Critical Reasoning

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Critical Reasoning

Critical Reasoning (CR) is ability to reason clearly to evaluate

and judge arguments. You are using this skill a lot during your
everyday life while reading newspapers or watching movies.
When you think that the movie is pushing the limit of the
Reasonable or the news sounds less reasonable than the movie
that was pushing the limit, you are using your Critical Reasoning
skills to produce these conclusions. The argument you meet can
be anything from a classical argument to an advertisement or a
dialog. Critical Reasoning questions will ask you to manipulate
the argument to weaken/strengthen it, find the conclusion,
assumption, explanation, do an inference or supplement a
statement, etc. Whatever it is that you have to do, you will need
2 things to succeed: know the basic structure of arguments and
clearly understand the argument.
In general, most of them, arguments consist of evidence, usually
2 pieces, a conclusion - the main point of an argument, and an
assumption - the bridge between the evidence and conclusion.
The majority of the arguments you encounter on the test will be
3 step arguments:
Evidence 1 + Evidence 2 = Conclusion.


+ E2

Example 1 : Last week Mike was detained for shoplifting at a

groceries store near his house, but he has been a
Christian for 10 years, therefore, the police must have
been wrong accusing him in stealing.
Note : There are two pieces of evidence: Mike was
accused of stealing and that he is a Christian. The
conclusion is that the police are wrong. Therefore,
our huge assumption here is that a Christian could
not have stolen anything.
Example 2. There are a lot of mosquitoes outside today, please
do not turn on the light in the room because a lot of
them will fly in.
Note : Here the evidences are there are a lot of
mosquitoes outside today and do not turn on the
light. The conclusion is that Many will fly in and
the assumption is mosquitoes will approach the
There is no set scheme for structure in CR, but since the majority
of the arguments are only a few sentences long, the conclusion
usually comes in the first or the last sentence. However, some of
the arguments encountered will not have a conclusion at all or
will have just an implied one.

Strategy to Crack Critical Reasoning Questions

This strategy is not the easiest way to do CR (the easiest would
be read-and-answer), but it lets you get the most questions right
spending less time per correct answer.
Read the questions first; this is needed so that you would
know what to look for and what to do: find an assumption,
strengthen/weaken, infer something or else; do not worry
about the details in the question, read for keywords, such
as strengthen, deny, or explain. [Use symbols for
convenience, e.g. + for strengthen or for weaken].
Read the passage very attentively because in contrast to
Reading Comprehension, there is very little text here and
mostly everything is important; try to read only once.
Reread if required.
As you read, look for the problem in the passage (evaluate
how convincing it is)
Paraphrase (reword) the passage. It is a very important
step because when you do a paraphrase, you check
whether you understood the passage and at the same
time you extract the skeleton of the argument, making it
easier to identify the conclusion and the assumption. Very
often, the paraphrase of the passage will be pretty close
to the conclusion. It is not surprising, since the conclusion
is the main point and evidence just supports it.) Your
paraphrase should be as close to the text and as simple as
possible so that you would understand it easily and at the
same time could fully trust it. Do not make it too general
nor too detail oriented. When you do a paraphrase, do it
in three steps: Evidence1, Evidence2, and Conclusion; put
therefore word before you start your conclusion, this
will help you to set it off.
Read the question again (now with more understanding
of what is being asked; reading the question 2 times, it will
also help you to make sure your answer exactly what is
stated and that you understand the question.)
Answer before reading the answer choices. There are two
reasons for this :
(i) if you can think of the correct answer or at least the
general direction that the answer choice needs to be,
you will identify it among the wrong choices much
faster, thus spend less time reading the answers,
which usually take 30 seconds to cover.
(ii) Often students are seduced by the authors wording.
One reads a few words that were used in the passage
and the brain identifies this choice with the passage,
thus making it seem more right that it needs to be.
The more problems you practice with, the more
chance is you will guess the right answer even before
reading it.



Go through the answers, first time scan them for YOUR

answer choice (usually you will guess correctly in 60-70%
of cases), if you did not find it, reread them more attentively.
Draw a grid to eliminate the wrong answers easier. Use
for a sure answer, for a definitely wrong answer
choice, and ? for an answer that may be right or
questionable. This will help to concentrate only on a few
answer choices and will prevent you from reading same
answers several times if you get confused or keep having
troubles locating the right answer.
Types of Critical Reasoning Questions
Critical reasoning questions will ask you to:
Identify the inference / Must be true question
Identify the assumption.
Strengthen an argument.
Weaken an argument.
Select the best conclusion / Main Point
Identify the paradox
Evaluation/ Reasoning
Identify a parallel argument/Structure.
These type of questions are extremely common. An
Inference means the same thing as must be true.
Conclusions differ from inferences in that conclusions
are the result of premises and inferences are something
that must be true. The following are the typical Inference
(Must be true) based Questions:

If the statements above are true, which of the

following must also be true?

Which of the following is [implied, must be true,

implicit, most reasonably drawn] in the passage

Which of the following inferences is best supported

by the statement made above?
How to tackle Identify the inference / Must be true

Read the stimulus and look for the argument.

Note that Must Be True questions may not contain

an argument. They may just be a series of facts.
Nevertheless, try to find the argument.

Avoid choices which contain absolute statements never, always, none, only etc. Although these words
might appear in some correct choice, you should be
very sure about them.

Some of the options can be eliminated as they go

beyond the scope of the passage. Note that an
inference can be based on only some of the
information provided and not the complete passage.
Example 1 : Stimulus Argument
Increases in funding for police patrols often lower
the rate of crimes of opportunity such as petty theft
and vandalism by providing visual deterrence in highcrime neighborhoods. Levels of funding for police
patrols in some communities are increased when
federal matching grants are made available.

