Duchess Malfi 6
Duchess Malfi 6
Duchess Malfi 6
Cell 2
Duchess of Malfi
Act I, Scene i
Cell 3
Duchess of Malfi
Act I, Scene i
Cell 4
Duchess of Malfi
Act I, Scene i
*Quote- BOSOLA: He and his brother are like plum-trees that grow crooked
Over standing-pools; they are rich, and o'erladen with
Fruit, but none but crows, pies, and caterpillars feed
On them. Could I be one of their flattering panders, I
Would hang on their ears like a horseleech, till I were full, and
Then drop off. I pray leave me.
Who would rely upon these miserable dependences, in expectation to
Be advanced tomorrow? What creature ever fed worse, than hoping
Tantalus? nor ever died any man more fearfully, than he that hoped
For a pardon. There are rewards for hawks and dogs,
When they have done us service: but for a soldier that hazards his
Limbs in a battle, nothing but a kind of geometry is his last
*Summary- [After the cardinal has left] Bosola [to Antonio] compares the
cardinal and his brother Ferdinand, Duke of Calabria, to plum-trees growing
crooked over standing-pools in which crows, magpies (a type of jaybird),
and caterpillars would feed on their fruit. Going on, he says that if he were
one of their pimps he would be hanging on their ears like a leech. Then he
talks about Tantalus, who in Greek mythology was damned in Hades to
starvation with food and drink just out of his reach. Bosola goes on by
comparing a man on crutches to a compass.
*Comprehension Question- Who is Tantalus?
Cell 5
Duchess of Malfi
Act I, Scene i
Cell 6
Duchess of Malfi
Act I, Scene ii
Cell 7
Duchess of Malfi
Act I, Scene ii
*Quote- DELIO: [aside to Antonio] Now, sir, your promise: what's that
I mean his temper? They say he's a brave fellow,
Will play his five thousand crowns at tennis, dance,
Court ladies, and one that hath fought single combats.
ANTONIO: Some such flashes superficially hang on him, for form;
But observe his inward character: he is a melancholy
Churchman; the spring in his face is nothing but the
Engendering of toads; where he is jealous of any man,
He lays worse plots for him than ever was imposed on
Hercules, for he strews in his way flatterers, panders,
Intelligencers, atheists, and a thousand such political
Monsters. He should have been Pope, but instead of
Coming to it by the primitive decency of the church,
He did bestow bribes so largely, and so impudently, as if he would
Have carried it away without heaven's knowledge.
Some good he hath done.
*Summary- Delio asks about the cardinal (i.e. his characteristics). Antonio
replies, describing the cardinal as a sad, jealous, and vengeful churchman.
*Comprehension Question- How did Delio describe the cardinal?
Cell 8
Duchess of Malfi
Act I, Scene ii
*Quote- DELIO: You have given too much of him: what's his brother?
ANTONIO: The duke there? a most perverse and turbulent nature:
What appears in him mirth is merely outside;
If he laugh heartily, it is to laugh
All honesty out of fashion.
DELIO: Twins?
ANTONIO: In quality.
He speaks with others' tongues, and hears men's suits
With others' ears; will seem to sleep o' th' bench
Only to entrap offenders in their answers;
Dooms men to death by information,
Rewards by hearsay.
*Summary- Delio then changes the subject to Ferdinand. Antonio says that
the Duke of Calabria is perverse and turbulent, meaning wicked and
*Comprehension Question- Who is Ferdinand?
Cell 9
Duchess of Malfi
Act I, Scene ii
*Predictive Question- What would have happened is the Duchess said no?
Duchess: Will you hear me? Ill never marry.
Cardinal: So most widows say; but commonly that motion lasts no longer.
Summary: The Duchess brothers are telling her not to get married again
and she agrees to it.
Comprehension Question: What do the brothers tell their sister not to do
Vocabulary Question: Hypocrisy is woven of a fine small thread.
In the quote above, the word hypocrisy most closely means;
A) Truth
B) Insults
C) Falseness
D) Criticize
Ethical Question: Do you think it was right for the Duchess brothers to tell
her not to get married again? Why?
Predictive Question: Do you think that the Duchess will get married again?
