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Quickfield Manual

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Finite Element Analysis System

Version 5.8
User's Guide

Tera Analysis Ltd.

Copyright 2010, Tera Analysis Ltd.

All Rights Reserved.
Information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.

Tera Analysis Ltd.

Knasterhovvej 21
DK-5700 Svendborg
Phone: +45 8820 8201
+45 8853 6948

QuickField is a trademark of Tera Analysis Ltd.

DXF is a trademark of Autodesk, Inc.
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks, and Microsoft Word is a trademark of Microsoft
All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.



About This Manual

What Is QuickField?....................................................................................... 1
How to Use this Manual ................................................................................. 1
Conventions.................................................................................................... 2

Chapter 1 Getting Started

Required Hardware Configuration ................................................................. 3

QuickField Installation ................................................................................... 3
Autorun Applet........................................................................................ 3
Using QuickField Setup Program............................................................ 4
QuickField password (for Professional version only) ............................. 5
Modifying, Repairing and Removing QuickField................................... 6
Installing Several Versions of QuickField Simultaneously..................... 6
Configuration Notes ................................................................................ 6

Chapter 2 Introductory Guide

Basic Organization of QuickField .................................................................. 9

Window Management Tips .......................................................................... 11
Problem Window................................................................................... 12
Document Windows .............................................................................. 12
Tool Windows ....................................................................................... 12
Properties Window................................................................................ 13
Overview of Analysis Capabilities ............................................................... 13
Magnetostatic Analysis ......................................................................... 13
Transient Magnetic Analysis................................................................. 14



AC Magnetic Analysis .......................................................................... 15

Electrostatic Analysis ............................................................................ 16
DC Conduction Analysis....................................................................... 16
AC Conduction Analysis....................................................................... 17
Transient Electric Field ......................................................................... 17
Thermal Analysis .................................................................................. 18
Stress Analysis ...................................................................................... 19

Chapter 3 Problem Description


Structure of Problem Database ..................................................................... 21

Editing Problems .......................................................................................... 22
Editing problem description properties ................................................. 22
Establishing Coupling Links ................................................................. 23
Setting Time Parameters........................................................................ 25
Automatic Time Step Size Calculation in Transient Analysis .............. 26
Choosing Length Units.......................................................................... 27
Cartesian vs. Polar Coordinates............................................................. 28
Problem Properties Window ................................................................. 28

Chapter 4 Model Geometry Definition


Terminology ................................................................................................. 31
Geometry Description .................................................................................. 32
Creating Model Objects......................................................................... 32
Basic Objects Manipulation .................................................................. 34
Drag and Drop and Clipboard Editing .................................................. 38
Undo/Redo Operations.......................................................................... 45
Definition of Properties, Field Sources and Boundary Conditions ....... 47
Meshing Technology............................................................................. 48
Geometry Model Properties Window.................................................... 50
Tuning the View of the Model ..................................................................... 51
Zooming ................................................................................................ 51
Model Discretization Visibility ............................................................. 51
Background Grid ................................................................................... 52
Exchanging Model Fragments with Other Programs ................................... 53
Importing Model Fragments from DXF Files ....................................... 53
Exporting Model Fragments to DXF Files............................................ 53


Copying Model Picture to Windows Clipboard .................................... 54

Exporting Model Picture ....................................................................... 54
Printing the Model........................................................................................ 54

Chapter 5 Problem Parameters Description


Editing properties of materials and boundary conditions ............................. 58

Creating a New Label................................................................................... 58
Editing Label Data........................................................................................ 59
Editing Data in DC and Transient Magnetics........................................ 59
Editing Data in AC Magnetics .............................................................. 63
Editing Data in Electrostatics ................................................................ 66
Editing Data in DC Conduction Problems ............................................ 68
Editing Data in AC Conduction Problems ............................................ 69
Editing Data in Transient Electric Analysis .......................................... 71
Editing Data in Heat Transfer Problems ............................................... 73
Editing Data in Stress Analysis ............................................................. 76
Periodic Boundary Conditions .............................................................. 79
Editing Curves....................................................................................... 80
Using Formulas ..................................................................................... 82
Copying, Renaming and Deleting Labels..................................................... 92

Chapter 6 Electric Circuit Definition


What is a Circuit? ......................................................................................... 95

How to Create a Circuit ................................................................................ 96
Adding Electric Components to the Circuit .......................................... 96
Specifying Properties for Circuit Components...................................... 97
Adding Components Representing Model Blocks to the Circuit .......... 98
Connecting Circuit Components with Wires......................................... 98
Editing Circuit .............................................................................................. 99
Moving, Copying and Resizing Circuit Elements ................................. 99
Rotating Circuit Components .............................................................. 100
Deleting Circuit Elements ................................................................... 100

Chapter 7 Solving the Problem


Achieving Maximum Performance............................................................. 102

Adaptive Mesh Refinement ........................................................................ 102



Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution


Building the Field Picture on the Screen .................................................... 106

Interpreted Quantities .......................................................................... 106
Field Presentation Methods ................................................................. 112
Field Picture Constructing................................................................... 113
Zooming .............................................................................................. 116
Selecting a Time Layer........................................................................ 116
Animation............................................................................................ 117
Calculator Window..................................................................................... 117
Examining Local Field Data....................................................................... 118
Analysis of Connected Electric Circuit ...................................................... 119
Current and Voltage Time Plots for the Circuit Elements................... 120
Parameter Calculation Wizards .................................................................. 122
Inductance Wizard............................................................................... 122
Capacitance Wizard............................................................................. 125
Impedance Wizard............................................................................... 128
Editing Contours......................................................................................... 128
X-Y Plots.................................................................................................... 130
X-Y Plot Control ................................................................................. 131
Calculating Integrals................................................................................... 132
Data Tables................................................................................................. 155
Table Columns .................................................................................... 155
Table Rows.......................................................................................... 156
Plots and Tables versus Time ..................................................................... 157
Time Plot ............................................................................................. 157
Time Plot Curves................................................................................. 158
Time Dependencies Table ................................................................... 159
Controlling the Legend Display ................................................................. 160
Trajectories of Charged Particles ............................................................... 161
Theoretical Background ...................................................................... 161
Using Trajectories ............................................................................... 162
Export of Field Calculation Results............................................................ 164
Printing the Postprocessor Pictures ..................................................... 165
Copying the Postprocessor Pictures .................................................... 165
Field Export into File .......................................................................... 166
Additional Analysis Opportunities ............................................................. 167



Field Distribution Along the Contour Harmonic Analysis.................. 167

Partial Capacitance Matrix Calculation for the System of
Conductors ............................................................................ 168

Chapter 9 Add-ins


Add-ins Available in QuickField................................................................ 172

Advanced Add-in Features ......................................................................... 173
Adding, Editing and Deleting Add-ins................................................ 173
Creating Your Own Add-ins ............................................................... 173
Add-in Properties Dialog Box............................................................. 173
Add-in Menu Item Dialog Box ........................................................... 175

Chapter 10 Theoretical Description


Magnetostatics............................................................................................ 178
Field Sources ....................................................................................... 178
Boundary Conditions........................................................................... 179
Permanent Magnets ............................................................................. 181
Calculated Physical Quantities ............................................................ 182
Inductance Calculation ........................................................................ 183
Transient Magnetics ................................................................................... 184
Field Sources ....................................................................................... 185
Boundary Conditions........................................................................... 187
Permanent Magnets ............................................................................. 188
Calculated Physical Quantities ............................................................ 189
AC Magnetic .............................................................................................. 191
Field Sources ....................................................................................... 193
Boundary Conditions........................................................................... 195
Calculated Physical Quantities ............................................................ 196
Impedance Calculation ........................................................................ 199
Electrostatics............................................................................................... 199
Field Sources ....................................................................................... 200
Boundary Conditions........................................................................... 200
Calculated Physical Quantities ............................................................ 201
Capacitance Calculation ...................................................................... 203
DC Conduction Analysis ............................................................................ 203
Field Sources ....................................................................................... 204



Boundary Conditions........................................................................... 204

Calculated Physical Quantities ............................................................ 205
AC Conduction Analysis............................................................................ 206
Field Sources ....................................................................................... 207
Boundary Conditions........................................................................... 207
Calculated Physical Quantities ............................................................ 208
Transient Electric Analysis......................................................................... 210
Field Sources ....................................................................................... 210
Boundary Conditions........................................................................... 210
Calculated Physical Quantities ............................................................ 211
Heat Transfer.............................................................................................. 214
Heat Sources........................................................................................ 215
Boundary Conditions........................................................................... 215
Calculated Physical Quantities ............................................................ 217
Stress Analysis ........................................................................................... 217
Displacement, Strain and Stress .......................................................... 217
Thermal Strain..................................................................................... 221
External Forces.................................................................................... 222
Restriction Conditions......................................................................... 222
Calculated Physical Quantities ............................................................ 223
Coupled Problems ...................................................................................... 225
Importing Joule Heat to Heat Transfer Problem ................................. 226
Importing Temperature Distribution to Stress Analysis Problem ....... 226
Importing Magnetic Forces to Stress Analysis Problem ..................... 226
Importing Electric Forces to Stress Analysis Problem........................ 226
Importing magnetic state to another magnetostatic problem............... 227

Chapter 11 Examples


Magnetic Problems..................................................................................... 229

Magn1: Nonlinear Permanent Magnet ................................................ 229
Magn2: Solenoid Actuator .................................................................. 230
Magn3: Ferromagnetic C-Magnet ....................................................... 233
Magn4: Electric Motor ........................................................................ 235
Magn5: Armature Winding Inductance............................................... 238
Perio1: Periodic Boundary Condition ................................................. 240
Transient Magnetic Problems..................................................................... 241



TEMagn1: Transient Eddy Currents in a Semi-Infinite Solid ............. 241

TEMagn2: Transient Eddy Currents in a Two-Wire Line................... 242
Dirich1: Time- and Coordinate-Dependent Boundary Condition ....... 244
TECircuit1: Coil with Ferromagnetic Core ......................................... 247
TECircuit2: Pulse Transformer ........................................................... 248
AC Magnetic Problems .............................................................................. 251
HMagn1: Slot Embedded Conductor .................................................. 251
HMagn2: Symmetric Double Line of Conductors .............................. 253
HMagn3: Nonlinear ferromagnetic core in sinusoidal magnetic
field ....................................................................................... 254
HMagn4: Coil with ferromagnetic core .............................................. 256
Perio2: Linear Electric Motor.............................................................. 258
Circuit1: Symmetric Double Line of Conductors................................ 259
Circuit2: Welding Transformer ........................................................... 260
Circuit3: Bandpass Filter..................................................................... 262
Electrostatic Problems ................................................................................ 264
Elec1: Microstrip Transmission Line .................................................. 264
Elec2: Two Conductor Transmission Line.......................................... 266
Elec3: Cylindrical Deflector Analyzer ................................................ 267
AC Conduction Problems........................................................................... 270
ACElec1: Plane Capacitor................................................................... 270
ACElec2: Cylindrical Capacitor.......................................................... 272
ACElec3: Slot Insulation..................................................................... 273
Transient Electric Problems........................................................................ 276
TElec1: Nonlinear Capacitor............................................................... 276
TElec2: ZnO lighting arrester.............................................................. 277
TElec3: Stress control tube for cable termination ............................... 279
Steady State Heat Transfer Problems ......................................................... 282
Heat1: Slot of an Electric Machine ..................................................... 282
Heat2: Cylinder with Temperature Dependent Conductivity.............. 283
Transient Heat Transfer Problems .............................................................. 285
THeat1: Heating and Cooling of a Slot of an Electric Machine.......... 285
THeat2: Temperature Response of a Suddenly Cooled Wire.............. 288
THeat3: Transient Temperature Distribution in an Orthotropic
Metal Bar............................................................................... 289
Stress Analysis Problems............................................................................ 292


Stres1: Perforated Plate ....................................................................... 292

Coupled Problems ...................................................................................... 294
Coupl1: Stress Distribution in a Long Solenoid.................................. 294
Coupl2: Cylinder Subject to Temperature and Pressure ..................... 296
Coupl3: Temperature Distribution in an Electric Wire ....................... 298
Coupl4: Tokamak Solenoid................................................................. 300
.............................................................................................. 306

About This Manual

What Is QuickField?
Welcome to QuickField Finite Elements Analysis System. QuickField is a
PC-oriented interactive environment for electromagnetic, thermal and stress analysis.
Standard analysis types include:

DC and AC conduction analysis.
Linear and nonlinear DC and transient magnetics.
AC magnetics (involving eddy current analysis).
Linear and nonlinear, steady state and transient heat transfer and diffusion.
Linear stress analysis.
Coupled problems.

During a 15-minute session, you can describe the problem (geometry, material
properties, sources and other conditions), obtain solution with high accuracy and
analyze field details looking through full color picture. With QuickField, complicated
field problems can be solved on your PC instead of large mainframes or workstations.

How to Use this Manual

This manual has eleven chapters:
Chapter 1, Getting Started, describes first steps of using QuickField. In this
chapter, you will learn how to install and start the package.
Chapter 2, Introductory Guide, briefly describes the organization of QuickField
and gives an overview of analysis capabilities.

About This Manual

Chapter 3, Problem Description, explains how to specify the analysis type and
general problem features.
Chapter 4, Model Geometry Definition, explains how to describe geometry of the
model, build the mesh, and define material properties and boundary conditions.
Chapter 5, Problem Parameters Description, introduces non-geometric data file
organization, and the way to attach this file to the model.
Chapter 6 Electric Circuit Definition, describes the circuit schematic editor.
Chapter 7, Solving the Problem, tells you how to start the solver to obtain analysis
Chapter 8, Analyzing Solution, introduces QuickField Postprocessor, its features
and capabilities.
Chapter 9, Add-ins, describes QuickField add-ins, and methods of their creation
and use.
Chapter 10, Theoretical Description, contains mathematical formulations for all
problem types that can be solved with QuickField. Read this chapter to learn if
QuickField can solve your particular problem.
Chapter 11, Examples, contains description of some example problems, which can
be analyzed using QuickField.

In this manual we use SMALL CAPITAL LETTERS to specify the names of keys on your
keyboard. For example, ENTER, ESC, or ALT. Four arrows on the keyboard,
collectively named the DIRECTION keys, are named for the direction the key points: UP
A plus sign (+) between key names means to hold down the first key while you press
the second key. A comma (,) between key names means to press the keys one after
the other.
Bold type is used for QuickField menu and dialog options.


Getting Started

Required Hardware Configuration

Operating System:

Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or later,

Windows Vista,
Windows 7


USB port for hardware copy-protection key (not required for

Students version).

QuickField Installation
QuickField can be supplied on a CD, or packed in ZIP-archive. Depending on the
format, do the following:

Professional QuickField in a ZIP-archive - unpack the archive preserving the

directory structure and run Autorun.exe from the root of the unpacked directory
Student QuickField in a ZIP-archive - unpack the archive in the same way and
run Setup.exe.
QuickField on a CD - insert the CD and, if not started automatically, run
Autorun.exe from the CD root.

Autorun Applet
On the left side of the Autorun screen you can see several menu topics organized in a
scrollable tree. When you highlight a topic, additional topic-related information

Chapter 1 Getting Started

appears in the bottom pane. To execute the command associated with this topic
double-click it or click Run in the right-bottom corner of the window.
Menu topics allow you to:

See the complete QuickField User's Guide in Adobe PDF format (Read Users
Guide command);
Learn QuickField interactively (Virtual classroom command);
Find technical support and sales contact information (Contact Us);
Install additional third party software like Adobe Reader (Additional Software
command group);
Install QuickField (Install QuickField command group).

With the Student version of QuickField the last command starts QuickField installer.
With QuickField Professional the installation steps depend on the type of license you
purchased. For single-user license, choose the Single-user QuickField option below.
If your QuickField is licensed for multiple users, install the workstation component
(Network: workstation option) on every workstation, and the license server
(Network: license option) on the server computer.

Using QuickField Setup Program

QuickField installer can be launched either from the Autorun applet or manually by
running Setup.exe found in the unpacked ZIP-archive with QuickField.
Note: Installation of QuickField always requires administrator privileges.
First of all, installer offers to review the license agreement. To continue the
installation, you must accept its conditions checking I accept the license agreement.
That activates the Install and the Advanced buttons. We strongly recommend
choosing Install which automatically installs all components of QuickField in the
default folder.
Still, if you want to change the installation folder, or, for some reason, skip
installation of individual components, choose Advanced. The installer will first
prompt you to select the installation folder for QuickField and its help system.
Secondly, it will display the tree of QuickField components. To skip installation of a
component, click the down arrow to the left of the component's name and choose
Entire feature will be unavailable. Having finished with the tree click Install to
begin the installation process.

QuickField Installation

Having transferred all necessary files to your hard drive the installer might ask you to
reboot the system. Press OK to agree. If you have other software protected by
Sentinel hardware key (e.g. another version of Professional QuickField), installer
might also ask whether you want to upgrade the Sentinel system driver. We
recommend you to agree. Then attach the protection key to your computer (to the
license server computer in case of network license) and wait for the notification
message that the device is detected and ready to go. After that, QuickField is ready to
If you met any troubles answering the questions of QuickField Setup program you
may try to find answers in the Installation Guide.htm file in the Doc folder on your
QuickField compact disk.

QuickField password (for Professional version only)

After the end of installation you are ready to start QuickField for the first time.
Before that, you must attach your hardware copy-protection key. Having installed the
single-user licensed QuickField attach the key to the USB port of your computer.
Otherwise, attach the key to the USB port of the computer acting as a license server
and be sure that the license server software is properly installed and running. This
procedure is detailed in NetLicence.htm file in the Doc folder on your QuickField
compact disk.
See also ReadMe.pdf in the Sentinel folder on the same CD.
During the first run of QuickField you must enter the password supplied by Tera
Analysis. The password is a case insensitive string of 16 Latin letters uniquely
identifying the hardware copy-protection key and the purchased subset of QuickField
options. Every time you change the key or the set of options you must enter the new
password to activate it.
If you upgrade QuickField without changing the subset of options, you can use the
same password with the upgraded version of QuickField. To make it possible you
need to choose Edit->Password from QuickField menu.
In its first run QuickField should not be used as automation server (e.g. from
LabelMover or ActiveField samples). In such case its behavior would be
unpredictable since there would be no way to enter the password. To avoid this, we
recommend starting QuickField in interactive mode immediately after the installation.

Chapter 1 Getting Started

Modifying, Repairing and Removing QuickField

Having installed QuickField you can always modify or repair its configuration or
uninstall it from your computer. To do that, open the Control Panel and start the
Add/Remove Programs (or Programs and Features, depending on the Windows
version you are using) applet. After that, choose QuickField from the list of installed
software and choose the appropriate item from the menu.
Installer provides you with three options:

Modify (or Change) lets you to add another QuickField component or remove
any optional QuickField component that was installed on your computer;
Repair automatically restores the installed QuickField configuration. For
example, you might need it having unintentionally deleted some of mandatory
files or after virus attack.
Remove (or Uninstall) completely removes QuickField from your hard disk.

Installing Several Versions of QuickField

When you install QuickField alongside one or several older versions installed in
different folders, old installations remain usable. You can even run them
simultaneously. However, you should be aware that each copy of QuickField attempts
to register itself in the system registry as the default handler of all QuickField
documents and automation requests. Any client program that uses QuickField will be
served by the copy of QuickField that was registered last. To register another version
of QuickField as the default handler, start it in interactive mode. On Windows Vista
and later Windows versions with UAC QuickField successfully registers itself only
when it is started with administrators privileges.
If you remove (uninstall) any of installed QuickField versions, a part of information
related to other versions is also removed from the system registry. To restore usability
of another QuickField version after such action, you would have to start that version
in interactive mode.

Configuration Notes
To solve very large problems on a computer with insufficient memory it is essential
that virtual memory is configured optimally.
To manage virtual memory settings:

QuickField Installation

1. Bring up Control Panel and double-click System.

2. Switch to Performance tab.
3. See Windows Help for details.


Introductory Guide

This chapter briefly describes the basic organization of the QuickField program. It
presents an overview of the available capabilities.
The aim of this chapter is to get you started with modeling in QuickField. If you are
new to the QuickField, we strongly recommend you to study this chapter. If you
haven't yet installed QuickField, please do so. For information on installing
QuickField, please see Chapter 1.

Basic Organization of QuickField

In QuickField, you work with several types of documents: problems, geometry
models, material libraries and so on. Each document is opened into a separate
window within the main application window of QuickField. You can open any
number of documents at once. When switching between windows, you switch from
one document to another. Only one document and one window are active at a time, so
you can edit the active document. Editing actions are listed in the menu residing on
the top of main window of QuickField. Menu contents are different for different
document types. You can also use context-specific menus, which are available by
right-button mouse clicking on specific items in document window.
The QuickField documents are:
Problem corresponds to specific physical problem solved by QuickField. This
document stores the general problem parameters, such as the type of analysis
("Electrostatics", "Magnetostatics", "Heat transfer" and etc.) or the model type (planar
or axisymmetric). The detailed description of working with problems is given in
Chapter 3.


Chapter 2 Introductory Guide

Geometric Model is a complete description of the geometry, the part labels and the
mesh of your model. Several problems may share the same model (this is particularly
useful for coupling analysis). Editing models is described in details in Chapter 4.
Property Description, or Data documents are specific to types of analysis
(Electrostatics data, Stress Analysis data, etc.) These documents store the values of
material properties, loadings and boundary conditions for different part labels. Data
documents can be used as material libraries for many different problems. The detailed
description of how to specify material properties and boundary conditions is given in
Chapter 5.
Electric Circuit defines the associated electric circuit and the parameters of its
elements. You can associate circuits with problems of the following types:

AC Magnetics
Transient Magnetics

For the problem to be solved and analyzed, it must reference the model and data
documents. For convenience, the problem can reference two data documents at once:
one document containing properties for commonly used materials (material library),
and another document containing data specific for the problem or group of problems.
The last of QuickField documents stores the solution results. QuickField creates it
while solving the problem. The file always has the same name as and belongs to the
same folder as the problem description file. Its extension is .res.
Between sessions, QuickField documents are stored in disk files, separate file for
each document. During the session, you can create new documents or open existing
ones. The detailed description of how to get and explore the results of the analysis is
given in Chapter 7 and Chapter 8.
Using this very flexible architecture, QuickField helps you build and analyze your
design problems very quickly. In analyzing a problem, the typical sequence of phases
that you go through with QuickField is depicted in the flowchart below:

Window Management Tips


Window Management Tips

QuickField is a multi-document application, so you can work with several documents
geometry, materials, results, etc. at once. We will discuss dealing with specific
documents later; here are the common principles for creating and opening documents,
switching between the editors and arranging the windows.
There are three basic window types in QuickField:
1. The Problem window presents the structure of the problem and its components.
2. The Document window shows graphics and tables related to the model geometry,
or the field picture, the circuit, etc.
3. Tools windows display additional information and provide control functions.
Windows of each type can be differently arranged on the screen.


Chapter 2 Introductory Guide

Problem Window
The problem window is normally docked on the left side of the main QuickField
window. When several problems are open at once, their windows can be docked side
by side, or in a column, or they can be tabbed in a single pane, leaving maximum
space for graphics. This window can also be left floating on top of the other windows.
To move the problem window, simply drag it to the new position holding by the
window title. While dragging, the possible docking positions are shown by the
diamond shaped arrows. When you move the pointer over the diamonds, QuickField
shows the corresponding rectangle where the window can be docked if you release
the mouse button.

Document Windows
QuickField document windows, such as the model editor, the field plot, or the electric
circuit window, occupy the main are of the QuickField workspace; they cannot be
docked. For fast switching between these windows, there is a tab bar near the bottom
edge of the main window, similar to the Windows task bar.
A document window can be minimized to an icon, or maximized, or arranged with its
regular size and position, which you can change by dragging any corner or edge of
the window. This is useful to display several document windows at once. QuickField
can also tile all document windows automatically, when you choose Tile Vertically
or Tile Horizontally in the Window menu.
Some document windows can be split into two or four panes. To split the window,
drag the small gray rectangle on top of the vertical scrollbar or on the left of the
horizontal scrollbar. You can also choose Split in the Window menu. To switch
between panes, click it with the mouse or use F6.
To restore the single view, double-click the splitter or drag it to the window border
until it disappears.

Tool Windows
Finally, the tool windowsthe field calculator, color legend, circuit elements list, etc.
are usually docked within the corresponding document window. Like the problem
window, you can drag and dock tools within their parents boundaries. When
floating, tools can be dragged anywhere on the screen, even to another monitor.

Overview of Analysis Capabilities


Properties Window
The Properties window can be opened using the Properties command in the View
menu. This window is docked to the problem window (as shown in the picture) by
default or or can switched to floating. The Properties window displays different
editing fields relevant to the current object (the problem, geometry model, etc.) Some
properties are for information only (shown in grey), the others can be changed by
typing in the new value or selecting from the dropdown list. The changed property
value comes into effect immediately.

Overview of Analysis Capabilities

This section provides you with the basic information on different analysis
capabilities. For detailed formulations of these capabilities see Chapter 10.

Magnetostatic Analysis
Magnetic analysis is used to design or analyze variety of devices such as solenoids,
electric motors, magnetic shields, permanent magnets, magnetic disk drives, and so
forth. Generally the quantities of interest in magnetostatic analysis are magnetic flux
density, field intensity, forces, torques, inductance, and flux linkage.
QuickField can perform linear and nonlinear magnetostatic analysis for 2-D and
axisymmetric models. The program is based on a vector potential formulation.
Following options are available for magnetic analysis:
Material properties: air, orthotropic materials with constant permeability,
ferromagnets, current carrying conductors, and permanent magnets. B-H curves for
ferromagnets can easily be defined through an interactive curve editor, see the
"Editing Curves" section in .
Loading sources: current or current density, uniform external field and permanent
Boundary conditions: Prescribed potential values (Dirichlet condition), prescribed
values for tangential flux density (Neumann condition), constant potential constraint
for zero normal flux conditions on the surface of superconductor.
Postprocessing results: magnetic potential, flux density, field intensity, forces,
torques, magnetic energy, flux linkage, self and mutual inductances.


Chapter 2 Introductory Guide

Special features: An integral calculator can evaluate user-defined integrals along

specified contours and surfaces. The magnetic forces can be used for stress analysis
on any existing part (magneto-structural coupling) . A self-descriptive Inductance
Wizard is available to simplify the calculation of self- and mutual inductance of the
coils. The magnetic state of the media calculated using the demagnetization curves of
all the involved materials can be remembered. for future use. In particular, it allows
for calculation of self- and mutual differential inductances of multi-coil systems

Transient Magnetic Analysis

Transient magnetics allows performing transient or steady state AC analysis
designing a variety of DC or AC devices such as electric motors, transformers, and so
forth. Generally the quantities of interest in transient magnetics analysis are time
functions of magnetic flux density, field intensity, external, induced and total current
densities, forces, torques, inductance, and flux linkage. The transient magnetic field
simulation can be coupled with electric circuit. The circuit can contain arbitrarily
connected resistors, capacitors, inductances, and solid conductors located in the
magnetic field region.
Material properties: air, orthotropic materials with constant permeability,
ferromagnets, time-dependent current carrying conductors, and permanent magnets.
B-H curves for ferromagnets easily defined with interactive curve editor, see the
"Editing Curves" section in .
Loading sources: time-dependent current or current density, uniform external field
and permanent magnets. Electric circuit can contain any number of time-dependent
current and voltage sources. QuickField introduces powerful Formula Editor allowing
to define time dependency with a wide set of intrinsic functions.
Boundary conditions: prescribed potential values (Dirichlet condition), prescribed
values for tangential flux density (Neumann condition), constant potential constraint
for zero normal flux conditions on the surface of superconductor.
Postprocessing results: magnetic potential, flux density, field intensity, external,
induced and total current densities, forces, torques, magnetic energy, flux linkage,
self and mutual inductances.
Special features: a special formula editor allows specifying virtually any type of
time-dependent sources (currents and current densities, Neumann boundary
condition). An integral calculator can evaluate user-defined integrals along specified
contours and surfaces. The magnetic forces can be used for stress analysis on any
existing part (magneto-structural coupling) . Joule heat generated in the conductors

Overview of Analysis Capabilities


can be used for transient heat transfer analysis of your model (electro-thermal
coupling). QuickField provides a special type of inter-problem link to import field
distribution from another problem as initial state for transient analysis. Transient
magnetic field simulation can be coupled with electric circuit. The circuit can contain
arbitrarily connected resistors, capacitors, inductances, and solid conductors located
in the magnetic field region.

AC Magnetic Analysis
AC magnetic analysis is used to analyze magnetic field caused by alternating currents
and, vise versa, electric currents induced by alternating magnetic field (eddy
currents). This kind of analysis is useful with different inductor devices, solenoids,
electric motors, and so forth. Generally the quantities of interest in AC magnetic
analysis are electric current (and its source and induced component), voltage,
generated Joule heat, magnetic flux density, field intensity, forces, torques,
impedance and inductance. The AC magnetic field simulation can be coupled with
electric circuit. The circuit can contain arbitrarily connected resistors, capacitors,
inductances, and solid conductors located in the magnetic field region.
A special type of AC magnetic is nonlinear analysis. It allows estimating with certain
precision the behavior of a system with ferromagnets, which otherwise would require
much lengthier transient analysis.
Following options are available for AC magnetic analysis:
Material properties: air, orthotropic materials with constant permeability or
isotropic ferromagnets, current carrying conductors with known current or voltage.
Loading sources: voltage, total current, current density, uniform external field.
Electric circuit can contain any number of time-dependent current and voltage
Boundary conditions: prescribed potential values (Dirichlet condition), prescribed
values for tangential flux density (Neumann condition), constant potential constraint
for zero normal flux conditions on the surface of superconductor.
Postprocessing results: magnetic potential, current density, voltage, flux density,
field intensity, forces, torques, Joule heat, magnetic energy, impedances, self and
mutual inductances.
Special features: An integral calculator can evaluate user-defined integrals along
specified contours and surfaces. The magnetic forces can be used for stress analysis
on any existing part (magneto-structural coupling); and power losses can be used as


Chapter 2 Introductory Guide

heat sources for thermal analysis (electro-thermal coupling). Two wizards are
available for calculation of the mutual and self-inductance of coils and for calculation
of the impedance.

Electrostatic Analysis
Electrostatic analysis is used to design or analyze variety of capacitive systems such
as fuses, transmission lines and so forth. Generally the quantities of interest in
electrostatic analysis are voltages, electric fields, capacitances, and electric forces.
QuickField can perform linear electrostatic analysis for 2-D and axisymmetric
models. The program is based on Poisson's equation. Following options are available
for electrostatic analysis:
Material properties: air, orthotropic materials with constant permittivity.
Loading sources: voltages, and electric charge density.
Boundary conditions: prescribed potential values (voltages), prescribed values for
normal derivatives (surface charges), and prescribed constraints for constant potential
boundaries with given total charges.
Postprocessing results: voltages, electric fields, gradients of electric field, flux
densities (electric displacements), surface charges, self and mutual capacitances,
forces, torques, and electric energy.
Special features: An integral calculator can evaluate user-defined integrals along
specified contours and surfaces. Floating conductors with unknown voltages and
given charges can be modeled. Electric forces can be imported into stress analysis
(electro-structural coupling). A Capacitance Wizard is available for calculation of the
self- and mutual capacitance of the conductors.

DC Conduction Analysis
DC conduction analysis is used to analyze variety of conductive systems. Generally,
the quantities of interest in DC conduction analysis are voltages, current densities,
electric power losses (Joule heat).
QuickField can perform linear DC conduction analysis for 2-D and axisymmetric
models. The program is based on Poisson's equation. Following options are available
for DC conduction analysis:
Material properties: orthotropic materials with constant resistivity.

Overview of Analysis Capabilities


Loading sources: voltages, electric current density.

Boundary conditions: prescribed potential values (voltages), prescribed values for
normal derivatives (surface current densities), and prescribed constraints for constant
potential boundaries.
Postprocessing results: voltages, current densities, electric fields, electric current
through a surface, and power losses.
Special features: An integral calculator can evaluate user-defined integrals along
specified contours and surfaces. The electric power losses can be used as heat sources
for thermal analysis (electro-thermal coupling).

AC Conduction Analysis
AC conduction analysis is used to analyze electric field caused by alternating currents
and voltages in imperfect dielectric media. This kind of analysis is mostly used with
complex insulator systems and capacitors. Generally, the quantities of interest are
dielectric losses, voltage, electric field components, forces, and torques.
The following options are available for AC conduction analysis:
Material properties: air, orthotropic materials with constant electric conductivity
and permittivity.
Boundary conditions: prescribed voltage values (Dirichlet condition), prescribed
values for boundary current density (Neumann condition), constant potential
constraint for describing conductors in surrounding dielectric media.
Postprocessing results: voltage, electric field, current density, power and losses,
forces, and torques.
Special features: An integral calculator can evaluate user-defined integrals along
specified contours and surfaces. Electric forces can be imported into stress analysis
(electro-structural coupling); and electric losses can be used as a heat source for the
thermal analysis (electro-thermal coupling).

Transient Electric Field

Transient electric analysis is a generalization of electrostatics and conduction


Chapter 2 Introductory Guide

An electrode potential or induced current density (field sources) can be an

arbitrary function of time;
Dielectric materials can be moderately conductive,to account for dielectric losses;
Electric conductivity and permittivity of any material can vary with electric field.
In contrast to electrostatics, prescribed electric charge density cannot be a field
This analysis type may be used to study the field distribution in objects subjected to
pulse sources, e.g., lightning-induced overvoltages. It may also be applied to design
modern insulation constructions, which include nonlinear field equalizing elements,
varistor overvoltage protection, and other applications, which involve zinc oxide
varistors, semiconductive ceramics, and similar materials.
The following options are available for transient electric analysis:
Material properties: air, orthotropic materials with electric field dependent
conductivity and permittivity.
Boundary conditions: prescribed voltage values (Dirichlet condition), prescribed
values for boundary current density (Neumann condition), constant potential
constraint for describing conductors in surrounding dielectric media.
Postprocessing results: voltage, electric field, conduction and displacement current
density, ohmic and reactive power and losses, forces and torques.
Special features: A calculator of is available for evaluating user-defined integrals on
given curves and surfaces. Capacitance wizard is a convenient tool to calculate the
capacitance using different methods.

Thermal Analysis
Thermal analysis plays an important role in design of many different mechanical and
electrical systems. Generally the quantities of interest in thermal analysis are
temperature distribution, thermal gradients, and heat losses. Transient analysis allows
you to simulate transition of heat distribution between two heating states of a system.
QuickField can perform linear and nonlinear thermal analysis for 2-D and
axisymmetric models. The program is based on heat conduction equation with
convection and radiation boundary conditions. Following options are available for
thermal analysis:
Material properties: orthotropic materials with constant thermal conductivity,
isotropic temperature dependent conductivities, temperature dependent specific heat.

Overview of Analysis Capabilities


Loading sources: constant and temperature dependent volume heat densities,

convective and radiative sources, Joule heat sources imported from DC or AC
conduction or AC or transient magnetic analysis.
Boundary conditions: prescribed temperatures, boundary heat flows, convection,
radiation, and prescribed constraints for constant temperature boundaries.
Postprocessing results: temperatures, thermal gradients, heat flux densities, and total
heat losses or gains on a given part; with transient analysis: graphs and tables of time
dependency of any quantity in any given point of a region.
Special features: A postprocessing calculator is available for evaluating user-defined
integrals on given curves and surfaces. Plate models with varying thickness can be
used for thermal analysis. The temperatures can be used for thermal stress analysis
(thermo-structural coupling). Special type of inter-problem link is provided to import
temperature distribution from another problem as initial state for transient thermal

Stress Analysis
Stress analysis plays an important role in design of many different mechanical and
electrical components. Generally the quantities of interest in stress analysis are
displacements, strains and different components of stresses.
QuickField can perform linear stress analysis for 2-D plane stress, plane strain, and
axisymmetric models. The program is based on Navier equations of elasticity.
Following options are available for stress analysis:
Material properties: isotropic and orthotropic materials.
Loading sources: concentrated loads, body forces, pressure, thermal strains, and
imported electric or magnetic forces from electric or magnetic analysis.
Boundary conditions: prescribed displacements, elastic spring supports.
Postprocessing results: displacements, stress components, principal stresses, von
Mises stress, Tresca, Mohr-Coulomb, Drucker-Prager, and Hill criteria.



Problem Description

Structure of Problem Database

A special database is built for each problem solved with QuickField. The core of the
database is the problem description, which is stored in file with the extension .pbm.
The problem description contains the basics of the problem: its subject, plane,
precision class, etc., and also references to all other files, which constitute the
problem database. These files are the model file, with standard extension .mod, the
connected electric circuit file .qcr (where applicable) and physical data (property
description) files, with extension .dms, .dhe, .des, dtv,.dcf, .dec, .dht, or .dsa,
depending on the subject of the problem.
The problem description may refer to one or two files of physical data. Both files
have the same format, and differ only in purpose. Usually, the first data file contains
specific data related to the problem, as the second file is a library of standard material
properties and boundary conditions, which are common for a whole class of
Depending on the problem type, you may share a single model file or a single data
file between several similar problems.
While solving the problem, QuickField creates one more filethe file of results with
the extension .res. This file always has the same name as the problem description file,
and is stored in the same folder.


Chapter 3 Problem Description

Editing Problems

To create a new, empty problem description, click New in the File menu and
then select QuickField problem in the list that appears. Then enter the name and
path of the new problem. You can also create a new problem as a copy of another
problem being currently opened. In that case new problem inherits all the
properties of the sample one and the referenced model and data documents are
copied if necessary.
To open an existing document, click Open in the File menu, or use drag and
drop features of Windows.

