Supervenience and Emergence
Supervenience and Emergence
Supervenience and Emergence
The metaphysical relation of supervenience has seen most of its service in the fields of the
philosophy of mind and ethics. Although not repaying all of the hopes some initially invested in it
– the mind-body problem remains stubbornly unsolved, ethics not satisfactorily naturalized – the
use of the notion of supervenience has certainly clarified the nature and the commitments of so-
called non-reductive materialism, especially with regard to the questions of whether explanations
of supervenience relations are required and whether such explanations must amount to a kind of
I think it is possible to enlist the notion of supervenience for a more purely metaphysical
task which extends beyond the boundaries of ethics and philosophy of mind. This task is the
clarification of the notions of emergence and emergentism, which latter doctrine is receiving again
some close philosophical attention (see McLaughlin, Kim ??).
I want to try to do this in a ‘semi-formal’ way which makes as clear as possible the
relationships amongst various notions of supervenience as well as the relationship between
supervenience and emergence. And I especially want to consider the impact of an explicit
consideration of the temporal evolution of states – an entirely familiar notion and one crucial to
science and our scientific understanding of the world – on our ideas of supervenience and,
eventually, emergence for these are significant and extensive. I do not pretend that what follows is
fully rigorous, but I do hope the semi-formality makes its commitments and assumptions clear,
and highlights the points of interest, some of which I think are quite surprising.
§1. Definitions.
A theory, T, is total if and only if it possesses completeness, closure and resolution. These are
jointly defined as follows: Completeness is the doctrine that everything in the world is a T-entity
or, in principle, has a non-trivial T-description and as such abides by closure and resolution.
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Closure entails that there are no ‘outside forces’ – everything that happens, happens in accordance
with fundamental T-laws so as to comply with resolution. Resolution requires that every process
or object be resolvable into elementary constituents which are, by completeness, T-entities and
whose abidance with T-laws governing these constituents leads to closure. For the particular
example of physics (the only theory that could have any chance of being total) these definitions
become: Completeness is the doctrine that everything in the world is physical (has a non-trivial
physical description1) and as such abides by closure and resolution. Closure entails that there are
no ‘outside forces’ – everything that happens, happens in accordance with fundamental physical
laws so as to comply with resolution. Resolution requires that every process or object be
resolvable into elementary constituents which are, by completeness, physical and whose abidance
with physical laws governing these elementary constituents leads to closure2.
We could distinguish a merely ‘formal’ notion of totality from that defined above. A
‘formally total’ theory is one that would be total if only it were true. Thus it is arguable that
Newtonian mechanics is formally total (but had no chance of being true of this world). Since we
are going to assume that final-physics – whatever it may turn out to be – is true, the notions of
formal totality and totality collapse for it.
A world, W, is total if and only if a true theory of W is total.
T-possibility: something is T-possible if and only if it exists in some T-possible world, that
is, some world that obeys the fundamental laws of T. (Example: physical possibility is
existence in some physically possible world, that is, a world that obeys the fundamental laws of
physics. To avoid making physical possibility epistemically relative we can regard physics to be
the true, final physics – whether or not humans ever manage to discover such a theory. We can
call this ‘final-physical-possibility’.)
‘Non-trivial’ is added here and above to prevent properties like ‘having charge +1 or not’ rendering anything and
everything a physical entity (/2 has this property).
It may be worth noting here that this is not an endorsement of ‘part-whole reductionism’, though it is consistent
with it. We know from quantum mechanics that the states of ‘wholes’ are not ‘simple’ functions of the states of
their parts but this does not tell against the characterization given in the text. Quantum mechanics is a celebration
of how the fundamental interactions of things can be understood – rigorously understood – to yield new features. It
is, if you like, a mathematically precise theory of emergence, but one that obeys the strictures of resolution. The
kind of emergence endorsed by quantum mechanics is what will be called below benign emergence.
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introduce a new form that comes in several variants. The three basic forms of supervenience of
interest here are strong, weak and global supervenience (see Kim, Haugeland, Seager ??). The
former two notions of supervenience can be formally expressed in terms of families of properties
and a direct relation of determination between them. In what follows I will take the line that
property families are given by the distinctive features employed by particular theories. The family
of chemical properties is the set of properties distinctively used by chemistry, the family of
physical properties is that set of properties distinctively utilized by physics, etc.. I add the term
‘distinctively’ only to indicate that there must be some selection from all properties mentioned by
a theory since some are inessential to that theory. We can also expect that there might be some
overlap between theories, but I think we ought to regard this common occurrence as an intrusion
of one theoretical scheme into another. In such cases, we ought to assign the overlapping
property to the more basic theory.
Given a pair of families of properties, we can define a supervenience relation between
them in various ways. Strong supervenience is defined as
(SSUP) Strong Supervenience: Property (or state) family U strongly supervenes upon family T
if and only if ~(F)(F 0 U)(Fx e (›G , T)(GF & ~(B)(GB e FB)))
This says that it is necessarily true that for any instance of a property in B there is a property in A
such that having that property guarantees having the B property. It does not say, though it
permits, that some particular A property underlies every instance of the target B property.
Instead, it is typically thought that there can be what is called ‘multiple realization’, in which a
variety of A properties subvene the instances of the target B property. Notice the second necessity
operator, which ensures that G subvenes F in every possible world. (That is, in every possible
world, anything that manages to exemplify G will also exemplify F, but not necessarily vice versa.)
One should wonder about the nature of the necessity deployed in this definition, as well as
the ones to follow. If one claims that U supervenes upon T, then what is at issue is whether in
every T-possible world, we have the appropriate relation between the properties of U and T.
What happens in T-impossible worlds is irrelevant. More concretely, physicalists expect that high-
level features of the world, as dealt with by theories such as chemistry, biology, psychology, etc.
will supervene upon physical features. They need not concern themselves with what happens in
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possible worlds that are physically impossible, such as worlds where only ectoplasmic spirits exist
and where supervenience upon the physical could hardly be expected to hold. Of course, there is
then the issue of whether we live in a world that is physically possible (i.e. a world that obeys the
fundamental laws of physics). Physicalists think we do live in such a world, and it is hard to doubt
that there is a good deal of evidence in support of this position.
The second form of supervenience of interest to us is defined as follows:
(WSUP) Weak Supervenience: Property (or state) family U weakly supervenes upon family T if
and only if ~(F)(F 0 U)(FF e (›G , T)(GF & (B)(GB e FB)))
The difference between weak and strong supervenience, intuitively speaking, is that although they
agree that the supervening domain is determined by states of the subvening domain, this
determination can be different in different worlds. A simple (if somewhat imperfect) example,
originally due to Jaegwon Kim I believe, of weak supervenience is the supervenience of the truth
of a sentence upon the sentence’s syntax. It must be that any two sentences that are syntactically
identical have the same truth value (and of course every sentence has a syntactic structure)3. But
we do not expect the truth value to be the same from world to world, as we vary the facts which
make the sentences true. We might thus expect that syntactic structure plus a specification of the
facts strongly subvenes the truth of sentences. The difference between weak and strong
supervenience will turn out to be very important for the clarification of various notions of
A quite difference approach to supervenience is also possible. One can express
supervenience in terms of indiscernibility rather than property determination. One method of
doing this is in terms of possible worlds and thus avoids the explicit appeal to modal operators.
Supervenience of U upon T would require, at least, that in every T-possible world, if there is
agreement about the assignment of T-states to systems then there is agreement about the
assignment of U-states to systems. We might write this as:
(GSUP) Global Supervenience: (w)(w*)(F)(F , U)((w =T w* & FFw) e FFw*),
where w and w* are T-possible worlds, F ranges over systems and F over U-states. The modified
An obvious imperfection I gloss over is the existence of indexical terms. With a little suppression of one’s
critical, or is it pedantical, faculties the point of the example should be clear.
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identity symbol, ‘=T’ is short for ‘is identical in T respects to’. In order to allow for a non-trivial
role for the temporal evolution of states I am going to modify this standard definition of global
supervenience by requiring that the T-indiscernibility of worlds be restricted to indiscernibility up
to the time when FFw obtains. This entails that global supervenience, as defined here, can fail for
properties that depend for their existence at a time on states which occur later if worlds lack what
I will call below T-temporal supervenience (or temporal determination). Some properties do have
this dependence upon the future. Whether a prediction – a future tensed sentence – is true or not
obviously depends upon the future. Less trivially, whether an action, for example, is good or bad
might depend upon its consequences. If two worlds which were T-indiscernible up to the time of
the action could diverge (with respect to T) after the action then it could be that the action was
good in one world but bad in the other4. If we were inclined to hypothesize that moral properties
and ‘consequences’ supervene upon the physical state of the world up to the time of the action
such divergence would represent the failure of that hypothesis. We could distinguish an ‘absolute’
global from a ‘limited’ global supervenience of U upon T, the former involving absolute world T-
indiscernibility across all space and time, the latter only indiscernibility up to the occurrence of a
given U-state. Fortunately, such a distinction would be of little assistance in what follows, so I
shall resist adding yet another kind of supervenience.
