Course Reform or Revolution
Course Reform or Revolution
Course Reform or Revolution
Revolutionary Classics
3 Reform or
Rosa Luxemburg
Reform or Revolution
The Challenge of
Introducing REform or Revolution
Reform or Revolution
Reform or
Rosa Luxemburg
At first view the title of this work may be found surprising. Can
social democracy be against reforms?2 Can we counterpose social
revolution, the transformation of the existing order, our final goal,
to social reforms? Certainly not. The daily struggle for reforms, for
the amelioration of the condition of the workers within the framework of the existing social order, and for democratic institutions, is
for social democracy indissolubly tied to its final goal. The struggle
for reforms is its means; the social revolution, its goal.
It is in Eduard Bernsteins theory, presented in his articles on Problems of Socialism, in Neue Zeit of 1897-8, and in
his book Die Voraussetzungen des Socialismus und die Aufgaben der
Sozialdemokratie,3 that we find, for the first time, the opposition of
the two factors of the labour movement. His theory tends to counsel
us to renounce social transformation, the final goal of social democracy and, inversely, to make of social reforms, the means of the class
struggle, its end. Bernstein himself has very clearly and characteristically formulated this viewpoint when he wrote, The final goal, no
matter what it is, is nothing; the movement is everything.
But since the final goal of socialism constitutes the only decisive
factor distinguishing the social democratic movement from bourgeois democracy and from bourgeois radicalism, the only factor
transforming the entire labour movement from a vain effort to
repair the capitalist order into a class struggle against this order,
for the suppression of this orderthe question, Reform or revolution? as it is posed by Bernstein is for social democracy equal to
the question: To be or not to be? In the controversy with Bernstein and his followers everybody in the party ought to understand
clearly it is not a question of this or that method of struggle, or the
use of this or that set of tactics, but of the very existence of the social
democratic movement.
Reform or Revolution
growing differentiation of the branches of production and the elevation of vast layers of the proletariat to the level of the middle class.
It is furthermore proved, argues Bernstein, by the amelioration of
the economic and political situation of the proletariat as a result of
its trade union activity.
From this theoretical stand is derived the following general
conclusion about the practical work of social democracy. The latter must not direct its daily activity toward the conquest of political
power, but toward the betterment of the condition of the working
class within the existing order. It must not expect to institute socialism as a result of a political and social crisis, but should build socialism by means of the progressive extension of social control and the
gradual application of the principle of cooperation.
Bernstein himself sees nothing new in his theories. On the contrary, he believes them to be in agreement with certain declarations
of Marx and Engels. Nevertheless, it seems to us that it is difficult to
deny that they are in formal contradiction with the conceptions of
scientific socialism.
If Bernsteins revisionism merely consisted in affirming that the
march of capitalist development is slower than was thought before,
he would merely be presenting an argument for adjourning the
conquest of power by the proletariat. Its only consequence would
be a slowing up of the pace of the struggle. But that is not the case.
What Bernstein questions is not the rapidity of the development of
capitalist society, but the march of the development itself and, consequently, the very possibility of a transition to socialism.
Socialist theory up to now declared that the point of departure
for a transformation to socialism would be a general and catastrophic crisis. We must distinguish in this outlook two things: the
fundamental idea and its exterior form. The fundamental idea consists of the affirmation that capitalism, as a result of its own inner
contradictions, moves toward a point when it will be unbalanced,
when it will simply become impossible. There were good reasons
for conceiving that juncture in the form of a catastrophic general
commercial crisis. But that is of secondary importance when the
fundamental idea is considered.
Reform or Revolution
an idealist explanation of socialism. The objective necessity of socialism, the explanation of socialism as the result of the material development of society, falls to the ground.
Revisionist theory thus places itself in a dilemma. Either the
socialist transformation is, as was admitted up to now, the consequence of the internal contradictions of capitalism, and with the
growth of capitalism will develop its inner contradictions, resulting
inevitably, at some point, in its collapse (in that case the means of
adaptation are ineffective and the theory of collapse is correct); or
the means of adaptation will really stop the collapse of the capitalist system and thereby enable capitalism to maintain itself by suppressing its own contradictions. In that case socialism ceases to be a
historic necessity. It then becomes anything you want to call it, but it
is no longer the result of the material development of society.
The dilemma leads to another. Either revisionism is correct in its
position on the course of capitalist development, and therefore the
socialist transformation of society is only a utopia, or socialism is not
a utopia, and the theory of means of adaptation is false. There is
the question in a nutshell.
Reform or Revolution
crises, which are nothing more or less than the periodic collisions of
the contradictory forces of capitalist economy.
That leads us to another question. Why does credit generally have
the appearance of a means of adaptation of capitalism? No matter
what the relation or form in which this adaptation is represented
by certain people, it can obviously consist only of the power to suppress one of the several antagonistic relations of capitalist economy,
that is, of the power to suppress or weaken one of these contradictions, and allow liberty of movement, at one point or another, to the
other fettered productive forces.
In fact, it is precisely credit that aggravates these contradictions to
the highest degree. It aggravates the antagonism between the mode
of production and the mode of exchange by stretching production
to the limit and at the same time paralysing exchange at the smallest
pretext. It aggravates the antagonism between the mode of production and the mode of appropriation by separating production
from ownership, that is, by transforming the capital employed in
production into social capital and at the same time transforming
a part of the profit, in the form of interest on capital, into a simple
title of ownership. It aggravates the antagonism existing between
the property relations (ownership) and the relations of production by putting into a small number of hands immense productive
forces and expropriating large numbers of small capitalists. Lastly,
it aggravates the antagonism existing between the social character of
production and private capitalist ownership by rendering necessary
the intervention of the state in production.
In short, credit reproduces all the fundamental antagonisms
of the capitalist world. It accentuates them. It precipitates their
development and thus pushes the capitalist world forward to its
own destruction. The prime act of capitalist adaptation, as far as
credit is concerned, should really consist in breaking and suppressing credit. In fact, credit is far from being a means of capitalist adaptation. It is, on the contrary, a means of destruction of the
most extreme revolutionary significance. Has not this revolutionary character of credit actually inspired plans of socialist reform?
