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Syllabus MSC Physics 2014 PDF

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Revised Syllabus for

Msc Degree Programme in Physics

(with effect from 2014 admissions)

M.Sc Degree Programme ( effective from 2014 - 15)


PH 211
PH 212
PH 213
PH 251
PH 252

PH 221

PH 222
PH 223
PH 251
PH 252


PH 231
PH 232
PH 233 X
PH 261
PH 262

PH 241
PH 242
PH 243 X
PH 261



Total for Semester I (S1)

Title of Paper


Maximum mark









Modern Optics &

Electromagnetic theory
Thermodynamics, Statistical
& Basic Quantum Mechanics
Computer Science &
Numerical Techniques
General Physics Practicals
Electronics &
Computer Science Practicals
















Total for Semester II (S2)











Total for Semester III (S3)





Condesed Matter Physics

Nuclear & Particle Physics
Special Paper II
Advanced Physics Practicals







Classical Mechanics
Mathematical Physics
Basic Electronics
General Physics Practicals
Electronics &
Computer Science Practicals

Advanced Spectroscopy
Special Paper I
Advanced Physics Practicals


PH 262
PH 201
PH 202

Viva Voce





Total for Semester IV (S4)





Grand Total





1375 1800

* 10 marks for records

L- Lecture
IA - Internal Assesment
T - Tutorial UE - University Exam

X: E ( Electronics),M( Materials Science)

N ( Nuclear Physics) ,S ( Space Physics)
T ( Theoretical Physics)


Special paper Category


Code Nos of Special Papers

PH 233 E
PH 243 E
PH 233 M
PH 243 M
PH 233 N
PH 243 N

Name of Special Papers

Advanced Electronics-I
Advanced Electronics-II
Materials Science-I
Materials Science-II
Advanced Nuclear Physics
Radiation Physics


PH 233 S
PH 243 S

Space Physics and Plasma

Advanced Astrophysics

PH 233 T

Theoretical Physics-1

PH 243 T

Theoretical Physics-2


C-1 Theory papers
Books of study and corresponding chapters are given for most of the theory papers in the
syllabus to define the scope of the syllabus.
For internal evaluation of theory papers at least one Viva must be conducted for each paper
For assignments and seminars current developments in the areas of the syllabus may be
chosen for improving the general awareness of the student
In tutorial sessions of theory papers problem solving in different topics of the syllabus may
be discussed.

C-2 Lab Courses

Rough records may be properly maintained for each practical paper and should be produced
during the University Practical Examinations along with original record book.
Each student is encouraged to include critical comments on each experiments done in the
original records including sources and estimates of errors,limitations in the experiments done
and scope for improvements/additions in the experimental work.
In performing Electronics Practicals: Bread Board Practice is recommended in addition to
soldering of electronic circuits.

C-3 Special papers

Depending on the expertise and facilities available in a College ( with approval of the
University and Government as per rules) one of the five Specialisations ( Special
paperCategory) may be chosen by a student for the third and fourth semesters of the
MSc ProgrammeinPhysics.At present for all specialisationspractical courses are
C4-Project work and Project Evaluation
The Project may be started during the second semester of the MSc programme.
25 marks of the project is to be awarded on the basis of internal assessment carried out in the
College for each studentconcerned. A Project rough record may be maintained by each
student to help to evaluate the progress of the project. Each student is required to present the
completed project along with experimental demonstration if any in the college before the
final University examinations in the Fourth Semester of the MSc ( Physics) Programme.
For University Examinations for the Project: 50 marks is allotted for Project report
evaluationand 25 marks allotted for Project based Viva Voce to be conducted along with
General Viva Voce examination by the University.
D Pattern of UniversityQuestion papers
D-1 Theory Papers
Each question Paper has three parts: Part A,Part B and Part C
Part A: Eight short answer questions covering the entire syllabus.One of the question from
this section may be used to test the CURRENT AWARENESS (general knowledge) of the
student in the areas of syllabus covered for this paper.Each question carries 3 marks.
Par B: contains three compulsory questions with internal choice. Questions cover all the three
units in the syllabus.Each question carry 15 marks.
Part C : contains six problems covering the entire syllabus.The student need to answer any
three. Each question carries five marks.
The question paper pattern for the theory papers is given separately.
Each practical paper carries a total of 75 marks. 10 marks are allotted for practical records.
PH 252: Electronics and Computer Science: Unit A-Electronics practical ( 4h ,45 marks)
Unit B- Computer Science ( 2h,20 marks)
PH261: Advanceed Physics has two parts : Physics Experiment ( 5h,45 marks)
Data Analysis of given scientific data ( 1 h,20 marks)
PH 262: Advanced Electronics has two parts : (i)Electronics Practicals ( 4h,45 marks)
(ii) Microprocessor Practicals ( 2h,20 marks)

PH 201 Project: Internal Evaluation for project is 25 marks

For University Examinations: 50 marks for Project Dissertation/report evaluation
and 25 marks for Project based Viva Voce

PH 202 General Viva Voce: For General Viva Voce covering the entire MSc Syllabus,
University Examinations : 100 marks

( University Question Paper pattern given separately)

Question paper pattern

MSc Degree Examination
PH 2xy
Duration : 3 hours



Maximum marks : 75

Instructions to question paper

Each question paper has three parts - Part A, Part B and Part C
Part A contains eight short answer questions spanning the entire syllabus, of which the candidate has
to answer any five question carries three marks.
Part B contains three compulsory questions with internal choice. Each question shall be drawn from
each unit of the syllabus. Each question carries 15 marks
Part C contains six problems spanning the entire syllabus . The cndidate has to answer any three.
Each question carries five marks
(Answer any five question. Each question carries three marks)
( 5 x 3 = 15 marks)

II B (a)

( 15 marks)


IIi B (a)

( 15 marks)

IV A (a)

IV B (a)

( 15 marks)

Part C
(Answer any three question. Each question carries five marks)
V (a)
(d )
( 3 x 5= 15 marks)


Lagrangianmechanics (12 hours)
Mechanics of a particle and system of particles- constraints-DAlemberts principle
and Lagranges equations-simple applications of Lagrangian formulation-Hamiltons
principle-techniques of calculus of variations-derivation of Lagranges equations from
Hamiltons principle-conservation theorems and symmetry properties
( Chapters 1 and 2 of Goldstein)
Two body central force problem (14 hours)
Reduction to one body problem-equations of motion-equivalent one dimensional
problem-diffrential equation for the orbit in the case of integrable power law
potentials-Keplers problem-inverse square law of force-scattering in central force
field-Virial theorem-transformation of the scattering problem to laboratory
( Chapter 3 of Goldstein)
Theory of small oscillations (10 hours)
Equillibrium and potential energy-theory of small oscillations-normal modes with
examples-longitudinal vibrations- longitudinal vibrations of carbon dioxide molecule
( Chapter 9 of Aruldas)

Unit II
Hamiltonian mechanics (12 hours)
Generalised momentum and cyclic coordinates-conservation theorems-Hamiltons
equations-examples in Hamiltonian dynamics-canonical transformations-generating
functions-poisson brackets-Liouovilles theorem
( Chapters 3,6 and 7 of Upadhyaya)

Hamilton-Jacobi equations( 10 hours)

Hamilton-Jacobi equation-harmonic oscillator as an example-separation of variables
in Hamilton-Jacobi equation-action angle variables-Keplers problem
( Chapter 10 of Goldstein)

Rigid body dynamics( 14 hours)

Generalised coordinates of rigid body-Eulers angles-infinitesmal rotations as vectorsangular momentum and intertia tensor-Eulers equations of motion of a rigid bodyforce free motin of symmetrical top-motion of heavy symmetrical top
( Chapter 10 of Upadhyaya)
Unit III
Special and General Relativity theory( 14 hours)
Lorentz transformation in four dimensional spaces-covariant four dimensional
formulations-force and energy equations in relativistic mechanics-Lagrangian
formulation of relativistic mechanics-covariant Lagrangian formulation
( Chapter 7 of Goldstein)
General theory of relativity-principle of equivalence and applications-ideas of
Riemannian geometry-space time curvature-geodesics-Einsteins equations of General
theory of Relativity-Schwarzchild solutions-observational evidences to General
( Chapters 7 to 10 of Krori and Chapter 8 of Srivastava)
Introduction to non-linear dynamics( 12 hours)
Linear and nonlinear systems-integration of second order non-linear differential
equations-pendulum equation-phase plane analysis of dynamical systems-linear
stability analysis-limit cycles
( Chapter 10 of Aruldas,relevant Chapters of Drazin and Johnson)
Elements of classical chaos( 10 hours)
Bifurcation-logisitc map-strange attractors-Lyapunov exponent and Chaos-ideas of
fractals and solitons
( Chapter 11 of Aruldas)
Books for study
1 H.Goldstein,C.PooleabdS.Safko,Classical Mechanics,3rdEdn,Pearson Education Inc
( 2008 Print)

2. J.C.Upadyaya,ClassicalMechanics,RevisedEditon,Himalaya Publishing Company

3. G.Aruldas,ClassicalMechanics,Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd ( 2008 Print)
4.K.D.Krori,Fundementals of Special and General Relativiy,PHI Learning Pvt Ltd (
5. S.K.Srivastava,General Relativity and Cosmology,PHI learning Pvt Ltd ( 2008)
6.P.G Drazin and R.S
Press( 1989)

Johnson,Solitons an Introduction,Cambridge University

1 N.C.Rana and B.S.Joag,ClassicalMechanics,TataMcGrawHill ( 1991)
2. V.B.Bhatia,Classical Mechanics with introduction to nonlinear oscillations and
chaos,Narosa Publishing House ( 1997)
3. M.Tabor ,Chaos and integrability in nonlinear dynamics,Johnwiley& Sons ( 1989)
4.R.K.Pathria,The Theory of Relativity,SecondEdition,dover Publications ( 2003)
PH 212: Mathematical Physics( 6L, 1T)
Unit I
Vector analysis and matrices( 8 hours)
Review of vector analysis-vector calculus operators-orthogonal curvilinear
coordinates Gradient,divergence,curl,Laplacian in cylindrical\ and spherical polar
coordinates-orthogonal and unitary matrices-Hermitian matrices-diagonalization of
matrices-normal marices
( Chapter 1 ,2, and 3 of Arfken and Weber)
Complex analysis( 8 hours)
Cauchy-Riemann conditions-Cauchys integral theorm and formula-singularities and
mapping-calculus of residues-dispersion relations
( Chapter 6 and 7 of Arfken and Weber)
Fourier series and applications( 8 hours)
General principles of Fourier series-advantages and applications-Gibbs phenomeneonDiscrete Fourier Transform-Fast Fourier transform
( Chapter 14 of Arfken and Weber)

Probability( 12 hours)
Definitions and simple properties of probability-random variables-Chebychev
inequality and moment generating function-discrete and continous probability
distributions-binomial distributions-posson distributions-Gauss Normal distributionerror analysisduf and least square fitting-chi-square and student t distributions
( Chapter 19 of Arfken and Weber)
Unit II
Differential equations( 16 hours)
Partial differential equations-first order equations-separation of variables-singular
points-series solutions and Frobenius method-non homogeneuous partial differential
equations-Greens functions-Laplace transforms and inverse Laplace transformsapplications to solution of simple differential equations
( Chapter 9 of Arfken and Weber)
Special functions( 20 hours)
Bessel functions of the first kind-orthogonality-Neumann functions-Hankelfuctionsmodified Bessel functions-spherical Bessel functions-Legendre functions-generating
function-recurrence relations and orthoganility-associated Legendre functionsspherical harmonics-Hermite functions-Lagurerre functions-Chebyshev polynomialshypergeometric functions
( Chapter 11,12,13 of Arfken and Weber)

Unit III
Tensor analysis (18 hours)
Notations and conventions in tensor analysis-Einsteins summation conventioncovariant and contravariant and mixed tensors-algebraic operations in tensorssymmetric and skew symmetric tensors-tensor calulus-Christoffel symbols-kinematics
in Riemann space-RiemannChristoffel tensor.
( Chapter 49 in Dass and Verma,Chapter 2 of Joshi)
Group theory( 18 hours)
Definitions of a group-elementary properties-sub groups-homomorphism and
isomorphism of groups-representation of groups-reducible and irreducible
representations-simple applications in crystallography and molecular symmetry-Lie
groups-SU(2) groups and their representations
( Chapter 1,3, and 7 of Joshi and Chapter 4 of Bagchi et al)

Books for study

Physcisits,6 Edition,Elsavier ( 2005).