Literary Question: Those lustful pleasures are like heavy sleeps which do
fore-run mischief.
In the quote above, the literary device being used is;
A) Personification
B) Simile
C) Metaphor
D) Imagery
Cell 2;
Duchess: I think this speech between you both was studied, it came so
roundly off.
Summary: The Duchess is telling her brother Ferdinand that she thinks the
conversation between them and the Cardinal was planned.
Comprehension Question: So please your beauteous excellence.
In the quote above, the word beauteous most closely means;
A) Ugly
B) Beautiful
C) Clear
D) Handsome
Prediction Question: Do you think the speech was planned?
Ethical Question: Was it moral for the Duchess to accuse her brothers?
Literary Question: To see the little wanton ride a cock horse upon a
painted stick
In the quote above, the literary device being used is;
A) Imagery
B) Alliteration
C) Simile
D) Consonance
Cell 3;
Quote: Duchess: We are now man and wife, and tis the church that must
echo this.
Summary: The Duchess breaks the promise to her brothers and secretly
marries a man of lower status named Antonio.
Comprehension Question: My banishment feeding my melancholy, would
often reason this.
In the quote above, the word melancholy most closely means;
A) Happiness
B) Joyfulness
C) Ecstasy
D) Sadness
Prediction Question: What do you think will happen next now that Antonio
and the Duchess are married?
Ethical Question: Do you think it was right for the Duchess to break the
promise of not getting married?
Literary Question: And may our sweet affections be like the spheres, be
still in motion!
In the quote above, the literary device being used is;
A) Imagery
B) Euphony
C) Cacophony
D) Onomatopoeia
Cell 4;
Quote: I observe our Duchess is sick a-days, she pukes, her stomach
seethes, the fins of her eyelids look most teeming blue, she wanes i'th'
cheek, and waxes fat i'th'flank, and, contrary to our Italian fashion, wears a
loose-bodied gown; there's somewhat in't. I have a trick may chance
discover it, a pretty one: I have bought some apricocks, The first our spring
Summary: Bosola thinks that the Duchess is pregnant (which she is) from
what he is observing about her, and he wants to find out for sure by using
apricots (considered to make pregnant women vomit).
Comprehension Question: We account it ominous, if nature does produce
a colt or a lamb.
In the quote above, the word ominous most closely means;
A) Threatening
B) Trying
C) Devastating
D) Partaking
Prediction Question: Do you think that Bosola will find out that the
Duchess is pregnant?
Ethical Question: Do you think it is right for Bosola to be getting into the
Duchess business?
Literary Question: You would look up to heaven but I think that the devil
that rules the air will stand in your light.
Cell 5;
D) Extended Metaphor
Cell 6;
Quote: Duchess: This green fruit and my stomach are not friends! How
they swell me!
Summary: The Duchess just finished the apricots, and theyre making her
stomach feel uneasy. This shows that the Duchess is pregnant. Bosolas plan
Comprehension Question: Lay a naked sword between us, keep us
In the quote above, the word chaste most closely means;
A) Dirty
B) Impure
C) Forsaken
D) Pure
Prediction Question: Do you think Bosola will tell the Duchess brothers
that she is pregnant?
Ethical Question: Do you think it was right of Bosola to give the Duchess
apricots and make her feel sick?
Literary Question: Oh, I am in extreme cold sweat!
In the quote above, the literary device being used it;
A) Hyperbole
B) Irony
C) Personification
D) Allusion
Bosola: So, so, theres no question but her techiness and most
vulturous eating of the apricocks are apparent signs of her breeding,
This is Bosola talking to an old woman about the Duchess of Malfi. He
is pretty much saying that she is showing signs of being a mother and
having a baby, because she is eating a lot of Apricocks, which are
some sort of fruit. Bosola had given her the apricocks. Techiness
means touchiness, which means they dont know why she is so
dependent on everybody.
1). Comprehension: What are Antonio and the old woman talking
2). Grammar: What does Bosola mean by techiness?
3). Predictive: If this story took place today, what other signs other
than eating a lot would there be to show that she is pregnant?
4). Associative: Could somebody get away with being pregnant
without attracting notice nowadays?
Antonio: We have lost much plate, you know; and but this evening
jewels, to the value of four thousand ducats, are missing in the
duchesss cabinet. Are the gates shut?
