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CounterACT Console User Manual 7.0.0

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CounterACT Console User Manual

Version 7.0.0
Table of Contents
Preface ....................................................................................................... 16
About This Manual ...................................................................................... 16
Updates to This Manual ............................................................................... 19

Chapter 1: Welcome to CounterACT ........................................................... 20

About CounterACT ...................................................................................... 21
Real-Time Network Visibility .................................................................... 21
Network Integrity ................................................................................... 22
Comprehensive Third-Party Integration ..................................................... 23
On-Demand Asset Intelligence ................................................................. 23
CounterACT Components............................................................................. 24
The Appliance ........................................................................................ 25
The Enterprise Manager .......................................................................... 25
The Console ........................................................................................... 26
Virtual Systems ...................................................................................... 27
Help Tools ................................................................................................. 27
Console Help Buttons .............................................................................. 28
Console Help.......................................................................................... 28
Feature Dialog Box Descriptions ............................................................... 28
On-Screen Troubleshooting ..................................................................... 29
Documentation Portal ............................................................................. 29
Plugin Configuration Help ........................................................................ 30

Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard ...................................... 31

About the Initial Setup Wizard ..................................................................... 32
Before You Begin .................................................................................... 32
Logging In to CounterACT ....................................................................... 33
Forgot Your Password? ............................................................................ 34
Updating Wizard Settings ........................................................................ 34
Setup Scenarios ......................................................................................... 34
Set Up an Appliance from Scratch ................................................................ 35
Welcome ............................................................................................... 35
License (CounterACT Virtual Systems Only) ............................................... 35
Time ..................................................................................................... 37
Mail ...................................................................................................... 38
User Directory........................................................................................ 39
Domain Credentials ................................................................................ 40
Authentication Servers ............................................................................ 41
Internal Network .................................................................................... 42
Enforcement Mode .................................................................................. 42
Channels ............................................................................................... 43
Switch .................................................................................................. 47
Policy .................................................................................................... 49
Inventory .............................................................................................. 50
Finish.................................................................................................... 52

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Set Up an Appliance with Enterprise Manager Settings .................................... 52

Assign IP Addresses ................................................................................ 54
Run Appliance Scripts ............................................................................. 55
Finish.................................................................................................... 56
Set Up an Enterprise Manager from Scratch ................................................... 56
Set Up an Enterprise Manager with Appliance Settings .................................... 57
Finish.................................................................................................... 59
When You Are Done .................................................................................... 59
Review SSH, Console and Assets Portal Access Assignments ........................ 60
Set Up Segments ................................................................................... 60
Set Up Ignored IPs ................................................................................. 60
Review, Run and Edit Pre-Defined Template Policies ................................... 61
Set Up HTTP Redirection for Policies ......................................................... 61
Set Up a Threat Protection Policy and Define Legitimate Traffic for Threat
Protection Policies .................................................................................. 61
Review Inventory Items and Create Lists................................................... 62
Set Up Map Locations ............................................................................. 62

Chapter 3: Working at the Console ............................................................. 63

Opening the CounterACT Console ................................................................. 64
About the Console .................................................................................. 65
Toolbar, Title Bar, Menu Bar and Status Bar .................................................. 65
Title Bar ................................................................................................ 65
Menu Bar .............................................................................................. 66
Toolbar Console Views.......................................................................... 66
Status Bar ............................................................................................. 69
Console Searches ....................................................................................... 70
Wildcard Searches .................................................................................. 71
Working at the Site Map .............................................................................. 71
Set Up the Map Create Site Locations ..................................................... 72
Customize Display Thresholds for Map Indicators ....................................... 74
Map Tools .............................................................................................. 76
Working with CounterACT Detections ............................................................ 79
Home Views........................................................................................... 81
Working at the Detections Pane ................................................................... 85
Tracking Endpoints Using the Detections Pane Filter ................................... 85
Controlling the Detections Pane Columns................................................... 85
Viewing Mouse-Over Table Information ..................................................... 88
Controlling Endpoints from the Detections Pane ......................................... 89
Working at the Filters Pane .......................................................................... 95
Working with Inventory Detections ............................................................... 96
How the Inventory Is Learned .................................................................. 97
Filtering the View ................................................................................... 99
Inventory View Panes ........................................................................... 100
Customizing the Inventory..................................................................... 103
View Lists and Values Associated with an Inventory Item .......................... 107
Use Inventory Detections to Create Powerful Policies ................................ 108
Working with CounterACT Segments ........................................................... 109
Why Use Segments? ............................................................................. 109

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Managing Segments ............................................................................. 111

Create Segment Hierarchies .................................................................. 111
Create Segment Ranges ........................................................................ 116
Tracking Segment Changes ................................................................... 117
Working with Organizational Units .............................................................. 117
Working with CounterACT Groups ............................................................... 119
Group Basics ....................................................................................... 120
Group Tree .......................................................................................... 121
Managing Groups and Group Members .................................................... 123
Creating an Ignored IP List ........................................................................ 126
Getting More Information about Endpoints .................................................. 127
Details Pane ........................................................................................ 128
Host Log ............................................................................................. 130
Assets Portal ........................................................................................ 132
Working with the ForeScout Compliance Center ........................................... 132
Using the Compliance Center vs. Policies ................................................. 133
What the Endpoint Users See ................................................................. 133
Accessing the Compliance Center from the Endpoint ................................. 136
Exiting the Console ................................................................................... 137

Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates ............................................................ 138

Working with Templates ............................................................................ 139
Creating Policies Using Templates Basics .............................................. 139
Tips for Rolling Out Templates ............................................................... 142
Template Structure ............................................................................... 143
Asset Classification Template ..................................................................... 143
About the Asset Classification Template .................................................. 144
Prerequisites ........................................................................................ 145
How Devices Are Classified .................................................................... 145
Using the Asset Classification Template ................................................... 145
Which Devices Are Inspected Policy Scope ............................................ 145
How Devices Are Classified Policy Condition .......................................... 147
Handling Discovered Devices Policy Actions........................................... 148
Manually Assigning a Classification ......................................................... 148
Fine-Tuning the Classification Mechanism ................................................ 149
Create a Mobile Device Sub-Rule ............................................................ 150
Classification Migration Template ............................................................... 152
Prerequisites ........................................................................................ 153
Using the Classification Migration Template ............................................. 154
Which Devices Are Inspected Policy Scope ............................................ 154
How Devices Are Classified and Compared Policy Condition ..................... 156
Compare Classification Results ............................................................... 157
Manually Assigning a Classification ......................................................... 157
Stop the Migration Classification Policy .................................................... 158
Upgrade the Classification Version .......................................................... 158
Mobile Classification Template.................................................................... 158
About the Mobile Classification Template ................................................. 159
Prerequisites ........................................................................................ 160
Using the Mobile Classification Template ................................................. 160
Which Devices Are Inspected Policy Scope ............................................ 160

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How Mobile Devices Are Detected Policy Condition ................................. 161

How CounterACT Handles Discovered Devices Policy Actions ................... 162
Manually Assigning a Classification ......................................................... 162
External Device Classification Template ....................................................... 163
About the External Device Classification Template .................................... 163
Prerequisites ........................................................................................ 164
Using the External Device Classification Template..................................... 164
Which Devices Are Inspected Policy Scope ............................................ 164
When Are Endpoints Removed from Groups? ........................................... 166
How CounterACT Handles Discovered Devices Policy Actions ................... 166
Virtual Machine Classification Template ....................................................... 166
About the Virtual Machine Template........................................................ 167
Using the Virtual Machine Template ........................................................ 167
Which Devices Are Inspected Policy Scope ............................................ 167
How Virtual Machines Are Detected Policy Condition ............................... 168
How Virtual Machines Are Handled Policy Actions ................................... 170
Corporate/Guest Control Template ............................................................. 170
About the Corporate/Guest Control Template ........................................... 170
Deploying a Corporate/Guest Policy ........................................................ 171
Prerequisites ........................................................................................ 171
About Corporate/Guest Classification ...................................................... 171
Signed-In Guests Meet This Criterion ...................................................... 172
When Are Endpoints Moved to New Groups? ............................................ 173
Using the Corporate/Guest Control Template ........................................... 173
Which Devices Are Inspected Policy Scope ............................................ 173
Fine-Tuning Corporate Evaluation Criteria Corporate Page ...................... 174
Handling Guest Hosts Guest Page ........................................................ 175
Working with Guest Registration Options ................................................. 177
What Happens When the Domain, NetBIOS or Authentication Values Are
Changed? ............................................................................................ 178
External Disk Drive Compliance Template .................................................... 179
About the External Disk Drive Compliance Template ................................. 179
Prerequisites ........................................................................................ 179
Using the External Disk Drive Compliance Template.................................. 179
Which Endpoints Are Inspected Policy Scope ......................................... 180
Detecting Authorized External Disk Drives ............................................... 181
Detecting External Disk Drives Policy Sub-Rules .................................... 183
Handling Noncompliant External Disk Drives Policy Actions ..................... 183
Overall Endpoint Compliance Template ....................................................... 184
About the Overall Endpoint Compliance Template ..................................... 184
Prerequisites ........................................................................................ 185
Using the Overall Endpoint Compliance Template ..................................... 185
Which Endpoints Are Inspected Policy Scope ......................................... 185
Require and Restrict Pages .................................................................... 186
Detecting Compliance Status Policy Condition ....................................... 188
How CounterACT Handles Noncompliant Devices Policy Actions ............... 191
Compliance Notification at Endpoint ........................................................ 193
Individual Compliance Templates ............................................................... 193
Windows Update Compliance Template ....................................................... 194
About Windows Update Compliance Template .......................................... 194
Prerequisites ........................................................................................ 194

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Using the Windows Update Compliance Template ..................................... 194

Which Endpoints Are Inspected Policy Scope ......................................... 195
Detecting Noncompliant Windows Endpoints Policy Condition .................. 196
Handling Windows Hosts Policy Actions................................................. 196
Macintosh Update Compliance Template ...................................................... 197
About Macintosh Update Compliance Template ......................................... 197
Prerequisites ........................................................................................ 197
Using the Macintosh Update Compliance Template.................................... 198
Which Endpoints Are Inspected Policy Scope ......................................... 198
Detecting Noncompliant Macintosh Endpoints Policy Condition ................. 199
Handling Macintosh Hosts Policy Actions ............................................... 199
Threats Templates .................................................................................... 200
About the Threats Templates ................................................................. 200
Prerequisites ........................................................................................ 201
Using the Threats Templates.................................................................. 201
Which Endpoints Are Inspected Policy Scope ......................................... 201
Malicious Hosts Template ...................................................................... 202
ARP Spoofing Template ......................................................................... 204
Impersonation Template ....................................................................... 206
Dual Homed Template........................................................................... 208
Track Changes Templates .......................................................................... 210
Prerequisites ........................................................................................ 211
Using the Track Changes Templates ....................................................... 211
Which Hosts Are Inspected Policy Scope ............................................... 211
How Frequently Are Endpoints Inspected Change Time ........................... 212
How a Change Is Detected Policy Condition........................................... 213
How a Change Is Handled Policy Actions ............................................... 214
How to Modify a Condition Advanced Settings ....................................... 214
New TCP/IP Port Template ......................................................................... 214
About the New TCP/IP Port Template ...................................................... 214
Prerequisites ........................................................................................ 215
Using the New TCP/IP Port Template ...................................................... 215
Which Endpoints Are Inspected Policy Scope ......................................... 215
Handling Endpoints with New TCP/IP Ports Policy Actions ........................ 217

Chapter 5: Policy Management ................................................................. 218

What Is a Policy? ...................................................................................... 219
How Policies Are Structured ................................................................... 219
Working with Policies ................................................................................ 220
When Are Policies Run? ......................................................................... 220
What You See at the Console in the Home view........................................ 221
Using Groups ....................................................................................... 226
Broaden the Scope Plugins.................................................................. 227
Basic Policy Rollout Tips ........................................................................ 227
CounterACT Policy Priorities ................................................................... 228
Handling Endpoint Identity Changes ....................................................... 228
Stopping the Policy from the Appliance ................................................... 229
Viewing and Managing Endpoints............................................................ 229
The Policy Manager................................................................................... 231
Policy Manager Tools ............................................................................ 231
Working with the Policy Manager ............................................................ 233

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Creating Custom Policies ........................................................................... 237

Defining a Policy Name and Description ................................................... 239
Defining a Policy Scope ......................................................................... 239
Defining a Policy Main Rule .................................................................... 242
Defining Policy Sub-Rules ...................................................................... 244
Advanced Policy Options ........................................................................... 246
Main Rule Advanced Options .................................................................. 247
Sub-Rule Advanced Options ................................................................... 250
Policy Preferences .................................................................................... 254
Defining Authentication Servers ............................................................. 254
HTTP Preferences ................................................................................. 255
Customizing HTTP Pages ....................................................................... 262
Customizing HTTP Screen Elements for Mobile Interactions........................ 271
Email Preferences ................................................................................. 276
Customizing Endpoint Identity Change Thresholds and Detection Mechanisms
.......................................................................................................... 277
Time Settings ...................................................................................... 278
HTTP Login Attempts ............................................................................ 280
Property Lists .......................................................................................... 282
Categorizing Policies ................................................................................. 282
Policy Reports and Logs ............................................................................ 285
Policy Reports ...................................................................................... 285
Policy Logs .......................................................................................... 286
Policy Safety Features ............................................................................... 289
Working with Action Thresholds.............................................................. 289
Handling Irresolvable Endpoints during Plugin Failure ............................... 296
Misconfigured Add to Group Policy .......................................................... 296

Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions............................................... 297

About Policy Conditions ............................................................................. 298
What Is a Policy Condition?.................................................................... 298
Meeting Condition Criteria ..................................................................... 298
Condition Shortcuts .............................................................................. 299
Irresolvable Criteria .............................................................................. 299
Case Sensitivity ................................................................................... 300
Properties............................................................................................ 300
Property Expression Types ..................................................................... 300
Properties and Scripts ........................................................................... 300
Windows Endpoint Applications Vendor Support ....................................... 301
Defining Properties ................................................................................... 301
Authentication Properties ...................................................................... 303
Classification Properties ........................................................................ 303
Advanced Classification Properties .......................................................... 304
Device Information Properties ................................................................ 304
Event Properties ................................................................................... 306
External Devices Properties ................................................................... 308
Guest Registration Properties ................................................................. 308
Linux Properties ................................................................................... 309
Macintosh Properties ............................................................................. 310
Microsoft NAP Properties ....................................................................... 311

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Remote Inspection Properties ................................................................ 311

SNMP Properties ................................................................................... 311
Switch Properties ................................................................................. 313
Track Changes Properties ...................................................................... 315
User Directory Properties....................................................................... 315
Windows Properties .............................................................................. 316
Windows Application Properties .............................................................. 319
Windows Security Properties .................................................................. 320
Detection of New Vulnerabilities and Newly Supported Vendor Applications ..... 322
Defining Custom Conditions ....................................................................... 323
Using Custom Conditions ....................................................................... 324
Comparing Property Results....................................................................... 325
Defining and Managing Lists ...................................................................... 326
Use a Wizard to Create Lists .................................................................. 327
Create Lists Based on Endpoint Detections .............................................. 330
Using the Lists That You Create .............................................................. 331

Chapter 7: Working with Actions .............................................................. 333

About Actions .......................................................................................... 334
Gradual Action Enforcement .................................................................. 334
Enabling and Disabling Actions ............................................................... 335
Action Schedules .................................................................................. 335
Property Tags in Actions ........................................................................ 335
Action Thresholds ................................................................................. 335
Actions and Plugins............................................................................... 336
Scripts and Interactive Actions ............................................................... 336
Accessing Console Actions ..................................................................... 336
Defining Actions ....................................................................................... 337
Audit Actions ........................................................................................... 337
Send Message to Syslog ........................................................................ 337
Authenticate Actions ................................................................................. 338
HTTP Login .......................................................................................... 339
HTTP Sign Out ..................................................................................... 359
Manage Actions ........................................................................................ 359
Add to Group ....................................................................................... 360
Classify ............................................................................................... 360
Delete Host ......................................................................................... 361
Delete Properties .................................................................................. 361
Disable Remote Inspection .................................................................... 362
HTTP Localhost Login ............................................................................ 362
Recheck Host ....................................................................................... 364
Start SecureConnector / Stop SecureConnector........................................ 365
Upgrade OS X SecureConnector ............................................................. 369
Notify Actions .......................................................................................... 370
HTTP Notification .................................................................................. 370
HTTP Redirection to URL ........................................................................ 373
Send Balloon Notification ....................................................................... 374
Send Email .......................................................................................... 374
Send Email to User ............................................................................... 375
Send Notification (OS X) Action .............................................................. 376

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Remediate Actions .................................................................................... 376

Disable Adapters on Dual Homed Devices ................................................ 377
Disable External Devices ....................................................................... 377
Expedite IP Discovery ........................................................................... 378
Kill Instant Messaging ........................................................................... 379
Kill Cloud Storage ................................................................................. 380
Kill Peer-to-Peer ................................................................................... 380
Kill Process on Linux and Kill Process on Macintosh ................................... 381
Kill Process on Windows ........................................................................ 382
Run Script on Linux and Run Script on Macintosh ..................................... 383
Run Script on Windows ......................................................................... 384
Set Registry Key .................................................................................. 386
Start Antivirus ..................................................................................... 387
Start Macintosh Updates ....................................................................... 388
Start Windows Updates ......................................................................... 389
Update Antivirus .................................................................................. 393
Windows Self Remediation ..................................................................... 395
Restrict Actions ........................................................................................ 398
Switch Restrict Actions .......................................................................... 398
Virtual Firewall ..................................................................................... 401
Action Tools ............................................................................................. 405
Creating Action Schedules ..................................................................... 405
Enabling and Disabling Actions ............................................................... 406
Working with Property Tags ................................................................... 407
Action Icon Display Tool ........................................................................ 409
Policy Action Log .................................................................................. 409
About HTTP Actions .............................................................................. 411
Transmitting Actions via HTTPS .............................................................. 412
Captive Portal Detection Exceptions ........................................................ 413
Action Thresholds ................................................................................. 414

Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules ...................................... 415

About Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules ................................................. 416
Base Plugins ........................................................................................ 416
Plugins Included in ForeScout Modules .................................................... 418
Centralized Management ....................................................................... 421
Plugin Security ..................................................................................... 422
Automatically Update Plugins ................................................................. 422
Roll Back to Previous Plugin Versions ...................................................... 424
Working with ForeScout Module Licenses ..................................................... 425
How Module Licenses Work .................................................................... 425
Requesting a Demo Extension or Permanent License ................................. 426
Tracking ForeScout Module Activity......................................................... 431
Viewing Endpoint Information ................................................................ 432
Designing Customized Plugins .................................................................... 432

Chapter 9: Assets Portal ........................................................................... 433

About the Assets Portal ............................................................................. 434
Search Tools ............................................................................................ 434
Search Status ...................................................................................... 434

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Expand Information Discovered by the Assets Portal ..................................... 435

Importing and Exporting Information ...................................................... 436
Assets Portal User Management ................................................................. 436
Defining Assets Portal Users and Permissions ........................................... 436
Accessing the Assets Portal ....................................................................... 437
Add the Assets Portal to Your Web Browser ............................................. 439
Performing an Assets Portal Search ............................................................ 440
Host-Based Ticket Results ..................................................................... 441
User-Based Ticket Results ..................................................................... 443
Viewing Additional Information............................................................... 443
Page Display ........................................................................................ 443
Clearing Events Detections .................................................................... 443

Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs ................................................ 445

About Reports .......................................................................................... 446
On-Screen Threat Protection Reporting ....................................................... 446
Executive Reports................................................................................. 447
Operational Reports .............................................................................. 448
Generating On-Screen Threat Protection Reports ...................................... 451
Customizing Reports ............................................................................. 452
Viewing Multiple Reports ....................................................................... 455
Viewing Report Definitions ..................................................................... 456
Working with On-Screen Report Management Tools .................................. 456
Generating Scheduled Reports ................................................................... 457
Report Scheduler Management Tools ...................................................... 461
Opening Saved Reports ......................................................................... 463
Opening a Scheduled Report .................................................................. 465
Web-Based Reports .................................................................................. 466
Working with System Event Logs................................................................ 469
Viewing Block Events ................................................................................ 471
Refreshing the List of Events.................................................................. 473
Viewing a History of Monitored and Blocked Services .................................... 473

Chapter 11: Managing Your Virtual Firewall Policy ................................... 475

Defining a Virtual Firewall Policy ................................................................. 476
What You See on Your Screen ................................................................ 477
Policy Priorities .................................................................................... 477
Defining Block Rules ................................................................................. 477
TCP versus UDP Blocking ....................................................................... 478
Working with Block Rules ...................................................................... 478
Viewing Block Events ................................................................................ 480
Defining Allow Rules ................................................................................. 481
Removing and Editing Allow Rules .......................................................... 482

Chapter 12: Threat Protection .................................................................. 483

About Threat Protection ............................................................................ 484
Detecting Threats How It Works .......................................................... 484
Basic Terminology ................................................................................ 485

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About the Threat Protection Policy .............................................................. 489

About Advanced Policy Tools .................................................................. 489
Viewing Threat Detections ......................................................................... 490
High Activity Mode ................................................................................ 490
Viewing and Updating the Policy ................................................................. 490
Blocking Worms Using Plugins ................................................................ 493
Customizing Basic Policy Settings ............................................................... 493
Customizing Scan Settings .................................................................... 493
Customizing Bite Settings ...................................................................... 497
Bite Type Details .................................................................................. 499
Customizing Email Worm Settings .......................................................... 500
Configuring the Block Method ................................................................ 503
Handling Service Attacks ....................................................................... 504
Managing Threat Protection Mail Alert Deliveries ...................................... 509
Working with Manually Added Endpoints ..................................................... 512
Manually Adding an Endpoint ................................................................. 512
Controlling the Range Protected from Malicious Attacks ................................. 515
Viewing Endpoint Activity Details ................................................................ 516
Events Tab .......................................................................................... 516
Managing Enterprise Lockdown Alerts ......................................................... 522
Legitimate Traffic ..................................................................................... 525
Handling Legitimate Activity of Malicious Sources ..................................... 525
Defining Legitimate Traffic ..................................................................... 526
Automatically Defining Legitimate Scanning Activity Wizard .................... 528
Manually Defining Legitimate Scanning Applications .................................. 529
Manually Defining Removed Servers ....................................................... 530
Creating Customized Legitimate Traffic ................................................... 531
Editing and Removing Legitimate Traffic .................................................. 534

Chapter 13: Threat Protection, Advanced Tools........................................ 535

Defining Mark Naming Conventions ............................................................ 536
Defining Mark Rules .............................................................................. 536
Editing and Removing Mark Naming Rules ............................................... 540
Defining Lists ....................................................................................... 540
Applying Mark Naming Rules.................................................................. 541
Defining Virtual Site Endpoint Operating System Parameters ......................... 542
Parsing Event Information Displayed in Email Alerts ..................................... 543

Chapter 14: Managing Users .................................................................... 544

About CounterACT Users ........................................................................... 545
Creating Users and User Groups ................................................................. 546
Working with Permission and Scope Options ............................................ 546
Access to Network Endpoints Scope ..................................................... 551
Modifying User Details .......................................................................... 553
Removing Users ....................................................................................... 554
Password Protection ................................................................................. 554
Audit Logs ........................................................................................... 555
Login Consent Feature .............................................................................. 556

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Support for One-Time Password Authentication ............................................ 556

Disconnecting Inactive Console Users ......................................................... 557
Allowing One Login Session per Console User............................................... 557
Separate Login to Each CounterACT Web-Based Portal .................................. 558
Manual User Password Change ................................................................... 559
Using Kerberos Authentication ................................................................... 560
Using Smart Card Authentication ................................................................ 562
Setting Up Smart Card Authentication ..................................................... 563
Smart Card Configuration ...................................................................... 563
Smart Card User Setup ......................................................................... 566
Monitoring User Activity ............................................................................ 566

Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles..... 569

About Management .................................................................................. 570
CounterACT Device Management Overview .............................................. 570
Console Management ................................................................................ 571
Managing Console Access ...................................................................... 571
Multiple Console Logins ......................................................................... 572
Defining Web Access ............................................................................. 572
Defining Proxy Ports for HTTP ................................................................ 573
Configuring the Time Zone .................................................................... 573
Customizing Alarm Indicators ................................................................ 574
Configuring Console Memory Settings ..................................................... 574
Standalone Appliance Management ............................................................ 575
Enterprise Manager Management ............................................................... 575
Upgrading the Enterprise Manager Software ............................................ 575
Installing Enterprise Manager Licenses .................................................... 578
Viewing Enterprise Manager System Health Information ............................ 579
Stopping and Starting the Enterprise Manager ......................................... 580
Appliance Management ............................................................................. 580
Requesting and Installing a CounterACT Device License ............................ 580
Viewing Appliance Health Information ..................................................... 592
Registering Appliances with the Enterprise Manager.................................. 594
Upgrading Appliance Software................................................................ 595
Upgrading the Console .......................................................................... 597
Starting and Stopping Appliances ........................................................... 598
Managing Groups of Appliances .............................................................. 599
Appliance Bandwidth and Endpoint Capacity ............................................ 602
Working with Appliance Channel Assignments .......................................... 603
Viewing Information about CounterACT Devices ....................................... 611
Viewing Appliance Traffic Statistics ......................................................... 614
Assigning Network IPs to Appliances ....................................................... 614
Running Configuration Scripts on CounterACT Devices .............................. 617
Configuring Features for an Appliance or Group of Appliances ........................ 619
Apply Uniform Configuration Settings to All Appliances .............................. 620
Define a Configuration for a Single Device or Group of Devices .................. 620
Editing and Updating a Configuration ...................................................... 621
Limiting User Access to Appliances ............................................................. 621
Viewing Limitations............................................................................... 622

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Control Command-line Access to CounterACT Devices ................................... 622

Configure Access Security Features for Command-Line Users ..................... 623
Configure Session Security Features for Command-Line Interaction ............ 624

Chapter 16: The Executive Dashboard ...................................................... 626

About the Executive Dashboard.................................................................. 627
Accessing the Dashboard........................................................................... 627
Dashboard Overview ............................................................................. 629
Before You Begin .................................................................................. 630
Run Basic CounterACT Templates ........................................................... 630
Create Organizational Units ................................................................... 632
What You See at the Dashboard ................................................................. 632
Compliance Trends ............................................................................... 632
Remediation Trends .............................................................................. 633
Real-Time Organizational Unit Compliance ............................................... 634
Real-Time Overall Network Compliance ................................................... 634
Gauges ............................................................................................... 635
CounterACT Coverage ........................................................................... 637
Additional Dashboard Tools.................................................................... 638

Chapter 17: Additional Options ................................................................ 639

Working with Internal Network Ranges ....................................................... 640
Working with Hosts without IP Addresses ................................................ 641
Working with Hosts Whose IP Address Is Used by Another Host ................. 643
Managing Email Notification Addresses ........................................................ 644
Signing Emails with an S/MIME Certificate ................................................... 645
Defining Endpoint Discovery Rules .............................................................. 646
Working with the Enforcement Mode ........................................................... 651
Backing Up and Restoring System and Component Settings ........................... 651
Scheduling Automatic Backups of CounterACT Settings to External Servers . 652
Performing a One-Time System Backup .................................................. 657
Restoring a System Backup File ............................................................. 658
Backing Up and Restoring the rSite for Your Appliances ............................. 659
Recovering an Enterprise Manager.............................................................. 659
How It Works ....................................................................................... 659
Prerequisites ........................................................................................ 660
Activating the Switchover ...................................................................... 661
Tracking Recovery Enterprise Manager Activity ........................................ 661
Viewing Recovery Enterprise Manager Connection Status and Details .......... 662
Language Support .................................................................................... 662
Displaying Endpoint Information in a Local Language ................................ 663
Localizing CounterACT Redirected Web Pages and Messages ...................... 664
Displaying Local Languages in Reports, Actions and Other Features ............ 669
Localizing Guest Management Portal Texts .............................................. 669
Pre-Registration and Guest Registration Management ................................... 669
The Guest Management Portal ............................................................... 670
The Guest Registration Pane .................................................................. 670
Registered Guests ................................................................................ 671
Password Policy.................................................................................... 678

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Sponsors ............................................................................................. 678

Terms and Conditions ........................................................................... 680
Guest Notifications ............................................................................... 680
Sponsor Notifications ............................................................................ 681

Appendix 1: Command Line Tools ............................................................. 683

Updating SSH Access ................................................................................ 684
Enabling Console Access to CounterACT Devices .......................................... 684
Updating the Admin Password .................................................................... 685
Verifying the CounterACT Device MD5 Signature .......................................... 686
Handling Enterprise Manager Clock Malfunctions .......................................... 686
Changing Operating System Network Configurations..................................... 687
Disabling and Enabling the Worm Slowdown Mechanism ............................... 688
Disabling and Enabling Email Privacy .......................................................... 688
Generating CSRs and Importing Signed Certificates ...................................... 689
Generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) ....................................... 690
Regenerating the Existing Signing Request .............................................. 690
Importing a Signed S/MIME Certificate in a PEM file .................................. 691
Importing a Signed S/MIME Certificate in a PFX file .................................. 691
Enabling and Disabling ACPI Shutdown ....................................................... 692
Accessing Remote Support ........................................................................ 693
Stopping the Policy ................................................................................... 694
Resetting Your System Data ...................................................................... 694
Configuring the Interface Speed and Duplex ................................................ 694
Generating a Configuration Summary ......................................................... 695
Disabling and Enabling the Network Asymmetry Test .................................... 696
Disabling the Injection Test ....................................................................... 697
Controlling the Built-In Firewall .................................................................. 697
Configuring Mail and Mail Relay Values........................................................ 698
Defining a Mail-Relay Address ................................................................ 699
Updating Current Mail Relay Configurations ............................................. 699
Running a Script from the Appliance ........................................................... 700
Accessing Current User and Domain Name .................................................. 701
Resolving Endpoint Domain or Workgroup Names......................................... 701

Appendix 2: Handling Network Connectivity Failures ............................... 702

Appendix 3: Remote Access to Endpoints ................................................. 705

When Is Remote Access to Endpoints Needed? ............................................. 706
Domain Account Requirements .................................................................. 706
Using a Domain-Wide Policy .................................................................. 706
Using an Administrator Group ................................................................ 707
Using the Security Configuration Wizard .................................................. 708
Working with Windows XP SP2 Machines ................................................. 708
Updating Group Policy Objects with New Windows Firewall Settings ............ 708
Troubleshooting Domain Credentials ........................................................... 710

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 14

Table of Contents

A. Test the Domain Credentials .............................................................. 710

B. Test the Credentials on the Endpoint Using a Localhost Query ................ 711
C. Test the Credentials at the Endpoint Using Remote Query ..................... 711
Troubleshooting Deep Inspection................................................................ 716

Appendix 4: Generating and Importing a Trusted Web Server Certificate 718

Appendix 5: HTTP Redirection .................................................................. 722

About HTTP Redirection ............................................................................. 723
Procedure ................................................................................................ 723
Security Considerations............................................................................. 724
Sample fstool netconfig Session ................................................................. 724

Appendix 6: SNMP Integration ................................................................. 727

SNMP Integration ..................................................................................... 728
About SNMP Service Settings ................................................................. 728
Configure SNMP Service Settings............................................................ 729
Working with File-based SNMP Service Settings ....................................... 736
Apply Configuration Settings to the SNMP Service .................................... 737
Performance Thresholds for SNMP Notifications ............................................ 738

Appendix 7: SNMP MIB for CounterACT Appliances .................................. 740

About the SNMP MIB for CounterACT Appliances .......................................... 741
MIB Table Objects for CounterACT Appliances .............................................. 741
SNMP Trap Notifications for CounterACT Appliances ...................................... 746

Appendix 8: Modifying ForeScout Remote Service Contact Features ........ 754

Modifying ForeScout Remote Service Contact Features .................................. 755

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 15

This section provides the following information:
About This Manual
Updates to This Manual

About This Manual

This manual is a guide for new users and a reference tool for experienced users.
The manual is designed for users who have logged in to the Console from a
ForeScout CounterACT Enterprise Manager or Appliance. Instructions and
explanations in the manual refer to both login scenarios, unless specifically noted.
The manual consists of the following chapters:

Chapter 1: Welcome to This chapter presents general information about CounterACT

CounterACT functionally and components.
Chapter 2: Working This chapter details the initial steps required to configure
with the Initial Setup CounterACT.
Wizard The Initial Setup wizard provides critical configurations to ensure
that you get your system up and running quickly and efficiently.
Chapter 3: Working at This chapter details the basic Console tools that you should be
the Console familiar with before you begin working.
Chapter 4: CounterACT CounterACT provides a full range of templates to help you create
Templates NAC policies quickly and effectively using default settings.
This chapter instructs you how to work with templates in general
and then provides step-by-step procedures for creating a
template-based policy for that cover important network security
tasks, for example:
Asset classification
Antivirus, Peer-to-Peer
Corporate and guest control
Windows and Macintosh update compliance
Mobile device compliance
External disk drive compliance
Virtual machine classification
Chapter 5: Policy This chapter describers how to create and manage custom
Management policies.
Chapter 6: Working This chapter describes how to work with CounterACT policy
with Policy Conditions conditions.
Chapter 7: Working This chapter describes how to work with CounterACT policy
with Actions actions, used to control network endpoints.
Chapter 8: Base Plugins This chapter describes base plugins and licensed plugins included
and ForeScout Modules in ForeScout Modules.

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 16


Chapter 9: Assets Portal The Assets Portal is a web-based search and discovery tool that
allows you to leverage extensive network information collected
and correlated by CounterACT and plugins. This includes not only
endpoint information, but also Policy violations, login histories,
User Directory details, organizational mapping details and
endpoint device connections. The information is useful across
your organization, especially for:
Security teams
IT departments
Help Desk
This chapter describes how to set up and work with the Assets
Chapter 10: Generating This chapter describes CounterACT report generation tools. These
Reports and Logs tools provide you with important compliance information, as well
as detailed information about malware and self-propagating
code. Reports about policy compliance, inventory and
vulnerabilities can be generated from the Reports site.
In addition, user audit trail and system event logs can also be
Chapter 11: Managing This chapter contains information about working with Virtual
Your Virtual Firewall Firewall rules. Network Virtual Firewall protection allows you to
Policy easily create network security zones to give you more control
over network traffic and provides all the benefits of an inline
firewall without being located inline.
Chapter 12: Threat CounterACTs Active Response technology fights worms and
Protection other self-propagating malware by:
Pinpointing threats at the earliest stage of the infection
Providing real-time protection against zero-day worms
Protecting your network against infection methods known
and unknown to the security community
This chapter provides basic information about the Active
Response malicious endpoints technology, including how
CounterACT defines, detects and handles threats. It also
describes how to define legitimate traffic as part of your Threat
Protection policy, i.e., traffic to be ignored for requirements that
compel you to grant full access to specific addresses.
Chapter 13: Threat This chapter provides information regarding advanced tools
Protection, Advanced available for handling threats including: defining naming
Tools conventions for marks, defining virtual site endpoint operating
system distribution and density, and parsing event information
displayed in email alerts.
Chapter 14: Managing This chapter describes how to:
Users Create and manage CounterACT users.
Define user permissions.
Create password protection policies.
Audit user activity.
Chapter 15: Managing Use the tools described in this chapter to update settings defined
Appliances, Enterprise during your setup. Additional options, such as upgrading your
Managers and Consoles software version and installing new licenses are also detailed.

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 17


Chapter 16: The CounterACT provides a web-based information center for both
Executive Dashboard executives and IT professionals that delivers dynamic at-a-glance
information about:
Network compliance
Network threats
Network guests
This chapter describes how to set up and use the executive
Chapter 17: Additional This chapter describes additional CounterACT options.
Appendix 1: Command This appendix details CounterACT device command line tools that
Line Tools can, for example:
Update SSH access.
Enable access to the Console.
Enable or disable ACPI shutdown.
Access remote support.
Appendix 2: Handling This appendix details how to handle network connectivity failures
Network Connectivity between the Appliance and your network.
Appendix 3: Remote This appendix details how to gain remote access to an endpoints
Access to Endpoints registry service. You must perform these steps to take advantage
of the policy scanning processes.
Appendix 4: Generating This appendix describes how to generate and import a trusted
and Importing a certificate and remove the browser security warning that opens
Trusted Web Server when trying to access the CounterACT Web Portals.
Appendix 5: HTTP For browser notification, login and remediation actions the
Redirection Appliance must see traffic going to the web. This appendix
details how to make these actions work properly, including how
to set the IP address used by the HTTP redirection features, for
example the Assets Portal, Dashboard and Reports Portal.
Appendix 6: SNMP This appendix describes CounterACT SNMP support.
Appendix 7: SNMP MIB This appendix describes:
for CounterACT About the SNMP MIB for CounterACT Appliances
MIB Table Objects for CounterACT Appliances
SNMP Trap Notifications for CounterACT Appliances
Appendix 8: Modifying This appendix describes how to modify ForeScout remote service
ForeScout Remote contact behavior.
Service Contact

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 18


Updates to This Manual

This manual is updated soon after each CounterACT service pack release. This
Your system may not support features documented in this manual. For
example, the manual may include a description of a feature enhancement
delivered through a bundled plugin release that you have not yet installed.
Your system may include a recently released bundled plugin, but this manual
may have not yet been updated to reflect the changes the bundled plugin
release delivers. Until the next update of this manual you can find the most
current bundled plugin release information at the following location:

See Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules for a list of bundled plugins.
Documentation, release information and software for base plugins and ForeScout
Modules can be found on the Customer Support portal at:

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 19

Chapter 1: Welcome to CounterACT
About CounterACT
CounterACT Components
Help Tools
Chapter 1: Welcome to CounterACT

About CounterACT
ForeScout CounterACT is a platform that provides continuous security monitoring
and mitigation. It allows IT organizations to efficiently address numerous access,
endpoint compliance and threat management challenges even within todays
complex, dynamic and expansive enterprise networks. This is delivered by providing:
Real-Time Network Visibility
Network Integrity
Comprehensive Third-Party Integration
On-Demand Asset Intelligence

Real-Time Network Visibility

CounterACT lets you expose an extensive range of assets the moment they attempt
to access your network, for example:
Desktops, laptops and servers
Mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets
Personal vs. corporate devices
On-premise virtual machines and off-premise cloud instances
Switches, WLAN controllers and Access Points, devices connecting via VPNs,
routers, printers, modems, VoIP phones PoE connected devices such as VoIP
phones and WLAN Aps and other network devices
Peripheral devices such as USB memory sticks, external disk drives and
IoT devices
Rogue device
CounterACT incorporates powerful granular inspection tools that are used to resolve
an extensive range of information about these assets, for example:
Desktop and mobile operating system information
Virtual machine details, for example VMware Guest Machine health
status or Amazon EC2 instance type
User directory information
Applications installed and running
Login and authentication information
Software patch levels
Endpoint-connected devices, such as USB drives
Switch ports to which devices are connected
Windows registry information

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 21

Chapter 1: Welcome to CounterACT

Network Integrity
Most network realities consist of complex topologies and architectures; a multitude of
events, users, vendors and devices; continuously changing downloads and patches;
new vulnerabilities; extensive compliance requirements, and more.
ForeScout CounterACT lets you automatically and easily tackle these intricate and
time-consuming realities.

User Enforcement and Education

Open trouble tickets
Send email to users or administrators
Personalize web redirection messages to notify end users, enforce policy
confirmation and allow self-remediation
Force authentication/password change
Log-off user, disable user AD account

Application Control and Remediation

Start/stop applications
Start/stop peer-to-peer/IM
Apply updates and patches
Ensure antivirus products are up-to-date
Start/stop processes

Network Restrictions
Port disable (802.1X, SNMP, CLI)
VLAN control
VPN disconnect
ACL block at the switch, firewalls and routers
Wireless allow/deny
Quarantine until the devices is remediated

Traffic Control
Virtual firewall
Update network ACL (switch, router, firewall)

Operating System Control & Remediation

Patch/hotfix update
Registry configuration

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 22

Chapter 1: Welcome to CounterACT

Device Control
Disable NIC
Shut down desktop/laptop
Disable use of peripheral devices

Comprehensive Third-Party Integration

CounterACT integrates with an extensive range of different network, security,
mobility and IT management products, allowing for automated workflows, significant
time and cost savings and enhanced security. Use the tools described in this manual
to integrate with a variety of third-party systems, for example:
Advanced Threat Detection systems
SIEM systems
ePO systems
Vulnerability Assessment systems
Mobile Device Management (MDM) systems
Almost any third-party product using a web API, SQL and LDAP
When integrating with third-party systems, use the CounterACT tools described in
this manual to:
Trigger third-party remediation and ticketing systems
Efficiently exchange information with third-party systems
Mitigate a wide variety of network, security and operational issues
Extend the network visibility provided by CounterACT to third-party systems
Set up third-party systems to trigger CounterACT actions.

On-Demand Asset Intelligence

Use CounterACT tools to carry out information sharing and automation among your
existing IT security and management systems. These tools help you fix security
issues and contain breaches.

Generate Web Reports

The Reports Plugin lets you generate reports showing real-time and trend
information about policies, endpoint compliance status, vulnerabilities, device details,
assets and network guests. Use reports to keep network administrators, executives,
the Help Desk, IT teams, security teams or other enterprise teams well-informed
about network activity. Reports can be used, for example, to help you understand:
Long-term network compliance progress and trends
Immediate security needs
Compliance with policies

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 23

Chapter 1: Welcome to CounterACT

Status of a specific policy

Network device statistics

Analyze a Real-Time Network Inventory

A live network inventory view displays network activity at multiple levels, for
example, processes and services currently running, vulnerabilities currently detected,
ports currently open or users currently logged in. Use the inventory to:
Broaden your view of the network from endpoint-specific to activity-specific.
View endpoints that have been detected with specific attributes whether or
not they are policy-compliant.
Easily track network activity.
Incorporate inventory detections into policies. For example, if you discover
that network guests are running unauthorized processes on your network,
create a policy that detects and halts these processes on guest machines.

Work with an Assets Portal

The Assets Portal is a web-based search and discovery tool that allows you to
leverage extensive network information collected and correlated by CounterACT and
its plugins. This includes not only endpoint information, but also network policy
violations, current login information, User Directory identity details, organizational
mapping details and endpoint device connections. The accumulated information
makes the portal valuable across organizational teams:
Security teams can use the IP address provided by the Assets Portal to
quickly locate and shut down switch ports and eliminate a security threat.
IT departments can use the IP address provided by the Assets Portal to locate
and contact users when maintenance is required at the endpoint.
The Help Desk can effortlessly link IP addresses, computer hardware
addresses and switch ports to employees, in real time.
Response time is accelerated, translating into efficient remediation and crisis

CounterACT Components
CounterACT is comprised of the following components:
The Appliance
The Enterprise Manager
The Console

Sample CounterACT Device

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 24

Chapter 1: Welcome to CounterACT

Virtual systems are also available. See Virtual Systems for more information.
Refer to the CounterACT Enterprise Manager Appliance Communication Technical
Note for information regarding Enterprise Manager/Appliance communication.

The Appliance
A CounterACT appliance (Appliance) is a dedicated device that monitors traffic going
through your corporate network. It protects the network against malicious activity
and performs extensive network protection.
Your Appliance should have been installed at your network so that it sees vital
network traffic.

To handle malware and intelligent hackers, the Appliance should be set

At the connection point between the Internal Network and the rest of the
network. This enables protection of a specific network range against infection
attempts initiated from the rest of the network and network protection
against infection attempts generated from a specific network area (for
example, contractors segment, which might be potentially more dangerous).
Behind a VPN concentrator, where encrypted VPN channels are decrypted and
malicious traffic enters your network.
Behind remote access servers, where remote access users enter your

To apply an admission control policy, the Appliance should be set up:

Within broadcast domains, preferably mirroring trunk ports.

To work with the Virtual Firewall, the Appliance should be set up:
Between segments or VLANs.
Your Appliance may be one of several Appliances included in an Enterprise solution
or may be part of a High Availability system. The High Availability feature provides
high network uptime utilizing redundancy and automatic recovery.
For more information about the High Availability feature, Appliance installation,
Appliance specifications and deployment, refer to the CounterACT Installation Guide.

The Enterprise Manager

The Enterprise Manager is an aggregation device that communicates with multiple
CounterACT Appliances distributed across an enterprise. It manages Appliance
activity and policies, and collects information about endpoint activity detected at
each Appliance. This information can be displayed and reported at the Enterprise
Your Enterprise Manager may be part of a High Availability system or a remote
recovery system. The High Availability feature provides high network uptime utilizing
redundancy and automatic recovery. The recovery Enterprise Manager is used as a
remote recovery device for an Enterprise Manager that is no longer functioning due
to, for example, a natural disaster or crisis.

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 25

Chapter 1: Welcome to CounterACT

The Console
The Console is the CounterACT management application used to view important
detailed information about endpoints and control them. This information is collected
by CounterACT devices.


About the Console

Detection information is displayed at the Console, your unified information,
management and control center. Key features include:
An integrated display of endpoints detected by your NAC, Threat Protection,
Compliance and Corporate Guest policies, as well as other endpoints
discovered by CounterACT.
Display of extensive endpoint details, for example, MAC address, IP address,
domain and NetBIOS machine information; related user information such as
mail addresses and telephone numbers, as well as the machine block or
release status.
A live network inventory view that displays network activity at multiple levels,
for example, processes and services currently running, vulnerabilities
currently detected, ports currently open or users currently logged in.
A site map, powered by Google Maps, that provides at-a-glance, real-time
corporate and guest status information, compliance levels, security alerts and
moreacross offices, cities, countries and continents.
Powerful command options that let you manually and automatically remediate
and control detected endpoints and communicate with endpoints users.

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 26

Chapter 1: Welcome to CounterACT

Sophisticated reporting tools let you generate an extensive range of reports

that detail and summarize important network activity, asset and inventory
information, NAC policy activity, vulnerability scanning and more - as well as
CounterACTs response to these activities.
Control tools allow you to start and stop CounterACT devices and update the
configuration defined during installation, for example, the network range
CounterACT is protecting or the time zone setting. Other control tools allow
you to communicate with your network management application and work
with third-party plugin applications.

Virtual Systems
CounterACT virtual devices (Appliances and Enterprise Managers) can be installed
and managed in virtual data centers and IT environments. They provide capabilities
identical to CounterACT device software installations carried out on dedicated
Refer to the CounterACT Installation Guide for details about installing virtual
Using CounterACT virtual devices lets you:
Simplify and ease product distribution and deployment, especially for
distributed remote sites.
Reduce IT costs, space, energy consumption and maintenance by using less
Comply with green IT requirements.
Installing and working with licenses differs slightly for virtual systems and physical
systems. Refer to Virtual Licenses for details about working with virtual licenses.

Hybrid Deployments
Hybrid deployments are also supported. This means that a physical Enterprise
Manager can manage both physical and virtual Appliances or a virtual Enterprise
Manager can manage both physical and virtual Appliances.

Help Tools
CounterACT provides a range of Help tools to assist first-time users in gaining
proficiency and an understanding of the CounterACT Console. Help tools also guide
veteran users in working with more advanced Console options. This section describes
help tools available and how to access them.
Console Help Buttons
Console Help
Feature Dialog Box Descriptions
On-Screen Troubleshooting
Documentation Portal
Plugin Configuration Help

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 27

Chapter 1: Welcome to CounterACT

Console Help Buttons

You can quickly access specific information about the tasks and topics that you are
working with by using Help buttons that appear in Console dialog boxes, panes and
wizard pages.

Help Button Example

Console Help
Select CounterACT Help from the Help menu to open the Console Online Help.

Feature Dialog Box Descriptions

CounterACT dialog boxes are designed with text that is automatically displayed to
provide helpful descriptions about various Console features.

Example of Description in Dialog Box

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 28

Chapter 1: Welcome to CounterACT

On-Screen Troubleshooting
Messages about irresolvable issues, failed actions and other errors can be displayed
in the Detections pane for a selected endpoint. Information is also available about
resolving these issues.

To view troubleshooting tips for these messages:

1. From the Home view, select (Show troubleshooting messages) at the

top right corner of the Details pane.
2. In the Details pane, select the Details link that is displayed after the red text.
The link may appear in any tab where an unresolved event occurred. A
window opens with troubleshooting tips.

Example of On-Screen Troubleshooting

Documentation Portal
The Documentation Portal is an online library containing a comprehensive range of
information about CounterACT tools, features and functionality. The portal includes
the following sets of documents:
CounterACT Console User Manual (this document)
CounterACT Installation Guides
CounterACT How-to Guides
CounterACT Plugin Configuration Guides
FStool Command Reference Guide
CounterACT Glossary Reference Guide

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 29

CounterACT Console Features Shortcuts Reference Guide
Advanced Technical Notes

Access the documentation portal:

At the Console, select Help and then select Documentation Portal.
From your Internet browser at http://www.forescout.com/kb (use customer
support login credentials).

Plugin Configuration Help

When configuring CounterACTs various plugins, you can access the Configuration
Guides directly from the plugin-specific pane or in the Plugins by selecting Help.

Accessing Online Plugin Help

Plugin Help File Sample

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 30

Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup
About the Initial Setup Wizard
Setup Scenarios
Set Up an Appliance from Scratch
Set Up an Appliance with Enterprise Manager Settings
Set Up an Enterprise Manager from Scratch
Set Up an Enterprise Manager with Appliance Settings
When You Are Done
Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

About the Initial Setup Wizard

The Initial Setup wizard guides you through important configuration steps to ensure
that CounterACT devices are set up quickly and efficiently. The wizard opens
automatically when you log in to CounterACT for the first time.
Proceed as follows:
1. Review the Before You Begin section.
2. Run the Initial Setup wizard.
3. Review the When You Are Done section for information regarding additional
basic setup tasks.

Before You Begin

Prepare the following information regarding the CounterACT device that you want to
NTP server address used by your organization.
Internal mail relay IP address. This allows delivery of email alerts if SMTP
traffic is not allowed from the Appliance.
CounterACT administrators email address.
Monitor and response interfaces assignments defined at the Data Center. The
monitors interface tracks traffic going through your network. The response
interface is used to protect against malicious activity, carrying out Virtual
Firewall blocking and HTTP redirection. This information is not required for
Enterprise Manager setup.
For segments or VLANs with no DHCP, the network segment or VLANs to
which the monitoring interface is directly connected and a permanent IP
address to be used by CounterACT at each such VLAN. This information is not
required for Enterprise Manager setup.
IP address ranges that the Appliance will protect (all the internal addresses,
including unused addresses).
User Directory account information and the User Directory server IP address.
Domain credentials, including domain administrative account name and
Authentication servers so that CounterACT can analyze which endpoints have
successfully authenticated.
Core switch IP address, vendor and SNMP parameters.
This information is tested and saved by the wizard at each stage of the setup. A
verification message is displayed, indicating if the settings are valid or not.

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 32

Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Logging In to CounterACT
Access to the CounterACT device via the Console is authenticated by verifying the
appropriate CounterACT IP address, user name and password. Make sure that you
have this information before attempting to log in.

To log in:
1. Select ForeScout CounterACT>CounterACT Console from the Start menu.
The CounterACT Login dialog box opens.

CounterACT Login Dialog Box

2. Type the CounterACT device IP address or host name in the IP/Name field.
3. Select a login method.
Three login authentication methods are available:

1. Select Password to perform standard authentication. Enter your user name
and password.

Smart Card
1. Select Smart Card to allow authentication using a smart card.
2. Enter your PIN code. If the Dll Location field is empty, enter the location
where the Smart Card driver is installed on your computer.

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 33

Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Smart Card Login

See Using Smart Card Authentication for more information.

1. Select Kerberos if you are using the Kerberos authentication method to log
in. Kerberos is a computer network authentication protocol that allows users
communicating over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one
another in a secure manner. See Using Kerberos Authentication for more
2. Select Save address and user name to instruct CounterACT to remember
these credentials when you next log in.
3. Select Login.
4. If prompted with a Notice and Consent dialog box, read the message and then
select Accept.

Forgot Your Password?

If you are a CounterACT operator and forgot your password, contact your System
Administrator or another user authorized to create a new one. If you are the admin
user and forgot your password, you can update it remotely. See Updating the Admin

Updating Wizard Settings

Most of the options defined here can be modified from the CounterACT Options pane.

To access the Options pane:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu.

Setup Scenarios
The following sections describe the various setup scenarios available when installing
CounterACT Enterprise Manager or Appliances.

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 34

Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Set Up an Appliance from Scratch

Set Up an Appliance with Enterprise Manager Settings
Set Up an Enterprise Manager from Scratch
Set Up an Enterprise Manager with Appliance Settings

Set Up an Appliance from Scratch

After logging in to the Console for the first time, you are prompted to follow the on-
screen wizard instructions described in the following sections.

The Welcome page displays the CounterACT component to which you logged in as
well as information you defined during the installation at the Data Center. More
Appliance information can be viewed from the CounterACT Options window.

Welcome Page, Appliance

License (CounterACT Virtual Systems Only)

If you are working with a CounterACT virtual system, the License page appears.
The virtual license feature is designed to meet the needs of users working in Virtual
IT environments, including environments that require a proxy server. These features
ensure that virtual users are working with authorized, secure and protected licenses.

Refer to the CounterACT Installation Guide for information about installing

CounterACT virtual systems.

The License page allows you to install the virtual demo license that was provided by
your CounterACT representative by email. The license is valid for 30 days from the

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 35

Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

time it was generated by the CounterACT representative. When installing the license,
you are presented with the licenses expiration date. You must request and install a
permanent license before this period expires. See Virtual Licenses for details.

License Page

You will be contacted via email regarding the license expiration date and any license
violations. In addition, license alerts, violations, status and troubleshooting
information can be accessed from the Appliance, Details pane. See Viewing License
Alerts for more information.
Virtual licenses are authenticated daily by the ForeScout License Server (at
https://license.forescout.com). Licenses that cannot be authenticated for a month
are revoked. If this happens, significant CounterACT functionality will stop. See
Virtual Licenses for information about working with the License Server.

To install a virtual license:

1. Select Install License and then select the required license. The Choose the
license file dialog box opens.

Choose the License File Dialog Box

2. Navigate to the license and then select OK.

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 36

Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

The Install License from File dialog box opens.

When working with the initial demo license, you can select any license file for
any device; provided that a specific license file is installed on one device only.
(If you use the same license file for more than one device, the license may be
revoked. Moreover, you will be unable to add an Appliance to the Enterprise
Manager, if an Appliance with the same license is already connected.) You can
rename the file if required. Extended demo licenses and permanent licenses
are tailored for a specific device.

Install License from File Dialog Box

3. Select the device and then select Install.

A dialog box opens with information about the start and end date for installing
the license, as well as other license information.
4. Complete the wizard.

Define time settings for this Appliance.

Time Page

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 37

Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Time Zone Set the time zone according to your geographical location or by GMT offset.
The default value is the time zone of the Appliance. This time zone is used
when displaying and recording detection times at the Console.
NTP Server CounterACT devices require NTP connectivity (port 123 UDP) to an NTP
Enter an NTP server that your organization connects to or use the ForeScout
default (ntp.foreScout.net).
Select Test.
If the test fails, contact your IT professional.
Use the fstool ntp setup command to define additional NTP servers. For
information about working with fstool commands, see Appendix 1: Command
Line Tools.

CounterACT generates email messages regarding:
Policy and Threat Protection alerts
Scheduled reports
Critical system operation alerts
Licenses alerts
Mail relay and Admin email addresses are defined here.

Mail Page

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 38

Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Admin Email The CounterACT administrator address or another address that should
(Required) receive CounterACT alerts. Separate multiple addresses by commas, spaces
or semicolons.
Example 1: [email protected]
Example 2: [email protected], [email protected]
You can sign these emails using a digital certificate, as specified by the
Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) standard. See
Signing Emails with an S/MIME Certificate for details.
Mail Relay The internal mail relay IP address to allow delivery of email alerts if SMTP
(port 25) traffic is not allowed from CounterACT to the Internet.
This must be the fully qualified host name, for example,
If you type an incorrect address you will not receive CounterACT alerts.

You can change these addresses from the CounterACT Options window by selecting
General and then Mail.

User Directory
Use this option to define credentials for a User Directory server. These credentials
are used to validate network authentication and resolve user details, for example,
the endpoint users User Directory display name, department name or email address.

User Credentials at the Console

CounterACT offers you the option to define any of the following types of User
Directory servers:
Microsoft Active Directory
Novell eDirectory
Sun Directory Server
IBM Lotus Notes
Open LDAP Server
RADIUS protocol server
TACACS protocol server
In the Console, define User Directory servers by selecting Options from the Tools
menu and then select User Directory from the Options navigation tree.

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Microsoft Active Directory Page

Setup requires a User Directory server that is queried to validate authentication and
obtain details regarding users at detected endpoints. User details and authentication
status are displayed in the Console, Detections pane.
View and edit an existing User Directory server configuration by selecting Options
from the Tools menu and then select User Directory from the Options navigation

Domain Credentials
Network domain credentials are used by the Appliance to perform deep inspection on
endpoints. Enter the domain information necessary for the Appliance to authenticate
with the Domain Controller. Domains should include endpoints that are handled by
your policies. You may include several domain entries.

Domains Page

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Select Add and define the following:

Domain The Domain Controller IP address. This information is used to test password
Controller validity and provide defaults for the authentication servers defined later.
Domain The domain name. The domain should include all endpoints that you want to
Name inspect via the policy. Endpoints in this domain must also be in the Internal
User The domain administrator name for this domain.
Password The domain administrator password for this domain.

Additional domain options let you fine-tune certain inspection process

definitions and perform other testing. Select Tools>Options>Plugins>HPS
Inspection Engine.

If the verification test fails, you may need to perform troubleshooting tasks. See
Appendix 3: Remote Access to Endpoints for more information.

Authentication Servers
Policies can be created to verify that endpoints have authenticated successfully. Use
this option to define the authentication servers used in your network (domain
controllers, exchange servers, etc.). The domain controllers that you previously
entered appear here automatically.

Authentication Servers Page

Select Add and define authentication servers.

CounterACT supports the following services for authentication:
Telnet (23/TCP)

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Microsoft-DS (445/TCP)
FTP (21/TCP)
rlogin (513/TCP)

Internal Network
The Internal Network is the ranges of IP addresses in your organization that you
want CounterACT to protect. It is recommended that you include your entire
corporate network in this definition (including unused IP address ranges). IP
addresses outside the Internal Network are not handled by CounterACT. In addition,
endpoints in the Internal Network must be visible to CounterACT Appliances.
You can assign a segment name to the Internal Network for easy identification. This
name is displayed at the Console, Filters pane and can be used when working with
many CounterACT tools. Segments can be fine-tuned to more closely represent the
structure of your corporate network. See Working with CounterACT Segments for
more information.

Internal Network Page

Enforcement Mode
Use this option to define Appliance enforcement mode. The Full Enforcement mode
allows complete functionality. The Partial Enforcement mode lets you monitor
network traffic but limits your ability to respond to it. Specifically, the Threat
Protection, HTTP Actions and Virtual Firewall options are disabled in Partial
Enforcement mode. This mode is recommended for evaluation purposes only.
Select the NAT detection checkboxes to detect NAT devices.

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Enforcement Mode Page

The Partial Enforcement Mode icon is displayed on the status bar if your
system is set to this mode.
By selecting Auto Discovery, you allow CounterACT to resolve and display endpoint
properties, for example, NetBIOS names Nmap and domain information. See
Defining Endpoint Discovery Rules for more information.

A channel defines a pair of interfaces used by the Appliance to protect your network.
In general, one interface monitors traffic going through the network (monitor
interface) and the other interface generates traffic back into the network (response
interface). Response traffic is used to:
Protect against self-propagating malware, worms and hackers.
Carry out Virtual Firewall blocking.
Perform policy actions. These actions may include, for example, redirecting
web browsers or carrying our Virtual Firewall blocking.
A single interface may also be used as both the monitoring and response interface.
You should have defined monitoring and response interfaces and made the
appropriate physical connections at the Data Center when installing the Appliance
and connecting it to the network switch.
Use the Channels page to complete interface assignments made at the Data
If you change the monitoring interface assignment here, you must go back to the
Data Center and readjust the physical interface connections so that they match.

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Channels Page

If your network architecture is set up to work with VLANs, the Appliance will
automatically detect them. These VLANs are displayed in the Channels page.
Add Channels
You must define channel definitions to match Appliance interface connections in
order to detect and respond to traffic on network interfaces.

To add channels:
1. Select the Channel drop-down list and then select Add. The Add Channel
dialog box opens.

Add Channel Dialog Box, Basic Setup

The interfaces detected on your Appliance appear in the Interface List. Every
few seconds, traffic is captured on the selected interface and is broken down
into the different VLANs.

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Review the interfaces and related information to verify that traffic is being
seen on the interfaces that you connected to at the Data Center, for example,
if traffic is actually mirrored. If you change the monitoring interface
assignment here because no traffic is detected or for any other reason, you
must go back to the Data Center and readjust the physical interface
The information in the following table is displayed.

VLAN ID The VLAN name or number.

Total Total VLAN traffic monitored by the interface.
Broadcast The percentage of broadcast traffic detected on the VLAN.
Mirrored The percentage of total traffic that is not broadcast and not directed
at the Appliance.
This information allows you to know if the device is monitoring traffic.
A value of less than 20% indicates that the switch was not correctly
Under most circumstances, the mirrored traffic percentage should be
very high on all but the relatively quiet VLANs. A quiet VLAN will
show with a high percentage of broadcast traffic.
Unicast The percentage of traffic sent to and from the Ethernet address on
the interface.

Troubleshooting information will appear at the bottom of the dialog box if

traffic detection is exceptionally low or high.
2. Select the Monitor drop-down list and assign the interface connected at the
Data Center.
3. Select the Response drop-down list and assign the interface connected at the
Data Center.
4. Select OK. The Channels pane displays the channel setup that you defined.
(Alternatively, you can select Advanced to modify VLAN tagging definitions.
See Customizing VLAN Tagging Definitions for more information.)
The dialog box contains the following additional information:

Enabled Activates the channel configuration.

Monitoring and response activity do not take place until you select
Apply from the Channels pane.
Monitor Interface Information
Monitor Displays all VLAN IDs discovered for the selected monitor interface.
VLAN If you defined a channel that works with an IP layer, that VLAN is
displayed as IP LAYER.
Traffic Displays total VLAN traffic detected on the monitor interface.
Mirrored Displays the percentage of mirrored traffic from the total VLAN traffic.

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Symmetric Indicates whether the interfaces passed the Symmetric Traffic test.
The test verifies that the Appliance can see symmetric traffic on the
monitoring interfaces. That is, for every TCP conversation, both
incoming and outgoing traffic is visible. If this condition is detected,
the traffic received on the channel is ignored until the condition has
The test runs continually.
If the test fails, you can review related troubleshooting information at
the bottom of the Channels pane.
# Hosts Displays the total number of endpoints monitored on the VLAN.
Response Interface Information
Response Displays all VLAN IDs discovered for the selected response interface.
Traffic Displays total VLAN traffic detected on the response interface.
Response Indicates whether the Response Traffic test succeeded on the VLAN.
The test verifies that the Appliance successfully sends response traffic
to the network.
The test is runs continually.
If the test fails, you can review related troubleshooting information at
the bottom of the Channels pane.
IP Displays the DHCP address used by the Appliance for response traffic.
Address By default, the IP address is acquired through DHCP.
If the DHCP is not successful, CounterACT cannot respond to ARP
requests. In this case, manually define the address.
Addresses are defined per VLAN, if required. See Manually Adding a
VLAN for more information.

5. Select Use DHCP by Default if a DHCP address is used by CounterACT for

monitored traffic. Clear Use DHCP by Default to manually configure the IP
6. Select the Enabled checkbox for each VLAN that you want to activate.
7. Select Apply. Symmetric and Response tests are performed. If the tests fail,
you can review related troubleshooting information at the bottom of the
dialog box.
An indicator is displayed on the Console status bar if:
There is a connectivity problem on an enabled VLAN or interface.
No channels are enabled.
A new VLAN is discovered by the Appliance.
A tooltip provides details about the event that occurred.

Indicator and Tooltip

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

For switches that are managed by the Switch Plugin, CounterACT switch tools let
Track the location of endpoints connected to network switches and retrieve
relevant switch information. For example, users can view the switch IP
address and switch port to which endpoints are connected.
Detect new endpoints on the network, by alerting CounterACT on port status
changes via SNMP traps.
Assign switch ports to VLANs, allowing you to set up dynamic, role-based
VLAN assignment policies or quarantined VLANs.
Use ACLs to open or close network zones, services or protocols on specific
endpoints at the switch.
Block endpoints based on IP addresses or MAC addresses.
Shut down switch ports completely.

Switch Page

From the Switch page of the wizard, configure a switch that exists in your network
by selecting Add and stepping through the Add Switch wizard.

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Switch General

Select Help to open the Switch Plugin Configuration Guide if you need help
configuring the switch.
You can configure the switch that you are configuring here to add other switches in
your network to CounterACT in two ways:
Auto-discover additional switches: Switches of certain vendors (Cisco, HP,
Brocade/Foundry, Enterasys and Nortel) can auto-discover neighboring
switches of any of these vendors.
Discovered switches inherit basic attributes of the switch that detected
All permissions and ACL configurations in discovered switches are

Note that you will need to complete the configuration of auto-discovered

switches including (recommended) enabling auto-discovery (so that their
neighbors can also be auto-discovered) and then enabling these switches.

Use the switch configuration as a template for other switches: When an

unmanaged switch (that is, a switch that is not managed by the CounterACT
Switch Plugin) sends an SNMP trap and the community string of the
unmanaged switch matches the community string of this switch, then all the
settings of this switch (except its IP address) are applied to the unmanaged
switch. Switches detected in this manner are automatically added to
You can also add additional switches here. After configuring switches here, you can
edit switch configurations and use additional Switch Plugin features. Perform these
activities on the Switch pane by selecting Options from the Tools menu.

Refer to the Switch Plugin Configuration Guide for information about

additional switch configuration features. To open this file, select Options from
the Tools menu, select Switch and then select Help.

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Use this option to classify endpoints into easily manageable groups of network assets
and corporate/guest users. Classification is carried out with the CounterACT Asset
Classification Policy template and the Corporate/Guest Policy template. These are
core CounterACT policy templates.


Asset Classification Policy

The Asset Classification template creates CounterACT groups according to the device
categories shown below.
Windows devices
Linux/Unix devices
Macintosh devices
Network devices, for example, routers and switches
NAT devices
VoIP devices
Mobile (Hand Held) devices
Unclassified devices, if CounterACT cannot classify an endpoint into any of the
preceding categories

To create the groups:

1. Select the Classify hosts checkbox.
2. Insert the range of IP addresses to be classified.

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Corporate/Guest Policy
The Corporate/Guest Control template lets you detect endpoints that may be guests,
i.e. not part of the corporate network, and endpoints are part of the corporate
The policy organizes endpoints into Guest Hosts and Corporate Hosts groups. If
CounterACT cannot evaluate the status of an endpoint, that endpoint is classified as
a guest.
Corporate Hosts are endpoints that either:
Are manageable using domain credentials
Have an authorized NetBIOS domain name
Have authenticated recently to an approved authentication server

To create the groups:

1. Select the Detect guests checkbox.
2. Insert the range of IP addresses to be classified.

The Inventory presents a live display of network activity at the Console, for example,
processes and services currently running, vulnerabilities currently detected, ports
currently open or users currently logged in.
Use the inventory to:
Broaden your view of the network from endpoint-specific to activity-specific.
View endpoints that have been detected with specific attributes whether or
not they are policy-compliant.
Easily track network activity.
Incorporate inventory detections into policies. For example, if you discover
that network guests are running unauthorized processes on your network,
create a policy that detects and halts these processes on guest machines.
See Working with Inventory Detections for details about the inventory or select Help
in this pane.
Use the wizard to select items that will appear in the inventory.

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard


The following network activities are selected by default:

OS Class types running
Switches integrated with CounterACT
Applications installed
Processes and services running
Windows machines

Operating system versions running

Linux machines
Logged-in users
Operating systems running
Processes running

Macintosh machines
Users logged-in
Operating systems running
Processes running
Updates missing

External Devices Connected and Microsoft Vulnerabilities are excluded from

the default Inventory rules. Discovery of these properties may generate
extensive network traffic. You can include them however by updating the
Inventory rules. See How the Inventory Is Learned for details.

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Open ports can also be displayed in the inventory. This information can be
displayed by creating a policy that includes the Open Ports property. It is not
generated from this pane.


Finish Page

A summary of all the wizard definitions is displayed. If you select Cancel, all the
information in the wizard is deleted. You can update this information from the
CounterACT Options window.
Select Save to save the configuration to an external file.

Use the Check for Updates feature to automatically update your system with
the most current version of all currently installed CounterACT plugins. See
Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules for more information about
working with Check for Updates and other plugins.

After registering with an Enterprise Manager, many Appliance policy settings

are automatically replaced with the Enterprise Manager settings. See
CounterACT Device Management Overview for more information.

Set Up an Appliance with Enterprise Manager

You can import the settings of an Enterprise Manager to new Appliances. This saves
you the trouble of redefining configuration values, and ensures that each Appliance is
configured uniformly.
In addition to the Enterprise Manager wizard settings, plugin versions are
synchronized and the following Enterprise Manager definitions are imported:
HPS Inspection Engine Plugin and Switch Plugin definitions
Policy and Group definitions
Virtual Firewall settings
Policy preferences

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Host Discovery settings

IP addresses allowed access to the Assets Portal and Console.
This option also registers the Appliance with the Enterprise Manager. This means that
when Enterprise Manager settings are changed, the settings are applied to the
Appliance as well. See Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and
Consoles for more information about CounterACT device management.

To set up an Appliance:
1. Log in to the Enterprise Manager via the Console.
2. Select Options from the Tools menu and then, if necessary, select
CounterACT Devices.
3. Select Add.

Add Appliance Dialog Box

4. Type the IP address of the Appliance that you want to add.

5. The default port is 13000. It is recommended to not change this value.
6. Type the Admin password created during the Appliance installation at the
Data Center.
7. Select Add. Messages indicate that the components are connecting and that
the Appliance is being registered with the Enterprise Manager. You are
prompted to verify that the CounterACT Appliance public key signature is

Public Key Dialog Box

8. To verify, log in to the CounterACT Appliance as root. Run the following

command: fstool key.

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

A message opens with the key ID.

You are prompted to complete the wizard with Appliance-specific definitions.
These include:
Enforcement Mode (See the description in Set Up an Appliance from
Channels (See the description in Set Up an Appliance from Scratch.)
Assign IP addresses
Run Appliance Script

Assign IP Addresses
All endpoints in your Internal Network should be assigned to an Appliance.
Define assignments so that the Appliance manages endpoints that are physically
close or manages IP address ranges of the broadcast domains it is tapping in to.
Unassigned endpoints can be viewed in the Detections pane by selecting Show only
Distributing the work load among various Appliances:
Improves performance.
Improves robustness and responsiveness.
Prevents the Enterprise Manager from being a single point of failure if the
Enterprise Manager temporarily disconnects.

Assigned IPs Page

The dialog box includes the Appliance that you are adding as well as others
Appliances. Edit as required.
All endpoints in your Internal Network should be assigned to an Appliance.
Assignments must be unique to each Appliance. This means IP ranges or segments
cannot overlap between Appliances.
Unassigned endpoints can be viewed in the Detections pane by selecting Show Only

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Show Hosts Unassigned with IP Addresses

Editing is only available if you are logged in to the Console via the Enterprise
You can later view and edit assignments for all Appliances and display unassigned IP
addresses. See Assigning Network IPs to Appliances for details.

Run Appliance Scripts

You can run pre-defined scripts on CounterACT Appliances after the scripts have
been uploaded to the Enterprise Manager. Scripts can be used for additional post-
setup configuration steps specific to the operating environment. For example, the
script can implement access restrictions that harden the Appliance to match
corporate network security protocols. See Running Configuration Scripts on
CounterACT Devices for more information.

Run Appliance Script

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

1. In the Select Script drop-down, choose a script to run on this Appliance. The
drop-down lists scripts uploaded to the Enterprise Manager. These scripts
may have significant impact on the functionality of the Appliance.
2. In the Default Parameters Values field, edit the default parameter values
for variable parameters in the script. Separate values with spaces. When the
script runs, values are assigned to parameters in the order in which they
occur during script processing. (Optional)
CounterACT copies the script to the Appliance, and runs it using the parameter
values you specified.

CounterACT runs the script immediately. It does not wait for you to finish the
Initial Setup Wizard.

3. Select Next to finish.

A summary of all the wizard definitions is displayed. If you select Cancel, all the
information in the wizard is deleted and the Appliance is removed. You can update
this information from the CounterACT Options window.
1. Select Check for Updates to automatically update your system with the
most current versions of all installed CounterACT plugins. See Automatically
Update Plugins for more information.
2. Select Save to save the configuration to an external file.

Set Up an Enterprise Manager from Scratch

This section describes how to set up an Enterprise Manager from scratch.

To perform the Initial Setup:

1. Log in to the Enterprise Manager via the Console. The initial setup page

Initial Setup Page, Enterprise Manager, Setup from Scratch

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

2. Select Setup from scratch to run the wizard for the Enterprise Manager. You
are prompted to enter the following information:
Appliance time zone and NTP Server settings
Mail relay and admin email addresses
User Directory account information and the server IP address
Domain credentials including, domain administrative account name and
Authentication servers used to verify that endpoints have been
authenticated successfully
Internal Network
See Set Up an Appliance from Scratch for more information about the items.

Set Up an Enterprise Manager with Appliance

Use this option to replicate settings from a configured Appliance to an Enterprise
Manager and register the Appliance with the Enterprise Manager. In addition, plugin
versions are synchronized and the following CounterACT definitions are imported
from the Appliance.
HPS Inspection Engine Plugin and Switch Plugin definitions
Policy and Group definitions
Virtual Firewall settings
Policy preferences
Host Discovery settings
IP addresses allowed to connect to the Assets Portal and the CounterACT
Internal Network
Legitimate Traffic rules

To replicate settings:
1. Log in to the Enterprise Manager via the Console. The initial setup page

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Initial Setup Page, Enterprise Manager, Replicate

2. Select Replicate CounterACT Appliance and then select Next.

Add Appliance

3. Type the Appliance IP address.

4. The default port is 13000. It is recommended to keep this value.
5. Type the Admin password created during the Appliance installation at the
Data Center.
6. Select Next. Messages indicate that the components are connecting and that
the Appliance is being registered with the Enterprise Manager.
7. Select Next. You are prompted to verify that the CounterACT Appliance public
key is valid.

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Add Appliance Dialog

A summary of all the wizard definitions is displayed. If you select Cancel, all the
information in the wizard is deleted and the Appliance is removed. You can update
this information from the CounterACT Options window.
Select Check for Updates to automatically update your system with the most
current versions of all installed CounterACT plugins.
Plugins significantly broaden CounterACTs capabilities. For example, the Switch
Plugin lets you track the location of endpoints connected to network switches and
retrieve relevant switch information, detect new endpoints on the network, assign
switch ports to VLANs, or shut down switch ports completely. See Chapter 8: Base
Plugins and ForeScout Modules for more information about this and other plugins.
Select Save to save the configuration to an external file.

When You Are Done

After completing the Initial Setup wizard, it is recommended to perform the
Review SSH, Console and Assets Portal Access Assignments
Set Up Segments
Set Up Ignored IPs
Review, Run and Edit Pre-Defined Template Policies
Set Up HTTP Redirection for Policies
Set Up a Threat Protection Policy and Define Legitimate Traffic for Threat
Protection Policies
Review Inventory Items and Create Lists
Set Up Map Locations

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Review SSH, Console and Assets Portal Access

By default, SSH access as well as Console and Assets Portal access is open to all
users with IP addresses in the Internal Network. To change these defaults see:
Updating SSH Access
Managing Console Access
Assets Portal User Management

Set Up Segments
Network segments are used create a visual representation of your organizational
structure, for example, specific departments. After you define segments, you can
display endpoints in the Detections pane per segment and configure your policy
scope and other CounterACT features using segments.
For example, you can view vulnerable endpoints detected in your sales department,
malicious endpoints detected by R&D or network policy violations in the finance
department. The segment names that you assign also appear in the Detections pane,
Segment column when endpoints are detected. The segments that you define also
appear for other features. For example, when creating an accounting segment, the
defined range is available when using the VA tool (i.e. a user wants to scan
accounting), or the Virtual Firewall Policy (i.e. accounting cannot use FTP).

Sub-Segments Defined

See Working with CounterACT Segments for details.

Set Up Ignored IPs

You can define endpoints that should be ignored by all policy and Discovery rules, for
example, a set of servers that should not be included in policy inspection. Endpoints
that you add to this group are inspected by Threat Protection and Virtual Firewall
policies. See Creating an Ignored IP List for more information.

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Chapter 2: Working with the Initial Setup Wizard

Review, Run and Edit Pre-Defined Template Policies

CounterACT templates are predefined policies that help you:
Quickly create important, widely used policies based on predefined policy
Automatically group network devices into categories that can be used to apply
More easily control endpoints and guide users to compliance.
More easily and quickly implement CounterACTs major capabilities.
Rollout your policies more safely by applying conditions and actions that have
been used and tested.
Pinpoint any infractions to your security system more quickly.
Predefined actions instructions regarding how to handle endpoints are generally
disabled by default. You should only enable actions after testing and fine-tuning the
policy. See Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates for details.

Set Up HTTP Redirection for Policies

CounterACT HTTP actions let you redirect endpoint web sessions and replace them
with important messages or tasks. For example, redirect a user web session and
replace it with a notification page, or with a page that forces the network user to
authenticate. To use these features you may need to perform preliminary redirection
procedures. Note the following:
HTTP actions require that the Appliance sees traffic going to the web.
HTTP redirection requires proper injection setup. See Appendix 5: HTTP
Redirection for more information.
If your organization uses a proxy for web connection, you must define the
proxy ports to be used. See Policy Preferences for more information.
An option is available to redirect user Intranet sessions. See Defining HTTP
Redirect Exceptions and Appendix 5: HTTP Redirection for more information.

Set Up a Threat Protection Policy and Define Legitimate

Traffic for Threat Protection Policies
Your Threat Protection Policy lets you define how CounterACT will handle malware,
worms and other malicious endpoints that attempt to infect your network.
See Chapter 12: Threat Protection for more information.
You may also need to ignore legitimate scanning activity detected by CounterACT,
for example, when you are performing vulnerability assessments; when there is
traffic generated by legitimate email servers, or for any other business requirement
that compels you to grant full access to specific addresses. You should do this to
facilitate legitimate traffic and avoid blocking important traffic. See Chapter 12:
Threat Protection.

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Chapter 3: Working at the Console

Review Inventory Items and Create Lists

The CounterACT Inventory presents a live display of network activity at multiple
levels, for example, processes and services currently running, vulnerabilities
currently detected, ports currently open or users currently logged in.
Use the inventory to:
Broaden your view of the network from endpoint-specific to activity-specific.
View endpoints that have been detected with specific attributes whether or
not they are policy-compliant.
Easily track network activity and elements.
Incorporate inventory detections into policies using customized authorized
and unauthorized Lists. This means you can use the inventory to discover that
network guests are running unauthorized processes on your network; create
an unauthorized processes list and incorporate that list in a policy that detects
and halts these processes on guest machines. For example, create an
Unauthorized Processes Running list and use that list in a policy with the Kill
Process action on endpoints that are running the process.
See Working with Inventory Detections and Create Lists Based on Inventory

Set Up Map Locations

The site Map, powered by Google Maps, provides at-a-glance, real-time corporate
site status, compliance level, alerts and moreacross offices, cities, countries and
Use the map to get at-a-glance, high-level status reports across sites:
Total number of devices per site
Non-compliant devices per site
Unmanaged devices per site
Devices without policies deployed per site
Blocked devices per site
Malicious devices per site
Number of online and offline devices per site
Number of corporate and guest devices per site
You can toggle from a detail-oriented endpoint view to a broader birds-eye view in
order to keep track of endpoints deployed at sites across the globe.
See Set Up the Map Create Site Locations for details.

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Chapter 3: Working at the Console
Opening the CounterACT Console
Toolbar, Title Bar, Menu Bar and Status Bar
Working at the Site Map
Working with CounterACT Detections
Working at the Detections Pane
Working at the Filters Pane
Working with Inventory Detections
Working with CounterACT Segments
Working with Organizational Units
Working with CounterACT Groups
Creating an Ignored IP List
Getting More Information about Endpoints
Working with the ForeScout Compliance Center
Exiting the Console
Chapter 3: Working at the Console

Opening the CounterACT Console

Access to a CounterACT device via the Console is authenticated by verifying a
CounterACT device IP address, user ID and password. Make sure that you have this
information before attempting to log in.

To access the CounterACT Console:

1. Select ForeScout CounterACT>CounterACT Console from the Start menu.
The CounterACT Login dialog box opens.

CounterACT Login Dialog Box

2. In the IP/Name field, type the CounterACT device IP address or host name.
3. Three login authentication options are available:
If you select Password, standard authentication is performed. Enter your
user name and password.
Smart Card
Select Smart Card to allow authentication using a smart card.
You must enter your PIN code. If the Dll Location field is empty, you must
type the location where the Smart Card driver is installed on your computer.
See Using Smart Card Authentication for more information.
Select Kerberos if you are using the Kerberos authentication method to log
in. Kerberos is a computer network authentication protocol that allows users
communicating over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one
another in a secure manner. See Using Kerberos Authentication for more
4. Select Save address and user name to instruct CounterACT to remember
these credentials when you next log in.

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Chapter 3: Working at the Console

5. Select Login.
6. If prompted with a Notice and Consent dialog box, read the message and then
select Accept.

About the Console

After logging in, the Console opens. The Console is the CounterACT management
application used for viewing information about endpoints and devices, for example,
NAC compliance status, malicious intrusions, vulnerable endpoints, real-time network
inventories, and more. In addition, the Console offers an extensive range of tools
used to analyze and manage these endpoints.
For an explanation of the Console, see Toolbar, Title Bar, Menu Bar and Status Bar.

Console after Login

Toolbar, Title Bar, Menu Bar and Status Bar

The following sections describe the Console title bar, toolbar, icons and Console
Title Bar
Menu Bar
Toolbar Console Views
Status Bar

Title Bar
The title bar displays the following information:
CounterACT device IP address or host name.
Login user name.

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Chapter 3: Working at the Console

CounterACT device connection status with the Console.

Under certain circumstances, a user may have limited Scope access. Limited
Scope access means that users cannot see or control many feature
configurations in defined ranges and segments. See Access to Network
Endpoints Scope for details.

Menu Bar
The menu bar displays the Console menu options.

Toolbar Console Views

Toolbar items allow you quick access to important CounterACT information and tools.
Select a toolbar tab to view the following:
CounterACT Detections
Inventory Detections
Threat Detections
Policy Management
Additional Functionality

CounterACT Detections
The Home view displays:
Extensive real-time information about endpoints detected on your network,
for example, endpoint details learned by CounterACT information about
endpoint policy status, CounterACT actions applied to endpoints, and more.
See Working with CounterACT Detections for details.
The CounterACT site map. The map, powered by Google, provides at-a-
glance, real-time information about endpoints at across offices, cities,
countries and continents. See Working at the Site Map for details.

Home View Tab

Customize the Home view

Adjust the view to meet your viewing preferences by using the toggle arrows located
on the perimeter of the Console panes.

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Toggle Arrows

The diagrams below represent the various displays available.

Inventory Detections
The Inventory presents a live display of network activity at multiple levels, for
example, processes and services currently running, vulnerabilities currently detected,
ports currently open or users currently logged in.
Use the inventory to:

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Broaden your view of the network from endpoint-specific to activity-specific.

View endpoints that have been detected with specific attributes whether or
not they are policy-compliant.
Easily track network activity and elements.
Incorporate inventory detections into policies. For example, if you discover
that network guests are running unauthorized processes on your network,
create a policy that detects and halts these processes on guest machines.
See Working with Inventory Detections.

Inventory View Tab

Threat Detections
The Threats view displays endpoints detected via Threat Protection policies. Create
and edit Threat Protection Policies from this view. See Chapter 12: Threat Protection
for more information.

Threats View Tab

Customize the Threats View

Adjust the view to meet your viewing preferences by using the toggle arrows located
on the perimeter of the Console panes.

Policy Management
Use the tools in the Policy view to create, edit and manage policies. See Chapter 5:
Policy Management for details.

Policy Tab

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Access the Executive Dashboard a web-based information center that delivers
dynamic at-a-glance information about:
Network compliance
Network threats
Network guests
See Chapter 16: The Executive Dashboard for details.

Dashboard View Tab

Additional Functionality
You can also access the Reports Portal, the CounterACT Dashboard and the
CounterACT options pane from the toolbar.

Reports Portal Icon

Generate web-based reports. See Web-Based Reports. For a full
description of these reports, refer to the Reports Plugin Configuration
Assets Portal Icon
Access a web-based search and discovery tool that allows you to
leverage extensive network information regarding network assets. See
Chapter 9: Assets Portal for more information.
Options Icon
Use Console options to define a wide range of system parameters and
update parameters configured during the Appliance installation and
initial setup.

Status Bar
The status bar may display the following information:

The Channel Connectivity Indicator is displayed if:

There is a connectivity problem on one of the enabled channels.
Channel No channels are enabled.
Indicator A new channel is discovered.
CounterACT continually searches for traffic on channels defined in the
Channel Configuration dialog box. A tooltip indicates which event
Alarm Indicator The alarm indicator flashes when new endpoint activity is detected. By
Malicious Hosts default, the alarm blinks for two minutes each time a high severity
Only event is detected.

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Service Attack The service attack indicator blinks when CounterACT detects a service
Indicator attack at your network. The indicator blinks until the service attack is
viewed in the Current Service Attack dialog box. See Handling Service
Attacks for more information.

Connection Indicates the connection status between Appliances and the Enterprise
Status Indicator Manager. If an Appliance is disconnected the red checkmark is

Enforcement Mode If you have set the system to the Partial

Enforcement mode, the Enforcement indicator is displayed. The Partial
Enforcement mode lets you monitor network traffic but limits your
ability to respond to it. Specifically, the Threat Protection, HTTP Actions
and Virtual Firewall options will be disabled. This mode is recommended
for evaluation purposes only.
See Working with the Enforcement Mode for more information about
this mode.
If the indicator reads High Activity Mode, CounterACT is responding to
an extensive amount of traffic. See High Activity Mode for more
Plugin Updates This icon is displayed when new updates of installed plugins are
available. CounterACT detects plugin versions installed on your
CounterACT devices and notifies you when new updates are available.
Select the icon to view and install newer versions of plugins. See
Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules for more information.
High Availability Indicates the status of a High Availability cluster. Refer to the
Cluster Status CounterACT Installation Guide for more information about High

Date and Time Represents the current date and time according to your local time zone
Indicator setting.

Console Searches
Use the search tool to quickly access information from tables in the Console; for
example, in the Views pane, Detections pane or the Plugins pane. Items that match
the search text appear as you type.

Search Tool Plugins Pane

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Where relevant, collapsed folders expand if the search item you entered is found in
the folder. Some search bars can be hidden or displayed by clicking on the pane
header, for example, the Filters pane.

Wildcard Searches
You can use wildcard characters in searches throughout the CounterACT Console, as
* (asterisk). Matches any string, including an empty string, and including
symbols. You can use the asterisk (*) anywhere in a string.
? (question mark). Matches one single character, including symbols.
\ (backslash). Used as an escape character to protect a subsequent special
character (*,? ,\). For example, typing "\?" will search for a question mark (?)

Working at the Site Map

The CounterACT site map, powered by Google, provides at-a-glance, real-time
information about endpoints across offices, cities, countries and continents. The site
map opens after logging in to the Console.
You can toggle between this broad birds-eye view, and a detail-oriented endpoint
view that provides specific endpoint information.

Site Map

Use the map to get high-level status information for each site, such as:
Total number of devices
Non-compliant devices
Unmanaged devices
Devices without policies deployed
Blocked devices
Malicious devices
Number of online and offline devices
Number of corporate and guest devices

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Browser Requirements
The map runs with Internet Explorer 8 and above.

Set Up the Map Create Site Locations

To work with the map you must create map locations. Map locations comprise
specific geographic locations that are assigned to segments. For example, create a
NYC HQ location and assign segments located in the New York office network to this
Each location is represented on the map by a location indicator .The indicator size
is based on the number of detections at the site, i.e., when there are more
detections the site indicator is larger.
After locations are created, the map displays information about detections at each
site when you hover the mouse over a site.

Map with Site Locations

When you click on a site, the map displays detailed site information.

Map with Site Location Details

When you double-click on a site, the endpoints at that site are displayed in the
Detections pane below the map. A blue highlight appears around the site icon to
indicate that the site is selected. You can deselect the site by clicking anywhere on
the map.

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Map with Selected Site Location

You can also assign segments to locations from the Segment Manager.

To define locations:
1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Select Map and then select Locations. The Locations pane opens.
3. Select Add. The Add Location wizard opens.

Locations Wizard Name

4. Enter a location name and description. Select Next. The Location page opens.

Locations Wizard Location

5. Define a location:

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Define an address. If the address you enter is not maintained by Google

maps, the location will not appear on the map.
Define the latitude and longitude.
6. Select Next. The Segments page opens.

Locations Wizard Segment

7. Select Add. The Segment selection dialog box opens. Select the segments
that you want to associate with this geographical location.
8. Select OK. The location appears in the Locations pane.

Customize Display Thresholds for Map Indicators

The following options are available for customizing display thresholds for map
Customize Compliant Threshold Settings
Customize Cluster Size Settings
Customize Cluster Grid Size Settings

Customize Compliant Threshold Settings

Customize the Compliant Thresholds (%) settings to adjust the display color of
location icons according to the percentage of compliant endpoints at locations.
Different colored icons are displayed on the map when the percentage of endpoints
detected for a certain category is exceeded. For example, set the map to display a
red, Critical icon for a site when between 0% and 5% of endpoints are

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To customize:
1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Select Thresholds from the Maps folder. The Thresholds pane opens.

Map Icon Compliant Threshold

3. Use the spin controls to define the compliance display thresholds.

Customize Cluster Size Settings

Customize the Cluster Size settings to adjust the size of onsite and offsite location
icons on the map. Larger icons are displayed on the map for sites with greater
number of endpoints. For example, set the map to display a larger icon when
there are between 10 and 50 endpoints at an onsite location than when there are
less than 10 endpoints .

To customize:
1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Select Thresholds from the Maps folder. The Thresholds pane opens.

Map Icon Cluster Size

3. Use the spin controls to define the icon display sizes.

Customize Cluster Grid Size Settings

The Cluster grid size field determines how nearby offsite locations are clustered
together at differing zoom levels. The CounterACT site map uses grid-based
clustering to divide the map into squares of a certain size. When viewing the map
from a higher zoom level, CounterACT groups geographically close offsite endpoint

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locations together and displays only one offsite indicator. When you zoom in, you will
see each location independently.

Cluster Grid Size

The larger the number, the more offsite locations that are geographically close to
one another will be clustered together at higher zoom levels. See View Grid-Based
Clustering of Endpoints for details.

To customize:
1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Select Thresholds from the Maps folder. The Thresholds pane opens.
3. Adjust the Cluster grid size value.

Map Tools
Use map tools to:
Access Map Legend
View Grid-Based Clustering of Endpoints
Drill Down for Site-Specific Statistics
Filter Map Display
Display Information about Endpoints Not Assigned to a Location
Enable or Disable the Map

Access Map Legend

You can select the Information icon on the top right of the map to display the map

Map Legend Icon

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Map Legend

The Externally Managed Devices item in the legend serves as groundwork for
future support of offsite endpoint management.

View Grid-Based Clustering of Endpoints

The CounterACT site map uses grid-based clustering to divide the map into squares
of a certain size. When viewing the map from a higher zoom level, CounterACT
groups geographically close endpoint locations together and displays only one
indicator. When you zoom in, you will see each location independently.

Grid-Based Clustering

The Cluster grid size field determines how locations are clustered. See Customize
Cluster Grid Size Settings for details.

Drill Down for Site-Specific Statistics

Select a site indicator to open a site form detailing the total number of endpoints
detected, and the number of endpoints detected at a site for specific categories. For
example, you can view endpoints that were detected as non-compliant, malicious,
blocked, and more.

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Site Specific Information

Filter Map Display

A set of powerful filtering tools let you quickly view items of interest to you.
Filter by Online/Offline/Unassigned Endpoints
Group, Segment and Policy Searches
Filter by Online/Offline/Unassigned Endpoints
Group, Segment and Policy Searches
Focus the map display based on location or segments and groups that you select
from the Filters pane.

Filter by Group/Segment/Policy

Filter by Online/Offline/Unassigned Endpoints

The default map filter lets you filter by online/offline or unassigned endpoints.

Filter by Online/Offline/Unassigned Endpoints

The Internal\External dropdown filter serves as groundwork for future support

of offsite endpoint management.

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Display Information about Endpoints Not Assigned to a Location

You can easily view information about endpoints that have not been assigned to a
location. Site locations are defined in Options>Maps>Locations. Select the No
Location indicator to learn about these endpoints.

No Location Form

Enable or Disable the Map

You can enable or disable the CounterACT map. This configuration is applied to all
CounterACT Appliances.

To enable or disable the map:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Map.
2. Select or clear Show map view.

Working with CounterACT Detections

The Console Home tab displays important details about endpoints detected by
CounterACT policies. This information includes, for example:
Device information, for example, IP addresses, MAC addresses, DNS host
name or NetBIOS host name
Guest and compliance status
Switch related information, for example, switch port to which the endpoint is
Endpoint and user identity information, for example, User Directory user
name, email address, department, etc.
Information related to actions taken at the endpoint and notification sent to
network users

If you have installed plugins, related plugin information will also appear, for
example, if you installed the VPN Plugin, you will see VPN user information.
See About Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules for more information about

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Detections Pane

Two panes are available for displaying detection information from the Home tab
Detections Pane
Details Pane

Detections Pane
You can use an extensive range of Detections pane tools to help you find endpoints
of interest and control them.
For example:
Controlling Endpoints from the Detections Pane.
Tracking Endpoints Using the Detections Pane Filter.
Viewing Mouse-Over Table Information.
Filter the view in the Detections pane. See Working at the Filters Pane.
Filter the view based on policy status, for example, only display endpoints
that did not match a policy, or only display endpoints that are offline.
The Hosts indicator at the top right corner of the Detections pane displays the total
number of endpoints detected for the folder or sub-folder you select. When there are
a large amount of endpoints and it takes a long time to load the information to the
Console, this indicator is updated to Showing X of X and will display the number of
endpoints currently loaded out of the total detected.

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Showing Counter

Details Pane
When you select an endpoint from the Detections pane, extensive details appear in
the Details pane.

Details Pane

Home Views
The information displayed in the Detections pane varies depending of the Home view
that you select. The following views may be chosen:
All Hosts View
Policy View
Real-Time Policy Status Summary
Compliance View
Corporate/Guests View

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History View

All Hosts View

The All Hosts view displays all endpoints that CounterACT detects.
This includes endpoints that are not part of a particular policy.

Policy View

The Policy view displays endpoints detected as a result of policies that you
created in the Policy Manager. Important detection statistics are provided. For
The policy that the endpoint matched and the time that it was detected.
Machine information such as the IP address, MAC address, NetBIOS name and
DNS name.
Actions taken at the endpoint, for example, if the endpoint was blocked or if
access was prevented to the Internet.
User Directory information.
Automated notifications sent to endpoint users.
Information about endpoints that do not match the policy; endpoints that
have been released from policy sanctions and endpoints that are pending
inspection is also available.

Real-Time Policy Status Summary

You can view a real-time status summary for each policy. Policy status summaries
are automatically updated in real time as the endpoint status changes.

To review a summary:
1. Mouse-over a policy folder.

Policy Summary

See Chapter 5: Policy Management for more information about working with policies.

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Compliance View
The Compliance view displays endpoints that were detected in policies
categorized as Compliance policies. By default, these include policies generated from
Compliance templates.
Compliance categorization can also be configured in the Policy Manager. See Working
with the Policy Manager for details.
Use this view to see information about the overall compliance status of endpoints
included in such policies.
Compliance Summary
Select a specific endpoint and view a compliance summary for Compliance policies at
which the endpoint was inspected.

Compliance View

The Compliance column entry in the Detections pane indicates whether the endpoint
is overall compliant. If an endpoint is inspected by several compliance policies and is
not compliant in one, the endpoint is not compliant.

Compliance Entry

More specific compliance information is shown in the Details pane>Compliance tab in

the ForeScout Compliance Center section. This information includes policy names,
compliance issues, actions taken, remediation and last update time and the Status. If
the Status indicates NA, the endpoint was not in the policy scope.

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Corporate/Guests View

The Corporate/Guests view displays endpoints that were detected

in policies categorized as Guest policies. Categorization is performed in the Policy
Manager. See Working with the Policy Manager for details.
By default, these will include policies generated from the Corporate/Guest Control
Use this view to see information about the overall corporate or guest status of
endpoints included in such policies.

History View

The History view lets you display a snapshot of detection and action
information from a previous period. You can view information about malicious
endpoints, Service Attacks and policy detections.

To open the history view:

1. Select the Home tab.
2. Select an entry under History in the Views pane.
The policy history filters are displayed at the top of the Detections pane.