2. H.K.Dass and R.Verma,MathematicalPhysics,S.Chand& Co Pvt Ltd ( 1997)

3. A.W.Joshi,Matrices and Tensors in Physics,3rdEdition,New Age International Pub (
4.A.W.Joshi, Elements of Group Theory for Physicists,Fourth Edition,
New Age International Pub ( 1997).
5.S.C.Bagchi,S.Madan,A,Sitaram,V.BTewariA first course in representation theory
and linear Liegroups,Universities Press ( India) Pvt Ltd ( 2000).
1 Harry Lass,Vector and Tensor Analysis,McGraw Hill Pub ( 1950)
2. M.L.Jain,Vector Spaces and Matrices in Physics,Alpha Science International (
3. W.W.Bell,Special Functions for Scientists and Engineers,Dover Publications (
4. W.K.Tung,Group theory in Physics,World Scientific Pub Co (1999)
5, C.Harper,Introduction to MathemaicalPhysics,Prentice Hall ( 1986)
6. A.K.Ghatak,I.C.GoyalamdS.T.Chua,MathematicalPHYsics,Macmillan



Unit I
Selections from electronic circuits ( 24 hours)
Frequency response of an amplifier circuits-power and volatage gain-imedence
matching-Bode plots-Miller effects-rise time bandwidth relations-frequency analysis
of BJT and FETamplifier stages
( Chapter 16 of Malvino and Bates)
Active filters-first order and second order Butterworth transfer function-first order and
second order active filters-lowpass,high pass and band pass filters-comparators-OP
Amp as a voltage comparator-zero crossing detectors-Schmitt trigger-voltage
regulators-square,triangular and saw tooth wave form generators-Weinberg oscillator-

monostable and astablemultivibrator circuits using IC 555 timer-Phase Locked Loop

circuits ( PLL)
( Chapters 7,8 and 9 of Gayakward)
Microwave solid state devices (12 hours)
Tunnel diode-varacter diode-IMPATT diode-Gunn diode-applications of semi
conductor microwave devices
( Chapter 12 of Tyagi and Chapter 10 of Sreetman & Banerjee )
Unit II
Digital electronics
Arithmetic and data processing digital circuits (16 hours)
Binary adder and subractor-arithmetic logic unit-binary multiplication and divisionarithmetic units using HDL-multiplexers-demultiplexers-BCD to decimal countersencoders-parity generators and checkers-programmable logic arrays
( Chapter 4,6 and 7 of Leach etal)
Seqential digital circuits( 20 hours)
Flip flops-clocked SR flip flops-JK flip flops-different types of registers-shift registers
and applications-asynchrounous and synchronous electronic counters-decade
counters-digital clock-applications of electronic counters.
( Chapters 8,9,10 and 13 of Leach et al)\

Unit III
Optoelectronics( 20 hours)
Optical fibre as a wave guide-mode theory of circular wave guide-wave guide
equations-modes in step index fibres-propagation of modes in single mode fibressignal distortion in optical fibres-sources of attenuation and signal distortion-optical
sources-LEDs and Laser diodes-photodetectors-semiconductor and fibre amplifiers
( Chapers 2,3,6 and 11 of Keiser)
Electronic Instrumentation( 16 hours)
Electronic measurements and instruments-comparison between analog and digital
instruments-performance and dynamic characteristics-ideas of errors and
measurement standards-voltmeters-ammeters-ohmerters-multimeters-balance bridge
voltmeters-components of a CRO-dual beam and dual trace CRO-digital sorage CRO-

classification of transducers-active and passive transducers-force and displacement

transducers-strain gauges-temaprature measurements-thermistors-thermocouples-flow
( Chapters 1,4,5,7,and 8 of Lal Kishore)
Books for study
1 A.Malvino and D.J.Bates,Electrinics Prinicples,7thEdition,Tata McGraw Hill( 2007)
2. R.A.Gayakwad, Operational Amplifiers and Linear integrated Circuirts,Prentice
Hall of India ( 2000)
3.M.S.Tyagi,Introduction to semiconductior materials and devices,Wiley India (
4. B.G.Streetman,S.K.Banerjee,Solid state electronic devices.Pearsoninc ( 2010)
5.D.P.Leach,A.P.Malvino, and G.Saha ,Digital principles and applications,Tata Mc
Graw Hill ( 2011)
6. G.Keiser,Optical Fibre Communication,3rdedition,McGraw Pub (2000)
7. LalKishore,Electronic measurements and Instrumentation,Dorling Kindersley (
India) Pvt Ltd( 2010)

J.Millman,C,Halkias and C.D.Parikh,IntegratedElectronics,TataMcGrawHill (


circuits,SixthEdition,PearsonInc ( 2004)



3. Thomas.L.Floyd,Digital Fundementals,10thedition,Dorling Kindersley ( India) Pvt

Ltd ( 2011)
4 JoachionPiprek,Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices,Academic Press (2003)

W.D.Cooper,A,O,Helfrik and H.Albert,Electronic

measurement Techniques,PHI ( 1997).




Unit I
Selections from modern optics ( 24 hours)
Multiple beam interference-Fabry-Perot interferometer-theory of multilayer filmsantireflection films and high reflectance films -Fresnel-Kirchoff integral theorem
and formula-Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction patterns and theory-applications of

Fourier transforms to diffraction-accoustic -optic modulation-basic ideas of RamanNath diffraction and Bragg diffraction-holography as wavefront reconstructionpropagation of light in crystals-optical activity and Faraday rotation
( Chapters 4 to 6 of Fowles and Chapters17 and 18 of Ghatak and Thayagarajan)
Non-linear optics( 12 hours)
Physical origin of non-linear polarization-electromagnetic wave propagation in non
linear media-optical second harmonic generation-ideas of parametric amplificationelectro-optic modulation of laser beams-eletro-optic amplitude and phase modulationLiNbO3 crystals as phase modulators
( Chapers 8 and 9 of Yariv)

Unit II
Electromagnetic waves( 12 hours)
Electromagnetic wave equations-electromagnetic waves in non-conducting mediaplane waves in vacuum-energy and momentum of electromagnetic waves-propagation
through linear media-reflection and transmission at normal and oblique incidenceelectromagnetic waves in conductors-modified wave equations and plane waves in
conducting media-reflection and transmission at a conducting interface
( Chapter 9 of Griffiths)
Relativistic electrodynamics( 12 hours)
Magnetism as a relativistic phenomena-transformation of the field-electric field of a
uniformly moving point charge-electrodynamics in tensor notation-electromagnetic
field tensor-potential formulation of relativistic electrodynamics
( Chapter 12 of Griffiths)

Radio wave propagation through earths atmosphere( 12 hours)

Radio wave propagation in free space-radio wave propagation through earths
troposphere-radio horizon-ideas of ground and surface waves-radio wave propagation

in earths ionosphere-maximum usable frequency and virtual height calculationsclassification of different radio wave bands
( Chapter 15 of Roody and Coolen)
Unit III
Transmission lines ( 12 hours)
Transmission line parameters and equations-input impedance-standing wave ratio and
power-The Smith Chart-applications of transmission lines
( Chapter 10 of Sadiku)
Wave guides( 12 hours)
Rectangular wave guides-transverse magnetic ( TM) modes-Transverse electric ( TE)
modes-wave propagation in the wave guide-power transmission and attenuation
( Chapter 11 of Sadiku)
Antennas( 12 hours)
Radiation from Hertzian dipole-half wave dipole antenna-quarter wave monopole
antenna-antenna chateristics-antenna arrays-effective area and Frijis equations
( Chapter 12 of Sadiku)
Books for study
1 G.R.Fowles,, Introduction to Modern Optics,SecondEdition,Dover Publications (
2 A.Yariv,Introduction to Optical electronics,Holt,Reinhart and Winston ( 1976)
3. A.Ghatak and K.Thyagarajan, Optical Electronics,Cambridge University Press (



( India) Pvt Ltd ( 2008)

5. D.J.Griffiths ,Indroduction to Electrodynamics,PHI Learning India Pvt Ltd ( 2007)
6.M.N.O.Sadiku,Elements of electromagnetics,Oxford University Press ( 2007)
1 J.R.Meyer-Arendt,Introduction to Classical and Modern Optics,Prentice Hall Intl (
2. J.C.Palais,Fibre optic communications,FiftghEdition,Pearson Education Inc ( 2005)


E.C.Jordan and K.G.Balmain,Electromagnetic

systems,SecondEdition,Pearson Education ( 2002)




4. D.K.Cheng,Field and Wave electromagnetics , Second Edition ,Addison Wesley (

guides,SecondEdition,TataMcGrawHill ( 2010).





