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Rating Scale


5 = Outstanding

Objectives and standards are clearly and substantially

surpassed. Continually exceeds all performance
expectations and standards. Demonstrates
commitment to a high level of performance.

4 = Exceeds Expectations

Often exceeds job requirements. Projects and tasks

are completed thoroughly and on time. Contributes to
related job tasks. Consistently working toward the
overall goals of the company.

3 = Meets Expectations

Performance is what is expected of a fully qualified

and experienced person in this position. The most
critical annual goals were met.

2 = Satisfactory Expectations

Adequate work completed on tasks and projects that

are assigned by meeting expectations. Needs slight
improvement. Fulfilling expectations or needs
through acceptable performance.

1 = Fails To Meet Expectations

Fails to meet performance expectations. Projects and

tasks are unacceptable and not completed on time.
Poor listening skills. Corrective action is required
with high supervision

N/A = Not Applicable

Does not apply to job performance expectations.

* Use rating scale for Volunteer, Employee, & Manager evaluation forms*

Manager Information
Name: ________________________

Review Period: ________________

2017 Goals and Objectives

Performance Evaluation Form

Job Title: ______________________

Skills/ Responsibilities
Fiscal Management:
Identifies the best use of materials,
equipment, and staff to maximize efficient
and economical use of resources.

Displays leadership in the department and
promotes a shared vision by demonstrating
knowledge of procedures and policies related
to the management.

Employee Development:
Encourages and supports employee
participation in personal and professional
development. Provides effective and timely
feedback/counseling about performance

Decision Making:
Obtains the ability to analyze problems or
procedures, anticipate outcomes, evaluate
alternatives, and select the best course of
action in a timely/responsive manner.

Works efficiently with others and
independently. Making use of all available
time by prioritizing tasks and projects.

Open Communication:
Works to establish and maintain cooperative
and productive relationships through open
communication. Manager must communicate
clearly and listens effectively.

Areas For Growth/Change:


Department: ___________________
Strengths & Needed Improvements

2017 Goals and Objectives

Performance Evaluation Form

Prior Review Goals:

Goal Setting:

Overall Performance Feedback:

Verification Review
Overall Performance Results and Rating Reviewed & Discussed:
(Note: Signature indicates results were discussed, but does not necessarily imply agreement with
performance results or rating.)
Incumbent Signature


Supervisor Signature


Volunteer Information
Name: _____________________________

Review Period: _____________________

Volunteer Program: ___________________

Supervisor: ________________________

2017 Goals and Objectives

Performance Evaluation Form

Knowledge of Work - Consider volunteers skill

level, knowledge, and understanding of all phases of
the job and those requiring improved skills and/or

Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Satisfactory Expectations
Fails To Meet Expectations


Communication - Measures effectiveness in listening

to others, expressing ideas; both orally, in writing,
and providing relevant and timely information to
management, employees, and customers.

Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Satisfactory Expectations
Fails To Meet Expectations


Decision Making/ Problem Solving - Measures

effectiveness in understanding problems and making
timely, practical decisions.

Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Satisfactory Expectations
Fails To Meet Expectations


Job Knowledge - Obtains knowledge of methods,

techniques, and skills required in the job and related
functions. Remaining current on new developments
affecting Passages and its work activities.

Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Satisfactory Expectations
Fails To Meet Expectations


Dependability - Measures how well volunteer

complies with instructions and performs under
unusual circumstances, consider record of attendance
and punctuality.

Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Satisfactory Expectations
Fails To Meet Expectations


Volunteer Strengths and Accomplishments: This should be related to performance or

behavioral aspects you appreciated in their performance.

2017 Goals and Objectives

Performance Evaluation Form

Performance areas which need improvement:

Plan of action toward improved performance:

Performance Feedback:

Verification Review
Volunteer Signature


Supervisor Signature


Employee Information

Name: ________________________

Review Period: ________________

Job Title: ______________________

Department: ___________________

2017 Goals and Objectives

Performance Evaluation Form

Skills/ Responsibilities
Job Knowledge:
Understands duties and responsibilities
required to perform the job. Obtains the level
of proficiency required to accomplish the
Communicates clearly, concise, and
appropriate to the audience. Conveys
information to peers, managers, and
customers in a timely manner. Listens to the
opinion of others while being open minded.
Arrives at work on time regularly and does
not exceed number of sick days.
Requests a change of schedule in advance to
the manager.
Team Work:
Successfully works with others to achieve
desired results and goals. Consistently
contributes to team projects by
exchanging ideas and opinions. Develops
positive and productive work relationships.
Acquiring skill building and career planning
methods for employee advancement. Take
the time to assess your skills and qualities in
order to set a reachable goal for yourself.
Suggestions For Improvement:

Principle Strengths:



2017 Goals and Objectives

Performance Evaluation Form

Overall Performance Feedback:

Additional Comments:

Verification Review
Overall Performance Results and Rating Reviewed & Discussed:
(Note: Signature indicates results were discussed, but does not necessarily imply agreement with
performance results or rating.)
Employee Signature


Supervisor Signature


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