As such, it has had some distinguished proponents, some of whom
Reform or Revolution
(Isaac Pereira in France) were, as Marx put it, half prophets, half
Just as fragile is the second means of adaptation: employers
organisations. According to Bernstein, such organisations will put
an end to anarchy of production and do away with crises through
their regulation of production. The multiple repercussions of the
development of cartels and trusts have not been considered too
carefully up to now. But they predict a problem that can only be
solved with the aid of Marxist theory.
One thing is certain. We could speak of a damming of capitalist anarchy through the agency of capitalist combines only in the
measure that cartels, trusts, etc become, even approximately, the
dominant form of production. But such a possibility is excluded by
the very nature of cartels. The final economic aim and result of combines is the following. Through the suppression of competition in
a given branch of production, the distribution of the mass of profit
realised on the market is influenced in such a manner that there
is an increase of the share going to this branch of industry. Such
organisation of the field can increase the rate of profit in one branch
of industry at the expense of another. That is precisely why it cannot
be generalised, for when it is extended to all important branches of
industry, this tendency suppresses its own influence.
Furthermore, within the limits of their practical application the
result of combines is the very opposite of suppression of industrial
anarchy. Cartels ordinarily succeed in obtaining an increase of profit
in the home market by producing at a lower rate of profit for the
foreign market, thus utilising the supplementary portions of capital
which they cannot utilise for domestic needs. That is to say, they sell
abroad cheaper than at home. The result is the sharpening of competition abroadthe very opposite of what certain people want to find.
That is well demonstrated by the history of the world sugar industry.
Generally speaking, combines treated as a manifestation of the
capitalist mode of production can only be considered a definite
phase of capitalist development. Cartels are fundamentally nothing
else than a means resorted to by the capitalist mode of production
for the purpose of holding back the fatal fall of the rate of profit
Reform or Revolution
Generally, cartels, just like credit, appear therefore as a determined phase of capitalist development, which in the last analysis
aggravates the anarchy of the capitalist world and expresses and
ripens its internal contradictions. Cartels aggravate the antagonism
existing between the mode of production and exchange by sharpening the struggle between the producer and consumer, as is the case
especially in the US. They aggravate, furthermore, the antagonism
existing between the mode of production and the mode of appropriation by opposing, in the most brutal fashion, to the working
class the superior force of organised capital, and thus increasing the
antagonism between capital and labour.
Finally, capitalist combinations aggravate the contradiction existing between the international character of capitalist world economy
and the national character of the statein so far as they are always
accompanied by a general tariff war, which sharpens the differences
among the capitalist states. We must add to this the decidedly revolutionary influence exercised by cartels on the concentration of production, technical progress, etc.
In other words, when evaluated from the angle of their final effect
on capitalist economy, cartels and trusts fail as means of adaptation. They fail to attenuate the contradictions of capitalism. On the
contrary, they are an instrument of greater anarchy. They encourage
the further development of the internal contradictions of capitalism.
They accelerate the coming of a general decline of capitalism.
But if the credit system, cartels and the rest do not suppress the
anarchy of capitalism, why have we not had a major commercial
crisis for two decades, since 1873? Is this not a sign that, contrary
to Marxs analysis, the capitalist mode of production has adapted
itselfat least, in a general wayto the needs of society? Hardly had
Bernstein rejected, in 1898, Marxs theory of crises, when a profound
general crisis broke out in 1900, while seven years later a new crisis,
beginning in the US, hit the world market. Facts proved the theory
of adaptation to be false. They showed at the same time that the
people who abandoned Marxs theory of crisis only because no crisis
occurred within a certain space of time merely confused the essence
of this theory with one of its secondary exterior aspectsthe tenyear cycle. The description of the cycle of modern capitalist industry
as a ten-year period was to Marx and Engels, in 1860 and 1870, only
a simple statement of facts. It was not based on a natural law but on
a series of given historic circumstances that were connected with the
rapidly spreading activity of young capitalism.
The crisis of 1825 was in effect the result of extensive investment of
capital in the construction of roads, canals, gasworks, which took place
during the preceding decade, particularly in England, where the crisis broke out. The following crisis of 1836-9 was similarly the result
of heavy investments in the construction of means of transportation.
The crisis of 1847 was provoked by the feverish building of railroads
in England (from 1844 to 1847, in three years, the British parliament
gave railway concessions to the value of 1.5 billion taler). In each of
the three mentioned cases, a crisis came after new bases for capitalist
development were established. In 1857, the same result was brought
about by the abrupt opening of new markets for European industry in America and Australia, after the discovery of the gold mines,
and the extensive construction of railway lines, especially in France,
where the example of England was then closely imitated. (From 1852
to 1856, new railway lines to the value of 1,250 million francs were
built in France alone.) And finally we have the great crisis of 1873a
direct consequence of the firm boom of large industry in Germany
and Austria, which followed the political events of 1866 and 1871.5
So up to now, the sudden extension of the domain of capitalist economy, and not its shrinking, was each time the cause of the
commercial crisis. That the international crises repeated themselves precisely every ten years was a purely exterior fact, a matter
of chance. The Marxist formula for crises as presented by Engels
5: This is a reference to a series of conflicts with other European powers as Otto
von Bismarck sought to unify Germany under Prussian leadershipeditors note.
Reform or Revolution
this case, the descendent tendency is the continued rise of the scale
of production, which overflows periodically the dimensions of the
average-sized parcels of capital and removes them repeatedly from
the terrain of world competition.
The ascendent tendency is, first, the periodic depreciation of the
existing capital, which lowers again, for a certain time, the scale of
production in proportion to the value of the necessary minimum
amount of capital. It is represented, besides, by the penetration
of capitalist production into new spheres. The struggle of the
averagesized enterprise against big capital cannot be considered a
regularly proceeding battle in which the troops of the weaker party
continue to melt away directly and quantitatively. It should be rather
regarded as a periodic mowing down of the small enterprises, which
rapidly grow up again, only to be mowed down once more by large
industry. The two tendencies play ball with the middle capitalist layers. The descending tendency must win in the end.
The very opposite is true about the development of the working
class. The victory of the descending tendency must not necessarily
show itself in an absolute numerical diminution of the medium sized
enterprises. It must show itself first in the progressive increase of
the minimum amount of capital necessary for the functioning of the
enterprises in the old branches of production; second in the constant
diminution of the interval of time during which the small capitalists
conserve the opportunity to exploit the new branches of production.