Thermodynamic relations and consequences (20 hours)
Thermodyanamic functions and Maxwellss equations-Clausius -Claepyrans
equations-Properties of thermodyanamic potentials-Gibbs-Helmoltz relationthermodynamic equilibrium-Nerst heat theorem and its consequences-Gibbs phase
rule-chemical potential-vapour pressure relation and chemical constants
( Chapter 2 of Satyaprakash)
Foundations of classical statistical physics (16 hours)
Phase space-ensembles-Liovilles theorem-statistical equilibrium-microcanonical
ensemble-partition functions and thermodynamic quantities-Gibbs paradox-MaxwellBoltzmann distribution laws-grand canonical ensemble
( Chapter 6 and 7 of Satyparakash)
Unit II
Quantum statistics( 24 hours)
Quantum statistics of classical particles-density matrix in microcaonical,canonical and
grand canonical ensembles-Bose Einstein statistics and Bose Einstein distribution lawMaxwell Boltzmann statistics and Maxwell Boltzmann distribution lawFermi Dirac
statistics and Fermi Dirac distribution law-comparison of three types of statisticsapplications of quantum statistics-Planck radiation laws-Bose Einstein gas and Bose
Einstein condensationFermi Dirac gas-electron gas in metals-thermionic emissionstatistical theory of white dwarfs
( Chapter 8 of Satyaprakash)
Phase transitions (12 hours)

Triple point-Vander wals equation and phase transitions-first and second order phase
transitions-Ehrenfests equations-Ising model-Yang and Lee theory of phase
transitions-London theory of phase transitions
( Chapter 12 of Satyparakash)
Unit III
Foundations of quantum mechanics( 12 hours)
Basic postulates if quantum mechanics-Hilberts space-observabales-Hermitian
operators-general statistical interpretation-Uncertainty principle-minimum uncertainty
wave packet-energy time uncertainty principle-Dirac notation-Matrix representation
of state vectors and operators-change of represenatations-eigenvalue problem in
matrix mechanics-energy and momentum representations-unitary transformations
involving time-Schrodinger,Heisenberg and interaction pictures.
( Chapter 3 of Griffiths,Chapters 2 and 10 of Agarwal and Hariprakash)
Paradoxes in quantum mechanics( 8 hours)
Examples of paradoxes in physics-paradoxes in quantum mechanics-The Stern
Gerlach experiment and the measurement process-EPR paradox-Bells theorem and
inequality-Schrodinger cat-quantum zero paradox
( Chapter 10 of Devanarayanan and Chapter 12 of Griffiths)
Exactly solvable problems in quantum mechanics (16 hours)
one dimensional eignenvalue problems-square well potential-potential barrier-alpha
particle emission-Bloch waves in periodic potential-linear harmonic oscillator
problem using wave mechanics and operator methods-free particle wave functions
and solutions-three dimensional eigen value problems-particle moving in spherical
symmetric potential-rigid rotator-hydrogen atom problem-three dimensional potential
( Chapters 4 and 5 of Aruldas)
Books for study
1 SatyaPrakash,StatisticalMechanics,Kedarnath Ram Nath Publishers,
Meerut and Delhi ( 2009)
2. B.K.Agarwal and HariPrakash,QuantumMechanics,Prentice Hall of India ( 2002)
3. S.Devanarayanan,QuanrtumMechanics,Sci Tech Publications ( India) Pvt Ltd (
4. D.J.Griffiths,Indroducion to Quanum Mechanics, Second Edition,Pearson
Education Inc

( 2005)
5.G.Aruldas,Quantum Mechanics,2ond Edition,PHI learning Pvt Ltd ( 2009).
1 R.K.Srivastava and J.Asok , Statistical Mechanics,Wiley Easter Ltd ( 2005)
2. S.K.Sinha,StatsticalMechancis-Theory and Applications,Tata Mc Graw Hill (

3. P.M.Mathews and K.Venkitesan,A Text Book of Quantum Mechanics,Tata Mc

Graw Hill (2010 )
4. A.Ghatak and S.Lokanathan ,QuantumMechancis Theory and Applications,Kluewer
Academic apublishers ( 2004).
5.V.K.Thankappan,QuantumMechancics,SecondEdition,New Age International Pvt
( 2003)


Unit I
Foundations of computer science( 12 hours)
Introduction to computers-computer architecture-memory and storage-I/O devicescomputer languages-operating systems-data communications and computer networksdata bases-Internet basics-multimedia
(Chapter 1 and 3-15 of ITL Education solutions)

Introduction to Python Programming (10 hours)

Python programming basics strings-numbers and operators-variables-functionsClasses amd objects-organizing programs-files and directories-other features of
Python language
( Chapter 1 to 9 of Peter Norton et al)
Introduction to microprocessors ( 12 hours)
Evolution of microprocessors-microcontrollers and digital signal processors-Intel
8085 8 bit microprocessor-pin description-functional description-8085 instruction

format-addressing modes of 8085-interrupts of 8085-memory interfacing-8085

machine cycles and Bus timings-Assembly language programming of 8085
( Chapter 1 of Udayakumar and Umasankar and Chapter 3 and 4 of Abhishek Yadav)
Unit II
Programming with C++( 36 hours)
Features of C++-basic structure of C++ programs-header files-in and out functionscompilation and execution-data types-constants and variablesglobal variablesoperators and
Expressions of C++-flow control-conditional statements-iterative statements-switch
statements-conditional operators as an alternative to IF-nested loops-break statementsext( )
functions-structured data types-arrays-storage classes-multidimensional arrays-sorting
of strings-functions-built in and user defined-accesing function and passing arguments
to functions-calling functions with arrays-scope rule for functions and variablesstructures in C++-classes abd objects definition-class declaration-class function
definitions-creating objects-use of pointers in the place of arrays-file handling in C++basic file operations-serial and sequential files-reading and writing on to disks.
( Relevant Chapters from both Ravichandran and Somasekhara)
Unit III
Numerical Techiques( 36 hours)
Solution of simultaneious linear algebraic equations-Gauss elimination method-Gauss
Jrdan method-inverse of amatric using Gauss elimnaion method-Finite differencesforward and backward differences-central differences-difference of a polynomialerror propagation in difference table-Interpolation with equal intervals-Gregory
Newton forward and backward formula-errorin polynomial interpolation-central
difference intgerpolation formula-Gausss fprward and backward formula-Strilings
integration using general quadratature formula-Trapezoidal rile-Simsons 1/3 and 1/8
rules-numerical solutions to ordinary differential equations-Euler and modified Euler
methods-RangaKutta methods-numerical solution to partial differential equationssoluitions to Poisson and Laplace equations
( Chapters 4,5,6,7,8,9,11 and 12 of Vedamurty and Iyengar)
Books for study
Science,SecondEdition,Dorling Kindersley( India) Pvt Ltd ( 2011)


2 V.N.Vedamurty and N.Iyengar,NumericalMethods,Vikas Publishing Pvt Ltd (

3 K.Udayakumar, and B.S.Umasankar,The 8085 microprocessor,Dorling
Kindersley( India) Pvt Ltd ( 2008)

4 Peter Norton etal., Beginning Python,Wiley Publishing ( 2005)

5 AbishekYadav,Microprocessor 8085 8086,University Science Press,New Delhi
( 2008)

6 D.Ravichandran,Programming in C++,Tata Mc Graw Hill (2011 )

7 M.T.Somasekhara,Programming in C++, PHI Pvt Publishing ( 2005)
1. V.Rajaraman,Fundementals of Computers,5thEdition,PHI ( 2010)
2. R.S.Gaonkar,Microprocessor-Architecture,Programming and Applications with
3. S.S.Sastry,Introductory method of Nuimerical analysis,5thedition,PHI ( )
4. P.Ghosh,NumericalMethodswith computer programs in C++,PHI learning Pvt
5. BjorneStroustrup,The C++ Programming Lanuguage ,4thEdition,Addison
Unit I
Approximation methods in quantum mechanics (24 hours)
The variational principle-Rayleigh Ritz method-variation method and excited statesground state of Helium and Deutron-time independent peturbatin theory-non degerate
energy levels-anharmonic oscillator-ground state of He atom using perturbation
theory-Stark effect in hydrogen atom-time dependent perturbation theory-first order
and harmonicpeturbation-absorption and emission of radiation-Einsteins A and B
coefficients-Rayleigh and Raman scattering-WKB method-connection formulasbarrier potential-penetration-alpha particle emission-bound states in a potential well
( Chapters 9-12 of Aruldas)

Angular momentum( 12 hours)

Angular momentum in operators and commutation relations-eigen values and eigen

functions of L2 and Lz general angular momentum-eigen values of J2andJz-angular
momentum matrices-spin angular momentum spin vectors for a spin systemaddition of angular momentum-Clebiz-Jordon coefficients
( Chapter 8 of Aruldas)
Unit II
Symmetry and conservation laws (10 hours)
Symmetry transformations-space translation and conservation of angular momentumtime translation and conservation of energy-roation in space and conservation of
angular momentum-space inversion-time reversal
( Chapter 7 of Aruldas)
Quantum theory of scattering( 12 hours)
Scattering cross section and scattering amplitude-partial wave anaylsis and scattering
by a central potrential-scattering by attractive square well potential-scatteri8ng lengthexpression for phase shifts-Born approximation-scattering by Coloumb potentialLaboratary and centre of mass coordinate transformations
( chapter 14 of Aruldas)
System of identical particles( 14 hours)
Identical particles-Paul;is exclusion principle-inclusion of spin-spin function for a two
electron system-Helium atom-central field approximation-Thomas Fermi model of an
atom-Hartree and Hartree-Fock equations.
Unit III
Relativistic quantum mechanics( 24 hours)
Klein-Gordon equations and its relevance-particle in aColoumbsfild-Diracs
relativistic theory-Diracs equation for a free particle-Dirac matrices-covariant form of
Diracs equations-probability density-plane wave solutions-negative energy starts-spin
in Diracs theory-magnetic moment of
anelectrom-relativistic corrections of
Hydrogen atom spectrum-spin orbit correction-Lamb shift
( Chapter 15 of Aruldas)
Elements of Quantum Field theory ( 12 hours)
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulation of classical fields-quantisation of fieldsquantisation of the Schrodinger equation-Klein-Gordon and Dirac fields-quantisation
of the electgromagnetic field
( Chapter 16 of Aruldas)

Book for study

1 G.Aruldas,QuantumMechanics,SecondEdition,PHI learning Pvt Ltd ( 2009)
1 S.Devanarayanan,QuanrtumMechanics,Sci Tech Publications ( India) Pvt Ltd (
2 D.J.Griffiths,Indroducion to Quanum Mechanics, Second Edition,Pearson Education
Inc ( 2005)
3. P.M.Mathews and K.Venkitesan,A Text Book of Quantum Mechanics,Tata Mc
Graw Hill (2010 )
4. A.Ghatak and S.Lokanathan ,QuantumMechancis Theory and Applications,Kluwer
Academic Publishers ( 2004).
5.V.K.Thankappan,QuantumMechancics,SecondEdition,New Age International Pvt
( 2003)
6. J.J.Sakurai,Advamced Quantum Mechanics,Pearson Education Inc ( 2009)
7. L.H.Ryder,Quantum Field TheorySecondEdition,Cambridge University Presss (
8. Steven Weinberg,Quantum Theory of Fields( in Three Volumes), Cambridge
University Presss ( 2002)