Question :
Which of the following can be correctly inferred from
the statements above?
Options :
(a) Areas with little vandalism can never benefit
from visual deterrence.
(b) Communities that do not increase their police
patrols are at higher risk for crimes of
opportunity late at night.
(c) Federal matching grants for police patrols lower
the rate of crimes of opportunity in some
(d) Only federal matching grants are necessary to
reduce crime in most neighborhoods.
(e) None of these
Sol. : (c) (c) is a summary of the information provided; it is the
logical end of a chain of reasoning started in the
stimulus argument. The sequence of events goes like
this :
Increased funding Increased visual deterrence
Lower crime
The last statement could be mapped as follows:
Federal grants Increased patrol funds
(c) makes the chain complete by correctly stating
that federal grants can lead to lower crime in some
communities. Now the logical chain becomes:
Federal grants Increased funding Increased
visual deterrence Lower crime
The other answer choices may not be correctly
inferred because they go beyond the scope of the
argument. They may be objectively, factually correct,
or they may be statements that you would tend to
agree with. However, you are limited to the argument
presented when choosing a correct answer.
An assumption is an unstated premise that supports the
authors conclusion. Its the connection between the
stated premises and the conclusion. An assumption is
something that the authors conclusion depends upon.
Assumption questions are extremely common and have
types that look like this:

Which of the following most accurately states a

hidden assumption that the author must make in order
to advance the argument above?

Which of the following is an assumption that, if true,

would support the conclusion in the passage above?
How to approach Identify the assumption Questions

Look for gaps between the premises and the

conclusion. Ask yourself why the conclusion is true.
Before you progress to the answer choices, try to
get feel of what assumption is necessary to fill that
gap between the premises.

Beware of extreme language in the answer choices of

assumption questions. Assumptions usually are not
extreme. Extreme answer choices usually contain
phrases such as always, never, or totally.


Example 2 : Stimulus Argument

Traditionally, decision making by doctors that is
carefully, deductively reasoned has been considered
preferable to intuitive decision making. However, a
recent study found that senior surgeons used
intuition significantly more than did most residents
or mid-level doctors. This confirms the alternative
view that intuition is actually more effective than
careful, methodical reasoning.
Question :
The conclusion above is based on which of the
following assumptions?
Options :
(a) Senior surgeons are more effective at decision
making than are mid-level doctors.
(b) Senior surgeons have the ability to use either
intuitive reasoning or deductive, methodical
reasoning in making decisions.
(c) The decisions that are made by mid-level and
entry-level doctors can be made as easily by
using methodical reasoning as by using intuitive
(d) Senior surgeons use intuitive reasoning in
making the majority of their decisions.
(e) None of these
Sol. : (a) The correct answer is (a), which provides a missing
link in the authors reasoning by making a connection
from the evidence: that intuition is used more by
senior surgeons than other, less-experienced doctors,
and the conclusion: that, therefore, intuition is more
effective. None of the other choices helps bridge this
gap in the chain of reasoning. Although some of the
other statements may be true, they are not responsive
to the question. In fact, they mostly focus on
irrelevant factors such as appropriateness, ease of
application, ability, etc.
Assumptions connect premises to conclusions. An
argument is strengthened by strengthening the
assumptions. Here are some examples of Strengthen
question types :

The conclusion would be more properly drawn if it

were made clear that...

Which of the following, if true, would most

strengthen the conclusion drawn in the passage
How to approach Strengthen an argument

Once you have identified the argument of the passage,

i.e. the evidence(s) + conclusion, try putting in each
option with the argument. Check if the assumption(s)
you have drawn is (are) strengthened if you accept
the content of the option as true.
Example 3 : Stimulus Argument
Three years after the Bhakra Nangal Dam was built,
none of the six fish species native to the area was
still reproducing adequately in the river below the
dam. Because the dam reduced the average
temperature range of the water from approximately

40 to approximately 10, biologists have

hypothesized that sharp increases in water
temperature must be involved in signaling the
affected species to begin their reproduction activities.
Question :
Which of the following statements, if true, would
most strengthen the scientists hypothesis?
Options :
(a) The native fish species were still able to
reproduce in nearby streams where the annual
temperature range remains approximately 40.
(b) Before the dam was built, the river annually
overflowed its banks, creating temporary
backwaters that were used as breeding areas for
the local fish population.
(c) The lowest temperature ever recorded in the river
prior to dam construction was 30; whereas the
lowest recorded river temperature after
construction was completed has been 40.
(d) Non-native fish species, introduced after the dam
was completed, have begun competing with the
native species for food.
(e) None of these
Sol.: (a) (a) most strengthens the conclusion that the
scientists reached. It does so by showing that there
is a control group. In other words, a similar population,
not subjected to the same change as the population
near the dam, did not experience the same type of
result. Here the basic assumption about the
conclusion that scientists reached is that because
of the reduction of average temperature range of the
water, the reproduction of the native fish species has
reduced drastically. Option (a) clearly strengthens
the assumption.
Assumptions connect premises to conclusions. An
argument is weakened by weakening the assumptions.
Here are some examples of Weaken question types :

Which of the following, if true, would weaken the

conclusion drawn in the passage above?

The argument as it is presented in the passage above

would be most strengthened if which of the following
were true?
How to approach Weaken an argument

Once you have identified the argument of the passage,

i.e. the evidence(s) + conclusion, try putting in each
option with the argument. Check if the assumption(s)
you have drawn is (are) weakened if you accept the
content of the option as true.
Example 4 : Stimulus Argument
A drug that is very effective in treating some forms
of cancer can, at present, be obtained only from the
bark of the Raynhu, a tree that is quite rare in the
wild. It takes the bark of approximately 5,000 trees to
make one pound of the drug. It follows, then, that


continued production of the drug must inevitably

lead to the raynhus extinction.
Question :
Which of the following, if true, most seriously
weakens the above conclusion?
Options :
(a) The drug made from Raynhu bark is dispensed
to doctors from a central authority.
(b) The drug made from the Raynhu bark is
expensive to produce.
(c) The Raynhu generally grows in largely
inaccessible places.
(d) The Raynhu can be propagated from cuttings
and cultivated by farmers.
(e) None of these
Sol. : (d) (d) provides an alternate source of the Raynhu bark.
Even though the tree is rare in the wild, the argument
is silent on the availability of cultivated trees. The
author of the argument must be assuming that there
are no Raynhu trees other than those in the wild, in
order to make the leap from the stated evidence to
the conclusion that the Raynhu is headed for
extinction. The option (d) weakens the assupmtion there are limited raynhu trees - by saying that there
are other ways as well for the propogation of Raynhu.
The other answer choices all contain information that
is irrelevant. Note that the correct choice does not
make the conclusion of the argument impossible. In
fact, it is possible that there may be domesticated
Raynhu trees and the species could still become
extinct. Answer choice (d) is correct because it makes
the conclusion about extinction less likely to be true.
In Main Point / Conlcusion questions, you have to identify
the conclusion of an argument. You are trying to find the
authors point and should approach this question in a
similar way to the reading comprehension main point
questions. They come in several different formats:

The main point of the passage is that...