Open problem documents are shown in a special view to the left of main QuickField
window. In problem view, you can edit problem description options and references to
files. The tree shows the names of files, which the problem currently references.

To change problem settings or file names, click Problem Properties in the

Problem menu or context (right mouse button) menu.
To start editing a referenced document (model, data, secondary data or other
problem referenced as coupling link), double-click its name in the tree, or click
Edit File in the context menu, or click correspondent item in Edit menu.
To solve the problem, click Solve Problem in the Problem menu or context
(right mouse button) menu.
To analyze the results, click View Results in the Problem menu or context

Editing problem description properties

Editing Problems


Problem type: Select the type of analysis, which your problem belongs to.
Model class: Select the geometry class of your model: plane or axisymmetric. Enter
the length of plane-parallel model in z-direction (perpendicular to the model plane)
into the LZ field. Default depth of the model LZ is one meter.

Precision: Select the precision you need. Note that higher precision leads to longer
solution time.
Formulation: Select the formulation of planar stress analysis problem.
Frequency: Type the value of frequency for the time-harmonic problem. Note the
difference between frequency f and angular frequency : = 2f.
Files: Edit the file names of your model, data files, and circuit file (if applicable).
You may use long file names. If the name is given without the full path, it is assumed
with respect to the problem description file. You can also click Browse to select file
in any folder on your hard disk or the network.
Edit: Instantly loads selected file into the new QuickField window.

Establishing Coupling Links

The stress analysis, heat transfer, and transient magnetic problems can incorporate
data, which come from other analysis types. The data types are: electric and/or
magnetic forces and temperature field for the stress analysis, and power losses
generated by the current flow for the heat transfer. Transient problems can import
initial state of field distribution from another steady state or transient problem (at
specified time moment in case of importing from transient into static problem).


Chapter 3 Problem Description

To establish a link between the problem that imports data and the problem that
originates them, click Links tab in problem description dialog box.

To add a data link:

1. Select the type of the data in the Data Type list;
2. Type a name of the source problem in the Problem box, or click Browse button
to make the selection from the list of existing problems;
3. In case the source problem is of transient analysis type, specify the time moment
you wish to import in the Time field; if this specific time layer does not exist in
the results file, the closest time layer will be imported;
4. And, click Add button to add the link to the list of data sources.
To change a data link:
1. Select the link of choice in the Data Sources list;
2. Change the source problem name or the moment of time as necessary;
3. And, choose Update button to update the link in the list of data sources.
To delete a link:
1. Select the link of choice in the Data Sources list box;
2. And, click Delete button to delete the link from the list of data sources, or use
Delete All button to delete all data links at once.

Editing Problems


The links to the imported data are considered to be a part of the problem description.
The changes made in them are preserved only if you choose OK when completing the
problem description editing. And, vice versa, if you would choose Cancel button or
press ESC, the changes made in data links will be discarded along with other changes
in problem description.

Setting Time Parameters

With problems of transient analysis type, you need to set up the time parameters,
before the problem can be solved. To do so, click Timing tab in the problem
description dialog box.

Calculate up to: Specify the period of time you wish to simulate. Simulation always
starts at zero time moment.
With the step of: Specify the step size for the calculation. In transient analysis, this is
the most important parameter controlling the precision of calculations in time domain:
the smaller the step, the better the precision. Usually you will have minimum of 15 to
20 steps for the whole integration period. It may have sense to start with bigger value
of this parameter and then decrease it if the result seems to change not smoothly
If for some model you cannot estimate suitable time parameters, we recommend that
you set some arbitrary value for the time period, and set the step size to have 5-7
points of integration, and then explore the X-Y plots against time in several points in
the domain to tune the parameters.
Auto: specifies that QuickField should calculate step size automatically.


Chapter 3 Problem Description

Store the results every: defines the time increment for saving the results of
calculation to the file. This value must be equal or greater than the step size.
Starting from the moment: defines the first point to be written to the file. If this
value is zero, the initial state will be written.

Automatic Time Step Size Calculation in Transient

In transient analysis, QuickField is now capable to automatically calculate and adjust
the time step size for the integration process.
To calculate the initial time step size, the following conservative estimate is used:
t0 = min (2/4),
where is the "mesh size" (diameter of a mesh element)
and =


for problems of heat transfer,

for magnetic problems.

The ratio 2/4 is evaluated in all the mesh elements in the model, and the smallest
value is used as an initial time step size.
As the solution progresses, the time steps are adjusted automatically by an adaptive
time stepping scheme.
The next time step is adjusted by
tn +1 = ktn,
where k is a scaling factor varying from 0.25 to 4.0 (with discrete values of 0.25; 0.5;
1.0; 2.0; 4.0) and dependent on behavior of potential and its time derivative, as well
as all the time- and coordinate-dependent sources and boundary conditions in the
The two factors are taken into account when choosing the value of k:

Editing Problems

The norm of time derivative variation on previous time step in all mesh nodes:
un = 2


u&n u&n 1
u&n + u&n 1

The inverse of characteristic time:

n =

{un }T {Fn Fn 1}
{un }T KT {un }

In thermal analysis, {Fn} is the heat flow vector associated with conduction,
convection, and radiation. In magnetics, {Fn} is a vector of induction, u - is a
potential value, and KT is a stiffness matrix in the finite-element analysis.
The actual value of scaling factor k is chosen based upon two dimensionless
characteristics: un and 2/tnn, by means of predetermined proprietary threshold
tables, and the smaller is considered to be used for the next time step size, thus
guaranteeing to produce smooth and accurate time dependency in every spatial point
of the model.

Choosing Length Units

QuickField allows you to use various units for coordinates when creating model's
geometry. You can use microns, millimeters, centimeters, meters, kilometers, inches,
feet, or miles. To set the units of preference, choose Coordinates tab in problem
description dialog box.


Chapter 3 Problem Description

Chosen units are associated with each particular problem, which gives you freedom to
use different units for different problems. Usually units of length are chosen before
creating the model geometry. It is possible to change units of length later, but it does
not affect physical dimensions of the model. So, if you create your geometry as a
square with 1 m side and then switch to centimeters, you will get a square measured
100 cm by 100 cm, which is the same as it was before. To actually change size of the
model you should rather use Scaling option of the Move Selection command of the
Model Editor (see page 36 for details).
The choice of length units does not affect units for other physical parameters, which
always use standard SI units. E.g., the current density is always measured in A/m2
and never in A/mm2. The only physical quantity that is measured in chosen units of
length, is the displacement vector in stress analysis problems.

Cartesian vs. Polar Coordinates

Problem geometry as well as material properties and boundary conditions can be
defined in Cartesian or polar coordinate systems. There are several places in
QuickField where you can make choice between Cartesian and polar coordinate
systems. Using Coordinates tab in problem description dialog box you can define the
default coordinate system associated with a problem. The same option is also
available in the Model Editor and in the Postprocessor. Definition of orthotropic
material properties, some loads and boundary conditions depends on the choice of the
coordinate system. You can choose Cartesian or polar coordinate system for each
element of data individually and independently from the default coordinate system
associated with the problem. This choice is available in the dialog boxes of the Data

Problem Properties Window

The Properties window can be opened using the Properties command in the View
menu. This window is docked to the task windows by default or can switched to

Editing Problems


The Properties window dynamically displays the current problem's properties.

Here you can review and modify the common properties of the problem such as
problem type, class, accuracy, and geometry or material data file names. Changing
certain problem parameters will invalidate the existing solution. In this case you will
be given a warning.
To link a problem in the Coupled problems section, select the imported physical
property type and choose or enter the name of the source problem. The new link will
be checked and if the problem meets the coupling criteria, the new link will be added
to the list. To remove an existing link, simply clear the source problem filename from
the corresponding property.



Model Geometry Definition

This chapter describes the process of building the geometric modela type of
QuickField document describing the problem geometry.

Geometric Model, or simply Model, is the name we use for the collection containing
all geometric shapes of a problem. Besides being an object container the model helps
to link the contained objects with related material properties, field sources, and
boundary conditions.
Vertex, edge and block are three basic types of geometric objects contained by
QuickField models.
Each Vertex represents a point. Point coordinates could be either explicitly specified
by user or automatically calculated by QuickField at the intersection of two edges.
For each vertex you can define its mesh spacing value and its label. The mesh
spacing value defines the approximate distance between mesh nodes in the
neighborhood of the vertex. Define vertex label to link a vertex with, for example, a
line source or load.
Each Edge represents a linear segment or a circular arc connecting two vertices.
Model edges do not intersect each other. Creating new model edge QuickField splits
it as many times as needed at intersection points with existing model edges and at the
points represented by existing model vertices. QuickField also automatically creates
new model vertices representing intersection points of the new edge and splits the old
model edges at these points. Define edge label to link an edge with, for example,
related boundary conditions.


Chapter 4 Model Geometry Definition

Each Block represents a continuous subregion of the model plane. External block
boundary is a sequence of edges. Blocks might contain holes. Each of internal
boundaries separating a block from its holes is either a sequence of edges or a single
isolated vertex.
All blocks included in field calculation must be meshed and labeled. QuickField can
mesh any subset of model blocks. The mesh density depends on mesh spacing values
defined for model vertices. These values are either calculated automatically by
QuickField or specified for particular vertices by the user. Define block label to link
the block with, for example, related material properties or distributed field sources.
Each Label is a string of up to 16-character length. Labels establish the
correspondence between model objects - blocks, edges, and vertices - and numerical
data describing such real world entities as material properties, loads and boundary
conditions. Any printable characters including letters, digits, punctuation marks and
space characters are permitted. Labels cannot begin with space; trailing spaces are
ignored. Labels are case sensitive.
The Mesh Spacing value defines an approximate distance between mesh nodes in the
neighborhood of a model vertex. Mesh spacing property is associated with vertices
and measured in the current units of length. Setting mesh spacing values for some
vertices you can control the accuracy of the solution.

Geometry Description
Model development consists of three stages:

Geometry description and manipulation;

Definition of properties, field sources and boundary conditions;
Mesh generation.

Creating Model Objects

To describe model geometry create vertices and edges that form boundaries of all
subregions having different physical properties. Use Move and Duplicate operations
to adjust shapes and coordinates of created objects to your needs. To perform editing
actions upon several objects at once use the selection mechanism. Assign labels to
blocks, edges, and vertices to link them with such real world objects as material
properties, boundary conditions and loads. Build mesh in all blocks participating in
field calculation.

Geometry Description


There are two options available for creating the finite element mesh for your model:

Fully automated method that generates a smooth mesh with a density based on
region's dimensions and sizes of geometrical details. This option does not require
any information from the user.
The second method allows you to choose the mesh density. In this case you need
to define the spacing values at few vertices of your choice. Spacing values for
other vertices are calculated automatically to make the mesh distribution smooth.

Creating Edges
To create new edges:

Choose Insert Mode in the Edit menu, or click the Insert Vertices/Edges
toolbar button or context menu item, or press INS, to switch model view into
insert mode.
Specify the angle of the new edge in the New Edge Angle box on the toolbar.
Use one of the predefined angles provided in the list, or type another value in the
edit box. To create a linear segment specify zero angle.
Left-drag the mouse from the starting point of the edge to its end, or use
SHIFT+DIRECTION keys. The ends of the created edge can coincide with the
existing model vertices, otherwise QuickField automatically creates the new
vertex (vertices) as needed, so that QuickField, adding the new edge to the
model, always connects two existing model vertices together. Switch on the snap
to grid option (default), to force the new vertices on the current grid. Navigating
with the keyboard, use the CTRL key to fine tune the points.

Creating Vertices
To create new vertices:

Choose Insert Mode in the Edit menu, or click the Insert Vertices/Edges
toolbar button or context menu item, or press INS, to switch model view into
insert mode.
Make sure that current coordinate grid settings fit coordinates of the vertices you
want to create.
Use mouse or DIRECTION keys to move the cursor to the vertex insertion point
and double-click the left mouse button or press ENTER.


Choose Add Vertices from the Edit menu.

Enter new vertex coordinates and click Add. Repeat if you need more vertices.
Click Close.


Chapter 4 Model Geometry Definition

Attraction Distance
To avoid small unrecognizable inaccuracies in geometry definition, new vertices or
edges cannot be created very close to the existing objects. Creation of new geometric
objects is controlled by the value we denote by and call the attraction distance.
The following rules apply to creation of new vertices and edges.

New vertices cannot be created within 2-neighborhood of the existing vertex.

New edge cannot connect the ends of the existing edge and lie inside its

The value of is proportional to the size of the visible region, so to create very small
details you would have to zoom in the model window.

Basic Objects Manipulation

Objects Selection
To select geometric objects:
1. If the Insert Mode is on, press INS to switch it off.
2. Keep CTRL pressed if you want to add objects to the selection set instead of
replacing it.
3. Click any model object to select it alone, or press any mouse button outside of
selected objects and drag diagonally to select all objects that entirely fit inside the
displayed rubberband rectangle.
Note. Keep in mind that when you click inside a block QuickField select neither
boundary edges nor vertices. Similarly, when you click in the middle of an edge
QuickField does not select either of its ending vertices. This might be important for
correct understanding of such model operations as Delete, Duplicate, and Move.
If you want to select a block and its boundary edges or an edge and its ending
vertices, drag the mouse to select the required objects with a rubberband rectangle.
You can also use Select All and Unselect All commands in the Edit or context menu.
Note that you can select objects of different types - blocks, edges or vertices - at once.
The set of selected model objects is shared between the windows displaying the
model. If several windows display the same model, selected objects are highlighted in
all of them.

Geometry Description


Keyboard shortcuts:
Select All
Unselect All


To select all model objects having the same label, click this label in the Problem Tree

Geometric Objects: Duplicating and Moving

The Duplicate feature allows easily create geometric objects at regularly defined
coordinates. To duplicate:
1. Select the set of model objects (vertices, edges and blocks) you want to duplicate.
2. Choose Duplicate Selection from the Edit or context menu. QuickField will
display the Duplicate Selection dialog asking for parameters.
3. Choose the required transformation, enter its parameters in the dialog fields, and
click OK. QuickField will add the duplicated objects to the model automatically
selecting all of them. The rest of the objects will be unselected
QuickField copies labels and spacing values associated with duplicated objects
wherever possible. New model blocks are always unmeshed.

The first copy of a model object is always the result of the specified transformation
applied to the object itself. When the transformation allows to create several copies of
every involved object simultaneously, the second and the following copies of any
object are the results of the transformation applied to the preceding copies
You can also move the selected objects to another location. The only limitation is that
QuickField will not perform moves that change the model topology. You cannot


Chapter 4 Model Geometry Definition

move vertices or edges into any block or out of the containing block. To move
selected objects , choose Move Selection in the Edit or context menu. The displayed
Move Selection dialog is similar to the Duplicate Selection dialog described above.
Successful Move preserves all labels and spacing values. Mesh is preserved in the
blocks that are not reshaped.
QuickField always removes the mesh from the reshaped blocks before checking that
the topology remains unchanged. So, if you try a move that changes the model
topology QuickField will block it displaying the corresponding message, and in result
of the operation you might find that some of the blocks are no longer meshed.
If you do not like the results of your operation, use Undo to restore the previous state
of the model
Geometric transformations available with move and copy operations are:

Displacement parallel displacement is applied to selected objects for

specified displacement vector. With copy operation, several copies can be asked
for, it means that copying operation will be performed several times, each time
being applied to the previous result. Parameters needed are displacement vector
Rotation selected objects are rotated around the specified point for the
specified angle. With copy operation, several copies can be asked for, it means
that copying operation will be performed several times, each time being applied
to the previous result. Parameters needed are center of rotation coordinates and
angle measured in degrees.
Symmetry selected objects are mirrored; symmetry line is specified by
coordinates of any point on it and the angle between the horizontal axis and the
symmetry line. Positive value of an angle means counter-clockwise direction.
This transformation is available for copy operation only.
Scaling selected objects are dilated (constricted) by means of homothetic
transformation. Parameters needed are center of homothety and scaling factor.
This transformation is available for move operation only.

There is also a more simple method of copying and moving of the geometric objects
mouse dragging (see Drag and Drop and Clipboard Editing). Drag-and drop is
possible within the same or different model editor windows.

Deleting Objects
To delete geometric objects:

Geometry Description


1. Select the objects you want to delete.

2. In the Edit or context menu, click Delete Selection.
If the selection contains the vertex (vertices) adjacent to exactly two remaining edges
that could be merged together, QuickField, having deleted the separating vertex,
automatically performs the merge.
Otherwise, when one of vertices being deleted is adjacent to one or several of
remaining edges, QuickField adds the adjacent edges to the list of objects to be
deleted and requests the user to confirm the action.
This feature is frequently used for "clipping" of the obsolete parts of model edges.
Consider the model shown in Pic.1 below with the semicircles having the radiuses of
2 and 3 and the common center at (0, 0). Suppose that you need to create several
horizontal edges inside the block with the distance between consecutive edges equal
to 0.5.
The fastest way to create them would be the following:

Set focus to the model window clicking inside it.

Choose Grid Settings from View menu and set Spacing to 0.5.
Press INS to enter the Insert Mode.
Drag mouse from (0, 3) to (4, 3) to create the new edge connecting these points.
Press INS to leave the Insert Mode. You will get the model shown in Pic.2.




Chapter 4 Model Geometry Definition

Select the new edge dragging the left mouse button from (-0.25, 3.25) to
(4.25, 2.75).
Choose Duplicate Selection from the Edit menu, set displacement ordinate to 0.5, set Copies to 12, and click OK. You will get the model shown in Pic.3.
Select the right ends of horizontal edges dragging the left mouse button from
(3.75, 3.25) to (4.25, -3.25).
Choose Delete Selection from the Edit menu and click Yes to confirm deletion.
Select the left ends of the edges dragging the left mouse button from (-0.25, 1.75)
to (0.25, -1.75) and delete them similarly. You will get the required model (see



Keyboard shortcuts:


Drag and Drop and Clipboard Editing

What Can Be Done with Drag and Drop?
You can move or copy any group of model objects - vertices, edges, and blocks - to
another place on the model plane, or to another model opened by this or another
session of QuickField.

How to Start Dragging?

First of all, find out which objects you want to drag and select them. To find out how
to select model objects in QuickField, see Objects Selection.

Geometry Description


Place the mouse pointer over one of selected objects and press any mouse button. The
shape of the cursor and the color of the selected objects will change.
Note. Placing the pointer over selection might be difficult when the selected set of
objects does not contain blocks and snap-to-grid option is on. In such case we
suggest you to place the pointer over one of the vertices you are going to drag.
Keep in mind that if you press a mouse button with the pointer outside of selection,
QuickField, instead of dragging, initiates a rubberband selection. In such case the
shape of the cursor and the color of selected objects do not change when you press
the mouse button down.
The difference between dragging with left and right mouse buttons is described in
Actions Performed on Drop.

Defining the Exact Drop Position

When you press a mouse button with pointer over the selection QuickField displays
the bright red dot close to the current pointer position. This dot indicates the so-called
anchor point that helps to set the exact position of the copied or moved objects after
In the beginning the exact position of the dot depends on:

the distance between the pointer and the nearest model vertex; and
the distance between the pointer and the nearest background grid node, unless the
snap-to-grid option is off

In particular, when you press the mouse button with the mouse pointer over a model
vertex QuickField always positions the anchor at the same point.
When you drag the objects the anchor point is also dragged. QuickField keeps
displaying it as a bright red dot. The dragged anchor always coincides with one of the
model vertices or, unless the snap to grid option is off, with one of the background
grid nodes. You can see the coordinates of the dragged anchor point in the status bar.
After the drop QuickField calculates the difference between initial and final anchor
positions and shifts all dragged objects exactly for the length of that vector.
Example: Suppose that you want to move a group of model objects containing the
point with coordinates (a, b). After the move the new coordinates of the point should
be (c, d). Here is the sequence of required actions:


Chapter 4 Model Geometry Definition

If there is no vertex at (a, b), add it choosing Add Nodes from the Edit menu and
entering the coordinates in the dialog.
If there is no vertex at (c, d), add it in the same way.
Select the objects to move including the vertex at (a, b).
Place mouse pointer over this vertex and press the left button. You will see the
anchor at (a, b).
Drag the objects until the anchor coincides with the vertex at (c, d) and release
the mouse. The first vertex will be moved exactly to (c, d).
Delete one or both of the created vertices (in most cases, the first vertex will not
exist after move) if you no longer need them.

Visual Drag Effects

To help you drag and drop objects correctly QuickField provides visual feedback
consisting of:

the dragged anchor position indicated by the bright red dot and its coordinates in
the status bar;
the shape of the cursor;
the rubberband representation of the dragged edges;
the status message telling how to change the drag mode.

Using of the anchor is described in Defining the Exact Drop Position

A shape of the cursor reflects your choice between moving and copying of the
objects. The Copy cursor displayed by QuickField shows the plus sign ('+') while the
Move cursor does not. As usual, the cursor displayed over the places where drop is
not allowed looks like the "No Parking" sign.
The rubberband always contains all the edges those will be moved or copied to
another position upon Drop. When you move connected objects the rubberband also
contains the connecting edges.
Note. the rubberband does not contain any of selected isolated vertices. This does not
mean that these vertices will not be moved or copied. When isolated vertices
constitute the whole selection, the only things that move during drag are the cursor
and the anchor.
When you change the drag mode the rubberband feedback and the shape of the cursor
are changed appropriately.

Geometry Description


Drag Modes and Drop Effects

Dragging of model objects can be performed in different modes. The drag mode used
immediately before the drop defines the actions performed by QuickField.
Drag mode is defined by:

the mouse button you keep pressed while dragging; and

the state of CTRL and ALT keyboard keys before the drop.

There is no way to change the mouse button in the middle of the drag - you press it at
the beginning and release to perform the drop. On the other hand, you can change the
state of CTRL and ALT keyboard keys at any moment.
Note. If you drag with right mouse button make sure that the ALT key is released
before the drop. If you release the right mouse button with the ALT key pressed
QuickField will do nothing.
To get the specific drop effect choose the drag mode according to the following rules:

To choose the required action from the displayed context menu drag with right
mouse button and keep control keys released before the drop.
To move the objects inside the same model preserving connections between the
moved and the stationary parts drag with left mouse button and keep control keys
released before the drop.
To move the objects inside the same model breaking connections between the
moved and the stationary parts drag with left mouse button and press ALT before
the drop.
To copy the objects inside the same model drag with left mouse button and press
CTRL before the drop.
To copy the objects to another model drag with left mouse button and keep CTRL
key released before the drop.
To move the objects to another model drag with left mouse button and press ALT
keeping CTRL released before the drop. QuickField cannot preserve connections
between different models.

Canceling Drop
To cancel drop either press the ESC key on the keyboard or click the alternate mouse
button before drop. Besides that, drag will not be started if you release the pressed
button without moving the mouse. In the latter case QuickField proceeds as if you
performed the corresponding mouse click.


Chapter 4 Model Geometry Definition

Actions Performed on Drop

Depending on the drag mode used at the drop moment QuickField chooses the action
from the following list:

Moving the dragged objects preserving their connections with the rest of the

Moving the dragged objects breaking their connections with the rest of the

Copying the dragged objects.

If you drag with the right mouse button, QuickField displays the context menu with
available drop actions and waits for your choice. Besides the actions listed above this
menu contains the Cancel option. If you close the menu without choosing any item,
QuickField does nothing.
If you dragged with the left mouse button, QuickField defines the required action
depending on the last drag mode used before the drop. The correspondence between
the drag modes and the actions performed after drop is described in Drag Modes and
Drop Effects.
The effects of drag-copying are the same as if you invoked the Duplicate command
for the selected objects shifting the copies together with the anchor point.
The effects of drag-moving are sometimes different from the similar Move operation.
Here are the main differences:

The Move operation never moves objects from one model to another. Dragmoving can move objects to another model breaking the connections with the
stationary part of the source model.
The Move operation does not allow changing the model topology - it does not
allow moving vertices to other blocks, or creation of intersections. Drag-moving
inside the same model does not have any limitations.
The Move operation always preserves the labels of the related objects. Dragmoving might cause labels to change.

See also Dragging to Another Model.

Geometry Description


Undo after Drag and Drop

QuickField Model Editor performs Undo/Redo operations on per-model basis. It
maintains separate stack of model states for every model and, when you request Undo
or Redo, restores the state of the model before or after the corresponding operation.
If several model windows are opened simultaneously, Model Editor performs
Undo/Redo for the model displayed in the active window. To make another window
active, click anywhere inside it. Click scrollbar if you do not want to change the
current selection set of the model.
Unlike other Model Editor operations, Drag and Drop might affect two different
models at once. When you drag a group of items moving them from one model to
another, QuickField changes both the source and the target models. In case you want
to Undo the effects of the whole operation you need to do it for each of these models
separately. If you decide to Undo the effects only on one of the models, you should
be careful and prior to performing Undo make sure that proper model window is
active at the moment.

Dragging to Another View

In some cases moving model objects could be quite inconvenient. For example, this
would be the case when you need to move or copy relatively small objects across
relatively large spaces. Inconveniency would be caused by the fact that it is
impossible simultaneously select the small source objects and fit the target place
inside the window.
This inconveniency could be easily eliminated with Drag and Drop between different
views of the same model. Try the following:

Open the second window for the same model choosing New Window from
Window Menu.
Arrange the windows so that both are visible.
Zoom In the first window on the source objects. Select those objects you want to
move or copy.
Zoom In the second window on the target place.
Drag the selected objects from the first to the second window.

Dragging to Another Model

There are several things that make dragging to another model slightly different from
that where the source and the target models are one. Here is the short list of the


Chapter 4 Model Geometry Definition

You cannot move objects to another model preserving connections between the
moved and the stationary parts of the source model.
Move is the default operation (the operation performed on drop with released
control keys) when you drag inside the same model; Copy is the default when
you drag to another model.
To undo the effects of Move to another model you would have to perform Undo
twice - once for each of the involved models.
Both Move and Copy to another model might cause the target problem to
become incompletely defined. This is caused by the fact that Model Editor
automatically adds all missing labels associated with the moved/copied objects to
the target model, but fails to copy the corresponding label definitions from the
source to the target data file.
Both Move and Copy to another model might make the target coordinates of an
object different from its source coordinates. This is the case when the source and
the target models use different length units. Copying/moving objects to another
model Model Editor preserves the real-world sizes, for example, the source
length of 1 m becomes 100 cm when the source model uses meters and the target
model uses centimeters as their length units.

Using Clipboard
You can copy selected model objects to the Clipboard and then Paste them to another
place of the same model, or transfer to another model. Doing this you can either
preserve the original objects, or Cut them from the source model.
To invoke Copy, Cut, or Paste choose the corresponding command from the Edit or
context menu, or click the corresponding toolbar button, or press one of the keyboard
shortcuts listed below.
The Copy/Cut commands are disabled when none of the model objects are selected.
The Paste command is disabled when the Clipboard does not contain geometric
objects copied with the copy/cut operations.
When you Paste one or several objects into a model, positioning of the pasted objects
relative to each other remains the same as in the source model. If the target model is
empty QuickField preserves the original coordinates of the pasted objects. Otherwise,
to separate the pasted objects from the rest of the target model QuickField places
them behind the right bound of the target model. This makes possible dragging of the
objects to another position and preserves original object properties - labels and mesh
spacing values.
The pasted objects remain selected after the operation. All other objects in the target
model become unselected.

Geometry Description


Keyboard shortcuts:


Undo/Redo Operations
To undo the latest operation, make sure that the active window shows the geometric
model you are editing and choose Undo <your last operation> from the Edit menu.
To redo the last operation undone, make sure that the active window shows the
geometric model you are editing and choose Redo <last operation undone> from
the Edit menu. QuickField modifies the corresponding menu items to show you
which operations would be undone and redone.
By default QuickField allows you to undo 25 latest operations for every model. You
cannot increase the number of undoable operations above 100 but you can make it
any number between 0 and 100 at any time. You can find the detailed description of
this feature in Undo Settings.
The operations that could be undone are listed in Undoable Operations.

Keyboard shortcuts:


Undo Settings
To be able to undo and redo your editing operations QuickField maintains internal
stack of increments to geometrical model database associated with these operations.
The topmost increment on stack corresponds to the latest editing operation
performed. QuickField also keeps track of its current stack position that steps in topto-bottom direction with every Undo action and steps in the opposite direction with
every Redo action.
The depth of this internal stack defines maximum number of operations you can
undo. When the total number of editing operations on the model exceeds the stack
depth, the database increments corresponding to the eldest operations are destroyed to
free stack positions for new increments. When you start QuickField the stack depth
has its default value of 25 that allows to undo last 25 editing operations done on the


Chapter 4 Model Geometry Definition

Maintaining geometrical model database increments impacts QuickField memory

requirements. To make you able to influence this impact QuickField provides the
possibility to reduce the depth of internal undo stack. You can do it at any time
setting the depth value to any integer between 0 and 100 (both limits included).
Ultimately, setting the stack depth to 0 switches off storage of database increments
and effectively disables Undo/Redo feature until you make stack depth positive.
To change undo stack depth for a model do the following:

Make sure that active window shows the model that you want to change depth
Choose Undo Settings... from the Edit menu
After Undo Settings dialog appears on screen, change undo stack depth to
desired value and click OK.

If the new depth value exceeds the old one, only the depth of the stack is affected.
Stack contents remains unchanged allowing you to undo and redo the operations
performed before this change. The same is true if the new depth value is less than the
old one but still exceeds the number of accumulated stack positions.
Suppose, for example, that you started QuickField, performed 10 editing operations
and invoked Undo 5 times. At this moment the stack accumulates 10 stack positions.
If you decide to reduce stack depth to 10 no database increments will be lost. If,
however, you decide to perform one more editing operation before reducing the
depth, you lose the possibility to redo anything and the number of accumulated
positions becomes equal to 6. After that you can set the depth to 6 and lose nothing.
The only case you lose some of accumulated data changing undo stack depth is when
you reduce the depth to the value that is less than the number of accumulated stack
positions. In such case, QuickField performs the following actions:

if the new depth value exceeds the number of positions below current stack
position, QuickField discards several topmost database increments to make the
number of remaining increments equal to new stack depth;
if the new depth value is less than the number of positions below current stack
position, QuickField retains only the database increments at the current stack
position and immediately below it making the number of retained database
increments equal to new stack depth.

Suppose once again that you started QuickField, performed 10 editing operations and
invoked Undo 5 times. If at this moment you set depth to 7, only 3 topmost positions
will be discarded. You will still be allowed both to undo 5 operations with database
increments below current stack position and to redo 2 operations with increments

Geometry Description


retained above current stack position. On the other hand, if you decide to set depth to
2 you will only be able to undo 2 operations with database increments retained
immediately below current position.

Undoable Operations
You can undo the following types of geometric operations (we use menu item labels
whenever appropriate):

Add Edge
Add Vertices
Build Mesh
Delete Edges
Delete Vertices
Delete Selection
Import DXF
Move Selection
Refine Mesh
Remove Mesh
Select All
Unselect All

Definition of Properties, Field Sources and Boundary

Labels establish the correspondence between geometrical objects and their physical
properties, such as material properties, boundary conditions, or field sources.

Assigning Labels to Objects

To assign labels to objects:

Select the required objects

Choose Properties from the Edit or context menu.
Type the label and click OK.


Chapter 4 Model Geometry Definition

You can simultaneously set different labels to different kinds of objects - blocks,
edges, or vertices - defining these labels on different pages of the Selection
Properties dialog.

Meshing Technology
Having described a reasonable part of the model geometry you can start building the
finite element mesh. It is important to remember that the mesh you build even for a
highly complex geometry can be rather non-uniform. Namely, you can set the size of
mesh elements in some of the model blocks to be much less than in the other blocks.
In such cases the meshing technology we call geometric decomposition will
automatically produce smooth transition from large to small elements of the mesh. As
a rule, the places where the mesh has to be the finest are those with the highest field
gradient and those where you need higher precision.
In case of simple model geometry we suggest to leave calculation of element sizes to
QuickField. The same applies to the case of preliminary design analysis when draft
precision should perfectly suit your needs. Click the Build Mesh toolbar button and
QuickField will automatically generate suitable mesh.
It might happen, however, that the quality of the automatically generated mesh would
not satisfy you. For such cases, QuickField provides you with the way to set the mesh
density manually. You control the mesh density defining mesh spacing values for
particular model vertices. The mesh spacing value defined for a vertex specifies the
approximate distance between adjacent mesh nodes in the neighborhood of the
You never need to define the spacing for all model vertices. To obtain a uniform
mesh it would be enough to set the spacing for a single vertex. If you need non-

Geometry Description


uniform mesh start with defining the spacing values only for the vertices where you
need the finest and the roughest mesh. The spacing values will be automatically
interpolated to other model vertices smoothing the mesh density distribution across
the meshed blocks. Use selection mechanism to simplify assigning the same mesh
spacing value to several vertices at once.
With spacing values in place you are ready to build the mesh and eventually solve
your problem.
In some cases the obtained solution results might show that you need more precise
results in some places of the model. This is the good reason to change the density of
your mesh. Doing that, do not forget the following:

When you change the spacing value for a vertex, QuickField automatically
removes the mesh from all blocks adjacent to this vertex.
The spacing values defined along the boundaries of the blocks retaining their
mesh will be frozen as if they were defined manually.

To set mesh spacing:

Select vertices, edges or blocks, in neighborhood of which you need to specify

the same spacing value.
Choose Properties from the Edit or context menu.
Type the spacing value and click OK.

If you specify mesh spacing for selected blocks or edges the spacing value is assigned
to the vertices on the ends of the edges and/or on block boundaries.
If the spacing visibility switch is on (Spacing in View menu), the explicitly set
spacing values are shown as small circles around the vertices
To build mesh do one of the following:

Choose the appropriate option of Build Mesh submenu in the Edit or context
menu. QuickField will build mesh in the blocks specified by the chosen option.
Click Build Mesh toolbar button. QuickField will build mesh in:

Selected blocks, if any exist

Otherwise, in labeled blocks, if any exist
Otherwise, in all model blocks.

QuickField can mesh any subset of model blocks at a time. However, when you start
to solve the problem all blocks included in field calculation must be covered with


Chapter 4 Model Geometry Definition

You can watch the mesh building process in real time if Mesh or Domains toggle in
View menu is on.
To remove the mesh do one of the following:

Choose the appropriate option from the Remove Mesh submenu of the Edit or
context menu. The blocks described by the chosen option will be unmeshed.
Click the Remove Mesh toolbar button. All selected blocks will be unmeshed. If
none of the blocks are selected, mesh will be removed from all model blocks.

Geometry Model Properties Window

The Properties window can be opened using the Properties command in the View
menu. This window is docked to the task windows (as shown in the figure) by default
or can switched to floating.
The Properties window dynamically displays the current model's properties.

The figure shows the statistics related to the geometry model as well as the properties
of the selected geometric objects (blocks, edges, and nodes). Some properties like the
object label or the discretization step may be changed by typing it in or selecting the
new value from the drop-down list.
The label value is set separately for every type of geometric object.
To set the step of discretization, switch the mode to Manual and enter the new
Spacing value or select one from the list.

Tuning the View of the Model


Tuning the View of the Model

QuickField provides the following ways to control the contents of the model window:

Zooming the Model - gives you the ability to see more or less of your model to
deal with small or large objects.
Setting Model Discretization Visibility - makes the picture more suitable to
specific tasks of model creation process.
Changing Background Grid Settings - simplifies creation of model vertices and

Consider also opening several windows for the same model and tuning them
differently. To do so, choose New Window from the Window menu.

To match window size with the size of the model:

Click Zoom to Fit toolbar button.

To magnify the picture:

Click Zoom In toolbar button.

With left button pressed drag the mouse diagonally drawing a rubberband
rectangle around that part of the model you want to fill the window, and release
the button.


Click inside the window. QuickField will use magnification factor 2 relative to
the clicked point.
Shortcut: CTRL +

emulates click at the central point of the window.

To see more of the model:

Click Zoom Out toolbar button.

Shortcut: CTRL -

Model Discretization Visibility

There are four switches in the View menu that control the discretization visibility
level: Mesh, Domains, Breaking, and Spacing. These are accessible in the View
menu. When all these switches are off, QuickField displays blocks without
discretization. This mode is the most convenient when you describe the geometry and


Chapter 4 Model Geometry Definition

assign labels to objects. When the Spacing switch is on, QuickField draws the circles
with corresponding radiuses around the vertices where the spacing values have been
set manually.
When the Breaking switch is on, the ends of the elements are indicated with tic
marks along the edges. It is convenient to switch both Spacing and Breaking on
while setting the mesh spacing values. Turn the Mesh switch on to view the mesh
building process. In the end you will see the complete triangular mesh. If the
Domains switch is on and the Mesh switch is off, QuickField displays the
subdomains prepared for triangulation by the geometric decomposition process.

Background Grid
Grid makes creation of model vertices and edges easier and helps to check
correctness of the model. To change the grid, choose Grid Settings in the Edit or
context menu and change the dialog fields described below according to your needs.

The Show Grid option allows to switch grid visibility on and off.
The Snap to Grid option allows to switch grid attraction on and off. When attraction
is on new vertices can appear either at intersection points of model edges or at grid
nodes. This makes model description faster and results in more consistent models.
The Grid Spacing field defines the sizes of the grid cell. To define different
horizontal and vertical sizes, first check the Anisotropic box.
The Anisotropic option allows to define the grid cell with different horizontal and
vertical sizes.
The Scale with Zoom option allows to switch between different policies related to
changing grid cell sizes with zoom.