The result as far as the small capitalist is concerned is a progressively
shorter duration of his stay in the new industry and a progressively
more rapid change in the methods of production as a field for investment. For the average capitalist strata, taken as a whole, there is a
process of more and more rapid social assimilation and dissimilation.
Bernstein knows this perfectly well. He himself comments on
this. But what he seems to forget is that this very thing is the law
of the movement of the average capitalist enterprise. If one admits
that small capitalists are pioneers of technical progress, and if it is
true that the latter is the vital pulse of the capitalist economy, then
it is manifest that small capitalists are an integral part of capitalist development, which can only disappear together with it. The
Reform or Revolution
the state of production, (2) the labour supply created by the proletarianisation of the middle strata of society and the natural reproduction of the working classes, and (3) the momentary degree of
productivity of labourthese remain outside of the sphere of influence of the trade unions. Trade unions cannot suppress the law of
wages. Under the most favourable circumstances, the best they can
do is to impose on capitalist exploitation the normal limit of the
moment. They have not, however, the power to suppress exploitation itself, not even gradually.
Schmidt, it is true, sees the present trade union movement in a
feeble initial stage. He hopes that in the future the trade union
movement will exercise a progressively increased influence over the
regulation of production. But by the regulation of production we
can only understand two things: intervention in the technical domain
of the process of production and fixing the scale of production itself.
What is the nature of the influence exercised by trade unions in these
two departments? It is clear that in the technique of production, the
interest of the capitalist agrees, up to a certain point, with the progress and development of capitalist economy. It is his own interest
that pushes him to make technical improvements. But the isolated
worker finds himself in a decidedly different position. Each technical transformation contradicts his interests. It aggravates his helpless
situation by depreciating the value of his labour power and rendering
his work more intense, more monotonous and more difficult.
In so far as trade unions can intervene in the technical department of production, they can only oppose technical innovation. But
here they do not act in the interest of the entire working class and
its emancipation, which accords rather with technical progress and,
therefore, with the interest of the isolated capitalist. They act here
in a reactionary direction. And in fact, we find efforts on the part of
workers to intervene in the technical part of production not in the
future, where Schmidt looks for it, but in the past of the trade union
movement. Such efforts characterised the old phase of English
trade unionism (up to 1860), when the British organisations were
still tied to medieval corporative vestiges and found inspiration in
the outworn principle of a fair days wage for a fair days labour.
Reform or Revolution
On the other hand, the effort of the labour unions to fix the scale
of production and the prices of commodities is a recent phenomenon. Only recently have we witnessed such attemptsand again
in England. In their nature and tendencies, these efforts resemble those dealt with above. What does the active participation of
trade unions in fixing the scale and cost of production amount to?
It amounts to a cartel of the workers and entrepreneurs in a common stand against the consumer and especially rival entrepreneurs.
In no way is the effect of this any different from that of ordinary
employers associations. Basically we no longer have here a struggle
between labour and capital, but the solidarity of capital and labour
against the total consumers. Considered for its social worth, it is
seen to be a reactionary move that cannot be a stage in the struggle
for the emancipation of the proletariat, because it represents the
very opposite of the class struggle. Considered from the angle of
practical application, it is found to be a utopia which, as shown by
a rapid examination, cannot be extended to the large branches of
industry producing for the world market.
The scope of trade unions is limited essentially to a struggle for
an increase of wages and the reduction of labour time, that is to say,
to efforts at regulating capitalist exploitation. But trade unions can
in no way influence the process of production itself. Moreover, trade
union development movescontrary to what is asserted by Konrad
Schmidtin the direction of a complete detachment of the labour
market from any immediate relation to the rest of the market. That is
shown by the fact that even attempts to relate labour contracts to the
general situation of production by means of a system of sliding wage
scales have been outmoded with historic development. The British
trade unions are moving farther and farther away from such efforts.
Even within the effective boundaries of its activity the trade union
movement cannot spread in the unlimited way claimed for it by the
theory of adaptation. On the contrary, if we examine the long periods of social development, we see that we are not moving toward
an epoch marked by a victorious development of trade unions, but
rather toward a time when the hardships of trade unions will increase.
Once industrial development has attained its highest p
ossible point
and capitalism has entered its descending phase on the world market, the trade union struggle will become doubly difficult.
In the first place, the objective conjuncture of the market will be
less favourable to the sellers of labour power, because the demand
for labour power will increase at a slower rate and labour supply
more rapidly than at present. In the second place, the capitalists
themselves, in order to make up for losses suffered on the world
market, will make even greater efforts than at present to reduce the
part of the total product going to the workers (in the form of wages).
The reduction of wages is, as pointed out by Marx, one of the principal means of retarding the fall in the rate of profit. The situation in
England already offers us a picture of the beginning of the second
stage of trade union development. Trade union action is reduced of
necessity to the simple defence of already realised gains, and even
that is becoming more and more difficult. Such is the general trend
of things in our society. The counterpart of this tendency should be
the development of the political side of the class struggle.
Konrad Schmidt commits the same error of historic perspective
when he deals with social reforms. He expects that social reforms,
like trade union organisations, will dictate to the capitalists the only
conditions under which they will be able to employ labour power.
Seeing reform in this light, Bernstein calls labour legislation a
piece of social control, and as such, a piece of socialism. Similarly, Schmidt always uses the term social control when he refers
to labour protection laws. Once he has thus happily transformed
the state into society, he confidently adds, That is to say, the rising
working class. As a result of this trick of substitution, the innocent
labour laws enacted by the German Bundesrat7 are transformed into
measures for the transition to socialism supposedly enacted by the
German proletariat.
The mystification is obvious. We know that the present state is
not society representing the rising working class. It is itself the
representative of capitalist society. It is a class state. Therefore its
7: The upper house of Germanys parliament, which was not democratically
electededitors note.
Reform or Revolution
Reform or Revolution
8: The quote is a line from Schillers play Fiesco, or the Genoese Conspiracy (and
not, as is claimed in some editions, a reference to Marx, who was known as the
Moor among friends and family). In other words, from the viewpoint of world
capitalism, tariffs have served their purposeeditors note.
Reform or Revolution
Third, as an instrument of class domination over the labouring population inside the country. In themselves, these interests have nothing
in common with the development of the capitalist mode of production. What demonstrates best the specific character of presentday
militarism is the fact that it develops generally in all countries as an
effect, so to speak, of its own internal, mechanical motive power, a
phenomenon that was completely unknown several decades ago.