In any event, this formulation reveals an ambiguity in the notion of supervenience (see
Kim, Haugeland, Petrie, Seager ??). The formulation of global supervenience in terms of worlds,
unlike the definition of strong supervenience given above, does not explicitly require that the T-
state that subvenes a U-state be a state of the very same system that exemplifies the U-state. This
is thus a very weak form of supervenience. For example, it permits two worlds that differ only in
the position of a single atom somewhere in, say, the star Vega to have radically distinct
distributions of psychological properties – perhaps one world is ours but in the other there are no
minds whatsoever!
It is not difficult to strengthen GSUP to a form that makes the indiscernibility of particular
systems rather than whole worlds the basis of supervenience, a form we might call local
Actually, this raises the interesting issue of whether in principle unpredictable consequences should be considered
as moral pluses or minuses in the assessment of actions as they accrue, as opposed to evaluating actions in terms of
present expected utility, or the expected utility of the action at the time it was performed.
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(LSUP) Local Supervenience: (w)(w*)(F , U)(F)(B)(((G , T)(GFw / GBw*) & FFw) e
This adds the condition that it is the systems, F and B, that are such that if they are T-
indiscernible across possible worlds then they will also be U-indiscernible. Local supervenience is
not quite the same as strong supervenience6. The latter does not require full local indiscernibility
as a condition of supervenience but only the sharing of one critical property from the subvening
family. Though less weak than GSUP, LSUP is still a very weak notion of supervenience. It
permits, for example, two systems which differ only in the position of an atom in their big toe to
differ radically in their psychological properties – perhaps one system is me but the other has no
psychological properties at all!
Problematic examples such as that of Vega or the big toe reinforce the intuitively
plausibility of the ‘super-localization’ of strong supervenience, for it seems reasonable to suppose
that some T-properties might be irrelevant to the possession of U-properties. For example, in
some possible worlds (maybe even in the actual world) there are creatures physically identical to
us except that they are made out of anti-matter rather than matter. This would seem to be
psychologically irrelevant but they would fail the test of indiscernibility since although systems
composed of matter and anti-matter can share almost all their physical properties they are
obviously physically discernible. Of course, global and local supervenience do not prevent non-
identical systems from possessing the same supervening properties, but we could not use either
global or local supervenience to argue for our anti-matter cousins’s possession of mind, whereas
strong supervenience would probably – depending upon the range of physical properties we take
to subvene mind – provide such an argument.
Evidently, strong supervenience implies local supervenience but not vice versa. If we
assume strong supervenience and the antecedent of local supervenience we obtain the local T-
indiscernibility of F and B across w and w*. By strong supervenience, there is a T-state, G, that F
A ‘weak’ local supervenience is expressed in terms of worlds as: (w)(F)(B)(F , U)(((G , T)(GFw if and only if
GBw) & FFw) e FBw). It is a trivial consequence of LSUP.
The ‘direct’ translation of strong supervenience into possible world terms would be the not very interesting:
(w)(F)(F , U)(FFw e (›G , T)(GFw & (w*)(B)(GBw* e FBw*))).
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has which necessitates F. Since F and B are T-indiscernible, B must also possess G and therefore
we must have FBw*. The reverse fails for we cannot deduce simply from the fact that F and B
share G across possible worlds that F and B are fully T-indiscernible across the worlds (unless we
allow, as I think we should not, some very dubious metaphysical chicanery which encodes every
feature of a possible world as a property of an individual in that world, such as ‘properties’ like
‘exists in a world where the speed of light is 300,000 km/s’).
It is, furthermore, obvious that local supervenience implies global supervenience but that
once again the reverse fails to hold (since the assumption of local T-indiscernibility of two systems
will not lead to the T-indiscernibility of their whole possible worlds).
However, the definitions can be brought together by fiat, if we restrict attention to
domains where ‘reasonable’ and ‘plausible’ supervenience relations are local and particular. This
restriction is important since it is arguable that efficacy is both local and dependent upon
particular states, and we have a strong interest in domains that are efficacious. An illustration of a
non-efficacious and non-local ‘domain’ is that of money. Money does not supervene locally (two
locally physically identical scraps of paper could differ in their intrinsic monetary value depending
upon, for example, the intentions and social-status of their creators). But for that very reason,
money can’t cause anything as such, but only via its exemplifying certain physical features that
cause certain beliefs (in people) or certain other physical states (for example, in vending
Temporal Supervenience (or temporal determination): The new form of supervenience I want
to introduce is a ‘temporal’ supervenience, in which the state of a system at one time is
determined by the state of the system at an another time (generally speaking, an earlier time if we
think of causal determination). Temporal supervenience, as I call it, is a familiar notion with an
unfamiliar name. But while it is odd to employ the term thus, I use the name ‘temporal
supervenience’ to emphasize the analogies between the evolution of the states of systems through
time and the kinds of supervenience relations we have already discussed. As we shall see, the two
notions have quite deep and somewhat surprising relationships as well.
(TS) Temporal Supervenience: The states of system F ‘temporally supervene’ upon the states of
system F if and only if ~(F)(t)(FFt e (›G)(›t1)(GFt1 & (B)(t2)(›t3)(GBt2 e FBt3)))
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Here, and below, F and G are possible states of system s. Call F the ‘successor state’ and
G the ‘predecessor state’. To avoid clutter, it is not stated in the definitions but it is assumed that
t1 is before t and t2 is before t3. I make no attempt to specify the amount of time there should be
between states or to address the issue of whether time is continuous or discrete.
(FS) Full Temporal Supervenience: The states of system F ‘fully temporally supervene’ upon
the states of system F if and only if ~(F)(t)(FFt e (›G)(›t1)(GFt1 & (B)(t2)(›t3)(GBt2 / FBt3)))
The difference between TS and FS is that in FS there is unique temporal determination
both backwards and forwards in time (which is not to say that we have backwards causation).
One can, that is, as easily foretell the past as the future of the system from its current state.
Though it won’t figure much in the discussion below, full temporal supervenience is nonetheless
important since, generally speaking, fundamental theories of physics exemplify it.
(TTS) T/U-temporal Supervenience: The T-states of system F ‘temporally supervene’ upon the
U-states of system F if and only if ~(F 0 T)(t)(FFt e (›G 0 U)(›t1)(GFt1 & (B)(t2)(›t3)(GBt2
e FBt3)))
(TFS) Full T/U-temporal Supervenience The T-states of system F ‘fully temporally supervene’
upon the U-states of system F if and only if ~(F 0 T)(t)(FFt e (›G 0 U)(›t1)(GFt1 &
(B)(t2)(›t3)(GBt2 / FBt3)))
Note that T and U can be the same theory (or family of states). In the discussion below,
intra rather than inter-domain temporal supervenience will figure most prominently. So instead of
writing ‘T/T-temporal supervenience’ I’ll just use ‘T-temporal supervenience’. The notions of
T/U-temporal supervenience are more useful than the more basic TS and FS since we normally
are concerned with the relations of temporal supervenience either within theories or across
theories, rather than from an abstract, non-theoretical standpoint.
The kinds of modal differences between strong and weak supervenience can be duplicated
within temporal supervenience, as follows:
(STS) Strong T/U-temporal Supervenience: The T-states of system F ‘strongly temporally
supervene’ upon the U-states of system F if and only if ~(F 0 T)(t)(FFt e (›G 0 U)(›t1)(GFt1
& ~(B)(t2)(›t3)(GBt2 e FBt3)))
(WTS) Weak T/U-temporal Supervenience: The T-states of system F ‘weakly temporally
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supervene’ upon the U-states of system F if and only if ~(F 0 T)(t)(FFt e (›G 0 U)(›t1)(GFt1
& (B)(t2)(›t3)(GBt2 e FBt3)))
(SFTS) Strong Full T/U-temporal Supervenience: The T-states of system F ‘strongly fully
temporally supervenes’ upon the U-states of system F if and only if ~(F 0 T)(t)(FFt e (›G 0
T)(›t1)(GFt1 & ~(B)(t2)(›t3)(GBt2 / FBt3)))
(WFTS) Weak Full T/U-temporal Supervenience: The T-states of system F ‘weakly fully
temporally supervenes’ upon the U-states of system F if and only if ~(F 0 T)(t)(FFt e (›G 0
T)(›t1)(GFt1 & (B)(t2)(›t3)(GBt2 / FBt3)))
The differences in these definitions are exact analogues of the difference between weak
and strong supervenience as given above. Intuitively, the difference is that weak temporal
supervenience requires that every possible world exhibit unique state determination across time
(backwards and forwards for full temporal supervenience) but that the particular state to state
transitions can differ from world to world. This difference can matter philosophically, as we will
eventually see below.
