Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
5. A sociological analysis of childbearing around the world suggests that the number of children born to a
woman reflects:
10. According to Emile Durkheim, a category of people with a higher suicide rate typically has
a. less money, power, and other resources.
b. lower social integration.
c. higher self-esteem.
d. more clinical depression.
(Factual; answer: b; page 4)
11. If marginality encourages sociological thinking, we would expect people in which category listed
below to make the most use of the sociological perspective?
a. people of color
b. the wealthy
c. politicians
d. the middle class
(Applied; answer: a; pages 4-5)
12. C. Wright Mills claimed that the sociological imagination transformed
a. common sense into laws of society.
b. people into supporters of the status quo.
c. personal problems into public issues.
d. scientific research into common sense.
(Factual; answer: c; pages 6)
13. The United States falls within the category of
a. low-income nations.
b. high-income nations.
c. middle-income nations.
d. developing nations.
(Factual; answer: b; page 5)
14. Almost all of Latin America and Asia falls within the category of
a. the very richest nations.
b. high-income nations.
c. middle-income nations.
d. low-income nations.
(Factual; answer: c; page 5)
15. Which of the following categories contains countries in which average income is typical for the
world as a whole and in which people are as likely to live in a rural area as in an urban area?
a. the very richest nations.
b. low-income nations.
c. middle-income nations.
d. high-income nations.
(Conceptual; answer: c; page 5)
16. More than 1.5 million immigrants enter the United States each year and many (including Arnold
Schwarzenegger and Gloria Estefan) have become famous. These facts support the conclusion that
a. the world's nations are increasingly interconnected.
b. other nations have little effect on life in rich countries such as the United States.
c. people around the world share little in terms of their ways of life.
d. people are as likely to leave the United States as to enter the United States.
(Applied; answer: a; pages 5-6)
17. Read the following four statements. Which statement is CORRECT?
a. Because the United States is so rich, there is little reason for us to learn about the global economy.
b. Learning more about other societies helps us better understand our own way of life.
c. People the world over live in ways that are mostly the same.
d. There is no longer any absolute poverty in the world.
(Factual; answer: b; pages 5-7)
18. Making use of the sociological perspective encourages
a. the belief that society has little effect on the average individual.
b. people to become isolated from one another.
c. challenging commonly held beliefs.
d. accepting conventional idea..
(Applied; answer: c; pages 7-8)
19. Which of the following is a benefit we gain from studying sociology?
a. empowers us to be active participants in our society
b. becoming more convinced of the truth in everyday common sense
c. understanding that we create life problems for ourselves
d. paying little attention to the socially diverse world around us
(Factual; answer: a; page 8)
20. Which of the following statements correctly describes sociologys value to future careers?
a. Most sociologists work as researchers for private corporations.
b. Sociology is useful but only if you plan to teach or do research.
c. Most sociologists work with clients in private practice.
d. Sociology is excellent preparation for a wide range of future careers.
(Factual; answer: d; pages 8-9)
21. Examples of people applying their knowledge of sociology at work include people in
a. law enforcement, understanding which categories of people are at high risk of becoming a victim.
b. medicine, understanding patterns of health in a community.
c. business, dealing with different categories of people.
d. All of the above are correct.
(Applied; answer: d; pages 8-9)
22. All but one the following historical trends stimulated the development of the discipline of sociology.
Which one trend did NOT?
a. the rise of industrialized systems of production
b. the spread of the Roman Catholic religion
30. According to Comte, during the Middle Ages most people in Europe thought of society as
a. a system operating according to its own laws.
b. chaotic and having little form.
c. an expression of God's will.
d. a reflection of our human nature.
(Factual; answer: c; page 10)
31. According to Comte, the kind of thinking favored by people such as Thomas Edison, the inventor of
the light bulb, becomes widespread during the __________ of societal development.
a. post-scientific stage
b. scientific stage
c. metaphysical stage
d. theological stage
(Applied; answer: b; pages 10-11)
32. __________ is a way of understanding the world based on a scientific approach to knowledge.
a. Positivism
b. Theology
c. Tradition
d. Common sense
(Conceptual; answer: a; page 10)
33. Most sociologists agree with Auguste Comte that science is a crucial part of sociology, but most also
agree that
a. human beings are partly creative and spontaneous..
b. human behavior is often more complex than natural phenomena.
c. no rigid laws of society hold everywhere and at all times.
d. All of the above are correct.