We recognise this in the fatal character of the impending explosion, which is inevitable in spite of the complete indecisiveness of
the objectives and motives of the conflict. From a motor of capitalist
development militarism has changed into a capitalist malady.
In the clash between capitalist development and the interest of
the dominant class the state takes a position alongside of the latter. Its policy, like that of the bourgeoisie, comes into conflict with
social development. It thus loses more and more of its character as
a representative of the whole of society and is transformed at the
same rate into a pure class state. Or, to speak more exactly, these
two qualities distinguish themselves more from each other and find
themselves in a contradictory relation in the very nature of the state.
This contradiction becomes progressively sharper. For, on the one
hand, we have the growth of the functions of a general interest on
the part of the state, its intervention in social life, its control over
society. But, on the other hand, its class character obliges the state
to move the pivot of its activity and its means of coercion more and
more into domains which are useful only to the class interests of the
bourgeoisie, as in the case of militarism, and tariff and colonial policies. Moreover, the social control exercised by this state is at the
same time penetrated with and dominated by its class character (see
how labour legislation is applied in all countries).
The extension of democracy, which Bernstein sees as a means
of realising socialism by degrees, does not contradict but, on the
contrary, corresponds perfectly to the transformation realised in the
nature of the state. Konrad Schmidt declares that the conquest of a
social democratic majority in parliament leads directly to the gradual socialisation of society. Now, the democratic forms of political
life are without a question a phenomenon expressing clearly the
Reform or Revolution
9: Fourier was one of the utopian socialists. The phalansteries were utopian
communities he envisaged. The notion of the sea turning to lemonade was one
of the flights of fantasy in which he speculated what might happen in a future
utopian societyeditors note.
Reform or Revolution
Reform or Revolution
10: The policy of compensation was the argument from revisionists that the
social democrats should request greater democratisation in exchange for voting
through increases in military spending in parliamenteditors note.
suppress these contradictions through a revolutionary transformation. It wants to lessen, to attenuate, the capitalist contradictions.
Thus the antagonism existing between production and exchange is
to be mollified by the cessation of crises and the formation of capitalist combines. The antagonism between capital and labour is to
be adjusted by bettering the situation of the workers and by the
conservation of the middle classes. And the contradiction between
the class state and society is to be liquidated through increased state
control and the progress of democracy.
It is true that the present procedure of social democracy does
not consist in waiting for the antagonisms of capitalism to develop to
an extreme and, only then, suppressing them. On the contrary, the
essence of revolutionary procedure is to be guided by the direction
of this development, once it is ascertained, to push its consequences
to the extreme. Thus social democracy has combated tariff wars and
militarism without waiting for their reactionary character to become
fully evident. Bernsteins procedure is not guided by a consideration
of the development of capitalism, by the prospect of the aggravation
of its contradictions. It is guided by the prospect of the attenuation
of these contradictions. He shows this when he speaks of the adaptation of capitalist economy.
Now, when could such a conception be correct? If it is true that
capitalism will continue to develop in the direction it takes at present,
then its contradictions must necessarily become sharper and more
aggravated instead of disappearing. The possibility of the attenuation of the contradictions of capitalism presupposes that the capitalist
mode of production itself will stop its progress. In short, the general
condition of Bernsteins theory is the cessation of capitalist development. However, his theory condemns itself in a twofold manner.
In the first place, it manifests its utopian character in its stand
on the establishment of socialism. For it is clear that a defective
capitalist development cannot lead to a socialist transformation. In
the second place, Bernsteins theory reveals itsreactionarycharacter when it refers to the rapid capitalist development that is taking
place at present. Given the development of real capitalism, how can
we explain, or rather state, Bernsteins position?
Reform or Revolution
We demonstrated in the first chapter the baselessness of the economic conditions on which Bernstein builds his analysis of existing
social relationships. We have seen that neither the credit system nor
cartels can be said to be means of adaptation of capitalist economy.
We have seen that neither the temporary cessation of crises, nor the
survival of the middle class, can be regarded as symptoms of capitalist adaptation. But even should we fail to take into account the erroneous character of all these details we cannot help but be stopped
short by one feature common to all of them. Bernsteins theory does
not seize these manifestations of contemporary economic life as
they appear in their organic relationship with the whole of capitalist
development, with the complete economic mechanism of capitalism.
His theory pulls these details out of their living economic context. It
treats them asdisjecta membra11of a lifeless machine.
Consider, for example, his conception of the adaptive effect of
credit. If we recognise credit as a higher natural stage of the process
of exchange and, therefore, of the contradictions inherent in capitalist exchange, we cannot at the same time see it as a mechanical
means of adaptation existing outside of the process of exchange. It
would be just as impossible to consider money, merchandise and
capital as means of adaptation of capitalism. However, credit,
like money, commodities and capital, is an organic link of capitalist
economy at a certain stage of its development. Like them, it is an
indispensable gear in the mechanism of capitalist economy and, at
the same time, an instrument of destruction, since it aggravates the
internal contradictions of capitalism. The same thing is true about
cartels and the new, perfected means of communication.
The same mechanical view is presented by Bernsteins attempt
to describe the promise of the cessation of crises as a symptom of
the adaptation of capitalist economy. For him, crises are simply
derangements of the economic mechanism. With their cessation,
he thinks, the mechanism could function well. But the fact is that
crises are not derangements in the usual sense of the word. They
Reform or Revolution
12: In the original pamphlet this marks the beginning of the second part of
the pamphlet, which considers Bernsteins The Presuppositions of Socialism and the
Tasks of Social Democracyeditors note.
Reform or Revolution
marks, falling from 1.78 in 1895 to 1.19 in the course of the first
half of 1897.
These are surprising figures. Using them, Bernstein hoped to show
the existence of a counter-Marxian tendency for r etransformation of
large enterprises into small ones. The obvious answer to his attempt
is the following. If you are to prove anything at all by means of your
statistics, you must first show that they refer to thesamebranches
of industry, that they do not appear only where small enterprises or
even artisan industry were the rule before. This, however, you cannot show. The statistical passage of immense shareholding societies
to medium and small enterprises can be explained only by referring to the fact that the system of shareholding societies continues
to penetrate new branches of production. Before, only a small number of large enterprises were organised as shareholding societies.
Gradually shareholding organisation has won medium and even
small enterprises. Today we can observe shareholding societies with
a capital of below 1,000 marks.