This is Antonio talking to his servants, Rodrigo, Delio, Grisolan, and
Bosola about how a Switzer, or a Swiss soldier, with a gun, came into
the Duchess of Malfi's bedchamber, and stole four thousand dollars
worth of jewels from her cabinet, and hes telling his servants to close
up the gates to catch him. He suspects the French are trying to set up
a plot to kill him.
1). Comprehension: What happened in the Duchesss bedchamber?
2). Grammar: What is a ducat?
3). Predictive: If this story took place today, ho would the situation of
a man stealing jewels be handled differently?
4). Associative: If this story took place in modern times, could this
Switzer get away with taking four thousand dollars worth of jewels
from a pregnant womans bedroom easily?
Cariola: Sir, you are the happy father of a son. Your wife commends
him to you.
Cariola, the duchess of Malfi's attendant, comes into the whole
situation of an intruder entering the Duchesss bedroom, breaking the
news to Antonio, the Duchesss husband, that the Duchess had their
baby, and she commended the baby to him, after everybody leaves
Antonio alone.
1). Comprehension: What did Cariola come to Antonio to tell him?
2). Grammar: What does Cariola mean by the Duchess commending
the baby to Antonio?
3). Predictive: What would be different about the situation if this story
took place today?
4). Associative: Would Antonio know about his babys birth sooner
Antonio: You gave the duchess Apricocks to-day: Pray heaven they
were not poisond! Traitors are ever confident till they are discoverd.
There were jewels stoln too: In my conceit, none are to be suspected
more than yourself.
Antonio is accusing Bosola, after they encounter each other in the
dark, and hear a scream coming from the Duchesss bedroom, of
poisoning the Duchess of Malfi with the apricots that he gave her. He
also is accusing him of being the one who stole the jewels from her
bed chamber, saying Bosola is the one that should be most suspected.
Bosola, enraged by this accusation, fights Antonio, making his nose
1). Comprehension: What did Antonio do?
2). Comprehension: What are apricocks?
3). Predictive: How would Bosolas reaction be different if this had
taken place in modern times?
4). Associative: Would Bosola get away with apricot poisoning
Bosola: Antonio hereabout did drop a paper:- Some of your help,
false friend- O, here it is. Whats here? A childs nativity calculated!The duchess has delivered a son, decimo nono decembris twas this
night! Taken according to the meridian of malfi thats our duchess!
Here, after Bosola and Antonio fight, Antonio flees, dropping a paper,
which Bosola reads. The letter says that the meridian of malfi, the
duchess of malfi, had a son, on this night, to Bosolas delight.
1). Comprehension: What did Bosola do?
2). Comprehension: What does the note mean by the meridian of
3). Predictive: Would Bosolas reaction to the note be different if this
took place in modern times?
4). Predictive: How would this story turn out if Bosola had not found
the note?
Act II Scene IV
Cell 1
Quote: " ..Come, I'll love you wisely..." "--I pray thee, kiss me.--"
Summary: Julia comes to talk to the Cardinal, and she talks about how she
lied to her husband about her reason for going to Rome. Julia and the
Cardinal are having an affair.
Act II Scene IV
Cell 2
Quote: " Lady, I know not whether You want money, but I have brought you
Summary: Delio, an old suitor of Julia's, comes in to talk to Julia after the
Cardinal leaves. Delio comes to give Julia some money.
Act II Scene V
Cell 3
Quote: " Read there,-- a sister damn'd: she's loose l' the hilts; a notorious
Summary: The Cardinal comes in with Ferdinand, and Ferdinand is really
angry. He talks about the woman in the letter who is the Duchess. The letter
talks about her new baby, and he questions who it might be, when the man
is right in front of him.
Act II Scene V
Cell 4
Quote: " Yes, [but] I can be angry Without this rupture. There is not in
nature A thing that makes man so deform'd, so beastly, As doth intemperate
Summary: The Cardinal tries to calm Ferdinand down by trying to give him
some advice.
Act II Scene V
Cell 5
Quote: " ...I could kill her now, in you, or in myself.." " I would have their
bodies burnt in a coal-pit with the ventage stopp'd, that their curs'd smoke
might not ascend to heaven; or dip the sheets they lie in in pitch or sulphur,
wrap them in't and then light them like a match..."