(Applied; answer: d; page 11)
34. By linking specific facts together to give us meaning, we create a
a. theory.
b. concept.
c. principle.
d. structure.
(Conceptual; answer: a; page 11)
35. Which early sociologist made a mark for herself by studying the evils of slavery, advocating for the
protection of workers, and translating the writings of Auguste Comte?
a. Jane Addams
b. Harriet Martineau
c. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
d. Margaret Mead
(Factual; answer: b; page 13)
36. Two of sociology's early founders were
a. Emile Durkheim and Erving Goffman.
40. Which theoretical approach is closest to that taken by early sociologists Auguste Comte and Emile
a. social exchange approach
b. social-conflict approach
c. symbolic-interaction approach
d. structural-functional approach
(Applied; answer: d; pages 11-12)
41. The theoretical approach in sociology that views society as a complex system whose parts work
together to promote solidarity and stability is the
a. social exchange approach.
b. social-conflict approach.
c. symbolic-interaction approach.
d. structural-functional approach.
(Conceptual; answer: d; pages 11-12)
42. Which of the following concepts refers to relatively stable patterns of social behavior?
a. social functions
b. social dynamics
c. social structures
d. social dysfunctions
(Conceptual; answer: c; page 11)
43. Which of the following phrases best describes the focus of the structural-functional approach?
a. the meaning people attach to their action
b. the impact of social structure and resulting social functions
c. patterns of social inequality
d. the way people understand their world
(Conceptual; answer: b; pages 11-12)
44. Social structures sometimes have negative consequences for the operation of society. What concept
refers to these negative consequences?
a. eufunctions
b. social dysfunctions
c. manifest functions
d. latent functions
(Conceptual; answer: b; page 12)
45. Identify the three sociologists below who played a part in the development of sociologys structuralfunctional approach.
a. Harriet Martineau, Robert Merton, W. E. B. Du Bois
b. Herbert Spencer, Karl Marx, Auguste Comte
c. Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim
d. Auguste Comte, Karl Marx, W. E. B. Du Bois
(Factual; answer: c; pages 11-12)
46. Herbert Spencer described human society as having much in common with
a. the human body.
b. the solar system.
c. the human brain.
d. animal societies.
(Factual; answer: a; page 11)
47. Who was the U.S. sociologist who expanded the understanding of social functions by discussing the
differences between the manifest functions and the latent functions of social patterns?
a. C. Wright Mills
b. William Graham Sumner
c. Talcott Parsons
d. Robert K. Merton
(Factual; answer: d; page 12)
48. The recognized and intended consequences of a social pattern are referred to as
a. manifest functions.
b. latent functions.
c. eufunctions.
d. dysfunctions.
(Conceptual; answer: a; page 12)
49. Unrecognized and unintended consequences of the social structure are called
a. eufunctions.
b. dysfunctions.
c. manifest functions.
d. latent functions.
(Conceptual; answer: d; page 12)
55. Which pioneering sociologist founded Chicagos Hull House to assist immigrants and was awarded
the Nobel Peace Prize?
a. Dorothea Dix
b. Jane Addams
c. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
d. Harriet Martineau
(Factual; answer: b; page 13)
56. W. E. B. Du Bois Described African Americans as having a double consciousness because
a. most felt that, compared to white people, they had to be twice as careful in how they acted.
b. there is a double disadvantage in being both poor and black.
c. black people have to work twice as hard as whites to get the same reward.
d. black people are citizens who have a second identity based on their skin color.
(Factual; answer d: page 14)
57. Which of the following can correctly be called the "framework for building theory that sees society
as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change"?
a. the structural-functional approach
b. the symbolic-interaction approach
c. the social-conflict approach
d. dramaturgical analysis
(Conceptual; answer: c; page 12)
58. The social-conflict approach draws attention to
a. how elements contribute to the overall operation of society.
b. how people construct meaning through interaction.
c. patterns of social inequality.
d. the stable aspects of society.