Which of the following statements about... is best

supported by the statements above?

Which of the following best states the authors

conclusion in the passage above?

Which of the following conclusions can be most

properly drawn from the data above?
The conclusion of arguments in Main Point questions is
usually not directly stated. To find the conclusion, identify
the premises and then identify the conclusion drawn from
the premises. Main Point questions differ from the other
Critical Reasoning questions in that the argument in the
stimulus is usually valid. (In most other Critical Reasoning
questions the reasoning is flawed.) Conclusion questions
require you to choose the answer that is a summary of the

How to approach Main Point Questions:

Main Point answers must be within the scope of the


Your opinions or information outside of the passage

are always outside of the scope.

Some of the options given can be out of the scope of

the passage.

Knock out answers with extreme wording. Main Point

answers typically do not use only, always, never,
best or any strong words that leave little room.
Example 5 : Stimulus Argument
People should be held accountable for their own
behaviour, and if holding people accountable for their
own behaviour entails capital punishment, then so
be it. However, no person should be held accountable
for behaviour over which he or she had no control.
Question :
Which of the following is the most logical conclusion
of the argument above?
Options :
(a) People should not be held accountable for the
behaviour of other people.
(b) People have control over their own behaviour.
(c) People cannot control the behaviour of other
(d) People have control over behaviour that is
subject to capital punishment.
(e) None of these
Sol. : (b) The correct response is (b). The argument includes
the following two premises:
Premise 1: People are accountable for their own
Premise 2: People are not accountable for behaviour
they cannot control.
Heres the logical conclusion based on these two
Conclusion: People can control their own behaviour.
(a) would require that people never have control
over the behaviour of other people. Yet the
argument does not provide this premise.
(b) would require that people should not be held
accountable for the behaviour of other people.
Yet the argument does not provide this premise.
(d) is not inferable. The argument allows for the
possibility that a person might not have control
over another persons behaviour which is subject
to capital punishment.
(e) None of these
These questions present you with a paradox, a seeming
contradiction or discrepancy in the argument, and ask you
to resolve it or explain how that contradiction could exist.
In other words, there are two facts that are both true, and
yet they appear to be in direct conflict with one another.
Here are some examples of the ways in which these
questions are worded:


Which of the following, if true, would help to resolve

the apparent paradox presented above?

Which of the following, if true, contributes most to

an explanation of the apparent discrepancy described
How to approach Identify the paradox questions

Read the argument and find the apparent paradox,

discrepancy, or contradiction.

State the apparent paradox, discrepancy, or

contradiction in your own words.

Use process of elimination. The best answer will

explain how both sides of the paradox, discrepancy,
or contradiction can be true. Eliminate answers that
are out of scope.
Example 6 : Stimulus Argument
Town Y is populated almost exclusively by retired
people and has almost no families with small children.
Yet Town Y is home to a thriving business specializing
in the rental of furniture for infants and small children.
Question :
Which of the following, if true, best reconciles the
seeming discrepancy described above?
Options :
(a) The business specializing in the rental of
childrens furniture buys its furniture from
distributors outside of Town Y.
(b) The few children who do reside in Town Y all
know each other and often stay over night at
each others houses.
(c) Many residents of Town Y who move frequently
prefer to rent their furniture rather than buy it
(d) Many residents of Town Y must provide for the
needs of visiting grandchildren several weeks a
(e) None of these
Sol. : (d) The correct answer (d), explains why a town of
mostly retired residents might need to rent childrens
furniture. The other answer choices all contain
irrelevant information. This further illustrates the fact
that, on all question types, if you eliminate the
irrelevant choices, the remaining choice will most
likely be correct.
Reasoning questions ask you to describe how the
argument was made, not necessarily what it says. These
questions are closely related to assumption, weakening,
and strengthening questions. The correct answer identifies
a question that must be answered or information that must
be gathered to determine how strong the stimulus argument
is. The information will be related to an assumption that
the author is making. Another type of question that you
will encounter asks you to identify a flaw in the stimulus
argument. The question tells you that there is a problem
with the logic of the argument. You just have to choose
the answer that describes the flaw. Here are some examples
of the ways in which these questions are worded:

How does the author make his point?

A major flaw in the argument above is that it...
As response has which of the following
relationships to Bs argument?
How to approach Reasoning Questions

Read the argument and find the conclusion.

State the reasoning in your own words.

Check whether the reasoning given in the various

options fall in line with the reasoning described
Example 7 : Stimulus Argument
Some observers have taken the position that the
recently elected judge is biased against men in
divorce cases that involve child custody. But the
statistics reveal that in 40% of such cases, the recently
elected judge awards custody to the fathers. Most
other judges award custody to fathers in only 20%
30%of their cases. This record demonstrates that the
recently elected judge has not discriminated against
men in cases of child custody.
Question :
The argument above is flawed in that it ignores the
possibility that
Options :
(a) A large number of the recently elected judges
cases involve child custody disputes.
(b) The recently elected judge is prejudiced against
men in divorce cases that do not involve child
custody issues.
(c) The majority of the child custody cases that have
reached the recently elected judges court have
been appealed from a lower court.
(d) The evidence shows that men should have won
custody in more than 40% of the recently elected
judges cases involving divorcing fathers.
(e) None of these
Sol. : (d) The correct answer (d), points out a flaw in the
argument. Specifically, it points out that the author
of the argument was comparing the recently elected
judge to other judges, not to the evidence presented
in the recently elected judges cases. In other words,
the author of the argument made an unwarranted
assumption that the recently elected judge did not
rule against many men in custody battles where the
evidence clearly favored the men. As with
strengthening and weakening questions, the correct
answer in flaw questions often involves unwarranted
Example 8 : Stimulus Argument
Although dentures produced through a new
computer-aided design process will cost more than
twice as much as ordinary dentures, they should still
be cost effective. Not only will fitting time and X-ray
expense be reduced, but the new dentures should fit
better, diminishing the need for frequent refitting
visits to the dentists office.