Summary: Ferdinand gives a detailed description of how he would like to kill
his sister and her lover.
Cell #1
Cell #2
Duchess: Fie upon him! A count! Hes a mere stick of sugar-candy; You
may look quite through him. When I choose a husband, I will marry for your
Ferdinand wants to arrange a marriage for his sister the Duchess with
the great Count Malatesti. She opposes the plan, calling the count a mere
stick of sugar candy which you can see through. Ferdinand ask the Duchess
how Antonio is doing, she dodges his question and informs him about the
outrageous report being spread about her. He tells her not to think much of
the rumors and to just leave it. She exits the room, leaving Ferdinand by
1. (Comprehension) Using the best of your ability and examining each
part of the word, figure out what Malatesti means.
a. Malfunctioning tests
b. Malfunctioning tastes
c. Bad tests
d. Bad testes
2. (Ethical) Why would Ferdinand prefer to set up his sister with a suitor
of his choice?
3. (Associative) Considering the situation of potential forced marriage
which Shakespearean play(s) may have the same sort of situation?
a. Richard III
b. Romeo and Juliet
c. Midsummer Nights Dream
d. Hamlet
Cell #3
Cell #4
Antonio "I do wonder why hard-favour'd ladies, for the most part, keep
worse-favour'd waiting women to attend them, and cannot endure fair
The Duchess and Antonio have a romantic moment. Antonio asks the
Duchess servant Cariola if she will ever marry. When she replies never
he tells her to forgo it and alludes to the Greek myth of the nymph
Daphne who escaped from Apollo by Turning into a tree. Cariola calls
the tale meaningless and asks him, if she has the choice to choose out
of wisdom, riches, and beauty, which should she choose. Antonio says
that it is a hard question and when the Trojan prince Paris was faced
with the same decision, his judgment was obscured by the vision of the
naked goddess before him. Antonio then asks why unattractive ladies
keep even more unattractive ladies as their servants, not wanting to
hire beautiful ladies. The Duchess then asks him if he knew a bad
painter that would set up shop next to a great painter. It would disgrace
the bad painter, according to the Duchess. As the Duchess untangles
her hair, Antonio and Cariola sneak out of the room.
1. (Comprehension) All these Greek myths were mentioned by Antonio
excepta. Daphne and Apollo
b. Paris and the Golden Apple
c. Io and Zeus
2. (Literary) Was the Greek myth of the Paris and the Golden Apple a
good way for Antonio to explain how ones judgment might be
obscured? Why?
3.(Ethical) What reason may Cariola have for not wanting to marry in
the future?
4. (Associative) What other tales could Antonio have used instead of the
Cell #5
Ferdinand "So you have some virgins that are witches. I will never see
thee more"
Ferdinand enters the room quietly while the Duchess speaks to herself
in the mirror. The things she tells herself angers Ferdinand, and he says that
she has ruined her reputation. She retaliates and says that her reputation is
not ruined. Ferdinand questions if she really knows what reputation is and
goes on to say that he will not see her again.
1. (Comprehension) What is a basilisk?
a. a mythical creature whose glance is fatal
b. Harry Potters nemesis
c. A chicken with dragon wings
d. A horse with a horn on its head
2. (Predictive) Do you think Ferdinand will encounter the Duchess in the
future, even though he vowed never to see her again?
3. (Literary) What literary device is used in the line Let dogs and
monkeys only converse with him
a. metaphor
b. personification
c. apostrophe
d. stichomythia
Cell #6
Duchess Antonio, the master of our household, hath dealt so falsely with
me in s accounts. My brother stood engagd with me for money. Taen up
or certain Neapolitan Jews, and Antonio lets the bonds be forfeit.
Antonio and Cariola re-enter, Antonio is carrying a pistol. The Duchess
asks them if they saw what happened between her and Ferdinand. They
say yes and feel betrayed. The Duchess points out the dagger that
Ferdinand left behind. Antonio notes that she was to use it on herself, or
so Ferdinands actions suggest. They hear a knocking on the door. The
Duchess tells Antonio to leave and that she already has a plan. Bosola
enters and asks the Duchess why shes in disarray. She tells him that
Antonio failed to repay a loan. Bosola can see through this lie but goes
along with it and leaves. Antonio re-enters and is told by the Duchess to
flee to Ancona because she has to accuse him of a crime.