(Conceptual; answer: c; page 12)
59. Which of the following is a social-conflict approach that deals with inequality between women and
a. feminism and the gender-conflict approach
b. the race-conflict approach
c. the structural-functional approach
d. the symbolic-interaction approach
(Conceptual; answer: a; pages 12-13)
60. Looking at the operation of U.S. schools, the social-conflict approach might lead a sociologist
to conclude that
a. society provides much better schooling to some categories of students than to others.
b. the experience of schooling differs from child to child.
c. schools have been a major path to social advancement.
d. the functions of schools is to teach needed skills.
(Applied; answer: a; page 12)
61. For Karl Marx, the point of studying society was
a. to compare U.S. society to others.
b. to change it and reduce inequality.
c. to encourage support for tradition.
d. to understand how it really operates.
(Factual; answer: b; page 12)
62. The social-conflict approach might lead a sociologist to highlight
a. how people present themselves to others at school
b. how schooling prepares people for jobs.
c. the meanings people attach to schooling.
d. income differences among young people in high school.
(Applied; answer: d; page 12)
63. Which of the following people had an important influence on the development of the social-conflict
a. Talcott Parsons
b. Karl Marx
c. Emile Durkheim
d. Herbert Spencer
(Factual; answer: b; page 12)
64. Which early sociologist claimed that his goal was not to simply understand society but to change it?
a. Herbert Spencer
b. Talcott Parsons
c. Emile Durkheim
d. Karl Marx
(Factual; answer: d; page 12)
70. Which founding sociologist emphasized the importance of understanding a social setting from
the point of view of the people in it?
a. Max Weber
b. Emile Durkheim
c. Auguste Comte
d. Karl Marx
(Conceptual; answer: a; page 15)
71. Which of the following statements reflects a social exchange analysis?
a. class differences are reflected in favored sports.
b. people typically seek mates who have about as much to offer as they do
c. people build reality as they introduce themselves.
d. people who do more important work usually earn more pay.
(Conceptual; answer b; page 15)
72. A criticism of the symbolic-interaction approach is that it
a. overlooks the wide spread influence of culture and structural factors..
b. focuses all its attention on major social institutions.
c. paints a too rosy picture of society.
d. focuses only on conflict and not common values and beliefs.
(Conceptual; answer: a; page 15)
73. Which of the following questions summarizes the focus of the symbolic-interaction approach?
a. How are the parts of society linked together?
b. How do individual people experience society?
c. How does society divide a population?
d. How do some people protect their privileges?
(Conceptual; answer: b; pages 14-15)
74. Which of the following is the best example of a manifest function of sports?
a. teaching a societys way of life
b. fostering social relationships
c. creating jobs
d. providing people with recreation and physical conditioning
(Applied; answer: d; page 16)
80. If you were trying to measure the social class of various people, you would have to keep in mind
a. you must measure this in every way possible
b. it is necessary to specify exactly what you are measuring.
c. there is simply no way to measure social class.
d. everyone agrees on what social class means.
(Applied; answer: b; page 18)
81. In the process of measurement, reliability refers to
a. whether you are really measuring what you want to measure.
b. how dependable the researcher is.
c. whether or not everyone agrees with the studys results.
d. whether repeating the measurement yields consistent results.
(Conceptual; answer: d; page 18)
82. What term refers to the value that occurs midway in a series of numbers (that is, the middle case)?
a. the mean
b. the mode
c. the median
d. the descriptive statistic
(Conceptual; answer: c; page 18)
83. Two variables are said to display correlation if
a. they vary together.
b. they can both be measured accurately.
c. both measure the same thing.
d. change in one causes no change in the other.
(Conceptual; answer: a; page 18)
84. Which of the following is NOT one of the defining traits of a cause-and-effect relationship?
a. The independent variable must come before the dependent variable in time.
b. The two variables must display correlation.
c. There must be no evidence that the correlation is spurious.
d. Both variables must be shown to be independent.
(Conceptual; answer: d; page 18)
95. Drawing conclusions about all of humanity based on information drawn only from males describes
the problem called
a. interference.
b. using double standards.
c. gender blindness.
d. overgeneralization.