History View

3. Select required values for the filters. The following filters are available:
Date filter: Select a search date
Time filter: Select a search time
Policy filter: Select a policy to view
Status filter : Select endpoints to view based on status

4. Select Load to load the information.

The Detections pane is updated with new information according to the filters
that you specified.
You can perform the following from the History view:
Use right-click action tools on selected endpoints.
View details about endpoint events that you see in the Detections pane.

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Working at the Detections Pane

You can perform a variety of tasks from the Detections pane, including:
Tracking Endpoints Using the Detections Pane Filter
Viewing Mouse-Over Table Information
Controlling Endpoints from the Detections Pane

Tracking Endpoints Using the Detections Pane Filter

Quickly track endpoints of specific interest to you using the new Detections pane
filter. Endpoints that meet the filter requirements appear as you type.

Detections Pane Filter

The filter applies to all endpoints, but information may not appear if it is
contained in hidden columns. Be sure to display columns that may contain
items that you are searching for.

Controlling the Detections Pane Columns

Default columns appear in the Detections pane with basic endpoint property details,
actions taken at endpoints, and related information. The information will vary,
depending on the Home view that you choose. For each view, default information is
Several options are available for working with Detections pane columns, including:
Adding, Removing and Reorganizing Columns in the Detections Pane
Viewing the Best Fit for Columns
Sorting the Pane Columns
Finding Information in the Pane
Exporting Detections Pane Data

Adding, Removing and Reorganizing Columns in the Detections Pane

Default columns appear in the Detections pane with basic endpoint property
information. Additional information can be displayed by adding other columns. You
can also remove columns if your screen becomes cluttered.

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To add, remove and reorganize columns:

1. In the Detections pane, right-click a header and then select Add/Remove
Columns. The Add/Remove Columns dialog box opens.

Add/Remove Columns Dialog Box

2. In the Available Columns area, select the columns that you want to add and
then select Add.
3. In the Selected Columns area, select the columns that you want to remove
and then select Remove.
4. The topmost column in the Selected Columns area is displayed in the leftmost
position in the Detections pane. To change this order, use Move Down and
Move Up.
5. Select OK.

To remove columns directly from the Detections pane:

1. Right-click a column and select Remove Column.

Viewing the Best Fit for Columns

You can improve the readability of the Detections pane by working with the Best Fit
Column option. When using this feature, a selected column is automatically adjusted
to display the column text in its best fit.

To work with the Best Fit Column option:

1. In the Detections pane, right-click a column title and select Best Fit Column
or double-click the separator line in between columns.

Sorting the Pane Columns

Detections pane columns can be sorted in ascending or descending alphabetical,
chronological or numerical order, as appropriate for each column.

To sort the columns:

1. Click any column header.

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A triangle at the top of the column indicates the sorting order (pointing
downwards = descending, pointing upwards = ascending).

Finding Information in the Pane

Use the Find feature to locate specific information in the Pane.

To find information:
1. Type Ctrl-F or select Find from the File menu.
The Find dialog box opens.

Find Dialog Box

2. Type the text to find and then select the relevant options.
3. Select Find and then select Cancel to close the dialog box.
You can also use the Filter option to filter information in the table per segment,
Group, Ignored IPs or Organizational Unit. See Working at the Filters Pane for

Exporting Detections Pane Data

You can export Detections pane data or sections of it to a CSV file.

To export the Detections pane data:

1. Select Export Current Table from the Reports menu or right-click an
endpoint and select Export Table.
The Export Table dialog box opens.

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Export Table Dialog Box

2. Browse to the location to save the file.

3. Configure an export option:

Export all information for all current Clear all checkboxes.

Export displayed information for all Select Displayed columns only.
current detections.
(That is, do not export information in
hidden columns.)
Export all information but from selected Select Selected rows only.
rows only.
Export displayed information from Select Selected rows only and
selected rows only. Displayed columns only.
(That is, do not export information in
hidden columns.)

4. Select OK.

Viewing Mouse-Over Table Information

When you point to an item in the table with your mouse, a tooltip appears displaying
information regarding that item. For example, if you drag your mouse over the
Action field, a tooltip appears displaying detailed information regarding the action.
Important troubleshooting information may be included. For example, an entry
indicating that the endpoint has not been assigned to an Appliance and as a result is
not monitored. For easier reading, select F2 to freeze the tooltip.

Tooltip Information (Mouse-over)

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Controlling Endpoints from the Detections Pane

A variety of options are available for controlling endpoints from the Detections pane.
For example:
Start and cancel CounterACT actions on selected endpoints
Create endpoint exceptions
Recheck endpoint status
Clear property detections
Add a customized comment about the endpoint
Add the endpoint properties to a policy list
This section describes the tools available for controlling endpoints from the
Detections pane.

Control Options, Detections pane

Starting Actions on Selected Endpoints

Perform actions on endpoints displayed in the Detections pane. For example:
Send email, balloon messages or HTTP messages to operators, administrators
and network users
Block or quarantine endpoints to a VLAN
Prevent access to the Internet
Kill a process, peer-to-peer application or instant messaging application
Force authentication to the network
See Chapter 7: Working with Actions for details about all actions.

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To start an action:
1. Right-click an endpoint from the Detections pane.
2. Select an action category and sub-category then select an action.

If you installed a plugin, actions related to the plugin are available. For
example, if you installed the VPN Plugin, VPN related actions are included.

Cancelling Actions on Selected Endpoints

You can manually cancel actions currently carried out on detected endpoints. The
action remains cancelled until it is unmatched from a policy and then re-matched, or
until it is removed from a policy definition or stopped. You can select several
endpoints and cancel actions simultaneously.
Can all action types be cancelled?
Only continuous actions can be manually cancelled. Continuous actions have
continued impact on the endpoint. For example, the Assign to VLAN action keeps
endpoints in a specific VLAN.

An exception to this is the Add to Group action.

One-time actions have temporary impact on the endpoint until they are carried out
again; for example the Send Email action or the HTTP redirection action. One-time
actions cannot be manually canceled once they are carried out. If you have
incorporated an action in an Action Schedule, you can perform the manual cancel on
a one-time action.
How do you know if an action can be cancelled?
Youll know if an action can be cancelled if you right-click the endpoint in the
Detections pane and the Cancel Actions options is displayed.

Cancel Actions

How do I know how an action was applied?

Use the Action tooltip to review information about how the action was applied or

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Action Tooltip

To cancel actions:
1. Right-click an endpoint from the Detections pane that has an action that you
want to cancel and then select Cancel Actions.

Adding Endpoint Properties to a List

You can select an endpoint and add the properties detected on it to a property List.
For example, a list of services or MAC addresses.
Use Lists to create powerful policies for example, add a prohibited service to a
service blacklist and then create a policy that uses the list to detect the service at

To add endpoint properties:

1. Right-click an endpoint from the Detections pane.
2. Select Add to List. The Add to List dialog box opens.

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Add to List Dialog Box

3. Select the properties that you want to add to the list.

4. Select a list in which to add the properties or create a new list.
5. Select OK.

Additional Controls
Additional controls are also available from the Detections pane.

Exception Exclude selected endpoints from policy inspection. See Creating Policy
Endpoint Exceptions for more information.
Delete Release the endpoint from any action taken. If the endpoint is detected
and at the next recheck matches the policy, the action is applied again.
Recheck Recheck the endpoint for policy detections. Options are available to
recheck a single endpoint for a particular policy or recheck the endpoint
for all policies. You can also recheck multiple endpoints simultaneously.

When a policy is not selected When a policy is selected

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Clear Detection Clear Event property detections, for example, admission or

authentication login events.
Clearing will cancel any actions assigned to the endpoint as a result of
the detection. You may need to clear event detections for
troubleshooting purposes. Two options are available for clearing
Clear a single event from the Console Details pane>Profile tab.

Clear several events by right-clicking an endpoint, selecting Clear

Detection and selecting the events that you want to clear.

The dialog box displays all endpoint events, regardless of whether they
were detected on the endpoint.
The Event Viewer and Audit Trail maintain information about cleared
events. See Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs for more
Events can also be cleared from the Assets Portal. See Chapter 9:
Assets Portal for more information.
Comment Make endpoint management easier with user-defined comments.
Create a comment by right-clicking an endpoint or group of endpoints,
and then either use the search box to look for endpoints with the
comment text or create a policy that detects endpoints based on your
The comment is retained for the life of the endpoint in CounterACT.
Use the Device Information>Comment property to create policy that
detect endpoints with a comment. See Device Information Properties
for details.
Malicious Host Actions
Set State/Time Change the malicious host state and expiration time. See Changing the
Host State for more information.
Add to Define the endpoint as a legitimate email host. CounterACT will ignore
Legitimate Email email traffic detected at this endpoint.

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Add to Define as a Legitimate Traffic host. Endpoints that perform legitimate

Legitimate scans are ignored. Specifically, they will not be counted in the scan
Traffic count by CounterACT when attempting to access defined services and
endpoints. See Defining Legitimate Traffic for more information.

Creating Policy Endpoint Exceptions

You can select endpoints from the Detections pane and remove them from further
inspection for the policy at which they were detected. The exceptions that you create
here are added to the policy, Exceptions parameters.
If you add an endpoint as an exception and it is currently being blocked or
redirected, that endpoint is immediately released.

To create exceptions:
1. From the Detections pane, right-click an endpoint or group of endpoints and
select Add Policy Exception.
The endpoints that you select appear in the Add Policy Exception dialog box
that opens.

Add Policy Exception

2. Select a policy or sub-rule from which to exclude the endpoint and define the
exception type.
3. In the Except these drop-down list, select an identifier by which to detect
the endpoint. Options may include the IP address, host name, and MAC
address or user name of the endpoint. Select the identifier that you think is
least likely to change.
4. Select OK.
Endpoints are exempt from further inspection for this policy. Blocking actions taken
are released. Non-blocking actions, such as Add to Group, Send email and one-time
HTTP actions are not stopped.

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Chapter 3: Working at the Console

Working at the Filters Pane

The Filters pane provides tools that let you organize endpoints into logical categories,
and then view them in the Detections pane per category.
This is important, for example, when managing networks with extensive detections.

Filters Pane

Several filter categories can be created:

Segments: Segments feature lets you organize your endpoints into logical
categoriesfor example, Sales or Finance departments. Sub-segments can
also be createdfor example, create a Sales category and, under that, a
Local Sales and International Sales category. Define segments to create a
visual representation of your network that closely represents your
organizational structure. See Working with CounterACT Segments for details.
Organizational Units: An organizational unit reflects a group of CounterACT
segments that have something in common; for example, the East, West and
Central Management segments can be organized into the Management
Organizational Unit. See Working with Organizational Units for details.
Ignored IPs: Define endpoints that should be ignored by all Policies and
Discovery rulesfor example, a set of network servers that should not be
included in inspection. See Creating an Ignored IP List for details.
Groups: A group is a collection of endpoints with something in common, such
as endpoints that run Windows systems or guest endpoints. Groups help you
view and manage CounterACT detections, make it easier to define policies,
and make policy implementation easier to track. See Working with
CounterACT Groups for details.
Use the Filters pane search option to display segments, organizational units
ignored IPs, or groups of interest to you. Items that meet the filter string appear as
you type. Collapsed folders expand if the search item you entered is found in the

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folder. The search bar can be hidden or displayed by clicking on the Filters pane
Select an item from the Filters pane and view related endpoint detection in the
Detections pane. For example, view endpoint detections from Sales or Finance

Working with Inventory Detections

The Inventory presents a live display of network activity at multiple levels, for
example, processes and services currently running, vulnerabilities currently detected,
ports currently open or users currently logged in.
Use the inventory to:
Broaden your view of the network from endpoint-specific to activity-specific.
View endpoints that have been detected with specific attributes whether or
not they are policy-compliant.
Easily track network activity and elements.
Incorporate inventory detections into policies (black and white lists). For
example, if you discover that network guests are running unauthorized
processes on your network, create a policy that detects and halts these
processes on guest machines.

Inventory View

The Inventory is organized according to the following categories of network activity:

Users Microsoft Vulnerabilities detected

Guest Registration External Devices connected

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User Directory Applications Installed

Open Ports Switches integrated with CounterACT
Certain Windows, Linux and Macintosh
Network Function
activity and elements

You can maximize smooth tracking of this activity by customizing the inventory
categories into sub-categories. For example, you may discover via the Inventory that
your network is working with a variety of authorized and unauthorized processes. If
this is the case, you could create lists of authorized and unauthorized processes
under the Process Running property folder or lists of Switch IP addresses per VLAN
under the Switch folder.
Inventories only show endpoints that are currently online.
Inventory activities are queried and refreshed every 23 hours. The refresh frequency
can be modified from the Inventory Discovery rule. See Defining Endpoint Discovery
Rules for details.

To access the inventory:

1. Select the Inventory tab.

Inventory Tab

On a managed Appliance (connected to the Enterprise Manager), the

Inventory information is read-only, i.e., you cannot create, edit or remove

Inventory Discoveries vs. Policy Discoveries

Working with policies allows you to query specific endpoints to discover what
network activities they are carrying out, and to control them. The Inventory provides
an additional view of your network by presenting an overall cross-section of key
network activities. This means, for example, instead of running a policy to verify that
certain processes are or are not running on your network, you can instantly view all
processes running in the Inventory view.

How the Inventory Is Learned

The properties listed in the Inventory view are learned from the following
CounterACT tools:
Inventory Discovery Rules
Detection Policies

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Certain inventory items may be learned passively by CounterACT. This

happens when the Appliance is installed and starts monitoring your network.
This information learned however may only be gathered from part of your
network. It is recommended not to solely rely on this information when
working with the Inventory.

Inventory Discovery Rules

Inventory Discovery, defined in the Discovery manager, instructs CounterACT to
discover the properties that you see in the Inventory.

To ensure that these properties are discovered and displayed, you must
enable Inventory Discovery.

To enable Inventory Discovery:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Discovery.

Inventory Discovery Rules

2. Enable the rules by selecting the Inventory checkbox .

3. Select Apply and Close.

External Devices Connected and Microsoft Vulnerabilities are excluded from

the Inventory rules by default. Discovery of these properties may generate
extensive network traffic. You can include them however by updating the
Inventory Discovery rules, described below.

Open Ports can also be displayed in the inventory. This information is

displayed by creating a policy that includes the Open Ports property. It is not
learned from Inventory Discovery.

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Viewing and Updating Discovered Inventory

You can update inventory properties discovered, as well as IP address ranges
included in the discovery, and the discovery activation frequency.
The policy name cannot be edited.

To update the discovered inventory:

1. Select the Inventory entry from the Discovery manager and then select Edit.
2. The Discovery wizard opens. See Defining Endpoint Discovery Rules for details
about working with the wizard.

The user Audit Trails log displays changes made to the Inventory Discovery
rule. See Monitoring User Activity for details about this log.

If you clear a property in the Inventory Discovery rule but select it in another
discovery rule, that property is included in the Inventory. For example, if you clear
the Applications Installed property in the Inventory Discovery rule but select it in
another discovery rule, installed applications are displayed in the Inventory view.

Detection Policies
Inventory properties can also be discovered via your policies. For example, if you run
a policy that detects running processes, the detected processes will appear in the
Inventory. Specifically, if you want to discover and display Open Ports in the
Inventory, you should create a policy that detects these ports.

Filtering the View

Three options are available for filtering the Inventory view.
Quick Search for Inventory Data
Use the Filter box to filter the Inventory display. The filtering is done automatically
as you type, with the matching Inventory items immediately shown in the Inventory
view. For example, display all open UDP ports by typing in UDP in the filter field.

Text Filter Inventory

Filter by Segment, Group or Ignored IPs

Filter the inventory per Segment, Group, Organizational Unit or Ignored IPs by using
the Filter by option.

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Filter By Inventory

Filter per Inventory List

You can customize the Inventory into sub-categories. For example, you may discover
via the Inventory that your network is working with a variety of authorized and
unauthorized applications. In this case, you could create lists that itemize authorized
and unauthorized applications under the Applications Installed property folder or lists
of Switch IP addresses per VLAN under the Switch folder. After you create Lists, filter
the Inventory view according to Lists of interest.

Applications installed

See Customizing the Inventory for details.

Inventory View Panes

The inventory is divided into the following sections:
The Views Pane lists inventory categories based on endpoint properties and
property Lists that you create.

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The Detections Pane lists information about the inventory property category
selected in the Views pane. For example, the number of endpoints that are
running a certain process.
The Hosts Pane displays all endpoints that are detected with the inventory
item that is currently selected. For example, the endpoint IP address, MAC
address, connected switch port or User Directory name.
Inventories only show information detected at endpoints that are online.

Views Pane
The Views pane shows the Inventory items that you can view.

Views Pane

The following items are displayed. If non-bundled plugins or plugins included in

ForeScout Modules are installed, items related to those plugins may appear.
Guest Registration
User Directory
Open Ports
Applications Installed
External Devices connected
Network Function
Linux machines
Logged-in users
Operating system versions running
Processes Running
Microsoft Vulnerabilities detected
Switches integrated with CounterACT

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Windows machines
Processes Running
Services Running
Operating system versions running
Macintosh machines
Users logged-in
Operating system versions running
Processes Running
Software Updates Missing
Applications Installed
You can create Lists for each of the property categories shown in the view for
example, create an Unauthorized Processes Running List under the Processes
Running category, and add all unauthorized processes detected at your network to it.


Detections Pane
This pane displays information about the property that you selected from the Views

Inventory Property The property that you selected from the Views pane. Information in
(for example, this column will include all the values for the related property. For
Processes Running) example, if you selected the Process Running property, this column
will show all the processes currently running.
No. of Hosts The number of endpoints currently detected with the selected
property. For example, the number of endpoints currently running a
process; the number of endpoints detected at switch IP address;
the number of endpoints detected with vulnerabilities or the
number of endpoints logged in as Windows users.
Last Update The last date and time that the detection was made.
Last Host The last endpoint at which the activity was detected.
Lists The lists to which the live inventory property was assigned. For
example, the iexplore.exe process may be part of the White listed
Server Processes list and the White listed Endpoint Processes list.
See Customizing the Inventory for more information about creating

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Detections Pane

Hosts Pane
The Hosts pane displays the endpoints that have been detected for the Inventory
item selected. Use the tools available when working with endpoint detections to
handle these endpoints, for example, assign actions to endpoints or drill down to get
more detailed endpoint information. See Controlling Endpoints from the Detections
Pane and Getting More Information about Endpoints for details.

Hosts Pane

Customizing the Inventory

The Inventory automatically detects a wide range of network activity that you can
organize into logical categories. For example, you may discover via the Inventory
that your network is working with a variety of authorized and unauthorized
processes. If this is the case, you can create Lists of authorized and unauthorized
processes under the Process Running property folder or lists of Switch IP addresses
per VLAN under the Switch folder.

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Working with inventory lists enables more customized, smoother tracking of network

Applications installed Lists

Two methods are available for working with lists:

Create Lists Based on Inventory Detections
Plan Lists Ahead of Time

Create Lists Based on Inventory Detections

Create lists based on Inventory detections for example, if you see that CounterACT
detected extensive authorized and unauthorized processes, select the authorized
services and add them to an Authorized Processes list and then select the
unauthorized services and add them to an Unauthorized Processes list. You can
create new lists or add the property values to an already existing list.

To create lists:
1. Select an Inventory category from the Views pane, for example,
Windows>Windows Services Running.
2. Right-click one or several property values from the Detections pane.
3. Select Add to List.
The Add to List dialog box opens.

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Add to List Dialog Box

4. Add the value to an existing list by selecting the required list from the drop-
down list.
5. Select OK. Alternatively, add the value to a new list.
Select (Add). The New List dialog box opens.

New List

Type a list name in the List Name field, for example, Authorized Windows
Services Running.
Type a list description in the Description field. The description is
displayed in the Lists dialog box, where lists are managed.
6. Select OK. The list is added to the Add to List dialog box.
7. Select OK.
8. The list is displayed in the Views pane when you select the parent Inventory

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Inventory List

Plan Lists Ahead of Time

You can create inventory Lists for items not yet detected on your network. This is
useful if you know ahead of time that you want to be able to easily track specific
types of activity or elements for example, if you do not want to work with specific
open ports on your network. In this case, you may want to create black lists of open
ports. When endpoints start working with these ports, they will appear in the
Detections pane>Lists column. Information about endpoints working with these ports
is included in the Hosts Pane.

Inventory List

To create lists:
1. Right-click a property folder from the Views pane. For example, right-click
Open Ports.
2. Select Add List. The New List dialog box opens.

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New List Dialog Box

3. In the List Name field, type a list name, for example, Unauthorized Open
4. In the Description field, type a description of the list. The description is
displayed in the Lists pane.
5. In the Values field, type the property values, for example, the names of the
ports that are not authorized.
6. Select OK.
The values that you enter will appear in the Inventory under the folder that
you created when they are detected on the network.
The list and all the values that you entered can be viewed in the Lists pane.
You can use lists when working with policies. For example, create a policy that
tracks and stops machines running unauthorized processes. See Defining and
Managing Lists for more details.

View Lists and Values Associated with an Inventory Item

You can view all lists and values that are associated with an Inventory item. This
information includes items that were manually added, as well as items that were
previously detected and are currently offline.

To view lists:
1. Right-click the Inventory folder whose sub-items you want to view.
2. Select View Lists.
3. The Lists pane opens with all lists related to this item.
See Defining and Managing Lists for information about working with feature.

Edit and Remove Lists

Use the tools described here to edit and remove Lists. Changes affect both the
Inventory view and the Lists shown in the List pane.

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You cannot remove lists that are being used in policies. Lists that are currently being
used in policies can be edited, but the changes may immediately affect the policy

To remove a list:
1. Right-click a list from an Inventory folder.
2. Select Remove List.
3. Select OK.

To edit a list:
1. Right-click a list from an Inventory folder.
2. Select Edit List.
The List dialog box opens, showing all the values for the list.

Edit List

3. Edit as required and then select OK.

Use Inventory Detections to Create Powerful Policies

Incorporate Inventory data into your policies. Specifically, use inventory items to
create property Lists, and incorporate lists into policy conditions.
Use the following guidelines:
1. View activities displayed in the Inventory of interest to you, for example,
unauthorized services running.
2. Add the activity to a current CounterACT list or create new list. See Defining
and Managing Lists for details.
3. Add the list to your policy and define the appropriate action. For example,
create a policy that finds unauthorized services running and use the Send
Email action to notify your IT team.
See Using the Lists That You Create for details.

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Working with CounterACT Segments

The Segments feature lets you organize your endpoints into logical categories for
example, Sales or Finance departments. Sub-segments can also be created: Create a
Sales category and, under that, a Local Sales and International Sales category.
Define segments to create a visual representation of your network that closely
represents your organizational structure. The segments that you create appear in the
Filters pane of the Console. They must be included in the Internal Range.

Segments Defined at the Console

Why Use Segments?

This section describes why it is important to use segments.

Filtering Detections
After you define segments, you can filter the endpoints displayed at the Console,
Detections pane per segment. For example, display endpoints in the Sales
department that match a specific policy or Threat Protection detections found in the
finance department. This makes it easier for you to locate problematic network

Detections Filtered per Segment

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Defining Ranges for CounterACT Options

You may use segments when entering ranges for various CounterACT features. For
example, if you create an accounting segment, then this definition is available when
using the defining a policy inspection scope (i.e. only apply a policy to the East coast
offices), VA tool (i.e. a user wants to scan accounting), or the Virtual Firewall policy
(i.e. accounting cannot use FTP). You can select one or several segments

Segments Single

Segments Multiple

Working with Map Locations

Locations are used when working with the site Map. Locations allow you to associate
segments with a specific address or a defined longitude and latitude. For example,
create a location called NYC-HQ, New York using an office street address in

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Manhattan and then assign the respective segments in the NYC-HQ office network to
this location.
See Set Up the Map Create Site Locations for details.

Generating Reports
You can create reports based on segments; for example, Compliance trends per
segment. See Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs for details.

Managing Segments
Use the Segment Manager to:
Create Segment Hierarchies
Create Segment Ranges

Segments are shared among users. This means that if one user creates, edits
or deletes a segment, all users logged in to the same Appliance see the

To work with segments:

1. Do one of the following:
Right-click the Segment node in the Filters pane at the Console, and
select Segment Manager.
Select Segment Manager from the Tools menu. The Segment Manager

Segment Manager

Create Segment Hierarchies

To create segments:
1. Select Segment Manager from the Tools menu. The Segment Manager

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2. Above the Segment tree, select (Add Segment). The Add New Segment
dialog box opens.

Add New Segment Dialog Box

3. Type a segment name in the Name field.

4. Select OK. The new segment is displayed in the Segment tree.

To edit a segment name:

1. Select Segment Manager from the Tools menu. The Segment Manager
2. Select a segment from the Segment tree. The name is displayed in the Name
3. Edit the name.
4. Click the segment name in the Segment tree. The name is updated.

Removing Segments from the Hierarchy

Removing segments from the Segment tree only deletes the segment name. If you
have already assigned an IP address range to this segment, CounterACT will still
inspect the range defined.
If you remove the segment, the feature indicates that no segment name is assigned.

Segment Name Removed

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Conversely, if you remove the segment range from the Ranges section, that specific
range will no longer be handled by CounterACT.

No Range Defined

To remove a segment:
1. Select Segment Manager from the Tools menu. The Segment Manager
2. Right-click a segment from the Segment tree and select Remove. The
segment is removed from the Segment Manager. The name of the segment is
removed from other features in which it is displayed, but CounterACT
continues handling endpoints assigned to it.

Moving Segments within the Hierarchy

You can move segments within the hierarchy from one place to another. Generally,
you will need to do this to create new parent segments or move sub-segments to a
new parent.
Two options are available:
Drag and drop
Use the Move dialog box

To drag and drop a segment:

1. Select Segment Manager from the Tools menu. The Segment Manager
2. Select a segment in the segment tree and drag it into another segment.

To use the Move dialog box:

1. Select Segment Manager from the Tools menu. The Segment Manager
2. Right-click the segment that you want to move from the segment tree and
select Move.
The Move dialog box opens. The segment that you chose is displayed in the
dialog box.
3. Select the drop-down arrow and move the segment to the desired location.

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Importing and Exporting the Segment Tree

You can export or import the entire segment tree or a specific segment. Segment
data (segment names and address ranges) is imported or exported as an XML file.
You may want to export segments if you are doing extensive editing and additions
and want to use an external tool. You can also use the exported file as a template
that reflects the file format required for importing.

Exporting a Structure

To export a segment:
1. Select Segment Manager from the Tools menu. The Segment Manager
2. Right-click the segment that you want to export from the segment tree.
3. Select Export.
4. Select XML file format.
5. Locate the file and then select Export. The data is exported.

Importing a Structure

You can import your segment structure from an XML file. These files can be created
using any standard editing tool.

To create a structure using CSV file format:

1. Define your segment structure using an editing tool. Use the following format:

Segment A unique ID number assigned to each segment.

Parent The parent ID of each segment.
Segment A name assigned to the segment. This name is displayed in the Filters
Name pane and Information table.
From/To IP address range of the segment

2. Apply the following rules:

Each segment ID must be a unique number.
Each segment must have a parent.
The parent ID for the root segment must be 1.
If there are a number of ranges within the segment, those ranges must
have the same segment ID, parent ID, and name.
3. Save as a CSV file.

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Sample CSV File Structure for Import

To create a structure using an XML file format:

1. Define your structure using an editing tool. Use the following format:

Entity Attribute Description

Group Name The name of the segment
Range Ranges The ranges included in the segment

The hierarchy defined in the file should represent the hierarchy of the Internal
2. Save as an XML file.

Sample XML File Structure for Import

To import the structure:

1. Select Segment Manager from the Tools menu. The Segment Manager
2. Right-click a segment from the segment tree and select Import. An Import
dialog box opens.
3. Select a file format and the file name.
4. Select Import. The structure is updated to reflect the data in the file.

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Create Segment Ranges

Create network ranges for the segments that you defined. The IP addresses ranges
included in each range must be part of the Internal Network.

To create a range:
1. Select Segment Manager from the Tools menu. The Segment Manager
2. Select a segment from the Segment tree. The segment Name appears in the
Name field.
3. Enter a description on the Description field.
4. If you are working with the Console map, select Location and enter location
information. See Working with Map Locations for more information.
5. Select Add from the Ranges section.
The IP Address Range dialog box opens.

IP Address Range Dialog Box

6. Use Edit and Remove to update as required.

Filtering Information in the Segment Manager

Two options are available for filtering segment details:
Use Show sub-segments to toggle between showing a parent segment only
or showing the parent segment and sub-segments.
Use the Filter field to find a specific endpoint and display the segment to
which it is assigned.

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Segment Filter

Tracking Segment Changes

Use the Audit Trails reports to search for information about users who have modified
segment definitions. See Audit Logs for more information.

Working with Organizational Units

An organizational unit reflects a group of CounterACT segments that have something
in common. For example, the East, West and Central Management segments can be
organized into the Management Organizational Unit.
You can filter the view at the Console, Detections pane according to a specific
organizational unit. This makes it easier for you to locate problematic network areas.

Console View Filtered per Organizational Unit

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In the Executive Dashboard, the Compliance Trend and Organizational Unit

Compliance graphs are sorted according to organizational units. Before
working with the dashboard, you must create these units and assign
segments to them. See Chapter 16: The Executive Dashboard for details.

To create organizational units:

1. Right-click Organizational Units from the Console, Filters pane.

Organizational Units

2. Select Organizational Units Manager. The Organizational Units Manager


Organizational Units

3. Select Add. The Add Organizational Unit dialog box opens.

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Add Organizational Unit

4. Type a unit name in the Name field.

5. Type a description in the Description field.
6. In the Segments tree, select the segments that you want to include in the
7. Select OK.

Working with CounterACT Groups

A group is a collection of endpoints with something in common, such as endpoints
that run Windows systems or guest endpoints. Groups help you view and manage
CounterACT detections, make it easier to define policies, and make policy
implementation easier to track.
Defined groups are displayed under Groups in the Filters pane of the Navigation
pane. Asset classification and corporate and guest groups may have been
automatically created when your Console was set up. See the About the Initial Setup
Wizard and Policy sections for more information.

Groups Defined at the Console

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Not all users have access to the Group features. See Access to Console Tools
Permissions for details.

Group Basics
This section provides basic information about groups. The following is covered:
Groups and Policies
Using Sub-Groups
Adding Endpoints to Groups

Groups and Policies

After you define groups, you can use them when specifying endpoints for policies.
For example, if you create a Windows group, this definition is available when defining
the scope or condition of a policy (for example, the condition can be that the
endpoint is the member of a group).
When setting up your system, it is recommended to use the Asset Classification and
the Corporate/Guest Control template before defining policies. You can expand and
define the groups using policies that identify certain kinds of endpoints (such as
those with connected USB mass storage devices) and use the Add to Group action
to place them in groups. Organizing your endpoints into groups optimizes policy
implementation most or all of the relevant conditions of the policy are already
known (such as whether it is a Windows endpoint) so there is no need to gather this
information and the policy can be defined and implemented efficiently.

Using Sub-Groups
The Filters pane displays groups in a hierarchy, with sub-groups inside main groups.
In this case, all endpoints in the sub-groups are also in the main group.

Groups with Sub-Groups

Adding Endpoints to Groups

Several options are available:
When creating a group, you can add endpoints to the group.
When defining a policy, you can set an action to add the matching endpoints
to a group. See Add to Group.
In the Console, Detections pane, right-click an endpoint and manually add it
to a group. This initiates the Add to Group action. See Add to Group.

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Groups Manager Dialog Box

Group Tree
Use the Group tree toolbar to perform the following:
Add a group
Delete a group
Change the parent-child hierarchy of groups
Import or export groups

Group Tree

Groups Member Details

The Groups Manager lets you manage group members and view information about
them. Group associations are categorized as:

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Permanent group member: Endpoints that are manually entered via the
Groups Manager>Add or Groups Manager>Import option; or added to a
group by using the Add to Group action.

Detected group member: All endpoints that are currently assigned to a group,
provided that they have not been purged from the system.

Permanent Group Member Details

Permanent group members are endpoints that are manually entered via the Groups
Manager>Add or Groups Manager>Import option; or added to a group by using
the Add to Group action.

The following information is available for each group member.

Added At The timestamp of when the endpoint was added or the last time it was
Added By The name of the CounterACT user that added the member (if the was
added manually)
The name of the policy that added the member (if added by a policy).
Comment The Comment text specified when the endpoint was added.
Created Whether the endpoint was added manually or automatically using a policy.
Expires This is relevant only if the endpoint was added by a policy. It indicates
whether the Expires when host no longer matches policy option was
used, which automatically removes the endpoint from the group when it no
longer meets the policy condition.
Criteria The way in which the endpoint is identified in the group.
If the endpoint is added manually, the specified IP address or MAC address
is used. If the endpoint is added using the Add to Group action (either
using a policy or by right-clicking the endpoint in the Detections pane), the
MAC address is used if it is known at the time, otherwise the IP address is
used (this remains true even if the MAC address is learned later).
Host Displays the endpoint name if available, and if not then the IP address. In
the case of an address range, this field is blank.
IP Address Displays the IP address if available. In the case of an address range, this
field is blank.
Key The value by which the endpoint is associated with the group (IP address or
MAC address) CounterACT detects groups association based in this value.
Path The parent-child group hierarchy.

Detected Member Details

Detected group members are all endpoints that are assigned to a group, provided
that they have not been purged from the system. The progress bar indicates the load
progress as CounterACT loads the required group members and displays the number
of endpoints in the group.
The following categories of information are available of each group member.

General Displays general information regarding the endpoint, for example, the
Appliance to which the endpoint is assigned, the endpoint IP address, the
online or offline status.

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Policies Display policies associated with the endpoint.

Policy Display policy actions that were detected at the endpoint.
Properties Display properties that were detected at the endpoint.

Managing Groups and Group Members

This section describes how to work with Groups and Group members:
Manually Adding Groups and Group Members from the Groups Manager
Deleting Groups
Moving Groups within the Hierarchy
Importing and Exporting Groups
Import Group Members Text Format
Tracking Group Changes

Manually Adding Groups and Group Members from the Groups Manager

To add a group and group member:

1. Select Group Manager from the Tools menu. The Groups Manager opens.
2. Select (Add New Group).

The Add New Group dialog box opens.

Add New Group

3. Define a group name in the Name field and then select OK.
4. The name you defined appears in the Name field of the Groups Manager.
Type a brief description of the group Description field.
5. Verify that the Permanent tab is selected.
6. Select Add. The Add Group Member dialog box opens.

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Add Group Member Dialog Box

7. Define address ranges to add endpoints to the group:

Key: The type of address that you are using to define the endpoints.
Comment: A brief description of the endpoints that you are adding.
The added endpoints appear in the Group Members table in the dialog box.
8. The Path field shows the group under which the new group is located. To
place the group the under a different parent, select a group in the Parent
9. Select OK. The new group is added.

Deleting Groups

To delete a group:
1. Select a group from the Group tree.
2. Select the Remove Group icon.
You cannot delete the root Groups item. In addition, if the group is being used
in a policy, you are informed and the deletion is not allowed. Otherwise, the
group is deleted.

Moving Groups within the Hierarchy

You can move groups within the hierarchy from one place to another.
Two options are available:
Drag and drop
Use the Move dialog box

To drag and drop a group:

1. Select Group Manager from the Tools menu.
2. Select a group in the Group tree and drag it into another group.

To move a group using the Move dialog box:

1. Select Group Manager from the Tools menu.
2. Right-click the group that you want to move from the Group tree and select

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The Move dialog box opens. The segment that you chose is displayed in the
dialog box.
3. Select the drop-down arrow and move the group to the required location.

Importing and Exporting Groups

You can export to or import group information from external files. You may want to
export groups if you are doing extensive editing and additions and want to use an
external tool. You can also use the exported file as a template that reflects the file
format required for importing.

To export Group Trees:

1. In the Groups Manager dialog box, right-click a group:
Select Export to export the group alone.
Select Export with sub groups to export the group with its subgroups.
An Export dialog box opens.
2. Choose the file location and then select Export. The data is exported.

To export group entry details:

1. In the Groups Manager dialog box, right-click an entry in the table and select
Export. An Export dialog box opens.
2. Choose the file location.
3. Choose a file format (CSV or PDF).
4. If you create a PDF file, you can type a title that will appear in the file header.
5. Use the checkboxes to define the information that you want to display in the
exported table.

To import group member details:

1. In the Console, Filters pane:
Right-click the Groups root folder and select Import.
Right-click a defined group and select Import.
An Import dialog box opens.
2. Locate the file that you previously exported and select Import.
The imported group is placed under the group on which you clicked. If the
imported group was originally exported along with its subgroups, its
subgroups are imported as well.
Import Group Members Text Format
A text format is available for importing group members into existing groups. Groups
themselves cannot be imported in this way.
Each line of the text file must be an IP address or a MAC address. Address ranges
cannot be used.

To import group members from a text file:

1. In the Navigation pane, right-click a defined group and select Edit.

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A Group Editor dialog box opens.

2. Select Import.
3. Locate the text file and select Import.
The imported members are placed in the group on which you clicked.

Tracking Group Changes

The Audit Trails reports provide information about users who have modified group
definitions. See Audit Logs for more information.

Creating an Ignored IP List

You can define endpoints that should be ignored by all Policies and Discovery rules,
for example, a set of network servers that should not be included in inspection.
To ignore endpoints for specific policies, create policy exceptions or narrow the policy
Endpoints that you add to this group are included in Threat Protection and Virtual
Firewall policy inspections.
You can filter the view in the Detections pane according to ignored IPs.

Ignore IP Filter

How do I create ignored IP addresses?

The following options are available for creating ignored IP addresses:
Manually from the Ignore IP Manager
Export the existing list of Ignored IP Addresses, edit the list, and import the
edited list to the Ignore IP Manager
By using the Add to Group feature. See Add to Group for more information.

To add Ignored IPs:

1. Select Ignored IP Manager from the Tools menu. The Ignored IP Manager

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Ignored IP Manager Dialog Box

2. Select Add. The Add Group Member dialog box opens.

Add Group Member Dialog Box

3. Type an address or address range.

4. Select OK.

Getting More Information about Endpoints

This section describes how to access detailed information about endpoints from the
Detections pane. There are a number of options to view information:
Details Pane
Host Log
Assets Portal

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Details Pane
The Details pane displays an extensive range of information about the endpoint that
you selected in the Detections pane. The following categories of information are
Information about specific policies: Review matched and unmatched
details or review information about why the endpoint was not inspected by a
policy. This information is available when a policy is selected from the Views
All policies information: Review matched and unmatched details for all the
policies by which an endpoint was inspected or review information about why
the endpoint was not inspected in those policies.
Profile information: Review specific details about endpoint properties, for
example, device identity information, switch information, Active Directory
Compliance Information: Review a summary of endpoints compliance
status. The ForeScout Compliance Center summarizes endpoints that comply
or do not comply with policies that you have created. A single line indicates
whether the endpoint is compliant. This line is followed by a table with a row
for each compliance policy that includes the policy status, name, compliance
issues, actions taken, original detection date and last update time. To display
the ForeScout Compliance Center, you must categorize your policy as a
Compliance policy in the Policy Manager. See Categorizing Policies for details.

Compliance Tab

Details Pane Tools

Options are available to:

View troubleshooting information by selecting (Information). See

Troubleshooting Messages for more details.
View all details or a summary. To toggle between details and summary, select
(Show all details) from the pane.

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Add a property to CounterACT List by selecting in the Details pane.

Add to List Link

Viewing Endpoint Details

The Host Details dialog box provides information policy detections, endpoint
properties, and details about actions carried out on detected endpoints. While you
can view some of this information from the Console, the Host Details dialog box
provides more details.

To view endpoint details:

1. Double-click the endpoint. The Host Details dialog box opens.

Host Details

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Information in the Policy Actions tab can be exported. See Policy Action Log for more

Host Log
Use the Host Log to investigate the activity of specific endpoints, and display
information about how CounterACT handled those endpoints. The log displays
information about endpoints as they are detected and is continuously updated.
You can display endpoints from a specific time period and IP address range. In
addition, filter tools are available to limit the log display for, example, to specific
policies or sub-rules. An option is also available to export the Log to an XML file.

To access the Host Log:

1. Right-click an endpoint from the pane and select Information.
2. Select Host Log.
3. Type a time range and then select OK.

Host Log

The following information is available for each entry:

Time The time the event occurred.

Source The IP address of the source detected.
Type/Name The type of event. Use the filter option to control which event types are
displayed. The name is basic information about the type.
Details The details of the event.

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Status The status of the operations that have taken place. For example, if a policy
Action is complete, the status is OK.
MAC Address The MAC address of the detected endpoint.
Origin The CounterACT device that detected the event.

The following filter options are available:

All All log events.

Malicious The sources detected via the Malicious Source Policy.
Only New, changed, rechecked property that was learned regarding the selected IP
Changes address ranges.
Policy The name of the Network Integrity policy or sub-policy.
Property Changes to Network Integrity Policy properties; for example, when
authentication changes status.
System Important CounterACT system events, including Console/Enterprise Manager
initialization time, Appliance status, plugin status (running or stopped), and
changes in Appliance IP Assignments to Network Integrity Policies.
Use the Event Viewer to review more detailed system event information. See
Working with System Event Logs.

Exporting the Log

You can export the log data or sections of it to a CSV file.

To export the data:

1. Right-click an endpoint from the pane and select Information.
2. Select Host Log.
3. Type a time range and then select OK.
4. Select Export from the File menu. The Export Table dialog box opens.

Export Table Dialog Box

5. Browse to the location where you want to save the file.

6. Configure the export options.

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Export all information. Clear all checkboxes.

Only export information displayed in Select Displayed columns
the log. (This does not include only.
information hidden via the Hide/Display
column feature.)
Select rows to export and export all Select Selected rows only.
related data. (Including information
hidden via the Hide/Display column
Select rows to export but only export Select Selected rows only and
data displayed. (This does not include Displayed columns only.
information hidden via the Hide/Display
column feature.)

7. Select OK.

Assets Portal
The Assets Portal displays information about the endpoint in a web-based search and
discovery tool. For example, view information about endpoint properties, policy
violations, login information, User Directory identity details, organizational mapping
details, endpoint device connections and more. You can perform Google-like
searches from the portal. See Chapter 9: Assets Portal for more information.

To access the portal:

1. Right-click an endpoint from the pane and select Information.
2. Select Show in Assets Portal.

Working with the ForeScout Compliance Center

The ForeScout Compliance Center is an endpoint web-based compliance wizard used
for the purpose of:
Letting users log in.
Bringing endpoints to network compliance by:
Informing users on their compliance level with your corporate security
Offering users instructions for performing self-remediation by following
links that you provide.

For the ForeScout Compliance Center to be effective, the endpoint user must
have SecureConnector installed on the endpoint device accessing the
network. See Start SecureConnector / Stop SecureConnector for information
about installing SecureConnector.

The ForeScout Compliance Center dialog box is displayed until the endpoint has
successfully logged in and is compliant with selected policies.

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Users can open the compliance wizard manually from their endpoint to view their
compliance status as well.
Customizing Page Design
The design of the ForeScout Compliance Center may be customized. In addition to
customizing the look and feel of the page, i.e. adding logos, images and text, you
can also create a separate design for endpoints that are compliant and another
design for endpoints that are not compliant. See Customizing HTTP Pages.

Using the Compliance Center vs. Policies

The tasks carried out via the Host Compliance Center dialog box can also be carried
out by using CounterACT policies. When using policies, many of the activities
displayed at the Security Center are hidden from the endpoint user. For example,
SecureConnector can be installed remotely and antivirus updates or compliance
violations can be remediated without endpoint user interaction.
You should consider using the dialog box when you want to offload the task of
maintaining compliance from your IT team and educate your users as to security
requirement at your organization, and force them to bring their machines to
compliance. This may be useful, for example, at universities or organizations where
guest may be required to self-remediate.

What the Endpoint Users See

The ForeScout Compliance Center dialog box is comprised of two tabs:
Login Tab: For entering the user name and password to gain access to the
Compliance Tab: For viewing the user compliance status and for providing
links to help self-remediate in the event of noncompliance.

Login Tab
The Login tab prompts users to enter their login credentials to sign in to your
network. See the HTTP Login action for more information about when the Login tab is

ForeScout Compliance Center Dialog Login Tab

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After users have successfully signed in, the Compliance tab opens.

Compliance Tab
The Compliance tab:
Assists you in downloading and installing SecureConnector.
Assists you in achieving network compliance.
You can add additional comments to this tab by using the HTTP Notification action.
Messages entered using these actions are also displayed in the tab.

Installing SecureConnector
If the endpoint is not managed by SecureConnector, the wizard prompts you to
download and run SecureConnector. The following pages are displayed:

Initial SecureConnector Page

Secondary SecureConnector Page

Achieving Compliance
The Compliance tab displays the endpoint compliance status.

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ForeScout Compliance Center Dialog Noncompliance

If there is any noncompliance with any policy, Host is Not Compliant is displayed.
This indication refers to all policies that you are running on the endpoint which are
categorized as Compliance in the Policy Manager, as well as default Compliance
template policies. See Working with the Policy Manager for details.
In addition, the Compliance tab can be used to display messages and links prompting
noncompliant endpoints to become compliant by taking action; for example, by
clicking a link that redirects end users to a site where they can download the latest
antivirus application or to install patches.
Users can select Recheck to verify their compliance status. All categorized policies
are rechecked against the GUI Policy Editor options. Categorization is configured in
the Policy Manager. See Working with the Policy Manager for details.
If the endpoint meets all the requirements of each of these policies, it is compliant
and Host is Compliant is displayed.

ForeScout Compliance Center Dialog Compliance

Compliance Notification at Endpoint

If there is noncompliance at the endpoint, CounterACT notifies the user. On the
Windows Notification Bar at the bottom of the window, the CounterACT icon is
displayed as red. Placing the cursor over the icon, the endpoint details are displayed.

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Noncompliance Indication

Activating Endpoint Compliance

To activate the Compliance Center:

1. Select Show ForeScout Compliance Center in the appropriate tab when
setting up any of these actions for use in your policy:
HTTP Notification
HTTP Login
HTTP Localhost Login
Start SecureConnector

Show ForeScout Compliance Center Checkbox

When you activate the Compliance Center for one action, all actions are
automatically activated to use the ForeScout Compliance Center dialog box, even if
Show ForeScout Compliance Center is cleared.

Accessing the Compliance Center from the Endpoint

To access the Compliance Center from the endpoint:
1. Move the cursor over the ForeScout icon in the system tray to view
compliance status.
2. Right-click the icon to open the ForeScout Compliance Center dialog box.

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Compliance Center Start Bar Icon

Exiting the Console

When you exit the Console, CounterACT continues to protect your network. System
and user events that occurred during logout can be viewed. See Chapter 10:
Generating Reports and Logs for more information.

To exit the Console:

1. Select Exit from the File menu.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates
Working with Templates
Asset Classification Template
Classification Migration Template
Mobile Classification Template
External Device Classification Template
Virtual Machine Classification Template
Corporate/Guest Control Template
External Disk Drive Compliance Template
Overall Endpoint Compliance Template
Individual Compliance Templates
Windows Update Compliance Template
Macintosh Update Compliance Template
Threats Templates
Track Changes Templates
New TCP/IP Port Template
Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Working with Templates

CounterACT templates are predefined policies. Templates help you:
Quickly create important, widely used policies based on predefined policy
Automatically group network devices into categories that can be used to apply
More easily control endpoints and guide users to compliance.
More easily and quickly implement CounterACTs major capabilities.
Rollout your policies more safely by applying conditions and actions that have
been used and tested.
Pinpoint any infractions to your security system more quickly.
Predefined actions instructions regarding how to handle endpoints are generally
disabled by default. You should only enable actions after testing and fine-tuning the

Creating Policies Using Templates Basics

The following table provides a brief description of available CounterACT templates.

Category Policies Description

Classification Asset Classification Template Create policies that detect network
Classification Migration devices according to these categories.
Template Discovered endpoints are placed in
CounterACT groups that are displayed in
Mobile Classification
the Console, Filters pane.
External Device Classification
Virtual Machine Classification
Corporate/ Guest Corporate/Guest Control Create a policy that detects and classifies
Control Template your network into the following
CounterACT groups:
Corporate endpoints
Signed-in guests
Unauthorized endpoints
You can define the policy so that
unauthorized endpoints are prompted to
sign in with valid credentials or register
to the network as guests by providing
identity information.
Options are also available to allow
unauthorized endpoints to skip the
registration process and enter the
network with limited access.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Category Policies Description

Compliance Individual Compliance Generate compliance policies,
Templates understand the compliance level at your
External Disk Drive network, guide users to compliance and
remediate endpoints.
Personal Firewall
Instant Messaging
Windows Update
Macintosh Update
Overall Endpoint
Threats Malicious Hosts Template Detect and remediate threats to your
ARP Spoofing Template network by enforcing policies against a
range of widely used techniques.
Impersonation Template
Dual Homed Template
Track Changes Track Changes Templates Track changes within your network to
Application identify unauthorized changes and
remediate possible threats
Operating System
Shared Folder
Windows Service
New TCP/IP Port
PCI Compliance Selected PCI policies Implements over 20 PCI policies and
(available after generates related report to help you
the PCI Kit Plugin during a PCI audit.
is installed) The template includes predefined actions
for automatic remediation of endpoints
that do not comply with the PCI
Refer to the ForeScout CounterACT PCI
Guide for more information about this
template and about PCI compliance.

If you installed plugins, plugin templates may also be available. See Chapter
8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules for details.

To create policies from templates:

1. Select the Policy tab. The Policy Manager opens.
2. Select Add. The Policy Wizard opens.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Policy Wizard Templates

3. Select a policy template. The Asset Classification and Corporate/Guest Control

policies should have been run during the initial Console setup. If not, run
these policies first.
4. Select Next.
5. In the Scope page, enter the IP address ranges or segments to inspect. Some
templates are predefined with specific endpoints that should be either
included or excluded from the range. Select (Advanced) to view these

Policy Wizard Sample Scope

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

6. Review the remaining template pages to understand how the template is

defined, and provide any undefined parameters.
7. The policy is displayed in the Policy Manager. Select Apply to run it.
(Predefined actions are disabled by default.)
8. Verify that the policy results are reasonable for your network. If not
reasonable, fine-tune the policy as needed. See Tips for Rolling Out
Templates and Edit Policies and Rules.
9. When you are satisfied with the policy results, run the policy again and, if
necessary enable predefined actions. See Starting Actions on Selected
Endpoints for information about enabling actions.

How Often Are Endpoints Rechecked?

By default, policies are rechecked:
Every eight hours.
On all admission events. For example, when an endpoint physically connects
to a switch port, when its IP address changes or when it sends out a DHCP
request. For more information, see Updating a Recheck Policy for Unmatched
and Matched Endpoints.
When new information is learned about an endpoint being inspected by the

Tips for Rolling Out Templates

The Asset Classification and the Corporate/Guest Control templates create policies
that classify the network into CounterACT groups. These groups are prerequisites for
other policies. As a result, it is important to run and fine-tune these policies first. If
you installed CounterACT from scratch, then the Asset Classification and the
Corporate/Guest Control policies should have been run during initial setup. The
created groups should appear in the Console, Filters pane. If you have not run these
policies and are working with templates, you are prompted to create them before

Template Groups at the Console Filter

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Consider the following when rolling out any policy template or custom policy:
Do not enable policy actions when first running policies. First verify that the
policy pinpoints the right users and devices, and verify that there were a
reasonable number of discoveries.
Rather than rolling out several policies at the same time, consider working as
Deploy one policy.
Review and fine-tune the policy. See Edit Policies and Rules for more
Roll out another policy.
Initially, avoid rolling out a policy across all enterprise sites. Consider rolling
out policies one site at a time, even if the policies will eventually be deployed
across the enterprise. The rollout should be handled this way because many
sites operate under unique work procedures with site-specific requirements.

Template Structure
Templates are predefined to streamline the process of creating policies. CounterACT
templates are built as follows:
Policy name (there is a predefined default name) and an optional description.
Policy scope, for example, the endpoints that you want to inspect (filtered for
certain templates).
Instructions regarding what endpoint properties to look forconditions. For
example, find Windows endpoints that are running peer-to-peer applications
(predefined when using templates).
Instructions regarding measures to take at endpoints, if conditions are met
actions. For example, send email to the IT department when non-corporate
installations are found (predefined when using templates). Template actions
are disabled by default.
For more information about these policy elements, see Creating Custom Policies.
Detections and actions resulting from the template policies appear in the Home view,
and can be managed from there.

Asset Classification Template

The section covers:
About the Asset Classification Template
How Devices Are Classified
Using the Asset Classification Template
Which Devices Are Inspected Policy Scope
How Devices Are Classified Policy Condition

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

When Are Endpoints Removed from Groups

Handling Discovered Devices Policy Actions
Manually Assigning a Classification

About the Asset Classification Template

The Asset Classification template creates CounterACT groups according to the device
categories shown below:
NAT Devices: Devices that may hide other devices
Mobile Devices
VoIP Devices
Network devices: For example, routers and switches
Unclassified: If CounterACT does not know to which category an endpoint is
associated. This may happen, for example, if network devices are new.
CounterACT automatically places machines in the appropriate CounterACT group, for
example, NAT devices, Windows devices, printers. These groups appear and in the
Groups tree in the Console, Filters pane. When you select a group, associated
endpoints appear in the Console, Detections pane.

Asset Classification, Groups

In addition, a policy is created for each group type. You can view these policies in the
Policies>Asset Classification folder in the Views pane.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Consider which endpoints you want to inspect. The policy does not handle
endpoints outside of the Internal Network.
Verify that the Asset Classification template is run before any other template.
Asset Classification groups are used when working with the other
templates. The template was most likely run during initial CounterACT
setup. Check the Filters pane to verify that your endpoints have been
Organizing your endpoints into groups makes it easier to create and
manage other policies and easier to track policy results.

How Devices Are Classified

The automatic classification process enables CounterACT to effectively discover a
diverse range of devices. Many of the discovered devices are classified by using the
HPS Inspection Engine Plugin. For details about the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin,
see the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin Configuration Guide. Select Options from the
Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select this plugin and then select Help.

Using the Asset Classification Template

To use the template:
1. Select Add from the Policy Manager.
2. Open the Classify folder.
3. Select Asset Classification.
4. Select Next. The Name page opens.
5. Edit the name if required and add a description. See Naming Tips for
guidelines about creating effective names.
6. Select Next. The Scope page opens.

Which Devices Are Inspected Policy Scope

1. Use the IP Address Range dialog box to define which endpoints are inspected.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Asset Classification, Scope

The following options are available:

All IPs: Include all addresses in the Internal Network. The Internal
Network was defined when CounterACT was set up.
Segment: Select a previously defined segment of the network. To specify
multiple segments, select OK to close the IP Address Range dialog box,
and select Segments from the Scope page.
IP Range: Define a range of IP addresses. These addresses must be
within the Internal Network.
Unknown IP addresses: Apply the policy to endpoints whose IP
addresses are not known. Endpoint detection is based on the endpoint
MAC address. Not applicable for this policy template.
2. Select OK. The added range appears in the Scope page.
3. To filter the specified ranges or add exceptions, select (Advanced).

4. Select Next. The Sub-Rules page opens. This page lets you review sub-rule
conditions and actions.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Asset Classification, Sub-Rules

How Devices Are Classified Policy Condition

Devices and operating systems are discovered and categorized using both active and
passive classification methods. With the exception of NAT devices which are
discovered by means of the Device is NAT property, all devices are discovered by
using the Network Function property and then categorized into these groups:
NAT Devices
Mobile Devices
VoIP Devices
Network Devices, which includes switches, routers and storage devices
If a device does not meet the criteria for any group or if CounterACT cannot evaluate
the endpoint, it is placed in an Unclassified group. The operator may then choose to
manually classify the device.

Refer to the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin Configuration Guide for more
information about classification methods. Select Options from the Tools
menu. Select Plugins. Select this plugin and then select Help.

Viewing Policy Conditions

You can learn more about how the detection mechanism is defined by viewing policy

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

To view policy conditions:

1. Select an item from the Sub-Rules page.
2. Select Edit.
The Sub-Rules dialog box opens for the condition that you chose.
3. Select a criterion from the Condition section and select Edit.
4. The Condition dialog box for the condition opens, displaying the parameters.

Handling Discovered Devices Policy Actions

Policy actions instruct CounterACT how to respond to device detections.
By default, the policy creates CounterACT groups according to the device categories.
This action is enabled by default.

When Are Endpoints Removed from Groups?

Endpoints are removed from groups if CounterACT discovers, during policy recheck,
that the device function or type has changed.

Manually Assigning a Classification

You can use the Classify action to classify network devices manually. You may need
to do this if devices were not properly classified by the Asset Classification template
or if you would like to reclassify them.
After the devices are classified, they are added to the related Asset Classification
group, provided that the Asset Classification template was deployed.

To manually classify devices:

1. Select the device that you want to manually classify from the Console,
Detections pane and right-click it.
2. Select Manage and then select Classify. The Specify Classify parameters
dialog box opens.

Manual Device Classification

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

3. Select the appropriate device category from the Network Function drop-
down list.
4. Select OK.

Fine-Tuning the Classification Mechanism

Several methods for retrieving classification information are used, for example,
Nmap tools, domain credentials, information resolved on devices managed by
SecureConnector, or switches configured to work with CounterACT. Nmap tools are
used if other mechanisms could not resolve the endpoint classification.
You can fine-tune the Nmap classification, if required.

To fine-tune Nmap classification:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select HPS Inspection
2. Select the Classification tab.
3. Update Nmap settings as required.
4. Select Apply.
5. Refer to the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin Configuration Guide for details
about these options. In the HPS Inspection Engine pane, select Help.

Troubleshooting Tip
The classification method that CounterACT uses is displayed in the Profile tab of the
Details pane when you select the information icon.

Classification Type

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Create a Mobile Device Sub-Rule

To properly classify handheld devices, you may need to add a handheld devices sub-
rule to your Asset Classification policy. It is important to add the sub-rule in the
proper order within the policy.

To add the handheld devices sub-rule:

1. Select the Policy tab. The Policy Manager opens.
2. Navigate to and select your Asset Classification policy.

Asset Classification Policy

3. Select Edit. The Policy dialog box opens for the policy.
4. Select Add in the Sub-Rules section. The New Rule>Name dialog box opens.
5. Type a Sub-Rule name and description. For example, use the name
Handheld devices.
6. Select OK. The Sub-Rule>New Rule dialog box opens. Configure the condition
as follows.
7. Select Add from the Condition section.
a. Expand the Classification node and then select Network Function.
b. Select Mobile Device from the Network Function pane.
c. Select Evaluate irresolvable criteria as False.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Network Function

d. Navigate and expand the Device Information folder and select the Open
Ports property.
e. In the In Ranges text box, type 62078/TCP.
f. Select Evaluate irresolvable criteria as False.
g. Select OK. The Sub-Rule dialog box reopens.
h. Select One criterion is True from the Condition drop-down list.

Hand Held Device Condition

i. Select OK.
8. Configure the Action as follows:
9. Select Add from the Actions section.
a. Expand the Manage node and select the Add to Group action.
b. Select New Group. The New Groups dialog box opens.
c. Create a Handheld Devices group. See Working with CounterACT Groups
for details.
d. Select OK from the Groups Manager. The action dialog box reopens with
the Hand Held Device group in the in the Add to Group drop-down list.
e. Complete the action configuration and select OK. The Sub-Rule dialog box

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

10.Select OK. The Policy Editor dialog box opens. The new sub-rule appears as
the last sub-rule in the policy.
11.Use the Up button so that the Hand-held devices sub-rule is number 5.
(Below the Linux/Unix Sub-Rule and above the Macintosh Sub-Rule).

Hand Held Devices Sub-Rule

12.Select OK to save the policy change. Additional policy change confirmation

dialog boxes open. Select OK.
13.The updated policy with the new sub-rules appears in the Policy Manager.
14.Select Apply.

Classification Migration Template

The Classification Migration template lets you examine the possible impact of
upgrading CounterACT Classification tools, including changes in how endpoints are
handled by Asset Classification policies.
In deployments that use HPS Inspection Plugin release 10.4.0 and above, the
policy created by this template compares the results of Classification version
2 with the results of Classification version 3.
In deployments that use HPS Inspection Plugin releases lower than 10.4.0,
the policy created by this template compares the results of Classification
version 1 with the results of Classification version 2.

Classification version 1 is not available in deployments that use version

10.4.0 or higher of the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin. Carefully read the
Release Notes for HPS Inspection Engine version 10.4.0 before you
upgrade the plugin.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Why to Use This Template

When you change the set of classification methods used by CounterACT, there may
be significant changes in the results of the plugins classification processes. These
changes are evident when some endpoints receive new values for the Network
Function and OS Fingerprint properties, and can strongly influence how
classification policies evaluate endpoints.
The Classification Migration template lets you examine the possible impact of
changing CounterACT from Classification version 2 to Classification version 3.
Before you change the Classification version, it is highly recommended to follow this
1. Create and run a policy based on this template. This policy detects endpoints
for which the new and old classification methods yield different results.
2. Carefully analyze the endpoints which are classified differently by the two
classification versions, especially these cases:
Endpoints classified correctly by classification version 2, but not classified
at all under version 3
Endpoints classified correctly by classification version 2, but classified
incorrectly under classification version 3
3. Decide how to handle changes in classification results. If necessary, adjust
existing classification policies to ensure that all endpoints are correctly
classified by classification version 3. You may need to create rules that use
the Classify action to apply a desired classification to some endpoints.
You may also find that many endpoints which were not accurately classified
by classification version 2 are now handled correctly by the improved
capabilities of classification version 3. In these cases, you may be able to
remove sub-rules that you inserted to correct automatic classification,
simplifying classification policies.
How to Proceed
To compare the classification results and perform the upgrade, perform the following
in the order specified:
1. How Devices Are Classified and Compared Policy Condition
2. Compare Classification Results
3. Manually Assigning a Classification
4. If necessary, Create a Mobile Device Sub-Rule
5. Stop the Migration Classification Policy
6. Upgrade the Classification Version

Consider which endpoints you want to inspect. The policy does not handle
endpoints outside of the Internal Network.
Verify that you have already run the Asset Classification template and would
like to improve classification results.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Using the Classification Migration Template

To use the template:
1. Select Add from the Policy Manager.
2. Open the Classification folder.
3. Select Classification Migration.

Policy Wizard Classification Migration

4. Select Next. The Name page opens.

5. Edit the default name if required and add a description. See Naming Tips for
guidelines about creating effective names.
6. Select Next. The Scope page opens. Define which endpoints are inspected.
Review the following before running the template.

Which Devices Are Inspected Policy Scope

1. Use the IP Address Range dialog box to define which endpoints are inspected.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Classification Migration, Scope

The following options are available:

All IPs: Include all addresses in the Internal Network. The Internal
Network was defined when CounterACT was set up.
Segment: Select a previously defined segment of the network. To specify
multiple segments, select OK to close the IP Address Range dialog box,
and select Segments from the Scope page.
IP Range: Define a range of IP addresses. These addresses must be
within the Internal Network.
Unknown IP addresses: Apply the policy to endpoints whose IP
addresses are not known. Endpoint detection is based on the endpoint
MAC address. Not applicable for this policy template.
2. Select OK. The added range appears in the Scope list, and is inspected by the
3. To filter the specified ranges or add exceptions, select (Advanced).

4. Select Next. The Sub-Rules page opens. This page lets you review the sub-
rules predefined with this policy.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Classification Migration, Sub-Rules

How Devices Are Classified and Compared Policy

You can learn more about how the classification comparison is carried out by viewing
policy conditions.

To view policy conditions:

1. Select an item from the Sub-Rules page.
2. Select Edit.
The Sub-Rules dialog box opens for the condition that you selected.
3. Select a criterion from the Condition section and select Edit. The dialog box
for the condition opens, displaying the parameters.

Sub-Rule Result Description

Versions 2 and 3 The results for classification version 1 and 2 are different.
Differently Classified Review the differences and manually assign an asset
classification, if required. See Manually Assigning a
Classification. This is optional.
Version 2 Classified- CounterACT did not classify the asset using classification
Version 3 Unclassified version 2. These assets were previously classified using
version 1. Manually assign an asset classification if the
number of unclassified devices is minimal. See Manually
Assigning a Classification. This is optional.
If there are an extensive number of unclassified devices,
contact your ForeScout, CounterACT representative.
Version 2 Unclassified CounterACT classified the asset using classification
Version 3 Classified version 2. These assets were previously unclassified.
Versions Identically The results for classification version 1 and 2 are identical.

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Sub-Rule Result Description

Both Versions are CounterACT did not classify the asset in either version.
Unclassified Manually assign an asset classification if the number of
unclassified devices is minimal. See Manually Assigning a
Classification. This is optional.
If you there are an extensive number of unclassified
devices, contact your ForeScout, CounterACT
Version 2 Unclassified CounterACT classified the assets in version 1. In version
Offline Hosts 2, they are unclassified because the assets are offline.

4. Close the Sub-Rule dialog boxes and return to the wizard.

5. Select Finish.

Compare Classification Results

After running the Classification Migration policy from the Policy Manager, you can
compare classification results between version 1and 2. Classification version 2
delivers more accurate results. Migration from version 1 to version 2, however, may
change some asset classifications.

To compare results:
1. Select the Console Home tab.
2. From the Views pane, navigate to the Classification Migration policy.
3. Select a sub-rule from the Migration Classification policy in the Views pane.
Information about endpoints inspected in the sub-rule appears in the
Detections pane.
4. Select an endpoint. Endpoint details appear in the Details pane.
5. Select the tab with the related sub-rule.
6. Expand the folder with the rule. Details about the comparison appear.
7. Review the details and manually classify the device, if required. See Manually
Assigning a Classification.

Manually Assigning a Classification

You can use the Classify action to classify network devices manually. You may need
to do this if devices were not properly classified by the Asset Classification policy or if
you would like to reclassify them for any other reason.
After the devices are classified, they are added to the related Asset Classification

To manually classify devices:

1. Select the device that you want to manually classify from the Console,
Detections pane and right-click it.
2. Select Manage and then select Classify.
The Specify Classify Parameters dialog box opens.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Manual Device Classification

3. Select the appropriate device category from the Network Function drop-
down list.
4. Select OK.

Stop the Migration Classification Policy

The classification migration policy utilizes system resources that are not needed after
you have reviewed results and made manual assignments where required. When you
have completed these tasks, stop the migration policy.

To stop the policy:

1. Select the Classification Migration policy form the Policy Manager.
2. Select Stop.

Upgrade the Classification Version

You are ready to upgrade the Classification tools used by CounterACT after
completing the following:
1. Run the Classification Migration template.
2. Compare results and, where required, manually classify assets.
3. Stop the Classification Migration policy.
The upgrade affects your asset classification policy and any other policy that uses
classified assets.
Refer to the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin Configuration Guide for details. In the HPS
Inspection Engine pane, select Help.

Mobile Classification Template

This section covers:
About the Mobile Classification Template

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Using the Mobile Classification Template

Which Devices Are Inspected Policy Scope
How Mobile Devices Are Detected Policy Condition
How CounterACT Handles Discovered Devices Policy Actions
Manually Assigning a Classification

About the Mobile Classification Template

This template creates a policy that classifies devices in the Mobile asset group into
the following mobile device type sub-groups:
Kindle Fire
Windows Mobile
These sub-groups automatically appear under the Mobile devices group in the Filters
pane>Groups. When you select a sub-group, its members appear in the Detections
pane, where you can view information about them.

Mobile Device Classification into Groups

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Run the Asset Classification policy template before running this policy
template. This is required because the Asset Classification policy creates
device groups, including the Mobile group, on which the Mobile Classification
template is based. If you are working with a CounterACT version earlier than, the Asset Classification policy places mobile devices in the Hand
Held group, rather than the Mobile group.
Consider which endpoints you want to inspect. The policy does not handle
endpoints outside of the Internal Network.

Using the Mobile Classification Template

To use the template:
1. Select Add from the Policy Manager.
2. Open the Classification folder.
3. Select Mobile Classification.
4. Select Next. The Name page opens.
5. A default policy name appears in the Name field. Accept the default name or
create a new name and add a description. See Naming Tips for guidelines
about creating effective names.
6. Select Next. The Scope page opens.

Which Devices Are Inspected Policy Scope

1. Use the IP Address Range dialog box to specify the endpoints that you want
the policy to inspect.

Mobile Classification, Scope

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

The following options are available:

All IPs: Include all addresses in the Internal Network. The Internal
Network was defined when CounterACT was set up.
Segment: Select a previously defined segment of the network. To specify
multiple segments, select OK to close the IP Address Range dialog box,
and select Segments from the Scope page.
IP Range: Define a range of IP addresses. These addresses must be
within the Internal Network.
Unknown IP addresses: Apply the policy to endpoints whose IP
addresses are not known. Endpoint detection is based on the endpoint
MAC address. Not applicable for this policy template.
2. Select OK. The added range appears in the Scope page.
3. To filter the specified ranges or add exceptions, select (Advanced).

4. Select Next. The Sub-Rules page opens.

How Mobile Devices Are Detected Policy Condition

1. The Sub-Rules page lets you review the conditions and actions used to
classify mobile devices.

Mobile Classification, Sub-rules

CounterACT classifies mobile devices by using the classification techniques

describe below. If none of the techniques are successful the device will be
classified as Unclassified:
HTTP User Agent: Requires packet engine and CounterACT version 2
Passive banners: Requires engine server banner traffic and CounterACT
Classification version 2.
Active banners: Requires server banner traffic and CounterACT
Classification version 2.

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Passive TCP/IP fingerprint: Requires a unique device fingerprint

Nmap banners: Requires that endpoint to have accessible services with
unique banners (not available in Android devices)
Active TCP/IP fingerprint (Nmap): Requires that the device replies to
network traffic requests, and requires a unique Nmap fingerprint
Open ports: Only available for iPhone, iPad and iPod
To ensure that all mobile devices are identified, you may need to refine the
conditions in the Mobile Classification template or the Asset Classification
template as follows:
By default, CounterACT must detect HTTP traffic (browsing) on the device
to classify it. Alternatively, you can add the NIC Vendor condition to
device sub-rules, with the names of mobile NIC vendors. The devices are
detected based on the vendor name, without the need to wait for
browsing. For example, add the RIM, NIC Vendor condition to your Asset
Classification>Hand Held Devices sub-rule. The BlackBerry devices will be
classified based on the vendor name.
Mobile devices are detected when the access point is configured as a
bridge. By default, the template does not detect mobile devices when their
access point is configured as a gateway or router. You can use the Device
is NAT condition to detect mobile devices that use gateway or router
access points.
2. Select Finish. The policy is listed in the Policy Manager.
3. Select the policy and select Apply. CounterACT will now detect mobile assets
in the specified scope, and add them to their appropriate group in the Home
view, Filters pane.

How CounterACT Handles Discovered Devices Policy

Policy actions instruct CounterACT how to respond to device detections.
By default, the policy creates CounterACT sub-groups according to the mobile device
categories. This action is enabled by default.

When Are Endpoints Removed from Groups?

Endpoints are removed from groups if CounterACT discovers, during policy recheck,
that the device function or type has changed.

Manually Assigning a Classification

You can use the Classify action to classify network devices manually. You may need
to do this if devices were not properly classified by the Mobile Classification template
or if you would like to reclassify them.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

External Device Classification Template

This section covers:
About the External Device Classification Template
Using the External Device Classification Template
Which Devices Are Inspected Policy Scope
When Are Endpoints Removed from Groups
How CounterACT Handles Discovered Devices Policy Actions

About the External Device Classification Template

This template creates a policy that detects external devices connected to Windows
endpoints. The policy creates a CounterACT External Devices group that includes a
sub-group for each external device class that you instruct CounterACT to detect. The
following device classes can be detected:
Wireless communication devices
Windows portable devices
Windows CE USB devices
PCMIA and flash memory devices
Other devices
Network adapters
Infrared devices
Imaging devices
Disk drives
DVD/CD-ROM drives
Bluetooth radios
These sub-groups automatically appear under the Groups tree in the Console, Filters
pane. When you select a sub-group, associated endpoints appear in the Console,
Detections pane, where you can view information about endpoints that have
connected to these devices.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

External Device Classification, Groups

In addition, a policy is created for each group type. You can view these policies in the
Policies>External Devices folder in the Views pane.

Consider which endpoints you want to inspect. The policy does not handle
endpoints outside of the Internal Network.
Run this template first:
External Device groups are used when working with the other templates.
The template was most likely run during initial CounterACT setup. Check
the Filters pane to verify that your endpoints have been classified.
Organizing your endpoints into groups makes it easier to create and
manage other policies and easier to track policy results.

Using the External Device Classification Template

To use the template:
1. Select Add from the Policy Manager.
2. Open the Classification folder.
3. Select External Device Classification.
4. Select Next. The Scope page opens. Use this page to define which endpoints
are inspected.

Which Devices Are Inspected Policy Scope

1. Use the IP Address Range dialog box to define which endpoints are inspected.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

External Device Classification, Scope

The following options are available:

All IPs: Include all addresses in the Internal Network. The Internal
Network was defined when CounterACT was set up.
Segment: Select a previously defined segment of the network. To specify
multiple segments, select OK to close the IP Address Range dialog box,
and select Segments from the Scope page.
IP Range: Define a range of IP addresses. These addresses must be
within the Internal Network.
Unknown IP addresses: Apply the policy to endpoints whose IP
addresses are not known. Endpoint detection is based on the endpoint
MAC address. Not applicable for this policy template.
2. Select OK. The added range appears in the Scope page.
3. To filter the specified ranges or add exceptions, select (Advanced).

4. Select Next. The External Device Classification page opens. This page lets
you select the types of external devices for which you want to create policies.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

External Device Classification, Device Types

5. Select Next and then Finish.

When Are Endpoints Removed from Groups?

Endpoints are removed from groups if CounterACT discovers, during policy recheck,
that the device function or type has changed. See Updating a Recheck Policy for
Unmatched and Matched Endpoints.

How CounterACT Handles Discovered Devices Policy

Policy actions instruct CounterACT how to respond to device detections.
By default, devices that are discovered are added to a sub-group named by device
types. This action is enabled by default.

Virtual Machine Classification Template

This section covers:
About the Virtual Machine Template
Using the Virtual Machine Template
Which Endpoints Are Inspected Policy Scope
How Virtual Machines Are Detected Policy Condition
How Virtual Machines Are Handled Policy Actions

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

About the Virtual Machine Template

This template creates a policy that detects virtual machines (VMs) in your network.
The policy organizes virtual machines into VMware Guests, VMware Hosts, Microsoft
Virtual Clients, Microsoft Virtual Servers and Others groups. These groups are
displayed in the Console, Filters pane.

Virtual Machine Classification, Groups

Using the Virtual Machine Template

To use the template:
1. Select Add from the Policy Manager.
2. Open the Classification folder.
3. Select Virtual Machine Classification.
4. Select Next. The Name page opens.
5. Edit the folder name that is used for saving policies for virtual machines that
you select, and add a description. See Naming Tips for guidelines about
creating effective names.
6. Select Next. The Scope page opens. Use this page to define which endpoints
are inspected.

Which Devices Are Inspected Policy Scope

1. Use the IP Address Range dialog box to define which endpoints are inspected.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Virtual Machine Classification, Scope

The following options are available:

All IPs: Include all addresses in the Internal Network. The Internal
Network was defined when CounterACT was set up.
Segment: Select a previously defined segment of the network. To specify
multiple segments, select OK to close the IP Address Range dialog box,
and select Segments from the Scope page.
IP Range: Define a range of IP addresses. These addresses must be
within the Internal Network.
Unknown IP addresses: Apply the policy to endpoints whose IP
addresses are not known. Endpoint detection is based on the endpoint
MAC address. Not applicable for this policy template.
2. Select OK. The added range appears in the Scope page.
3. To filter the specified ranges or add exceptions, select (Advanced).

4. Select Next. The Sub-Rules page opens. This page lets you review sub-rule
conditions and actions.

How Virtual Machines Are Detected Policy Condition

VM activity is detected by CounterACT in a number of ways:
If a VMware guest or host machine is found. VMware guests are detected if
the value of device interfaces starts with VMware Accelerated and if the NIC
vendor uses VM in their name. VMware host machines are detected if the
device interfaces are identified as a VMware Virtual Ethernet adapter for

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

If a Microsoft virtual client or server is found. Virtual clients are detected if

the NIC vendor is Microsoft Corp. Virtual servers are found if the service
running is displayed in the list of Microsofts virtual services.

To view and edit conditions:

1. Select a criterion in the Sub-Rules page.

Virtual Machine Classification, Sub-Rules

2. Select Edit to view the condition and default actions.

Virtual Machine Classification, Criteria

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

3. Select OK. The Sub-Rules page reopens.

4. Select Finish.

How Virtual Machines Are Handled Policy Actions

Policy actions instruct CounterACT how to respond to endpoints on which virtual
machines have been detected. One action is available by default:
Detected virtual machines are added to the appropriate Virtual Machine
group. This action is enabled by default. Select the checkbox to disable it.

To view this action:

1. Select it from the Sub-Rules page.
2. Select Edit. The action definition is displayed.
3. Select the checkbox to enable it and then select OK. The Main Rule page
4. Select Finish.

Corporate/Guest Control Template

This section covers:
About the Corporate/Guest Control Template
Deploying a Corporate/Guest Policy
About Corporate/Guest Classification
Signed-In Guests Meet This Criterion
When Are Endpoints Moved to New Groups?
Using the Corporate/Guest Control Template
Which Devices Are Inspected Policy Scope
Fine-Tuning Corporate Evaluation Criteria Corporate Page
Handling Guest Hosts Guest Page
Working with Guest Registration Options
What Happens When the Domain, NetBIOS or Authentication Values Are

About the Corporate/Guest Control Template

Use this template to create a policy that:
Organizes endpoints into Corporate Hosts, Signed-in Guests and Guest Hosts
Allows users at unauthorized endpoints to register as guests

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Enforces network restrictions on users at unauthorized endpoints

Deploying a Corporate/Guest Policy

Deploy the policy created by this template as follows:
Stage 1
Use the template to create a policy that classifies your network into Corporate Hosts,
Signed-in Guests and Guest Hosts groups, and set up options for handling guests.
Options for handling guests are disabled by default. You should set up these when
working with the template, but only activate them after completing stages 2 to 4.
See About Corporate/Guest Classification and Fine-Tuning Corporate Evaluation
Criteria Corporate Page.
Stage 2
Review the groups generated by the policy to verify that they accurately reflect your
network. These groups appear in the Filters pane>Groups folder at the Console.
Stage 3
Enable the policy action used to register guests. See Activating the Registration
Stage 4
Enable the policy action used to restrict guest access. See Defining Network Access
Restrictions to Guest Hosts.

Consider which endpoints you want to inspect, specifically segments in which
guests may connect to the network. The template does not handle endpoints
outside of the Internal Network.
The Corporate/Guest Control policy does not apply to printers and network
devices, which are detected and classified by the Asset Classification policy.
Verify that you have run and fine-tuned the Asset Classification policy.
Verify that the Asset Classification policy is applied to the network segment or
IP address range on which you want to apply the Corporate/Guest Control

About Corporate/Guest Classification

After you run the template policy, endpoints are automatically classified and
displayed in Corporate Hosts, Signed-in Guests, and Guest Hosts groups. The groups
appear in the Filters pane, under the Groups node at the Console.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Guest Groups

When you select a group, associated endpoints appear in the Console, Detections
The Corporate page describes the criteria for corporate host evaluation and lets you
fine-tune this criteria. All endpoints in your policy scope are first evaluated against
these criteria.

Corporate Hosts Meet These Criteria

If at least one of the following criteria is met, the endpoint is added to the Corporate
Hosts group. Hosts that do not meet any of these criteria are added to the Signed-in
Guests group or the Guest Hosts group.
The Endpoint is Manageable using Domain Credentials
Domain credentials against which CounterACT verifies domain membership are
defined in the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin. The plugin enables remote inspection of
domain member endpoints. To view HPS Inspection Engine Plugin domain
credentials, select Options from the Tools menu and then select HPS Inspection
Engine. Select the Remote Inspection tab.
The Endpoint Recently Authenticated to an Approved Authentication Server
This criterion instructs CounterACT to verify that endpoints authenticated with an
approved authentication server within the last three days.
Authentication servers should have been defined during the initial setup. Select
Options from the Tools menu and then select NAC>Authentication. The
authentication servers that appear were defined during the initial setup.
For information about working with the policy when these parameters change see
What Happens When the Domain, NetBIOS or Authentication Values Are Changed?
The Endpoint Has an Authorized NetBIOS Domain Name (Optional)
This criterion instructs CounterACT to verify that endpoints NetBIOS names match
the prefix of the fully qualified domain name (FQDN). This criterion is optional for
organizations working with legacy systems that are not part of the Active Directory
Domain but publish a known NetBIOS domain name.

Signed-In Guests Meet This Criterion

Hosts that were not categorized as Corporate Hosts are further evaluated to see if
they are Signed-in Guests.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

This criterion instructs CounterACT to evaluate if the endpoint is currently signed-in

to your network as a Signed-in Guest. A Signed-in Guest was not authorized to enter
the network as a corporate user but later received a valid user name and password.
These credentials were used in a Login page when the Signed-in Guest attempted to
access the Internet.

Guest Hosts Meet These Criteria

Hosts that do not meet the criteria as Signed-in Guests are categorized as Guest

When Are Endpoints Moved to New Groups?

Endpoints classification can change when:
Users at unauthorized endpoints have successfully signed in.
CounterACT previously could not reach an endpoint, for example, if its port
was closed, but CounterACT can later access it.
Signed-in guests or users at unauthorized endpoints sign in to your Active
Directory server.

Using the Corporate/Guest Control Template

This section describes how to use the template.

To use the template:

1. Select Add from the Policy Manager.
2. Select Corporate/Guest Control.
3. Select Next. The Name page opens.
4. Edit the name if required and add a description. See Naming Tips.
5. Select Next. The Scope page opens. Use this page define which endpoints are

Which Devices Are Inspected Policy Scope

1. Use the IP Address Range dialog box to specify the endpoints that you want
the policy to inspect.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Corporate/Guest Control, Scope

The following options are available:

All IPs: Include all addresses in the Internal Network. The Internal
Network was defined when CounterACT was set up.
Segment: Select a previously defined segment of the network. To specify
multiple segments, select OK to close the IP Address Range dialog box,
and select Segments from the Scope page.
IP Range: Define a range of IP addresses. These addresses must be
within the Internal Network.
Unknown IP addresses: Apply the policy to endpoints whose IP
addresses are not known. Endpoint detection is based on the endpoint
MAC address. Not applicable for this policy template.
2. Select OK. The added range appears in the Scope page.
3. To filter the specified ranges or add exceptions, select (Advanced).

4. Select OK and then select Next. The Corporate page opens. Information in
this page is used to define corporate host criteria.

Fine-Tuning Corporate Evaluation Criteria Corporate

The Corporate page describes the criteria for corporate host evaluation and lets you
fine-tune the NetBIOS criterion. This criterion instructs CounterACT to verify that
endpoints NetBIOS names match the prefix of the fully qualified domain name
(FQDN). This criterion is optional for organizations working with legacy systems that
are not part of the Active Directory Domain, but publish a known NetBIOS domain

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

All endpoints in your policy scope will first be evaluated against the criteria defined

Corporate/Guest Control, Corporate

Handling Guest Hosts Guest Page

Endpoints that do not meet the criteria as Corporate Hosts or Signed-in Guests are
classified as Guest Hosts, and users at these endpoints are called guests. These may
include, for example, visiting professionals, contractors or university students, or
corporate members that are currently not accessible to CounterACT.
Use the options here to define how you want to handle guests. These options are
disabled by default. The template is set up this way so that you can first review
endpoint classification, perform fine-tuning, and then easily activate the registration
process that you defined here.
When the Enable guest registration checkbox is selected, CounterACT requires
guests to register using the Guest Registration form in a web browser, and then
submits the registration information to contacts designated by the guest. If the
checkbox is cleared, guest hosts can only be registered by a sponsor in the Guest
Management Portal or by a CounterACT operator in the Guest Registration option,
Registered Guests tab. See Pre-Registration and Guest Registration Management.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Corporate/Guest Control, Guest

You can handle unauthorized users as follows:

Let users register as guests and be approved
Allow users to enter identity information and receive login credentials. To use
this option, select Enable guest registration, and clear Let unauthorized
users skip Sign In. See Working with Guest Registration Options for details.
Pre-approve guests using the Guest Management Portal
Designated corporate sponsors can add guests to the Guest Management
Portal. These guests are automatically approved, and login credentials are
emailed to them. To use this option, select Manual sponsor approval of
guests, and clear Let unauthorized users skip Sign In. See Guest
Management Portal for Sponsors How-to Guide for information about
manually adding guests.
Pre-approve guests at the Console
Operators can add guest identity information and login credentials. When
guests log in to your network, the information they submit is checked against
the credentials that the operator defined. It is the responsibility of your
organization to forward the credentials to the guests. CounterACT does not do
this if you select this option. To use this option, clear Let unauthorized
users skip Sign In. See Adding Guests at the Console for information about
manually adding guests.
Let users skip the sign in and registration process
All unauthenticated users are able to enter the network with limited access.
There are no login requirements. To use this option, select Let unauthorized
users skip Sign In.
Let users sign in with credentials, without registration
Force users to sign in with valid credentials, with no option to register as a
guest. Until they sign in, users at these endpoints will not able to enter the
network at all. To use this option, clear Let unauthorized users skip Sign
In and clear Enable guest registration.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Let users enter the network with limited access

Allow unauthorized users to either register to receive login credentials, or skip
login and enter the network with limited access. To use this option, select
Enable guest registration and Let unauthorized users skip Sign In. See
Defining Network Access Restrictions to Guest Hosts.

Working with Guest Registration Options

This section provides information about the guest registration options and about
activating the guest registration process. The process should be activated after you
have run the policy template and reviewed endpoint classification Stage 1.
When using the Enable Guest Registration option, unauthorized users are prompted
to either sign in or complete a registration form with identity information. Use this
option if you want to receive registration information from each guest, for example,
contact details or the name of the individual who invited the guest to the network.
Users are presented with a Login page where they can choose how to proceed. The
page appears when the user attempts to access the corporate network and remains
until login succeeds, is skipped or if the endpoint is released via the Console or the
Assets Portal.

Login Page and Guest Registration Form

Automatically approve guest registrations

For guests to be automatically approved after completing the Guest Registration
form, select Automatic approval of guests after registration in the Guest page.
You may want to do this if you anticipate many guests and do not have the
resources to accept or reject each one, but do want to keep track of who registered.
Guests fill out a registration form with identity information, including an email
address. Identity information is stored on a guest server (the Appliance) and can be
viewed by a sponsor in the Guest Management Portal or by a CounterACT operator in
the Guest Registration option, Registered Guests tab. See Pre-Registration and Guest
Registration Management. Guests log in using their email address as their user
name, together with a password that that they defined during registration.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Require email approval by an authorized, corporate sponsor

For guests to be approved by authorized individuals, called sponsors, in your
organization, type the email addresses of the sponsors in the Manual sponsor
approval of guests field. Email addresses must be comma-separated. There is no
limit to the number of sponsors that you can list, and only one must grant approval.
After approval, guests are sent a password that that is automatically generated by
CounterACT. When guests log in to the network, their credentials are checked
against the credentials that were approved. Identity information is stored on a guest
server (the Appliance) and can be viewed by a sponsor in the Guest Management
Portal or by a CounterACT operator in the Guest Registration option, Registered
Guests tab. See Pre-Registration and Guest Registration Management.

Activating the Registration Process

By default, the policy action used to activate the Guest Registration form and other
web pages or emails used for the guest registration process is disabled. This means
that if you choose to enable guest registration from the policy template, you still
must activate the registration process from the policy sub-rule.
The template is designed this way so that you can run the policy once to get a sense
of how your endpoints are classified, fine-tune the policy, and then activate the
corporate log in and guest registration process.

To activate this process:

1. Right-click the Guest Hosts sub-rule for this policy from the Policy Manager.
2. Select Quick Edit.
3. Select Actions and enable the HTTP Login action.
4. Select OK and then Apply.

Defining Network Access Restrictions to Guest Hosts

After you have run the policy, classified your endpoints and registered them, you can
assign access restrictions to unauthorized endpoints. Two options are available to
restrict guest access from this template. These options are disabled by default.
Assign to VLAN action: Move guest hosts to a predefined VLAN from which
network access can be restricted. A Guest VLAN must be included in the IP
address range defined for this policy. The VLAN must be defined on all
switches on which guest hosts can be found.
Virtual Firewall action: Block guests from your network.

What Happens When the Domain, NetBIOS or

Authentication Values Are Changed?
If domain, NetBIOS or authentication values are changed after running the template,
the policy values must be updated manually. Specifically, parameters defined in the
template are not linked to domain and authentication settings. For example, if you
update the domain name in the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin, you must update this
value for the policy as well. You can update policy credentials via a property List an
editable list of these credentials that is automatically generated with the template.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

External Disk Drive Compliance Template

This section covers:
About the External Disk Drive Compliance Template
Using the External Disk Drive Compliance Template
Which Endpoints Are Inspected Policy Scope
Detecting Authorized External Disk Drives
Detecting External Disk Drives Policy Sub-Rules
Handling Noncompliant External Disk Drives Policy Actions

About the External Disk Drive Compliance Template

This template lets you analyze the compliance level at your network for external disk
drives connected to Windows endpoints. The policy categorizes endpoints with
connected drives into compliant and noncompliant CounterACT groups that can be
viewed in the Home view, Compliance folder.
Compliant external disk drives should be authorized disk drives, i.e. drives that you
allow on your network. Disk drives are identified by their ID.
In addition, policy actions can be used to guide endpoint users to compliance, to
automatically disable external disk drives that are not compliant, or shut down
endpoints with unauthorized disk drives.

Consider which endpoints you want to inspect. CounterACT does not handle
endpoints outside the Internal Network.
Verify that you have run and fine-tuned the Asset Classification and
Corporate/Guest Control templates. The External Disk Drive Compliance
template applies only to corporate, Windows endpoints. These groups are
automatically included in the scope.
Verify that the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin is configured with credentials
that allow it to remotely inspect corporate Windows endpoints. This may
require using Windows Group Policy to allow access from all CounterACT
Appliances to port 445/TCP on domain endpoint devices.

Using the External Disk Drive Compliance Template

To use the template:
1. Select the Policy tab. The Policy Manager opens.
2. Select Add.
3. Select the Compliance folder.
4. Select the External Disk Drive Compliance template.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

5. Select Next. The Name page opens.

External Disk Drive Compliance, Policy Name

6. Edit the name, and if required add a description. See Naming Tips for
guidelines about creating effective names.
7. Select Next. The Scope page appears. Use this page to determine which
endpoints are inspected by the policy.

Which Endpoints Are Inspected Policy Scope

1. Use the IP Address Range dialog box to specify the endpoints that you want
the policy to inspect.

External Disk Drive Compliance, Scope

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

The following options are available:

All IPs: Include all addresses in the Internal Network. The Internal
Network was defined when CounterACT was set up.
Segment: Select a previously defined segment of the network. To specify
multiple segments, select OK to close the IP Address Range dialog box,
and select Segments from the Scope page.
IP Range: Define a range of IP addresses. These addresses must be
within the Internal Network.
Unknown IP addresses: Apply the policy to endpoints whose IP
addresses are not known. Endpoint detection is based on the endpoint
MAC address. Not applicable for this policy template.
2. Select OK. The added range appears in the Scope page.
3. To filter the specified ranges or add exceptions, select (Advanced).

4. Select Next. The External Disk Drive page opens. This page lets you define
which external disk drives are acceptable.

Detecting Authorized External Disk Drives

You instruct CounterACT which external disk drives are authorized by applying a
user-defined whitelist of authorized external disk drives to the policy. Endpoints
using these drives are placed in the Hosts with compliant Disk Drives group.
Endpoints not using these drives are placed in the Hosts with noncompliant Disk
Drives group.
The list is based on external device disk IDs group.
Lists are created from the Inventory or by using the List option. See Working with
Inventory Detections and Defining and Managing Lists for details.
If no list exists, the wizard lets you create one here. It is important to note that the
device ID name entered must exactly match the actual name of the device ID,
including character spacing, and is case-sensitive.
You can create an empty list and add compliant ID numbers later.

To select or create a whitelist:

1. If you are using an existing whitelist, select it from the drop-down list.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

External Disk Drive Compliance, Whitelist

2. To create a new List, select Add.

The New List dialog box opens.

External Disk Drive Compliance, Whitelist Add Value List

3. The property displayed is External Devices>ID. This instructs CounterACT to

looks for external disk drives based in their ID number. Type a list name, for
example, Authorized External Disk Drives.
4. Select Add. The Add Value dialog box opens.

External Disk Drive Compliance, Whitelist Add Value

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

5. Enter the authorized external disk drive ID. It is important to type the exact
device ID. This ID is what CounterACT detects when an external device is
connected to an endpoint.
6. Select OK. The added value is displayed on the New List dialog box.
7. Select Next. The Sub-Rules page opens.

Detecting External Disk Drives Policy Sub-Rules

The policy finds endpoints that have external disk drives connected whether
compliant or noncompliant. You can view the sub-rules used by the policy.

External Disk Drive Compliance, Sub-Rules

To view sub-rules:
1. Select a sub-rule and then select Edit.
2. View the sub-rule details and select OK.

Handling Noncompliant External Disk Drives Policy

Policy actions instruct CounterACT how to respond to endpoints that have
noncompliant disk drives connected.
Add to Group: Noncompliant disk drives are added to a group called Hosts
with noncompliant Disk Drives, a subgroup of the Hosts with connected
Disk Drives group under External Devices. This action is enabled by
HTTP Notification: Notify users that a noncompliant disk drive has been
detected on their endpoints through their browsers, and to prompt them to
disconnect such a drive. This action is disabled by default.
Set Registry Key: Set the registry key to disable endpoints with noncompliant
disk drives. This is disabled by default.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Disable External Device: Automatically disable noncompliant disk drives. This

is disabled by default.

To view these actions:

1. Select Sub-Rule 3, Hosts with Noncompliant Disk Drives, from the Sub-
Rules dialog box.
2. Select Edit.
3. Review the actions in the Actions section.
4. Select OK. The Sub-Rules page appears.
5. Select Finish.
When an external device is detected by CounterACT, it may not automatically appear
in your whitelist. If this happens it is recommended to add it to the list. For more
information about how to add newly detected external devices to the list see Defining
and Managing Lists and Working with Inventory Detections.

Overall Endpoint Compliance Template

This section covers:
About the Overall Endpoint Compliance Template
Using the Overall Endpoint Compliance Template
Which Endpoints Are Inspected Policy Scope
Require and Restrict Pages
Detecting Compliance Status Policy Condition
How CounterACT Handles Noncompliant Devices Policy Actions
Compliance Notification at Endpoint

About the Overall Endpoint Compliance Template

This template lets you analyze the compliance level at your network for commonly
used Windows compliance policies, for example, users who have installed peer-to-
peer applications or endpoints who have not updated their antivirus applications. The
policy categorizes noncompliant endpoints into noncompliant CounterACT groups that
can be viewed in the Home view>Compliance folder. In addition, policy actions can
be used to let you guide endpoint users to compliance without disrupting their

Macintosh Update Compliance is not handled by the Overall Endpoint

Compliance template since it is not a Windows policy. Use the Macintosh
Update Compliance template to create an individual policy.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Consider which endpoints you want to inspect. CounterACT does not handle
endpoints outside the Internal Network.
Verify that you have run and fine-tuned the Asset Classification and
Corporate/Guest Control templates. The Overall Endpoint Compliance
template applies only to corporate, Windows endpoints. These groups are
automatically included in the scope. To view them, run the policy and then
use the edit tools to view the policy Main Rule.
Verify that the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin is configured with credentials
that allow it to remotely inspect corporate Windows endpoints. This may
require using Windows Group Policy to allow access from all CounterACT
Appliances to port 445/TCP on domain endpoint devices.

Using the Overall Endpoint Compliance Template

To use the template:
1. Select Add from the Policy Manager.
2. Select the Compliance folder.
3. Select the Overall Endpoint Compliance template.
4. Select Next. The Scope page opens. Use the page to define which endpoints
are inspected.

Which Endpoints Are Inspected Policy Scope

1. Use the IP Address Range dialog box to specify the endpoints that you want
the policy to inspect.

Overall Endpoint Compliance, Scope

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

The following options are available:

All IPs: Include all addresses in the Internal Network. The Internal
Network was defined when CounterACT was set up.
Segment: Select a previously defined segment of the network. To specify
multiple segments, select OK to close the IP Address Range dialog box,
and select Segments from the Scope page.
IP Range: Define a range of IP addresses. These addresses must be
within the Internal Network.
Unknown IP addresses: Apply the policy to endpoints whose IP
addresses are not known. Endpoint detection is based on the endpoint
MAC address. Not applicable for this policy template.
2. Select OK. The added range appears in the Scope page.
3. To filter the specified ranges or add exceptions, select (Advanced).

4. Select Next. The Require page opens.

Require and Restrict Pages

The Require/Restrict pages display the compliance tests that you can perform.

Define which applications must be installed at endpoints.

Overall Endpoint Compliance, Require

Verify that a personal firewall is running.

Verify that at least one antivirus application is running and has been updated
within the past two weeks. Select the antivirus vendors that you want the
policy to find.
Verify that the endpoint is patched with the most current Microsoft published
vulnerability updates.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Define which applications should not be allowed at endpoints.