Question :
Which of the following must be studied in order to
evaluate the argument presented above?
Options :
(a) The amount of time a patient spends in the fitting
process versus the amount of money spent on
(b) The amount by which the cost of producing
dentures has declined with the introduction of
the new technique for producing them
(c) The degree to which the use of the new dentures
is likely to reduce the need for refitting visits
when compared to the use of ordinary dentures
(d) The amount by which the new dentures will drop
in cost as the production procedures become
standardized and applicable on a larger scale
(e) None of these
Sol. : (c) The correct answer (c), highlights an assumption in
the stimulus argument. It shows that the author must
be assuming that the reduction in refitting with the
new dentures compared to ordinary dentures is
significant in order to conclude that that difference
will help offset an initial outlay that is twice as much.
In other words, if you answer the question posed by
answer choice (c) with not much, the argument is
weakened. If you answer it with a tremendous
amount, the argument is strengthened. The other
answer choices are all irrelevant because no matter
what the answers are, there is no impact on the
relationship between the evidence presented in the
stimulus argument and its conclusion.
The last type of Critical Reasoning question is the parallel
structure question. In this type of question, you must
choose the answer that has the same structure as the
stimulus argument. In other words, you have to find the
argument that is analogous to the given argument in that
it includes the same relationship between the evidence
presented and the conclusion. Here are some examples of
the ways in which these questions are worded:

Which of the following is most like the argument

above in its logical structure?

Which of the following is a parallel argument to the

above given argument?

Example 9 : Stimulus Argument

It is true that it is against international law to provide
aid to certain countries that are building nuclear
programs. But, if Russian companies do not provide
aid, companies in other countries will.
Question :
Which of the following is most like the argument
above in its logical structure?
Options :
(a) It is true that it is against United States policy to
negotiate with kidnappers. But if the United States
wants to prevent loss of life, it must negotiate in
some cases.
(b) It is true that it is illegal to sell diamonds that
originate in certain countries. But there is a long
tradition in Russia of stockpiling diamonds.
(c) It is true that it is illegal for an attorney to
participate in a transaction in which there is an
apparent conflict of interest. But, if the facts are
examined carefully, it will clearly be seen that
there is no actual conflict of interest in the
defendants case.
(d) It is true that it is against the law to steal cars.
But someone else certainly would have stolen
that car if the defendant had not done so first.
(e) None of these
Sol. : (d) The correct answer (d), has the same structure as the
stimulus argument. If you just replace aid to
developing nuclear powers with car theft, and
Russian companies with the defendant, it is
essentially the same argument. Sometimes the parallel
structure is easier to see if you use symbols to
represent the terms of the argument: It is true that X
is illegal. But, if Y doesnt do it, others will. Granted,
the stimulus argument is in the future tense and the
credited answer is in the past tense. However, it
certainly is most like the stimulus.


Directions (Qs. 1 to 17) : Study the following paragraphs and
answer the question that follows :




Wendy, a student, is an avid backgammon player. All

students play either chess or checkers, but some checkers
players do not play chess because they do not understand
chess strategy. Backgammon players never play checkers,
because they do not find checkers challenging. Therefore,
Wendy must understand chess strategy.
Which of the following must be true for the conclusion drawn
above to be logically correct?
(a) All chess players understand chess strategy.
(b) Backgammon is more challenging than checkers.
(c) Chess is more challenging than backgammon.
(d) All students who find backgammon challenging play
(e) None of these
Our school district should not spend its money on the new
Verbal Advantage reading program. After all, our students
get all the reading practice they need by studying history
and science.
The argument above depends on which the following
(a) The Verbal Advantage program would not help the
students learn history and science.
(b) Other reading programs are just as effective but less
expensive than the Verbal Advantage program.
(c) The Verbal Advantage program involves only reading
(d) Teaching students history and science is more
important than teaching them reading skills.
(e) None of these
Efficiency is all right in its place, in the shop, the factory, the
store. The trouble with efficiency is that it wants to rule our
play as well as our work; it wont be content to reign in the
shop, it follows us home.
It can be inferred from the above passage that
(a) Efficiency can become all - pervading
(b) Efficiency does not always pay
(c) Efficiency can be more of a torture than a blessing
(d) both (b) and (c)
(e) None of these
The company encourages its managers to interact regularly,
without a pre-set agenda, to discuss issues concerning the
company and society. This idea has been borrowed from the
ancient Indian concept of religious congregation, called
satsang. Designations are forgotten during these mettings;
hence, it is not uncommon in these meetings to find a sales
engineer questioning the CEO on some corporate policy or
on his knowledge of customers



Based on the information provided in the above passage, it

can be inferred that
(a) The company is concerned about its reputation with
its employees.
(b) The company believes in fostering the spirit of dialogue
without degenerating it into a position-based debate.
(c) The company has some inter-personnel problems in
the past due to which it felt the need for these corporate
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these
From Cochin to Shimla, the new culture vultures are tearing
down acres of Indias architectural treasures. Ancestral
owners often fobbed off with a few hundred rupees for an
exquisitely carved door or window, which fetches fifty times
that much from foreign dealers, and yet more from the drawing
room sophisticates of Europe and the US. The reason for
such shameless rape of the Indian architectural wealth can
perhaps, not wrongly, be attributed to the unfortunate blend
of activist disunity and local indifference.
It can be inferred from the above passage that
(a) The environment created by the meeting between
activist disunity and local difference is ideal for antique
dealers to thrive in India.
(b) Only Indians are not proud of their cultural heritage
and are hungry for the foreign currency that is easily
available in return of artefacts.
(c) Most Indian families have heirlooms which can be sold
at high prices to Europeans and Americans.
(d) India provides a rich market for unscrupulous antique
(e) None of these
Developed countries have made adequate provisions for
social security for senior citizens. State insurers (as well as
private ones) offer medicare and pension benefits to people
who can no longer earn. In India, with the collapse of the
joint family system, the traditional shelter of the elderly has
disappeared. And a state faced with a financial crunch is not
in a position to provide financial security, So, it is advisable
that the working population give serious thought to building
a financial base for itself.
Which one of the following, if it were to happen, weakens
the conclusion drawn in the above passage the most
(a) The insurance sector is under developed and trends
indicate that it will be extensively privatized in the
(b) The insurance sector is under developed and trends
indicate that it will be extensively privatized in the
(c) India is on a path of development that will take it to a
developed country status, with all its positive and
negative implications.