Unit I
General tools of experimental spectroscopy( 14 hours)
General components of absorption measurements-dispersing elements-prisms-grating
and interferometers-tools in different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum-atomic
absorption spectroscopy-inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy-recording
spectrophoto meters for IR,visible and UV regions(Chapter 3 of Hollas)
Molecular symmetry( 10 hours)
Symmetry operators-symmetry elements-algebra of symmetry operationsmultiplication tools-matrix representation of symmetry operators-molecular point
groups-reducible and irreducible representations-great orthogonality theoremcharacter tables for point groups-symmetry species of point groups-IR and Raman

( Chapter 5 of Aruldas)
Molecular rotational spectroscopy( 12 hours)
Classification of molecules-rotational spectra of diatomic molecules-isotope effect and
intensity of rotational lines-non rigid rotator-linear polyatomic molecules-symmetric
and asymmetric top molecules-microwave spectrometer-analysis of rotational spectra.
( Chapter 6 of Aruldas)

Unit II
IR spectroscopy( 12 hours)
Vibrational spectra of diatomic molecules-charestrisitic IR spectra-vibrations of
polyatomic miolecules-anharmonicity-Fermi resonance-hydrogen bonding-normal
modes of vibration
in a crystal-interpreation of vibrational spectra-Fourier transform IR spectroscopy
( Chapter 7 of Aruldas)
Electronic spectra of molecules( 12 hours)
Vibrational coarse structure and analysis of bound systems-Deslanders table-Frank
condon principle-vibrational electronic sopectra-rotational fine structure-Fortrat
parabola-electronic angular momentum in diatomic molecules
( Chapter 9 of Aruldas)

Raman spectroscopy( 12 hours)

Theory of Raman scattering-rotational and vibrational Raman spectra-Raman
spectrometer-structure determination using Raman and IR spectroscopy-nonlinear
Raman effects-Hyper Raman effect-stimuated Raman scattering coherent antistokes
Raman scattering
( Chapter 8 and 15 of Aruldas)

Unit III
ESR and NMR spectroscopy( 12 hours)
Principle of NMR-ESR spectrometer-Hyperfine structure-ESR spectra of Free
radicals-Magnetic properties of nuclei-resonance condition-NMR instrumentationchemical shift-NMR spectra of solids-NMR imaging-interpreation of NMR spectra
( Chapters10 and 11 of Aruldas)

Mossabauerspectroscopy( 8 hours)

Recoilless emission and absorption-Mossbauer spectrometer-experimental techniquesisomer shift-quadrupole interaction-magnetic hyperfine interaction
( Chapter 13 of Aruldas)

Photoelectron and Photo-accousticspectroscopy( 16 hours)

Photroelectron spectroscopy-experinertal methods-photoelectron spectra and their
interpretation-Auger electron and X ray Flourescence spectroscopy-Photo-accoustic
effect-basic theory-experimental arrangement-applications
( Chapter 8 of Hollas and Chapter 13 of Suresh Chandra)
Books for study
1 J.M.Hollas,ModernSpectroscopy,FourthEdition,John Wiley &Sons ( 2004)
2. G.Aruldas,Molecular Structure and Spectrocopy,PHI learning Pvt Ltd ( 2007)
3. Suresh Chandra, Molecular Spectroscopy,Narosa Publishing Co ( 2009)
Spectroscopy,Fourthedn,TataMcGrawHill ( 1995).



2. D.N.Satyanarayana,Vibrational spectroscopy-Theory and applications,New Age

International Pvt Ltd ( 2004)
3. J.L.McHale,MolecularSpectroscopy,Pearson education Inc ( 2008).



Unit I
Analog radio frequency communications ( 16 hours)
Different types of analogcontinous wave modulation-analog baseband signal
transmission-signal distortions and equilization-linear continous wave modulation
schemes-amplitude modulation-DSB and SSB schemes-frequency conversion-angle
modulation-spectra of angle modulated signals-power and bandwidth of FM signalsgeneration and demodulation of FM signals-commercial radio broadcasting
techniques-AM and FM radio broadcasting and reception
( Chapter 5 of Sam Shanmugam)
Microwave radio communications ( 10 hours)
Advantages and disadvantages of microwave radio communications-digital and analog
systems-frequency and amplitude modulation techniques-FM microwave radio
system-FM microwave repeaters-FM microwave radio stations-line of sight path
( Chapter 24 of Tomasi )
Pulse modulation (10 hours)
Different types of pulse modulation-pulse amplitude modulation ( PAM)-PAM
spectrum-pulse code modulation( PCM)-sampling and quantization of analog signalsquantization error-signal to noise ratio-differential PCM_delta modulation-other pulse
modulation schemes-applications of pulse modulation
( Chapter 13 of Kennedy and Davis and Chapter 11 Roody and Coolen)

Unit II
Digital communications ( 16 hours)
Basics of information theory-ideas of digital codes noise in information carrying
channel-Digital carrier modulation -binary ASK,PSK and FSK schemes-bandwidth
and power requirements-synchronization methods-ideas of error control coding and
error corrections-digital transmission of analog signals-transmission using PCM
frequency and time division multiplexing ( TDM) TDM in PCM telephone system.
( Chapter 13 &14 of Kennedy and Davis, and 10 of Sam Shanmugam and Chapter
12 of Roody and Coolen))

Optical fibre communications ( 20 hours)

Overview of the optical communication system and its components-optical
communication receiver and its equivalent circuit-direct and coherent detection
systems- digital modulation and demodulation schemes for coherent optical
communication receivers-heterodyne and homodyne detection principles of
wavelength division and code division multiplexing in potical communication- optical solitons-soliton based optical communication systems
( Chapters 1,7-10 of Keiser and Chapters 1,3,6-10 of Agrawal)
Unit III
Mobile cellular communications (12 hours)
Mobile telephone services-cellular telephone-frequency reuse-cell splittingsectoring,segmentation and dualisation-cellular system topology-roaming and
handoffs-cellular telephone nework components and call processing-first and second
generation cellular telephone services-digital cellular telephone system-global system
for mobile communicartion-personnal satellite communication system
(Chapters 19 and 20 of Tomasi)
Digital Signal processing ( 24 hours)
Basics of signals and systems ( 6 hours)
Classification of signals-amplitude and phase spectra-classification of system-simple
manipulations of discrete time signals-representation of systems-analog to digital
conversion of signals
( Chapter 1 of Salivahananetal)

Fourier analysis of signals and systems ( 12 hours)

Triganometric Fourier series-exponential form-Parsevals idendity-power spectrum of
a period function-Fourier transform-properties of Fourier transform-Fourier transform
of important signals-Fourier transform of power and energy signals-Discrete time
fourier transform - Fast Fourier transform ( FFT)
( Chapter 2 of Salivahanan et al)
z-transofrms ( 8 hours)
Definition of z transform-properties of z-transform-evaluation of the inverse ztransform
( Chapter 4 of Salivahanan et al)
Digital Filters ( 10 hours)
Magnitude and phase response of Digital filters- Finite Impulse Response ( FIR)
digital filters-frequency response of linear phase FIR filters-design techniques of FIR
filters-ideas of Infinite Impulse Response filters.
(Chapter 7 of Salivahanan et al)

Books for study

1 K.SamShanmugam,Digital and Analog communication systems,JohnWileya& Sons
( 2006)
advanced,DorlingKinderley ( India) Pvt Ltd ( 2009)


3. G.Kenndy and B.Davis,Elecrinuic communication systems,FourthEdiion,Tata Mc

Graw Hill ( 2003)
4.G.Keiser,Optical Fibre Communication,3rdedition,McGraw Pub (2000)
5.G.P.Agrawal,Fibre optic communication systems,John Wiley& Sons ( 1993)
6.S.Salivahanan and G.Ganapriya,Digital Signal Processing,Tata Mc Graw Hill (
1 H.Taub,D,Schilling and G.Saha,Principle of Communiation systems,3rdEdition,Tata
Mc Graw Hill ( 2008)

W.C.Y.Lee,Mobile Communications-design,Fundementals,SecondEdition,John
Wiley & Sons ( 1993)

3. J.S.Chitode,DigitalCommunications,Technical Publications Pune ( 2008)


Practice,SecondEdition,Pearson Education ( 2006).


5.J.J.Carr ,Microwave and Wireless communications Technology,ButterworthHeinemann

( 1996)
Unit I
Introduction to Crystals (36 Hrs)
Lattice Unit cells-Basis- and crystal structures-Periodicity in crystals-Combination of
symmetry elements Symmetry groups-point groups. Structure of crystals- lDetermination of crystal structures-Diffraction theory-Scherrer formula-Calculation of
particle size-line broadening Determination of unit cell content-. Atomic packing in
crystals: Rules governing the packing of atoms-Paulings rules-applications in crystal
structures-complex ions-polymorphism-solid solutions. Electronic Structure of atomsAtomic and ionic arrangements in materials-Short range and long range order-Liquid
crystals-Amorphous materials-Softmaterials
Classification of materials,-Functional classification of materials
Materials for Aerospace, Biomedical, Electronic, Energy technology, Environmental
technology, Magnetic, Photonic and Structural Applications- Smart materials.
Structuralclassification of Materials- Crystalline-Single crystals-polycrystalline
materials- Grains and grain boundaries. Crystal structures of ionic materials-Cesium
chloride, Fluorite, Perovskite and Corundum type structures-Covalent structures.
Imperfections in crystals
Types of imperfections in crystals -Point defects-Interstitial defects-Substitutional
defects-Frenkel and Schottky defects-Line Kronger-Vink notation for defect chemical
reaction- Dislocations and Diffusion in crystals - Dislocations- Burgers vectors edge
and screw dislocations slip-significance of dislocations-Schmids law-Surface
defects-Domain boundaries- Importance of defects Diffusion- Applications of
Diffusion-Stability of atoms and ions-Mechanism for diffusion-Activation energy for
diffusion- Permeability of polymers-Composition profile-Diffusion and materials
Unit II
Formation of crystalline materials (36 hrs)
Growth from the melt - the Bridgmann technique crystal pulling -Czochralski
method- liquid solid interface shape -crystal growth by zone melting - Verneuil flame

fusion technique. Low temperature solution growth - methods of crystallization - slow

cooling, solvent evaporation, temperature gradient methods - crystal growth system growth of KDP, ADP and KTP crystals - high temperature solution growth, gel

Unit III
Properties of materials -Mechanical and Thermal properties - (36 hrs)
Mechanical properties
Stress-strain relation and tensile test-True stress and true strain-Bend test for brittle
materials-Hardness of materials-Knoop test-Strain rate effects-Ductile -brittle
transition temperature.-Fracture mechanics-Micro-structural features of fractures in
ceramics and compounds-Fatigue
Thermal properties
Heat capacity and specific heat-thermal expansion-thermal conductivity-Thermal
diffusivity-thermal shock in materials. Transformation in crystals-Elements of
thermodynamics-Free energy-First order and second order transformations-orderdisorder transitions-Equilibrium diagrams-phase rules-solid solutions
Reference Books
1. Introduction to solids L.V.Azaroff Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. The Science and Engineering of Materials: Donald R Askeland and Pradeep P
Phule 6 Edition-Thomson Brooks/Cole.
3. Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices , S.O.Kasap .Tata Mc Graw Hill
4. Crystallography and crystal defects, A. Kelley, G.W. Groves & P.
5. Crystallography applied to Solid State Physics, A.R.
Srivastava, NAI


Verma, O.N.

