Effect of Pretension On Moored Ship Resp
Effect of Pretension On Moored Ship Resp
Effect of Pretension On Moored Ship Resp
(Manuscript Received September 15, 2013; Revised October 11, 2013; Accepted November 17, 2013)
Moonpools are vertical wells in a floating body used onboard many types of vessels like Exploration and drilling vessels, Production barges, Cable-laying vessels, Rock dumping vessels, Research and offshore support vessels. Moonpool gives passage to underwater activities for different types of ships as per their mission requirements. It is observed that inside a moonpool considerable relative motions may occur, depending on shape, depth
of the moonpool and on the frequency range of the waves to which the ship is exposed. The vessel responses are
entirely different in zero and non-zero Froude number. Former situation is paid attention in this study as the mission requirement of the platform is to be in the particular location for long period of operation. It is well known
that there are two modes of responses depending on the shape of the moonpool viz., piston mode for square shape
and sloshing mode for rectangular shapes with different aspect ratios of opening like 1:1.5 and 1:2 ratios. Circular
shaped moonpool is also tested for measuring the responses. The vessel moored using heavy lines are modelled
and tested in the wave basin. The pretensions of the lines are varied by altering the touchdown points and the dynamic tensions on the lines are measured. The different modes of oscillations of water column are measured using
wave gauge and the vessel response at a particular situation is determined. RAOs calculated for various situations
provide better insight to the designer.
Keywords: Moonpool, Vessel response, Piston mode, Sloshing mode, Touchdown points, Pretension, Dynamic tension.
1. Introduction
An opening in the water plane area challenges the
righting arm stability and reduces the reserve buoyancy of any floating platform. A permanent opening in
the water plane area is required for special types of
platforms and moonpools are provided for such ones.
Such vessels can be self propelled or pushed after
closing the bottom side opening of moonpools. Resistance is minimized under such conditions of voyage of platforms from point A to B, the point of destination. Power and hence fuel is saved by closing the
opening of moonpool in the bottom side of the ship.
In the operating point the vessel is moored to sea
bottom and the catenary of the mooring causes variable stiffness to the floating body. Floating body dy*
Sharanabasappa C.Sajjan and S.Surendran / International Journal of Ocean System Engineering 3(4) (2013) 175-187
cally to construct such platforms. In such deeper waters it is becoming common practice to drill from
floating vessels. One of the problems in drilling from
floating vessels is to maintain the ship within the
permissible excursions. One type drilling ship has a
moonpool conveniently provided in the midsection of
the ship. It is through this moonpool usual drilling
operations are conducted. In this case it is desired that
the moonpool stay in fixed position with respect to
the parent ship. The main reason is that the ship can
get aligned with the incoming or head-on waves. The
ship is secured with the mooring cables connected to
the sea bottom.
rameters. Simple quasi-static analytical approximations are derived that yield the natural frequencies.
Molin (1999) concentrated on estimating the natural
frequency of the piston mode of a moonpool. The
author paid attention to obtain the natural frequencies and Eigen vectors of the sloshing modes. vant
Veer and Tholen (2008) conducted model tests on
rectangular moonpools. The resonant oscillation
mode can be piston or sloshing. The sloshing mode
dominates in longer moonpool, while piston mode
oscillations are dominant in shorter moonpool.
Based on two model tests series carried out at Delft
University of Technology, a resistance prediction
model was constructed for piston type oscillations.
Inoue and Surendran (1994) paid attention to interaction of mooring line with the ocean bottom and
discussed reduction in dynamic tension. The line is
divided into finite number of lumped masses and
linear springs without mass. Cross flow drag across
line causes strain along the length due to stress
caused by differential tensions at consecutive points.
The surrounding fluid always tries to immobilise
the moving chain. This process cause cross flow
drag and creates further strain on the line. The line
stretch and the resulting tension is dynamic in nature. This tension is composed of steady value, inertial effects and drag component. Such dynamic
tension can be normalised by dividing by static
tension value. The damping associated with the
interaction of vibrating chain with the sea bed
which was considered to be elastic, was incorporated in the computations. Surendran (1989) developed a computer program to determine the cable
configuration, tension and various other parameters
for safe tow. A number of curves have been presented based on different case studies to enable the
designer to have better insight into the interesting
behaviour of tow cables. Surendran and Goutam
(2009) concentrated on the dynamic tension of upper point of cable fitted with a sub-surface buoy at a
suitable location. Surendran and Pramod (2006)
studied the non-linear behaviour of a moored floating platform in stochastic seaway generated using
the Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum. Second-order
wave or slow drift forces acting on the structure are
considered as they contribute to a major percentage
for the excursion of a large platform. Components
of damping from wave friction and skin friction
have also been considered in their study to arrive at
the solutions.
Sharanabasappa C.Sajjan and S.Surendran / International Journal of Ocean System Engineering 3(4) (2013) 175-187
Size (cm)
Length overall
2.37 m
2.19 m
0.36 m
dia 12
1.89 m
Sharanabasappa C.Sajjan and S.Surendran / International Journal of Ocean System Engineering 3(4) (2013) 175-187
Figure 5c. Varying pretension in the mooring line by moving touchdown points (analogous to mass with two springs)
Sharanabasappa C.Sajjan and S.Surendran / International Journal of Ocean System Engineering 3(4) (2013) 175-187
Figure 8a. Moonpool wave elevation for Figure 8b. Moonpool wave elevation
3cm wave height and 1.2 second wave for 3cm wave height and 1.6 second
wave period.