One general condition on the above definitions of temporal supervenience should be
noted. It is understood that the systems in question are undisturbed systems, where undisturbed is
taken to mean that there are no T-influences which are acting on the system which are not part of
the system. We can allow for ‘approximately undisturbed’ systems where the unaccounted for T-
influences are insufficient to much alter the state transitions referred to by the definitions. Also,
for cases of disturbed systems, we can always ‘generate’ an undisturbed system by letting the
boundaries of the system grow to encompass the T-disturbance.
Top-Down Discipline: A family of states (or theory), U, has Top-Down Discipline (TDD, or
U/T-TDD) relative to a family of states (or theory), T if and only if
(1) U supervenes upon T7
(2) for every U-state, $, the set of realizer T-states is such that each element can
temporally evolve into a realizer of any permitted U-successor of $.
Some discussion of the possibilities the definition allows might make this notion clearer. Assume
that U supervenes upon T. TDD fails if there is a U-state, $1, which has a set of realizers that
For the moment, leave the grade of supervenience unspecified.
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evolves into a set of T-states that does not realize a U-state. An abstract example would be this.
Suppose that $1 is multiply realized by the set of T-states {J1, J2, J3}. Suppose that the laws of
temporal evolution in T are as follows: J1 ý J*1, J2 ý J*2, J3 ý J*3 (thus we are assuming here T-
temporal supervenience). We have TDD (so far as this example is concerned) if the set {J*1, J*2,
J*3} multiply realizes one U-state, which we would naturally label $*1. If, perchance, {J*1, J*2}
realizes one U-state while {J*3} realizes another, TDD fails (since, for example, J1 cannot evolve
into a realization of this latter U-state). Now, perhaps T-temporal supervenience fails. In that case
instead of {J1, J2, J3} evolving to the determinate set {J*1, J*2, J*3} we have an indeterminate
evolution. For simplicity, let’s confine the indeterminacy to J3 which can evolve either into J*3 or
J**3 (but J*3 and J**3 cannot both obtain, no more than can any pair of possible realizers). Thus T-
temporal evolution will lead from {J1, J2, J3} to {J*1, J*2, J*3, J**3}. Then TDD still holds if {J*1, J*2,
J*3, J**3} multiply realizes one U-state. If this set does not multiply realize a single U-state but
rather underlies, say, two U-states, $*1 and $*2 where {J*1, J*2, J*3} multiply realizes $*1 and {J*2, J**3}
multiply realizes $*2 then TDD fails even in the ‘loose environment’ where T-temporal
supervenience does not hold (since, for example, J1 cannot evolve into a realization of $*2). But
notice that it is possible to have TDD even if the set of T-realizers of some U-state do not evolve
to a set which realizes a single successor U-state. This can occur if the T-realizers can each
indeterministically evolve to a realizer of any permitted (by U) successor or the initial U-state, as
in the figure 1 (see appendix for figures). [Go to figure 1]
Top-down discipline can exist from a supervening domain, U, to its supervenience base
domain, T, even if T lacks T-temporal supervenience and U enjoys U-temporal supervenience. In
such a case, we could say that there is ‘de-randomization’ of T (see figure 4 below). It is possible
that the apparent deterministic character of classical (or macroscopic mechanics) is the result of
this sort of de-randomization, as the quantum states that realize the macro-states provide top-
down discipline for the macro-domain. That is, while there may be intrinsic randomness at the
micro-level, it somehow cancels out in the myriad interactions involved in the realization of any
A possible ground for de-randomization in the micro to macro relationship is given by Ehrenfest’s equations,
which assert that the expectation value of an observable such as position or momentum will evolve in accordance
with classical laws of mechanics. In a macroscopic system made of huge numbers of microsystems we might expect
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I think that much of the interest in multiple realizability which has been shown by
philosophers lies in the possibility of a failure of top-down discipline rather than the mere
possibility of multiple realization itself. For suppose that the supervenient domain, call it U,
enjoyed top-down discipline with respect to its supervenience base, T. If there is T-temporal
supervenience (and in physics we seem to have full temporal supervenience) then top-down
discipline implies that there is also U-temporal supervenience (see R4 below). This would strongly
suggest that the supervenient domain can be reduced to its supervenience base, since there is a set
of subvening states that exactly map on to the theoretical relationships of the supervenient
domain. That is, there would be a ‘model’ of U in the subvening T-states.
While we might expect that some domains, for example that of chemistry, enjoy both top-
down discipline and a reductive relation relative to physics, this is not generally the case. Most
domains ‘above’ physics, simply don’t have (and don’t necessarily even want to have) the
resources to fully determine state-to-state transitions. If this lack of temporal supervenience in the
supervening domain is coupled with the lack of top-down discipline (which I think is the usual
case, since we presumably have physical temporal supervenience for the realizing states of the
higher-level states), the case for reduction is very weak even though every supervenient state has,
of course, a entirely definite, if very large, set of realizers in the supervenience base. This is
because there is no model of the supervenient domain within the base. Consider figure 3 below.
From the point of view of the T-domain situation, the U-state at t1 has to be thought of as a
disjunction of the particular T-states that can each realize that U-state. But that disjunction will
not ‘act like’ a U-state since it transforms into a disjunction that cuts across U-classifications
because none of the realizers act like the U-state in question. This seems to me a powerful reason
for regarding supervenience without top-down discipline as a non-reductive relation between
Notice however that it might be possible, in the face of a recognised failure of top-down
that such statistical features will exhibit a stability sufficient to allow us to identify the expectation value with the
values obtained by particular observations, thus resulting in de-randomization and providing a reason to expect
top-down discipline.
There are other grounds for suspicion that such disjunctions of subvening states can support any robust sense of
reduction, for which see Owens (19??) or Seager (19??).
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One good reason for this lack of concern is the recognition of distinctively lower-level ‘intrusions’ into the high-
level dynamics which are simply not within the purview of the high-level theory. See Dennett (19??) for a classic
discussion of this.
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assumption that the U-state is equally likely to be realized by the two possible realizing T-states).
But the T-transition probabilities do not mirror the U-transition probabilities at the level of the
individual T-realizers. So statistical top-down discipline fails.
To my mind, the above situation is one that also counts against reduction of the U-states
to the set of realizing T-states. These states do not behave like the U-states they realize at the
level of individual states, though their interactions conspire to make the U-state description
accurate at its own level. The particular probabilities in this case may seem somewhat miraculous
(obviously they have been rigged to illustrate the desired failure of STDD), but the miracle is less
pronounced in cases where high-level statistics emerge out of myriads of low-level processes and
the high-level statistics reflect various ‘laws of large numbers’. Furthermore, we expect that
normally one theory precedes another and the follow-up theory must be constrained to produce
known statistical relationships.
Normally, we take the possibility of indeterministic state evolution in the domain of a high-
level theory to be the result merely of ignorance of – or sometimes unconcern about – underlying
determining factors. Such factors may involve unknown, or imprecisely specified, features of the
high-level theory or, more often I think, may involve features of lower level theories that ‘intrude’
upon the dynamics of the high-level theory to determine certain state transitions. For example, it
seems entirely plausible to suppose that in certain cases the total psychological state of someone
may not determine which action they will perform. Nonetheless, some action will be performed,
and there may be no underlying psychological feature that accounts for this. There will, though,
be some sub-psychological feature which tips the balance (in choosing between the cheese plate or
the chocolate cake for dessert, perhaps the level of some neurotransmitter within some critical
network of neurons plays a crucial role even though there is absolutely no conscious – or
unconscious in a psychological sense of the term as opposed to a merely non-conscious – element
of one’s mental state that reflects that neurotransmitter level precisely enough to account for
one’s choice). If the underlying realizers of the high-level states are differentiated by features that
do not correspond to differences in the high-level characterization, we would expect the
probabilities of the state transitions of the realizers to differ from those of the high-level state
transition probabilities and thus we would expect statistical top-down discipline to fail (in the limit
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§2. Relations.
The definitions given above result in a number of ‘theorems’ or relations between them that, in
addition to their own interest, can be used to clarify a variety of possible views of emergence.
(R1) Final-physical-possibility does not imply physical-totality. The laws of final-physics may
or may not be such as to sustain completeness, closure and resolution. It is, I think, the goal of
many modern physicists to produce a theory that has totality. The structure of basic physics now
in place would appear to be that of one aiming, so to speak, to be a total theory, but the current
theory is manifestly incomplete (or worse, incoherent). We do not have a physical understanding
of every physically possible situation, even at very basic levels. For example, we just do not know
the physics of processes that essentially involve both quantum and gravitational processes (and the
two fundamental theories involved, general relativity and quantum field theory may in fact be
fundamentally inconsistent with one another). It does seem clear that the research on quantum
gravity is designed to complete physics in a way that provides totality. But whether physicists can
succeed in developing a final theory that is total depends not only upon their ingenuity but also
upon the nature of the world itself. It is impossible to say now whether this research will or even
can succeed for it is not given beforehand that there is a single physical theory that can
encompass all elementary physical processes. Nor can we yet rule out the sort of radical
emergence (to be defined below) that denies closure via resolution. Therefore we cannot say in
advance that the final physics is a total theory or that the worlds that are finally-physically-
possible are all such as to observe totality.