6. Solid State Physics, A.J.Dekker, Macmillan, (1967).

7. Solid State Physics, S.L. Gupta and V.Kumar, Pragati Prakashan.
8. Introduction to Theory of Solids, H.M. Rosenberg, Prentice Hall.
9. Solid State Physics,J.S. Blakemore, W.B.Saunders & Co. Philadelphia.

10. Solid State Physics, N.W. Ashcroft & N.D. Mermin, Brooks/ Cole


11. Crystal Defects and Crystal Interfaces, W. Bollmann, Springer Verlag.

12. Elementary solid State physics M.Ali Omar-Pearson
13. Solid State Physics R.J.singh-Pearson
14. Thermal Analysis, Wesley W.M. Wendlandt , Wiley.


Unit I
Nuclear properties and structrure ( 36 hours)
Nuclear structure charge, mass, shape, and size of nucleus, spin, parity, electric and
magnetic moments, isospin, binding energy, packing fraction, Experimental
determination of nuclear mass, Astons mass spectrograph, Measurement of nuclear
spin (using Zeeman effect) and magnetic moment (using NMR), nature of nuclear
forces, ground and excited states of deuteron, spin dependence, effective range theory,
non central force, n-p scattering and p-p scattering at low energies, nature of two
nucleon potential, charge independence and saturation of nuclear force, exchange
forces, meson theory of nuclear force.
Nuclear models - liquid drop model: Bethe-Weizsacker formula and its applications,
shell model, evidence and limitations of shell model, single particle shell model,
nuclear vibrations and rotations, optical model, collective model.

Unit II
Nuclear instrumentation(36 hours)
Gas filled detectors, Ionization Chamber, Proportional counter, GM Counter,
Scintillation counter, Cerenkov counter, semiconductor detectors [Si(Li), Ge(Li),
HPGe], Solid state nuclear track detectors, Nuclear emulsion, neutron detectors,
scaling circuits.
Classification of accelerators, cyclotron, synchro-cyclotron, Betatron, Tandem
accelerators, linear accelerator (LINAC). Nuclear Reactor self sustained reaction,
four factor formula, reactor theory, critical size, reactor materials, reactor control,
breeder reactor, thermonuclear fusion, fusion in plasma, fission reactor, conditions for
sustained fusion, magnetic confinement, toroidal confinement: Tokomak.

Unit III
Nuclear reactions and Particle Physics ( 36 hours)
Types of nuclear reactions, conservation laws, energetics of nuclear reactions, nuclear
transmutations, cross section of nuclear reaction, compound nucleus hypothesis, Breitwigner one level formula, direct reactions, stripping and pick up reactions, heavy ion
induced reactions, Nuclear fission, energetic of nuclear fission, Bohr-wheeler theory,
nuclear fusion, stellar energy and nucleo-synthesis.

Neutrons, Kinematics in high energy collisions, particles in high energy reactions,

classification of elementary particles, interactions among particles, states of particles
in terms of quantum numbers, Yukawa hypothesis, properties of pi mesons, muons,
K-mesons and hyperons, particle interactions and Feynman diagrams, symmetries and
conservation laws, CP T invariance, Gellmann Nishijima Formula, Quark Model,
Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD),
symmetry classifications of elementary
particles, weak interactions, Grand Unification Theory (GUT).

Books for Study

1. S.N. Goshal. Atomic and Nuclear Physics, S Chand & Company Ltd. 1998
2. Kenneth S Krane. Introductory Nuclear Physics, John Wiley & Sons, 1987
3. Sathya Prakash Nuclear Physics & particle Physics, S Chand 2005
4. John S Liley. Nuclear physics, Wiley India, 2007

1. Irving Kaplan, Nuclear Physics, Narosa Book Distributors, 2002.
2. R.D. Evans, The atomic Nucleus, McGraw-Hill, 1955.
3. D.C.Tayal, Nuclear Physics, Himalayan Publication house, Bombay, 1980
4. R.R. Roy & B P Nigam, Nuclear Physics Theory and Experiments, Wiley
Eastern, 2000.
5. D.J. Griffiths, Harper & Row, Introduction to elementary particles, Wiley
Eastern, 1987


Unit I
Basic Plasma Phenomena (6h)
Plasma Concepts Debye shielding plasma parameters Plasma as a fluid - Fluid
equations Fluid drift perpendicular to B Fluid drift parallel to B.
[Ref. 1,Ch 1, 2&3].
Waves in plasma (20h)
Plasma oscillations Electron plasma waves sound waves ion waves
Electrostatic electron oscillations perpendicular to B - Electrostatic ion waves
perpendicular to B Lower hybrid frequency Electromagnetic waves perpendicular
to B0 cut offs and resonances - Electromagnetic waves parallel to B0
Hydromagnetic waves Magnetosonic waves.
Diffusion and Resistivity- Decay of plasma by diffusion steady state solutions
Recombinations Diffusion across a magnetic field Collisions in fully ionized
plasma Single fluid MHD equations.
[Ref. 1, Ch. 4 and 5].

Magnetohydrodynamics (10h)
Maxwells equations in MHD MHD Induction equation Magnetic Reynolds
number Momentum equation, Pressure force Magnetic tension force Magnetic
Buoyancy Acoustic waves Alfven waves Internal gravity waves MHD waves
Whistlers. [Ref. 3, Ch. 9].
Solar Physics (16h)

Solar interior and energy production Neutrino problem Helioseismology solar

activity sunspot cycle - Suns magnetic field solar rotation - Photosphere
Chromosphere Corona Coronal heating Solar flares Solar wind importance
of solar terrestrial studies.
[Ref. 3; Ch. 6].
Solar wind Physics (16h)
Coronal expansion Parkers hydrodynamic theory solar wind parameters
interplanetary magnetic field sector structure solar wind variations and its
relationship with solar phenomena. [Ref.5 ].
Cosmic rays and energetic particles (4h) Galactic cosmic rays solar cycle
modulation of galactic cosmic rays solar energetic particles Interstellar pick up
ions Anomalous cosmic rays Cosmic ray detectors. [Ref.5 ].
Neutral atmosphere (8h) Neutral atmosphere scale height Variation of
temperature with altitude Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere
Heat balance equation Exosphere. [Ref.7 ].
Ionosphere and Magnetosphere (16h) Ion composition and chemistry D, E, F1 and
F2 regions Ionospheric conductivities and currents Equatorial anomaly.
Magnetosphere, intrinsic magnetic field Interaction of solar wind with
magnetosphere Bow shock and magnetopause Magnetospheric current systems
Magnetic diffusion Magnetic reconnection magnetic activity and substorms
magnetic storms geomagnetic activity indices. [Ref.6 ].
Observational technique (12h) Upper atmosphere sensing direct, indirect and
remote Direct methods for neutral atmosphere Direct methods for ionized
component Langmuir probe Impedance and resonance probes Mass
spectrometers Detectors for energetic particles and radiation environment Satellite
drag and related methods Remote sensing of the neutral atmosphere Remote

sensing by radio propagation Experimental technique for ionospheric studies

Ionosonde technique Incoherent scatter technique. [Ref 4 ,6 & 10. ]

Chen F. F.: Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Plenum Press.


Dendy R. O. : Plasma Dynamics (Clarendon Press, 1990).


Tamas I. Gombosi: Physics of the Space Environment ( Cambridge University

Press, 1998)


Harra L. K. and Mason K. O.: Space Science ( Imperial College Press)


Peter Foukal: Solar Astrophysics (Wiley, 1990)


Ratcliffe: Introducion to ionosphere and magnetosphere (CUP,1972)


Robert G. Fleagle and Joost A. Businger: An Introduction to Atmospheric Physics,

Academic Press, London, 1971.


Banks P. M. and G. Kocharts: Aeronomy, Academic Press, London, 1973.


Savindra Singh: Climatology, Prayag Pustak Bhavan, 2005.


Michael D. Pappagiannis: Space Physics and Space Astronomy, Gordon and

Breach Science Publishers Ltd., 1972.


Unit I - Quantum Mechanics( 36 hours)
Linear vector space, linear operators, normed spaces, Hilbert spaces,
self-adjoint operators, representation of operators and states in suitable
basis, spectral properties of self-adjoint operators - spectral theorem.
[Ref 1, 2, 3, 4]
Groups and Symmetry
Review of groups: Irreducible representations of groups, discrete and
continuous groups, Lie groups, Lie algebra.
how symmetries form a group, unitary and anti-unitary symmetry operators,
Rotation and O(3) group, SU(2) group, angular momentum
algebra, vector operators, Tensor operators, Wigner-Eckart theorem
Discrete symmetries - space and time inversion symmetries. Ref [5, 6, 7,

8, 9, 10]
Relativistic quantum mechanics Lorentz group - generators, representation
of Lorentz group extended by parity and Dirac equation, hydrogen
atom [ Ref 5, 7, 10, 11]
Field theory
Lagrangian formalism, Noethers theorem, Hamiltonian density, quantisation
of fields, second-quantization, quantisation of EM field. [ Ref 10]
Unit II
Statistical Physics( 36 hours)
Stochastic processes
Review of probability and measure, equilibrium vs non-equilibrium,
Brownian motion, Langevin equation, Ito vs Stratanovic, Markov processes,
Fokker-Planck equation, Fluctuation-Dissipation theorem. [Ref 13,
14, 16, 15]
Special topics in non-equilibrium systems
Einstein diffusion equation - derivation and boundary conditions, free
diffusion in one-dimensional half-space, flourescencemicrophotolysis
[ Ref 13]
Unit III - General relativity (36 hrs)
Differential geometry
Tensors, diffentiable manifolds, geodesics, curvature, Riemannian tensor
[ Ref 3, 4, 17, 18]
Principle of equivalence, Einstein equations, centrally symmetric gravitational
fields, Schwaarzchild solution, singularities [ Ref 17, 18]

[1] F. Scheck, Quantum Physics, Springer (2007).
[2] G. Teschl, Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics, American
Mathematical Society (2009).
[3] P. Szekeres, Modern Mathematical Physics, Cambridge University Press
[4] M. T. Vaughn, Introduction to Mathematical Physics, Wiley - VCH Verlag
[5] Arfken, Mathematical Physics for Physicists, Academic Press (2013).
[6] J. J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company (1994).

[7] L. I. Schiff, Quantum Mechanics, McGraw-Hill Book Co. (1968).

