct
Purchase)? __________________________________________________
When the compensation will be paid? _____________________________
23. In case of state land, are there any squatter settlements on the land? ______
If yes, please specify
Number of settlements _________________________________________
Will any compensation be paid? __________________________________
When the compensation will be paid? _____________________________
24. Is construction work during the night planned? ________________________
25. How many trees will be removed for the construction of the scheme? ______
26. How many new trees will be planted? _______________________________
27. Will the developer undertake landscaping and plant grass and ornamental
plants for the entire scheme? _____________________________________

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28. Number and type of major equipment and vehicle that will be used ________
29. Number and type of staff that will work on the project ___________________
30. Describe the proposed sewerage disposal scheme:
Expected quantity of wastewater _________________________________
Length and type of sewers ______________________________________
Any treatment system for the sewer _______________________________
Proposed final disposal_________________________________________
31. What will be the source of water for the scheme? ______________________
32. Will natural gas be supplied?______________________________________

Section II: Screening

Is the proposed housing scheme or part of the proposed scheme located in an

ecologically sensitive area? Yes No
Is the number of housing units in the scheme 100 or more?
Yes No
If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, then the project would require
an initial environmental examination or an environment impact assessment.
Refer to the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Review of Initial
Environmental Examination and Environment Impact Assessment Regulations,
2000 for appropriate category.

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Section III: Environmental Profile

1. Describe the terrain of the proposed site of the housing scheme:

Flat or Level (Slope < 3%)
Level to moderately steep
(Slope 3%-30%)

Moderately steep to
mountainous (Slope > 30%)
2. Is there any surface water body (river, canal, stream, lake, wetland) within
1,000 m of the proposed scheme?
If yes, describe each water body:
Name (including Dimensions Status and Uses (Is it polluted? Is domestic
type, ie, river, canal or other wastewater discharged to it? What
or stream) are its uses, eg, agriculture, domestic,
industrial, washing, fishery

3. Is there any site of cultural importance (graveyard, shrine, mosque,

archeological site) within 1,000 m of the proposed scheme?
If yes, please describe?__________________________________________
4. Are there signs of soil erosion or landslide anywhere within 500 m of the
project area?
If yes, please describe (where, nature) ______________________________
5. Is there any groundwater well on the proposed site of the scheme or within
500 m of the proposed terminal site?

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If yes, describe each well:

Type (Dug well, tube Location (Village, Depth and Yield Uses (Drinking,
well, hand pump) road, mohalla, etc. agriculture, domestic,
and distance from industrial, washing,
the site) livestock)

6. What is the present land use in the vicinity (roughly a radius of 500 m) of the
proposed housing scheme?
Residential Commercial Open Land Industrial Other
(Thick, (Office, (Parks,
Moderate, Shops, Fuel Farmlands,
Sparse) Stations) unutilized
plots, barren

(Please attach a map of the proposed project site and indicate roughly the
area that you have considered for this evaluation)
7. Please provide the traffic count for all main roads adjacent to the proposed
scheme or roads that will provide access to the scheme. The count should be
based on data collected, for both directions, on at least three typical working
days. Use the following format:

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Road __________________ Count Location

6:00 am- 9:00 am- 12:00 noon- 3:00 pm- 6:00 pm-
9:00 am 12:00 noon 3:00 pm 6:00 pm 9:00 pm
Large vehicles
(trucks, buses,
tractor trolleys,
Medium sized
vehicles (Suzuki
pickups, cars,
jeeps, taxis)
Small vehicles
Slow vehicles
carts, tongas)
(Please add additional sheets for every road)
8. Based on the interview of the surrounding population or a wildlife expert, is
any form of wildlife found on, or around the proposed site of the housing
If yes, please describe __________________________________________
9. For any agricultural farmland on the proposed site and a radius of 500 m
around it, provide the following information:
Main crop(s) and average yield ___________________________________
Source of irrigation water_________________________________________
Area affected by salinity or water logging ____________________________

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Section IV: Impact Assessment

Potential Negative Tick, if relevant Mitigation Measures Tick, if Monitoring

Environmental Impacts proposed
Loss of environmentally Ecologically sensitive areas have been avoided
important land (forests,
wetlands, habitats) Steep slopes have been avoided
Prime agricultural areas have been avoided
Land and asset All landowners have been identified and a price
negotiated, to the satisfaction of both parties
Compensation for all assets on the land will be
paid at acceptable market rates
Water pollution Wastewater will be treated before disposal
Disposal of waste material in the water bodies
will be prohibited
Lined sewer systems will be constructed to avoid
seepage to the ground
Material piles will be covered with plastic
sheeting to prevent runoff
Air pollution Water will be sprinkled to avoid dust dispersion
Material piles will be covered with plastic
sheeting to prevent dust emission
Solid waste Solid waste will not be disposed in open
Solid waste collection system will be developed

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Potential Negative Tick, if relevant Mitigation Measures Tick, if Monitoring

Environmental Impacts proposed
Solid waste produced during the construction will
be collected and disposed off at a landfill
Erosion and siltation Steep slopes will be stabilized with vegetation
Work will be managed in a way to avoid siltation
of water bodies
Temporary check dams will be constructed
Natural drainage patterns will be preserved and
used, as much as possible, for storm water
Permeable pavment will be used to allow
percolation of water back into the soil
Removal of vegetation Vegetation cutting and damaging will be avoided
as much as possible
Recovered plants and local flora will be replanted
as soon as possible
Tress will be planted by the developer
Noise Mufflers will be used on construction equipments
to minimize noise
Work timings will be scheduled in order to avoid
nuisance to the communities
Congestions of the existing Access to the housing scheme is planned to
roads and access points/ minimize impact on existing traffic
Increased traffic
Existing access road will be widened

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Potential Negative Tick, if relevant Mitigation Measures Tick, if Monitoring

Environmental Impacts proposed
Access ramp and merge lanes will be provided
on the main road
Shortages and wasteful Workers will be trained about the efficient use of
exploitation of natural the raw materials to avoid wastages
Construction of houses Temporary sanitation facility will be provide for
Construction material will not be dumped on
Construction work will be avoided during the
Labor Use of local labor will be maximized

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Section V: Undertaking

I, (full name and address) as proponent

for (name, description and location of
project) do hereby solemnly affirm and declare:

1. The information on the proposed project and the environment provided in

Forms I, II and III are correct to the best of my knowledge

2. I fully understand and accept the conditions contained in the Guidelines

(name, number and version of the guidelines)

3. I undertake to design, construct and operate the project strictly in

accordance with the project described in Form I, submitted with this

4. I undertake to implement all mitigation measures and undertake

monitoring stated in Form IV, submitted with this undertaking.

Date _______ Signature ____________________

Name ____________________

Designation ____________________

(with official stamp/seal)


Signature Name Address

D4B-Housing Schemes

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