Overall Endpoint Compliance, Restrict

Verify that no peer-to-peer application is installed on the endpoint.

Verify that no instant messaging application is installed on the endpoint.

To define tests:
1. Select the tests that you want to perform.
2. Select Next. The Summary page opens. It displays the list of policies that
have been set using the Overall Endpoint Compliance template.

Overall Endpoint Compliance, Summary

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Detecting Compliance Status Policy Condition

Inspection Sequence
Endpoints are inspected in the order shown in the dialog box. Select the compliance
tests that you want to perform. When the policy verifies that an endpoint meets a
compliance requirement, that endpoint is moved to the next compliance test. For
example, if CounterACT discovers that the antivirus installed is compliant, the
endpoint is next checked for personal firewall compliance. If compliance is not met,
inspection is halted and the endpoint is placed in a noncompliant group.

To change the order:

1. Select a compliance test and then select Edit. The Compliance dialog box
opens for the test that you have selected.

Antivirus Compliance, Sub-Rules

2. Use the Up and Down buttons to change the endpoint inspection order.

Before Inspection
Before inspecting endpoints defined in the Scope page, the policy verifies that
CounterACT can perform deep inspection. This means that either:
CounterACT can access the endpoint via TCP ports 139/445 and is able to
inspect it using domain credentials. When this happens, the endpoint is
manageable (domain). Unmanageable endpoints are usually foreign to the

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

The endpoint is accessible to CounterACT via SecureConnector.

SecureConnector is a lightweight, small-footprint executable that runs at the
endpoint so that CounterACT can inspect it. SecureConnector opens an
encrypted tunnel to CounterACT, allowing remote endpoint inspection; similar
to how a domain member endpoint would be inspected. Endpoint users at
unmanageable endpoints can be prompted via a template action to run
SecureConnector and allow deep inspection, i.e. become manageable.
Corporate windows endpoints that are not manageable are displayed as matched for
the Not manageable sub-rule.

To view this condition:

1. Select the Not Manageable sub-rule from the Sub-Rules page.
2. Select Edit.
3. Select the NOT Manageable (Domain) or the NOT Windows Manageable
(SecureConnector) criterion from the Condition section of the Sub-Rules
dialog box that opens.
4. Select Edit. The condition values appear.

To view or enable the SecureConnector action:

1. Select the Not Manageable sub-rule from the Sub-Rules page and select
2. From the Actions section, select Start SecureConnector.
3. Select Edit. The action definition is displayed. Review the information about
SecureConnector if needed.
4. Select OK.
5. Select Enable from the Actions section to run SecureConnector on
unmanageable endpoints.

Inspection Details
Sub-rule conditions criteria define how CounterACT detects endpoint compliance
The template finds endpoints that are not running one of the personal
firewalls listed in the page. For example:
Windows Firewall
Symantec Firewall
Sophos Firewall
McAfee Personal Firewall
Internet Connection Firewall (ICF)

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

See the Personal Firewall property for more information. Additional

applications may become recognizable in between version updates. These
changes are documented in the HPS Applications Plugin Release Notes. Refer
to the HPS Applications Plugin Configuration Guide for more information about
the plugin. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select this
plugin and then select Help.
The policy finds endpoints that have NOT installed any of the antivirus
applications selected in the Compliance page. See the Antivirus Installed
property for more information.
The policy finds endpoints that have installed required antivirus
applications, but are NOT running them. See the Antivirus Running
property for more information about the detection mechanism.
The policy finds endpoints that are running out-of-date antivirus
applications. By default, antivirus applications should be updated every two
weeks. If the update is older than this period, the endpoint is considered
noncompliant. You can change the update period if required. See the Antivirus
Update Date property for more information about the detection mechanism.
The policy finds endpoints that have not updated with the most
current Microsoft published vulnerability patches. See Microsoft
Vulnerabilities for more information about the detection mechanism.
The policy finds endpoints that have installed at least one of the peer-
to-peer applications listed in the page. For example:

Shareaza Twister LimeWire FolderShare

iMesh TrustyFiles Warez BitComet
gnutella Soulseek Kazaa BitTorrent
eMule Morpheus Jubster BearShare
FrostWire MP3 Rocket

Additional applications may become recognizable in between version updates.

These changes are documented in the HPS Applications Plugin Release Notes.
Refer to the HPS Applications Plugin Configuration Guide for more information
about this plugin. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins.
Select this plugin and then select Help.
The policy finds endpoints that have installed at least one of the
instant messaging applications listed in the page. For example:

Yahoo! Messenger MSN Messenger AOL Instant Messenger

Trillian ICQ Camfrog
Skype Google Talk PaltalkScene

Additional applications may become recognizable in between version updates.

These changes are documented in the HPS Applications Plugin Release Notes.
Refer to the HPS Applications Plugin Configuration Guide for more information
about this plugin. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins.
Select this plugin and then select Help.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

How CounterACT Handles Irresolvable Endpoints

If CounterACT cannot resolve the status of the endpoint, it will not be placed in a
relevant compliance group, i.e. Personal FW Inactive group. Irresolvable endpoints
can be displayed by selecting the policy and selecting Irresolvable at the Detections
pane. An exception is the Antivirus Update rule, which, if irresolvable, is evaluated
by CounterACT as compliant.

How CounterACT Handles Noncompliant Devices Policy

Template actions instruct CounterACT how to respond to endpoints that are not
compliant. This template creates separate policies for each endpoint, which are listed
one by one in the Policy pane.

Overall Endpoint Compliance, Listings

Antivirus Applications Not Installed, Running or Updated

The endpoint is added to the appropriate group: Antivirus Not Installed,
Antivirus Not Running or Antivirus Not Updated. The action is enabled by
Email notification is sent to the CounterACT operator. The generic messages
can be modified from the template Sub-Rule dialog box. The action is disabled
by default.
Email and web notification is sent to noncompliant users, indicating that their
computers are not running a corporate antivirus application. Users are asked
to contact IT and the Helpdesk for instructions. The generic messages can be
modified from the template Sub-Rule dialog box. The action is disabled by

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Stopped antivirus applications are automatically restarted. The action is

disabled by default.

Personal Firewall Not Active

The endpoint is added to the Personal FW Inactive group. The action is
enabled by default.
Email notification is sent to the CounterACT operator. The action is disabled
by default.
Email and web notification are sent to noncompliant users, indicating that
their computers are not running the authorized applications. The action is
disabled by default.

Peer-to-Peer or Instant Messaging Applications Running

The endpoint is added to the appropriate group: P2P Installed, P2P Running,
IM Installed or IM Running. The action is enabled by default.
Email notification is sent to the CounterACT operator. The action is disabled
by default.
Email and web notification are sent to the noncompliant users, indicating that
their computers are not running the authorized applications. Users are asked
to contact IT and the Helpdesk for instructions. The action is disabled by

Endpoints with Microsoft Vulnerabilities

The endpoint is added to the Windows Not Updated group. This action is
enabled by default.
Two remediation actions are available. These actions are disabled by default.
The two are related and should be enabled simultaneously.
Automatic Remediation: This action uses the standard Microsoft system
for vulnerability remediation. It causes Microsoft software to assess the
endpoints vulnerabilities, decide which patches are required, and
download and install the patches. See Start Windows Updates for more
information about this action.
Self-Remediation: This action prompts the user to perform remediation. It
is scheduled to start one hour after the Automatic Remediation action.
Only if automatic remediation fails or is taking too long will the self-
remediation occur. When using this action, CounterACT delivers web
notification to network users indicating that specific vulnerabilities were
detected on their machines. The notification includes a list of links that
should be accessed in order to patch vulnerabilities. The endpoint cannot
access the web until it is patched. The process for verifying this is
automated when the endpoint is rechecked. An option is also available for
the user to run the recheck directly from the web page. See Windows Self
Remediation for more information about this action.

To view, customize and enable these actions:

1. Select an action from the Sub-Rules section of the Compliance page.
2. Select Edit.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Instant Messaging Compliance, Sub-Rules

3. From the Actions section, select an action and select Edit. The action
definition is displayed.
4. Select OK. The Compliance page reopens.
5. From the Actions section, select an action and then select Enable to run it.
6. Select OK. The Main Rule page reopens.
7. Select Finish.

Compliance Notification at Endpoint

If there is noncompliance at the endpoint, CounterACT notifies the user. On the
Windows Notification Bar at the bottom of the window, the CounterACT icon is
displayed in red. Placing the cursor over the icon, the endpoint details are displayed.

Noncompliance Indication

Individual Compliance Templates

You can create individual compliance templates for any of the entries listed in the
Overall Endpoint Compliance template including Instant Messaging, Antivirus, Peer-

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

to-Peer and Windows Updates instead of running the policies together. Refer to the
templates located under the Compliance folder for details about each option.

The policies created using the individual compliance templates inspect only
Windows machines. To inspect Macintosh machines, use the Macintosh
Update Compliance template.

Windows Update Compliance Template

About Windows Update Compliance Template
Using the Windows Update Compliance Template
Which Endpoints Are Inspected Policy Scope
Detecting Noncompliant Windows Endpoints Policy Condition
Handling Windows Hosts Policy Actions

About Windows Update Compliance Template

This policy allows you to detect hosts that have not updated with the latest
Microsoft-published vulnerability patches, and to create a Windows Not Updated
group. In addition, optional remediation actions, disabled by default, can be used to:
Install SecureConnector to manage Windows machines.
Allow endpoint users to remediate from the desktop.
Allow automatic remediation.

Asset Classification and Guest provisions must have already been activated.
Detected endpoints must be categorized into Windows, Macintosh and
Corporate groups.
Endpoints must be manageable. The template verifies which endpoints are
manageable and which are not. See Start SecureConnector / Stop
SecureConnector for information regarding the SecureConnector connection.

Using the Windows Update Compliance Template

To use the template:
1. Select Add from the Policy Manager.
2. Select the Compliance folder and then select Windows Update Compliance.
3. Select Next.
4. Edit the name if required and add a description. See Naming Tips for
guidelines about creating effective names.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

5. Select Next. The Scope page opens. Use the page to define which endpoints
are inspected.

Which Endpoints Are Inspected Policy Scope

1. Use the IP Address Range dialog box to specify the endpoints that you want
the policy to inspect.

Windows Update Compliance, Scope

The following options are available:

All IPs: Include all addresses in the Internal Network. The Internal
Network was defined when CounterACT was set up.
Segment: Select a previously defined segment of the network. To specify
multiple segments, select OK to close the IP Address Range dialog box,
and select Segments from the Scope page.
IP Range: Define a range of IP addresses. These addresses must be
within the Internal Network.
Unknown IP addresses: Apply the policy to endpoints whose IP
addresses are not known. Endpoint detection is based on the endpoint
MAC address. Not applicable for this policy template.
2. Select OK. The added range appears in the Scope page.
3. To filter the specified ranges or add exceptions, select (Advanced).

4. Select Next. The Sub-Rules page opens. This page lets you review policy
conditions and actions.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Detecting Noncompliant Windows Endpoints Policy

The policy finds endpoints that have not updated with the most current Windows
updates. This requires that the endpoint is managed by CounterACT, via
SecureConnector or remotely. Endpoints waiting for a reboot following the
installation of a previous patch updated until after the reboot.

To view this condition:

1. Select one of the sub-rules from the Sub-Rules page.

Windows Update Compliance, Sub-Rules

2. Select Edit.
3. From the Condition section of the Sub-Rules dialog box, select Microsoft
Vulnerabilities and select Edit to view the criterion.

Handling Windows Hosts Policy Actions

Policy actions instruct CounterACT how to respond to endpoints that are not updated.
There are three default actions. You can add additional policy actions as required.
Not Manageable: You can make Windows machines manageable by
CounterACT by installing the SecureConnector tool. This action is disabled by
Waiting for Reboot: The updates successfully downloaded and installed on the
Windows machine. CounterACT is now waiting for the endpoint to reboot so as
to complete the update process. This is a status, not an action.
Windows Update Required: The endpoint is added to the Windows Not
Updated group for processing. This is the default action.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

In addition, you can Start Windows Updates to update the endpoints.

Using this action, you have the option of informing the user that a reboot
is required, or forcing the endpoint to reboot automatically. This action is
disabled by default.
You can also run Windows Self Remediation. This action sends the user
links to the updates and patches that must be downloaded and installed to
correct the discovered vulnerabilities. This action is disabled by default.
Compliant: The endpoint does not require any security or vulnerability
update. The endpoint is not added to any additional group, nor are any
actions performed. This is a status, not an action.

To view or enable these actions:

1. Select a rule from the Sub-Rules page.
2. Select Edit.
3. In the Actions section, select the action entry, and select Edit. The action
definition is displayed.
4. Select OK. The Sub-Rules page appears.
5. In the Actions section, select the action and select Enable to run it.
6. Select OK.

Macintosh Update Compliance Template

About Macintosh Update Compliance Template
Using the Macintosh Update Compliance Template
Which Endpoints Are Inspected Policy Scope
Detecting Noncompliant Macintosh Endpoints Policy Condition
Handling Macintosh Hosts Policy Actions

About Macintosh Update Compliance Template

This template lets you verify that endpoints have installed the most current
Macintosh software updates.

Asset Classification and Guest provisions must have already been activated.
Detected endpoints must be categorized into Windows, Macintosh and
Corporate groups.
Endpoints must be manageable. The template verifies which endpoints are
manageable and which are not. See Start SecureConnector / Stop
SecureConnector for information regarding the SecureConnector connection.

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 197

Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Using the Macintosh Update Compliance Template

To use the template:
1. Select Add from the Policy Manager.
2. Select the Compliance folder and then select Macintosh Update
3. Select Next.
4. Edit the name if required and add a description. See Naming Tips for
guidelines about creating effective names.
5. Select Next. The Scope page opens. Use the page to define which endpoints
are inspected.

Which Endpoints Are Inspected Policy Scope

1. Use the IP Address Range dialog box to specify the endpoints that you want
the policy to inspect.

Macintosh Update Compliance, Scope

The following options are available:

All IPs: Include all addresses in the Internal Network. The Internal
Network was defined when CounterACT was set up.
Segment: Select a previously defined segment of the network. To specify
multiple segments, select OK to close the IP Address Range dialog box,
and select Segments from the Scope page.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

IP Range: Define a range of IP addresses. These addresses must be

within the Internal Network.
Unknown IP addresses: Apply the policy to endpoints whose IP
addresses are not known. Endpoint detection is based on the endpoint
MAC address. Not applicable for this policy template.
2. Select OK. The added range appears in the Scope page.
3. To filter the specified ranges or add exceptions, select (Advanced).

4. Select Next. The Sub-Rules page opens. This page lets you review policy
conditions and actions.

Detecting Noncompliant Macintosh Endpoints Policy

The policy finds endpoints that have not updated with the most current Macintosh
updates. This requires that the endpoint be managed by CounterACT via
SecureConnector or remotely.

To view this condition:

1. Select rule 2, Vulnerable Mac Hosts, from the Sub-Rules page.

Macintosh Update Compliance, Sub-Rules

2. Select Edit.
3. From the Condition section of the Sub-Rules dialog box, select Macintosh
Software Updates Missing and select Edit to view the criterion.

Handling Macintosh Hosts Policy Actions

Policy actions instruct CounterACT how to respond to endpoints that are not updated.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Send Email: You can deliver email notification to network users indicating that
specific security and other updates are missing on their machines. This action
is disabled by default.
Start Macintosh Update: You can automatically send an update link to the
endpoint. This action is disabled by default.

To view or enable these actions:

1. Select rule 2, Vulnerable Mac Hosts, from the Sub-Rules page.
2. Select Edit.
3. In the Actions section, select the Start Macintosh Updates entry and select
Edit. The action definition is displayed.
4. Select OK. The Sub-Rules page appears.
5. In the Actions section, select the action and select Enable to run it.
6. Select OK.

Threats Templates
This section describes general guidelines for using all of the Threats templates. It
About the Threats Templates
Using the Threats Templates
Which Endpoints Are Inspected Policy Scope
Malicious Hosts Template
ARP Spoofing Template
Impersonation Template
Dual Homed Template

About the Threats Templates

CounterACT Threats templates let you detect an extensive range of malicious threats
that can compromise the security of your network. You can decide which endpoints
to inspect, and apply policy conditions and actions through the templates to enable
you to neutralize malicious threats.
The following Threats templates are available:
Malicious Hosts Template
ARP Spoofing Template
Impersonation Template
Dual Homed Template

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

There are no prerequisites for any of the Threats templates.

Using the Threats Templates

To run the various templates:
1. Select Add from the Policy Manager.
2. Select the Threats folder.
3. Select the appropriate template for the policy that you want to create.
4. Edit the name if required and add a description. See Naming Tips for
guidelines about creating effective names.
5. Select Next. The Scope page opens. Use this page to define which endpoints
are inspected.

Which Endpoints Are Inspected Policy Scope

1. Use the IP Address Range dialog box to specify the endpoints that you want
the policy to inspect.

Threats (Dual Homed), Scope

The following options are available:

All IPs: Include all addresses in the Internal Network. The Internal
Network was defined when CounterACT was set up.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Segment: Select a previously defined segment of the network. To specify

multiple segments, select OK to close the IP Address Range dialog box,
and select Segments from the Scope page.
IP Range: Define a range of IP addresses. These addresses must be
within the Internal Network.
Unknown IP addresses: Apply the policy to endpoints whose IP
addresses are not known. Endpoint detection is based on the endpoint
MAC address. Not applicable for this policy template.
2. Select OK. The added range appears in the Scope page.
3. To filter the specified ranges or add exceptions, select (Advanced).

4. Select Next. Either the Main Rule or Sub-Rules page opens. These pages lets
you review policy conditions and actions.

Malicious Hosts Template

This section covers:
About the Malicious Hosts Template
How Malicious Hosts Are Detected Policy Condition
How Malicious Hosts Are Handled Policy Actions

About the Malicious Hosts Template

Use this template to create a policy that tracks malicious network activity, for
example, worm infections or malware propagation attempts. It can be used to
enhance automatic Threat Protection Policy actions, which are limited to blocking

How Malicious Hosts Are Detected Policy Condition

Malicious endpoint activity is detected using CounterACTs Active Response
technology, an innovative, patented technology created by ForeScout Technologies
that effectively mitigates human attackers, worms and other self-propagating
malware. Active Response technology accurately pinpoints and halts threats at the
earliest stages of the infection process. Refer to Chapter 12: Threat Protection for
more information.
The policy conditions instruct CounterACT to detect a wide range of scan, bite and
email anomaly events. If an endpoint has performed one of these events,
CounterACT evaluates it as malicious.
What are these events?

Scan event A Threat Protection event indicating that an endpoint performed a

configurable number of network probes within a certain time
Bite event An event in which a malicious endpoint tries to gain access to the
protected network using CounterACT bait.
Email anomaly event Unusual email activity, for example, endpoints that send more
than a certain number of emails within a specified time period. The
default is ten mails within one minute.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

For more information about these events, see About Threat Protection and Basic

To view conditions:
1. Select the Malicious Event entry from the Condition section of the Main
Rule page.

Malicious Hosts, Main Rule

2. Select Edit to review details about the condition.

Malicious Hosts, Main Rule Properties

3. Select OK. The Main Rule page reopens.

4. Select Finish.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

How Malicious Hosts Are Handled Policy Actions

Template actions instruct CounterACT how to respond to endpoints that are
Send Email: A predefined action lets you send email to the CounterACT
administrator indicating that a malicious event was detected at an endpoint.
The email provides information about the endpoint, for example, the IP
address, the user logged in and User Directory information. You must provide
an email address recipient. This action is disabled by default.
HTTP Notification: A predefined action lets you deliver browser notification to
the end user, indicating that malicious activity has been detected. This action
is disabled by default.

To view or enable actions:

1. Select an entry from the Actions section of the Main Rule page.
2. Select Edit.
3. Review action details.
4. Select OK. The Main Rule page reopens.
5. Select an action and then select the associated checkbox to enable it.
6. Select Finish.

ARP Spoofing Template

This section covers:
About the ARP Spoofing Template
How ARP Spoofing Is Detected Policy Condition
How ARP Spoofing Is Handled Policy Actions
Refer to the Port Mirroring in CounterACT Advanced Technical Note for more
information about configuring your environment for detecting ARP spoofing.

About the ARP Spoofing Template

Use this template to create a policy that tracks and remediates attempts to
maliciously direct network traffic. ARP spoofing is a technique used to attack an
Ethernet network that may allow an attacker to sniff data frames on a Local Area
Network (LAN), modify the traffic, or completely halt it. The aim is to associate the
attackers MAC address with the IP address of another node. Any traffic meant for
that IP address would be mistakenly sent to the attacker instead. The attacker could
then choose to forward the traffic to the actual default gateway (passive sniffing) or
modify the data before forwarding it.

How ARP Spoofing Is Detected Policy Condition

ARP spoofing activity is detected by tracking whether the number of different MAC
addresses for a specific IP address exceeds the number specified in the criterion.
Generally, this number is one. The template conditions instruct CounterACT to
indicate if the number of different MAC addresses reported for an IP address over a

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

specific time period exceeds a certain limit. You can define the number of MAC
address and the time period.

To view conditions:
1. Select the ARP Spoofing entry from the Condition section of the Main Rule

ARP Spoofing, Main Rule

2. Select Edit to view the criterion.

ARP Spoofing, Criteria

3. Select OK. The Main Rule page reopens.

4. Select Finish.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

How ARP Spoofing Is Handled Policy Actions

Template actions instruct CounterACT how to respond to endpoints on which ARP
Spoofing activities have been detected.
Send Email: A predefined action lets you send email to the CounterACT
administrator indicating that an ARP Spoofing activity was detected at an
endpoint. The email provides information about the endpoint, for example,
the IP address, the user logged in and User Directory information. You must
provide an email address recipient. This action is disabled by default.

To view or enable this action:

1. Select it from the Actions section of the Main Rule page.
2. Select Edit.
3. Review action details.
4. Select OK. The Main Rule page reopens.
5. Select the checkbox to enable it and then select Finish.

Impersonation Template
This section covers:
About the Impersonation Template
How Impersonation Is Detected Policy Condition
How Impersonation Is Handled Policy Actions

About the Impersonation Template

This template allows you to track impersonation activity on your network.
Impersonation is a technique used by an unauthorized individual masquerading as
someone who is authorized, for the purpose of gaining access to data on your

How Impersonation Is Detected Policy Condition

Impersonation activity is detected by tracking a change in the Nmap-Network
function of the endpoint.
The template conditions instruct CounterACT to detect a change in the Nmap-
Network function of the endpoint as indication of impersonations attempts.

To view and edit the condition:

1. Select the entry from the Condition section of the Main Rule page.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Impersonation, Main Rule

2. Select Edit to view the criterion.

3. Select OK. The Main Rule page reopens.
4. Select Finish.

How Impersonation Is Handled Policy Actions

Template actions instruct CounterACT how to respond to endpoints on which
impersonation activities have been detected.
Send Email: A predefined action lets you send email to the CounterACT
administrator indicating that an impersonation activity was detected at an
endpoint. The email provides information about the endpoint, for example,
the IP address, the user logged in and User Directory information. You must
provide an email address recipient. This action is disabled by default.

To view or enable this action:

1. Select the action from the Actions section of the Main Rule page.
2. Select Edit.
3. Review action details.
4. Select OK. The Main Rule page reopens.
5. Select the checkbox to enable it and then select Finish.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Dual Homed Template

This section covers:
About the Dual Homed Template
How Dual-Homed Threats Are Detected Policy Condition
How Threats to Dual-Homed Hosts Are Handled Policy Actions

About the Dual Homed Template

Use this template to create a policy that tracks threats from dual-homed Windows
endpoints endpoints that are assigned more than one IP address or use network
adapters that act as a bridge between trusted and untrusted networks on endpoints.
In such cases, a separate address can be used to connect to different networks. This
information may be important because endpoints connected to more than one
network can be used as routers to transmit malicious traffic. Endpoints connected to
both wireless and land networks can also create back doors to hackers and worms.
The policy template actions let you notify security teams when dual-homed endpoints
are detected.
If endpoints are managed by SecureConnector, you can disable network adapters
that act as a bridge between trusted and untrusted networks. All connections are
disabled, except for the connection used by SecureConnector. Disabled adapters are
re-enabled when SecureConnector disconnects from the trusted network. The actions
are disabled by default.

How Dual-Homed Threats Are Detected Policy Condition

Threats from dual-homed endpoints are detected in one of two ways:
SecureConnector Manageable Sub-Rule
Detect Windows endpoints managed by SecureConnector. These endpoints
will have one at least network adapter connected to the host, used for the
SecureConnector connection to the Appliance.
Detect one or more additional enabled network adapters.
Verify that the additional adapter is not already disabled by
SecureConnector or used by SecureConnector to connect to the Appliance.
Hosts that meet these criteria are considered dual-homed. You can manage
these endpoints by notifying your IT or Security team or disabling the
network adapter not used by SecureConnector. See How Threats to Dual-
Homed Hosts Are Handled Policy Actions.
Domain Manageable Sub-Rule
Detect Windows endpoints managed remotely, i.e. if CounterACT has
access to the endpoint remote registry and file system, and is not
managed by SecureConnector as well.
Detect endpoints with more than one IP address. Endpoints associated
with more than one IP address are considered dual-homed.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

You can fine-tune the template policy by defining the IP addresses that are to
be ignored when calculating using the Number of IP Addresses property. To
do this, navigate to Tools>Options>HPS Inspection Engine>Tuning tab.

If endpoints meet these criteria they are considered dual-homed. You can manage
these endpoints by notifying your IT or Security team. See How Threats to Dual-
Homed Hosts Are Handled Policy Actions.
To further control these endpoints, you can disable the network adapter and use the
Start SecureConnector action to manage the endpoints with SecureConnector. When
this happens the endpoints will be automatically detected by the SecureConnector
Manageable Sub-Rule.

To view and edit conditions:

1. Select a Dual Homed entry from the Sub-Rules page.

Dual Homed, Main Rule

2. Select Edit to view the sub-rule and its criteria.

Dual Homed, Criteria

3. Select OK. The Sub-Rules Rule page reopens.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

4. If required, repeat the previous steps for another Dual Homed entry.
5. Select Finish.

How Threats to Dual-Homed Hosts Are Handled Policy Actions

Template actions instruct CounterACT how to respond to endpoints on which threats
to a dual-homed network have been detected. Dual-homed endpoints can be handled
in two ways; depending on how the dual-homed endpoint is managed.
Send Email: A predefined action lets you send email to the CounterACT
administrator indicating that a threat to a dual-homed network was detected
at an endpoint. The email provides information about the endpoint; for
example, the IP address, the user logged in and User Directory information.
You must provide an email address recipient. This action is disabled by
Disable Dual Homed: A predefined action lets you disable network adapters
that act as a bridge between trusted and untrusted networks on endpoints
managed by SecureConnector. All connections are disabled, except for the
connection used by SecureConnector. Disabled adapters are re-enabled when
SecureConnector disconnects from the trusted network. This action is disabled
by default.

To view or enable these actions:

1. Select an action from the Actions section of a Sub-Rule page.
2. Select Edit.
3. Review action details.
4. Select OK. The Sub-Rule page reopens.
5. Select the checkbox to enable it and then select Finish.

Track Changes Templates

Track Changes templates help you create policies for monitoring the following
changes in your network:
Application Change
Hostname Change
Operating System Change
Shared Folder Change
Switch Change
User Change
Windows Service Change
New TCP/IP Port
Under certain circumstances, such changes may be indicative of malicious activity or
security breaches. These policies can be used, for example, to alert you if an

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

application version has been altered or a new application has been introduced into
your network.
This section describes the guidelines for using all of the templates except for New
TCP/IP Port template. This section covers:
Using the Track Changes Templates
Which Hosts Are Inspected Policy Scope
How Frequently Are Endpoints Inspected Change Time
How a Change Is Detected Policy Condition
How a Change Is Handled Policy Actions
How to Modify a Condition Advanced Settings
For details about using the New TCP/IP Port template, see About the New TCP/IP
Port Template.

There are no prerequisites for any of the Track Changes templates.

Using the Track Changes Templates

To run the various Track Changes templates:
1. Select Add from the Policy Manager.
2. Select the Track Changes folder.
3. Select the appropriate template for the policy that you want to create.
4. Edit the name if required and add a description. See Naming Tips for
guidelines about creating effective names.
5. Select Next. The Scope page opens. Use the IP Address Range dialog box to
define which endpoints are inspected.
6. Select Next. The Change Time page opens. Use this page to set the detection
interval and time period.
7. Select Next. The Main Rule or Sub-Rules page opens. Review policy
conditions and actions.

Which Hosts Are Inspected Policy Scope

1. Use the IP Address Range dialog box to specify the endpoints that you want
the policy to inspect.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Track Changes, Scope

The following options are available:

All IPs: Include all addresses in the Internal Network. The Internal
Network was defined when CounterACT was set up.
Segment: Select a previously defined segment of the network. To specify
multiple segments, select OK to close the IP Address Range dialog box,
and select Segments from the Scope page.
IP Range: Define a range of IP addresses. These addresses must be
within the Internal Network.
Unknown IP addresses: Apply the policy to endpoints whose IP
addresses are not known. Endpoint detection is based on the endpoint
MAC address. Not applicable for this policy template.
2. Select OK. The added range appears in the Scope page.
3. To filter the specified ranges or add exceptions, select (Advanced).

4. Select Next. The Change Time page opens.

How Frequently Are Endpoints Inspected Change Time

You must define the frequency at which to inspect endpoints for changes. Define this
setting in the Change Time dialog box.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Track Changes, Change Time

1. Select Next. The Main Rule or Sub-Rules page opens. This page lets you
review policy conditions and actions.

How a Change Is Detected Policy Condition

The template condition instructs CounterACT to detect the addition or removal of any
element that you are tracking.

To view and edit conditions:

1. Select the tracked element in the Main Rule or Sub-Rules page.

Track Changes, Sub-Rules

2. Select a sub-rule.
3. Select Edit to review the entry. The Sub-Rules Condition dialog box opens.
4. Select an entry in the Condition section of the Sub-Rules Condition dialog
5. Select Edit to review the entry. The Condition dialog box opens.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Track Changes, Criteria

6. Select OK.

How a Change Is Handled Policy Actions

There are no default actions for any of the Track Changes templates.

How to Modify a Condition Advanced Settings

The bottom section in the Sub-Rules dialog box lets you view and edit the conditions
that you have selected, and apply any exceptions.

To view or modify a condition:

1. Select Edit in the Advanced section of the Sub-Rules page.
2. Select OK.

New TCP/IP Port Template

About the New TCP/IP Port Template
Using the New TCP/IP Port Template
Which Endpoints Are Inspected Policy Scope
Handling Endpoints with New TCP/IP Ports Policy Actions

About the New TCP/IP Port Template

The New TCP/IP Port template lets you track the addition of a new TCP/IP port to
your network. The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the core protocols of
the Internet Protocol suite, and is often referred to as TCP/IP. A new TCP/IP port can
be particularly threatening to the security of your network because TCP provides a

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

communication service between an application program and the Internet Protocol

(IP) when an application sends a large chunk of data across the Internet using IP.

There are no prerequisites for using this template.

Using the New TCP/IP Port Template

To use the template:
1. Select Add from the Policy Manager.
2. Select the Track Changes folder and then select New TCP/IP Port.
3. Select Next.
4. Edit the name if required and add a description. See Naming Tips for
guidelines about creating effective names.
5. Select Next. The Scope page opens.

Which Endpoints Are Inspected Policy Scope

1. Use the IP Address Range dialog box to specify the endpoints that you want
the policy to inspect.

New TCP/IP Port, Scope

The following options are available:

All IPs: Include all addresses in the Internal Network. The Internal
Network was defined when CounterACT was set up.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

Segment: Select a previously defined segment of the network. To specify

multiple segments, select OK to close the IP Address Range dialog box,
and select Segments from the Scope page.
IP Range: Define a range of IP addresses. These addresses must be
within the Internal Network.
Unknown IP addresses: Apply the policy to endpoints whose IP
addresses are not known. Endpoint detection is based on the endpoint
MAC address. Not applicable for this policy template.
2. Select OK. The added range appears in the Scope page.
3. To filter the specified ranges or add exceptions, select (Advanced).

4. Select Next. The Change Time page opens. This page lets you set the time
period and interval for new TCP/IP port detection.
5. Select Next. The Main Rule page opens. This page lets you set conditions for
new TCP/IP port detection.

How Frequently Are Endpoints Inspected Change Time

You must define the frequency at which to track endpoints for changes. Define this
setting in the Change Time page.

New TCP/IP Port, Change Time

1. Select Next. The Main Rule page reopens and lets you review policy
conditions and actions.

Detecting Endpoints with New TCP/IP Ports Policy Condition

CounterACT detects endpoints with new TCP/IP ports when their status changes
between opened and closed. This section describes how to view the condition for
detecting new TCP/IP ports.

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Chapter 4: CounterACT Templates

To view the condition:

1. Select the criterion from the Condition section of the Main Rule page.

New TCP/IP Port, Condition

2. Select Edit.
3. After viewing the criteria and timeframe for new TCP/IP port detection, select

New TCP/IP Port, Criteria

4. The Main Rule page reopens. Select Finish.

Handling Endpoints with New TCP/IP Ports Policy

There are no default actions for the New TCP/IP Port template.

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Chapter 5: Policy Management
What Is a Policy?
Working with Policies
The Policy Manager
Creating Custom Policies
Advanced Policy Options
Policy Preferences
Property Lists
Categorizing Policies
Policy Reports and Logs
Policy Safety Features
Chapter 5: Policy Management

What Is a Policy?
Most network realities consist of complex topologies and architectures; a multitude of
events, users, vendors and devices; continuously changing downloads and patches;
new vulnerabilities; extensive compliance requirements, and more.
CounterACT policies let you automate and simplify the intricate and time-consuming
tasks involved in dealing with these realities. For example:
Pinpoint and quarantine endpoints that are working without antivirus software
or that are not properly patched.
Limit the network access available to guests and consultants.
Enable automated detection of endpoints that are missing required Microsoft
Service Packs, and provide self-remediation tools.
Verify that all mission critical servers are hardened according to the server
hardening policy.
Run scheduled vulnerability checks and automatic repair and protection
Automatically discover and quarantine rogue wireless access points.
Create admission control policies to determine who can access the network
and under what conditions.
Display important policy results in the CounterACT Dashboard. This Executive
Dashboard is a web-based information center that delivers dynamic at-a-
glance information about network compliance, threats and guests.
Policies allow you to define instructions for automatically identifying, analyzing and
responding to a broad range of network activity for the purpose of bringing
endpoints to policy compliance.
Specifically, you use policies to initiate endpoint inspection, specify conditions under
which CounterACT should respond to endpoints, and define actions to perform at
endpoints that match or do not match the policy requirements. You can define
policies as simple as identifying missing laptops or more complex policies that control
network access and VLAN assignment based on the organizational structure.

In addition to creating your own policies, you can also use policy templates
CounterACT-supplied templates that help you quickly create important policies
based on predefined policy parameters.

How Policies Are Structured

Policies are composed of the following elements:
A unique policy name.
A policy scope, for example, the endpoints that you want to inspect.
Policy Conditions: Instructions to CounterACT regarding what properties to
look for on endpoints. For example, detect endpoints running Windows XP and
an outdated Symantec Antivirus application. See About Policy Conditions for
more information.

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Chapter 5: Policy Management

Policy Actions: Measures to take at endpoints, if those properties or condition

are either met or not met; for example, halt peer-to-peer applications, block
Internet access, or notify endpoint users. See About Actions for more
About Templates for Policy Creation
CounterACT is delivered with ready-to-use templates. Using them helps you quickly
create commonly used policies. See Working with Templates for more information.
About Custom Policy Creation
CounterACT lets you carry out extensive, deep inspection on endpoints by creating
your own customized policies. Use the custom feature to create policies not covered
by templates. See Creating Custom Policies.

Working with Policies

This section describes basic information that you will need to know when working
with policies and templates.
When Are Policies Run?
What You See at the Console in the Home view
Using Groups
Broaden the Scope Plugins
Basic Policy Rollout Tips
CounterACT Policy Priorities
Handling Endpoint Identity Changes
Stopping the Policy from the Appliance
Viewing and Managing Endpoints

When Are Policies Run?

By default, endpoints are inspected by policies every eight hours and on any
admission event a network event that indicates the admission of an endpoint into
the network. For example, when it physically connects to a switch port, when its IP
address changes or when it sends out a DHCP request. For more information, see
Admission Based Activation.
Scheduled Rechecks
You can define a time-based recheck schedule for a policy, or for a specific sub-rule
of the policy. For more information, see Updating a Recheck Policy for Unmatched
and Matched Endpoints and Sub-Rule Advanced Options.
Event Driven Monitoring
When SecureConnector is installed on an endpoint, it continuously monitors some
host properties and reports changes in these properties to CounterACT. This triggers
re-evaluation of all policies which include the host property that changed. Event
driven monitoring significantly reduces network traffic, provides the most updated
information without waiting for scheduled policy rechecks, and allows timely

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Chapter 5: Policy Management

response to changes at the endpoint. For more information about event driven
monitoring this feature, refer to the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin Configuration
Guide. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select this plugin and
then select Help.
Working with Policy Results
After running a policy, you can view detection information in the Home view,
Detections pane. You can also manage policies from this location. See Controlling
Endpoints from the Detections Pane for more information.

What You See at the Console in the Home view

Endpoints detected as a result of your policies and templates appear in the Home
view, Detections pane. Select a policy of interest from the Policy folder to view
detection information. The folder is located in the Console, Views pane.
An extensive range of detection information can be added and hidden from the
Detections pane by using the Add/Remove Columns feature. See Adding, Removing
and Reorganizing Columns in the Detections Pane for more information.

What You See at the Console

Information about endpoints inspected by the policy is provided. For example:

Endpoints that match the policy, and the detection time. You can also view
information about unmatched endpoints, endpoints pending inspection and
Machine statistics such as the IP address, MAC address, NetBIOS name and
DNS name.

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Chapter 5: Policy Management

Actions taken at the endpoint. For example, if the endpoint was blocked or if
access was prevented to the Internet.
User directory information.
Switch related information.

Viewing Detection Information per Group or Segment

You can display detections associated with a specific network segment or group.
Groups are endpoints that have something in common for example, endpoints that
run Windows. Groups are defined by users or automatically created via policies. See
Group Basics for more information.
Segments are network subdivisions, for example, a finance department or East coast
regional office, created by users. See Working with CounterACT Segments for more

To filter the view:

1. Select a Segment or Group filter from the Filters pane of the Console.
Endpoints associated with the group or segment are displayed in the
Detections pane.

Filtering View per Group

Viewing Detection Information by Endpoint Status

In addition to viewing endpoints that match your policies, you can also view
information about other endpoints detected, for example, endpoints that do not
match a policy. These endpoints can be managed similarly.

Example of Endpoint Statuses

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Chapter 5: Policy Management

Matched Endpoints that matched the conditions defined in the policy.

Unmatched Endpoints that did not match the conditions defined in the policy.
Pending Endpoints in queue for inspection, according to policy activation
According to the next scheduled inspection
When an admission event is detected
When the policy is manually run
Irresolvable These endpoints were inspected, but CounterACT did not receive enough
information to verify whether they matched the policy conditions. The
endpoints are re-inspected according to activation definitions.
Online\Offline Toggle between viewing only endpoints that are online, or viewing both
online and offline machines.
The Detections pane includes a Connectivity column, which contains
icons indicating the online or offline status of the endpoint. A tooltip
provides details about when the endpoint was last seen.
Offline endpoints are endpoints that were previously discovered but are
no longer connected to the network. If an endpoint is connected to a
network switch that is managed by the Switch Plugin, CounterACT can
discover that the endpoint is offline up to one minute after disconnection
from the network. (default value)
This time period can be changed in the Switch Advanced Settings dialog
box, of the Switch Plugin. Use the Read MACs connected to switch port
and port properties (MAC address table) option. For more information,
refer to the Switch Plugin Configuration Guide. Select Options from the
Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select this plugin and then select Help.
If an endpoint is not connected to a managed switch, CounterACT can
discover that the endpoint is disconnected up to one hour after
disconnection. You can change this time period. See Internal Inactivity
Timeout for details.

To view this column:

Right-click a column header and select Add/Remove columns. Select
Offline Period from the dialog box that opens.
Show Only Displays endpoints that have not been assigned to a CounterACT
Unassigned Appliance. Each endpoint in your network must be assigned to an
Appliance. See Assigning Network IPs to Appliances for more information.

Troubleshooting Messages
Messages about irresolvable issues, failed actions and other errors can be displayed
at the Console. You can also open linked troubleshooting pages that offer
suggestions for handling these issues.

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Troubleshooting Display

To view troubleshooting:

1. Select (Show troubleshooting messages), located at the top right

corner of the Details pane.
2. In the Details pane, review the relevant troubleshooting information. Select
the Details link that appears after the text. The link may appear in any tab
that an unresolved event occurred. A window opens with troubleshooting tips.

Example of Online Troubleshooting

This information is also available from the Host Details dialog box.

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Troubleshooting Toggle

Hiding and Displaying Troubleshooting Messages

You can toggle troubleshooting messages by selecting the Show troubleshooting
messages icon from the Details pane.

Quickly Access Endpoints with Troubleshooting Issues

View endpoints with troubleshooting issues in the Detections pane.
1. Right-click a Detections pane column and select Add/Remove Columns.
2. In the Add/Remove columns dialog box, search field, type troubleshooting
and add the items for display.
3. Select OK. The endpoints with these troubleshooting issues appear in the
Detections pane.

Detections Pane Troubleshooting

Real-Time Policy Status Summary

You can view a real-time compliance status summary for each policy. Policy status
summaries are automatically updated in real time as the endpoint status changes.

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To display real-time endpoint statistics:

1. From the Views pane, move your cursor over a policy or right-click a policy
and select Show Summary.

Policy Status Summary

Using Groups
A group is a collection of endpoints with something in common, such as endpoints
that run Windows, or network guests. An endpoint can belong to any number of
Organizing your endpoints into groups makes it easier to manage and analyze
policies. For example, there is no need for a rule to detect operating system types or
user types. These groups can be defined once and reused for various policies. Fewer
rules mean simpler policies that are easier to prepare, monitor and track.
In policies, groups can be used:
To filter the scope of endpoints inspected by the policy.
To define endpoints excluded from the policyexceptions.
As a policy condition: Automatically perform policies on predefined groups.
For example, define a policy with the condition that endpoints are members of
both the Windows group and the Norton Antivirus Installed group. The policy
can then check whether the antivirus application is running and enable it if
necessary. The Member of Group property is found in the Device Information
property category. See About Policy Conditions for details.
As a policy action: Automatically add endpoints to predefined groups based on
certain conditions. For example, define policies that use the Nmap-OS Class
property and the Add to Group action to organize your endpoints into groups
called Windows, Linux, Macintosh and Other.
There is an additional option to automatically remove the endpoints from the group
when the condition is no longer met. This keeps the group membership constantly
updated. Consider the example where a policy places all endpoints with connected
USB mass storage devices into a group called USB Attached. If someone removes
the USB device from the endpoint, the policy will automatically remove the endpoint
from the USB Attached group.

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Chapter 5: Policy Management

Broaden the Scope Plugins

CounterACT is delivered with predefined policy detection criteria and actions that you
can work with. You can broaden the scope of these parameters, however by
integrating items that better correspond to your organizational and networking
environment. This is accomplished by utilizing plugins. For example, the Microsoft
SMS Plugin allows you to integrate with Microsofts System Management Server,
access related information, and synchronize with SMS activities.
See Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules and refer to the related plugin
configuration guide for more information.

Basic Policy Rollout Tips

Make Good Policy Choices
Test Your Policy

Make Good Policy Choices

Smart policies allow you to reliably and automatically handle an extensive range of
network events and tasks. To ensure that you make maximum use of the policy, you
should define policies carefully. Do not create ineffective rules, for example:
Conditions that can never occur.
For example, when the activation mechanism is a new service and the
condition for the service is 80/TCP and 139/ TCP.
Actions that are not relevant to the condition.
For example, assigning self-remediation actions for vulnerabilities on
endpoints that were not inspected for vulnerabilities.
Policies that are difficult to maintain.
For example, if you create a rule that blocks endpoints that are missing
antivirus installations, you should include an action that notifies the system
administrator that such endpoints were detected.
Policies that are too dynamic.
Groups, segments and property lists may affect policies in such a way that
the status of endpoints can be unintentionally changed. Verify that you do not
set up overly complex policies using these features. Keep policies simple, and
make sure that you have a clear idea of what kind of endpoints appear in
each group, segment and property list.
Plan ahead when creating policies.
Before you create a policy at the Console, decide upon general goals, reduce
them to requirements, and then translate them into policies. For example, the
goal control access of non-corporate users and devices to the network can be
broken down into the following requirements and policies:
Requirement 1: Restrict visitor access in conference rooms.
Policy 1: In conference rooms, automatically limit access to non-
corporate users (visitors), allowing them Internet access only while
allowing full corporate network access to corporate employees.
Requirement 2: Restrict visitor access to the production network.
Policy 2: When physically attempting to connect to the production
network, non-authenticated users are denied access.

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Requirement 3: Track down and remove rogue Wireless Access Points

Policy 3: Wireless Access Points are prohibited across all offices, including
remote branches. Any discovered WAP must be automatically
disconnected from the network.

Test Your Policy

You may want to create a policy and then test it before you actually start taking any
action at endpoints in your network. You can do this by creating policies but not
assigning any actions or by creating actions and disabling or enabling them during
the testing period.

CounterACT Policy Priorities

The following hierarchies, from highest to lowest, are applied when an endpoint is
detected as a result of different policies:
Virtual Firewall Allow Rule
Threat Protection Policy Threat Protection Blocked (host, port) and Virtual
Firewall Block Rule
Group Definition Authentication Servers (allow)
Policy Virtual Firewall Block
Manually Block

Handling Endpoint Identity Changes

Policy detection mechanisms efficiently handle endpoint identity changes to ensure
proper, transparent support in instances of IP address changes.

Assigning a new IP to Policy detection mechanisms recognize the reassignment of IP

a detected host addresses on a specific endpoint via the endpoint MAC address or
VPN user name. When such detections occur, all actions for the
detected endpoint are transferred to the new IP address and
cancelled on the older address thus protecting the correct
machine. The new IP address is updated at the Detections pane.
The following message is displayed in the Host Log when such a
change occurs:
IP Change: IP Changed from...
IP transferred from Under certain circumstances, a specific IP address is detected on
one machine to one machine, and discovered later on a second machine. In such
another cases, all actions are released from the original machine, and no
actions are applied to the second machine. However, CounterACT
activates the Admission-based activation for the IP address.
The following message is displayed in the Host Log when such a
change occurs:
IP Change: IP Changed from...

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You can customize the mechanism by which CounterACT recognizes and handles
endpoint identity changes. For example, endpoint identity change can also be
calculated for changing NetBIOS host names that are associated with specific IP
addresses. See Policy Preferences for more information.

Stopping the Policy from the Appliance

If required, you can use the fstool nphalt command to stop the policy. Using this
tool stops the detection mechanism, releases blocked endpoints and undoes other
actions. You may need to use this tool if you cannot access your Console but need to
stop the policy. See Appendix 1: Command Line Tools for more information.

Viewing and Managing Endpoints

Endpoints detected as result of your policy appear in the Home view at the Console.

To display this view:

1. Select the Home tab.
2. Select the Policy or Compliance folder from the Views pane.
Important detection information is displayed. For example:
Endpoint information such as the endpoint IP address, DNS name and MAC
User information, such as user name, email address and phone number.
Action information taken on the endpoint as a result of the policy, i.e.,
blocking, notification or remediation actions.
Endpoints can be further managed from this view.
Endpoints appear in the view until:
You release the endpoint. To do this, right-click the endpoint and select
The endpoints are cleared. To do this, right-click the policy and select Clear.
The endpoint is removed as a result of the automatic recheck mechanism.

Stop and Start Actions for Endpoints in Policies and Sub-Rules

You can stop and start specific actions for all endpoints detected in a policy and sub-
This means:
Actions currently affecting endpoints are stopped.
Actions will not be applied to endpoints that are later detected and match the
You may want to stop actions to test a policy before enforcing sanctions, i.e., only
detect endpoints that match a policy.
When you stop or start actions for main policies, related sub-policy actions are also
stopped or started.

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One-time actions, for example, email and HTTP redirection, can only be cancelled if
they were defined in Actions schedules.

To stop or start an action:

1. Select a policy or sub-rule from the Views pane>Policies folder.
2. Right-click the appropriate listing.

Views Pane

3. Select Stop Policy Actions or Start Policy Actions. The Stop Action or
Start Action dialog box opens.

Stop Policy Action

4. Select the actions that you want to stop or start. You can edit the action
definitions from here.
How do I know if actions have been stopped for a policy?
You can check to see if an action is stopped by:
Looking at the action icon: Action icons are grayed out if cancelled.
Checking the Start or Stop Rule Actions dialog box: Click the policy or
sub-policy and select Start or Stop Policy Actions to see the stopped and
started actions.

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The Policy Manager

Your policies are defined and managed from the Policy Manager.

To open the Policy Manager:

1. Select the Policy tab. The Policy Manager opens.

Policy Manager

Policy Manager Tools

The Policy Manager provides the following tools:

Create a new policy.

Edit a policy.

Remove a policy.

Duplicate a policy, and edit as required.

Categorize policies to help you organize and view them in the Policy
Manager. For example, only display policies that have been labeled
as Compliance policies. In addition, a Compliance folder and
Corporate/Guest folder in the Views pane of the Console displays all
policies according to their category.
These categories are also used by the:
Executive Dashboard
ForeScout Compliance Center
Site Map
Compliance Status property
Corporate/Guest Status property
See Categorizing Policies for details.

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Assign a policy to a folder. Folders are used to organize policies into

logical groups for easier navigation and management in the Policy
Manager. For example, create East Coast Finance and West Coast
Finance folders and place the appropriate policies in those folders.
These folders also appear in the Views pane at the Console. See
Manage Policy Folders for details about creating folders.
Stop the policy activation. When stopped, the detection mechanism
is halted. Actions carried out on endpoints previously detected are
Start the policy activation.

Export policies of interest. Policies are exported as XML files.

If registered with an Enterprise Manager, many Appliance policy settings are

automatically replaced with the Enterprise Manager settings. See CounterACT
Device Management Overview for more information.

In addition, the following policy management tools are available in the Policy

Create Create custom reusable policy conditions. Select Custom from the Tools
Custom menu. See Authentication Properties for more information.
Generate Generate a report listing all your policies, and policy definitions.
Policy Report Select Policies Summary Report from the Reports menu on the
Import and By default, policies are imported as XML files. Select Import from the
Export Policy Policy Manager and complete the fields in the Import Policy Folder
Folders dialog box, where:
Target Node is the destination.
Import Mode is the method used to import the policy folder, either as
a subfolder of the folder in the original location (Add folder to the
target) or as a subfolder of the target itself (Add folder content to
the target).
File name is the name of the policy that you want to import.
Import limitations
If you import a policy that refers to groups not defined on the Appliance,
these groups will automatically be created. Note that the groups will not
contain any members.
If you import a policy with a segment that does not exist, you receive a
warning message and the policy is imported without the segment.

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Chapter 5: Policy Management

Working with the Policy Manager

Policy Information
The following information can be displayed in the Policy Manager for each policy that
you create:

Item Description
Name The name assigned to the policy.
Status Indicates whether the CounterACT detection mechanism is paused or
running. When paused, new detection events are ignored.
Category The category assigned to the policy.
Description The policy description.
Conditions The properties inspected on endpoints, i.e., specific OS systems, antivirus
updates, registry information, etc.
Scope The endpoints that are inspected for this policy.
Actions Measures taken at the endpoint if it matches the policy.
Recheck The conditions under which to recheck endpoints that match the policy.
Specifically, you can define:
How often endpoints are rechecked after they match a policy.
Under what conditions to carry out the recheck.
Groups CounterACT groups included in the policy inspection. See Groups and
Policies for details.
Segments The range of IP addresses to be inspected for the policy. See Defining a
Policy Scope for details.
Exceptions The range of IP addresses excluded from policy inspection.
User Scope The range of endpoints a CounterACT operator can view and work with.
Complete: Indicates that the policy scope is within the user scope and
the policy can be edited.
Partial: Partial access is available. The policy can only be viewed.
None: No access is available. The policy can only be viewed.
See Access to Network Endpoints Scope.
Path The path to the policy (in the Policy Folders pane of the Policy Manager).

Apply Your Policies

After creating and editing policies, you must apply them at the Policy Manager by
selecting Apply.

Edit Policies and Rules

Use the Quick Edit option to easily access the policy or sub-rule parameters that you
want to update. Changes made to policy definitions are implemented immediately.

To edit:
1. Right-click a policy or sub-rule from the Policy Manager and select Quick

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2. Select an editing option.

Quick Edit Tools

Manage Policy Folders

You can organize your policies into logical folders for easier navigation and
management. For example, create East Coast Finance and West Coast Finance
folders and place the appropriate policies in these folders, which also appear in the
Views pane.
If you create and then delete a folder, any policies in the folder will also be deleted.

Policy Manager

You can hide and display policies associated with a subfolder by using the Show
subfolder policies checkbox at the Policy Manager.
To see all policies and sub-rules, select the Policy icon at the tree root and then
select the checkbox.

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To create folders:
1. Right-click an item in the Policy Folders pane of the Policy Manager.
2. Select New Policy Folder.

New Policy Folder Option

The New Policy Folder dialog box opens.

New Policy Folder Dialog Box

3. Type a folder name.

4. Select a location to place the folder.
5. Select OK.
6. Use the Edit, Delete and Move buttons or right-click options to manage
these folders.

Add Policies to Folders

Add your policies to policy folders that you created. You cannot copy a policy to more
than one folder.

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To add a policy to a folder:

1. Select a policy from the Policy Manager.
2. Select Move to.
The Move To Policy Folder dialog box opens.
3. Select a folder in which to place the policy and select OK.

Export and Import Policies

It is often convenient to copy policies to Appliances using the export/import tools of
the Console.

To export a policy or policy folder:

1. In the Policy view, do one of the following:
Right-click a policy in the Policy Manager pane or a folder in the Policy
Folders pane, and select Export.
Select a policy from the Policy Manager pane, and select Export.
Select a folder from the Policy Folders pane, and select the Export Folder

Export Folder Icon

2. When policy conditions or actions include login credentials for network

devices, servers, or services, CounterACT encrypts the exported policies.
When you export policies, CounterACT prompts you for a password that is
used to encrypt the exported file. Enter an encryption password and select

This password must be used to import the file.

Policy Export Password

3. Policies and policy folders are exported and imported as XML files. In the
Export dialog box, specify the location of the exported XML file and select OK.
The selected policy or folder is exported.

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To import a policy or policy folder:

1. In the Policy Folders pane, do one of the following:
Right-click the target folder to which the policy or folder will be imported,
and select Import. To import a policy or folder into the top level of the
policy tree, right-click the Policy icon.
Select the target folder to which the policy or folder will be imported. Then
select the Import Folder icon.

2. In the Import dialog box, specify the location of the XML file you want to
import and select OK.
3. When policy conditions or actions include login credentials for network
devices, servers, or services, CounterACT encrypts the exported policies.
When you import these policies, CounterACT prompts you for the password
that was used to encrypt the exported file.

Policy Import Password

4. Enter the password and select OK. The policy or folder is imported to the
location you specified in the Policy Folders tree.

Creating Custom Policies

The following sections detail the procedure for creating a custom policy. You may
choose to create a custom policy to deal with issues not covered in the policy
templates. Custom policy tools provide you with an extensive range of options for
detecting and handling endpoints. For information about policies, see What Is a
After the policy is created, it is displayed in the Policy Manager. To run the policy,
select Apply from the Policy Manager.

To create a policy:
1. Select the Policy tab. The Policy Manager opens.

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Policy Manager

2. Select Add from the Policy Manager. The Policy wizard opens.
3. Select Custom.

Policy Wizard

4. Select Next.

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Chapter 5: Policy Management

Defining a Policy Name and Description

Define a unique policy name and useful policy description. Policy names appear in
the Policy Manager, the Views pane, Reports and in other features. Precise names
make working with policies and reports more efficient.

Custom, Name

Naming Tips
Make sure names are accurate and clearly reflect what the policy does. For example,
do not use a generic name such as Antivirus.
In this example, use a more descriptive name that indicates that your policy is
checking antivirus updates and which vendors are authorized.
You should avoid having another policy with a similar name. In addition, ensure that
the name indicates whether the policy criterion must be met or not met.

Name Improved Name

Antivirus S Symantec Antivirus Not Updated at Seattle Site
Antivirus S/M/I Symantec/McAfee Antivirus is Not Installed at Seattle Site

P2P Inform, then Restrict Web Access on Peer-to-Peer Detections

1. Type a unique name and description.

2. Select Next. The Scope page opens.

Defining a Policy Scope

Define a general range of endpoints to be inspected for this policy. You can filter this
range by:

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Including only certain CounterACT groups, for example, endpoints that run
Windows. Use this option to pinpoint endpoint inspection.
Excluding devices or users that should be ignored when using a policy, for
example, VIP users running Windows.

To define a scope:
1. The IP Address Range dialog box automatically opens.

Custom, Scope

The following options are available:

All IPs: Include all addresses in the Internal Network. See Working with
Internal Network Ranges for more information.
In addition, select this option if you want to detect IP addresses that are
malicious but are not part of the Internal Network; and want to detect IP
addresses that match a session property but are not part of the Internal
Network, for example, all IP addresses that access the web server.
Segment: Select a previously defined segment of the network. To specify
multiple segments, select OK to close IP Address Range dialog box, and
select Segments from the Scope page.
IP Range: Define a range of IP addresses. These addresses must be
within the Internal Network.
Unknown IP addresses: Apply the policy to endpoints whose IP
addresses are not known. Endpoint detection is based on the endpoint
MAC address. This option may be integrated with specific properties and
actions. See Working with Hosts without IP Addresses for details.
2. Select OK.
3. Select Advanced to fine tune the scope. Two options are available:
Only include some CounterACT groups in the inspection. If you select several
groups, and an endpoint is detected in at least one, that endpoint is included
in the policy inspection.

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Select Add from the Filter by Group section to include only specified
CounterACT groups in the inspection. These groups must be part of the
Internal Range.
The Policy Group dialog box opens.

Group Dialog Box

Select a group.
Select OK. To create more groups, select New Group.
Exclude endpoints from inspection. For example, ignore groups of VIP users
when conducting inspections.
Select Add from the Exceptions section, to exclude endpoints from
inspection. For example, ignore groups of VIP users from inspections. The
Exception Type dialog box opens.

Exceptions Dialog Box

Select an exception type and then select OK. An Exception dialog box
opens. Exception dialog boxes vary depending on the exception that you
selected. In general, you can define a specific exception value, for
example, enter a specific user name or use a Property Value List (a user-
defined list of property values, for example, a list of user names).

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Sample Exceptions Dialog Groups Box

Select OK.
Use the Evaluate Irresolvable As checkbox to instruct CounterACT how
to evaluate the endpoint if the exception value cannot be resolved, for
example, CounterACT does not know the user name. Either include the
endpoint as an exception, exclude the endpoint as an exception or mark
the endpoint as Irresolvable for the policy.
After defining each exception, select OK.
4. Select Next. The Main Rule page opens.

Defining a Policy Main Rule

Endpoints that match the Main Rule are included in the policy inspection. Endpoints
that do not match this rule are not inspected for this policy. A Main Rule consists of:
A condition: A set of properties that is queried when evaluating endpoints. For
example, Windows XP machines without up-to-date Symantec Antivirus
Actions: CounterACT measures taken at endpoints. For example, provide
automatic remediation at endpoints without up-to-date Symantec Antivirus
In general, it is recommended to define conditions and actions in Main Rules when
your policy deals with a single policy purpose or problem and solution. For example,
consider a policy requiring all corporate Windows machines to run an antivirus
application. In this case, the Main Rule would be:
Condition: Operating system is Windows AND Machine is Managed AND NOT
running an antivirus.
Action: Send HTTP notifications to end users and Send email to the Help

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Some policies, however, are designed to accomplish more, and contain more than
one problem and solution. For example:
Communicate with users who have installed peer-to-peer applications:
If users are part of the IT or Development departments, then list peer-to-
peer applications detected and advise users to uninstall.
If users are part of any other department, then send them email asking
them to contact the IT department to assist them in uninstalling, and
notify IT which endpoints are not compliant.
In such cases, you should use policy sub-rules to create several conditions and
related actions. Sub-rules allow you to automatically follow up with endpoints after
initial detection and handling. Creating sub-rules lets you streamline separate
detection and actions into one automated sequence. See Defining Policy Sub-Rules
for more information.

Custom, Main Rule

To define Main Rule conditions and actions:

1. Select Add from the Condition or Actions section of the Main Rule dialog
box as required.
See Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions and Chapter 7: Working with
Actions for details about conditions and actions.
2. When you are done, select Next. The Sub-Rules dialog box opens. Use the
dialog box to review and update Main Rule definitions and advanced policy
settings, as well as to define sub-rules.

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Chapter 5: Policy Management

How Often Are Policies Run?

By default, policies are run every eight hours and on any admission eventa
network event that indicates the admission of an endpoint into the network, such as
when it physically connects to a switch port.
You can update the default setting, for example, according to a set schedule. You
can also configure several activation settings to work simultaneously, for example,
when an endpoint IP address changes, and every five hours.
You can update defaults and work with advanced Main Rule settings from the
Advanced Settings dialog box.

To open the Advanced dialog box:

1. Right-click a policy from the Policy Manager.
2. Select Quick Edit.
3. Select Advanced.
See Main Rule Advanced Options and Sub-Rule Advanced Options for more

Defining Policy Sub-Rules

Sub-rules allow you to automatically follow up with endpoints after initial detection
and handling. Creating sub-rules lets you streamline separate detection and actions
into one automated sequence.
Sub-rules are performed in order until a match is found. When a match is found, the
corresponding action is applied to the endpoint. If the endpoint does not match the
requirements of the sub-rule, the endpoint is checked against the next sub-rule. This
means that the order in which the sub-rule is displayed is significant.
For example:
Assign endpoints to different VLANs based on their security compliance:
If non-corporate endpoints are detected, block access to the production
network, but allow access to the Internet.
If corporate unmatched endpoints are detected, but are VIP users, then
remediate in a separate VLAN, but do not block access.
If corporate endpoints are unmatched, then remediate in a separate VLAN
and block access to the production network until remediation is complete.
Communicate with users who have installed peer-to-peer applications:
If users are part of the IT or Development departments, then list peer-to-
peer applications detected and advise users to uninstall.
If users are part of any other department, then send them email asking
them to contact the IT department to assist them in uninstalling, and
notify IT which endpoints are not compliant.
Sub-rules consist of the following elements:
Name and description
Conditions, actions

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Recheck instructions

Rearranging the Order of Sub-Rules

You can create sub-rules and then rearrange their hierarchy from the Sub-Rules
dialog box.

Up and Down Buttons

To define a sub-rule name and description:

1. Select Add from the Sub-Rules dialog box.

Custom, Sub-Rules

The New rule>Name dialog box opens.

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Name and Description

2. Type a unique policy and description. See Defining a Policy Name and
Description for details.
3. Select OK. The name is displayed in the New Sub-Rule dialog box that opens.
Use the dialog box to define sub-rule conditions and actions. See Chapter 6:
Working with Policy Conditions and Chapter 7: Working with Actions for

New Sub-Rule Dialog Box

Advanced Policy Options

The following advanced policy options are available:
Main Rule Advanced Options
Sub-Rule Advanced Options

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Main Rule Advanced Options

The following advanced Main Rule options are available:
Updating a Recheck Policy for Unmatched and Matched Endpoints
Handling Dated Information General Tab
Ignoring Dated Information
Updating the Network Admission Resolve Delay

To view Main rule advanced options:

1. Right-click a Main Rule from the Policy Manager.

Main Rule Selected from Policy Manager

2. Select Quick Edit>Advanced.

Advanced, General

Updating a Recheck Policy for Unmatched and Matched Endpoints

By default, both matched endpoints and unmatched endpoints are rechecked every
eight hours and on any admission event. An admission event is a network event that

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indicates the admission of an endpoint into the network, such as when it physically
connects to a switch port. A complete list of admission events is described below.
Recheck tools let you define:
How often endpoints that match a policy are rechecked
Under what conditions to perform recheck
You can update the default setting for matched and unmatched hosts, for example,
to initiate inspection according to a set schedule. You can also configure several
recheck settings to work simultaneously, for example, when a host IP address
changes every five hours.
Separate settings can be defined for hosts that either match or do not match a

To define rule recheck settings:

1. Right-click a Main Rule from the Policy Manager and select Quick
2. Select the Recheck unmatch or Recheck match tab.

Advanced, Recheck Unmatch Tab

Time Based Activation

The policy is run at a certain time and date. The default is every eight hours. Two
options are available:

Every Use this option to run a policy at short intervals, i.e. per seconds, minutes,
hours or days. This is recommended, for example, if you want to check
that a web or email service is consistently running, or if you want to verify
the integrity of any other mission critical service in your network.
Scheduled Define a schedule for running the policy.

Admission Based Activation

The following options are available:

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Chapter 5: Policy Management

None Do not inspect on the basis of an admission event.

Activate on any Run the policy when any of the following admission events occur:
admission New IP: By default, endpoints are considered new if they were not
detected at your network within a 30-day period. For example, if
an IP address was detected on the first of the month, and then
detected again 31 days later, the detection will initiate the
activation. The default time period can be changed. See Policy
Preferences for more information.
IP Address Change
Switch Port Change
DHCP Request
Authentication via the HTTP Login action
Log in to an authentication server
SecureConnector connection
If you have installed plugins, additional admission events types
may be available. For example, the New Wireless Host Connected
Events option is available if you installed the Wireless Plugin.
Customized Admission-based inspection. Select Define to customize the admission

A delay time exists between the detection of network admission events and the onset
of the policy evaluation. When an endpoint boots, the IP address is assigned rather
quickly, before most of its services have loaded. Waiting 30 seconds (default delay
time) increases the chances that the policy evaluation starts when more details could
be learned about the endpoint (after all services have loaded). You can update the
delay default time. See Policy Preferences for more information.

Handling Dated Information General Tab

Several options are available for handling dated information.
Ignoring Dated Information
Updating the Network Admission Resolve Delay

To handle dated information:

1. Right-click a rule from the Policy Manager and select Quick Edit.
2. Select Advanced.
3. Select the General tab.

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General Tab

Ignoring Dated Information

This value applies to information stored and used between activation evaluations. For
example, if you defined an activation schedule that evaluates endpoints every two
days, the information stored for two days are used for evaluation. You can define a
value here that applies an absolute time information should be stored and used. The
value set here is applied per policy. You can also set the value globally for all
policies. When you use global values, the policy setting still applies. See Policy
Preferences for more information.

Updating the Network Admission Resolve Delay

A default delay time exists between the detection of network admission events and
the onset of the policy evaluation. This time is allotted because when an endpoint
boots, the IP address is assigned rather quickly, before most of its services have
loaded. Waiting 30 seconds (default delay time) increases the chances that the rule
evaluation will start when more details can be learned about the endpoint (after all
services have loaded). You can update the delay default time.
This delay is only applied to properties that are reported directly from the endpoint,
for example: Processes Running, Windows Applications, Windows Domain Member or
File version. The delay is not applied to properties that are reported from other
sources, for example switch properties, Active Directory group membership or
properties brought by plugins included in ForeScout Modules (for example, McAfee
ePO Plugin, MDM Plugins, or the Microsoft SMS/SCCM Plugin).
The value set here is applied per policy. You can also set the value globally for all
policies. When you use global values, the per-policy setting still applies.
TIP: If you set this value too high, your machines will not be checked immediately
after admission. If you set the value too low, discovered information may not be

Sub-Rule Advanced Options

The following advanced Sub-Rule options are available:
Inherit Main Rule Recheck
Sub-Rule Recheck Policy

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To view Sub Rule advanced options:

1. Right-click a Sub-Rule from the Policy Manager.
2. Select Quick Edit.
3. Select Advanced.
The Advanced Sub-Rule dialog box opens for the sub rule you selected.

Sub-Rule Advanced Dialog

Inherit Main Rule Recheck Definitions

Instruct CounterACT to automatically apply main rule recheck definitions to all sub-
policies, rather than defining the recheck value for each sub-rule.

To use main rule definitions:

1. Select Use main rule recheck definitions.

Sub-Rule Recheck Policy

Sub-rule Recheck tools let you define:
How often endpoints are rechecked that match a policy.
Under what conditions to perform recheck.
By default, endpoints are rechecked every eight hours, and on any admission event.

To define the recheck policy:

1. Right-click a sub-rule from the Policy Manager.
2. Select Quick Edit and then select Advanced.
The Advanced dialog box opens.
3. See Updating a Recheck Policy for Unmatched and Matched Endpoints for
information about how to work with this feature.

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Define Sub-Rule Exceptions

Use exceptions to exclude specific endpoints from inspection. In a sub-rule,
exceptions may be used, for example, as follows:
Windows hosts
Sub-Rule 1
Condition: Vulnerable to MS-08-xxx
Action: Browser Notification
Exception: Windows Servers
Sub-Rule 2
Condition: Symantec AntiVirus not installed
Action: Browser Notification
Exception: none
In this case, Windows servers are not subject to the first sub-rule, but are tested for
the others.

To define sub-rule exceptions:

1. Right-click a sub-rule from the Policy Manager.
2. Select Quick Edit and then select Advanced.
The Advanced dialog box opens.

Sub-Rule Advanced Dialog Box

3. In the Exceptions section, select Add.

The Exception Type dialog box opens.

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Exception Type Dialog Box

4. Select an exception type and then select OK.

An Exception dialog box opens. This dialog box varies depending on the
exception that you selected. In general, you can define a specific exception
value (for example, a specific user name) or use a user-defined List of
property values (for example, user names). See Defining and Managing Lists
for information about lists.

Sample Exceptions Dialog Box

5. Select OK.
6. Use the Evaluate Irresolvable As checkbox to instruct CounterACT how to
evaluate the endpoint if the exception value cannot be resolved, for example,
CounterACT does not know the user name. Either include the endpoint as an
exception, exclude the endpoint as an exception or mark the endpoint as
Irresolvable for the policy.
7. After defining each exception, select OK.

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Policy Preferences
The following policy preferences are available:
Defining Authentication Servers
HTTP Preferences
Customizing HTTP Pages
Customizing HTTP Screen Elements for Mobile Interactions
Email Preferences
Customizing Endpoint Identity Change Thresholds and Detection Mechanisms
Time Settings
HTTP Login Attempts
The preferences that you set here are applied to all connected Appliances.
Preferences cannot be set individually for each Appliance.

To access the NAC options:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select NAC.

NAC Folder

Defining Authentication Servers

Policies can be created to verify network users have been authenticated via specific
authentication servers.
CounterACT supports the following authentication servers:
Telnet (23/TCP)

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NetBIOS (139/TCP)
FTP (21/TCP)
rlogin (513/TCP)
After you configure authentication servers, they are automatically deployed. This
means these servers are automatically opened, and added as Virtual Firewall rules.
These rules can be viewed in the Firewall Policy pane.

NAC>Authentication Pane

HTTP Preferences
Various preferences are available for handling HTTP traffic.
Defining HTTP Redirect Exceptions
Redirect Using Web Server DNS Name
Globally Redirect via HTTPS
Skip HTTP Redirect Confirmation Message
Defining Proxy Ports for HTTP Notification

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HTTP Redirection Pane

To access the HTTP Redirection pane:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select NAC>HTTP

Defining HTTP Redirect Exceptions

You may want to refrain from redirecting business essential Internet sites or refrain
from blocking access to important files on the Internet. This can be performed by
creating HTTP redirect exceptions.
By default, user web sessions going to the Internet and Intranet are redirected. An
option is available to only handle Internet traffic. See Redirecting Web and Intranet
You can define exceptions in two ways:
Global URL Exceptions. Global URL exceptions that apply across all actions.
IP Address Exceptions per Action. IP address exceptions that can be applied
to individual actions.

Global URL Exceptions

To create exceptions:
1. Select Tools>Options and then select NAC>HTTP Redirection.
2. Select Global in the HTTP Redirection Exceptions section. The Global dialog
box opens.

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Global Dialog Box

3. Select Add. The URL Text dialog box opens.

URL Text Dialog Box

4. Two options are available:

Look in URL for filename
Look in URL for address
5. Select Contains or Exact.
6. In the Text field, type the URL address or filename to search for.
7. Select OK.
By default, the following URLs are never redirected:

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This allows access to Microsoft Windows Update servers and prevents redirection of
the Exchange server when used via the web interface. These URLs cannot be seen or
edited by the user.

If the address contains one string from the following list, the user is not

Redirecting Web and Intranet Sessions

By default, user web sessions going to the Internet and Intranet are redirected. An
option is available to only handle Internet traffic.
1. Select Only redirect HTTP traffic going to the Internet to redirect both
web and Intranet sessions.

IP Address Exceptions per Action

Configuring HTTP Redirection Exceptions per action lets you define IP address ranges
or segments that will not be affected by a specific HTTP action. For example, create a
policy that displays a customized message in end user web browsers using the
HTTP Notification action unless the endpoint IP address is between
Add IP address ranges or segments to a repository of HTTP exceptions that can later
be applied to individual actions.
This feature applies to the following HTTP actions:
HTTP Localhost Login

HTTP Login

HTTP Notification

HTTP Redirection to URL

Start SecureConnector

Windows Self Remediation

To apply an HTTP Redirection exception per action, perform the following:

Add an Exception to the Repository
Apply an Exception to an Action

If you want to apply global HTTP exceptions to all network users, you can
work with Global URL Exceptions.

When multiple HTTP actions, each containing HTTP Redirection Exceptions, are
simultaneously applied to an endpoint, only the exceptions of the first HTTP action
received by CounterACT are applied. Additional HTTP Redirection Exceptions are only
applied when there are no other HTTP actions applied to the endpoint.

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Add an Exception to the Repository

Exceptions that you create in the repository can be applied in the Exceptions tab of
HTTP actions.

To add an exception to the repository:

1. Select Options > NAC > HTTP Redirection.
2. Select Per Action in the HTTP Redirection Exceptions section.

Per Action Dialog Box

3. Select Add.
4. Enter a name for the exception in the Add IP Range dialog box.
5. Select Add to add an IP address range or segment and select OK.

Add IP Address Range Exception

6. Select OK in the Add IP Range dialog box.

7. Select OK in the Per Action dialog box.

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Apply an Exception to an Action

To apply an exception:
1. In the relevant HTTP action configuration, navigate to the Exceptions tab.

HTTP Action Exceptions tab

2. Select Add. The Add IP Range dialog box opens.

HTTP Action Exceptions Add IP Range dialog box

3. Select the name of an HTTP exception from the Select IP Range dropdown list
and select OK. The exception is displayed in the Exceptions table.

Disable Redirection when Cookies are Disabled

By default, HTTP redirection actions also apply when cookies are disabled on the end
user browser. You can instruct CounterACT to disable these actions when cookies are
disabled as an added security measure to prevent passing the session ID via the
URL. Applying changes to this option will cause a web server restart.

To disable redirection when cookies are disabled:

1. Select Tools>Options and then select NAC>HTTP Redirection.
2. Clear the Allow redirect when cookies are disabled option. A warning
message opens.

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Web Server Restart warning message

3. Select Yes. When you apply changes, the CounterACT web server will restart.

Redirect Using Web Server DNS Name

When CounterACT redirects a browser to the captive web server, it can either use
the web server IP address or its DNS name. Using the DNS name is recommended
when using encrypted HTTPS transactions. The web server can have a certificate
installed, avoiding the browser warning when interacting over HTTPS with an
uncertified web server. For the DNS option to work properly, the endpoints must
resolve this name using their defined DNS servers.

To redirect using the web server DNS name:

1. Select Tools>Options and then select NAC>HTTP Redirection.
2. Select Attempt redirect using the DNS name to redirect using the DNS

Globally Redirect via HTTPS

You can configure the connection method used for transmitting all redirected traffic
to HTTPS, i.e. encrypted over a secured connection (HTTP over TLS) or via HTTP.
Redirected traffic includes information sent to network users via the HTTP actions, as
well as authentication credentials sent back to the Appliance. For example, when you
use the HTTP Localhost Login action, authentication credentials are sent back to the
Appliance using the method that you defined.
If you transmit via HTTPS, network users will see a security alert at their web
browser when they attempt to access the web. The alert indicates that the sites
security certificate was not signed by a known Certificate Authority (CA). (A default
self-signed certificate is installed during product installation). You can generate a
known CA Security Certificate to avoid this situation. See Appendix 4: Generating
and Importing a Trusted Web Server Certificate and Appendix 5: HTTP Redirection
for more information.

To globally redirect using HTTPS:

1. Select Tools>Options and then select NAC>HTTP Redirection.
2. Select Redirect via HTTPS to redirect using HTTPS. Alternatively, you can
define individual HTTP actions to transmit via HTTPS.

Skip HTTP Redirect Confirmation Message

You can instruct CounterACT to not display the confirmation message that appears
by default at the endpoint after the HTTP action is successfully completed. When this
happens, endpoint users are automatically redirected to the page they originally
browsed to.

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To configure the skip option:

1. Select Tools>Options and then select NAC>HTTP Redirection.
2. In the HTTP Redirection Settings section, select Auto-redirect on success.

Defining Proxy Ports for HTTP Notification

If your organization is configured to access the web through a proxy, you must
enable the ports.

To define:
1. In the HTTP pane, select Monitor Proxy Ports for HTTP Notifications.
2. Type the ports in the Proxy Ports List field. Use the following format:
80/TCP, 8080/TCP, 8888/TCP.
3. Select Apply.

Customizing HTTP Pages

Redirected web pages are generated by CounterACT users to interact with the
endpoints when specific actions are performed. Default or customized web pages are
displayed when using the following actions:
HTTP Localhost Login
HTTP Login
Start SecureConnector
HTTP Notification
Start Macintosh Updates
Start Windows Updates
Windows Self Remediation
At the endpoint, the customization page replaces the page currently being displayed.
The content inside the page is configured when defining policy actions. To set the
action on what is displayed in the pages see Chapter 7: Working with Actions for
details. Endpoint page design is customizable.
After CounterACT is upgraded to higher versions, all customizations are maintained
in the new version.

To open the Customization Tool:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select NAC>HTTP

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HTTP Redirection Pane

2. Select Customize HTTP Page. The HTTP Redirection Page: Customization

Tool page opens in your web browser.

HTTP Redirection Page

The HTTP Redirection Page: Customization Tool page contains a table listing
all saved customized pages. When first using the tool, a default template is
displayed. This default template is automatically selected to be used to create
a new customized template.
To use a customized page, it must be published. In the HTTP Redirection
Page: Customization Tool page the template published status is displayed in
the Status column. The icons and descriptions are as follows:

Template used when FCC compliance is enabled

Template used when FCC compliance is disabled

Template used for all general pages

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Indicates that the template is not being used

Indicates that the template has been published in the past

The HTTP Redirection Page: Customization Tool page contains the buttons
described in the following table.

Button Description
Used to create new templates.

Used to open saved customized pages for modification.

Used to create a duplicate customized page from an existing saved

customized page.
Used to delete a saved customized page.

Used to integrate saved customized pages.

Used to preview a saved customized page.

Used to export saved customized pages to external systems such as

backup servers in Web Developer mode.
Used to import saved customized pages from external systems such
as backup servers in Web Developer mode.

3. Select Add to create a new template or select an existing template and select
Edit. The Customization Tool opens.

HTTP Customization Tool

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For customization CounterACT provides you with the basic option for entering
the customization elements, as well as an advanced HTML editing option.

To work with the advanced features, prior HTML knowledge is required.

4. In the Name section type the template name in the Label field and a
template description in the Description field.
5. Complete the rest of the fields in accordance with your preferences; see Basic
Customization and Advanced Customization.
6. Select Save. If the template name already exists an overwrite confirmation
dialog box opens. In the confirmation dialog box select OK. The template is
saved and the page preview opens.
7. Select Return to Customize menu. The HTTP Redirection Page:
Customization Tool page opens.

Basic Customization
There are three configuration areas available for customization:
Page Body: Used to configure the page Header and Footer.
Page Properties: Used to configure the page background.
File Manager: Used to manage images, CSS files and JS files used in the
Header, the Footer and the background.

HTML Head Tag Elements

The HTML Head Tag Elements area is used to add HTML Head Tag elements. See
Advanced Customization.

Header and Footer

In the Header and Footer area there are two sub-areas, one for the Header and one
for the Footer.
The Header and Footer customization options are the same.
The Image drop-down list provides a list of all uploaded images, see File Manager.
To include an image in the Header or Footer, select the image from the drop-down
Where the selected image is placed in the Header or Footer, the image alignment is
customized by selecting one of the following options under the Image field:
The following figure illustrates a left aligned image.

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Customized Left Aligned Image

In the Text field type the text to be displayed in the Header.
Where the entered text is placed in the Header or Footer, the text alignment is
customized by selecting one of the following options under the Text field:
The following figure illustrates center aligned text.

Customized Center Aligned Text

For advanced customization select Advanced Header Customization or Advanced

Footer Customization, see Advanced Customization.

Page Properties
In the Page properties area there are the following sub-customization areas:
Page Background Color: Used to customize the page background color.
Page Background Image: Used to add an image in the page background.
Use ForeScout StyleSheet: Used to remove the pre-configured ForeScout
page configuration.
Page Background Color

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The current background color is displayed in the icon.

To customize the background color, select the icon. The Background Color
Customization panel opens.

Background Color Customization Panel

The current background color is displayed at the top right. To its left, the proposed
color being selected is displayed.
In the center color strip all the available colors are displayed. Where the arrow is
located, the expanded color option is displayed in the left area. The color can be
selected from the left area or a color code can be entered on the panels right side.
Select your preferred color and then apply the color by selecting the icon. The
color is displayed in the modified icon.

Page Background Image

The Page Background Image drop-down list provides a list of all uploaded images.
See File Manager for details about how to add an image to this list. To include an
image in the background, select the image from the drop-down list.
Use ForeScout StyleSheet
The default ForeScout style sheet is the standard HTTP message page. This is set up
to enable three customization areas, Header, Footer and background.
To enable more HTML customization options clear Use ForeScout StyleSheet. After
clearing the checkbox, the current page configurations are removed, effectively
providing a page without styling.

File Manager

The File Manager area is used for managing images used in the HTTP page
customization. The images can be used in the Header, Footer and the background.
Only images, CSS files and JS files uploaded to the File Manager can be utilized in
the page customization.

To upload an image:

1. Select . The standard Windows Explorer window opens.

2. Navigate to the folder containing the image to upload.

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3. Select the image and select Open. The path is displayed in the field next to
the browse button.
4. Select Upload. The uploaded image is displayed in the File Manager uploaded
file list. The uploaded image is also added to the Image drop-down list in the
Header and Footer and Page Properties sections.

To preview an uploaded image:

1. Select the checkbox next to the image to view.

2. Select . The image is displayed in the Preview Area.

If an image is used in the Header, Footer or background, a is displayed in the File

Manager uploaded file list.

To remove an image from the list:

1. Select the checkbox next to the image to remove.

2. Select . The image is removed from the list.

If the image is being used in the Header, Footer or background, an error

message dialog box opens.

Advanced Customization
Advanced customization requires good HTML knowledge. CounterACT provides the
following advanced customization options:
Additional Head Tags Elements
Advanced Header and Footer customization
In the HTML Head Tag Elements section, additional HTML Head Tag elements can
be added to enhance the HTML customization options. These can include elements
such as scripts, instructions to the browser where to find style sheets, provide meta-
information, etc.
The following tags can be added to this section: <title>, <base>, <link>, <meta>,
<script> and <style>.
For advanced Header or Footer customization, in the Header and Footer section
select Advanced Customization. The simple customization Image and Text field
area is replaced by the advanced customization text box displaying the basic
customization HTML equivalent.

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Advanced Customization

It is important that the Place holder for the ForeScout Message area is not
deleted from the code.

The advanced HTML customization automatically overrides the basic customization.

Saving and Integrating a Customized Page

To use a customized page, it must be published. In the HTTP Redirection Page:
Customization Tool page the template published status is displayed in the Status
column. The icons are as follows:

: Used when the endpoint is FCC compliant

: Used when FCC detects that the endpoint is not compliant

: Used for all general pages

To create a duplicate customized page from an existing page:

1. Create the customized page as required see Basic Customization and
Advanced Customization.
2. Select Duplicate. The Save As dialog box opens.
3. Type a new page name and description, and select Save. The customized
page is saved and is displayed in the Customize HTTP Page the next time it
is opened.

To publish a page:
1. Save the customized page.
2. Select Publish. The Publish Type Page opens.

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Publish Customized Page

3. From the drop-down list there are three publishing options:

General: This option is for all pages.
Comply (FCC mode): This option is for all FCC compliant pages.
Not Comply (FCC mode): This option is for all noncompliant FCC pages.
4. Select Publish. The customized page is integrated.

Customized ForeScout Compliance Center (FCC) Pages

The ForeScout Compliance Center (FCC) lets you display your compliance status at
endpoints for the purpose of:
Letting endpoint users log in
Bringing endpoints users to network compliance
When the FCC mode is activated, the two FCC customized pages are engaged. If the
endpoint is compliant the Comply (FCC Mode) customized page is used. The following
FCC compliant page example has a green background. See Working with the
ForeScout Compliance Center for details.

FCC Compliant Customization Example

If the endpoint is not compliant the Not Comply (FCC Mode) customized page is
used. The following FCC noncompliant page example has a red background and a
stop sign.

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FCC Noncompliant Customization Example

When FCC mode is disabled in CounterACT, the General customized page is used.

To use this feature, you must have both Assets Portal User and Policy
Management permissions. See Access to Console Tools Permissions for
details about acquiring permissions.

The customized page can be integrated in one of three ways:

General: The customization is applied to all CounterACT redirected pages.
Comply (FCC Mode): The customization is applied only to CounterACT
endpoints that are compliant with the ForeScout Compliance Center
Not Comply (FCC Mode): The customization is applied to all CounterACT
endpoints not compliant with the ForeScout Compliance Center configuration.

Customizing HTTP Screen Elements for Mobile Interactions

You can customize HTTP redirection pages that appear on mobile endpoints to reflect
enterprise graphic branding and terminology. In addition, mobile endpoint messages
can be customized and localized. These pages are generated when using the
following CounterACT HTTP actions:
HTTP Login
HTTP Notification
HTTP LocalHost Login
Knowledge of CSS & JavaScript is recommended when working with skin and logo
HTTP Customization Page features are applicable only to desktop pages.
Customizations made using this feature do not impact mobile devices. The HTTP
Customization Page feature is accessed by selecting Tools>Options>
HTTP>Customize HTTP Page.

Customize Default Logo

You can customize the default logo on Web pages of redirected mobile devices.

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Default Logo on Redirected Mobile Web Pages

To update the logo:

1. Prepare a new logo image. Recommended size is approximately 120x40
pixels. In this example it is named image logo.png
2. Log in to an Enterprise Manager or stand-alone Appliance.
3. Copy the image to the following location:
4. Go to the following file:
The file is empty by default.
5. Add the following text to the end of the file:
{background-image: url(logo.png);}
@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)
{.fore_icon{ background-image: url(logo.png);}}
6. Save the file.
7. To distribute the logo change across your deployment, perform one of the
following depending on your environment:
a. If you are working in an environment with an Enterprise Manager, run the
following fstool commands:
fstool oneach -c scp
The following prompt appears: End: Done all in x seconds

fstool oneach -c scp

The following prompt appears: End: Done all in x seconds

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fstool oneach www restart

b. If you are working on a stand-alone Appliance, run the following fstool
fstool www restart
The following prompt appears: Starting CounterACT web server

Customize Default Skin

You can customize the default skin on Web pages of redirected mobile devices.

Default Skin on Redirected Mobile Web Pages

You must be familiar with Java script and CSS functionality to update the

To update the skin:

1. Log in to an Enterprise Manager or stand-alone Appliance.
2. Edit the following files to reflect the skin customization you want.


Both files are empty by default. Refer to jQuery mobile framework as


3. Save the files.

4. To distribute the skin change across your deployment, perform one of the
following depending on your environment:
a. If you are working in an environment with an Enterprise Manager, run the
following fstool commands:
fstool oneach -c scp
The following prompt appears: End: Done all in x seconds

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fstool oneach -c scp

The following prompt appears: End: Done all in x seconds

fstool oneach www restart

b. If you are working on a stand-alone Appliance, run the following fstool

fstool www restart
The following prompt appears: Starting CounterACT web server

Customize Text and Labels

Several CounterACT HTTP actions include texts and labels displayed on mobile
endpoints. You can edit these items or can localize them so that they appear in any
language that your operating system supports.

Sample Mobile Endpoint Texts and Labels - 1

Sample Mobile Endpoint Texts and Labels 2

Text and label edits you make are applied to both desktop and mobile endpoints,
with the exceptions of three items that are only applied to mobile endpoints. These
three items are described below.
You can apply HTML formatting code to texts; for example bold and underlines. A
new line <Enter> in action text areas is automatically translated to a <br> tag.

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To localize/customize HTTP Mobile Redirect Texts:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Advanced >
Language Localization > Endpoint Messages.
2. Type the word mobile in the search field.

Localize Mobile Endpoint Messages

3. Select an entry and select Edit. The Edit Locale Text dialog box opens.

Localize Mobile Endpoint Messages Edit Locale Text

4. Type in the new text.

5. Select OK. You can select Default to return to the default text.

See figure Displayed Description

1 Why you are being asked for a User Name and HTTP Login: Mobile
Password? You have been asked to provide help text
your user name and password in order to
connect to a secured network. In the Login
page, enter your user name and password,
then tap the Login button. Otherwise, you may
connect as a guest by tapping the Register
button and completing the form.
2 ForeScout Redirection page title

3 Don't have a username? HTTP Login: Mobile

help text

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Chapter 5: Policy Management

Email Preferences
The Send Email action automatically delivers email to administrators when a policy is
matched. If there is extensive activity as a result of your policy, the recipients may
receive an overwhelming number of emails.
The following tools are available to help you manage email deliveries:
Define the maximum number of email alerts delivered per day (from
Define the maximum number of events that are listed in each email
For example, you can define that you only want to deliver five emails per day, and
that each email will contain up to 50 events. The limits defined apply to each email
recipient, and for both the Send Email and Send email to host actions.

Default Settings
By default, up to ten emails can be sent within 24 hours, and one message is
displayed in each email. This means, for example, that if there is activity early in the
day and ten emails are sent by 2:00 PM, you will not receive emails about events
that occurred during the rest of the day.
After the maximum number of emails has been sent, a warning email is delivered
stating that the email delivery threshold has been reached and that you will receive
no more email alerts until midnight. At midnight, an email is sent summarizing
events that were not delivered.

To update email delivery parameters:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select NAC>Email.

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2. Enter a value for Maximum actions listed in each email or use the spin
controls to adjust the value. For example, to receive an email alert each time
an events occurs, type 1 in the Maximum actions listed in each email
3. Type a value in the Maximum emails per day field or use the spin controls
to adjust the value.
4. Select Apply.

Email Pane

You can sign these emails using a digital certificate, as specified by the
Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) standard. See Signing Emails
with an S/MIME Certificate for details.

Customizing Endpoint Identity Change Thresholds and

Detection Mechanisms
IP addresses associated with a specific MAC address may change frequently. This
may happen, for example, if several VPN users receive different IP addresses for the
same MAC address. CounterACT ignores these changes for the purpose of rechecking
the same endpoints and carrying out actions on them.
By default, IP address changes are ignored when up to 20 changes occur within one
hour on the same MAC address. Before the threshold has passed, all actions are
released from the original IP address and no actions are applied to the new IP
address when the change occurs. However, CounterACT activates the Admission
based activation option for the IP address. The detection is displayed at the
Detections pane with the same MAC addresses and the most current IP address
What happens to the endpoint after the threshold has passed?
If there is an IP address change after the threshold has passed:

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The MAC address is ignored as a mechanism for identifying the endpoints in

any policy.
All new detections on the MAC are displayed individually per IP address.
Use the options in this pane to update the default IP address threshold. You can also
apply the ignore mechanism and threshold definitions to NetBIOS host name
changes detected on the same IP address.

Identity Pane

To update the threshold:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select NAC>Identity.
2. Define any of the following options:

Count The number of IP address changes that can occur before the threshold
is passed.
Period The time period during which identity changes can occur before the
threshold is passed.
Ignore Endpoint identity change will be ignored for this period.
Ignored The MAC addresses that are ignored during detection. The threshold
host for IP address changes on this MAC has been passed. The MAC is
identities automatically added to a list of ignored addresses. You can edit and
remove MAC addresses from the list.
NetBIOS Apply the ignore mechanism and threshold definitions to NetBIOS
Hostname names that change on the same IP address.

Time Settings
The following general preferences can be customized:
Network Admission Resolve Delay

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Policy Ignores Information Older Than

Internal Inactivity Timeout
Purge Inactivity Timeout
Display Action Icon after Action Is Complete

Time Settings Pane

The External Inactivity Timeout option in NAC > Time Settings currently
serves as groundwork for future support of offsite endpoint management.
Configuring this option will not affect CounterACT functionality.

To access the Time Settings pane and update values:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select NAC>Time Settings.
2. Use the spin controls for each time settings to select the desired value.

Network Admission Resolve Delay

A delay time exists between the detection of network admission events and the
onset of the policy evaluation. When an endpoint boots, the IP address is assigned
rather quickly, before most of its services have loaded. Waiting 30 seconds (default
delay time) increases the chances that the rule evaluation will start when more
details could be learned about the endpoint (after all services have loaded). You can
update the delay default time.
If you set this value too high, your machines will not be checked immediately after
admission. If you set the value too low, discovered information may not be accurate.
You can also set this value per policy. See Updating the Network Admission Resolve
Delay in Main Rule Advanced Options for details.

Policy Ignores Information Older Than

This value is a specific time period that CounterACT does not see traffic at endpoints
that were previously discovered by a policy. Endpoints listed in a policy that are
inactive beyond the time set here are no longer rechecked. Inspection begins again

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only when the endpoint in rediscovered as a result of the activation settings defined.
The default Inactivity Timeout is defined in the Policy Preferences dialog box. The
value there is applied to all Appliances until changed specifically, per policy, here.

Internal Inactivity Timeout

After initial detection, endpoints in your network may disconnect from the network,
that is, go offline.
For endpoints that are not connected to a switch managed by the CounterACT Switch
Plugin, CounterACT uses the Internal Inactivity Timeout option to resolve offline
status. This is the time period that endpoints should be disconnected from the
network in order for CounterACT to resolve them as offline. The minimal (and
default) offline setting is one hour.
This parameter applies to policy endpoints as well as other endpoint detections.
Endpoints that are offline beyond the time set here can be hidden from the Home
view, Detections pane. This allows you to view and work exclusively with online
If endpoints are connected to a switch that is managed by the CounterACT Switch
Plugin, by default CounterACT detects offline status within one minute. Refer to the
Permissions Configuration section of the Switch Plugin Configuration Guide for
information about changing this one-minute default setting.

Purge Inactivity Timeout

After initial detection, endpoints in your network may disconnect from the network
become inactive for a lengthy period. The Purge Inactivity Timeout refers to a
specific time period that CounterACT does not see traffic at endpoints that it
previously discovered. This includes policy endpoints as well as other endpoint
detections. Endpoints that are inactive beyond the time set here are cleared from the
database. This means, for example, the endpoints no longer appear in the Detections
pane, Host Details dialog box, Policy Log, in reports or in the History view.

Display Action Icon after Action Is Complete

You can choose a time period to display an Action icon after a one-time action is
complete, for example:
After an email action is delivered
After network users confirm reading redirected pages
After users perform redirecting tasks
This feature helps you more quickly understand the endpoint status.

HTTP Login Attempts

Define a failed login limit for endpoint users attempting to log in via the CounterACT
HTTP Login page. This page is triggered via the HTTP Login action.

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Login Page

You can define the number of failed login attempts that occurs within a specific time
frame. Users who exceed this limit can be detected using the HTTP Login Failure
property. In addition, you can follow up with users who exceeded the limit by
creating useful policy actions, for example, notifying the IT team or preventing user
access to the production network.

To define a limit:
1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select NAC > HTTP Login

HTTP Login Attempts Pane

2. Type the number of failed login attempts and the time within which failed
login attempts must occur in order for a login failure attempt to be detected.
3. Select Apply.

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Property Lists
Lists contain endpoint properties and related values, for example, a list of domain
user names, or a list of DNS names, or of processes that you want to prohibit on
your network. Each List is associated with a single endpoint property and can contain
multiple related values.
Using lists speeds up and streamlines the policy creation process.
For example, if you discovered that network guests are running unauthorized
processes on your network, create a list of these processes, and then incorporate
them into a policy that will detect and halt them. You can manually create lists or
create lists based on Inventory detections and policy detections. See Defining and
Managing Lists for details.

