Beralde Vs Lapanday

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G.R. Nos. 205685-86
June 22, 2015
Lapanday Agricultural and Development Corporation (Lapanday) is engaged in the business
of Banana plantation and exporting of the same to its clientele abroad. Petitioners are employees in
the said corporation.
Between the years 1992-1994, Lapanday retrenched and paid separation pay to some of its
employees in a downsizing effort. Thereafter, Lapanday allegedly re-hired some of their former
employees with a promise that the land they worked on will be eventually turned-over to them, since
the land was covered by the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP). The employees
including several of the petitioners agreed to be retrenched and re-hired.
Sometime in 1999, Lapanday again retrenched all its employees and offered to pay
separation pay for their years of service. Meanwhile, the land was not turned-over to them as
promised since the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) issued an Order Dated February8, 1999,
exempting said land from the coverage of the CARP.
On March 29, 1999, Lapanday and the employees, including petitioners, signed a new
employment contract. However, upon learning of the DAR's order of exemption, the employees filed
a petition to revoke said order.
On January 4, 2008, Lapanday issued a Notice of Termination to all its employees, including
herein petitioners. In the said notice of termination, it was stated that the company is instituting a
retrenchment program pursuant to Section 5, Article 1 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)
to prevent losses as a result of the dramatical increase in production costs and lower productivity.
The termination date for all employees was effective February 4, 2008.
Several employees signed the notice, in the hopes of getting their separation pay and other
benefits. Petitioners, however, claimed that their separation pay was not given to them. They further
alleged that those who refused to sign the notice were not allowed to enter the work premises unless
they would sign the notice. Lapanday, on the other hand, claimed that despite its financial
predicament, separation pay was offered to its employees.
Hence, without any recourse, petitioners filed a complaint for illegal dismissal.
Lapanday claimed that in 2006, it was beset with financial reverses due to very low
productivity, an onslaught of banana diseases, the adverse effects of the imposition of the aerial
spraying ban, the reduction of leased areas due to CARP, the refusal of the landowners to renew
petitioner's lease contracts, increase in production costs, and the extraordinary fluctuation in foreign
exchange. They averred to have implemented numerous saving measures; however, its financial
condition continued to decline, thus, they opted to implement a retrenchment program. Lapanday
further claimed that it consulted with the employees union (Samahan Manggagawa ng Lapanday
Guihing-SAMALAG), and filed the required notice with the Department of Labor and Employment
(DOLE) before the implementation of said program.
The Labor Arbiter rendered a Decision
1. Dismissing the complaint for illegal dismissal and unfair labor practice;
2. Declaring that the retrenchment is valid; and
CORPORATION to pay complainants the sum of EIGHT MILLION TWO HUNDRED


(P8,286,174.53) representing their separation pays.
Undaunted, before the NLRC, petitioners insisted that they were illegally dismissed. On September
22, 2009, the NLRC reversed and set aside the appealed decision.
Petitioner-company's financial condition before and at the time of the retrenchment clearly paints a
picture of a losing business. An independent auditor confirmed its claim of financial losses, finding
that is suffered a net loss of Php26,297,297. in 2006 as compared to its net income of
Php14,128,589. in 2005. This net loss ballooned to Php72,363,879. in 2007. To be sure, these
financial statements cannot be whimsically assailed as self-serving, as these documents were
prepared and signed by SGV & Co., a firm of reputable independent external auditors. Lapanday
instituted a retrenchment program as a result of the management's decision to limit its operation and
streamline positions and personnel requirements and arrest its increasing financial losses by
downsizing its workforce. Lapanday then was justified in implementing a retrenchment program
since it was undergoing financial reverses, not only for a single fiscal year, but for several years prior
to and even after the program. We likewise quote the Labor Arbiter's findings: Per audit report of
Sycip, Gorres Velayo & Co (SGV), an independent accounting firm and credible external auditor,
dated April 17, 2007, for 2006 Financial Statement of Lapanday Agriculture and Development
Corporation, it shows that respondent's revenue for sales of bananas in 2005 was
PhP724,200,596.00. In 2006, it dropped to Php607,186,264.00. A difference or loss of
Php117,013,332.00 was incurred by the respondent company. Also, per audit report dated March 28,
2008 of same accounting firm x x x for the year 2007, it shows that respondent's revenue for sales of
bananas from Php607,186,264.00 further went down to PhP539,979,711.00 or a loss
of P67,207,753.00.

Recovering from other aspects of respondent's business, summary of respondent net loss was at
PhP26,297,297.00 for 2006 from PhP14,128,589.00 for 2005. The net loss ballooned to
Php72,363,879.00 in 2007.

We cannot ignore the audited financial reports of independent and reputable external auditors such
as Sycip Gorres Velayo & Co., as no evidence can best attest to a company's economic status other
than its financial statement. We defined the evidentiary weight accorded to audited financial
statements in Asian Alcohol Corporation v. National Labor Relations Commission, thus:

The condition of business losses is normally shown by audited financial documents like yearly
balance sheets and profit and loss statements as well as annual income tax returns. It is our ruling
that financial statements must be prepared and signed by independent auditors. Unless duly
audited, they can be assailed as self-serving documents. But it is not enough that only the financial
statements for the year during which retrenchment was undertaken, are presented in evidence. For it
may happen that while the company has indeed been losing, its losses may be on a downward
trend, indicating that business is picking up and retrenchment, being a drastic move, should no
longer be resorted to. Thus, the failure of the employer to show its income or loss for the
immediately preceding year or to prove that it expected no abatement of such losses in the coming
years, may bespeak the weakness of its cause. It is necessary that the employer also show that its
losses increased through a period of time and that the condition of the company is not likely to
improve in the near future.