If the working population builds a stronger financial

base, there will be a revival of the joint family system.
(e) None of these
Animals in general are shrewd in proportion as they cultivate
society. Elephants and beavers show the greatest signs of
this sagacity when they are together in large numbers, but
when man invades their communities they lose all their spirit
of industry. Among insects, the labours of the bee and the
ant have attracted the attention and admiration of naturalists,
but all their sagacity seems to be lost upon separation, and
a single bee or ant seems destitute of every degree of industry.
It becomes the most stupid insect imaginable, and it
languishes and soon dies.
Which of the following can be inferred from the above
(a) Humankind is responsible for the destruction of the
natural habitat of the animals and insects.
(b) Animals, In general, are unable to function effectively
outside their normal social environment.
(c) Naturalists have great admiration for bees and ants,
despite their lack of industry upon separation.
(d) Elephants and beavers are smarter than bees and ants
in the presence of human beings.
(e) None of these
Szymanski suggests that the problem of racism in football
may be present even today. He begins by verifying an earlier
hypothesis tha clubs wage bills explain 90% of their
performance. Thus, if players salaries were to be only based
on their abilities, clubs that spend more should finish higher.
If there is pay discrimination against some group of playersfewer teams bidding for black players thus lowering the
salaries for blacks with the same ability as whites-that neat
relation may no longer hold. He concludes that certain clubs
seem to have achieved much less than what they could have,
by not recruiting black players.
Which one of the following findings would best support
Szymanskis conclusion?
(a) Certain clubs took advantage of the situational hiring
above-average shares of black players.
(b) Clubs hiered white players at relatively high wages
and did not show proportionately good performance.
(c) During the study period, clubs in towns with a history
of discrimination against blacks, under performed
relative to their wage bills
(d) Clubs in one region, which had higher proportions of
black players, had significantly lower wage bills than
their counterparts in another region which had
predominantly white players.
(e) None of these
The pressure on Italys 257 jails has been increasing rapidly.
Those jails are old and overcrowded. They are supposed to
hold up to 43,000 people -----9, 000 fewer than now. San
Vittore in Milan, which has 1, 800 inmates, is designed for
800. The number of foreigners inside jails has also been
increasing. The minister in charge of prisons fears that
tensions may snap, and so has recommended to government
an amnesty policy ?

Which one of the following, if true, would have most

influenced the recommendation of the minister?
(a) Opinion polls have indicated that many Italians favour
a general pardon.
(b) The opposition may be persuaded to help since
amnesties must be approved by a two-thirds majority
in parliament.
(c) During a recent visit to a large prison, the Pope whose
pronouncements are taken seriously, appealed for a
gesture of clemency
(d) Shortly before the recommendation was made, 58
prisons reported disturbances in a period of two weeks.
(e) None of these
10. Although in the limited sense of freedom regarding
appointment and internal working, the independence of the
Central Bank is unequivocally ensured, the same cannot be
said of its right to pursue monetary policy without coordination with the central government. The role of the
Central Bank has turned out to be subordinate and advisory
in nature.
Which one of the following best supports the conclusion
drawn in the passage?
(a) The decision of the chairman of the Central Bank to
increase the bank rate by two percentage points sent
shock waves in industry, academic and government
circles alike.
(b) Government has repeatedly resorted to monetisation
of the debt despite the reservations of the Central
(c) The central Bank does not need the central
governments nod for replacing soiled currency notes.
(d) The inability to remove coin shortage was a major
shortcoming of this government.
(e) None of these
11. If you want a hassle-free holiday package for city M, then
join only our tour. Hurry up; only a few seats available
An advertisement of XYZ Tourist Company.
If the above statement is true then which of the following
has been assumed while making the statement?
(a) No seats may be available with other tour operators
for city M.
(b) Nowadays people have a lot of money to spend on
their comforts.
(c) Travel packages offered by other tour operators are
neither cheap nor comfortable.
(d) Many people desire convenience and comfort while
going for a holiday.
(e) None of these
12. Psychological research indicates that college hockey and
football players are more quickly moved to hostility and
aggression than are college athletes in non-contact sports
such has swimming. But the researchers conclusionthat
contact sports encourage and teach participants to be hostile
and aggressiveis untenable. The football and hockey
players were probably more hostile and aggressive to start
with, than the swimmers. Which of the following, if true,
would most strengthen the conclusion drawn by the
psychological researchers?



The football and hockey players became more hostile

and aggressive during the season and remained so
during the off season, whereas there was no increase
in aggressiveness among the swimmers.
(b) The football and hockey players, but not the
swimmers, were aware at the start of the experiment
that they were being tested for aggressiveness.
(c) The same psychological research indicated that the
football and hockey players had a great respect for
cooperation and team play, whereas the swimmers were
most concerned with excelling as individual
(d) The research studies were designed to include no
college athletes who participated in both contact and
non-contact sports.
(e) None of these
13. The argument for liberalisation which answers the worries
of the Left parties about the possible trade deficits created
by the opening up of the Indian economy goes thus: In
todays economic scenario, where there are many trading
countries, the trade between two specific countries need
not be balanced. The differing demands of goods and
services and the differing productive capabilities of the same
among different countries will cause a country like India to
have trade deficits with some countries and surpluses with
other countries. On the whole, the trade deficits and
surpluses will balance out in order to give a trade balance.
Which of the following conclusions best summarises the
argument presented in the passage above?
(a) Left parties need not worry about trade deficits in India
since its trade will always be in balance even though it
runs a deficit with a single country.
(b) Indias trade deficits and surpluses with other countries
always balance out.
(c) The Left parties in India should not be concerned
about Indias trade deficits with specific countries
because they will balance out in the long run.
(d) None of these
(e) None of these
14. In a famous experiment at the IISC campus, when a cat
smelled milk, it salivated. In the experiment, a bell was rung
whenever food was placed near the cat. After a number of
trials, only the bell was rung, whereupon the cat would
salivate even though no food was present. Such behaviour
has been observed in other animals such as dogs, monkeys,
etc. and is a vital input for training domesticated animals.
Which of the following conclusions may be drawn from the
above experiment?
(a) The ringing of a bell was associated with food in the
mind of the cat.
(b) Cats and other animals can be easily tricked.
(c) A conclusion cannot be reached on the basis of one
(d) Two stimuli are stronger than one.
(e) None of these