[8] R. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Springer (1994).
[9] L. E. Ballentine, Quantum Mechanics, World Scientific Publishing Co.
[10] L. H. Ryder, Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge University Press (2008).
[11] J. J. Sakurai, Advanced Quantum Mechanics, Addison-Wesley (1967).
[12] M. Le Bellac, Quantum and Statistical Field Theory, Oxford University
Press (2001).
[13] K. Schulten and I. Kosztin, Lectures in Theoretical Biophysics, University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2000).
[14] R. Kubo, M. Toda and N. Hashitsume, Statistical Physics II: None
quilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Springer-Verlag (1985).
[15] G. F. Mazenko, Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Wiley-VCH Verlag
[16] V. Balakrishnan, Elements of Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics,
CRC Press (2008).
[17] B. F. Schutz, A First Fourse in General Relativity, Cambridge University
Press (2009).
[18] S. Caroll, Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity,
Addison-Wesley (2004).
[19] A. Altland and B. Simons, Condensed Matter Field Theory, Cambridge
University Press (2008).
[20] J. W. Negele and H. Orland, Quantum Many-particle Systems, Levant
Books (2006).
[21] E. Fradkin, Field Theories of Condensed Matter Systems, Levant Books
[22] P. M. Chaikin and T. C. Lubensky, Principles of Condensed Matter
Physics, Cambridge University Press (2004).
[23] A. M. Tsvelik, Quantum Field Theory in Condensed Matter Physics,
Cambridge University Press (2003).


Unit I
Crystal physics( 10 hours)
Lattice points and space lattice-basis and crystal structure-unit cells and lattice
parameters-symmetry elements in crystals space groups-Bravais lattice-density and
lattice constant relation-crystal directions.planes and Miller indices-reciprocal latticeallotropy and polymorphism in crystals-imperfections in crystals
( Chapter 4 of SO Pillai)
Lattice vibrations and thermal properties ( 10 hours)
Dynamics of identical atoms in crystal lattice-dynamics of linear chain-experimental
measurement of dispersion relation-anharmonicity and thermal expansion-specific
heat of solids-classical model-Einsteins model-Debye model-thermal conductivity of
solids-role of electrons and phonons-thermal resistance of solids.
( Chapters 7 and 9 of Wahab)

Free electron and band theory( 16 hours)

Elecrons moving in one dimensional potential well-Fermi-Dirac statistics-effect of
temparature on Fermi distribution-electronic specific heat-electrical conductivity of
metalsWiedmann- Franz- Lorentz law-electrical resistivity of metals-Hall effect-energy
bands in
solids-Kronig-Penny model-construction of Brillouin zones-nearly free electron
model-conductors,semiconductors and insulators-elementary ideas of Fermi surfaces
( Chapters 10,11 and 12 of Wahab)
Unit II
Semiconductors( 12 hours)
Free carrier concentration in semiconductors-mobility of charge carriers-temparature
effectselectrical conductivity of semiconductors-Hall effect in semiconductorssemiconductor
junction properties
( Chapter 13 of Wahab)
Dielectric and magnetic properties of materials( 24 hours)
Dipole moment-polarisation-local electric field in an atom-dielectric constant and its
measurement-polarizability-classical theory-Peizo,Pyro and Ferro electric properties
Crystals-Ferreoelectric domains-classification of magnetic materials-atomic theory of
magnetism-Langevins theory-paramagnetism and quantum theory-Weiss molecular
field-ferromagnetic domains-anti ferromagnetism-Ferrites
( Chapter 14 and 16 of Wahab)

Unit III
Superconductivity( 20 hours)
Experimental attributes to superconductivity-critical temparature,critical current and
magnetic field of superconductors-effects of magnetic field on superconductors-Type
I and II
superconductors-intermediate and vortex states-thermal conductivity,specific heat and
gap in superconductors-microwave and IR properties-coherence length-Theories of
superconductivity-London equations-Ginzberg-Landau theory-BCS theory-AC and
Josephson effects in superconductors- Examples and properties of High Temperature

( Chapter 13 of Singh)
Introduction to nano science and technology( 16 hours)
Scope of nano science and technology-nano material preparation techniquesLithgraphic and
nonlithographic techniques-sputtering-chemical vapur deposition-pulsed laser
depositionmolecular beam epitaxy-sol-gel technique-characterisation of nono materialsscanning probe microscopy-atomic force microscopy-SEM and TEM techniquescarbon nano structures-elements of nano electronics.
( Chapters 1,7, and 8 of Chattopadhya)
1 S.O.Pillai,Solid State Physics,Third Edition New Age International Pvt Ltd ( 1999)
2. M.A.Wahab,Solid State Physics,Narosa Publishing House ( 1999)
3. R.J.Singh,Solid State Physics ,Dorling Kindersley ( India) Pvt Ltd ( 2012)
NanoTechnology,Prentice Hall of India ( 2009)





1. N.W.Ashcroft and N.D.Merwin,Solid State Physics,Cenage Learning India ( 2001)
2. Charles.C.Kittel,Introduction to Solid State Physics,wiley Student Edition ( 2007)
3. M.AliOmar,elementary Solid State Physics,Pearson Education Inc ( 1999)
4.P.Phillips,Advanced Solid State Physics,SecondEdn,Cambridege University Press (


Unit I
Nuclear forces( 10 hours)
Deuteron-neutron proton scattering and proton-proton scattering at low energies-non
central forces-nuclear exchange force-meson theory of nuclear forces
( Chapter 8 of Tayal)

Nuclear models ( 12 hours)

Detailed studies on liquid drop,shell and collective models of the nuclei.
( Chapter 9 of Tayal)

Nuclear reactions ( 14 hours)

Conservation laws-energetic nuclear reactions-Q value equation-partial wave analysis
of nuclear reaction cross section- compound nuclear hypothesis-resonance reationsBrot-Wigner one level formula-optical model-theory of stripping reactions.
( Chapter 10 of Tayal)
Unit II
Nuclear fission( 20 hours)
Mechanism of nuclear fission-calculation of critical energy based on liquid drop
model-fission products and energy release-fission chain reactions-neutron cycle and
and four factor formula-general features and classification of nuclear fission reactors
( Chapter 7 of Verma et al)
Nuclear fusion (16 hours)
Nuclear fusion in stellar interiors-proton-proton reactions-carbon-nitrogen cyclethermo nuclear reactions in the laboratary-conditions for the construction of nuclear
fusion reactor-critical ignition temperature-Lawson criterian-plasma confinement in
fusion- principles of pinch ,magnetic and inertial confinements
( Chapter 7 of Verma et al)

Unit III
Nuclear detectors and particle accelerators (20 hours)
Gas filled detectors-ionization chamber and proportional counters-GM counterscintillation detectors-semiconductor detectors-cerenkov detector-bubble chamber
( Chapter 6 of Verma eta al)
Particle accelerators-electrostatic accelerators-cyclotron accelerators-synchrotronslinear accelerators-colliding beam accelarators
( Chapter 15 of Krane)

Elementary particle physics (16 hours)

Elementary particle interactions-symmetries and conservation laws-quark model of
elementary particles-colored quarks and gluons-ideas of charm,beuty and truth-quark
dynamics-ideas of grand unified theories of fundamental forces
( Chapter 18 of Krane)
Books for study
1 D.C.Tayal,Nuclear Physics,5thEdition,Himalaya Publishing Co ( 2008)
2 J.Verma,R.C.Bhandari,D.R.S.Somayajulu,Fundementals
Physics,CBS Publishers and Distributors ( 2005)



3 K.S.Krane,IntroductoryNuclearPhysics,Wiley India Pvt Ltd ( 1988)

1 S.B.Patel,Nuclear Physics-An Introduction,New Age International Pvt Ltd ( 1996).
2. B.R.Marhu,Nuclae and Particle Physics- an Introducion,SecondEdition,Wiley (
3. S.N.Ghoshal,NuclearPhysics,S,Chand Ltd ( 1997)
4.M.P.Khanna,Introduction to Particle Physics,PHI ( 2011)
5. J.Freidberg,Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy,Cambridge University Press ( 2007)
6. FF.Chen,Introduction to Plasma Physics,Springer,London ( 2002).


Unit I
Microprocessor 8086 : Introduction and Programming (18 hours)
Internal architecture of 8086-pin configuration of 8086-memory organization of 8086addressing modes of 8086-minimum and maximum mode configurations-instructions
set of 8086-data movment instructions-arithematic and logic instructionsprogramming of 8086-flow charts and programming steps
( Chapter 2,3,4 of Sunil Mathur)
Microprocessor interfacing devices and advanced microprocessors( 12 hours)
Programmed I/O direct memory access-micro controllers-8251A USART-8257
DMA controller-8259A programmable interrupt controller-8279 programmable
keyboard/display interface-analog to digital and digital to analog convertersadvanced microprocessors-80186/80188 high integration 16-bit microprocessors80386 and 80386 processors-RISC processors.
( Chapter 6 and 7 of Abishek Yadav)

Elements of embedded systems ( 6hours)

Example of an embedded system-processor chips for embedded applications-a simple
micro controller using embedded systems-embedded processor families
( Chapter 10 of Hamacher et al)
Unit II
Introduction to artificial intelligence and expert systems ( 20 hours)
Overview of artificial intelligence ( AI)-knowledge representation in AI-problem
solving in AI-search methods-predicate and propositional logic-Formal symbolic
logic-LISP and PROLOG basics-network representations of knowledge-natural
language study in AI-Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy logic- Expert systems-rule based expert
systems-nonproduction system architectures-examples of expert systems.
( Chapters 1,2,4,5,7,9,12 & 15 of Patterson; Chapter 1-5 and 8 of Rich and Knight)

Adsvanced artificial intelligence systems ( 16 hours)

Introduction to robotics-artifical intelligence machines-language based and knowledge
based machines-Fuzzy expert systems-fuzzy quantifiers-fuzzy inference-fuzzy rule
based systems-engineering applications of fuzzy logic-applications in power
plants,datamining,image processing and control instrumentation-basic concepts of
artificial neural networks-neural network architectures-learning methods-neural
network systems-ADALINE and MADALINE networks neural network application
( Chapter 21 of Rich and Knight,Chapter 16 of Janakiramanetal,Chapters 1 and 7 of
Rajasekaran and Pai,,Chapter 8 of Sivanandan et al)
Unit III
Television (14 hours)
Television broadcasting fundementals-scanning,blanking and synchronizing pulsesvideo bandwidth-video signal charecterisitcs-TV broadcasting channels-TV camera
tubes-monochrome TV transmission and reception-color camera tube-color TV
system-advanced TV systems-satellite TV techniques-cable TV system-Digital
colorTV system
( Chapter 1 to 5 of Veera Lakshmi and Srivel)
Radar( 12 hours)
Basic principles of radar-Radar equation-MTI,Pulse and Doppler Radars-Radar signal
analysis-ideas of Radar transomiters and receivers-hyperbolic systems for navigationLORAN and DECCA systems.
( Relevant chapters of Skolni,Chapter 4 of Nagaraja)
Satellite communications( 10 hours)
Satellite orbits-Geosynchronous satellites-antenna look angles-satellite classificationsspacing and frequency allocations-satellite antenna radiation patterns-satellite system
link models satellite system parameters and link equations ( Chapter 25 of
Books for study
1 Sunil Mathur,Microprocessor 8086-Architecture,Programming and Interfacing,PHI
learning Pvt Ltd ( 2011)
2. AbishekYadav,Microprocessor 8085 8086,University Science Press,New Delhi (
3. Carl Hamacher,Z.G.Vranesic,S.G.Zaky,Compter organization,5 thEdition,McGraw
Hill Education ( 2002)