Sharanabasappa C.Sajjan and S.Surendran / International Journal of Ocean System Engineering 3(4) (2013) 175-187
Figure 9a. Moonpool wave elevation for Figure 9b. Moonpool wave elevation for Figure 9c. Moonpool wave elevation for
3cm wave height and 1.2 second wave 3cm wave height and 1.6 second wave 3cm wave height and 2.0 second wave
Figure 10a. Moonpool wave elevation Figure 10b. Moonpool wave elevation for Figure10c. Moonpool wave elevation
for 3cm wave height and 1.2 second 3cm wave height and 1.6 second wave for 3cm wave height and 2.0 second
wave period
wave period.
Figure 11b. Moonpool wave elevation for Figure 11c. Moonpool wave elevation
3cm wave height and 1.6 second wave for 3cm wave height and 2.0 second
wave period.
Sharanabasappa C.Sajjan and S.Surendran / International Journal of Ocean System Engineering 3(4) (2013) 175-187
Figure 13a. Moonpool wave elevation for Figure 13b. Moonpool wave elevation
3cm wave height and 1.2 second wave for 3cm wave height and 1.6 second
wave period.
Figure 14a. Moonpool wave elevation for Figure 14b. Moonpool wave elevation for Figure 14c. Moonpool wave elevation for
3cm wave height and 1.2 second wave 3cm wave height and 1.6 second wave 3cm wave height and 2.0 second wave
Sharanabasappa C.Sajjan and S.Surendran / International Journal of Ocean System Engineering 3(4) (2013) 175-187
Figure 15a. Moonpool wave elevation for Figure 15b. Moonpool wave elevation
3cm wave height and 1.2 second wave for 3cm wave height and 1.6 second
wave period.
Figure 16a. Moonpool wave elevation Figure 16b. Moonpool wave elevation for Figure 16c. Moonpool wave elevation
for 3cm wave height and 1.2 second 3cm wave height and 1.6 second wave for 3cm wave height and 2.0 second
wave period.
wave period.
Sharanabasappa C.Sajjan and S.Surendran / International Journal of Ocean System Engineering 3(4) (2013) 175-187
Figure 18a. Moonpool wave elevation for Figure 18b. Moonpool wave elevation for Figure 18c. Moonpool wave elevation
3cm wave height and 1.2 second wave
3cm wave height and 1.6 second wave for 3cm wave height and 2.0 second
wave period.
Figure 19a. Moonpool wave elevation for Figure 19b. Moonpool wave elevation for Figure 19c. Moonpool wave elevation
3cm wave height and 1.2 second wave 3cm wave height and 1.6 second wave for 3cm wave height and 2.0 second
wave period.
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Sharanabasappa C.Sajjan and S.Surendran / International Journal of Ocean System Engineering 3(4) (2013) 175-187
Sharanabasappa C.Sajjan and S.Surendran / International Journal of Ocean System Engineering 3(4) (2013) 175-187
6. Conclusions
A water column oscillation in a moonpool is function of wave period rather than shape and size of
the moonpool.
In case of 12.5x24cm (1:1.92) rectangular
moonpool, as wave period increases from 1.2 to 1.6
seconds wave in moonpool decreases by 50 percent.
Wave in moonpool decreases by 20 percent when
wave period increases from 1.6 to 2.0 seconds. This
is true for all three cases, namely distance between
touchdown points are 475cm, 490cm and 505cm
In case of 12x18cm (1:1.5) rectangular moonpool,
12x12cm (1:1) square and Dia 12cm circular
moonpool; percentage of reduction is almost same
for distance between touchdown points equal to
475cm and 505cm. But in the case of 490cm the
reduction in wave in moonpool is 25 percent when
wave period increases from 1.2 to 1.6 second and
1.6 to 2.0seconds.
All motion responses like heave roll and pitch decreases with increase in mooring line tensions. This
Sharanabasappa C.Sajjan and S.Surendran / International Journal of Ocean System Engineering 3(4) (2013) 175-187
increase in mooring line tension increases the vertical stiffness of lines and consequently will restrict
the model.
Heave response decreases for all moonpool shapes
with increase in frequency of incident waves.
Roll response increases with increase in frequency. Roll RAO shoots to maximum at 6 rad/sec frequency. This may be due to the resonance in the
water column.
But pitch response also increases with increase in
frequency and has got peak and trough around 5
and 6 rad/sec respectively.
Normalized tension of frontal lines decreases as
pretension increases.
12.5x24cm (1:1.92) rectangular moonpool normalized mooring line tension has a peak at nondimensional frequency of 3.
12x18cm (1:1.5) rectangular moonpool normalized mooring line tension has two peaks at nondimensional frequency of 1.5 and 4.
12x12cm (1:1) square moonpool normalized tension has trough at non-dimensional frequency of
around 3.
Dia 12cm circular moonpool normalized tension
has a peak at non-dimensional frequency of around
1 and trough at 2.
For rectangular moonpools normalized tension is
almost constant for higher frequencies and it increases in case of square and circular moonpools.
This may be because of piston mode oscillation in
later cases.
This work supported by the Department of Ocean
Engineering IIT Madras, India.
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