(Conceptual; answer: d; page 21)
96. You are doing research and never stop to think about the possible importance of gender at all. Your
work could be criticized for the problem called
a. androcentricity.
b. gender blindness.
c. overgeneralization.
d. employing double standards.
(Conceptual; answer: b; page 21)
97. The method of sociological research best suited to identifying cause-and-effect relationships is
a. the survey.
b. the use of questionnaires.
c. the experiment.
d. participant observation.
(Factual; answer: c; page 22)
98. What research method was used in Phillip Zimbardos study the Stanford County Prison?
a. the experiment
b. the survey
c. participant observation
d. secondary analysis
(Factual; answer: a; page 24)
99. Which research method asks subjects to respond to a series of items in a questionnaire or an
a. secondary research
b. participant observation
c. survey
d. experiment
(Conceptual; answer: c; page 24)
100. A small number of people used by researchers to represent an entire population is called
a. an elite.
b. a network.
c. a sample.
d. a control group.
(Conceptual; answer: c; page 24)
101. You want to conduct an exploratory and descriptive study of people in a particular neighborhood, but
you have no specific hypothesis or exact research questions. What method should you use?
a. an experiment
b. participant observation
c. a survey
d. secondary analysis
(Applied; answer: b; page 26)
102. In her study of the African American elite, Lois Benjamin made use of
a. participant observation.
b. a questionnaire.
c. an experiment.
d. interviews.
(Factual; answer: d; pages 25-26)
103. Using which of the following methods would a researcher be most likely to reveal information
about herself to her subjects?
a. questionnaire
b. interview
c. an experiment
d. secondary analysis
(Conceptual; answer: b; page 25-26)
104. Which of the following is generally true of researchers setting out to conduct fieldwork?
a. Researchers must have a specific hypothesis and exact research questions.
b. Researchers try to accept or reject a cause and effect relationship.
c. Researchers may begin without a specific hypothesis in mind.
d. Researchers assume a scientific stature that causes them to keep their distance from subjects.
(Factual; answer: c; page 26)
105. William Foote Whytes study of Cornerville (Street Corner Society) used which sociological
research method?
a. experiment
b. survey
c. participant observation
d. secondary analysis
(Factual; answer: c; page 27)
106. A major advantage of using existing data is
a. devising exactly the questions you wish to ask.
b. gaining first-hand knowledge of a local community.
c. allowing careful study of cause-and-effect relationships.
d. saving time and money.
(Factual; answer: d; page 28)
107. E. Digby Baltzells study, Puritan Boston and Quaker Philadelphia, showed that a very high number
of top achievers listed in the Dictionary of America came from
a. Pennsylvania.
b. Massachusetts.
c. Philadelphia.
d. the South.
(Factual; answer: b; page 29)
108. Which of the following concepts refers to an exaggerated description that somebody applies to
every person in a category of the population?
a. a a stereotype
b. a replicated theory
c. valid theory
d. an act of discrimination
(Conceptual; answer: a; page 31)
109. Unlike simple stereotypes, sociological generalizations
a. apply to all individuals in some category.
b. reflect the researchers personal bias.
c. are offered fair-mindedly with an interest in the truth.
d. ignore facts and distort reality.
(Factual; answer: c; page 31)
121. C. Wright Mills claimed that, most of the time, people were responsible for their own problems.
(Factual; answer: F; pages 4-5, 6)
122. Thinking globally and studying other societies is a good way to learn about ourselves.
(Factual; answer: T; pages 6-7)
123. The sociological perspective reveals the truth of the common sense beliefs we tend to take
for granted.
(Factual; answer: F; pages 7-8)
124. Understanding how society operates hides the opportunities and constraints in our own
lives. (Factual; answer: F; page 8)
125. Sociology developed mostly in rural places where traditions remained strong.
(Factual; answer: F; page 9)
126. Understanding how society operates offers little benefit to anyone but the most privileged people.
(Factual; answer: F; pages 8-9)
127. Revolutionary changes in European societies sparked the development of sociology.
(Factual; answer: T; page 9)
128. As a discipline, sociology first took root in Greece and Italy.
(Factual; answer: F; page 9)
129. Ancient philosophers such as Plato were mostly interested in imagining the "ideal" society rather
than in studying society as it really is.