(R2) Strong supervenience of U upon T is compatible with the absence of T-temporal
supervenience. Failure of T-temporal supervenience means that there is a T-state, ", that does
not have a predecessor which leads uniquely to ". Obviously, this does not prevent U from
strongly supervening upon T unless further conditions are met.
(R3a) Strong Supervenience of U upon T and T-temporal supervenience does not imply U-
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 16
temporal supervenience. The reason is that Top-Down Discipline of U relative to T might fail.
That is, the set of realizers of some U-state(s) might lead to realizations of different subsequent
U-states, even though each such realizer T-state has a unique outcome, as illustrated in figure 3
[go to figure 3].
(R3b) Nor does strong supervenience of U upon T and the absence of T-temporal
supervenience imply the absence of U-temporal supervenience. This is possible because there
could be top-down discipline of U relative to T despite the failure of T-temporal determination, as
illustrated in figure 4 [go to figure4] (see also the discussion de-randomization above).
(R4) Strong Supervenience of U upon T, Strong T-temporal supervenience and top-down
discipline of U relative to T implies Strong U-temporal supervenience.11 If we have T-
temporal supervenience then U/T-TDD implies that every T-state which realizes some U-state, $,
must evolve to realize a single successor U-state. By strong supervenience , $ must have a
realizing T-state. So $ must have a unique successor, which is to say, we have Strong U-temporal
(R5) Strong supervenience of U upon T implies that U-states (probably) have T-efficacy.
Suppose that U strongly supervenes upon T and consider some U-state, F. F has a set of T-
realizers {J1, J2, ..., Jn}. To test if F has T-efficacy in the production of some state we consider
the counterfactual:
for some system, F, and some actual outcome T-state, G of system B, if F had not been in
state F then B would not have been G.
In the nearest world where ~FF we have ~J1F & ~J2F & ... & ~JnF. We can assume that GB was
the outcome of one of J1F, J2F, ..., JnF (since we need only find one such G to reveal efficacy).
Since none of these obtain in the counterfactual situation, it is unlikely that GB would come about
nonetheless. Actual judgements of efficacy would have to depend upon particular circumstances,
but it seems that it is very probable that states of strongly supervening domains have (or typically
have) efficacy. To take a definite example, suppose that I want an apple and then reach out and
take an apple. Was my desire efficacious in this transition? Well, according to strong
Technically, supervenience is included in the definition of top-down discipline, but it is clearer to emphasize the
role supervenience plays as a separate part of the proof. Also I did not specify the grade of supervenience in the
definition of TDD but left it loose to implicitly form a family of relations of top-down discipline.
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 17
supervenience we assume that my wanting an apple was realized by some physical state, P, from
the set of possible realizers of apple-wantings. In the counterfactual situation of my not wanting
an apple, P – along with all the other possible apple-wanting realizing physical states – would not
obtain (since if it did, by supervenience, my desire would exist after all). Would I still reach out
for the apple? It is certainly possible to imagine situations where this occurs: suppose that Dr. Evil
has trained his ‘action-gun’ upon me and is ready to force my body to reach for the apple at the
appropriate time should I lack the desire. However, such situations of ‘counterfactual over
determination’ are very rare, and thus we may conclude that strongly supervening states very
probably – typically – have efficacy. (If T has full strong T-temporal supervenience then we can
say that U-states definitely have T-efficacy. For then GB would have a unique predecessor and if
that predecessor did not occur then GB would not occur. But then ~FF would guarantee that the
predecessor of GB did not obtain and so GB would not obtain. This may be of interest since
physics appears to enjoy full strong temporal supervenience.12)
(R6a) Strong T-temporal supervenience implies global supervenience for any domain with
T-efficacy. Recall that to claim that U globally supervenes upon T is to say that any two worlds
that agree on their assignment of T-states to systems will agree on their assignment of U-states.
(w)(w*)(F)(F , U)((w =T w* & FFw) e FFw*).
Thus the denial of global supervenience would be expressed , after some manipulation, as
(›w)(›w*)(›F)(›F , U)(w =T w* & FFw & ~FFw*).
That is, the denial of strong supervenience entails that there are indiscernible T-states that differ
with respect to the non-supervening U-state, F. To test whether F has T-efficacy we must
evaluate the counterfactual:
if FF had not been the case then HF would not have been the case,
where H is some outcome T-state which obtains in the ‘source world’ (i.e. the world from which
Note that this argument does not lead to ‘efficacy inflation’ in the sense that the U-state in question helps to
bring about every G-state in any system. My dream last night is not efficacious in producing an earthquake in
Turkey even though that earthquake has a unique physical predecessor. On the assumption of full temporal
supervenience, the nearest possible world in which I don’t have my dream is different from the actual world right
back to the beginning of time, but even so there is no reason to think it is different with regard to the earthquake’s
occurrence. In testing for efficacy, we can pick any outcome state we wish so we can find one for which my dream
is efficacious. This does not lead to my dream’s having efficacy ‘everywhere’.
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 18
we will evaluate the counterfactual, w in the above) and which is putatively brought about by F.
To perform the evaluation we consider the T-possible world most like the source world save for
the differences necessitated by assuming ~FF. The T-possible world most like the initial world
would be one that was identical with respect to T (up to the time of occurrence of FF), differing
only with respect to F (and possibly other U-states). We know there is such a world, by the denial
of global supervenience (w* in the above). However, by strong T-temporal supervenience, that
world evolves over time in exactly the same way as the source world. Therefore the
counterfactual is false and F cannot have T-efficacy, contrary to the assumption of R6a. So global
supervenience must hold.
(R6b) Strong T-temporal supervenience implies strong supervenience for any domain with
This argument is slightly less convincing than that for R6a, because we need an additional
assumption. Suppose we have T-temporal supervenience but there is a T-efficacious domain, U,
that does not strongly supervene upon T. Then by the definition of strong supervenience, there is
a T-possible world where there is a system, F, and U-state, F, such that
FF & ~(›G , T)(GF & ~(s)(Gs e Fs))
So we have FF and
(G)(~GF v ~~(s)(Gs e Fs))
Now, this means either (1) that F is in no T-state whatsoever or (2) there is such a state but it
does not necessitate F. If the former, then F is a radically non-T system. Suppose F has T-
efficacy. Then the presence of F makes a difference in a T-state. But since F is a state
characterizing utterly non-T entities, the presence or absence of F is not marked by any necessary
T difference. For while it is perhaps possible to imagine that there might be some kind of a
‘metaphysical’ connection between some T-state and the presence of F, this connection is not a T-
law (T-laws do not say anything about radically non-T objects). Violation of this connection is
thus not a violation of any T-law, and the world in which this connection is broken is thus a T-
possible world. So, given T-efficacy, there could be two T-indiscernible situations which differed
in their outcome because of the difference in F. But this violates strong T-temporal supervenience.
That is, since F is not marked by any T-state we can take the F world and the ~F world to be T-
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 19
indiscernible (and worlds can’t get any more similar in T-respects than T-indiscernibility), then
use the argument for R6a. Now, suppose that strong supervenience fails because of (2). Then
there is a T-state, G, that F has but is such that G does not necessitate F. This entails that there is
a world in which some system has G but does not have F. We might then try to argue that in every
world, G has the same outcome by strong T-temporal supervenience. Thus in whatever world we
choose to evaluate the counterfactual which tests for the T-efficacy of F, there will be no T-
difference. Therefore F does not have T-efficacy – it cannot make any difference. But this won’t
quite work as it stands since it is open to the following worry. The counterfactual test requires
that we go to the world most similar to the source world save that ~FF holds. What if this is a
world where ~GF holds? Abstractly speaking, this seems to be possible. However, such a world
will be quite unlike the source world, since strong T-temporal supervenience requires that G’s
predecessor not appear in the test world (else we would get G after all) or else we have a miracle
(which immediately violates T-temporal supervenience). That is, the assumption of ~GF
propagates other T-changes throughout that world. Thus it is very plausible that a ~GF world is
not the most T-similar to the source world and, after all, we know that there is a world in which
GF and ~FF. If this is correct then the test world contains GF and hence must evolve to the same
successor state as the source world, thus revealing that F does not possess T-efficacy13.
Since strong supervenience implies weak supervenience we trivially get Strong T-temporal
supervenience implies weak supervenience of T-efficacious domains. It is also the case that since
strong supervenience implies global supervenience we have R6b implies R6a. Furthermore, since
strong supervenience implies what I called local supervenience, we also get that strong T-
temporal supervenience implies local supervenience.
