Ignou Java Programming Lab
Ignou Java Programming Lab
Ignou Java Programming Lab
Page Nos.
General Guidelines
Java Programming
Example Programs
List of Lab Assignments
In this section of lab course you will have hands on experience on Java Programming.
This section is based on course MCS024: Object Oriented Technology and Java
Programming. Before getting into problem solving using java you will learn that how
java programs are compiled and executed (interpreted). What are the basic
requirements for java programming? You will learn writing of both categories of java
programs: Java Applications and Java Applets, in this section. A list of programming
problems is given session wise at the end of this section.
After completing this lab section, you will be able to:
You should come prepared for you lab session to properly utilize the maximum
time of Lab session.
You should attempt all lab exercises/assignments given in the list (session wise).
You may seek assistance in doing the lab exercises from the available lab
Lab Manual
For each program, you should add general comments such as your name date of
programming etc.
Your program should be interactive and properly documented with real Input/
Output data.
There are total 10 lab sessions ( of 3 hours each) for this lab course.
Java Is also known as a Modern high-level language due to its characteristics: Simple,
Architecture neutral, Object oriented, Portable, Distributed, High performance,
Interpreted, Multithreaded, Robust, Dynamic, and Secure.
The Java programming language is unusual in the sense that a java program is both
compiled and interpreted as shown in Figure 1.1.
Now let us see how you will run your java programs
PATH Setting
If whenever you type on your dos prompt
javac TestProg.java
it does not compile your TestProg program; but instead it spits out some strange
message about a "Bad Command", .
What's wrong? Can you guess?It is not a matter of burry , this message does not mean
that your machine is broken or that you didn't install JDK correctly. The machine
says "Bad command" because it doesn't know what the commands javac or java
Lab Manual
You need to tell DOS that these commands live in the Javas JDK directory and that
whenever it doesn't recognize a command like javac that it should also check the
Javas JDK directory for a possible interpretation of this command.
This problem can be solved in two ways on by using DOS prompt , and another by
using My Computer on your window screen.
Type path at your DOS prompt ,You will get
where the dots represent all kinds of directory names. This is a list of all the places
DOS looks when it's trying to find out what a particular command means. If your
JDK directory is not on this list, your DOS won't understand the JDKs commands.
So you need to add it to the list. You can do this by typing
set path=c:\jdkwhateverItIs\bin;%path%
where whateverItIs is the version of JDK . This adds your JDKdirectory to the rest
of the existing path. If you have put your JDK directory somewhere else, alter the
directory name in the command above appropriately to match the actual location. If
there is any spaces in the command above (except between set and path) path will
not be set properly.
Now try to run the java commands again.
If it still doesn't work, move your *.java files into the JDK directory -- and you should
be able to work there (or in the bin subdirectory of the JDK directory).
Here is the problem again because youll need to reset your path every time you turn
your machine back on and want to work on the Java programs again. But there is a
way to fix it permanently. You need to alter (edit) your autoexec.bat file, which is in
your main C: directory. It is suggested to copy this file first to a back up version,
then do required modifications told to you here.
C: copy autoexec.bat autoexecBACK1.bat
Because this is the file that has all the important settings for making your PC run the
way you want it. One of the settings it makes is the PATH.
Now edit the autoexec.bat file and find the line that sets the path. Add your version of
the "set path=C:/jdk.2...." command (the one you used earlier) after the line that sets
the rest of the path in the autoexec.bat file. Now save the file. Then the next time you
open a DOS window (it maybe be required to restart your machine ), the PATH
should be set correctly. If you made an error in editing autoexec.bat, things might not
work quite right now . In this case, just copy your back up version of
autoexecBACK1.bat back into autoexec.bat and try the whole process again.
If you find some message during compilation or execution of Java program that a
class is not found .You know where the class file is ? May be in your current working
directory. To tell the path of class files you need to set your CLASSPATH.
At the DOS prompt, type
and DOS will respond with
Now type
set classpath=.;%classpath%
Dont leave any spaces except after the word set. This should add the current
directory (the directory having your class files ) to your classpath. Then java should
know to look in the current directory for the *.class files that your javac compiles are
In XP/2000/ME machines PATH and CLASSPATH can be set using "My
Computer. The process is given as follows:
Also you may use NetBeans IDE for writing your programs . It lets you quickly and
easily develop Java desktop, mobile, and web applications. NetBeans IDE is free and
open source with a large community of users and developers around the world. You
may install NetBeans IDE on any operating systems that support Java. For more
details you may visit: www.netbeans.org
Now we will learn how EditPlus can be set for Java Programming. EditPlus is
distributed as Shareware. You can freely download and try it for 30 days from
1. Open EditPlus
2. Select Tools>Configure User Tools .You will find a dialog Window in which
you have to select a Group Name
3. Select Group1 as Group Name you can select any..
4. Click on Add Tool >> button and select Program
Setting for Compilation of Java Programs :
5. In front of Menu text : write Compile
Lab Manual
Now you will find that three more items Compile, Run, and AppletViewer are added
in Tools menu of EditPlus.For Compile ctrl+1, for Run ctrl+2, and for AppletViewer
ctrl+3 can be used.