(Factual; answer: T; pages 9-10)
130. In 1838, Adam Smith coined the term sociology.
(Factual; answer: F; page 10)
131. The first of Comtes three stages of historical development is the theological stage in which people
know the world in terms of Gods will.
(Conceptual; answer: T; page 10)
132. The Seeing Sociology in the News article in Chapter 1 (Sociology: Perspective, Theory, and
Method) explains that many workers who lost their jobs in the recent economic recession have decided
to attend community colleges.
(Factual; answer: T; page 10)
133. The English philosopher Thomas Hobbes believed that society reflected the failings of human
(Factual; answer: T; page 10)
134. The structural-functional, social-conflict, and symbolic-interaction approaches are all used by
sociologists in building theory.
(Factual; answer: T; pages 11-15)
135. According to Robert K. Merton, social patterns are always good, and have the same effect on all
members of a society.
(Factual; answer: F; page 12)
136. People always recognize all of the functions of social structures.
(Factual; answer: F; page 12)
137. Every social structure is useful, or functional, in a positive sense for the operation of society.
(Factual; answer: F; page 12)
138. The goal of researchers guided by the structural-functional approach is not just to understand
society as much as to reduce social inequality.
(Conceptual; answer: F; pages 11-12)
139. The social-conflict approach highlights social inequality involving dimensions such as class, gender,
and race.
(Conceptual; answer: T; pages 12-13)
140. Both Karl Marx and W. E. B. Du Bois carried out their work following the structural-functional
(Factual; answer: F; page 12-13)
141. Feminism and the gender-conflict approach highlight ways in which women are unequal to
men. (Conceptual; answer: T; pages 12-13)
142. W. E. B. Du Bois translated the writings of Auguste Comte from Latin into English.
(Factual; answer: F; page 13)
Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
143. Both Jane Addams and Harriet Martineau are remembered today because they were married to
important sociologists.
(Factual; answer: F; pages 13)
144. Like the gender-conflict approach, the race-conflict approach is concerned with social inequality.
(Conceptual; answer: T; page 13)
145. The symbolic-interaction approach is a micro-level orientation.
(Conceptual; answer: T; page 14)
146. The focus of the symbolic-interaction approach is how people experience society.
(Conceptual; answer: T; pages 14-15)
147. Social-exchange analysis is one micro-level approach to understanding social
interaction. (Conceptual; answer: T; page 15)
148. Sociologists should make use of only one theoretical approach.
(Factual; answer: F; page 15)
149. Empirical evidence refers to what we can verify with our
senses. (Conceptual; answer: T; page 16)
150. Science is a logical system based on human
intuition. (Conceptual; answer: F: page 16)
151. Reliability
155. How players understand the gameand each otherwould be one focus of a structural-functional
approach to sports.
(Applied; answer: F; page 17)
156. Any time two variables are correlated, a cause-and-effect relationship exists.
(Conceptual; answer: F; page 18)
157. Emile Durkheim urged sociologists to strive toward the goal of being value-free in their research.
(Factual; answer: F; pages 19-20)
158. Interpretive sociology focuses on the meaning people attach to their actions.
(Conceptual; answer: T; page 20)
159. Positivist sociology is based on what Max Weber called Verstehen and seeks to discover the
subjective meanings that are "out there."
(Conceptual; answer: F; page 20)
160. If you were engaged in interpretive sociology, you would not consider subjective feelings to be a
source of bias.
(Applied; answer: T; page 20)
161. Critical sociology both studies society and tries to bring about social change.
(Conceptual; answer: T; page 20)
162. The work of Karl Marx represents the critical approach in sociology.
(Factual; answer: T; page 20)
163. Gender blindness refers to the intentional inclusion of gender variables in sociological
research. (Conceptual; answer: F; page 21)
164: Positivist researchers typically think of themselves as
activists. (Factual; answer: F; page 20)
165. Researchers expect subjects to be harmed some of the
time. (Factual; answer: F; page 22)
166. A hypothesis is an if-then statement describing a predicted relationship between two or more
(Factual; answer: T; pages 22-23)
Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
167. To avoid harming or offending subjects in research, it is important to understand something about
their way of life, especially if it differs from your own.