Now, what is the economic significance of the extension of the
system of shareholding societies? Economically, the spread of shareholding societies stands for the growing socialisation of production
under the capitalist formsocialisation not only of large but also
of medium and small production. The extension of shareholding
does not, therefore, contradict Marxist theory but, on the contrary,
confirms it emphatically.
What does the economic phenomenon of a shareholding society
actually amount to? It represents, on the one hand, the unification
of a number of small fortunes into a large capital of production. It
stands, on the other hand, for the separation of production from
capitalist ownership. That is, it denotes a double victory being won
over the capitalist mode of productionbut still on a capitalist base.
What is the meaning, therefore, of the statistics cited by Bernstein
according to which an ever greater number of shareholders participate in capitalist enterprises? These statistics demonstrate precisely
the following: at present a capitalist enterprise does not correspond, as
before, to a single proprietor of capital but to a number of capitalists.
Consequently,the economic notion of capitalist no longer signifies
Reform or Revolution
Reform or Revolution
19: The notion, expounded by Marx in Capital, that the value of a commodity
reflects the total socially necessary labour time that goes into its production
editors note.
20: Eugen Bhm-Bawerk, William Stanley Jevons and Carl Menger, who
is mentioned in the next paragraph, were all economists who were critical of
the labour theory of value and who contributed to the marginalist school of
economics, which helped lay the foundations for contemporary mainstream
economicseditors note.
different from the one reached by any cobbler, namely that money is
also a useful thing. Bernstein has lost all comprehension of Marxs
law of value. Anybody with even a small understanding of Marxist
economics can see that without the law of value Marxs doctrine is
incomprehensible. Or to speak more concretelyfor he who does
not understand the nature of the commodity and its exchange, the
entire economy of capitalism, with all its concatenations, must of
necessity remain an enigma.
What precisely was the key that enabled Marx to open the door to
the secrets of capitalist phenomena and solve, with consummate ease,
problems that were not even suspected by the greatest minds of classic bourgeois economy? It was his conception of capitalist economy
as a historic phenomenonnot merely in the sense recognised in
the best of cases by the classical economists, that is, when it concerns
the feudal past of capitalismbut also in so far as it concerns the
socialist future. The secret of Marxs theory of value, of his analysis
of the problem of money, of his theory of capital, of the theory of
the rate of profit and consequently of the entire existing economic
system, is found in the transitory character of capitalism, the inevitability of its collapse leadingand this is only another aspect of the
same phenomenonto socialism. It is only because Marx looked at
capitalism from a socialist viewpoint, that is, the historic viewpoint,
that he was able to decipher the hieroglyphics of capitalist economy.
And it is precisely because he took the socialist viewpoint as a point
of departure for his analysis of bourgeois society that he was in the
position to put socialism on a scientific basis.
This is the measure by which we evaluate Bernsteins remarks.
He complains of the dualism found everywhere in Marxs monumentalCapital. The work wishes to be a scientific study and prove,
at the same time, a thesis that was completely elaborated a long time
before the editing of the book; it is based on a schema that already
contains the result to which he wants to lead. The return to theCommunist Manifesto[ie, the socialist goal!RL], proves the existence of
vestiges of utopianism in Marxs doctrine.
But what is Marxs dualism, if not the dualism of the socialist
future and the capitalist present? It is the dualism of capitalism and
Reform or Revolution
21: Beatrice Webb, who, together with Sidney Webb, founded the Fabian
Society, which preached the gradual and peaceful introduction of socialism in
Britaineditors note.
Reform or Revolution
23: In Greek mythology Sisyphus was a king who, after his death, was punished
by the gods for his arrogance by being compelled to eternally push a heavy boulder
up an incline, only to watch it roll back to the bottom each timeeditors note.
Reform or Revolution
c apitalist production? No. In the first place, he denies such tendencies. In the second place, the socialist transformation of production
is, for him, the effect and not the cause of distribution. He cannot give his programme a materialist base, because he has already
overthrown the aims and the means of the movement for socialism,
and therefore its economic conditions. As a result, he is obliged to
construct himself an idealist base.
Why represent socialism as the consequence of economic compulsion? he complains. Why degrade mans understanding, his
feeling for justice, his will? Bernsteins superlatively fair distribution is to be attained thanks to mans free will; mans will acting
not because of economic necessity, since this will is only an instrument, but because of mans comprehension of justice, because of
mansidea of justice. We thus quite happily return to the principle
of justice, to the old war horse on which the reformers of the earth
have rocked for ages, for the lack of surer means of historic transportation. We return to the lamentable Rocinante on which the Don
Quixotes of history have galloped towards the great reform of the
earth, always to come home with a black eye.24
The relation of the poor to the rich, taken as a base for socialism,
the principle of cooperation as the content of socialism, the most
fair distribution as its aim, and the idea of justice as its only historic
legitimisationwith how much more force and more fire did Weitling defend that sort of socialism 50 years ago. However, that genius
of a tailor did not know scientific socialism. If today the conception
torn into pieces by Marx and Engels half a century ago is patched
up and presented to the proletariat as the last word of social science,
that too is the art of a tailor, but it has nothing of a genius about it.
Trade unions and cooperatives are the economic support for the
theory of revisionism. Its principal political condition is the growth
of democracy. The present manifestations of political reaction are
to Bernstein only convulsions. He considers them accidental,
24: Rocinante was the name of the steed of the hero of Cervantess Don Quixote,
on which he rides off on his deluded questeditors note.
Reform or Revolution
Reform or Revolution
Reform or Revolution
from that revolution continues to make itself felt. Or, to put it more
concretely, in each historic period work for reforms is carried on
only in the framework of the social form created by the previous
revolution. That is the kernel of the problem.
It is contrary to history to represent work for reforms as a long,
drawn out revolution and revolution as a condensed series of
reforms. A social transformation and a legislative reform do not differ according to their duration but according to their content. The
secret of historic change through the utilisation of political power
resides precisely in the transformation of simple quantitative modification into a new quality, or to speak more concretely, in the passage of a historic period from one given form of society to another.
That is why those who pronounce themselves in favour of the
method of legislative reformin place of, and in contrast to,the conquest of political power and social revolution, do not really choose
a more tranquil, calmer and slower road to thesamegoal, but adifferentgoal. Instead of taking a stand for the establishment of a new
society, they take a stand for the minor modification of the old society.