Note also that we have to assume T-efficacy in the above since nothing can rule out the
possibility that there are ‘parallel’ domains that do not supervene upon T but rather exist entirely
independent of the T-world yet enjoy rich causal relations amongst themselves, a situation that
would be approximated by considering one of Leibniz’s monads without the pre-established
harmony. The assumption of T-efficacy forges an essential link between the U and T domains.
Note we must assume strong T-temporal supervenience to get this result, since in considering strong
supervenience we have to consider other physically possible worlds.
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 20
Such an assumption is reasonable since we have little interest in hypothetical domains that are
entirely isolated from each other. In particular, we are not very interested in an epiphenomenalist
view of the mind-body relation, though it is important to see that epiphenomenalism cannot be
ruled out by any considerations advanced thus far. It is also interesting to note that, given (R5),
we have it that strong T-temporal supervenience implies that U is T-efficacious if and only if U
strongly supervenes upon T.
This highly interesting and perhaps initially surprising result reveals the significance of
temporal evolution of states for the metaphysics of dependence. If we have a domain the states of
which evolve through time according to the laws of that domain, then there are tight constraints
placed upon the states of any other domain which are to have effects within that initial domain.
They must ‘ride upon’ the lawful transitions of the initial domain to both preserve those lawful
transitions and have their own efficacy, which is to say, they must supervene upon the states of
the initial domain.
(R6c) Weak T-temporal supervenience implies weak supervenience for any domain with T-
efficacy. The argument for this claim is still weaker since additional assumptions (or modal
intuitions) are needed. The argument proceeds almost as that for R6b. But when we consider the
first horn of the dilemma, that F might be a radically non-T system, we must consider the
counterfactual, if F had not been F then things would have been T-different. It seems to me that
the closest world in which F is not F is one in which the T-temporal supervenience relations are
not altered (since F has nothing whatsoever to do with T, it is hard to see why the T relations
would be different in that world). If so, F’s T-efficacy would fail. (The alternative idea, I guess, is
that because of some kind of pre-established harmony, in the nearest world where F is not F, the
T-temporal supervenience relations must be altered enough to make the counterfactual come out
true. But even in such a case, it seems that it is the alteration in T that accounts for the difference
in outcome so that intuitively F has no efficacy in the T domain after all.) The other horn of the
dilemma leads to the claim that there is an object, B, in the very same world as that in which F has
F such that B has G but does not have F. Then in that very world we have a test of F’s efficacy
and – because of weak T-temporal supervenience – within any world the T-temporal
supervenience relations are the same. Thus G will lead to the same outcome for B as for F. So F’s
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 21
T-efficacy seems to fail. If it is insisted that ‘singular causation’ is possible then we must use the
counterfactual test, and then we can employ the plausibility argument given above.
(R7) T-Totality implies strong T-temporal supervenience (up to intrinsic randomness of T).
Totality is a very strong condition on the nature of the laws of a theory as well as on the
‘metaphysical structure’ of the world (roughly, constituent structure with ‘bottom-up causation’
sufficient to yield all phenomena). But is it enough to guarantee temporal supervenience? Let us
see. Assume that T is (supposed to be) a total theory but that T-temporal supervenience fails.
Then there is a T-state, G, of system F that does not have a unique outcome (let’s say that in such
a case GF diverges). If GF is a complex state then by the property of totality I labelled
‘resolution’ we can resolve it into a set of elementary T-constituents that act entirely according to
T-laws. If GF does not have a unique outcome this must be because some elementary state does
not have a unique outcome. So we might as well consider GF to be such an elementary state. It is
impossible for GF to diverge because there is a sub-T theory which realizes the T-states and
which accounts for the divergence of GF. For then not everything that happens would be the
result of the operation of T-laws and T-totality would be violated. The only possibility of
divergence is if T has some intrinsically random elements within it. That is, if it is a brute fact that
for some T-state two (or more) distinct states can ensue. For example, on certain views of
quantum mechanics (e.g. those that espouse the ‘uncontrollable collapse of the wave function’
upon measurement) QM-temporal supervenience fails. A particular uranium atom, in state G, may
or may not fission. If it does we get, say, state G1; if it does not we get state G2. There is nothing
within quantum mechanics to account for this (and no hidden variable lurking beneath quantum
mechanics either). The fissioning or lack of fissioning at any particular time is intrinsically random.
If there is no intrinsic randomness then it seems that totality implies temporal supervenience. We
could leave this result there: if there is no intrinsic randomness in the elementary states of T then
totality implies temporal supervenience (this is less trivial than it appears since high-level theories
can fail to observe temporal supervenience without possessing intrinsic randomness; totality
implies that the lack of temporal supervenience must result from intrinsic randomness, not the
sorts of intrusions from below that characterize high-level theories). In fact, it implies strong
temporal supervenience since totality is a property of the laws of a theory and so naturally sets the
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 22
completeness fails then there is an entity which has no (non trivial) T-description, a radically non-
T object. This entity must be from some domain, U. But then there could be a difference in U
with no difference in T, for while it is perhaps possible to imagine that there might be some kind
of a ‘metaphysical’ connection between T-states and the U-states, this connection is not a T-law if
U is a radically non-T domain. Violation of this metaphysical connection is thus not a violation of
any T-law, and the world in which this connection is broken is thus a T-possible world. But this
violates strong supervenience. Suppose, then, that closure fails. Then for some domain, U (which,
here and below, might be T itself), some U-state, $, occurs in violation of some T-laws (say that
$ is a miracle). But – by strong supervenience – $ has a realizing T-state, J14. By strong T-
temporal supervenience, J has a predecessor state, B, for which J is the necessary unique
outcome. Could J occur but occur in violation of T-laws? No, for then it would be T-possible for
J not to occur even though its predecessor state does occur. If it is not a matter of T-law that B
led to J then there is a T-possible world where we have B and ~J. But that violates T-temporal
supervenience. Therefore, J’s occurrence is not in violation of any T-law. Since J is the
realization of $, $’s occurrence does not after all violate any T-law, so closure cannot fail.
Finally, suppose that resolution fails. Then there is a domain, U, and a U-state, $, such that either
there is no description of $ in T-elementary terms or there is such a description but the presence
of a particular instance of $ leads to system behaviour distinct from the behaviour of $’s
elementary T-constituents as they would act under the T-laws governing the elementary T-
constituents (let’s label this possibility the divergence of $’s behaviour from that of $’s
elementary realizers – the shadow of emergence is obviously looming here). The first disjunct
violates completeness15. On the second disjunct, there must be a T-state that subvenes $, call it J
Or, more strictly speaking, a set of possible T-realizers {J1, J2, ...,Jn}. The argument is not affected by this detail,
which is thus omitted for simplicity.
Here I assume that if there is a T-description of a system then there is a description in T-elementary terms. This
is an innocuous assumption since, by itself, it does not imply that every T-state has a constituent structure formed
out of T-elementary features, for maybe some ‘large’ T-states are themselves elementary. It is hard to think of
genuine examples, but here is a possibility. Blackholes can have but three physical properties that fully characterize
them: mass, charge and angular momentum. These properties are a function of the properties of the elementary
constituents that have formed the blackhole. But, once formed, there is no sense in which the blackhole is
composed of little bits and pieces that individually have various masses, charges or angular momenta (string theory
may alter our perspective on this, but, of course and interestingly, in a way that makes blackholes resolvable into a
new – but still physical of course – kind of elementary constituent structure). Thus the blackhole cannot be resolved
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 24
which is composed of a set of elementary T-features {J1, J2, J3} (we know we have this
decomposition by way of the assumption that resolution fails via divergence). T-temporal
supervenience means that there is a unique outcome of each Ji, so {J1, J2, J3} has a unique set of
elementary T-features as its outcome. Therefore, divergence of $’s behaviour from that of $’s
elementary realizers violates T-temporal supervenience16. Since we assume that T-temporal
supervenience holds, such a $ cannot exist, and therefore resolution holds. So T-Totality follows.
(R8b) Global Supervenience of every T-efficacious domain, U, upon T and strong T-
temporal supervenience implies T-Totality. The argument proceeds exactly as for R8a with
respect to completeness. Suppose, next, that closure fails. Then for some domain, U, some U-
state, $, occurs in violation of some T-laws. Now, for global as opposed to strong supervenience
the idea of a realizing state is more vague, but there must be a state of the world – call it J – such
that any world T-indiscernible to J up to the time when $ occurs will agree on all U-assignments
and thus is a world in which $ obtains. According to strong T-temporal supervenience, a world T-
state restricted to time prior to $’s obtaining is sufficient to guarantee that $ will obtain. We
might label such a temporally restricted world state J<t. Any two worlds that are in state J<t will
end up agreeing about $. Strong T-temporal supervenience requires that J<t lead to the world as it
is at the time of $’s obtaining (call that state J<=t). The process from J<t to J<=t cannot violate any
T-law (for the same argument given in the proof of R8a), so $’s coming to be cannot violate any
T-law. So we have closure. Finally, if we suppose that resolution fails then either completeness
will fail as in the proof of R8a or we have divergence of $’s behaviour from that of its elementary
realizers (which might, under global supervenience extend to the elementary state of the entire
world). But such divergence would violate T-temporal supervenience (again as above, using our
machinery of temporally restricted world states). So T-totality follows.