Categorizing Policies
Assign policies to policy categories to:
Help you organize and view policies in the Policy manager. For example, only
display policies that have been labeled as Compliance policies. See Working
with the Policy Manager.
Include categorized policies in the Compliance folder and Corporate/Guest
folder in the Views pane of the Console. See Home Views.
Include categorized policies in the Executive Dashboard. See Chapter 16: The
Executive Dashboard.
Include categorized policies in the ForeScout Compliance Center. See Working
with the ForeScout Compliance Center.
Display categorized policies in the Site Map. See Working at the Site Map.
The Compliance Status and Corporate/Guest Status properties. See Device
Information Properties.
By default, these include policies generated from Compliance and Corporate/Guest
Control templates.
This section describes how to categorize other policies as either Compliance or
Follow these guidelines:
1. Create a policy whose results you want to display at the dashboard.
2. Categorize the policy as either Compliance or Corporate/Guest.
3. Label endpoints that match the policy sub-rules as follows:
Matched endpoints are compliant / not compliant / unlabeled
Matched endpoints are authorized guest / unauthorized guest / corporate /
Endpoints that do not match sub-rules or are unlabeled are not integrated
with dashboard results
When working with policies that only have a Main Rule, label endpoints that either
match or do not match the policy. For example, consider a policy detecting endpoints

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that have installed uTorrent an unauthorized peer-to-peer application. Endpoints

that match the policy can be labeled Not Compliant and endpoints that do not match
the policy can be labeled Compliant or Unlabeled.

Working with Unlabeled Rules

Endpoints that are marked Unlabeled are not calculated. Endpoints may be
unlabeled, for example, if they are defined as a necessary part of a rule or policy but
do not fall into a useful category. For example, in the Dashboard sub-rules that
verify if an endpoint is manageable or connected to SecureConnector.

Sample Categorization and Labeling Running Vital File on Windows

Endpoint Policy

To categorize and label a policy:

1. Create a policy that verifies that a vital file is installed on endpoints Running
Windows XP applications. Name the policy Running Vital File on Windows
Configure the Main Rule to discover endpoints running any Windows XP
Configure the sub-rule to verify that a certain file exits on these
endpoints. Define the property so that endpoints with the file meet the
property criteria.

Rule Definitions

2. Finish creating the policy and select it from the Policy Manager.

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Policy Main Rule Selected

3. Select Categorize.
The Categorize dialog box opens.
4. Select Compliance from the Select a policy category drop-down list.

Classify Dialog Box

5. Select the Label header and then select Compliant.

Sample Label

This means that endpoints with the vital file are calculated as compliant.
Other endpoints are unlabeled.
6. Select Unlabeled if you do not want results to be calculated.

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Chapter 5: Policy Management

Policy Reports and Logs

This section describes:
Policy Reports
Policy Logs

Policy Reports
Two categories of reports are available:
Policies summary
Reports portal

Policies Summary
You can generate a report listing your policies and policy definitions.

To generate a summary of your policies:

1. Select Policies Summary Report from the Report menu.

Policies Summary Report

Reports Portal
The Reports Plugin lets you generate reports with real-time and trend information
about policies, endpoint compliance status, vulnerabilities, device details, assets and
network guests.
Use reports to keep network administrators, executives, the Help Desk, IT teams,
security teams or other enterprise teams well-informed about network activity.
Reports can be used, for example, to help you understand:
Long-term network compliance progress and trends
Immediate security needs
Compliance with policies

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Status of a specific policy

Network device statistics
You can create reports and view them immediately, save reports or generate
schedules to ensure that network activity and detections are automatically and
consistently reported.
In addition, you can use any language supported by your operating system to
generate reports. Reports can be viewed and printed as either PDF or CSV files.

To learn more about web reports:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Select Plugins and then select Reports.
3. Select Help.

To generate reports:
1. Select Web Reports from the Reports menu. The Login page opens.
2. Enter the credentials that you use to log in. The home page opens. A variety
of reports are available, for example, compliance and guest status reports or
device and policy detail reports.

Web Reports

The Reports Portal is provided by the CounterACT Reports Plugin. Plugin updates
may be available in between CounterACT version releases.

Policy Logs
Use the Policy Log to investigate the activity of specific endpoints, and display
information about how those endpoints are handled. The log displays information
about endpoints as they are detected and is continuously updated.

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You can display endpoints from a specific time period and IP address range. In
addition, filter tools are available to limit the log display for, example to specific
policies or sub-rules. An option is also available to export the Log to an XML file.

To open the log:

1. Select Policy Log from the Log menu.

Main Policy Log Dialog Box

2. Define a time scope and address range and select OK.

A Log dialog box opens according to the range that you selected.

Policy Log Dialog Box

The following information is available:

Time The time the event occurred.

Host The IP address of the detected endpoint.
Type/Name The type of event. Use the Filter option to control which event types are
displayed. The name is basic information about the type.
Details Event details.

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Status The status of the operations taken place. For example, if a policy action is
complete, the status is OK.
Origin The CounterACT device that detected the event.
MAC Address The MAC address of the detected endpoint.

The following filter options are available:

All Display all log events.

Log Contains detections, action execution and additional information.
Threat Displays endpoints detected via the Threat Protection Policy.
Only New, changed, rechecked property that was learned regarding to the
Changes selected IP address ranges.
Policy The name of the policy or sub-policy.
Property Changes to the status of policy properties. For example, the Authentication,
Signed In Status property changed from Not Signed In to Signed In as a
System Important system events, including Console initialization time, Appliance
status, plugin status, and changes in Appliance IP address assignments.
Use the Event Viewer to review more detailed system event information.
See Working with System Event Logs for details.

Exporting the Log

You can export the log data or sections of it to a CSV file.

To export the data:

1. From the Policy Log dialog box, select Export from the File menu. The Export
Table dialog box opens.

Save as CSV Dialog Box

2. Browse to the location for saving the file.

3. Configure the export options.

Export all information. Do not select any checkbox.

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Only export information Select Displayed columns only.

displayed in the log. (This
does not include information
hidden via the Hide/Display
column feature.)
Select rows to export and Select Selected rows only.
export all related data.
(Including information hidden
via the Hide/Display column
Select rows to export but only Select both checkboxes.
export data displayed. (This
does not include information
hidden via the Hide/Display
column feature.)

4. Select OK.

Policy Safety Features

Several safety features are available to help ensure that your policies efficiently
handle endpoints.
Working with Action Thresholds
Handling Irresolvable Endpoints during Plugin Failure
Misconfigured Add to Group Policy

Working with Action Thresholds

There are scenarios in which policy enforcement requires blocking or restricting
network devices and users.
Action thresholds are designed to automatically implement safeguards when rolling
out such sanctions across your network. Consider a situation in which you defined
multiple policies that utilize a blocking action, for example, the Virtual Firewall or
Switch Block action. In a situation where an extensive number of endpoints match
these policies, you may block more endpoints than you anticipated.
An action threshold is the maximum percentage of endpoints that can be controlled
by a specific action type defined at a single Appliance. By working with thresholds,
you gain more control over how many endpoints are simultaneously restricted in one
way or another.
How it works
1. CounterACT sets default thresholds for an action type, per Appliance.
2. CounterACT puts actions on-hold for endpoints that are detected after the
threshold is passed.
3. An On-hold indicator blinks on the Console status bar. Manual approval is
required to cancel the on-hold status and carry out the actions.

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4. Select the indicator to access the Action Threshold dialog box, where you can,
for example, change the threshold or stop the Appliance. Additional options
are also available. See Releasing Actions from On-Hold on a Specific
Appliance for details.
5. When the situation is remediated and the blocking limit falls below the
threshold, you can cancel the on-hold status and continue blocking or
6. You can also manually select endpoints and cancel on-hold status.
You can also create threshold policy exceptions, i.e., policies that you would like to
exclude from action threshold calculations. You can, for example, exclude all
thresholds when working with policies that handle outside contractors.
How On-hold Calculations are Made
Actions thresholds for each action type are calculated per Appliance, based on the
number of endpoints assigned to the Appliance.
To enforce on-hold status, the following must occur:
A threshold percentage must be exceeded. See Actions Covered and
Threshold Percentages for details.
The number of endpoints with an action assigned to them must be equal to or
more than the minimal number of endpoints CounterACT is instructed to
detect before calculating the threshold. By default, this number is ten. See
Controlling the Counting Mechanism for details.
Using the default, if the total number of endpoints assigned to an Appliance is 500,
and the default threshold for the Switch Block action is 2%, then the threshold limit
is passed after 2% of the endpoints on the Appliance (or ten endpoints in this
example) are blocked via the switch. At this point, the action is put on-hold for new
endpoints detected.

Actions Covered and Threshold Percentages

The following table lists actions covered by thresholds and the default threshold

Action Default Threshold

Switch Block 2%
Assign to VLAN 2%
Virtual Firewall 2%
HTTP Notification 20%
HTTP Redirection to URL 20%
Send Email 2% during one minute
VPN Block 1%
Wireless Host Block 1%
Kill Process on Windows 2%
Add to Blocking Exceptions list 2%
ACL 2%

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Action Default Threshold

Disable External Device 2%

To change a default:
1. Select the Configuration tab from the Action Threshold dialog box.
2. Select Custom.
3. Type a value in the field that follows.
4. Select Apply.
How Do I Know When a Threshold Violation Occurred?
The action threshold indicator flashes if a threshold violation occurred.
You can select the icon to open the Action Threshold dialog box for details. At that
point the indicator will remain on the status bar, but will not flash.
A tooltip gives you information about the on-hold status.

To work with action thresholds:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select NAC>Action

Action Threshold Pane

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Actions Section
This section lists all the actions defined in your enterprise and provides related

Description Action Name

Status The on-hold status of the action. If the action is put on hold at one
Appliance, the overall status is considered On-hold.
A green checkmark means that the action is not on-hold at any
Appliance. A blue icon indicates that it is.
Action The action being handled.
# On-hold The number of Appliances that are working with an on-hold action.
Max % Hosts With The highest percentage of endpoints covered by an action at a
Action specific Appliance, in relation to all enterprise Appliances. For
example, 20% of all endpoints at a specific Appliance have been
assigned this action, and this is the highest percentage at all
Use the value to get a better understating of how to configure your
threshold for a particular action. Using this example, if 20% is the
maximum value but the default threshold is at 2%, you may want to
adjust the threshold.
Threshold The current on-hold threshold for the action.
Policies Policies that include this action.

Select an action from this section and review detailed threshold information per
Appliance in the Threshold Details per Appliance section.

Threshold Details per Appliance Section

This section displays threshold information for an action that you selected in the
Actions section, for example, the current number of endpoints that are On-hold at a
specific Appliance for the Virtual Firewall action. You can also use the tools in this
section to:
Change the default threshold.
Create threshold policy exceptions. Policies that you would like to exclude
from action threshold calculations. For example, exclude all policies that
handle organizational visitors.
Configure thresholds if you are working in small environments.
Start or stop an Appliance.
Cancel the On-Hold mechanism.
Include or exclude endpoints that were manually assigned an action.

Appliances Tab
Display threshold information for an action that you selected in the Actions section;
for example, the current number of endpoints on hold at a specific Appliance for the
Virtual Firewall action.

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Appliances Tab

Item Description
Status The On-hold status for the action on the selected Appliance. A green
checkmark means that the action is not On-hold at this Appliance. A
blue icon indicates that it is.
Appliance The Appliance IP address.
Threshold The current threshold for this action. Note that it is identical on all
Appliances, and varies by default per action.
% Hosts With The percentage of endpoints on the Appliance that are targeted for
Action the action selected in the Actions section. Some actions may be
carried out, while others may be on-hold because of a threshold
# Hosts With The total number of endpoints on the Appliance to which the action
Action applies. Endpoints detected by policies that are configured as
threshold exceptions are not counted.
# On-hold Hosts The number of endpoints on the Appliance that are not being
controlled by the action because of a threshold violation On-hold.

Stop Appliance
When you stop an Appliance, all CounterACT activity on endpoints is halted. You may
decide to do this if you feel that the action is causing unexpected results.

Configuration Tab

Use this tab to change the default configuration for the threshold and to create
threshold policy exceptions policies that you would like to exclude from action
threshold calculations. For example, exclude all policies that handle organizational
visitors. You can exclude an entire policy or a specific rule.

Configuration Tab

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To create exceptions:
1. Select Add.
The Add Policy Threshold Exceptions dialog box opens.

Add Policy Threshold Exception

2. Select the policy items that you want to exclude from the threshold
3. Select OK.

Controlling the Counting Mechanism

You can define the minimum number of endpoints that should be counted for an
action before enforcing a threshold. For example, wait until 20 endpoints have been
detected with a certain action before calculating the threshold. The number applies
to all Appliances. The calculation is done by each Appliance separately. The default is
10 endpoints.
In small enterprises where there are very few endpoints, the default threshold may
be initiated too soon. For example, if the threshold is 1% and less than 100
endpoints are assigned to the Appliance, then the first action will bypass the
threshold. Conversely, in large organizations, the threshold may be needed to be

To change the default:

1. Select the number that you want from the Minimal number of hosts field in
the NAC>Actions Thresholds pane.
2. Select Apply.

Include or Exclude Endpoint Manually Assigned an Action

By default, endpoints that have manually been assigned actions are included in the
endpoint count. To exclude these endpoints, clear Count Manual Actions from the
Actions Thresholds pane.

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Chapter 5: Policy Management

Releasing Actions from On-Hold on a Specific Appliance

If too many actions are not being carried out, you can perform one of the following
and then release the On-hold mechanism.
Increase the action threshold in the Configuration tab.
Stop the relevant policies.
Increase the minimum number of endpoints to detect.
Add the relevant policies to Policy Threshold Exceptions list in Configuration
Stop the Appliance.
After releasing the on-hold mechanism, you can continue blocking or restricting
newly detected endpoints.
The release option lets you release the action on newly detected endpoints (after
selecting Release), and lets you instruct CounterACT how to handle the action on
endpoints that were previously detected.

To release the mechanism:

1. Select an Appliance from the Threshold Details per Appliance section of
the Action Threshold pane.
2. To cancel the On-hold mechanism for the action on the Appliance, select
Release. This releases the mechanism for newly detected endpoints assigned
the action. A dialog box opens letting you instruct Counteract to handle the
action on endpoints that were previously detected. Three options are
Perform the action.
Cancel the action. The action remains cancelled until it is either deleted or
unmatched to a policy and then matched.
Leave the action on-hold.

Release Action Dialog Box Switch Block Action

Approve Actions on Specific Endpoints

You can release the On-hold status for specific endpoints and approve the action.

To approve:
1. Sort the Detections pane via the Actions column.

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Chapter 5: Policy Management

2. Click the Actions column header and look for the hourglass icon. This icon
indicates endpoints that are On-hold or Pending. The first set of endpoints is
3. Right-click the endpoint and select Approve Actions. Select the action that
you want to release from On-hold.

Handling Irresolvable Endpoints during Plugin Failure

When plugins are not running, CounterACT cannot properly resolve endpoints and as
a result will apply the Evaluate Irresolvable Criteria value defined by users (match or
unmatch). This resolution is inaccurate because of the plugin failure. To avoid this
situation, CounterACT ignores this definition when plugins are down.

Evaluate Irresolvable Criteria Option

Misconfigured Add to Group Policy

Users may unknowingly create invalid policies. For example, when the Not a Member
of Group condition and the Add to Group action are configured in the same policy. A
policy error message is displayed in the Details pane when CounterACT detects this
kind of misconfiguration.

Invalid Policy Notification

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions
About Policy Conditions
Defining Properties
Detection of New Vulnerabilities and Newly Supported Vendor
Defining Custom Conditions
Comparing Property Results
Defining and Managing Lists
Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

About Policy Conditions

This section describes what policy conditions are and how to work with them. The
following subjects are covered:
What Is a Policy Condition
Meeting Condition Criteria
Condition Shortcuts
Irresolvable Criteria
Case Sensitivity
Property Expression Types
Properties and Scripts
Windows Endpoint Applications Vendor Support

What Is a Policy Condition?

A policy condition is a predefined set of endpoint properties and Boolean logic (AND,
OR, NOT) connecting them; for example, endpoints running Windows XP with
outdated Symantec AntiVirus applications. You can instruct CounterACT to apply a
policy action to endpoints that match (or do not match) criteria that you choose for
the condition. If the Boolean expression that you create is too complex, CounterACT
issues a warning and does not follow through with it.

Standard and Advanced View of Condition Settings

Meeting Condition Criteria

Conditions may include several criteria, i.e., several sets of Boolean endpoint
properties. Each condition provides an option to specify which criteria must be met in
order for the endpoint to match the policy. You may decide that a match is

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

If all criteria are true.

If one criterion is true.
If all criteria are false.
If one criterion is false.

Condition Shortcuts
Create and reuse Custom conditions in any of your policies. Using Custom
conditions saves you time when you create policies and prevents you from
making mistakes when defining the condition. See Authentication Properties
for more information.
Create and use Lists of property values in any of your policies. These are
user-defined lists of property values, for example, a list of user names or a
list of domain names. Using Lists saves you time when you create policies and
prevents you from making mistakes when entering values. For example, a list
of switch IP addresses that you may need to use repeatedly when defining
different policies. See Defining and Managing Lists for more information.

Irresolvable Criteria
Many properties provide an option for handling irresolvable criteria endpoint
properties that CounterACT cannot properly resolve. If CounterACT cannot verify a
property, you can choose how to treat that endpoint.

Irresolvable Criteria

You can instruct CounterACT to handle irresolvable criteria as follows:

True The endpoint will match the criteria defined for the property.
False The endpoint will not match the criteria defined for the property.
Irresolvable The endpoint will not be further analyzed. The endpoint is not checked to
see if it matches additional condition criteria.

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Case Sensitivity
Indicate if you want the condition property to be case sensitive.

A property is an attribute detected on the endpoint, for example, device and
operating system information or information about switch connections or user
directly information. CounterACT supports an extensive range of endpoint and
network device properties. If you have installed a plugin included in a ForeScout
Module, related properties are also available. For example, if you installed the
Microsoft SMS/SCCM Plugin, properties regarding SMS collections and reports are
Using properties lets you quickly and efficiently pinpoint endpoint and network
See Defining Properties for a complete list of properties.

Property Expression Types

You may want to detect certain properties on endpoints, but may not be certain of
the precise property values; for example, the exact spelling of a vendor or precise
version information. To help you deal with these situations, several property
expression options are available.
Starts or Ends with
Greater than
Matches expression
In List (See Defining and Managing Lists.)
Any Value

Properties and Scripts

The following properties use scripts:
Windows Expected Script Result
Device Interfaces
Number of IP Addresses
External Devices
Windows File MD5 Signature
Windows Is Behind NAT
Microsoft Vulnerabilities

Scripts are not required if the endpoint is managed by SecureConnector.

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Refer to the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin Configuration Guide for details about
working with scripts. Select Options from the Tools menu, select HPS Inspection
Engine and then select Help.

Windows Endpoint Applications Vendor Support

In addition to general endpoint discovery capabilities, CounterACT provides
specialized tools for in-depth discovery and management of the following Windows
application types:
Windows Antivirus vendors
Windows Peer-to-Peer vendors
Windows Instant Messaging vendors
Windows Anti-Spyware vendors
Windows Personal Firewall vendors
Use CounterACT policies to discover endpoints running these applications, and to
apply remediation actions.
Refer to the HPS Applications Plugin Configuration Guide for a complete list of
supported vendors. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select
this plugin and then select Help. Vendor application support may be updated with
new HPS Applications Plugin releases. See Detection of New Vulnerabilities and
Newly Supported Vendor Applications for details.

Defining Properties
Conditions include one or several properties. A property is an attribute detected on
the endpoint. The following categories of properties are available by default with
Authentication Properties
Classification Properties
Advanced Classification Properties
Device Information Properties
Event Properties
External Devices Properties
Guest Registration Properties
Linux Properties
Macintosh Properties
Microsoft NAP Properties
Remote Inspection Properties
SNMP Properties
Switch Properties
Track Changes Properties

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

User Directory Properties

Windows Properties
Windows Application Properties
Windows Security Properties
If you have installed non-bundled plugins or plugins included in ForeScout Modules,
the list will include properties related to those plugins. For example, if you are
working with the CounterACT Wireless Plugin or the CounterACT Bromium Plugin,
properties delivered with those plugins will be available. See Chapter 8: Base Plugins
and ForeScout Modules for information about working with plugins.
Refer to the related plugin configuration guides for details about properties related to
specific plugins. http://updates.forescout.com/support/index.php?url=counteract
CounterACT Appliances must regularly query endpoints to keep property values up to
date. This can generate significant network traffic. The following methods are
provided to minimize traffic:
In general, endpoints are polled for property values only when the a policy
that includes the property is being evaluated. Defining the time interval at
which policies are evaluated and rechecked influences the frequency at which
endpoints are queried.
When SecureConnector is used on endpoints, event driven monitoring can be
enabled. SecureConnector proactively sends updates to the HPS Inspection
Engine Plugin only when it detects a change in an endpoint property. This
eliminates blind polling by CounterACT, and significantly reduces redundant
network traffic.

To define properties:
1. Select Add from the Condition section of the Sub-Rules dialog box.

Condition Dialog Box

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

2. Select a property type from the Select Property section and define the
property value. When defining properties, indicate if the endpoint meets the
criteria defined or does not meet the criteria. The properties are detailed
3. Select OK. The Conditions dialog box reopens.

Authentication Properties
Property Description
Authentication Indicates whether the endpoint performed any of the following:
Login A successful login to an authentication server. To use this feature you
must configure your authentication servers. CounterACT supports the
following authentication services: HTTP(80/TCP), Telnet(23/TCP),
NetBIOS(139/TCP), FTP(21/TCP) IMAP (143/TCP), POP3(110/TCP),
The user authenticated via the User Directory server as a result of the
policy HTTP Login action.
The user authenticated as a guest as a result of the policy HTTP Login
See Defining Authentication Servers for more information.
Authentication Indicates endpoints that logged in to the network using a specific protocol or
Login against a specific server. Type the protocol name or the server IP address.
(Advanced) Servers referenced here must be defined in the Authentication pane. See
Defining Authentication Servers for more information.
HTTP Indicates whether the end user confirmed an HTTP notification message
Confirmation generated by CounterACT. Confirmation is discovered via the Confirmation
Events Identifier name, defined in the HTTP Notification action.
Type the name of the identifier. If discovered, the user confirmed the
HTTP Login Indicates whether the endpoint exceeded the HTTP login failure threshold
Failure defined in Options > NAC > HTTP Login Attempts. The User Directory
Plugin must be installed to work with this property.
HTTP Login Name of the last user that performed successful HTTP Login authentication.
Signed In Indicates endpoints that:
Status Are signed-in to the network using a valid domain name. See HTTP Login
action for details.
Are signed-in as guests.
Are signed-out or never signed in.

Classification Properties
Property Description
Network Indicates the type and function of an endpoint, as determined by Nmap. Note
Function that due to the activation of Nmap, this information may take longer to resolve.
Use of this property requires that you configure the HPS Inspection Engine

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Property Description
OS Indicates the type of the operating system running on the endpoint, as
Fingerpri determined by Nmap. Use this property instead of OS Class for classification of
nt unlisted and unknown OS names. Note that due to the activation of Nmap, this
information may take longer to retrieve.
Use of this property requires that you configure the HPS Inspection Engine
Service Indicates the service and version information, as determined by Nmap. Note that
Banner due to the activation of Nmap, this information may take longer to retrieve.
Use of this property requires that you configure the HPS Inspection Engine

Advanced Classification Properties

Property Description
Classification Indicates the method used to classify the device. The following options are
Method available:
Active Banner
Active Fingerprint
Managed (Network Device or Endpoint)
Manual Classification
Passive Banner

Device Information Properties

Property Description
Comment Indicates devices that contain device Comment text defined by the
CounterACT user. (Right-click an endpoint from the Detections pane to add a
comment. The comment is retained for the life of the endpoint in
Compliance Indicates the endpoint status based on policies categorized as Compliance
Status policies.
Corporate/Gu Indicates the endpoint status based on policies categorized as
est Status Corporate/Guest Control policies.
Device Detects endpoints with specific device interface information. This information
Interfaces may be part of the interface name, vendor and MAC address. Use of this
property requires the proper configuration and activation of the HPS
Inspection Engine Plugin.
Device is Indicates whether endpoints are running DHCP Relay services. Use of this
DHCP Relay property requires the proper configuration and activation of the HPS
Inspection Engine Plugin.
Device is Indicates whether endpoints are DHCP servers. Use of this property requires
DHCP Server the proper configuration and activation of the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin.
Device is NAT Indicates whether the endpoint performs a Network Address Translation,
potentially hiding other devices behind it.
If you have set CounterACT to the Partial Enforcement mode, this condition
will not work. See Working with the Enforcement Mode for more information.

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Property Description
DHCP Server Indicates whether the device IP address was received from a DHCP server. If
Address so the value of the property is the IP address of the DHCP server.
In addition to DHCP server properties, such as this one, which are
discovered by CounterACT, additional DHCP host properties are discovered
by the DHCP Classify Plugin. This plugin extracts host information from
DHCP messages and uses DHCP fingerprinting to determine the operating
system and other host configuration information. For more information, refer
to the DHCP Classify Plugin Configuration Guide. Select Options from the
Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select this plugin and then select Help.
DNS Name Indicates the endpoints DNS name.
Host is online Indicates whether the endpoint is connected to the network.
IP Address Indicates endpoints with specific IP addresses, including:
Any IP address
Addresses in a specific network segment
Addresses in a specific range
Endpoints without a known IP address (endpoints will be detected when
CounterACT discovers their MAC address)
IP addresses that start with, end or match a certain numerical
MAC Address Indicates the MAC address of the endpoint.
Member of Allows you to investigate endpoints that are part of a group.
NetBIOS Indicates the NetBIOS Domain to which the endpoint is logged on.
NetBIOS Indicates the NetBIOS host name of the endpoint.
Network Indicates specific types of network adapters, for example, with a specific
Adapters device name, MAC address or connection status.
NIC Vendor Indicates the vendor of the NIC, as detected by CounterACT based on the
MAC prefix.
The HPS NIC Vendor DB Plugin updates vendor information used to resolve
this property. CounterACT can automatically add newly supported vendors to
a policy condition that you create with this property. For more information
about this plugin, select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins.
Select this plugin and then select Help.
NIC Vendor Indicates a string value associated with the NIC Vendor. You can create
Value conditions that match several variants of a vendor name, or look for a
specific substring in a name.
The HPS NIC Vendor DB Plugin updates vendor information used to resolve
this property. CounterACT can automatically add newly supported vendors to
a policy condition that you create with this property. For more information
about this plugin, select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins.
Select this plugin and then select Help

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Property Description
Number of IP Indicates endpoints that are assigned more than one IP address. In such
Addresses cases, a separate address can be used to connect to different networks. This
information may be important because endpoints connected to more than
one network can be used as routers to transmit malicious traffic. Endpoints
connected to both wireless and land networks can also create back doors to
hackers and worms.
You can specify endpoint IP addresses to ignore when calculating the
number of IP addresses. Select Tools>Options>HPS Inspection
Engine>Tuning to define the addresses to ignore.
Use of this property requires the proper configuration and activation of the
HPS Inspection Engine Plugin.
Open Ports Indicates the availability of open ports on the endpoint. This is determined
by inspecting real-time traffic as well as using Nmap.
The condition is considered "true" if any of the listed ports are detected.
OS CPE Indicates the operating system running on the endpoint, in Common
Format Platform Enumeration format. This property is reported by the HPS
Applications, Macintosh/Linux Property Scanner, OS X and ARF Reports
Plugins. The property contains the CPE 2.3 representation of the operating
system bound to a formatted string.
You can use CounterACT property expression types (For example, Contains,
In List, or Matches) to create policy conditions that identify logical parts or
substrings of the CPE name string.
SMB Relay Indicates the endpoint may be spoofing session-layer SMB authentication.
CounterACT compares the IP address of the SMB session used by the
endpoint to the IP addresses it discovers on the endpoint. If the IP address
of the SMB session is not included in the addresses discovered on the
endpoint, CounterACT assigns this property the value True and reports a
NAT detection event using the Device Is NAT host property. Use this
property to improve detection of man-in-the-middle attacks.
There is a parallel Track Changes property.
Traffic seen Indicates the most recent time network traffic was seen.
User Indicates the domain user name currently logged on to the endpoint.

Event Properties
Property Description
ARP Spoofing Indicates whether the number of different MAC address reported for an IP
address becomes greater than the number specified here. This lets you
keep track of the different MAC addresses used by an IP address as
advertised by ARP responses. Normally there should be only one MAC
address per IP address.
ARP spoofing lets you detect attempts to maliciously direct network traffic.
To work with this condition, the Appliance must monitor ARP traffic, i.e. the
broadcast domain where ARP requests are transmitted. Refer to the Port
Mirroring in CounterACT Advanced Technical Note for more information
about configuring your environment for detecting ARP spoofing.

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Property Description
Admission Indicates whether one or several admission events were detected.
Admission event types include:
New IP: By default, endpoints are considered new if they were not
detected at your network within a 30-day period. For example, if an IP
was detected on the first of the month, and then detected again 31
days later, the detection will initiate the activation. The default time
period can be changed. See Policy Preferences for more information.
IP Address Change
Switch Port Change
DHCP Request
Authentication via the HTTP Login action
Log in to an authentication server
SecureConnector connection
If you have installed plugins, additional admission events types may be
available. For example, the New Wireless Host Connected Events option is
available if you installed the Wireless Plugin.
Malicious Event Refers to the type of threat protection event to respond to. Parameters
selected here are applied in addition to parameters defined in the Threat
Protection Policy. See Chapter 12: Threat Protection for more information.
Miscellaneous Indicates endpoints whose IP address was used by a newly connecting
Events endpoint. This may happen, for example, if the original endpoint was
offline for a certain period and the newly connecting endpoint received its
When this happens the original endpoint will be displayed at the Console
without an IP address, until it reconnects.
Sessions as Sessions let you run policies based on real-time identification of network
Client / traffic patterns between servers and clients, allowing you to pinpoint:
Sessions as When session are initiated
Which protocols are used
For example, use this property to ensure compliance of data flow security
for audit usage or to track down network users trying to access sensitive
protected data, for example, credit card information or financial accounts.
Indicates which endpoints generated sessions to specific servers using a
defined protocol.
Sessions as Client: Indicates which endpoints generated sessions to
specific servers using a defined protocol.
Sessions as Server: Indicates which servers received sessions from
specified endpoints using a defined protocol.
Traps Received Indicates that an SNMP trap was received on the port where the endpoint
is connected.

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

External Devices Properties

Property Description
External Refers to external devices connected to an endpoint by cross-referencing
Devices all the device attributes listed below. In order for an endpoint to match the
defined condition, all attributes in this list must match.
Name: Detects endpoints connected to an external device with a
specific device name.
ID: Detects endpoints connected to an external device with a specific
device ID number.
Class: Detects endpoints that are connected to specific external device
classes, including:
Wireless communication devices
Portable devices
Windows CE USB devices
PCMCIA and Flash memory devices
Other devices
Network adapters
Infrared devices
Imaging devices
Disk Drives
DVD/CD-ROM drives
Bluetooth Radios
Bus Type: Detects the bus on which the external device is connected.
Status: Detects the connection status.

Guest Registration Properties

Property Description
Guest Approved Indicates users who were allowed network access as guests via the HTTP
By Login action, and provides the name of the sponsor who approved access.
Guest Indicates users who requested network access as guests via the HTTP
Registration Login action, and provides information about the status of their request.
Guest Tags Use this property in a policy to detect guests that are assigned guest tags.
Guest Tags property values are generated from the guest tags that are
Sponsors assign tags to guests when using the Network Access Request
page to approve/decline guest network access.
See Guest Tags for detailed information about administering guest tags.

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Property Description
Guest Indicates users who registered for network access as guests via the HTTP
Registration Login action, and provides the following registration information entered by
Information the guest in the registration form:
Account Approve Date
Contact Person
Contact Person Email
Custom form fields ( x5)
Email Address
Full Name
Phone Number
Registration browser user agent
Registration Date
User Name
You can use any of this information to enforce actions on guests.

Linux Properties
Property Description
Linux Expected Use this property to run a command or file that detects certain endpoint
Script Result attributes, statuses or any other information defined in the script or
command. Commands and file can also be used to carry out actions on
Type a command or browse to a file that you want to run. The
commands and scripts that you create are automatically saved on all
Appliances. All file extensions are supported and can be run.
A Run Script Action is also available.
Linux File Date Indicates the last modification date and time of a defined file on an
Linux File Exists Indicates the existence of a defined file on an endpoint.
Linux File Size Indicates the size (in bytes) of a defined file on a Linux device. Type a
single file size or a range of sizes, for example, 1-100. Use a dash when
defining a range.
Linux Hostname Indicates the Linux host name.
Linux Manageable Indicates whether the endpoint is connected to CounterACT via SSH.
(SSH Direct See the Macintosh/Linux Property Scanner Plugin Configuration Guide
Access) for more information.
Linux Manageable Indicates whether the endpoint is connected to CounterACT via
(SecureConnector) SecureConnector.
Linux Processes Indicates whether a process is currently running on detected endpoints.

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Property Description
Linux User Indicates whether the user is directly logged in to the Linux console.
Linux Version Indicates the specific version of the Linux OS running on the endpoint.
Use of this property requires that the endpoint be managed via

Macintosh Properties
Property Description
Macintosh Indicates whether a specified application is installed on an OS X
Applications endpoint. It parallels the Applications Installed host property for
Installed Windows endpoints. This property is only reported for Mac OS X
endpoints managed by the OS X Plugin.
Macintosh Use this property to run a command or file that will detect certain
Expected Script endpoint attributes, statuses or any other information defined in the
Result script or command. Commands and file can also be used to carry out
actions on endpoints.
Enter a command or browse to a file that you want to run. The
commands and scripts that you create are automatically saved on all
Appliances. All file extensions are supported and can be run.
A Run Script Action is also available.
Macintosh File Indicates the last modification date and time of a defined file on an
Date endpoint.
Macintosh File Indicates the existence of a defined file on an endpoint.
Macintosh File Size Indicates the size (in bytes) of a defined file on a Macintosh device.
Type a single file size or a range of sizes, for example, 1-100.
Macintosh Indicates the Macintosh host name.
Macintosh Indicates whether the endpoint is connected to CounterACT via SSH.
Manageable (SSH See the Macintosh/Linux Property Scanner Plugin Configuration Guide
Direct Access) for more information.
Macintosh Indicates whether the endpoint is connected to CounterACT via
Manageable SecureConnector.
Macintosh Indicates whether a process is currently running on the detected
Processes Running endpoints.
Macintosh Indicates the version of the SecureConnector package that is running on
SecureConnector the endpoint.
Macintosh Indicates Macintosh security and other updates that are missing on the
Software Updates detected endpoint.
Macintosh User Indicates whether the user is directly logged in to the Macintosh

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Property Description
Macintosh Version Indicates the specific version of the Macintosh OS running on the
endpoint. Use of this property requires that the endpoint be managed
via SecureConnector.

Microsoft NAP Properties

Property Description
NAP Capable Indicates a computer that has the NAP Agent service installed and
Computer running and is capable of providing its health status to NAP server
computers. NAP-capable computers include computers running Windows
Server 2008, Windows Vista, and Windows XP with SP3.
NAP Client Indicates a computer that has the NAP Agent service installed and
Computer running, and is providing its health status to NAP server computers.
NAP Compliance Indicates a computer that meets the NAP health requirements that have
been defined for the network. Only NAP client computers can be
NAP Health Issues Indicates endpoints with NAP health issues.

Remote Inspection Properties

The following properties indicate which management services are available on the
endpoint that CounterACT can use to perform Remote Inspection.

Property Description
MS-RRP Reachable Indicates whether CounterACT can use the Remote Registry Protocol for
Remote Inspection tasks on the endpoint.
MS-SMB Indicates whether CounterACT can use the SAMBA protocol for Remote
Reachable Inspection tasks on the endpoint.
MS-WMI Indicates whether CounterACT can use the Windows Management
Reachable Interface for Remote Inspection tasks on the endpoint. In previous
releases, this property was named Windows Manageable Domain by

These properties do not have an Irresolvable state. When the plugin cannot establish
connection with the service, the property value is False. Do not use the Evaluate
Irresolvable Criteria as option with these properties.
The following corresponding Track Changes policies are listed under the Track
Changes folder:
MS-RRP reachability changed
MS-SMB reachability changed
MS-WMI reachability changed

SNMP Properties
Use of SNMP properties requires the proper configuration and activation of the HPS
Inspection Engine Plugin. When entering the following values, use these guidelines:

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

For SNMP V1 use: -v 1 -c <community>

For SNMP V2 use: -v 2 -c <community>
For SNMP V3 use: -v 3 -u <user> -A <password>
Use the SNMP Parameters field to enter optional SNMP connection parameters. The
following parameters are supported:

-p <port> Specify the port used for SNMP messaging on the server.
-r <retries> Specify the number of times to retry the request.
-t <seconds> Specify the timeout period before retrying the request.
-E <engine_ID> Specify the Context Engine ID for REQUEST messages (SNMP v3 only).
-n <cont_name> Specify the Context Name (SNMP v3 only).

Property Description
SNMP-MIB-II Indicates the number of network interfaces (regardless of their current
ifNumber state) present on this system. The collection of this information depends
on access parameters (SNMP Parameters) specific to the SNMP version of
the inspected endpoint.
In the SNMP-MIB-II ifNumber field, type the number of interfaces to be
detected on the SNMP agent.
SNMP-MIB-II Indicates a textual description of the entity. This value should include the
sysDescription full name and version identification of the systems hardware type,
software operating-system, and networking software. It is mandatory that
this only contain printable ASCII characters. The collection of this
information depends on access parameters (SNMP Parameters) specific to
the SNMP version of the inspected endpoint.
In the SNMP-MIB-II sysDescription field, type the description that
should match the SNMP agent system description. If you are not sure of
the name, you can use the regular expression option, and enter wildcard
text for example, ci.* if you want to detect a Cisco switch.
SNMP-MIB-II Indicates the physical location of this node (for example, telephone closet,
sysLocation third floor). The collection of this information depends on access
parameters (SNMP Parameters) specific to the SNMP version of the
inspected endpoint.
In the SNMP-MIB-II sysLocation field, type the location that should
match the SNMP agent. If you are not sure of the name, you can use the
regular expression option, and enter wildcard text (.*).
SNMP-MIB-II Indicates an administratively-assigned name for this managed endpoint.
sysName By convention, this is the endpoints fully-qualified domain name. The
collection of this information depends on access parameters (SNMP
Parameters) specific to the SNMP version of the inspected endpoint.
In the SNMP-MIB-II sysName field, type the requested system name to

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Property Description
SNMP-MIB-II Indicates the time since the network management portion of the system
sysUpTime was last re-initialized. The collection of this information depends on access
parameters (SNMP Parameters) specific to the SNMP version of the
inspected endpoint.
Use the Older than or Before options to create a condition based on the
time the SNMP agent was last turned on.
SNMP-OID Indicates an OID value, on the SNMP agent. The collection of this
information depends on access parameters (SNMP Parameters) specific to
the SNMP version of the inspected endpoint.
In the SNMP OID field, type the requested OID value on the endpoint. If
the OID query and the SNMP-OID Value match, then the condition is

Switch Properties
An extensive range of properties are resolved for Switches that are configured to
work with CounterACT. The section provides an overview of the Switch properties.
Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Switch to configure the Switch
Plugin. Select Help for information about configuration and for more information
about working with switch properties.

Basic Managed Switch Information

Property Description
Number of The number of endpoints connected to a specific port. You can write a
Hosts on Port condition for this number to instruct the Switch Plugin to detect ports
with more than one endpoint (MAC address) if, for example, a hub and
a guest computer have been connected together with a company
endpoint on a company switch port. Ports connecting between switches
are excluded from this calculation.
Switch IP The switch IP address.
Switch IP and The switch IP address and port name (the format is
Port Name <IP_address>:<port>).
Switch The switch location based on the switch MIB.
Switch Port The actions (Blocked or Assign to VLAN) that are assigned to the
Action switch port.
Switch Port The description of the port as defined in the switch configuration and
Alias modified by the Switch Plugin.
Switch Port For use with Cisco devices only.
Configurations The configuration detail of the switch interface to which an endpoint is
Switch Port The physical connectivity between the endpoint and the switch port.

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Property Description
Switch Port For use with Cisco devices only.
PoE Description of the PoE device that is connected to the PoE-enabled
Connected switch port, as provided by the managed Cisco switch. For example,
Device Cisco IP Phone 6921.
Note: Because this property information is resolved on a switch port
basis, the CounterACT Console also displays the resolved information
for a detected endpoint that is connected to the port via its connection
to the PoE device (cascaded).
Switch Port For use with Cisco devices only.
PoE Power Power consumption of the PoE device that is connected to the PoE-
Consumption enabled switch port, as provided by the managed Cisco switch. The
power consumption value provided is in milliwatts (mW). For example,
When either a non-PoE device or no device is connected to the PoE-
enabled switch port, the property value is zero (0).
For switch vendors that the plugin does not support switch port PoE,
the Console displays the following information for this property:
Vendor is currently not supported for this property.
Note: Because this property information is resolved on a switch port
basis, the CounterACT Console also displays the resolved information
for a detected endpoint that is connected to the port via its connection
to the PoE device (cascaded).
Switch Port The hard-coded port name.
Switch Port The VLAN associated with the switch port.
Switch Port The name of the VLAN associated with the switch port.
Switch Port Whether the endpoint connected to the switch port is a VoIP device.
Voice Device
Switch Port The switch port VLAN to which the VoIP endpoint is connected.
Voice VLAN
Switch Vendor The switch vendor name.
Switch VoIP Whether the switch port is a VoIP port.
System Detects the system description information provided by the managed
Description device. System description information is as specified by the network
device SNMPv2-MIB property sysDescr (

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Network Device Compliance Properties

For any Cisco network device managed by the Switch Plugin, use the following policy
properties to create policies that determine network device compliance:

Property Description
Running For use with Cisco devices only.
Config Detects running config information of switches managed by
CounterACT, as generated by the show running-config command.
The Switch Plugin resolves this property for information at the
following instances: (a) After plugin start and initially detecting the
switch and (b) Whenever running config information changes.
Before working with this property, several configuration tasks must be
As the amount of information provided by the resolved Running Config
property can be very extensive, you can filter this information.
Running For use with Cisco devices only.
Config Time Contains the timestamp, MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS AM/PM, of the plugins
running config information query of the device.
Interface For use with Cisco devices only.
Table Detects the specific interface configuration provided in a device
running config for the interface.
Per interface, the resolved property provides the following information:
Interface Name - The interface name and when available the
interface location information.
Interface Configuration (raw) - the specific, interface configuration,
as provided in a device running config.

Track Changes Properties

Items in this category check whether a property value has changed; for example, if a
user name changed. Detecting changes in endpoints is a powerful method of
identifying possible attacks or noncompliance.
All these properties exist under other categories, but here these properties check
whether the value has changed. For example, the Windows File Size property in
the Windows folder detects the size of a file at a specific location. In the Track
Changes folder CounterACT detects if file size at that location changed.
Some of the Track Changes properties require the proper configuration and
activation of the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin.

User Directory Properties

Property Description
Account is Indicates whether the users account in the User Directory is disabled.
Account is Expired Indicates whether the users account in the User Directory is expired.
Attributes Shows user attributes which vary depending on User Directory

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Property Description
Display Name
Distinguished Name
Employee Number
Last Name
LDAP User Name
Member Of
Mobile Phone
Password Last Set
Street Address
User Given Name

Windows Properties
Property Description
Windows Domain Indicates whether the endpoint is a member of any of the domains
Member defined in the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin.
Windows Expected Use this property to run a command or file that will detect certain
Script Result endpoint attributes, statuses or any other information defined in the
script or command. Commands and file can also be used to carry out
actions on endpoints.
(If you use a file that exists on the endpoint, type its absolute path).
You can also enter output text that should be matched on the endpoint
against the output of the script.
Use this property, for example, to find users sharing the My Music folder.
This property may be used on managed Windows machines only.
Running a script is performed by starting a service called fsprocsvc. The
service does not open any new network connection or generate traffic.
Communication is carried out over Microsofts SMB/RPC (139/TCP or
445/TCP) and authentication is carried out using domain credentials. If
there is no request to run a new command within two hours, the service
dissolves automatically. Refer to the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin
Configuration Guide for more information about this service. Select
Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select this plugin and
then select Help.
You can reference the result of the script using a property tag.
Windows File Date Indicates the date that a specific file was last modified. Use this
property, for example, to check that endpoints on the network have a
specific file, from a specific date. Examples would be a security
configuration file or an antivirus signature file. By using this condition,
you can create a policy that enforces the specific file, from a specific
date, to exist on every endpoint.

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Property Description
Windows File Indicates a file name. Use this property, for example, to check that
Exists endpoints on the network have a specific file. You can use the following
Windows environment variables when you specify a pathname in a
Windows File MD5 Indicates to endpoints with specific MD5 signatures.
Windows File Size Indicates to a file name and size (in bytes). Use this property to check
that endpoints on the network have a specific file, and specific file size.
Windows File Indicates the version of a defined file on an endpoint.
Windows File Indicates the existence of a defined file with a version higher than
Version specified.
Windows Is Behind Indicates whether the endpoint was detected behind a NAT device.
Windows Last Indicates the last detected login event on Windows endpoints that are
Login Event managed by SecureConnector installed as a service. The property is
resolved to one of the following values:
None: No Login or Logout events have been detected, or the
endpoint is not managed by SecureConnector as a service.
Login: The most recent Windows Login/Logout Event received by
SecureConnector was Login.
Logout: The most recent Windows Login/Logout Event received by
SecureConnector was Logout.
Windows Logged Indicates whether a user is logged in to the endpoint.
NetBIOS Indicates whether the endpoint is a domain or workgroup member.
Membership Type
Windows Registry Indicates the existence of a specified Windows registry key. Note that
Key Exists only the following key roots are available: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,
Windows Registry Indicates the value of a specified Windows-registry key. Note that only
Value the following key roots are available: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,
To retrieve the default value of a registry key, end the pathname with a
backslash as in this example:
Windows Registry Indicates the existence of a value for a specified Windows registry key.
Value Exists
Windows Indicates the TLS version used in communications with SecureConnector
SecureConnector on Windows.

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Property Description
Windows Indicates the SecureConnector deployment mode installed on the
SecureConnector endpoint.
Deployment Type
Windows Indicates the SecureConnector visible mode installed on the endpoint.
Systray Display
Windows Shared Indicates whether a specific folder is currently shared on a Windows
Folders endpoint. Use this property, for example, to find network users sharing
music folders.
The ability to detect shared directories increases network security by
helping CounterACT users stop unwanted data from propagating across
the network.
This property returns the name of the directory.
SMB Signing Indicates support for SMB Signing on the Windows endpoint. Valid values
Required: the endpoint requires that all SMB communication is
Enabled: the endpoint supports SMB signing but does not require it.
Disabled: the endpoint does not support SMB signing, even when it is
requested by the communicating entity
Windows Indicates whether CounterACT has access to the endpoints remote
Manageable registry and file system. If either criterion is not met, the endpoint is
Domain unmanageable. This is typical of endpoints that are foreign to the
Irresolvable endpoints are resolved based on their previous recheck
Windows Similar to the Windows Manageable Domain property, except that if
Manageable irresolvable, the status not manageable is applied until the next recheck.
Domain (Current) This property differs from the Windows Manageable Domain property,
which resolves irresolvable endpoints based on their previous recheck
Windows Indicates that CounterACT either has or does not have access to
Manageable Local localhost credentials on the detected machine. These credentials include
the local user name, password and domain. When this information is
available, the endpoint is manageable and can be inspected.
Windows Indicates whether CounterACT SecureConnector is running on the
Manageable endpoint. See Start SecureConnector / Stop SecureConnector for more
SecureConnector information.
When an endpoint with multiple interfaces connects to CounterACT
through one NIC, only that host (NIC) is reported by this property.
When CounterACT policies apply an action to a dual-homed endpoint, the
action is applied to all interfaces of the endpoint, even if another host
(NIC) on the same endpoint is managed by SecureConnector. If a
blocking action is applied to the endpoint, it may lose access to network
services it uses.
The Advanced Tools Plugin provides an additional host property that can
be used to detect and manage dual-homed endpoints using

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Property Description
Windows Refers to Windows processes running on inspected endpoints.
Processes Running
Windows Services Indicates whether a specific Windows service is installed on a Windows
Installed endpoint. This property resolves the name of the service.
Windows Services Indicates whether a specific service is currently running on a Windows
Running endpoint. This property returns the name of the service. Note that this
property relates to Windows services, not regular processes.
Windows Version Refers to specific Windows versions detected or missing on the endpoint.
Windows Version Indicates the Windows version running on an endpoint in Common
CPE Format Platform Enumeration format. The property contains the full CPE 2.3
name string, bound to a URI, as follows:
Use text matching tools to create policy conditions that match substrings
of the CPE name string.
The value of this property is duplicated in the more general OS CPE
Format host property.
Windows Version Indicates the specific version of Windows running on the host.

Windows Application Properties

The HPS Applications Plugin is used to resolve several of these properties.
To create policy conditions based on these properties, choose from the list of
supported third-party applications. ForeScout has analyzed the structure, footprint,
and related processes of these applications, so the plugin detects them more
accurately and inspects them more deeply. New releases of the HPS Applications
Plugin add supported applications, or enhance support for known applications.
You can configure. CounterACT to automatically add newly supported vendor
applications to a policy condition that you create with these properties. See Detection
of New Vulnerabilities and Newly Supported Vendor Applications for details.
When you define policy rules to handle detected endpoints, remember that the scope
of these properties is limited to supported applications: they do not detect or inspect
unsupported applications.
For example:
The Instant Messaging Installed property detects endpoints on which at
least one supported messaging application is installed. It does not detect
other applications that may be present on the endpoint. When no supported
applications are detected on the endpoint, the property resolves to the value
None - but unsupported messaging applications may be present.
Similarly, the Hard Drive Encryption State property detects
drives/partitions encrypted by supported applications. When no drives are
encrypted by supported applications, the property resolves to the value Not
Encrypted for each partition on the endpoint - but partitions may be
encrypted by unsupported applications.

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Use other host properties to create conditions that inspect endpoints and detect files
or processes of unsupported applications.

Property Description
Applications Installed Indicates which applications are installed on the endpoint via
Add/Remove Programs. This property resolves the name of the
applications, and their version number if available.
Cloud Storage Indicates that at least one of the following cloud storage applications
Installed is installed on the endpoint.
Cloud Storage Indicates that at least one of the following cloud storage applications
Running is running on the endpoint.
Hard Drive Encryption Indicates the hard drive encryption applications(s) installed on the
Installed endpoint.
Hard Drive Encryption Indicates whether hard drives on the endpoint are encrypted, and
State which application, if any, was used to encrypt each drive.
Instant Messaging Indicates that an instant messaging application is installed on the
Installed endpoint.
Instant Messaging Indicates that an instant messaging application is running on the
Running endpoint.
Microsoft Applications Indicates the existence of Microsoft products on the endpoint.
Peer-to-peer Installed Indicates endpoints that have installed peer-to-peer applications.
Peer-to-peer Running Indicates endpoints that are running peer-to-peer applications.

Windows Security Properties

The HPS Applications Plugin updates vendor information used to resolve several of
these properties. You can configure CounterACT to automatically add newly
supported vendors to a policy condition that you create with these properties. See
Detection of New Vulnerabilities and Newly Supported Vendor Applications for

Property Description
Anti-Spyware Indicates whether Anti-Spyware is installed.
Antivirus Installed Indicates whether an antivirus service is installed.
Antivirus Running Indicates whether an antivirus service is currently running on the
Antivirus Update Refers to the date of the last antivirus signature update performed on
Date the endpoint. The antivirus application must be running to be
detected. This means an update is installed on any antivirus vendor
running on the endpoint.
Windows Hotfix Indicates the existence of a security update on the endpoint, based on
Installed Hotfix ID and caption.

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Property Description
Intranet WSUS Indicates the host name or IP address of the intranet WSUS server on
Server the endpoint. Use this property when working with the Microsoft
Vulnerability properties and the Start Windows Updates action. The
server version on the endpoint and the server version installed on the
network must match in order for endpoints to be remediated by a
WSUS server.
Microsoft Indicates the existence of Microsoft published OS and Office
Vulnerabilities vulnerabilities detected on the endpoint.
To use this property:
The Windows Update Agent must be available on the endpoint.
The agent is available on all Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows
XP with SP2 or above, and Windows 2000 with SP2 or above.
Older Windows versions must run the Microsoft Windows Updates
once from the endpoint and the required agent are upgraded
The endpoint must be managed Manageable (Domain) or
Manageable (SecureConnector).
Refer to the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin Configuration Guide for
details about scanning methods. Select Options from the Tools
menu. Select Plugins. Select this plugin and then select Help.
The plugin detects new vulnerabilities as they become available. To
automatically check for monthly vulnerabilities, select Check for new
vulnerabilities automatically. To allow endpoint users to download
associated patches, use the Windows Self Remediation action.
An advanced option for the Microsoft Vulnerabilities property lets you
improve performance and reduce network bandwidth. Use the option
to define the rate to recheck endpoint vulnerabilities on machines
where vulnerabilities were already checked and not found.
These endpoints will not be rechecked at a rate higher than the rate
that you define. If the rate that you define is more frequent than the
rate in the Recheck policy, the Recheck policy rate is applied. If you
disable this option, the Recheck policy rate is applied.
CounterACT can automatically add newly supported vulnerabilities to a
policy condition that you create with this property. See Detection of
New Vulnerabilities and Newly Supported Vendor Applications.
Microsoft Indicates the existence of Microsoft published OS and Office
Vulnerabilities Fine- vulnerabilities detected on the endpoint. Fine-tune inspection
tuned according to specific criteria.
The following criterion can be searched:
Update Time
Personal Firewall Indicate if a personal firewall has been detected on the endpoint.
Windows Updates Indicates if Windows updates were installed, and if the endpoint is
Installed Reboot waiting for a reboot.
Required Use this property in conjunction with Microsoft Vulnerability Updates
to indicate if a reboot of the endpoint is needed to complete the
installation of a security update.

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Property Description
Windows Security Indicates antivirus applications detected on the endpoint by the
Center Antivirus Windows Security Center, as well as endpoint status.
Windows Update Indicates whether the Windows Update Agent (WUA) is installed on
Agent Installed network endpoints. The agent is required to resolve the Microsoft
Vulnerabilities and Microsoft Vulnerabilities Fine-tuned properties, as
well as carry out the Start Windows Updates action.

Detection of New Vulnerabilities and Newly

Supported Vendor Applications
You can instruct CounterACT to automatically detect new Microsoft vulnerabilities
and newly supported vendor applications on your network endpoints.
For example:
When working with the Windows Applications>Cloud Storage Installed
property in your policies, CounterACT will automatically detect any Cloud
storage applications of newly supported vendors.
When working with the Windows Security >Microsoft Vulnerabilities property
in your policies, CounterACT will automatically detect new Microsoft published
OS and Office vulnerabilities.

To detect new vulnerabilities and newly supported application vendors:

1. Verify that you have installed the most current HPS Applications Plugin and
the HPS Vulnerability DB. Refer to the Customer Support Portal, Base Plugins
page for information about new application and vulnerability detection
2. Select the Microsoft Vulnerabilities property or a Windows application property
that includes the Check new option.

Cloud Storage Installed - Check New..

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Microsoft Windows Vulnerabilities - Check New..

3. Select the Check new checkbox.

4. Select OK.
Refer to the HPS Applications Plugin Configuration Guide for a complete list of
supported vendors. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select
this plugin and then select Help.

Defining Custom Conditions

Customized, user-defined conditions are sets of conditions that you create and can
reuse in any of your policies. This saves you the trouble of redefining complex
They can be created and used in any of your policies. Conditions can be imported
and exported as XML files.

Defining customized conditions cannot be used in the middle of other wizard


To create custom conditions:

1. Select Custom in the Policy Manager. The Custom Condition dialog box

Custom Condition Dialog Box

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

2. Select Add. The User defined condition editor opens.

User Defined Condition Editor Dialog Box

3. Select Add. The Condition dialog box opens.

Condition Dialog Box

4. Define properties as required and select OK.

5. Define and name and description for the condition and select OK.
The Condition that you created is displayed in the Custom Condition dialog
box. Use this dialog box to manage your created conditions.

Using Custom Conditions

You can use the conditions that you create for any policy.

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

To use conditions:
1. Select the Custom folder from the Select Property section of the Condition
dialog box.

Condition Dialog Box, Custom

2. Work with the custom condition as you would any other.

Comparing Property Results

You can create a property that indicates differences between two property values, if
any. For example, create a new property called Compare User Directory Names and
compare User Directory > LDAP User Name with User Directory > Display Name. The
comparison results will indicate whether the values are identical, differ or if either of
the values is unknown. Results appear in the Profiles tab for the policy at which that
the property was used.

To create a comparison property:

1. Select Comparison in the Policy Manager. The Comparison Properties dialog
box opens.

Comparison Properties Dialog Box

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

2. Select Add. The Comparison Property Editor opens.

Comparison Property Editor

3. Define the Property:

In the Property 1 field, select the first property for comparison.
In the Property 2 field, select the second property for comparison.
In the Name field, enter the name of the new property.
In the Description field, enter a description of the property.
4. Define the Comparison labels.
Use the labels to customize the names of the property comparison results, for
example, change the Values Identical result label to User Directory Names
5. Select OK.
6. The new property appears in the Comparison Properties dialog box.
7. Select OK to save.

To use a comparison property:

1. Edit or create a policy.
2. Navigate to the Condition>Properties list and select the Comparison
properties folder.
3. Incorporate your comparison property into your policy.

Defining and Managing Lists

Lists contain endpoint properties and related values, for example, a list of domain
user names or a list of DNS names, or of processes that you want to prohibit on your

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

network. Each List is associated with a single endpoint property and can contain
multiple related values. Manually create lists here or create lists based on Inventory
detections and policy detections. You can use Lists of property values when defining
Using lists speeds up and streamlines the policy creation and endpoint management
For example, create an Unauthorized Processes Running list and use that list in a
policy with the Kill Process action on endpoints that are running the process.
You can use this option for any property that is comprised of free text and for the
Device Information>Open Ports property. Other properties, for example, installed
software, peer-to-peer applications or properties indicating endpoint manageability
cannot be included in lists.

The Corporate/Guest Control template automatically generates a list of

corporate domains.

The following options are available for creating property lists:

Use a Wizard to Create Lists.
Create Lists Based on Endpoint Detections.
Create lists from properties discovered via the Inventory and policies. See
Create Lists Based on Inventory Detections and Adding Endpoint Properties to
a List for details.

Use a Wizard to Create Lists

Use the Property Value List wizard to generate lists.

To generate a list:
1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Lists.

Lists Pane

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

2. Select Add. The wizard opens at the List Name page.

List Name

3. Type a name for your list and add a description.

4. Select Next. The Property page opens.


5. Select the property for which you want to make a List. See Defining
Properties for more information about the properties shown. You can use this
option for any property that is comprised of free text and for the Device
Information>Open Ports property. Other properties, for example, installed
software, peer-to-peer applications or properties indicating endpoint
manageability cannot be included in lists.
6. Select Next. The Values page opens.

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Values Windows

7. Select Add and enter a value.

8. Add additional values as required.
9. Edit a value:
Select the value. The name is displayed in the free text field.
Edit the value. The new value is added to the list.
Delete the previous value.
10.Import values from external programs. Type one value per line. A value can
contain spaces. Files should be imported in TXT format.
Select Import.
Navigate to your file and import.
11.Select Finish. Your value list is displayed Lists pane.

Lists Pane

12.Select Apply and then Close.

Lists added here will appear in the Inventory view if the list includes
properties detected at the network.

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

Managing Lists
Perform the following tasks from the Lists pane.

Edit and Remove Lists

You cannot remove lists that are used in policies.

To edit a list:
1. Select an entry from the Lists pane and select Edit. The required dialog box
2. Edit the value and select Apply.

To remove a list:
1. Select an entry from the Lists pane and select Remove.
2. Select Apply.

Only Show Lists Generated from the Inventory View

You may have generated lists based on Inventory detections. You can filter the view
in the Lists pane to only display these lists. See Working with Inventory Detections
for details.

To filter the view:

1. Select Only Show Inventory Lists in the Lists pane.

Create Lists Based on Endpoint Detections

The Home view, Details pane provides information about endpoint properties
detected as a result CounterACT detections. You can navigate to these properties
and automatically assign them to lists or add them to new lists.

To create a list:
1. Select an endpoint from the Home view, Detections pane.
2. Navigate to the Console, Details pane, Profile tab.

Add to List

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

3. Select adjacent to the properties shown in the Details pane, Info tab. The
Add to List dialog box opens.

Add to List Dialog Box

4. Select a list from the drop-down list or select Add to add the property to a
new list.
5. Select OK.

Using the Lists That You Create

You can use property value Lists when defining policies. Using lists speeds up and
streamlines the policy creation process, and minimizes mistakes that made be made
when defining policy property values.

To use value lists:

1. In the Policy manager, select a policy and select Edit. The Policy Properties
dialog box opens.
2. Next to the Main Rule section, select Edit. The Policy Conditions dialog box

Rules Dialog Box

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Chapter 6: Working with Policy Conditions

3. Select Add or Edit in the Condition section.

4. Select the property for which you created a list.
5. Select Edit. The Condition dialog box opens.
6. From the Properties tree in the left pane select the condition to add. The
condition properties are displayed in the right pane.
7. Select the In List option from the drop-down list and select the list. You can
create a new list or edit a list from this location.

Condition>Property Value List Option

8. Select OK.
9. The list is displayed as part of your policy condition. You cannot remove lists
that are used in policies.

List Incorporated in Condition

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions
About Actions
Defining Actions
Audit Actions
Authenticate Actions
Manage Actions
Notify Actions
Remediate Actions
Restrict Actions
Action Tools
Chapter 7: Working with Actions

About Actions
Actions are measures taken at endpoints; ranging from notices, warnings and alerts to
remediation, network and web access restrictions and complete blocking.


A wide variety of action tools are also available, including

Gradual Action Enforcement
Enabling and Disabling Actions
Action Schedules
Property Tags in Actions
Action Thresholds
Actions and Plugins
Scripts and Interactive Actions
Accessing Console Actions

Gradual Action Enforcement

CounterACT actions enable gradual policy enforcement, for example, first only notifying
endpoint users or IT regarding noncompliance and later, if required, taking more severe
measures, such as preventing endpoint users from accessing the Internet or blocking
access to the production network.
Actions are organized into the following categories:

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions


Enabling and Disabling Actions

You can create actions for all your policies, and enable and disable them as required.
You may need to disable actions, for example, to test your policies and get a sense of
network compliance before communicating with network users or taking actions on
network devices. Policies can be enabled or disabled from:
Home view, Detections pane.
Home view, Views pane. See Stop and Start Actions for Endpoints in Policies and
Sub-Rules for details.
A policy. See Enabling and Disabling Actions for details.

Action Schedules
Action schedules can be assigned to each policy action. This allows you to control when
actions are carried out and for what duration. For example, create a policy that warns
users not to run peer-to-peer applications and then blocks their Internet access if
applications are detected after the warning period. See Creating Action Schedules for
more information.

Property Tags in Actions

Property tags can be incorporated in email and HTTP actions. For example, the User
Directory mail tag {ad_mail} can be added to an Action notification. This tag is
translated to the actual email address of the user logged on to the detected machine.
See Working with Property Tags for more information.

Action Thresholds
Action thresholds automatically implement safeguards when rolling out blocking and
restrictive actions.
Action thresholds are designed to automatically implement safeguards when rolling out
such sanctions across your network. Consider a situation in which you defined multiple
policies that utilize a blocking action, for example, the Virtual Firewall or Switch Block
action. In a situation where an extensive number of endpoints match these policies, you
may block more endpoints than you anticipated.
An action threshold is the maximum percentage of endpoints that can be controlled by a
specific action type defined at a single Appliance. By working with thresholds, you gain
more control over how many endpoints are simultaneously restricted in one way or
See Working with Action Thresholds for details.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Actions and Plugins

In addition to the actions delivered with your CounterACT system, plugin-specific actions
may appear when you install non-bundled plugins or plugins included in ForeScout
Modules. For example, if you are working with the CounterACT Wireless Plugin or the
CounterACT Bromium Plugin, actions delivered with those plugins will be available. See
Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules for information about working with

Scripts and Interactive Actions

Several actions require that CounterACT run scripts on the endpoint. Refer to the HPS
Inspection Engine Plugin Configuration Guide for details about how scripts are run using
Remote Inspection or SecureConnector. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select
Plugins. Select this plugin and then select Help.
Typically scripts are run in the background, but actions such as the HTTP Notification
and HTTP Login actions initiate end user interaction. CounterACT can run interactive
scripts on Macintosh endpoints running the following shell types:

The Advanced Tools Plugin provides conditions and actions that let you
implement complex scripted interactions for endpoint classification and
diagnostics. Refer to the Advanced Tools Plugin Configuration Guide for details.

Accessing Console Actions

Actions can be incorporated into policies to be carried out when certain conditions are
met. For example, create a policy that detects users working with unauthorized instant
messaging applications, and use a CounterACT actions that kills those applications.
Alternatively, you can manually apply an action on selected endpoints.
If you have installed a plugin, additional plugin actions are also available. See Chapter
8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules for details.
Access actions:
From the Home view, Detections pane.
When creating and editing a policy. See Defining a Policy Main Rule.
When editing a policy as described here.

To access actions from a policy:

1. Right-click a policy Main Rule or Sub-Rule from the Policy Manager.
2. Select Quick Edit and then select Actions. The Policy Action dialog box opens.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

3. Enable or disable the action.

4. Select OK.

Defining Actions
This section describes how to define CounterACT actions.
Audit Actions
Authenticate Actions
Manage Actions
Notify Actions
Remediate Actions
Restrict Actions
In addition to the actions delivered with your CounterACT system, plugin-specific actions
may appear when you install non-bundled plugins or plugins included in Forescout
Modules. For example, if you are working with the CounterACT Wireless Plugin or the
CounterACT Bromium Plugin, actions delivered with those plugins will be available. See
Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules for information about working with

Audit Actions
The Send Message to Syslog action is included by default as an Audit action.

Send Message to Syslog

The Send Message to Syslog action is used by the Syslog Plugin to send a message to
the Syslog server. This message overrides Syslog Plugin configuration options.
1. In the Policy manager, select a policy and select Edit. The Policy Properties
dialog box opens.
2. Next to the Main Rule section select Edit. The Policy Conditions dialog box
3. Next to the Actions section select Add. The Action dialog box opens.
4. In the left pane expand the Audit folder.
5. Select Send Message to Syslog.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Send Message to Syslog Action

6. Specify the following or use Default where applicable to apply the default

Message Type a message to send to the Syslog server when the policy is
to Syslog triggered
Syslog Syslog server IP address
Syslog Syslog UDP port number (default is 514)
Syslog Syslog messages facility (default is local4)
Syslog Syslog messages priority (default is info)

If you specify any of the options for the action, Add Tags is enabled. You can
add property tags to the message. The tag is translated to the current
information associated with the tag. See Working with Property Tags for more

Authenticate Actions
This section describes actions that allow the CounterACT operator to control the access
of corporate and guest users to a corporate network. These actions are provided by the
User Directory Plugin.
HTTP Login
HTTP Sign Out

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

HTTP Login
Use the HTTP Login action to:
Prompt endpoint users to authenticate before accessing your network. Users
attempting to access the network are presented with a Login page and must
enter valid credentials.

Login Page

Enable sponsors and operators to pre-approve guests.

Enable guests to register.
Handle guests added through the CounterACT Guest Management Portal.
The action can be configured to handle:
Network guests: See Handling Guests
Corporate users: See Handling Corporate Users
Configurable HTTP Login action options let you:
Define the servers against which the user will authenticate.
Enable and define a registration process by which unauthorized users can
register as guests via a web registration form. You may want to do this if your
organization deals with visitors to the network.
Define login requirements so that users can skip authentication and registration,
and enter the network with limited access.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

HTTP Login Action Configuration

This action can be used with other policy actions. For example, you can define a policy
quarantining all unauthenticated users to an isolated VLAN. If the user logs in properly,
the policys actions are cancelled, removing all limitations imposed. In this example, the
user is removed from the isolated VLAN and can join the network and browse.

Web messages and emails used in this action can be changed and localized. See
Localizing CounterACT Redirected Web Pages and Messages.

Login failures can be easily tracked. See HTTP Login Attempts for details.

You can customize the text that the HTTP Login action displays at the user's
endpoint. For details, see Customize HTTP Login Action Text.

Handling Guests
This section describes how to work with the HTTP Login action when handling network
guests. For example, create policies that deal with visiting professionals, contractors,
Guests are authenticated against the CounterACT Appliance.
You can define the action so users who do not have authentication credentials can
register as guests using a Guest Registration form that is displayed in the user's web

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Login Page and Guest Registration Form

To configure the HTTP Login action for guest login, use the following tabs:
Guests Tab: Defines how authentication and registration is performed.
Registration Page Tab: Controls the guest information provided in the Guest
Registration form.
Login Page Tab: Specifies the text that is to appear on the Login page.
Miscellaneous Tab: Specifies additional configuration options such as encryption
and compliance.

Handling Corporate Users

Use the Corporate options to enable corporate authentication.
To configure the action for corporate users, use the following tabs:
Corporate Tab: Defines which servers are used for authentication.
Login Page Tab: Specifies the text that is to appear on the Login page.
Miscellaneous Tab: Specifies addition configuration options such as encryption
and compliance.

Login Page Tab

The Login Page tab is used to define what is displayed on the Login page. This page
appears for both guest and corporate users.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Login Page

After the user successfully logs in, the endpoint Authentication, Signed In Status
property is resolved by CounterACT as either Signed In as a Guest, if the user's status
is network guest, or Signed In as a Domain User, if the user's status is corporate
The name entered here will be used when resolving the Device Information > User
Name property. If necessary, you can instruct CounterACT to use the machine name
instead of this name or to use this name when the machine name is not available. Refer
to the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin Configuration Guide for more information. Select
Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select this plugin and then select Help.
The following Login Page tab options are available:

HTTP Login Action, Login Page Tab

Login Instructions
In the text box of the Login Page tab, define the Login page message that is presented
to both guests and corporate users.
Show Help Button
Help instructions are available on the Login page to assist users.
You can update the Help file text if required, including translating it into a language
other than English. The files are located at:

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

If you do not want to give users access to the Help page for any reason, hide the Help
button on the Login page by clearing the Show Help Button checkbox.

Guests Tab
Use the Guests tab to define guest login session options, as well as a registration

HTTP Login Action, Guests Tab

Define Guest Login Session Options

These options let you control the guest login experience.

HTTP Login Action, Guest Login Session Options

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Enable guest HTTP login

To enable login for approved guests, select Enable guest HTTP login.
Authentication is validated against a CounterACT server database after the guest
is approved.
Open sign-in window after authentication
To display a CounterACT Login Session window for guests, select the Open sign-
in window after authentication option.

CounterACT Login Session Window

The user must keep this window open to maintain a network to Internet
connection, provided this access was granted in the policy. During this time,
CounterACT resolves the Authentication, Signed In Status property for the
endpoint as Signed In as a Guest.
After selecting Logout, the following windows are displayed:

Logout Window

If the Open sign-in window after authentication checkbox is not selected,

the CounterACT Login Session window is not displayed. Instead, a User
Notification window is displayed. CounterACT resolves the Authentication, Signed
In Status property for the endpoint as Not Signed In.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

User Notification Window

Allow the same guest to be signed-in concurrently from multiple

You can control the number of machines a single guest can log in to concurrently.
Select Allow the same guest to be signed in concurrently from multiple
hosts to allow multiple logins. If this option is not selected, a second login by the
same user closes the first session on the original computer.
Use System generated password
Select this option to instruct CounterACT to generate a password for the guest to
use in the Password field of the Login page. This option is relevant only when a
guest registers for network access using a Guest Registration form. When this
option is selected:
Guests are not prompted to define their own passwords in the Guest
Registration form.
When the guest is approved, CounterACT generates a password for the guest
to use in the Password field of the Login page.
A system-generated password is provided in an email that is sent to the
System-generated passwords adhere to the password policy rules that are
defined in the Guest Registration pane's Password Policy tab.
Show Edit Profile link
Select this option to instruct CounterACT to display the Edit Profile link in the
Login page that is presented to guest users. Selecting this link displays the Edit
Profile page, where guests can edit information that they initially provided when
registering using the Guest Registration form.
Show Forgot Password link
Select this option to instruct CounterACT to display the Forgot Password link in
the Login page that is presented to guest users. Selecting this link displays the
Forgot Password page, where approved guests can request a new password for

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Define a Guest Registration Strategy

Define Guest Registration Strategy

Two guest registration strategies are available:

1. Pre-approve guests
You can manually add pre-approved guests whose information is saved on the
CounterACT Appliance. When guests log in to your network, their credentials are
checked against the information that was added.
Sponsors can add pre-approved guests to the Guest Management Portal.
For information about the Guest Management Portal, see The Guest
Management Portal.
CounterACT operators can add pre-approved guests in the Registered Guests
tab of the Console Guest Registration page. Select Options from the Tools
menu and then navigate to and select Guest Registration to display the
Registered Guests tab and view the registered guest entries. It is the
responsibility of your organization to forward credentials to the guests.
CounterACT does not do this. See The Guest Registration Pane.
2. Prompt guests to complete a registration form before they can be
approved for network access
Select Enable guest registration if you want to enable guests to provide their
own registration information, for example, identity details or the name of the
individual who invited the guest to the network.
You can set the maximum time for which a sponsor can approve a guest account.
When the time period elapses, the guest account expires and the guest is
required to register again. To limit the login time period to all registered guests,
select Permit sponsored accounts for up to and enter the time limit.
Automatic approval of guests after registration
For guests to be automatically approved after submitting a Guest Registration
form, select Automatic approval of guests after registration. You may want
to do this if you anticipate many guests and do not have the resources to accept
or reject each one, but do want to keep track of who is registered. Approved
guests are displayed in the following CounterACT locations:

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

In the Guest Management Portal where sponsors can view the registered
guests that specified them as their corporate contact. For information about
the Guest Management Portal, see The Guest Management Portal.
In the Registered Guests tab of the Console Guest Registration page. Select
Options from the Tools menu and then navigate to and select Guest
Registration to display the Registered Guests tab and view the registered
guest entries.
Manual sponsor approval of guests
If you require that guests be explicitly approved by an individual in your
organization - a corporate sponsor - select the Manual sponsor approval of
guests option. The sponsor specified by the guest on the Guest Registration
form receives a notification email that includes a link to the Guest Management
Portal. After logging in to the portal, sponsors can approve or decline network
access to their guests awaiting approval. The following are related options:
Sponsor approval using email link - Select this option to include an
additional link in the notification email to a Network Access Request page
containing the specific guest registration request.
This option is useful if:
o You do not want to require sponsors to log in to the Guest Management
Portal to approve guest registration requests.
o Sponsors are temporarily unable access the Guest Management Portal.
o Your organization does not employ an Active Directory server to verify the
credentials of its personnel. (Logging in to the Guest Management Portal
requires Active Directory verification of user domain credentials).
Use of this option maintains backward compatibility with HTTP Login action
functionality of previous versions.
Additional sponsors - Select this option to provide a comma-separated list
of emails of corporate sponsors. In addition to the primary sponsor named by
each guest in the Contact Person and the Contact Person Email fields of the
Guest Registration form, these sponsors will also receive guest registration
Restrict sponsors to these domains - Select this option to provide a
comma-separated list of corporate domains. The entries specified in this field
limit the allowed domain(s) in the Contact Person Email field of the Guest
Registration form submitted by a registering guest. For example, if the field
contains the entries finance.my-company.com, marketing.my-company.com,
sample.com, then only an email address that ends with one of these domains,
such as [email protected], is valid for use in the Contact
Person Email field.
Two approval strategies are available:
1. Define additional approving sponsors
Select Additional sponsors.
The guest registration request notification email can include either one or two

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Guest Registration Request Email

One link opens the Login page of the Guest Management Portal, where a
sponsor can log in and administer all their guest registration requests. For
information about the Guest Management Portal, see
If the CounterACT user selected the Sponsor approval using email link
option in the Guests tab of the HTTP Login action, then a second link is
included. This link opens a Network Access Request page, where the sponsor
can approve or decline the network access request of the specific guest.

Network Access Request Page

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

2. Sponsor approval based on contact person domain

To make the approval process more scalable, your network guests can be
approved by individuals in your organization, based on the domain address of the
Contact Person Email that they entered in the Guest Registration form.

For example, if a guest enters the email address [email protected] in the

Contact Person Email field, and sample.com is one of the domains that you have
specified in the Restrict sponsors to these domains field, an approval request is
sent to [email protected]. If not, an error message is displayed and the guest
is requested to enter a valid contact person email.

Verification Codes
You can tighten access by using guest verification codes. If you use these codes,
guest identity is verified by sending a one-time verification code to the guest
email address or mobile phone number that they entered in their registration
The guest is requested to enter the code before attempting to log in.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Guest Verification Code Form

The purpose of the code is to verify that the email address or phone number
entered by in the registration form are valid. The code is automatically generated
and validated by CounterACT.

To work with verification codes:

1. Select Send verification code from the Guests tab.
2. From the drop-down list select whether the verification code will be sent via
email only, mobile phone only, or both email and mobile phone. A customized
message is included in the email. The mobile text message includes only the
verification code.
To send a verification code to a mobile phone, you must define how CounterACT
submits the message to the mobile carrier.

To define text messaging through a mobile carrier:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select General>Mobile Text

Mobile Text Message Pane

2. Select Add.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

The Carrier Type dialog box opens.

Mobile Text Message Carrier Type

Select Mail Carrier to send text message requests to a carrier in email format,
or select URL Carrier to send text message requests to a carrier in a URL string.
3. Select OK. In the Add Carrier dialog box, enter a name that identifies this carrier
in the Name field. In the other fields of the dialog box, enter string patterns that
define the format used to submit message requests.
For message requests in email format, the fields correspond to the Address,
Subject, and Message fields of an email message.

Mobile Text Message Request, Email Format

For message requests in URL format, a single URL field is used to submit the
message request. In addition, an optional Proxy URL field lets you specify an
alternative URL.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Mobile Text Message Request, URL Format

In these fields, use the following parameters as placeholders for values that are
inserted into the request:
_PHONE_NUMBER_ is the target phone number for the text message. For
example, for guest registration this is the phone number submitted by the
_MESSAGE_ is message text inserted in the request. For example, for guest
registration this is the registration code.
4. Select Test to send a sample message request using the defined format. Enter
values for the _PHONE_NUMBER_ and _MESSAGE_ parameters, and select OK to
submit the message request. Confirm receipt of the test message on the target
mobile device.
5. In the Add Carrier dialog box, select OK. The carrier is added to the list in the
Mobile Text Message pane.
Viewing Registered Guests
Approved guests can be viewed in the Guest Management Portal and in the Registered
Guest window. See The Guest Management Portal and The Guest Registration Pane.
Working with Guest Tags
Use guest tags to categorize guests into groups, for example, Limited Access guests and
Full Access guests or Building A guests and Building B guests.
You can create policies that evaluate guests for their guest tag assignments. For
example, create a policy that detects Building A-tagged guests and assigns them to a
specific VLAN or allows them minimum network access.
See Guest Tags for detailed information about administering guest tags.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Guest Tags Selected by Sponsors

Registration Page Tab

The information in the Registration Page tab is only used if Enable guest registration
is selection in the Guests tab.
Use the Registration Page tab to:
Define the title and message that appears in the Guest Registration form.
Define the form fields that you want guests to use.
Require guests to enter a registration code to begin the registration process.

HTTP Login, Guest Registration Form

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

The following Registration Page options are available:

HTTP Login, Registration Page Tab

To design the Guest Registration form:

1. In the Header field define a Guest Registration form title.
2. In the Registration Instructions text box, define the message that will appear in
the page.
3. For each field, select Show, Hide or Mandatory.
4. Configure up to five custom fields, if required. For example, Building Name would
indicate the name of the building the guest will be located.

To assign custom names:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Advanced > Language
Localization > Endpoint Messages.
2. In the search field, type in Custom.
3. Edit the fields as required and select Close.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions


Registration Codes
You can require guests to enter a registration code before beginning the registration
process. These codes are automatically generated by CounterACT, but they must be
shared with endpoint users manually. Use this feature to ensure that only guests with
whom you've shared the registration code can apply for network access. See Retrieving
Registration Codes.

To require guest to provide a registration code:

1. Select Use registration code from the HTTP Login action, Registration Page
Login without a Password
Select Login without a password if you want users to log in without a password.
When this checkbox is selected, there is no authentication.

Corporate Tab
Use the Corporate tab to define which servers will be used for domain authentication, as
well as other authentication settings.
Before configuring corporate users, you must have already configured User Directory
servers. Under most circumstances this configuration was performed when setting up
the Console using the Initial Setup wizard.
To see which servers are defined, select Options from the Tools menu and then select
User Directory. For more information about configuring User Directories see User

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

HTTP Login, Corporate Tab

To enable corporate user authentication against an authentication server, select Enable

corporate users HTTP login.
To allow authentication against any of the authentication servers that you defined,
select Use any authentication server.
To authenticate users against specific servers, select Use specific authentication
server and then select the browse button to choose servers.

HTTP Login, Defined Authentication Servers

To allow the endpoint user to select a server against which to authenticate, select Ask
user to select Authentication Server. When this option is selected, the Login page
displays a Domain field, from which the endpoint user can select a domain.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Login Page with Domain

To display a CounterACT Login Session window for corporate users, select the Open
sign-in window after corporate authentication option. The user must keep this
window open to maintain a network to Internet connection, provided this access was
granted in the policy. During this time, CounterACT resolves the Authentication, Signed
In Status property for the endpoint as Signed In as a Domain User.
Control the number of machines a single user can log in to concurrently. Select Allow
the same guest to be signed in concurrently from multiple hosts to allow multiple
logins. If this option is not selected, a second login by the same user closes the first
session on the original computer.

Miscellaneous Tab
Use the Miscellaneous tab to configure additional user login parameters.

HTTP Login, Miscellaneous Tab

Use encrypted protocol (HTTPS)

To send the Login page via HTTPS, select Use Encrypted protocol (HTTPS). See
Transmitting Actions via HTTPS for more information about this transmission method.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Direct user to a predestinated site after successful login

To force the user to begin browsing at a specific website, such as your corporate home
page, select After a successful login continue to this URL and enter the URL.
Allow user to skip login
If you think login credentials may not be available to users, and you want them to have
browsing access, select Allow the user to skip login. When selected, the Login page
includes a guest link option.
Attempt to open a browser at the endpoint
You can define the action to automatically open a browser at the endpoint, instead of
waiting for the user to browse. This ensures that the HTTP message gets to the network
user faster. Select Attempt to open the endpoint browser. (This option is for
managed machines only, and is not available for Windows 2000 and Windows 2003
Server machines.) CounterACT uses a script when this option is selected.
Refer to the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin Configuration Guide for details about how
scripts work. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select this plugin
and then select Help.
Show ForeScout Compliance Center
Select Show ForeScout Compliance Center to display the Login page at the endpoint
as a compliance wizard. If the endpoint is assigned additional compliance policies, they
also appear in the wizard. See Working with the ForeScout Compliance Center for

ForeScout Compliance Center

Customize HTTP Login Action Text

You can customize text that the HTTP Login action generates at the user endpoint.
These texts appear in re-directed HTML pages that are generated at endpoints of users
who attempt to access the corporate network.
In the Endpoint Messages pane, customize any of the HTTP Login action texts. In the
pane, identify HTTP Login action texts by any one of the following Action column entries:
Guest verification code...
HTTP Login (with or without other values)
HTTP Login mobile

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

For details about customizing texts that CounterACT processing generates in a user's
endpoint, see Localizing CounterACT Redirected Web Pages and Messages.

HTTP Sign Out

The HTTP Sign Out action signs out detected endpoints that meet the following criteria:
The endpoint user is currently signed in to the network via the HTTP Login action.
The endpoint displays a CounterACT Login Session window.
Use the action, for example, in a policy that requires users to re-authenticate following a
specific event, such as a Link Down Trap (Trap Received property).

HTTP Sign Out Action, Configuration Window

The HTTP Sign Out action updates the Authentication, Signed In Status property of the
detected endpoint to Not Signed In and displays the CounterACT Login Session Expired
window in the signed-out endpoint.

CounterACT Login Session Expired Window

Manage Actions
This section describes actions that manage endpoints:
Add to Group
Delete Host
Delete Properties

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

HTTP Localhost Login

Recheck Host
Start SecureConnector / Stop SecureConnector

Add to Group
A group is a predefined collection of IP addresses that has something in common, for
example, a group of endpoints that are printers, or a group of VPN or VIP users. Groups
can be used in several ways when defining policies.

Add to Group Action

Select New Group to create new groups or edit exiting ones.

Select Ignored IPs to add endpoints to the Ignored IPs group; endpoints in this
group are ignored by NAC and Discovery policies. See Creating an Ignored IP List
for more information. Since policies do not affect ignored addresses, endpoints
can only be removed from the Ignored IPs group manually.
Select Expires when host no longer matches policy if you want the endpoint
to be removed from the group when it no longer matches the policy condition.
The removal takes place right after the endpoint stops matching the condition.
This option is not available when the Addresses to Ignore option is selected.
To keep a detected endpoint in the group permanently, clear Expires when
host no longer matches policy. This means that to remove the endpoint from
the group, you will need to manually remove it from the Groups Manager dialog
box. See Adding Endpoints to Groups.

You can use the Classify action to classify network devices manually. You may need to
do this if devices could not be classified by the Asset Classification template or if you
would like to reclassify them. Select the network function (classification) to assign to the
After a device is classified, it is added to the related Asset Classification group, provided
that the Asset Classification template was deployed.
See Asset Classification Template for details about the template.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Classify Device by Network Functionality

Delete Host
This action lets you instruct CounterACT to delete endpoints detected in a policy. Select
Generate admission event to rediscover endpoints immediately after they are
deleted. When you clear the checkbox, endpoints will be rediscovered after they
generate traffic.

Delete Host Action

Delete Properties
This action lets you instruct CounterACT to clear all detections made on endpoints.
Clearing cancels any actions assigned to the endpoints as a result of the detection.
Select Generate admission event to reevaluate the endpoint immediately after the
detections are cleared. When you clear the checkbox, properties will be evaluated after
an endpoint generates traffic.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Delete Properties Action

Disable Remote Inspection

This action instructs CounterACT not to resolve host properties for the endpoint using
Remote Inspection. Actions are still applied to the endpoint. This action is maintained as
long as the endpoint matches the conditions of the policy rule, or until the action is
manually cancelled for the endpoint.
This action may be useful in situations where administrators want to minimize traffic to
and deep inspection of sensitive computers at sensitive times.
For example, CounterACT administrators can use this action to support end users on
trading floors or in process control environments that require minimal endpoint traffic
and CPU overhead during periods of peak activity. Deep endpoint inspection can be
performed using remote inspection during downtime periods.
Endpoints that are managed using SecureConnector are not affected by this action.

Disable Remote Inspection Action

HTTP Localhost Login

You may need to inspect guest machines that are not part of the network domain,
ensure that they comply with corporate policies, and enforce network restrictions that
are not in compliance. These endpoints are referred to as unmanageable hosts and can
be included in your policy.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Use the HTTP Localhost Login action to detect unmanageable guest endpoints, and allow
users at the endpoints to authenticate. After the endpoints are authenticated, they can
be included in all policy inspections.

HTTP Localhost Login Action

Users at unmanageable endpoints are presented with an HTTP Login page when they
attempt to access the web, and must provide their local login credentials to gain web
access. If you have assigned other actions to the policy and the authentication is
successful, all the policys actions are cancelled, removing all the limitations imposed.
If you think login credentials may not be available to users and do not want to limit their
access, you can allow guest login to the web. To do this, select Allow Guest Login.
When selected, the Login page includes a guest link option. You may want to do this, for
example, when the guest user does not authenticate and as such is blocked from your
network, but allowed web access.

Login Page Displayed at the Endpoint

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

The network user is prompted with a Login page at each attempt to access the web,
The user successfully logs in.
The endpoint is released via the Home view, Detections pane or Assets Portal.
The guest login option is selected (when enabled).
Help instructions are available on the HTTP Login page to assist you. The files are
located at the following location if you want to update them:

To send the redirected page via HTTPS, select Use Encrypted protocol (HTTPS). See
Transmitting Actions via HTTPS for more information about this transmission method.
Show ForeScout Compliance Center
Select Show ForeScout Compliance Center to display the Login page at the endpoint.
If the endpoint has been assigned compliance policies, they will also appear in the
wizard. See Working with the ForeScout Compliance Center for details.

Endpoint Compliance Center

Recommended Conditions
When using this action, you should configure the following condition properties. Use the
AND value between both properties.
Windows OS>does not meet the following criteria>manageable (domain)
Windows OS>does not meet the following criteria>manageable (local)

Recheck Host
Use this action to instruct CounterACT to recheck endpoints against conditions defined in
a policy, i.e. if the endpoints match or do not match the policy conditions.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Recheck Host Action

Start SecureConnector / Stop SecureConnector

The Start SecureConnector and Stop SecureConnector actions let you install or stop
CounterACTs SecureConnector, a light footprint executable that runs at the endpoint for
the purpose of making endpoints manageable and for performing or optimizing certain

Start SecureConnector Action

Making Endpoints Manageable

Use SecureConnector to access unmanageable endpoints and make them manageable
for deep inspection.
In general, Windows endpoints are unmanageable if their remote registry and file
system cannot be accessed by CounterACT. If either criterion is not met, the endpoint
cannot be managed. This occurs typically for:
Endpoints that are guests on the network

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Domain credentials that do not work or are not available

Endpoints that are not part of the domain
VPN users or wireless networks
Several policy properties are available for detecting unmanageable endpoints.

SecureConnector is also available when working with Macintosh and Linux

endpoints. Refer to the Macintosh/Linux Property Scanner Plugin Configuration
Guide and the OS X Plugin Configuration Guide for details.

Performing or Optimizing Certain Actions

Manageable endpoints can use SecureConnector for the following actions:
Assign to VLAN on VoIP action (required)

Disable External Device action (required)

Send Balloon Notification action (required)

Disable Dual Homed action (required)

Improve kill frequency when working with the Kill Process , Kill Instant
Messaging and Kill Peer-to-peer actions. These actions detect and halt
specific Windows processes. If the endpoint has SecureConnector installed the
process is killed once per second; if not, the process is killed once per minute
To improve frequency, you should run the Start SecureConnector action
described here and also make the required configuration in the HPS Inspection
Engine Plugin. For details, select Options from the Tools menu, select HPS
Inspection Engine and then select the SecureConnector tab.

More about SecureConnector

For details about how SecureConnector works; supported operating systems, and
installation methods other than the ones described here, see the HPS Inspection Engine
Plugin Configuration Guide. For information about SecureConnector support for Mac
OS X and Linux endpoints, see the Configuration Guides for the Macintosh/Linux
Property Scanner Plugin and the OS X Plugin.
Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select this plugin and then select

Working with the Action

This section describes how to run SecureConnector via the Start SecureConnector

Message Tab

Use this tab to customize the notification page that is displayed to the end user. The
message is displayed when the installation method chosen from the Parameters Tab is
either HTTP Installation at the endpoint or Both.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Message Tab

SecureConnector Text displayed as the page header.

User Message
(Message Text) Body text of the message.
Confirm Text displayed on the Confirm button. When users select this button,
SecureConnector installation proceeds immediately.
Check Later Text displayed on the Check Later button. When users select this
button, SecureConnector installation is deferred. This button is only
displayed when the Allow endpoint to refuse SecureConnector
installation option in the Parameters tab is enabled.

SecureConnector Notification and Buttons

Parameters Tab
Use this tab to define Start SecureConnector installation and deployment parameters.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Start SecureConnector Action Parameters Tab

Allow endpoint to refuse Allow users to the skip the installation by selecting the Check
SecureConnector Later button. This option is only applicable if Install Method is
installation set to either the HTTP Installation at the endpoint or Both.
Install Method The following installation methods are available:
HTTP installation at the endpoint: Install at the endpoint via
the end users web browser (redirection). In such cases,
endpoint users are prompted to download SecureConnector
when they browse the Internet. The notification and button
labels can be customized. See Localizing CounterACT
Redirected Web Pages and Messages for details.
Remote installation: Carry out remote installation on
manageable endpoints using domain credentials.
CounterACT uses a script when this option is selected.
Both: Both methods are activated simultaneously. If an
installation succeeds using domain credentials first, the web
installation is halted.
Deployment Type The following deployments types are available:
Install Dissolvable: Configure SecureConnector to close at
reboot or disconnection from the network, leaving no
footprints. If SecureConnector is not installed via the
Dissolvable mode, it can always be removed via the
uninstall option in the Start>Programs menu.
Install Permanent as Application/Service: Install
SecureConnector permanently as an endpoint application or
service on the endpoint. Using the service option provides
the following advantages:
- Enhances SecureConnector performance, especially when
working with interactive actions, such as Run Script on
- The service can be run before login and after logout.
Refer to the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin Configuration
Guide for details. Select Options from the Tools menu.
Select Plugins. Select this plugin and then select Help.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Install as application on When the Deployment Type is set to Install Permanent as

logged-off endpoint Application this setting determines how CounterACT proceeds if
the user is not logged in to the endpoint when CounterACT
attempts to install SecureConnector.
Fail the action When the user is not logged in,
SecureConnector is not installed.
Install with system permissions when the user is not
logged in, SecureConnector is installed using system
account permissions, and runs on the endpoint under these
permissions. When the user logs on after system restart,
SecureConnector installs itself under the user account.
Show Systray icon Show the ForeScout icon on the endpoint after
SecureConnector is installed.

Use Encrypted protocol Send the redirection page via HTTPS. See Transmitting Actions
(HTTPS) via HTTPS for more information.
Show ForeScout Display the Login page at the endpoint. If the endpoint has
Compliance Center been assigned compliance policies, they will also appear in the
wizard. See Working with the ForeScout Compliance Center for

Schedule Tab
Define an action schedule. See Creating Action Schedules for details.

Recommended Conditions
You can use the following condition properties to help you identify unmanageable
Windows OS>Manageable (Connector), Manageable (Domain), and Manageable
Does not meet the following criteria.

Upgrade OS X SecureConnector
Unlike other plugins that support SecureConnector for Windows and Linux endpoints,
the OS X plugin does not automatically update SecureConnector on endpoints when you
install a new release of the plugin. Use this action to update SecureConnector on Mac
OS X endpoints after you upgrade the OS X Plugin.
This action updates the SecureConnector package running on a Mac OS X endpoint.
Deployment type (permanent/dissolvable) and menu bar visibility options are preserved
during upgrade.
In the Installer package URL field, specify a valid network path to the update.tgz archive
that is used to update endpoints. By default, this field points to the file that the OS X
Plugin places on each CounterACT Appliance. If you copy this archive to a content
distribution network or server, specify the full network path to this new location. For
details, see the OS X Plugin Configuration Guide.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Upgrade OS X SecureConnector Action

Notify Actions
This section describes actions used for communicating with endpoint users:
HTTP Notification
HTTP Redirection to URL
Send Balloon Notification
Send Email
Send Email to User

HTTP Notification
The users web session is redirected when attempting to access the web. The user is
presented with a message that you compose.

Notification Page

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

HTTP Notification Action

Web sessions are redirected until:

The user confirms reading the message. See the Parameters tab below for
information about how to do this.
The endpoint is released via the Home view, Detections pane or Assets Portal.

Message Tab
Type the message that you want the user to read.
You can receive information regarding end user confirmation of browser notification
messages. To discover which users have confirmed, add a confirmation string to the
Button text field and then create a policy with the new HTTP Confirmation Events
By default, the users session is redirected when the user attempts to access the web.
However, you can define the action to automatically open a browser at the endpoint,
instead of waiting for the user to browse. This ensures that the message gets to the
user faster. Select Attempt to open a browser at the detected endpoint. (This
option is not available for Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 server machines, and only
works on managed machines.) CounterACT uses a script when this option is selected.
Refer to the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin Configuration Guide for details about how
scripts work. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select this plugin
and then select Help.
You can also customize the height and width of the notification page and open the
notification page as an Explorer dialog box, rather than displaying it using the default
web browser. These options are available if the Attempt to open the endpoint
browser option is selected.
These features are available from Tools>Options>HPS Inspection Engine pane.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Notification Customization

Parameters Tab

HTTP Notification Action

To allow the endpoint user only confirm the message once, select Show
message only until user confirms.
To send the redirected page via HTTPS, select Use Encrypted protocol
(HTTPS). See Transmitting Actions via HTTPS for more information about this
transmission method.
Endpoints users can run a policy recheck directly from the notification page by
selecting Allow immediate recheck. This allows endpoints to verify compliance
status in between CounterACT defined rechecks. On-demand rechecks at the
endpoint enable faster overall network compliance and increase productivity. You
can hide this option by clearing Allow immediate recheck.
Select Show ForeScout Compliance Center to display the Login page at the
endpoint. If the endpoint has been assigned compliance policies, they will also
appear in the wizard. See Working with the ForeScout Compliance Center for

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Endpoint Compliance Center

Select Open single page to only redirect the first web browser tab, allowing the
user to continue browsing in other tabs. Verify that the Attempt to open a
browser at the detected endpoint checkbox from the Message tab is selected.

HTTP Redirection to URL

The users web session is redirected to a specific web page. You can combine this action
with the Browser Notification action, redirect the endpoint web session to a specific site
and add customized message.