From the political conceptions of revisionism we arrive at the same
conclusion that is reached when we follow the economic theories of
revisionism. Our programme becomes not the realisation ofsocialism,
but the reform ofcapitalism; not the suppression of the wage labour
system, but the diminution of exploitation, that is, the suppression
of the abuses of capitalism instead of suppression of capitalism itself.
Does the reciprocal role of legislative reform and revolution apply
only to the class struggle of the past? Is it possible that now, as a result
of the development of the bourgeois juridical system, the function of
moving society from one historic phase to another belongs to legislative reform and that the conquest of state power by the proletariat
has really become an empty phrase, as Bernstein puts it?
The very opposite is true. What distinguishes bourgeois society
from other class societiesfrom ancient society and from the social
order of the Middle Ages? Precisely the fact that class domination
does not rest on acquired rights but on real economic relations
the fact that wage labour is not a juridical relation, but purely an
economic relation. In our juridical system there is not a single legal
Reform or Revolution
formula for the class domination of today. The few remaining traces
of such formulas of class domination (such as those laws concerning
servants) are survivals of feudal society.
How can wage slavery be suppressed in a legislative way if wage
slavery is not expressed in laws? Bernstein, who would do away with
capitalism by means of legislative reforms, finds himself in the same
situation as Uspenskys Russian policeman who said, Quickly I
seized the rascal by the collar! But what do I see? The confounded
fellow had no collar! And that is precisely Bernsteins difficulty.
All previous societies were based on an antagonism between an
oppressing class and an oppressed class (Communist Manifesto). But
in the preceding phases of modern society, this antagonism was
expressed in distinctly determined juridical relations and could,
especially because of that, accord, to a certain extent, a place to new
relations within the framework of the old. In the midst of serfdom,
the serf raised himself to the rank of a member of the town community (Communist Manifesto). How was that made possible? It was
made possible by the progressive suppression of all feudal privileges
in the environs of the citythe corve, the right to special dress,
the inheritance tax, the lords claim to the best cattle, the personal
levy, marriage under duress, the right to succession, etc, which all
together constituted serfdom.
In the same way, under the yoke of feudal absolutism, the petty
bourgeois raised himself to the rank of bourgeoisie (Communist
Manifesto). By what means? By means of the formal partial suppression or actual loosening of the bonds of the guild, by the progressive
transformation of the fiscal administration and of the army.
Consequently, when we consider the question from the abstract
viewpoint, not from the historic viewpoint, we can imagine (in
view of the former class relations) a legal passage, according to the
reformist method, from feudal society to bourgeois society. But what
do we see in reality? In reality, we see that legal reforms not only
do not obviate the need for the seizure of political power by the
bourgeoisie but have, on the contrary, prepared for it and led to it. A
formal social-political transformation was indispensable for the abolition of slavery as well as for the complete suppression of feudalism.
But the situation is entirely different now. No law obliges the proletariat to submit itself to the yoke of capitalism. Poverty, the lack of
means of production, obliges the proletariat to submit itself to the
yoke of capitalism. And no law in the world can give to the proletariat the means of production while it remains in the framework
of bourgeois society, for not laws, but economic development, have
torn the means of production from the producers possession.
And neither is the exploitation within the system of wage labour
based on laws. The level of wages is not fixed by legislation but by economic factors. The phenomenon of capitalist exploitation does not
rest on a legal disposition but on the purely economic fact that labour
power plays in this exploitation the role of a commodity possessing, among other characteristics, the agreeable quality of producing
valuemorethan the value it consumes in the form of the labourers means of subsistence. In short, the fundamental relations of the
domination of the capitalist class cannot be transformed by means
of legislative reforms, on the basis of capitalist society, because these
relations have not been introduced by bourgeois laws, nor have they
received the form of such laws. Apparently Bernstein is not aware of
this for he speaks of socialist reforms. On the other hand, he seems
to implicitly recognise it when he writes, on page ten of his book,
The economic motive acts freely today, while formerly it was masked
by all kinds of relations of domination by all sorts of ideology.
It is one of the peculiarities of the capitalist order that, within it, all
the elements of the future society first assume, in their development,
a form not approaching socialism but, on the contrary, a form moving
more and more away from socialism. Production takes on a progressively increasing social character. But under what form is the social
character of capitalist production expressed? It is expressed in the
form of the large enterprise, in the form of the shareholding concern,
the cartel, within which capitalist antagonisms, capitalist exploitation,
the oppression of labour power, are augmented to the extreme.
In the army, capitalist development leads to the extension of
obligatory military service, to the reduction of the time of service;
consequently it approaches a popular militia. But all of this takes
place under the form of modern militarism in which the domination
Reform or Revolution
of the people by the militarist state and the class character of the
state manifest themselves most clearly.
In the field of political relations, the development of democracy
bringsin the measure that it finds favourable soilthe participation of all popular strata in political life and, consequently, some sort
of peoples state. But this participation takes the form of bourgeois
parliamentarism, in which class antagonisms and class domination
are not done away with but are, on the contrary, displayed in the
open. Precisely because capitalist development moves through these
contradictions it is necessary to extract the kernel of socialist society
from its capitalist shell. Precisely for this reason must the proletariat
seize political power and suppress completely the capitalist system.
Of course, Bernstein draws other conclusions. If the development of democracy leads to the aggravation and not to the lessening of capitalist antagonisms, Social democracy, he answers us, in
order not to render its task more difficult, must by all means try to
stop social reforms and the extension of democratic institutions.
Indeed, that would be the right thing to do if social democracy
found to its taste, in the petty bourgeois manner, the futile task of
picking out all the good sides of history and rejecting the bad sides
of history. However, in that case, it should at the same time try to
stop capitalism in general, for there is no doubt that latter is the
rascal placing all these obstacles in the way of socialism. But capitalism furnishes besides theobstaclesalso the onlypossibilitiesof realising the socialist programme. The same can be said of democracy.
If democracy has become superfluous or annoying to the bourgeoisie, it is on the contrary necessary and indispensable to the
working class. It is necessary to the working class because it creates
the political forms (autonomous administration, electoral rights, etc)
which will serve the proletariat as fulcrums in its task of transforming bourgeois society. Democracy is indispensable to the working
class because only through the exercise of its democratic rights, in
the struggle for democracy, can the proletariat become aware of its
class interests and its historic task.