(R9) Strong T-temporal supervenience implies T-Totality (across domains with T-efficacy).
into sub-components. This is no violation of the totality of physics however, since charge, mass and angular
momentum are themselves allowable elementary features. A blackhole is, so to speak, a kind of elementary
‘particle’ (and one that can, of course, take a constituent place within larger physical assemblies such as multi-star
systems, galaxies, etc.).
Notice we do not need to assume that U possesses top-down discipline for this argument to work. The single case
of $’s divergence violates T-temporal supervenience.
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 25
From above (R6a) or (R6b), strong T-temporal supervenience implies Strong T/U supervenience
or global T/U supervenience for any domain with T-efficacy. Therefore, from (R8a) or (R8b) the
result follows.
(R10) Strong T-temporal supervenience if and only if T-Totality (across domains with T-
efficacy). Various forms of this follow from (R9) and (R6).
§3. Emergence.
Emergentism is the doctrine that certain features of the world – features of the emergent
domain – emerge out of other features from another domain, call it the submergent domain. To
say exactly what ‘emergence’ is and how it works, is not so easy. The simplest view, and one that
dovetails with the approach of this paper, is to regard emergence as relative to theoretical
descriptions of the world. A feature is emergent only if it is part of one theoretical description but
not another. For example, the valence of an atom is emergent inasmuch as it forms a part of
chemical theory but not a part of physical theory (i.e. physics). Or again, the ‘fitness’ of a genome
is an emergent feature insofar as it is utilized by evolutionary biology but not, for example, by
Of course, this criterion is but a part of what it is for a feature to be an emergent feature.
We must add a notion of the ‘direction’ of emergence, for while valence is a good example of an
emergent feature we are not inclined to call spin an emergent just because spin is not mentioned in
evolutionary biology. The ‘direction’ of emergence brings supervenience into the picture in a
natural way. For the additional idea is that of determination of the emergent feature by features of
the submergent domain. Thus, we find it appropriate to say that valence is determined by physical
features, but have no reason at all to suggest that spin is determined by features peculiar to
evolutionary biology. It is the nature of this determination that clouds the issue of emergentism,
and suggests that work on supervenience may be of assistance in its clarification.
For example, if we have strong supervenience of U upon T then we have what are in effect
‘laws of emergence’ that are constant across all T-possible worlds. These laws of emergence are
expressed in the latter part of the formula definition of strong supervenience (i.e. the ‘~(F)(GF e
FF)’ (where, recall, G , T and F , U) part of the definition). And this is another reason for
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 26
preferring strong supervenience over global or local supervenience – it finds a definite T-state as
the base for the emergent properties and this is in line with most emergentist thought17. If we
consider the difference between strong and weak supervenience in terms of emergence, we see
that weak supervenience allows for the laws of emergence to vary across submergently possible
worlds, which is an interesting and, as we shall see, actually critical component of any serious
form of emergentism.
One digression. Certain properties can perhaps be called emergent even though they fail to
meet our first criterion. Mass, for example, figures in physics, yet the mass of a physically
complex object can be thought of as an emergent. This is a ‘mereological’ sense of emergence,
roughly characterized as a feature which an object has but which no proper part of the object
possesses, although the parts possess ‘cognate’ properties. Thus, ‘having a mass of 1 amu’ is a
property of an (ordinary) hydrogen atom, but none of its proper parts have this property. This
seems to me rather a degenerate sort of emergence, for the ‘generic’ property -- the determinable
if you will, in this case ‘mass’, equally applies to both the whole and its proper parts. It is to be
expected that a supervenience relation also holds between the submergent properties and the
mereologically emergent properties, and usually one that is pretty straightforward and unlikely to
lead to any substantial issues of emergentism.
In marking out the central features of emergentism we must begin by contrasting
emergentism with dualism. Emergentism is anti-dualist; emergent features are features of objects
which always have descriptions – albeit incomplete insofar as they neglect the emergents – from
within the submergent domain. Emergence does not generate a realm separate and apart from the
submergent domain. A second crucial feature of emergentism is the denial of epiphenomenalism;
However, this at least suggests that there may be novel emergentist doctrines that derive from global or local
supervenience relations. Perhaps we can imagine emergent properties that depend upon total world states for their
existence. These are emergent properties dependent upon the total state of the ‘whole universe’ even though they
might be properties of individual things. I can’t think of any examples of such properties however, although there
are clear cases of non-local emergents. ‘Being money’ is such a non-local (but hardly fully global) emergent, but
because of its lack of efficacy and our possession of some idea of how we might explicate the existence of money in
terms of non-monetary properties, we regard this as a form of benign emergence. Another example of a very non-
local but far from fully global emergent property might be the value of the gravitational field at any point; it may
well be that the state of the entire universe figures in determining this value (though perhaps not, depending on
whether there are regions of the universe that are not in causal contact, which currently seems very likely). The
important point made by these examples is that even in non-local emergence, the emergent property depends upon
quite definite, if ‘spread out’ features of the submergent domain.
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 27
emergent properties are supposed to be efficacious, their presence makes a difference to the way
the world goes. However, the nature of this efficacy is not always clear and can vary from a weak
to a very strong claim about the role of the emergents in the unfolding of the world.
We can use the results of the previous section to define the two fundamental types of
emergence (along with an odd and probably useless additional variant). The weakest form of
emergence is one which offers no threat to the operation of the submergent domain from which
the emergents spring. To put it another way, the existence of such emergents is explicable (in
principle, as discussed below) on the basis of the submergent domain. Examples of such
emergence are, presumably, the liquidity of water, the shape of macroscopic objects, the chemical
properties of substances, the weather, etc. Such an emergence poses no dualist threat – the
emergents are clearly features of systems describable in submergent terms. And emergents of this
kind can be said to have efficacy. The view that meets these conditions is what I’ll call benign
U Benignly emerges from T if and only if T is a total theory and U has T-efficacy. If T is a
total theory, then U strongly supervenes upon T (if U has T-efficacy), so that we have an
explication of the origin of emergent properties based upon the elementary T-features into which
every U feature can be resolved. Such emergents can have efficacy, in the sense that complexes of
elementary T-features can have efficacy. That is, it seems easy for such emergents to pass the
counterfactual test of efficacy, and hence they will meet the definition of efficacy given and used
above. Nonetheless, everything that happens, including the combinations of T-elementary features
that underlie the emergents, happens in accord with the laws of T.
It is worth pointing out that when I say that under benign emergence we would have an
explication of emergence in terms of the submergent domain I do not mean that the explication
would be simple. It might be of such complexity that it will remain forever beyond our full
comprehension. Generally speaking, these explications will proceed on a case by case basis, by the
deduction from T-states and T-laws of all the behavioural capacities of U-states as well as the
deduction of U-laws as springing from these behavioural capacities. We already know enough
about complex systems to be quite sure that the detailed explanation of many emergents will be
beyond our best efforts.
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 28
A recent example illustrates both the nature of benign emergence and the need for an ‘in
principle’ clause (I draw the example from DiSalvo 1999). We’ve known for a long time how to
perform thermoelectric cooling – the effect was discovered in 1834 by Jean Peltier (you can now
buy specialty picnic coolers that operate thermoelectrically). The advantages of such cooling
include compact size, silent operation and no moving parts, but applications have been limited by
the low efficiency of current materials. Thermoelectric cooling operates at the junction of two
different conductors, one containing positive charge carriers (called holes), the other negative
charge carriers (electrons). Passing a current through the junction causes both sorts of charge
conductors to move away from the junction, thus carrying heat away from the junction. While this
is a extremely over simplified and highly schematic explanation, it reveals how thermoelectric
cooling is benignly emergent. The efficiency of the process is critically dependent upon the nature
of the conductors forming the junction however, and is expressed in a parameter known as ZT.
Known materials have a ZT of about 1; if materials of ZT around or above 4 could be found,
thermoelectric cooling would vie with conventional methods of refrigeration for efficiency.
Unfortunately, there is no general and practical way to accurately predict the ZT of a substance.