1. (Comprehension) Why does the Duchess make a lie about Antonio?
2. (Ethical) Should Antonio and Cariola have interrupted the fight
between the Duchess and Ferdinand?
3. (Literary) What literary device is being used?
How now! Who knocks? More earthquakes?
a. Personification
b. Simile
c. Metaphor
d. Kommos
Cell #7
3. (Ethical) How would the Duchess react if Bosola betrayed her secret to
4. (Comprehension) Was Bosola merely using a ploy in order to get the
Duchess to confess?
Cell #8
4. (Associative) Where else in the play has Bosola tricked the Duchess?
Cell #1
Act III, Scene iii
FERDINAND: This great count Malatesti, I perceive,
Hath got employment.
DELIO: No employment, my lord;
A marginal note in the muster-book, that he is
A voluntary lord.
FERDINAND: He's no soldier?
DELIO: He has worn gunpowder in's hollow tooth, for the tooth-ache.
SILVIO: He comes to the leaguer with a full intent
To eat fresh beef and garlic, means to stay
Till the scent be gone, and straight return to court.
DELIO: He hath read all the late service,
As the City Chronicle relates it,
And keeps two pewterers going, only to express
Battles in model.
SILVIO: Then he'll fight by the book.
DELIO: By the almanac, I think,
To choose good days, and shun the critical;
That's his mistress' scarf.
SILVIO: Yes, he protests
He would do much for that taffata.
DELIO: I think he would run away from a battle,
To save it from taking prisoner.
SILVIO: He is horribly afraid
Gunpowder will spoil the perfume on't.
DELIO: I saw a Dutchman break his pate once
For calling him pot-gun; he made his head
Have a bore in't like a musket.
Cell #2
Act III, Scene iii
CARDINAL: Doth she make religion her riding hood
To keep her from the sun and tempest?
That damns her. Methinks her fault and beauty,
Blended together, show like leprosy,
The whiter, the fouler. I make it a question
Whether her beggarly brats were ever christen'd.
The Cardinal and Ferdinand are discussing the Duchess of Malfi. Ferdinand's
disgust for her is revealed here.
1. Based on what Ferdinand is saying, do you think he likes the Duchess
of Malfi? (comprehension)
2. What do you think Ferdinand will plan to do next? (predictive)
3. Are Ferdinand's actions just as bad as Delio and Silvio's? (ethical)
4. Talking behind a person's back is common, even in the past. How
would you react if you found out that someone was badmouthing you
behind your back? (associative)
Cell #3
Act III, Scene iv
FIRST PILGRIM: Here's a strange turn of state. Who would have thought
So great a lady would have match'd herself
Unto so mean a person? Yet the cardinal
Bears him much too cruel.
SECOND PILGRIM: They are banish'd.
The Cardinal decides to contact the authorities at Ancona and have the
Duchess and her family banished.
1. Do the pilgrims expect the arrival of Antonio and the Duchess?
2. What do you think Antonio and the Duchess will do? (predictive)
3. Is it right for the Duchess to marry after she promised not to? (ethical)
4. How would you feel if someone broke a promise they made just a
minute ago? (associative)
Cell #4
Act III, scene v
DUCHESS: I had a very strange dream tonight.
ANTONIO: What was't?
DUCHESS: Methought I wore my coronet of state,
And on a sudden all the diamonds
Were chang'd to pearls.
ANTONIO: My interpretation
Is, you'll weep shortly; for to me the pearls
Do signify your tears.
The Duchess had a dream. Antonio asks, and she tells. She was wearing a
coronet with diamonds, and the diamonds suddenly turned into pearls.
Antonio translates the dream that the Duchess will be saddened soon and
the pearls will signify her tears.
1. What was the Duchess's dream? (comprehension)
2. What do you think will happen to the Duchess? (predictive)
3. Is the dream a form of foreshadowing? (literary)
4. Is dream interpretation a common thing today? (associative)
Cell #5
Act III, Scene v
DUCHESS: Thou dost blanch mischief,
Would'st make it white.