A mail-order company recently had a big jump in clothing

sales after hiring a copywriter and a graphic artist to give its
clothing catalog a magazine-like format designed to appeal
to a more upscale clientele. The company is now planning
to launch a housewares catalog using the same concept.
The companys plan assumes that
(a) An upscale clientele would be interested in a
housewares catalog
(b) Other housewares catalogs with magazine - like formats
do not already exist
(c) The same copywriter and graphic artist could be
employed for both the clothing and housewares
(d) Customers to whom the old clothing catalog appealed
will continue to make purchase from catalogs with the
new format
(e) None of these
16. The fare-paying capacity of people who travel on routes
connecting to small towns is very low. Most successful
airlines which operate in such regions have a large number
of seats.
Which of the following can be inferred from the above
information ?
(a) Regional airlines are quite profitable.
(b) People from cities are increasingly travelling to small
(c) Regional airlines have to charge low fares in order to
be profitable.
(d) The number of people travelling from small towns to
cities is massive.
(e) None of these
17. All existing and upcoming hotels within a 5 km radius of
national parks and sanctuaries in India will have to pay
30% of their annual turnover as tax to the government.
Which of the following statements can be inferred from the
facts/information given in the above statement?
(a) The tax collected from the hotels will be used for the
betterment of these national parks and sanctuaries.
(b) Hotels which are sponsored by the government will
not have to pay any tax even if these are located within
the 5 km radius of such wildlife hotspots.
(c) The ecosystem of the national parks and sanctuaries
is adversely affected even if the hotels are located
outside the 5 km radius.
(d) Government allows the construction of hotels within
5km radius of national parks and sanctuaries.
(e) Such a step is taken by the environment ministry to
boost eco-tourism and perk up revenue collection of
State governments.
Directions (Qs. 18-20): Study the following information carefully
and answer the given questions.
The prospects for the Indian economy this year will be influenced
by the behaviour of the monsoon and expansion of commerce
and trade. The Eleventh Plan has envisaged a growth target of
8%. If the agriculture sector does well and the world trade


conditions improve then it is possible to achieve a growth of

6-7%. We need to improve our economy and aim at a higher rate
of growth in order to feed our population, maintain the standard
of living and improve the quality of life. It is now more than 10
years since we have adopted reforms. We need to go forward in
liberalisation but we cannot throw open the market for everything.
There are sectors like village industries which need protection.
18. Which of the following is an assumption which is implicit in
the facts stated in the above paragraph?
(a) India should adopt economic policies of developed
(b) Free market strategy is beneficial for India, but not in
all the sectors.
(c) Over the last few years, we have achieved sustained
(d) A very good monsoon is expected this year.
(e) None of these
19. Which of the following is an inference which can be drawn
from the facts stated in the paragraph?
(a) The world trade conditions don't affect Indian
(b) The world trade conditions have a major impact on
Indian economy.
(c) Indian economy has been downgraded since last
(d) Govt should cut the subsidies in order to obtain
sustained growth.
(e) None of these
20. Which of the following is a conclusion which can be drawn
from the facts stated in the above paragraph?
(a) India may become a super economic power some day.
(b) The standard of living of people has continuously
degraded in India.
(c) Growth of Indian economy and a good monsoon are
complement of each other.
(d) Indian economy is on the peak of growth.
(e) None of these
Directions (Qs. 21-23): Study the following information to answer
the given questions.
Science is a sort of news agency comparable in principle to
other news agencies. But this news agency gives us information
which is reliable to an extraordinarily high degree due to elaborate
studies spread over centuries. So, science should be read with
the same interest with which we read news.
21. Which of the following will weaken the above argument?
(a) Man is an intelligent creature.
(b) Science gives information.
(c) Scientific information is revised.
(d) News agencies cannot verify news.
(e) None of these
22. Which of the following may be regarded as an assumption
in the above passage?
(a) Verification of news is necessary.
(b) Science encourages investigative spirit.
(c) Science is objective in approach.
(d) Science gives us news and not any other information
regarding national phenomenon.
(e) None of these


Which of the following strengthens the argument?

(a) Agricultural research is scientific.
(b) Science gives abstract theories.
(c) Verified information is reliable.
(d) Science is a compulsory subject.
(e) None of these

Directions (Q. 24-25) : In the following questions a paragraph is

given. Read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions
which follow each of these paragraph.
Fashion has become one of the largest fads among the
youth. The amount of time wastage and expenditure on fashion
is very large. What bothers, however, is the fact that fashion is
here to stay despite countless arguments against it. What is
required, therefore, is that strong efforts should be made in order
to displace the excessive craze of fashion from the minds of todays
24. Which of the following statements finds the least support
by the argument made by the author in the given paragraph?
(a) Youngsters should be motivated to do constructive
business rather than wasting time on fashion.
(b) The world of fashion being glamorous and glittery
attracts people towards itself.
(c) Following the latest fashion increases the self-efficacy
of people, thus increasing their overall mental abilities.
(d) Many universities have implemented a dress code to
put a check on the increasing fad amongst the youth
which was affecting their grades.
(e) None of these
25. Which of the following can be inferred from the given
(a) The author has made strong efforts to wipe out fashion
from the minds of youth.
(b) Steps need to be taken in order to control the growing
fad of fashion amongst the youth.
(c) The author is upset with the shift of fashion from the
traditional ethnic wear to western outfits.
(d) Fashion world is responsible for lack of creativity
among the youth.
(e) None of these
Directions (Qs. 26- 28) : Study the following Information carefully
and answer the questions given below :
Poverty measurement is an unsettled issue, both
conceptually and methodologically. Since poverty is a process
as well as an outcome; many come out of it while others may be
falling into it. The net effect of these two parallel processes Is a
proportion commonly identified as the head count ratio, but
these ratios hide the fundamental dynamism that characterises
poverty in practice. The most recent poverty reestimates by an
expert group has also missed the crucial dynamism. In a study
conducted on 13.000 households which represented the entire
country In 1993-94 and again on 2004-05. it was found that in the
ten-year period 18.2% rural population moved out of poverty
whereas another 22.1% fell into it over this period. This net increase
of about four percentage points was seen to have a considerable
variation across states and regions.