4. V.S.Janakiraman,K.Sarukesi and P.Gopalakrishnan,Foundations of Artificial

Intelligenceand Expert systems,Macmillan Publishers India Ltd ( 2011).
5. E.Rich and K.Knight,ArtificialIntelligence,SecondEdition,Tata McGraw Hill Pub
( 2006),
6. D.W.Patterson,Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems,Prentice
Hall of India Pvt Ltd ( 2001)
7. S.Rajasekharan and G.A.VijalekshmiPai,Neural NetworksFuzzy logic and
Geneticalgorithms,PHI learning PVt Ltd ( 2010).
8.S.N.Sivanandan,S.Sumathi and
usingMATLAB,Springer ( 2007).\





9. A.Veera Lakshmi and R.Srivel,Television and Radio engineering,AnnBookd Pvt

( 2010)
10. Skolini.M.I,Introducion to Radar systems,Thirdediton,Tata Mc GrawHill ( 2001)
11. Nagaraja,Elements of Electronic navigation,Second Edition, Tata Mc GrawHill (


Unit I
Functional materials and properties (36 hrs)
Electronic, Magnetic and photonic materials and properties
Electronic materials and properties- Electrical conductivity-Conductivity of metals
and alloys-superconductivity-conduction in ionic materials-semiconductorsInsulators-dielectrics-polarisation
dielectrics-Electrostriction-piezoelectricitypiezoelectricity and ferroelectricity-Magnetic materials and properties-Classification
of magnetic materials- -magnetisation-permeability and the magnetic fieldDiamagnetic-paramagnetic-ferromagnetic-ferrimagnetic and super-paramagnetic
materials-Domain structure and the hysteris loop-Curie temperature-Applications of
magnetic materials-Metallic and ceramic magnetic materials-Photonic materials and
properties- Electromagnetic spectrum-Reflection, refraction, absorption and

transmission-Selective absorption and transmission-Emission phenomenonluminescent and phosphorescent materials-Fibre optic communication system.
Unit-IINanostructured materials and properties (36 Hrs)
Size and dimensionality effects - size effects - potential wells - partial confinement conduction electrons and dimensionality quantum well-quantum wires-quantum
dots-Fermi gas and density of states - Carbon based nano-materials-Fullerenes-carbon
nanotubes- nanoshells- graphene- biological and smart nanomaterials. Properties of
nanomaterialselctrical-optical-mechanical-and thermo dynamical properties.
Synthesis of nanomaterials- CVD-Sol-gel-Combustion-hydrothermal- Colloidal
growth-nanotube synthesis-Lithographic process-: Lithography, Nanolithography,
split gate technology, self assembly, limitation of lithographic process.Nonlithographic techniques: Plasma arc discharge, sputtering, evaporation.Tools of
nanomaterials: X-ray diffraction-FTIR spectroscopy-Raman spectroscopy-Band
assignments-UV-Vis spectroscopy-Determination of band gap-Taucs plot
For qualitative study only(Non evaluative) : Scanning probe microscopy-STMAFM- NSOM- Electron Microscopies-TEM-HRTEM and SEM.

Unit III-Nano-electronics (36 Hrs)

Introduction to Nanoelectronics
Properties dependent on density of states - excitons - single-electron tunnelling applications infrared detectors - quantum dot lasers-Tunnel junction and application
of tunnelling-Tunneling through a potential barrier, potential energy profiles of
material interfaces, applications of tunnelling. Micro-electromechanical systems
(MEMSs) and Nano-electro-mechanical systems (NEMSs), Intrduction to SpintronicsHistory and overview of spin electronics; Classes of magnetic materials; Quantum
Mechanics of spin; Spin relaxation mechanisms; spin relaxation in a quantum dots.
Qualitative studyonly(Non evaluative)
Resonant Tunnelling Diode, Quantum Cascade lasersSingle electron transistor-:
Coulomb Blockade, single electron transistor, other SET and FET structures.
Molecular Machines, Nano-biometrics- Molecular and Nano-electronics-Microbial
Fuel Cells-Hydrogen storage-Nano medicine-Biological applications-Photonic nano
crystals and integrated circuits-Quantum computers Intrduction to Spintronics- :Spin
Galvanic effect; Spin LEDs: Fundamental and applications, Spin photoelectronic
devices, Electron spin filtering, Materials for spin electronics,. Spin-Valve and spintunneling devices: Read Heads, MRAMS, Field Sensors, Spintronic Biosensors, Spin
transistors, Quantum Computing with spins.

Reference Books
1. The Science and Engineering of Materials: Donald R Askeland and Pradeep P
Phule 6 Edition-Thomson Brooks/Cole.
2. Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices , S.O.Kasap .Tata Mc Graw Hill
3. Crystallography and crystal defects, A. Kelley, G.W. Groves & P.


4. Crystallography applied to Solid State Physics, A.R. Verma, O.N.

Srivastava, NAI
5. Solid State Physics, A.J.Dekker, Macmillan, (1967).
6. Solid State Physics, S.L. Gupta and V.Kumar, Pragati Prakashan.
7. Introduction to Theory of Solids, H.M. Rosenberg, Prentice Hall.
8. Solid State Physics,J.S. Blakemore, W.B.Saunders & Co. Philadelphia.
9. Solid State Physics, N.W. Ashcroft & N.D. Mermin, Brooks/ Cole


10. Crystal Defects and Crystal Interfaces, W. Bollmann, Springer Verlag.

11. Elementary solid State physics M.Ali Omar-Pearson
12. Solid State Physics R.J.singh-Pearson
13. Introduction to Nanotechnology, Charles P. Poole, Jr. and Frank J.Owens,
Wiley, (2003) 92
14. Nano The Essential-T Pradeep; Mc Graw Hill Education
15. Nanotechnology An Introduction to Synthesis properties and Applications of
Nanomaterials: Thomas Varghese and K.M.Balakrishna-Atlantic Publishers.
16. MEMS/NEMS: micro electro mechanical systems/nano electro mechanical
systems Volume1, Design Methods, Cornelius T.Leondes, Springer, (2006).
17. Mick Wilson, Kamali Kannangara, Geoff Smith, Michelle Simmons and
Burkhard Raguse Nanotechnology, Overseas Press New Delhi 2005
18. W. R. Fahrner (Ed.) Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics, Springer 2006.
S. Bandyopadhyay, M. Cahay
Unit I
Interaction of radiation with matter ( 36 hours)

Ionizing radiations, terrestrial sources, extraterrestrial sources, non-ionizing

radiations, natural and man-made sources, interaction of radiation with matter, energy
loss rate, bremstrahlung, range energy relation, stopping power, photoelectric
absorption, Compton scattering, pair production, properties of gamma gays and
Particle flux and fluenc, Energy flux and fluence , Cross section, Linear and mass
attenuation coefficients , Mass energy transfer and mass energy absorption
coefficients, Stopping power Linear Energy Transfer (LET) - Weighing Factors(Wvalues), Radiation and tissue weighting factors, absorbed dose- equivalent dose,
effective dose, committed equivalent dose, committed effected dose Concept of
KERMA (Kinetic Energy Released per unit Mass)
Unit II
Radioactivity, detection and dosimetry ( 36 hours)
Law of radioactive decay, half life, mean life, specific activity, successive
disintegration, radioactive equilibriums, age of minerals and rocks, -decay: barrier
penetration, range energy relationship, decay: Fermi theory, parity violation, Kurieplot, -decay, radiative transitions in nuclei, selection rules.
Thermo luminescent Dosimeters (TLD) Optically stimulated Luminescence
dosimeters (OSLD) Neutron Detectors Nuclear track emulsions for fast neutrons
Solid State Nuclear track (SSNTD) detectors, Radon dosimetry, Instruments for
personnel monitoring TLD badge readers Digital pocket dosimeters using solid
state devices and GM counters - Contamination monitors for alpha, beta and gamma
radiation Scintillation monitors for X and gamma radiations - Neutron Monitors,
Tissue equivalent survey meters Flux meter and dose equivalent monitors Pocket
neutron monitors
Unit III
Biological effects of radiation ( 36 hours)
Somatic effects of radiation Physical factors influencing somatic effects
Dependence on dose, dose rate, type and energy of radiation - Acute radiation
sickness Effects of chronic exposure to radiation Induction of leukemia
Radiation Carcinogenesis Risk of carcinogenesis Genetic effects of radiation
Factors affecting frequency of radiation induced mutations Dose-effects relationship
first generation effects Effects due to mutation of recessive characteristics
Genetic burden Prevalence of hereditary diseases and defects Spontaneous
mutation rate Concept of doubling dose and genetic risk estimate.

Books for study

1. G.F. Knoll, Radiation detection and Measurement, John Wiley & Sons, 2000
2. K. Thayalan, Basic Radiological Physics, Jaypee brothers medical publishers, New
3. Alan Martin and Samuel A. Harbison, An Introduction to radiation Protection
Third edition,
Chapman and Hall, New York 1986
1. R.R. Roy & B P Nigam, Nuclear Physics Theory and Experiments, Wiley Eastern,
2. UNSCEAR Report, United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic
Radiation, 2008.