Exchanging Model Fragments with Other Programs


When the option is on (default) the grid cell sizes retain approximately the same
values in screen coordinates.
When the option is off the grid cell sizes retain the same values in length units
defined for the model.
The Grid Origin field defines the coordinates of one of grid nodes. This allows to
create vertices at even distances from the point with such coordinates.

Exchanging Model Fragments with Other Programs

Importing Model Fragments from DXF Files
You can import model geometry or its fragments from a DXF file produced by any of
major CAD systems. To do so, click Import DXF in the File menu and enter the
required file name in the dialog. If needed, the window will be automatically zoomed
after the import to fit the entire model.
We provide the special add-in to QuickField that allows you to import sketches from
Import from SolidWorks... command from the Edit menu to invoke this add-in.
For more details refer to online help library.

Exporting Model Fragments to DXF Files

You can export model geometry or its fragments to files in DXF format which is
readable by QuickField and by all major CAD system. To do so, choose Export DXF
from the File menu and specify the name of the output file in the dialog. If some of
the model objects are selected, choose whether to export the selected objects or the
entire model.
It is also possible to export the model mesh to an ASCII text file. This feature allows
to interact with other finite element analysis programs. In particular, you can use
QuickField as a mesh generator for your own FEM solver.
The detailed description of the resulting file format can be found in the QuickField
Help. In brief the file contains the data defining the model geometry, the finite
element mesh and the labels assigned to model objects. We provide the utility
allowing to import files in this format to MatLab in the form compatible with
Partial Differential Equations Toolbox (PDE Toolbox).


Chapter 4 Model Geometry Definition

Copying Model Picture to Windows Clipboard

You can copy the model picture, as you see it in the window, to clipboard for
subsequent including it to your paper or report in any word-processing or desktop
publishing utility.

To copy the picture, click Copy Visible Picture in the Edit or context menu.

The picture is copyed to the clipboard in both vector (WMF and EMF) and raster
(device independed bitmap) representation.

Exporting Model Picture

The model picture may be saved to a file in either vector or raster representation.
Vector formats include Windows Metafile format (WMF) or Extended Windows
Metafile (EMF).
The list of supported raster formats includes BMP, GIF, TIFF, JPEG and PNG. Select
BMP for maximum picture quality, (without compression), GIF if you prefer the
minimum size, JPEG or PNG as a compromise between size and quality, and TIFF
for best compatibility with prepress or publishing software.
For raster formats QuickField allows to define the height and width of the resulting
picture in pixels. Their default value is agreed with the actual size of the copied
window. Increasing of the raster picture size requires more disk space, but provides
higher quality pictures for publishing.
To save the picture into the file:
Select Export Picture in the File menu of the window with the picture
displayed. File name and format selection dialogue will be shown.
Select needed File Type from the list, and set the name and location of the file in
the File Name field.
Click on OK button.
The Picture Properties dialog box will be displayed if one of the raster formats is
chosen. Here you may accept the default picture size, or redefine it by setting
other height and width.

Printing the Model

You can directly print the model picture to your local or network printer, just as you
see the model in the window, with the same zooming and discretization visibility.

Printing the Model


To print the picture, choose Print from the File menu. You will be able to
choose the printer and set up such picture settings as paper size and orientation,
before the printing process begins.
To preview the output before printing, choose Print Preview from the File
To see how the picture looks on the printer of your choice, choose Print Setup.



Problem Parameters Description

Before solving the problem you have to describe properties of materials and define
field sources and boundary conditions. QuickField associates groups of related
parameters with labels storing these labeled groups in property description files.
When you edit the geometric model you label some of its elements thereby linking
these elements with properties associated with the labels. Labeling blocks, edges and
vertices is described in Chapter 4 "Model Geometry Definition".
Property description labels can be divided into three groups:

block labels describing material properties and loads for subregions of the model;
edge labels assigning specific boundary conditions to model boundaries;
vertex labels describing singular sources or constraints applied to points of the

Property descriptions differ between different problem types. QuickField opens

property descriptions for different problem types in different windows and stores
them in a different files with different file extensions:
Problem type

File extension

DC and Transient magnetics


AC (time-harmonic) magnetics




DC conduction


AC conduction


Steady state and Transient heat transfer


Stress analysis



Chapter 5 Problem Parameters Description

To create empty property description, open File menu, click New, and select
appropriate document type from the list.
To load property descriptions from the existing file, open File menu and click
Open, or drag the file from Windows Explorer into QuickField window, or open
the corresponding QuickField problem and double-click the name of the file in
problem description window.

Editing properties of materials and boundary

Having opened the property description file, you will see a new window displaying
property labels as a tree. The tree contains three branches representing, top to bottom,
labels assigned to blocks, edges and vertices. To provide visual assistance to users,
QuickField accompanies all labels with meaningful icons.
Icons displayed by the labels mean:
Block label specifying material properties
Edge label specifying boundary condition
Vertex label specifying boundary condition or source
Label without associated properties that is referenced in a model
Empty block label. The blocks assigned this label will be excluded
from calculations.
Label associated with default boundary condition and zero source

Creating a New Label

To create a new label:
1. Open Insert menu and click Block Label, Edge Label or Node Label, or click
New Label in the context (right mouse button) menu of the corresponding branch
of labels in the tree.
2. A new label appears in the list prompting you to specify the labels name.
3. Type the name and press enter.

Editing Label Data


After you define the data, new label appears in the list of existing labels. If data
editing was canceled, new label is not created.

Editing Label Data

To edit the data associated with a label:

double-click the label in the list, or

select the label and click Properties in Edit menu, or
right-click the label and choose Properties from context menu.

You will see a dialog box dependent on the types of the problem and the geometric
object linked to the label.
To close the dialog accepting all changes, click OK. To close the dialog discarding
changes, click Cancel.

Editing Data in DC and Transient Magnetics

Block labels in magnetostatic problems can be associated with data containing two
components of magnetic permeability tensor, the total current or the current density,
and the magnitude and the direction of permanent magnets coercive force.


Chapter 5 Problem Parameters Description

To specify linear or circular magnetization, select Cartesian or Polar coordinates

respectively. In case of Cartesian coordinates the angle is measured from the
horizontal axis. In case of Polar coordinates the angle is measured from the radius



For nonlinear materials, magnetic permeability is replaced with magnetization curve.

To define a new curve, check Nonlinear. It will get you into B-H curve editor. If B-H
curve is already defined, the dialog box contains the B-H Curve button allowing you
to open the curve editor. Editing the magnetization curve is discussed in "Editing
Curves" section later in this chapter.
When you associate data with a new label, the text boxes for magnetic permeability
components contain None. The word None in these boxes or absence of the values
mean blocks with the label will be excluded from calculations. To define the
materials properties (thereby including the blocks into calculation), type in the
required value of magnetic permeability.
As long as Anisotropic is unchecked, QuickField changes the components of
magnetic permeability tensor synchronously. To specify different components, check
Anisotropic before entering the required values. The dialog labels besides tensor
components reflect the coordinate system (Cartesian or Polar) selected for the
The ways you define field sources for transient and non-transient problems are
slightly different. Also transient problems allow using two types of conductors,
stranded and solid. QuickField distinguishes between these types by the specified
electric conductivity. Zero electric conductivity value implies stranded conductor and

Editing Label Data


no eddy currents in the block. Non-zero value implies solid conductor and forces
QuickField to calculate eddy current distribution for the block.
For non-transient problems, as well as for zero electric conductivity blocks in
transient problems, you can define the field source either by current density value or
by the total number of ampere-turns (total current). For total current, QuickField will,
depending on your choice, either consider the blocks labeled with the label as single
conductor or as several conductors connected in series. Serially connected conductors
always carry the same current with calculated current densities inversely proportional
to their squares.
Providing total number of ampere-turns for axisymmetric problems, you can
additionally specify that current density in your coil varies inversely to radius rather
than being distributed uniformly. It might be closer to reality if your block represents
massive spiral coil with considerably different internal and external diameters.
The specified current density can depend on coordinates. Besides that, for transient
problems, both the current density and the total current can be time-dependent. To
specify time- or coordinate-dependent physical property, type the required formula in
place of numerical value. Formulas are discussed in detail in "Using Formulas"
section later in this chapter.
For transient problems, QuickField allows specifying non-zero electric conductivity
in any block. In such case, it calculates the distribution of eddy currents in this block.
For non-zero electric conductivity blocks in transient problems, you define the field
source as applied voltage or total current. QuickField considers the voltage as applied
to whole conductor. The voltage, therefore, cannot depend on coordinates but can be
If the field analysis is performed with the electric circuit connected, then applied
voltage or the full current for the solid conductor (with non-zero conductivity) cannot
be defined in the label properties window. Instead of it, include all the conductive
blocks into electric circuit with voltage or current sources attached to them. Only the
parallel or serial connection of the separate conductors with the same label assigned
should be defined in the label properties window.


Chapter 5 Problem Parameters Description

Edge labels can be associated with boundary conditions. Select condition type and
enter appropriate values.
Dirichlet (known magnetic potential) and Neumann (a density of surface current)
boundary conditions can depend on coordinates. For transient problems, they can also
be time-dependent. To specify time- or coordinate-dependent boundary condition,
enter the required formula in place of numerical value. Formulas are discussed in
detail in "Using Formulas" section later in this chapter.

Vertex labels in magnetostatic problem can be associated with known magnetic

potential or concentrated current values. Check one of the options and enter
appropriate value.
In transient magnetic problem magnetic potential or linear current can be time
dependent. To specify time dependent boundary condition enter the required formula
in place of numerical value. Formula syntax and other details are discussed in detail
in "Using Formulas" section later in this chapter.

Editing Label Data


Magnetic potential and concentrated current can depend on coordinates. In such case,
QuickField calculates individual boundary condition values for all vertices linked to
the label.

Editing Data in AC Magnetics

Block labels in problems of ac magnetics can be associated with data containing the
values of two components of magnetic permeability tensor, the value of electric
conductivity and one of three values defining the field source: source current density,
voltage, or total current.
When you associate data with a new label, the text boxes for magnetic permeability
components contain None. The word None in these boxes or absence of the values
mean that blocks with this label will be excluded from calculations. To define the
materials properties (thereby including the blocks into calculation), type in the
required value of magnetic permeability.
As long as Anisotropic is unchecked, QuickField changes the components of
magnetic permeability tensor synchronously. To specify different components, check
Anisotropic before entering the required values. The dialog labels besides tensor
components reflect the coordinate system (Cartesian or Polar) selected for the
When dealing with nonlinear materials, instead of magnetic permeability you need to
define the magnetization curve. To do so, check the Nonlinear box and QuickField


Chapter 5 Problem Parameters Description

will display the Edit B-H Curve dialog that allows to define the curve. To reopen the
Edit Curve dialog later, click the Edit B-H Curve button.
Note. In AC Harmonic Magnetics the magnetic flux density value at every field point
depends on time. So, the magnetic permeability values do the same. To calculate the
field values QuickField defines such equivalent time-independent magnetic
permeability that the average magnetic field energy, (BH)/2, for the period remains
Defining a magnetization curve with the Curve Editor you specify the DC-based
B(H) dependency and QuickField automatically recalculates the curve for the
problem-defined frequency. The graph shows the original DC-based curve in green
color while the curve recalculated for the problem-defined frequency is dashed red.
If the field analysis is performed with the electric circuit connected, then applied
voltage or the full current for the solid conductor (with non-zero conductivity) cannot
be defined in the label properties window. Instead of it, include all the conductive
blocks into electric circuit with voltage or current sources attached to them. Only the
parallel or serial connection of the separate conductors with the same label assigned
should be defined in the label properties window.
The ways you define field sources are different for conductors and non-conductive
blocks. For solid conductors, you specify either applied voltage or total current. For
non-conductive blocks and stranded conductors you always specify zero conductivity
value and the field source can only be specified by total current or current density
You can specify coordinate-dependent current density phase and magnitude. To do it,
enter the required formula in place of numerical value. Formula syntax and other
details are discussed in detail in "Using Formulas" section later in this chapter.
For total current and applied voltage, QuickField will, depending on your choice,
either consider the blocks labeled with the label as single conductor or as several
conductors connected in series. Serially connected conductors always carry the same
current, whereas current densities will be calculated when QuickField finishes
solution of the problem.
Note. Unless the conductors are connected in series, the value of total current
associated with a block label specifies the gross current in all blocks labeled with that

Editing Label Data


With time-harmonic problems, you always specify amplitude, or peak, values for all
alternating quantities.

Edge labels can be associated with boundary conditions. Select condition type and
enter appropriate values.
Dirichlet (known magnetic potential) and Neumann (a density of surface current)
boundary conditions can depend on coordinates. To specify coordinate-dependent
boundary condition, enter the required formula in place of numerical value. Formulas
are discussed in detail in "Using Formulas" section later in this chapter.
For details about the periodic boundary condition, please see section "Periodic
Boundary Conditions" later in this chapter.


Chapter 5 Problem Parameters Description

A vertex label in ac magnetics can be associated with known potential or

concentrated current values. Check one of the options and enter appropriate value.
Magnetic potential and concentrated current can depend on coordinates. In such case,
QuickField calculates individual boundary condition values for all vertices linked to
the label.

Editing Data in Electrostatics

Block labels in electrostatics problem can be associated with data containing two
components of electric permittivity tensor and electric charge density".
When you associate data with a new label, the text boxes for electric permittivity
components contain None. The word None in these boxes or absence of the values
means blocks with the label will be excluded from calculations. To define the
materials properties (thereby including the blocks into calculation), type in the
required value of electric permittivity.
As long as Anisotropic is unchecked, QuickField changes the components of electric
permittivity tensor synchronously. To specify different components, check
Anisotropic before entering the required values. The dialog labels besides tensor
components reflect the coordinate system (Cartesian or Polar) selected for the
You can specify coordinate-dependent electric charge density. To do it, enter the
required formula in place of numerical value. Formula syntax and other details are
discussed in detail in "Using Formulas" section later in this chapter.

Editing Label Data


Edge labels can be associated with boundary conditions. Select condition type and
enter appropriate values.
Dirichlet (known voltage) and Neumann (known normal component of electric
induction) boundary conditions can depend on coordinates. To specify coordinatedependent boundary condition, enter the required formula in place of numerical
value. Formulas are discussed in detail in "Using Formulas" section later in this
For details about the periodic boundary condition, please see section "Periodic
Boundary Conditions" later in this chapter.

A vertex label in electrostatics can be associated with known potential or

concentrated charge values. Check one of the options and enter appropriate value.


Chapter 5 Problem Parameters Description

The values of known potential and concentrated charge can depend on coordinates. In
such case, QuickField calculates individual boundary condition values for all vertices
linked to the label.

Editing Data in DC Conduction Problems

Block labels in dc conduction problem can be associated with data containing two
components of electric resistivity tensor.
When you associate data with a new label, the text boxes for electric resistivity
components contain None. The word None in these boxes or absence of the values
means blocks with the label will be excluded from calculations. To define the
materials properties (thereby including the blocks into calculation), type in the
required value of electric resistivity.
As long as Anisotropic is unchecked, QuickField changes the components of electric
resistivity tensor synchronously. To specify different components, check Anisotropic
before entering the required values. The dialog labels besides tensor components
reflect the coordinate system (Cartesian or Polar) selected for the property.

Editing Label Data


Edge labels can be associated with boundary conditions. Select condition type and
enter appropriate values.
Dirichlet (known voltage) and Neumann (known normal dc conduction density)
boundary conditions can depend on coordinates. To specify coordinate-dependent
boundary condition, enter the required formula in place of numerical value. Formulas
are discussed in detail in "Using Formulas" section later in this chapter.
For details about the periodic boundary condition, please see section "Periodic
Boundary Conditions" later in this chapter.

A vertex label in dc conduction problem can be associated with known potential or

external current values. Check one of the options and enter appropriate value.
The values of known potential and external current can depend on coordinates. In
such case, QuickField calculates individual boundary condition values for all vertices
linked to the label.

Editing Data in AC Conduction Problems


Chapter 5 Problem Parameters Description

Block labels in ac conduction problems can be associated with data containing the
values of two components of electric permittivity tensor and two components of
electric conductivity.
When you associate data with a new label, the text boxes for electric permittivity
components contain None. The word None in these boxes or absence of the values
means blocks with the label will be excluded from calculations. To define the
materials properties (thereby including the blocks into calculation), type in the
required value of electric permittivity.
As long as Anisotropic is unchecked, QuickField changes the tensor components
synchronously. To specify different component values, check Anisotropic before
entering the required values. The dialog labels besides tensor components reflect the
coordinate system (Cartesian or Polar) selected for the property.
With time-harmonic problems, you always specify amplitude, or peak, values for all
alternating quantities.

Edge labels can be associated with boundary conditions. Select condition type and
enter appropriate values.
Dirichlet (known voltage) and Neumann (normal component of the current density)
boundary conditions can depend on coordinates. To specify coordinate-dependent
boundary condition, enter the required formula in place of numerical value. Formulas
are discussed in detail in "Using Formulas" section later in this chapter.

Editing Label Data


For discussion on periodic boundary condition, please see section "Periodic

Boundary Conditions" later in this chapter.

A vertex label in ac conduction problem can be associated with known potential or

external current values. Check one of the options and enter appropriate value.
The values of known potential and external current can depend on coordinates. In
such case, QuickField calculates individual boundary condition values for all vertices
linked to the label.

Editing Data in Transient Electric Analysis

Block labels in transient electric problem are similar to AC Conduction, except both
permittivity and conductivity can be nonlinear.


Chapter 5 Problem Parameters Description

When you associate data with a new label, the text boxes for electric permittivity
components contain None. The word None in these boxes or absence of the values
means that the blocks with this label will be excluded from calculations. To define the
materials properties (thereby including the block into calculation), type in the
required value of electric permittivity.
To define the field dependent permittivity or conductivity, check the corresponding
Nonlinear box, the curve editor will appear allowing to enter or edit the dependency
As long as Anisotropic is unchecked, QuickField changes the tensor components
synchronously. To specify different component values, check Anisotropic before
entering the required values. The dialog labels besides tensor components reflect the
coordinate system (Cartesian or Polar) selected for the property.

Edge labels can be associated with boundary conditions. Select condition type and
enter appropriate values.
Dirichlet (known voltage) and Neumann (normal component of the current density)
boundary conditions can depend on coordinates and on time. To specify coordinate
and time dependent boundary condition, enter the required formula in place of
numerical value. Formulas are discussed in detail in "Using Formulas" section later
in this chapter.
For details about the periodic boundary condition, please see section "Periodic
Boundary Conditions" later in this chapter.

Editing Label Data


A vertex label can be associated with known potential or external current. Check one
of the options and enter appropriate value.
These values can be time or coordinate dependent. In this case QuickField calculates
individual boundary condition values for all vertices linked to the label.

Editing Data in Heat Transfer Problems

Block labels in heat transfer problem can be associated with data containing two
components of thermal conductivity tensor and heat source volume power: volume".
For transient problems the data should also contain specific heat and volume density
When you associate data with a new label, the text boxes for thermal conductivity
components contain None. The word None in these boxes or absence of the values


Chapter 5 Problem Parameters Description

means that blocks with the label will be excluded from calculations. To define the
materials properties (thereby including the blocks into calculation), type in the
required value of thermal conductivity.
As long as Anisotropic is unchecked, QuickField changes the components of thermal
conductivity tensor synchronously. To specify different components, check
Anisotropic before entering the required values. The dialog labels besides tensor
components reflect the coordinate system (Cartesian or Polar) selected for the
To define thermal conductivity as a function of temperature, check Nonlinear in
Thermal Conductivity field group. It will get you into temperature curve editor for
defining = (T). Curve editing is discussed in detail in "Editing Curves" section
later in this chapter.
To define heat source volume power as a function of temperature, check Function of
Temperature. It will get you into temperature curve editor for defining q = q(T).
Curve editing is described in detail in "Editing Curves".
Heat source volume power can be dependent on coordinates or, in transient problems,
on time. To define coordinate- or time-dependent heat source volume power, enter
the required formula in place of numerical value. Formulas are discussed in detail in
"Using Formulas" section later in this chapter.
To define specific heat as a function of temperature, check Nonlinear in For TimeDomain Only field group. It will get you into temperature curve editor for defining
C = C(T). Curve editing is described in detail in "Editing Curves".

Editing Label Data


Edge labels can be associated with boundary conditions. Heat flux, convection, and
radiation can be combined together implying that the heat flow through the surface
will consist of several components. Check appropriate condition types and enter the
required values.
Dirichlet (known temperature), Neumann (heat flux), convection and radiation
boundary conditions can be coordinate- and, in transient problems, time-dependent.
To specify coordinate- or time-dependent boundary condition, enter the required
formula in place of numerical value. Formulas are discussed in detail in "Using
Formulas" section later in this chapter.
For details about the periodic boundary condition, please see section "Periodic
Boundary Conditions" later in this chapter.


Chapter 5 Problem Parameters Description

A vertex label in heat transfer problem can be associated with known temperature or
linear heat source. Check one of the options and enter appropriate value.
The values of known temperature and heat source capacity can be coordinate- and, in
transient problems, time-dependent. QuickField calculate individual coordinatedependent boundary condition values for all vertices linked to the label. To specify
coordinate- or time-dependent boundary condition, enter the required formula in
place of numerical value. Formulas are discussed in detail in "Using Formulas"
section later in this chapter.

Editing Data in Stress Analysis

Block labels in stress analysis problem can be associated with three groups of data
values, Elasticity, Loads, and Allowable Stresses. You specify the data contained in
these groups on related dialog pages. All text box labels on these pages always reflect
the coordinate system (Cartesian or Polar) selected for the property.
1. Elasticity

Editing Label Data


When you associate data with a new label, the text boxes for Young's moduli contain
None. The word None in these boxes or absence of the values means that blocks with
the label will be excluded from calculations. To define the materials properties
(thereby including the blocks into calculation), type in the required values of Young's
As long as Anisotropic is unchecked, only two of the values entered on this dialog
page remain independent. As you type in a new value, QuickField automatically
updates the rest of them. To describe orthotropic materials with seven independent
values, check Anisotropic before entering the required values.
2. Loads

Body Force vector components can depend on coordinates. To specify coordinatedependent loads, enter the required formula in place of numerical value. Formulas are
discussed in detail in "Using Formulas" section later in this chapter.
The ways you define data for thermal loading are different for coupled
thermo-structural problems and non-coupled problems:

For uncoupled problems, you specify the difference in temperature between

strained and strainless states. This difference is assumed to be the same for all
blocks labeled with this label.
For coupled thermo-structural problems, you specify the strainless state
temperature of the blocks subjected to thermal loading. This temperature is
assumed to be the same for all blocks labeled with this label. Solving the
problem, QuickField defines individual strained state temperature for each of
these blocks.


Chapter 5 Problem Parameters Description

3. Allowable Stresses

The values of allowable stresses do not affect problem solution. They are used only in
postprocessing to calculate the Mohr-Coulomb, Drucker-Prager, and Hill criteria.
You don't need to define allowable stresses, if these criteria are of no interest to you.

Edge labels can be associated with prescribed displacement along one or both of
coordinate axes combined with prescribed surface forces. You either define the latter
as normal pressure or specify required Cartesian or polar coordinate values. To apply
fixed displacement along an axis, check the appropriate box and enter the required
displacement value.

Editing Label Data


A vertex label in stress analysis can be associated with rigid or elastic support along
one or both of coordinate axes, or with concentrated external force. To describe rigid
constraint along an axis, check the appropriate box and enter the required
displacement value.

Periodic Boundary Conditions

A special type of boundary conditions is implemented in QuickField to reduce the
model size when simulating periodic structures, like poles in electric machines,
periodic boundary conditions. These conditions apply to two opposite sides of a
model and force the fields on both boundaries to be either the same (even periodicity)
or opposite (odd periodicity). The periodic condition is more generic than Dirichlet or
Neumann condition, since it does not imply that the field is symmetric (no normal
component) or antisymmetric (no tangential field) on the given boundary. Both
components may exist, but they are forced to be the same or opposite.


Chapter 5 Problem Parameters Description

Unlike other finite element packages, QuickField does not require that the mesh be
equal on both boundaries, and is capable of merging potential values on edges with
mismatching edge mesh.
To apply this type of condition, simply check the correspondent box (Even or Odd
Periodical) for the label assigned to edges on the two boundaries QuickField will
analyze the geometry and detect the periodicity automatically.
Note. If you expect symmetric or antisymmetric field behavior, even though the
structure is periodic, it is still more efficient to apply Dirichlet or Neumann boundary

Editing Curves
Curves in QuickField represent dependencies between two physical properties, e.g.,
magnetic field intensity and flux density or temperature and thermal conductivity. To
define a curve in QuickField, you open this curves editor and enter coordinates of
several points on its graph. QuickField accumulates the points in a table and provides
you with graphical representation of the curve interpolating between the table points
with cubic splines. QuickField solver always uses the interpolated values displayed
on screen during the edit session.

Editing Label Data


To add a new point to the curve, do the following:

1. Either click the leftmost cell of the last row that is marked New, or press on the
2. Enter the argument value and press ENTER. The cursor will move to the next cell
3. Enter the function value and press ENTER again.
To correct a table value, simply type the new value in the table cell.
To copy table rows to the Clipboard, either select these rows in the table or select the
corresponding points on the graph and press (CTRL+C). The copied rows could be
later pasted into the table.
To remove the point, select it in the table or on the graph and click Delete button or
press the DEL key.
You may control the scaling of the graph with use of zoom buttons. To make the
whole graph visible, click Zoom to fit button.
Dragging a dialog window boundary allows to resize the window. QuickField
remembers the resulting window size and position for future use.
The graph image could be copied to the Clipboard and/or saved to a file. To do that,
invoke the corresponding commands in the context (right-click) menu of the graph.


Chapter 5 Problem Parameters Description

To finish editing, click Close or press ESC. Note that subsequent canceling of label
data editing with ESC or Cancel will discard all changes including those made during
curve editing.

Using Formulas
Solving a problem you might need to specify a boundary condition or a field source
as a function of time or coordinates. To do that, QuickField allows entering formuladefined field values instead of constant numerical values. The fields accepting
formula-defined values are specified above in this chapter. Besides that, the fields
accepting formula-defined values can be distinguished by adjacent
button and by
the appropriate tooltip text.
Formula in QuickField is a mathematical expression constructed of numbers,
arithmetical operators, parentheses, built-in constants and functions and predefined
variables. Formula syntax is typical for most algorithmic languages and standard
mathematical notation.
When you specify a formula-defined value QuickField checks the formula syntax and
reports syntax errors to you. If the syntax is correct, calculator tries to calculate the
result using current values of predefined variables. This calculation might also result
in error if, for example, the value of a function argument does not belong to the
functions domain of definition. As with syntax errors, QuickField reports such errors
to you.

Physical properties allowing definitions with formulas

The following properties can be defines with formulas.


Block labels
Current density

Total current
Edge labels
Magnetic potential

Surface current density

Vertex Labels

Concentrated current

Magnetic potential


Editing Label Data

Transient magnetics




Block labels
Current density in stranded conductors
Total current

Voltage applied to solid conductors

Edge labels

Magnetic potential

Surface current density

Concentrated current

Magnetic potential



Vertex labels

AC magnetics (phase and magnitude)

Block labels
Current density in stranded conductors

Total current in solid conductors

Voltage applied to solid conductors
Edge Labels
Magnetic potential

Surface current density

Vertex Labels

Concentrated current

Magnetic potential



Block labels
Electric charge density

Edge labels
Normal component of electric induction




Chapter 5 Problem Parameters Description

Vertex Labels
Concentrated (linear) charge


DC Conduction



Block Labels
Not applicable
Edge Labels

Normal current density

Vertex Labels

Concentrated current


AC Conduction (phase and magnitude)



Block labels
Not applicable
Edge labels

Normal current density

Vertex Labels

Concentrated current


Transient Electric
Block labels
Not applicable



Editing Label Data


Edge labels

Normal current density

Concentrated current





Heat flux

Film coefficient and temperature of contacting fluid medium

Emissivity coefficient and ambient radiation temperature

Concentrated (linear) heat source


Vertex Labels

Heat Transfer
Block labels
Heat source volume power
Edge labels

Vertex labels

* Time-dependent values are used only in transient heat transfer problems

Stress Analysis


Block labels
Components of body force density

Temperature difference between strained and strainless states

Edge labels
Prescribed displacement allows only linear dependency on

Normal pressure

Components of surface force density

Vertex labels
External force
Elastic support



Chapter 5 Problem Parameters Description

QuickField formula is an expression composed of the following elements:

Numerical constants
(Example: 123)
Fixed-point (Examples: 123.45 123. 0.123 .123)
(Examples: 1e12 5.39e+8 0.1E-12 .2E+2)
Arithmetic operators
+ addition (Ex: 2+2)
subtraction (Ex: 3-5)
multiplication (Ex: 1.23*0.12)
division (Ex: 1E5/0.01)
raising to a power (Ex: 3.14^2)
Unary operators
sign retaining (Ex: +180)
sign change (Ex: -180)
Embedded functions
abs - absolute value
- sign
- maximum
- minimum
- step-function by 1
- impulse segment
- sine
- cosine
- tangent
- arc sine
- arc cosine
- arc tangent
atan2 - angle of the vector defined by two arguments
- exponent
- natural logarithm
- square root
- raising to a power
- saw-tooth periodic function
Embedded constants
- pi
Predefined variables
- current time
- Cartesian coordinate x

Editing Label Data


- Cartesian coordinate y
- polar coordinate r
- polar coordinate (in degrees).
Parentheses (change the order of operations)
Space and tabulation characters
1. Numerical values should not contain group separators. Use dots ('.') as decimal
separators regardless of regional settings.
2. QuickField allows using both e and E to separate mantissa and magnitude in
floating point values.
3. The names of embedded functions, constants and predefined variables are case
4. QuickField allows enclosing of names in double quotes. For example, sin (t) is
equivalent to "sin"(t).
5. Operation precedence (highest to lowest): ^, then * and /, then + and -. Use
parentheses, if you need to change this order.
6. QuickField allows to insert any number of spaces inside a formula without impact,
provided the inserted spaces are not inside names.
7. Place function arguments inside parentheses after the name of the function and
separate them with commas (',').

Constants and Predefined Variables



The constant equal to the ratio of the

length of any circle to its diameter.


The constant equal to the base of natural


Predefined variable denoting the current

time value. Used with transient problems.

Predefined variable denoting the xcoordinate.

Predefined variable denoting the ycoordinate.


Chapter 5 Problem Parameters Description





v, if v 0
abs() = || =
v, if v < 0

The function value is equal to absolute

value of the argument.


1, if v > 0
= 0, if v = 0
sign() =
1, if v < 0

The function value is equal to the sign

of the argument.


max(1, )

The function value is equal to the

maximum of all arguments. You must
specify 2 or more arguments.


min(1, )

The function value is equal to the

minimum of all arguments. You must
specify 2 or more arguments.


1, if v 0
step(v) =
0, if v < 0

The function value is equal to 0 for

negative arguments and to 1 for nonnegative arguments. The function has
a step discontinuity when its argument
value is 0.


0, if v < l

impulse(v,l,r) = 1, if l v r
0, if v > r

The function represents impulse

restricted to [l, r] segment. If l > r, an
error occurs. The function value is
equal to 1 when v is between l and r,
both ends included; otherwise, its
value is 0.


The function value is equal to sine of

the argument. The argument is defined
in degrees.

Editing Label Data


The function value is equal to cosine

of the argument. The argument is
defined in degrees.




The function value is equal to tangent

90 + k180, where k is integer of the argument. The argument is
defined in degrees. If argument value
is an odd multiple of 90 an error


asin() = arcsin()
-1 1

The function value is equal to arc sine

of the argument in degrees. The
argument value v must conform to
inequality -1 1, otherwise an
error occurs.


acos() = arccos()
-1 1

The function value is equal to arc

cosine of the argument in degrees.
The argument value v must conform
to inequality -1 1, otherwise an
error occurs.


atan() = arctan()

The function value is equal to arc

tangent of the argument. The value is
given in degrees.


atan(1, 2) = arctan(1/2)

The function value is equal to the

angle between the x-axis and the
direction from coordinate origin to the
point with ordinate 1 and abscissa
2. The value is given in degrees and
is always between 0 and 360. If both
arguments are zero, the value is also
zero. Otherwise, if 2 is zero, the
value is 90, for positive 1, or 270, for
negative 1.

exp() = e

The function value is equal to

exponent of the argument. Calculation
might cause the overflow error.



Chapter 5 Problem Parameters Description


log() = ln()

The function value is equal to natural

logarithm of the argument. The
argument value must be positive,
otherwise an error occurs


sqrt() =

The function value is equal to square

root of the argument. The argument
value must be non-negative, otherwise
an error occurs.


pow(, p) = p

The function value is equal to the first

argument value raised to the power
defined by second argument value. An
error occurs unless the arguments
conform to the following conditions:
the first argument is non-negative; if
the first argument value is 0, the
second argument is positive.
Calculation might cause the overflow


saw(,p) =
v / p, if 0 v < p

saw(v + p), if v < 0

saw(v p), if v p

saw(,p,p0) =
v / p, if 0 v < p
0, if p v < p + p0

saw(v + ( p + p0)), if v < 0

saw(v ( p + p0)), if v p + p0

Editing Label Data


Relative to its first argument this function is periodic. In case of two

arguments the period is equal to the second argument value. In case of
three arguments the period is the sum of the last two argument values. The
function value is always 0 for = 0, always 1 for = p and in between the
function is linear relative to . In case of three arguments the function
value is always 0 for other values of .
The last two argument values must be non-negative. The period must be
positive. Otherwise an error occurs.
Note. To expand the function f(t) defined on the interval (0, p) use the
expression f(t) (saw (t, p)).

The table below contains examples you can use to learn writing your own QuickField
formulas. The left column contains mathematical formulas with the corresponding
QuickField expressions contained in its right counterpart.
Mathematical notation
100 t


t (1-t) (2-t)


2t2 - t - 3

2*t^2 - t - 3


exp(-t^2 / 2)


log(t) / log(2)

sin t + cos t

sin(t) + cos(t)

200sin(18000t + 240)


arcsin 2


Formula syntax

2.4 108



tan(t / 2.4e-8)


Chapter 5 Problem Parameters Description

t , if t < 0.5

1 t , if t 0.5
0, if
t , if

1 t ,
0, if

0 t < 0.5
if 0.5 t < 1

t*step(0.5-t) + (1-t)*step(t-0.5)

t*impulse(t,0,0.5) + (1-t)*impulse(t,0.5,1)

t 1

sin t , if sin t > cos t

cos t , if sin t cos t

t / 2, if 0 t < 2

periodic with period = 2

max(sin(t), cos(t))
saw(t, 2)

10 exp(5t ), if 0 t < 2

10, if 2 t < 3
periodic with period = 3

10 * exp(5 * saw(t,2,1))

10 exp(5t ), if 0 t < 2

0, if 2 t < 3
periodic with period = 3

10 * exp(5 * saw(t,3)) * impulse(saw(t,3), 0, 2/3)

exp(t 1), if 0 t < 1

exp(1 t ), if 1 t < 2

periodic with period = 2

exp(saw(t,1,1)-1) + exp(saw(2-t,1,1)-1) - exp(-1)

Copying, Renaming and Deleting Labels

Labels can be copied within single property description document or between
documents of the same type.
To copy a label:
1. In the list of labels, choose Copy from the labels context menu.
2. Switch to destination window and click Paste in the Edit menu or context menu.
1. Drag the label to destination position with left mouse button.
To delete a label:

Copying, Renaming and Deleting Labels


In the list of labels, choose Delete from the labels context menu, or
Select the label and click Delete in the Edit menu.

To move (cut and paste) a label:

1. In the list of labels, choose Cut from the labels context menu.
2. Switch to destination window and click Paste in the Edit menu or context menu.
1. Holding shift pressed, drag the label to destination position with left mouse



Electric Circuit Definition

This chapter describes the electric circuit schema description with QuickField Circuit
QuickField supports simultaneous finite element analysis of the time harmonic
magnetic and transient magnetic problems with simulation of the currents and
voltages in the connected electric circuit.
Electric circuit schemas in QuickField are stored in files with extensions .qcr. You
may include corresponding circuit schema file into the problem database along with
other files comprising QuickField problem (geometry model file *.mod, data and
library files, results file *.res) by editing problem properties.

What is a Circuit?
Electric circuit consists of circuit components connected with wires. Circuit
components in QuickField can be of two kinds:
1. First group includes usual electric circuitry components, such as:

voltage sources,
current sources.

2. Second group is specific for QuickField and represents blocks of the geometric
model. These elements are used to provide interaction between circuit and other
parts of QuickField problem.


Chapter 6 Electric Circuit Definition

Note. If the problem supports the external electric circuit co-simulation then every
solid conductor block (i.e. a block with non-zero conductivity) from the geometric
model should be included into the circuit only once.

How to Create a Circuit

To describe an electric circuit, you typically should do the following:

Insert electric circuit components (resistors, capacitors, inductors, sources);

Specify their properties;
Add conductive blocks from the geometric model;
Connect circuit elements with wires.

Circuit may be then edited by changing element properties and their connection
topology. You can edit, move, rotate and delete circuit elements. You can select
several elements and perform operations with all selected elements at once.

Adding Electric Components to the Circuit

To add new components to the circuit:
1. In the Insert menu, click Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor, Voltage Source or
Current Source, depending on component you want to add. Alternatively you
can press corresponding toolbar button.
2. Place cursor to the point where you want new component to appear and click left
mouse button.

