Sexual Dysfunctions
Sexual Dysfunctions
Sexual Dysfunctions
Sexual dysfunctions prevent or reduce an individual's enjoyment of normal sex and prevent
or reduce the normal physiological changes brought on normally by sexual arousal.1 These
dysfunctions can be classified by the phase of the sexual cycle in which they occur. It is
important to keep in mind that the diagnosis of sexual dysfunction is made only when the
disability persists.1 Any of them could occur occasionally or be caused by a temporary factor
such as fatigue, sickness, alcohol, or drugs.
Paraphilias are sexual behaviors in which unusual objects or scenarios are necessary to
achieve sexual excitement.1 Eight paraphilias are recognized which are grouped into 3 broad
This paraphilia exists when the person achieves sexual excitement by cross-dressing. This is
very rarely found in females so the male side of this paraphilia will be used as the example.
Two different purposes seem to be associated with this act in different individuals. In one
aspect the person seeks to intensify sexual excitement in intercourse with a partner by only
partially dressing as a woman. In the other form, the male moves about in full female
regailia, which suggests some type of gender identity problem but not necessarily
Looking at sexually arousing pictures or situations is a relatively common, apparently
normal activity. The difference between this and voyeurism is that in normal watching, the
viewing is a prelude to normal sexual activity. In the voyeur or "Peeping Tom" the
experience replaces normal sexual activity. Nevertheless, voyeurism may exist in a person
who also engages in normal heterosexual activity.1
Pedophilia is the act of deriving sexual excitement through the physical contact of children.
This paraphilia is radically different from exhibitionism and voyeurism in its severely
damaging impact on the nonconsenting partner, a child. Ordinarily, the pedophiliac is
someone who has ready access to the child. The child or parent would have no reason to
suspect that the individual has a pedophilic orientation.