See, see, like to calm weather
At sea before a tempest, false hearts speak fair
To those they intend most mischief. [she reads the letter]
'Send Antonio to me; I want his head in a business.'
A politic equivocation!
He doth not want your counsel, but your head;
That is, he cannot sleep till you be dead.
And here's another pitfall that's strew'd o'er
With roses; mark it, 'tis a cunning one;
'I stand engaged for your husband, for several debts at
Naples: let not that trouble him; I had rather have his
heart than his money.'
And I believe so too.
Bosola just handed a letter to the Duchess. It says that Ferdinand wants
Antonio's head.
1. What does the letter say? (comprehension)
2. What do you think the Duchess will do next? (predictive)
3. Do you think that this event is part of the Duchess's dream
interpretation? Why or why not? (literary)
4. What would you do if your brother wanted to chop off your lover's
head? (associative)
Cell #6
Act III, Scene v
DUCHESS: O misery! like to a rusty o'er-charg'd cannon,
Shall I ne'er fly in pieces? Come, to what prison?
BOSOLA: To none.
DUCHESS: Whither, then?
BOSOLA: To your palace.
Summary: Antonio, after hearing that Ferdinand wants his head, flees to
Milan. Shortly Bosola arrives, in disguise, and arrests the Duchess and takes
her to her palace.
1. Who arrests the Duchess? (comprehension)
2. What do you think will happen to her? To Antonio? (predictive)
3. How would you feel if you were arrested? (associative)
4. Is killing Antonio the best solution to fix the Duchess's broken
promise? (ethical)
Cell 1
BOSOLA: Nobly: I'll describe her. She's sad, as one long us'd to't, and she
seems rather to welcome the end of misery, than shun it; a behaviour so
noble, as gives a majesty to adversity: You may discern the shape of
loveliness more perfect in her tears than in her smiles:
She will muse for hours together; and her silence, methinks, expresseth
more than if she spake.
Summary: Ferdinand asks Bosola how the Duchess is feeling now that she is
in prison. Bosola tells him that she is sad and in misery. Ferdinand is glad
that the Duchess of Malfi feels miserable.
1. Who does Ferdinand ask about?
2. What would be Ferdinands reaction if Duchess was happy
and not
Rather to
Cell 2
FERDINAND: It had been well, could you have liv'd thus always; for indeed,
you were too much i th light. But no more; I come to seal my peace with
you. Here's a hand, to which you have vow'd much love; the ring upon't you
Ferdinand visits the Duchess in a dark room because he had vowed to never
see her again. In the room, Ferdinand gives her a severed hand with a ring
making her think that it was Antonios hand.
1. Whose hand does the Duchess think it belongs to?
2. Was it a right decision to give the hand to the Duchess?
3. If Ferdinand had not given the hand to the Duchess, would anything have
4. What literary device is used in the following quote, Shall make you howl
in hell for t.?
BOSOLA: Look you, here's the piece from which 'twas ta'en. He doth present
you this sad spectacle, that, now you know directly they are dead, hereafter
you may wisely cease to grieve for that which cannot be recovered.
After Ferdinand left, the Duchess sees figures behind a curtain that appear
to her to be Antonio and the children dead. After knowing that Antonio and
the children are dead, she does not want to live anymore and says she
wants to die. Bosola tries to make her feel better and tells her that she
needs to keep on living.
1. What makes the Duchess think that Antonio and the children are dead?
2. If the Duchess had not seen the figures, would this scene have changed?
3. And those three smiling seasons of the year into a Russian winter: nay
the world to its first chaos. In the quote above, what literary device does
the Duchess use?
4. Did Ferdinand mean well by showing the figures to the Duchess?
Cell 5
SERVANT: I am come to tell you, your brother hath intended you some
sport. A great physician, when the pope was sick of a deep melancholy,
presented him with several sorts of madmen, which wild object being full of
change and sport, forc'd him to laugh, and so th' imposthume broke: the
selfsame cure the Duke intends on you.