The point where you click the mouse button will be the left pin of the new

Circiut components are always aligned to a nearest grid point. It means that
component will be placed so that its pins are at grid points.

To insert component in the middle of some wire you can just click on this
wire. Wire segment will be splitted in two and component will be inserted between

How to Create a Circuit


Specifying Properties for Circuit Components

To set properties for circuit component:

double click the component in the schema, or

select the component and click Properties in the Edit menu, or
right click the component and choose Properties from context menu.

Specifying Properties for Electric Components

For electric components, you can set the following properties:

Label. You can change the label for the component. It is not necessary to change this
property, because you can use the default label names. But meaningful label names
improve the model clarity and therefore recommended. Label names should be unique
within the circuit.
Value. Depending on component type, you should specify its numeric value:
resistance R, capacity C, inductance L, current I or voltage V.

For currrent and voltage sources you can specify formula as a value. For transient
problems, you can specify formula containing t (time).
(phase). For AC problems, for voltage sources and current sources, you should
specify phase value here.

Properties for components representing model blocks

For components representing model blocks, you can set the following property:
Block. You may change the name of the QuickField block in this field. Combo box
provides the list of all blocks that should be added to the circuit, that is, the list of all
solid conductors of the model. Each block can be specified only once.


Chapter 6 Electric Circuit Definition

Adding Components Representing Model Blocks to the

To add component representing model block to the circuit:
1. Click the button Insert Block from Model or choose Block from Model in the
Insert menu.
2. Place cursor to the point where you want new component to appear and click left
mouse button.
Or, you may use drag and drop from the problem tree:
1. Click label of some block in the Problem Editor tree.
2. Drag it to the circuit editor window keeping the mouse button pressed.
3. Place cursor to the point where you want new block to appear and release the
mouse button then.

Connecting Circuit Components with Wires

To add a wire to the circuit:
1. Click the toolbar button Insert Wire or choose Wire in the Insert menu.
2. Click on the start point of the wire and drag cursor to the end point of the wire.
Then release the mouse button. The wire connecting start point and end point will
be added.

This way you may add either the vertical wire segment, or horizontal wire
segment, or two wire segments, vertical and horizontal, making the right angle. To
create wire of more complex shape you should repeat this operation several times.

Wires are always aligned to a nearest grid node. It means that the wire will
be placed so that its end points are at grid nodes.

Adding Junction Points

To add a junction point, you should just place a wire so that one of end points
belongs to some existing wire. Junction point will be added in this point

Editing Circuit


Placing a wire so that it intersects another wire in a middle point for both wires is
different. In this case the junction point will not be added, and the wires will be
considered as not connected.

Editing Circuit
Moving, Copying and Resizing Circuit Elements
To move circuit element to another place:
1. Place cursor over element you want to move. Cursor should have the shape of
four-pointed arrow.
2. Click left mouse button and drag the selected element keeping the button pressed.
To resize a wire:
1. Place cursor over the wire end point. Cursor should have the shape of two-pointed
2. Click mouse button and drag the end point to a new location.
You can not only resize the wire, but also move it sideway during this operation.
To move several elements at once:
1. Select circuit elements you want to move.
2. Place cursor over one of selected elements.
3. Click mouse button and drag the selected elements.

Dragging with Attached Elements

When you drag the circuit elements, another element attached to them could be
dragged or resized to preserve connections between elements and wires. For example,
when you drag some electric component the wires attached to it could be also moved
or resized.

Dragging without Attached Elements

Sometimes it is more convenient to drag circuit elements so that attached wires and
elements are not dragged. For example, you may want to change the circuit topology
by placing the electric component to another position. For this, press alt and keep it
pressed until you release the mouse button.


Chapter 6 Electric Circuit Definition

Copying Elements
Instead of moving elements, you can make a copy of selected elements. For this,
press ctrl and keep it pressed until you release the mouse button.

Rotating Circuit Components

To rotate circuit components for 90, 180 or 270 counterclockwise:
1. Select the components you want to rotate.
2. In the Edit menu click Rotate, and then choose the angle value: For 90,
For 180 or For 270.
You can also use toolbar button Rotate for 90. Press this button several times to
rotate components for desired angle.

Deleting Circuit Elements

To delete circuit elements:
1. Select the elements you want to delete.
2. In the Edit menu or context menu, click Delete.

Editing Circuit



Solving the Problem

This chapter describes how to solve the prepared problem, and methods QuickField
uses to solve.
Several conditions have to be met to solve a problem. The problem type, plane,
required precision and other parameters have to be specified in the problem
description file. The model geometry file must contain complete model with mesh
and labels. Each label referred by the model file is to be defined in the problem's
private or library data file.
To obtain the problem solution, click Solve Problem in the Problem menu or context
(right mouse button) menu of the Problem editor. You may skip this action and
directly proceed to the analysis results by clicking Analyze Results in the Problem
or context menu. If the problem has not been solved yet, or its results are out of date,
the solver will be invoked automatically.
Each solver runs in its separate thread, so you can solve several problems at once or
edit or analyze other problems while the problem is being solved. There is of course
no since in editing any document related to the problem being solved.
Special bar indicator lets you see the progress of the solution process. To interrupt it,
click Cancel on the indicator's panel. When solving a transient problem, you have an
option to keep the results for already stored time steps.
Linear problems are solved by using a powerful preconditioned conjugate gradient
method. The preconditioning based on the geometric decomposition technique
guaranties a very high speed and close to linear dependence between number of
nodes and the resulting solution time. Nonlinear problems are solved using the
Newton-Raphson method. The Jacobian matrix arising at each step of the
Newton-Raphson method is inverted the same way as it is done for linear problems.


Chapter 7 Solving the Problem

We use the Eulers method (constant time step size) for solving transient problems,
with initial value set to zero or taken from another field calculation. This method is
extremely fast and stable, however we recommend having at least 15-20 time steps
for the whole transitional process to achieve accurate and smooth results.

Achieving Maximum Performance

The algorithm used in QuickField solver does not require the whole data of the
problem to fit into memory of your computer. The solver can effectively handle linear
algebraic systems with matrices several times bigger than the amount of available
physical memory. Data that dont fit into memory are stored on the hard disk. The
size of the problem you can solve on your computer is only limited by the amount of
free disk space. Memory consumption is very low compared to other FEA packages,
only about 2.7 MB per 10'000 degrees of freedom.
Although size of the problem is not limited by the amount of available memory,
having additional memory may improve performance. It is obvious that the
performance is the best when all the data can be stored in memory and relatively slow
disk access is not used during solution.
However, to solve very large problems on a computer with insufficient memory it is
essential that virtual memory is configured optimally.
To manage virtual memory settings:
1. Bring up Control Panel and double-click System.
2. Switch to Performance tab.
3. See Windows Help for details.

Adaptive Mesh Refinement

QuickField is capable of adaptive refinement the mesh basing on results of previously
solved problem (process also known as H-refinement). This capability practically
eliminates the need for manual mesh control, allowing automatic mesh density
adjustment in regions of highly inhomogeneous field.
Adjusted mesh spacing is calculated in every mesh node basing on the variation of
the energy density in the node's vicinity, which is proven to be the most reliable
estimation of error distribution. Although it is not possible to guarantee the precision,

Adaptive Mesh Refinement


the refined mesh reaches its optimum providing the best precision for overall given
number of mesh nodes.
Smooth mesh is generated with adjusted spacing distribution, but manually set mesh
controls are also honored as top limits, guaranteeing that the mesh spacing will never
exceed the user-specified values.
Even with fully automatic initial mesh, one h-refinement iteration is sufficient for
most of the problems. The adaptive mesh refinement is available for all simulation
types supported by QuickField, including non-linear and transient problems.



Analyzing Solution

This chapter explains the procedures for detailed examination of the results using the
QuickField postprocessor.
To analyze the problem solution, choose View Results in the Edit or context menu of
the problem window, or click the Analyze Results toolbar button. QuickField will
open the Field Picture window displaying the solution results in the most appropriate
way for the problem type. You can change the presentation mode and adjust other
window settings choosing the View->Field Picture menu item.
There are several ways in QuickField to picture a field: as field lines (isolines), as a
vector map, and as a color map with colors corresponding to intensities of the
selected physical quantity. For stress analysis problems QuickField can also display
the strain and stress tensor map, and picture the deformed boundary and shape.
For time-harmonic and transient problems QuickField allows one to animate the field
picture viewing its changes in time.
QuickField also provides the following ways to analyze the solution results:
Examining local field values - values of physical quantities at the specified points.
Integrating over the line or surface defined by the specified contour, or over the
volume or surface bounded by the contour.
Building plots and tables that show the distribution of local field values along the
selected contour.
Building tables and plots showing local and integral values in transient problems
versus time.


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

Calculating conductor and coil parameters such as inductance, capacitance, and

impedance with specialized wizards.
Exporting various tables or pictures or the whole finite-element solution to other
software programs.
Building tables and plots showing voltages and currents at various elements of the
associated electric circuit.
Displaying the trajectories of a charged particle beam in the electrical field.
Any picture or numerical value displayed by the postprocessor can be copied to
Windows clipboard for use with any word-processing or desktop publishing utility or
subsequent use with spreadsheets or user-written programs.

Building the Field Picture on the Screen

Interpreted Quantities
The set of the physical quantities, which can be displayed by the Postprocessor,
depends on the problem type.

For the DC and transient magnetic problems:

Vector magnetic potential A in plane-parallel problem or flux function = 2rA
in axisymmetric case;
Vector of magnetic flux density B = curl A;
Vector of magnetic field intensity H = B / ;
Magnetic permeability (its largest component in anisotropic media);
Magnetic field energy density:
w = (BH)/2

in linear media,

w = HdB

in ferromagnetic media.

With transient magnetic problem following additional field quantities are available:
Total electric current density j = j0 + jeddy,
Source current density j0,

Building the Field Picture on the Screen


Eddy current density

jeddy = -g


Joule heat density Q = j2 / g;

For the AC magnetic problem:

Complex amplitude of vector magnetic potential A (flux function rA in
axisymmetric case);
Complex amplitude of voltage U applied to the conductor;
Complex amplitude of total current density j = j0 + jeddy, source current density j0
and eddy current density jeddy = igA.
All these complex quantities may be shown in form of momentary, root mean
square (RMS) or peak value in time dimension.
E.g., complex quantity z = z0ei(t+z) can be shown as:

momentary value at a given phase 0 = t0

z0 = Re[z0ei(z 0)] = z0 cos(z 0);

peak value z0;

RMS value z0 = z0 / 2.


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

Note. To display the momentary values, the phase is specified in degrees. This value
of the phase is applied to all the displayed quantities. When you need the momentary
values at a given moment of time t, e.g., for comparison with the transient solution,
you can obtain the corresponding phase value using the formula

0 = t0 = 360f t0
where f is the magnetic field frequency in Hz, time t is in seconds. The minus sign in
this formula may appear odd and non-intuitive; nonetheless it is necessary to provide
the commonality in the definition of the term phase when defining the sources and
boundary conditions on one hand, and when post processing the momentary values
on the other. Let us assume that the voltage is specified in the Data Editor to have a
phase of 30. According to the complex presentation U=U0 cos(t +), this means
that the momentary value reaches its maximum at the moment of time t = 30. This
implies that the momentary value in the postprocessor must also be at the maximum
when t = 30, or at phase equal to +30, QED.
Complex vector of the magnetic flux density B = curl A
Bx =

, By = y

for planar case;

Bz =

1 ( rA)
, Br = z
r r

for axisymmetric case;

Complex vector of magnetic field intensity H = B / , where is the magnetic

permeability tensor.
Complex vectors may be shown in form of momentary, RMS or peak magnitude.
Time average and peak Joule heat density Q = j2 / g;
Time average and peak magnetic field energy density w = (BH)/2;
Time average Poynting vector (local power flow) S = [ExH];
Time average Lorentz force density vector F = [jxB];
Magnetic permeability (its largest component in anisotropic media);
Electric conductivity g.
Besides that, if the solved problem were coupled with the connected electric circuit,
then the following parameters would be displayed in the circuit window:

Building the Field Picture on the Screen


Effective I, amplitude Iabs, momentary (for the chosen phase) and complex (Ire,
Iim) values of the current in the circuit branches;
Effective U, amplitude Uabs, momentary (for the chosen phase) and complex (Ure,
Uim) values of the voltage drop across the circuit component;
Defined parameter value (resistance R, inductance L, capacitance C) for the
passive circuit components.

For the electrostatic problem:

Scalar electric potential (voltage) U;
Vector of electric field intensity E = gradU;
Tensor of gradient of electric field G = gradE;
Vector of electrostatic induction D = E;
Electric permittivity (or its largest component in anisotropic media);
Electric field energy density w = (ED)/2.

For the DC conduction problem:

Scalar electric potential U;
Vector of electric field intensity E = gradU;
Vector of current density j = E / ;
Electric resistivity (its largest component in anisotropic media);
Ohmic losses per volume unit w = (jE)/2.

For the AC conduction problem:

Complex amplitude of electric potential U;
Complex vector of electric field intensity E = gradU
Ex = -

, Ey = y

for planar case;

Ez = -

, Er = r

for axisymmetric case;

Complex vector of electrostatic induction D = E;


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

Complex vector of active ja = gE, reactive jre = iE, and apparent japp = ja + jre
current density;
All these complex quantities may be shown in form of momentary, root mean
square (RMS) or peak value in time dimension.
E.g., complex quantity z = z0ei(t+z) may be shown as:
momentary value at a given phase 0 = t0
z0 = Re[z0ei(z 0)] = z0 cos(z 0);
peak value z0;

RMS value z0 = z0 / 2.

Note. To display the momentary values, the phase is specified in degrees. This value
of the phase is applied to all the displayed quantities. When you need the momentary
values at a given moment of time t, e.g., for comparison with the transient solution,
you can obtain the corresponding phase value using the formula

0 = t0 = 360f t0
where f is the magnetic field frequency in Hz, time t is in seconds.
Time average and peak active Qa = ja E, reactive Qre = jre E, and apparent
Qapp = japp E power density;
Electric permittivity (or its largest component in anisotropic media);
Electric conductivity g (or its largest component in anisotropic media).

For transient electric field:

Electric potential U;
Electric field intensity E = gradU
Vector of active jactive = E, reactive jreactive =

E and apparent japparent = jactive +


jreactive current density;

Active power (losses) density Qactive = jactive E, reactive Qreactive = jreactive E, and
apparent Qapparent = japparent E power density;

Building the Field Picture on the Screen


Tensor of gradient of electric field G = gradE;

Vector of electrostatic induction (displacement) D = E;
Electric permittivity (E);
Electric conductivity (E).

For heat transfer problem:

Temperature T;
Vector of heat flow F = grad(T);
Thermal conductivity (its largest component in anisotropic media).

For stress analysis problem:

Displacement vector ;
Strain tensor and its principal values;
Stress tensor and its principal values;
Von Mises stress (stored energy of deformation criterion):
1 2 ) + ( 2 3 ) + ( 3 1 ) ;

e =

where 1, 2 and 3 denote the principal stresses in descending order.

Tresca criterion (maximum shear): e = 1 - 3;
Mohr-Coulomb criterion: e = 1 - 3,
where = [+]/[-], and [+] and [-] denote tensile and compressive allowable
Drucker-Prager criterion:

1 1 ur
e = 1 + i

[ ] 1 +

ur + +
( 1 2 )2 + ( 2 3 )2 + ( 3 1 )2 ; = 1 2 3 .

Tsai-Hill failure index for orthotropic materials:

where i =

Cth = 12/X12 - 12/X12 + 22/X22 + 122/S122,


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

where 1, 2 and 12 are computed stresses in the material directions and,

X1 = X1T if 1>0;

X1 = X1C if 1<0

X2 = X2T if 2>0;

X2 = X2C if 2<0

S12 = S12+ if 12>0;

S12 = S12- if 12<0,

where X1T, X2T, X1C, X2C, S12+ and S12- are tensile, compressive and shear allowable
The Tsai-Hill failure index is calculated only for those materials, where allowable
stresses were defined (while editing the block data, see Problem Parameters
Description). If any pair of allowable stresses is not given, the corresponding
term is dropped while calculating the Tsai-Hill Index.

Field Presentation Methods

Several methods are available for displaying the field picture:
Color map for distribution of a chosen scalar
quantity. The color map is accompanied by the
legend showing the correspondence between colors
and numerical values.
You can adjust the color scale by changing the
Color map may be shown in gray scale mode if you
want to optimize it for monochrome printing.
Field lines. Those are isotherms for temperature
fields, lines of equal potential in electrostatics and
flux lines for magnetostatic problems.
You can manipulate the picture by changing the
distance between neighboring lines. This distance is
measured in units of chosen quantity.

Building the Field Picture on the Screen


Vectorsfamily of line segments showing

magnitude and direction of the vector quantity.
Vectors are drawn in the nodes of the regular
rectangular grid.
You can change the grid cell size and the scaling
factor for a desired vector quantity.

The following methods are specifically for stress analysis problems:

Deformed boundary and shape indicated by means
of deformed and original rectangular grid.

Stress tensor display as a pair of eigenvectors

reflecting the direction of principal axes,
magnitudes and signs of principal stresses (blue
color denotes tension, red colorcompression);
With these methods, you can change the grid cell size and the scaling factors in order
to manipulate the appearance.
It is possible to combine several visualization methods in the same picture to obtain
the most expressive result.
QuickField can display several different field pictures for the same problem. To open
a new window, click New Window in the Window menu.

Field Picture Constructing

When entering the Postprocessor, the default form of the field picture appears on the
screen. You may use Field Picture in the View menu or context menu to select other
display methods or quantities.


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

Shown dialog box corresponds to the problem of magnetostatic.

To choose desired visualization method, select corresponding check box. You can
select any combination of methods at once. If none of the methods is selected, only
the model's geometry is shown.
This dialog box also allows changing scaling parameters for selected methods of
presentation and the number of color grades used with the color map. When you
select some edit box, you can choose Suggest button to obtain suggested value of
corresponding parameter. Note that suggested values for Minimum and Maximum
fields are calculated for the currently visible part of the model.
In case of AC magnetic problem, equilines and vectors are drawn at specified phase.
The Field View dialog box allows setting phase value. For more expressive field
picture, you can order the second family of equilines or vectors, shifted with regard to
the first by 90.

Building the Field Picture on the Screen


The Field View dialog box for the stress analysis problem additionally allows to
select tensor quantity visualization.

Sizes of the vector symbols for all vector quantities except the displacement vector
are determined by the corresponding physical value multiplied by the scaling factor
and by the cell size. Similar method is used for stress tensor components. Unlike
other vector quantities, the size of the displacement vector on the screen does not


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

depend on the cell size. It is determined by the dimensionless scaling factor, the unit
value of which means that the displacement is shown in its natural scale.
Color map of temperature difference in stress analysis problem visualizes temperature
distribution as it is defined by user or imported from linked heat transfer problem. In
the last case, temperature is shown only in those blocks, where it is really taken into
The Failure Index option is available when the model contains at least one block
with correctly defined allowable stresses.
Choosing the OK button causes redrawing the field picture on the screen. Cancel
closes the dialog box without redrawing the picture and preserves preceding values of
all the parameters.
To save the field window settings and the associated contour for future, use
File / Save Status. To restore the saved settings, use File / Restore Status.

Zooming in postprocessor view is very similar to Model Editor.
To magnify the picture:
1. Click Zoom In on the toolbar
2. Select (click and drag diagonally) the rectangular part of the picture to fill the
whole window with.
To see more of the model:
Click Zoom Out on the toolbar; or
Click Zoom to Fit to see the whole model.

Selecting a Time Layer

For transient problems the displayed field picture always corresponds to the selected
time moment displayed in the Time combobox on the postprocessor toolbar. Initially,
QuickField displays the last time moment. To change it, specify another value in the
combobox. QuickField will automatically display the field view corresponding to the
specified time moment.

Calculator Window


When you change the time value QuickField adjusts both the field pictures, XY-Plots
and tables. The scaling factors will remain unchanged.
For time-harmonic problems the displayed field picture corresponds to the selected
phase. QuickField uses the same combobox to display the selected phase value in
degrees. To change it, specify another value in the combobox. QuickField will
automatically display the field view corresponding to the specified phase.

When the analysis results depend on time (transient and time-harmonic problems),
QuickField can present animated field pictures. To start animation, choose
View / Animation or click the corresponding toolbar button
During the animation, two speed control buttons appear on the toolbar allowing you
to change the animation speed. The moment of time or the phase on the toolbar
changes synchronously with the picture.
During the first loop, QuickField accumulates the animation frames in memory.
Depending on the size of the problem, this can take considerable time, and the speed
control has no effect.
Animation stops automatically upon any user action that changes the contents or the
scaling of the field picture.
Note. Even though the problem results can be stored with varying time steps, the
animation shows the frames in equal time intervals.

Calculator Window
Calculator Window is a window normally docked to the left side of the field view.
To open the calculator window, choose Calculator Window command in the View
menu or corresponded button on the postprocessor toolbar. The calculator window
also opens when choosing Local Values, Integral Values or one of the Wizard
commands in View menu.


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

The calculator window is organized in several trees, which root items correspond to
several kinds of numerical data. These are:
Local Values shows several field quantities at a point of interest;
Integral calculator lists available quantities calculated by integration over given
line, surface or volume;
Inductance Wizard opens wizard, which helps you calculate self or mutual
inductance of the coils and conductors;
Capacitance Wizard opens wizard guiding you through steps needed to calculate
self or mutual capacitance of your conductors in electrostatics problems;
Impedance Wizard opens wizard, which helps you calculate the impedance of
the conductors in AC magnetic problems.
To open the set of values, double-click the corresponding item, or select it and press
The calculator window is initially docked to the left side of the field view. To change
its width, point to the gray splitter strip between windows and drag it to the left or to
the right. You can dock the window to the right side of the field view or make it
floating as ordinary popup window. Point at the window caption and drag it to the
desired position.
You can select one or several items in the tree and copy them to the clipboard or drag
to any application that supports drag-and-drop copy/paste operation (almost any word
processor or spreadsheet). To select more than one item, click on it holding the SHIFT
key (block selection) or the CTRL key (random selection). Context (right mouse
button) menu also works in the calculator window. It provides you with the subset of
commands for manipulating the field picture in the active view.
With a transient problem all the values in the calculator window correspond to the
chosen time layer. See Selecting a Time Layer section above for more details.

Examining Local Field Data

To obtain local field data, click Local Values in the View menu or context (right
mouse button) menu in field picture window. Otherwise if the calculator window is
already open, double-click the Local Values item in the tree. The message appears

Analysis of Connected Electric Circuit


prompting you to click the point. Then you can click points where you need to know
the values of the field quantities.
To enter coordinates of the point of interest from keyboard, select any of coordinates
with mouse and then click it again (after a period, to avoid the double-click effect) or
choose Edit Point command from context menu. You can edit either Cartesian or
polar coordinates.
To leave this mode, close local values window, or choose Local Values in the menu
again or click corresponding button on the toolbar.
The local values of physical quantities obtained in the Local Values mode can be
copied to clipboard for printing numerical results, or to pass them to other application
program, e.g., a spreadsheet program to produce a report. Click the Copy button in
the Local Values window. To see or copy exactly those field quantities you need,
you can expand or collapse branches in the tree.

Analysis of Connected Electric Circuit

If the field problem with the connected electric circuit is solved, the data about the
currents and voltages in all branches is available for viewing and analysis.
To open the electric circuit calculation results window use the Coupled Circuit
command in the View menu, or correspondent button in the toolbar.
As a result the split window will be displayed. Right pane shows the electric circuit
schema, left pane lists the circuit components. Components list pane may be hidden
or shown by the Circuit Components command of the View menu.


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

Effective value of the current in the circuit component and voltage drop along it is
shown in the tool tip window displayed with small delay after the mouse cursor
points to the circuit component. More details about the circuit component are
available in the component list pane.
Every list item is presented by its definition (shown in semi-bold font) and two or
three groups of data. Electric current and voltage drop are displayed for every item;
the nominal value is also shown for passive components and sources.
Components selection in the list and schema is synchronized automatically.
Every circuit component corresponds to several lines in the list. By default all lines
but the first one are hidden. To expand them you should click on the small + (plus)
sign to the left from the component.
In the time-harmonic problems for the current and voltage drop in every circuit
branch component effective value, instantaneous value for the selected phase, and
complex value components in the algebraic and trigonometric forms are shown.
It is possible to select any number of lines in the circuit components list and put them
into the clipboard (Copy command in the Edit menu). Selected lines may also be
dragged into other application, for example text editor or spreadsheet.

Current and Voltage Time Plots for the Circuit

When the transient problem with connected electric circuit is analyzed, the window
displaying the results for a transient magnetic problem with attached circuit might
contain up to 4 kinds of different panes:
Electric circuit itself;
The time dependency graphs for the currents in the selected circuit elements;
The time dependency graphs for the voltages in the selected circuit elements;
The table of currents and voltages in all circuit elements.

Analysis of Connected Electric Circuit


You can resize the panes. You can also hide panes if there is not enough of window
space for all of them. Twin boundary frames indicate the existence of hidden panes in
The plots are displayed curves are plotted for each selected circuit component. The
correspondence between the curves and circuit elements is shown by using the same
color of a curve and related line in the circuit element list. Curves are redrawn when
the circuit elements are selected or deselected in the list or in the electric schema
The scale of xy-plot could be adjusted by corresponding toolbar buttons:
Pressing the zoom-in button (with plus sign) changes the cursor shape to a cross, after
that you can drag over the rectangle of interest.
The graph image could be printed, copied to the Clipboard, and/or saved to a file in
any of the supported raster or vector formats. To do that, invoke the corresponding
commands in the context (right-click) menu of the graph.


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

The table of circuit currents and voltages could be printed, copied to the Clipboard,
and/or saved to a text file. To do that, invoke the corresponding commands in the
context (right-click) menu of the table.

Parameter Calculation Wizards

The most common design parameters in QuickField are calculated through wizards.
These calculations still could be done by using the ordinary integral quantities
available in the postprocessor, but wizards allow you to get the results quicker and in
most cases you can avoid manual building of the contour of integration and
manipulating with complex values.
These three wizards are available in QuickField:
Inductance Wizard calculates self or mutual inductance of the coil or conductor in
AC or DC magnetic problems;
Capacitance Wizard calculates self or mutual capacitance of the conductors in
electrostatics problems;
Impedance Wizard calculates impedance of the conductor in AC magnetic
To start the wizard, choose Wizard in View menu, or double-click the corresponding
item in the calculator window. If the calculator window is open while you start the
wizard, all the parameters calculated by the wizard are shown in that view. You can
start wizard again from not only its start page but also from any other page by doubleclicking the corresponding value in the Values tree.
Some of the wizards provide several alternative ways to calculate the desired
quantity. Each way is represented in the calculator window as a separate tree.

Inductance Wizard
Inductance wizard helps you to calculate self and mutual inductance of your coils in
the problem of DC or AC magnetics.
When your model contains several coils that carry different currents, the flux linkage
with one of them can be calculated as

Parameter Calculation Wizards

k = Lkk ik +


Mnk in,

where Lkk is the self inductance of the coil k, Mnk is the mutual inductance between
the coils n and k, ik is the current in the coil k.
On the other hand, stored magnetic energy also derives from current and inductance:

Lkk ik2 + M nk in ik

2 k

Before using the inductance wizard, you have to formulate your problem in such a
way that all the currents (space, surface or linearly distributed) but one are set to zero.
There must be no permanent magnets in your model. In that case equation above
becomes extremely simple and you can get inductance value as:
L = /i,
where is the flux linkage with the coil excited by current i, or
L =2W/i2,
where W is stored magnetic energy and i is the only current.
The first approach gives the self-inductance, if you get the flux linkage and the
current in the same coil and mutual inductance if the coils are different. The second
approach gives only the self-inductance.
Initial page of the inductance wizards invites you to choose between two approaches
described above. After choosing one of them click the Next button.
The second page of inductance wizard allows you to define, which blocks represent
the cross section of your coil. In general, two blocks represent each coil in the model
plane: forward and return wires. If there is only one side of the coil in your model, the
second one is assumed as being symmetrical to the first one or as being infinitely
distant of the model and not affecting the field distribution.


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

To define each side of your coil, simply point the corresponding item in the Block
Labels list and drag it to one of the side list. You can also use the Add buttons. No
matter, which side of your coil you call Right Side and which Left Side. If only one
side of the coil is represented in the model, drag item Symmetry to the opposite list if
return wire of the coil is symmetrical to the direct one, or leave the list empty if return
wire does not affect the electromagnetic state of your model.
You can select and drag more than one item at once if the cross section of your coil is
split to several blocks.
Enter the Number of Turns for your coil if it is more than one.
As result of any action on the lists or number of turns the Flux Linkage value will
change automatically being calculated as
A ds
R A ds

= N



for planar case

Ar ds
L Ar ds

= 2N



for axisymmetric case

Parameter Calculation Wizards


where A is the vector magnetic potential; R and L denote the right and the left side of
the coil accordingly, r is the radius of the point.
For planar problems flux linkage and the inductance are calculated per one meter of
axial depth no matter what length unit you have chosen.
When you finish with flux linkage calculation, click on the Next button. In the
Current page you can select the current exciting the field and provide a number of
turns in your coil.

Capacitance Wizard
Capacitance wizard helps you to calculate self and mutual capacitance of your
When your model contains several conductors, the charge of one of them can be
calculated as:

CkkU k2 + CnkU nU k ,

2 k
n k

where Ckk is the self capacitance of the conductor k, Cnk is the mutual capacitance
between the conductors n and k, Uk is the voltage drop on the conductor k.
On the other hand stored energy also derives from charge and capacitance as:


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution


CkkU k2 + CnkU nU k ,

2 k

and from the voltage and capacitance as:


Ckk ik2 + Cnk in ik

2 k

Before using the capacitance wizard, you have to formulate your problem in such a
way that all field sources (space, surface or linear distributed charge or voltage) but
one are set to zero. In that case equation above becomes extremely simple and you
can get capacitance value if you know any two of these three quantities: charge,
voltage, stored energy.
When formulating your problem, you can apply known voltage to the conductor and
measure the charge it produce or vice versa. Measuring the charge is a bit more
complex than the voltage. It requires you to build the closed contour surrounding
your conductor (but not coinciding with its surface) before you start the capacitance
wizard. The easiest way to formulate the problem for capacitance calculating is to put
constant potential boundary condition on the conductors surface and specify an
arbitrary non zero electric charge in one of the vertices on the surface of the
This page of capacitance wizard allows you to specify electrodes which capacitance
you want to calculate. Electrodes listed on the right side of the page are organized in
two subtrees: surface conductors and linear conductors (if any).
In case you are calculating the capacitance of the condenser consisting of two
electrodes, select both of them. When choosing more than one electrode their voltage
will be sum up (with their sign).

Parameter Calculation Wizards


In the right side of the page electrodes are listed which charge you have specified. If
you have put voltage boundary condition rather then charge on your electrodes, the
only way to calculate the charge is to build the contour surrounding it but not
coincident with it boundary. If so, you have to do that before you start the capacitance
When selecting one or more items in the list, you get the resulting charge in the
Charge box.


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

Impedance Wizard
Impedance wizard helps you to calculate the impedance of your conductors. It is
simple and contains only one page. To get the impedance value and its real and
imaginary parts (resistance and reactance accordingly) the impedance wizard simply
divides complex values of voltage by current:
Z = U/I, R = Re[Z], XL = Im[Z], L = XL/2f,
where Z is absolute value of the impedance and f is the frequency.

If you select more than one conductor at once, the impedance wizard considers it as
being connected in parallel if the voltage applied to each of them is equal and as
being connected in series otherwise.

Editing Contours
The contour is a directed curved line consisting of line segments and arcs (including
the edges of the model). Some rules are applied to the contours:
The contour may not intersect itself.
Open and closed contours are discerned.
Multiply connected contours have sense only for calculating integral quantities.

Editing Contours


Contour is shown in the field picture window as a set of directed lines or color-filled
interior (closed counter-clockwise-directed contours).
QuickField allows editing contours in field picture windows. The following
operations change the current contour state:
Adding lines

attaches a line segment or an arc to the contour. The arc is

specified by its degree measure (zero means line segment) and two end points.
Any arbitrary line may initiate the contour, but only adjacent lines are accepted
later. The line cannot be added to the closed contour. There are two ways to add
lines to contour: choose Pick Elements from Contour menu or context menu and
then drag mouse with left button pressed. Or, choose Add Lines from Contour
menu or context menu and enter end points coordinates from keyboard.
Adding edges appends the contour with an edge of the model. The contour may
be initiated by any arbitrary edge, but only adjacent edges are accepted later. The
edge cannot be added to the closed contour, or if the ending point of the contour
does not currently coincide with models vertex. To add edges, choose Pick
Elements from Contour menu or context menu and then pick series of adjacent

edges with mouse.

Adding blocks considers the current closed contour as a border of the plane
region and updates that region by adding (or subtracting) a block of the model in
the sense of set theory. To add blocks, choose Pick Elements from Contour
menu or context menu and then pick blocks with mouse.
Close contour closes an open contour by connecting its open ends with a
straight line or an arc, depending on current degree measure in the postprocessing
Change direction alters the contour direction.
Clear deletes the entire contour.
Delete last deletes the last element (line or edge) in the contour. Not applicable
to multiply connected contours.


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

Depending on current state of the contour, some editing operations may be

The direction of the contour is significant in the following cases:
For volume integrals, the domain of integration lies to the left of the contour.
For surface integrals, the positive normal vector points to the right relative to the
contour direction.
The starting point of the contour corresponds to zero point at the x-axis of the
X-Y plot.
If the plotted or the integrated function has different values to the left and to the
right of the contour, the right-hand value is used.

X-Y Plots
QuickField postprocessor can display field distribution along contours. To open new
X-Y plot window, choose X-Y plot in View menu or context (right mouse button)
menu in field picture window, in which the contour is already defined.
In X-Y plot view, you can:
Select the set of shown quantities. Click X-Y Plot Curves in the View or context
Zoom the plot in or out.
View the correspondence between quantities and curves (legend).
Copy the picture to clipboard.
Open new X-Y plot window for the same contour.

X-Y Plots


X-Y Plot Control

Few quantities having the same unit of measurement can be shown at the same
X-Y plot. According to this, all quantities are combined into groups. Full list of
quantities includes all those available for the color map representation (see
Interpreted Quantities), and also normal and tangential components of vector and
scalar quantities.
When you select the appropriate group of quantities, the Curves to Show list
contains the quantities selected for display, and the Available Quantities list contains
available but not selected quantities. You can use buttons located between the lists, or
simply double-click in the lists, to move some quantity from one list to another.
In the dialog box, you can also modify the range of y coordinate. By default, it fits all
the currently selected curves. You can get the suggested value of lower or upper limit
by selecting the corresponding text box (Minimum or Maximum) and choosing
Suggest button.
In time-harmonic analysis, you can also switch between momentary (at given phase),
time average and peak values of time dependent quantities.
You can turn on or off the switches for displaying coordinate grid and markers on the
curves. The last mode allows you to distinguish between the coinciding curves.


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

Calculating Integrals
QuickField calculates line, surface and volume integrals. In plane-parallel problem, a
contour defines cylindrical (in generalized sense) surface of infinite depth, or volume
of that cylinder for volume integral. Therefore, in plane-parallel formulation surface
and volume integrals are calculated per unit depth. In axisymmetric problem, a
contour defines toroidal surface, or toroid for volume integral.
Positive direction of a contour is counter-clockwise. The direction of the contour is
accounted as follows:
For volume integrals the domain of integration lies to the left of the contour.
For surface integrals the positive normal vector points to the right relative to the
contour direction.
If the plotted or the integrated function has different values to the left and to the
right of the contour, the right-hand value is used.
Force, torque and electric charge integrals represent real physical quantities only
when the contour is closed. However, these integrals are calculated for the unclosed
contours too.
To calculate integrals, click Integral Values in the View menu or context (right
mouse button) menu. Or, if calculator window is already open, double-click on the
Integral Calculator item in the tree. If the contour is already defined, a list of
available integral quantities appears. The list varies depends on whether your contour
is open or closed. If you have no contour defined in the active field view, a message
appears prompting you to build the contour. You can get a value of an integral
parameter by click on the small gray button left on its name or by double click on the
name. Once opened the integral value will be recalculated automatically each time
you change the contour.
Some integrals require closed counter-clockwise oriented contour, otherwise they
have no physical sense. Once you created the contour, you can select an integral
quantity from the list and choose Calculate button to get the value. Copy button
allows you to copy the calculated result to clipboard.
When the electric or magnetic force, torque, electric charge, electric current or heat
flux are to be calculated, the domain of integration may be chosen by many different
ways. The only requirement for the surface of integration is to contain all the
necessary bodies, but to avoid any extra bodies or field sources. It is important to

Calculating Integrals


understand that the accuracy will be the best if you choose the integration surface as
far as possible from the places with strong inhomogeneity of field, e.g. field sources
or boundaries of conducting or ferromagnetic bodies.
When calculating the flux linkage the domain of integration must exactly fit the cross
section of the coil.
The next sections describe the integral values QuickField can evaluate for different
problem types. Besides the corresponding formulation, each description specifies the
QuickField.Result.GetIntegral (the detailed description of the ActiveField technology
that provides the programmatic interface to QuickField can be found in QuickField
The formulations share the following geometric notations:

the vector of the outward unit normal;

the unit tangent vector;

the position vector of the point.

The notations for the domain of integration vary in the following way:

for integration along the contour;

for integration across the surface swept by the movement of the contour;


for integration across the planar surface defined by the interior of the closed


for integration across the interior of the closed surface swept by the

movement of the closed contour.