HTTP Redirection to URL

By default, the users session is redirected when the user attempts to access the web.
However, you can define the action to automatically open a browser at the endpoint,
instead of waiting for the user to browse. This ensures that the message gets to the
user faster. Select Attempt to open a browser at the detected endpoint. (This
option is not available for Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 server machines, and only
works on managed machines.) CounterACT uses a script when this option is selected.
Refer to the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin Configuration Guide for details about how
scripts work. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select this plugin
and then select Help.
By default, the action is only applied one time during the match period. This means that
the first time the end user enters a URL in the web browser, the endpoint is redirected
to the URL configured in action. You can configure this action to continuously apply to
endpoints that match the policy rule by clearing the Redirect endpoint only once
checkbox. This means the endpoint is always redirected to the URL configured in the
action within the match period.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Send Balloon Notification

Use this action to send a balloon message to the detected endpoint. Use of this feature
requires that the endpoint is connected via SecureConnector.
Users can type messages of up to 200 characters and indicate whether the message
should appear with an Error, Warning or Information icon.

The character limit may vary slightly in certain languages.

Send Balloon Notification

Balloon messages are displayed in the endpoint system tray, as shown in the example

Balloon Message

Send Email
Send an email notification to the administrator or to other addresses. Basic information
about the endpoint is displayed by default in the email message. Add additional text as
required. When composing the message, you can insert any number of property tags.
For example, if you enter {ip}, the IP address at which the events were detected is
automatically inserted into the message. See Working with Property Tags for more
Select Aggregate messages to help you manage email deliveries. When selected, the
values set for Policy Email Preferences are applied to this action. Specifically these
preferences define:
The maximum number of email alerts delivered per day (from midnight)

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

The maximum number of events that are listed in each email

See Policy Preferences for more information.

Send Email Action

You can sign these emails using a digital certificate, as specified by the
Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) standard. See Signing Emails
with an S/MIME Certificate for details.

Send Email to User

This action sends an email message to the User Directory, User Mail Address that is
registered with the detected endpoint.

Send Email to User Action

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Basic information about the endpoint is displayed by default in the email message. Add
additional text as required. When composing the message, you can insert any number
of property tags. For example, if you enter {ip}, the IP address at which the event was
detected is automatically inserted into the message. See Working with Property Tags for
more information.
You can sign these emails using a digital certificate, as specified by the
Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) standard. See Signing Emails
with an S/MIME Certificate for details.

Send Notification (OS X) Action

This action sends an alert or banner notification message to an OS X endpoint managed
by SecureConnector. The Notification Center of the user currently logged in to the
endpoint handles the message. This action parallels the Send Balloon Notification
action for Windows endpoints. You can use property tags to include endpoint-specific
property values in the notification. See Working with Property Tags for more
Banner notifications appear briefly on screen. Alerts persist on screen until the user
interacts with them.

Send Notification (OS X) Action

Remediate Actions
This section describes actions that help you remediate endpoint vulnerabilities, install
security patches, kill processes and more:
Disable Adapters on Dual Homed Devices
Disable External Devices
Expedite IP Discovery
Kill Instant Messaging
Kill Cloud Storage
Kill Peer-to-Peer
Kill Process on Linux and Kill Process on Macintosh

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Kill Process on Windows

Run Script on Linux and Run Script on Macintosh
Run Script on Windows
Set Registry Key
Start Antivirus
Start Macintosh Updates
Start Windows Updates
Update Antivirus
Windows Self Remediation

Disable Adapters on Dual Homed Devices

The action disables network adapters that act as a bridge between trusted and
untrusted networks on endpoints managed by SecureConnector. All connections are
disabled, except for the connection used by SecureConnector. Disabled adapters are re-
enabled when SecureConnector disconnects from the trusted network.

Disable Dual Homed Adapters

Verify that the endpoint is managed by SecureConnector.

Disable External Devices

This action disables external devices connected to Windows endpoints; for example, USB
mass storage devices, modems, printers, cameras, NIC cards, PCMCIA, CD/DVD,
gaming, smartphones, etc. The devices remain blocked until the action is cancelled,
even if the device is inserted, removed and later reinserted. This action requires that
endpoints be managed with SecureConnector, and requires the proper configuration and
activation of the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin. Use the External Devices property when
working with the action.
This action requires that endpoints be managed with SecureConnector. You can
automatically install SecureConnector when deploying this action. Select Options from
the Tools menu, select HPS Inspection Engine and then select the SecureConnector

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Disconnect USB

Expedite IP Discovery
The Expedite IP Discovery action is a remediate action provided by the Switch Plugin.
Use the Expedite IP Discovery action to address situations of delayed endpoint IP
discovery. The action expedites the resolution of endpoint IP addresses (IP discovery
resolve requests) by the Switch Plugin querying the ARP table of designated, adjacent,
L3-enabled network devices.

Expedite IP Discovery Action, Configuration Window

For details about this action, including the symptoms and root causes of delayed
endpoint IP discovery, refer to the CounterACT Switch Plugin Configuration Guide. Select
Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select the Switch Plugin and then select

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Kill Instant Messaging

This action halts specific instant messaging applications that are running on Windows
The HPS Applications Plugin provides updates to the applications supported by this
action. Refer to the HPS Applications Plugin Configuration Guide for a detailed list of
supported applications. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select
this plugin and then select Help.

Kill Instant Messaging Action

By default, the application is killed once a minute. If the endpoint has SecureConnector
installed it is killed once a second. You can automatically install SecureConnector on
endpoints when this action is applied.

To install SecureConnector when using this action:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select HPS - Inspection
2. Select the SecureConnector tab.
3. Select SecureConnector.
4. Select the Automatically run SecureConnector on Windows
5. Select Apply and then Close.

CounterACT uses a script on the endpoint to apply this action if the endpoint is
managed via domain credentials (Windows Manageable (Domain) is True).
See the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin Configuration Guide for details about
scripts. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select this plugin
and then select Help.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Kill Cloud Storage

This action halts specified cloud storage applications that are running on Windows
By default, the application is killed once a minute. If the endpoint has SecureConnector
installed it is killed once a second.

Kill Cloud Storage Dialog Box

To increase kill frequency, CounterACT can automatically install SecureConnector on

endpoints when this action is applied to them. When you configure the HPS Inspection
engine plugin, select the Automatically run SecureConnector on Windows
endpoints to increase frequency of Kill Process, Kill IM and P2P actions
checkbox. See the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin Configuration Guide for details about
SecureConnector configuration. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins.
Select this plugin and then select Help.

CounterACT uses a script on the endpoint to apply this action if the endpoint is
managed via domain credentials (Windows Manageable (Domain) is True).
See the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin Configuration Guide for details about

The HPS Applications Plugin provides updates to the applications supported by this
action. Refer to the HPS Applications Plugin Configuration Guide for a detailed list of
supported applications. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select
this plugin and then select Help.

Kill Peer-to-Peer
This action halts specific peer-to-peer applications installed at Windows endpoints.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Kill Peer-to-Peer Action

By default, the application is killed once a minute. If the endpoint has SecureConnector
installed it is killed once a second. You can automatically install SecureConnector on
endpoints when this action is applied.

To install SecureConnector when using this action:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select HPS - Inspection
2. Select the SecureConnector tab.
3. Select the Automatically run SecureConnector on Windows
4. Select Apply and then Close.

CounterACT uses a script on the endpoint to apply this action if the endpoint is
managed via domain credentials (Windows Manageable (Domain) is True).
See the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin Configuration Guide for details about
scripts. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select this plugin
and then select Help.

The HPS Applications Plugin provides updates to the applications supported by this
action. Refer to the HPS Applications Plugin Configuration Guide for a detailed list of
supported applications. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select
this plugin and then select Help.

Kill Process on Linux and Kill Process on Macintosh

These actions halt specific Linux and Macintosh processes. The process is killed once per
second. To carry out this action, the endpoint must be connected to via
If the process name includes endpoint-specific or user-specific data such as the user
name, you can add it as a variable using the Add Tags button. For example, if you
enter the {user} tag, the user name of the endpoint is automatically inserted into the
process name. See Working with Property Tags for more information.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Kill Process Action

Kill Process on Windows

This action halts specific Windows processes.
If the process name includes endpoint-specific or user-specific data such as the user
name, you can add it as a variable using the Add Tags button. For example, if you
enter the {user} tag, the user name of the endpoint is automatically inserted into the
process name. See Working with Property Tags for more information.

Windows Kill Process

By default, the process is killed once a minute. If the endpoint has SecureConnector
installed it is killed once a second.
You can automatically install SecureConnector on endpoints when this action is applied.
Quickly find the endpoints with the process you are looking for by using the Windows
Processes Running property.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

To install SecureConnector when using this action:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select HPS - Inspection
2. Select the SecureConnector tab.
3. Select the Automatically run SecureConnector on Windows
4. Select Apply and then Close.

CounterACT uses a script on the endpoint to apply this action if the endpoint is
managed via domain credentials (Windows Manageable (Domain) is True).
See the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin Configuration Guide for details about
scripts. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select this plugin
and then select Help.

Run Script on Linux and Run Script on Macintosh

You can leverage scripts to:
Automatically run Macintosh and Linux updates.
Automatically deploy vulnerability patches.
Automatically delete files.
Create customized scripts to perform any action that you want.
For example, to prevent music sharing, use these actions to run the following command
on endpoints:
net share my music/delete

Run Script on Linux Action

Macintosh Run Script Action

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

To use these actions:

1. Specify a command or script to run on endpoints. Do one of the following:
Enter a command in the Command or Script field. To run a file that already
exists on the endpoint, enter its absolute path. You can use property tags to
include endpoint-specific or user-specific values in this field.
Select the Continue button to select from the repository of user-defined
scripts and commands.

Scripts Repository Dialog Box

2. Specify the following optional behaviors, if required.

Run interactive Select this option to run the specified command or script
(Macintosh interactively on Mac OS X endpoints.
endpoints) On endpoints managed by the OS X Plugin using
SecureConnector, prompts are displayed to the currently
logged in user in a terminal window. See the OS X Plugin
Configuration Guide for details.
Run script as root Select this option to run the specified script using root
user on endpoint user privileges on Linux endpoints. Select this option when
(Linux endpoints) a script requires root privileges, but CounterACT does not
use root credentials to access the endpoint.
To use this option the sudo utility must be enabled on
Linux endpoints. When sudo mode is password protected,
you must configure a password that lets CounterACT enter
sudo mode. See the Macintosh/Linux Property Scanner
Plugin Configuration Guide..

3. Use the options of the Schedule tab to specify when the action is applied, to delay
application of the action, or to specify repeat application of the action.

Run Script on Windows

This action is used to achieve automated, centrally managed remediation across the
network. Leverage scripts, for example, to:
Automatically run Windows updates.
Automatically deploy vulnerability patches.
Automatically delete files.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Automatically deploy antivirus updates.

Create customized scripts to perform any action that you want.

This action may only be used on managed Windows machines.

Select Yes at the Run Interactive drop-down list if the script launches a process or
dialog box at the endpoint.

The Terminal Services service must be running if interactive scripts are used. If
you use this action and it fails, the service may have been stopped.

Windows Run Script Action

Type a command or browse to a file that you want to run. If you use a file that exists on
the endpoint, type its absolute path. The commands and scripts that you create are
automatically saved on all Appliances. All file extensions are supported and can be run.
You can also run Powershell scripts. However, vbs file extensions are prefixed with

You can create a repository of scripts and apply them as needed. Select the browse
button from the Parameters tab to manage scripts that you created.

Scripts Repository Dialog Box

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Quickly recheck endpoints after they are remediated by the script. Select Recheck
policies after script is run (seconds) and indicate how many seconds to wait before
carrying out the recheck.

CounterACT uses a script on the endpoint to apply this action if the endpoint is
managed via domain credentials (Windows Manageable (Domain) is True).
See the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin Configuration Guide for details about
scripts. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select this plugin
and then select Help.

Set Registry Key

Create registry keys and add or update registry key values and data. The following data
types are supported:

Registry Keys

CounterACT cannot set the registry key under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" unless

permissions on the relevant registry key are set to everyone/full control.

CounterACT uses a script on the endpoint to apply this action if the endpoint is
managed via domain credentials (Windows Manageable (Domain) is True).
See the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin Configuration Guide for details about
scripts. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select this plugin
and then select Help.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Start Antivirus
Launch antivirus applications that have been halted at Windows endpoints.

Start Antivirus Action

An extensive range of applications are supported. For example,

and more
The HPS Applications Plugin provides updates to the applications supported by this
action. Refer to the HPS Applications Plugin Configuration Guide for a detailed list of
supported applications. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select
this plugin and then select Help.
Suppress Splash Screens for Background Installation
As an option, you can configure CounterACT to suppress the splash screen that is
presented to end users by some vendors installation/upgrade packages. This allows the
action to implement silent, background installation of selected Antivirus packages on the

This option is available for users working with Symantec, McAfee and Trend

To suppress splash screens for the Update Antivirus action:

1. Log in to an Appliance as root.
2. Access the local properties file:

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions


3. Add the following line to the file:

Where <vendor> may be Symantec, McAfee or Trend Micro.

Recommended Usage Conditions

When using this action, you should configure the following condition properties:
Windows Security>meets the following criteria>Antivirus Installed
Windows Security>does not meet the following criteria>Antivirus Running

Start Macintosh Updates

This action lets you provide the endpoint with patches for missing Macintosh updates. It
displays a notification to end users indicating that specific security and other updates
are missing on their machines. The notification includes a list of links that should be
accessed in order to install the updates.
Use the action in policies that have incorporated the Macintosh>Macintosh Software
Updates Missing property. This indicates which software updates are missing on the

Start Macintosh Updates Action

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Macintosh Software Update

The Software Update page will continue to display at the endpoint after all the patches
have been installed. The page, however, is empty. You can stop or disable the action if
you do not want an empty Software update page to appear.

Start Windows Updates

This action uses the standard Microsoft system for vulnerability remediation. It causes
Microsoft software to assess the endpoints vulnerabilities, decide which patches are
required, and download and install the patches.
This action removes the need to manage the vulnerabilities of new endpoints before
they connect to the network it can automatically bring all new endpoints into
vulnerability compliance when they connect to the network and keep them compliant.
You can also minimize bandwidth usage during Microsoft vulnerability patch download.
See Minimize Bandwidth Usage During Microsoft Vulnerability Patch Download.
Use this action in policies that have incorporated the Windows Security>Microsoft
Vulnerabilities property and the Windows Security>Windows Update Agent Installed

Start Windows Updates Action

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

To work with this feature, you must define:

A remediation server to work with
An update method

Remediation Server
Microsoft remediation can be done via the Microsoft website or via a Microsoft WSUS

Microsoft Website
Remediation via the website requires connectivity to the Internet. For more information
about these methods, refer to the Microsoft website.

WSUS Server
Remediation via WSUS requires connectivity to the WSUS server. You can also enter a
WSUS Target Group name. This enhances update performance.
When using WSUS, consider the following:
In addition to setting up the WSUS server, you must define the WSUS
environment parameters in the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin (see below).
When the Start Windows Updates action is performed on an endpoint, the WSUS
parameters are permanently defined in the endpoint registry.
You can clear the Apply WSUS settings parameter to avoid having the WSUS
parameters defined in the endpoint registry. If you do this, be aware that if the
endpoints WSUS settings are not defined correctly, the endpoint will not be

To define WSUS environment parameters:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select HPS Inspection Engine.
2. Select the Windows Update tab.
3. Type the URL of the WSUS server and the reports server.
You can test connection with the server by selecting Test.
4. Select Apply and Close.
Configuration at the WSUS Server
You can configure WSUS target groups to enhance update performance. To work with
this feature, you must perform the following configuration at the WSUS server console.
1. Open the WSUS server console.
2. Select Options.
3. Select Computer.
4. Select Use Group Policy or registry settings on computer.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

User Group Policy

Update Methods
Three methods are available. Changes made at the endpoint as a result of the method
selected here are kept permanently on the endpoint.
Automatically Download and Install
The patches are downloaded without user notification or interaction.
Automatically Download and Notify of Installation
The endpoint user is notified that updates are available. The endpoint user can either
update immediately or wait till later. Some patches may require machine reboot; in this
case, CounterACT will reboot the machine according to endpoint settings.
The Windows Automatic update may have been defined to let the user decide which
patches to install.
Use Windows Automatic Updates Settings
The Windows Automatic Updates settings are used to determine how the update is
In a scenario where the Windows Automatic Update setting is defined to Turn off
Automatic Updates and the action Update method is defined as Use Windows Automatic
Updates Settings, the action will not be carried out. To force the update, see Handling
Windows Automatic Updates That Are Turned Off.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Windows Automatic Updates Dialog Box

Automatic Updates Turned off

Handling Windows Automatic Updates That Are Turned Off

In a scenario where the Windows endpoint Automatic Update setting is defined to Turn
off Automatic Updates and the action is defined as Use Windows Automatic Updates
Settings, the action will not be carried out. You can avoid this situation and force the
update by carrying out the following configurations.

To handle Windows automatic updates that are turned off:

1. In the Windows Updates Dialog Box:
a. Select When Windows Update is disabled.
If the checkbox is cleared, and this scenario exists, the action will not be
carried out.

Start Windows Update

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

2. In the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin configuration pane:

a. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select HPS Inspection
b. Select the Windows Updates tab.

Windows Update Tab

c. In the Windows Update Default Settings section, select the Update

Method to use. The following options are available:
Automatically Download and Install
Automatically Download and Notify of Installation

Minimize Bandwidth Usage During Microsoft Vulnerability Patch Download

The HPS Vulnerability DB Plugin provides Microsoft vulnerability updates to CounterACT
Appliances. The plugin works by pushing Microsoft vulnerability update information to
the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin installed on CounterACT Appliances. These updates
are used when working with vulnerability policies and downloaded at the endpoint.
Users can reduce network bandwidth during this process by limiting the number of
concurrent HTTP downloads to endpoints. The default is 20.

Update Antivirus
Update outdated antivirus applications at Windows endpoints.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Update Antivirus Action

You may need to select more than one vendor if you think different antivirus vendors
are installed on the same endpoints in the policy scope. This setup is not recommended.
If more than one vendor is installed on the same endpoint, the update will only be run
on one.

CounterACT uses a script on the endpoint when carrying out this action if the
endpoint is managed via domain credentials Manageable (Domain). Refer to
the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin Configuration Guide for details about how
scripts work. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select this
plugin and then select Help.

The HPS Applications Plugin provides updates to the vendor applications supported by
this action. Refer to the HPS Applications Plugin Configuration Guide for a detailed list of
supported applications. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select
this plugin and then select Help.

Recommended Usage Conditions

When using this action, you should configure the following condition properties:
Windows Security>meets the following criteria>Antivirus Installed
Windows Security>meets the following criteria>Antivirus Running
Windows Security>meets the following criteria>Antivirus Update Date

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Antivirus Update Date

Windows Self Remediation

This action delivers web notification to network users indicating that specific
vulnerabilities were detected on their machines. The notification includes a list of links
that should be selected by the endpoint users in order to patch vulnerabilities. Users
cannot access the web until their endpoint is patched. The process for verifying this is
automated when the endpoint is rechecked. An option is also available for the user to
run the recheck directly from the web page.
Remediation patches are automatically be downloaded in the language supported by the
endpoint operating system. Messages that appear during the remediation process are
displayed in the local language as well.

Automated remediation is also available. See Start Windows Updates.

Use the manual option if you want endpoint users to have more control over
patching vulnerabilities on their machines.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Windows Self-Remediation Action

To send the redirected page via HTTPS, select Use Encrypted protocol (HTTPS). See
Transmitting Actions via HTTPS for more information about this transmission method.
You can define the action to automatically open a browser at the endpoint instead of
waiting for the user to browse. This ensures that the message gets to the user faster.
Select Attempt to open a browser at the detected endpoint. (This option is
unavailable for Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 server machines, and for unmanaged
machines.) CounterACT uses a script when this option is selected and the endpoint is
managed via domain credentials. Refer to the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin
Configuration Guide for details about scripts. Select Options from the Tools menu.
Select Plugins. Select this plugin and then select Help.

Self-Remediation Page at the Endpoint

Network users can select the More Info link to review details about the vulnerability

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Self-Remediation Page at the Endpoint More Info

Network users can select the Recheck my Computer link to immediately recheck the
status of their computer. If the required files are not downloaded and rechecked,
redirection continues.
Recommended Conditions
When using this action, you should configure the following condition property:
Windows Security>meets the following criteria>Microsoft Vulnerabilities
The required patches are automatically listed for the vulnerabilities selected here.
Users cannot access the web until one of the following happens:
Remediation is complete.
The endpoint is released via the Home view, Detections pane or Assets Portal.
By default, CounterACT continuously displays patch links that reside on the Microsoft
website. An option is available, however, to define a local server from which to centrally
manage your patch updates. You may want to do this if you are using customized patch
packages. If necessary, you can also restore to the original Microsoft path.

To change the path:

1. Define a location on a local server from which to download the patches.
2. Log in and run the following command:
fstool convert_patch_path

3. The following prompt is displayed:

This fstool replaces vulnerabilities patches from
%root%/patch to %user_root%/patch.
If necessary, it can also restore original patches.
Input parameters: [restore | replace <user_root>]

Example: fstool convert_patch_path replace http://server1/patches

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Restrict Actions
This section describes actions that are used to restrict endpoint access to the network
and Internet:
Switch Restrict Actions
Virtual Firewall

Switch Restrict Actions

The Switch Plugin provides the following restrict actions:
Access Port ACL
Assign to VLAN
Endpoint Address ACL
Switch Block
For details about these actions, refer to the CounterACT Switch Plugin Configuration
Guide. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select the Switch Plugin
and then select Help.

Access Port ACL

Use the Access Port ACL action to define an ACL that addresses one or more than one
access control scenario, which is then applied to an endpoints switch access port.
Access control scenarios are typically role or classification driven, for example,
registered guest or compliance, and not endpoint IP specific. For example, implement
an ACL action that denies corporate network access to guests but permits Internet
access, regardless of endpoint IP address (no IP address dependency). The Switch
Plugin only supports applying the Access Port ACL action on Cisco switches.

Access Port ACL Action, Configuration Window

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

In the ACL configuration, take advantage of the full set of switch capabilities.
CounterACT does not inspect and does not alter the provided content; the plugins role
is one of delivery vehicle to provision a network switch.

Assign to VLAN
Use the Assign to VLAN action to assign endpoints to a VLAN, rather than turning off
their switch ports.
This enables secured remote connection to endpoints for the purpose of deploying
patches, but still prevents the propagation of unwanted traffic to other sections of the

Assign to VLAN Action, Configuration Window

The Assign to VLAN action is not supported for the VoIP device if there is a VoIP device
between the switch and the endpoint (a VoIP port with a connected VoIP phone and a
connected PC behind the phone).
In this scenario, the Assign to VLAN action is supported for the endpoint, when specific
CounterACT/Switch Plugin requirements are fulfilled.

Endpoint Address ACL

Use the Endpoint Address ACL action to define and apply any of the following, connected
endpoint handling:
IP ACL: Instruct a switch to close (ACL rule) or to open (ACL exception) network
zones, services or protocols to either traffic to or traffic from specific, endpoint
IP addresses connected to the switch.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Endpoint Address ACL Action - IP ACL, Configuration Window

MAC ACL: Instruct a switch to block all traffic sent from the affected, endpoint
MAC address.

Endpoint Address ACL Action - MAC ACL, Configuration Window

The Switch Plugin only supports applying the Endpoint Address ACL action on the
switches of the following switch vendors:
Enterasys Matrix N-Series

Switch Block
Use the Switch Block action to completely isolate endpoints from your network by
turning off their switch port and preventing endpoints from communicating with the
network. This is an extreme action that should be used with care.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Switch Block Action, Configuration Window

If there is a VoIP device between the switch and the endpoint, that is, a VoIP port with a
connected VoIP phone and a connected PC behind the phone, using the Switch Block
action is supported for the endpoint, when the blocking of VoIP ports is globally enabled
in the Switch Plugin for all managed switches.

Virtual Firewall
The Virtual Firewall action lets you block access to and from detected Windows
endpoints. The action also provides you with an option to define blocking exceptions. For
example, when you define a range of addresses to block, but want to allow traffic to and
from IT administrator endpoints or VIP endpoints.
You can configure your system so that you can use the action to block endpoints
connecting through a proxy server from accessing HTTPS pages when a redirect action
is also used. See Blocking HTTPS via Proxy Server.

Virtual Firewall Action

Various firewall vendors are supported. For example:

Check Point

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

For a complete list of currently supported vendors, see Appendix A: Endpoint
Applications Detected by CounterACT in the HPS Applications Plugin Configuration
Guide. Access the Guide in the Documentation Portal or the Customer Support Portal,
Base Plugins page.
Endpoints detected via a policy and blocked with the Virtual Firewall, appear in the
Virtual Firewall pane, but for display purposes only. Manage these endpoints via the
Home view, Detections pane.
Rules created directly via the Virtual Firewall pane take precedence over policies created

Creating a Blocking Rule

This rule allows you to block traffic to or from the detected endpoint.

To block traffic to the detected endpoint:

1. In the Blocking Rules section, select Add.
2. Select The FW will block traffic to the detected host. This allows you to
block inbound traffic to detected endpoints on specified services.

Blocking Rules Dialog Box

3. In the Source IP section, define the endpoints that are prevented from
communicating with the detected endpoint.
4. In the Target Port section, define the services on the detected endpoint that are

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

5. Select OK. The rules that you defined appear in the Blocking Rules list. Use Edit
and Remove as required.

To block traffic from the detected endpoint:

1. In the Blocking Rules section, select Add.
2. Select The FW will block traffic from the detected host. This allows you to
block outbound traffic from detected endpoints to specific services on other
3. In the Target Port section, define the endpoints that are prevented from
receiving traffic.
4. Select OK.
The rules that you defined appear in the Blocking Rules list.
5. Use Edit and Remove as required.

Creating Exceptions
You can define exceptions to the blocking rules created. This enables the continuous
flow of traffic to or from detected endpoints. For example, when you define a range of
addresses to block, but want to allow traffic to and from IT administrator endpoints or
VIP endpoints.

To create exceptions to detected endpoints:

1. In the Blocking Exceptions section, select Add.

Blocking Exceptions Dialog Box

2. Select The FW will allow traffic to the detected host. This allows inbound
traffic to detected endpoints.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

3. In the Source IP section, define the endpoints that are allowed to communicate
with the detected endpoints.
4. In the Target Port section, define the services on the detected endpoints that
are allowed.
5. Select OK. The rules that you defined appear in the Blocking Exceptions list. Use
Edit and Remove as required.

To allow traffic from the detected endpoint:

1. In the Blocking Exceptions section, select Add.
2. Select The FW will allow traffic from the detected host. This allows
outbound traffic from the detected endpoints.
3. In the Target IP section, define the endpoints that are allowed to receive traffic
from the detected endpoint.
4. In the Target Port section, define the services on the endpoints that are
5. Select OK. The rules that you defined appear in the Blocking Exceptions list. Use
Edit and Remove as required.

Blocking HTTPS via Proxy Server

By default, the Virtual Firewall action does not block endpoints connecting through a
proxy server from accessing HTTPS pages when a redirect action is also used.

To allow this action to block such endpoints, your system must be set up as follows:
Select Options > NAC > HTTP Redirection > Monitor Proxy Ports for HTTP
Notifications and configure the proxy port.
Verify that the IP address of the proxy server is within the range of the Internal
Network (Options > Internal Network).
If you want to apply the HTTP Notification action to HTTP traffic, clear the
Show message only until user confirms option in the Parameters tab of the
action. HTTPS traffic will not be redirected by this action.
Verify that the defined proxy service is not configured as an Authentication
Server (Options > NAC > Authentication).

After your system is set up properly, perform the following to block endpoints
connecting through a proxy server from accessing HTTPS pages when a redirect action
is also used.

To enable using the Virtual Firewall action:

1. Run the following commands:
fstool set_property engine.conf.params.blockOutgoingSessionInHijack 8
fstool service restart

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

2. Configure and run the relevant policy/policies, including the

Virtual Firewall action and any relevant HTTP action/s.

To disable:
1. Run the following commands:
fstool set_property engine.conf.params.blockOutgoingSessionInHijack 0
fstool service restart

Action Tools
This section discusses the following tools:
Creating Action Schedules
Enabling and Disabling Actions
Working with Property Tags
Action Icon Display Tool
Policy Action Log
About HTTP Actions
Transmitting Actions via HTTPS
Captive Portal Detection Exceptions
Action Thresholds

Creating Action Schedules

By default, actions are carried out when CounterACT detects that the endpoint matches
the policy. Alternatively action schedules can be assigned to each action. This allows you
to control when actions are carried out and for what duration. For example, you can
create a policy with an action that sends email to noncompliant users three times a
week or for two weeks. When the endpoint complies with the policy, the email will no
longer be sent.
Schedules are especially useful when you need to escalate sanctions on noncompliant
endpoints. For example, create a policy that warns users not to run peer-to-peer
applications and then blocks their Internet access if applications are detected after the
warning period.

To create an action schedule:

1. Create or Edit a policy.
2. Navigate to the Actions dialog box and select an action.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions


3. Select the Schedule tab and then select the Schedule tab.
4. Select Customize action start time. The Action Scheduler dialog box opens.

Action Scheduler

5. Create an Action schedule.

Enabling and Disabling Actions

You can create actions for all your policies, and enable and disable them as required.
You may need to disable actions, for example, to test your policies and get a sense of
network compliance before communicating with network users or taking actions on
network devices. Policies can be enabled or disabled from:

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

The Home view, Detections pane.

The Home view, Views pane. See Stop and Start Actions for Endpoints in Policies
and Sub-Rules for details.
In addition, you can enable and disable the action from the policy.

To enable or disable an action:

1. Right-click a policy Main Rule or Sub-Rule from the Policy Manager.
2. Select Quick Edit and then select Actions.
3. Select or clear the Enable checkbox from the Actions section.

Enable or Disable Actions

Working with Property Tags

Property tags can be used to insert endpoint property values in condition or action
definition fields. For example, important endpoint or User Directory information can be
added to email messages, and endpoint identifiers can be added to comments and

User Notification with Host Information Event Tags

If the information cannot be resolved, the message will display the tag code,
rather than the resolved information.

To insert property tags:

1. At a Condition or Action dialog box, select a text field. The Add Tags button is
2. Select Add Tags. The Tags dialog box opens.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Tags Dialog Box

3. Select the tag that you want to insert and select OK.
When the text field is evaluated, the tag is replaced by the actual property value
of the endpoint.

Property Tags for Script-Based Host Properties

One special type of property tag references the value of host properties that are
resolved by running a script or command on an endpoint. When you create a policy
condition using one of the following properties, CounterACT generates a property tag
that lets you include the host property value in action definition fields:
Windows Expected Script Result
Linux Expected Script Result
Macintosh Expected Script Result
Windows Registry Key Exists
Windows Registry Key Value
In the following example, two different policies use the Expected Script Result host
property to evaluate three scripts on an endpoint.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Policies that use Script-based Host Properties

When CounterACT evaluates these conditions, it generates and maintains a separate

value for each instance of the host property.
CounterACT automatically generates property tags that let you reference these values,
as shown below. This tag is retained as long as the related condition is present in active

Property tags for Script-based Host Properties

Action Icon Display Tool

You can choose a time-period to display an Action icon, after a one-time action is
complete, for example:
After an email action is delivered.
After network users confirm reading redirected pages.
After users perform redirecting tasks.
See Display Action Icon after Action Is Complete for details.

Policy Action Log

The Host Details dialog box provides specific information about actions carried out on
detected endpoints. You can view this information from the Console as soon as the
endpoint has been detected via the policy. The information displayed provides more

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

details than presented at the Home view, Detections pane. The dialog box lists the
current actions and important related information, such as:
Details entered in notification actions
The Appliance that carried out the action
The time the actions were carried out
Information indicating the action status
An option is also available to export the log.

To view the Actions log:

1. Double-click an endpoint from the Home view, Detections pane. The Host Details
dialog box opens.
2. Select the Policy Actions tab.

Policy Actions Tab

The dialog box lists basic information about the action that you defined and its details.

Indicates whether the action was successful.

Time Indicates the time the action was carried out.

Appliance Indicates the Appliance at which the actions were carried out.
Status Details Indicates whether the action failed.

You can also export information in this table.

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To export a table in the Policy Actions tab:

1. Right-click one of the tables shown in the tab and select Export. A Save As
(Export) dialog box opens.
2. Browse to the location in which to save the file.
3. Configure an export option.
4. Select OK.

About HTTP Actions

The HTTP actions allow you to redirect network user web sessions and replace them with
a customized HTTP page. For example, redirect the users web page and instead display
web notification indicating that specific vulnerabilities were detected on their machines.
The notification includes a list of links that should be accessed in order to patch
vulnerabilities. Users cannot access the web until their endpoint is patched.

Sample Redirected Page

Before using the HTTP actions, review the following:

HTTP actions require that the Appliance sees traffic going to the web.
HTTP redirection requires proper injection setup. See Appendix 5: HTTP
Redirection for more information.
If your organization uses a proxy for web connection, you must define the proxy
ports to be used. See Policy Preferences for more information.
You can redirect user Intranet sessions. See Defining HTTP Redirect Exceptions
for more information.
You can redirect via HTTPS. See Transmitting Actions via HTTPS.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

You can customize the default look and feel of the HTTP pages delivered to the
endpoint. For example, you can add your company logo, and define background
colors or background images to these pages. See Customizing HTTP Pages for
more information.
Messages that appear in the redirected pages can be changed to the language
defined at your operating system. See Localizing CounterACT Redirected Web
Pages and Messages for more information.
You can customize HTTP preferences to include redirect exceptions that will not
be affected by HTTP actions. These exceptions can be configured either globally
or per action. See Defining HTTP Redirect Exceptions for details.
The DNS Enforce Plugin lets CounterACT implement HTTP actions in cases where
stateful traffic inspection is not possible. This is relevant, for example, with a
remote site or an unmanaged network segment. For more information, refer to
the CounterACT DNS Enforce Plugin Configuration Guide. To open this guide,
select Options from the Tools menu and then select Plugins. Select DNS
Enforce and then select Help.

Transmitting Actions via HTTPS

You can configure the connection method used for transmitting redirected traffic. Traffic
can be transmitted via HTTPS, i.e. encrypted over a secured connection (SSH) or via
If you transmit via HTTPS, network users will see a security alert at their web browser
when they attempt to access the web. The alert indicates that the sites security
certificate was not signed by a known Certificate Authority (CA). (A default self-signed
certificate is installed during product installation.) You can generate a known CA
Security Certificate to avoid this situation. See Appendix 4: Generating and Importing a
Trusted Web Server Certificate and Appendix 5: HTTP Redirection for more information.
Two options are available for working with HTTPS:
Use HTTPS per Action
Use HTTPS for All Actions

Use HTTPS per Action

To send a redirected page via HTTPS, select Use Encrypted protocol (HTTPS) in the
required HTTP action.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Action Dialog Box, HTTP Notification Use Encrypted Protocol

End user redirect pages may include several messages that are the result of
different actions. The title bar on the redirected page will represent the most
secured state. Specifically, this means if several messages appear on one
redirect page, and one of them is the result of a secured action, the title bar will
show HTTPS.

Use HTTPS for All Actions

Redirected traffic includes information sent to network users via the HTTP actions, as
well as authentication credentials sent back to the Appliance. For example, when you
use the HTTP Localhost Login action, authentication credentials are sent back to the
Appliance using the method that you defined. The default is HTTP.
See Globally Redirect via HTTPS for details. If you configure CounterACT to work
globally with HTTPS but defined specific actions to be HTTP, redirected traffic will only
be transmitted via HTTPS.

Captive Portal Detection Exceptions

You can allow endpoints running Mac OS/iOS or Android to remain connected to the
Internet without being automatically redirected by HTTP actions due to Apple or Android
captive portal detection.
When endpoints connect to the network, the endpoint sends periodic requests to
determine whether a captive portal is present. The motivation for this is that when using
an application other than a web browser (for example, email), endpoint users may not
be presented with the portal page, and will fail to connect to the Internet. If the periodic
request is redirected, the system recognizes that a captive portal is present.
If you want endpoints to not be periodically redirected by HTTP actions to a web page
that requires user interaction, you can enable the option, Do not redirect captive portal
This configuration is applied to individual HTTP actions, in the Exceptions tab of each
HTTP action.

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Chapter 7: Working with Actions

Captive Portal Detection Exceptions

This feature supports Apple WISPr and Android captive portal detections and is relevant
for the following HTTP actions:
HTTP Redirection to URL

HTTP Login

HTTP Notification

HTTP Localhost Login

Start SecureConnector

Windows Self Remediation

Action Thresholds
There are scenarios in which policy enforcement requires blocking or restricting network
devices and users.
Action thresholds are designed to automatically implement safeguards when rolling out
such sanctions across your network. Consider a situation in which you defined multiple
policies that utilize a blocking action, for example, the Virtual Firewall or Switch Block
action. In a situation where an extensive number of endpoints match these policies, you
may block more endpoints than you anticipated.
An action threshold is the maximum percentage of endpoints that can be controlled by a
specific action type defined at a single Appliance. By working with thresholds, you gain
more control over how many endpoints are simultaneously restricted in one way or
another. See Working with Action Thresholds for details.

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Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout
About Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules
Working with ForeScout Module Licenses
Designing Customized Plugins
Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules

About Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules

Base plugins and plugins included in ForeScout Modules significantly expand the
scope of endpoint inspection, data exchange, remediation and control, and can be
easily integrated into CounterACT. Information gleaned from plugins is incorporated
into CounterACT tools used for creating policy properties and actions, generating
reports and inventory items, and more.
A Check-for-Updates feature automatically checks if your CounterACT devices are
updated with the most recently released plugin versions. This saves you the trouble
of checking for updates manually.
Two categories of plugins are available:
Base Plugins
Plugins Included in ForeScout Modules

Base Plugins
Base plugins are components that enhance CounterACT visibility, network
connectivity, detection and control capabilities. Two categories of base plugins are
Bundled Plugins
Non-Bundled Optional Plugins

Bundled Plugins
CounterACT is delivered with several bundled plugins. These plugins link CounterACT
to the network infrastructure (switches, domain servers and user directories), and
provide core endpoint detection and management functionality, including a
comprehensive set of host properties and actions.
To allow timely and responsive updates, new plugin functionality and supporting data
(such as vendor or vulnerability information) may become available independently
between major CounterACT version releases.
The table in this section lists plugins currently bundled with CounterACT. Plugins may
be added to this list in future CounterACT ISO releases. See the Release Notes on
the Product Downloads page of the Customer Support portal for information about
new or removed bundled plugins provided with CounterACT ISO releases.
In addition to working with bundled plugins provided with CounterACT ISO releases,
you can install the CounterACT Cumulative Update Pack, which provides a simplified
and automated process for updating a CounterACT environment with the latest
version of the CounterACT service pack, bundled plugins and additional base plugins.
Refer to the Product Downloads page of the Customer Support portal to download
the CounterACT Cumulative Update Pack and read about the plugins provided.

Plugin Name Details

DNS Client Plugin This plugin supports DNS resolution for endpoints.

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Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules

Plugin Name Details

Hardware This plugin ensures that Appliances restart in cases where their
Watchdog Plugin operating system halts.
HPS Inspection This plugin allows CounterACT to:
Engine Plugin Access Microsoft Windows endpoints.
Perform comprehensive, deep inspection for the purpose of
resolving an extensive range of endpoint information, such as
operating system details, Windows security, machine, services,
application information and more.
Activate a variety of CounterACT actions to manage, remediate or
control endpoints.
Inspection can be carried out via the plugin in two ways:
SSH Remote Access: The plugin helps you generate a public key
which you then distribute to the endpoints.
SecureConnector: Access the endpoint via the plugin and
HPS Vulnerability This plugin automates distribution of monthly Microsoft vulnerability
DB Plugin updates.
Macintosh/Linux This plugin enables comprehensive, deep inspection of Macintosh and
Property Scanner Linux endpoints. Its functionality parallels the functionality of the HPS
Plugin Inspection Engine Plugin for Windows endpoints.
Web Reports This plugin provides a web-based Report Portal used to generate
Plugin comprehensive NAC reports.
NBT Scanner This plugin attempts to obtain the user that is logged on to a given
Plugin endpoint and the MAC address of that endpoint. It is installed and
started by default. Do not stop this plugin. Various policy and Assets
Portal features will not work properly if the plugin is stopped.
Switch Plugin The plugin allows you to:
Track the location of endpoints connected to network switches
and retrieve relevant switch information. For example, you can
see the IP address and port of the switch to which an endpoint is
Quickly detect new endpoints on the network; the Switch Plugin
receives notification of port status changes via SNMP traps and
alerts the CounterACT Console.
Assign switch ports to VLANs; you can set up dynamic, role-
based VLAN assignment policies and quarantine VLANs.
Use ACLs to open or close network zones, services or protocols
for specific endpoints at a switch and handle scenarios that
address broader access control.
Syslog Plugin This plugin lets CounterACT send and receive messages and forward
event notifications to and from an external Syslog server. This allows
information exchange with external services and platforms.

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Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules

Plugin Name Details

User Directory This plugin resolves user details via a User Directory server. Currently
Plugin supported User Directory server types are:
Microsoft Active Directory
Sun Java System Directory Server
Novell eDirectory
IBM Lotus Notes
Set up requires an accessible User Directory server that is queried for
details regarding users at detected endpoints. User details are
displayed at the Detections pane.
Information from User Directory servers is displayed in the Console
Detections pane, Host Details dialog box, reports and policies.

Non-Bundled Optional Plugins

In addition to bundled plugins, a broad range of optional, non-bundled plugins
augment and extend the capabilities of CounterACT. These plugins provide host
properties, actions and other functionality:
Non-bundled plugins enhance:
In-depth discovery and management of network endpoints.
Protocol support, which enables CounterACT to parse additional data streams
or support technologies such as 802.1X authentication.
Network infrastructure support, which enables CounterACT to interrogate and
interact with proprietary network devices such as VPN concentrators and
wireless controllers.
and more

Accessing Bundled and Non-bundled Plugins

Refer to the Base Plugins page on the Customer Support portal to download bundled
and non-bundled plugins and read related documentation.

Plugins Included in ForeScout Modules

Plugins included in ForeScout Modules are licensed components that enhance
CounterACT visibility, data exchange, detection and control capabilities. CounterACT
leverages the capabilities and functionality of third-party platforms or widely used
protocols. These modules support specific service platforms, endpoint operating
systems, or network protocols and devices.
The various ForeScout Modules relate to the following integration categories:
Advanced Threat Detection (ATD)
Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP)
Mobile Device Management (MDM)
Open Integration

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Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

Vulnerability Assessment

Accessing ForeScout Modules

To access ForeScout Module software downloads and related documentation, refer
the ForeScout Modules page on the Customer Support portal.

Module Packaging
Modules can package individual plugins or multiple plugins.
ForeScout Modules: Individual Plugins
Integration Modules: Multiple Plugins

ForeScout Modules: Individual Plugins

A ForeScout Module packages an individual licensed plugin. For example, the
XenMobile plugin is packaged individually as part of the Citrix XenMobile Module.

An exception to this is the Open Integration Module, which packages more

than one plugin.

Plugins Released Plugins that were released for the first time (version 1.1.0) after
After Service Pack Service Pack 2.3.0 will be packaged individually as the sole
2.3.0 component of a ForeScout Module even if you are working with a
service pack version earlier than 2.3.0.
Plugins Released Plugins that were released for the first time before Service Pack 2.3.0
Before Service will be packaged individually as the sole component of a ForeScout
Pack 2.3.0 Module when all of the following are true:
You did not install the same plugin packaged as part of an
integration module. See Integration Modules: Multiple Plugins.
The ForeScout Module version was released after the Service Pack
2.3.0 release.
Service Pack 2.3.0 or above is installed.

ForeScout Module demo licenses are valid for 90 days. See Demo Licenses.

Integration Modules: Multiple Plugins

Prior to the release of Service Pack 2.3.0, groups of related licensed plugins were
packaged into Integration Modules. For example, the MDM Integration Module
packaged MaaS360, XenMobile, and other MDM plugins.
If you already installed plugins (with either a demo or permanent license) as
components of Integration Modules, you can continue to use them, as well as the
other plugins packaged in the respective module, even if you are using Service Pack
2.3.0 or above. Upgrading these plugins to versions released after the Service Pack
2.3.0 release does not change the way they are packaged.
Integration Module demo licenses are valid for 30 days. The demo expiration period
is calculated from the first installation of a plugin in the module. See Demo Licenses.
See Working with ForeScout Module Licenses for details about requesting, installing
and working with module licenses.

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Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules

Advanced Threat Detection (ATD)

Modules in this category integrate CounterACT with popular Advanced Persistent
Threat (APT) detection products such as FireEye, Palo Alto Networks WildFire,
Invincea, Damballa and Bromium. CounterACT ATD integrations identify advanced
cyber-attacks that threaten network security, and remediate infected endpoints.

Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP)

Modules in this category integrate CounterACT with McAfee products such as McAfee
ePO. These integrations leverages the visibility capability of CounterACT with the
security features of Intel Security products for greater coverage and control to more
devices on the network. Integration lets CounterACT:
Report discovered endpoints to the ePO Detected System
Detect endpoints and implement NAC actions based on ePO Events and

Mobile Device Management (MDM)

Modules in this category integrate CounterACT with popular MDM service platforms
such as AirWatch, MobileIron, XenMobile and others. CounterACT MDM integrations
yield an easy-to-use platform that includes all of the essential functionality for end-
to-end management of mobile devices. You can secure and manage apps, docs, and
devices for global organizations, and support both corporate and individual owned

Open Integration
This module contains the Data Exchange Plugin, which supports bidirectional query
and update interactions with external SQL, Oracle, and LDAP servers.
In addition, it contains plugins and other components that support the CounterACT
Web Service, which lets external entities communicate with CounterACT.
Information can be retrieved from CounterACT using simple, yet powerful web
service requests based on HTTP interaction.
Information can be submitted to CounterACT using web service requests with
an XML data body. The CounterACT Web Service parses the data to update
CounterACT host properties.

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

Modules in this category let CounterACT send compliance and other host information
to SIEM systems such as ArcSight, Splunk and QRadar, and correlate this
information to perform risk assessment analysis.

Vulnerability Assessment
Modules in this category integrate CounterACT with vulnerability assessment
platforms such as Nessus/Tenable VM and McAfee Vulnerability Manager to support
auditing, asset profiling, sensitive data discovery, and more.

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Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules

Centralized Management
Plugins are centrally managed across the enterprise. This means if you install or
update a plugin at the Enterprise Manager, it is automatically installed or updated at
all registered Appliances.
You can perform the following actions on several plugins simultaneously:
Install and uninstall
If an Appliance on which a plugin is running is disconnected, the plugin will not
appear in the Plugins pane. A warning message indicates that the Appliance is not
connected. Plugins may not be uninstalled via individual Appliances.
The uninstall process must be carried out from the Enterprise Manager.

Plugin Configuration Management

Configurations made to certain plugins, for example, the Switch Plugin, via the
Enterprise Manager are automatically applied to all registered Appliances. These
configurations may not be updated per Appliance.
Certain plugins may be fine-tuned per Appliance while other plugins are configured
per Appliance. See CounterACT Device Management Overview for details.

To install and manage plugins:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Plugins.

Plugins Pane

The Plugin Manager displays basic plugin information, for example, the plugin name,
operational status, version and build, and associated modules.

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Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules

Plugin Security
Transfer of information between CounterACT and plugins is secured as follows:
All passwords defined in plugin configurations are:
Kept encrypted on the hard drive
Never printed to log files (even in their encrypted format)
Transferred encrypted over the wire (between CounterACT components)
When a plugin is uninstalled, the encrypted password is deleted from the hard
drive where it is stored.

Automatically Update Plugins

CounterACT automatically checks to see if updates are available for plugins that you
have installed on your CounterACT devices. This saves you the trouble of checking
for updates manually and helps keep your system updated with the most current

How Do I Know if a New Version of a Plugin Is Available?

The Plugin Updates icon appears on the status bar of the Console when an update
is available for any installed plugin.

Plugin Updates Icon

The installed CounterACT Console application automatically contacts the

ForeScout support server periodically to check for plugin updates.

To update plugins:
1. Double-click the Plugin Updates icon. The Software Updates dialog box
opens. The dialog box displays available plugin updates.

Plugin Updates

2. Double-click the related Note icon and read the release notes for the plugin.

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Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules

3. Select the plugin and then select Install. The End User License Agreement
dialog box opens.

End User License Agreement

4. Select I accept the license terms and select Next. If you do not agree to
the license terms, you cannot install the plugin.
The progress bar indicates the progress of the installation. You can view the
installation log file, which itemizes any installation failures.

Configuring the Check for Updates Mechanism

You can configure the frequency at which updates are checked, and enable or disable
the Check-for-Updates option.

To configure the Check-for-Updates option:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select General>Check for

Check for Updates Pane

2. Configure and select OK.

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Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules

Roll Back to Previous Plugin Versions

Under certain circumstances, you may want to roll back a plugin to a previously
installed version. This may happen, for example, if your system was not operating as
expected after a plugin upgrade.
If you are working with plugins on your Enterprise Manager, the plugins on all the
Appliances are rolled back to the selected version. If the rollback occurred when the
Appliance was not connected, the plugin is rolled back when the Enterprise Manager
reconnects to the Appliance.
One or several versions may be available to which you can roll back. In some cases it
may not be possible to roll back, in which case the Rollback button is disabled.

Some plugins do not support rollback.

To roll back:
1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Plugins.

Plugins Pane

2. Select a plugin and then select Rollback. A message is displayed listing all
the plugin versions to which you can roll back.

Plugin Rollback Dialog Box

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Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules

3. Select the version that you want and then select OK. A dialog box opens that
shows you the progress of the rollback.
4. Select Done.

Working with ForeScout Module Licenses

ForeScout Modules are licensed components that package individual CounterACT
plugin integrations. Modules also control the number of devices each plugin can
handle (capacity), as well as licensing authorization. You can easily access module
information, such as:
Module license status
Module license request status and details
Plugin/s packaged with the module
Endpoints that were detected by module plugins

How Module Licenses Work

In order for a module to be functional, a valid module license is required. You can
only install one license per module.

Demo Licenses
You will receive a demo license after installing a plugin. This license is valid for 90

The license for integration modules that package groups of related license
plugins is 30 days. The demo expiration period is calculated from the first
installation of a plugin in the module. See Integration Modules: Multiple

Request a demo license extension or permanent license before this period expires.
The demo license expiration date applies to all plugins included in a module,
regardless of how many of the modules plugins are installed. This means if you only
installed one plugin and the module includes two plugins, the expiration date applies
to both plugins.

Permanent Licenses
When working with permanent licenses, a device count is performed separately by
each module and analyzed against the number of devices (including endpoints and
network devices) that the module is authorized to support. In addition, a device
count is performed by CounterACT and compared to the authorized CounterACT
license capacity.
If you add Recovery and High Availability devices to your CounterACT system after
purchasing Module licenses, you will need to request licenses to work with the
updated system.
Some plugins are not packaged as modules. These plugins do not require a license.

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Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules

Module licenses should be installed on the Enterprise Manager. Once installed, they
are automatically applied to all managed Appliances.

Not all users have access to the module features. See Access to Console Tools
Permissions for details.

Requesting a Demo Extension or Permanent License

Request a demo license extension or permanent license before the demo period

To request a demo extension or permanent license:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Modules. The Modules
pane opens.

Modules Pane

2. Select Request License and then select Generate Request. The License
Request wizard, Company pane opens.

Company Information Pane

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Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules

3. The pane may include company information taken from previous CounterACT
license installations or requests. Update the information if required or enter
new information if none was displayed. License alerts and license files will be
sent to the address listed here. You can enter more than one email address.
Separate addresses with spaces, commas or semicolons.
4. Select Next. The Type pane opens.

License Type Pane

5. Request either a permanent license, which does not have a time limitation, or
to extend your demo license for a specific time period.
6. Select Next. The Devices pane opens.

License Devices Pane

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Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules

7. Indicate the number of endpoints you want the license to handle. Options
may vary depending on the module you are working with.
8. Select Next. The Request Format pane opens.

Request Pane

9. Select to submit the request in one of three ways:

Through the web: Your request is sent to the ForeScout license server.
After your request is accepted, the license is sent to the email address you
entered in the request wizard. You can also download the license from the
Modules pane.
By email: Your request is sent to the ForeScout module license team.
After your request is accepted, the license is sent to the email address you
entered in the request wizard.
By saving the request to a file: Use this option if you currently do not
have Internet access and cannot send the request via the web or by email
options. Submit the saved request to a ForeScout representative, for
example, transfer the request file to a USB drive and send it from another
10.Select Finish.
See Installing Licenses for installation information.

Viewing and Cancelling Module License Requests

After sending your license request, the request details and status are automatically
displayed in the Modules pane. You can view the status and cancel requests that are
no longer relevant. To make changes to the request, you must cancel the specific
entry by deleting it and then re-enter a modified request.

To view and cancel requests:

1. Select the Options from the Tools menu and then select Modules.
2. Select the drop-down arrow on the Request License button and then select
Request Details. The Module License Request pane opens.

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Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules

License Request Manager

3. To cancel a request, select a module and then select Cancel Request.

Installing Licenses
Once your license is approved it will be sent to the email addresses listed in the
License Request wizard. If you sent your request via the web, the license will also be
immediately accessible from Modules pane. You will be notified as follows:

An icon will appear on the Console status bar.

Ready is displayed in the Status column in the Modules pane.

Signed and Ready to Install is displayed in the Status column when you select
Check Request Status in the Modules pane.

To install a license you received by email:

1. Save the license.
2. Select Options form the Tools menu and then select Modules.
3. Select Install License and then select Install from File.
4. Navigate to the location you saved the file and select OK.

To download and install a license:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Modules.
2. Select the module for which you need a license.
3. Select one of the following from the Install License button drop-down list:
Install from Server: If the request was submitted via HTTP, to download
and install the license from the server.
Download from Server: If the request was submitted via HTTP, to
download the license file from the server and install it from a file later.
Install from File: If you have a license file to install.
You can also:

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Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules

Select Request Details from the Request License button drop-down

The Module license requests dialog box opens. Select a license request
that appears as ready to install, corresponding to the license you want to
Select either Download from Server, Install from Server or Install
from File. The options function identically.
4. A pop-up dialog appears indicating that the license is being downloaded.
After a license is downloaded and installed, it is added to a list of installed
5. To view this list, select Request Details from the Request License button
drop-down list:
The Module license requests dialog box opens. Select Show Installed.
Highlight the license request you want to examine.
The license request details appear in the Details pane.

Receiving License Alerts

You will receive alerts if there are issues regarding your licenses, for example, if the
license is about to expire or if you have added endpoints and exceed your license
capacity. Alerts are displayed through:
Periodic email reminders

You can sign these emails using a digital certificate, as specified by the
Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) standard. See
Signing Emails with an S/MIME Certificate for details.

Pop-up reminders at the Console

An icon and tooltip on the Console status bar. The triangle is green if you are
waiting for license approval and is red if there is a license violation.

Viewing Module Information

License information appears in the Modules pane after the plugin is installed.
This information includes for example:
License Request Status
License Capacity Status
Extensive information about endpoints being managed via the module
This information is automatically updated when the license request status and license
status changes.

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Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules

Modules Pane

In addition the module name and status appear in the Plugins pane.

Plugins Pane Module Information

Previously Installed Plugins

You will be alerted to licensing requirements for plugins already installed if you install
a plugin update after the CounterACT module is released.

Tracking ForeScout Module Activity

Information about ForeScout Module activity is automatically shown in the
CounterACT Audit Trails log and Events Viewer.

Audit Trails Log

The Audit Trails log indicates when a module license was installed.

To access the Audit Trails log:

1. In the Console Log menu, select Audit Trails.
2. Enter a time period and select OK. The Audit Trails log opens.

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Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules

Event Viewer
The Event Viewer indicates:
When a module license was installed
Periodic license alerts
When a module license expires
When a module license is invalid
When the number of devices handled by the license is exceeded

To access the Event Viewer:

1. Select Event Viewer from the Log menu. The Event Viewer opens.

Viewing Endpoint Information

You can view extensive information about the endpoints that were detected by the
module plugins. Quickly find information that is important to you by using the search
filter and plugin drop-down filter.
1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Modules.
2. Select a module.
3. Select Details.

Designing Customized Plugins

ForeScout partners and customers can write software plugins to enhance the
capabilities of CounterACT. By preparing your own plugin you can:
Obtain real-time information regarding endpoints
Trigger third-party remediation and ticketing systems.
Provide additional information to CounterACT regarding endpoints
Create plugin-specific commands that control endpoints
To request the ForeScout CounterACT Plugin SDK, contact [email protected]

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 432

Chapter 9: Assets Portal
About the Assets Portal
Search Tools
Expand Information Discovered by the Assets Portal
Assets Portal User Management
Accessing the Assets Portal
Performing an Assets Portal Search
Chapter 9: Assets Portal

About the Assets Portal

The Assets Portal is a web-based search and discovery tool that allows you to
leverage extensive network information collected and correlated by CounterACT. This
includes not only endpoint information, but also policy violations, login information,
User Directory details, organizational mapping details, and endpoint device
connections. The information will prove valuable across your organization, including:
Security teams: Use an IP address to quickly locate and shut down switch
ports and eliminate a security threat.
IT departments: Use an IP address to locate and contact users when
maintenance is required at the endpoint.
Help Desk: Effortlessly link IP addresses, computer hardware addresses and
switch ports to employees, in real time.
By using the portal, response time is shortened, translating into efficient remediation
and crisis management.
In addition, you can clear event detections and stop policy actions from the portal.

The Appliance runs a web server to operate the portal. (Access to the portal
page requires a secured HTTPS connection, because the information displayed
is sensitive.) During the installation of the Appliance, a default self-signed
certificate is created for this purpose. However, the certificate was not signed
by a known CA, which causes the web browser to display a security warning
when network users attempt to use the portal. Refer to Appendix 4:
Generating and Importing a Trusted Web Server Certificate for more
information. You can turn off this option and transmit via HTTP.

Supported Browsers
The Assets Portal runs in Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox version 2 and

Search Tools
Powerful search tools give you immediate access to an extensive range of endpoint
and user information.
Wild card searches: Search items are highlighted on the results page.
Exact searches.
Searches per category. For example, you can search by: IP addresses, MAC
addresses, Email addresses or DNS host names, User Directory names.
From the Search Results page, you can easily pinpoint problematic endpoints, events
and users. In addition, action tools let you control endpoints directly from the portal.

Search Status
The Assets Portal search result page indicates how many Appliances have been
queried and how many responded to your Assets Portal search.

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Chapter 9: Assets Portal

Assets Portal Search in Progress

Mouse-over this string to view a tooltip that details this information.

Search Status Tooltip

Appliances disconnected at the time of the search are not queried. If you search for a
specific address, the Appliance to which the IP address is assigned is queried. Other
Appliances are ignored.

Expand Information Discovered by the Assets

By default, CounterACT automatically discovers the following information about
endpoints and displays that information in the Assets Portal:
Domain User names
NetBIOS host names
MAC addresses
DNS names
Basic User Directory Plugin properties (this plugin is bundled with
Switch Plugin properties (this plugin is bundled with CounterACT)
You can update the default to include additional information, for example, properties
that are only available via the policy (Nmap details). See Defining Endpoint
Discovery Rules for more information.You can also broaden the scope and capacity of
the portal by incorporating plugin information. For example, if you installed the VPN
Plugin, related VPN properties are displayed at the portal. See Chapter 8: Base
Plugins and ForeScout Modules for more information.

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Chapter 9: Assets Portal

Importing and Exporting Information

Assets Portal information can be imported and exported by using standard import
and export tools from your web browser.

Assets Portal User Management

The Admin user has access to the portal and all portal features by default.
Additional portal users are defined in the User Definitions dialog box. Furthermore,
you can assign permission levels to ensure that only certain portal users have access
to certain types of information or activities.For example, you can grant all portal
users the ability to view portal information, but only allow selected users to release
blocked endpoints.

Defining Assets Portal Users and Permissions

By default all Console users have access to the Assets Portal web server, but cannot
log in unless they are defined as Assets Portal users from the User Definition dialog
box. The dialog box also allows you to define viewing and action permission levels for
each Assets Portal user.

To define users:
1. Select Options from the Tools menu and select Console User Profiles.

Console Users Pane

2. Select Add or Edit. The User Definition dialog box opens.

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Chapter 9: Assets Portal

User Definition Dialog Box

3. To create an Assets Portal user, select Assets Portal User. Assign Assets
portal permissions from the Permissions section.
4. Update other user definitions as required and select OK.

You may need to verify that Assets Portal users can access the portal. By
default, all users in the NAC network are granted access. If someone outside
the Internal Network needs access or if, for some reason, you need to update
the default, the setting can be modified.
To update the setting, select Options from the Tools menu and then select
Access>Web. If you remove a user from the default range, that user no
longer has access to the portal. In addition, the user no longer receives HTTP
actions defined as part of policies. Such actions include HTTP alerts, self-
remediation and login pages. For more information about Network Policy
settings, see What Is a Policy? It is not recommended to deny portal access.

Accessing the Assets Portal

Two methods are available for accessing the Assets Portal.
Log in from the Console. By default, Console login grants access to
CounterACT web-based tools, such as the Assets Portal, without additional
login prompts. You can however force a separate login to the Assets Portal.
See Separate Login to Each CounterACT Web-Based Portal.
Log in from your web browser. Log in from a browser always requires

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Chapter 9: Assets Portal

To access the Assets portal:

1. Do one of the following:
In the Console toolbar, select Tools>Assets Portal from the menu or
select the Assets Portal icon.
Browse to the following URL:
Where <Device_IP> is the IP address of the Enterprise Manager or an
A login page opens.

When you access the portal from the Console, you may not be prompted
to log in. For more information see Separate Login to Each CounterACT
Web-Based Portal.

Portal Login Page

2. Enter the User Name and Password of a user that can access the portal.
Typically the credentials you use to access the Console also grant access to
the portal. For more information, see Creating Users and User Groups.
3. When Service Pack 2.2.0 or above is installed in your environment, you may
be able to use a Smart Card for authentication:

In some operating systems, you may not be prompted for all the login
steps described here.

a. Select the Login with Smart Card link. The Select a Certificate dialog
box opens.

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Chapter 9: Assets Portal

Smart Card Login Select Certificate

b. Select a certificate and then select OK. A PIN dialog box may open.

Smart Card Login Enter PIN Code

c. Enter a PIN code and then select OK.

Add the Assets Portal to Your Web Browser

The Assets Portal link can be saved via your web browser search box.

To add the portal:

1. Select Add to browser search box from the Assets Portal home page.

Browser Support

The browser search is supported for Internet Explorer 7 and above, and
Firefox version 2 and above.

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Chapter 9: Assets Portal

Performing an Assets Portal Search

After logging in to the Assets Portal, you can begin using the search features to
quickly and efficiently pinpoint network information that you need.
Wildcard searches are automatically performed. This means the search results will
display all terms beginning with the characters that you entered. Alternatively, you
can choose to look for only certain types of information, for example, only email
addresses or DNS names.
Searches are not case sensitive.
The following options are available for performing endpoint-based searches:
IP Address
MAC Address
DNS Name
The following options are available for performing user-based searches:
Login Name
User (from User Directory)
LDAP User Name
Email (from User Directory)

Searches are only available for endpoints that were previously discovered.
The User Directory search is only available for endpoints that were detected
via a NAC policy or as a result of the Threats policy.

To perform the search:

1. Log in to the Assets Portal.
2. From the home page, type in a value.
3. Alternatively, select a search type from the search drop-down list.

Specific Search

4. Select Search.
5. The Search Results page opens with items that match the search query.

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Chapter 9: Assets Portal

If the search text was found in a field that is not shown by default, the value
of the relevant field is shown in the More Info column.

Sample Search Results Page

6. Select the IP address or item of interest to you, or select any other linked
item to continue the search. If the search produces only one result, the
related ticket page opens.
7. The Host Ticket page opens with information about the selected item.

Host Ticket Page

Host-Based Ticket Results

Item Description

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Chapter 9: Assets Portal

Item Description
Host information The IP address, MAC address, DNS host name, NetBIOS host name and
NetBIOS domain name for the endpoint.
User Details Information about the logged on user where the endpoint was detected.
Policy Status A list of the policies applied to the endpoint and the current endpoint
You can select the Undo link to reverse any action taken at the
endpoint, for example, releasing an endpoint if it is blocked. The
blocking action will no longer be deployed at the endpoint for this
policy, even if the endpoint is detected again.
If you incorrectly reversed the action, you can return to the previous
state by reassigning the action from the Home view, Detections pane.
Threat Protection Details regarding malicious endpoints activity currently detected.
Activity Detected
Manual Actions Manual policy actions currently taken at the endpoint (actions carried
out from the Home view, Detections pane).
Host Open Service Services at the endpoint that are accessible to other network users, and
the time the services were last detected. Basic information about the
service is also provided.
Authentication The most current authentication login events and the time that they
Login Events were detected, for example, the last MAPI authentication or User
Directory authentication. See also Clearing Events Detections.
Admission Events The most current admission events detected and the time of detection.
Any of the following events may be detected:
New IP: By default, endpoints are considered new if they were not
detected at your network within a 30-day period. For example, if an
IP address was detected on the first of the month, and then
detected again 31 days later, the detection will initiate the
activation. The default time period can be changed. See Policy
Preferences for more information.
IP Address Change
Switch Port Change
DHCP Request
Authentication via the HTTP Login action
Login to an authentication server
SecureConnector connection
If you have installed plugins, additional admission event types may be
available. For example, the New Wireless Host Connected Events option
is available if you installed the Wireless Plugin. See also Clearing Events

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Chapter 9: Assets Portal

User-Based Ticket Results

Item Description
User Information Displays the user login name entered to log in to the computer.
Machines Displays that last machine to which the user logged on. You can select
Currently Logged the IP address or MAC address and view an endpoint ticket for that
On machine.
User Directory Displays related user information.
Server Information

Viewing Additional Information

An icon in a row of the Host Ticket page indicates that additional information is
available in a tooltip. Place the cursor over the icon to see.
An icon in a row of the Host Ticket page indicates that additional troubleshooting
information is available. Place the cursor over the icon to see details in a tooltip.
Click the icon to open the matching troubleshooting page. See On-Screen
Troubleshooting for more information.

Page Display
You can display information on a page by page basis or display information on one
page, and use scroll features to view it. It is recommended to select Display All if
you want to print portal data or export it.

Search Results Display Options

Clearing Events Detections

You can clear Event property detections, for example, admission or authentication
login events. You may need to do this for troubleshooting purposes.

To clear an event:
1. Navigate to the event that you want to clear on the ticket page.

Clear Event Option

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Chapter 9: Assets Portal

2. Select the Clear link. A confirmation dialog box opens.

3. Select Yes.
Events can also be cleared from the Console. See Additional Controls in Viewing
Mouse-Over Table Information.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs
About Reports
On-Screen Threat Protection Reporting
Generating Scheduled Reports
Web-Based Reports
Working with System Event Logs
Viewing Block Events
Viewing a History of Monitored and Blocked Services
Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

About Reports
Your Console is equipped with the following powerful report generation tools.
On-Screen Threat Protection Reports
These tools provide you with important system information about policies and
detections; the services most frequently targeted by malicious endpoints; the origin
of a worm outbreak or the infected endpoints in each network segment. You can also
generate detailed reports on events, such as the number of probe and infection
attempts per host or service, or the number and types of marks distributed over a
time period.
Two options are available for generating on-screen reports:
Generate reports on-screen. See Generating On-Screen Threat Protection
Reports for more information.
Schedule automatically generated reports to be sent by email. See Generating
Scheduled Reports for more information.
By default, an Executive Summary report is sent daily, at midnight, to the email
addresses defined during initial wizard setup. This report provides you with important
information regarding detections made at your network.
Report management tools let you save, print, and export the reports that you
Web Reports Reports
You can generate comprehensive real-time reports regarding policy detections and
endpoint discovery information. See Web-Based Reports for more information.
Automated updates to these reports are available via the Reports Plugins pane.
Audit Trails Reports
You can view user audit trail reports that contain information about user activities
during a specified time period. These reports can be exported. See Monitoring User
Activity for details.

On-Screen Threat Protection Reporting

This section details the Console reports. Two categories of reports are available:
Executive Reports
Operational Reports
In addition, various customization options are available for reports. See Customizing
Reports for more information. Report results display activity that occurred within a
time range that you specify and for the Appliances that you select. For example, you
can generate a report that covers a two-day, two-week, or two-month period, for
one several or all the Appliances in your enterprise. By default all Appliances are

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

Reports may include information about both bites and infection attempt
events. The bite event is the event in which the endpoint used a mark to try
and gain access to your network. An infection attempt events is an event
followed by a bite event that is detected at an open, real port on the service
that the bite event was detected.

Executive Reports
The Executive Report provides you with a concise overview of important CounterACT
and endpoint activities.

Report Details

Executive A detailed briefing of malicious endpoints activity and policy detections in

Summary your network during a specified time period.
The report provides:
Information about endpoints detected via the policy.
Infected/Targeted Hosts per Service: Shows the number of infected
endpoints that attempted to infect a service, and the number of
endpoints in the network at which an infection attempt was carried
out for that service.
Top ten infected endpoints. The report shows the IP address of the
endpoints that have carried out the most infection attempts, and the
number of infection attempts carried out.
Event summary showing important CounterACT and endpoint events.
Report customization options allow you to adjust the following for the top
ten reports:
Only display results greater than a set value.
Update the top ten value, for example, to top five or top fifteen.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

Operational Reports
Operational reports provide you with extensive information about probe, scan, bite
and infection attempt events that occurred at targets, endpoints and services in your
network. These reports allow in-depth drill-down of security information gathered by

Report Details

External Provides information about external blocking activity, including:

Blocking Domains targeted outside your network and blocked.
Endpoints that attempted to infect domains outside your network.
Infection attempts targeted at domains outside your network.
By default the top ten infected endpoints are displayed. This value can be
changed from the Report Options dialog box.
Infected Hosts
Displays information about infected endpoints in your network.
Worm Displays the origin of a worm outbreak, tracking down the worm host to
Originator where it was originally detected in your network.
Infected Hosts Displays the infected endpoints in your network, sorted by segment.
by Segment Report options allow you to generate a table listing the details of all the
events shown in the report, i.e. a list of all the events.
Infected hosts Displays the infected endpoints in your network, sorted by service.
by Service Report options allow you to generate a table listing the details of all the
events shown in the report, i.e. a list of all the events.
Top Worm- Displays the IP addresses of infected endpoints that carried out the most
Infected Hosts infection attempts.
By default, the top ten infected endpoints are displayed. This value can be
changed from the Report Options dialog box.
Report customization options also allow you to:
Only display results greater than a set value. For example, only show
results if infected endpoints initiated more than ten infection attempts.
Generate a table detailing report events.
Probing Hosts
Probing Hosts Displays the probing endpoints in your network, sorted by segment.
by Segment
Probing Host Displays the probing endpoints in your network, sorted by service.
by Service
Email Worm Infection Attempts
Top email Displays the endpoints in your network that generated the most email
Infected Hosts worm infection attempts. By default results are limited to the ten most
active endpoints. You can change this default. Additional report
customization options allow you to only display results greater than a set
value for example, only show the results if the endpoints generated more
than five email events.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

Report Details

Email Infected Lists endpoints in your network that generated email worm infection
Hosts per attempts, sorted by segment. Important information about each endpoint is
Segment presented, including the email address from which the attempt was made,
the number of senders, and the number of mails sent.
Related Worm Names for Hosts
Displays endpoints, and names of high profile worms that performed
activities similar to that of the endpoint.
You can load the most current related attack name file by selecting Load
Related Attack Names from the Tools menu. This option installs new
related worm names and the associated services that they attacked.
Updated files can be found on the support page of the ForeScout website.
Targeted Hosts
Displays information about infection attempts that occurred at the endpoints in your
Top Infection Displays the most frequently targeted real endpoints in your network. The
Attempts per report lists the endpoint IP addresses and the number of infection attempts
Host at each real endpoint.
By default, the ten real endpoints that were most frequently targeted are
displayed. This value can be changed from the Report Options dialog box.
Additional report customization options allow you to only display results
greater than a set value, for example, only shown the results if the real
endpoint was targeted more than ten times.
Infection Displays all infection attempts that were targeted at a specific endpoint.
Attempt Report options allow you to generate a table listing the details of all the
Summary for a events shown in the report. For, the date and time the event occurred and
Selected Host the endpoint IP address that initiated the event.

Targeted Services
Displays information about services targeted in your network.
Infected Hosts Shows the number of infected endpoints that attempted to infect a service,
/ Targeted and the number of endpoints in the network at which an infection attempt
Hosts per was carried out for that service.
Service Report customization options allow you to adjust the following for the top
ten reports:
Only display results greater than a set value (calculated according to
infected endpoints).
Update the top ten value, for example, to top five or top fifteen
(calculated according to infected endpoints).
Top Infection Displays the top infection attempts per service.
Attempts per The report displays the service and the number of infection attempts at
Service each service.
This allows you to evaluate which services in your network are more
attractive to worms, and can help in analyzing the security mechanism
protecting these services.
By default, the ten services that were most frequently targeted are
displayed. This value can be changed from the Report Options dialog box.
Additional options allow you to only display results greater than a set value,
for example, only display a service if it was attacked more than ten times.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

Report Details

Scan Results
Displays information about Scan policy results.
Displays information regarding vulnerable machines detected in your
network. The report lists the name of the vulnerability, the number of
machines at which it was detected, as well as the number of services
By default, the ten most common vulnerabilities detected in your network
are displayed. This value can be changed from the Report Options dialog
Report customization options allow you to:
Only display results greater than a set value.
Generate a table detailing report events.
Activity Statistics
Infection Displays the number of infection attempt events that occurred during a
Attempts Over specified time period.
Time Report customization options allow you to:
Define the intervals at which results are displayed, i.e. hourly, daily, or
Generate a table detailing report events.
Scan Displays the numbers of scan events that occurred during a specified time
Detections period. Report customization options allow you to:
Over Time Define the intervals at which results are displayed, i.e. hourly, daily, or
Generate a table detailing report events.
Top Bite Displays the most common bite methods used over a specified time period,
Methods as well as the number of times each method was used.
By default, the top ten bite methods are displayed. You can update this
value from the Report Options dialog box. Report customization options
also allow you to:
Only display results greater than a set value. For example, only display
results for a method if the method was used more than ten times.
Generate a table detailing report events.
Top Scan Displays the most common scan methods used over a specified time period
Methods as well as the number of times each method was used.
By default the top ten scan methods are displayed. You can update this
value from the Report Options dialog box. Report customization options
also allow you to:
Only display results greater than a set value. For example, only display
results for a method if the method was used more than ten times.
Generate a table detailing report events.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

Report Details

Top Mark Displays the top mark types distributed during a specified time period, as
Types well as the number of times each mark type was distributed.
By default, the ten mark types that were most frequently distributed are
displayed. You can update this value from the Report Options dialog box.
Report customization options also allow you to:
Only display results greater than a set value. For example, only display
results for a mark type if the mark was distributed more than ten
Generate a table detailing report events.
Top Always Shows always allowed services that were most frequently accessed by
Allowed blocked endpoints. Always allowed services are defined when creating
Services exception rules from the Virtual Firewall pane.
The results of this report help you evaluate the implications of maintaining
always allowed services.
By default, the ten always allowed services that were most frequently
accessed are displayed. This value can be changed from the Report Options
dialog box.
Report customization options also allow you to:
Only display results greater than a set value. For example, only show
services that were accessed more than ten times.
Generate a table detailing report events.
See Chapter 11: Managing Your Virtual Firewall for more information.
Hosts Per Displays the number of endpoints handled at each Appliance in your
Appliance enterprise as well as the average for all Appliances. By default, all
Appliances are displayed.

See Customizing Reports for information about customizing the report results

Generating On-Screen Threat Protection Reports

This section details how to generate reports on-screen and details the on-screen
management tools, such as printing and exporting reports.

To generate a report on screen:

1. From the Console select Reports > Threat Protection Reports > New. The
Reports dialog box opens.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

Reports Dialog Box

2. Select a report.
3. In the Time Period section, specify a time period for results:
Relative time: Select Last and then specify the required number of hours,
days, weeks or months by using the spin controls or by typing a value in
the field. Select a time unit from the drop-down list.
A time range: Select From / To and then specify the beginning and end of
the time range.
4. Select Options to customize the report. See Customizing Reports for more
5. Select Generate to create the report.

Customizing Reports
Reports are generated with default customization options. These options can be
modified so that you can better manage results and view information that is
important to you. The following report customization options are available for
reports. Not all customization options are applicable to all reports.
Define the intervals at which results are displayed, i.e. hourly, daily, or
weekly. The default is on a daily basis. See Define Result Display Intervals.
Show only top-level results. The default is the top ten highest results. See
Limit to Top Results Only.
Show only results for a specific endpoint in the network. See Show Only
Results for a Specific Endpoint.
Show only results greater than a certain value. The default minimum value is
one. See Show Only Results Greater Than a Set Value.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

Generate a table listing details of each event displayed in the report. See
Generate a Detailed Event Table.
Generate a report of activity at specific Appliances. See Generate a Report
from Activity at Selected Appliances.
If you update the default, it is only applied to the current report. This means that
after the report is generated, the default is restored.

To customize the report:

1. In the Reports dialog box, select a report and time period.
2. Select Options. The Report Options dialog box opens.

Report Options Dialog Box

Define Result Display Intervals

By default, report results are displayed on a daily basis. This means, for example,
that if you choose to show the number of events that occurred over a two-month
period, the results are displayed for each day over those two months.
You can customize the display by showing results on an hourly, per day, weekly or
monthly basis. For example, you can show infection attempts that occurred over a
two-month period, and display the results for each week, i.e., numbers of infection
events that occurred each week.

To update the intervals:

1. In the Reports dialog box, select a report and time period.
2. Select Options. The Report Options dialog box opens.
3. In the Results will be displayed at intervals of field, enter a numerical
value and click the drop-down arrow to select a time unit.
4. Select OK.
5. Select Generate from the Reports dialog box.

Limit to Top Results Only

Reports can be customized so events are displayed for the highest level of results
only, i.e. only showing the top five or top ten results. For example, you can choose
to display only the ten endpoints with the highest number of infection events or only
the five top targeted services. This option is useful when your system generates an

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

extensive number of results, and you want to limit the report to display only
significant information.

To display top results only:

1. In the Reports dialog box, select a report and time period.
2. Select Options. The Report Options dialog box opens.
3. In the Limit result number to top field, enter a value for top results.
4. Select OK.
5. Select Generate from the Reports dialog box.

Show Only Results Greater Than a Set Value

You can customize the report to only show results that are greater than a set value.
This means that results are reported only if a specific threshold is passed. For
example, you can generate a report of events at real endpoints, and set the greater
than value to 20. This means that the report will only display the real endpoints at
which more than 20 events occurred. This option is useful when your system
generates an extensive number of results, and you want to limit the report to display
only significant information.

To set a greater than value:

1. In the Reports dialog box, select a report and time period.
2. Select Options. The Report Options dialog box opens.
3. In the Only show results greater than field, enter a top value or use the
spin controls to set the value.
4. Select OK.
5. Select Generate from the Reports dialog box.

Show Only Results for a Specific Endpoint

The Infection Attempt Summary for a selected Host report allows you to generate a
report displaying infection attempt events that occurred at a specific endpoint in the
1. In the Reports dialog box, select a report and time period.
2. Select Options. The Report Options dialog box opens.
3. Insert the endpoint address in the Show events related to host field.
4. Select OK.
5. Select Generate from the Reports dialog box.

Generate a Detailed Event Table

Most reports are presented in chart form and summarize activity. These reports can
be supplemented with more detailed information. For example, if the report chart
shows the number of infection attempt events that occurred over a two-week period,
you can generate a list that itemizes each of the events.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

1. In the Reports dialog box, select a report and time period.

2. Select Options. The Report Options dialog box opens.
3. Select Generate event detail table.
4. Select OK. The information is viewed from the report toolbar. See Working
with On-Screen Report Management Tools for more information.
5. Select Generate from the Reports dialog box.

Generate a Report from Activity at Selected Appliances

Your reports can include information collected from one or several Appliances.

To select an Appliance:
1. In the Report Options dialog box, select Appliance. The Appliance Selector
dialog box opens.

Appliance Selector Dialog Box

2. Select an Appliance from the Available Appliances list.

3. Use the arrow buttons to assign the Appliances to the Selected Appliances
4. Select OK.
5. Select OK in the Report Options dialog box.
6. Select Generate in the Reports dialog box.

Viewing Multiple Reports

You can generate multiple reports and view them. In addition, you can display a list
of the report windows that you have opened and select a report to view if that report
is minimized.

To open a list of reports:

1. Select Reports from the Window menu and then select the report to open.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

Viewing Report Definitions

You can display the report definitions for the reports that you generate on-screen,
including the report name, the time period the report covers and report options. This
is particularly useful when you have several reports open simultaneously.

To view report definitions:

1. Generate a report.
2. Select Report Definitions from the View menu. The report definitions for
the report that you created are shown.

Working with On-Screen Report Management Tools

On-screen tools are available to manage and navigate around the reports that you
generate. These tools can be accessed from both the menu and toolbar of the report.
This section details toolbar options.

Reports Toolbar

Icon Details
Moves to first or last page of the report. (Only available when the
report is displayed in print layout view).
First/Last Page
Moves to previous or next page of report. (Only available when the
report is displayed in print layout view).
Previous/Next Page
Sends the report to the printer.

Print Report
Saves the current report to a file. The file is automatically saved to a
default location, which you can update if required. See Modifying the
Report Output Location for Manually Saved Reports.
You can open saved reports from the Reports menu on the Console.
View the report in either print layout view or normal layout view. The
cover page and the header and footer can be seen in the print layout.

Print/Normal Layout
View the report chart or the event detail table, if you generated one.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

Exporting Reports and Report Event Details

You can export reports and report event detail tables to a:
PDF file viewable in Adobe Acrobat
CSV file viewable in Microsoft Excel
HTML format viewable in your web browser

To export a report:
1. Select Export from the File menu. A standard browse (Save As) dialog box
2. Select the location and format in which to export the report.
3. To export the table, use the Save Event Table menu option to save the table
as a CSV file and the Export Event Table menu option to export the table as
a PDF file.

Generating Scheduled Reports

The report scheduler allows you to generate reports according to a defined schedule,
and receive them by email. Generating a report schedule includes the following
a. Select a report.
b. Define a delivery schedule.
c. Define a report file format.
d. Define email delivery addresses.
e. Design a report cover page, and header and footer text.
Tools are also available to edit, delete and duplicate report schedules, and
automatically run scheduled reports.
In addition, all reports that you receive through the scheduler are automatically
saved to a default location on the CounterACT device. You can access and open the
reports from the Console. See Opening Saved Reports for more information.
Report schedules are created and managed from the Scheduled Report Manager
dialog box. Not all users have access to the scheduled report features.

To open the Scheduled Report Manager dialog box:

1. Select Threat Protection Reports from the Reports menu on the Console
and then select Scheduler. The Scheduled Report Manager wizard opens for
creating a schedule.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

Scheduled Report Manager Dialog

When the checkmark is displayed, the schedule is activated. If de-

activated, the report will not be created.
Report Displays the name of the report.
Recurrences Displays the creation schedule.
Last Displays the last time the report was delivered.

To create a report schedule:

1. Select the Reports menu and then select Threat Protection
Reports>Scheduler. The Scheduled Report Manager dialog box opens.
2. Select Add. The Available Reports dialog box opens.

Configuration Dialog Box, Add Scheduled Reports

3. Select a report from the Available Reports tree.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

4. Select the file format in which to deliver reports from the Email using
format field. The default is PDF. If you select CSV format, you cannot use the
report cover page and header/footer option. If you select HTML format, you
can only use the cover page option.
5. In the Email address field, enter any number of email addresses in which to
send the reports. Multiple addresses must be separated by spaces or
6. Select Next. The Add Scheduled Report Schedule dialog box opens.

Add Scheduled Report Dialog Box, Schedule

7. In the Generate report at drop-down list, specify a time to generate and

send the report.
8. Select an interval in which to generate the reports. The report can be
generated daily, weekly or monthly.

Daily Type a value in the Generate every field, for example, every eight days.
Weekly Type a value in the Generate every field, for example, every two weeks.
Select the required checkboxes to indicate which days of the week the
report is generated.
Monthly In the Days field, enter the days of the month to generate the report. Use
a hyphen to indicate day ranges. Days and ranges must be comma-
Type a value in the every field.
For example, you can receive reports on the 1st, 10th and 20th day of the
month, every two months.

9. Customize the report by selecting a customization option from the Report

Options pane. See Customizing Reports for more information.
10.Select Next. The Add Scheduled Report Cover Page dialog box opens.

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Add Scheduled Report Dialog Box, Cover Page

11.By default, the Report name, user name, creation date and report options
that you selected will appear on the report cover. You can update or delete
this text or add a JPG graphic file by using the standard editing tools located
on the toolbar.
12.Select Next. The Add Scheduled Report Header&Footer dialog box opens.

Header&Footer Dialog Box, Add Scheduled Reports

13.If required, delete, add or edit the text using the standard editing tools
located on the toolbar. Page numbers automatically appear for reports
generated as PDF files, and in the print layout view.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

Tools are also available to save your cover page, header and footer text, and
load them to other reports, or to create a default cover page, header and
footer. See Managing the Cover Page, Header and Footer Text for more
14.Select Finish. The report that you scheduled is displayed in the Scheduled
Report Manager dialog box.
15.Select OK in the Scheduled Report Manager dialog box.
The report is sent to the email addresses that you defined, according to the
delivery schedule and report format that you chose. If you generated an
event detail table, the email will also include a zipped CSV file containing the
detailed event information.

Sample Mail, HTML Report with Attached Event Detail File

Report Scheduler Management Tools

The following management tools are available from the Scheduled Report Manager
dialog box:
Removing a scheduled report
Editing scheduled report
Duplicating a scheduled report
Running a scheduled report
Managing the cover page, header and footer

To remove a scheduled report from the scheduler:

1. Select a report schedule from the Scheduled Report Manager dialog box.
2. Select Remove.
3. Select OK.
The report is removed and will not be generated.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

To edit a scheduled report:

1. Select a scheduled report from the Scheduled Report Manager dialog box.
2. Select Edit. The Edit Scheduled Report dialog box opens.
3. Use the tabs to edit the schedule.
4. Select OK.
5. Select OK from the Scheduled Report Manager dialog box to save your

To duplicate a scheduled report:

1. Select a scheduled report from the Scheduled Report Manager dialog box.
2. Select Duplicate. The Add Scheduled Report dialog box opens.
3. Update as required.
4. Select OK on the Edit Scheduled Report dialog box.
5. Select OK on the Scheduled Report Manager dialog box to save your changes.

To run a scheduled report:

1. Select a scheduled report from the Scheduled Report Manager dialog box.
2. Select Generate Now. A confirmation is displayed.
3. Select Yes to send the report.

Managing the Cover Page, Header and Footer Text

Tools are also available to save your cover page, header and footer text, and load
them to other reports, create a default cover page, header and footer, and work with
automated text.

To save the cover page, header and footer:

1. Update the cover page, header and footer as required.
2. Select Save from the Add Scheduled Report Header&Footer dialog box. A
standard save dialog box opens.
3. Save the information to the required location.

To load a previously saved cover page, header and footer:

1. Select Load from the Add Scheduled Report Cover Page dialog box. A
standard Open dialog box opens.
2. Locate and open the required file.

To create a default cover page, header and footer:

1. Select Set Default from the Add Scheduled Report Header&Footer dialog
box. A confirmation message opens.
2. Select Yes to save the cover page, header and footer as the default.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

Working with Automated Text Tags

Your cover page, header and footer are generated by default with automated text
The text is viewable in the print preview layout (on-screen reports), in reports
exported or mailed as a PDF file. The cover page text is available if you export or
email the report as an HTML file.
The following text tags are available:

REPORT_NAME The name of the report generated.

REPORT_TIME The time the report is generated.
USER_NAME The name of the user that generated that sent the report.
TIME_PERIOD The time period that the report covers.
REPORT_OPTIONS All parameters, except the time.

Any tag can be entered on the cover page, header or footer, according to the
following format requirements:
Use all caps (upper case), i.e. REPORT_TIME and not Report_Time.
Use the same font for each tag.
Use up to three lines of text for each of the header and footer.

To enter text tags:

1. Enter the tags according to the relevant format requirements.
The tags are converted with the related information, and viewable in the print
preview layout (on-screen reports) and in reports exported or delivered as a
PDF file.

Opening Saved Reports

Two options are available for opening reports.
Open a report that you saved manually.
Open scheduled reports. Reports created by the report scheduler are
automatically saved at the CounterACT device, and can be opened from the

Opening a Report That You Saved Manually

The reports that you manually saved are stored by default at the location where you
installed the Console. This location can be changed.

To open a report that you saved:

1. Select Threat Protection Reports from the Reports menu and then select
Open. The Open Report dialog box opens.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

Open Report Dialog Box, Manually Saved Reports

2. Select the Manually Saved Reports tab.

3. Locate the report that you saved and then select Open. The report opens.

Modifying the Report Output Location for Manually Saved Reports

The reports that you manually save are stored by default at the location where you
installed the Console. This location can be changed.

To set the default location for report files:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Console
2. In the Reports tab, type in the desired directory path or use the browse
button to open a dialog box from which you can choose the path. Files are
saved to the specified path.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

Reports Path for Manually Saved Reports

3. Select OK.

Opening a Scheduled Report

CounterACT automatically saves all reports that you received through the report
scheduler. These reports can be opened at the Console, printed and exported.

Scheduled reports are automatically saved to the Appliance under the Reports
directory. Reports are deleted when the directory size reaches 20 MB. The
oldest reports are deleted first.

To open a scheduled report saved by CounterACT:

1. Select Threat Protection Reports>Open from the Reports menu. The
Open Report dialog box opens.

Open Report Dialog Box, Scheduled Reports Tab

2. Select the Scheduled Reports tab.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

All reports that you created through the report scheduler are displayed. The
dialog box displays the scheduled and actual time of delivery. Slight
discrepancies may occur if you scheduled several reports for delivery at the
same time or because of technical issues.
3. Select a report and then select Open. The report opens.
Event detail tables generated for reports saved by CounterACT are not
automatically available. This information must be saved separately and then

To view a related event detail table:

1. Select Open on the Open Report dialog box.
2. Select Save from the File menu. A standard Save dialog box opens.
3. Save the event detail file as required in CSV format and select Save.

Web-Based Reports
You can access a web-based, Reports Portal to generate comprehensive real-time
and trend information about policies, vulnerabilities and network inventory.
Use reports to keep network administrators, executives, the Help Desk, IT teams,
security teams or other enterprise teams well-informed about network activity.
Reports can be used, for example, to provide information about:
Long-term network compliance progress and trends
Immediate security needs
Compliance with policies
Status of a specific policy
Network device statistics
You can create reports and view them immediately, save reports or generate
schedules to ensure that network activity and detections are automatically and
consistently reported.
In addition, you can use any language supported by your operating system to
generate reports. Reports can be viewed and printed as either PDF or CSV files.

To access the Reports portal:

1. Do one of the following:
In the Console toolbar, select Reports from the menu or select the
Reports icon.
Browse to the following URL:
Where <Device_IP> is the IP address of the Enterprise Manager or an
A login page opens.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

When you access the portal from the Console, you may not be prompted
to log in. For more information see Separate Login to Each CounterACT
Web-Based Portal.

Portal Login Page

2. Enter the User Name and Password of a user that can access the portal.
Typically the credentials you use to access the Console also grant access to
the portal. For more information, see Creating Users and User Groups.
3. When Service Pack 2.2.0 or above is installed in your environment, you may
be able to use a Smart Card for authentication:

In some operating systems, you may not be prompted for all the login
steps described here.

a. Select the Login with Smart Card link. The Select a Certificate dialog
box opens.

Smart Card Login Select Certificate

b. Select a certificate and then select OK. A PIN dialog box may open.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

Smart Card Login Enter PIN Code

c. Enter a PIN code and then select OK.

4. The portal opens.

Reports Home Page

To add a Report:
1. Select Add from the Reports portal home page. The Add Report Template
window opens.

Add Reports Template Window

2. Select a report template and define the report parameters. The following
report templates are available:
Assets Inventory -generates an inventory report about selected assets
Vulnerability - generates a vulnerability status report about selected
Windows hosts
Policy Trend - generates a report of policy results over a selected period
of time.
Policy Status - generates a report of the policy status for selected hosts

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

Policy Details - generates a report of detailed results for a selected

Compliance Status - generates a report of the compliance status of
selected hosts
Device Details - generates a detailed information report about selected
Registered Guests Analysis - generates a report of guest registration
inventory information
Registered Guests - generates a report of guest device information
Automated updates to these reports and new reports will available via the Plugins
pane. See Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules for information.

Sample Report Output, Policy Compliance Over Time

From the web-based Reports Portal, CounterACT users can manually change their
user password. This is a global change that applies to all uses of your CounterACT
user login.
The Reports Portal is provided by the CounterACT Reports Plugin. Plugin updates
may be available in between CounterACT version releases. For comprehensive
information about the Reports Portal, including the reports that can be generated
and changing your CounterACT user password, refer to the Reports Plugin
Configuration Guide.

Working with System Event Logs

You can view logs about system activity, for example successful and failed user login
Not all users have access to this feature.
An option is also available to forward various event messages to third-party logging
systems via the Syslog Plugin. For details, review the Syslog Plugin and ELA Plugin
documentation. Select Options from the Tools menu. Select Plugins. Select these
plugins and then select Help.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

To view events:
1. Select Event Viewer from the Log menu. The Event Viewer dialog box

Event Viewer Dialog Box

The following information is available:

Event Name The name of the event that occurred.

Event Group The type of event that occurred (for example, Batch commands or
Date The date and time that the event occurred.
Severity The severity level of a system event, indicated by a colored icon.

You can hide or display columns in the dialog box and filter the information
that is displayed.

To clear all data from the table:

1. Select Clear All from the File menu.
The data is cleared from the table. This information remains in the system.
The toggle option displays as Reload.

Clear All and Reload is a toggle option.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

To reload data in the table:

1. Select Reload from the File menu.
The latest data loads from the database. The toggle option displays as Clear

To find an entry in the event viewer:

1. Select Find from the Edit menu or type Ctrl-F. The Find dialog box opens.
2. Use the Text to find field and options to make your search more efficient.

To save the log to an external file:

1. Select Export from the File menu. The Export Event dialog box opens.
2. Select a location and file format. You can save the file in TXT or XLS format.

To view details for an event in the log:

1. Double-click a selected line. The Event Viewer opens with details about the
selected event.

Viewing Block Events

A Block Events log allows you at-a-glance display of the following block events. For
Host blocks
Port blocks
External Port blocks
External Host blocks
Services closed as a result of service attacks
Services closed as a result of the blocking rules that you defined via the
Virtual Firewall
Use the log to troubleshoot problematic network block events. You can export the
information displayed to a CSV file.

These events are sent automatically to the Syslog server. If you do not want
to send them, configure the CounterACT Syslog Plugin not to transfer this
information. Select Tools>Options>Plugins>Syslog>Configure>Events

To view blocked events:

1. Select Blocking Logs from the Log menu. The Time Period dialog box opens.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

Time Period Dialog Box

2. Select a time period by doing one of the following:

Select Relative Time and then specify the required number of hours,
days, weeks or months by using the spin controls or by typing a value in
the field. Select a time unit from the drop-down list.
Select Time Range and then specify the beginning and end of the time
3. Select OK. The Block Events dialog box opens.

Block Events Dialog Box

The following information is available:

Item Description
Host The endpoint that was blocked.
Target The IP address to which the blocked endpoint attempted to connect.
Time The time the endpoint was blocked.
Service The service at which the endpoint was detected when it was blocked.
Indicates whether the block event was the result of a Virtual Firewall
block rule.

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

Item Description
Reason The reason the source was blocked.

To export the list of block events:

1. Select Export from the File menu.

To find specific text in the list of events:

1. Select Find from the View menu.

Refreshing the List of Events

If you selected a relative time when generating the block events list, you can refresh
the information to include events blocked from the start time that you indicated, up
to and including the current time (while the dialog box is open).

To refresh the information:

1. Select Refresh from the File menu.

Viewing a History of Monitored and Blocked

Your system policy may be defined so that your system monitors or blocks selected
services in your network. You can view a history of the services that were monitored
or blocked during a specific time period. See Handling Service Attacks for more
information about how to work with these policy definitions.

To view a history of monitored and blocked services:

1. Select Service Attack History from the Log menu. The Time Period dialog
box opens.

Time Period Dialog Box

2. Select a time period by doing one of the following:

Select Relative Time and then specify the required number of hours,
days, weeks or months by using the spin controls or by typing a value in
the field. Select a time unit from the drop-down list.
Select Time Range and then specify the beginning and end of the time

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Chapter 10: Generating Reports and Logs

3. If you have logged in to the Console via an Enterprise Manager, you can
select specific Appliances for which to run a report.
4. Select OK. The Blocked Events dialog box opens.
The following information is available:

Service Displays the port and protocol of service.