Summary: The Duchess asks Cariola what the noise outside was and she
answers that is the noise of madmen sent from her brother, Ferdinand, for
entertainment. The Duchess talks about the other world for a moment and
then goes back to the subject about the noise. A servant walks in and tells
her that there are eight madmen outside. The Duchess tells her to let them
in and they started singing and dialoguing. After the madmen leave, Bosola
comes in.
1. How many madmen are there?
2. What did Ferdinand intend to do by sending the Duchess madmen?
3. When the madmen start singing, there is a part that quotes, Well sing,
like swans, to welcome death, and die in love and rest. What literary
devices are used in the quote above?
4. Does Ferdinand show regret towards his sisters sadness?
1) Death by Strangling
3) DUCHESS: I pray thee, look thou giv'st my little boy
Some syrup for his cold, and let the girl
Say her prayers ere she sleep.
(CARIOLA is forced out)
Now what you please: What death?
BOSOLA: Strangling; here are your executioners.
4) The Duchess talks with Bosola about her execution. Cariola decides to die
with her as she said her goodbyes.
5) -Comprehension: What did Bosola reply to the Duchess when she asked
about her execution?
-Ethical: Should the Duchess feel this heartless towards her own death?
-Associative: Is this, having someone choose the type of execution, better or
worse than the death penalty?
-Predictive: Will Cariola die with the Duchess?
1) The Duchess Dies
3) CARIOLA: O, you are damn'd
Perpetually for this! My turn is next;
Is't not so order'd?
BOSOLA: Yes, and I am glad
You are so well prepar'd for't.
CARIOLA: You are deceiv'd, sir,
I am not prepared for't; I will not die:
I will first come to my answer, and know
How I have offended.
4) Cariola is having second thoughts about dying. She tries to defend herself
with excuses.
5) -Comprehension: What did Cariola say to the Duchess before she died
and what did she say afterwards to Bosola?
-Ethical: Is it right to promise a dying person to spend life with that person
-Associative: How does this situation compare to Caesars and Brutus
-Predictive: Will Cariola keep her promise willingly and die with the Duchess?
1) Cariola Dies, Ferdinand Arrives
3) BOSOLA: Bear her into the next room;
Let this lie still.
FERDINAND: Is she dead?
BOSOLA: She is what
You'd have her.
4) Cariola is strangled after her third excuse because Bosola was impatient.
Ferdinand arrives and asks Bosola about the Duchess death. Ferdinand
pardons him for killing her, but Ferdinand, her twin, was the judge.
5) -Comprehension: Who killed Cariola and Ferdinands twin?
-Ethical: Do you not weep?/ Other sins only speak; murder shrieks out
Does Bosola still have a heart although he had just ordered to kill two
-Associative: Would Ferdinand be convicted of murder if he was caught in
todays society?
-Predictive: What will happen to the Duchess and Cariolas bodies? Will they
have proper funeral ceremonies?
1) Antonio!
3) DUCHESS: Antonio!
BOSOLA: Yes, madam, he is living;
The dead bodies you saw, were but feign'd statues;
He's reconcil'd to your brothers; the Pope hath wrought
The atonement.
(She dies)
BOSOLA: O, she's gone again! there the cords of life broke.
4) After Ferdinand leaves, the Duchess comes back to life. Bolsola is
saddened after she dies again.
5) -Comprehension: What did the Duchess cry out?
-Ethical: How is Bosola, the villain, affected by the Duchess revival?
-Predictive: Will Bosola tell Ferdinand about the Duchess quick second life?
-Literary: What kind of irony can be shown in this scene?
1) The Aftermath
3) DELIO: I'll second you in all danger, and, howe'er;
My life keeps rank with yours.
ANTONIO: You are still my lov'd and best friend.
4) Delio and Antonio talk about gaining more land. Julia gets a gift. Antonio
and Delio talk some more, and they promise to protect each other and be
5) -Comprehension: How do Antonio and Delio behave as?
-Ethical: Should the absence of the Duchess affect Antonio, the last person
she thought of, and why?
-Associative: How does this situation between Antonio and Delio represent
the peace after a terrible event?
-Predictive: Will Antonio and Delio break their friendship?
Quote I find by his eye he stands in awe of me; Ill make him
As tame as a dormouse.
Summary The doctor tells everyone that he is going to make Ferdinand as
tame as a dormouse.