DiSalvo explains the situation thus:
Understanding electrical carriers in crystalline solids is one of the triumphs of modern
quantum mechanics, and a theory of TE [thermoelectric] semiconductors has been
available for about 40 years. This transport theory needs one input: the electronic band
structure. More recent advances in determining the band structure, based on density
functional theory and modern computers, give acceptable results. The main input to band
theory is the crystal structure of the material. Known compounds can be sorted into a
much smaller group of crystal structure types. A given structure type may be adopted by
many compounds, and by comparison, we can often predict which elemental compositions
will have this same structure because of similar atom sizes and average valence, for
example. However, many new ternary and quaternary compounds adopt new structure
types which cannot be predicted beforehand, and without the crystal structure, electronic
band structure cannot be calculated. Not only is the inability to predict crystal structure
(and thus composition or properties) the main impediment to predicting which new
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 29
materials will make better TE devices, this inability is most often the limiting factor in
obtaining improvements in most other materials applications. (1999, p. ??)
This inability to predict benignly emergent properties stems from a failure of our grasp of theory
and/or our inability to perform extremely complex calculations. There is no real question that a
‘mathematical archangel’ – to use Morgan’s evocative term – unfettered by limitations of
computational speed or memory capacity would deduce ZT from quantum mechanical principles
and the basic physical structure of the candidate materials.
More abstractly, if we have a total T-theory then we can in principle explicate the
behaviour of any system of any complexity from a knowledge of its elementary T-structure. We
know from totality, that all systems have such a structure and closure guarantees that such
predictions are in principle possible (they may, of course, yield only statistical results depending
upon the nature of the T-theory).
So, benign emergence is the model of emergence one must adopt if one accepts that
physics is (or will be) a total theory. And most philosophers do attempt to take this route (see
Kim, Searle, etc.). It may be the natural view of emergence from within the ‘scientific view of the
world’, since that view is taken by very many thinkers to include the claim that the world is total
(that is, that physics, which provides the fundamental description of the world, is a total theory).
But I would like to remind the reader that, as discussed above in (R1), no one knows if the final
physics will be a total theory, and hence no one knows if the fundamental structure of the world is
total either. Whether or not the world is total is an empirical matter, and cannot be decided by any
a priori metaphysical arguments.
The original emergentists, which include Mill, Lewes, Morgan, Alexander and Broad,
would not have been satisfied with mere benign emergence (for an excellent general discussion of
their views, see McLaughlin ??). They wanted more, and in particular they wanted their emergents
to possess both a stronger form of efficacy and a more ‘mysterious’ relation to the submergent
domain than benign emergence allows. Furthermore, although the move from submergent to
emergent was to be mysterious it was to be a part of the natural order, not a mere accident or
lucky chance. That is, the presence of an emergent feature was supposed to be in principle
unpredictable even given a completely precise specification of the submergent domain and a
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 30
complete theoretical understanding of it. A sign of emergence is, as C. D. Broad put it, ‘... that in
no case could the behaviour of a whole composed of certain constituents be predicted merely
from a knowledge of the properties of these constituents, taken separately, and of their
proportions and arrangements in the particular complex under consideration’ (MPN, ??).
The point of talking of ‘prediction in principle’ is to provide a natural way to erase the
epistemological constraints which can cloud metaphysics. The claim of impossibility of prediction
of U-states on the basis of fundamental T-state even in principle is the denial of determination or
strong supervenience of U upon T. It is conceivable that this venerable way to approach the ever
present gap between epistemology and metaphysics which links in principle predictability with
strong supervenience masks another distinction, a distinction between predictability (in any sense)
and determination. If so, the deployment of the idea of prediction in principle would become
(even more of) a metaphor for the determination of all properties but those of the submergent
domain. But I take it that Broad and the other emergentists did intend to speak of a lack of
determination or supervenience when they talked of a lack of predictability in principle and I will
follow them in this.
Let us call this hypothetical, new form of emergence radical emergence. It is obvious that
radical emergence implies that the submergent domain is not total (or that the theory of the
submergent domain is not total). The failure of totality can be further diagnosed as a failure of
closure. Completeness can hold, since the emergents are not new substances; and resolution can
hold in the sense that complexes that possess emergent properties can be resolved into elementary
constituents of the submergent domain. But the behaviour of these complexes is – most
emphatically – not given by the concerted behaviour of those elementary constituents as they act,
or would act, solely under the laws of the submergent domain. Thus closure must fail. We know
from R10 that the failure of totality implies that we do not have strong T-temporal supervenience.
So if radical emergence is true than physics is not total. This could obtain in two ways.
The first is that physics, as a theory, could be merely formally total. That is, physics could have
the form of a total theory but be false of the world. Right now, given the pretensions of physics
and its structure, this seems to be the only way radical emergence could be true. It is from this
viewpoint that a severe tension is generated between radical emergence and physical theory. But
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 31
the other way totality can fail is, I think, more promising. It is possible to imagine physics just
giving up its efforts to be total and resting content with describing the nature of the ‘ultimate
constituents’ of the world with no implication that this description will implicitly fully constrain all
of the world’s ‘behavioural possibilities’. It will, that is, be possible to resolve every complex
physical entity into ultimate physical constituents, but not possible, even ‘in principle’, (and not
thought to be possible) to recover the behaviour of every such complex merely from the
interactions of the constituents as they act according to the laws of fundamental physics.
This is indeed a radical departure from our usual understanding of the aim of physical
theory, for it requires a physics that is essentially ‘uncompleteable’, one admitting that the
transition from elementary physical activity to the activity of complex physical systems is not
entirely governed by fundamental physical law. Thus it is implausible to modern sensibilities. And
this implausibility may be grounded in more than emergentism’s unfashionable opposition to the
physicalist zeitgeist, since emergentism may contradict some of the very general principles upon
which our modern physical understanding of the world is based. But it is difficult to decide
whether radical emergence actually requires the violation of such principles. For example, does
radical emergence entail the violation of the principle of the conservation of energy? It seems that
it might not, and there are at least three ways to arrive at this conclusion. However, one of these
ways, due to McLaughlin (19??), reveals the almost irresistible urge back towards the totality of
physical theory and the consequent demotion of radical emergence to mere benign emergence.
McLaughlin’s suggestion is that where we have a system with emergent features acting in
a way that appears to diverge from the action we would expect based on the physical
understanding of the constituents of the system, thus violating the conservation of energy, we can
reclaim energy conservation by positing a new sort of potential energy field which the emergent
features can, so to speak, tap. The difficulty with this solution is that this potential energy field
will naturally be counted as a new and basic physical feature of the world, which restores totality
to physics and with it predictability (in principle) of the behaviour of complex systems from a
knowledge limited to all the fundamental physical features of the system in question.
An example to illustrate this problem is the famous Casimir effect, which at first sight may
seem to offer an instance of radical emergence. If two flat metal plates are placed very close to
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 32
each other (but not touching) there will arise a force between them, pushing them together ever so
slightly. Is this the radical emergence of a new force emerging from certain quite particular
macroscopic configurations of matter? No. The explanation of the Casimir effect is, roughly, that
there is an energy in the vacuum which is, because of the nature of the metal plates and arcane
details about the possible distributions of virtual photons between and beyond the plates, slightly
greater outside the plates than between them. The point here is that the explanation spoils the
appearance of radical emergence, for the ‘potential energy’ locked in the vacuum is explicable in
elementary terms, and thus the force between the plates is predictable (in principle) just from basic
physical features.
McLaughlin’s proposal, then, is a general method of transforming radical into benign
emergence, by the postulation of new potential energy fields which can be regarded either as
stemming from or as themselves constituting new elementary physical features of the world. That
is, these fields might be explicable in more elementary physical terms (rather as in the example of
the Casimir effect) or they might be new brute facts about the physical structure of the world.
The second proposal retains the radical-ness of emergence but requires that there be a
high-level ‘conspiracy’ to balance the energy books. That is, the defender of radical emergence
can believe that energy is created ‘out of the blue’ when certain complex configurations are
realized but that somehow an equal amount of energy disappears from the universe ‘somewhere
else’ whenever these configurations arise. This is not impossible, but would of course be utterly
mysterious from the point of view of basic physics.
With respect to this ‘defence’ of energy conservation, it seems the defender of radical
emergence might do better to simply allow the conservation of energy to lapse on the grounds
that it is better to have one mystery rather than two (the second being the odd and oddly
coordinated disappearance of energy). After all, if we are allowing radical emergence there is no
reason to deny that energy can radically emerge.
But a third method of saving energy conservation is perhaps more in line with radical
emergentism and its assertion that fundamental physics is uncompleteable. The main idea here is
that energy conservation is a system relative property, and those systems exhibiting emergent
properties will abide by energy conservation as systems, with no implications about the processes
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 33
involved in the system’s coming into being. What I mean can best be explained by an example.
