War of 1812 Lesson Plan

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Raul Pedraza

The War of 1812 4 Day Unit

Tuesday 11/1 (Writing) (Inquiry) (Collaboration) (Organization) (Reading)

Essential Question: What were the causes of the War of 1812?

Students will spend the first 15-20 minutes of class taking and correcting the
pre-test for Quarter 2 Exam.
o Answer sheets will be collected.
The remainder of the class period will be used to introduce the War of 1812.
Students will take Cornell Notes during lecture/story time.
o Zoom-in strategy for two images: Impressment of U.S. ship and Francis
Scott Key witnessing the Bombing of Fort McHenry.
Students will record observations for each quadrant, and then make
a prediction for what the image is representing.
o The following slides from the PowerPoint (attached) will be presented to
the class so that the students will be ready for the following days activity.
Impressment, Impressment under James Madison, Trouble at the
Frontier, and To Remain Neutral, or go to War?

Wednesday 11/2

EQ: What are the pros and cons of declaring war against Britain? To remain neutral
or to go to war?

Student Research Day- students will use this period to research both the War
Hawk and Federalist perspectives on war with the British.
o Students are to create a T-Chart on a blank piece of paper. On one side,
they will write down the War Hawks, which will contain information
supporting war, while on the other side they will write down Federalists,
where they will record information supporting neutrality.
o Students will be provided with a Text Set (also attached) made up of both
primary and secondary sources.
Students will go up to the front of the room where the text set is
and select one source at a time. When they are finished with that
source, they will return it to the text set and select a different
o SWBAT interact with at least 3 different sources. As they read through the
sources, they must record any evidence they find that either supports
neutrality or war.
o SWBAT find at least three pieces of evidence for each side of the T chart.

Thursday 11/3
EQ: To remain neutral or to go to war? As Madisons Secretary of War how would you
advise the president?

Students will take time to finish their research if they did not complete during
the previous session.
Once students are completed with their research, they will write a letter to James
Madison either convincing him to ask for a declaration of war, or to remain
o The statement should be between5-7 sentences
o Student must reference at least 3 pieces of evidence they came up with
during their research.
o Once finished with their letters, students will turn in both the letter and
the research notes for notes. If not completed by the end of the session,
letters are due at the beginning of class the next day (Friday 11/4).

Friday 11/4

EQ: How did the War of 1812 Impact Nationalism in the U.S.?
Teacher will finish the PowerPoint presentation.
o Topics to be covered:
Burning of the White House Battle of New OrleansPost-War
Students will take Cornell Notes during the lecture.
o When the discussion is completed, the students will be asked to write a 2-
3 sentence summary and attempt to answer the essential question.

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