This rubric evaluates students on four criteria for a unit outcome: presentation of their pitch, explanation of how their final visual communications met the project brief requirements, peer evaluation, and discussion of design thinking processes. For each criterion, the rubric provides descriptors to assess performance at levels A through E, with A being highly successful demonstration of the criterion and E being an unsuccessful demonstration.
This rubric evaluates students on four criteria for a unit outcome: presentation of their pitch, explanation of how their final visual communications met the project brief requirements, peer evaluation, and discussion of design thinking processes. For each criterion, the rubric provides descriptors to assess performance at levels A through E, with A being highly successful demonstration of the criterion and E being an unsuccessful demonstration.
very succesfully present their pitch, utilising elements such as use of voice projection, eye contact and audience engagement.
Students were able to
succesfully present their pitch, utilising elements such as use of voice projection, eye contact and audience engagement.
Students were able to
present their pitch, utilising elements such as use of voice projection, eye contact and audience engagement.
Students were able to
present their pitch, utilising some elements such as use of voice projection, eye contact and audience engagement.
Students were not
able to present their pitch, utilising any presentation elements such as use of voice projection, eye contact and audience engagement.
Students were able to
thoroughly explain how their nal visual communications met the requirements of the brief.
Students were able to
explain in some detail how their nal visual communications met the requirements of the brief.
Students were able to
explain how their nal visual communications met the requirements of the brief.
Students referred to how their nal visual communications met the requirements of the brief.
Students did not
explain how their nal visual communications met the requirements of the brief.
Students spoke about
all of the following: - design thinking - decision making - design process - critical and reective thinking - thinking strategies - evaluation
Students spoke about
most of the following: - design thinking - decision making - design process - critical and reective thinking - thinking strategies - evaluation
Students spoke about
some of the following: - design thinking - decision making - design process - critical and reective thinking - thinking strategies - evaluation
Students spoke about
a small number of the following: - design thinking - decision making - design process - critical and reective thinking - thinking strategies - evaluation
Students spoke about
none of the following: - design thinking - decision making - design process - critical and reective thinking - thinking strategies - evaluation
Students were able to
comprehensivly assess their peers based on the criteria outlined on the worksheet.
Students were able to
assess, in some detail, their peers based on the criteria outlined on the worksheet.
Students were able to
assess their peers based on the criteria outlined on the worksheet.
Students were able to
mark their peers based on the criteria outlined on the worksheet. However there was little to no written responses.
Students were not
able to mark their peers based on the criteria outlined on the worksheet, and there was no written responses.