Physical systems can often be described mathematically in terms of a certain function, called the
Hamiltonian, which encodes relevant properties of the system as well as forces acting on the
system. The simplest case of use to us is the classical Hamiltonian of a single particle constrained
to move in a single dimension subject to a field of force. The mathematical expression is this:
H ( x, p ) = + V (x)
Here, p represents momentum, m mass and the function V(x) represents the ‘force field’ in which
the particle moves. From this equation one can deduce the functions governing the position and
momentum of the particle over time. Most significantly, the Hamiltonian function is an expression
of the energy of the system, and it can be shown that the time rate of change of H(x,p) is exactly
0, i.e. that the energy of the system cannot change over time. But notice that this description of
our system says nothing about the nature of the ‘particle’ involved, and nothing about the nature
of the force which governs its motion. So a system with emergent properties could instantiate this
description at the level of the emergent features. The radical emergentist regards as another
matter altogether the issue of whether, or how, the constituents (entities or processes) of this
system unite or combine to create the whole system. Thus we are free to regard energy
conservation as a constraint only upon systems as such. For if radical emergentism is true, there is
no way to understand the creation of complex systems entirely in fundamental physical terms.
Simple, non-emergent systems will obey the principle of the conservation of energy and so too
will complex systems with emergent properties. The transition from simple, non-emergent to
complex, emergent systems is not explicable by basic physics and is thus not bound by principles
restricted to fundamental physics.
Although radical emergence denies the totality of the submergent domain, it is an open
question whether we could allow strong supervenience within our radical emergence, since while
non-T-totality implies non-T-temporal supervenience, it does not imply that strong supervenience
However, it is easy to show that strong supervenience should not be accepted within
radical emergence, for it would make the emergent features objectionably unexplanatory or, in a
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 34
way, epiphenomenal. For consider that the lack of T-temporal supervenience means, at least, that
it is possible for two indiscernible T-states to have different outcomes. If these T-states are the
base for an emergent property then, if we allow strong supervenience, then they will subvene the
same emergent property. Therefore the emergent property will be unable to explain why there is
divergence when you have T-indiscernible initial states. The lack of T-temporal supervenience is
‘brute’ (relative to U at least). If we want T-divergence to be explained by the emergent features
then we cannot have strong supervenience.
To make this argument slightly differently, classical emergentists believed that the
behaviour of complexes was in principle unpredictable from a knowledge – however complete –
of the states and relations of and the laws governing the elementary submergent features. They
nonetheless took it that the emergents were supposed to explain the divergence of the behaviour
of the complex from the behaviour of the complex as it would be if it were determined solely on
the basis of submergent laws and states alone. But as noted, if we have strong supervenience then
the complexes would always subvene the same emergent feature (if any). If the behaviour of the
complex was the same in all possible worlds then we would recover temporal supervenience and
hence totality and we would be back to benign emergence. The action of the complex would after
all be predictable on the basis of the state of the elementary submergent features constituting the
complex18. Thus if the emergents are to explain the divergent behaviour of complexes, we cannot
have strong supervenience.
Although mysterious from the point of view of fundamental physics, the emergentists
thought that the emergence of high-level features was nonetheless a part of the natural order.
Once we know that, for example, a particular chemical property arises from the combination of
certain basic physical entities, we can infer that this chemical property will arise whenever we
have this physical combination. As Broad puts it: ‘No doubt the properties of silver-chloride are
completely determined by those of silver and of chlorine; in the sense that whenever you have a
whole composed of these two elements in certain proportions and relations you have something
with the characteristic properties of silver-chloride’ (MPN, p. ??). But this relation is ‘a law which
And note even if we have a lack of T-temporal supervenience due to intrinsic randomness in T, strong
supervenience rules out the emergents explaining it – we are back to ‘statistical totality’. (See the discussion of
Eccles’s manoeuver above.)
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 35
could have been discovered only by studying samples of silver-chloride itself, and which can be
extended inductively only to other samples of the same substance’ (MPN, p. ??, my emphasis).
Thus it seems that since the emergence is not a product of T-laws acting by themselves,
there are T-worlds that differ with respect to the emergents attendant upon the same T-state (this
is a variation that does not violate any T-laws). But at the same time, within these worlds we can
generalize the emergence of emergent features across all intra-world instances of indiscernible T-
states. This is an exact statement of a claim of weak supervenience of the emergent features upon
T-features. We can illustrate the situation in figure 5 [go to figure 5). And we can define radical
emergence as follows:
Radical Emergence of U from T = weak supervenience of U upon T + non-totality of T.
There is an interesting and perhaps rather attractive symmetry of causation in radical emergence
that is lacking in doctrines that espouse totality, such as benign emergence. The failure of totality
under radical emergence is explicable in terms of a very strong form of ‘top-down’ causation.
Totality will fail when complex systems fail to act in the ways they should act if their behaviour
was entirely generated by the interactions of their constituents according to the fundamental laws
governing those constituents and their interactions. Our label for such failure is divergence, so we
can say, in short, that divergence is explicable by top-down causation. Now, as noted above, the
divergence of complex systems as described by high-level theories is commonplace, and such
divergence is explicable by bottom-up causation; we expect that high-level generalizations will fail
because of intrusions ‘from below’ of effects stemming from lower-level processes or structures.
Radical emergence accepts that there will be exactly analogous, and genuine as opposed to the
merely apparent – or at least entirely explicable in low-level terms – top-down causation found in
total theories, intrusions ‘from above’ as well, so that complex systems, described in terms of
low-level theory, will suffer from effects stemming from higher-level processes or structures,
effects which are not predictable solely from the low-level state of the systems.
Another interesting feature of radical emergence is that it tends to conspire to give an
illusion of totality. That is, radical emergence of U from T entails weak T-temporal supervenience
(up to intrinsic randomness of T). Thus, within a world, T-complexes that are indiscernible all act
exactly the same (or, at least, generate the same behavioural statistics). Such a world could ‘look’
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 36
like it was T-total and encourage the search for a total T-theory. A rather bizarre further
‘metaphysical’ possibility is that such a ‘total’ theory could perhaps, given sufficient ingenuity, be
found despite the existence of genuine radical emergence. The theory would be false, but not
testable. A warning sign of such a situation might be the multiplication beyond plausibility of
potential energy fields (of the sort discussed above) required to handle multi-component
interaction. More likely, the very complexity of those T-systems in which radical emergence might
be found would rule out any test of emergence. The systems of interest would just be too far from
the T-constituents for any calculation based solely upon fundamental T-laws of how they should
behave to be feasible. That is, of course, the situation we are in and shall remain in.
The issue of testability could become more contentious if it should turn out that the
mathematical details of our best fundamental theory rule out not only analytic solutions of critical
equations (a situation we are already in) but also simulatability19. It is worth remembering that the
totality of physics is not practically testable for the simple reason that the instruments used in
physical experimentation are themselves highly complex physical entities for which the hypothesis
of radical emergence would have to be ruled out. The discovery and verification of properties of
the most basic physical entities are the very ones that require the most complex instruments, such
as particle accelerator complexes, as well as the extremely long historical chains of experimental
inference which necessarily involve myriads of highly complex instruments. If it should turn out
that certain complex and actual physical systems required for the testing of basic theory are in
principle unpredictable because of certain mathematical limitations then it may be that the totality
of physics is simply not a testable hypothesis at all.
The contrast between benign and radical emergence can be expressed in a theological
metaphor. Imagine God creating a world. He decides it shall be made of, say, quarks and leptons
that, in themselves, obey certain laws. But He has a choice about whether His new world shall be
Simulatability is the feature of a theory that it is possible to calculate, in principle, the state transitions of any
system in terms of the fundamental description of an initial state. Simulatability does not require that this
calculation be mathematically exact; approximations are allowable so long as we can mathematically guarantee
that the error of the approximation can be made as small as we like. For example, while the equations governing
an isolated pendulum can be simulated by a mathematically exact representation of the system, the problem of
simulating even a three-body gravitationally bound system is mathematically unsolvable. But the many-body
problem can be approximated to whatever degree of accuracy we like (given arbitrarily large computing resources).
There may be systems which cannot even be approximated in this sense however.
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 37
total (relative to these elementary constituents) or not. That is, He must decide whether or not to
impose serious laws of emergence ‘on top of’ the properties of the basic entities. Either way, a
world appears, but the worlds are different. Which world are we in? It is impossible to tell by
casual inspection and perhaps impossible to tell by any experiment, no matter how idealized. Thus
it may be that radical emergentism cannot be ruled out by any empirical test whatsoever, and thus
it may be that we live in a world of radical emergence.
William Seager
University of Toronto at Scarborough
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 38
Appendix (Figures)
Possible U State at t2
= T realizing states
= T-temporal evolution
U State at t1
Possible U State at t2
Figure 1
Go Back
Possible U State at t2
p= = T realizing states
p= = T-transition prob.
= U-transition prob.
U State at t1
p= Possible U State at t2
Figure 2
Go Back
Supervenience and Emergence // Draft Only 39
ie nc
pe r ven Possible U State at t2
l su
po ra
t em
Possible U State at t2
U State at t1
= T realizing states
Figure 3
Go Back
temporal development
U State at t1 U State at t2
= T realizing states
Figure 4
Go Back
T-possible worlds
Figure 5
Go Back