Note: in plane-parallel formulations the contour sweeps the surface moving along the
z-axis for the axial length of the problem (1m, by default).
In axisymmetric formulations the contour does so rotating around the x axis for 360


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

For DC and transient magnetic problems:

Generally the integral quantities of interest in magnetic analysis are: mechanical force
and torque, magnetic flux and flux linkage, magnetomotive force (MMF), magnetic
field energy.
The following notations are used in formulas:
B magnetic flux density vector;
H vector of magnetic field strength;
A z-component of magnetic vector potential;
B(H) magnetization curve of a ferromagnetic, that assumed to be isotropic.
ActiveFied constant

Mechanical force

Formula and Description




H ( n B ) + B ( n H ) n ( H B ) ds

Total magnetic force acting on bodies contained in a

particular volume, where integral is evaluated over the
boundary of the volume.
Mechanical torque




([r H] ( n B ) + [r B] ( n H ) [r n] ( H B ) ) ds

Total torque of magnetic forces acting on bodies contained

in a particular volume.
where r is a radius vector of the point of integration.
The torque vector is parallel to z axis in the planar case, and
is identically equal to zero in the axisymmetric one. The
torque is considered relative to the origin of the coordinate
system. The torque relative to any other arbitrary point can
be obtained by adding extra term of [Fr0], where F is the
total force and r0 is the radius vector of the point.
Flux linkage per one turn



A ds for planar case;


2 rA ds for axisymmetric case;


Calculating Integrals


The integral has to be evaluated over a cross section of the

coil, and SC is the area of the cross section.
Magnetomotive force



( H t ) dl

Magnetomotive force is a line integral around the contour of

magnetic field strength.
According Amperes law the magnetomotive force around a
closed line is equal to total current through the contour.
Magnetic flux

( B n ) ds


Magnetic flux over the surface defined by the contour.

Magnetic field energy




( H B ) dv

W = H ( B ) dB dv


Magnetic field co-energy


Wco =

linear case;

nonlinear case.

B ( H ) dH dv nonlinear case.


For linear problem the co-energy is equal to the magnetic

Linearized field energy

Surface energy


Wlin =

( H B ) dv

For linear case the linearized energy is equal to the ordinary

magnetic energy.
Ws =

( B H ) ds

The (BH) product is integrated is over a surface defined by


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

the contour.
Average surface potential

A ds

As =

Average volume

A dv

Av =

Average volume flux

B dv

Ba =

Average volume strength

Ha =

Mean square flux

Ba2 =

Surface integral of

B 2 dv

Ha2 =

Line integral of flux

Mean square strength

H dv

H 2 dv


( B t ) dl

Line integral over the contour of magnetic flux densisy.


( H n ) ds

With transient problems only:

Total current


j ds


Electric current through a particular surface. The integral is

evaluated over a cross section of the coil, and SC is the area
of the cross section

Calculating Integrals


j is a total current density in z-direction.

External current

Iext =





External current through a particular surface.

jext density of external current.
Eddy current

Ieddy =





Eddy current through a particular surface.

jeddy density of eddy current.
Joule heat



g j


Joule heat power in a volume.

g electric conductivity,
j total current density.

For AC magnetic problems:

For the AC magnetic field analysis, the most interesting integral values are: the total,
eddy and external current, the mechanical force and torque, the magnetic flux and
flux linkage, the magnetomotive force, the field energy.
The following notations are used in formulas:
B complex vector magnetic flux density;
H complex vector magnetic field intensity (field strength);
jtotal, jeddy, jext complex values of total, eddy and external current density;

A z-component of complex magnetic vector potential.

Since AC magnetic problems' formulations use complex values that represent the real
world quantities sinusoidally changing with time, the integral values might appear in
the following different ways:


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

As a Complex value, with amplitude and phase (e.g. current, flux linkage,
magnetomotive force).
As a Complex vector, with the endpoint sweeping an ellipse in any complete time
period (e.g. induction, magnetic field strength). The characteristics of complex
vectors are: the amplitude (per coordinate), the phase, and the polarization
As a Quadratic value (e.g. ohmic loss power, field energy, etc.) pulsing around its
mean value with double frequency. The characteristics of quadratic values are: the
mean value, the phase, and the pulsation amplitude.
As a Quadratic vector (e.g. mechanical forces) with magnitude and direction
varying around its mean value with double frequency. The characteristics of
quadratic vectors are: the mean value (length, slant and coordinates), and the
variation amplitude (used, for example, to estimate the mechanical force limit for
a period).
ActiveFied constant

Total current

Formula and Description





Complex value.
Electric current through a particular surface.
External current

Iext =




Complex value.
External current through a particular surface.
Eddy current

Ieddy =




Complex value
Eddy current through a particular surface.

Calculating Integrals

Joule heat



g j




Quadratic value.
Joule heat power in a particular volume.
g electric conductivity of the media.
Power flow

PS =

(S n ) ds


Quadratic value.
Power flow through the given surface (Poynting vector flow)
Here S is a Pointing vector S = [EH].
Maxwell force




H ( n B ) + B ( n H ) n ( H B ) ds

Quadratic vector.
Maxwell force acting on bodies contained in a particular
The integral is evaluated over the boundary of the volume,
and n denotes the vector of the outward unit normal.
Maxwell torque




([r H] ( n B ) + [r B] ( n H ) [r n] ( H B ) ) ds

Quadratic value.
Maxwell force torque acting on bodies contained in a
particular volume, where r is a radius vector of the point of
The torque vector is parallel to z axis in the planar case, and is
identically equal to zero in the axisymmetric one. The torque
is considered relative to the origin of the coordinate system.
The torque relative to any other arbitrary point can be
obtained by adding extra term of [Fr0], where F is the total
force and r0 is the radius vector of the point.
Lorentz force


[ j B] dv


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

Quadratic vector.
The Lorentz force acting on conductors contained in a
particular volume.
Lorentz torque


r [ j B ] dv


Quadratic value.
The Lorentz force torque acting on bodies contained in a
particular volume. The torque is considered relative to the
origin of the coordinate system.
Magnetic field energy




( H B ) dv

Quadratic value.
This formula is used for both linear and nonlinear cases.
Flux linkage per one


A ds for planar case;


2 rA ds for axisymmetric case;


Complex value.
The integral has to be evaluated over a cross section of the
coil, and SC is the area of the cross section.
Magnetomotive force



( H t ) dl

Complex value.
Magnetomotive force.
Magnetic flux

( B n ) ds


Complex value.
Magnetic flux through a particular surface.
Surface energy

Ws =

( B H ) ds

Quadratic value.

Calculating Integrals


The integral is evaluated over the surface swept by the

movement of the contour.
Average surface

A ds

As =


Average volume

Complex value.
Integrated over a particular volume
A dv

Av =

Average volume flux

Complex value.
B dv

Ba =

Average volume

Complex vector.
Ha =

H dv

Mean square flux
Mean square strenght

Complex vector.
Ba2 =

B 2 dv

Quadratic value.
Ha2 =


H 2 dv

Quadratic value.
Line integral of flux


( B t ) dl

Complex value.
The line integral over the contour of a magnetic flux density.


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

Surface integral of


( H n ) ds

Complex value.

Note. The Maxwell force incorporates both the force acting on ferromagnetic bodies
and Lorentz force, which acts only on conductors. If the first component is negligible
or is not considered, we recommend calculating the electromagnetic force as Lorentz
force. Its precision is less sensitive to the contour path, and you can simply select
conductors via block selection to calculate the force. With Maxwell force, this
method leads to very rough results, and you are recommended to avoid coinciding of
your contour parts and material boundaries, as described earlier in this chapter.

For electrostatic problems:

Generally the integral quantities of interest in electrostatic analysis are: electric
charge, potential difference, mechanical force and torque, field energy.
The following notations are used in formulas:
E electric field strength;
D vector of electric flux density (electric displacement);
U electric potential.
Name, ActiveFied

Electrical charge

Formula and Description


D n ds


According to the Gauss theorem, total electric charge in a

particular volume can be calculated as a flux of electric
displacement over its closed boundary.
Mechanical force



( E ( n D ) + D ( n E) n ( E D ) ) ds

Total electric force acting on bodies contained in a particular

volume. The integral is evaluated over the volumes boundary.

Calculating Integrals

Mechanical torque





([r E] ( n D ) + [r D] ( n E) [r n] ( E D )) ds

Total torque of electric forces acting on bodies contained in a

particular volume.
The torque vector is parallel to z axis in the planar case, and is
identically equal to zero in the axisymmetric one. The torque is
considered relative to the origin of the coordinate system. The
torque relative to any other arbitrary point can be obtained by
adding extra term of [Fr0], where F is the total force and r0 is
the radius vector of the point.
Stored energy



( E D ) dv

Electric field energy in a particular volume.

Surface energy

Ws =

Potential difference

( E D ) ds

U =

( E t ) dl


The potential difference between the ending and started points

of a contour can be calculated as a line integral over the contour
of electric field strength.
Average surface potential

Us =

Average volume

U ds

Uv =

U dv

Average volume strength

Ea =

E dv

Average electric filed strength in a particular volume.


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

Average volume

Da =

D dv

Mean square strength

Average electric displacement vector in a particular volume.

Ea2 =

Mean square

E 2 dv

Da2 =

D 2 dv

Line integral of


( D t ) dl

Surface integral of


( E n ) ds


For DC conduction problems:

Generally the integral quantities of interest in DC conduction analysis are: electric
current, Joule heat.
The following notations are used in formulas:
E electric field strength;
j vector of current density;
D vector of electric flux density (electric displacement);
- electric resistivity;
U scalar electric potential.
ActiveFied constant

Current through a

Formula and Description


( j n ) ds

Calculating Integrals


Electric current through a particular surface.

Joule heat in a volume



( E j) dv


Power losses in a particular volume.

Potential difference

U =

( E t ) dl


The potential difference between the ending and started points

of a contour can be calculated as a line integral over the
contour of electric field strength.
Surface Joule heat

Ws =

Average surface

( E j) ds
U ds

Us =

Average volume

Uv =

U dv

Average volume

E dv

Ea =

Average volume
current density

ja =

j dv

Mean square strength

Ea2 =

E 2 dv


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

Mean square current


ja2 =


Surface integral of


( E n ) ds

Line integral of current


( j t ) dl


For AC conduction problems:

For the AC conduction analysis, the most interesting integral values are: active,
reactive and apparent current through particular surface, Joule heat, mechanical force
and torque, field energy.
The following notations are used in formulas:
E complex vector of electric field strength;
D complex vector of electric displacement;
jA complex vector of active current density;
jRE complex vector of reactive current density;
jAPP complex vector of apparent current density;
U complex value of electric potential;
Since AC conduction problems' formulations use complex values that represent the
real world quantities sinusoidally changing with time, the integral values might
appear in the following different ways:
As a Complex value, with amplitude and phase (e.g. current, potential).
As a Complex vector, with the endpoint sweeping an ellipse in any complete time
period (e.g. current density, field strength). The characteristics of complex vectors
are: the amplitude (per coordinate), the phase, and the polarization coefficient.

Calculating Integrals


As a Quadratic value (e.g. ohmic loss power, field energy, etc.) pulsing around its
mean value with double frequency. The characteristics of quadratic values are: the
mean value, the phase, and the pulsation amplitude.
As a Quadratic vector (e.g. mechanical forces) with magnitude and direction
varying around its mean value with double frequency. The characteristics of
quadratic vectors are: the mean value (length, slant and coordinates), and the
variation amplitude (used, for example, to estimate the mechanical force limit for
a period).
ActiveFied constant

Formula and Description


Active current through a

given surface

IA =


Complex value.
Active electric current through a particular surface.

Reactive current through

a given surface



Complex value.
Reactive electric current through a particular surface.

Apparent current through

a given surface



Complex value.
Apparent electric current through a particular surface.

Active power produced

in a volume

PA =


Quadratic value
Joule heat power produced in a particular volume.

Reactive power produced

in a volume



Quadratic value

n ds



n ds



(E j

(E j

n ds

) dv


) dv


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

Reactive power produced in a particular volume.

(E j

) dv

Apparent power
produced in a volume



Quadratic value
Apparent power produced in a particular volume.

Mechanical force





( E ( n D ) + D ( n E) n ( E D ) ) ds

Quadratic vector
Electric force acting on bodies contained in a particular
volume. Evaluated by calculating of Maxwell stress tensor
over volumes bounding surface.
Mechanical torque




([r E] ( n D ) + [r D] ( n E) [r n] ( E D )) ds

Quadratic value.
Electric force torque acting on bodies contained in a
particular volume, where r is a radius vector of the point of
The torque vector is parallel to z axis in the planar case, and
is identically equal to zero in the axisymmetric one. The
torque is considered relative to the origin of the coordinate
system. The torque relative to any other arbitrary point can
be obtained by adding extra term of [Fr0], where F is the
total force and r0 is the radius vector of the point.
Electric field energy



( E D ) dv

Quadratic value.
Electric field energy in a particular volume.
Surface energy

Ws =

( E D ) ds

Quadratic value.

Calculating Integrals

Potential difference

U =


( E t ) dl


Complex value.
The potential difference between the ending and started
points of a contour can be calculated as a line integral over
the contour of electric field strength.
Average surface potential

Us =


U ds

Complex value.
Average volume
Average volume strength

Uv =

U dv

Complex value.
Ea =


E dv

Complex vector.
Average electric field strength vector in a particular volume.
Average volume

Da =

D dv


Mean square strength

Complex vector.
Average electric displacement vector in a particular volume.
Ea2 =


E 2 dv

Quadratic value.
Mean square

Da2 =

D 2 dv


Quadratic value.


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

Electric charge

D n ds

Qs =


Complex value.
The total electric charge in a particular volume can be
calculated as a flux of electric displacement over the
volumes closed boundary.
Line integral of


( D t ) dl

Complex value.

Transient electric field:

The integral quantities in transient electric analysis are: electric charge, potential
difference, active and reactive current, Joule heat, mechanical force and torque, field
The following notations are used in formulas:
E electric field strength;
D vector of electric flux density (electric displacement);
jA active current density;
jRE reactive current density;
U electric potential.
Name, ActiveFied

Electrical charge

Formula and Description


D n ds


According to the Gauss theorem, total electric charge in a

particular volume can be calculated as a flux of electric
displacement over its closed boundary.


Active current through a

given surface

IA =


Active electric current through a particular surface.

n ds

Calculating Integrals


Reactive current through

a given surface



Reactive electric current through a particular surface.

Active power produced

in a volume

PA =


Joule heat power produced in a particular volume.

Mechanical force




n ds

(E j



) dv

( E ( n D ) + D ( n E) n ( E D ) ) ds

Total electric force acting on bodies contained in a particular

volume. The integral is evaluated over the volumes boundary.
Mechanical torque




([r E] ( n D ) + [r D] ( n E) [r n] ( E D )) ds

Total torque of electric forces acting on bodies contained in a

particular volume.
The torque vector is parallel to z axis in the planar case, and is
identically equal to zero in the axisymmetric one. The torque is
considered relative to the origin of the coordinate system. The
torque relative to any other arbitrary point can be obtained by
adding extra term of [Fr0], where F is the total force and r0 is
the radius vector of the point.
Stored energy



( E D ) dv

Electric field energy in a particular volume.

Surface energy

Ws =

Potential difference

( E D ) ds

U =

( E t ) dl

The potential difference between the ending and started points

of a contour can be calculated as a line integral over the contour


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

of electric field strength.

Average surface potential

Us =

Average volume

U ds

Uv =

U dv

Average volume strength

E dv

Ea =


Average electric filed strength in a particular volume.

Average volume

Da =

D dv

Mean square strength

Average electric displacement vector in a particular volume.

Ea2 =

Mean square

E 2 dv

Da2 =

D 2 dv

Line integral of


( D t ) dl

Surface integral of


( E n ) ds


For heat transfer problems:

For the heat transfer analysis, the most interesting integral values are: the heat flux,
mean volume temperature.
The following notations are used in formulas:

Calculating Integrals


G vector of temperature gradient;

F vector of heat flux density;

T temperature.
ActiveFied constant
Heat flux

Formula and Description

( F n ) ds


Heat flux through a particular surface.

Temperature difference

( G t ) dl

T =


The temperature difference between starting and ending

points of a contour can be calculated as an integral over the
contour of the temperature gradient.
Average surface

T ds

Ts =

Average volume

T dv

Tv =

Average volume
temperature gradient

G dv

Ga =

Average volume heat
flux density

Mean vector of temperature gradient in a volume.

Fa =

F dv

Average volume
temperature gradient

Mean vector of heat flux density in a volume.

Ga2 =

G 2 dv


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

Mean square heat flux

F 2 dv

Fa2 =

Line integral of heat
flux density


( F t ) dl

Surface integral of


( G n ) ds


For problems of stress analysis:

For the stress analysis problems, the most interesting integral values are: force, torque
and lengthen.
The following notations are used in formulas:
the stress tensor.
ActiveFied constant

Formula and Description


( n ) ds


Total force acting on a particular volume.

The integral is evaluated over the boundary of the volume,
and n denotes the vector of the outward unit normal.



r ( n ) ds

Total torque of the forces acting on a particular volume,

where r is a radius vector of the point of integration.
The torque vector is parallel to z axis in the planar case, and
is identically equal to zero in the axisymmetric one. The
torque is considered relative to the origin of the coordinate

Data Tables


system. The torque relative to any other arbitrary point can

be obtained by adding extra term of [Fr0], where F is the
total force and r0 is the radius vector of the point.

L =

( t ) dl


Relative lengthen of the contour.

Data Tables
QuickField can display the field data at discrete points, distributed along the currently
selected contour, in table view. To open new table window, choose Table in the
View menu or context (right mouse button) menu in field picture window, in which
the contour is already defined.
In table view, you can:
Select the list of shown quantities (table columns). Choose Columns in View or
context menu.
Select how the points are distributed along the contour (table rows). Choose Rows
in View or context menu.
Insert additional rows at specified distance from the beginning of the contour.
Choose Insert in Edit or context menu.
Copy the set of rows or the whole table to Windows clipboard. In latter case
(when all of the rows are selected), column headers are also copied. To copy the
header only, click the right mouse button within the header and choose Copy
Header from the context menu.

Table Columns
To change the set of visible table columns or the contents of their headers, choose
Columns from the View menu or from context (right mouse button) menu in the
Table window. The Table Columns dialog appears on the screen:


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

The left part of the dialog window

contains the list of all known columns.
You choose the set of visible columns
marking or clearing the check boxes in the
list. Clicking on Select All or Clear All
button respectively marks and clears all
check boxes in the list.
The state of the check boxes in
Header Contains defines which column
identification details should be included in
its header. The Adjust Columns Width
radio button state specifies whether the
width of a column should be based on the
width of its data or on the width of its
The state of the check boxes in Header Contains defines which column
identification details should be included in its header. The Adjust Columns Width
radio button state specifies whether the width of a column should be based on the
width of its data or on the width of its header.
QuickField applies these settings to all columns at once. To change the width of a
single column drag the right border of the column in the table header.

Table Rows
To fill the table with rows of values calculated at points on a contour, choose Rows
from the View menu or from context (right mouse button) menu in the Table window.
The Table Rows dialog appears on the screen:
The dialog provides two alternative ways to tabulate
the contour. You either use a fixed step between
contour points or fill the required number of rows.
To use fixed step enter the step length in
Tabulating Step.
Always Include Segment Ends,
QuickField adds ends of all contour segments to the
table starting a new step at every segment end. When
you enter a value in Tabulating Step, QuickField
shows the total number of steps in Rows to Fill.

Plots and Tables versus Time


When you enter the number of rows in Rows to Fill, QuickField interprets this value
as either the required number of rows in the whole table or the required number of
rows for every contour segment depending on the state of the radio button
(Total / Per Segment) below this field.
When QuickField tabulates the contour, it uses the data in the dialog items you fill
You can combine automatic contour tabulation with manual addition and removal of
rows via the windows context menu.

Plots and Tables versus Time

QuickFiled provides several ways to analyze time-dependent data. You can:
Plot the field picture for any selected time moment.
Plot various field quantities vs. time on the time plot.
For any given point, display the table with its field quantities versus time.
Display the table with any quantity integrated over the current contour versus
Animate the field picture reflecting its changes vs. time according to a suitable
time scale.

Time Plot
For transient problems QuickField provides the means to plot time-dependent field
quantities versus time. You can display both the plots of local field values at the
given points and the plots of the values integrated over the current contour.
Plots of local field values can simultaneously show the curves for several field points.
At the same time, such plots can show the curves for several physical quantities with
the same measurement units. In cases when the measurement units differ (as with
temperature, its gradient, and the heat flux), QuickField separates physical quantities
into groups with same measurement units and displays one group of quantities at a


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

The plots of integrated values, on the other hand, always display only one physical
quantity, with graphs of vector quantities represented as several curves displaying the
quantity's coordinate values and its absolute value.
To create a new time plot, choose Time Plot in the View or context menu. The field
value QuickField plots corresponds to the last point you clicked. The clicks that count
are those inside the field picture window and those inside the Calculator Window.
If the last click is in the Integral Calculator the time plot displays the clicked
integrated quantity. Such plots display only one quantity at a time.
In other cases, the plot displays the local value at the clicked point against time. If
you did not click any point, or if the last point you clicked cannot be associated with a
field value, QuickField displays an empty time plot window.
To display the curves related to different points on the same time plot, click the points
one by one invoking the Time Plot command after every click. Or, to specify the
exact point coordinates, invoke the View / Time Plot Curves command available
from the Time Plot window, enter the coordinates, and click Add.
Alternately, you can invoke the Time Plot command via the context menu of the
Field Picture window and the Time Plot Curves command via the context menu of
the Time Plot window. The context menu also provides the way to easily switch the
displayed time plot between different groups of local values or move from local to
integrated values and back.
With time plot view, you can:
Define the set of curves displayed for various groups of physical values. To do it,
choose Time Plot Curves from the View or context menu.
Zoom the plot in or out with toolbar buttons

View the legend showing the correspondence between quantities and curves.
Copy the picture to the clipboard with Edit / Copy Picture or save it to a file with
File / Save As.

Time Plot Curves

A time plot window can display curves for several points. In turn, for each point can
have several curves for different field quantities, combined into three families:
temperature, temperature gradient, and heat flux.

Plots and Tables versus Time


To add a new point, click the very first row in the list, type coordinates in the boxes
above and click the Add button. When choosing a point in the list you can change its
coordinates and switch on and off associated curves.

The Choose Quantity Family drop-down list at the bottom allows you to switch the
displayed curve family. Alternatively you can change the family via the context menu
of the time plot or the legend window.
The time plot window immediately reflects all changes in the dialog.
To add a new point, click the very first row in the table, enter the coordinates in the
boxes above, and click Add. To change the coordinates of the existing point select it
in the list and enter the new values. This way you can also switch the curves
associated with points on and off.

Time Dependencies Table

For transient problems QuickField provides the means to display time-dependent
field quantities in a table where the rows correspond to different moments of time,
and the columns, depending on the current mode, either to local field values at the
given points or to the values integrated over the current contour of the field window.
To open the time table window, choose Time Table in the View or context menu of
the field window.


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

The drop-down listbox in the upper left corner of the table window allows one to
toggle between local and integrated quantities. The default mode of the window
depends on whether its contour is defined or not. If no contour exists, the window
displays local quantities (Local values mode). Otherwise it displays the quantities
integrated over the current contour (Integrals mode).
In Local values you can change the coordinates of the point. By default, both
coordinates are 0. Having changed the coordinates click OK to apply the changes.
In Time Table window you can:
Copy the entire table or the selected rows to Windows Clipboard. To do that,
select the desired rows and choose Copy (CTRL+C) in the Edit or context menu.
Drag the selected rows to another application, like Microsoft Excel.
When all rows in a table are selected, the table header is also included into
copying and drag-n-drop operations. To select all rows in the table choose
Select All (CTRL+A) in the Edit or context menu.
Save the entire table in a text file. Choose File / Save As.

Controlling the Legend Display

The legend for the color map shows the correspondence between colors and numbers;
for X-Y plot between curves and quantities.
To switch the legend display on or off, click Legend in the View or context menu of
the field picture or X-Y plot window.

Trajectories of Charged Particles


Trajectories of Charged Particles

Theoretical Background
Working on electrostatic problems you can calculate and view trajectories of charged
particles in electric field. To do it, choose Particle Trajectory from View menu.
Trajectory calculation uses the following data:
Calculated electrostatic field;
Particle attributes: charge, mass, initial velocity or energy; Initial velocity might
point outside of the calculation plane;
Emitter attributes: coordinates (starting point of all beam trajectories), limits for
the angle between initial velocity and horizontal axes, and the total number of
trajectories in the beam
Viewing calculation results, you see:
Projections of beam trajectories on the calculation plane;
Kinematical parameters in every trajectory point;
The path length and the time spent on the way to any trajectory point.
Calculating trajectories QuickField uses following assumptions:
There are no relativistic effects;
Electrostatic field inside any finite element is linear relative to coordinates.
The beam space charge field can be ignored in the equations of motion (infinitely
small current approximation).
Distinctive emitter physical features can be ignored, so that all beam particles
have the same starting point and kinetic energy.
According to these assumptions, we can describe the trajectory (x(t),y(t),z(t)) of a
charged particle in two-dimensional electrostatic field E (x,y) with Newtons system
of differential equations:


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

d 2x q
2 = E x ( x, y )
d 2 y q
2 = E y ( x, y )
d z
2 =0

We reorganize this system of three second degree equations into six first-degree
equations and append the following additional equation:

= + +


defining the length l(t) of the trajectory covered by the particle in time t. We integrate
the resulting system using the Runge-Kutta-Merson method with automatically
defined integration step. Numerical integration stops immediately before the finite
elements boundary, the step leading outside of the element being excluded. At the
last point in the element, we extrapolate the trajectory with cubical segment of its
Taylor series relative to time and solve the resulting equation using Tartaglia-Cardano
formula and taking into account possible decrease of the equations degree in
homogeneous or zero fields.

Using Trajectories
Choosing Particle Trajectory from View menu opens the modeless dialog window
that allows changing beam properties and viewing the calculation results on screen.

Trajectories of Charged Particles


The property values entered into the dialog fields come into effect when you click
Apply button.
The Particle dialog page allows to choose particle type from the list or define its
charge and mass manually. It also provides you with the possibility to define the
initial absolute value of the particles velocity or its initial kinetic energy.
Next tab Emitter to specify parameters of monochromatic point emitter.

The Number of Trajectories: field defines the total number of trajectories in the
beam. The more trajectories you ask for, the longer will QuickField take to perform
the calculation.
The Source position fields define the coordinates of the point emitter. You can either
enter the coordinates manually or click the required point inside the window showing
the field.
The Angle range fields define the limits for the angle between initial velocity vector
and the horizontal axis. QuickField assumes that the angle between initial velocity
vector and the plane of the model is the same for all particles in the beam.
Stop iteration when NNNN elements passed: the value entered into this field limits
the number of finite elements the particle enters during its flight. This limitation helps
to avoid infinite loops for closed trajectories.
Whenever you click the Apply button or click anywhere in the window showing the
field, QuickField recalculates the trajectories and updates the picture.


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

The Kinematic Values tab shows calculated kinematic properties of moving

particles. It shows the values related to the trajectory highlighted on screen, the one
closest to the current cursor position. You can freeze highlighting of a trajectory if
you move the mouse cursor holding the SHIFT key pressed.
The page shows the trajectory length and the total flight time along with the particles
velocity and acceleration at the current trajectory point (marked with cross on screen).
The current point follows cursor position.

Export of Field Calculation Results

In addition to many possibilities of interactive analysis of the field calculation results
within QuickField package it is also possible to perform their output for further
analysis with other programs.
For results output you can:
Print field pictures, plots, tables, circuit schema and plot legend;
Copy to clipboard any window content;
Drag by mouse selected lines from the table, field calculator and electric circuit
component list into other application, e.g. word processor or spreadsheet;
Save the table of the field distribution along the arbitrary contour to the text file,
or print it (see the Tables of the physical parameter distribution along the

Export of Field Calculation Results


Export the field distribution in the whole model area into the binary or text file.

Printing the Postprocessor Pictures

You can directly print the field picture or X-Y plot to your local or network printer,
just as you see the model in the window, with the same zooming and discretization
To print the picture, click Print in the File menu. You will have an option to
choose the printer and set up the picture, such as paper size and orientation, before
printing will occur.
To preview the output before printing, click Print Preview in the File menu. To
see how the picture will appear on a printer of your choice, click Print Setup

Copying the Postprocessor Pictures

You can copy the field picture or X-Y plot, as you see it in the window, to clipboard,
for subsequent including it to your paper or report in any word-processing or desktop
publishing utility.
To copy the picture, click Copy Picture in the Edit menu.
Switch to the application where you want to paste the picture and click Paste in
the Edit menu, or press SHIFT+INS.
Most of QuickField graphical windows may be saved into file as a vector or raster
picture. Scale and content of the image will be the same, as it is shown on screen.
Both raster and vector formats of picture presentation have their advantages and
drawbacks. Final choice between them depends on the application, which will be
used for processing the pictures exported from QuickField.
Vector images may be saved to Windows Metafile format (WMF) or Extended
Windows Metafile (EMF), which is newer and better compatible with the modern
Windows applications.
The list of supported raster formats includes BMP, GIF, TIFF, JPEG and PNG. Select
BMP for maximum picture quality (without compression), GIF if you prefer the


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

minimum size, JPEG or PNG as a compromise between size and quality, and TIFF
for best compatibility with prepress or publishing software.
For raster formats QuickField allows to define the height and width of the resulting
picture in pixels. Their default value is agreed with the actual size of the copied
window. Increasing of the raster picture size requires more disk space, but provides
higher quality pictures for publishing.
To save the picture into the file:
1. Select Export Picture in the File menu of the window with the picture displayed.
File name and format selection dialogue will be shown.
2. Select needed File Type from the list, and set the name and location of the file in
the File Name field.
3. Click OK.
4. The Picture Properties dialogue will be displayed if one of the raster formats is
chosen. Here you may accept the default picture size, or redefine it by setting
other height and width.

Field Export into File

In rare cases when QuickField does not provide necessary means for the problem
results analysis, or the calculation results should be used as entry data for other
application you may export results into the file of text or binary format. This option is
controlled by the Field Export command of the File menu.
Field Export Wizard window will display two output methods to select one of them:
Field parameters export in the nodes of the rectangular mesh covering the entire
calculation area or a part of it;
Finite element mesh export along with the field values in each node of triangular
finite elements.

Export in rectangular grid nodes

This method allows you to control format and size of the output file. The second page
of the field export wizard sets the grid sizes and steps on both abscises and ordinate

Additional Analysis Opportunities


axes, and composes a list of physical parameters to be output in every node of this
grid. Optional file header string defines the sizes of file parts. This simplifies reading
this file from other applications. Separate control affects the export procedure
behavior inside the holes in the calculation area.
Third page of the Export Wizard sets the output file options, name and location.

Export in finite element mesh nodes

If the programs that interact with QuickField are able to take into account finiteelement specifics then it is most effective to put field parameters into output file along
with the finite element mesh. The output format is fixed.
Output file includes information about model geometry, finite element mesh and
calculated results. Full description of the output file format generated by this method
is available in the Help.
An example of utility for importing QuickField output files into MATLAB is
available from www.quickfield.com.

Additional Analysis Opportunities

Some useful tools for calculation and results analysis are included in form of optional
add-ins. More details about add-ins connection and usage you may find in Add-ins

Field Distribution Along the Contour Harmonic

Distribution of the physical parameters along the contour may be explored by use of
Fourier series analysis. This assumes that the contour drawn in the results window
corresponds to the full or half period of the space distribution.
Calculation results are amplitudes and phases of the space distribution harmonics for
any of physical parameters available for specific QuickField problem type. Results
may be displayed as a table, spectral diagram or plot showing initial curve and its
approximation by selected number of first harmonics.
Harmonic analysis add-in should be called by Harmonic Analysis command from
the View menu after the contour is build in the field view window.
Further information about the harmonic analysis add-in is available in the add-in help
(activated by Help button).


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

Partial Capacitance Matrix Calculation for the System

of Conductors
In case the system consists of more than two conductors then its mutual affect and
behavior is described by the matrix of the partial self- and mutual capacitances.
Charge of each conductor may be expressed through its own potential and potentials
of other conductors by the following equations:

q1 = b11U1 + b12U2 + ... + b1nUn

q2 = b21U1 + b22U2 + ... + b2nUn



qn = bn1U1 + bn2U2 + ... + bnnUn,

q1, q2, qn conductor charges,
U1, U2, Un conductor potentials,
bij electrostatic induction coefficients, or partial capacitances relative to ground.
They have dimension of capacitance.
It is often required in practice to replace the conductors system by their equivalent
circuit, where each pair of conductors is presented by the capacitors with specially
fitted capacitances. This form corresponds to the system of equations (2) where the
conductor charges are expressed through the potential differences between the
conductor and other conductors, including earth:

q1 = c11(U1 - 0) + c12(U1 - U2) + ... + c1n(U1 - Un)

q2 = c21(U2 - U1) + c22(U2 - 0) + ... + c2n(U2 - Un)



qn = cn1(Un - U1) + cn2(Un - U2) + ... + cnn(Un - 0)

This form (2) is convenient because cij coefficients are always positive and allow
natural interpretation as capacitances of the equivalent circuit. cii coefficient
corresponds to the contribution to the conductor charge caused by its own potential,
that is self-capacitance. Coefficients cij where i and j are different correspond to the
part of the i-conductor charge caused by the potential difference between this and
j-conductor, which is equivalent to the capacitance of the capacitor formed by
electrodes i and j. They are called partial capacitances.

Additional Analysis Opportunities


Both matrices are symmetrical, i.e. cij = cji.

The method for calculation of the self- and mutual partial capacitances of the
conductor system is based on the electrostatic field energy.

W = 1/2 (q1U1 + q2U2 + .... + qnUn)


Use equations (1) for exclusion of the conductor charges from (3) by expressing them
via potentials:

W = 1/2 (
U1 (b11U1 + b12U2 + ... + b1nUn) +
U2 (b21U1 + b22U2 + ... + b2nUn) +
Un (bn1U1 + bn2U2 + ... + bnnUn) );
Coefficients bji may be found by following method. First of all let us solve the series
of n problems, where the test potential (100 V) is applied to only one of conductors
and the rest of them are grounded (zero potential applied). Electric field energy for
these cases looks like:
Wi = 1/2 biiUi2.
Thereby own coefficients of the electrostatic induction could be found.
Then for each pair of conductors (i, j) we should solve the problem where the test
potential is applied between them, and all other conductors are grounded. Energy
equation is below:
Wij = bij UiUj
There will be n(n - 1)/2 such problems total.
Thus, to find the matrix of electrostatic induction coefficients bij in the system of n
conductors it is sufficient to solve n(n + 1)/2 problems. Each solution needs total
electric field energy calculation. Computation of partial capacitances cij from
induction coefficients bij is a simple task.
Capacitance matrix calculation add-in could be started by the command Capacitance
Matrix from the Tools menu. If the electrostatic problem were open in QuickField at
the moment then capacitance calculator window would be displayed. Upper part of
this window is shown here:


Chapter 8 Analyzing Solution

In the problem list on the left hand side choose the problem of interest. The conductor
list (right) shows labels of edges and vertices that can be considered as electrodes.
Icons close to each label show the geometrical nature of the electrode (an edge or a
You could set or remove grounding from any of the conductors by a mouse click in
the Info column. Partial capacitances are not calculated for grounded conductors with
zero potential.
Conductor may be excluded from the calculations by a mouse click over the symbol
to the left from the corresponding label. Excluded conductors are not involved in the
capacitance matrix calculation, but unlike grounded conductors, zero potential is not
assigned to them.
When the conductor list is ready, click the Calculate button and wait for results.
List of conductors shows the conductors with the numbers assigned in the results
The energy calculation results for particular problems are then displayed, first in
single column, and then in the upper-diagonal matrix form.
The matrix of electrostatic induction coefficient is shown next, and then the matrix of
Self and mutual partial capacitances. Use the list of conductors (above) to find the
correspondence between the conductor number and its label.
Any text from the results window can be copied to the clipboard (CTRL+C or the
Copy command from the context menu).




Add-in is a supplemental program or component that extends the capabilities of

QuickField by adding custom features, such as custom menu items, toolbar buttons
To view the list of add-ins available on your computer:
1. On the Tools menu click Add-in Manager.
2. You will see the list of available add-ins. To get more information about some
add-in, select it in the list. You will see its description in the box below the list.
Add-ins can be switched on and off. You can switch an add-in off if you do not plan
to use it for some time. Switching an add-in off does not remove it from your
computer; you can switch it on later.


Chapter 9 Add-ins

To switch add-ins on or off:

1. On the Tools menu click Add-in Manager.
2. To switch an add-in on, select the check box next to its name.
3. To switch an add-in off, clear the check box next to its name.
4. Click OK.

Add-ins Available in QuickField

The following add-ins are supplied with QuickField:
Insert Shape. A simple tool that allows adding common shapes (rectangles, circles
and ellipses) to your model.
LabelMover. A simple tool for parametric analysis. This tool allows you to study
how the problem solution depends on changes of the model geometry or of the
problem physical properties.
Various types of analysis are provided: serial analysis, tolerance analysis and
Starting from the version 5.8 LabelMover is capable of solving problems in parallel
using LabelMover, utilizing all available processor cores
Data Converter. This tool provides data conversion between QuickField Data Editor
and Microsoft Excel.
Parametric Workbench. This tool is designed to help you in understanding
ActiveField technology and to automate creation of the most typical ActiveField
Harmonic Analysis. This add-in allows you to calculate and view harmonics (that is,
phases and amplitudes for Fourier series) for any value for the current contour.
Capacitance Matrix. Automatically calculates the self- and mutual capacitances for
a system with multiple conductors using a number of electrostatic analyses.