Verily, the fact that the financial statements were audited by independent auditors settles any doubt
on the financial condition of Lapanday. As reported by SGV & Co., the financial statements
presented fairly, in all material aspects, the financial position of the respondent as of December 31,
2006 and 2005. However, even assuming arguendo that Lapanday was not experiencing losses, it


is still authorized by Article 283 of the Labor Code to terminate the employment of any employee
due to retrenchment to prevent losses or the closing provided that the projected losses are not
merely de minimis, but substantial, serious, actual, and real, or if only expected, are reasonably
imminent as perceived objectively and in good faith by the employer.

We also find that Lapanday complied with the requisite notices to the affected employees and the
DOLE to effect a valid retrenchment. As found by the Labor Arbiter and Court of Appeals:

Records show that the one (1) written notice requirement was duly filed by the respondent with the
Office of the Department of Labor and Employment on December 27, 2007 and the Notices of
Termination were duly served to its workers on January 4, 2008 to take effect thirty (30) days from
their receipt or on February4, 2008. By reason of the hard "no retrenchment" stand of herein
complainants, the latter refused to receive the notices of termination, thus, copies of the Letters of
Retrenchment were sent through registered mail on January 8, 2008 to the last known addresses of
the complainants. It appears also that respondent submitted to the Department of Labor and
Employment its Reports on Employee Termination. On the matter of separation pay, it is established
that respondent company is willing to comply with the same.
We likewise cannot sustain petitioners' argument that their dismissal was illegal on the basis that
Lapanday did not actually cease its operation, or that they have re-hired some of the dismissed
employees and even hired new set of employees to replace the retrenched employees.
The law acknowledges the right of every business entity to reduce its work force if such measure is
made necessary or compelled by economic factors that would otherwise endanger its stability or
existence. In exercising its right to retrench employees, the firm may choose to close all, or a part of,
its business to avoid further losses or mitigate expenses. In Caffco International Limited v. Office of
the Minister-Ministry of Labor and Employment, the Court has aptly observed that

Business enterprises today are faced with the pressures of economic recession, stiff competition,
and labor unrest. Thus, businessmen are always pressured to adopt certain changes and programs
in order to enhance their profits and protect their investments. Such changes may take various
forms. Management may even choose to close a branch, a department, a plant, or a shop.
In the same manner, when Lapanday continued its business operation and eventually hired some of
its retrenched employees and new employees, it was merely exercising its right to continue its
business. The fact that Lapanday chose to continue its business does not automatically make the
retrenchment illegal. We reiterate that inretrenchment, the goal is to prevent impending losses or
further business reversals- it therefore does not require that there is an actual closure of the
business. Thus, when the employer satisfactorily proved economic or business losses with sufficient
supporting evidence and have complied with the requirements mandated under the law to justify
retrenchment, as in this case, it cannot be said that the subsequent acts of the employer to re-hire
the retrenched employees or to hire new employees constitute bad faith. It could have been different
if from the beginning the retrenchment was illegal and the employer subsequently hired new
employees or rehired some of the previously dismissed employees because that would have
constituted bad faith. Consequently, when Lapanday continued its operation, it was merely
exercising its prerogative to streamline its operations, and to re-hire or hire only those who are
qualified to replace the services rendered by the retrenched employees in order to effect more
economic and efficient methods of production and to forestall business losses. The rehiring or
reemployment of retrenched employees does not necessarily negate the presence or imminence of
losses which prompted Lapanday to retrench.

In spite of overwhelming support granted by the social justice provisions of our Constitution in favor
of labor, the fundamental law itself guarantees, even during the process of tilting the scales of social
justice towards workers and employees, "the right of enterprises to reasonable returns of investment
and to expansion and growth." To hold otherwise would not only be oppressive and inhuman, but
also counter-productive and ultimately subversive of the nation's thrust towards a resurgence in our
economy which would ultimately benefit the majority of our people. Where appropriate and where
conditions are in accord with law and jurisprudence, the Court has authorized valid reductions in the
work force to forestall business losses, the hemorrhaging of capital, or even to recognize an obvious
reduction in the volume of business which has rendered certain employees redundant.


The payment of separation pay would be due when a dismissal is on account of an authorized cause
as in this case, and the amount of separation pay depends on the ground for the termination of
employment. When the termination of employment is due to retrenchment to prevent losses, or to
closure or cessation of operations of establishment or undertaking not due to serious business
losses or financial reverses, the separation pay is only an equivalent of "one (1) month pay or at
least one-half (1/2) month pay for every year of service, whichever is higher." In the above instances,
a fraction of at least six (6) months is considered as one (1) whole year.

Consequently, petitioners are not entitled to backwages as it is well settled that backwages may be
granted only when there is a finding of illegal dismissal. Nevertheless, petitioners are entitled to
separation pay as provided under the law, equivalent to one (1) month pay or at least one-half (1/2)
month pay for every year of service, whichever is higher, and those other benefits that petitioners
may been titled thereto under the retrenchment program. WHEREFORE, premises considered, the
instant Petition is DENIED. The Court of Appeals Consolidated Decision dated June 29, 2012 and its
Resolution dated November 14, 2012 in CA-G.R. SP No. 03588 are hereby AFFIRMED.


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