State Displays the state, i.e. if the service was blocked or monitored.
Use your mouse to view a tooltip that lists IP addresses of
endpoints that scanned the service and the endpoint IP
addresses that they probed.
Normal indicates that the service state was removed.
Date Displays the date and time that the monitor or block state was
Related Worms Displays the name of a related worm. A related worm is the
name of a known worm that performed events similar to the
events carried out by sources in your system.
For example, if a source scans port 1434/UDP more than once,
the worm name Slammer is displayed as a related worm name
because this is the service that the Slammer worm attacked.
Appliance Displays the dedicated device that monitors traffic going
through your corporate network.

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Chapter 11: Managing Your Virtual Firewall
Defining a Virtual Firewall Policy
Defining Block Rules
Viewing Block Events
Defining Allow Rules
Chapter 11: Managing Your Virtual Firewall Policy

Defining a Virtual Firewall Policy

Virtual Firewall protection allows you to easily create network security zones, giving
you more control over network traffic. Specifically, by defining a Virtual Firewall
policy you can:
Create network zones or segments that you want to close off entirely as a
result of new threats or newly detected vulnerabilities.
Create network zones or segments that you want to close off to specific
Prevent unwanted protocols from being transmitted within your network or
between specific network segments, for example, if you know that RPC traffic
should not be transmitted between various departments in your organization.
Designate business critical services that should always remain open.
The Virtual Firewall gives you all the benefits of an inline firewall, without being
located inline. This means there are no issues of latency. In addition, you can export
a list of allow and blocking rules to a CSV file, and can also view a list of block events
that were detected as a result of the blocking rules that you defined.

If you have created an exception rule via the Virtual Firewall and also create a
policy rule that blocks detected endpoints, the Virtual Firewall exception rule
takes precedence. This means that the endpoints will not be blocked.

Virtual Firewall rules are centrally managed. This means rules cannot be added,
edited or removed from individual Consoles that are part of your enterprise.

To access the Virtual Firewall pane:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Virtual Firewall.

Virtual Firewall Pane

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Chapter 11: Managing Your Virtual Firewall Policy

What You See on Your Screen

The Virtual Firewall pane displays rules that were generated from the following
Rules defined directly from the Virtual Firewall box, as detailed in this section.
Endpoints that were detected as a result of a policy Virtual Firewall action.
System-defined rules: These are rules that support basic CounterACT
features, for example, Authentication servers defined at the initial Console
setup or Assets Portal access.
Virtual Firewall rules manually defined from the Console, Detections pane.
Rules that appear here, but were created either via the policy, Authentication
Servers rule or manually from the Home view, Detections pane, cannot be edited or
removed directly from the pane. These rules can only be modified from the feature
at which they were created.
Information in the Virtual Firewall pane is automatically updated for:
Policy items if:
The rule is updated and no longer includes the Virtual Firewall action.
The IP address range or condition is changed and no longer includes the
endpoints previously defined.
Authentication Servers, if you remove, edit or add the server. See Defining
Authentication Servers.
Manual Virtual Firewall blocking, defined at the Home view, Detections pane,
if you release the endpoint from this location.

Policy Priorities
Rules created directly via the Virtual Firewall pane take precedence over Virtual
Firewall rules created via the policy.
The following hierarchies, from highest to lowest, are applied when an endpoint is
detected as a result of different policies:
Virtual Firewall Allow Rule
Threat Protection Policy Threat Protection Blocked (source, port) and Virtual
Firewall Block Rule
Group Definition Authentication Servers (allow access)
Policy Virtual Firewall Block

Defining Block Rules

Define Block rules by using the Virtual Firewall to prevent outbound traffic at source
IP addresses from reaching target IP addresses.

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Chapter 11: Managing Your Virtual Firewall Policy

TCP versus UDP Blocking

The Virtual Firewall is designed to block traffic that uses the TCP protocol, which
represents over 95% of all traffic. With TCP traffic, three packets are sent before the
first data packet. Each packet gives the Virtual Firewall an opportunity to terminate
the session, making it very effective.
The Virtual Firewall can also block traffic using the UDP protocol, but its effectiveness
depends on the nature of the service. With UDP traffic, the number of wait periods
for response packets can take any value including zero.
If there is no response packet, there is no opportunity to intervene. The greater the
number of packets sent, the more opportunities to terminate the session. Consider
these examples:
With syslog, there is no opportunity to terminate the session. The sender
transmits the data message to the syslog server but does not wait for a reply.
With DNS, there is a single opportunity to terminate the session. After the
sender transmits a query, they wait for a reply. If the Virtual Firewall
responds quickly enough with a port unreachable ICMP message before the
server response, the session is terminated.
With TFTP, the Virtual Firewall has multiple opportunities to terminate the
session. Chunks of the files are transferred within individual packets, and
each packet provides a termination opportunity.

To be sure that UDP sessions are terminated, it is recommended that you

block them using the Switch Port Access List or integrate CounterACT with a
third-party firewall such as Cisco ASA. See Chapter 8: Base Plugins and
ForeScout Modules for more information.

Working with Block Rules

To define Block rules:
1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Virtual Firewall.
2. Select Add. The Add Rule dialog box opens.

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Chapter 11: Managing Your Virtual Firewall Policy

Add Rule Dialog Box

3. In the Action section, select Block.

4. In the Source IP section, define addresses that are prevented access to
target IP addresses:
Select All to block traffic from all IP addresses.
Select Addresses to define a single IP address or an address range.
Select Network Segment to define a segment.
5. In the Target IP section, define the endpoints that are prevented access to
the previously defined source IP addresses:
Select All for all IP addresses.
Select Addresses to define a single IP address or an address range.
Select Network Segment to define a segment.
6. In the Target Service section, define the services that are blocked on the
targeted (detected) endpoints:
Select All for all services (at the previously defined target IP addresses)
on the endpoint to remain blocked.
Select Single to define a service. Type a port and select a protocol from
the drop-down list.
Select List to enter a comma-separated list of services.
7. Enter comments as required.
8. Select OK. The rule is displayed on the Virtual Firewall pane.

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Chapter 11: Managing Your Virtual Firewall Policy

To remove a rule from the blocking rule list:

1. Select a Block rule from the Virtual Firewall pane.
2. Select Remove.
3. Select Apply.

To edit a rule from the blocking rule list:

1. Select a Block rule from the Virtual Firewall pane.
2. Select Edit and edit the rule required.
3. Select Apply.

Viewing Block Events

A list of sources and endpoints that have been blocked as the result of a blocking
rule (Virtual Firewall pane) can be viewed from the Block Events dialog box. This
may be useful for troubleshooting.

To view a list of events:

1. Select the Blocking Log from the Log menu. The Time Period dialog box
2. Select a time period by doing one of the following:
Select Relative Time and then specify the required number of hours,
days, weeks or months by using the spin controls or by typing a value in
the field. Select a time unit from the drop-down list.
Select Time Range and then specify the beginning and end of the time
3. Select OK. The Block Events dialog box opens. The Reason column indicates
which events were blocked due to a blocking rule defined at the Virtual

Block Events Dialog Box

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Chapter 11: Managing Your Virtual Firewall Policy

Defining Allow Rules

You can allow unconditional access at selected services in your protected and source
network. This means access is permitted to and from the endpoint even when:
The Threat Protection Policy is set to block
The source is manually blocked or ignored
The policy is set to block
The policy for handling email worm infection attempts is set to block
You have manually blocked an endpoint from the Home view, Detections pane
You have assigned an identical blocking rule
Use this option to keep mission critical services available.
Allow rules are not applied to endpoints that are blocked by external systems, i.e.
switches, router, VPNs or firewalls.

To define Allow rules:

1. Select Virtual Firewall from the Tools menu. The Virtual Firewall pane
2. Select Add. The Add Rule dialog box opens.

Add Rule Dialog Box

3. Select Allow.

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Chapter 11: Managing Your Virtual Firewall Policy

4. In the Source IP section, select addresses that are always allowed to

transmit traffic to specified target endpoints:
Select All for all addresses.
Select Addresses for a single address or a group of addresses.
Select Network Segment to define a segment.
5. In the Target IP section, define the endpoints that are always accessible to
the previous defined Source IPs:
Select All for all addresses.
Select Addresses for a single address or a group of addresses.
Select Network Segment to define segments.
6. In the Target Service section, define the services that are accessible on the
target (detected) endpoints:
Select All for all services (at the previously defined target IP address
ranges) on the endpoint to remain open.
Select Single to define a service. Define a port and select a protocol from
the drop-down list.
Select List to enter a comma-separated list of services.
7. Enter comments as required.
8. Select OK.
The rule is displayed in the Virtual Firewall pane.

Removing and Editing Allow Rules

To remove a range:
1. Select a rule from the Virtual Firewall pane.
2. Select Remove.
3. Select OK.

To edit a range:
1. Select a rule from the Virtual Firewall pane.
2. Select Edit.
3. Edit the range as required.
4. Select OK.

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection
About Threat Protection
About the Threat Protection Policy
Viewing Threat Detections
Viewing and Updating the Policy
Customizing Basic Policy Settings
Working with Manually Added Endpoints
Controlling the Range Protected from Malicious Attacks
Viewing Endpoint Activity Details
Managing Enterprise Lockdown Alerts
Legitimate Traffic
Chapter 12: Threat Protection

About Threat Protection

This section details basics concepts and terminology regarding network threats. A
network threat is a machine from which a malicious event, for example a NetBIOS
attack, was detected via the Threat Protection policy.
Detecting Threats How It Works
Basic Terminology

Detecting Threats How It Works

This section details how infection attempts are carried out and how CounterACT
protects your network.

CounterACT detects and handles email worm infections differently than

network worm infections. See Email Worm Policy for more information.

Infection Attempt Network Not Protected

Prior to an infection attempt, self-propagating malware attempts to establish a
connection with endpoints in your network to learn about available services and
resources. In response, the network sends information about available services and
resources back to the worm.
With this information, threats are carried out using existing or new attack methods.
Malicious traffic quickly infects your network through various entry points, such as
VPN users, trusted partner networks, or vulnerable laptops.

Infection Attempt Network Protected

CounterACT prevents infection attempts by identifying and suppressing malware
before it propagates within your network and to organizations outside your network.
CounterACT monitors traffic directed toward your network for signs of scans, and
then identifies the techniques used to launch the scan, such as port or NetBIOS
In response to this activity, CounterACT generates virtual resource information
sought by malware programs, and sends the information back to them. This
information is referred to as a mark. For example, if CounterACT identifies a request
for a service at the network, it responds by creating and returning a mark in the
form of the service requested.
Malware programs cannot distinguish between the mark and legitimate network
response. When malicious traffic attempts to access the network using the mark,
CounterACT immediately recognizes it. Either CounterACT continues to monitor the
traffic, or CounterACT prevents the malware program from establishing
communication with the network and external domains or with the service at which
the infection attempt took place.
When an endpoint uses a mark, it is referred to as a bite event.
CounterACT also automatically detects heavily scanned services, and responds by
either monitoring or blocking these services. When a service is monitored,

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

CounterACT records all traffic going to the service. When a service is blocked, no
communication with that service is permitted.
CounterACT also responds to:
Service attacks
Emails worms

Worm Slowdown Mechanism

A Worm Slowdown mechanism, part of the technology, provides two significant

Reduces network The Worm Slowdown mechanism enables CounterACT to notably

traffic congestion, reduce the amount of traffic generated by an infected machine while
thus improving it attempts to propagate within your network. Specifically, the
network availability mechanism allows CounterACT to lock the infected machine in a
and stability static TCP dialog. As a result, traffic from the infected machine is
kept at a standstill.
Provides added The Worm Slowdown mechanism keeps worm threads at a standstill,
protection to hosts preventing them from reaching vulnerable endpoints within cells and
within a cell and at locations where there is no CounterACT protection. This is possible
the remaining when the system locks an infected machine in a TCP dialog before
network the machine has a chance to infect other endpoints in the network.

If necessary, you can disable the Worm Slowdown mechanism. See Disabling and
Enabling the Worm Slowdown Mechanism in Appendix 1: Command Line Tools.

Basic Terminology
This section details basic malicious host concepts and terminology.

Malicious Endpoints
A malicious endpoint is a machine from which a malicious event was detected, i.e. a
worm infection or malware propagation attempt.

A cell is a group of endpoints that are monitored and protected by a single Appliance.
Specifically, this means that CounterACT can see and intervene with traffic entering
and exiting the cell. Traffic viewed is determined by:
The network topology and the type of hardware that is placed in front of the
Appliance, for example, a hub, router or a switch.
The Active Response range handled. This is the range of addresses that will
be protected by the Threat Protection policy. This range must be included in
the Internal Network.

CounterACT does not directly protect endpoints located in a cell against

attacks initiated upon each other. However, intracell protection may be
achieved as a result of the Worm Slowdown mechanism. This mechanism
prevents an infected endpoint from reaching vulnerable endpoints in its cell.
This happens when CounterACT has locked the infected endpoint in a TCP
dialog before it can free itself to infect the rest of the cell.

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

A scan occurs when an endpoint performs a specific probe a defined number of times
within a defined time period. By default, when an endpoint initiates three probes
within one day, CounterACT considers this activity a scan*. The system identifies the
following scan categories:
NetBIOS (disabled by default)
Port (Port scan categories, such as UDP or TCP port scans are also
recognized.) (*The default probe count is five probes for port scans.)

Port Scan Categories

Port scan sub-categories, such as Vertical UDP port scans, are detected and
displayed. The following categories are available:

Vertical Scan A vertical scan is detected when a defined number of UDP or TCP
probes are carried out at a single endpoint.
Vertical A vertical UDP scan or vertical TCP scan is detected when a defined
UDP/TCP Scan number of probes are carried out either on UDP services or TCP services
at a single targeted endpoint.
Horizontal A horizontal UDP scan or horizontal TCP scan is detected when a defined
UDP/TCP Scan number of probes are carried out on the same service at a defined
number of targeted endpoints.
Ping Sweep Scan A Ping Sweep scan is detected when a defined number of Ping Sweep
(ICMP) probes are carried out at any endpoint in the Active Response network.

TCP/UDP Scan A TCP scan or UDP scan is detected when port scan activity does not
meet the Vertical, Vertical UDP/TCP, Horizontal UDP/TCP or ICMP scan
recognition criteria.

The default probe endpoint count and required time range is five in one day. This
means, for example, that by default:
A horizontal UDP scan is detected when an endpoint probes the same UDP
port on five different endpoints within one day.
A vertical scan is detected when an endpoint probes five different services on
the same endpoint within one day.
Use the Scan Details dialog box to change the default. See Customizing Scan
Settings for details.

CounterACT updates the port scan category when subsequent probe activity
takes place within the required time period. For example, if an endpoint
probes a single endpoint at two TCP ports and one UDP, the port scan activity
is categorized as a Vertical Scan. If an additional probe is carried out at
another TCP port within the required time period, the category is changed to
a TCP vertical scan.

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

Viewing Port Scan Categories

The Reason column in the Detections pane, and the Activity tab of the Host Details
dialog box indicate which port scan categories were detected.

Probing Endpoints
A probing endpoint is an endpoint that has scanned your Internal Network.
By default, probing endpoints are monitored by the system for 12 hours. During this
time, CounterACT allows the endpoint to communicate with the network and records
the endpoint activity. In addition, CounterACT responds by sending marks to the
endpoint virtual resource information required to carry out the infection.
If the endpoint continues to scan your network while it is being monitored, the
monitoring period is extended. If the probing endpoint uses a mark, it has performed
a bite event, and it is blocked.
An option is also available to prevent probing endpoints from establishing
communication with your network before they use a mark.

Bite Event
A bite event is identified when an endpoint tries to gain access to your network using
a system mark. When the endpoint uses a mark, it is referred to as a bite event.
This endpoint can be a probing endpoint or any endpoint that received and tried to
use the mark. Endpoints that perform a bite are referred to as infected endpoints.

Infection Attempt Events

An infection attempt includes:
An event followed by a bite event that is detected at an open, real port on the
service that the bite event was detected. Several infection attempts may
occur after the bite event.
An email worm infection.
An event that was received as a lockdown event from another Appliance (for
Appliances that are part of an Enterprise solution).

Infected Endpoints
An endpoint is considered infected if it has used a mark to try to gain access to your
network or if it has passed the email anomaly threshold.
CounterACT responds to infected endpoints by performing one of the following:
Monitoring the infected endpoint: The infected endpoint is permitted to
communicate with your network and domains outside your organization for a
specified time period. During this period, CounterACT records the activity of
the infected endpoint and distributes marks to it. These endpoints are
referred to as monitored infected endpoints.
Blocking the infected endpoints: The infected endpoint is prevented from
establishing communication with the network and domains outside your
organization for a specified time period. These endpoints are referred to as
host blocked endpoints.

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Blocking the infected endpoint at the service it attempted to infect: The

infected endpoint is prevented from establishing communication with the
service it attempted to infect for a specified time period. These endpoints are
referred to as port blocked endpoints.
The default block or monitor period for infected endpoints is 12 hours. If the infected
endpoint performs another scan or uses any system mark during this time, the
blocking or monitoring period is extended.
Your policy definitions determine how CounterACT responds to infected endpoints.

Manually Added Endpoints

Manually added endpoints are endpoints that you manually add to your system. This
means that you enter an IP address, assign it a block or monitor or ignore state, and
assign it a time for blocking or monitoring or ignoring the endpoint. Manually added
endpoints cannot be blocked at ports (port block).

Lockdown Endpoints (for Appliances Registered with an Enterprise

A lockdown endpoint is an endpoint that is blocked or monitored at one Appliance as
the result of an event detected at another Appliance.
If one Appliance in your enterprise detected a bite event, a lockdown notification is
sent to the Enterprise Manager, and the Enterprise Manager alerts the other
Appliances that the endpoint performed the event. If the remaining Appliances detect
that the endpoint is communicating with the network that they are protecting, the
endpoint is automatically blocked or monitored according to the policy. For more
details, see Managing Enterprise Lockdown Alerts.

Diverse Endpoints
A diverse endpoint is an endpoint that scans for multiple services. This may indicate
that the source is a human attacker rather than a worm, which typically looks for one
service across multiple endpoints.

Host Block or Monitor Period

The block or monitor period for malicious endpoints is determined by your system
The default block or monitor period for probing endpoints or infected endpoints is 12
hours. If the endpoint performs another scan or uses any system mark during this
time, the blocking or monitoring period is extended. For example, if the endpoint is
blocked and after two hours uses a system mark, the 12-hour block period is
restarted the total block time would be 14 hours. If the endpoint does not perform
another event within the block or monitor time, it is released the block or monitor
time has expired.
The expiration time for each malicious endpoint can be seen in the Detections pane
in the Expires In column.
CounterACT identifies and responds to email worms sent over email, specifically
detecting the worms when:
More than a certain number of emails are sent within a specified time period.

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

Certain attachment formats are sent within a specified time period.

Numerous sender names are delivered from one machine within a specified
time period.
Multiple emails with the same subject to are sent to different recipients within
a specified time period.
More than a certain number of emails are sent to several email servers within
a specified time period.
This method of defense varies from the standard protection in that it does not deal
with endpoints, but rather with email anomalies.

Service Attacks
CounterACT identifies services attacks when a service-probing criterion is met, i.e.
when a service is heavily probed by multiple endpoints. CounterACT calculates this
criterion based on the size of the network. Service attacks are handled by monitoring
or blocking all endpoints at attacked services only. This differs from the standard
response to individual infected endpoints that are monitored or blocked at any
service in the network or at the service that they attempted to infect. By default,
both UDP and TCP are monitored. TCP ports 68, 80, 113, 443 and 1080 are ignored.
UDP ports 68, 113, 1080 and 33434-33524 are ignored.

About the Threat Protection Policy

Threat Protection policies allow you to define how CounterACT should handle
endpoints that scan and attempt to infect your network. Endpoints can be blocked
entirely or prevented from accessing the service that they targeted. You can also
choose to monitor endpoints. When monitored, the endpoints can communicate with
the network, but CounterACT continues to record their activity and sends marks to
them, as required.
Not all users have access to the policy features. See Access to Console Tools
Permissions for details.

About Advanced Policy Tools

Advanced policy definition tools let you customize settings for various types of scan
and infection attempts. For example, you can customize the time interval in which to
monitor endpoints that use specific scan methods. HTTP scans may be handled
differently than NetBIOS scans.
You can also choose to block endpoints that use specific types of infection methods.
For example, a Login infection attempt may be handled differently than a Port
infection attempt.
The advanced service attack options let you update the default response to service
attacks, adjust the sensitivity level for identifying such attacks, and customize
responses to various types of service attacks.
Advanced email options allow you to customize the email delivery policy for email
alerts regarding scans and infection attempts.

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

Viewing Threat Detections

Endpoints detected by your threat detection policies are displayed in the Console,
Threats view.

Threats Tab

The Console, Detections pane is updated with threat detection information when the
Threats tab is selected. Quickly find threat detections of interest to you. Use the:
Filters: See Working at the Filters Pane.
Text search: Endpoints that meet the search requirements appear as you
State filter: Use a drop-down list to display endpoints that were resolved
with a specific state, i.e., Blocked, Scanning, etc.

Search Tools

High Activity Mode

During periods of high activity, CounterACT stops displaying new endpoints scanning
your network. This gives higher priority to the display of offensive endpoints. The
threshold for switching to the High Activity mode is when 5000 malicious endpoints
are being handled simultaneously.
After this threshold has passed, new scanning endpoints are monitored but are not
displayed. If, however, the scanning endpoint performs a bite event, it is displayed
at the Console. During high activity periods, the status bar on the Console reads
High Activity Mode.

Viewing and Updating the Policy

You can view or update the currently applied policy.

To view or update the current policy:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Threat Protection.

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

Threat Protection Pane Basic Settings Tab

2. Update the policy definitions as required.

Threat Protection

Item Description
Threat Select Enabled to activate the Threat Protection policy features in
Protection CounterACT. These features let you define how CounterACT handles
hosts that attempt to attack or infect your network.
Threat Protection may not be suited to all environments, such as
those with asymmetric traffic. In such environments, if left
enabled, these features will not work properly and endpoints
may be mistakenly blocked. In such a case you may want to
disable Threat Protection.
Disabling Threat Protection means that the Threats policy templates
and all configurations defined in Options>Threat Protection,
including all of the following child directories will not work:
Legitimate Scan
Legitimate Email Servers
Manual Set State
Although these configuration options will still be accessible and
configurable from the Console, they are functionally disabled. Any
changes made to these options in the Console will not take effect until
Threat Protection is enabled.
Threat Protection is already automatically disabled when your system
is working in Partial Enforcement mode. If you are working in Full
Enforcement mode, you can choose to selectively disable Threat
Protection while continuing to enable all other CounterACT
functionality. Refer to the section about Enforcement Mode in the
CounterACT Console User Manual for more information.

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

Network Worm Policy

Item Description
Action On Choose one of the following responses to a bite:
Bite Monitor: the endpoint is permitted to communicate with your network.
CounterACT records the activity of the endpoint and sends marks to it.
Port Block: The endpoint is prevented from establishing communication at
the service it attempted to infect for a specified time period. You can escalate
the Port Block policy to the Host Block policy. When escalated, the endpoint
is prevented from communicating with the entire network, rather than the
service it attempted to infect. By default, the Port Block policy is
automatically escalated to the Host Block after the endpoint attempts to
infect three separate services, that is, when the third service is bitten. You
can change this default.
Host Block: The endpoint is prevented from establishing communication with
the network for a specified time period.
The default block or monitor period for infected endpoints is 12 hours. If the
endpoint performs another scan or uses any system mark during this time, the
blocking or monitoring period is extended.
This means, for example, that if the endpoint is blocked and after two hours uses
a system mark again, the 12-hour block period is restarted, and the total block
time is 14 hours.
The block or monitor expiration time for each malicious endpoint can be seen in
Detections pane in the Expires In column.
Notify Select Operator to send email notification regarding bite detections. Addresses
that receive email are defined during installation, but can be changed. See
Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles for
information about updating addresses.
See Managing Threat Protection Mail Alert Deliveries for information about
additional email customization options.
Select Infected host to send a Net Send message informing of infected
endpoints running under the Windows platform. The message alerts the user that
the machine is infected. See Customizing Email Worm Settings for information
about changing the default and customizing the message sent.

Email Worm Policy

Item Description
Email Select Enabled for CounterACT to detect and respond to email worm infections.
Action on Choose to either block or monitor the endpoint when an email infection is
Email detected.
Notify Select Operator to send email notification regarding the email infection
detection. Addresses that receive email are defined during installation, but can be
changed. See Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and
Consoles for information about updating addresses.
Select Infected host to send a Net Send message the infected endpoint running
under Windows platforms. The message alerts network users that their machine
may be infected. See Customizing Email Worm Settings for information about
changing the default and customizing the message text.

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

Event Traffic

Item Description
Packet Select Enabled for CounterACT to display the packets that were transferred
Capture between a malicious host and the network in the Traffic dialog box. Enabling
Packet Capture may affect CounterACT device performance.

3. Type a new name in the Policy Name field (if required) to maintain the
previous policy, and save the update under a new name.
4. Type comments in the Comments field.
5. Select Apply. A confirmation dialog box opens.
6. Select OK to apply the policy changes.

Blocking Worms Using Plugins

When working with plugins to block worms, for example via the Switch, Router or
VPN Plugin, you must create an associated policy rule to carry out the blocking
action. Refer to the related plugin configuration guide for more information.
By using a policy rule, you can also perform additional actions on the infected
endpoint. For example, you can send email to the user at the infected endpoint,
prevent the user from surfing the web, or check for vulnerabilities and deploy self-
remediation patches.

Customizing Basic Policy Settings

Advanced policy tools allow you to customize how CounterACT identifies and handles
scan and bite events, email worms and more. For example, you can customize the
period in which to monitor endpoints that use certain scan types and methods.
NetBIOS scans may be monitored for a certain period of time while Port scans may
be handled differently. You can also customize the block or monitor response
according to various types of infection methods used. For example, block endpoints
that carried out a NetBIOS infection attempt for four hours, and monitor endpoints
that carried out a Port infection attempt for one day. Options are also available to
customize email notification status for various types of scan and bite events.
Advanced service attack options let you update the default response to service
attacks, adjust the sensitivity level for identifying such attacks, and customize
responses to various types of service attacks. You can also make mission critical
services accessible to all endpoints or select specific ports that are accessible to
specific endpoints.

Customizing Scan Settings

Your system is installed with predefined scan values that determine:
How to identify probing endpoints
How to handle probing endpoints
These policy options allow you to customize these values for specific scan types and
scan methods.

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

Customizing Parameters for Each Scan Type

The system handles the following scan types:
NetBIOS (disabled by default)
You can customize the following parameters for each scan type:
Scan method
Update the monitor or block response to probing endpoints
Update the period that the probing endpoint is monitored or blocked
Enable or disable the systems response to the scan event
Enable or disable email notification per event type

To customize parameters for each scan type:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Threat Protection.
2. At the bottom of the Threat Protection pane, select Customize and then
select the Scan tab.

Threat Protection Pane Scan Tab

3. Double-click an Action field and select Monitor or Host Block scan type
from the drop-down list.

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

Blocking NetBIOS, Port and SNMP scans that are UDP based is strongly
discouraged. If you block these scans, an endpoint can scan your network
using a spoofed endpoint IP address, in which case CounterACT will block the
spoofed address instead of the scanning endpoint address.

4. Double-click the value in the Action Period column to update the time
period. Type a value or use the arrows to adjust the value. From the drop-
down list, select a unit of time.
5. Verify that the first checkbox [] is selected to enable system response to the
event. Clear the checkbox for the system to ignore the event when it occurs.
6. Select the second checkbox [operator email] to send email notification for this
type of scan event.
7. Select the third checkbox [infected endpoint notification] to deliver a Net
Send message to the infected endpoint.
8. Adjust the Policy Name and Comments if required. If you update the
current policy and change the policy name, the new policy is automatically
applied when you save the changes.
9. Select Apply to save your changes.
10.Select Basic to return to the basic policy settings.
Alternatively, you can select Details to customize the scan recognition criterion for
each scan type. For more information, see Customizing Scan Recognition Criteria.

Customizing Scan Recognition Criteria

You can customize the scan recognition criterion for specific types of scan events.
This means that for each scan type, you can define the number of probe events that
must occur within a specified period in order for the system to identify the probing
endpoint. This is referred to as a probe count.
In addition, the system supports various scan methods for each scan type available.
For example, a Login scan can be performed using the password scan or user scan
method. Customization tools allow you to define different scan criteria for each scan
method. For example, you can define that endpoints using the Login password
method must perform one probe within one day to be monitored, while endpoints
using the Login user method are required to perform nine probes within one day to
be monitored.

To customize scan recognition parameters:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Threat Protection.
2. At the bottom of the Threat Protection pane, select Customize and then
select the Scan tab.
3. Select a Scan Parameter row and select Details. The relevant Details dialog
box opens.

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Details Dialog Box, Finger Scan

4. Double-click the Action field to define how CounterACT will handle this scan.
5. Double-click the Scan Count field to define the number of probe events that
must occur within a specified period in order for the system to identify the
probing endpoint activity as a scan.
6. Double-click the During field to adjust the time interval in which the events
must occur.
7. Verify that the checkbox [] is selected to enable detection of a specific scan
method. Clear the checkbox for the system to ignore the event.
Scan Types and Related Methods

Finger Forward Scan, Host Name Scan and User Scan

HTTP Method Scan
Login Password Scan and User Scan
NetBIOS General Scan and Node States Scan
Port Port Scan
SNMP Community Scan and Port Scan

8. Update the Action Duration field to adjust the time interval in which the
system blocks or monitors these endpoints. The value is applied to all
methods listed. Type in a parameter or use the spin controls to adjust the
parameter. Use the drop-down list to assign a unit of time.
9. Select the Notify Operator checkbox to send email notification to designated
operators when the event occurs.
10.Select Notify Infected host to deliver a Net Send message to the infected
11.Select OK to save changes and close the dialog box.

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Customizing Bite Settings

Your system is installed with predefined bite values. These parameters determine
how CounterACT responds to infected endpoints, i.e. block or monitor.
The advanced policy options let you customize bite parameters. This means that you
can define that various types of bite events are handled differently. For example, a
Login bite may be blocked for two hours, while a Port bite may be monitored only or
blocked for two days. In addition, certain bite types may be handled by blocking the
endpoint that performed the bite type at the service it attempted to infect, rather
than blocking the endpoint from the entire network.
Options are also available to customize the block or monitor response according to
the type of mark used by the endpoint, and according to the machine that the
endpoint attempted to connect to (virtual or real).

Customizing Block or Monitor Response to Each Bite Type

You can customize the following parameters for each bite type handled by
The block or monitor response
The period that the endpoint is blocked or monitored
Enable or disable email notification for specific types of bite events

To customize bite parameters:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Threat Protection.
2. Select Customize and then select the Bite tab.

Threat Protection Pane Bite Tab

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3. Double-click the Action field for the required bite and select Monitor, Port
Block or Host Block from the drop-down list. See Viewing and Updating the
Policy for details.

If you update the action for a bite type to Port Block while the endpoint is
currently being blocked from the network, the Port Block is postponed until
the Host Block period is expired, and the endpoint performs another bite.

4. Double-click the value in the Action Period column to update the period in
which the system blocks or monitors this bite type. Type a value or use the
arrows to adjust the value. From the drop-down list, select a unit of time.
5. Select the first checkbox [operator email] to send email notification for this
type of event.
6. Select the second checkbox [infected endpoint notification] to deliver a Net
Send message to the infected endpoint.
7. Adjust the Policy Name and Comments if required. If you update the
current policy and change the policy name, the new policy is automatically
applied when you save the changes.
8. Select Apply to save your changes.
9. Select Basic to return to the basic policy settings.
Alternatively, you can select Details to customize the block or monitor response for
each bite type, based on the kind of bite mark used. For more information, see
Customizing Bite Type Values.

Customizing Bite Type Values

The system supports various marks for each bite type. For example, the NetBIOS
bite method is an event in which a Hostname mark or Share mark was used. You can
customize the block or monitor response for each type of mark, and customize the
block or monitor response according to the endpoint that the infected endpoint
attempted to connect to (virtual or real). For example, you can define that you will
block NetBIOS bites if they occur at real endpoints only.

If the action is both blocked and monitored, the Bite Type field appears
grayed out in the Bite tab.

To customize bite type values:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Threat Protection.
2. At the bottom of the Threat Protection pane, select Customize and then
select the Bite tab.
3. Select a Bite Parameter row and select Details. The relevant Policy dialog box

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NetBIOS Bite Policy Dialog Box

4. In each Real Host and Virtual Host column, click the required row, and
select Monitor, Port Block or Host Block from the drop-down list. See
Viewing and Updating the Policy for these option details.
5. Update the Action Duration field to adjust the time interval in which the
system blocks or monitors endpoints that attempt to carry out this type of
infection method. The value is applied to all mark types listed. Type in a
parameter or use the spin controls to adjust the parameter. Use the drop-
down list to assign a unit of time.
6. Select the Notify Operator checkbox to send email notification to designated
operators when the event occurs.
7. Select Notify Infected host to deliver a Net Send message to the infected
8. Select OK to save changes and close the dialog box.

Bite Type Details

This section details the possible bite types.

Port Bite

Real/Virtual Host Details

Mark Used
Trojan port Detected when an endpoint tries to connect to a port used by
Trojan horse software.
Known port Detected when an endpoint tries to connect to a known service i.e.
FTP or telnet.
Other port Detected when an endpoint tries to connect to ports not belonging
to Trojan or known ports.

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Real/Virtual Host Details

Mark Used
Virtual Port 80 Detected when an endpoint refers an IP address URL to a Virtual
HTTP service.

NetBIOS Bite

Real/Virtual Host Details

Mark Used
Hostname Detected when an endpoint uses a Hostname mark during a
NetBIOS session.
Share mark Detected when an endpoint uses a Share name mark during a
NetBIOS session.

Finger Bite

Real/Virtual Host Details

Mark Used
Hostname Detected when an endpoint uses a Hostname mark during a finger
forward session.
User Mark Detected when an endpoint uses a User mark during a finger

Login Bite

Real/Virtual Host Details

Mark Used
User Mark Detected when an endpoint tries to log in to a service using a user
name mark.

Customizing Email Worm Settings

CounterACT identifies and responds to email worms by detecting email worm
anomalies that are sent over email. This varies from the standard method of
defense, which provides protection as a result of endpoint bites. Anomaly thresholds
can be configured.
You can block or monitor endpoints that carry out any of the following email

Amount Endpoints that send more than a certain number of emails within a specified
time period. The default is ten mails within one minute.

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Attachment Endpoints that send email with the following attachment formats within a
specified time interval:
.vbs, .vbe, .vb, .scr, .com, .pif, .bat, .shs, .exe, .wsc, .wsf, .wsh, .sct, .reg,
.pcd, .mst, .msp, .msi, .msc, .mde, .mdb, .jse, .isp, .ins, .hta, .crt, .cpl, .cmd,
.chm, .bas, .adp, .ade, .zip, .lnk, .inf, .job, .ini, .shb, .scp, .scf, .dll, .386,
.acm, .asp, .avb, .bin, .cla, .cnv, .cs, .drv, .gms, .hlp, .nta, .hit, .mht, .mpd,
.ocx, .ov, .sys, .tlb, .vxd, .wbt, .wiz
To exclude any of these file types from being checked for anomalies, delete
them from the smtp_extensions file located under the etc. directory at the
installation location.
The default is ten mails (with any of the extensions listed) within one minute.
Sender Endpoints that send email from one machine using more than a certain
number of sender names within a specified time period. The default is mails
with three different sender names within one minute.
Recipient Endpoints that send multiple emails with the same subject to different
recipients within a specified time period. The default is ten mails with the
same subject within one minute.
Server Endpoints that send email to a specified number of email servers within a
defined time period. The default is ten mails to ten servers within one minute.

See Customizing Email Anomaly Recognition Values for more information.

How Do I Know When an Email Worm Is Detected?

Information about email violations is displayed in the Detections pane and in the
Host Details dialog box.
In addition, you can generate reports regarding email worms. See Chapter 10:
Generating Reports and Logs for more information.

To customize email worm settings:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Threat Protection.
2. At the bottom of the Threat Protection pane, select Customize and then
select the Email Worm tab.

Threat Protection Pane Email Worm Tab

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

3. Double-click the Action field for the required email anomaly type and select
Monitor, Port Block or Host Block from the drop-down list.
4. Double-click the value in the Action Period column to update the time
period. Type a value or use the arrows to adjust the value. From the drop-
down list, select a unit of time.
5. Verify that the first checkbox [] is selected to enable system response to the
event. Clear the checkbox for the system to ignore the event when it occurs.
6. Select the second checkbox [operator email] to send email notification for this
type of event.
7. Select the third checkbox [infected endpoint notification] to deliver a Net
Send message to the infected endpoint.
8. Adjust the Policy Name and Comments if required. If you update the
current policy and change the policy name, the new policy is automatically
applied when you save the changes.
9. Select Apply to save your changes.
10.Select Basic to return to the basic policy settings.
Alternatively, you can select Details to customize email anomaly recognition values.
For more information, see Customizing Email Anomaly Recognition Values.

Customizing Email Anomaly Recognition Values

CounterACT recognizes various email anomaly patterns, for example, when more
than a certain number of mails are sent from one machine to several email servers
within a certain time period. You can customize the anomaly recognition patterns to
suit your business environment.

To customize email anomaly recognition patterns:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Threat Protection.
2. At the bottom of the Threat Protection pane, select Customize and then
select the Email Worm tab.
3. Select an Email Worm Parameter row and select Details. The relevant Email
Worm Details dialog box opens.

Email Worm Amount Details Dialog Box

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4. Double-click the Action field for the anomaly and select Monitor, Port Block
or Host Block from the drop-down list. See Viewing and Updating the Policy
for an explanation of these options.
5. Double-click the Count field to define the number of events that must be
occur within a specified period in order for the system to identify the
6. Double-click the During field to adjust the time interval in which the endpoint
must send the emails in order to be identified by the system.
7. Verify that the checkbox [] is selected to enable system response to the
event. Clear the checkbox if you want the system to ignore the event.
8. Update the Action Duration field to adjust the time interval in which the
system blocks or monitors this anomaly type. Type in a parameter or use the
spin controls to adjust the parameter. Use the drop-down list to assign a unit
of time.
9. Select the Notify Operator checkbox to send email notification to designated
operators when the event occurs.
10.Select Notify Infected host to deliver a Net Send message to the infected
11.Select OK to save changes and close the dialog box.

Configuring the Block Method

The following options are available to help you fine tune the CounterACT blocking
Update the escalate threshold for moving from Port block to Host block: When
escalated, the endpoint is prevented from communicating with the entire
network and endpoints outside the network rather than the service it
attempted to infect. Port blocking is useful for letting the endpoint continue
working with services that it did not attack.
Disable the external block mechanism: By default blocked endpoints are
prevented from establishing communication with the network as well as with
domains outside your organization. You can disable this mechanism to only
block endpoints from your network.

To fine tune the block method:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Threat Protection.
2. At the bottom of the Threat Protection pane, select Customize and then
select the Block Method tab.

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Threat Protection Pane Block Method Tab

3. By default, the Port block policy is escalated to Host block after the endpoint
attempts to infect three separate services, i.e. when the third service is
bitten. Set the Threshold to Host Block field to adjust this default.
4. Clear Enable External Block to block endpoints in the network only.
5. Adjust the Policy Name and Comments if required. If you update the
current policy and change the policy name, the new policy is automatically
applied when you save the changes.
6. Select Apply to save your changes.
7. Select Basic to return to the basic policy settings.

Handling Service Attacks

CounterACT identifies services attacks when a certain service-probing criterion is
met. This criterion is automatically calculated and is based on the size of your
network. The sensitivity threshold, however, can be adjusted to identify the attack
after either fewer or more service-probing events occur.

About Monitoring and Blocking Service Attacks

CounterACT handles service attacks by monitoring or blocking all endpoints at
attacked services in the network. This differs from the standard response to
individual endpoints that attempt to scan or attack any port in the network.
By using the monitor option, all traffic going to attacked services is recorded for a
defined time period not just the traffic of the probing endpoint. After the time
period has expired, CounterACT stops recording traffic at the services. If the service
attack criterion is met again, endpoints are monitored again for the time set.
By using the block option, you are blocking all traffic to the attacked services for a
defined time period not just the traffic of the infected endpoint. After the time
period has expired, traffic is allowed. If the service attack criterion is met again,

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endpoints are blocked again for the time period set. Use the block option to prevent
worm attacks from reaching the service at other endpoints in your network.
By default, both UDP and TCP are monitored for 12 hours. TCP ports 68, 80, 113,
443 and 1080 are ignored. UDP ports 68, 113, 1080 and 33434-33524 are ignored.
You can disable this feature for either service. When disabled, traffic going to the
selected service is neither blocked nor monitored. The response is disabled until you
enable it again.
You can also remove the current monitor or block state endpoints at the service.
In addition, users listed in the Email configuration dialog box are sent an email
notification alert when each service attack occurs.

Advanced Service Attack Features

Advanced service attack features allow you to adjust:
Sensitivity threshold for identifying a service attack
System response to the service attack at specific ports
For example, you can choose to monitor all TCP services but ignore FTP ports, or you
can choose to block UDP services but only monitor SNMP ports. See Customizing
Service Attack Criteria for more information.

Recommended Usage
Blocking services should be carried out carefully because when the service is
blocked, no communication to the service is allowed for any endpoint, even if the
endpoint is not malicious.
As a result, it is recommended to only monitor services.

UDP Blocking Prerequisites

To block endpoints at UDP services, you must configure your system to block with
CounterACT and a firewall. Not all firewall products support service blocks. If your
firewall does not support service blocks, you will receive an error message.

How Do I Know When a Service Has Been Attacked?

The service attack indicator on your status bar flickers when a new service is

Service Attack Indicator

You can view service attacks from the Threats view, the Service Attack folder.
In addition, email alerts are sent when a service attack occurs, provided that you do
not disable this option. The following tools are also available:
Viewing the currently monitored and blocked services.
Viewing a history of monitored and blocked services. See Viewing a History of
Monitored and Blocked Services.

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Displaying a report with the number of UDP/TCP scans that occurred during a
specific time period.
Sending service attack traps to your management station. See Chapter 8:
Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules.

Setting the Service Attack Policy

This section describes how to set a service attack policy.

To set the service attack policy:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Threat Protection.
2. At the bottom of the Threat Protection pane, select Customize and then
select the Service Attack tab.

Service Attack Tab

3. Double-click the Action field for TCP or UDP. From the drop-down list, select
Monitor to record all traffic going to the selected service, or select Block to
prevent all traffic from communication with the service. By default, service
attacks are monitored for 12 hours. These settings can be customized on a
per port basis. See TCP Customizing Service Attack Criteria for details.
4. Double-click the value in the Action Period column to update the time period
that the system blocks or monitors this type of service. Type a value or use
the arrows to adjust the value. From the drop-down list, select a unit of time.
5. Verify that the first checkbox [] is selected to enable system response to the
event. Clear the checkbox for the system to ignore the event when it occurs.
If the checkbox is cleared, service attacks will not be monitored or blocked.
6. Select the second checkbox [operator email] to send email notification when
the attack occurs.

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7. Adjust the Policy Name and Comments if required. If you update the
current policy and change the policy name, the new policy is automatically
applied when you save the changes.
8. Select Apply to save your changes.
Alternatively, you can select Details to customize service attack parameters. For
more information, see Customizing Service Attack Criteria.

Customizing Service Attack Criteria

Service attack values set in the Service Attack tab can be customized. Two options
are available for customization:
Adjust sensitivity threshold for identifying an attack.
Customizing the service attack response at specific ports.

To customize service attack parameters:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Threat Protection.
2. At the bottom of the Threat Protection pane, select Customize and then
select the Service Attack tab.
3. Select the TCP or UDP row and select Details. The relevant Service Attack
Details dialog box opens.

Service Attack Details Dialog Box

4. Select Enabled to enable system response to the event. Clear the checkbox
for the system to ignore the event when it occurs. If the checkbox is cleared,
service attacks will not be monitored or blocked (recommended).
5. From the Default Action drop-down list, select Monitor to record all traffic
going to the selected service, or select Block to prevent all traffic from
communication with the service for the selected protocol.

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6. In the Sensitivity section, adjust the sensitivity threshold for identifying a

service attack.
CounterACT identifies services attacks when the default service probing
criterion is met. However, the sensitivity level of the criterion can be adjusted
to identify the attack after either fewer or more probing endpoints are
detected at a service within a set specified time period.
Double-click the Scanning Hosts field to adjust the number of endpoints
to be detected at a service. Type in a parameter or use the spin controls
to adjust the parameter.
Double-click the Duration field to assign a unit of time.
7. In the Exception Actions section, select a port and an action. Double-click
the relevant Action field and select Monitor, Block or Ignore from the
drop-down list. To add actions for specific ports, see Customizing the Service
Attack Response at Specific Ports.
8. Update the Action Duration field to adjust the time interval in which the
system blocks or monitors the UDP or TCP services. The value is applied to all
ports listed for the UDP or TCP service. Type in a parameter or use the spin
controls to adjust the parameter. Use the drop-down list to assign a unit of
9. Select the Notify Operator checkbox to send email notification to designated
operators when the event occurs.
10.Select OK to save changes and close the dialog box.

Customizing the Service Attack Response at Specific Ports

The Exception Actions section allows you to customize the system response to
service attacks at specific ports.
For example, if you chose to block all UDP services, you can customize the block by
indicating specific UDP services in which communication will only be monitored. You
can enter a list of ports, a range of ports or a combination of both. An option is also
available to ignore activity at ports, in which case the service is neither blocked nor

To define service exceptions:

1. In the Exception Actions section of the relevant Service Attack Details
dialog box, select Add. The Port Editor dialog box opens.

Port Editor Dialog Box

2. Type the port numbers required. Use a hyphen to indicate port ranges. Ports
and ranges must be comma-separated.
3. Select OK. The Service Details dialog box is updated with the port numbers
that you added.

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4. Click the action field for the related port and choose an action response from
the drop-down list that opens. The following options are available:

Monitor Records all endpoint activity with the selected port.

Block Prevents all endpoints from establishing communication with the port.
Ignore Does not block or monitor traffic.

5. Select OK.

To edit the service attack exceptions:

1. Select the port that you want to edit from the Exception Actions section.
2. Select Edit. The Port Editor dialog box opens.
3. Edit the ports as required and select OK.

To remove service attack exceptions:

1. Select a port entry to remove from the Exception Actions section.
2. Select Remove and then select OK.

Removing the Monitor or Block State from a Service

You can remove the monitor or block state assigned to the services in your network;
the system stops monitoring or blocking the service and the service is removed from
the table.
CounterACT will respond to the service by monitoring or blocking the next time the
service attack criterion is met.

To remove the monitor or block state from a service:

1. Select a service from the Detections pane.
2. Right-click and select Remove and then Apply.

Managing Threat Protection Mail Alert Deliveries

CounterACT delivers two types of infection alerts:
Infection alerts sent to the operator: CounterACT sends an email notification
to specified email addresses regarding bite detections at the network.
Infection alerts sent to the infected endpoint: CounterACT sends a Net Send
message to the infected endpoint.

To access email deliveries:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Threat Protection.
2. At the bottom of the Threat Protection pane, select Customize and then
select the Notify tab.

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Threat Protection Pane, Notify Tab

Operator Notification
CounterACT sends email notification to specified email addresses regarding bite
detections. If there is extensive activity at your network, email recipients may
receive an overwhelming number of emails.
The following tools are available to help you manage email delivered to email
Define the maximum number of email alerts delivered per day (from
Define the maximum number of events that are listed in each email
For example, you can define that you only want to receive 50 emails per day, and
that each email should contain no more than 50 events.

Default Settings

By default up to 100 mails are sent within 24 hours. This means, for example, that if
there is extensive activity early in the day and 100 mails are sent by 11 AM, you will
not receive mails about events that occurred during the rest of the day.
After the maximum number of emails is sent, a warning email is delivered; indicating
that the email delivery threshold has passed and that you will no longer receive
email alerts again until midnight. At midnight, an email is sent summarizing events
that were not delivered. The summary includes the type of events detected and the
number of events for each type, for example, 25 Port Bites and 65 Login Bites.

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By default, mail is delivered approximately every 15 minutes provided that at least

one event has occurred; it is delivered more frequently if more than 100 events
occur in less than 15 minutes.

Information about these events is viewable from the Console.

You can change the default parameters and receive email alerts at a frequency that
is more manageable for you.

To update operator notification parameters:

1. Type a value in the Maximum events listed in each email field or use the
spin controls to adjust the value.
2. Type a value in the Maximum emails per day field or use the spin controls
to adjust the value. According to the values that you set here, the system
calculates how often you receive mail, provided an event occurs.
3. To receive an email alert each time an event occurs, enter the value 1 in the
Maximum emails per day field.
4. Configure Infected Host Notification settings. See Infected Host Notification

Emails are also sent when the system detects a service attack. You cannot
customize this delivery parameter, but you can disable the email delivery
feature for service attacks.

Infected Host Notification Section

CounterACT sends a Net Send message to an infected endpoint running under the
Windows platform. By default, only one message is sent per day, but you can update
this value. The message indicates that the endpoint is infected and the users should
contact their system administrator. The message can be modified.

To manage infected endpoint Net Send deliveries:

1. In the Maximum one message within field, define the maximum number of
messages to be sent to infected endpoints with a specified time period.
2. Update the Net Send Message as required.
3. Select Apply to save your changes.

Additional Email Options

The following email options are also available:

Update addresses By default, your system sends email alerts to specified addresses
that will receive when bite events occur. These addresses are defined during
email alerts installation and can be changed. See Managing Email Notification
Addresses for more information.
Receive mail only You can define that you want to receive alerts only when specific
for certain event types of endpoint activity occur, for example, only when Login bites
types occur.

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Perform parsing on Email alerts that you receive regarding endpoint and service events
event information include a summary of events. This information is displayed in a
displayed in email format that can be easily used for parsing by external applications.
alerts See Parsing Event Information Displayed in Email Alerts for more

Working with Manually Added Endpoints

Manual endpoints are endpoints that you manually enter into your system. This
means that you can enter an IP address and a state for that address into the system.
If the endpoint sends a packet to your network, the system handles it according to
the state that you enter. The endpoint does not have to meet the scan criterion or
use a system mark in order for the system to respond to it. You can later update the
values that you set for the endpoint, or instruct the system to respond to it as it
would any other endpoint. You can also manually set an endpoint state or duration
for endpoints that were detected by the system probing or offensive.
In addition to manually adding an endpoint to the system, you can change the state
of an endpoint that was automatically detected by the system. Use this feature if you
want to handle a particular endpoint in a different manner than defined in the
Current Policy.

You cannot manually update an endpoint to the Port Block state.

Manually Adding an Endpoint

You can manually enter an endpoint into your system. Use this feature if you already
know the IP address of an endpoint, and know that you want to either ignore,
monitor or block endpoint activities for a specified period of time. After the period
that you indicate expires, the endpoint is handled according to the current system

To add an endpoint to the system:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Threat
Protection>Manual Set State.
2. Select Add. The Add Host dialog box opens.

Add Host Dialog Box

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3. Type the endpoint IP Address.

4. From the State drop-down list select the appropriate state.

Monitor Monitors endpoint activity for the length of time that you specify.
Host Blocks the endpoint from the network for the length of time that you
Block specify.
Port Block Blocks the endpoint at the services that you define in the Services field.
Multiple services must be comma-separated.
Ignore The system ignores all endpoint activity for the length of time that you
specify. After this time, the system responds to the endpoint activity
according to the policy definitions. When you select this option, the
Firewall block options and HTTP redirection actions are also ignored for
the time specified on these endpoints. See Advanced Policy Options for
more information.

5. In the Active for area, use the spin controls and drop-down list to select the
length of time that you would like the selected endpoint to remain in the
chosen state.
6. You can use the Comments field as required.
7. Select OK to accept the entry or Cancel to close the dialog box without
applying the changes.

Managing Manually Added Endpoints

You can view a list of the manually added endpoints that the system is currently
handling, remove those endpoints from the list or modify their state and the length
of time that the system maintains that state. These tasks are performed from the
Current Added Hosts dialog box. The list is updated each time that you open the
dialog box.

To view manually added endpoints:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Threat
Protection>Manual Set State.
2. Define the following:

Host The endpoints IP address.

State The endpoints state: Host Blocked, Port Blocked, Monitored or
Blocked Ports Indicates the ports at which the endpoint is blocked.
From/Until The length of time that the endpoint is in the state.
Issued By Name of the user that manually added the endpoint.
Comments Related comments.
CounterACT The Appliance that received the command.

3. Select OK.

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To modify the manually added endpoint definitions:

1. Select an endpoint.
2. Select Edit. The Set State for <IP_address> dialog box opens.
3. Update the manual endpoint parameters.
4. Select OK.

To remove a manually added endpoint:

1. Select an endpoint.
2. Select Remove. A confirmation dialog box opens.
3. Select Yes. The endpoint is removed from the list of manually added
endpoints. The system now responds to the endpoint activity according to the
current policy definitions.

Changing the Host State Maintenance Time

You can change the expiration of the endpoint state, without changing the state.

To change the expiration time:

1. Select the Threat Protection folder from the Console.
2. Right-click an endpoint from the Detections pane.
3. Select Threat Protection and then Set Threat Protection Time. The Set
Threat Protection Time for <IP_address> dialog box.
4. Type a value or use the spin controls to adjust the value. Use the drop-down
list to assign a unit of time.
5. Select OK.

Changing the Host State

You can change the endpoint state. The endpoint expiration time remains the same.
1. Select an endpoint from the Detections pane.
2. Right-click and select Set State. The Set State for <IP_address> dialog box

Set State Dialog Box

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

3. Update the endpoint parameters.

4. Select OK.

Viewing a History of Manually Added Endpoints and Manual Changes

You can view a list of manually added endpoints and endpoints whose states or times
were manually changed.

To view the history manual list:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Threat
Protection>Manual Set State.
2. Select History. The Time Period dialog box opens.
3. Select the required time range.
4. Select OK.
The Manual Host Changes dialog box opens, showing endpoints that were
entered manually during the time that you specified.

Manual Host Changes Dialog Box

Controlling the Range Protected from Malicious

The range of computers protected by the CounterACT Active Response technology is
defined during the initial setup at the Console, and includes by default the whole
Internal Network. This option lets you change this range. The Active Response range
must be a subset of the Internal Network.

To define an Active Response range:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Threat
Protection>Advanced>Active Response Range.
2. Select Add and define the ranges.
Changes made to the Active Response range must be supported by your network
architecture. Specifically, addresses included in this networks must be visible to the

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

Viewing Endpoint Activity Details

You can view comprehensive details regarding activities carried out by endpoints.

To view endpoint details:

1. In the Threats view, double-click a malicious endpoint from the Detections
pane. The Host Details dialog box opens. The endpoints address is displayed
in the title bar. The Events tab displays the date and time of the first event.

Host Details Dialog Box

General information as well as detailed event information about the event can be
viewed. For example, you can review specifics about packets that were transferred
during the session.
In addition, you can view information about the endpoint in the Assets Portal by
selecting Show full host details. See Chapter 9: Assets Portal for more information
about the portal.

Events Tab
The Events tab displays a graphic time-line summary of the source state for the
period that the source is active. In addition, the tab includes an Event table, which
provides extensive, real-time information about the source events and responses to
those events.

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

Source Details Dialog Box, Events Tab

Host State Time-Line Summary

This section displays a graphic time-line summary of the source state for the period
that the source is active. The Bite/Scan/Email icon will appear over the time-line
summary each time the source states changes. The Flashlight icon indicates that
the source performed scan event. The red and white Bite icon indicates that the
source performed a bite event. If an Email icon is displayed, an email anomaly was
detected. A plus sign (+) indicates that the source performed more than one event.
Use your mouse to view tooltip information about the scan or bite events detected.

Source Time-Line

Event Table
The Event Table provides extensive, real-time information about source events and
CounterACT activity that occurs while the source is active. An event is defined as any
attempt to access an endpoint on the network.
For example, the table displays information about the targeted endpoint for each
event, including the endpoint IP address and the targeted service. Information about

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

the response to events is also available. For example, if CounterACT responded by

sending a service mark to the source, the returned data will indicate the service
sent. The information provided here should be used for in-depth analysis of source
and CounterACT activity.
Additional tasks can be carried out from the Event Table, including:
Filtering the Information Displayed in the Event Table
Adding Legitimate Traffic Rules from the Event Table
Viewing a Summary of Event Details
Viewing Event Traffic
Default columns appear with basic information about sources and related source
activity. Additional information can be displayed by adding other columns.

Events Tab, Event Table

Source Activity
The following table details source activity for the selected event.

Item Description
Time The time and date the event occurred.
Indicates that the source address is verified.

Indicates that the source address is unverified (may be spoofed).

Event Indicates whether the packets sent during the event were normally
Fragmentation fragmented or abnormally fragmented. Abnormally fragmented packets
may indicate that the event was carried out by a human attacker and not
by a worm.

Host, Host IP Displays the IP address at which the event took place.
Accessed Host Indicates that the targeted host was a virtual address.
Indicates that the targeted host is unknown.

Indicates that the targeted host was a real address.

External Indicates whether the targeted host resides outside the network.
Service Displays the name of the services accessed on the targeted host.

CounterACT Activity
The following table details activity for the selected event.

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

Item Description
Detection Indicates the event detected, i.e. NetBIOS scan or infection attempt.
Response Indicates the response to the detection. Options include:
Block: CounterACT does not allow packets from the source to go
through to the specified destination (host + service).
Stall: CounterACT simulates a virtual service for an infected source.
This occurs when the policy is not set to block infected sources.
Mark: CounterACT distributes a mark to the source.
Resulting State Displays the new source state after detection and response.
Returned Data Displays the data sent to the source from CounterACT. For example, if
CounterACT responded by sending a user name mark to the source, the
returned data will indicate the user name sent.
Expiration Indicates the date and time the source state will expire.

Filtering the Information Displayed in the Event Table

The Event Table can be filtered so it only includes information of particular interest to
you. For example, you can select filter settings so the table displays only events in
which a real site was accessed.
You can choose to either only display events that meet the filter criteria or hide the
events that meet the criteria. Filter settings are automatically saved and applied to
your table each time that you open the Console.
The following filter options are available:

Detections Events that caused CounterACT to either change the current source
state or extend the source state.
Detections and Events that caused CounterACT to either distribute marks or change
Marks the current source state or extend the source state.
Infection Events in which an infection attempt was made.
Real Site Events in which the source attempted to probe, scan or infect a real
Accesses site, or in which a valid event was carried out at a real site.
Same Host Events that were targeted at the same host as an endpoint that you
select in the table.
Same Service Events that were targeted at the same service as a service that you
select in the table.

To filter the table:

1. Select a filter type from the Filter by drop-down list located in the Event
2. Select the Hide checkbox to hide the event types that you selected, or clear
the checkbox to display those events only.

Adding Legitimate Traffic Rules from the Event Table

You can add a Legitimate Traffic rule for a source or event listed in the Event table.

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To create a rule:
1. Right-click an event in the Event table and select Legitimize Traffic. The
Add Custom Rule dialog box opens.
2. The currently selected source is displayed in the Source section. The targeted
host and service selected in the Events table are also included in the
Legitimate Traffic rule.
3. Edit the rule if required.
4. Select OK.

Viewing a Summary of Event Details

An Event Details dialog box summarizes event details for a selected event and
displays related events. For example, if you selected a scan event, the probes that
were included in the scan are listed.

To view a summary:
1. Double-click an entry in the Event Table or right-click an entry and select
Details. The Event Details dialog box opens for the selected event.

Event Details Dialog Box

The following information is available:

Item Description
Host Activity Summarizes information regarding source activity for the selected event.
CounterACT Summarizes information regarding activity for the selected event.

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Item Description
Related Events Lists events related to the selected event.
Related Scan Details displays all probe events related to the scan
Related Probe Details displays additional probe events related to the
scan event.
Related Mark Details displays marks that triggered the bite event.
You can review a history of related mark events.
Related Bite Details displays the bites that responded to the
distributed mark.

Scrolling to Addition Event Summaries

The Event Details Dialog box can be automatically updated to display information
about other sources in the Event table.

To display information about additional events:

1. Click a scroll arrow from the Host Activity section.

Viewing Event Traffic

You can display information about the packets that were transferred between the
host and the network.

To view event traffic for the selected source:

1. Select an event from the Event table.
2. Select Traffic. The traffic dialog box opens.
An option for hiding and showing table columns is available from this tab.

Session List Section

: From a virtual address

Address type : From a real address

Host The targeted host that communicated with the infected source.
Service Name of service or port number, for example, FTP or email.
Count The total number of packets per session.
Bandwidth The total of all packet sizes divided by the duration of the session in
First/Last The date and time of the first or last packet of the session.
Packet Arrival

Packet List Section

This section provides information about each packet.

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Indicates whether the packet destination or source is:

: A virtual address

: A real address

Indicates the direction of the activity:

: From Threat Protection site to source

: From source to Threat Protection site

Size Size of the packet in bytes.

Date The date and time the packet was sent.

Viewing and Saving Packet Data from the Packet Data Section
This section allows you to display and save the packet data of source sessions.

To display packet data:

1. Select an entry from the Packet List. This section displays the raw packet

To save packet data:

1. Select the session that you want from the Traffic tab. To save all sessions, do
not select any sessions.
2. Select Save. The Save Options dialog box opens.

Save Options Dialog Box

3. Select an option and then select OK. A Save As dialog box opens enabling you
to save the information in a selected directory.

If the source that you selected is still active, a message opens indicating that
the source is still active and that you are not saving all the source sessions.

Managing Enterprise Lockdown Alerts

Enterprise lockdown alerts enable malicious endpoint activity detected in one
Appliance to be immediately communicated and simultaneously handled by all the
Appliances in the enterprise.
This means that if one Appliance in your enterprise has detected a bite event, a
lockdown alert is sent to the other Appliances, alerting them of the source that
performed the event. If the other Appliances detect that a source is communicating

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with the network that they are protecting, the source is automatically blocked or
monitored according to the policy.
For example, if Appliance 1 detects a port bite from source XYZ, an alert is sent to
the other Appliances, notifying them of the source. If Appliance 2 detects source XYZ
communicating with the network it is protecting, the source is either blocked or
monitored according to the port bite block or monitor policy defined at the Appliance.
The source is blocked or monitored for the time indicated in the policy of Appliance 2
and then released.
You can choose to include or exclude specific Appliances that send or receive alerts,
and customize the kind of bite events that are included in the lockdown alert.

To manage lockdown alerts:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Threat
Protection>Advanced>Enterprise Lockdown.

Enterprise Lockdown Dialog Box

2. Select Enable Enterprise Lockdown to activate the lockdown policy.

3. Define a lockdown policy.

Enterprise When selected, the Enterprise Manager sends lockdown

Manager sends alerts to all Appliances in the enterprise.
Lockdown alerts Clear the checkbox to define specific Appliances that will
to all CounterACT receive lockdown alerts.
Enterprise When selected, the Enterprise Manager accepts all
Manager forwards lockdown alerts from all Appliances.
Lockdown alerts Clear the checkbox to define specific Appliances that will
from all send lockdown alerts to the Enterprise Manager.
Forward all When selected, all bite event types are included in
Lockdown events lockdown.
Clear the checkbox to select specific types of bite events
that are included in the lockdown alert.

4. Select Apply.

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To send events to specific Appliances:

1. Clear one of the first two Enterprise Policy Lockdown options.
2. Select CounterACT Appliances. The CounterACT Appliance Selector dialog
box opens.

Appliance Selector Dialog Box

3. Select Appliances from Available CounterACT Appliances and use the

arrow buttons to assign them to Selected CounterACT Appliances.

To customize the Forward All Lockdown Events policy:

1. Clear Forward all Lockdown events.
2. Select Events. The Lockdown events dialog box opens.

Lockdown Events Dialog Box

3. Select events from Available events and use the arrow buttons to assign
them to Selected events.
4. Select OK.

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

Legitimate Traffic
This section describes the options available when working with legitimate traffic
The following options are available:
Handling Legitimate Activity of Malicious Sources
Defining Legitimate Traffic
Automatically Defining Legitimate Scanning Activity Wizard
Manually Defining Legitimate Scanning Applications
Manually Defining Removed Servers
Creating Customized Legitimate Traffic
Editing and Removing Legitimate Traffic

Handling Legitimate Activity of Malicious Sources

You can define rules for allowing specific kinds of probes at your network. This type
of activity is referred to as legitimate traffic activity. Once these rules are defined,
endpoints that perform Legitimate Traffic are ignored. Specifically, they will not be
counted in the probe count by CounterACT when attempting to probe defined
services or host.
Refer to Basic Terminology in Chapter 12: Threat Protection for more information
about probing sources.
By default the Legitimate Traffic rule is set to ignore NetBIOS and port probes by any
source to any real host on any service. This allows CounterACT to ignore legitimate
network activity, and handle activity on virtual endpoints that it creates.
You should keep the default settings, and then use the Legitimate Traffic tools to add
other Legitimate Traffic rules, as required. For example, if you are performing
vulnerability assessments from specific addresses on specific ports, or for a printer
that is required to scan the network to find a server to connect to, or any other
business requirement that compels you to grant full access to specific addresses.
Centralized Management
Legitimate Traffic rules can be centrally managed via the Enterprise Manager for all
connected Appliances. This means the rules defined at the Enterprise Manager are
applied to all Appliances. Centralized management ensures consistency in Legitimate
Traffic probe definitions across your enterprise. This eliminates the process of
redefining the rules at each Appliance, making it easier to conclude deployment.
When registering an Appliance to the Enterprise Manager, all legitimate traffic rules
configured on that Appliance are replaced by the rules on the Enterprise Manager.

Legitimizing Traffic Options

The following options are available for setting Legitimate Traffic rules:
Define legitimate known scanning applications, for example, Exchange IM or

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Define servers that have been removed, but are still probed by network
Define specific services and endpoints at which scanning is allowed.
Define email servers and sources that should be allowed to send email traffic.
Use the Legitimate Scan Tuning wizard to automatically locate and allow
legitimate scanning activity generated by known scanning applications or
directed at unused servers.
Create rules for detected endpoints.
Import or export Legitimate Traffic.

Activity at Other Services

If a legitimate source probes the legitimate endpoints and ports assigned to it, and
does not probe any other ports or endpoints, that source is not marked as a probing
source, and thus is not a candidate for monitoring and blocking. If the same source
also probes at least three endpoints or ports not marked as legitimate within the
defined time period, a mark is distributed to the source. If the source uses the mark,
it is considered an infected source and as such is a candidate for monitoring and

The default settings require that the source perform three probe events within
a day in order for the system to mark the source as a probing source See
Customizing Scan Recognition Criteria for information about changing the
probe count criterion.

After a source is detected as offensive, its attempts to access the legitimate

endpoints and ports assigned to it are blocked and monitored.

Manually Ignoring a Source or Defining a Legitimate Scan

In addition to using the legitimate scan feature, an option is available to ignore
selected sources for a specified time period. When a source is ignored, all
communication from it is allowed at any port.
The difference between manually ignoring a source and using the Legitimate Traffic
rule is:
The manual ignore feature is limited to a certain time, while the Legitimate
Traffic rule is enabled until you disable it.
The manual ignore feature does not allow you to customize specific endpoints
or ports in which to ignore the source.
The manual ignore feature allows you to ignore the source under all
circumstances. If you use the Legitimate Traffic feature, and the source scans
or attempts to infect endpoints or ports not specified as Legitimate Traffic, the
source is blocked according to policy at all ports and endpoints, including the
legitimate ones.

Defining Legitimate Traffic

Legitimate Traffic is defined and managed from the Legitimate Traffic dialog box. Use
the dialog box to add, edit and remove rules, as well as to filter information in the

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

dialog box about the rules that you already defined. A feature is also available to
import and export Legitimate Traffic rules.

To open the Legitimate Scan Rules dialog box:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Threat
Protection>Legitimate Scan.

Legitimate Traffic List

The following information is available:

Indicates that the rule is enabled.

Rule Several types of rules can be created, for example, custom design rules,
known scanning application rules or removed server rules. This column
details the rule type created.
Last The date the rule was most recently modified.
Source The source addresses to which the rule is applied.
Target The destination addresses to which the rule is applied.
Type The probe types included in the rule, for example, to allow HTTP probes only.
The following options are available: Finger, HTTP, Login, NetBIOS, SNMP and
Port The service to which the rule applies.
Indicates that the rule was applied to real endpoints only.

Comment Displays one of several methods used for defining Legitimate Traffic rules.
The methods are detailed later in this chapter.

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

Automatically Defining Legitimate Scanning Activity

The Legitimate Scan Tuning wizard automatically detects applications installed at
your network that may be used for legitimate scanning activity, and detects servers
that have been, and are still probed by network users. Use the wizard to define these
applications or servers as sources of legitimate traffic. The Legitimate Traffics wizard
automatically identifies most of the rules required, however fine-tuning may be
required and can be done by adding custom rules.

To define Legitimate Traffic rules:

1. From the Legitimate Scan pane, select Tuning Wizard. The Tuning Wizard
Time Period dialog box opens.

Tuning Wizard Time Period Dialog Box

2. Select a time period by doing one of the following:

Select Relative Time and then specify the required number of hours,
days, weeks or months by using the spin controls or by typing a value in
the field. Select a time unit from the drop-down list.
Select Time Range and then specify the beginning and end of the time
3. Select OK. If results were discovered, the Welcome dialog box opens.
4. Read the contents and select Next. The Legitimate Applications dialog box
opens containing the known scanning applications detected at your network.
5. Select the Allowed checkbox for each application that should be allowed to
scan your network.
6. Select Next. The Removed Servers dialog box opens listing removed servers
that are still being probed by network sources, but cannot be reached. This
may be, for example, because the server is uninstalled or because the server
is no longer in use. CounterACT may unnecessarily block sources detected at
these locations. Activity should be allowed at such servers. The ten servers
most frequently probed by sources during the time period that you specified
are displayed. After the wizard completes, you can run it again to see if other
servers are found.
7. Select the Allowed checkbox for servers that should be open for scanning
8. Select Next. The Finish dialog box opens. The applications or servers that you
marked Allowed are added to the Legitimate Probes Manager.

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

9. Select Finish. The Legitimate Traffic List opens, listing the allowed
applications and allowed removed servers that you defined from the wizard.
10.Select Apply to accept the rules.

Manually Defining Legitimate Scanning Applications

You can manually define specific legitimate scanning applications from which
CounterACT ignores scanning activity.

To manually define Legitimate Scan Rules:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Threat
Protection>Legitimate Scan.
2. From the Legitimate Scan pane, select Add. The New Legitimate Scan Rule
dialog box opens.

New Legitimate Traffic Dialog Box

3. Select Legitimate Scanning Applications and then select OK. The Add
Legitimate Scanning Application Rule dialog box opens.

Add Legitimate Scanning Application Rule Dialog Box

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The dialog displays the currently downloaded list of known legitimate

scanning applications.
4. Select an application from the list.
5. In the IP Address field, enter the address at which the application is
6. Use the Comments field as required.
7. Select Only apply on real hosts for all probes on real endpoints to be
permitted by the application. This means a probe is considered legitimate only
if the destination address was learned as a Real Host.
8. Select OK.
If the application is installed at several locations, repeat the process for
additional IP addresses.

Manually Defining Removed Servers

Removed servers are servers that network users have attempted to connect to, but
cannot be reached. This may be, for example, because the server is uninstalled or
because the server is no longer in use. CounterACT may unnecessarily block sources
detected at these locations. Activity should be allowed at such servers.

To manually define removed servers:

1. From the Legitimate Traffic List, select Add. The New Legitimate Scan Rule
dialog box opens.

New Legitimate Scan Rule Dialog Box

2. Select Removed Server and then select OK. The Add Removed Server Rule
dialog box opens.

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

Add Removed Server Rule Dialog Box

3. Type the IP address of the server in the IP Address field.

4. Select Only apply on real hosts to apply the rule to real endpoints only
(and not virtual endpoints).
5. Define a service in the Service field.
6. Use the Comments field as required.
7. Select OK.

Creating Customized Legitimate Traffic

The Legitimate Traffic wizard automatically identifies most of the legitimate scanning
applications and servers at in your network. However, fine-tuning may be required
and can be done by adding customized rules, for example, if a network manager
performs a network scan for legitimate reasons.

To create customized Legitimate Traffic rules:

1. From the Legitimate Traffic List, select Add. The New Legitimate Scan Rule
dialog box opens.

New Legitimate Scan Rule Dialog Box

2. Select Custom and then select OK. The Add Custom Rule dialog box opens.

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Chapter 12: Threat Protection

Add Custom Rule Dialog Box

Source and Target Sections

Define the direction traffic should be legitimatized from which source to which
target endpoints.

Services and Probe Type

Use the Service section to define the services at which traffic should be ignored.
1. In the Service section:
Select All to ignore traffic at all services.
Select Single to define a single service.
Select List to define a list of services. Enter services according to the
format shown, for example, 22/TCP, 161/UDP.

If the services and the probe types do not match, you are warned, but you
can still save the rule. For example, if a user selects HTTP and Login Probe
types on 21/TCP and 23/TCP, the system will ignore HTTP and Login probes
only on those services.

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2. Use Probe Type to select which probe types are considered legitimate. For
example, you can create a Legitimate Traffic rule in which only HTTP probes
at port 80/TCP are legitimate.
Configurable probe types include: Finger, HTTP, Login, NetBIOS, Port and SNMP.
The default is NetBIOS and Port probe types on all ports.
1. Select OK.

Defining Legitimate Email Traffic

Certain servers and endpoints in your network may generate suspicious email traffic
that is detected as an email infection. In some cases, this traffic actually qualifies as
legitimate activity, for example, traffic generated by email servers or traffic
generated when several users are logged on to one endpoint and are sending large
amounts of email traffic. CounterACT should allow this type of activity.
To do this, you can define a list of email servers and endpoints for which to allow
email traffic. Other malicious traffic is detected at these servers and endpoints.
By default CounterACT automatically learns and ignores real email servers on your
network. In addition to automatically learning real servers, you can manually list
endpoints that should be allowed to handle all email traffic.
If the email source is detected performing other Threat Protection activity, it is
handled according to the block or monitor policy.

To define endpoints:
1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Threat
Protection>Legitimate Email Servers.

Legitimate Email Servers Pane

2. Select Add and enter the IP address of the relevant endpoint in the Add
dialog box.
3. Select OK.

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The address is displayed in the IP column of the dialog box. The Defined By
column indicates whether the server was automatically learned by
CounterACT or entered by a user.
4. Use Remove and Edit as required.
5. Verify that Enable Auto learn Email server is selected for CounterACT to
automatically locate email servers and ignore email traffic generated by them.
Disable this option to detect email activity at these servers, for example, if
you suspect that they may be infected with a worm (recommended).

If there is no traffic at the server for a month, CounterACT will unlearn it.

6. Select Apply.

Creating Rules for Detected Endpoints

Legitimate Traffic rules can be created for sources and endpoints directly from the
Source Details dialog box. Use this feature, for example, if you see that a source was
blocked from a specific port, and want to ensure access in the future.

To create rules:
1. Double-click an endpoint from the Detections pane.
2. Select the Events tab, and select the event that you think is legitimate.
3. Right-click and select Add Legitimate probe. The information required is
displayed in the Add Rule dialog box.
Source address of the probing source
Target address of the probe target
Probe type and service on which the probe was detected
When you save the rule, you are prompted to reset the source. If your
Appliance is registered with an Appliance and you confirm this action, the rule
is applied to all other connected Appliances.

Editing and Removing Legitimate Traffic

Legitimate Traffic that is displayed in the Legitimate Traffic Manager can be removed
and edited.

To remove a rule:
1. From the Legitimate Traffic List, select a rule and then select Remove.
2. Select Apply.
The rule is removed from your system. Sources that were granted access are
now handled according to the current policy.

To edit a rule:
1. From the Legitimate Traffic List, select a rule and then select Edit.
2. Edit the range as required.
3. Select OK and then select Apply.

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Chapter 13: Threat Protection, Advanced
Defining Mark Naming Conventions
Defining Virtual Site Endpoint Operating System Parameters
Parsing Event Information Displayed in Email Alerts
Chapter 13: Threat Protection, Advanced Tools

Defining Mark Naming Conventions

CounterACT responds to reconnaissance activity by generating marks virtual
resource information expected by probing endpoints and forwards this information
back to them. For example, if the system identifies a probing endpoint that is
attempting to gather information about user names in your network, the system
responds by creating and returning a mark in the form of a virtual user name to that
Two types of naming options are available:

Create mark rules Create mark rules that reflect the naming conventions used for host
and user names in your network.
Create lists of Create lists of names similar to the host and user names used in
names your network.

These tasks are performed from the Mark Names pane.

Access to the tools detailed in this section is limited by permissions. See Access to
Console Tools Permissions for information about granting and preventing access.

To open the Mark Names pane:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Threat
Protection>Advanced>Mark Names.

Mark Names Pane

Defining Mark Rules

Endpoint and user names are often organized into logical segments, i.e., host names
may always begin with a fixed text string and end with a specific number
For example, computers in your network may be organized and named as follows:

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Chapter 13: Threat Protection, Advanced Tools

In the previous examples:
SC = the company name (Sample Company)
WIN/LINX = the platform (Windows or Linux)
123/223 = a numeric sequence
You can define the naming convention rules for the host and user resource names to
use as marks for your system. The mark rules can contain several segments that
reflect the naming conventions used in your networking/organizational environment.

Default Settings
CounterACT is set up with default mark rules, which appear in the Mark Names pane.
If you add mark-naming conventions, marks are sent according to the default rules
and rules that you create. It is recommended that you delete the default names if
your company maintains a policy that all host or user names are created according to
a specific convention. This ensures that marks will appear consistently and
realistically to probing endpoints.

To define mark rules:

1. In the Mark Names pane, select Add Rule. The Add Mark Rule dialog box

Add Mark Rule Dialog Box

2. Type a rule name in the Name field.

3. Select Host or User to be applied to this resource type.
4. Select Add to create the rule segments. The Select Segment Type dialog
box opens, allowing you to select a rule segment type.

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Chapter 13: Threat Protection, Advanced Tools

Select Segment Type Dialog Box

5. Select a segment type from the drop-down list and select OK.
Three types of rule segments can be created:

Alphabetic Segment To define a string:

Define the rules for random text In the Select case section, select Upper
strings segments that appear in Case or Lower Case.
the resource name. In the Select size section, use the spin
controls to define the minimum and
maximum character length.
Select OK.

Numeric Segment To define a number:

Define the rules for the maximum In the Digits field, use the spin controls to
number of digits that appear in the define the maximum number of digits that
resource name. appear in the segment. For example, if you
select 3, the number can include up to
three digits, for example, 78, 5, 333, 999,
123, etc.
Select Leading Zeros to include leading
zeros in the number, for example, 08, 003,
099, 023
Select OK.

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Chapter 13: Threat Protection, Advanced Tools

Constant Segment To define a fixed string:

Define a fixed string segments Type a string in the Enter Text field.
that will appear in the resource Select OK.

You can create up to five segments. The rule conventions that you build appear in
the Format and Size fields of the Add Mark Rule dialog box. A sample name that
matches the rule is displayed in the Example field.

Add Mark Rule Dialog Box

6. Use the arrow buttons to adjust the location of the segments, if necessary.

7. Select OK. The rule that you created is displayed in the Mark Names pane.

Editing and Removing Mark Segments

To edit a segment that you created:

1. From the Add Mark Rule dialog box, select the segment of the rule to edit
from the Format and Size fields.
2. Select Edit. The Edit Segment dialog box opens.

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Chapter 13: Threat Protection, Advanced Tools

3. Edit the segment as required and select OK.

The segment is updated in the Add Mark Rule dialog box.

To remove a segment:
1. Select the segment of the rule to remove from the Format and Size fields.
2. Select Remove and then select OK.

Editing and Removing Mark Naming Rules

You can edit and remove mark-naming rules that you created for your system.

To edit the rules:

1. Select a rule to apply from the Mark Names pane.
2. Select Edit to open the corresponding Rule Editing dialog box.
3. Edit as required and select OK.

To remove a rule:
1. Select a rule to apply from the Mark Names pane.
2. Select Remove and then select OK.

Defining Lists
Endpoint and user names for your network may be designed to meet specific
networking or organizational needs. For example, user names may be created to
reflect specific departments in your organization or cities in which your organization
is represented, or any group of names created by your security administrator. You
can define a similar list of host and user names to be used when sending marks.

To define list rules:

1. Select Add List from the Mark Names pane. The Add Mark List dialog box

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Chapter 13: Threat Protection, Advanced Tools

Add Mark List Dialog Box

2. Type a list name in the List Name field.

3. Select a Host or User to be applied to this resource type.
4. In the Define Words section, add a word to the list.
5. Select Add.
6. Continue adding or deleting names as required. You can also import a list of
names by selecting Import. A standard import dialog box opens, on which
you can locate the relevant file to import.
7. Select OK.The list that you created is displayed as an entry in the Mark
Names pane and you can apply the list to your system.

Applying Mark Naming Rules

After you have defined your naming rules, you can apply them to your system. You
must apply all the rules that appear in the Mark Names pane. If you do not want to
apply a rule, remove it.

To apply naming rules to your system:

1. Add rules as previously detailed.
2. Select Apply.
3. Edit the list or remove an item, as required.

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Chapter 13: Threat Protection, Advanced Tools

Defining Virtual Site Endpoint Operating

System Parameters
When responding to network scans, CounterACT generates a virtual site. The site
contains virtual endpoints and resources that are visible to attackers. To more
realistically reflect the endpoints in your network environment, you can define:
The distribution of virtual host OS types that are presented on your virtual
site. For example, Linux, Windows Workstations or Windows Servers.
The density of virtual endpoints in your network. Density refers to the
percentage of the virtual site, built with unused network resources (free IP
addresses, closed ports etc.), to be used to create marks.

If you work with this tool incorrectly, CounterACT may not protect your
network properly.

Only users with the required permission have access to this tool.

To define the virtual host OS distribution:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu then select Threat
Protection>Advanced>Virtual Site.

Virtual Site Pane

2. Use the sliders to allocate a ratio. Distribution changes are built gradually.
This means the changes will not be implemented immediately.
3. Set the virtual site density, either:
Select Set density by CounterACT Appliance, for a value optimally
calculated by CounterACT.
To set the virtual host density, select Use The Following Density and
adjust the value. The value is set in percentages, for example, utilizing
50% of the virtual site.
4. Select Apply.

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Chapter 13: Threat Protection, Advanced Tools

Parsing Event Information Displayed in Email

Email alerts that you receive regarding host activity and service attacks include a
summary of events and details of each event. Detailed event information is also
displayed in the email in a format that can be easily used for parsing by external
applications. This information is located at the bottom of the email in the Event
Details for Parsing section. Each event is represented by a single line that begins
with the word SUMMARY. Fields are separated by colons.
SUMMARY: bite: port block: 1037871052:1037885452

Details Endpoint address.

Port bite Event type.
port block CounterACT action. (Monitor, Host Block or Port block)
1037871052 Event time. Calculated in seconds from 1 Jan 1970.
1037885452 Expiration time. Calculated in seconds from 1 Jan 1970.

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Chapter 14: Managing Users
About CounterACT Users
Creating Users and User Groups
Removing Users
Password Protection
Login Consent Feature
Support for One-Time Password Authentication
Disconnecting Inactive Console Users
Allowing One Login Session per Console User
Separate Login to Each CounterACT Web-Based Portal
Using Kerberos Authentication
Using Smart Card Authentication
Manual User Password Change
Monitoring User Activity
Chapter 14: Managing Users

About CounterACT Users

CounterACT user management features let you:
Create user management accounts for single users or user groups
Assign permissions to allow, limit or prevent user access to specific Console
Limit view of endpoints per user
Block and release users
Generate reports detailing user activity
Create user password policies and login consent pages
Implement advanced security login methods
And more

Default Admin User

CounterACT is installed with an Admin user who has access to all Console tools and
features. This means that you do not need to create any other users in order to
operate the system.

User Groups
In addition to creating an Admin and individual users, you can define single
CounterACT users or define user groups. Working with user groups allows you to
streamline and simplify user creation. Specifically, you can define CounterACT user
groups based on existing Active Directory and RADIUS user groups. Users associated
with groups receive identical CounterACT permissions and scope assignments.
For example, create one group of administrative users with full permissions and full
access to all network segments, and create another group of users who can only
access certain features or certain network segments.
Users can log in to CounterACT using Active Directory or RADIUS server credentials
and are authenticated via the selected authentication server defined when the group
was created.
Two methods are available for grouping CounterACT users.
Associate CounterACT user groups with a specific the RADIUS attribute and
Associate CounterACT user groups with a specific via User Directory group

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

User Type Group

Monitoring User Activity

You can view audit trail logs regarding user activity. These logs list, for example,
users who updated policies, stopped or started CounterACT, or updated user
passwords. The logs give additional information about the user activity, such as the
date of the activity and the IP address from which it was carried out.

Creating Users and User Groups

CounterACT users or user groups can be assigned the following:
Authentication requirements: Define which authentication method is required
when logging in.
Feature permissions: Prevent or allow access to Console features.
Scope permissions: Define which network devices can be viewed and

Working with Permission and Scope Options

Work with Permission and Scope options to achieve powerful user control. For
Allow access to the entire network range but never allow access to certain
high security features, for example, the Appliance configuration or Action
Threshold features.
Allow access to a specific network range, for example, a particular building,
and grant permission to all CounterACT tools.
In addition, you can create users or user groups that have access to the Console or
the Assets Portal, or users that can access both.

To create a new user or user group:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Console User

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

Console User Profiles Pane

2. Select Add. The Add User Profile wizard opens.

General Pane

3. Select a user type from the User Type field to indicate if the user will be a
single user or a group user, as well as the authentication method to be used.
Authentication parameters vary depending on the user type selected.
Single User Options
Password: the user is authenticated via CounterACT server. Type in a user
name and password. Enter a user name in the User Name field. The user
name cannot contain any of the following characters: \/:*?'<>|". Type a
password in the Password field. This is the password used to log in to the
Console. You are informed if the password does not comply with the password
rules (see Password Protection). Re-enter the password in the Verify
Password field. There is no character limitation. You must use at least one
digit. This is the name used to log in to the Console.

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

External User Directory: The user is authenticated via a User Directory

server defined in the User Directory Plugin. This may be, for example, an
LDAP, RADIUS or TACACS server. Verify that the User Name defined here
matches the user name listed in your User Directory server.
In the User Directory Plugin, verify that the General > Use for Console
Login option is selected for this server.

User Directory Server>General tab

Smart Card: Enter a user name. When working with this kind of
authentication, you must configure CounterACT to work with Certificate
Authority (CA) files and Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs), and configure the
frequency (in seconds) to poll the CRLs. See Using Smart Card
Kerberos: Enter a user name. The user is authenticated via Kerberos. See
Using Kerberos Authentication for more information.
User Group Options
These options associate CounterACT user groups with a specific external
directory group membership. Users associated with this group will receive
permissions and scope assignments listed here. The directories defined here
were defined in the User Directory Plugin. Verify that the General > Use for
Console Login option is selected for this server in the plugin.
External User Directory Associate CounterACT user groups with a specific
Active Directory group. Select a server name from the drop-down list and
enter a group name in the Active Directory Group Name field When
entering the group name, use the format resolved when working with the
CounterACT User Directory > Member Of property. Names are case sensitive.
External Radius Associate CounterACT user groups with a specific RADIUS
attribute and value. Enter the attribute and value parameters to which you
want to associate this group. Values are cases sensitive.
4. After defining user types, enter a description of the user or group in the
Description field.
5. Select Next. The Permissions pane opens.

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

Permissions Pane

6. If you only want the user to work with the Assets Portal, select Assets Portal
permissions only. The Assets Portal is a web-based search and discovery
tool that allows you to leverage extensive network information collected and
correlated by CounterACT and its plugins. It is recommended to create Assets
Portals users for IT, Security and Helpdesk teams. See Chapter 9: Assets
Portal for more information.
7. Select the appropriate permission settings for the user that you are creating:
(View) only allow users to view information
(Update) allow users to view and update information
(No selection) prevents users from viewing the feature
If you are updating permission for other users, those users must exit and
then log in to the Console again for the permissions to take effect.
Access to Console Tools Permissions

Permission Details
Action Thresholds
Action Thresholds Implement Action Thresholds when working with blocking
and restrictive actions. See Working with Action Thresholds
for details.
Assets Portal Permissions
See Chapter 9: Assets Portal for details.
Assets Portal Host View and change the host state from the Assets Portal.
Assets Portal Login View user login information for a specific address, an
Information endpoint name, a server, within a group.
Assets Portal View information about open network services.
Network Services

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

Permission Details
Assets Portal View security information, for example, information about
Security Information antivirus installations.
Console Permissions
Audit Trail View reports on user activities during a specified time period.
See Using Smart Card Authentication.
Backup Back up and restore system and component settings. See
Backing Up and Restoring System and Component Settings.
CounterACT Configure the Appliance using a variety of configuration
Appliance tools, including Channels, Organizational Units tools and
Configuration more. See Appliance Management.
CounterACT Start, restart or stop CounterACT Appliances, and define
Appliance Control mark-naming rules. The rules can be designed so that they
reflect naming conventions used in your organization or
network environment. This makes the CounterACT marks
more realistic. See Defining Mark Rules.
CounterACT Device Add, edit and delete shell scripts. See Running Configuration
Script Management Scripts on CounterACT Devices.
Enterprise Manager Start, restart or stop CounterACT Enterprise Managers. See
Control Standalone Appliance Management.
Event Log View the Event Log that displays system events. See
Working with System Event Logs.
Group Management Add, edit, remove or update CounterACT Groups. The Group
Management permission cannot be changed (to read-only or
view only) if the Policy Management permission is selected.
See Working with CounterACT Groups.
Host State Override Update the state of endpoints and the length of time that the
state is maintained. See Changing the Host State and
Changing the Host State Maintenance Time.
Legitimate Traffic Define the addresses of legitimate traffic at your network.
See Defining Legitimate Traffic.
License Management Install and manage CounterACT device licenses and plugin
module licenses. See Requesting and Installing a CounterACT
Device License and Working with ForeScout Module Licenses.
View Malicious Handle malicious traffic. See Chapter 12: Threat Protection.
Multiple CounterACT Manage a number of Appliances within the network. See
Appliance Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and
Management Consoles.
Policy Control Start, stop, pause, test and clear all policy actions without
changing the policy definitions. See The Policy Manager.

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

Permission Details
Policy Management Create, edit or delete import and export policies. Create, edit
or delete import and export segments, Groups and Lists.
The Policy Manager
Working with CounterACT Segments
Working with CounterACT Groups
Defining and Managing Lists
Enforcement Mode Control the CounterACT Enforcement mode. The Full
Enforcement mode allows complete functionality. The Partial
Enforcement mode lets you monitor network traffic with
limited ability to respond to it. The Partial enforcement mode
is recommended for evaluation purposes only.
See Working with the Enforcement Mode.
Plugin Control Start, stop, test and get help on plugins. See About Base
Plugin Management Install and uninstall plugins. See About Base Plugins.
Policy Reports View NAC reports. See Policy Reports.
Reports Work with the Reports Portal. See Web-Based Reports.
Scheduled Reports Generate schedules for reports. See Generating Scheduled
Software Upgrade Upgrade CounterACT Appliance software. See Upgrading
Appliance Software, Upgrading the Enterprise Manager
Threat Protection View and manage Threat Protection Policy settings. See
Viewing and Updating the Policy.
User Management View and edit user management features. See Chapter 14:
Managing Users.
Virtual Firewall Protect specific services by allowing or preventing traffic and
defining various traffic rules. See Chapter 11: Managing Your
Virtual Firewall Policy.

8. Select Next. The Scope pane opens.

Access to Network Endpoints Scope

Use the Scope pane to grant and limit access to specific ranges or segments at the
Console or Assets Portal. Users can only see and work with endpoints in ranges that
they are assigned Scope access.

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

Scope Pane

Limited Scope access means that users can only see or control the following feature
in the ranges or segments defined:
Policy Management
Segment Management
Group Management
Organizational Units
All tools listed in the CounterACT Options window, with the exception of the
Console Preferences folders
Check for Updates
For example, if you grant Scope access to the Finance segment in your organization
to user Alice, then user Alice will only be able to work with the Console tools listed
above for this segment.
If permissions are closed to a particular segment, buttons to these features are
grayed out or users are provided with a message indicating that they cannot access
the feature because they do not have the required user Scope.
To allow users access to a specific range but limit their access to a specific feature,
you can grant Scope permissions and then limit feature Permissions. For example,
allow users to view permission to the entire network range but restrict their access
the Appliance configuration features.

To define Scope access:

1. Select View all hosts to grant full access.
2. Select View hosts from specific ranges.
Select Add. The IP Address Range dialog box opens.
Enter the range or segment to which this user will have access.

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

Alternatively, select multiple segments by selecting OK and then selecting

Select OK.
3. Select Finish. The user definition is displayed in the Console User Profiles

How Do Users Know That They Have Limited Scope Access?

The Console displays the following indicators to users with limited scope access:

Title bar The title bar indicates that the user has a limited view.

Filters pane

No viewing access
Partial viewing access
When a user with limited viewing permissions attempts to view a blocked
network segment or IP address range, the appropriate message is

Modifying User Details

You can modify the permissions, password, and other details created for system
users. The user permissions for Admin user cannot be modified.
Users can also manually change their password in the Console. See Manual User
Password Change for details.

To modify user details:

1. From the Console User Profiles pane, select a user.
2. Select Edit or double-click a user entry. The Edit User Profile dialog box
3. Edit the information as required.
4. Select OK to accept changes.
5. Select Apply to apply the changes to the configuration.

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

Removing Users
You cannot remove the default CounterACT Admin user.

To remove other users:

1. From the Console Users Profile pane, select a user.
2. Select Remove and then OK on the pop-up message.
3. Select Apply to apply the changes to the configuration.

Password Protection
The password protection features let you:
Define CounterACT password requirements, for example, the minimum length
of CounterACT passwords.
Define a password expiration period.
Lock out users after password failures for a defined lockout period.

To define password policy:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Console
Users>Password and Login.

Password and Login Pane

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

2. Define:
Minimum password length.
Minimum number of upper and lower case letters
Minimum number of alphabetic and non-alphabetic characters.
Minimum number of digits.
Minimum number of special characters required in password.
Number of forbidden repeated characters or digits.
If password can contain user name.
Number of most current passwords that cannot be reused.
A password expiration period. A Change Password dialog box opens during
login when this period expires.

Change Password Dialog Box

3. Define a password failure threshold and lockout period to enforce when the
threshold is passed. For example, if a user entered the wrong password three
times, that user is locked out of CounterACT for two days. Note that:
Admin users cannot be locked out.
Users who enter the wrong user name are not locked out.

4. Select Apply.

Audit Logs
Blocked and released users: Blocked and released users can be viewed in
the Events Viewer Log.

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

Policy changes: CounterACT users who created and edited password policies
can be viewed in the Audit Trails Log.

Login Consent Feature

You can create a consent message displayed to users during login. Users must
confirm the message to open the Console.

To define a consent message:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then expand the Console User
Profiles folder.
2. Select Password and Login. The Password and Login pane opens.
3. In the Login section, select Display this Notice and Consent Message
after login and type a message.

Login Consent Section

4. Select Apply.
Users will see a consent message when they log in and must accept it to

Sample Notice and Consent Message

Support for One-Time Password Authentication

This section describes configuration options to support Console user authentication in
environments that use one-time password (OTP) authentication.

To work with one-time passwords:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then expand the Console User
Profiles folder.

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

2. Select Password and Login. The Password and Login pane opens.
3. In the Session section, disable the Always query external authentication
server to restore sessions option.
4. (Optional) Select the Sustain Console session for: option, and specify a
time period. For the time period you specify, CounterACT restores idle or
dropped Console sessions without requiring a new login. Restored sessions
can only be used from the endpoint that originally logged in.

Disconnecting Inactive Console Users

You can choose to disconnect Console users whose computer sessions have been
inactive for a defined amount of time, reducing the potential for unauthorized user
access. If this option is selected, and the computer has been inactive for the defined
amount of time, the Console user will receive a dialog box notification indicating that
the session has timed out and that the Console will close.
The Console closes either when the user acknowledges the notification or two
minutes after the timeout period ends. This option is disabled by default.

To disconnect inactive users:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then expand the Console User
Profiles folder.
2. Select Password and Login. The Password and Login pane opens.
3. In the Session section, select the User Inactivity Timeout option and define
the period of time to wait before disconnecting inactive sessions.

Allowing One Login Session per Console User

Allow Console user accounts to be logged in from only one workstation at a time.
Limiting access in this way can prevent unauthorized, and potentially harmful users
from accessing the Console. When CounterACT detects a login attempt made by a
user who is already logged in, choose to either:
Log out the existing user session and allow the new login attempt. If
you choose to log out the existing user session, the existing user's Console
session will end and the Console will close.
Deny the new login attempt. If you choose to deny the new login attempt,
the existing user will be able to continue using the Console.

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

If you are using this feature, consider adding a backup Admin user with the
required permissions so that you can preserve Console access in the rare
circumstance that the Admin user is mistakenly logged out or denied access.