Advanced Add-in Features


Advanced Add-in Features

Adding, Editing and Deleting Add-ins
There are some more advanced operations that you can do using Add-in Manager
dialog box.

You can register your own program or component as an add-in. To do it, click
Add and use the Add-in Properties dialog box to specify the properties.
You can change properties for an add-in, menu text, shortcut, toolbar icon etc.
To do it, select an add-in, click Edit and use the Add-in Properties dialog box
to change some properties.
You can remove an add-in from the list of or available add-ins. To do it, select an
add-in and click Delete. Removing add-in from the list does not delete the add-in
file from your disk.

These features are typically used only when you create your own add-ins. If you deal
with standard QuickField add-ins only, you will not have to use these features.

Creating Your Own Add-ins

You can easily create your own add-ins, using Visual Basic or any other
programming product that supports COM (C#, Visual C++, Delphi etc.).
With such add-ins, you can automate some of your tedious repeating tasks and make
your interaction with QuickField more effective and convenient.
For more information about writing your own add-ins, see Creating Add-ins in
ActiveField help.

Add-in Properties Dialog Box

In this dialog you can specify the following fields:

General Properties
Type. Choose one of two variants: Simple COM Add-In or EXE Add-In. If Simple
COM Add-In is selected, add-in will be called from QuickField using COM. So, this
add-in should be a COM server. If EXE Add-In is selected, you can use any EXE file
as an add-in. QuickField start this EXE file each time you click the corresponding
menu item.


Chapter 9 Add-ins

Name of the COM object for the add-in or Command line to call the add-in.
Specify the object name for COM add-in here. For EXE add-in, specify the command
line to invoke the add-in. Typically, it is the full path to the add-in *.exe file.

Menu items attached to this add-in. This box contains the list of menu items
attached to the add-in. Typically, one menu item is attached to every add-in.
However, for more advanced add-ins, you can associate several menu items with one

To add a menu item, click Add Item.

To delete a menu item, click Delete.
To change menu item properties, click Edit.

Description Properties
Friendly name. It is recommended to specify a readable name here for add-in.
Description. It is recommended to provide detailed description of the add-in here.

Advanced Add-in Features


Add-in Menu Item Dialog Box

In this dialog you can specify the following fields:

Menu should be available. Choose one of the following options:

Always - menu item will be always available.

In model editor - menu item will be available for model editor only.
In postprocessor - menu item will be available for postprocessor only (that is,
when we are viewing results only).

Menu text. Specify text for menu item here.

Menu. You can choose the menu this item will be added to.
Status line. In this field you can describe what this item does. This description will
be shown in a status line for the item.
Show in popup menu. If this check box is selected, the menu item will also be added
to context (right mouse button) menu.
Show in toolbar as icon. If this check box is selected, the menu item will also be
available from the toolbar. You can choose icon for the toolbar button from the dropdown list next to the check box.
Press a shortcut key. You can set a shortcut for the menu item using this field.


Chapter 9 Add-ins



1 0

Theoretical Description

The objective of this chapter is to outline the theories on which the QuickField finite
element analysis system is based. The chapter contains underlying mathematical
equations, and considers various physical conditions and the ways how they are
implemented in QuickField.
QuickField solves 2D boundary value problems for elliptic partial differential
equation for either scalar or one-component vector potential. It also solves 2D solid
stress analysis problems (plane stress, plane strain, axisymmetric stress). There are
three main classes of 2D problems: plane, plane-parallel and axisymmetric. Plane
problems usually arise when describing heat transfer processes in thin plates. They
are solved in planar rectangular coordinate system. Plane-parallel problems use
right-handed Cartesian coordinate system xyz. It is assumed that neither geometric
shape and properties of material nor field sources vary in z-direction. The problem is
described, solved and the results are analyzed in xy-plane, which we will call the
plane of model. Axisymmetric problems are formulated in cylindrical coordinate
system zr. The order of axes is chosen for conformity with the plane-parallel case.
Physical properties and field sources are assumed to not depend on the angle
coordinate. All operations with the model are done in zr-plane (more precise in a half
plane r 0). Z-axis is assumed to be horizontal and directed to the right, r-axis is
directed up.
The geometric configuration of the problem is defined as a set of curved polygonal
subregions in the plane of model. Each region corresponds to a domain with a
particular set of physical properties. We will use term blocks for polygonal
subregions, term edges for line segments and circular arcs that constitute their
boundaries and term vertices for ends of edges and for isolated points. Those edges
that separate whole problem region from other part of the plane, where no field is
calculated, constitutes the outward boundary of the region. Other edges constitute
inner boundaries.


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

Below you can find detailed mathematical formulations for dc, ac and transient
magnetic, electrostatic, dc and ac conduction, steady state and transient heat transfer,
and stress analysis problems.

QuickField can solve both linear and nonlinear magnetic problems. Magnetic field
may be induced by the concentrated or distributed currents, permanent magnets or
external magnetic fields.
The magnetic problem is formulated as the Poisson's equation for vector magnetic
potential A (B = curl A, Bmagnetic flux density vector). The flux density is
assumed to lie in the plane of model (xy or zr), while the vector of electric current
density j and the vector potential A are orthogonal to it. Only jz and Az in planar or j
and A in axisymmetric case are not equal to zero. We will denote them simply j and
A. The equation for planar case is
1 A 1 A
H cx

= j + cy

x y x y x y

and for axisymmetric case is

1 ( r A) 1 A
H cz
= j + cr

r r z r z r z

where components of magnetic permeability tensor x and y (z and r), components

of coercive force vector Hcx and Hcy (Hcz and Hcr), and current density j are constants
within each block of the model.

Note. Isotropic (x = y or z = r) but field dependent permeability is assumed in

nonlinear case. Magnetization characteristic of material is described by the B-H

Field Sources
The field sources can be specified in blocks, at the edges or at the individual vertices
of the model. Possible field sources include space, surface and linear electric currents
and permanent magnets. The coercive force is chosen to be primary characteristic for
the permanent magnets.



A point source in the xy-plane describes a linear current in out-of-plane direction. In

axisymmetric case the point source represents the current in a thin ring around the
axis of symmetry. Edge-bound source in the plane of model represents a surface
current in three-dimensional world. It is specified by the Neumann boundary
condition for the edge. The space current is described either by the electric current
density or total number of ampere-turns associated with the block density associated
with the block. Current density in a coil can be obtained from the equation

n I

where n is a number of turns, I is a total current, and S is a cross-sectional area of the

Several blocks with the same number of ampere-turns specified can be considered as
connected in series. In that case current density in each block would be calculated as
common total ampere-turns divided by the square of the block.
In axisymmetric case if total number of ampere-turns is specified resulting current
density could be described as varies as 1/r, where r is a radius coordinate of the point.
This approach allows simulate massive spiral coils.

Boundary Conditions
The following boundary conditions can be specified at outward and inner boundaries
of the region.
Dirichlet condition specifies a known value of vector magnetic potential A0 at the
vertex or at the edge of the model. This boundary condition defines normal
component of the flux density vector. It is often used to specify vanishing value of
this component, for example at the axis of symmetry or at the distant boundary.
QuickField also supports the Dirichlet condition with a function of coordinates, it has
the form

A0 = a + bx + cy

for planar problems;

rA0 = a + bzr + cr2/2

for axisymmetric problems.

Parameters a, b and c are constants for each edge, but can vary from one piece of the
boundary to another. This approach allows you to model an uniform external field by
specifying non zero normal component of the flux density at arbitrary straight
boundary segment.


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

Let be an elevation angle of the segment relative to the horizontal axis (x in planar
or z in axisymmetric case). Then in both plane and axisymmetric cases the normal
flux density is

Bn = csin + bcos .
Here we assume right-hand direction of positive normal vector.
Choice of constant terms a for different edges has to satisfy the continuity conditions
for function A0 at all edges' junction points.

Note. For problem to be defined correctly the Dirichlet condition has to be specified
at least at one point. If the region consists of two or more disjoint subregions, the
Dirichlet conditions have to be specified at least at one point of the each part. Zero
Dirichlet condition is defaulted at the axis of rotation for the axisymmetric problems.
Neumann condition has the following form

Ht =

at outward boundaries,

Ht+ - Ht- =

at inner boundaries,

where Ht is a tangent component of magnetic field intensity, "+" and "" superscripts
denote quantities to the left and to the right side of the boundary and is a linear
density of the surface current. If value is zero, the boundary condition is called
homogeneous. This kind of boundary condition is often used at an outward boundary
of the region that is formed by the plane of magnetic antisymmetry of the problem
(opposite sources in symmetrical geometry). The homogeneous Neumann condition
is the natural one, it is assumed by default at all outward boundary parts where no
explicit boundary condition is specified.

Note. Zero Dirichlet condition is defaulted at the axis of rotation for the axisymmetric
If the surface electric current is to be specified at the plane of problem symmetry and
this plane forms the outward boundary of the region, the current density has to be
Zero flux boundary condition is used to describe superconducting materials that are
not penetrated by the magnetic field. Vector magnetic potential is a constant within
such superconducting body (rA = const in axisymmetric case), therefore



superconductor's interior can be excluded from the consideration and the constant
potential condition can be associated with its surface.

Note. If the surface of a superconductor has common points with any Dirichlet edge,
the whole surface has to be described by the Dirichlet condition with an appropriate
potential value.

Permanent Magnets
Since the coercive force is considered in QuickField to be the piecewise constant
function, its contribution to the equation is equivalent to surface currents which flow
along the surface of the permanent magnet in direction orthogonal to the model plane.
The density of such effective current is equal to jump of the tangent component of the
coercive force across the magnet boundary. For example, rectangular magnet with the
coercive force Hc directed along x-axis can be replaced by two oppositely directed
currents at its upper and lower surfaces. The current density at the upper edge is
numerically equal to Hc, and Hc at the lower edge.
Therefore, the permanent magnet can be specified by either coercive force or
Neumann boundary conditions at its edges. You can choose more convenient and
obvious way in each particular case.
Permanent magnets with nonlinear magnetic properties need some special
consideration. Magnetic permeability is assumed to be defined by the following
B = ( B) ( H + Hc );

( B) =

H + Hc

It must be pointed out that (B) dependence is different from the analogous curve for
the same material but without permanent magnetism. If the real characteristic for the
magnet is not available for you, it is possible to use row material curve as an
approximation. If you use such approximation and magnetic field value inside magnet
is much smaller than its coercive force, it is recommended to replace the coercive
force by the following effective value
Hc =

( Br )

Br ,

where Br is remanent induction.


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

Calculated Physical Quantities

For magnetostatic problems the QuickField postprocessor calculates the following set
of local and integral physical quantities.
Local quantities:
Vector magnetic potential A (flux function rA in axisymmetric case);
Vector of the magnetic flux density B = curl A
Bx =

Bz =


1 ( rA)

By =

Br =


for planar case;

for axisymmetric case;

Vector of magnetic field intensity H = 1B, where is the magnetic

permeability tensor.
Integral quantities:
Total magnetic force acting on bodies contained in a particular volume


(H( n B) + B( n H) n( H B) )ds ,

where integral is evaluated over the boundary of the volume, and n denotes the
vector of the outward unit normal.
Total torque of magnetic forces acting on bodies contained in a particular volume


(( r H)( n B) + ( r B)( n H) ( r n)( H B) )ds ,

where r is a radius vector of the point of integration.

The torque vector is parallel to z-axis in the planar case, and is identically equal to
zero in the axisymmetric one. The torque is considered relative to the origin of the
coordinate system. The torque relative to any other arbitrary point can be obtained
by adding extra term of F r0, where F is the total force and r0 is the radius
vector of the point.
Magnetic field energy



( H B) dV

linear case;


W = H ( B )dB dV


nonlinear case.

Flux linkage per one turn of the coil



2 rAds

for planar case;

for axisymmetric case;

the integral has to be evaluated over the cross section of the coil, and S is the area
of the cross section.
For planar problems all integral quantities are considered per unit length in
The domain of integration is specified in the plane of the model as a closed contour
consisting of line segments and circular arcs.

Inductance Calculation
To get self inductance of a coil, leave the current on in this coil only and make sure
that all other currents are turned off. After solving the problem go to the
Postprocessor and obtain flux linkage for the contour coinciding with the cross
section of the coil. Once youve done that, the inductance of the coil can be obtained
from the following equation:


where n is a number of turns in the coil, is a flux linkage, j is a current per one turn
of the coil.
Mutual inductance between two coils can be obtained in a similar way. The only
difference from the previous case is that electric current has to be turned on in one
coil, and the flux linkage has to be evaluated over the cross section of another.
L12 =

n2 2


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

In plane-parallel case every coil has to be represented by at least two conductors with
equal but opposite currents. In some cases both conductors are modeled, in other
cases only one of two conductors is included in the model and the rest is replaced by
the boundary condition A = 0 at the plane of symmetry. If the magnetic system is
symmetric, the inductance can be obtained based on the flux linkage for one of the
conductors only. The result has to be then multiplied by a factor of two to account for
the second conductor. If the model is not symmetric, then the total inductance can be
obtained by adding up the analogous terms for each conductor. Note that the current
should be turned on in all conductors corresponding to one coil.
In plane-parallel case the inductance is calculated per unit length in z-direction.

Transient Magnetics
Transient magnetic analysis is the generalized form of computation of electric and
magnetic field, induced by direct or time-varying currents (alternating, impulse, etc.),
permanent magnets, or external magnetic fields, in linear or nonlinear (ferromagnetic)
media, and takes into account eddy current (skin) effect in conductors of electric
The formulation is derived from Maxwell's equations for vector magnetic potential A
(B = curl A) and scalar electric potential U (E = -grad U):
curl A = j + curl H c

j = gE = g
g gradU


where 1/ is an inverse permeability tensor, and g is electric conductivity. In

accordance with the second equation, vector j of the total current in a conductor can
be considered as a combination of a source current produced by the external voltage
and an eddy current induced by the time-varying magnetic field

j = j0 + jeddy,
j 0 = g gradU
j eddy = g

A .

Transient Magnetics


If a field simulation is coupled with an electric circuit, the branch equation for a
conductor is:

dS ,

where U is the voltage difference between the two terminals of the solid conductor,
and R is the DC resistance of the conductor.
The flux density is assumed to lie in the plane of model (xy or zr), while the vector of
electric current density j and the vector potential A are orthogonal to it. Only jz and Az
in planar or j and A in axisymmetric case are not equal to zero. We will denote them
simply j and A. Finally, the equation for planar case is
H cy H cx
1 A 1 A

= j 0 +

x y x y x y

and for axisymmetric case is

H cr H cz
1 (r A) 1 A

= j 0 +
r r z r z r z

where components of magnetic permeability tensor x and y (z and r), components

of coercive force vector Hcx and Hcy (Hcz and Hcr) are constants within each block of
the model. Source current density j0 is assumed to be constant within each model
block in planar case and vary as 1/r in axisymmetric case.

Note. Isotropic (x = y or z = r) but field dependent permeability is assumed in

nonlinear case. Magnetization characteristic of material is described by the B-H
In time domain, the problem is solved within a given time interval, starting with time
t0 = 0, and initial field distribution is considered to be zero in the whole region, or can
be imported from another problem (magnetostatics or transient).

Field Sources
The field sources can be specified in blocks, at the edges or at the individual vertices
of the model. Possible field sources include space, surface and linear electric currents;


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

voltages applied to conductive areas; and permanent magnets. The coercive force is
chosen to be primary characteristic for the permanent magnets.
A point source in the xy-plane describes a linear current in out-of-plane direction. In
axisymmetric case the point source represents the current in a thin ring around the
axis of symmetry. Edge-bound source in the plane of model represents a surface
current in three-dimensional world. It is specified by the Neumann boundary
condition for the edge.
The space-distributed current is defined differently in areas, where the eddy current
effect is considered (non-zero conductivity is specified) or not considered
(conductivity is set to zero). In latter case, the space current is described either by the
electric current density or total number of ampere-turns associated with the block
density associated with the block. Current density in a coil can be obtained from the

n I

where n is a number of turns, I is a total current, and S is a cross-sectional area of the

Several blocks with the same number of ampere-turns specified can be considered as
connected in series. In that case current density in each block would be calculated as
common total ampere-turns divided by the square of the block.
In axisymmetric case if total number of ampere-turns is specified resulting current
density could be described as varies as 1/r, where r is a radius coordinate of the point.
This approach allows simulate massive spiral coils.
In a massive conductor, you specify a voltage applied to the conductor. In planar
problems, voltage drop is specified per unit depth of the model, and in axisymmetric
case voltage is assumed per one turn around the axis of symmetry. Nonzero voltage
applied to a conductor in axisymmetric problem means that the conductor has a radial
cut, and the voltage is applied to sides of the cut. In practice this option could be used
to describe known voltage applied to massive spiral wiring, in which case the total
voltage drop for the coil should be divided by number of turns in the coil. Zero
voltage means that the conductors ends are short circuit.
Any voltage or current sources, specified for a massive (solid) conductor, are ignored
when the electric circuit is present. In this case, you can specify time-dependent
voltage and current sources while editing the circuit.

Transient Magnetics


Voltage, current, or the current density can be specified as arbitrary function of time.
This allows you to perform analysis of any possible type of time-varying sources
periodic or not.

Boundary Conditions
The following boundary conditions can be specified at outward and inner boundaries
of the region.

Dirichlet condition specifies a known value of vector magnetic potential A0 at the

vertex or at the edge of the model. This boundary condition defines normal
component of the flux density vector. It is often used to specify vanishing value of
this component, for example at the axis of symmetry or at the distant boundary.
QuickField also supports the Dirichlet condition with a function of coordinates, it has
the form
A0 = a + bx + cy

for planar problems;

rA0 = a + bzr + cr2/2

for axisymmetric problems.

Parameters a, b and c are constants for each edge, but can vary from one piece of the
boundary to another. This approach allows you to model an uniform external field by
specifying non zero normal component of the flux density at arbitrary straight
boundary segment.
Let be an elevation angle of the segment relative to the horizontal axis (x in planar
or z in axisymmetric case). Then in both plane and axisymmetric cases the normal
flux density is

Bn = csin + bcos .
Here we assume right-hand direction of positive normal vector.
Choice of constant terms a for different edges has to satisfy the continuity conditions
for function A0 at all edges' junction points.

Note. For problem to be defined correctly the Dirichlet condition has to be specified
at least at one point. If the region consists of two or more disjoint subregions, the
Dirichlet conditions have to be specified at least at one point of the each part. Zero
Dirichlet condition is defaulted at the axis of rotation for the axisymmetric problems.

Neumann condition has the following form


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

Ht =

at outward boundaries,

Ht+ - Ht- =

at inner boundaries,

where Ht is a tangent component of magnetic field intensity, "+" and "" superscripts
denote quantities to the left and to the right side of the boundary and is a linear
density of the surface current. If value is zero, the boundary condition is called
homogeneous. This kind of boundary condition is often used at an outward boundary
of the region that is formed by the plane of magnetic antisymmetry of the problem
(opposite sources in symmetrical geometry). The homogeneous Neumann condition
is the natural one, it is assumed by default at all outward boundary parts where no
explicit boundary condition is specified.

Note. Zero Dirichlet condition is defaulted at the axis of rotation for the axisymmetric
If the surface electric current is to be specified at the plane of problem symmetry and
this plane forms the outward boundary of the region, the current density has to be

Zero flux boundary condition is used to describe superconducting materials that are
not penetrated by the magnetic field. Vector magnetic potential is a constant within
such superconducting body (rA = const in axisymmetric case), therefore
superconductor's interior can be excluded from the consideration and the constant
potential condition can be associated with its surface.
Note. If the surface of a superconductor has common points with any Dirichlet edge,
the whole surface has to be described by the Dirichlet condition with an appropriate
potential value.

Permanent Magnets
Since the coercive force is considered in QuickField to be the piecewise constant
function, its contribution to the equation is equivalent to surface currents which flow
along the surface of the permanent magnet in direction orthogonal to the model plane.
The density of such effective current is equal to jump of the tangent component of the
coercive force across the magnet boundary. For example, rectangular magnet with the
coercive force Hc directed along x-axis can be replaced by two oppositely directed
currents at its upper and lower surfaces. The current density at the upper edge is
numerically equal to Hc, and Hc at the lower edge.

Transient Magnetics


Therefore, the permanent magnet can be specified by either coercive force or

Neumann boundary conditions at its edges. You can choose more convenient and
obvious way in each particular case.
Permanent magnets with nonlinear magnetic properties need some special
consideration. Magnetic permeability is assumed to be defined by the following
B = ( B) ( H + Hc );

( B) =

H + Hc

It must be pointed out that (B) dependence is different from the analogous curve for
the same material but without permanent magnetism. If the real characteristic for the
magnet is not available for you, it is possible to use row material curve as an
approximation. If you use such approximation and magnetic field value inside magnet
is much smaller than its coercive force, it is recommended to replace the coercive
force by the following effective value
Hc =

( Br )

Br ,

where Br is remanent induction.

Calculated Physical Quantities

For problems of transient magnetics, QuickField postprocessor calculates the
following set of local and integral physical quantities. These quantities can be
observed at any given moment of time in the transient process.
Local quantities:
Vector magnetic potential A (flux function rA in axisymmetric case);
Voltage U applied to the conductor;
Total current density j = j0 + jeddy, source current density j0 and eddy current

j eddy = g


Vector of the magnetic flux density B = curl A

Bx =


By =


for planar case;


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

Bz =

1 ( rA)

Br =


for axisymmetric case;

Vector of magnetic field intensity H = 1B, where is the magnetic

permeability tensor.
Joule heat density Q = g-1 j2;
Magnetic field energy density w = (BH)/2;
Magnetic permeability (its largest component in anisotropic media);
Electric conductivity g.
Integral quantities:
Electric current through a particular surface
I = jds

and its source and eddy components I0 and Ie.

Joule heat in a volume
Q = g 1 j 2 dV .

Total magnetic force acting on bodies contained in a volume



(H( n B) + B( n H) n( H B) )ds ,

where integral is evaluated over the boundary of the volume, and n denotes the
vector of the outward unit normal.
Total torque of magnetic forces acting on bodies contained in a volume


(( r H)( n B) + ( r B)( n H) ( r n)( H B) )ds ,

where r is a radius vector of the point of integration.

The torque vector is parallel to z-axis in the planar case, and is identically equal to
zero in the axisymmetric one. The torque is considered relative to the origin of the
coordinate system. The torque relative to any other arbitrary point can be obtained
by adding extra term of F r0, where F is the total force and r0 is the radius
vector of the point.
Magnetic field energy

AC Magnetic



( H B) dV

W = H ( B )dB dV


linear case;

nonlinear case.

Flux linkage per one turn of the coil



2 rAds

for planar case;

for axisymmetric case;

the integral has to be evaluated over the cross section of the coil, and S is the area
of the cross section.
For planar problems, all integral quantities are considered per unit length in
The domain of integration is specified in the plane of the model as a closed contour
consisting of line segments and circular arcs.

AC Magnetic
AC magnetic analysis is the study of magnetic and electric fields arising from the
application of an alternating (AC) current source, or an imposed alternating external
Variation of the field with respect to time is assumed to be sinusoidal. All field
components and electric currents vary with time like

z = z0 cos(t + z),
where z0 is a peak value of z, z its phase angle, and the angular frequency.


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

Complex representation of harmonic time dependency facilitates multiple phase

analysis based on one complex solution. Real and imaginary parts of a complex

z = z0ei(t + z),
have phase angles shifted by 90 degrees, and their linear combination may be used to
represent any arbitrary phase angle.
Depending on the phase shift between two oscillating components of a vector, the
vector can rotate clockwise or counterclockwise, or oscillate along certain direction.
Generally, the end of such a vector draws an ellipse. The semimajor axis of the ellipse
corresponds to the peak value of the vector. The ratio between minor and major axes
of the ellipse defines the coefficient of polarization. The coefficient of polarization is
assumed to be positive for the counterclockwise and negative for the clockwise
rotation. Zero coefficient corresponds to the linear polarization.
Total current in a conductor can be considered as a combination of a source current
produced by the external voltage and an eddy current induced by the oscillating
magnetic field

j = j0 + jeddy
If a field simulation is coupled with an electric circuit, the branch equation for a
conductor is:

i g AdS ,

where U is the voltage difference between the two terminals of the solid conductor,
and R is the DC resistance of the conductor.
The problem is formulated as a partial differential equation for the complex amplitude
of vector magnetic potential A (B = curl A, Bmagnetic flux density vector). The
flux density is assumed to lie in the plane of model (xy or zr), while the vector of

AC Magnetic


electric current density j and the vector potential A are orthogonal to it. Only jz and Az
in planar or j and A in axisymmetric case are not equal to zero. We will denote them
simply j and A. The equation for planar case is
1 A 1 A

i gA = j0 ;
x y x y x y

and for axisymmetric case is

1 ( r A) 1 A

i gA = j 0 .
r r z r z r z

where electric conductivity g and components of magnetic permeability tensor x and

y (z and r) are constants within each block of the model. Source current density j0
is assumed to be constant within each model block in planar case and vary as 1/r in
axisymmetric case.

Note. QuickField allows nonlinear materials with field-dependent permeability

(ferromagnets) in AC magnetic formulation. This harmonic estimation makes use of a
specially adjusted B-H curves providing energy conservancy over the AC period.
This adjustment is performed automatically in the Curve Editor, it is recalculated
after every change of the original curve made by the user. The curve editor for AC
Magnetic problem presents both the user-defined and adjusted B-H curves.
The described formulation ignores displacement current density term D/t in the
Amperes Law. Typically the displacement current density is not significant until the
operating frequency approaches the MHz range.

Note. Permanent magnets cannot be simulated in a time-harmonic analysis. Since the

entire field must vary sinusoidally, this would prevent permanent magnets from being
simulated using the harmonic analysis as the permanent magnets supply a constant
flux to the system.

Field Sources
The field sources can be specified in the blocks, at the edges or at the individual
vertices of the model. Possible field sources include space, surface and linear electric
currents and voltages applied to conductive areas.


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

A point source in the xy-plane corresponds to a linear current in out-of-plane

direction. In axisymmetric case the point source represents the current in a thin ring
around the axis of symmetry. Edge-bound source in the plane of model represents a
surface current in three-dimensional world. It is specified by the Neumann boundary
condition for the edge.
There are several ways to specify space-distributed electric current. In a massive
conductor, you can specify either a total current or a voltage applied to the conductor.
In planar problems, voltage drop is specified per unit depth of the model, and in
axisymmetric case voltage is assumed per one turn around the axis of symmetry.
Nonzero voltage applied to a conductor in axisymmetric problem means that the
conductor has a radial cut, and the voltage is applied to sides of the cut. In practice
this option could be used to describe known voltage applied to massive spiral wiring,
in which case the total voltage drop for the coil should be divided by number of turns
in the coil.
Several blocks with the same value of total current or voltage applied can be
considered as connected in series. In that case each conductor carries the same total
current, and voltage (if any) is applied to the terminals of the whole group of
conductors connected in series.

Note. The meanings of zero total current and zero voltage applied to a conductor are
very different. Zero voltage means that the conductors ends are short circuit, and
zero value of the total current means open ends of the conductor.
Field source could also be specified in non-conductive areas. This option is useful to
specify current in coils made of thin wire, where skin effect is insignificant. You can
specify either a total current or a current density, whichever is easier to calculate in a
specific case. Current density in a coil can be obtained from the equation

n I

where n is a number of turns, I is a total current, and S is a cross-sectional area of the


Note. In order to properly model thin wire coils, the source current density j0 in
non-conductive areas is assumed to be uniform in both plane and axisymmetric cases.
Its behavior is different for massive conductors, where source current density varies
as 1/r in axisymmetric case.

AC Magnetic


Boundary Conditions
The following boundary conditions can be specified at outward and inner boundaries
of the region.

Dirichlet condition specifies a known value of vector magnetic potential A0 at the

vertex or at the edge of the model. This boundary condition defines normal
component of the flux density vector. It is often used to specify vanishing value of
this component, for example at the axis of symmetry or at the distant boundary.
QuickField also supports the Dirichlet condition with a function of coordinates, it has
the form
A0 = a + bx + cy

for planar problems;

rA0 = a + bzr + cr2/2

for axisymmetric problems.

Parameters a, b and c are constants for each edge, but can vary from one piece of the
boundary to another. This approach allows you to model an uniform external field by
specifying non zero normal component of the flux density at arbitrary straight
boundary segment.
Let be an elevation angle of the segment relative to the horizontal axis (x in planar
or z in axisymmetric case). Then in both plane and axisymmetric cases the normal
flux density is

Bn = csin + bcos .
Here we assume right-hand direction of positive normal vector.
Choice of constant terms a for different edges has to satisfy the continuity conditions
for function A0 at all edges' junction points.

Neumann condition has the following form

Ht =

at outward boundaries,

Ht+ - Ht- =

at inner boundaries,

where Ht is a tangent component of magnetic field intensity, "+" and "" superscripts
denote quantities to the left and to the right side of the boundary and is a linear
density of the surface current. If value is zero, the boundary condition is called
homogeneous. This kind of boundary condition is often used at an outward boundary
of the region that is formed by the plane of magnetic antisymmetry of the problem
(opposite sources in symmetrical geometry). The homogeneous Neumann condition


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

is the natural one, it is assumed by default at all outward boundary parts where no
explicit boundary condition is specified.

Note. Zero Dirichlet condition is defaulted at the axis of rotation for the axisymmetric
If the surface electric current is to be specified at the plane of problem symmetry and
this plane forms the outward boundary of the region, the current density has to be

Zero flux boundary condition is used to describe superconducting materials that are
not penetrated by the magnetic field. Vector magnetic potential is a constant within
such superconducting body (rA = const in axisymmetric case), therefore
superconductor's interior can be excluded from the consideration and the constant
potential condition can be associated with its surface.
Note. If the surface of a superconductor has common points with any Dirichlet edge,
the whole surface has to be described by the Dirichlet condition with an appropriate
potential value.

Calculated Physical Quantities

The following local and integral physical quantities are calculated in the process of
harmonic magnetic field analysis.
Local quantities:
Complex amplitude of vector magnetic potential A (flux function rA in
axisymmetric case);
Complex amplitude of voltage U applied to the conductor;
Complex amplitude of total current density j = j0 + jeddy, source current density j0
and eddy current density jeddy = igA;
Complex vector of the magnetic flux density B = curl A
Bx =

Bz =


1 ( rA)

By =

Br =


for planar case;

for axisymmetric case;

AC Magnetic


Complex vector of magnetic field intensity H = -1B, where is the magnetic

permeability tensor;
Time average and peak Joule heat density Q = j2/g;
Time average and peak magnetic field energy density w = ( B H) 2 ;
Time average Poynting vector (local power flow) S = E H ;
Time average Lorentz force density vector F = j B ;
Magnetic permeability (its largest component in anisotropic media);
Electric conductivity g.
Integral quantities:
Complex magnitude of electric current through a particular surface
I = jds

and its source and eddy components I0 and Ie.

Time average and peak Joule heat in a volume


g j


Time average and peak magnetic field energy



(H B )dV .

Time average and peak power flow through the given surface (Poynting vector
S = (S n)ds .


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

Time average and oscillating part of Maxwell force acting on bodies contained in
a particular volume



(H( n B) + B( n H) n( H B) )ds ,

where integral is evaluated over the boundary of the volume, and n denotes the
vector of the outward unit normal.
Time average and peak Maxwell force torque acting on bodies contained in a
particular volume


(( r H)( n B) + ( r B)( n H) ( r n)( H B) )ds ,

where r is a radius vector of the point of integration.

Time average and oscillating part of Lorentz force acting on conductors contained
in a particular volume
F = j B dV .

Time average and peak Lorentz force torque acting on bodies contained in a
particular volume
T = r ( j B ) dV ,

where r is a radius vector of the point of integration.

The torque vector is parallel to z-axis in the planar case, and is identically equal to
zero in the axisymmetric one. The torque is considered relative to the origin of the
coordinate system. The torque relative to any other arbitrary point can be obtained
by adding extra term of F r0, where F is the total force and r0 is the radius
vector of the point.

Note. Magnetic field produces forces acting on the current carrying conductors and
on the ferromagnetic bodies. The force acting on conductors is known as Lorentz
force, while the Maxwell force incorporates both components.
The domain of integration is specified in the plane of the model as a closed contour
consisting of line segments and circular arcs.



Impedance Calculation
Impedance in ac magnetic analysis is a complex coefficient between complex values
of current and voltage, V = ZI. Its real part represents active resistance of the
conductor, calculated with the skin effect taken into account. The imaginary part of
the impedance is the inductance multiplied by the angular frequency .
Z = R + iL .

As values of voltage and current in any conductor are easily accessible in the
postprocessor, you can determine the impedance by dividing voltage by current using
complex arithmetic. Let V and I be peak values of voltage and current, and V and I
be phases of those quantities. Then the active resistance could be calculated as

cos( V I ) ,

and the inductance as


sin( V I ) .
I 2f

To get mutual inductance between two conductors, you can specify nonzero total
current in one of them, make the ends of the other open (applying zero total current),
and measure the voltage induced in the second conductor by the current in the first

Note. As in planar case voltage is applied and measured per unit length, the
impedance is also calculated per unit length in z-direction.

Electrostatic problems are described by the Poisson's equation for scalar electric
potential U (E = gradU, Eelectric field intensity vector). The equation for planar
case is
+ y
x x y y

and for axisymmetric case is

= ,


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

r r
+ z
= ,
r z z
r r

where components of electric permittivity tensor x, y or z, r and electric charge

density are constants within each block of the model.

Field Sources
QuickField provides possibility to specify electric charges located in the blocks, at the
edges or at the individual vertices of the model. The electric charge specified at a
point of the xy-plane corresponds to a charged string that is perpendicular to the plane
of the model, and is described by the linear charge density. In axisymmetric case the
vertex charge represents a charged circle around the axis of symmetry or a point
charge located on the axis. To incorporate both these cases a total charge value is
associated with the vertex. For the charged circle the total charge is connected with
its linear density by the relationship q = 2r. Edge-bound charge in the plane of
model represents a surface-bound charge in three-dimensional world. It is described
by surface charge density and is specified by the Neumann boundary condition for
the edge. The charge density associated with a block is equivalent to the space

Boundary Conditions
The following boundary conditions can be specified at outward and inner boundaries
of the region.

Dirichlet condition specifies a known value of electric potential U0 at the vertex or

at the edge of the model (for example on a capacitor plate). This kind of boundary
condition is also useful at an outward boundary of the region that is formed by the
plane of electric antisymmetry of the problem (opposite charges in symmetrical
geometry). U0 value at the edge can be specified as a linear function of coordinates.
The function parameters can vary from one edge to another, but have to be adjusted
to avoid discontinuities at edges' junction points.
Note. For problem to be defined correctly the Dirichlet condition has to be specified
at least at one point. If the region consists of two or more disjoint subregions, the
Dirichlet conditions have to be specified at least at one point of every part.

Neumann condition is defined by the following equations:


Dn =

at outward boundaries,

Dn+ - Dn- =

at inner boundaries,


where Dn is a normal component of electric induction, "+" and "" superscripts

denote quantities to the left and to the right side of the boundary, is a surface charge
density. If value is zero, the boundary condition is called homogeneous. It indicates
vanishing of the normal component of electric field intensity vector. This kind of
boundary condition is used at an outward boundary of the region that is formed by the
symmetry plane of the problem. The homogeneous Neumann condition is the natural
one, it is defaulted at all outward boundary parts where no explicit boundary
condition is specified.
If the surface-bound charge is to be specified at the plane of problem symmetry and
this plane is the outward boundary of the region, the surface charge density has to be

Constant potential boundary condition is used to describe surface of an isolated

"floating" conductor that has constant but unknown potential value.
Note. The edge described as possessing constant potential should not have common
points with any Dirichlet edge. In that case the constant potential edge has to be
described by a Dirichlet condition with appropriate potential value.

Calculated Physical Quantities

For electrostatic problems the QuickField postprocessor calculates the following set
of local and integral physical quantities.
Local quantities:

Scalar electric potential U;

Vector of electric field intensity E = gradU

Ex =

Ez =


Ey =

Er =


for planar case;

for axisymmetric case;

Tensor of the gradient of electric field intensity G = gradE


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

G xx =

E x
1 E
E y
, G yy =
, G xy = x + y
2 y

for planar case;

G zz =

E z
1 E
, Grr = r , G zr = z + r
2 r

for axisymmetric case;

and also its principal components G1 and G2.

Vector of electric induction D = E, where is electric permittivity tensor.

Integral quantities:

Total electric charge in a particular volume

q = D nds ,

where integral is evaluated over the boundary of the volume, and n denotes the
vector of the outward unit normal.

Total electric force acting on bodies contained in a particular volume


(E(n D) + D(n E) n(E D))ds

Total torque of electric forces acting on bodies contained in a particular volume


((r E)(n D) + (r D)(n E) (r n )(E D))ds

where r is a radius vector of the point of integration.

The torque vector is parallel to z-axis in planar case, and is identically equal to
zero in axisymmetric one. The torque is considered relative to the origin of the
coordinate system. The torque relative to any other arbitrary point can be obtained
by adding extra term of F r0, where F is the total force and r0 is the radius
vector of the point.

Energy of electric field


(E D)dV .

For planar problems all integral quantities are considered per unit length in

DC Conduction Analysis


The domain of integration is specified in the plane of the model as a closed contour
consisting of line segments and circular arcs.