General features of observational astronomy ( 36 hours)
Emergence of modern astronomy - Astronomy in different bands of electromagnetic
radiation.Celestial co-ordinates Spherical coordinates Altazimuth system Local
equatorial system universal equatorial system Ecliptic system Galactic
coordinates conversion of coordinates.Apparent luminosity of stars measurement
of apparent luminosity various magnitude systems correction for apparent
magnitude.Stellar distances and absolute luminosities measurement of distances
within the solar system trigonometric parallaxes of stars method of measurement
of luminosity -.surface temperature of stars spectral classification of stars-stellar
magnetic fields.[Ref. 1]
Stellar physics and Stellat evolution ( 36 hours)
Theory of radiative transfer Radiative transfer equation Thermodynamic
equilibrium radiative transfer through stellar atmosphere formation of spectral
lines-Basic equation of stellar structure Hydrostatic equilibrium in stars Virial
theorem energy transport inside stars convection inside stars stellar models
some relations among stellar quantities determination of stellar parameters main
sequence red giants and white dwarfs
Nucleosynthesis and Nuclear reactions in stars calculation of nuclear reaction rates
Important nuclear reactions in stellar interiors Helioseismology solar neutrino
experiments Stellar evolution Evolution of binary systems mass loss from stars

stellar winds-Stellar collapse Degeneracy pressure of Fermi gas structure of white

dwarfs Chandrasekhar limit neutron stars pulsars binary X ray sources.
accretion disks.[Ref. 2]
Galactic Physics and elements of Cosmology ( 36 hours)
Normal galaxies morphological classification - physical characteristics and
kinematics expansion of the universe active galaxies super luminal motion in
quasars black hole as central engine unification scheme cluster of galaxies
large scale distribution of galaxies gamma ray bursts.
Space time dynamics of the universe general relativity the metric of the universe
Friedman equation for the scale factor cosmic background radiation evolution of
matter dominated universe evolution of radiation dominated universe.Primordial
nucleosynthesis cosmic neutrino background nature of dark matter. [Ref. 2,3 &4]
1. Abhyankar K. D. - Astrophysics Stars and Galaxies,Universities Press.
2. Arnab Rai Choudhuri - Astrophysics for Physicists, Cambridge University
3. Padmanabhan T. Theoretical Astrophysics, Cambridge University Press.
4. Narlikar J. B.- Introduction to Cosmology, Cambridge University Press.
Unit I
Functional Integrals in Physics( 36 hours)
Function vs functional, functional derivatives, functional integration,
Guassian integrals [ Ref 19, 20, 21, 22]
Path integrals in quantum mechanics
Single particle systems- Feynman path integral, propagator as a
functional integral, Born approximation, Coulomb scattering,
Many particle systems - Second quantization, coherent states and
many-body path integrals, field integral for the quantum partition
Quantum Fields - Path integrals for fields, functionals for bosonic
andfermionic fields, generating functions for free and interacting
fields, Wicks theorem, Perturbation theory. [ Ref 8,13,14,17,10, 20,
21, 23]

Unit II
Many particle physics( 36 hours)
Broken symmetry and collective phenomena
Mean field theory, Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity, superconductivity,
interacting electron gas and disorder
Response functions
Linear response theory, analytic structure of correlation functions, electromagnetic
linear response
Unit III
Critical phenomena ( 36 hrs)
Continuous phase transitions, critical behaviour, scaling, renormalization
group, Ising model, RG analysis of ferromagnetic transition.
[ Ref 19, 22]

[1] F. Scheck, Quantum Physics, Springer (2007).
[2] G. Teschl, Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics, American
Mathematical Society (2009).
[3] P. Szekeres, Modern Mathematical Physics, Cambridge University Press
[4] M. T. Vaughn, Introduction to Mathematical Physics, Wiley - VCH Verlag
[5] Arfken, Mathematical Physics for Physicists, Academic Press (2013).
[6] J. J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company (1994).
[7] L. I. Schiff, Quantum Mechanics, McGraw-Hill Book Co. (1968).
[8] R. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Springer (1994).
[9] L. E. Ballentine, Quantum Mechanics, World Scientific Publishing Co.
[10] L. H. Ryder, Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge University Press (2008).
[11] J. J. Sakurai, Advanced Quantum Mechanics, Addison-Wesley (1967).
[12] M. Le Bellac, Quantum and Statistical Field Theory, Oxford University
Press (2001).
[13] K. Schulten and I. Kosztin, Lectures in Theoretical Biophysics, University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2000).
[14] R. Kubo, M. Toda and N. Hashitsume, Statistical Physics II: None
quilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Springer-Verlag (1985).
[15] G. F. Mazenko, Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Wiley-VCH Verlag

[16] V. Balakrishnan, Elements of Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics,

CRC Press (2008).
[17] B. F. Schutz, A First Fourse in General Relativity, Cambridge University
Press (2009).
[18] S. Caroll, Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity,
Addison-Wesley (2004).
[19] A. Altland and B. Simons, Condensed Matter Field Theory, Cambridge
University Press (2008).
[20] J. W. Negele and H. Orland, Quantum Many-particle Systems, Levant
Books (2006).
[21] E. Fradkin, Field Theories of Condensed Matter Systems, Levant Books
[22] P. M. Chaikin and T. C. Lubensky, Principles of Condensed Matter
Physics, Cambridge University Press (2004).
[23] A. M. Tsvelik, Quantum Field Theory in Condensed Matter Physics,
Cambridge University Press (2003).


( Total of 10 experiments to be done from Section A and B)
Section A( at least 5 experiments to be done in this section)
1. Determinationof elastic constantsby Cornus method ( elliptical and hyperbolic
2.Analysis of absorption spectra of liquids using spectrometer
3. Study of ultrasonic waves in liquids
4. Determination of e/k using Ge and Si transistors
5 Anderson Bridge determination of self and mutual inductance
6. Michelson Interferometer experiments
7. Identification of Fraunhofer lines in solar spectra
8. Verification of Richardsons equation using diode valve
9.LED experiments (a) wavelength determination (b) I-V characteristics (c) output
power variations with applied voltage etc.
10. Thermal diffusivity of brass
Section B( at least 2 experiments to be done from this section)
1. BH curve-anchor ring
2. Study of photoelectric effect and determination of of Plancks constant
3. Determination of Stefans constant
4. Experiments using Laser:
(a) Laser beam characteristics ( b) Diffraction grating (c) Diffraction at different
types of slits and apertures ( d) refractive index of liquids (e) particle size
5. Youngs modulus of different materials using strain gauge
6. Determination of magnetic force in a current carrying conductor
7. Optical fibre characteristics

8. Cauchys constants of liquids and liquid mixtures



hollow prism and

9.Surface tension of a liquid using Jaegers method

10 Expriments using Phoenix Kit
(a) Capacitor charging/discharging experiments (b) Dielctric constant of glass
PH 252 Electronics and Computer Science Practicals
Unit I Electronics Experiments ( A total of 10 experiments to be done)
Secion A( atleast 5 experiments to be done)
1. Single stage CE amplifier Design and study of frequency response
2. Study of RC Phase shift oscillator circuits using Transistors
3. Construction and study of Astablemultivibrator and VCO circuits using Transistors
4. Study of OP Amp circuits (a) summing amplifier (b)difference amplifier (c) zero
cross detector etc
5. OP Amp as an integrator and differentiator
6. Characteristics of JFET and MOSFET
7. Characteristics of SCR
8. Design and study of negative feedback amplifier circuits
9. Study of Clipping and Clamping circuits
10. UJT Characteristics and UJT relaxation Oscillator
Section B( at least 3 experiments to be done)
1. Emitter follower and source follower circuits
2. Weinberg oscillator using OP Amp
3. SR and JK Flip Flops -construction using Logic Gates and study of truth tables
4. Study of the frequency response of a tuned amplifier
5. Study of power amplifier circuits
6. Frequency multiplier using PLL
7 Study of Schmitt trigger circuits
8. Construction and study of acascode amplifier circuit using transistors.
9. Simple electronics experiments using Phoenix and Python based Kits.

Unit II Comptuter Programming

( A minimum of 8 experiments to be done,programs should be written in C++
1. Least square fitting
2. First derivative of tabulated function by difference table
3. Numerical integration ( Trapezoidal rule and Simson method)
4. Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations using Newton-Ralphson method
5. Solution of algebraic equations using bisection method
6. Numerical interpolation using Newton and Lagrangian methods
7. Monte Carlo simulation
8. Evaluation of Bessel and Legendre functions
9. Matrix addition,multiplication ,trace,transpose and inverse
10. Fourier series analysis
11.Study of motion of projectile in a central force field
12. Study of Planetary motion and Keplers laws
PH 261 Advanced Physics Practicals
( A total of 10 experiments to be done)
Unit I: Physics experiments
Section A( atleast 5 experiments to be done)
1. e/m of an electron-Thompsons method
2. Charge of an electron-Millikans method
3. Determination of Fermi energy of Copper
4. Study of variation of resistance of a semiconductor with temperature and
determination of
band gap
5. Magnetic Suceptibility of a liquid using Quinckes method

6. Ferromagnetic studies using Guoys method

7. Hall effect in a semiconductor
8. Rydberg constant deterimination using grating,spectrometer and discharge tubes.
9. Thermo-emf of bulk samples like Al,Cu.Brass etc.
Section B ( at least two experiments to be done)
1. Electrical characteristics of a solar cell
2. Studies usingUV visible spectrophotometer
3. Refractive index of liquids and liquid mixtures using Abbes refractometer
4. Optical activity studies using Polarimeters
5.Determination of temperature characteristics of a Flame
(a) Candle flame using digital photography and image analysis
(b) sodium flame in comparison with incandescent lamp using a spectrometer
6. LDR and photodiode characteristics
7. Simple experiments using GM counter
8. Determination of dielectric constant of materials
9. Experimental determination of Avogadros number using an electrochemical cell
10 Study of arc spectra and hydrogen spectra using an imager ( CCD) and
photoelectric/electronic recorder.
Unit II: Data Anaysis( Five experiments to be done)
1. Analysis of the given band spectrum
2. Analysis of given rotation-vibration spectrum
3. Interpretation vibration spectra of simple molecules using Raman and IR spectra
4. Dissociation energy of diatomic molecules
5. Analysis of powder XRD data
6. Study of stellar spectral classification from low dispersion stellar spectra
7. Study of HR diagram of stars
8. Radioactive material counting statistics

9. Interpretation of UV- visible spectra of materials

10. Weather and astronomy related image processing

PH 262 E Advanced Electronics Paracticals

Unit I-ELECTRONICS( a total of seven experiments to be done)
Section A ( at least 5 experiments to be done)
1. Study of active filters using OP amps (a) low pass ( b) high pass ( c) band pass
for both first order and second order-gain/ roll off determination
2. Wave form generation using OP amp circuits:
(a) astable and monostablemultivibrators (b) square,triangular and saw-tooth wave
3. IC 555 timer experiments (a) monsostable and astablemultivibrators( b) VCO
4. D/A convertor circuits using OP Amp 741
5. Differential amplifier circuits using transistors
6. Design of series pass voltage regulators using ( a) transistors with load and line
( b) OP Amp
Section B( at least 2 experiments to be done)
1 Study of IF tuned amplifier and Amplitude modulation ( generation and detection)
transistor,diode etc.
2. Frequency modulator and detector circuits.
3. Pulse modulation circuits using 555 timer (a) PAM (b) PWM
4. Digital modulation circuits (a) BFSK generation using 555 timer (b) BFSK detector
555 timer and PLL (c) BPSK generation
5. Shift register and ring counter circuits using flip flops

6. Miscellaneous transistor applications (a) automatic night light with LDR

(b) invertor circuit ( transistors as a switch) (c) time delay circuit using SCR
7. BCD to decimal decoder and seven segment display using IC
8 Design of Electronic counters ( up and down counters)
Unit II: Micorprocessor Based Experiments
( Five experiments to be done)

1. 8085 /8086 program to find out largest from a group of 8bit/16 bit numbers
2. Square wave generation using 8255A interface using 8085/8086
3. 8086 program for block additions
4. Interfacing LED display board with 8085/8086
5. 8086 program to convert binary to ASII and ASII to BCD
6. 8086 program to arrange a given data in ascending and decending order
7. 8086-simple traffic light controller
8. 8086 program for binary to BCD conversion and vice versa
9. Program of Fibonacci series using 8086

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