To allow only one login session per user:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then expand the Console User
Profiles folder.
2. Select Password and Login. The Password and Login pane opens.
3. In the Session section, select the Allow only one login session per user
option and select one of the following:
Deny new login attempts
Log out existing session

Separate Login to Each CounterACT Web-Based

Two methods are available for accessing CounterACT Web-based portals, such as the
Assets Portal and Executive Dashboard.
Log in from your web browser. Log in from a browser always requires
authentication. Smart Card authentication is also available.
Select the portal from the Console toolbar, for example the Executive

Dashboard Toolbar Icon

CounterACT can be configured to require users to reenter credentials when accessing

CounterACT web-based portals from the Console, even after they logged in to the
Console. By default, Console login grants access to CounterACT web-based tools,
without additional login prompts.

To require users to reenter credentials to each portal:

1. Log in to the Console and select the Options icon from the Console toolbar.

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

2. Select the Console User Profiles folder, and then select the Password and
Login pane.
3. In the CounterACT Portals area, disable the Console login grants access to
CounterACT portals, without additional login prompts option.

Manual User Password Change

In addition to administrator-controlled password changes (see Creating Users and
User Groups), CounterACT users can manually change their user password from the
Console and from the CounterACT web-based portals (the Executive Dashboard, the
Asset Portal and the Reports Portal). The user password configured is global and
applies to all CounterACT logins, for example the Console and the Reports Portal.
This option is disabled for users logging in to the Console through an external User
Directory server. For users not connecting through an external User Directory server,
the Change Password option is always enabled and cannot be removed by an
Administrator user. Administrator users can define users and how these users
connect to CounterACT by selecting Options > Console Users Profiles in the
Change password activity is written to the Audit Trail. To access the Audit Trail, in
the Console Log menu, select Audit Trails. See Monitoring User Activity for details
about the Audit Trail log.

To change your CounterACT User Password from the Console:

1. Select Change Password from the Tools menu. The Change Password
dialog box opens.

Change Password

2. In the Change Password dialog box, enter the old and new passwords and
select OK.

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

Using Kerberos Authentication

Kerberos is a computer network authentication protocol that allows users to
communicate over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one another in a
secure manner. Users can log in to CounterACT using this method.

To use Kerberos authentication:

1. Create a service account on the Active Directory server:
a. Create a new user account. Use the same name in all of the following
User Login Name
User Login Name (pre-Win2K)
First Name
b. Set the password.
c. Clear User has to change the password at first login.
d. Select Password never expires.
e. Open the users properties, and in the Account tab select Use DES
encryption type for the host.
2. On the Active Directory server, create a mapping for the service name by
opening a command line (CMD) and typing the following command on a single
ktpass -princ "host/<CounterACT_FQDN>@<realm>" -mapuser
"<user>@<realm>" -pass "*" -out counteract.keytab

<CounterACT_FQDN> is the DNS name of the Enterprise Manager.
<user> is the user created in step 1.
<realm> is the domain name.

3. Type the password of the user set in step 1.

Use adsiedit.msc (Windows Support Tools) to verify that the mapping is set
and unique. Look for the attribute servicePrincipalName of the user created in
step 1. You should see host/<CounterACT_FQDN>.
4. In the CounterACT Console, use regedit to set the following Registry Key
Value, depending on the Operating System:
On Windows XP SP2
Value Name: allowtgtsessionkey
Value Type: REG_DWORD
Value: 0x01
On Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 SP4
Value Name: allowtgtsessionkey

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

Value Type: REG_DWORD

Value: 0x01
5. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Console

Kerberos Pane

6. In the Realm field enter the domain name.

7. In the KDC Address field, enter the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC),
usually the Active Directory server.
8. In the KDC Port field, enter the KDC communication port (88 by default).
9. In the User field, enter the Service Account user name created in step 1.
10.In the Password field, enter the service account password.
11.Select Apply.
12.Select Console Users from the CounterACT Options window to define the
Kerberos user.
13.Select Add/Edit. The User Definition dialog box opens.
14.Configure the user to use Kerberos Authentication. The user should be
defined on the Active Directory.
15.Copy the file /usr/local/forescout/etc/krb.ini from CounterACT to the
endpoint used to run the CounterACT Console, and save it in the Console
directory as GuiManager\current\etc\krb.ini. The endpoint must be in the
same domain as the Active Directory server.
16.To find the location of the Console install directory, select Start at the
endpoint and then right-click CounterACT Console.
17.Select Properties and then select Find Target.
18.Copy the krb.ini to the \GuiManager\current\etc\ folder.

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

19.Open the Console at which the Kerberos user will log in. The CounterACT
Login dialog box opens.
20.Select the Kerberos login method.

CounterACT Login with Kerberos

21.Type the user name of the Kerberos user created in step 1. This user must be
the user currently logged on to the endpoint.
22.Select Login.

Using Smart Card Authentication

Users can log in to CounterACT and CounterACT portals using Smart Card

Console Smart Card Login

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

Smart Card Portal Login

About CounterACT Smart Card Portal Login

Smart Card authentication is supported on the following CounterACT portals:

Assets Portal. See Chapter 9: Assets Portal for details.
Executive Dashboard See Chapter 16: The Executive Dashboard for details.
Web Reports Portal. See Web-Based Reports for details. (Available with
the release the Web Reports Plugin version 4.1.5)
Users may be required to enter a PIN code when logging in to CounterACT portals
with a Smart Card.
If login credentials are incorrect or there is a problem with the Smart Card
certificate, an error message will appear. Messages will vary depending on the
browser being used.

Smart Card Login Error

Setting Up Smart Card Authentication

Smart Card authentication requires:
Smart Card Configuration
Smart Card User Setup

Smart Card Configuration

When working with this kind of authentication, you must configure CounterACT to
work with Certificate Authority (CA) files and Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs), and
configure the frequency (in seconds) to poll the CRLs.

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

To configure Smart Card authentication:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Console User
Profiles>Smart Card.

Smart Card Pane

2. Select Import. The Certificate Authority Wizard opens.

CA Import Pane

3. Select Import CA. An import dialog box opens.

4. Locate the required file and import. CA file information appears.

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

CA File Imported

5. Select Next. The Define CRLs pane opens.

Define CRLs Pane

6. Select Add. The CRL definition dialog box opens.

CRLs Definition Dialog Box

7. Define locations of Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) and the frequency (in
seconds) to poll the lists.

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

8. Select Finish. User sessions are authenticated as follows:

CounterACT periodically checks the validity of certificates/trust chains
used to authenticate live user sessions. If the certificate that authenticates
a user session has been revoked, the user session is terminated.
CounterACT logs this event in the Event Viewer.
CounterACT imports Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) at the specified
frequency, and updates its certificate store. After each update,
CounterACT rechecks all user sessions authenticated by certificates.

Smart Card User Setup

In order to work with Smart Card authentication you must verify that the Smart Card
Common Name (CN) and CounterACT user name are identical, including case
sensitive spelling. CounterACT user names are defined in the Console User Profile
pane. See Creating Users and User Groups for details about creating CounterACT

User Profile Definition Dialog Box

Monitoring User Activity

You can view user audit trail reports that contain information about user activities
during a specified time period. These reports list operations (add, delete, edit)
performed by users related to, for example, some of the following Console
Stopping or starting CounterACT
User passwords
The logs give additional information about the user activity, such as the date of the
activity and the IP address from which it was carried out. These reports can be

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Chapter 14: Managing Users

To view audit trail reports:

1. In the Console Log menu, select Audit Trails. The Time Period dialog box
2. Select a time period by doing one of the following:
To specify a relative time, select Relative Time. In the Last field, select
the required number of hours, days, weeks or months by using the spin
controls or by typing a value in the field. Select an option from the drop-
down list.
To specify a time range, select Time Range. Select the beginning of the
time range with the drop-down arrow in the From field. Select the end of
the time range with the drop-down arrow in the To field. Use the calendar
to set the range.
3. Select OK. The Audit Trail dialog box opens.

Audit Trail Dialog Box

The following information is available:




User Name The user who performed the operation.

Host The IP address of the machine from which the operation was made.
Date The date and time that the operation was made.
Resource The resource the operation was performed upon (for example,
Operation The changed information for example, in adding a user, the
Data operation data is the added name.

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To view details of an audit trail entry:

1. Double-click the selected line. The Audit Trail Details dialog box opens with
event details.

Audit Trail Details Dialog Box

To find an entry in the audit trail list:

1. Select Find. The Find dialog box opens.

Find Dialog Box

2. Type the text and select the relevant options.

3. Select Find to locate the required text or Cancel to close the dialog box.
CounterACT searches the currently active table for the specific text.

To save the log to an external file:

1. Select Export from the Audit Trail dialog box. A standard export dialog box
2. Select a location to export the file and select Save.
You can save the file in TXT or XLS format.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise
Managers and Consoles
About Management
Console Management
Standalone Appliance Management
Enterprise Manager Management
Appliance Management
Running Configuration Scripts on CounterACT Devices
Configuring Features for an Appliance or Group of Appliances
Control Command-line Access to CounterACT Devices
Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

About Management
This chapter describes features available for managing CounterACT devices
(Appliances and Enterprise Managers) and Consoles.
Not all users have access to these tools. For more information see Access to Console
Tools Permissions.

CounterACT Device Management Overview

When an Appliance registers with an Enterprise Manager, most of the Appliance
settings are automatically replaced with Enterprise Manager settings, as detailed in
the following tables. Any subsequent changes to these settings on the Enterprise
Manager are automatically applied to all registered Appliances.

Automatically Applied Settings

General NAC Plugins Threat Protection

Internal Network Policies Plugin Mark Names
Host Discovery Preferences settings for Enterprise
Switch and Lockdown
Virtual Firewall Group
Backup Settings Configuration Virtual Site
Settings Legitimate Traffic
IP Assignments
(centrally managed Legitimate Email
at Enterprise Server Rules
Manager but applied
per Appliance)

Automatically Applied Settings That Can Be Fine-Tuned

The following settings are applied by default but may be fine-tuned per Appliance.

General Threat Protection Plugins

Mail Settings Enforcement Mode HPS Inspection
Assets Portal access Threat Protection policy Engine
control Active Response network

Appliance-Specific Settings
The following settings are unique per Appliance and are not affected by Enterprise
Manager settings.
Channel configuration
License management
Appliance upgrade
Settings of plugins other than the Switch, VPN and HPS Inspection Engine

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

Console Management
This section describes the following Console management options:
Managing Console Access
Defining Web Access
Defining Proxy Ports for HTTP
Configuring the Time Zone
Customizing Alarm Indicators
Configuring Console Memory Settings

Managing Console Access

By default all IP addresses have access to your Console. IPv6 addresses are

To change this range:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Access>Console.
The Ranges table lists all IP addresses that are permitted to communicate
with this Console.

Access>Console Pane

2. Select Add to add a new range of addresses. The IP Address Range dialog
box opens.

IP Address Range Access

3. Type an address range.

4. Select OK. The new range is added to the Ranges table.
5. Select Apply.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

Multiple Console Logins

When more than one user logs in to a single instance of the Console, changes made
by one user may overwrite changes of another user. Shared settings and files may
be overwritten or corrupted when users work in this way. It is not recommended for
multiple users to log in to the same instance of the Console.
To support multiple Console users from a single endpoint, install a separate, uniquely
named instance of the Console for each user.

Defining Web Access

Use this option to define a range of IP addresses allowed to access the web. IP
addresses in this range have access to the Reports and Assets Portal, and receive
HTTP redirect notifications pages.

IPv6 addresses are supported for this option.

To define web access ranges:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Access>Web.
The IP Address Ranges table lists all IP addresses that are permitted to
communicate across the web.

Access>Web Pane

2. Select Add. The IP Address Range dialog box opens.

IP Address Range Access

3. Enter an IP address range.

4. Select OK. The new range is added to the Ranges table.
5. Select Apply.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

Defining Proxy Ports for HTTP

If your organization is configured to access the web through a proxy, configure the
proxy ports to perform HTTP redirection.

To define an HTTP proxy port:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Console
Preferences>HTTP Proxy.

HTTP Proxy Pane

2. Enable the feature by selecting Use HTTP proxy.

3. Enter the HTTP proxy host IP address and the HTTP proxy port number.
4. Select Apply.

Configuring the Time Zone

Set the time-zone according to your geographical location or by GMT offset. This
time is used for displaying and recording detection and action times at the Console.

To select a time zone:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Console
Preferences>Time Zone.

Time Zone Pane

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

2. Select a zone from the At time zone drop-down list.

3. Select Apply. All the times displayed in the Console change to reflect the time
in the location that you selected.

Customizing Alarm Indicators

An alarm flashes at the Console status bar when a specific type of malicious event
You can customize the length of time that the alarm flashes, and filter the alarm
indicator so that it reacts to only specific types of events, i.e. high severity events.
Severity levels are determined by the system.

To customize the alarm indicator:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Console
2. Select the Alarms tab.


3. Select the Visual checkbox for the alarm light to flash for a specific severity
4. Select the Audio checkbox to activate a sound signal when the event occurs.
5. Adjust the alarm span duration as required.
6. Select Apply.

Configuring Console Memory Settings

Default maximum memory settings for the Console can be changed. This may be
necessary when event traffic information is loaded from the Host Details dialog box.
Under certain circumstances, when event traffic information is loaded an error
message may appear stating that there was not enough memory available to
accommodate the process.

To configure memory settings:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Console

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

Memory Pane

2. Define the maximum required memory limitations.

3. Select Apply.

Standalone Appliance Management

In an environment where there is only one Appliance, CounterACT functions as a
standalone component. This means the Enterprise Manager is not managing the
Appliance. See Appliance Management for more information about Appliance

Enterprise Manager Management

The Enterprise Manager is a dedicated second tier management and aggregation
device that communicates with multiple CounterACT Appliances distributed across
the network. It manages Appliances, and collects information detected by them. This
information is available for display and reporting at the Console.
The following Enterprise Manager tasks can be performed:
Upgrading the Enterprise Manager Software
Installing Enterprise Manager Licenses
Viewing Enterprise Manager System Health Information
Stopping and Starting the Enterprise Manager

Upgrading the Enterprise Manager Software

You can upgrade your version of the software from the Console. The procedure here
works for High Availability devices as well.
Refer to the CounterACT Release Notes for important upgrade information.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

Not all users have access to the tools detailed in this section.

High Availability Devices For High Availability devices, back up the

cluster before you upgrade. See Backing Up and Restoring System and
Component Settings. The cluster must be up and running when you upgrade.

To upgrade Enterprise Manager software:

1. Download or acquire the upgrade file and save it to a location on your
2. Select Options from the Tools menu and then, if necessary, select
CounterACT Devices.
The installed CounterACT devices and their current versions are displayed.

CounterACT Devices

3. Select an Enterprise Manager and then select Upgrade. Do not select

Appliances as well because you cannot upgrade both Appliances and
Enterprise Managers at the same time. The Upgrade Enterprise Manager
dialog box opens.
4. Navigate to where the upgrade file is located and select OK.
5. When prompted to read the Release Note, it is recommended that you do so.
The Appliances Upgrade Process dialog box opens and upgrade begins.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

Upgrade Dialog Box

All items that you selected for the upgrade are displayed in the top page of
the window. When you select an item in the top page, its progress log is
shown in the bottom pane of the window.
High Availability Devices Upgrade for High Availability devices can take a
long time (up to a number of hours). If the upgrade of the second node and
the synchronization are not shown in the log, you can verify the status via
icons on the Console status bar:

Indicates the status of the High Availability Appliances connected to

the Enterprise Manager.

Indicates the status of the Enterprise Manager High Availability


Indicates that High Availability is down on the Appliance.

Indicates that High Availability is down on the Enterprise Manager.

6. When the upgrade is completed successfully, select Close. If the upgrade is

not successful, contact your ForeScout, CounterACT representative and do
not continue with more upgrades.

Upgrading the Console

During an Enterprise Manager upgrade, any Console applications connected to the
Enterprise Manager lose their connection. When the upgrade is available, you are
informed that your Console software needs to be automatically updated.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

Console Update Prompt Dialog box

To update the Console software:

1. When prompted to do a Console update select Yes. If you select No, the
application automatically closes.
2. The update process consists of two stages, first the software is downloaded
and then second the software is upgraded.
The Software Download progress dialog box opens showing the download

Upgrade Dialog Box, Download Progress

On completion the Software Installation progress window opens showing the

installation progress.

Upgrade Window, Upgrade Progress

3. When the upgrade completes, select Launch Console at the bottom of the
window to return to the CounterACT Login dialog box.

Installing Enterprise Manager Licenses

The same procedures apply to requesting, downloading and installing licenses for all
CounterACT devices. See Requesting and Installing a CounterACT Device License for

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

Viewing Enterprise Manager System Health Information

You can view at-a-glance system health information about your Enterprise Managers.
This feature can be also used for troubleshooting.

To view Enterprise Manager health information:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then, if necessary, select
CounterACT Devices. The CounterACT Devices pane opens displaying all the
installed Enterprise Managers.
2. Place the cursor over the Status icon for the Enterprise Manager health
information that you want to view. The Enterprise Manager details are
displayed as a pop-up.

Enterprise Manager System Health

Items in red may require your attention.

License License status information.

License Request License request details.
High Availability Indicates whether a High Availability system is running.
Swap Indicates whether the swap exceeded 100 kilobytes per second
consecutively in the last one minute, i.e. swap polling exceeded 100
on each of the polls (1 every five seconds). When this happens, the
system may work slowly. To resolve this issue, add physical memory
to the Appliance or replace the current Appliance with a new
Appliance that has more physical memory.
CPU Utilization Indicates the percentage of actual CPU Utilization. If the value is high,
contact your ForeScout, CounterACT representative.
Uptime Indicates the amount of time the Enterprise Manager has been
Time Gap from Indicates the time delay between the Console and the Enterprise
Console Manager.
Connection Indicates whether the Enterprise Manager Console is connected to the
Enterprise Manager.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

Stopping and Starting the Enterprise Manager

You cannot start and stop the Enterprise Manager from the Console. It is possible,
however, to halt Enterprise Manager communication with Appliances. This is done
using the fstool utility. For more information about using the utility see the fstool
Command Reference Guide.

To control communication:
1. Log in to the Enterprise Manager.
2. Open a CLI run application.
3. Run the following command:
fstool service start|stop|restart|status|shutdown

Appliance Management
The following Appliance Manager tasks can be performed:
Requesting and Installing a CounterACT Device License
Viewing Appliance Health Information
Registering Appliances with the Enterprise Manager
Upgrading Appliance Software
Upgrading the Console
Starting and Stopping Appliances
Managing Groups of Appliances
Appliance Bandwidth and Endpoint Capacity
Working with Appliance Channel Assignments
Viewing Information about
Viewing Appliance Traffic Statistics
Assigning Network IPs to Appliances
Running Configuration Scripts on CounterACT Devices

Requesting and Installing a CounterACT Device License

You must have a CounterACT license installed for each Appliance and Enterprise
Manager in your organization. The request and installation procedures, identical for
all CounterACT devices, are described in this section.
The following subjects are covered:
Your Demo License
Virtual Licenses
Generating a License Request
Viewing and Managing Your Requests

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

Receiving Your License via the Web

Receiving Your License via Email
Saving Your Request to a File
Viewing License Alerts

Licenses are also required for ForeScout Modules. See Chapter 8: Base
Plugins and ForeScout Modules for more information.

Your Demo License

During system installation, a demo license is automatically installed. Each demo
license is valid for 30 days. During this period, you should receive a permanent
license from ForeScout and place it in an accessible folder on your disk or network.
Install the license from this location before the 30-day demo license expires or
request to extend your demo license. If you did not receive your license, you can
generate a request. See Generating a License Request for details about requesting
an extension or a permanent license.
You are alerted that your demo license is about to expire as follows:
Through periodic email reminders.
Through an Alert icon ( ) in the Status and License columns in the
CounterACT Devices pane (accessible by selecting Options from the Tools
menu.), including the number of days remaining before license expiration.
When you move your cursor over the Appliance entry in the CounterACT
Devices pane.
Through an icon and tooltip on the Console status bar. The triangle is green if
you are waiting for license approval and is red if there is a license violation.

License Status Bar Alert

Virtual Licenses
This section provides information about virtual licenses and about connecting to the
ForeScout License Server. Refer to the CounterACT Installation Guide for information
about installing CounterACT virtual systems. Navigate to the guide at:

Virtual Demo License (Virtual Machines)

After the Appliance installation, you should have installed a demo license provided by
your CounterACT representative by email. The license can be installed during the
initial Console setup using the Initial Setup wizard and is valid for 30 days from the
time it was generated by the CounterACT representative. See License (CounterACT
Virtual Systems Only).
You must request and install a permanent license from the Console before the demo
license expires. You can also request an extension to the demo license from this

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

If you skipped the virtual demo license installation at the Initial Setup wizard, you
can generate a request from the Console. See Generating a License Request for

Virtual Permanent License

Before your demo license expires, you must install a permanent license. This license
has an installation begin and end date. You must install the permanent license within
these dates, which will be sent to you when the license is issued.

Virtual License Authorization

The demo and permanent license are authorized daily by the ForeScout License
Communication with ForeScouts License Server is performed by one CounterACT
device, which has access to all other CounterACT devices. This is required so that
one device can perform the authentication for all the devices. The first device that
has connectivity is used for the communication. If there are no communication
problems, the first on the list will usually be used for performing the communication
with ForeScout License server for all devices in the network. You should expect daily
traffic from that device equivalent to the number of VM devices installed.
Licenses that cannot be authorized for a month will be revoked. When this happens,
significant CounterACT functionality will stop. You will be contacted via email
regarding the expiration date and violations. In addition, license alerts, violations,
status and troubleshooting information can be accessed from the Appliance, Details
If policies are stopped as a result of a license being revoked (for example, due to
expiry or license violations) and an authorized license is subsequently installed, the
policies are not automatically restarted. You must restart policies from the Console.
See Policy Manager Tools and Stopping the Policy from the Appliance.

Connecting to the ForeScout License Server

Connection to the ForeScout License Server (at https://license.forescout.com) is
performed via a CounterACT device connected to the Internet. By default,
CounterACT assumes that all devices are connected.
At least one CounterACT device must have an Internet connection, but you may
select more than one to ensure a continued connection. Several devices may be
required, for example, if one device is temporarily down or if you are not sure which
device has an Internet connection. You can define a proxy for these connections.
Licenses that cannot be authenticated for one month are revoked. You will receive a
warning email once a day indicating that there is a communication error with the

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

To specify a device to connect to the license server:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select License Server.

License Server Pane

2. Select Specific CounterACT Devices.

3. Select Add. The Add a device dialog box opens.

License Server Proxy

4. Select a device from the Available Devices drop-down list.

5. (Organizations working without an Internet connections can use a proxy to
ensure communication with the ForeScout License server.) Select Use Proxy
and define the proxy.
6. To test the connection to the selected CounterACT device, select Test.
7. Select OK.
8. Repeat steps 3 to 7 as required.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

Generating a License Request

This section describes how to generate a request for:
Extending your demo license
A new license

To generate a license request for Appliances:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu.

CounterACT Devices Pane

2. Select the Appliances for which you need a license.

3. Select License and then Generate Request from the drop-down list.

Generate Request for License from CounterACT Devices Pane

4. A License Request Form opens, showing the IP addresses of the Appliances

you selected.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

License Request Form

5. Complete the contact information.

6. To extend the license, select Extend Demo Licenses By and specify an
extension period. If you clear the checkbox, a permanent license request is
7. In the License Submit Method section, select to submit the request in one of
three ways:
Through the web: It is advisable to use this automated method because
it is the fastest of the three methods. See Receiving Your License via the
Web for more information.
By email: The license is sent to the email address that you enter in the
License request form. See Receiving Your License via Email for more
By saving the request to a file: Use this option if you currently do not
have Internet access and cannot send the request via the web or by email
options. Send the request from, for example, a USB drive. See Saving
Your Request to a File for more information. To save a request to file
select Save request to file.
8. Select Submit. There may be one more step before the request is submitted:
If you are requesting a license for a virtual Appliance, provide the
Appliance model type in the dialog box that opens and select OK.
If you chose to save a request to a file, provide the path in the dialog box
that opens and select Apply.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

Viewing and Managing Your Requests

After you request a permanent license or license extension, the request status is
automatically displayed at the Console. You can view the status and cancel requests
that are no longer relevant. To make changes to the request, you must cancel the
specific entry by deleting it. Then re-enter a modified request.
These tasks can be performed from two locations:
The CounterACT Devices pane
The License Request Manager

To work from the CounterACT Devices pane:

1. The request status is automatically listed in the Status section of the
CounterACT Devices pane when you move your cursor over the Status

CounterACT Device Details

2. To cancel your request, select Cancel Request.

To work from the License Request Manager:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Select the drop-down arrow on the License button in the CounterACT Devices
3. Select Check Request Status. The License Request Manager opens and
displays basic request information.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

License Request Manager

4. To delete unnecessary requests, select the request to delete and then select
Cancel Request.
5. To view details about the status of your license request, contact information,
submission request and time, and other license-related matters, select View
Details. Depending on whether you have requested a license for Appliances
or an Enterprise Manager, the details shown vary. Details for Appliances
include endpoint and bandwidth information, which is automatically
determined by your Appliance model.

Enterprise Manager License Request, Details

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

Appliance License Request, Details

Receiving Your License via the Web

If you requested to receive your license via the web in the License Request Form,
you can either download and install it automatically or only download it, save it, and
then install it at a later date. When your license is ready to be downloaded, you are
notified via an email sent to the address that you provided in the License Request
Form, and by CounterACT in the following ways:

An icon ( ) on the Console status bar.

Ready is displayed in the Status column in the CounterACT Devices pane.

Signed and Ready to Install is displayed in the Status column when you
select Check Request Status in the CounterACT Devices pane.

To download and install a license automatically:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Select the Appliances for which you need a license.
3. Select Check Request Status from the License button drop-down list.
4. Select Download/Install. The License Installation process dialog box opens
describing the installation process. On completion the dialog indicates this
status by displaying Done.

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License Installation Completion

The license request is removed from the License Request Manager.

5. After a license is downloaded and installed, it is added to a list of installed
licenses. To view this list, select Show Installed.

To download and save a license and install it later:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Select the Appliances for which you need a license.
3. Select Check Request Status from the License button drop-down list.
4. Select Download/Save from the License Request Manager. The Choose
download directory dialog box opens.

Download a License to a File

5. When you are ready to install the license, continue.

6. Select Options from the Tools menu.
7. Select License and then Install from File from the drop-down list.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

Installing a License from a File

8. Select the saved license file and then select OK.

Receiving Your License via Email

If, in the License Request Form, you requested to receive your license via email,
your license is sent to the email that you provided in this form.

To save and install the license:

1. Save the licenses that you received by email to a file.
2. Select Options from the Tools menu.
3. Select the Appliances for which you need a license.
4. Select License and then Install from File from the drop-down list. The
Choose a License dialog box opens.

Choose a License Dialog Box

5. Navigate to your license and select OK.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

Saving Your Request to a File

You may choose to save your request to a file in the License Request Form if you
have no Internet connection or cannot send or receive an email. If you select this
option, you must transfer the saved request file to ForeScout another way.

To save your request to a file and submit it at a later date:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Select the Appliances for which you need a license.
3. Select License and then Generate Request from the drop-down list. The
License Request Form opens.
4. Select the option Save request to a file and select Save. The License
Request dialog box opens.

License Request File Path

5. Type in the license file path or select the folder where want to save your
request file, and select Apply.
6. Submit the saved request to a ForeScout representative. For example,
transfer the request file to a USB drive and send it from another computer.

Saved Request for a License

Viewing License Alerts

CounterACT License Alerts provide information about the status of licenses that you
have already installed.

To view License alerts:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Select License and then Alerts from the drop-down list. The License Alerts
dialog box opens.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

License Alerts

Appliance The CounterACT device name.

License Alerts All licenses that are near their expiration dates are listed in red.
Capacity Alert Indicates violation in bandwidth utilization and endpoint capacity
for the Appliance at which the license ins installed.
These alerts are displayed for informational purposes only, and no
action is taken by ForeScout if a violation occurs. Your Appliance,
however, may not work as efficiently when capacity violations
occur. See Appliance Bandwidth and Endpoint Capacity for details.

Viewing Appliance Health Information

You can view at-a-glance system health information about your Appliance. This
feature can be also used for troubleshooting.

To view health information:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Select an Appliance from the CounterACT Devices pane.
3. The Appliance health details are displayed in the Status section below.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

Health Information

Items in red may require your attention.

License The number of days remaining until the demo license expires.
Capacity Bandwidth and endpoint assignment capacity violations. See
Appliance Bandwidth and Endpoint Capacity for details.
Bandwidth Statistical information on bandwidth usage.
High Indicates whether a High Availability System is running.
Swap Indicates whether the swap exceeded 100 kbps consecutively in
the last one minute, i.e. swap polling exceeded 100 on each of
the polls (1 every five seconds). When this happens, the system
may work slowly. To resolve this issue, add physical memory to
the Appliance or replace the Appliance with a new Appliance that
has more physical memory.
Lost Packets Indicates whether the Appliance engine lost on an average more
than a 10% packet loss in the last one minute. Packet loss is
displayed in 10% accuracy, i.e. 0% is 0-10, 10% is 10-20, and
so on. The string O.K. is displayed if the packet loss is less than
10%. When packet loss is more than 10%, HTTP Redirection and
Virtual Firewall may not work consistently. For the same source
and destination, they might work in some cases and fail in
others. To resolve, upgrade the Appliance or configure the
channels to monitor less traffic.
CPU Utilization Indicates the percentage of actual CPU Utilization. If the value is
high, contact your CounterACT, ForeScout representative.
Time Gap from Indicates whether the time set at the Enterprise Manager and at
EM an Appliance varies by more than five minutes. When this
happens, the event time may be incorrectly displayed at the
Console. To resolve this, the Appliance or the Enterprise Manager
clock should be reset.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

Delay from EM Indicates whether the communication delay between the

Enterprise Manager and an Appliance is more than one minute. If
this happens, contact your ForeScout, CounterACT
Uptime The amount of time the Appliance has been running.
Time Gap from Indicates the time delay between the Console and the Appliance.
NTP Indicates the NTP server connection status and server IP
Packet Engine Indicates the status of the CounterACT packet engine: this is the
engine that runs the Appliance. If this is down, many of your
CounterACT features will not work.
Channels Indicates if Channel connections are working properly.
Connection Information about the connection between the Appliance and the
Enterprise Manager. An error may include, for example, a version
Action Indicates that actions are on-hold on the Appliance. This happens
Threshold when endpoints exceed the action threshold defined for the
Appliance. Action thresholds are designed to automatically
implement safeguards when using restrictive actions. See
Working with Action Thresholds for details.

4. Select Close.

Registering Appliances with the Enterprise Manager

Your system is installed to begin working with minimal user intervention. However,
the tools provided for managing the Appliances through the Enterprise Manager are
only available when you register your Appliances with the Enterprise Manager.
Appliances may have been added via the Initial Setup wizard. If necessary, you can
add additional Appliances after the wizard is finished.
You must have a CounterACT license installed for each Appliance in your system, and
for the Enterprise Manager.

To add a new Appliance:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Select Add. The Add CounterACT Appliance dialog box opens.

Add CounterACT Appliance

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3. Type the Appliance IP address.

4. The default port number is displayed, which it is recommended not to change.
This port is used to enable a network connection.
5. Type the admin password that should be used to connect to this Appliance.
6. Select the folder in which you want to add the Appliance. For more
information about how to work with folders, see Managing Groups of
7. Select OK. Messages indicate that the components are connecting and that
the Appliance is being registered with the Enterprise Manager. You are
prompted to verify the Appliance public key signature before continuing.

Public Key Dialog Box

8. To verify the Appliance key, log in to the Appliance as root and run the
following command:
fstool key

A message opens with the key ID.

9. An Initial Setup wizard opens. Set up the Appliance as required. See Set Up
an Appliance with Enterprise Manager Settings for more information.

Upgrading Appliance Software

You can upgrade your version of the software from the Console. The procedure here
applies to High Availability devices as well.
Refer to the CounterACT Release Notes this version for important upgrade
Not all users have access to the tools detailed in this section. See Access to Console
Tools Permissions for information about granting and preventing access.

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To upgrade Appliance software:

1. Before upgrading Appliances, you should upgrade your Enterprise Manager.
See Upgrading the Enterprise Manager Software.
High Availability Devices For High Availability devices, back up the
cluster before you upgrade. See Backing Up and Restoring System and
Component Settings. The cluster must be up when you upgrade.
2. Download or acquire the upgrade file and save it to a location on your
3. Select Options from the Tools menu.
CounterACT devices are shown with their current version.
4. Select Appliances and then select Upgrade. Do not select Enterprise
Managers as well because you cannot upgrade both Appliances and Enterprise
Managers at the same time. The Selection of service-pack file dialog box
5. Locate the upgrade file that you saved on your computer and select OK.
6. When prompted, read the release notes.
7. The Upgrade dialog box opens and the upgrade begins.
All items that you selected for upgrade are shown in the top of the window.
When you select an item in the top of the window, its upgrade progress log is
shown in the bottom of the window.
High Availability Devices Upgrade for High Availability devices can take a
long time (up to a number of hours). If the upgrade of the second node and
the synchronization are not shown in the log, you can verify status via icons
on the Console status bar:

Indicates the status of the High Availability Appliances connected to

the Enterprise Manager.

Indicates the status of the Enterprise Manager High Availability


Indicates that High Availability is down on the Appliance.

Indicates that High Availability is down on the Enterprise Manager.

8. When the upgrade is complete, select OK.

High Availability Upgrade Options

High Availability upgrades are performed on both nodes in the cluster. Use the
upgrade dialog box to indicate if you want to complete the upgrade if one of the
nodes of the cluster cannot be properly upgraded.
If you clear the checkbox, the upgrade will only continue if both nodes are running
and functional. If you select the checkbox, the upgrade will continue even if the
standby node is not working or powered-off.

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High Availability Upgrade

Troubleshooting the Upgrade

Troubleshooting logs and web pages are available to help you handle upgrade
complications. The web pages are accessed from the CounterACT Options window,
Appliances>Device, Status section. The logs are displayed during the upgrade
process in the Upgrade Progress dialog box.

Troubleshooting High Availability Upgrade Log

Upgrading the Console

During Appliance upgrade, any Consoles applications connected to the Appliance lose
their connection. When the upgrade is available, you are informed that your Console
software needs to be automatically updated.
For more information about updating Console software see Upgrading the Console.

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Starting and Stopping Appliances

When an Appliance stops, Threat Protection, NAC, Discovery detections and other
functionality are stopped. In addition, plugin functionality is stopped. This means
that blocked endpoints are released and plugin actions previously taken on endpoints
are undone.
When you start the Appliance again, plugin activity and endpoint detection resume.
In addition, all endpoints that were released as a result of the Stop operation are
returned to their previous state.
See Access to Console Tools Permissions for more information about granting and
preventing access to this feature.

To start or stop an Appliance:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. From the CounterACT Devices pane right-click an Appliance and then select
Start or Stop.

Stop Appliance Confirmation

3. Select Yes. The Stopping Appliance dialog box opens.

Stop Appliance

4. Select Close. The Appliance is displayed as stopped.

To start or stop the Appliance if you are logged on to a single Appliance:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Select the Appliance from the Appliances pane and then select Start or Stop.

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Managing Groups of Appliances

CounterACT Appliance folders let you simplify and unify CounterACT device
management and configuration tasks. These folders are especially useful for medium
and large scale deployments. This section discusses the following topics:
Organizing Appliance Installations into Logical Groups
Updating Appliance Connection Details
Configuring Sets of Appliances Simultaneously
Viewing and Managing Plugin Assignments per Folder

Organizing Appliance Installations into Logical Groups

The Appliance Folders feature lets you organize your network Appliances into logical
groups in a tree structure, helping you to create a visual representation of your
network Appliance deployment. You can, for example, organize Appliances that
manage endpoints in Los Angeles in a Los Angeles folder, while Appliances that
manage endpoints in Hong Kong would be in a Hong Kong folder.

CounterACT Device Management

To create an Appliance folder:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Select Add (the plus symbol) in the dedicated toolbar above the Devices root
listing in the CounterACT Devices pane. Alternately, you can right-click the
Appliances root listing and select Add folder. The Add Appliance Folder
dialog box opens.

Add Application Group Folder

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3. Name the folder and select OK. The folder appears under the Appliances
4. To edit, remove and move a folder, use the respective toolbar buttons or
right-click a folder and select the desired action.

To move an Appliance folder:

1. Right-click the folder that you want to move and select Move Folder.

Folder Move

2. Select the target folder to which to move the active folder.

3. Select OK. The folder is moved.

Updating Appliance Connection Details

Update the IP address or port number used to connect an Appliance with an
Enterprise Manager, while preserving all Appliance configurations. You may need to
do this if:
The Appliance IP address changes and you want to connect using the new IP
address. In this case, the Status column and at the Device Alert column will
indicate that the Appliance is disconnected.
You can use the fstool netconfig command to change the Appliance IP.
See Changing Operating System Network Configurations for details.
The Appliance is connected using the IPv4 address and the user wants to
connect to it using its IPv6 address. In this case, the Status column and at
the Device Alert column will indicate that the Appliance is connected.

To update Appliance connection details:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Select an Appliance from the CounterACT Devices pane and then select
IP/Port. The Appliance IP/Port Details dialog box opens.

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Appliance IP/Port Details

3. Enter the new IP address or host name of the Appliance. Verify that you have
updated the Appliance IP address and name on the machine.
4. Enter a port number of the Appliance. This port is used to communicate with
the Enterprise Manager and the Appliance Console.
5. Enter a password for the admin user for this Appliance. Verify that you have
updated the password for this user from the Appliance Console.
Log in to the Console for this Appliance and select
Tools>Options>Console User Profiles. See Modifying User Details for
information about changing the password. You must enter the current
password even when only updating the IP address and name or port.
6. Select OK. The Appliance connection details are updated. The Device Alerts
and connection status indicator columns in the CounterACT Devices pane will
be updated to indicate that the Appliance is connected.

Configuring Sets of Appliances Simultaneously

You can configure groups of Appliances with identical configuration for specific
features. This ensures more streamlined configurations across the network. For
details, see Configuring Features .

Viewing and Managing Plugin Assignments per Folder

You can quickly view all CounterACT devices that have installed a specific plugin.
Management tasks, for example, Start, Stop, Rollback and Configure, can also be
performed from this dialog box.

To work with plugin assignments on a folder basis:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Plugins.

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2. Double-click the plugin of interest. The <Plugin_Name> Appliances Installed

dialog box opens.

Manage Plugin Assignments

3. From the left pane navigate to and select the Appliance, folder or Enterprise
Manager to display the list of devices on which the plugin is installed.
4. Select Close to close the dialog box.

Appliance Bandwidth and Endpoint Capacity

A permanent license, issued per Appliance, includes the number of endpoints and the
bandwidth allotted to the Appliance. This number is set automatically based on a
default value assigned to the hardware model of your Appliance. Limiting the number
of endpoints per Appliance enables CounterACT to perform more effectively.
When the number of endpoints is exceeded, warnings are issued at the Appliance
and Enterprise Manager Consoles, the Executive Dashboard and in trace log files.

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To view alerts:
1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Select Alerts from the License button drop-down list in the CounterACT
Devices pane.
Details are provided in the Capacity Alert column on any Appliances that have
exceeded the number of allotted endpoints and bandwidth.

License Alerts

The following is an example of a warning issued in the Executive Dashboard.


Working with Appliance Channel Assignments

A channel defines a pair of interfaces used by the Appliance to protect your network.
In general, one interface monitors traffic going through the network (monitor
interface). The other interface generates traffic back into the network (response
interface). Response traffic is used to:

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Protect against self-propagating malware, worms and hackers.

Carry out Virtual Firewall blocking.
Perform policy actions. These actions may include, for example, redirecting
web browsers or blocking access to the Internet.
A single interface may also be used as both the monitoring and response interface.
Monitoring and response interfaces are recorded at the Data Center when installing
the Appliance. In addition, the appropriate physical connections are made when
connecting the Appliance to the switch.
When first logging in to the Console, the Initial Setup wizard prompts you to define
Channel interface settings to match these connections. These settings appear in the
Channels pane. They are also displayed when you select Edit in the CounterACT
Devices pane and then select the Channels tab.
If they were not defined via the wizard, you should define them here. See Adding
Channels for more information.
If this task was completed by the wizard, use the Channels pane to edit and remove
channel definitions, modify VLAN tagging definitions and manually define VLANs.

If you change the monitoring interface assignment because no traffic is

detected, or for any other reason, you must readjust the physical interface
connections at the Data Center.

About VLAN Tagged Traffic

By default, all VLAN tagged traffic and all untagged traffic is monitored by the
Appliance. The Appliance matches these tags when sending response packets. This
means response traffic has VLAN IDs identical to the IDs of the original monitored
traffic. This (recommended) default applies when monitoring and responding to a
trunk port.

Adding Channels
It is recommended that you create channels to match Appliance interface
connections to monitor and respond to traffic on network interfaces.

To add channels:
1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Channels.
2. Use the Select Appliance drop-down list to select the Appliance to which you
want to add channels. If you already defined channels from the Initial Setup
wizard, the pane displays channels and related traffic detected on the

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Channels Pane

3. Select the Channel drop-down list and then select Add. The Add Channel
dialog box opens.

Add Channel Dialog Box, Basic Setup

The interfaces detected on your Appliance appear in the Interface List. Every
few seconds, traffic is captured on the selected interface according to the
various VLANs.
Review the interfaces and related information to verify that traffic is being
seen on interfaces to which you connected at the Data Center, for example, if
traffic is actually mirrored. If you change monitoring an interface assignment
in this dialog box because no traffic is detected or for any other reason, you
must go back to the Data Center and read just the physical interface

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The following information is available:

Status If the interface is up or down.

IF (Interface) The monitoring interface.
Total Traffic Total VLAN traffic monitored by the interface.
Mirrored The percentage of total traffic that is not broadcast and not
directed at the Appliance. This information allows you to know if
the device is monitoring traffic. A value of less than 20% indicates
that the switch was not correctly configured.
Under most circumstances, the mirrored traffic percentage should
be very high on all but the relatively quiet VLANs. A quiet VLAN
displays a high percentage of Broadcast traffic.
Broadcast The percentage of Broadcast traffic detected on the VLAN.
Unicast The percentage of Unicast traffic sent to and from the Ethernet
address on the interface.
# VLANs VLAN number.
IP Address Interface IP address.
Speed Duplex Current speed and whether the interface is automatic or full or
half duplex.
Conf Configured speed and whether the interface is automatic or full or
Speed/Duplex half duplex.
Description Interface description.

Troubleshooting alerts appear at the bottom of the dialog box if traffic

detection is exceptionally low or high.
4. Select the Monitor drop-down list and assign the interface connected at the
Data Center to a mirroring port.
5. Select the Response drop-down list and assign the interface connected at the
Data Center.
6. Select OK. The Channels pane displays the channel setup that you defined.
Alternatively, select Advanced to modify VLAN tagging definitions. See
Customizing VLAN Tagging Definitions.

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Channels Manager

The dialog box contains the following information:

Enabled Activates the channel configuration.

(checkbox) Monitoring and response activity will not function until you select
Apply from the Channels pane.
Monitor Interface Information
Monitor Displays all VLAN IDs discovered for the selected monitoring
VLAN interface.
If you defined a channel that works with an IP layer, that VLAN is
displayed as IP LAYER.
Traffic Displays total VLAN traffic detected on the monitored interface.
Mirrored Displays the percentage of mirrored traffic from the total VLAN
Traffic traffic.
Symmetric Indicates whether the interfaces passed the Symmetric Traffic test.
Traffic The test verifies that the Appliance can see symmetric traffic on the
monitoring interfaces. That is, for every TCP conversation both
incoming and outgoing traffic is visible. When this condition is
detected, the traffic received on the channel is ignored until the
condition has cleared.
The test runs continually.
If the test failed, you can review related troubleshooting information
at the bottom of the Channels pane.
# of Hosts Displays the total number of endpoints monitored on the VLAN.
Response Interface Information
Response Displays all VLAN IDs discovered for the selected response interface.
Traffic Displays total VLAN traffic detected on the response interface.

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Response Indicates whether the Response test succeeded on the VLAN. The
test verifies that the Appliance successfully sends response traffic to
the network.
The test runs continually.
If the test failed, you can review related troubleshooting information
at the bottom of the Channels pane.
IP Address Response interface IP address Displays the DHCP address used by
the Appliance for response traffic. By default, the IP address is
acquired through DHCP.
If the DHCP is not successful, CounterACT will not be able to respond
to ARP requests. In this case, manually define the address.
Addresses are defined per VLAN, if required. See Manually Adding a
VLAN for more information.

7. Select Use DHCP by Default if a DHCP address is used by CounterACT for

monitored traffic. Clear Use DHCP by Default to manually configure the IP
8. Select the Enabled checkbox for each VLAN that you want to activate.
9. Select Apply. A Symmetric and Response test is performed. If the test fails,
you can review related troubleshooting information at the bottom of the
dialog box.

Customizing VLAN Tagging Definitions

By default, all VLAN tagged and untagged traffic is monitored by the Appliance.
These tags are matched when sending response packets. This means that response
packets have VLAN IDs identical to the IDs of the monitoring packet that triggered
the response. This default (recommended) applies when monitoring and responding
to a trunk port.
Appliance Management Interface VLAN Tagging Requirements
The Appliance Management interface should be untagged.

Management Interface

To customize:
1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Channels.
2. Select the Channel drop-down list and then select Add. The basic Add
Channel dialog box opens.

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Basic Add Channel Dialog Box

3. Using the Monitor and Response drop-down lists, define the channel
monitor and response settings and then select Advanced. The advanced Add
Channel dialog box opens.

Advanced Add Channels Dialog Box

4. In the Monitor Advanced VLAN Options section:

Select All Traffic (Tagged & Untagged) to monitor all traffic on the
Select All Tagged Traffic to monitor all tagged traffic on the interface.
Select Untagged to monitor untagged traffic on the interface.
Select Custom to define specific VLAN IDs to include or exclude from the
definition. You can include untagged traffic in this list by selecting Include
Untagged Traffic.

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Custom Monitored VLANs

5. In the Response Advanced VLAN Options section:

Select Match Monitoring Tags to send response packets with VLAN IDs
identical to the IDs of the monitoring packet that triggered the response.
Use this option when responding to a trunk port.
Select Untagged if the response packets for this channel are not tagged
with VLAN IDs.
Select Custom to define a specific VLAN ID. This option is used when
responding to a tagged port, on behalf of untagged traffic.
IP layer
The Appliance can use its own management interface to respond to traffic.
Although this mode can be used with any channel, it is ideal where the
Appliance is monitoring ports which are not part of any VLAN, and thus
there is no way to respond to the monitored traffic using any other switch
port. This is typical when monitoring a link connecting two routers. Using
this mode has the limitation of not being able to respond to ARP requests,
which limits the ability of CounterACT to detect scans aimed at the IP
addresses included in the monitored subnet. This limitation does not apply
when traffic between two routers is being monitored.
6. Select OK. The Add Channel dialog box closes.
7. Select Apply to activate the configuration.

Manually Adding a VLAN

Add a VLAN to monitor a specific path of traffic. You may need to do this, for
example, if there is currently no traffic running on the VLAN.
If this is the case, search for possible reasons, for example, the interface is not
connected, a switch is not correctly configured, or the ports are down.

To add a VLAN:
1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Channels.
2. Use the Select Appliance drop-down list to select the Appliance to which you
want to add a VLAN. The Appliance channel list is displayed in the Channels
3. From the VLAN drop-down list select Add. The Add VLAN on Channel dialog
box opens.

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Add VLAN on Channel Dialog Box

4. Configure the VLAN settings and select OK.

Console Indicators
An indicator is displayed on the Console status bar if:
There is a connectivity problem on enabled VLANs or defined channels.
No channels are enabled.
A new VLAN is automatically discovered by the Appliance.
A tooltip provides details about the event that occurred:

Indicator and Tooltip

Viewing Information about CounterACT Devices

To view and edit information about a CounterACT device:
1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Select the CounterACT device in the CounterACT Devices pane for which you
require information. The Status section opens beneath the listing of all

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3. Double-click the CounterACT device to open the Host Details dialog box. The
Host Details dialog box opens with three tabs; Status, Channels and IP
Assignment. Alternately, you can select Edit in the CounterACT Devices pane
to access this information.

Status Tab
You can view at-a-glance system health information about Appliances using
this tab.
Information about Appliance health is displayed in a tooltip that opens when
you hover over a specific Appliance in the Status column of the CounterACT
Appliances pane. Icons summarize the Appliance status in the Status column.
Appliance health information is also displayed in the Status tab when you
double-click an Appliance or when you select Edit in the CounterACT Devices
If the status of any item in the Status section is acceptable and does not
require special attention, it is shown in black. Alerts are shown in orange, and
error messages in red.

System Health Information

Information displayed is useful for troubleshooting. Entries in red may require your
special attention.
The following information is displayed about the Appliance status.

Item Description
License The validity of a license, and the time remaining to expiration, if
Capacity The bandwidth and number of endpoints per Appliance.

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Item Description
High Availability High Availability system status information:
N/A: No High Availability system is installed.
UP: High Availability is installed and running. Both nodes are up
and synchronized.
Not supported: Versions are incompatible.
Degraded: Review the tooltip for details about why the High
Availability system was degraded.
Refer to the CounterACT Installation Guide for more information about
High Availability.
Swap Indicates whether the swap exceeded 100 kilobytes per second
consecutively in the last one minute, i.e., swap polling exceeded 100 on
each of the polls (1 every five seconds). When this happens, the
system may work slowly. To resolve this issue, add physical memory to
the Appliance or replace the Appliance with a new Appliance that has
more physical memory.
Lost Packets Indicates whether the Appliance engine experienced on an average
more than a 10% packet loss in the last one minute. Packet loss is
displayed in 10% accuracy blocks, i.e., 0% is 0-10, 10% is 10-20, and
so on. OK is displayed if the packet loss is less than 10%. When packet
loss is more than 10%, HTTP Redirection and Virtual Firewall may not
work consistently. For the same source and destination, they might
work in some cases and fail in others. To resolve this issue, upgrade
the Appliance or configure the channels to monitor less traffic.
CPU Utilization Indicates the percentage of actual CPU Utilization. If the value is high,
contact your ForeScout, CounterACT representative.

Channels Tab
Entries in the Channels tab indicate the logical setup and traffic between the monitor
and response interfaces that the CounterACT Appliance uses to interact with the

Appliance Channel Details

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Alerts on specific channels where traffic problems have been detected are shown at
the bottom of the Channels pane.

To modify the listings and monitor traffic:

Select Channel to add, edit or remove channel listings.
Select VLAN to add a single VLAN listing, or to perform actions on all VLANs
listed including remove, enable and disable.
Use Traffic to view traffic being monitored by a specific interface.
For details about how to work with channels, see Working with Appliance Channel

IP Assignment Tab
Use the IP Assignment tab to view information about Appliance IP address
assignments for the endpoints in your Internal Network. For details, see Assigning
Network IPs to Appliances .

Viewing Appliance Traffic Statistics

View dynamic network traffic information about the Appliances in your enterprise.

To view traffic:
1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Right-click an Appliance from the Devices pane and select Traffic. The Traffic
dialog box opens.

Appliance Traffic Dialog Box

For more information about Appliance traffic see Adding Channels.

Assigning Network IPs to Appliances

IP addresses in your Internal Network must be assigned to a specific Appliance.
Assignments are usually made so that an Appliance manages endpoints that are
geographically close or manages IP address ranges of the broadcast domains into
which it is tapping.

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Distributing the work load among various Appliances:

Improves performance.
Improves robustness and responsiveness.
Avoids a situation in which the Enterprise Manager is not a single point of
failure, if the Enterprise Manager should temporarily disconnect.
Each network IP address is only assigned to one Appliance.

To assign IPs to an Appliance:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Select an Appliance from the CounterACT Devices pane and then select Edit.
The Details dialog box for the Appliance opens.
3. Select the the IP Assignment tab.

Specific Appliance IP Assignments

4. Add, edit or remove ranges as required.

5. Select Apply.
Alternatively, you can view all Appliances assigned to an Enterprise Manager and
make IP assignments from this view.
To view all Appliances and edit IP assignments:
1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Open the CounterACT Devices folder and select IP Assignments. The IP
Assignments pane opens.

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All Appliance IP Assignments

3. Select an Appliance and select Edit. The Assign IP Address Range dialog box
4. Select a range. Add, edit or remove as required and select OK.
5. Select Close from the CounterACT Devices>IP Assignment pane.

Overlapping IP Assignments
CounterACT verifies that each network IP address is only assigned to one Appliance.
This ensures, for example, accurate endpoint monitoring and policy execution.
If you mistakenly define an IP to more than one Appliance, CounterACT displays a
table that lists the ranges and segments to which the overlapping IP was defined.
Review this information and update IP assignments in the IP Assignment dialog box
so that each IP is only assigned to one Appliance. You can export the information in
the table to a .CSV file.

IP Assignment Overlap

Viewing Unassigned IPs

Unassigned endpoints can be viewed in the Detections pane by selecting Show Only

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View Unassigned IPs

Running Configuration Scripts on CounterACT Devices

You can manage pre-defined scripts to run on CounterACT devices. Scripts can be
run automatically as Appliances are added to the environment, or on existing
Appliances. Scripts can be used for additional post-setup configuration steps specific
to the operating environment. For example, the script can implement access
restrictions that harden the Appliance to match corporate network security protocols.

To run shell scripts on Appliances, you must have Update level permission for
the Multiple CounterACT Appliance Management permission. To
add/edit/delete shell scripts, you must have Update level permission for the
CounterACT Device Script Management permission. See Access to
Console Tools Permissions for details about acquiring permissions.

Upload Scripts to Enterprise Manager

Scripts should use standard shell script syntax. Use Macintosh/Linux end-of-line
syntax \n instead of the combined carriage-return and end-of-line \r\n used in
Windows environments.

To upload shell scripts to Enterprise Manager:

1. Log in to the Console on the Enterprise Manager. Select the Options icon from
the Console toolbar.
2. In the Options tree, select Advanced > Configuration Script. The
CounterACT Device Scripts pane appears.
3. To add a script, select Add. The New Script dialog box opens.

New Script

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Enter a unique Name and a Description for the script in these fields.
Select Browse and navigate to the shell script file. Select the file and
select OK.
In the Default Parameter Values field, enter values for variable
parameters in the script. Separate values with spaces. When the script
runs, values are assigned to parameters in the order in which they occur
during script processing. You can overwrite these defaults when you run
scripts on individual Appliances.
Select OK to add the script to the table.

Run Scripts on an Appliance

When you run a shell script on an Appliance, CounterACT copies the script file to the
following directory on the Appliance:

The script is run locally, independent of the Enterprise Manager. The root for relative
pathnames is:

Log files are output to the following directory:


Output files are named using the following convention:


To run shell scripts during initial setup of an Appliance:

1. Log in to the Console on the Enterprise Manager. Select the Options icon from
the Console toolbar.
2. In the Options tree, select CounterACT Devices. Select Add and specify an
Appliance to add to the Enterprise Manager.
3. Configure the settings in the Run Appliance Script pane of the Initial Setup
Wizard. See Set Up an Appliance with Enterprise Manager Settings for more

To manually run a shell script on Appliances:

1. Log in to the Console on the Enterprise Manager. Select the Options icon from
the Console toolbar.
2. In the Options tree, select CounterACT Devices.
3. Select one or more Appliances, right-click and select CounterACT Device
Scripts > Run. The Run Configuration Script dialog box opens.

Run Configuration Script

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

In the Select Script drop-down, choose a script. The drop-down lists

scripts uploaded to the Enterprise Manager.
(Optional) In the Default Parameters field, edit the default parameter
4. Select OK. CounterACT copies the script to the Appliances, and runs it using
the parameter values you specified.

To retrieve output logs from the most recently run shell script:
1. Log in to the Console on the Enterprise Manager. Select the Options icon from
the Console toolbar.
2. In the Options tree, select CounterACT Devices.
3. Select an Appliance, right-click and select CounterACT Device Scripts >
Export Last Output. The Export dialog opens.
4. Browse to the directory to which CounterACT should copy output files, and
specify a target file.
5. Select Export. CounterACT retrieves the latest script output log file and
overwrites the target file.

Configuring Features for an Appliance or Group

of Appliances
You can configure plugins and features for individual Appliances, or to a group of
Appliances. This allows easy support of large, geographically dispersed
environments. These tools are available for various plugins and features, for
example, the HPS Inspection Engine Plugin and Web, Console and Mail settings.
Configuration settings are organized using a row of tabs. Each tab duplicates all
the configuration fields in the pane. Initially, only the Default tab is present.

In the following example, additional tabs have been added, with separate
configurations for regional groups of Appliances.

Use the following controls to create and manage configurations:

Select the Plus-sign tab to create a new configuration.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

When there are several configurations, it may be difficult to locate the

configuration that applies to a specific device. Select the device from the
CounterACT Devices drop-down. The configuration that applies to that device
is highlighted for editing.

Apply Uniform Configuration Settings to All Appliances

The settings of the Default tab apply to all CounterACT devices that are not included
in other configurations. If you do not create other configurations, these settings
apply to all CounterACT devices. Settings for the Enterprise Manager are defined only
in the Default tab. As a result, the Enterprise Manager is not available when you
define a new tab for configuration settings.

Define a Configuration for a Single Device or Group of

Use this procedure to define configuration settings that apply to a specified
CounterACT device or group of devices.

To create a separate configuration for a device or group of devices:

1. Select the Plus-sign tab. The Select CounterACT devices to configure dialog
box opens.

Select devices to configure

2. Select the CounterACT devices to which these configuration settings will apply
3. (Optional) Specify a text label for this configuration instance in the Name
(Optional) field.
4. Select OK. A new tab appears in the pane.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

Configuration settings you define while this tab is selected apply only to the
CounterACT devices you selected in step 2.

Editing and Updating a Configuration

Use the Edit and Delete icons to update a configuration.

To modify the scope of configuration settings:

1. Select the Edit icon on a tab. The Edit devices to configure dialog box
2. Edit the devices to which these configuration settings apply:
Select devices to add to the configuration.
Clear selected devices to remove them from the configuration.
3. (Optional) Modify the text label of the configuration.
4. Select OK to save changes to the configuration.

To delete a configuration:
1. Select the Delete icon x on a tab.
2. Select Yes to confirm deletion.
The configuration tab is removed from the pane.

Settings of the Default tab apply to all devices that were in the scope of the
deleted configuration.

Limiting User Access to Appliances

Endpoint IP address assignments made to a particular Appliance may be out of your
user Scope. When this happens, you cannot configure or edit the configuration.
Appliances that contain endpoint IP assignments out of your scope are displayed with
an empty red circle or red circle with a line through it.
An empty red circle indicates that you do not have access to any IP addresses
managed by the Appliance. A circle with a line indicates that you have partial access.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

Select Appliances

Scope definitions are made by CounterACT administrators for the purpose of granting
and limiting user access to specific endpoints or segments in the network. Scope
definitions are configured in the Console Users pane. To access the pane, select
Options from the Tools menu and then select Console User Profile.

Viewing Limitations
Certain Appliances that you want to view may contain endpoint IP address
assignments that are not in your Scope. When this happens, you may not be able to
view the Appliance configuration and change it.
Appliances that contain endpoint IP address assignments partially out of your Scope
will appear with a red circle and line through it.

Other endpoint IP address assignments made to an Appliance may be entirely out of

your user scope. When this happens, the Appliance does not appear in the drop-
down list.
Scope definitions are made by CounterACT administrators for the purpose of granting
and limiting user access to specific endpoints or segments in the network. Scope
definitions are configured in the Console Users pane. To access the pane, select
Options from the Tools menu and then select Console User Profiles.

Control Command-line Access to CounterACT

CounterACT devices expose a command-line interface (CLI) that is used by
administrators for device installation and setup, or to issue fstool commands, or
when file import/export tools are not supported by the Console.

The user accounts defined at the CLI level are not related to Console users.

The following tools support more secure management of CLI level access.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

Configure Access Security Features for Command-Line Users

Configure Session Security Features for Command-Line Interaction

Configure Access Security Features for Command-Line

Use this procedure to define minimum acceptable password requirements for users
logging in to CounterACT devices through the command-line interface. In addition,
you can configure features such as lockout and inactive account suspension.

To configure password handling for command-line users:

1. In the Console, select Options from the Tools menu.
2. In the Options pane, select Plugins and then select CounterACT
Infrastructure Update Pack.

CLI Access Tab

3. (Optional) Define or modify a configuration that applies to a subset of

CounterACT devices. See Configuring Features for an Appliance or Group of
4. In the CLI Access tab, select Enable password options for command-line
Appliance access and configure the following fields.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

Minimum length (characters) Passwords with fewer characters than the

number specified are rejected. Longer
minimum word lengths enhance security.
Minimum number of upper case Passwords that contain fewer characters of
alphabetic characters each type than specified are rejected.
Minimum number of lower case Requiring passwords with different types of
alphabetic characters characters enhances security.

Minimum number of numerical

Minimum number of special (non-
alphanumeric) characters
Maximum number of repeated Passwords with more unique characters are
characters more secure. The password fffaA1v22
contains three repeated characters: f,f,2.
Number of previous passwords Requiring users to submit a password not
that cannot be reused recently used enhances security.
Minimum password lifetime (days): Preventing users from immediately
password cannot be changed changing a new password enhances
Maximum password lifetime Requiring users to change their password
(days): password expires regularly enhances security.
Maximum inactive period (days): When a user account has been inactive for
account is disabled the specified time period, it is disabled.
Disabling dormant accounts enhances
Lock Account: maximum number of If a user submits the specified number of
failed login attempts incorrect passwords within the specified
time period, the account is locked for the
Lock Account: maximum period for specified time period.
consecutive failed logins (seconds)
This feature prevents brute-force login
Lock Account: period that account attacks.
remains locked (seconds)

Configure Session Security Features for Command-Line

Use this procedure to define session timeouts and other security features that apply
when users log in to CounterACT devices through the command-line interface.

To configure security features for command-line interaction:

1. In the Console, select Options from the Tools menu.
2. In the Options tree, select Plugins and then select CounterACT
Infrastructure Update Pack.
3. (Optional) Define or modify a configuration that applies to a subset of
CounterACT devices. See Configuring Features for an Appliance or Group of
4. Select the CLI Options tab.

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Chapter 15: Managing Appliances, Enterprise Managers and Consoles

CLI Options Tab

5. .Select Enable configuration options for command-line Appliance

access and configure the following fields.

Session timeout (seconds) When a session has been inactive for the specified
period, it is closed. Users can log in again
immediately. Closing inactive sessions enhances
Display this Notice and The text you enter here is displayed to users when
Consent Message for new they connect to the device. Do not enter line break
session: characters in this string.
Mirror system logs to this To mirror logs to an external repository, select this
external Syslog server: option and specify an external Syslog target.
Use enhanced auditing When this option is selected, CounterACT devices
configuration for security monitor additional events and conditions that
events indicate security exposure.
Lock enhanced auditing: It may be necessary to disable enhanced auditing,
reboot is required to disable for example if enhanced auditing causes
enhanced auditing performance issues.
When this option is selected, enhanced auditing
cannot be disabled from the Console. The device(s)
must be rebooted to disable enhanced auditing.

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Chapter 16: The Executive Dashboard
About the Executive Dashboard
What You See at the Dashboard
Chapter 16: The Executive Dashboard

About the Executive Dashboard

The Executive Dashboard is a web-based information center that delivers dynamic
at-a-glance information about:
Network compliance
Network threats
Network guests
Dashboard information is designed for corporate executives who want a quick
overview of this important network activity. This information is collected from
CounterACT policies and is automatically updated as endpoints are monitored and
controlled by CounterACT.

Accessing the Dashboard

Two methods are available for accessing the Dashboard.
Log in from the Console. By default, Console login grants access to
CounterACT web-based tools, such as the Dashboard, without additional login
prompts. You can however force a separate login to the Dashboard. See
Separate Login to Each CounterACT Web-Based Portal.
Log in from your web browser. Log in from a browser always requires

To access the Dashboard:

1. Do one of the following:
In the Console toolbar, select Tools>Dashboard from the menu or select
the Dashboard view.
Browse to the following URL:
Where <Device_IP> is the IP address of the Enterprise Manager or an
A login page opens.

When you access the dashboard from the Console, you may not be
prompted to log in. For more information see Separate Login to Each
CounterACT Web-Based Portal.

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Chapter 16: The Executive Dashboard

Dashboard Login Page

2. Enter the User Name and Password of a user that can access the
dashboard. Typically the credentials you use to access the Console also grant
access to the dashboard. For more information, see Creating Users and User
3. When Service Pack 2.2.0 or above is installed in your environment, you may
be able to use a Smart Card for authentication:

In some operating systems, you may not be prompted for all the login
steps described here.

a. Select the Login with Smart Card link. The Select a Certificate dialog
box opens.

Smart Card Login Select Certificate

b. Select a certificate and then select OK. A PIN dialog box may open.

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Chapter 16: The Executive Dashboard

Smart Card Login Enter PIN Code

c. Enter a PIN code and then select OK.

4. The Dashboard opens.

Dashboard Overview
This section provides a short overview of the information available at the Dashboard.
See What You See at the Dashboard for more detailed information.


The dashboard covers information about:

Item Description
Corporate The number of endpoints that have or have not fulfilled organizational
Network requirements for compliance policies, for example, the number of endpoints
Compliance that have and have not installed prohibited applications, for example,
instant messaging or peer-to-peer applications.

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Chapter 16: The Executive Dashboard

Item Description
Remediated The number of endpoints whose status changes from being noncompliant to
Hosts compliant within a certain time frame, for example, the number of
endpoints that installed prohibited peer-to-peer applications and then
uninstalled them.
Network The number of endpoints that are maliciously scanning or attempting to
Threats infect your network, for example, carrying out NetBIOS attacks or worm
infection attempts.
Network The number of endpoints in your organization not considered part of the
Guests corporate network, for example, personal laptops used by outside
contractors. CounterACT may have detected these endpoints when they did
not properly authenticate with the network.
Organizational A group of segments that has something in common, for example, the East,
Units West and Central Sales segments can be organized into the Sales
Organizational Unit. See Working with CounterACT Segments for more
information about segments.

Before You Begin

The following tasks should be performed before working with the dashboard.
Verify that you are working with Internet Explorer version 6 or above, or
Firefox version 2 or above.
Install Flash 8 or above on machines that are running the dashboard.
Enable JavaScript on the browsers that are running the dashboard.
Verify that the policies that you work with at the dashboard are defined to
include All IPs.
Run Basic CounterACT Templates.
Create Organizational Units.

Run Basic CounterACT Templates

Run the following templates in the order shown before working with the dashboard:
Asset Classification
Guest Policy
The Overall Endpoint Compliance Template or individual Compliance

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Chapter 16: The Executive Dashboard

Compliance Templates

These templates let you generate policies with information about compliant and
noncompliant endpoints and corporate and guest endpoints at your network. This
information is automatically applied to the dashboard.
For example, the Peer to Peer Compliance template policy is automatically integrated
with the dashboard. Endpoints that installed peer-to-peer applications are
automatically labeled not compliant while endpoints that have not installed these
applications are labeled compliant. See Working with Templates for details.
You can also create custom policies and categorize them as Compliance or
Corporate/Guest policies. These policies will also appear in the dashboard. See
Categorizing Policies for details.

Peer-to-peer Compliance

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Chapter 16: The Executive Dashboard

Create Organizational Units

An organizational unit reflects a group of CounterACT segments that have something
in common, for example, the East, West and Central Sales segments can be
organized into the Sales Organizational Unit.
In the Executive Dashboard the Compliance Trend and Organizational Unit
Compliance graphs are sorted according to organizational units. Before working
with the dashboard, you must create these units and assign segments to them. See
Working with Organizational Units for details.

You can also filter the view at the Detections pane according to a specific
organizational unit.

What You See at the Dashboard

The dashboard is divided into the following sections:
Compliance Trends
Remediation Trends
Real-Time Organizational Unit Compliance
Real-Time Overall Network Compliance
CounterACT Coverage
Additional Dashboard Tools

Compliance Trends

Compliance Trends

This section displays compliance trends for specified organizational units in your
enterprise. For example, you can display the number of endpoints in the sales

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Chapter 16: The Executive Dashboard

department that installed and did not install unauthorized peer-to-peer applications
over the last month.
Use the drop-down lists to select an organizational unit, a compliance policy and a
time period.
In addition to displaying compliance information about specific compliance policies,
you can also view results for total compliance. Endpoints that are total compliance
match at least one compliance requirement, and do not match any noncompliance
requirements. Some endpoints may match a compliance policy but are unlabeled for
other policies. This would make them overall or total compliant.
Use the tooltips to view information about how many endpoints were and were not
compliant at a specific time.
The tooltip is displayed when hovering over the graph lines with your cursor.


Remediation Trends

Remediation Trends

This section displays information about the number of remediated events for the
time period, policies and organizational units that you selected. A remediation event
occurs when the endpoint status changes from noncompliant to compliant, for
example, the number of endpoints that installed prohibited peer-to-peer applications
and then uninstalled them.

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Chapter 16: The Executive Dashboard

Real-Time Organizational Unit Compliance

Organizational Unit Compliance

This section shows real-time policy compliance statistics for organizational units in
your enterprise. For example, out of 981 employees in the sales force, 572 are
compliant and 409 are not compliant with organizational peer-to-peer policies. You
can choose to display organizational unit information for specific compliance policies
or all policies (total compliance).
An organizational unit represents a group of segments. For example, a Sales unit
may include East, West and Central Sales segments.
In addition to displaying organizational compliance information regarding specific
compliance policies, you can also view results for total compliance. Endpoints that
are total compliant match at least one compliance requirement, and do not match
any noncompliance requirements.
Some endpoints may match a compliance policy but are unlabeled for other policies.
This would make them total compliant.

Real-Time Overall Network Compliance

Overall Compliance

This section displays the percentage of overall compliant versus noncompliant

endpoints in your network. Endpoints that are overall compliant match at least one
compliance requirement, and do not match any noncompliance requirements. Some
endpoints may match a compliance policy but are unlabeled for other policies. This
would make them overall compliant.

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Chapter 16: The Executive Dashboard

Dashboard gauges provide information about network guests, malicious endpoints
and remediation events.

About Gauge Tools

The gauge needle indicates real-time detection information.
The gauge line indicates the weekly average, with the exception of
remediated endpoints.
Numerical values: weekly range.

Gauge Indicator

Authorized Guests are endpoints in your organization that you consider part of the
corporate network.
For example, an Authorized Guest could be a laptop used by an outside contractor
that authenticated to the network with the right credentials, whereas an
Unauthorized Guest did not properly authenticate. CounterACT will have detected
these endpoints when they attempted to authenticate with the network.
When working with policies that you manually add for integration with the
dashboard, you can decide which matched rules should be labeled rules that create
authorized and unauthorized endpoints.

Guests Gauge

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Chapter 16: The Executive Dashboard

Threats: Indicate how many endpoints are maliciously scanning or
attempting to infect your network, for example, carrying out NetBIOS attacks
or worm infection attempts. These endpoints are detected via the Threat
Protection Policy. See Chapter 12: Threat Protection for details.
Blocked: Indicates how many endpoints have been blocked by CounterACT
as a result of malicious activity. If you see that no machines have been
blocked, your Threat Protection Policy may be set to Monitor mode and not
Block mode.
Monitored: Indicates the total number of endpoints that are maliciously
scanning or attempting to infect your network, but are not blocked.

Threats Gauge

Remediation Event Daily

A remediation event occurs when the endpoint status changes from noncompliant to
compliant. For example, a remediation event occurs if a CounterACT policy detects
that an endpoint previously installed an unauthorized application and later detects
that it was removed. Results are displayed on a daily basis, and are recounted from
The gauge indicates:
Gauge needle: Number of remediation events from 12:00AM until now
Numerical values: Number of daily remediation events (12:00AM-11:59PM)
over the last week
Gauge line and number: Average number of daily remediation events

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Chapter 16: The Executive Dashboard

Remediations Gauge

CounterACT Coverage
Use this section to learn about endpoints that are monitored by CounterACT and
protected by CounterACT policies.

CounterACT Asset Coverage

The value shown in the Monitored section represents the number of endpoints
assigned to CounterACT Appliances. These endpoints can be controlled by
CounterACT policies.

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Chapter 16: The Executive Dashboard

The value shown in the Controlled section represents Windows, Macintosh and Linux
endpoints that are monitored by CounterACT Appliances and are within the scope of
at least one CounterACT policy. Other network types of devices are not included in
the calculation, for example, guest endpoints, virtual machines, printers and
switches are not included in the calculation.
The value shown in the Total section represents the complete number of endpoints
detected by CounterACT this includes endpoints detected by CounterACT passively
but not specifically assigned to an Appliance, as well as endpoints assigned to an
Appliance. See Assigning Network IPs to Appliances for information about assigning
endpoints to Appliances.

If the number of Monitored, Controlled and Total endpoints is less than the
total number of devices in your network, your entire network may not be well
protected. You may want to take measures to broaden the scope of your

Additional Dashboard Tools

Additional dashboard tools let you:
Create a PDF file
Change the user password
Add the dashboard to your browser favorites
Access more information about the dashboard

Dashboard Toolbar

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Chapter 17: Additional Options
Working with Internal Network Ranges
Managing Email Notification Addresses
Signing Emails with an S/MIME Certificate
Defining Endpoint Discovery Rules
Working with the Enforcement Mode
Backing Up and Restoring System and Component Settings
Recovering an Enterprise Manager
Language Support
Pre-Registration and Guest Registration Management
Chapter 17: Additional Options

Working with Internal Network Ranges

The range of computers protected by CounterACT is defined during the initial setup
at the Console. Your system was most probably configured to enable maximum
protection across your enterprise network.
You can change this configuration. Changes made however must be supported by
your network architecture. Specifically, addresses included must be visible to your
Not all users have access to the tools detailed in this section. See Chapter 14:
Managing Users, Access to Console Tools Permissions.
To achieve greater control and flexibility when working with hosts, you can use the
following options:
Working with Hosts without IP Addresses
Working with Hosts Whose IP Address Is Used by Another Host

To manage ranges:
1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Internal Network.

Internal Network Pane

2. Select Add/Edit. The IP Address Range dialog box opens.

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Chapter 17: Additional Options

IP Address Range Dialog Box

3. Update as required.
All IPs: Inspect all IP addresses in the Internal Network. In addition,
select this option if you want to detect IP addresses that are malicious but
are not part of the Internal Network and IP addresses that match a
session property that are not part of the Internal Network, for example, all
IP addresses that access the web server.
Segment: Select a segment from the drop-down list. Alternatively,
choose multiple segments by selecting OK and then selecting Segments.
IP Range: Insert an IP range.
4. Select OK to save the changes and close the dialog box.
5. Select Apply to apply the changes to the configuration.

To remove a range:
1. From the Internal Network pane, select a range and select Remove.
The range of selected addresses is no longer protected. This means
CounterACT no longer handles these endpoints.
2. Select Apply to apply the changes to the configuration.

Working with Hosts without IP Addresses

Detect and manage endpoints based on their MAC address when an IP address is not
available to CounterACT. This option is useful for example:
When a rogue device without an IP is discovered by the network switch.
When an IP address is discovered after the MAC address.
You want to create a white list of MAC addresses allowed to access your
network. Create the white lists and then add them to policies. See Defining
and Managing Lists details.
Devices with unknown IP addresses are presented at the Console with Layer 2
information only, i.e., information related to the switch at which the endpoint is
connected. When the IP address is discovered, and is part of the Internal Network,
comprehensive endpoint information is displayed, along with the discovered IP
If an IP address is later discovered, but that address is not in the Internal Network,
the endpoint will still be displayed in the Console with Layer 2 information. If your
system is discovering an extensive range of endpoints that are not part of your

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Chapter 17: Additional Options

Internal Network, you can disable this feature. After disabling, you must manually
delete the unwanted endpoints.
Only enable this option when the Internal Network includes all traffic monitored by

To enable MAC address detection functionality:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Internal Network.
The Internal Network pane opens.
2. Select Handle new hosts without an IP address.
Once this functionally is enabled you can perform the following:
Create a Policy Property That Detects Endpoints without an IP Address
Work with Properties and Actions on Endpoints without an IP Address

Create a Policy Property That Detects Endpoints without an IP Address

Use the Device information>IP Address property to discover machines at which no IP
address has been detected.

Unknown IP Property

Work with Properties and Actions on Endpoints without an IP Address

The following properties and actions can be performed on endpoints detected without
an IP address:
NIC vendor property
All Switch properties

Manage Actions
Add to Group
Recheck Host
Delete Host

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Chapter 17: Additional Options

Delete Properties

Audit Actions
Send Message to Syslog

Notify Actions

Send Email

Restrict Actions
Switch Block
Assign to VLAN
802.1X Plugin actions
Wireless Plugin actions
Perform these actions on endpoints without an IP address by selecting the Unknown
IP addresses option as part of the policy Scope.

Unknown IP Addresses

When selecting All IPs in a policy scope, CounterACT only handles endpoints that
are in the Internal Network.

Working with Hosts Whose IP Address Is Used by Another

Maintain host information on hosts that had an IP address within the Internal
Network but currently do not have one because another host obtained it. Use this
option for example, if you are working with guest hosts that may frequently log in
and out of the network. Selecting this option will retain previous authentication
events on these hosts, and (depending on the relevant policy) will not require them
to authenticate when they reconnect.

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Chapter 17: Additional Options

To retain disconnected host information:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Internal Network.
The Internal Network pane opens.
2. Select Retain disconnected host information for hosts whose IP
address is used by another host.

Managing Email Notification Addresses

The email addresses defined during initial setup are used to:
Send notices when specific endpoint events, email worm events and service
attacks occur. Not applicable to policy detections.
Send notices expiration warning notice regarding your licenses.
System operation alerts.
You can update the addresses to which CounterACT sends email alerts. Options are
available to add, modify or delete addresses.
Options are available to configure the mail options differently for different Appliances
in your enterprise and to view different configurations per Appliance. See Configuring
Features .

An option is also available to define the maximum number of emails delivered

to these addresses daily, and to define how many events are listed in each
email. See Operator Notification for information about Threat Protection mail,
and Policy Preferences.

To update the addresses:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select General>Mail.

Email Options

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Chapter 17: Additional Options

2. Update the address in the Operator email field. If you are using more than
one address, enter a space in between each address.
3. Enter mail relay, DNS domain, and DNS server values.
4. Select Apply to apply the changes to the configuration.
5. Select Test Email to send a test email to this address.

Signing Emails with an S/MIME Certificate

You can sign emails sent by CounterACT using a digital certificate, as specified by the
Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) standard.

This does not include mails sent by the ForeScout License Server. For
example mails sent regarding:
- CounterACT plugin module license request and approval status.
- CounterACT device license request and approval status.

To implement and manage this feature:

1. Use the fstool smime command to generate Certificate Signing Requests
(CSRs) that are submitted to a Certificate Authority (CA). See Generating a
Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for more information.
2. When the CA returns a signed certificate, use this command to import the
certificate for use by CounterACT. See Importing a Signed S/MIME Certificate
in a PEM file or Importing a Signed S/MIME Certificate in a PFX file for more
3. Use the Digital Signature pane in the Console Options view to set default
certificate behavior for system emails.
When digital signatures are enabled, all emails sent by CounterACT are signed using
the S/MIME certificate. The body of the email is sent as clear text in digitally signed
emails. It is not encrypted.
After a signed S/MIME certificate is imported into Enterprise Manager, you can
enable digital signing of email messages.

To work with digitally signed emails:

1. In the Console, select Options.
2. In the Options tree, select General > Digital Signature.

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Chapter 17: Additional Options

Digital Signature

3. Verify the S/MIME certificate: the tab shows data fields for the current signed
4. The Digitally sign all emails option controls this feature. Do one of the
To enable digitally signed emails, select this option.
To send emails without a digital signature, clear this option.
5. Select Apply.
6. To apply the settings of Step 4 to guest registration emails, restart the User
Directory Plugin.

The Windows Live Mail email client does not correctly display signed guest
registration emails.

When this feature is enabled, the Enterprise Manager applies the digital signature to
emails. Because of this, emails that normally are sent directly by the Appliance are
routed through the Enterprise Manager.

Defining Endpoint Discovery Rules

By default, CounterACT automatically discovers information about endpoints, for
example, MAC addresses and NetBIOS names. This is referred to as endpoint
property information.
Properties that are automatically discovered appear in the Home view, Detections
pane, the Assets Portal and the web reports.
By default the following properties are discovered:
Domain User names
NetBIOS host names
MAC Addresses

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DNS names
Basic User Directory Plugin properties (this plugin is bundled with
Switch Plugin properties (this plugin is bundled with CounterACT)
Additional properties may also be discovered by default, depending on the plugins
that you have installed. For example, if you installed the VPN Plugin, related VPN
properties are discovered.
You can use the Host Discovery feature to control properties automatically learned.
You may need to do this to:
Expand the information discovered at your network
Limit the information discovered at your network
Discover properties at specific network segments
Discover properties at specific times or under specific conditions
Expanding the Information Discovered by Default
You can update the default to include additional information, for example, properties
that are only available via the policy (Nmap details) or properties that are discovered
via plugins. See Chapter 8: Base Plugins and ForeScout Modules and Chapter 5:
Policy Management for more information.
Limiting the Information Discovered by Default
Under certain circumstances, you may want to prevent discovery tasks on endpoints,
where the information is not needed. You can use the host discovery wizard to
perform this task as well.
Certain properties are learned regardless of the limitations defined in the Host
Discovery tool, including:
Properties learned passively by CounterACT, for example, admission events,
MAC addresses, NetBIOS domain and host names or open ports.
Properties listed in policies.
Properties displayed in Detections pane columns.

Limiting discovery does not impact the policy discovery mechanisms. This
means that if you choose not to discover certain properties via the Network
Host Discovery Policy, they can still be discovered via the policy.

To define discovery rules:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Discovery.

By default, CounterACT collects information for properties displayed in the

Console table columns. You can disable this collection by clearing Resolve
properties displayed in the Console Detections pane.

By default, CounterACT presents users working in the Inventory with a

prompt to add properties to the Inventory Discovery rule. You can disable this
prompt by clearing Prompt user to add properties to the Inventory
Discovery rule.

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Discovery Pane

2. Select Add. Type a rule name and description.

Discovery Wizard, Name

3. Select Next. The Properties tab opens. Select the properties that should be

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Discovery Wizard, Properties

4. Select Next. The Scope tab and the IP Address Range dialog box open.

Discovery Wizard, IP Ranges

5. Use this dialog box to define the network segment or IP address range to
which to apply the rule.
All IPs: Include the entire Internal Network.
Network Segment: Select a network segment.
IP Range: Insert an IP address range.
Segments: Choose multiple segments. Select the segments and then
select OK.
6. Select OK. The added range is displayed.
7. Select Next. The Trigger tab opens.

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Discovery Wizard, Trigger

Use the trigger option to define when inspection is activated for this policy.
For example, the Admission Event trigger is activated when a user joins the
network. You can configure more than one trigger.
8. Select the trigger events required to initiate endpoint evaluation.

Time The policy is run at a certain date and time. Two options are available:
Based Every: Use this option to run a policy at specific intervals. Short
Recheck intervals are recommended, for example, if you want to check that
a web or email service is consistently running, or if you want to
verify the integrity of any other mission critical service in your
Scheduled: Define a schedule for running the policy.
Admission Three options are available:
Based None: Do not inspect on the basis of an admission event.
Recheck on any admission: When any of the following
admission events occur:
- An endpoint performed a DHCP request and then sends ARP
- An endpoint IP address was changed.
- A new endpoint was detected.
- An endpoint was connected to a switch port.
Customized: Customize admission based inspection. Select
Define to customize the admission values.
A delay time exits between the detection of Network Admission
triggers and the onset of the policy evaluation. When an endpoint
boots, the IP address is assigned rather quickly, before most of its
services have loaded. Waiting 30 seconds (default delay time)
increases the chances that the policy evaluation will start when more
details could be learned about the endpoint (after all services have
loaded). You can update the delay default time.

9. Select Finish.

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Working with the Enforcement Mode

Set up your system to work with either full enforcement or partial enforcement.
The Full Enforcement mode allows complete functionality.
The Partial Enforcement mode lets you monitor network traffic but limits your ability
to respond to it. Specifically, the Threat Protection, HTTP Actions and Virtual Firewall
options will be disabled. This mode is recommended for evaluation purposes only.
The Partial Enforcement Mode icon is displayed on the status bar if your
system is set to this mode.
The icon on the status bar may show that CounterACT is running in Forced Partial
Enforcement mode. This means that there may be connectivity problems between
CounterACT and the network.

To set the Enforcement mode:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select
General>Enforcement Mode.

Enforcement Mode

2. To work with full enforcement, select Full Enforcement. If your network is

configured with NAT devices and you want to detect them, select NAT
Detection to detect NAT devices.
3. To work with partial enforcement, select Partial Enforcement.
4. Select OK in the Configuration successfully saved dialog box.

Backing Up and Restoring System and

Component Settings
Backup and restore procedures allow you to save CounterACT device system or
component settings and scheduled or saved web reports. You can later restore them

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to the CounterACT device. This feature should be used in cases of CounterACT device
hard drive failures or when data is lost for any other reason.
You can perform the following backup-related activities:
Scheduling Automatic Backups of CounterACT Settings to External Servers
Performing a One-Time System Backup
Restoring a System Backup File
Endpoint events and your site structure (real and virtual endpoints) are not saved.
The impact of losing this information is minimal, as the tool should be used in cases
of hard drive failures and not to store endpoint and site information.
In addition, there is a tool that allows you to back up the rSite (real site) and restore
it for a single version. This includes the machines and open services currently
learned. See Backing Up and Restoring the rSite for more information.

You must restore the same version of CounterACT that you backed up.

A remote recovery feature is also available. This features lets you set up a
comprehensive remote recovery system for Enterprise Managers that have
failed as a result of a crisis, for example, an earthquake or fire. See
Recovering an Enterprise Manager.

Scheduling Automatic Backups of CounterACT Settings to

External Servers
You can schedule automatic backups of CounterACT system or component settings to
a remote server, via FTP, SFTP or SCP. Using scheduled backups provides extra
safety and protection against hard drive failures and data loss.
If you have logged in to the Console via an Enterprise Manager, the Enterprise
Manager and all registered Appliances are backed up to individual files.
You must first configure a backup server and an encryption password before
performing either a system or a component backup.
Configuring a Backup Server
Configuring an Encryption Password
Performing a System Backup
Performing a Component Backup

Configuring a Backup Server

You must configure a backup server. The backup server is used for both Performing a
System Backup and Performing a Component Backup.

To configure a backup server for either system or component backup:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Advanced>Backup.

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Backup Pane

2. Select a protocol to transfer the backup file.

3. Enter transfer details, including the destination server, port, directory to
receive the file and the user name.
4. In the Authentication Method section, select one of the following
authentication methods:
Password. Standard password authentication.
Public Key (SFTP and SCP only). The public key is used to establish
connection between the CounterACT device and the backup server in order
to transfer the backup file to the server. A key-pair consisting of a public
and private key is automatically generated during CounterACT installation.
The private key is protected by a passphrase. You can also generate a
new key-pair by selecting Generate new key-pair.

Select View public key to view the key in OpenSSH (one-line) or RFC
4716 (SSH2) format. Key-pair information is shared with Recovery
Enterprise Managers and High Availability CounterACT devices. You can
view the status of the creation and transfer of each backup file in the
Event Viewer. Only Console users with update permissions for Backup can
generate key-pairs.

5. (Optional) Select Test File Transfer to verify connectivity.

6. Select Apply to apply the changes.

Configuring an Encryption Password

Both system and component backup files, backed up either manually or via a
schedule, will be encrypted using AES-256 to protect sensitive file data. To encrypt
backup files, you must configure an encryption password. This password is
mandatory, and must be defined to proceed with backup configuration.

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The defined password is also used to encrypt files manually backed up via the
Options > CounterACT Devices pane. When backing up files using this method,
you will be requested to define a password if you have not previously done so.

To encrypt a backup file:

1. Select Options > Advanced > Backup and select the Encrypted
Password tab.

Encryption Password

2. Type a password. The password must be at least six characters long, and
must contain at least one digit and one letter.
Remember and/or record this password as you will need to use it to
restore the backup file.

Performing a System Backup

You can perform scheduled backups of the CounterACT system to FTP, SFTP and SCP
sites. Using scheduled backups provides extra safety and protection against hard
drive failures and data loss. The maximum number of Appliances that can be
concurrently backed up is 1-100. The restore procedure requires that you reinstall
The system backup feature saves all CounterACT device and Console settings. This
data includes the following:
Operating System configuration
These categories include, for instance:
CounterACT IP address
Root password
License information

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Internal network parameters
Basic and advanced NAC Policy definitions
Legitimate traffic definitions
Report schedules

To perform a system backup:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Advanced>Backup.
To perform a scheduled system backup, you must first configure a backup
server and an encryption password. See Configuring a Backup Server and
Configuring an Encryption Password.
2. Select the System Backup tab and then select Enable System Backup.
3. To disable scheduled backups, clear the Enable System Backup checkbox.

System Backup

4. If you want to limit the number of backup files to store, select Limit the
number of backup files to store and select a number.
The number of backup files that will be stored is equal to the number you
configure plus an additional backup file. This ensures that the requested
number of backup files is stored in case of a transfer failure.
If you apply this option and run the backup, and then decrease the configured
number of backup files to store, you will need to manually delete any
superfluous backup files.

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5. Configure the Maximum number of concurrent backups. The maximum

number of Appliances that can be concurrently backed up is 100.
6. Select the event time and recurrence pattern in the Backup Schedule section.
7. Select Apply.
8. (Optional) Select Backup Now to perform a one-time backup to the defined
The backup files are saved to the server defined in the Backup Server tab, in
the following format:

Performing a Component Backup

You can perform scheduled backups of CounterACT components to FTP, SFTP and
SCP sites. Using scheduled backups provides extra safety and protection against
hard drive failures and data loss. The Component Backup feature does not require
that you reinstall CounterACT.
Component Backup is supported for the following components:
Switch Plugin, Version 8.7.0 and above. When importing a backed-up
Switch Plugin configuration (export_switch.xml), only those switch
configurations that are both present in the export_switch.xml file and not
listed in the Switch pane of the Console (Options > Switch) are imported.
This is based on a comparison of switch IP addresses. Ensure the import of
the complete Switch Plugin configuration backup by removing all configuration
entries from the Switch pane, before performing the import.
The Component Backup does not include the ACL Inventory in its backup
of the Switch Plugin configuration.
Wireless Plugin, Version 1.4.0 and above.
Policies. Using the policy backup feature saves all policy-related data,
including segment, condition and action information for each policys rules
and sub-rules. Policies are restored using the Policy import process. See
Export and Import Policies for details. You cannot import a policy that has the
same name as an existing policy. You must change the name of one of the
policies for the import to succeed. You will be asked to enter the Encryption
Password upon import.

To perform a component backup:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Advanced>Backup.
2. To perform a scheduled system backup, you must first configure a backup
server and an encryption password. See Configuring a Backup Server and
Configuring an Encryption Password.
3. Select the Component Backup tab and then select Enable Component
4. To disable scheduled backups, clear the Enable Component Backup

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Component Backup

5. If you want to limit the number of backup files to store, select Limit the
number of backup files to store and select a number.
The number of backup files that will be stored is equal to the number you
configure plus an additional backup file. This ensures that the requested
number of backup files is stored in case of a transfer failure.
If you apply this option and run the backup, and then decrease the configured
number of backup files to store, you will need to manually delete any
superfluous backup files.
6. Select the event time and recurrence pattern in the Backup Schedule section.
7. Select Apply.
8. (Optional) Select Backup Now to perform a one-time backup to the defined
The backup files are saved to the server defined in the Backup Server tab, in
the following format:

Performing a One-Time System Backup

This section describes how to perform a one-time backup of CounterACT system
settings. Before you perform a backup, you must configure an encryption password,
which will encrypt the settings using AES-256 to protect sensitive file data. See
Configuring an Encryption Password for details.

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To back up your system settings:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
2. Select a component from the CounterACT Devices pane.
3. Select Backup. By default the device name, CounterACT version number,
date, and time appear as the name of the backup file.

Backup Dialog Box

Restoring a System Backup File

Restore backup files previously saved. System backup files are encrypted using AES-
256 to protect sensitive file data. You must decrypt the file before you restore the

To restore a backup file:

1. Decrypt the file with a tool that uses the OpenPGP standard such as gpg2 on
Linux or Gpg4win on Windows.
A different CounterACT Appliance can also be used to decrypt the file by
running its preinstalled gpg2 command. To decrypt the file in this way, copy
the encrypted file to the following location on the other Appliance:

After you copy the file, run the following command:

gpg2 --decrypt /tmp/backup-encrypted.fsb > /tmp/backup.fsb

You will then be prompted to enter the password.

2. Restore the Appliance using the decrypted /tmp/backup.fsb backup file.
During installation, you are asked to restore CounterACT. Refer to the
CounterACT Installation Guide for details.

You must restore to the same version of CounterACT that you backed up.

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Backing Up and Restoring the rSite for Your Appliances

You may want to back up and restore your rSite machines and open services
currently learned by the Appliance. Because the Appliance continuously learns and
maintains the rSite, this feature is recommended, not mandatory. You can use it, for
example, to replace an Appliance.
This tool may only be used for a single version. This means that you cannot back up
the rSite from one version and restore to another.

To back up and restore the rSite:

1. Log in to the CounterACT device that contains the rSite that you want to back
2. Access /usr/local/forescout/etc/fs.properties
3. Change the fs.backup.def property:
From: fs.backup.def = config license os plugin
To: fs.backup.def = config license os plugin site
There is no need to restart the Appliance.
4. Perform backup and restore as previously described.

Recovering an Enterprise Manager

A CounterACT remote recovery tool provides a comprehensive recovery system for
an Enterprise Manager that is no longer functioning, for example, if it failed as a
result of an earthquake or fire. This feature provides complete and continued
management of Appliances from a remote Recovery Enterprise Manager after the
Not all users have access to this feature. For more information about limiting and
allowing user access to this feature, see Access to Console Tools Permissions.
Refer to the CounterACT Installation Guide for information about High Availability.
High Availability provides onsite backup for continued CounterACT device

How It Works
A Recovery Enterprise Manager registered at the Console maintains a lightweight
TCP connection with all CounterACT devices in the corporate network. The purpose of
this connection is to:
Verify that the Recovery device can connect to other CounterACT
Transmit primary Enterprise Manager system settings to the Recovery device.
This connection is used to manage network Appliances when the recovery Enterprise
Manager is switched over as the primary Enterprise Manager.
Communication between the Enterprise Manager and the Recovery Enterprise
Manager is performed on port 13000/TCP using standard TLS encryption.

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You may set up one Recovery Enterprise Manager in your enterprise.

Recovery Setup

Disaster recovery may only be deployed on networks that have installed
CounterACT components running version 6.3.X or above.
The Secondary Enterprise Manager may not manage CounterACT managed

To set up and initiate a disaster recovery system:

1. Verify that you installed the Recovery Enterprise Manager at the Data Center.
2. Select Options from the Tools menu.

CounterACT Devices Pane

3. In the CounterACT Devices pane, select Recovery. The Define Recovery

Enterprise Manager dialog box opens.

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Define Recovery Enterprise Manager Dialog Box

4. Type the IP address of the device.

5. The default port should be 13000. This enables network connection. It is not
recommended to change this value.
6. Type a password.
7. Select OK. The Recovery Enterprise Manager is registered. You are notified
that the current configuration and system settings for the Recovery Enterprise
Manager (defined during installation at the Data Center) are replaced with the
configuration and settings of the current Enterprise Manager. See CounterACT
Device Management Overview for a list of these settings.

Activating the Switchover

To activate the switchover:
1. Log in to the Recovery Enterprise Manager device. You are notified that the
machine is operating as the Recovery Enterprise Manager, and are asked to
confirm the switchover.
2. Select OK.
The devices are switched, i.e., the recovery device acts as the primary and
the original primary acts as the secondary.
The status of the Enterprise Manager (now the Recovery Enterprise Manager)
is disconnected in the case of an actual disaster or for any other reason it is
no longer functioning.

Tracking Recovery Enterprise Manager Activity

Information about recovery activity is automatically shown in the CounterACT Audit
Trails log and Events Viewer.

Audit Trails Log

The Audit Trails log indicates:
When a secondary Enterprise Manager was defined
When the switchover is made to the secondary Enterprise Manager

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To access the Audit Trails log:

1. In the Console Log menu, select Audit Trails.
2. Enter a time period and select OK. The Audit Trails log opens.

Event Viewer
The Event Viewer indicates:
When a switchover is made between the primary and secondary
When the connection status of the secondary Enterprise Manager changes

To access the Event Viewer:

1. Select Event Viewer from the Log menu. The Event Viewer opens.

Viewing Recovery Enterprise Manager Connection Status

and Details
Secondary Enterprise Manager details are displayed in the CounterACT Deivces pane.
See Viewing Information about CounterACT Devices for information about how to
work in the pane.

Language Support
CounterACT offers the following tools for displaying and working with local
Displaying Endpoint Information in a Local Language
Localizing CounterACT Redirected Web Pages and Messages
Displaying Local Languages in Reports, Actions and Other Features
Localizing Guest Management Portal

Japanese Language Support

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Displaying Endpoint Information in a Local Language

An extensive range of endpoint information is automatically displayed in the active
code page language set at the endpoint, for example, user and host names, registry
key information, file paths, processes and more. This information is displayed in the
required languages at the Console Detections pane, Details pane, Assets Portal and
in reports.