Capacitance Calculation
There are several ways to calculate capacitance using QuickField. The easiest one of
them is based on measuring an electric potential produced by a known charge. To get
capacitance of a conductor, put constant potential boundary condition on its surface,
specify an arbitrary non zero electric charge in one of the vertices on the surface of
the conductor (in fact, the charge will be distributed over the conductors surface),
and turn off all other field sources in the model. Once the problem is solved, go to the
Postprocessor and take the value of electric potential somewhere on the surface of the
conductor. The capacitance of the conductor can be obtained from the equation


where q is the electric charge and U is the potential of the conductor.

To calculate mutual capacitance between two conductors put a charge on one
conductor and measure electric potential on another. Constant potential boundary
condition has to be applied to the surfaces of both conductors.
C12 =


Other ways of calculating capacitance are demonstrated in example Elec1:

Microstrip Transmission Line.
Self- and mutual partial capacitance matrix calculation in the multi-conductor system
is discussed in the Partial Capacitance Matrix Calculation for the System of
Conductors chapter.

DC Conduction Analysis
QuickField is able to calculate the distribution of electric current in systems of
conductors. The problems of current distribution are described by the Poisson's
equation for scalar electric potential U.


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

The equation for planar case is

1 U 1 U

x x x y y y

and for axisymmetric case is

1 1 U 1 U
r r r r z z z

where components of electric resistivity tensor x, y or z, r are constant within

each model block.
The electric current density j can be obtained from the equation j = 1grad U,
where 1 is an inverse tensor of electric resistivity.

Field Sources
With the problems of dc conduction, the field sources are external currents supplied
to the boundary of a conductor. QuickField provides possibility to specify external
current density at the edges or at the individual vertices of the model. The current
density specified at a point of the xy-plane corresponds to a knife-edge current
collector that is perpendicular to the plane of the model, and is described by the linear
current density. In axisymmetric case the vertex source represents a circular collector
around the axis of symmetry or a point collector located on the axis. To incorporate
both these cases, a total current value is associated with the vertex. For the circular
knife-edge collector the total current value is connected with its linear density by the
relationship I = 2r. Edge-bound current density in the plane of model represents a
surface-bound external current density in three-dimensional world. It is specified by
the Neumann boundary condition for the edge.

Boundary Conditions
The following boundary conditions can be specified at outward and inner boundaries
of the region.

Dirichlet condition specifies a known value of electric potential U0 at the vertex or at

the edge of the model. U0 value at the edge can be specified as a linear function of
coordinates. The function parameters can vary from one edge to another, but have to
be adjusted to avoid discontinuities at edges' junction points.

DC Conduction Analysis


Note. For problem to be defined correctly the Dirichlet condition has to be specified
at least at one point. If the region consists of two or more disjoint subregions, the
Dirichlet conditions have to be specified at least at one point of every part.

Neumann condition is defined by the following equations:

jn = j

at outward boundaries,

jn+ - jn- = j

at inner boundaries,

where jn is a normal component of the current density vector, "+" and ""
superscripts denote quantities to the left and to the right side of the boundary, and j at
right hand side is a density of the external current. If j value is zero, the boundary
condition is called homogeneous. This kind of boundary condition is used at an
outward boundary of the region that is formed by the symmetry plane of the problem.
The homogeneous Neumann condition is the natural one, it is defaulted at all outward
boundary parts where no explicit boundary condition is specified.
If the surface-bound current density is to be specified at the plane of problem
symmetry and this plane is the outward boundary of the region, the surface current
density has to be halved.

Constant potential boundary condition is used to describe surface of a conductor

having much greater conductivity than the surrounding medium. This conductor is
assumed to have constant but unknown potential value.
Note. The edge described as possessing constant potential should not have common
points with any Dirichlet edge. In that case the constant potential edge has to be
described by the Dirichlet condition with an appropriate potential value.

Calculated Physical Quantities

For problems of dc conduction, the QuickField postprocessor calculates the following
set of local and integral physical quantities.
Local quantities:
Scalar electric potential U;
Vector of electric field intensity E = gradU


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

Ex =

Ez =


Ey =

Er =


for planar case;

for axisymmetric case;

Vector of current density j = E/, where - is electric resistivity tensor.

Integral quantities:
Electric current through a given surface
I = j nds ,

where n denotes the vector of the unit normal.

Joule heat produced in a volume
W = E jdV .

For planar problems all integral quantities are considered per unit length in z
The domain of integration is specified in the plane of the model as a closed contour
consisting of line segments and circular arcs.

AC Conduction Analysis
AC conduction analysis is the study of electric field, current and losses arising in
conductors and imperfect (lossy) dielectrics from the application of an alternating
(AC) voltage or external current to electrodes.
Similar to problems of AC magnetics, variation of the field with respect to time is
assumed to be sinusoidal. All field components and electric current vary with time

z = z0 cos(t + z),
where z0 is a peak value of z, z its phase angle, and the angular frequency.
Complex arithmetics is used to represent harmonic time-dependency.

AC Conduction Analysis


The problem formulation combines equations for electrostatics (E = ) and dc

conduction (j = -i), taking into account the Ohm's law, j = gE. Final equation
with respect to electric potential U is

U = 0 ;

where electric conductivity g and components of electric permittivity tensor z and y

(z and r) are constants within each block of the model.

Field Sources
With ac conduction problems, the field sources are external currents or voltages
supplied to the boundary of a conductor. QuickField provides possibility to specify
external current density at the edges or at the individual vertices of the model. The
current density specified at a point of the xy-plane corresponds to a knife-edge current
collector, which is perpendicular to the plane of the model, and is described by the
linear current density. In axisymmetric case the vertex source represents a circular
collector around the axis of symmetry or a point collector located on the axis. To
incorporate both these cases, a total current value is associated with the vertex. For
the circular knife-edge collector the total current value is connected with its linear
density by the relationship I = 2r. Edge-bound current density in the plane of
model represents a surface-bound external current density in three-dimensional
world. It is specified by the Neumann boundary condition for the edge. Every
condition is defined by its magnitude and phase.

Boundary Conditions
The following boundary conditions can be specified at outward and inner boundaries
of the region.

Dirichlet condition specifies a known value of electric potential U0 at the vertex or at

the edge of the model. U0 value at the edge can be specified as a linear function of
coordinates. The function parameters can vary from one edge to another, but have to
be adjusted to avoid discontinuities at edges' junction points.
Note. For problem to be defined correctly the Dirichlet condition has to be specified
at least at one point. If the region consists of two or more disjoint subregions, the
Dirichlet conditions have to be specified at least at one point of every part.


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

Neumann condition is defined by the following equations:

jn = j

at outward boundaries,

jn+ - jn- = j

at inner boundaries,

where jn is a normal component of the current density vector, "+" and ""
superscripts denote quantities to the left and to the right side of the boundary, and j at
right hand side is a density of the external current. If j value is zero, the boundary
condition is called homogeneous. This kind of boundary condition is used at an
outward boundary of the region that is formed by the symmetry plane of the problem.
The homogeneous Neumann condition is the natural one; it is defaulted at all outward
boundary parts where no explicit boundary condition is specified.
If the surface-bound current density is to be specified at the plane of problem
symmetry and this plane is the outward boundary of the region, the surface current
density has to be halved.

Constant potential boundary condition is used to describe surface of a conductor

having much greater conductivity than the surrounding medium. This conductor is
assumed to have constant but unknown potential value.
Note. The edge described as possessing constant potential should not have common
points with any Dirichlet edge. In that case the constant potential edge has to be
described by the Dirichlet condition with an appropriate potential value.

Calculated Physical Quantities

For ac conduction problems, the QuickField postprocessor calculates the following
set of local and integral physical quantities.
Local quantities:
Complex amplitude of electric potential U;
Complex vector of electric field intensity E = gradU
Ex =

Ez =


Ey =

Er =


for planar case;

for axisymmetric case;

AC Conduction Analysis


Complex vector of active jactive = gE, reactive jreactive = iE and apparent

japparent = jactive + jreactive current density;
Time average and peak active power (losses) density Qactive = jactive E, reactive
Qreactive = jreactive E, and apparent Qapparent = japparent E power density;
Electric permittivity (its largest component in anisotropic media);
Electric conductivity g (its largest component in anisotropic media).
Integral quantities:
Complex magnitude of electric current (active Iactive, reactive Ireactive and apparent
I) through a given surface
I = j nds ,

where n denotes the vector of the unit normal.

Time average and peak active Pactive, reactive Preactive, and apparent P power
produced in a volume

P = E jdV .
Time average and oscillating part of electric force acting on bodies contained in a
particular volume

(E(n D) + D(n E) n(E D))ds ,

where integral is evaluated over the boundary of the volume, and n denotes the
vector of the outward unit normal.

Time average and peak electric force torque acting on bodies contained in a
particular volume

((r E)(n D) + (r D)(n E) (r n )(E D))ds ,

where r is a radius vector of the point of integration.

The torque vector is parallel to z-axis in the planar case, and is identically equal to
zero in the axisymmetric one. The torque is considered relative to the origin of the
coordinate system. The torque relative to any other arbitrary point can be obtained
by adding extra term of F r0, where F is the total force and r0 is the radius
vector of the point.


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

The domain of integration is specified in the plane of the model as a closed contour
consisting of line segments and circular arcs.

Transient Electric Analysis

Transient electric is the most generic formulation of electric field analysis in the
absence of magnetic field. In this formulation, the field sources (voltage or current)
can be arbitrary functions of time, and electric properties of materials can vary with
electric field.
The problem formulation is similar to AC conduction:
[(E ) U ]

[(E ) U ] = 0

where electric conductivity and electric permittivity can be nonlinear or


Field Sources
The field sources are external currents or voltages supplied to the boundary of a
conductor. QuickField provides possibility to specify external current density at the
edges or at the individual vertices of the model. The current density specified at a
point of the xy-plane corresponds to a knife-edge current collector, which is
perpendicular to the plane of the model, and is described by the linear current density.
In axisymmetric case the vertex source represents a circular collector around the axis
of symmetry or a point collector located on the axis. To incorporate both these cases,
a total current value is associated with the vertex. For the circular knife-edge collector
the total current value is connected with its linear density by the relationship
I = 2r. Edge-bound current density in the plane of model represents a
surface-bound external current density in three-dimensional world. It is specified by
the Neumann boundary condition for the edge. Every condition is defined by the
formula involving spatial coordinates and time.

Boundary Conditions
The following boundary conditions can be specified at outward and inner boundaries
of the region.

Dirichlet condition specifies a known value of electric potential U0 at the vertex or at

the edge of the model. U0 value at the edge can be specified as a linear function of

Transient Electric Analysis


coordinates. The function parameters can vary from one edge to another, but have to
be adjusted to avoid discontinuities at edges' junction points.

Note. For problem to be defined correctly the Dirichlet condition has to be specified
at least at one point. If the region consists of two or more disjoint subregions, the
Dirichlet conditions have to be specified at least at one point of every part.
Neumann condition is defined by the following equations:
jn = j

at outward boundaries,

jn+ - jn- = j

at inner boundaries,

where jn is a normal component of the current density vector, "+" and ""
superscripts denote quantities to the left and to the right side of the boundary, and j at
right hand side is a density of the external current. If j value is zero, the boundary
condition is called homogeneous. This kind of boundary condition is used at an
outward boundary of the region that is formed by the symmetry plane of the problem.
The homogeneous Neumann condition is the natural one; it is defaulted at all outward
boundary parts where no explicit boundary condition is specified.
If the surface-bound current density is to be specified at the plane of problem
symmetry and this plane is the outward boundary of the region, the surface current
density has to be halved.

Constant potential boundary condition is used to describe surface of a conductor

having much greater conductivity than the surrounding medium. This conductor is
assumed to have constant but unknown potential value.
Note. The edge described as possessing constant potential should not have common
points with any Dirichlet edge. In that case the constant potential edge has to be
described by the Dirichlet condition with an appropriate potential value.

Calculated Physical Quantities

The QuickField postprocessor calculates the following set of local and integral
physical quantities at any given moment of time or as time-dependent graphs and


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

Local quantities:
Electric potential U;
Electric field intensity E = gradU
Vector of active jactive = E, reactive jreactive =

E and apparent japparent = jactive +


jreactive current density;

Active power (losses) density Qactive = jactive E, reactive Qreactive = jreactive E, and
apparent Qapparent = japparent E power density;
Electric permittivity (E);
Electric conductivity (E).
Integral quantities:

Electric current (active Iactive, reactive Ireactive and apparent I) through a given
I = j nds ,

where n denotes the vector of the unit normal.

Active Pactive, reactive Preactive, and apparent P power produced in a volume

P = E jdV .

Electric force acting on bodies contained in a particular volume


(E(n D) + D(n E) n(E D))ds ,

where integral is evaluated over the boundary of the volume, and n denotes the
vector of the outward unit normal.
Electric force torque acting on bodies contained in a particular volume

((r E)(n D) + (r D)(n E) (r n )(E D))ds ,

where r is a radius vector of the point of integration.

The torque vector is parallel to z-axis in the planar case, and is identically equal to
zero in the axisymmetric one. The torque is considered relative to the origin of the
coordinate system. The torque relative to any other arbitrary point can be obtained
by adding extra term of F r0, where F is the total force and r0 is the radius

Transient Electric Analysis


vector of the point. The domain of integration is specified in the plane of the
model as a closed contour consisting of line segments and circular arcs.


Heat Transfer
With QuickField you can analyze linear and nonlinear temperature fields in one of
two formulations: steady state or transient: heating or cooling of the system.
Heat-transfer equation for linear problems is:
= q c
x x y y

planar case;

= q c
r r
r r
r z z

axisymmetric case;

for nonlinear problems:

(T ) +
(T ) = q(T ) c(T )
x y

planar case;

(T )r
(T ) = q(T ) c(T )
r r
r z

axisymmetric case;



components of heat conductivity tensor;

heat conductivity as a function of temperature approximated by

cubic spline (anisotropy is not supported in nonlinear case);

volume power of heat sources, in linear caseconstant, in

nonlinear casefunction of temperature approximated by cubic spline.

specific heat, in nonlinear casefunction of temperature

approximated by cubic spline;

density of the substance.

In steady state case the last term in these equations equals zero. In linear case all the
parameters are constants within each block of the model.
The heat transfer problems for thin plates are very analogous to the plane-parallel
problems and we will not discuss them especially.

Heat Transfer


Heat Sources
QuickField provides possibility to specify the heat sources located in the blocks, at
the edges or at the individual vertices of the model. The heat source specified at a
point of the xy-plane corresponds to a linear string-like heater which is perpendicular
to the plane of the model, and is described by the generated power per unit length. In
axisymmetric case the vertex heat source represents a heating circle around the axis
of symmetry or a point heater located on the axis. To incorporate both these cases a
total generated power value is associated with the vertex. For the heating circle the
total power is connected with its linear density by the relationship q = 2rql.
Edge-bound heat source in the plane of model represents a surface heat source in
three-dimensional world. It is described by power per unit area and is specified by the
Neumann boundary condition for the edge. The volume power density associated
with a block corresponds to the volume heat source.

Boundary Conditions
The following boundary conditions can be specified at outward and inner boundaries
of the region.

Known temperature boundary condition (known also as boundary condition of the

first kind) specifies a known value of temperature T0 at the vertex or at the edge of
the model (for example on a liquid-cooled surface). T0 value at the edge can be
specified as a linear function of coordinates. The function parameters can vary from
one edge to another, but have to be adjusted to avoid discontinuities at edges' junction
This boundary condition sometimes is called the boundary condition of the first kind.

Heat flux boundary condition (known also as boundary condition of the second
kind) is defined by the following equations:
Fn = -qs

at outward boundaries,

Fn+ - Fn- = -qs

at inner boundaries,

where Fn is a normal component of heat flux density, "+" and "" superscripts denote
quantities to the left and to the right side of the boundary. For inner boundary qs,
denotes the generated power per unit area, for outward boundary it specifies the
known value of the heat flux density across the boundary. If qs, value is zero, the
boundary condition is called homogeneous. The homogeneous condition at the
outward boundary indicates vanishing of the heat flux across the surface. This type of
boundary condition is the natural one, it is defaulted at all outward boundary parts


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

where no explicit boundary condition is specified. This kind of boundary condition is

used at an outward boundary of the region which is formed by the symmetry plane of
the problem.
If the surface heat source is to be specified at the plane of problem symmetry and this
plane constitutes the outward boundary of the region, the surface power has to be
This boundary condition sometimes is called the boundary condition of the second

Convection boundary condition can be specified at outward boundary of the region.

It describes convective heat transfer and is defined by the following equation:
Fn = (T - T0),
where is a film coefficient, and T0temperature of contacting fluid medium.
Parameters and T0 may differ from part to part of the boundary.
This boundary condition sometimes is called the boundary condition of the third kind.

Radiation boundary condition can be specified at outward boundary of the region.

It describes radiative heat transfer and is defined by the following equation:
Fn = kSB(T4 - T04),
where kSB is a Stephan-Boltsman constant, is an emissivity coefficient, and T0
ambient radiation temperature. Parameters and T0 may differ from part to part of the

Note. For heat transfer problem to be defined correctly the known temperature
boundary condition, or the convection, or the radiation has to be specified at least at
some parts of the boundary.
Constant temperature boundary condition may be used to describe bodies with
very high heat conductivity. You can exclude interior of these bodies from the
consideration and describe their surface as the constant temperature boundary.
Note. The edge described as possessing constant temperature cannot have common
points with any edge where the temperature is specified explicitly. In that case the
constant temperature edge has to be described by the boundary condition of the first
kind with an appropriate temperature value.

Stress Analysis


Calculated Physical Quantities

For heat transfer problems the QuickField postprocessor calculates the following set
of local and integral physical quantities.
Local quantities:

Temperature T;
Vector of the heat flux density F = grad T
Fx = x


Fz = z

Fy = y

Fr = r


for planar case;

for axisymmetric case;

The postprocessor can calculate the heat flux through an arbitrary closed or unclosed
= F nds ,

where n denotes the unit vector of normal to the surface. The surface is specified by a
contour consisting of line segments and circular arcs in the plane of the model.

Stress Analysis
Within QuickField package, the plane stress, the plane strain and the axisymmetric
stress models are available with both isotropic and orthotropic materials. The plane
stress model is suitable for analyzing structures that are thin in the out-of-plane
direction, e.g., thin plates subject to in-plate loading. Out-of-plane direct stress and
shear stresses are assumed to be negligible. The plane strain model is formulated by
assuming that out-of-plane strains are negligible. This model is suitable for structures
that are thick in the out-of-plane direction.

Displacement, Strain and Stress

The displacement field is assumed to be completely defined by the two components
of the displacement vector in each point:

{ } = x

for plane problems;


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

{ } =

for axisymmetric problems.

Only three components of strain and stress tensors are independent in both plane
stress and plane strain cases. The strain-displacement relationship is defined as:

{ } = y =

xy x y


The corresponding stress components:


{ } = y .


The axisymmetric problem formulation also includes the out-of-plane direct strain ,
caused by the radial deformation. The strain-displacement relationship is defined as:

z r


{ } = =


z r


The corresponding stress components:


{ } = r .


The equilibrium equations for the plane problems are:

Stress Analysis


x xy
= fx


xy + y = f ,

and for the axisymmetric problems are:

1 ( r r ) rz
= fr

r r

1 ( r rz ) + z = f ,
r r

where x, y and z, r are components of the volume force vector.

For linear elasticity, the stresses are related to the strains using relationship of the
{} = [D]({} {0}),
where [D] is a matrix of elastic constants, and {0} is the initial thermal strain. The
specific form of the matrix depends on a particular problem formulation.
For plane stress and isotropic material:


0 .
[ D] =
1 2

0 0

For plane stress and orthotropic material:



[ D] = Eyx


0 .


For plane strain and isotropic material:


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

E(1 )
[ ]
(1 + )(1 2 ) 1

0 .

1 2

2(1 )


For plane strain and orthotropic material:

1 zx2

Ex Ez

[ D] = Eyx zxE zy


zx zy

1 zy

E y Ez

0 .


For axisymmetric problem and isotropic material:

E(1 ) 1
[ D] =
(1 + )(1 2 )



1 2
2(1 )

For axisymmetric problem and orthotropic material:



[ D] = Erz






In all these equations E denotes Young's modulus of the isotropic material; Ex, Ey, Ez,
Er, and E are the Young's moduli of the orthotropic material along the corresponding

Stress Analysis


axes; is a Poisson's ratio for isotropic material; yx, zx, zy, rz, z, r are the
Poisson's ratios for orthotropic material; Gxy and Gzr are the shear moduli.

Thermal Strain
Temperature strain is determined by the coefficients of thermal expansion and
difference of temperatures between strained and strainless states. Components of the
thermal strain for plane stress and isotropic material are defined by the following

{ 0 }

= T ;

plane stress, orthotropic material:

{ 0 }


= y T ;

plane strain, isotropic material:


{ 0 } ( ) T ;

plane strain, orthotropic material:

x + zx z

{ 0 } y + zy z T ;

axisymmetric problem, isotropic material:

{ 0 }

= T ;



Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

axisymmetric problem, orthotropic material:

{ 0 }


= T ,


where is a coefficient of thermal expansion for isotropic material; x, y, z, r,

are the coefficients of thermal expansion along the corresponding axes for orthotropic
material; T is the temperature difference between strained and strainless states.

External Forces
QuickField provides way to specify concentrated loads, surface and body forces. The
concentrated loads are defined at vertices as two components of the corresponding
vector. The surface forces at the edges of the model are specified by the vector
components or by the normal pressure. The body forces are defined by their
components within blocks of the model. Each component of the body force vector
can be specified as a function of the coordinates. This feature can be used, for
example, to model centrifugal forces. The normal pressure also can be a function of
the coordinates that is useful for hydrostatic pressure.

Note. The concentrated load is specified by the force per thickness unit for plane
problems and by the total force value for axisymmetric ones. In the last case the
force can be applied to the point at the axis of symmetry or distributed along the
circle around the axis.
Any surface force which is directed along the normal to the surface can be described
as a pressure. The pressure is considered positive if it is directed inside region at its
outward boundary or from right to left at the inner boundary. Left and right are
referred relative to the edge intrinsic direction, which is always counterclockwise for
arcs and is determined for line segments by the order of picking vertices when the
edge is created.

Restriction Conditions
Rigid constraint condition along one or both axes can be specified at any vertex or
along any edge of the model. Prescribed displacement at restrained edge can be
specified as a linear function of the coordinates.

Stress Analysis


Elastic support condition describes a vertex subject to springy force which is

proportional to difference between actual and predetermined displacement. The
elastic support condition is characterized by the predetermined displacement and the
support elasticity.

Note. For problem to be defined correctly the constraint or elastic support conditions
have to be specified in such a way to exclude rigid body shifts and rotations of the
model or its parts without increasing the potential energy. Two translational and one
rotational degrees of freedom have to be restricted for plane problem, in
axisymmetric case only shift in z-direction has to be excluded.

Calculated Physical Quantities

For the stress analysis problems the QuickField postprocessor calculates the
following set of physical quantities:
Local quantities:

The absolute value of displacement

= 2x + 2y , or = 2z + 2r ;

Maximum and minimum principal stresses in the plane of model 1 and 2;

Normal and tangential stresses along coordinate axes x, y and xy (z, r and rz
in axisymmetric case);
Normal stress in out-of-plane direction (zfor xy-plane, for rz-plane). For
the plane stress problems this component vanishes by the definition;
Von Mises criterion (stored energy of deformation):

e =

[( )

+ ( 2 3 ) + ( 3 1 )


where 1, 2 and 3 denote the principal stresses in descending order.

Tresca criterion (maximum shear):

e = 1 3;

Mohr-Coulomb criterion:

e = 1 3,
where = [+] / [];


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

[+] and [] denote tensile and compressive allowable stress.

Drucker-Prager criterion:

1 1

e = 1 + i
[ ] 1 +


i =


2 ) + ( 2 3 ) + ( 3 1 )

]; =

+ 2 + 3

Tsai-Hill failure index for orthotropic materials:

C th =



1 2



X 22


where 1, 2 and 12 are computed stresses in the material directions and,

X1 = X1T if 1>0;

X1 = X1C if 1<0

X2 = X2T if 2>0;

X2 = X2C if 2<0

S12 = S12+ if 12>0;

S12 = S12- if 12<0

where X1T, X2T, X1C, X2C, S12+ and S12- are tensile, compressive and shear allowable
Integral quantities:

Total force acting on a particular volume

( n ) ds ,
where is the stress tensor.
The integral is evaluated over the boundary of the volume, and n denotes the
vector of the outward unit normal.

Total torque of the forces acting on a particular volume


r ( n ) ds ,

where r is a radius vector of the point of integration.

Coupled Problems


The torque vector is parallel to z-axis in the planar case, and is identically equal to
zero in the axisymmetric one. The torque is considered relative to the origin of the
coordinate system. The torque relative to any other arbitrary point can be obtained
by adding extra term of F r0, where F is the total force and r0 is the radius
vector of the point.

Coupled Problems
QuickField is capable of importing loads (distributed sources) calculated in some
problem into the problem of another type. Following coupling types are supported:

Heat transfer caused by Joule heat generated in the transient or AC magnetic

problem, or DC or AC conduction problem.
Thermal stresses based on a calculated temperature distribution.
Stress analysis of the system loaded by magnetic of electric forces.
A special case of coupling allows for importing of the field distribution in some
steady state or transient problem into another transient problem as its initial state.
This applies to transient magnetic and transient heat transfer analysis.

In addition to imported loads, you can define any other loads and boundary
conditions, similar to non-coupled problem.
You can combine several coupling types in one problem. E.g., after calculating
currents distribution, electrostatic and magnetic fields as separate problems based on
the same model file, you can calculate temperature distribution from Joule heat and
then find stresses caused by temperature and magnetic and electric forces at once.
However, such problems are rather rare.
Further we will call the problem, from which the data are being loaded, the source
problem, and the problem, which imports the data, the target problem.
There are several rules to follow with coupled problems:

Both source and target problem must share a single model file.
Both problems must use the same formulation (plane or axisymmetric).
Source problem must be up-to-date when solving the target problem.

Note. In spite of the requirement that coupled problems must use the same model file,
the geometrical region for the problems need not coincide, i.e. some subregions those
are in use in one problem, could be excluded from consideration in the other one.


Chapter 10 Theoretical Description

Importing Joule Heat to Heat Transfer Problem

While importing data from DC or AC conduction problem to heat transfer one, heat
sources due to Joule law are assumed in all subregions included into consideration in
both source and target problems. In transient or AC magnetic problems, Joule heat is
generated in all conductors. When importing Joule heat from transient magnetic
problem into transient heat transfer, both processes are assumed to run
synchronously. With this feature, you can simulate time-dependent heat distribution
arising from time-dependent electric current distribution (including eddy currents) in
a magnetic device.

Importing Temperature Distribution to Stress Analysis

While calculating thermal stresses, initial strains are assumed in all subregions, which
are included into consideration in both problems and possess nonzero value of
thermal expansion coefficient (or at least one of its components in anisotropic case).
While importing the temperature distribution from the transient problem, you can
choose the moment of time, the state at which you wish to import.

Importing Magnetic Forces to Stress Analysis Problem

While importing magnetic force to stress analysis problem:

Body force is assumed in all subregions included into consideration in both

source and target problems, if those subregions have nonlinear magnetic
properties and/or current density is defined (Lorentz force).
Surface force is assumed at the boundaries separating subregions with different
magnetic properties, boundaries with surface current, or outward boundaries in
sense of magnetic problem. The surface force is also generated in the cases,
when only one subregion, say, to the left of the boundary is active in sense of
magnetic problem, and only the subregion to the right of it is active in stress
analysis problem.

While importing the magnetic forces from the transient problem, you choose the
moment of time, the state at which you wish to import.

Importing Electric Forces to Stress Analysis Problem

While importing electric force to stress analysis problem:

Coupled Problems


Body force is assumed for all subregions included into consideration in both
source and target problems and carrying distributed charge density.
Surface force is assumed at the boundaries separating subregions with different
permittivity, boundaries with surface charge, or outward boundaries in sense of
electric problem. The surface force is also generated in the cases, when only one
subregion, say, to the left of the boundary is active in sense of electric problem,
and only the subregion to the right of it is active in stress analysis problem.

Importing magnetic state to another magnetostatic

Now we are able to remember the magnetic state of the media in the source problem
for further use in target problems, where it is necessary to take into account the actual
magnetic saturation.
Quantity, transferred from one DC Magnetic problem to another is the value of
magnetic permeability, calculated in every finite element of the source problem.

In non-linear materials the remembered value of magnetic permeability is

calculated using the magnetic flux density in the source problem;
In linear materials the remembered value of magnetic permeability is taken from
the corresponding block label properties of the source problem.

Target problem will become linear, and the magnetic permeability values entered into
the target problem description will be ignored and replaced by imported data.
Magnetic state remembering is equivalent to the working point fixation for magnetic
system. This gives the possibility to calculate the differential mutual and selfinductances of multi-coil system in the target problems, by calculating the magnetic
flux induced by current in only one of coils at time.



1 1


This chapter contains descriptions of the example problems supplied in the Examples
folder. Each problem in this folder is represented by the complete database, which
includes geometric model, finite element mesh, definition of material properties,
loads and boundary conditions, and ready analysis results. Supplied analysis results
allow you to look instantly at the postprocessing capabilities without spending time
for preparing data and solving the problem.
QuickField online Help contains detailed step-by-step description of the modeling
process, data preparation, and postprocessing of the results for some of the examples
described in this chapter. They are provided to illustrate effective modeling
techniques and to give you an opportunity to learn QuickField by following an
example. See Tutorial topic in online Help.



Magnetic Problems
Magn1: Nonlinear Permanent Magnet
A permanent magnet and a steel keeper in the air.

Problem Type
A nonlinear plane-parallel problem of magnetostatics.






All dimensions are in centimeters.

The permanent magnets are made of ALNICO, coercive force is 147218 A/m. The
polarizations of the magnets are along vertical axis opposite to each other. The
demagnetization curve for ALNICO:
H (A/m)








B (T)








The B-H curve for the steel:

H (A/m)










B (T)












Maximum flux density in y-direction:







See the Magn1.pbm problem in the Examples folder.

Also see Tutorial topic in online Help for detailed step-by-step instructions for this

Magn2: Solenoid Actuator

A solenoid actuator consists of a coil enclosed in a ferromagnetic core with a plunger.
Calculate the magnetic field and a force applied to the plunger.

Problem Type
A nonlinear axisymmetric problem of magnetics.






All dimensions are in centimeters.

Relative permeability of air and coil = 1;
Current density in the coil j = 1106 A/m2;
The B-H curve for the core and the plunger:
H (A/m)









B (T)









Obtain the magnetic field in the solenoid and a force applied to the plunger.

This magnetic system is almost closed, therefore outward boundary of the model can
be put relatively close to the solenoid core. A thicker layer of the outside air is



included into the model region at the plunger side, since the magnetic field in this
area cannot be neglected.
Mesh density is chosen by default, but to improve the mesh distribution, three
additional vertices are added to the model. We put one of these vertices at the coil
inner surface next to the plunger corner, and two others next to the corner of the core
at the both sides of the plunger.
A contour for the force calculation encloses the plunger. It is put in the middle of the
air gap between the plunger and the core. While defining the contour of integration,
use a strong zoom-in mode to avoid sticking the contour to existing edges.
The calculated force applied to the plunger F = 374.1 N.
See the Magn2.pbm problem in the Examples folder.

Maximum flux density in z-direction in the plunger:

Bz (T)




D. F. Ostergaard, "Magnetics for static fields", ANSYS revision 4.3, Tutorials, 1987.



Magn3: Ferromagnetic C-Magnet

A permanent C-magnet in the air. The example demonstrates how to model curved
permanent magnet using the equivalent surface currents.

Problem Type
Plane problem of magnetics.



Relative permeability of the air = 1;
Relative permeability of the magnet = 1000;
Coercive force of the magnet Hc = 10000 A/m.
The polarization of the magnet is along its curvature.

To avoid the influence of the boundaries while modeling the unbounded problem,
we'll enclose the magnet in a rectangular region of air and specify zero Dirichlet
boundary condition on its sides.
Magnetization of straight parts of the magnet is specified in terms of coercive force
vector. Effective surface currents simulate magnetization in the middle curved part of
the magnet.



See the Magn3.pbm problem in the Examples folder.


Magn4: Electric Motor

A brushless DC motor with permanent magnets and three-phase coil excitation.

Problem Type
A nonlinear plane-parallel problem of magnetostatics.

Cobalt Alloy












Dimensions of the stator:


Dimensions of the rotor:



All dimensions are in millimeters and degrees. Axial length of the motor is 40 mm.



The four magnets are made of Samarium-Cobalt with relative permeability of 1.154
and coercive force of 550000 A/m. The current densities for the coil slots are as
follows: 1.3106 A/m2 on R+, 1.3106 A/m2 on R, 1.3106 A/m2 on S+,
1.3106 A/m2 on S, and zero on T+ and T. The inner and outer frames are made
of Cobalt-Nickel-Copper-Iron alloy.
The B-H curve for the Cobalt-Nickel-Copper-Iron alloy:
H (A/m)







B (T)







H (A/m)







B (T)

1.272 1.3





The B-H curve for the steel:

H (A/m)










B (T)










See the Magn4.pbm problem in the Examples folder.

Also see Tutorial topic in online Help for detailed step-by-step instructions for this



Magn5: Armature Winding Inductance

This example demonstrates how to calculate the inductance of a single stator phase
coil in a permanent magnet synchronous motor.

Analysis Type:
Plane-parallel nonlinear magnetostatic analysis with media magnetic state
remembering capability.

Geometry model:

The length of the motor in the axial direction is 200 mm.

The magnet coercive force Hc = 320 kA/m;
The magnet remanenceBr = 0.4 T;
The rated current density in the stator coilj = 2 A/mm2;
The core permeability is given by the B-H curve.

We calculate the phase coil inductance for the normal operating point dividing the
magnetic flux through the coil by the current density that generates the flux. With
QuickField, you would normally turn off permanent magnets' magnetization and the
current in all phase coils but one. In our case, however, this would cause significant
deviation in core saturation from the normal operating point. Which, in turn, would
make the calculated inductance value inexact.



To avoid that, we are splitting the problem into two parts:

The 1st part, Magn5_base.pbm, will define the magnetization of the magnets and
the current densities in all phase coils according to the normal operating point
requirements. Its solution will provide the magnetic permeability distribution
across the magnetic core allowing us to fix the operating point on the saturation
curve of the motor.
The 2nd part, Magn5_a.pbm, will import the core magnetic state from the 1st
part Magn5_base.pbm keeping the real saturation level of the core and, at the
same time, becoming linear. Linearity of the problem guarantees that the
magnetic flux is exactly proportional to the current that generates the flux. So,
calculating the phase coil inductance we can use the phase coil current that suits
us best.

The 2nd part of the problem keeps all sources except the A-phase switched off. We
calculate the inductance as the magnetic flux divided by the current with the help of
Inductance Wizard.


Current, dI

31.2 A

Flux linkage, d

36.9 mkW

Inductance, dL

1.18 mkH

See accompanying files, Magn5_base.pbm and Magn5_a.pbm, in the Examples

folder. The first one calculates the field at the normal operating point (with rated
stator current and magnetization). The second one imports the core magnetic state
calculated above using the current density of the stator phase coil we are interested in
as the field source.



Perio1: Periodic Boundary Condition

This very simple example demonstrates the effect of applying periodic boundary
condition, which forces the field potential to be the same on opposite sides of the


Two regions, A and B, have the same shape, volume loading and are surrounded by
Dirichlet boundary condition, which does not allow the field to penetrate outside.
Region B is also subdivided into B1 and B2, and the periodic boundary condition is
specified on two sides, which makes these regions the continuation of each other. As
a result, field distribution in both A and B must be equivalent:

This example also demonstrates that the mesh on the periodic boundary is not
necessarily the same please notice that the mesh spacing settings in four corners of
the model are all different!
See the Perio1.pbm problem in the Examples folder. Perio1odd.pbm is almost the
same, but for one difference: odd periodic condition is applied, which forces the field
potential to be opposite on two sides of the region.



Transient Magnetic Problems

TEMagn1: Transient Eddy Currents in a Semi-Infinite
Problem Type
A plane problem of nonlinear transient magnetics.



, g

The surface of semi-infinite solid plate is suddenly subjected to a constant magnetic

potential A0.

Magnetic permeability of material = 1;
Conductivity of material g = 2,500,000 S/m;
Loading A0 = 2 Wb/m.

Determine current distribution within the conductor.

The model length 20 m is arbitrarily selected such that no significant potential change
occurs at the end points for the time period of interest. The final time of 0.25 s is
sufficient for the theoretical response comparison. A time step of 0.005 s is used.




Time t = 0.15 s.
Vector Potential A, Wb/m
Flux Density B, T
Eddy Current Density j, A/mm2


See the TEMagn1.pbm problem in the Examples folder.

TEMagn2: Transient Eddy Currents in a Two-Wire Line

Problem Type
A plane problem of nonlinear transient magnetics.


The transmission line consists of two copper conductors with equal but opposite
currents. All dimensions are in millimeters.


Magnetic permeability of air = 1;
Magnetic permeability of copper = 1;
Conductivity of copper g = 56,000,000 S/m;
Voltage applied U = 0.001 V;

Calculate the transient currents within the conductors.

The resistance of one conductor can be calculated as
Rcond = l / (g S),
S = r2 - cross-section area of conductor,
r - radius of conductor,
l - length of the line.

