My 1st GRD BK Complete PDF

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Warren Tiffany was an Education Specialist from about 1956 1960 and worked at
the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Nome Office. When in March of 1956 he visited the
village of Shungnak (I was the Principal-Teacher) he was aware of the gross absence of
curriculum materials reflecting the environment surrounding the Eskimo children. On the
other hand, he was also aware of the BIA curriculum books, especially those titled Minimum
Essential Goals which were organized by "Levels". So, he conceived of the My first grade
Book and linked it to the Goals for the Beginning year of school. The BIA produced the first
edition of My First Grade Book in 1960.
During the 1950's the BIA adopted the Scott-Foresman basal reader series in which
the children stars were Dick and Jane. My First Grade Book was considered as
"supplemental" to the basal readers. Tacitly, My First Grade Book was a basal reader.
Having taught Eskimo first grade children in 1954-56, I often wondered why at least pictorial
curriculum materials had not been developed. Tiffany's efforts reflected first in My Little
Book and then My First Grade Book would have been welcomed by me in 1954. My First
Grade Book relates well to the BIA Minimum Essential Goals curriculum guides. To
illustrate what this meant, one will find an example of a "Teacher's Manual," following the
last page of My First Grade Book. The Minimum Goals were, in my view, a tacit
acculturation curriculum. I never used them in 1954-56.
Warren passed away in the fall of 2009 but left behind several documents and My
First Grade Book was one of them. While the book will probably have limited application to
the Alaskan village schools of 2011, at least this scanned version of My First Grade Book
will reflect what one educator thought appropriate and educationally useful in the 1950's and
Thomas R. Hopkins, Ed.D.

Electronic Version 2011

Teacher's Manual for My First Grade Book

It can be seen from the following 10 pages that the last printing of My First Grade
Book was in 1962. Now in 2011, almost 50 years later, there have no doubt been many
changes in Alaska Native village life and schools. In my day of village teaching, 1953-1956
and later at Mt. Edgecumbe High school, 1958-1963, My First Grade Book remained a
positive addition to the curriculum. As teachers look over the book they can see that the
primary focus is social behavior which has little to do with the heavy emphasis on academic
learning we experience today. And even the social behavior as well as teaching philosophy it
reflects are no doubt different and dated. The approach to curriculum in 1953 and 1962 was
very structured and reflected tight control and attention to detail by the teacher.
The book follows the BIA Curriculum Guide, Minimum Essential Goals for Indian
Schools, 1953 edition. The goals that reflect the illustration and printing are listed in the
lower right-hand corner of each page. I have included on the following page an edited
version of the "Specific Goals, Suggested Vocabulary," and "Suggested Activities and
Techniques" from the Minimum Goals book.
Thomas R. Hopkins, Ed.D.

Electronic Version 2011

Goal 1. Plans with other children or the teacher what to build and how to build it.
Suggested Vocabulary
House, blocks, barn, primary and secondary colors (if blocks. are painted), will make, made road, cars, cows,
Suggested Activities and Techniques
Blocks are basic play materials for elementary children. Large blocks are used in the primary level.
The child at these how to build it. levels gets satisfaction in building with large blocks. There are three reasons
for this: (1) He can finish his building in a short time. (2) His attention is held until his building is finished. (3)
He has to use only the muscles over which he has control. He does not at this level have to use the smaller
muscles that would be needed to handle smaller materials. When more mature he should have experiences with
smaller blocks.
The block building at this level should show maturity over the beginning level. Observe the building
to see that it is keeping pace with the experiences that the child is having. Is he now using blocks to build
bridges, cars, houses, stores, etc., or is he merely piling blocks together? Occasionally make appropriate
comments about his building, such as "Why don't you get John to help you with your building?" or "Would a
different size block be better here?" or "You have chosen good colors." or, "What are the people saying?"
The teacher encourages the children to talk about their play and leads the conversation so they have
an opportunity to use words listed on pp. 46-47.
Goal 19. Tells other pupils in a few short sentences how to make playthings from available materials.
Suggested Vocabulary
Airplane, doll house, barn, store, train, truck, wagon, house, table, chair, truck, car, box
Put this box here; It is the house; This box is another house; That is your house
Suggested Activities and Techniques
Provide ample raw materials, such as paper, wire, string, stones, cardboard, pieces of wood, nails,
pieces of cloth, and the like, out of which the children make toy airplanes, trucks, doll dresses, etc. Provide a
scrap box for storing these materials. Encourage children to bring things for this common box.
In situations where two or more levels are handled by one teacher allow children to take turns, one or
two children at a time, in participating in the play activities of the beginners. Encourage them to show the
beginners and to tell them in English how to build barns, make wagons, trucks and airplanes, houses, play
furniture, etc., from material at hand. This activity provides a social situation in which the child has opportunity
to use the vocabulary he has acquired.