Registry Key in Local Languages

Displaying NetBIOS Names and NetBIOS Domains

You must perform the following configuration to display Microsoft Windows NetBIOS
Names and NetBIOS Domains in a foreign language. CounterACT will resolve in the
language that you select and in English, if both languages are detected.

To display:
1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Advanced >
Language Localization > NetBIOS Name Information.

2. Select a language or language set.

3. Select Apply.

If Windows host names or Windows domain names appear as ######

(boxes) in the Console, select a language to match the local language.

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Localizing CounterACT Redirected Web Pages and

Some policy actions send web page messages and emails to endpoints. You can edit
these messages or localize them so that they appear in any language your operating
system supports. Actions that can be localized include, for example:
HTTP Notification
Windows Self Remediation
HTTP Login
Start SecureConnector
Default Email Messages

To localize text:
1. In the Console Tools menu, select Options.
2. In the Options window, navigate to and select Advanced > Language
Localization > Endpoint Messages.
The table lists text strings that CounterACT displays in various interactions
between CounterACT and a detected endpoint.

Localization>Endpoint Messages Pane

3. In the search field of the Endpoint Messages pane, enter any portion of the
text that you want to localize.
The table displays all entries that include the portion of text, which you
provided in the search field.
4. Do either one of the following actions:
Select a table entry and then select Edit
Double-click a table entry

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The Edit Locale Text dialog box opens and displays the text of the selected

Edit Locale Text

5. In the Edit Locale Text dialog box, modify the text as needed.
6. Select OK.

Select a table entry and then select Default to return to the default text.

7. Select Apply. Your changes are saved in the CounterACT configuration.

Sample Web Pages

This section displays sample message pages that can be localized.

HTTP Notification

HTTP Notification Page

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Windows Self Remediation

Localization, Missing Updates

HTTP Login

Login Page

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Start SecureConnector


SecureConnector Link

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Default Email Messages

Send Email to User Action

Send Email Action

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Displaying Local Languages in Reports, Actions and Other

CounterACT supports foreign text entered in reports, action, conditions and other
features. No configuration is required to detect or display foreign language text.

Report Localization

Localizing Guest Management Portal Texts

You can customize the texts displayed in the Guest Management Portal. To customize
texts, select Options > Advanced > Language Localization > Endpoint
Messages. The Endpoint Messages pane opens. Search for Guest Management
For details about customizing texts that CounterACT processing generates in a user's
endpoint, see Localizing CounterACT Redirected Web Pages and Messages.

Pre-Registration and Guest Registration

Many organizations want to provide limited network and Internet access to company
visitors, for example, contractors, visiting professionals, and other network guests.
You can use the HTTP Login action to detect, register and control network guests.
Approved guest information is displayed in the The Guest Management Portal and in
The Guest Registration Pane. In addition, you can manually add guests there and
later verify that they are authenticated using the action.
Guest requests for access to your corporate network are generated when the HTTP
Login action is either manually applied to a detected endpoint or applied during a
CounterACT Corporate/Guest Control policy evaluation of detected endpoints.

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The Guest Management Portal

The CounterACT Guest Management Portal is a Web-based portal that provides
corporate personnel, who are defined as sponsors, the ability to manage the network
access of their registered guests. Specifically, sponsors can:
View all their sponsored guests.
Add individual guests or import a list of guests that are automatically
Approve and reject guests who requested network access.
Limit the network access time period of guests not yet approved.
Revoke the previously approved network access of their sponsored guests.

For detailed information about working with the Guest Management Portal, refer to
both of the following documents on the CounterACT Customer Support portal, User
Manuals page:
Guest Management for CounterACT Operators How-to Guide
Guest Management Portal for Sponsors How-to Guide
You can localize the strings in the Guest Management Portal. See Localizing Guest
Management Portal.
You can customize the appearance of the Guest Management Portal with the look-
and-feel and branding requirements of your organization. For details, see the Guest
Management for CounterACT Operators How-to Guide.

The Guest Registration Pane

Use the Guest Registration pane to:

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Chapter 17: Additional Options

Add approved guests, edit and remove them. Generate registration codes and
administer guest tags. See Registered Guests.

Individuals defined as Sponsors can add and import pre-approved guests

directly to the Guest Management Portal. Refer to the Guest Management
Portal for Sponsors How-to Guide.

Define a password policy that will be enforced when passwords are system-
generated or self-selected by guests for login to the corporate network. See
Password Policy.
Define the corporate sponsors who can use the Guest Management Portal for
managing guests. See Sponsors.
Define the terms and conditions for registered guests and for sponsors using
the Guest Management Portal. See Terms and Conditions.
Define the manner in which CounterACT notifies guests about the state of
their guest registration requests. See Guest Notifications.
Define the manner in which CounterACT notifies corporate sponsors about the
state of guest registration requests that are assigned to be administered by
the sponsor. See Sponsor Notifications.
The CounterACT user who works with Guest Registration functionality must have the
Plugin Management update permission. See Access to Console Tools Permissions
for more information.

Guest Registration Pane

To open the Guest Registration pane:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Guest Registration.
The Guest Registration pane opens.

Registered Guests
In the Guest Registration, Registered Guests tab, perform the following guest
management activities:
Adding Guests at the Console

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Editing Guests
Removing Guests
Retrieving Registration Codes
Guest Tags

Adding Guests at the Console

If you know ahead of time that your organization is expecting guests and you have
their identity information, you can pre-approve the guests and later verify that they
are authenticated.

Individuals defined as Sponsors can add and import pre-approved guests

directly to the Guest Management Portal. Refer to the Guest Management
Portal for Sponsors How-to Guide.

To add a guest:
1. In the Registered Guests tab of the Guest Registration pane, select Add. The
Add Guest dialog box opens.

Add Guest

2. Enter contact information and credentials. Passwords are provided to guests

using a one-way hash method. This means there is no way to hack the
passwords, but when guests enter them, CounterACT can verify that they are
correct. If you are working with 802.1X registration, the Restrict To field will
3. Select OK and then select Apply. Guests added in this manner are assigned
the status Approved.
The Registered Guests tab also supports:
Importing guest entries into the tab from a CSV file. To initiate this action,
select Import.
Exporting guest entries from the tab into a CSV file. To initiate this action,
select Export.

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Removing Guests
Guests that you remove are automatically and immediately signed out of the
network. Users who are removed while still browsing are notified by a web message
of this management action.

In the Guest Management Portal, sponsors can revoke their approved guests
and decline guest requests. Refer to the Guest Management Portal for
Sponsors How-to Guide.

To remove a guest:
1. In the Registered Guests tab of the Guest Registration pane, select a guest
2. Select Remove and then select Apply.

Editing Guests
You can edit guest registration values. If you update the password, you must notify
the guest.

To edit a guest:
1. In the Registered Guests tab of the Guest Registration pane, select a guest
2. Select Edit. The Edit Guest dialog box opens.
3. Update the guest information.
4. Select OK and then select Apply.

In the Guest Management Portal, sponsors can edit the approval period
requested by guests. Refer to the Guest Management Portal for Sponsors
How-to Guide.

Retrieving Registration Codes

Registration codes are used when working with the HTTP Login action that requires
guests to register before the Guest Registration request is processed. If the proper
code is not provided, the request is not processed. Use this feature to ensure that
only guests with whom you've shared the registration code can apply for network
Enable the registration code option from the Registration Page tab in the HTTP Login

To retrieve registration codes to send to guests:

1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Guest Registration.
2. In the Registered Guests tab of the Guest Registration pane, select Codes.
The Registration Codes dialog box opens containing registration codes.

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Registration Codes

3. Identify the registration code for the day you expect your guest to register.
A unique code is shown for each day. CounterACT does not send the codes to
network guests. This is the responsibility of the CounterACT administrator or other
authorized organizational individuals.

Guest Tags
You can create policies that evaluate guests for their guest tag assignments. For
example, create a policy that detects Building A-tagged guests and assigns them to a
specific VLAN or allows them minimum network access.
Use guest tags to categorize network guests into specific groups as they are being
approved/declined network access by a sponsor. For example, Limited Access guests,
Full Access guests, Building A guests and Building B guests.

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Chapter 17: Additional Options

Guest Tags Selected by Sponsors

These tools are available when Manual sponsor approval of guests is selected in
the Guests tab of the HTTP Login action.
Guest Tags property values come from the tags that you create. For example, if you
created a Limited Access guest tag, this tag appears as a property value to select.

Guest Tags Property

You can create policies that evaluate the Guest Tag property. For example, create a
policy that detects guests with an Authentication, Signed In Status property value of
Signed In as a Guest and a Guest Tag property value of Building A and assigns them
to a specific VLAN or allows them minimum network access.
The CounterACT administrator creates guest tags, and a sponsor, using the Network
Access Request page to approve/decline guests, can assign tags to guests.
To work with tags, perform the following:
Create Tags
Assign Tags
Create Policies with Your Tags

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Chapter 17: Additional Options

Create Tags
Create tags that sponsors can assign to guests.

To create tags:
1. Select Options from the Tools menu and then select Guest Registration.
2. In the Registered Guests tab, select Tags. The Guest Tags dialog box opens.

3. In the Guest Tags dialog box, you can select guest tag options:
Sponsor may select multiple tags: Selecting this option enables the
sponsor to assign the guest multiple tags.
Sponsor is required to tag the guest: Selecting this option makes it
mandatory for the sponsor to assign the guest one or more tags.
If you do not select any option, sponsors can optionally assign each guest a
single tag.
4. Select Add. The Add Guest Tag dialog box opens.

5. In the Add Guest Tag dialog box, do the following:

a. Enter the tag name.
b. Select Selected by default at the sponsor's page. If this option is
selected, the tag is always selected by default when a guest is approved.
6. Select OK and then select OK to save the created guest tags in the
CounterACT configuration.

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Chapter 17: Additional Options

Assign Tags
Sponsors can assign tags to guests when approving/declining guest network access
using a Network Access Request page, and when adding guests at the Guest
Management Portal. Guest tag assignment is not available to sponsors when
approving pending guests at the Guest Management Portal.

Network Access Request Page with Tags

Create Policies with Your Tags

Control guests based on their guest tags. Do this by incorporating the evaluation of
the Guest Tags property in your policies.
Guest Tags property values come from the tags that you create. See Create Tags.
For example, if you created a Limited Access guest tag, this tag appears as a
property value to select.

Guest Tags Property

You can create policies that evaluate the Guest Tag property. For example, create a
policy that detects guests with an Authentication, Signed In Status property value of
Signed In as a Guest and a Guest Tag property value of Building A and then assign
them to a specific VLAN or allows them minimum network access.

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Chapter 17: Additional Options

To incorporate guest tags:

1. Edit or create a policy.
2. Define the condition so it includes the Guest Registration > Guest Tags
property. The list of available property values contains all the tags created in
the Guest Registration pane.

Password Policy
Use the Password Policy tab to define requirements enforced on passwords that
are used by approved guests to log in to the network. These requirements are
applied to both system-generated passwords for guest login and passwords that
registering guests define by themselves for login.
When defining the HTTP Login action, in the Guests tab, select the option Use
System generated password to have CounterACT generate passwords for guest

Password Policy Tab

1. Define any of the following password requirements:

Minimum password length - the default, minimum length is 6 characters
Minimum number of uppercase characters to include
Minimum number of lowercase characters to include
Minimum number of digits to include
Minimum number of special characters to include
2. Select Apply to save your changes in the CounterACT configuration.

In the Guest Registration window, use the Sponsors tab to define the corporate
sponsors who are authorized to log in to the Guest Management Portal and use the

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 678

Chapter 17: Additional Options

portal to manage guests. The tab provides Add, Edit and Remove sponsor

Sponsors Tab

Add sponsors in any of the following ways:

Individually, by defining an email address
As a group, by defining an Active Directory group
Globally, by selecting all Active Directory members
Define the following sponsor information:
Email or Active Directory Group (required): specify either a sponsor email
address or specify an Active Directory group. Specifying an Active Directory
group makes sponsors of all Active Directory group members.
Type (required): One of the following sponsor types must be assigned to the
Admin Sponsor - guest management administrator privileges. An Admin
Sponsor can access the portal and execute all management tasks for all
known guests.
Sponsor - basic guest management privileges. A Sponsor can access the
portal and approve guest registration requests sent to them and execute
all other management tasks for guests whom the sponsor approved.
Description (optional)
In the tab, select the All domain members are sponsors option to make sponsors
of all user directory domain members.
Select Apply to save your changes in the CounterACT configuration.

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Chapter 17: Additional Options

For detailed information about using the Sponsors tab for Guest Management, refer
to the Guest Management for CounterACT Operators How-to Guide on the
CounterACT Customer Support portal, User Manuals page.

Terms and Conditions

Use the Terms and Conditions tab to enable the presentation of terms and
conditions to any of the following recipients:
Only registering guests
Only sponsors (working in the Guest Management Portal to manage guests)
Both of the above

Terms & Conditions Tab

1. Specify the terms and conditions to be presented to recipients using one of

the following methods:
Select the URL option. In the associated field, provide the URL of a Web page
for presentation to the designated recipients.
Select the Text option. A <recipient> Terms & Conditions window opens. In
the window, define or update the terms and conditions for presentation to the
designated recipients. Click OK.
2. Select Apply to save your changes.

Guest Notifications
Use the Guest Notifications tab to instruct CounterACT about the following:
Use any or all of the following media to send notifications to guests:

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Chapter 17: Additional Options

SMS (text messaging)

Notify guest about the state of their network access, as follows:
Their guest registration request is pending (optional)
Their guest registration request is approved (optional)
Their guest registration request is rejected (optional)
Their previously approved network access is revoked (optional) This state
can only occur, when the managing sponsor of the guest is working with
the Guest Management Portal.
Their network access period has expired (optional)

Guest Notifications Tab

Customize Guest Notifications

In the Console, customize notifications that CounterACT sends to guests. To
customize notifications, select Options > Advanced > Language Localization >
Endpoint Messages. The Endpoint Messages pane opens.
For details about customizing texts that CounterACT processing generates in a user's
endpoint, see Localizing CounterACT Redirected Web Pages and Messages.

Sponsor Notifications
Use the Sponsor Notifications tab to instruct CounterACT to notify sponsors about
the following guest network access events:
The guest registration request of a guest for whom they are a sponsor is
pending (optional)

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Chapter 17: Additional Options

The guest registration request of a guest for whom they are a sponsor is
approved (optional).
The guest registration request of a guest for whom they are a sponsor is
rejected (optional).
The guest registration request of a guest for whom they are a sponsor is
revoked (optional). This event can only occur, when a managing sponsor of
the guest is working with the Guest Management Portal.

Sponsor Notifications Tab

Corporate personnel are considered a sponsor of a guest, when either one of the
following conditions is true:
The registering guest specified the sponsor's email address in the Contact
Person Email fields of the Guest Registration form.
The sponsor's email address is provided in the Additional sponsors field in
the Guests tab of the HTTP Login action.
Select Apply to save your changes in the CounterACT configuration.

Customize Sponsor Notifications

In the Console, customize notifications that CounterACT sends to sponsors. To
customize notifications, select Options > Advanced > Language Localization >
Endpoint Messages. The Endpoint Messages pane opens.
For details about customizing texts that CounterACT processing generates in a user's
endpoint, see Localizing CounterACT Redirected Web Pages and Messages.

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 682

Appendix 1: Command Line Tools
Updating SSH Access
Enabling Console Access to CounterACT Devices
Updating the Admin Password
Verifying the CounterACT Device MD5 Signature
Handling Enterprise Manager Clock Malfunctions
Changing Operating System Network Configurations
Disabling and Enabling the Worm Slowdown Mechanism
Disabling and Enabling Email Privacy
Generating CSRs and Importing Signed Certificates
Enabling and Disabling ACPI Shutdown
Accessing Remote Support
Stopping the Policy
Resetting Your System Data
Configuring the Interface Speed and Duplex
Generating a Configuration Summary
Disabling and Enabling the Network Asymmetry Test
Disabling the Injection Test
Controlling the Built-In Firewall
Configuring Mail and Mail Relay Values
Running a Script from the Appliance
Accessing Current User and Domain Name
Resolving Endpoint Domain or Workgroup Names
Appendix 1: Command Line Tools

Updating SSH Access

SSH access allows you to remotely control the CounterACT device. If you specified
the wrong list of IP addresses from which SSH access should be allowed during
installation, you will need physical access to the machine to perform tasks such as
re-installation, reboot, and fstool commands.

To manage the SSH access list:

1. Log in to the CounterACT device as root.
2. Run the following command:
fstool ssh

3. A message opens displaying the current list of SSH access IP addresses.

For example:
SSH access list
(A)dd,(D)elete,(S)ave,(Q)uit :

4. Type A at the command line, and press Enter.

5. Type in a new IP address.
6. Type S to save your changes or Q to quit without saving your changes.

To delete an IP address or address range:

1. Type D at the command line and press Enter.
2. Type in an IP address.
3. Press Enter.
4. Type S to save your changes or Q to quit without saving your changes.

Enabling Console Access to CounterACT Devices

You can adjust Console access ranges to the CounterACT device.

To update the access ranges:

1. Log in to the CounterACT device as root.
2. Run the following command:
fstool clients

A message opens displaying the current list of IP addresses that can connect
to the CounterACT device.

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Appendix 1: Command Line Tools

Enterprise Manager access list

----------------- - -
(A)dd,(D)elete,(S)ave,(Q)uit :

To add an IP address or address range:

1. Type A at the command line, and press Enter.
The following message opens:
Range start:

2. Type in a new start address and press Enter.

The following message opens:
Range end:

3. Type in a new end address and press Enter. Alternatively just press Enter to
assign one address.
4. Press S to save your changes and then Q (quit) to exit the command.

To delete an IP address or address range:

1. Type D at the command line, and press Enter.
2. Type an IP address range using the previously-detailed conventions.
3. Press Enter.
4. Press S to save your changes and then Q (quit) to exit the command.

To use an IP address or address range:

1. Log in to the CounterACT device as root.
2. Run the following command:
fstool sw snmpwalk

Updating the Admin Password

Your system is installed with a predefined Admin user, whose password is set
during installation. Admin users, who have forgotten their password and as result
cannot log in to the Console, can create a new password.
Update the Admin password from the CounterACT device. This tool is designed for
administrators with root privileges.

To update the password:

1. Log in to the CounterACT device as root.
2. Run the following command:
fstool passwd

The following message opens:

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Appendix 1: Command Line Tools

Enter new Admin password:

3. Type a new password. Use between six and fifteen characters, including at
least one non-alphabetic character.
4. Press Enter.
The following message opens:
Enter new Admin password again:

5. Retype the password and press Enter.

6. The following message opens:
Admins new password set

Verifying the CounterACT Device MD5 Signature

The MD5 signature is the message digest of the key certificate that is assigned to
your CounterACT device. The signature is displayed in the Authorization Manager
dialog box when you transfer your system to the Strong Authentication Mode. It is
recommended that you verify that this key signature and the key signature of your
CounterACT device are identical.

To verify the MD5 signature:

1. Log in to the CounterACT device as root.
2. Run the following command:
fstool key

A message opens with the MD signature.

Handling Enterprise Manager Clock

The clock on the machine in which the CounterACT Operating System is installed,
determines the times used by the CounterACT device, and as a result, the times
displayed at the Console. If this clock has malfunctioned or has been incorrectly set,
all the dates and times displayed at the Console are incorrect. For example, you may
see dates of endpoint events that were previously blocked, but appear with future
If the clock is incorrect, you must stop the CounterACT device, fix the clock and then
delete time-related information from the CounterACT device.
This information includes the event logs and audit trails reports if you are logged in
to the Enterprise Manager. If you are logged in to the Appliance, the following
information is lost:
Virtual site host information
User names and host names for marks
All information regarding probing, infected and manually added source events

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Appendix 1: Command Line Tools

All lockdown event information (only applicable for Enterprise solution

Event logs and audit trails reports

In addition to permanently losing this information, all blocked sources are


To clear time-related information:

1. Log in to the CounterACT device as root.
2. Run the following command:
fstool clear_time_data

3. The following message opens:

This command removes time sensitive data from
Management database.
It should be used when the system clock is moved

The complete procedure is:

1. Stop the Enterprise Manager
2. Change the time
3. Run this command
Continue? (yes/no)

4. If you stopped the CounterACT device and fixed the clock, select yes.

Changing Operating System Network

The network configuration options defined during your Operating System installation
can be modified from the CounterACT device.
The following configurations can be changed:
Network Interfaces Card (NIC) configuration, including the interface
addresses, Appliance IP address and VLAN configuration
Default gateway

To redefine the network configuration:

1. Log in to the CounterACT device as root.
2. Run the following command:
fstool netconfig

The following menu opens:

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Appendix 1: Command Line Tools

CounterACT Machine Network Configuration Options:

1) Configure network interfaces

2) Configure default gateway
3) Restart network services
4) Quit

Choice (1-4):

3. Type 1 to reconfigure the Ethernet interface, interface addresses, and VLAN

Type 2 to reconfigure the default gateway.
4. After reconfiguring, you are asked to restart the network service. This applies
your changes.
5. Select yes.

Disabling and Enabling the Worm Slowdown

The worm slowdown mechanism reduces network traffic congestion and provides
added protection to endpoints within a cell as well as the remaining network by
locking an infected machine in static TCP dialog. The worm slow mechanism is
enabled by default but can be disabled if required.
This option can only be carried out from the Appliance.

To disable the Worm slowdown mechanism:

1. Log in to an Appliance as root.
2. Run the following command:
fstool wormdelay disable

The following message opens:

CounterACT should be restarted for changes to take
Restart CounterACT?

3. Type yes.
4. To enable the worm delay mechanism, use the following command:
fstool wormdelay enable

Disabling and Enabling Email Privacy

By default, email anomalies displayed in the Console and shown in reports will hide
certain information contained in the email to protect the privacy of the sender. You
can disable this mechanism. When disabled, the sender and receiver name, and the
subject of the email are not displayed.

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Appendix 1: Command Line Tools

To disable the privacy mechanism:

1. Log in to the CounterACT device as root.
2. Run the following command:
fstool smtpp

The following message opens:

Email Privacy is currently enabled.
Disable Email Privacy? (yes/no) :

3. Type yes.
The following message opens:
Disabling Email privacy...
Restarting CounterACT Engine...

To enable the privacy mechanism:

1. Log in to the CounterACT device as root.
2. Run the following command:
fstool smtpp

The following message opens:

Email Privacy is currently disabled.
Enable Email Privacy? (yes/no) :

3. Type yes.
The following message opens:
Enabling Email privacy...
Restarting CounterACT Engine...

Generating CSRs and Importing Signed

Use the fstool smime command to generate Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs) that
are submitted to a Certificate Authority (CA). After the CA returns a signed
certificate, use this command to import the certificate into CounterACT. See Signing
Emails with an S/MIME Certificate for more information about enabling digital signing
of email messages through the Console after a signed S/MIME certificate is imported.
The Certificate Authority can return the signed S/MIME certificate in several
container file formats. Some of these formats contain just the signed certificate and
public key, and some also contain a newly generated private key that must be
installed with the signed certificate.
This command is only available on the Enterprise Manager.
Generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
Regenerating the Existing Signing Request

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Appendix 1: Command Line Tools

To import a container with just the signed certificate and public key, see
Importing a Signed S/MIME Certificate in a PEM file.
To import a container with the signed certificate, public key, and a new
private key, see Importing a Signed S/MIME Certificate in a PFX file.

Generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

To generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR):
1. Log in to the Enterprise Manager.
2. Enter the following command:
$ fstool smime gen

3. If a private key was already generated for the CSR, the following prompt
A private key already exists. Reuse it? (yes/no) : no
Choose whether CounterACT generates a new private key for the CSR, or
uses the existing key for the CSR.
4. The following prompts appear. Provide values for the fields as prompted, or
press <Enter> to accept previous values, which are displayed in brackets.
RSA key size [2048] :
DNS name of this Enterprise Manager [] :
Organization name [] :
Organizational unit name [] :
City or Locality name [] :
State or Province [] :
Two-letter country code for this unit [] :
Email address [] :

The email address field represents the Enterprise Manager, which applies the
digital signature to emails. The certificate is generated for this email address.
Once a signed certificate is installed on the Enterprise Manager, emails are
sent with this certificate and the email address configured here appears in the
From field. The address should be meaningful, so that users can recognize
that it comes from the CounterACT Enterprise Manager.

The CSR is generated. A related private key is generated if you opted to

generate a new private key.

Regenerating the Existing Signing Request

After you created a CSR, you can regenerate the existing CSR.

To regenerate an existing Certificate Signing Request (CSR):

1. Log in to the Enterprise Manager.
2. Enter the following command:

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 690

Appendix 1: Command Line Tools

$ fstool smime export

The CSR file is generated based on previously entered parameters.

Importing a Signed S/MIME Certificate in a PEM file

Use this command to import a signed S/MIME certificate when the Certificate
Authority does not generate a new private key. The Certificate Authority returns a
container file with the signed certificate and public key, in one of the following file
This fstool command supports the PEM file format only. To import a certificate from
DER or P7B formatted files, convert it to PEM:
To convert from DER to PEM use the following command:
openssl x509 -inform der -in <der_file> -out <pem_file>

To convert from P7B to PEM use the following command:

openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -in <p7b_file> -text -out <pem_file>

Use the procedure described here to import the resulting PEM file.

To import a signed S/MIME certificate in a *.pem file:

1. Log in to the Enterprise Manager.
2. Copy the PEM file to Enterprise Manager.
3. Enter the following command:
$ fstool smime import pem <pem_file_full_path>

Where <pem_file_full_path> is the pathname of the PEM file that contains the
signed certificate.
4. The following prompt appears:
Verify that your certificate is in PEM format.
Continue?(yes/no) [yes] :

Type yes.
5. The certificate is imported and updated.

Importing a Signed S/MIME Certificate in a PFX file

Use this command to import a signed s/mime certificate when the Certificate
Authority generates a new private key. When the Certificate Authority generates a
new private key, it can return output in several formats:
A single file in PFX format that contains the certificate and all keys
A pair of files in PEM or DER format: one file contains the certificate and
public key, one file contains the new private key.

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Appendix 1: Command Line Tools

This fstool command supports the PFX file format only. To import a certificate and
private key from two separate files, first convert them to PFX:
To convert a pair of PEM files to a single PFX file, use the following command:
openssl pkcs12 -export -out <pfx_file> -inkey <private_pem> -in <public_pem>

To convert a pair of DER files to a single PFX file, first convert the DER files to PEM
files using the following commands:
openssl x509 -inform der -in <public_der> -out <public_pem>
openssl rsa -inform der -in <private_der> -outform pem -out <private_pem>

Then convert the PEM files to a single PFX file as described above.

To import a signed S/MIME certificate in a *.pfx file:

1. Log in to the Enterprise Manager.
2. Copy the PFX file to Enterprise Manager.
3. Enter the following command:
$ fstool smime import pfx <pfx_file_full_path>

Where <pfx_file_full_path> is the pathname of the PFX file that contains the
signed certificate.
4. The following prompts appear:
Verify that your certificate is in PFX format.
Continue?(yes/no) [yes] :
Is the import file protected with a password? (yes/no) : yes
Enter the import password :
Is the private key protected with a passphrase? (yes/no) : yes
Enter the passphrase :

If the certificate and/or private key have been encrypted, provide password
and passphrase values for the imported file and private key as necessary.
5. The certificate and private key are imported and updated.

Enabling and Disabling ACPI Shutdown

You can enable or disable ACPI soft shutdown of the CounterACT device using the
machines power button. When enabled, and you press the power button, the
machine will cleanly shut down the CounterACT device service and power off. This
feature is disabled by default. This means that if you want the option of performing a
soft shutdown, you must enable the feature using the fstool utility, detailed in the
following procedure.

To enable or disable ACPI shutdown:

1. Log in to the CounterACT device as root.
2. Run the following command:
fstool acpi

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Appendix 1: Command Line Tools

The following message opens:

ACPI is currently disabled.
Enable ACPI? (yes/no)

3. Type yes and press Enter.

The following message opens:
Enabling ACPI...
Updating boot parameters...
Added CounterACT *
Reboot is required for changes to take effect.
Reboot now? (yes/no) [yes]

4. Press Enter to reboot and enable the ACPI shutdown.

Accessing Remote Support

You can access a remote client tool that provides you with support through a remote
support tunnel. This enables the ForeScout support team to connect directly to the
component at which the problem exists.
The connection uses SSH tunneling through support.forescout.com

To utilize remote support:

1. Log in to a CounterACT device.
2. Run the following command:
fstool remote_support start

The connection is checked with the ForeScout support server. After

connection is established, you are prompted to enter:
Contact details
Login information regarding your CounterACT device. To establish remote
support with the CounterACT device, enter the root login name defined
during the installation.
A description of your problem.
You will receive an email indicating that your request was sent to the support
team, and are contacted when required with questions and when the problem
is resolved.
Use the fstool remote_support stop command to disable remote
Use the fstool remote_support status command to view your current
remote support connection status.
Use the fstool remote_support restart command to stop and restart
remote connection.

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 693

Appendix 1: Command Line Tools

Stopping the Policy

You can use the command to stop the policy. Specifically using this tool stops the
activation detection setting that you defined and releases all blocked endpoints. You
may need to use this tool if you cannot access your Enterprise Manager but need to
stop the policy. Policies are saved.

To stop the policy:

1. Log in to the CounterACT device.
2. Run the following command:
fstool nphalt

Resetting Your System Data

Resetting the Enterprise Manager data means that you release all policy endpoints
and undo all actions. Policies continue to function.

To reset data:
1. Correct the problems that caused CounterACT to learn and collect the wrong
2. Log in to the CounterACT device.
3. Run the following command:
fstool data_reset all|orgh|intruder|vsite|npsources

The following table describes the reset options.

orgh Remove organizational headsup related tables

intruder Remove intruders related tables
vsite Remove vsite related tables
npsources Remove policy hosts tables
all Remove all these tables

Configuring the Interface Speed and Duplex

You can modify the default auto-negotiation speed and duplex values at the

To modify these values:

1. Log in to the Appliance.
2. Run the following command:
fstool ethset

The current interface speed and duplex configuration are displayed along with
the following message.

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Appendix 1: Command Line Tools

CounterACT Interfaces Speed and Duplex Configuration


1) Edit interfaces speed and duplex options

2) Blink interfaces
3) Quit

Choice (1-3) :

3. Type 1 to display a list of available Ethernet ports, as in the following

Choose interface to configure:

1) eth0
2) eth1
3) eth2
4) eth3
5) eth4
6) eth5
7) eth6
8) eth7

Choice (1-8) :

4. Choose the interface to configure and press Enter. The current configuration
is displayed along with configuration options. The following displays as an
Choose eth0 configuration:

1) Auto
2) 10baseT/Half
3) 10baseT/Full
4) 100baseT/Half
5) 100baseT/Full
6) 1000baseT/Full

Choice (1-6) :

5. Configure as required and press Enter.

Generating a Configuration Summary

You can generate a configuration summary of the CounterACT devices in your
enterprise, including, for example, the Appliance model and serial number, channel,
switch and other networking information, as well as other important details. This
makes it easier to identify a missing configuration at a glance and makes it easier to
document an Appliance configuration so that a replacement system can be easily

To generate a summary:
1. Log in to the CounterACT device.
2. Run the following command:

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Appendix 1: Command Line Tools

fstool config_sum

The following information is displayed:

Build number
Internal Version
Build date

Host information

Domain name
Network information
eth0 Address: Netmask:

Channel Configuration Information

In: ethX (tagged or un-tagged) Out: ethX (tagged or


CounterACT Configuration

Email Privacy
Mail relay
Operator mail
Protected net
Management Clients
SSH Clients

Disabling and Enabling the Network Asymmetry

You can enable or disable the asymmetry test, as required. The test verifies that
CounterACT is able to see symmetric traffic on the monitoring interfaces. That is, for
every session, both incoming and outgoing directions are visible.

To disable or enable the test:

1. Log in to the CounterACT Appliance as root.
2. Run the following command:
fstool asymnet

The following message opens:

Asymmetric Network Detection is currently disabled.
Enable Asymmetric Network Detection? (yes/no) :

3. Type yes and press Enter.

The following message opens:

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Appendix 1: Command Line Tools

Enabling Asymmetric Network Detection...

Restarting CounterACT Engine...

Disabling the Injection Test

If specific network conditions prevent the Channel injection test from working
properly, you can disable it. You will know that the test is not working properly if you
receive injection failures, but in fact see source bites.

To disable the injection test:

1. Log in to the CounterACT Appliance.
2. Run the following command:
fstool injectnet

3. Follow the instructions for disabling the test.

Controlling the Built-In Firewall

An internal firewall that protects CounterACT can be temporarily disabled to allow all
communication or ICMP communication only. This tool is useful for testing
connectivity with the rest of the network.

To control the built-in firewall:

1. Log in to the Appliance.
2. Run the following command:
fstool fw

A status message opens displaying the current built-in firewall protection

Status: Only required traffic is enabled


1) Enable ICMP traffic.

2) Enable all traffic.
3) Enable required traffic only (default).
4) Quit.

Choice (1-4)

3. Type an option and press Enter.

If you select options 1 or 2, the built-in firewall is disabled for a specified time
period. Use option 1 to ping nodes with which CounterACT must
communicate, for example, the name server. If you select 2, all traffic is
allowed. This option is inherently not secure.

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Appendix 1: Command Line Tools

4. At the prompt Time period (in minutes) [10], specify the time period, in
minutes, for which traffic is enabled and press Enter. A message opens
indicating the current time and date and the time and date the traffic is
allowed. For example:
Date : Wed Jun 16 13:22:56 2004
Status: ICMP traffic is enabled until Wed Jun 16
13:27:56 2004

After the time that you entered expires, the built-in firewall default status is
reinstated. This option allows required traffic only.

To apply a named set of rules or commands after firewall activation:

1. Log in to the Appliance.
2. Run the following command:
fstool fw addhook <hook_name> '<command_1>;;<command_n>

<hook_name> is a text string that identifies the set of firewall rules or
<command_1>;;<command_n> is a set of firewall rules or commands.
For example, the following command applies three iptable rules to the
firewall. The set of rules is identified by the hook name newrule:
fstool fw addhook newrule 'iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL
NONE -j DROP; iptables -A INPUT -p tcp ! --syn -m state --state NEW -
j DROP; iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL ALL -j DROP'

To remove a named set of rules or commands:

1. Log in to the Appliance.
2. Run the following command:
fstool fw delhook <hook_name>

where <hook_name> is a text string that identifies a previously applied

set of rules or commands.
The following command removes the previous set of iptable commands:
fstool fw delhook newrule

Configuring Mail and Mail Relay Values

CounterACT sends email messages to the CounterACT operator regarding intrusion
events and other information of interest. An internal mail-relay address should be
configured, unless CounterACT has full access to external SMTP and DNS servers.
Several options are available updating mail-relay values that you previously defined.
In addition, you can also define a mail relay host and IP address if you have not
already done so or test the connectivity to the mail relay. You must restart the
Appliance after making changes.
Other options are available to:

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Appendix 1: Command Line Tools

Update addresses that will receive email alerts

Send an email test
Change the sender address (for example, if the address must be changed as a
spam protection mechanism, i.e. the mail server reads the default sender
address as invalid)

Defining a Mail-Relay Address

To configure a mail-relay address:
1. Log in to the CounterACT Appliance.
2. Run the following command:
fstool mail_conf

If the mail relay has not yet been defined, the following message will appear:
Mail-relay is not defined:

1) Define mail-relay.
2) Send test email.
3) Change operator email address(s).
4) Change sender address.
5) Done.

Choice (1-5) :

3. Type 1 and press Enter.

4. At the prompt type the required host name or IP address.
The current mail relay IP address is displayed. You can test the connectivity of
the address by selecting option 3 in the prompt that opens.
5. Run the fstool service restart command if you changed the host name or
IP address.

Updating Current Mail Relay Configurations

You can update the current mail-relay address or other mail configurations from

To update:
1. Log in to the CounterACT Appliance.
2. Run the following command:
fstool mail_conf

If the mail relay has already been defined, the following message will appear:

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Appendix 1: Command Line Tools

Current mail-relay is xx-xxxxx.xxx.xxxxxx.com: (where x

is the address)

1) Disable mail-relay.
2) Change mail-relay settings.
3) Test connectivity to mail-relay.
4) Send test email.
5) Change operator email address(s).
6) Change sender address.
7) Done.

3. Type 1 or 2 to either disable or change the address, or 3 to test mail relay

4. Run the fstool service restart command if you change the host name or IP

Running a Script from the Appliance

You can run a script on an endpoint from the Appliance.

To run a script:
1. Verify that the endpoint is assigned to the Appliance from which you are
activating the command.
2. Log in to the CounterACT Appliance.
3. Run the following command:
fstool va_test h [ip] c script r [command] [-g] [-a] [-z
parameters] [-i]

ip IP address of the endpoint.

-r The command or script syntax. Can be a Windows command, Windows
executable, vbscript on the endpoint or vbscript on the Appliance.
Example: ping
-g Insert to connect via SecureConnector.
Omit to connect remotely.
-a If a script generates output that you want to see.
-z Script or command parameters.
Example: IP address used for ping.
-i Insert if the script launches a process or dialog box at the endpoint.
Omit if there is no interactive process or dialog box.

fstool va_test -h -c script -r ping -g -a -z -n 10
fstool va_test -h -c script -r ipconfig -g -a

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Appendix 1: Command Line Tools

Accessing Current User and Domain Name

You can access the current user and domain name at the endpoint.

To access this information:

1. Log in to the CounterACT Appliance.
2. Run the following command:
fstool va_test h c user h [ip]

Resolving Endpoint Domain or Workgroup

You can resolve the endpoint domain and workgroup names. Use this tool for

To resolve the endpoint domain and workgroup names:

1. Log in to the CounterACT device and run the following commands:
For an endpoint managed via remote inspection:
fstool va_test -h <endpoint_IP_address> -c domain

For an endpoint managed via SecureConnector:

fstool va_test -h <endpoint_IP_address> -g -c domain

A prompt displays the domain or workgroup name.

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 701

Appendix 2: Handling Network Connectivity
This appendix details how to handle network connectivity failures between the
Appliance and your enterprise network.
Appendix 2: Handling Network Connectivity Failures

During installation, a connectivity test is performed to verify that packets are

properly injected into the network and that CounterACT sees symmetric traffic on the
monitoring interfaces. That is, for every session, both incoming and outgoing
directions are visible.
In addition to being run automatically during installation, the test will also be run
after configuration changes are made to the network (for example, NAC or Active
Response range, Ethernet NIC, VLAN).
There are several reasons the test results may not be successful:
1. The tool did not see enough TCP sessions to make a decision. By default, the
test is run until it sees 250 TCP sessions, and (but) no longer than 15
Symptom: A message to this effect is shown.
What to do: Make sure CounterACT is connected to the mirroring port and
sees live data.
2. The mirroring port is misconfigured in such a way that only one side
(incoming or outgoing) is mirrored.
Symptom: This will result in all the sessions being asymmetric.
What to do: Configure the switch to mirror both incoming and outgoing traffic.
3. There is an asymmetric routing of packets going in to and out of the
containment cell.
Symptom: Some asymmetric sessions are detected.
What to do: Mirror the other port that traffic is going through. This may
require using additional NICs (for example, if the other port is on a different
switch or if the bandwidth requirements of both ports overflows the capacity
of the mirroring port).
4. The wrong port is mirrored.
Symptom: Not much traffic is seen, as in (1) or some asymmetric sessions
are detected, as in (3).
What to do: Mirror the right port.
5. The packet loss rate is high.
Symptoms: Some asymmetric sessions are detected.
What to do: Make sure the capacity of the mirroring port can accommodate
the actual traffic of the mirrored ports. Both incoming and outgoing traffic
should be accounted for. Use a higher capacity mirroring port (for example,
gigabit) or mirror the incoming and outgoing traffic to different ports (and use
an additional NIC).
6. Some of the traffic in one direction is encapsulated (tunneled).
Symptom: Some asymmetric sessions are shown.
What to do: Either mirror traffic after it is de-encapsulated or mirror when
both directions are encapsulated (and is ignored).
7. Some of the traffic is tagged with VLAN IDs, which are not defined in the

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 703

Appendix 2: Handling Network Connectivity Failures

Symptoms: Number of "Wrong VLAN ID" packets detected is shown.

What to do: Define the proper VLAN IDs (Channel configuration) or instruct
the switch to remove the VLAN ID while mirroring (applies if only one VLAN is

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 704

Appendix 3: Remote Access to Endpoints
When Is Remote Access to Endpoints Needed?
Domain Account Requirements
Troubleshooting Domain Credentials
Troubleshooting Deep Inspection
Appendix 3: Remote Access to Endpoints

When Is Remote Access to Endpoints Needed?

CounterACT needs remote access to the endpoints registry service to properly
access service pack installations, antivirus installations, and perform other important
tasks. This appendix details how to obtain remote access.

Domain Account Requirements

Authentication at the domain level allows the service to make local registry checks
while running a remote scan. This allows the service access to additional information
in system registry settings that otherwise would not be available. With this
information, the service can perform more in-depth vulnerability assessments.
You should create a special domain account that is used by the service for Windows
authentication. This domain account needs assigned privileges most suitable for use
with the service, not the default privileges. Specifically, the domain account needs
privileges that allow read access to remote registries and minimal domain access
Remote registry read permissions are controlled by this key:
Various methods for setting this registry key on target endpoints are available. The
options available depend on the Windows version running on the endpoints. Options
Using a Domain-Wide Policy. This option is recommended for Windows 2000-
style domains.
Using an Administrator Group. This option may be used with Windows NT-
style domains.
Using the Security Configuration wizard. This option may be used with
Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1).
Set ACL Remotely Using the SetACL Tool. This option may be used with
Windows NT-style domains.

Using a Domain-Wide Policy

This option is only available to Windows 2000-style domains that support ACL-level
control through domain-wide registry policies. This is the recommended option for
Windows 2000 style domains.

To configure the account:

1. Log in to the Domain Controller as Administrator.
2. Open the Active Directory Users and Computers MMC snap-in.
3. Create a new Global group called CA_scanners by selecting New and then
Group from the User folder in the Tree tab.
4. Open the properties dialog box for the group.

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Appendix 3: Remote Access to Endpoints

5. Select the Members Of tab.

6. Remove the Everyone group by selecting Remove. The Members Of section
should be empty.
7. Create a new user account called CA_account by selecting New and then
User from User folder in the Tree section.
8. Add the new user account to the "CA_scanners" group.
9. Confirm that the user has no unintended permissions on the domain. For
example, check the "Member of" section to confirm that it only has the
"CA_scanners" group listed.
10.Open the "Domain Security Policy" MMC snap-in, and add the remote access
Go to the "Registry" section.
Select "Add Key".
Add the following key:
11.Select the new registry key by selecting Windows Setting and then
Registry from the Tree tab.
12.Add the CA_scanners group, and set "Read" and "Execute" permissions only
by selecting the read and execute checkbox.
13.Open the Set the Template Security Policy Setting dialog box to configure this
14.Select the Propagate inheritable permissions to subkeys option.
15.Select OK. The new registry-key ACL policy is propagated to all Windows
endpoints participating in the domain (standalone endpoints are not affected
in any way). Note that the time it takes for this configuration to be
propagated to endpoints may vary, depending on network configuration and

Set registry processing options as follows:

1. Open the Group Policy MMC.
2. Select the Default Domain Policy, and go the Group Policy section.
3. Select Default Domain Policy and then Computer Configuration,
Administrative Templates, then System, Group Policy.
4. Set options in Registry Policy Processing Properties dialog box and the Group
Policy Refresh Interval for Computers Properties dialog box. Be sure to select
the Process even if Group Policy objects have not changed in the
Registry Policy Processing Properties dialog box.

Using an Administrator Group

You can create a new user account in the Global administrator group. This option
may be used with Windows NT-style domains.

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Appendix 3: Remote Access to Endpoints

To set up configuring the account:

1. Log in to the Domain Controller as Administrator.
2. Create a new user account called "CA_account".
3. Make the CA_account a member of the Global group Domain Admins.
4. In the Member Of section of the group properties, keep only the Group
Domain Admins and remove any other groups.
The Global group Domain Admins should be used for access to remote systems as
this group is automatically added to the Administrators Local group on each system
when it becomes a member of the Windows NT domain.

Using the Security Configuration Wizard

Windows Server 2003 SP1 provides a security configuration wizard to easily manage
server lockdown and security settings.
To be sure that the TCP ports used by the scanner for local security checks are
available, verify that Remote Windows Administration is enabled in the Select
Administration and Other Options.
Refer to the following Microsoft link for more information about this tool:

Working with Windows XP SP2 Machines

If your network includes endpoints that run under Windows XP SP2, you will need to
change the Windows Firewall Settings so CounterACT can perform remote inspection
on these machines. This means that you should have access to port 137 UDP and
port 139/445 TCP, which is closed by default on XP SP2 machines. Allowing access
means that CounterACT can retrieve Windows related information.
It is recommended to allow access from all CounterACT devices to each endpoint.
This ensures that no matter where the endpoint is located, it is managed by the
system. This means, for example, if the user is roaming with a laptop, the device is
properly scanned. To allow this kind of access, the firewall on each endpoint should
allow connections from any of the CounterACT devices.

Updating Group Policy Objects with New Windows Firewall

To update your Group Policy objects for network environments using Active Directory
and Windows XP SP1, it is recommended that you use the Group Policy Management
Console, a free download available from Microsoft. For more information, see Group
Policy Management Console with Service Pack 1.
Update your Active Directory Group Policy objects with the new Windows Firewall
settings using the Group Policy snap-in (provided with Windows XP SP2).

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Appendix 3: Remote Access to Endpoints

To update these objects:

1. Install Windows XP SP2 on a computer that is a member of the domain that
contains the computer accounts of the other computers running Windows XP
on which you plan to install Windows XP SP2.
2. Restart the computer and log in to the Windows XP SP2 computer as a
member of the Domain Administrators security group, the Enterprise
Administrators security group, or the Group Policy Creator Owners security
3. From the Windows XP endpoint, select Start, select Run, type mmc, and
then select OK.
4. On the File menu, select Add/Remove Snap-in.
5. On the Standalone tab, select Add.
6. In the Available Standalone Snap-ins list, select Group Policy, and then
select Add.
7. In the Select Group Policy Object dialog box, select Browse.
8. In the Browse for a Group Policy Object dialog box, select the Group Policy
object that you want to update with the new Windows Firewall settings. An
example is shown in the following figure.

Group Policy Object Box

9. Select OK.
10.Select Finish to complete the Group Policy Wizard.
11.In the Add Standalone Snap-in dialog box, select Close.
12.In the Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box, select OK.
13.In the Console tree, open Computer Configuration>Administrative
Templates>Network>Network Connections>Windows Firewall, as
shown in the following figure.

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Appendix 3: Remote Access to Endpoints

Windows Firewall Tree

14.Select Domain Profile and then Windows Firewall: Define port exceptions.
15.Select Enabled.
16.Select Show.
17.Select Add.
18.Define the desired rule, for example:
139:TCP: would define a rule
allowing the endpoint at to access port 139 on WinXPSP2
computers in the scope controlled by this group policy.
19.Repeat steps 17 and 18 for additional rules.
20.Select OK.

A restart may be needed on the client machines in order for this definition to
take effect.

Troubleshooting Domain Credentials

This section describes Domain Credential troubleshooting procedures:
A. Test the Domain Credentials
B. Test the Credentials on the Endpoint Using a Localhost Query
C. Test the Credentials at the Endpoint Using Remote Query

A. Test the Domain Credentials

Perform the following steps to test the domain credentials.
1. Log in to an endpoint using the CounterACT user name and password. If this
fails, check the CounterACT user settings on the Domain Controller.
2. Check that the endpoint is a member of the Domain and is authenticating
against the Domain Controller.

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Appendix 3: Remote Access to Endpoints

3. Check that the login is using the Domain, rather than localhost credentials.

B. Test the Credentials on the Endpoint Using a Localhost

This test ensures that a query can be performed using the domain credentials.
1. Log in to an endpoint using any credentials other than the CounterACT user.
This endpoint should be a member of the domain.
2. Open a command window (Start>Run>cmd).
3. Run the command:
C:\>net use \\\C$ /user:<domain>\counteract
<domain> is the fully qualified domain of the network.

4. The command should return the following:

Local name
Remote name \\\C$
Resource type Disk
Status OK
# Opens 0
# Connections 1
The command completed successfully.

If this test fails:

Check the domain syntax. Perhaps it needs to be more fully qualified. For
example, domain, domain.com or hq.domain.com.
Check the credentials on the Domain Controller.

C. Test the Credentials at the Endpoint Using Remote

1. Log in to another endpoint that is also a member of the domain.
2. Open a command window (Start>Run>cmd).
3. Run the command:
net use \\<IP_address>\c$ <password> /user: <domain>\counteract
<IP_address> is the IP address of the target machine
<password> is the password for the CounterACT user

If this fails, check the following:

a. Domain Configuration
b. TCP/IP Configuration
c. Port Setup
d. NetBIOS over TCP/IP Setup
e. Services
f. Shares

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Appendix 3: Remote Access to Endpoints

a. Domain Configuration Test

1. Open the System dialog. Select Start>Control Page>System. Set the
domain configuration in the <Computer_Name> tab, select Change. Verify
that the machine is a member of the domain and that the domain is spelled

Computer Name Change Dialog Box

2. Verify that the NetBIOS domain name is identical to the one configured in the
Host Properties Scanner Plugin configuration pane. This is done by
running the command nbtstat -n, which should produce the following output.

NetBIOS Domain Name

b. TCP/IP Configuration Test

Open the properties dialog box of the relevant network connection.

To open the dialog box:

1. Select Start>Control Page>Network Connections and right-click the
network connection.

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Appendix 3: Remote Access to Endpoints

2. Select Properties. The following components should be installed (marked in

red in the figure below):
Client for Microsoft Networks.
File and printer sharing for Microsoft network.
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).

Local Area Connections Dialog Boxes

3. The Client for Microsoft Networks should be configured as follows:

RPC Service Dialog Box

c. Port Setup Test

CounterACT should have access to either one of the following ports: 139/TCP,
Group policy test

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 713

Appendix 3: Remote Access to Endpoints

In a Windows XP group policy, the domain can be configured to set the end-systems
personal firewall settings. For more details, see Working with Windows XP SP2
Local configuration of the firewall
Allow monitored network connections:
1. Select My network>Properties>Change Windows Firewall
Settings>Exceptions>File and Printer sharing. Ports TCP 139 and TCP
445 should be set.
2. Select Change Scope and in the Custom List add the CounterACT device IP

Local Firewall Configuration

Disabling the firewall

For testing purposes the firewall can be disabled.

To disable the firewall:

1. In the Advanced tab, select Setting from the Windows Firewall group.
2. Disable the firewall by choosing the following option:

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Appendix 3: Remote Access to Endpoints

Windows Firewall Dialog Box

d. NetBIOS over TCP/IP Setup Test

NetBIOS over TCP/IP should be enabled either directly or from the DHCP server.
One of the options in red below should be enabled:

NetBIOS over TCP/IP option

e. Services Test
Verify that the services listed in step (circled in red) are running.

To verify:
1. Open the services view by selecting Start>Control Page>Administrative
Tools>Services. Verify that the following services (in red) are running:
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
Remote Registry Service

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Appendix 3: Remote Access to Endpoints

2. If any of them is not running then start it (right-click>Start).

f. Shares Test
Verify that the default c$ share exists.

To verify:
1. From My computer, right-click drive C and select Properties.
2. In the Sharing tab, the following should be configured:

Sharing Tab

Troubleshooting Deep Inspection

Verify the following if you cannot perform deep inspection on network Windows
Machines are either:
Windows 2000
Windows XP

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 716

Appendix 3: Remote Access to Endpoints

Windows Server 2000

Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2008
32-bit and 64-bit machines are supported.
For Windows Vista machines, verify that Vista UAC is disabled. For more
information see: http://www.petri.co.il/disable_uac_in_windows_vista.htm
Verify that the following services are enabled: Remote Procedure Call, Server
Service, and Remote Registry Service.
Verify that File & Print Sharing for Microsoft Networks (connection properties)
is installed.
Verify that you have domain-level administrative privileges on each computer
being scanned or that you are a member of the Domain Admins Group. This
group allows writing to the file system but not to the registry.
If your network includes endpoints that run under Windows XP SP2, you can
change the Windows Firewall Settings so that CounterACT can perform
remote inspection on these machines. This means that you should have
access to port 137 UDP and port 139/445 TCP. Allowing access means
CounterACT can retrieve Windows related information. By default, these ports
are open on Windows 2000 machines.
Verify that you have cleared Use Simple File Sharing for the endpoint (for
XP systems only).

To clear Use Simple File Sharing:

1. Double-click My Computer.
2. Select Folder Options from the Tools menu.
3. Select the View tab.
4. Clear the Use Simple File Sharing option and select OK.

Use Simple File Sharing Dialog Box

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 717

Appendix 4: Generating and Importing a
Trusted Web Server Certificate
This appendix describes how to generate and import a trusted certificate and remove
the browser security warning that opens when trying to access the CounterACT Web
Portals, for example the Assets Portal, Dashboard and Reports Portal.
Appendix 4: Generating and Importing a Trusted Web Server Certificate

This appendix describes how to generate and import a trusted certificate and remove
the browser security warning that opens when trying to access the CounterACT Web
Portals, for example the Assets Portal, Dashboard and Reports Portal. The Appliance
runs a web server to operate these portals. Access to them requires a secured
connection (HTTPS), because the information provided is sensitive.
During the installation of the Appliance, a default self-signed certificate is created for
this purpose. However the certificate was not signed by a CA such as VeriSign or
Thawte. This causes the web browser not to trust the self-signed certificate. As a
result, a security alert warning appears each time you connect to a CounterACT

Initial Warning Message

If you set up the HTTP Login action so that credentials sent to the Appliance
are transmitted, you may also want to generate the certificate.

To prevent this message from appearing, the certificate that the web server is using
needs to be signed by a known CA, and the web server should be accessed using its
DNS name (and not its IP address).

To generate and import a trusted certificate:

1. Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), with your company details
using the command: fstool cert gen

When running the command, you can use SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384 or
SHA-512 hash functions for the web server certificate. If no hash function
is selected, SHA-256 is used.

A new CSR file is created: /tmp/ca_request.csr

2. Contact a CA and request a signed TLS certificate using the CSR file created in
step 1.
The signed certificates you receive should be imported to the web browser using the
command: fstool cert import signed-certificate-file [ca-certificate-file]
If the signed-certificate-file contains the full certificate chain (i.e. in PKCS#7.P7B
format), the ca-certificate-files are not required, for example, run the command:
fstool cert import /tmp/ca_reply.p7b)

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 719

Appendix 4: Generating and Importing a Trusted Web Server Certificate

Otherwise, the certificates should be imported using the certificates file(s) of the CA
that signed the request (in addition to the signed certificate file, for example, fstool
cert import /tmp/ca_reply.crt /tmp/intermediate_ca.crt /tmp/root_ca.crt)

You can use the fstool cert clean command to clear all extraneous certificates
from the certificate store. This ensures that new certificates can be properly
imported using the existing fstool cert import command.
You can use the fstool cert test command to print the certificate chain presented
by the SSL server. The default SSL server is localhost:443. This command allows you
to check if the output of the test command matches the certificate chain imported
using the fstool cert import command. You can also print the certificate chain of
an external SSL sever using fstool cert test <sample.server:443>.
The import supports both DER and PEM encoding certificate file formats.

Sample Prompt
# fstool cert gen
Generating new Certificate request:
DNS name of this CounterACT Appliance : <type here>
Organization name :
Organizational unit name :
City or Locality name :
State or Province :
Two-letter country code for this unit :
Add Email address to the certificate request? (yes/no) : no
Number of months this certificate is valid for [120] :
RSA key size [2048] :
Signature digest algorithm (one of: SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512) [SHA256]
A random seed must be generated that will be used in the
creation of your key. One of the easiest ways to create a
random seed is to use the timing of keystrokes on a keyboard.
To begin, type keys on the keyboard until this progress meter
Continue typing until the progress meter is full:
Finished. Press enter to continue:
Generating key. This may take a few moments...
Certificate request stored at /tmp/ca_request.csr

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 720

Appendix 4: Generating and Importing a Trusted Web Server Certificate

The following steps should be taken in order to complete the

Web server certification:

- Sign the certificate request (/tmp/ca_request.csr) by your organizational

Certificate Authority
- Copy the signed certificate to this machine (e.g. to /tmp/signed-
- Run the command: fstool cert import /tmp/signed-certificates

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 721

Appendix 5: HTTP Redirection
About HTTP Redirection
Security Considerations
Sample fstool netconfig Session
Appendix 5: HTTP Redirection

About HTTP Redirection

The browser notification, login and remediation actions require that the Appliance
see traffic going to the web. In order for these actions to work properly, you may
need to set the IP address used by the HTTP redirection features. This appendix
details this procedure.
The HTTP feature works by redirecting an HTTP request made by a user to the
Appliance for further processing. By default, the redirection is sent to the
management IP address of the Appliance. In an environment where the management
network and the general network are separated there is a need to change the default
behavior, otherwise the redirection will fail. To address this situation, a different
network card needs to be connected to the network and assigned an IP address so it
can process the redirection requests. Unless it is connected to a trunk port on which
it handles multiple VLANs, the injection interface can be used for this purpose.

To redirect:
1. Connect a NIC other than the one used for management to the general
purpose network. If the injection interface is not configured to handle VLANs
on a switch trunk port, it can be used for this purpose.
2. Configure the NIC with a proper IP address and default gateway by using the
fstool netconfig command. See the following sample session.

3. Test connectivity to and from CounterACT by pinging various addresses in the

network. Invoke the fstool fw command to temporarily allow outgoing ICMP
traffic prior to these tests.
4. Configure CounterACT to redirect HTTP requests to the new address by using
the following command:
fstool set_property http.server.ip.address <Address>
5. Restart the Appliance services by using the fstool service restart
6. Verify that HTTP redirection works with the new address by applying a proper
policy rule to an IP address inside the general network.
7. Verify that connectivity with the management station has not been lost (for
example, using the CounterACT device).
8. If you are logged on to a single Appliance:
For the Appliance, HTTP redirection can be performed using DNS names,
and not just IP addresses. This is desired if a security certificate has been
obtained and installed on the Appliance (for more information about
certificates see Appendix 4: Generating and Importing a Trusted Web
Server Certificate).

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 723

Appendix 5: HTTP Redirection

The system will redirect using the DNS name of an Appliance if its IP
address (reversibly) resolves to a name, and the name (forwardly)
resolves to the IP address. This behavior can be controlled by setting the
fs.redirect.dns.enabled property:
fstool set_property fs.redirect.dns.enabled true
fstool service restart
The default setting for this property is false (i.e. redirection using DNS
names is not performed).

Security Considerations
After these changes are applied, the Appliance has IP connectivity to both the
general-purpose network and to the isolated management network. Several
measures are in place to prevent the Appliance from connecting the two networks.
The Appliance is configured to not route traffic (net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0). This
attribute is watched for periodically, and is reset if found in the wrong state, so as to
avoid mistakes made manually.
The Appliance built-in firewall blocks all forwarding (FORWARD chain policy is DROP).
This is also watched for periodically and reset if found in the wrong state.

Sample fstool netconfig Session

The fstool netconfig command supports IPv6 address format.

fstool netconfig

CounterACT Machine Network Configuration Options:

1) Configure network interfaces

2) Configure default gateway
3) Restart network service
4) Quit

Choice (1-4) : 1

CounterACT Machine Network Interfaces Configuration
* eth0 Address: Netmask:
* eth1 Address: unassigned
* eth2 Address: unassigned
* eth3 Address: unassigned

(E)dit,(A)dd VLAN,(D)elete VLAN,(B)ack,(H)elp : e

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 724

Appendix 5: HTTP Redirection

Choose interface to configure:

1) eth0 Address: Netmask:

2) eth1 Address: unassigned
3) eth2 Address: unassigned
4) eth3 Address: unassigned

Choice (1-4) : 2

IP address for eth1 ('none' for no address) :

eth1 network mask [] :

Update eth1 configuration? (yes/no) : yes

Updating /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1...

Network service should be restarted for changes to take


Restart network service? (yes/no) : no (do it later)

CounterACT Machine Network Interfaces Configuration
* eth0 Address: Netmask:
* eth1 Address: Netmask:
* eth2 Address: unassigned
* eth3 Address: unassigned
(E)dit,(A)dd VLAN,(D)elete VLAN,(B)ack,(H)elp : B

CounterACT Machine Network Configuration Options:

1) Configure network interfaces

2) Configure default gateway
3) Restart network service
4) Quit

Choice (1-4) : 2

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Appendix 5: HTTP Redirection

Default gateway IP address [] :

Default gateway set to
Apply change now? (yes/no) : yes
Change applied.
Press ENTER to continue

CounterACT Machine Network Configuration Options:

1) Configure network interfaces

2) Configure default gateway
3) Restart network service
4) Quit

Choice (1-4) : 3

Restart network service? (yes/no) : yes

Restarting network service...

Shutting down interface eth0: [ OK ]

Shutting down interface eth1: [ OK ]
Setting network parameters: [ OK ]
Bringing up loopback interface: [ OK ]
Bringing up interface eth0: [ OK]
Bringing up interface eth1: [ OK ]
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1
kernel.sysrq = 0
kernel.core_uses_pid = 1

Done restarting network service

CounterACT Machine Network Configuration Options:

1) Configure network interfaces

2) Configure default gateway
3) Restart network service
4) Quit

Choice (1-4) : 4

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 726

Appendix 6: SNMP Integration
This appendix describes CounterACT SNMP support.
Appendix 6: SNMP Integration

SNMP Integration
CounterACT hosts an SNMP service that provides the following SNMP support:
Standard MIBs over SNMPv1, SNMPv2c and SNMPv3
Trusted notifications using SNMPv3 with USM traps and INFORMs
SNMPv3 with:
Rich authentication (MD5 or SHA)
Encryption (AES or DES)
View of the MIB tree via industry standards
SNMP functionality is supported in IPv4, IPv6 and Dual-Stack CounterACT device
CounterACT uses the Net-SNMP suite to support most SNMP functionality. More
information about Net-SNMP is available at http://www.net-snmp.org/.
This section describes how to configure the SNMP service on CounterACT devices,
including definition of external MIB users and trap targets, and enabling/disabling of
CounterACT-specific traps. Users who configure the SNMP service on CounterACT
devices should be familiar with SNMP and with the View Based Access Control Model

About SNMP Service Settings

Configuration tools for the SNMP Service are based on the configuration model of the
View Based Access Control Module (VACM). This module was defined as part of SNMP
v3, and is widely supported for SNMP v1/v2 interaction. It provides settings to
control user access privileges and to define trap targets and behaviors.

Console-based Configuration
Typically, you configure the service in the SNMP Settings pane of the CounterACT
Console. This pane provides a subset of the most useful settings supported by the
VACM model. For details about using the options of the SNMP Settings pane, see
Configure SNMP Service Settings.

File-based Configuration
To support use of configuration settings not supported by the SNMP Settings pane,
you can apply settings from an internal VACM configuration (.conf) file stored on
Appliances. You can copy a customized .conf file to Appliances, and apply it to the
SNMP service. For details about using the internal configuration file, see Working
with File-based SNMP Service Settings.
These two configurations are distinct: When Console-based settings are applied to
the SNMP service, settings of the internal .conf file are not active. Similarly, when
settings of the internal .conf file are applied to the SNMP service, settings of the
SNMP Settings pane are not active; modifications you make in the SNMP Settings
pane are saved, but are not applied to the running service.

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Appendix 6: SNMP Integration

Configure SNMP Service Settings

Configuration tools for the SNMP Service are based on the configuration model of the
View Based Access Control Module (VACM). This module was defined as part of SNMP
v3, and is widely supported for SNMP v1/v2 interaction. It provides settings to
control user access privileges and to define trap targets and behaviors.
You configure these settings in the SNMP Settings pane of the CounterACT Console.
Related Tasks and Options
Apply settings to the SNMP service. You can choose whether the service uses
the Console-based settings of the SNMP Settings pane, or whether file-based
configuration is used. See About SNMP Service Settings.
Import an SNMP configuration file. The SNMP Settings pane reflects imported
settings. You can use imported settings as the basis for further modifications.
See Import SNMP Service Settings.
Export current settings to a file. See Export SNMP Service Settings.

During initial configuration, it is recommended to follow the order of the tabs

in the SNMP Settings pane. For example, it is recommended to define Views
before you define Users.

The SNMP Settings configuration pane provides a subset of the most useful
settings supported by the VACM model. If you want to use configuration
settings not supported by the configuration user interface, see About SNMP
Service Settings and Working with File-based SNMP Service Settings.

To configure SNMP Service settings:

1. In the Console main menu, select Tools>Options. In the Options tree, select
General>SNMP Settings. The SNMP Settings pane opens.

SNMP Settings Pane

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Appendix 6: SNMP Integration

2. (Optional) To define or modify a configuration for a subset of CounterACT

devices, see Configuring Features for an Appliance or Group of Appliances.
3. From this pane you can perform the following tasks:
Configure SNMP Views
Configure SNMP Users
Configure Trap Targets
Test Trap Targets
Enable and Disable CounterACT Traps
Import SNMP Service Settings
Export SNMP Service Settings
Start and Stop the SNMP Service from the Console
Apply Configuration Settings to the SNMP Service

Configure SNMP Views

Use this procedure to define Views that restrict user access to the CounterACT MIB.

To configure Views:
1. In the SNMP Settings pane of the Options tree, select the Views tab. The table
lists existing views.

SNMP Settings Views Tab

2. Do one of the following:

Select Add to create a new view.
Select an existing view in the table, and select Edit to modify it.
The Configure View dialog box appears.
3. Define the view using the following fields and options:

View Name This value is not necessarily unique. Several views can have the
same name, each of them defining different access range of MIB
objects. When a view is applied to a user or group, all access
ranges with the same name are applied together.

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Appendix 6: SNMP Integration

OID/Subtree A subtree in the CounterACT device MIB, for example:

Apply the view to an SNMP user to define user access to this
Mask (Optional) Select this option to mask specific OIDs in the subtree.
Specify the mask as a colon-separated list of hexadecimal octets.
Include in Determines how the view affects the access range of users.
access range Include in access range the subtree is permitted to users
Exclude from when this view is applied to them.
access range Exclude from access range the subtree is prohibited to users
when this view is applied to them.

4. To remove a view, select it in the table and select Remove.

Configure SNMP Users

Use this procedure to define users that can access the CounterACT MIB. These users
are not necessarily Console users.

To configure SNMP users:

1. In the SNMP Settings pane of the Options tree, select the Users tab. The table
lists users that can interact with the SNMP service on CounterACT devices.

SNMP Setttings Users Tab

2. Do one of the following:

Select Add to create a new user.
Select an existing user in the table, and select Edit to modify it.
The User Configuration dialog box appears.

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Appendix 6: SNMP Integration

SNMP User Configuration

3. In the User Name field, specify a unique name for this SNMP user.
4. In the Community field, specify the community strin confgig with which the
user communicates with CounterACT.
5. In the SNMP Settings area, select the version of the SNMP protocol that is
used to communicate with this user.
(Optional) When SNMP V3 is selected, Authentication and Privacy
encryption options are available. Specify encryption protocols and passwords.
6. In the Define Sources area, define the network addresses from which this
user can access the SNMP service. Do one of the following:
Select Add to add a source.
Select a source in the table and select Edit or Remove.
Each entry in the list can be a specific FQDN or IP address, or a subnet
declared using the IP/MASK or IP/BITS convention. For example:

7. In the Apply Views area, select the views that filter access for this user. Do
one of the following:
Select Add to apply a view to the user.

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Appendix 6: SNMP Integration

Select an existing view in the table, and select Edit to modify it.
The Apply View dialog box appears.

SNMP Apply View

Define how a view is applied using the following fields and options.

View Name The drop-down lists all view names currently defined in the
Views tab that have not yet been assigned to this user.
Read Only This setting determines permissions granted to the user for the
Read and Write MIB objects in this view:
Read Only user can only read the MIB objects in this view.
Read/Write user can read and write to the MIB objects in
this view.

To remove a view from a user, select it in the table and select Remove. The
view still appears in the Views tab, but no longer applies to this user.

Configure Trap Targets

Use this procedure to define targets that receive traps from the SNMP service.

To configure trap targets:

1. In the SNMP Settings pane of the Options tree, select the Trap Targets tab.

SNMP Settings Trap Targets Tab

2. Do one of the following:

Select Add to create a new target.
Select an existing target in the table, and select Edit to modify it.
The Trap Configuration dialog box appears.

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Appendix 6: SNMP Integration

Define a target using the following fields and options. Select OK to save
changes. To test trap reporting to this target, see Test Trap Targets.

IP Address The network address to which the traps are sent. This can be a
or FQDN specific FQDN or IP address.
Community The community string that is used to communicate with this target.
Trap Type The type of SNMP trap message that is sent to this user.
SNMP v3 TRAP messages are not available when you use Console-
based configuration. Use file-based configuration to send SNMP v3
TRAP messages.

3. To remove a target, select it in the table and select Remove.

4. To test communication with trap targets, see Test Trap Targets.

Test Trap Targets

Use this procedure to verify that configured targets receive traps from CounterACT.

To test trap targets:

1. In the SNMP Settings pane of the Options tree, select the Trap Targets tab.
2. Select Send Test Trap. Select OK to confirm.
A test trap is sent to all the targets configured in the Trap Targets table.

Enable and Disable CounterACT Traps

Use this procedure to configure which CounterACT-specific traps are sent by
CounterACT devices.

Standard SNMP traps are always sent, and cannot be disabled.

To configure active traps:

1. In the SNMP Settings pane of the Options tree, select the Active Traps tab.

SNMP Settings Active Traps Tab

The table lists all the CounterACT-specific traps supported by the SNMP
service on CounterACT devices. By default, all traps are enabled.
2. (Optional) Use the search field to show traps that match a substring of any
trap identifier fields, or a MIB subtree.

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Appendix 6: SNMP Integration

3. Do one of the following:

Clear the checkbox beside a trap to disable the trap. The trap is not sent
by CounterACT devices.
Select the checkbox beside a trap to enable the trap. The trap is sent
when CounterACT devices experience triggering events or thresholds.
Use the Clear All and Select All buttons to enable or disable all currently
displayed traps.
4. Select Apply to save configuration changes.

Import SNMP Service Settings

Use this procedure to import SNMP service settings from an SNMP .conf file.
Imported settings overwrite the current settings of the SNMP Settings pane of the
Console. After import, the Console-based configuration of the SNMP Settings pane
reflects the settings of the imported file. You can use this imported configuration as
the basis for further customization.

To import SNMP service settings:

1. In the General tab of the SNMP Settings pane, select Import Settings from
File. Browse to an SNMP .conf file.
The imported file overwrites the configuration in the SNMP Settings pane.
A results popup lists lines of the file that were not imported, if any. For
example, if the imported file contains VACM settings not supported by the
SNMP Settings pane in the Console, these lines are listed in the results
window. Review these results: if settings important to your SNMP
implementation are not supported, you may choose to use the internal .conf
file to support these settings. See About SNMP Service Settings and Working
with File-based SNMP Service Settings.

Import Results Dialog

2. Select OK. Review imported settings in the tabs of the SNMP Settings pane.
Do one of the following:
Select Cancel to roll back the import. Previous settings of the SNMP Settings
pane are restored.
Select Apply to accept imported settings. The tabs of the SNMP Settings pane
reflect imported settings.

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Appendix 6: SNMP Integration

Export SNMP Service Settings

Use this procedure to save current settings of the SNMP Settings pane to a .conf

To export SNMP service settings:

1. In the General tab of the SNMP Settings pane, select Export Settings to
File. In the Export dialog box, browse to the desired target directory and
enter a name for the .conf file.
2. Select Export. A file is created in the target directory. The file contains the
current settings of the SNMP Settings pane.

Start and Stop the SNMP Service from the Console

When the Console-based configuration of the SNMP Settings pane is applied to the
service, use the Run SNMP service option to start and stop the SNMP service on
configured devices.

When the file-based configuration is applied to the service, use the command
line interface to start and stop the SNMP service on each device. See Start
and Stop the SNMP Service from the Command Line Interface.

To stop or start the SNMP service from the Console:

1. In the General tab of the SNMP Settings pane, do one of the following:
Select the Run SNMP Service checkbox to start the SNMP service on
configured devices.
Clear the Run SNMP Service checkbox to stop the SNMP service on
configured devices.
When the service is enabled, the firewall on the CounterACT device
automatically opens.

Working with File-based SNMP Service Settings

The SNMP Settings configuration pane provides a subset of the most useful settings
supported by the VACM model. To support use of configuration settings not
supported by the SNMP Settings pane, you can apply service settings from an
internal VACM configuration (.conf) file stored on Appliances. See Apply
Configuration Settings to the SNMP Service.

To work with file-based SNMP service settings:

1. Log in to Enterprise Manager or an Appliance as root.
2. File-based settings are stored in the following file:

You cannot edit or overwrite this file while the SNMP service is using it.
When the SNMP service is running with Console-based settings, you can
edit or overwrite this file without disrupting the service.

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Appendix 6: SNMP Integration

When the SNMP service is running with the settings of this file, the service
reads this instance of the file. You must stop the service before you work
with the file. See Start and Stop the SNMP Service from the Command
Line Interface.
3. Edit the file. It is recommended to create a backup of the file before editing.
4. Place the updated file under /etc/snmp/.

Do not rename the file or change the path. The file you want to control the
SNMP service must be at the pathname /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf.

5. To distribute the updated snmpd.conf file, do one of the following:

To distribute the same snmpd.conf file to all Appliances, use the command
fstool oneach scp to repeat one secure copy (scp) shell command on
each Appliance.
Use the secure copy (scp) shell command to distribute different versions
of the file to individual Appliances or groups of Appliances.

Start and Stop the SNMP Service from the Command Line Interface
When file-based configuration using the internal .conf file is applied to the service,
use this procedure to start and stop the SNMP service on each device.

When the Console-based configuration of the SNMP Settings pane is applied

to the service, use the Run SNMP service option to start and stop the
service on configured devices. See Start and Stop the SNMP Service from the

To stop or start the SNMP service from the command line:

1. Log in to the CounterACT device as root.
2. Do one of the following:
To start the service, submit the following command:
fstool snmpd start
To stop the service, submit the following command:
fstool snmpd stop

When the service is enabled, the firewall on the CounterACT device

automatically opens.

Apply Configuration Settings to the SNMP Service

Use the options in the General tab of the SNMP Settings pane to choose which
configuration is applied to the SNMP service.

When you switch between configurations, the SNMP service is stopped to

apply the selected configuration. You must start the service after you switch
between configurations.

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 737

Appendix 6: SNMP Integration

To apply configuration settings to the SNMP service:

1. In the Console main menu, select Tools>Options. In the Options tree, select
General>SNMP Settings. The SNMP Settings pane opens.

SNMP Settings Apply SNMP Service Settings

2. (Optional) To define or modify a configuration for a subset of CounterACT

devices, see Configuring Features for an Appliance or Group of Appliances.
3. To switch from the file-based configuration of the internal .conf file to the
Console-based configuration of the SNMP Settings pane:
a. In the General tab, select Use Console-based configuration and select
b. Select Run SNMP service and select Apply.
The SNMP service is restarted on devices affected by the change.
4. To switch from the Console-based configuration of the SNMP Settings pane to
the file-based configuration of the internal .conf file:
a. In the General tab, select Use file-based configuration and select
b. Restart the SNMP service. See Start and Stop the SNMP Service from the
Command Line Interface.

Performance Thresholds for SNMP Notifications

To work with the SNMP MIB for CounterACT Appliances, you must define
performance thresholds for the following Appliance resources, which are monitored
and reported by MIB attributes:
CPU Usage (percent)

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 738

Appendix 6: SNMP Integration

Memory Swaps (kilobytes per second)

Packet Loss (percent)
Number of Hosts (percent)
Bandwidth (percent)
For each resource, both an upper threshold value (upper bound) and a lower
threshold value (lower bound) are defined. These boundaries are used to generate
Threshold Crossing Alarm (TCA) trap notifications, as follows:
When a MIB attribute has a value below the Lower Bound, the monitored
resource is considered to have Normal functional status.
When the value of a MIB attribute increases from Normal (below the Lower
Bound) until it exceeds the Upper Bound value, the monitored resource is
considered to be in High/Exceeded status, and an alarm trap notification is
sent with severity set to Warning (6).
When the value of a MIB attribute decreases from High/Exceeded (above the
Upper Bound) to below its Lower Bound, the monitored resource is considered
to have returned to Normal status, and a trap notification with severity set to
Cleared (1) is sent to clear the previous alarm trap.
Define the thresholds for SNMP MIB attributes in the Console Tools > Options >
Advanced > Performance Thresholds pane.

Performance Thresholds for CounterACT Appliance SNMP MIB

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 739

Appendix 7: SNMP MIB for CounterACT
About the SNMP MIB for CounterACT Appliances
MIB Table Objects for CounterACT Appliances
SNMP Trap Notifications for CounterACT Appliances
Appendix 7: SNMP MIB for CounterACT Appliances

About the SNMP MIB for CounterACT

A MIB Table for CounterACT Appliances provides objects that report detailed
information about status, configuration and performance information.
SMNP queries made to an Enterprise Manager return a table containing the MIB
attributes of the Enterprise Manager and all its managed Appliances.
SMNP queries made to a specific CounterACT Appliance return a table containing a
single row providing the MIB attributes of the queried Appliance.
Obtain the CounterACT SNMP MIB file, ForeScout-MIB, from the location

Load this file in your external management system.

The ArcSight Plugin also provides SNMP MIB and Trap Notification information
about the interaction between CounterACT devices and their peer ArcSight
servers. Refer to the ArcSight Plugin documentation at

In order for an external network management system to query a CounterACT

Appliance SNMP MIB and receive SNMP trap notifications, you must enable
SNMP on the CounterACT Appliance. By default, the CounterACT SNMP agent
is disabled. See Appendix 6: SNMP Integration for details.

MIB Table Objects for CounterACT Appliances

The CounterACT Appliance MIB contains the following objects:

OID: .
This object contains a table of MIB object values for all CounterACT Appliances
managed by this Appliance.
For an Enterprise Manager (EM) this object contains a table of values for all
its managed Appliances. Each row contains the MIB values of a single
managed Appliance.
For a managed or standalone Appliance this table contains a single-row table
representing the MIB values of the Appliance.

The following related trap notifications are provided:


CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 741

Appendix 7: SNMP MIB for CounterACT Appliances

An internally-defined unique identifier for the CounterACT Appliance. The Enterprise
Manager assigns a unique Device ID to itself, and to each managed Appliance. The
Device ID provides a consistent reference to the Appliance as long as it is associated
with the Enterprise Manager.

The IP address of this Appliance.
For an Enterprise Manager this is the IP address of the device.
For a managed Appliance this is the IP address of the Appliance as perceived
by the Enterprise Manager.

The type of IP address in the ctDeviceIpAddress object. Valid values are:
ipv4 (1) Indicates that an IPv4 address is used, as defined by the InetAddressIPv4
textual convention.
ipv6 (2) Indicates that an IPv6 address is used, as defined by the InetAddressIPv6
textual convention.

The total number of endpoints currently managed by this Appliance. For an
Enterprise Manager, this object contains the total number of endpoints directly
managed by the Enterprise Manager.

The following related trap notifications are provided:


Percentage of the Appliance's allocated processor resources currently in use. This
value is an average taken across all processors.

The following related trap notifications are provided:



CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 742

Appendix 7: SNMP MIB for CounterACT Appliances

Packet loss as a percent of received IP packets. This is the fraction of received

packets that were not handled by the Appliance over a sliding window of the last 30
seconds. When packet loss is excessive, HTTP Redirection and Virtual Firewall actions
may not work consistently. To resolve, upgrade the Appliance or configure the
channels to monitor less traffic.

The following related trap notifications are provided:


Amount of memory swapped (kbytes) over the last minute. If this value exceeds the
recommended threshold, the system may work slowly. To resolve this issue, add
physical memory to the Appliance or replace the Appliance with a model that has
more physical memory.

The following related trap notifications are provided:


Indicates the network connectivity status. Possible states are:
connectionOK (1) Indicates that the Appliance is up and ready.
connectionFailed (2) Indicates the connection to the network failed. There may be a
network outage or the Appliance may be down.
connectionStatusUnknown (3) Indicates that the connection status cannot be verified
at this time (for example if the Appliance is down or unreachable).

The following related trap notification is provided:


Indicates the status of the Packet Engine service, which monitors network traffic and
discovers network endpoints. Possible states are:
ready (1) Indicates that the packet engine is up and ready.
initializing (2) Indicates that the packet engine is starting up and currently
down (3) Indicates that the packet engine is currently down.
statusUnknown (4) Indicates that the packet engine status cannot currently be
verified. For example, the CounterACT Appliance may be down or unreachable.

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Appendix 7: SNMP MIB for CounterACT Appliances

notApplicable (5) Indicates that the packet engine is administratively disabled.

The following related trap notification is provided:


Bit-rate consumed by the Appliance communication resources expressed in kilobytes
per second; averaged over a sliding window (see CounterACT documentation for
more details). This value accounts for internal traffic between CounterACT Appliances
and traffic handled by the packet engine. If this value exceeds recommended
thresholds for each Appliance model, Appliance performance may be affected. To
resolve this issue, contact ForeScout support or sales representative.

The following related trap notifications are provided:


Indicates the status of the High Availability (HA) service, which monitors the status
of the active and the passive (standby) Appliances in a High Availability cluster.
Possible states are:
ok (1) Indicates that the standby CounterACT device is up, responsive and is in sync
with the active CounterACT device.
statusDegraded (2) Indicates that the standby CounterACT device is unreachable,
down, or currently out of sync with the active CounterACT device.
inMaintenanceMode(3) Indicates that the active or the standby CounterACT device is
currently undergoing maintenance operations such as setup or upgrade.
notSupported (4) Indicates that High Availability is not supported or configured on
this Appliance.
statusUnknown (5) Indicates that the High Availability status cannot be determined
because the Enterprise Manager cannot connect to the Appliance.

The following related trap notification is provided:


Indicates the status of the licensing service. This service monitors the licensed
operating capacity of CounterACT relative to the number of managed endpoints,
used Appliance bandwidth, software modules and other license terms. Possible states
valid (1) Indicates that the current license status is OK and usage is within the
licensed capacity.

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Appendix 7: SNMP MIB for CounterACT Appliances

violation (2) Indicates that there are one or more license violations, for example
services running with usage capacity exceeding the currently deployed licenses.
invalid (3) Indicates that the currently deployed license is expired or invalid.
statusUnknown (4) Indicates that the license status cannot be verified at this time
(for example the Appliance is down or unreachable).

The following related trap notification is provided:


Indicates the status of the network time synchronization service, which handles
synchronization with the associated NTP server. Possible states are:
syncOk (1) Indicates the Appliance is synchronized with the NTP server.
syncFailed (2) Indicates the Appliance failed to connect to the NTP server, or failed
to get a valid response from the NTP server.
notApplicable (3) Indicates that the NTP is not configured or that the NTP service is
statusUnknown (4) Indicates that the Appliance is currently unreachable and that the
current status cannot be verified.

The following related trap notification is provided:


Indicates the status of the pending actions queue. This object indicates if there are
policy-driven actions that were blocked because the number of pending actions
exceeded the queue size defined in the Console (Options>NAC>Action Thresholds).
Queue size and action thresholds can be defined per action and/or per Appliance.
Possible states are:
ok (1) Indicates that policy actions are within the administrator defined Action
thresholds, and that there are no policy driven actions in a blocked state.
blockedOnExceedingThreshold (2) Indicates that actions are blocked. One or more
policies have created a queue of actions that exceeds the administrator defined
threshold. The administrator can review and release blocked actions from the
Console (Options>NAC>Action Thresholds).
blockStatusUnknown (3) Indicates that the queue status cannot be verified (for
example if the CounterACT Appliance is down or unreachable).

The following related trap notification is provided:


CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 745

Appendix 7: SNMP MIB for CounterACT Appliances

Indicates the status of the network interfaces used by the Appliance to mirror
monitored traffic and insert management input. A channel is defined as a pair of
monitor and response interfaces. Possible states are:
ok (1) Indicates that the Appliance is currently monitoring network traffic.
warning (2) Indicates a significant change in traffic on the channels monitoring
interface. The volume of mirrored traffic may have dropped significantly, indicating
that not all traffic is being monitored. A trap with this severity may report a transient
effect. If the Appliance does not recover channel function within a minute or two,
troubleshooting intervention is typically necessary. Significant, persistent missed
traffic prevents CounterACT from reliably implementing detection, prevention, and
remediation actions and may require reconfiguration of the Appliances channels.
error (3) Indicates that the Appliances internal test of the channels response
interface repeatedly fails, and/or traffic on the monitoring interface may be
asymmetric. The Appliance cannot reliably track communications or insert response
traffic. This effectively prevents the Appliance from implementing detection,
prevention, and remediation actions.
unknown (4) Indicates that the status of channel interfaces cannot be verified at this
time (for example if the CounterACT Appliance is down or unreachable).
notApplicable (5) Indicates that channels are not configured or administratively

The following related trap notification is provided:


SNMP Trap Notifications for CounterACT

The SNMP trap notifications described in this section are issued when the value of a
configuration, status, or performance attribute of the CounterACT Appliance SNMP
MIB changes on an Appliance.
Appliance SNMP trap notifications include varbinds to identify the reporting Appliance
and to indicate severity and other information. See Common Trap Notification
Several of the trap notifications described here are threshold crossing alarms (TCA).
Trap notification is triggered when MIB values pass configurable performance
thresholds. For information about setting these thresholds, see Performance
Thresholds for SNMP Notifications.

The ArcSight Plugin also provides SNMP MIB and Trap Notification information
about the interaction between CounterACT devices and their peer ArcSight
servers. Refer to the ArcSight Plugin documentation.

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 746

Appendix 7: SNMP MIB for CounterACT Appliances

In order for an external network management system to query a CounterACT

Appliance SNMP MIB and receive SNMP trap notifications, you must enable
SNMP on the CounterACT Appliance. By default, the CounterACT SNMP agent
is disabled. See SNMP Integration for details.

CounterACT Appliance trap notifications can contain the following MIB objects:

Indicates a configuration change on the Appliance. In addition to the common trap
notification varbinds, this trap provides the following additional varbinds to identify
the configuration change:
The OID of the changed object. For example, if the CounterACT operator changed
the ArcSight server name, this varbind contains the OID of the arcSightServerName
The value of the MIB attribute before the configuration change.
The updated value of the MIB attribute after the configuration change.


Indicates that a CounterACT Appliance was added to CounterACT Enterprise Manager


Indicates that a CounterACT Appliance was removed from CounterACT Enterprise
Manager (EM).

This trap notification is sent when the ctNumberOfManagedEndpoints MIB attribute
crosses the upper bound of the Number of Hosts threshold. Trap severity is
This alarm trap is cleared by the ctDeviceTrapEndpointCapacityNormal trap
To set performance thresholds, see Performance Thresholds for SNMP Notifications.

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 747

Appendix 7: SNMP MIB for CounterACT Appliances

This trap notification is sent when the ctNumberOfManagedEndpoints MIB attribute
crosses the lower bound of the Number of Hosts threshold. Trap severity is clear(1).
This trap notification is only sent after a ctDeviceTrapEndpointCapacityExceeded
alarm trap was sent.
To set performance thresholds, see Performance Thresholds for SNMP Notifications.

This trap notification is sent when the ctDeviceCpuUtilization MIB attribute crosses
the upper bound of the CPU Usage threshold. Trap severity is warning(6).
This alarm trap is cleared by the ctDeviceTrapNormalCPUUtilization trap

This trap notification is sent when the ctDeviceCpuUtilization MIB attribute crosses
the lower bound of the CPU Usage threshold. Trap severity is clear(1).
This trap notification is only sent after a ctDeviceTrapHighCPUUtilization alarm
trap was sent.
To set performance thresholds, see Performance Thresholds for SNMP Notifications.


This trap notification is sent when the ctDevicePacketLoss MIB attribute crosses the
upper bound of the Packet Loss threshold. Trap severity is warning(6).
This alarm trap is cleared by the ctDeviceTrapNormalPacketLoss trap notification.
To set performance thresholds, see Performance Thresholds for SNMP Notifications.

This trap notification is sent when the ctDevicePacketLoss MIB attribute crosses the
lower bound of the Packet Loss threshold. Trap severity is clear(1).
This trap notification is only sent after a ctDeviceTrapHighPacketLoss alarm trap
was sent.
To set performance thresholds, see Performance Thresholds for SNMP Notifications.

This trap notification is sent when the ctDeviceMemorySwaps MIB attribute crosses
the upper bound of the MemorySwaps threshold. Trap severity is warning(6).

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 748

Appendix 7: SNMP MIB for CounterACT Appliances

This alarm trap is cleared by the ctDeviceTrapNormalMemorySwapping trap

To set performance thresholds, see Performance Thresholds for SNMP Notifications.

This trap notification is sent when the ctDeviceMemorySwaps MIB attribute crosses
the lower bound of the MemorySwaps threshold. Trap severity is clear(1).
This trap notification is only sent after a ctDeviceTrapHighMemorySwapping alarm
trap was sent.
To set performance thresholds, see Performance Thresholds for SNMP Notifications.

Indicates a change in the ctDeviceConnectionStatus MIB attribute. The severity of
this alarm trap reflects the current value of the MIB attribute, as shown in the
following table.

Value of Severity of
ctDeviceConnectionStatus ctDeviceConnectionStatusChangedTrap
connectionOK (1) cleared(1)
connectionFailed (2) critical (3)
connectionStatusUnknown (3) indeterminate(2)

Indicates a change in the ctDeviceEngineStatus MIB attribute. The severity of this
alarm trap reflects the current value of the MIB attribute, as shown in the following

Value of ctDeviceEngineStatus Severity of

engineReady (1) cleared(1)
engineInitializing (2) indeterminate(2)
engineDown (3) critical (3)
engineStatusUnknown (4) indeterminate(2)
engineNotApplicable (5) warning (6)

This trap notification is sent when the ctDeviceCurrentBandwidth MIB attribute
crosses the upper bound of the Bandwidth threshold. Trap severity is warning(6).
This alarm trap is cleared by the ctDeviceNormalBandwidthUtilizationTrap trap

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 749

Appendix 7: SNMP MIB for CounterACT Appliances

To set performance thresholds, see Performance Thresholds for SNMP Notifications.

This trap notification is sent when the ctDeviceCurrentBandwidth MIB attribute
crosses the lower bound of the Bandwidth threshold. Trap severity is clear(1).
This trap notification is only sent after a ctDeviceHighBandwidthUtilizationTrap
alarm trap was sent.
To set performance thresholds, see Performance Thresholds for SNMP Notifications.

Indicates a change in the ctDeviceHaStatus MIB attribute. The severity of this alarm
trap reflects the current value of the MIB attribute, as shown in the following table.

Value of ctDeviceHaStatus Severity of ctDeviceHaStatusChangedTrap

haStatusOK (1) cleared(1)
haStatusDegraded (2) major(4)
haInMaintenanceMode(3) warning(6)
haNotSupported(4) cleared(1)
haStatusUnknown(5) indeterminate(2)

Indicates a change in the ctDeviceLicenseStatus MIB attribute. The severity of this
alarm trap reflects the current value of the MIB attribute, as shown in the following

Value of ctDeviceLicenseStatus Severity of ctDeviceLicenseStatusChangedTrap

licenseValid (1) cleared(1)
licenseViolation (2) warning(6)
licenseInvalid (3) major(4)
licenseStatusUnknown (4) indeterminate(2)

Indicates a change in the ctDeviceNtpStatus MIB attribute. The severity of this
alarm trap reflects the current value of the MIB attribute, as shown in the following

Value of ctDeviceNtpStatus Severity of ctDeviceNTPStatusChangedTrap

ntpSyncOk (1) cleared(1)
ntpSyncFailed (2) major(4)

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 750

Appendix 7: SNMP MIB for CounterACT Appliances

Value of ctDeviceNtpStatus Severity of ctDeviceNTPStatusChangedTrap

ntpNotApplicable (3) indeterminate(2)
ntpStatusUnknown (4) indeterminate(2)

Indicates a change in the ctDeviceActionsOnHoldStatus MIB attribute. The severity
of this alarm trap reflects the current value of the MIB attribute, as shown in the
following table.

Value of Severity of
ctDeviceActionsOnHoldStatus ctDeviceActionOnHoldStatusChanged
actionsOk (1) cleared(1)
actionsBlockedOnExceedingTreshold (2) major(4)
actionsBlockStatusUnknown (3) indeterminate(2)

Indicates a change in the ctDeviceChannelStatus MIB attribute. The severity of this
alarm trap reflects the current value of the MIB attribute, as shown in the following

Value of ctDeviceChannelStatus Severity of ctDeviceChannelStatusChangedTrap

channelsOk (1) cleared(1)
channelsWarning (2) warning(6)
channelsError (3) critical(3)
channelsUnknown (4) indeterminate(2)
channelsNotApplicable (5) is warning(6)

Common Trap Notification Varbinds

SNMP trap notifications issued by CounterACT always include a sequence of variable
bindings (varbinds). A varbind is an SNMP key-value attribute pair, composed of the
varbind OID (key) and its assigned value. For example, the trap notification
ctDeviceChannelStatusChangedTrap always includes the following varbind:
. = 1

. is the OID of varbind fsTrapSeverity
1 is the severity value assigned to this OID. For the
ctDeviceChannelStatusChangedTrap trap notification, a varbind severity value of 1
indicates that traps severity is now cleared, given that the channel status has
changed to channelsOk
The following varbind objects are common to all CounterACT trap notifications:

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 751

Appendix 7: SNMP MIB for CounterACT Appliances

An internally-defined unique identifier for the CounterACT Appliance. The Enterprise
Manager assigns a unique Device ID to itself, and to each managed Appliance. The
Device ID provides a consistent reference to the Appliance as long as it is associated
with the Enterprise Manager.

The IP address of the Appliance or Enterprise Manager that issued the SNMP trap

The type of IP address in the ctDeviceIpAddress varbind object. Valid values are:
ipv4 (1) Indicates an IPv4 address as defined by the InetAddressIPv4 textual
ipv6 (2) Indicates an IPv6 address as defined by the InetAddressIPv6 textual

The severity assigned to the trap notification. The following are the possible severity
Cleared (assigned value = 1): Indicates that this trap notification clears one or more
previously reported alarm traps. This trap clears all alarms for this managed object
that have the same Alarm type.
Indeterminate (assigned value = 2): Indicates that the severity level cannot be
Critical (assigned value = 3): Indicates that a service-affecting condition has
occurred and immediate corrective action is required. This severity is reported when
a managed object goes completely out of service and its function must be restored.
Major (assigned value = 4): Indicates that a service-affecting condition has
developed and urgent corrective action is required. This severity is reported when
there is a severe degradation in the capability of the managed object and its full
capability must be restored.
Minor (assigned value = 5): Indicates a fault condition that does not affect service.
Corrective action should be taken to prevent a more serious fault that may affect
service. This severity is assigned to a detected alarm condition that is not currently
degrading the capacity of the managed object.
Warning (assigned value = 6): Indicates the detection of a potential or impending
service-affecting fault, before any significant effects have been felt. Action should be
taken to further diagnose (if necessary) and correct the problem before it affects
Informational (assigned value = 7): Provided for informational purposes only.

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 752

Appendix 7: SNMP MIB for CounterACT Appliances

With the exception of the Informational severity, all the other severity levels are
defined in the CCITT standard X.733.

Date and time that the event occurred in the Appliance, provided in the format of the
DateAndTime field, as specified in the SNMPv2-Textual Conventions standard.

A unique identifier for each issued trap notification. The ID is an integer based on a
counter which increments monotonically until a maximum value is reached, and then
begins again from zero.
Based on a corporate network configuration (UDP), it is possible that the trap
receiver may receive multiple copies of the same trap notification. In such a case,
the Trap ID and Trap Time can be used to identify duplicate trap notifications.

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 753

Appendix 8: Modifying ForeScout Remote
Service Contact Features
This appendix describes how to modify ForeScout remote service contact behavior.
Appendix 8: Modifying ForeScout Remote Service Contact Features

Modifying ForeScout Remote Service Contact

Some ForeScout CounterACT features require appliances and/or Enterprise Manager
to contact ForeScout-maintained services. In some environments this behavior is not
desired. By default, CounterACT is installed with the following remote service
features enabled:
Check-for-Updates - this feature polls a ForeScout service to receive software
updates for CounterACT and CounterACT plugins.
Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server by default, time synchronization is
performed by polling a ForeScout time server.
Use the following procedure to disable or reconfigure these features.

To modify remote service contact (phone home) behaviors:

1. Disable the Check-for-Updates feature from the CounterACT Console. See
Automatically Update Plugins for details.
2. Reconfigure NTP to use a different server:
a. Log in to the Enterprise Manager CLI as root.
b. Run the following command:
fstool ntp setup <servers>
where <servers> is a comma-separated list of IP addresses of NTP servers
you prefer (local or remote). CounterACT will use these servers for time
These modifications do not impact communication with ForeScout license services.

CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 755

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CounterACT Console User Manual Version 7.0.0 756

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