In a word, democracy is indispensable not because it renders
superfluous the conquest of political power by the proletariat, but
because it renders this conquest of power bothnecessaryandpossible. When Engels, in his preface to The Class Struggles in France,
revised the tactics of the modern labour movement and urged the
legal struggle as opposed to the barricades, he did not have in
mindthis comes out of every line of the prefacethe question of
a definite conquest of political power, but the contemporary daily
struggle. He did not have in mind the attitude that the proletariat
must take toward the capitalist state at the time of the seizure of
power but the attitude of the proletariat while within the bounds
of the capitalist state. Engels was giving directions to the proletariatoppressed and not to the proletariat victorious.
On the other hand, Marxs well-known declaration on the agrarian question in England (Bernstein leans on it heavily), in which he
says, We shall probably succeed easier by buying the estates of the
landlords, does not refer to the stand of the proletariatbefore, but
after, its victory. For there evidently can be a question of buying the
property of the old dominant class only when the workers are in
power. The possibility envisaged by Marx is that of thepeaceful exercise of the dictatorship of the proletariatand not the replacement of
the dictatorship with capitalist social reforms. There was no doubt
for Marx and Engels about the necessity of having the proletariat
conquer political power. It is left to Bernstein to consider the chicken
coop of bourgeois parliamentarism as the organ by means of which
we are to realise the most formidable social transformation of historythe passage from capitalist society to socialism.
Bernstein introduces his theory by warning the proletariat
against the danger of acquiring power too early. That is, according
to Bernstein, the proletariat ought to leave bourgeois society in its
present condition and itself suffer a frightful defeat. If the proletariat came to power, it could draw from Bernsteins theory the following practical conclusion: to go to sleep. His theory condemns the
proletariat at the most decisive moments of the struggle to inactivity,
to a passive betrayal of its own cause.
Our programme would be a miserable scrap of paper if it could
not serve us inalleventualities, atallmoments of the struggle, and
if it did not serve us by itsapplicationand not by its non-application.
Reform or Revolution
If our programme contains the formula of the historical development of society from capitalism to socialism, it must also formulate,
in all its characteristic fundamentals, all the transitional phases of
this development and it should, consequently, be able to indicate to
the proletariat what ought to be its corresponding action at every
moment on the road toward socialism. There can be no time for the
proletariat when it will be obliged to abandon its programme or be
abandoned by it.
Practically, this is manifested in the fact that there can be no time
when the proletariat, placed in power by the force of events, is not
in the condition or is not morally obliged to take certain measures
for the realisation of its programme, that is, take transitional measures in the direction of socialism. Behind the belief that the socialist
programme can collapse completely at any point of the dictatorship
of the proletariat lurks the other belief that thesocialist programme
is generally, and at all times, unrealisable.
And what if the transitional measures are premature? The question hides a great number of mistaken ideas concerning the real
course of a social transformation.
In the first place, the seizure of political power by the proletariat,
that is to say by a large popular class, is not produced artificially.
It presupposes (with the exception of such cases as the Paris Commune, when the proletariat did not obtain power after a conscious
struggle but had it fall into its hands like an object discarded by
everybody else) a definite degree of maturity of economic and political relations. Here we have the essential difference between coups
dtat conceived by Blanqui, which are accomplished by an active
minority and burst out like pistol shot, always inopportunely, and
the conquest of political power by a great, conscious popular mass,
which can only be the product of the decomposition of bourgeois
society and therefore bears in itself the economic and political legitimation of its opportune appearance.
If, therefore, considered from the angle of political effect the
conquest of political power by the working class cannot materialise
itself too early then from the angle of conservation of power, the
premature revolution, the thought of which keeps Bernstein awake,
Reform or Revolution
The Collapse
Bernstein began his revision of social democracy by abandoning the
theory of capitalist collapse. The latter, however, is the cornerstone
of scientific socialism. By rejecting it, Bernstein also rejects the whole
doctrine of socialism. In the course of his discussion he abandons
one after another of the positions of socialism in order to be able to
maintain his first affirmation. Without the collapse of capitalism, the
expropriation of the capitalist class is impossible. Bernstein therefore renounces expropriation and chooses a progressive realisation
of the cooperative principle as the aim of the labour movement.
But cooperation cannot be realised without capitalist production.
Bernstein, therefore, renounces the socialisation of production and
merely proposes to reform commerce and to develop consumers
But the transformation of society through consumers cooperatives, even by means of trade unions, is incompatible with the real
material development of capitalist society. Therefore, Bernstein
abandons the materialist conception of history.
But his conception of the march of economic development is
incompatible with the Marxist labour theory of value. Therefore,
Bernstein abandons the theory of value and, in this way, the whole
economic system of Karl Marx.
But the struggle of the proletariat cannot be carried on without a
given final aim and without an economic basis found in the existing
society. Bernstein, therefore, abandons the class struggle and speaks
of reconciliation with bourgeois liberalism.
But in a class society the class struggle is a natural and unavoidable phenomenon. Bernstein, therefore, contests even the existence
of classes in society. The working class is for him a mass of individuals, divided politically and intellectually but also economically. And
the bourgeoisie, according to him, does not group itself politically
in accordance with its inner economic interest but only because of
exterior pressure from above and below.
But if there is no economic basis for the class struggle and if,
consequently, there are no classes in our society, not only the future
but even the past struggles of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie
appear to be impossible and social democracy and its successes seem
absolutely incomprehensible, or they can be understood only as the
results of political pressure by the government, that is, not as the
natural consequence of historic development but as the fortuitous
consequences of the policy of theHohenzollern;27not as the legitimate offspring of capitalist society, but as the bastard children of
reaction. Rigorously logical, in this respect, Bernstein passes from
the materialist conception of history to the outlook of theFrankfurter
Zeitungand theVossische Zeitung.28
After rejecting socialist criticism of capitalist society, it is easy for
Bernstein to find the present state of affairs satisfactoryat least in
a general way. Bernstein does not hesitate. He discovers that at the
present time reaction is not very strong in Germany, that we cannot speak of political reaction in the countries of western Europe,
and that in all the countries of the west the attitude of the bourgeois
classes toward the socialist movement is at most an attitude of defence
and not one of oppression. Far from becoming worse, the situation
of the workers is getting better. Indeed, the bourgeoisie is politically
progressive and morally sane. We cannot speak either of reaction or
oppression. All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds29
Bernstein thus travels in logical sequence from A to Z. He began
by abandoning the final aim and supposedly keeping the movement. But as there can be no socialist movement without a socialist
aim he ends by renouncing themovement.