Which of the following is a conclusion which can be drawn

from the facts slated in the above paragraph ?
(a) Accurate estimates of number of people living below
poverty line in India is possible to be made.
(b) Many expert groups in dia are not interested measure
poverty objectively.
(c) Process of poverty measurement needs to take into
account various factors to tackle its dynamic nature.
(d) People living below poverty line remain in that position
for a very long time.
(e) None of these
Which of the following is an assumption which is implicit
in the facts stated In the above paragraph ?
(a) It may not be possible to have an accurate poverty
measurement in India.
(b) Level of poverty in India is static over the years.
(c) Researchers avoid making conclusions on poverty
measurement data in India.
(d) Government of India has a mechanism to measure level
of poverty effectively and accurately.
(e) None of these
Which of the following is an inference which can be made
from the facts stated in the above paragraph ?
(a) Poverty measurement tools in India arc outdated.
(b) Increase in number of persons falling into poverty
varies considerably across the country over a period
of time.
(c) Government of India has stopped measuring poverty
related studies.
(d) People living in rural areas are more susceptible to fall
into poverty over the time
(e) None of these

Directions (Qs. 29-31) : Study the following information carefully

and answer the given questions.
The management of school M has decided to give free
breakfast from next academic year to all the students in its primary
section through its canteen even though they will not get any
government grant.
(A) The school will have to admit many poor students who will
seek admission for the next academic year.
(B) The canteen facilities and utensils have to be checked and
new purchases to be made to equip it properly.
(C) Funds will have to be raised to support the scheme for
years to come.
(D) All students will get the more nutritious food at free of cost.
(E) This decision will attract many students to get admission at
school M
(F) Breakfast will not be nutritious and safe and it can be harmful
for health.
29. Which of the following (A), (B) and (C) can be an immediate
course of action for the management?
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only (C)
(d) Both (B) and (C)
(e) None of these



Which of the following among (A), (B), (E) and (D) may be
the reason behind the management taking such decision?
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Both (A) and (E)
(d) Only (E)
(e) Only (D)
Which of the following A, B, E and F may be an immediate
effect if there will be shortcomings in the proper
arrangement of breakfast?
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only (E)
(d) Only (F)
(e) Both (E) and (F)

Directions (Qs. 32-34) : Study the following information carefully

and answer the given questions.
An advertisement of furniture company :
The simplest and the most cost-effective way to upgrade
your home
Exchange your old furniture and get 25% to 33% off on the
new furniture.
(A) Now a days, there is no demand for furniture products unless
some attractive scheme is offered.
(B) Some customers always desire to have best quality and do
not bother either for cost or for convenience.
(C) Some customers want to keep their home up to date with
reasonable cost and with hassles.
(D) Generally, these types of advertisements increase the sell
of particular products.
(E) This advertisement will increase the sell of furniture products
of company and customers will also get benefit from this
(F) Now-a-days companies usually cheat customers by giving
heavy discount.
32. Which of the following among (A), (B), (C) and (D) is implicit
in the advertisement given above?
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only (C)
(d) Both (A) and (C)
(e) Only (D)
33. Which of the following among (A), (B), (D) and (E) can be
an immediate cause for giving this type of advertisement?
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only (D)
(d) Only (E)
(e) Both (A) and (D)
34. Which of the following among (B), (C), (D) and (E) may be a
strong argument in favour of, both, the company and the
(a) Only (B)
(b) Only (E)
(c) Only (C)
(d) Only (D)
(e) Both (D) and (E)
Directions (Qs. 35-38) : Study the following information carefully
and answer the given questions.
Population increase coupled with depleting resources is
going to be the scenario of many developing countries in days to


(A) The population of developing countries will not continue

to increase in future.
(B) It will be very difficult for the governments of developing
countries to provide its people decent quality of life.
(C) Governments of developing countries should make laws
and implement them immediately to check the excessive
growth of population.
(D) In developing countries, people get marriages at early age.
(E) Mostly in developing countries, girls literacy rate is very
35. Which of the following (A), (B), (C) and (D) many be a
conclusion that logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt
from the information given above.
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only (C)
(d) Only (D)
(e) Both (A) and (B)
36. Which of the following (A), (B), (D) and (E) is quite contrary
to the given information?
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only (D)
(d) Only (E)
(e) None of these
37. Which of the following (A), (B), (C) and (D) can be a course
of action for the governments of developing countries?
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only (C)
(d) Only (D)
(e) All of these
38. Which of the following (A), (B), (D) and (E) can be the
reason behind the population increment?
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only (D)
(d) Only (E)
(e) Both (D) and (E)
Directions (Qs. 39-41) : Study the following information carefully
and answer the given questions.
Many private sector banks have reduced interest rate on
housing loans in comparison to public sector banks.
(A) The case should be raised before the regulatory authority
for investigation by the public sector banks as they cannot
follow such reduction.
(B) Public sector banks must adopt such policy to remain in
(C) The public sector banks should advertise their special
feature repeatedly so that they do not lose their future
(D) Now-a-days customers have been very aware on taking
house loans. They search everything.
(E) Sometimes private sector banks reduce interest rate on
housing loans for a limit period.
(F) Public sector banks are more reliable than private sector
39. Which of the following among (A), (B), (C) and (F) can be
an immediate course of action for the public sector banks?
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only (C)
(d) Both (B) and (C)
(e) Either (B) or (C)



Which of the following among (B), (C) (D) and (E) can be
the cause behind the reduction interest rate on housing
loans in comparison to public sector banks?
(a) Only (B)
(b) Only (D)
(c) Only (C)
(d) Only (E)
(e) Both (D) and (E)
Which of the following among (A), (B), (E) and (F) may be a
weak argument in favour of the private sector banks?
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only (E)
(d) Only (F)
(e) Both (E) and (F)