(Factual; answer: T; pages 22, 23)
168. To identify cause-and-effect relationships, it is usually necessary to exercise experimental control of
(Conceptual; answer: T; pages 22-23)
169. Philip Zimbardo conducted an experiment that supported the idea that "prisons cause
violent behavior."
(Applied; answer: T; page 24)
170. A survey is a research method in which subjects respond to a series of items or questions.
(Conceptual; answer: T; page 24)
171. Conducting interviews takes no more time than completing questionnaires and gives just as good
(Factual; answer: F; page 24)
172. Lois Benjamin's research interviewing elite African Americans led to the conclusion that these men
and women feel the effects of racism.
(Factual; answer T; pages 25-26)
173. Participant observation is usually explanatory, identifying cause and effect relationships.
(Applied; answer: F; page 26)
174. William Foote Whyte, who studied a community he called "Cornerville," found that "breaking in" to
the community was unexpectedly easy.
(Factual; answer: F; pages 27-28)
175. The use of existing data and documents makes most historical research possible.
(Factual; answer: T; page 28)
176. A sociologist should never use data collected by any other person or organization.
(Factual; answer: F; page 28)
177. E. Digby Baltzell conducted historical research that pointed to a greater "culture of achievement" in
Boston than was found in Philadelphia.
(Factual; answer: T; page 29)
Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
179. What is the essential wisdom of sociology?
(Conceptual; pages 2-4)
180. Explain Peter Berger's description of the sociological perspective as "seeing the general in the
(Conceptual; page 2)
181. Within the individualistic culture of North America, why can the sociological perspective be
described as "seeing the strange in the familiar?
(Applied; pages 2-3)
182. Explain how we know that the power of society is evident in the personal decision to bear a child or
even in the act of committing suicide.
(Applied; pages 3-4)
183. Why is a global perspective a logical extension of the sociological
perspective? (Conceptual; pages 5-7)
184. What are several personal benefits of learning to use the sociological perspective?
(Factual; pages 7-8)
185. What three social changes in European history were especially important to the development
of sociology?
(Factual; page 9)
186. In several sentences, explain the focus of the structural-functional
approach. (Conceptual; pages 11-12)
187. Distinguish between manifest and latent functions of any social
pattern. (Conceptual; page 12)
188. What is social structure? Give several examples of social structures that shape society as a
whole. What are several examples of social structures common to everyday face-to-face interaction?
(Conceptual; pages 11, 14-15)
189. In several sentences, explain the focus of the social-conflict approach. Explain the specific focus of
feminism and the gender-conflict approach and also the race-conflict approach.
(Conceptual; pages 12-14)
190. What is the difference between a macro-level and micro-level theoretical approach?
(Conceptual; page 14)
191. In several sentences, explain the focus of the symbolic-interaction
approach. (Conceptual; pages 14-15)
192. What questions might a researcher interested in the sociological significance of jokes ask,
when guided by the structural-functional approach? When guided by the social-conflict approach.
By the symbolic-interaction approach?
(Applied; pages 11-15)
193. What is the difference between a concept and a variable? How does a researcher transform one
into the other?
(Conceptual; page 18)
194. List the three conditions that we would have to confirm before concluding that a particular policy is
a cause of some specific outcome?
(Applied; page 18)
195. What did Max Weber mean by value-free research?
(Conceptual; pages 19-20)
196. State the essential difference between positivist sociology, interpretive sociology, and critical
(Conceptual; pages 16-20)
197. Provide an example of a research question that would lead you to use each of the major research
methods described in this chapter: experiment, survey, participant observation, and secondary analysis.
(Applied; pages 22-29)
206. Outline the ten steps in the process of carrying out sociological investigation. You may use the
format presented in the text; that is, what specific questions must be answered as a researcher
moves along?
207. Read through Chapter 1s Seeing Sociology in the News article on page 10. Then, thinking
sociologically, explain how society is at work in the choices people make about attending college.
208. Look carefully at Chapter 1s Seeing Sociology in Everyday Life photo essay on pages 32-33.
Based on this material, explain how society is at work in the personal choices people make about
romantic partners.