Goal 2. Shows through his dramatic


Dramatic play that his experiences are becoming more

Suggested Activities and Techniques

Dramatic play is not to be looked upon as an activity to keep some of the children out of mischief
while the teacher becoming more meaningful. is engaged in the teaching of other groups. Dramatic play is
educational. It is truly important in the growth and development of the child. Dramatic play at this level is the
child's attempt to imitate the actions of the adults around him. Play makes it possible for the child to experiment
with the things in his environment. He thus gains new ideas and he learns how to handle materials.
Teachers should plan for this dramatic play. Such things as trips, parties, picture shows, listening to
others, etc., may stimulate dramatic play. Before, after, and during such experiences the teacher talks with the
children about what they are seeing and doing. She thus furnishes facts and information which gives meaning to
the child's dramatic play.
As the child's experiences broaden, he can be observed expressing new ideas in his play. After he
has had the experience of a physical examination, observe his play to see if he dramatizes his new experience. A
new school bus, or a new ambulance at the hospital, or a recent visitor, or a trip to the dairy should be reflected
in the pictures the child draws, or the dramatic play he carries on.
Before the children begin work the teacher and the children plan together what each group is going
to do. At frequent intervals the teacher should circulate among the work groups to give suggestions, help, and
encouragement. At least once each day the entire class should be brought together. At this time the teacher
encourages the children to tell what they have been doing. They may show what they have made. During this
time the teacher takes the opportunity to help the children evaluate their work.
The above has been pointed at techniques of grouping for dramatic play, but the same techniques for
teaching in small groups should be used in practically all learning situations in Indian schools.

Goal 3. Does his share of school housekeeping

Suggested Vocabulary
Will feed, fed, water, will make, rabbit, plant, library, meat, will give, gave
I fed the rabbit.
I gave the rabbit water.
Suggested Activities and Techniques
Every classroom should have a few growing plants, and a pet. The pet need not necessarily be kept
indoors. The t e a c h e r and the pupils orally develop a list of chores that must be done to properly care for
plants or a pet.
The teacher writes the list of chores on the blackboard, for example:
Feed the rabbit.
Give the rabbit water.
Give the flowers water.
Make the library neat, etc.
The children talk about the duties for the day and each child volunteers for the chore he is willing to
do by writing I gave the rabbit water.
Make illustrations of each chore for booklets, or Things We do chart. Then use the chart or booklet
to stimulate oral English.
The teacher should guide the choosing of duties so that each child will take his turn at the less
desirable chores. Teach him that signing his name is binding.
Goal 13. After his work is finished, cleans up any clutter he or his group has made.
Suggested Vocabulary
Clean up, like, brush, room, dust pan, floor, dirt.
This is a brush.
It is a dust brush.
This is a pan.
It is a dust pan.
We clean the floor with the dust brush.
We put the dirt in the dust pan.
We like a clean room.
Books, clean, open, carefully, turn, pages; We do not tear our books. We turn the pages carefully.
Suggested Activities and Techniques
The child at this age cannot be expected to assume a great share of responsibility for cleaning the
room, but he should be responsible for the cleaning up of scraps after paper cutting, or sawdust in construction
work, or any clutter of any kind he or his group makes in their work. He should be provided with a child-size
broom or brush and dust pan.
The cleaning after a period of activity should be considered an essential part of the activity, and the
child should be made to feel his work is not complete until this is done.