Directions (Qs. 42-44) : Study the following information carefully

and answer the given questions.
There have been quite a few incidents of highway robbery
on the super expressway between cities A and B during recent
(A) The local administration should immediately set up police
tickets along the expressway to prevent robbery.
(B) The local administration should immediately close down
the expressway till the robbers are apprehended.
(C) More and more people should be given training on how to
tackle with the robbers.
(D) Due to unemployment people do illegal work.
(E) There is a lack of security arrangements on the super express
way between cities A and B.
(F) These incidents will increase anarchy in the whole country.
42. Which of the following (A), (B), (C) and (D) may be a practical
course of action for the local administration?
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only (C)
(d) Only (D)
(e) Both (B) and (C)
43. Which of the following among (C), (D), (E) and (F) may be
the effect of these robberies?
(a) Only (C)
(b) Only (D)
(c) Only (E)
(d) Only (F)
(e) Both (E) and (F)
44. Which of the following among (C), (D), (E) and (F) may be
the cause of these incidents of highway robbery?
(a) Only (C)
(b) Only (D)
(c) Only (E)
(d) Only (F)
(e) Both (D) and (E)
Directions (Qs. 45-47) : Study the following information carefully
and answer the given questions.
The successful man has the ability to judge himself correctly.
(A) Inability to judge correctly causes failure.
(B) To judge others is of no use to a successful man.
(C) The successful man cannot make a wrong judgement.
(D) Hard-working is the key of success.
(E) A successful man can not judge others.
(F) A successful man does not look in to the future.





Which of the following among (A), (B), (C) and (D) is implicit
in the information given above?
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only (C)
(d) ONly (D)
(e) (A), (B ) and (C)
Which of the following among (A), (B), (C) and (D) is the
cause of success?
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only (C)
(d) Only (D)
(e) None of the above
Which of the following (C), (D), (E) and (F) is a weak
argument in favour of successful man?
(a) Only (C)
(b) Only (D)
(c) Only (E)
(d) Only (F)
(e) Both (E) and (F)

Directions (Qs. 48-50) : Study the following information carefully

and answer the given questions.
Any further increase in the population level in the city by
way of industrial effluents and automobile exhaustions would
pose a severe threat to the inhabitants.
(A) All the factories in the city should immediately be closed
(B) The automobiles should not be allowed to ply on the road
for more than four hours a day.
(C) The government should restrict the issue of fresh licences
to factories and automobiles.
(D) Cancer, heart attacks, brain strokes, tuberculosis are the
major disease which are rapidly increasing in industrial
(E) All types of pollutants are very harmful for health.
(F) Excessive growth of industries has increased the pollution
level in the city.
48. Which of the following among (A), (B), (C) and (D) can be
an immediate course of action for the Government?
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only (C)
(d) Only (D)
(e) All of these
49. Which of the following among (A), (B), (C) and (D) can not
be an immediate course of action for the government?
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Both (A) and (B)
(d) Only (D)
50. Which of the following (A), (B), (D) and (E) may be the
effect of increment in the pollution level in the city?
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only (D)
(d) Only (E)
(e) None of these
Directions (Qs. 51 & 52) : Study the following information
carefully and answer the given questions.
The standard of education in private schools is much better
than Municipal and Zila Parishad-run schools.
(A) The Municipal and Zila Parishad should make serious efforts
to improve standard of their schools.


All Municipal and Zila Parishad schools should be closed

(C) Government should raise the standard of education in
Municipal and Zila Parishad run schools.
(D) Private schools charge high amount fees for imparting
(E) Private sector works better than government sector almost
in all areas.
51. Which of the following among (A), (B), (C) and (D) may be
the conclusion which logically follows the given
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only (C)
(d) Only (D)
(e) Both (A) and (B)
52. Which of the following among (A), (C), (D) and (E) may be
the reason behind the better standard of education in private
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (C)
(c) Only (D)
(d) Only (E)
(e) Both (D) and (E)
Directions (Qs. 53-55) : Study the following information carefully
and answer the given questions.
A large number of students are reported to be dropping out
of school in villages as their parents want their children to help
them in farms.
(A) The governments should immediately launch a programme
to create an awareness among the farmers about the value
of education.
(B) The government should offer incentives to those farmers
whose children remain in schools.
(C) Education should be made compulsory for all children upto
the age of 14 and their employment banned.
(D) Poverty is increasing and people do not have proper food
to eat.
(E) Mostly parents are illiterate, they do not know the value of
(F) Lack of education will hamper the growth of country in
53. Which of the following among (A), (B), (C) and (F) can be
an immediate course of action for the government?
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only (C)
(d) (A), (B) and (C)
(e) Both (A) and (B)
54. Which of the following among (D), (E) and (F) may be the
reason behind the dropping out of school by large number
of students?
(a) Only (D)
(b) Only (E)
(c) Only (F)
(d) Both (D) and (E)
(e) All of these
55. Which of the following (A), (B), (E) and (F) may be an effect
of the dropping out of school by large number of students?
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only (F)
(d) Only (E)
(e) None of these


Directions (Qs. 56-58) : Study the following information carefully

and answer the given questions.
Admission to all professional courses should be made on
the basis of past academic performance rather than through
entrance tests.
(A) It will be beneficial for those candidates who are unable to
bear the expenses of entrance tests.
(B) Many deserving candidates securing high marks in their
qualifying academic examinations do not perform well on
such entrance tests.
(C) The standard of examinations and assessment conducted
by different Boards and universities are not comparable
and hence there is a need to conduct entrance tests to
calibrate them on a common yardstick.
(D) Entrance tests are mandatory to conduct because there is a
lot of corruption in schools.
(E) If all professional courses are made on the basis of past
academic performance, the rate of academic performance
will increase.
(F) The government should organise systematically entrance
tests for all professional courses.




Which of the following (A), (B), (C), and (D) may be a strong
argument in favour of organising entrance tests?
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only (C)
(d) Only (D)
(e) Both (C) and (D)
Which of the following (A), (B), (E) and (F) may be the
effect if all professional courses are made on the basis of
part academic performance?
(a) Only (A)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only (E)
(d) Only (F)
(e) Both (A) and (E)
Which of the following (B), (C), (E) and (F) can be a course
of action for the Government in favour of organising
entrance tests?
(a) Only (B)
(b) Only (C)
(c) Only (E)
(d) Only (F)
(e) None of these


This article taken from Dishas

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