Comprehension Question What is the doctor going to do?
Associative Question If someone said as tame as a dormouse today, why
would it be different than when this story was written?
Predictive Question If the story took place in the future, what would the
doctor use in his analogy (as tame as a ______)?
Ethical Question Is it ethical for the doctor to talk about Ferdinand like this
in his face?
Cell #1
Act V, Scene III
Cell #2
Act V, Scene IV
Cardinal: I pray, all to bed; And though you hear him in his violent fit,
Do not rise, I entreat you.
Bosola: My death is plotted; heres the consequence of murder.
In this cell, The Cardinal, Pescara, Malatesti, Roderigo, and Grisolan are all
talking. They talk of how they will not have to watch over Ferdinand tonight
because he is getting better. He tells them to go to bed and that even if they
hear him having a fit, not to get up. After they promise, he tells them that
when Ferdinand is asleep, he will get up and pretend to have a fit, to test
their promise. Everyone exits except for the Cardinal, who decides that
Bosola has done all he can do, and now he must die. After he exits, Bosola
enters and confirms that it was the Cardinal who was plotting his death.
Ferdinand comes in and gives Bosola some tips on killing the cardinal.
1. Do you think Bosola will kill the Cardinal?
2. Why would the Cardinal not want anyone to come to his brothers aid if he
needed it?
3. What does it mean to shake like an osier?
4. What theme is being displayed when Bosola says When we know black
deeds must be curd with death?
Cell #3
Act V, Scene IV
ANTONIO: Could I take him at his prayers, there were hope of pardon.
BOSOLA: [stabs him in the dark] Fall right my sword: I'll not give thee so
much leisure as to pray.
In this cell, Antonio is on his way to try and make peace with the Cardinal. It
is pitch black. Bosola hears him muttering and takes him for the Cardinal. He
springs out and stabs Antonio. Antonios servant returns with a lantern and
they all discover what has happened. Antonio also finds out that his children
were murdered. Then he dies.
1. Do you think that Bosola should have told Antonio that his wife and
children were also dead?
2. What literary device is being used when Bosola says, We are merely the
stars tennis-balls, struck and banded which way please them?
3. Why does Bosola kill Antonio?
4. How does Bosolas killing Antonio compare to Hamlets killing Polonius?
Cell #4
Act V, Scene V
Cell #5
Act V, Scene V
GRISOLAN: He doth this pretty well; but it will not serve to laugh me out of
mine honor.
CARDINAL: The sword's at my throat!
RODERIGO: You would not bawl so loud then.
MALATESTI: Come, come, let's go to bed: he told us thus much aforehand.
PESCARA: He wish'd you should not come at him; but believe't,
The accent of the voice sounds not in jest:
I'll down to him, howsoever, and with engines
Force open the doors.
Pescara, Malatesti, Roderigo, and Grisolan hear the Cardinal yelling for help.
However, they do nothing for the Cardinal had just told them not to. Pescara
says that the Cardinal does not sound like he is joking so he goes to
investigate. The rest decide to follow him to see the Cardinal laugh at him
when he finds out he was joking.
1. What does aloof mean?
i) shingled, on the roof
ii) defenestrated, out the window
iii) nailed, in a foot
iv) standoffish, nose in the air
2. Was Pescara right in going down to see the Cardinal?
3. What literary device is being used when Pescara says, and with engines
force open the doors?
4. Will Roderigo, Grisolan, and Malatesti get their chance to laugh at
Cell #6
Act V, Scene V
Act V, Scene V
Cell #8
Act V, Scene V
Cell #9
Act V, Scene V
Delio: Let us make noble use of this great ruin; and join all our force to
establish this young gentleman in s mothers right.
Delio and Antonios son enter just after everyone has died. Delio tells
everyone that they should join together to make Antonios son the Duke of
1. What does eminent mean?
i) pushy, stairs ii) fancy, important
iii) grouchy, horse-like iv) monotonous, lively
2. If Ferdinand or the Cardinal hadnt died, would Antonios son still become
3. What theme is conveyed when Delio says, Integrity of life is fames best
4. Is Delio doing the right thing by barging in and basically demanding to
have Antonios son become duke?