And thus Bernsteins conception of socialism collapses entirely.
The proud, symmetrical, wonderful construction of socialist
thought becomes, for him, a pile of rubbish in which the debris of
all systems, the pieces of thought of various great and small minds,
Reform or Revolution
ronouncing himself at the same time against the only source of the
moral rebirth of the proletariat, a revolutionary class strugglehe
does no more than the following: preach to the working class the
quintessence of the morality of the bourgeoisie, that is, reconciliation with the existing social order and the transfer of the hopes of
the proletariat to the limbo of ethical illusions.
When he directs his keenest arrows against our dialectical system
he is really attacking the specific mode of thought employed by the
conscious proletariat in its struggle for liberation. It is an attempt to
break the sword that has helped the proletariat to pierce the darkness of its future. It is an attempt to shatter the intellectual arm with
the aid of which the proletariat, though materially under the yoke
of the bourgeoisie, is yet enabled to triumph over the bourgeoisie.
For it is our dialectical system that shows to the working class the
transitory nature of this yoke, proving to workers the inevitability
of their victory, and is already realising a revolution in the domain
of thought.
Saying goodbye to our system of dialectics and resorting instead
to the intellectual seesaw of the well-known on the one handon
the other hand, yesbut, althoughhowever, moreless,
etc, he quite logically lapses into a mode of thought that belongs
historically to the bourgeoisie in decline, being the faithful intellectual reflection of the social existence and political activity of the
bourgeoisie at that stage. The political on the one handon the
other hand, yesbut of the bourgeoisie today resembles, in a
marked degree, Bernsteins manner of thinking which is the sharpest and surest proof of the bourgeois nature of his conception of
the world.
But, as it is used by Bernstein, the word bourgeois itself is not
a class expression but a general social notion. Logical to the end, he
has exchanged, together with his science, politics, morals and mode
of thinking, the historic language of the proletariat for that of the
bourgeoisie. When he uses, without distinction, the term citizen
in reference to the bourgeois as well as to the proletarian intending,
thereby, to refer to man in general, he identifies man in general
with the bourgeois and human society with bourgeois society.
Reform or Revolution
30: In the mid-1880s this issue split the SPD deputies in parliament. The
proposed subsidies would have aided companies connecting Germany to its
colonieseditors note.
31: Luxemburg here refers to a series of controversies within the SPD. Vollmar,
Heine and Schippel each put forwards arguments that were to be expressed in
more coherent and generalised form by Bernsteineditors note.
32: The reference is to the 1898 SPD congresseditors note.
Reform or Revolution
domain of theory to the domain of practice but only with the help
of the arms furnished us by Marx. Marx wrote, half a century ago:
Bourgeois revolutions, like those of the 18th century, rush
onward rapidly from success to success, their stage effects outbid one another, men and things seem to be set in flaming diamonds, ecstasy is the prevailing spirit; but they are short-lived,
they reach their climax speedily and then society relapses into
a long fit of nervous reaction before it learns how to appropriate the fruits of its period of feverish excitement. Proletarian
revolutions, on the contrary, such as those of the 19th century,
criticise themselves constantly; constantly interrupt themselves
in their own course; come back to what seems to have been
accomplished, in order to start anew; scorn with cruel thoroughness the half-measures, weakness and meanness of their
first attempts; seem to throw down their adversary only to
enable him to draw fresh strength from the earth and again to
rise up against them in more gigantic stature; constantly recoil
in fear before the undefined enormity of their own objects
until finally that situation is created which renders all retreats
impossible and conditions themselves cry out: Hic Rhodus, hic
salta! Here is the rose. Dance here!33
This has remained true even after the elaboration of the doctrine of scientific socialism. The proletarian movement has not as
yet, all at once, become social democratic, even in Germany. But it
is becoming more social democratic, surmounting continually the
extreme deviations of anarchism and opportunism, both of which
are only determining phases of the development of social democracy, considered as a process.
For these reasons, we must say that the surprising thing here is not
the appearance of an opportunist current but rather its feebleness.
As long as it showed itself in isolated cases of the practical activity of
33: The passage is from The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleoneditors note.
Reform or Revolution
the party, one could suppose that it had a serious political base. But
now that it has shown its face in Bernsteins book, one cannot help
exclaim with astonishment, What? Is that all you have to say? Not
the shadow of an original thought! Not a single idea that was not
refuted, crushed, reduced into dust by Marxism several decades ago!
It was enough for opportunism to speak out to prove it had nothing to say. In the history of our party that is the only importance of
Bernsteins book.
Thus saying goodbye to the mode of thought of the revolutionary
proletariat, to dialectics and to the materialist conception of history,
Bernstein can thank them for the attenuating circumstances they
provide for his conversion. For only dialectics and the materialist
conception of history, magnanimous as they are, could make Bernstein appear as an unconscious predestined instrument, by means
of which the rising working class expresses its momentary weakness
but which, upon closer inspection, it throws aside contemptuously
and with pride.
Further reading
The Marxists Internet Archive ( has an extensive
collection of writings by Rosa Luxemburg and there are various
print editions of her selected works. Most English translations of
her writings are quite poor. However, Verso is currently undertaking the translation and production of the collected works of Luxemburg, volumes of which have started appearing.
The best known biography, Rosa Luxemburg: Her Life and Work,
was written by her comrade Paul Frlich. Bookmarks have recently
published A Rebels Guide to Rosa Luxemburg by Sally Campbell, which
is an excellent introduction. Another work, by Socialist Workers
Party founder Tony Cliff, entitled simply Rosa Luxemburg, looks in
detail at both her life and her theoretical contribution, and includes
a chapter on Reform or Revolution. It appears in the first volume of
Cliff s selected works, published by Bookmarks and entitled International Struggle and the Marxist Tradition. It is also available from the
Marxists Internet Archive.
On the same website are Chris Harmans article, From Bernstein
to Blair: One Hundred Years of Revisionism, which places Luxemburgs polemic in historical perspective, and the book Marxism and the
Party by John Molyneux, which contains a chapter highlighting the
strengths and weaknesses of Luxemburgs views on organisation.