Goal 4. Knows the school workers and how they help him.
Suggested Activities and Techniques
At the Beginner's Level, the child learned how to find his way about the school plant. In some areas
the school plant is a simple one, in other areas it is quite complex. So too, the social environment may be
complicated or simple. At this level, the child should become acquainted with the school workers, and the work
they do to help him.
Have the children write letters to the principal, other teachers, bus drivers, cooks, and etc., asking if
they may visit them. Take a tour of the buildings to become familiar with the school personnel. It is wise for the
teacher to make contacts before making the visits. The children might invite the principal and other workers to
visit the school room and tell of their work. (Continued on next page)
Guide the children in discussing ways in which the school workers help make the school a clean,
safe, and comfortable place.
List ways in which the children can cooperate with the, school workers, such
as to put trash in the trash can and to take care of property.
Make pictures of workers with
accompanying names. Teach the child to call the workers by their correct names. Make charts about the work
of each worker. Illustrate them. Make up rhymes about their work. Help the child to understand that the
workers are his friends and that school can be a happy place if each one does his share.
Goal 63. Tells others how the doctor and nurse help them.
Suggested Vocabulary
Looked at, eyes, ears, nose, throat, tongue, mouth, weighed me, listened to, heart, lungs, game me
Suggested Activities and Techniques
Encourage the child to illustrate the things the doctor or nurse did when they examined him/her, such
as looked at my eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and throat; listened to my heart and lungs, gave me immunizations,
etc.; measured me, weighed me, etc. Allow the children to dramatize the doctor and nurse's visit and encourage
the child to play doctor and nurse.
If the doctor or the nurse is new, acquaint the child with them before the visit by telling them their
names, and by inviting them to the classroom as visitors to the child parties or programs.

Goal 5. Helps

others by opening

and closing doors for them, and sharing heavy loads.

Suggested Vocabulary
Open, help, door, carry, books, May I help, May I open, the door.
Suggested Activities and Techniques
Dramatize the situation by having one child walk across the front of the room with several books.
Another child says, "May I help you?" The teacher or another child starts through the door with another load.
A second child says, "May I open the door for you?" Allow the children to illustrate the incidents and then tell
what is happening in their pictures. Formulate such statements as we help others, we open the door for others
for the Things We Do chart. Use these experiences for oral English and for chart reading. The English learning
is incidental. The main purpose of the chart is for evaluation.

Goal 6. Learns right and left.

Suggested Activities and Techniques
Make use of games to teach right and left. Looby Loo is a game in which the right and left hand and
foot are used. London Bridge can be used to teach right and left. Setting the table provides an opportunity for
teaching right and left. The knife is placed on the right; the fork on the left.
While the pledge to the flag is given, have the child place his right hand in position. (Children may not
learn to recite the pledge at this level but they can stand at attention while the teacher or older children recite the
Show the child which hand (right hand) to use to salute the flag.
Teach children which hand they use (right or left) for writing (Some children will use the left, most
will use the right hand. Don't attempt to establish right hand habits with children who are actually left handed.)
Show the child which is his right foot, his left foot, and, how to tell the right and left shoe, overshoe,
and glove.
Play games which call for actions of right and left foot and right and left hand.
From such activities as these the child learns left from right.

Goal 7. Asks permission when he wishes to use personal property of others.