Lab Manual
EditPlus is set to be used for Java Programming. Let us take one application and one
applet Program running using EditPlus.
List of assignments provided in section 1.6 for all the ten lab sessions assigned for
Java Programming. By doing these assignments, you will be learning the concepts
and programming skills you are gaining in MCS-024 course.
Exercise 3: Write a program in Java to explain the use of break and continue
Exercise 4: Write a program in Java to find the average of marks obtained by a study
in five papers.
Paper 1
Paper 2 Paper 3
Paper 4
Paper 5
Lab Manual
Exercise 6: Write a program in Java with class Rectangle with the data fields width,
length, area and color .The length, width and area are of double type and
color is of string type .The methods are set_ length () , set_width (), set_
color(), and find_ area (). Create two object of Rectangle and compare
their area and color. If area and color both are same for the objects then
display Matching Rectangles otherwise display Non matching
Exercise 7: Create a class Account with two overloaded constructors. First
constructor is used for initializing, name of account holder, account
number and initial amount in account. Second constructor is used for
initializing name of account holder, account number, addresses, type of
account and current balance. Account class is having methods Deposit
(), Withdraw (), and Get_Balance().Make necessary assumption for data
members and return types of the methods. Create objects of Account class
and use them.
Exercise 8: Write a program in Java to create a stack class with push() and pop ()
methods. Create two objects of stack with 10 data item in both. Compare
the top elements of both stack and print the comparison result.
Exercise 9: Write Java program to show that private member of a super class cannot
be accessed from derived classes.
Exercise 10: Write a program in Java to create a Player class. Intermit classes Cricket
_Player, Football _Player and Hockey_ Player from Player class.
Exercise 11: Write a class Worker and derive classes DailyWorker and
SalariedWorker from it. Every worker is has a name and a salary rate.
Write method ComPay( int hours) to computethe week pay of every
worker.A DailyWorker is paid on the basis of number of days s/he
work.The SalariedWorker g ets paid the wage for 40 hours a week no
matter what actual hours is. Test this program to calculate the pay of
workers. You are expected to use concept of polymorphism to write this
Exercise 12: Consider trunk calls of a telephone exchange. A trunk call can be
ordinary, urgent or lightning call. The charges depend on the duration
and the type of the call. Writ a program-using concept of polymorphism
in Java to calculate the chases.
Exercise13: Write a program to make a package Balance in which has Account class
with Display_Balance method in it. Import Balance package in another
program to access Display_Balance method of Account class.
Exercise 14: Write a program in Java to show the usefulness of Interfaces as a place
to keep constants of the program.
Exercise 15: Write a program in java which implement interface Student which has
two methods Display_Grade and Atrendance for PG_Students and
UG_Students( PG_Students and UG_Students are two different classes
for Post Graduate and Under Graduate students respectively).
Exercise 16: Write a program in Java to display name and roll number of students.
Initialize respective array variables for 10 students. Handle
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExeption, so that any such problem doesnt
cause illegal termination of program.
Exercise 17: Write a java program to facilitate user to handle any chance of divide by
zero exception.
Exercise 18: On singles track two vehicles are running for as vehicles are going in
same direction there is no problem. If the vehicles are running in same
direction there is a chance of collision. To avoid collisions write a java
program using exception handling. You are free to make necessary
Exercise 19: Write a java program to create five threads with different priorities.
Send two threads of highest priority in sleep state. Check the aliveness
of the threads and mark which dread is long listing.
Exercise 20: Write a java program using thread synchronization in multithreading
(You can take some objects visible on screen for real time effect).
Exercise 21: Writ a program in java to create a String object. Initialize this object
with your name. Find the length of your name using appropriate String
method. Find whether character a is in your name or not, if yes find
the number of time a it appear in your name. Print locations of
occurrences of a .Try same for different String objects.
Exercise 22: Write program in Java for String handling which perform followings
i) Checks the capacity of StringBuffer objects
ii) Reverse the contents of a string given on console and convert the
resultant string in upper case.
iii) Read a string from console and append it to the resultant string of ii.
Exercise 23: Write a program in java to read a statement from console, convert it in to
uppercase and again print on console.
Exercise 24: Write a program in java, which takes the name of a file from user, read
the contents of the file and display it on the console.
Exercise 25: Write a java program to copy a file into another file.
Lab Manual
Exercise 26: Write a Java Applet program which read your name and address in
different text fields and when a button named find is pressed the sum of
the length of characters in name and address is displayed in another text
field. Use appropriate colors, layout to make good look of your applet.
Exercise 27: Write a Java Applet program, which provide a text area with horizontal
and vertical scrollbars. Type some lines of text in text area and use
scrollbars for movements in text area. Read a word in a text field and
find whether the word is in the content of text area or not.
Exercise 28: Write a Java program to find the numeric address of the following web
www.indiatimes .com
iii) www.rediff.com
iv) www.apple.com
in addition to this find the Internet Address of your local host.
Exercise 29: Write a program to test Socket functionality for appropriate hostname
and port number.
Exercise 30: Write a Java program to connect to a database created in MS
basic operations of Selection , Insertion and Deletion on the database.