Suggested Vocabulary
My, mine, you, our, May I use, need.
Suggested Activities and Techniques
At the Beginning Level the child learned the things that were his, and the things that belonged to the
group. At this level show him that each child has certain individual belongings, such as Mary's coat, John's
overshoes, Mary's toothbrush, etc., that are to be used only by the owner.
If an individual brings a special toy, or a new ball, or a pretty picture to school, that article also belongs
to the child who brought it, and other children do not use it unless the owner tells them they may.
The teacher should provide situations for asking, such as: ''May I please have a saw?" "May I please
use the stapler?" Children should ask permission before using anything on the teacher's desk.
Make use of an occasion where disputes arise over personal property to establish this understanding.
Develop the difference in the meanings of Use and Give because this is the basis of many child
Each child should be given a box or a definite place at school where he can keep his own belongings.
When the child brings some piece of personal property to school such as a pretty picture, or a toy, the
teacher sets the example by saying "May we see your picture" or "May we use your ball?" She then shows the
group the picture by saying, "John says we may see his picture. Do you like it?" when the group has seen it she
returns it to John saying, "Thank you John."
Help the child distinguish between these personal things and the classroom materials which are
available for group use at appropriate times.

Goal 8. Does not disturb others who are reading or listening to stories.
Suggested Vocabulary
When, are reading, are listening, story, books..
Suggested Activities and Techniques
Certain parts of the room have been designated as places where individual or quiet activities take
place. At the beginning Level the child has learned to listen quietly, and not to interrupt the teacher when she is
working with another group.
At this level with the aid of the teacher he sets the standard we do not talk to others when they are
reading or listening.
This goal is written on a chart. When the child forgets or fails to do this, remind him by pointing at the
sentence on the chart.
Goal 26. Listens courteously while others read or talk
Suggested Vocabulary
Listen, quietly, excuse me, we listen to others quietly.
Suggested Activities and Techniques
When telling stories, wait until all in the group concerned are seated and are ready to listen.
If this procedure is always followed, an atmosphere for attentiveness has been set.
The occasional few who take longer to get quiet will usually be brought in line by the remainder of the
group once the group is conscious of the standard. If this is not the case, the teacher may say, We are
waiting for you, John.
The same standard should be set for listening to other children when they are
talking or reading. Guide the children into dictating a statement as We listen courteously to others,
or We listen quietly to others for a Things We Do chart.
Goal 27. Listens carefully and follows simple directions.
Suggested Vocabulary
Listen, we listen, our, work, first, second, third, next, then.
Suggested Activities and Techniques
Set up the same attentive atmosphere when giving directions as was done when telling stories by
insisting that all listen to the directions before beginning work. Give simple directions of not more
than two or three steps. Have the child think what is to be done first, second, or third as the case
may be and then have him or the group repeat the directions to be sure they were understood correctly.
The teacher should be alert to any step omitted by the child in the performance of classroom routine.
She should ask him to repeat the steps in proper order, then ask him to do the act again without omitting
any of the steps. Have the materials ready. Make the directions definite. Lead the children to formulate
such statements as We listen to the teacher. Then we begin our work.

Goal 9. Enters and leaves the room

in an orderly way.

Suggested Vocabulary
Room, go out, come in, quietly
Suggested Activities and Techniques
Children should be taught to enter and leave the room in an orderly way at all times. Rigid marching in
and out of the room at recess periods does not insure orderly entering and leaving at other times. Teach the child
to take his turn when several are entering and leaving the room. Teach him to walk instead of run. Teach him to
go in and out without pushing or kicking others. Teacher's aim should be to develop a feeling of responsibility
within the child so that he need not be policed. Rigid marching should not be practiced.
Allow the child to illustrate this practice with pictures and to keep the illustration in his folder or
booklet of things he can do, or things he does. Building up a pride in accomplishments eliminates the need for

Goal 10. Plans with his teacher, and cooperates with members of his group to make things they need to
carry on group activities.
Suggested Activities and Techniques
With the children plan some of the things they will need for certain activities they want to carry on,
things they need to dramatize a story, or to play doctor and nurse, or to set up they need to carry on group their
play post office.
Encourage resourcefulness on the part of the children by suggesting or asking what might be used as
substitutes for things we want or need that cannot be had; for example: We need a stove for our play house:
What can we use to make it?
From there allow the group to plan who will get the materials; who will make it, etc.

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