Rcond = 1 / (56106 (0.00012)) = 0.5684 Ohm

The resistance of both conductors is R = 2Rcond = 20.5684 = 1.1368 Ohm
The inductance of the transmission line can be calculated as
L = 0l/ (ln(D/r) + 0.25),
where D - distance between conductors.

L = 410-71/ (ln(0.02/0.0001) + 0.25) = 2.21910-6 H

The transient current for equivalent electric circuit
with lumped parameter is described by the formula
I(t) = U/R (1 - e- t / T),
T = L/R
is the characteristic time of the circuit.





See the TEMagn2.pbm problem in the Examples folder.

Dirich1: Time- and Coordinate-Dependent Boundary

Conductive cylinder in rotating magnetic field.

Problem Type
A plane problem of transient magnetics.




Magnetic permeability of air = 1;
Magnetic permeability of conductor = 1;
Conductivity of conductor = 6.3107 S/m;
Magnitude of external field B0 = 1 T;
Number of poles 2p = 6;
Frequency f = 50 Hz.

To specify rotating magnetic field on the outer boundary of the region,
Bn = B0 sin (t p), we apply the Dirichlet boundary condition, using the formula
A = cos (18000*t 3*atan2 (y/x)) / 60
The coefficient A0 = 1/60 arises from consideration

Bn =

A A0 p sin ( t p )


A0 =

B0 r

Due to periodicity of the problem, only half of the model is presented, and odd
periodic boundary condition A1 = A2 is applied on the cut. In fact, it would be
enough to simulate just 60 sector of the model.
In time domain, problem is simulated with automatic adaptive time step, up to
0.05 seconds (approx. 2.5 periods).



t = 2104 sec:

t = 0.048 sec:

t = 0.05 sec:

See the Dirich1.pbm problem in the Examples folder.



TECircuit1: Coil with Ferromagnetic Core

Sinusoidal voltage is applied to the electric coil with ferromagnetic core.

Problem Type:
An axisymmetric problem of nonlinear transient magnetics.


Due to the model symmetry only the right half of the coil is presented in the model
(shown by upper half of its cross-section). Therefore the circuit elements' values are
defined twice less than in the real object.

Magnetic permeability of the steel core - nonlinear;
Conductivity of the steel core g = 0 S/m (steel core is laminated);
Magnetic permeability of the winding = 1;
Conductivity of the winding (copper) g = 56,000,000 S/m;
Number of turns w = 120;
Applied voltage value U = 13.33 V;
Frequency f = 50 Hz.

Determine the electric current within the coil windings.



The sinusoidal current wave period is T = 1 / f = 0.02 sec. We choose the time step of
0.0005 second that guarantees a smooth plot. The finishing time 0.2 sec includes 10
periods and is long enough to fade out initial transient currents. To reduce the results
file size only the last period is stored (starting from moment 0.18 sec).


The current in the winding is:

I = 48.1sin(t + 108) + 3.2sin(3t + 147) + 1sin(5t + 177)

See the TECircuit1.pbm problem in the Examples folder.

TECircuit2: Pulse Transformer

Square voltage impulse applied to the transformer.

Problem Type:
A plane problem of transient magnetics.



Magnetic permeability of the steel core = 500;
Conductivity of the steel core g = 0 S/m (steel core is laminated);
Magnetic permeability of the windings = 1;
Conductivity of the windings (copper) g = 56,000,000 S/m;
Number of turns of the primary winding w1 = 20;
Number of turns of the secondary winding w2 = 40;
Number of turns of the third winding w3 = 20;
Impulse voltage U1 = 0.5 V;
Impulse time t = 0.1 s.

Calculate the currents in the secondary winding.




Due to model symmetry we leave the upper half of the transformer only. Therefore
we should reduce the circuit elements' values by two.

I, A








t, s

See the TE_Circuit2.pbm problem in the Examples folder.



AC Magnetic Problems
HMagn1: Slot Embedded Conductor
Problem Type
A plane-parallel problem of AC magnetic field analysis.



Copper bar

A solid copper conductor embedded in the slot of an electric machine carries a
current I at a frequency f.

Magnetic permeability of air = 1;
Magnetic permeability of copper = 1;
Conductivity of copper = 58.005106 S/m;
Current in the conductor I = 1 A;
Frequency f = 45 Hz.



Determine current distribution within the conductor and complex impedance of the

We assume that the steel slot is infinitely permeable and may be replaced with a
Neumann boundary condition. We also assume that the flux is contained within the
slot, so we can put a Dirichlet boundary condition along the top of the slot. See
HMagn1.pbm problem in the Examples folder for the complete model.
The complex impedance per unit length of the conductor can be obtained from the



where V is a voltage drop per unit length. This voltage drop can be obtained in the
Postprocessor (choose Results, Analyze, Values, Complex, and then pick an
arbitrary point within the conductor.)

Re Z (Ohm/m)

Im Z (Ohm/m)







A. Konrad, Integrodifferential Finite Element Formulation of Two-Dimensional
Steady-State Skin Effect Problems, IEEE Trans. Magnetics, Vol MAG-18, No. 1,
January 1982.
See the Hmagn1.pbm problem in the Examples folder.



HMagn2: Symmetric Double Line of Conductors

Problem Type
A plane-parallel problem of AC magnetic field analysis.






Two copper square cross-section conductors with equal but opposite currents are
contained inside rectangular ferromagnetic coating. All dimensions are in millimeters.

Magnetic permeability of air = 1;
Magnetic permeability of copper = 1;
Conductivity of copper = 56106 S/m;
Magnetic permeability of coating = 100;
Conductivity of coating = 10106 S/m;
Current in the conductors I = 1 A;
Frequency f = 100 Hz.

Determine current distribution within the conductors and the coating, complex
impedance of the line, and power losses in the coating.



We assume that the flux is contained within the coating, so we can put a Dirichlet
boundary condition on the outer surface of the coating. See HMagn2.pbm problem in
the Examples folder for the complete model.
The complex impedance per unit length of the line can be obtained from the equation

V1 V2

where V1 and V2 are voltage drops per unit length in each conductor. These voltage
drops are equal with opposite signs due to the symmetry of the model. To obtain an
impedance choose Impedance Wizard from View menu or double click it in the
calculator tree and then select both Conductor 1 and Conductor 2 items in the
conductors list.
The impedance of the line Z = 4.8410-4 + i 7.3610-4 Ohm/m.
To obtain power losses in the coating:
1. In the postprocessing mode, choose Integral Values from View menu. Then
switch on contour editing mode using Pick Elements command from Contour
menu and pick the coating block to create the contour.
2. Double click on Joule heat item in the list of integral quantities or click the gray
button to the left of it.
The power losses in the coating P = 4.2710-5 W/m.
See the HMagn2.pbm problem in the Examples folder.

HMagn3: Nonlinear ferromagnetic core in sinusoidal

magnetic field
A sinusoidal current carrying conductor is surrounded by nonlinear ferromagnetic

Problem Type
A plane-parallel problem of non-linear AC magnetic field analysis.




Total current I = 500 A.
Frequency f = 50 Hz.
Core BH-curve: H = 100B2.

Calculate B and H distribution along the radius r.

To calculate the sinusoidal filed distribution in nonlinear core we should use the
modified curve B'(H) (see Formulations in AC Magnetics).
In this particular case the modified BH-curve can be calculated as:

B`(H) = B(H) (1 +




See the Hmagn3.pbm problem in the Examples folder.

HMagn4: Coil with ferromagnetic core

Sinusoidal voltage is applied to the electric coil with ferromagnetic core.

Problem Type
An axisymmetric problem of nonlinear AC magnetics.




Due to the model symmetry only the right half of the coil is presented in the model
(shown by upper half of its cross-section). Therefore the circuit elements' values are
defined twice less than in the real object.

Magnetic permeability of the steel core - nonlinear;
Conductivity of the steel core g = 10,000,000 S/m;
Magnetic permeability of the winding = 1;
Conductivity of the winding (copper) g = 56,000,000 S/m;
Number of turns w = 120;
Applied voltage value U = 13.33 V;
Frequency f = 50 Hz

Determine the electric current within the coil windings.

Current vs time plot in the real coil has non-sinusoidal shape (see TECircuit1
example). With AC magnetics module we can estimate RMS value much faster. The
drawback of this approach is that we cannot estimate the wave form



Current (RMS value), A

Current (wave form), A



48.1sin(t + 108) + 3.2sin(3t +

147) + 1sin(5t + 177)

AC Magnetic


49.9sin(wt + 104)



See the HMagn4.pbm problem in the Examples folder.

Perio2: Linear Electric Motor

Problem Type
A plane-parallel problem of AC magnetic field analysis.


Conductivity of rail = 3.3107 S/m;
Current in the inductor wiring I = 2608 A;
Frequency f = 50 Hz.

Due to periodicity of the problem, only the 3-slot section is modeled, and the odd
periodic boundary condition is applied on the sides.

See the Perio2.pbm problem in the Examples folder.



Circuit1: Symmetric Double Line of Conductors

Problem Type
A plane-parallel problem of AC magnetic field analysis.







Two copper conductors with square cross-sections carrying oppositely directed

currents of equal magnitudes are contained inside the rectangular ferromagnetic
coating. All dimensions are in millimeters.

The same as in the HMagn2 example. The current source is specified by the circuit.



The current distribution within the conductors and the coating, complex impedance of
the line, and power losses in the coating should be determined.

Impedance, Ohm/m
Power loss, W/m

Circuit1 problem

Hmagn2 problem

0.000484 + i 0.000736

0.000484 + i 0.000736



See the Circuit1.pbm problem in the Examples folder.

Circuit2: Welding Transformer

Problem Type
A plane-parallel problem of AC magnetic field analysis.


R1 = 5 Ohm;
C1 = 1 nF;
Frequency f = 60 Hz;
Number of turns n = 220;



Calculate the output U (I) chart of the welding transformer.

R, Ohm

U, V

I, A















See the Circuit2.pbm problem in the Examples folder. The result is calculated for the
nominal load 2 ohm.



Circuit3: Bandpass Filter

Problem Type
A plane-parallel problem of AC magnetic field analysis.


R1 = 150 Ohm;
R2 = 150 Ohm;
C1 = 840 pF;
C2 = 0.1637 F;
C3 = 852 pF;
C4 = 0.0558 F;
L1 = 12.11 mH;
L2 = 62.08 H;
L3 = 11.91 mH;
L4 = 182.3 H;

Calculate the filter transfer function.

The set of QuickField problems is automatically generated by the Label Mover
utility. The input signal value is set to 1 V. The output signal is measured at R2.
QuickField cannot simulate standalone circuits. Therefore the artificial AC magnetic
problem field simulation problem with specified circuit was created. The results are
taken from the circuit only.



Study was performed in two stages. During the first stage wide frequency range was
analysed (from 0 Hz to 1 MHz with step of 50 kHz). Then the band pass was
analyzed in more detail (from 40 to 60 kHz with step of 0.1 kHz).


See Circuit3.pbm problem and Circuit3.qlm LabelMover script in the Examples




Electrostatic Problems
Elec1: Microstrip Transmission Line
A shielded microstrip transmission line consists of a substrate, a microstrip, and a

Problem Type
Plane-parallel problem of electrostatics.

The transmission line is directed along z-axis, its cross section is shown on the sketch.
The rectangle ABCD is a section of the shield, the line EF represents a conductor




Relative permittivity of air = 1;
Relative permittivity of substrate = 10.

Determine the capacitance of a transmission line.



There are several different approaches to calculate the capacitance of the line:

To apply some distinct potentials to the shield and the strip and to calculate the
charge that arises on the strip;
To apply zero potential to the shield and to describe the strip as having constant
but unknown potential and carrying the charge, and then to measure the potential
that arises on the strip.
Both these approaches make use of the equation for capacitance:



Other possible approaches are based on calculation of stored energy of electric field.
When the voltage is known:



and when the charge is known:



Experiment with this example shows that energy-based approaches give little bit less
accuracy than approaches based on charge and voltage only. The first approach needs
to get the charge as a value of integral along some contour, and the second one uses
only a local value of potential, this approach is the simplest and in many cases the
most reliable.
The first and third approaches are illustrated in the Elec1_1.pbm problem in the
Examples folder, and the Elec1_2.pbm explains the second and the fourth approaches.

Theoretical result:

C = 178.1 pF/m.

Approach 1:

C = 177.83 pF/m (99.8%).

Approach 2:

C = 178.47 pF/m (100.2%).

Approach 3:

C = 177.33 pF/m (99.6%).



C = 179.61 pF/m (100.8%).

Approach 4:

See Tutorial topic in online Help for detailed step-by-step instructions for this

Elec2: Two Conductor Transmission Line

Problem Type
A plane problem of electrostatics.




The problem's region is bounded by ground from the bottom side and extended to
infinity on other three sides.

Relative permittivity of air = 1;
Relative permittivity of dielectric = 2.

Determine self and mutual capacitance of conductors.

To avoid the influence of outer boundaries, we'll define the region as a rectangle large
enough to neglect side effects. To calculate the capacitance matrix we set the voltage
U = 1 V on one conductor and U = 0 on the another one.


Self capacitance: C11 = C22 =



Mutual capacitance: C21 = C21 =


where charge Q1 and Q2 are evaluated on rectangular contours around conductor 1

and 2 away from their edges. We chose the contours for the C11 and C12 calculation to
be rectangles 6 x 0, 0 y 4 and 0 x 6, 0 y 4 respectively.

C11 (F/m)

C12 (F/m)







A. Khebir, A. B. Kouki, and R. Mittra, "An Absorbing Boundary Condition for
Quasi-TEM Analysis of Microwave Transmission Lines via the Finite Element
Method", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 1990.
See the Elec2.pbm problem in the Examples folder.

Elec3: Cylindrical Deflector Analyzer

Electron beam focusing in cylindrical deflector analyzer.

Problem Type
Plane-parallel electrostatic problem.

Cylindrical deflector analyzer (CDA) is a part of a cylindrical capacitor with angular
sector of 12717'. CDA has two slits made for the particles to enter and exit the CDA



Radius of external cylinder R2 = 0.1 m,
Radius of internal cylinder R1 = 0.07 m,
CDA voltage U = -500V ... +500V,
Initial kinetic energy of electrons E0 = 1500 eV.

In this example the beam of electrons enters the CDA perpendicular to the cylinders
radius with initial kinetic energy E0 = 1500 eV and angle dispersion of 6
Theory says that with some value of CDA voltage depending on the energy of
electrons, the beam will be focused at the exit slit. In ideal case the voltage for our
example would be U = 1070 V. The focusing angle and the CDA voltage in our
example are slightly different because of the CDA fringing effects.
Define the beam focus point.

At the beginning we solve the electrostatic problem calculating the CDA field.
After that we open the Point Source Emitter dialog using the Particle Trajectory
command (View menu). Using the Emitter dialog page we position the point particle
emitter at the center of the CDAs entrance slit (x = -0.076, y = 0.037) and specify the
range for the starting angles between 62 and 68 degrees. Using the Particle dialog
page we choose the desired particle type electron from the list, and define the
value of initial kinetic energy E0 = 1500 eV.


To obtain the result, we click Apply and view the particle trajectories on screen.

The beam focus point: (0.081, 0.027).
The focusing angle (approx.): 127 + 8.5 = 135.5.
See the Elec3.pbm problem in the Examples folder.




AC Conduction Problems
ACElec1: Plane Capacitor
AC current in the plane capacitor

Problem Type
A plane-parallel problem of AC conduction.


Due to symmetry only a small part of 1 mm height is used. The length of capacitor in
z direction is l = 10 mm.

Relative permittivity of substrate = 10.
Conductivity of substrate g = 10-8 S/m
Voltage U = 5 V,
Frequency f = 50 Hz.

Find current and dissipation factor tg() of the plane capacitor with non-ideal
dielectric inside.



Capacitor with non-ideal dielectric can be replaced by electric scheme with ideal
capacitor C and resistivity R connected in parallel. The capacitance of the plane
capacitor is calculated by the equation


0 S

where S is the plate area S = hl.

Resistance of the substrate is calculated by the equation



1 d

g S

Current I has two components: active IA and reactive IR. For parallel scheme

IA = U / R, IR = U / XC
tg() =

, tg() = g / (2f 0)
= C =












See the ACElec1.pbm problem in the Examples folder.



ACElec2: Cylindrical Capacitor

AC current in the cylindrical capacitor

Problem Type
An axisymmetric problem of AC conduction.

silver electrodes


Capacitor consists of ceramic tube with silver electrodes mounted at the surface.

Relative permittivity of air = 1;
Relative permittivity of ceramic = 6;
Conductivity of ceramic g = 10-8 S/m
Voltage U = 10 V,
Frequency f = 1000 Hz.

Determine capacitance and dissipation factor of the capacitor.



The value of dissipation factor can be calculated as tg() = PA/PR. Capacitance can be
calculated as C = q/U, where U is potential difference between electrodes and q is a
charge on electrodes.

q, C


C, F








See the ACElec2.pbm problem in the Examples folder.

ACElec3: Slot Insulation

End part of the rotor winding of the turbine generator

Problem Type
A plane-parallel problem of AC conduction.








Relative permittivity of coating = 4;
Relative permittivity of insulation = 3;
Relative permittivity of SiC lacquer = 4;
Conductivity of coating g = 10-4 S/m;
Conductivity of insulation g = 10-10 S/m;
Conductivity of SiC lacquer g = 10-7 10-5 S/m;
Frequency f = 50 Hz;
Voltage Uf = 15000 V;
Breakdown voltage E = 25 kV/mm.

In the overvoltage test the voltage U = 2Uf + 5 kV is applied. The field intensity
along the surface of insulation should be less then ES < 0.5 kV/mm. To reduce ES
value the special semi-conducting SiC lacquer is applied. We should determine the
distribution of the field intensity along the surface of isolation.



See the ACElec3.pbm problem in the Examples folder.




Transient Electric Problems

TElec1: Nonlinear Capacitor
Problem Type
An axisymmetric problem of Transient electric.


Nonlinear capacitor consist of metal plates isolated by nonlinear dielectric.

Relative permittivity of dielectric - nonlinear.
Voltage U = 0.. 240 V.

Calculate C(U) curve.

To calculate C(U) curve we should made a set of experiments: chage voltage and
measure the charge q. The capacitance is C = q / U.



To automate the task lets apply the time-dependent voltage U(t) = Umax t, where t - is
time. Thus we replace the series of prolems with one time-dependent problem. After
the problem is solved QuickField can calculate q(t) automaticaly.


See the TElec1.pbm problem in the Examples folder.

TElec2: ZnO lighting arrester

Problem Type
An axisymmetric problem of Transient electric.




The arrester consist of ZnO tablet placed inside ceramic tube.

Relative permittivity of air = 1;
Relative permittivity of ceramic = 2;
Relative permittivity of ZnO element = 60;
Conductivity of ZnO element g - nonlinear.
Nominal voltage U0 = 35 kV.
Maximal current Imax = 520 A
Surge voltage Umax = 200 kV.

Calculate current through arrester.



The arrester can be represented by the R and C connected in parallel. At nominal
voltage the arrester acts as capacitance (IC>IR). At overvoltage (surge) IR prevails and
varistor acts like resistor. Quickfield can calculate both active (IR) and reactive (IC)


Active current

35 kV

0.67 mA

197 kV

433 A

See the TElec2.pbm problem in the Examples folder.

TElec3: Stress control tube for cable termination

Problem Type
An axisymmetric problem of Transient electric.




Relative permittivity of air = 1;
Relative permittivity of insulation = 2;
Relative permittivity of shield = 1.2;
Relative permittivity of stress contorl tube - nonlinear;
Voltage U = 4 kV.

Stress control tube is used to electric stress at cable termination. Calculate the effect
of electric stress reduction

With stress control tube the maximal electric stress reduces from 1.6 to 0.5 kV/mm


See the TElec3.pbm problem in the Examples folder.




Steady State Heat Transfer Problems

Heat1: Slot of an Electric Machine
Temperature field in the stator tooth zone of power synchronous electric machine.

Problem Type
A plane-parallel problem of heat transfer with convection.

copper bars



cooling duct
All dimensions are in millimeters. Stator outer diameter is 690 mm. Domain is a
10-degree segment of stator transverse section. Two armature bars laying in the slot
release ohmic loss. Cooling is provided by convection to the axial cooling duct and
both surfaces of the core.

Specific copper loss: 360000 W/m3;
Heat conductivity of steel: 25 J/Km;
Heat conductivity of copper: 380 J/Km;



Heat conductivity of insulation: 0.15 J/Km;

Heat conductivity of wedge: 0.25 J/Km;
Inner stator surface:
Convection coefficient: 250 W/Km2;
Temperature of contacting air: 40C.
Outer stator surface:
Convection coefficient: 70 W/Km2;
Temperature of contacting air: 20C.
Cooling duct:
Convection coefficient: 150 W/Km2;
Temperature of contacting air: 40C.
See the Heat1.pbm problem in the Examples folder.

Heat2: Cylinder with Temperature Dependent

A very long cylinder (infinite length) is maintained at temperature Ti along its internal
surface and To along its external surface. The thermal conductivity of the cylinder is
known to vary with temperature according to the linear function (T) = C0 + C1T.

Problem Type
An axisymmetric problem of nonlinear heat transfer.




Ri = 5 mm, Ro = 10 mm;
Ti = 100C, To = 0C;
C0 = 50 W/Km, C1 = 0.5 W/Km.

Determine the temperature distribution in the cylinder.

The axial length of the model is arbitrarily chosen to be 5 mm.
















See the Heat2.pbm problem in the Examples folder.



Transient Heat Transfer Problems

THeat1: Heating and Cooling of a Slot of an Electric
Changing temperature field in the stator tooth zone of power synchronous electric
motor during a loading-unloading cycle.

Problem Type
A plane-parallel problem of transient heat transfer with convection.

The same as with Heat1 example:

copper bars



cooling duct

1. Working Cycle
We assume the uniformly distributed temperature before the motor was suddenly
loaded. The cooling conditions supposed to be constant during the heating process.



We keep track of the temperature distribution until it gets almost steady-state. Then
we start to solve the second problem cooling of the suddenly stopped motor. The
initial temperature field is imported from the previous solution. The cooling condition
supposed constant, but different from those while the motor was being loaded.

2. Material Properties
Heat Conductivity

Specific Heat

Mass Density,

Steel Core




Copper Bar




Bar Insulation








3. Heat Sources and Cooling Conditions

Initial Temperature
The entire model

As calculated at the end of
loading phase

20 (C)
Heat Sources

Specific power
loss in copper bars


Cooling Conditions

Temperature of
contacting air


Temperature of
contacting air

Inner stator





Outer stator





Cooling duct





Each phase of the loading cycle is modeled by a separate QuickField problem. For the
loading phase the initial temperature is set to 20C, for the cooling phase the initial
thermal distribution is imported from the final time moment of the previous solution.



Moreover, we decide to break the cooling phase into two separate phases. For the first
phase we choose time step as small as 100 s, because the rate of temperature change
is relatively high. This allows us to see that the temperature at the slot bottom first
increases by approximately 1 grad for 300 seconds, and then begins decreasing. The
second stage of cooling, after 1200 s, is characterized by relatively low rate of
temperature changing. So, we choose for this phase the time step to be 600 s.
For the heating process, the time step of 300 sec is chosen.
Please see following problems in the Examples folder:

THeat1_i.pbm for initial state, and

THeat1Ld.pbm for loading phase, and
THeat1S1.pbm for the beginning of stopped phase, and
THeat1S2.pbm for the end of stopped phase

Temperature vs. time dependence at the bottom of the slot (where a temperature
sensor usually is placed).


Temperature, C




Time, min.








THeat2: Temperature Response of a Suddenly Cooled

Determine the temperature response of a copper wire of diameter d, originally at
temperature To, when suddenly immersed in air at temperature Ti. The convection
coefficient between the wire and the air is .

Problem Type
A plane-parallel problem of transient heat transfer with convection.


d = 0.015625 in;
Ti = 37.77C, To = 148.88C;
C = 380.16 J/kgK, = 8966.04 kg/m3;
= 11.37 W/Km2.



Determine the temperature in the wire.

To set the non-zero initial temperature we have to solve an auxiliary steady state
problem, whose solution is uniform distribution of the temperature T0
The final time of 180 sec is sufficient for the theoretical response comparison. A time
step of 4.5 sec is used.

Temperature, C

Time, sec.
















See the THeat2.pbm (main) and THeat2_i.pbm (auxiliary) problems in the Examples

Kreif F., "Principles of Heat Transfer", International Textbook Co., Scranton,
Pennsylvania, 2nd Printing, 1959, Page 120, Example 4-1.

THeat3: Transient Temperature Distribution in an

Orthotropic Metal Bar
A long metal bar of rectangular cross-section is initially at a temperature To and is
then suddenly quenched in a large volume of fluid at temperature Ti. The material
conductivity is orthotropic, having different X and Y directional properties. The
surface convection coefficient between the wire and the air is .



Problem Type
A plane-parallel problem of transient heat transfer with convection.


a = 2 in, b = 1 in
x = 34.6147 W/Km,
Ti = 37.78C,
= 1361.7 W/Km2;
C = 37.688 J/kgK,

y = 6.2369 W/Km;
To = 260C;

= 6407.04 kg/m3.

Determine the temperature distribution in the slab after 3 seconds at the center, corner
edge and face centers of the bar.



To set the non-zero initial temperature we have to solve an auxiliary steady state
problem, whose solution is uniform distribution of the temperature T0. A time step of
0.1 sec is used.

Temperature, C




(0,0) in




(2,1) in




(2,0) in




(0,1) in




See the THeat3.pbm (main) and THeat3_i.pbm (auxiliary) problem in the Examples

Schneider P.J., "Conduction Heat Transfer", Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc,
Reading, Mass., 2nd Printing, 1957, Page 261, Example 10-7.



Stress Analysis Problems

Stres1: Perforated Plate
A thin rectangular sheet with a central hole subject to tensile loading.

Problem Type
Plane problem of stress analysis (plane stress formulation).

Geometry of the plate

Length: 240 mm;
Width: 180 mm;
Radius of central opening: 30 mm;
Thickness: 5 mm.




Young's modulus E = 207000 N/mm2;
Poisson's ratio = 0.3.
The uniform tensile loading (40 N/mm2) is applied to the bottom edge of the



Determine the concentration factor due to presence of the central opening.

Due to mirror symmetry one quarter of the structure is presented, and internal
boundaries are restrained in X and Y directions respectively.
The concentration factor may be obtained from the loading stress (40 N/mm2) and the
maximum computed stress (146 N/mm2) as

k = 146 / 40 = 3.65.
See the Stres1.pbm problem in the Examples folder.



Coupled Problems
Coupl1: Stress Distribution in a Long Solenoid
A very long, thick solenoid has an uniform distribution of circumferential current.
The magnetic flux density and stress distribution in the solenoid has to be calculated.

Problem Type
An axisymmetric problem of magneto-structural coupling.


Dimensions Ri = 1 cm, Ro = 2 cm;
Relative permeability of air and coil = 1;
Current density j = 1105 A/m2;
Young's modulus E = 1.0751011 N/m2;
Poisson's ratio = 0.33.

Calculate the magnetic flux density and stress distribution.

Since none of physical quantities varies along z-axis, a thin slice of the solenoid
could be modeled. The axial length of the model is arbitrarily chosen to be 0.2 cm.
Radial component of the flux density is set equal to zero at the outward surface of the



solenoid. Axial displacement is set equal to zero at the side edges of the model to
reflect the infinite length of the solenoid.

Magnetic flux density and circumferential stress at r = 1.3 cm:

Bz (T)








F. A. Moon, "Magneto-Solid Mechanics", John Wiley & Sons, N.Y., 1984,
Chapter 4.
See the Coupl1MS.pbm and Coupl1SA.pbm problems in the Examples folder for
magnetic and structural parts of this problem respectively.
Also see Tutorial topic in online Help for detailed step-by-step instructions for this



Coupl2: Cylinder Subject to Temperature and Pressure

A very long, thick-walled cylinder is subjected to an internal pressure and a steady
state temperature distribution with Ti and To temperatures at inner and outer surfaces
respectively. Calculate the stress distribution in the cylinder.

Problem Type
An axisymmetric problem of thermal-structural coupling.


Dimensions Ri = 1 cm, Ro = 2 cm;
Inner surface temperature Ti = 100C;
Outer surface temperature To = 0C;
Coefficient of thermal expansion = 1106 1/K;
Internal pressure P = 1106 N/m2;
Young's modulus E = 31011 N/m2;
Poisson's ratio = 0.3.

Calculate the stress distribution.

Since none of physical quantities varies along z-axis, a thin slice of the cylinder can
be modeled. The axial length of the model is arbitrarily chosen to be 0.2 cm. Axial
displacement is set equal to zero at the side edges of the model to reflect the infinite
length of the cylinder.



Radial and circumferential stress at r = 1.2875 cm:

r (N/m2)








S. P. Timoshenko and Goodier, "Theory of Elasticity", McGraw-Hill Book Co., N.Y.,
1961, pp. 448-449.
See the Coupl2HT.pbm and Coupl2SA.pbm problems in the Examples folder for the
corresponding heat transfer and structural parts of this problem.



Coupl3: Temperature Distribution in an Electric Wire

Calculate the temperature distribution in a long current carrying wire.

Problem Type
An axisymmetric problem of electro-thermal coupling.


Wire diameter d = 10 mm;
Resistance = 3104 Ohm/m;
Electric current I = 1000 A;
Thermal conductivity = 20 W/Km;
Convection coefficient = 800 W/Km2;
Ambient temperature To = 20C.

Calculate the temperature distribution in the wire.

We arbitrary chose a 10 mm piece of wire to be represented by the model. For data
input we need the wire diameter d = 10 mm, and the resistivity of material:
R = d2/4 = 2.356108 (Ohmm),
and voltage drop for our 10 mm piece of the wire:

U = IRl = 3103 (V).



For the dc conduction problem we specify two different voltages at two sections of
the wire, and a zero current condition at its surface. For heat transfer problem we
specify zero flux conditions at the sections of the wire and a convection boundary
condition at its surface.

Center line temperature:

T (C)




W. Rohsenow and H. Y. Choi, "Heat, Mass, and Momentum Transfer",
Prentice-Hall, N.J., 1963.
See the Coupl3CF.pbm and Coupl3HT.pbm problems in the Examples folder for the
corresponding dc conduction and heat transfer parts of this problem.



Coupl4: Tokamak Solenoid

The central solenoid of the ohmic heating system for a Tokamak fusion device.

Problem Type
An axisymmetric problem of magneto-structural coupling.


The solenoid consists of 80 superconducting coils fixed in common plastic structure.

Due to mirror symmetry one half of the structure is modeled.

Data for magnetic analysis:
Current density in coils j = 3108 A/m2;
Magnetic permittivity of plastic, coils and liquid helium inside coils = 1.
Data for stress analysis:
Copper of coils:
Young's modulus E = 7.741010 N/m2;
Poisson's ratio = 0.335;
Maximum allowable stress: 2.2108 N/m2.
Plastic structure:



Young's modulus E = 21011 N/m2;

Poisson's ratio = 0.35;
Maximum allowable stress: 1109 N/m2.
In the Examples folder the Coupl4MS.pbm is the problem of calculating the magnetic
field generated by the solenoid, and Coupl4SA.pbm analyzes stresses and
deformations in coils and plastic structure due to Lorentz forces acting on the coils.




ac conduction 208
AC conduction 17
data for 70
example 274, 276, 277
ac magnetic 114, 193
AC magnetic 15
data for 63
example 254, 256
adaptive meshing 102
add-in 169
analysis capabilities 13
animation 117
attraction distance 34
axisymmetric problem 179, 181, 182, 189, 190,
197, 198

background grid 52
beam of charged particles 162
B-H curve 13, 14, 60, 180, 187
block 31, 32, 179
and dc conduction data 68
and electric charge 202
and electric current 181, 188
and electric data 72
and electrostatic data 66
and heat source 217
and heat transfer data 74
and magnetic data 59
and mesh 50
and stress analysis data 76
copying 35

excluding from analysis 60, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74,

labeling 48
inner 179
outward 179
boundary condition 57, 181, 189, 197, 202, 207,
209, 213, 217
constant potential 203, 205, 207, 210, 213
constant temperature 218
convection 218
Dirichlet 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 181, 182, 183,
189, 190, 197, 198, 202, 203, 207, 210, 213
displacement 79, 225
elastic support 225
electric potential 202, 207, 210, 213
heat flux 217
known temperature 217
Neumann 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 181, 182, 183,
188, 190, 191, 196, 197, 198, 202, 203, 207,
210, 213, 217
periodic 79, 247
radiation 218
zero flux 183, 190, 198

CAD systems 53
calculated quantities 106
calculator 117, 122
capacitance 16, 122, 125
calculation 205
example 269
matrix, example 270
wizard 125
capacitance matrix 169

example 274, 276, 280
electric 16, 125, 132, 202, 204, 205
circuit 95
element 96
example 262
of convection 218
of emissivity 218
of polarization 194
of thermal expansion 223, 224
coercive force See force: coercive
spiral 181, 188, 196
color legend 161
color map 112
electric 63, 70, 110, See also resistivity:
electric, See also resistivity: electric
theraml 216
thermal 19, 74, 80, 111
temperature dependent 74
very high 218
connected in series 61, 64, 181, 188, 196
electric 15
floating 203
isolated See conductor: floating
editing 128
convection 75, 218
Cartesian 28
polar 28
pictures 54, 166
coupled problems 227
coupling 23
electro-structural 16, 17, 229
electro-thermal 15, 16, 17, 228
electro-thermal, example 302
initial magnetic state 15
initial thermal state 19
magneto-structural 14, 15, 16, 228
magneto-structural, example 298, 304
remembering magnetic state 14
remembering the magnetic state 229
thermo-structural 19, 78, 228
thermo-structural, example 300

circuit 96
edge 33
label 58
model 32
problem 22
vertex 33
Drucker-Prager 78, 111, 226
Hill 78
Mohr-Coulomb 78, 111, 226
Tresca 111, 226
Tsai-Hill 111, 226
von Mises 111, 226
current 132, 180, 196
active 110, 211, 214
alternating 15, 17, 193, 208
apparent 110, 211, 214
densisty 61
density 13, 14, 15, 17, 59, 63, 109, 180, 195,
density, units of 28
density, volume 195
eddy 15, 107, 186, 192, 194, 198
electric 17, 187, 195
reactive 110, 211, 214
source 15, 107, 186, 192, 194, 197, 198
surface 182, 190, 198
time-dependent 14
total 15, 61, 107, 192, 198
volume 180, 181, 187, 188
editing 80

ac conduction 70
ac magnetics 63
dc conduction 68
electrostatics 66
heat transfer 74
magnetostatics 59
stress analysis 76
transient electric 72
transient magnetics 59
dc conduction 206
DC conduction 16
data for 68
example 302
dcf(dc conduction data) files 21

dec(ac conduction data) files 21
deformed shape 113
des (electrostatic data) files 21
geometry 32
dhe (ac magnetic data) files 21
dht (steady-state and transient heat transfer data)
files 21
dielectric constant See electric permittivity
displacement 19, 111, 115, 220, 225
boundary condition 79
components 220
prescribed 19
units of 28
dms (magnetostatic and transient magnetic data)
files 21
dsa (stress analysis data) files 21
dtv (transient electric data) files 21
DXF file
export 54
import 53

edge 31, 32, 179, 183, 198
and ac conduction data 71
and ac magnetic data 65
and boundary condition 181, 189, 197, 202,
203, 207, 210, 213, 217, 225
and dc conduction data 69
and electric charge 202
and electric current 206, 209, 212
and electric data 73
and electrostatic data 67
and heat source 217
and heat transfer data 75
and magnetic data 62
and stress analysis data 78
copying 35
creating 33, 34
deleting 37
direction of 225
labeling 48
circuit 99
contour 128
curve 80
formula 82
label data 59
model 3155

problem 22
boundary condition 202, 207
electric conductivity 212
electric motor 13, 14, 15
example 238
electric permittivity 16, 66, 70, 72, 109, 110, 111,
202, 204, 209, 211, 212, 214
electric resistivity 68
electrostatic analysis 16, 201
data for 66
example 268, 270, 271
emissivity coefficient 218
emitter 162
of deformation 111
of electric field 16, 109, 125, 204
of electric field, example 269
of magnetic field 13, 14, 15, 106, 108, 123,
185, 192, 193, 199
example problems 231
DXF file 54
pictures 55

field 48
electric 186, 212
electric, transient 17
lines 112
local data 118
magnetic 180, 183, 186, 190, 191, 198
magnetic, uniform external 13, 14, 15, 181,
189, 197
picture 112, 116
presentation methods 112
source 32, 48, 57, 132, 179, 180, 188, 196,
202, 206, 209, 212
film coefficient See coefficient: of convection
floating conductor 16
density 13, 14, 15, 80, 106, 108, 180, 181,
182, 184, 189, 192, 195, 197, 198
function 184
lines 112
linkage 13, 14, 124, 133, 185, 186, 193
thermal 19, 75, 132, 219
boundary condition 217
density 217

force 132
centrifugal 224
coercive 59, 180, 181, 183, 187, 188, 191
example 236
electric 16, 17, 19, 23, 204, 211, 214, 229
Lorentz 108, 199, 229
magnetic 13, 14, 15, 19, 23, 184, 192, 200
magnetic, example 233
Maxwell 200
editing 82
frequency 194, 195
angular 194, 209

geometric objects
copying 35
moving 36
selecting 34
describing 32

hardware requirements 3
specific 19
heat flow 111
heat transfer 15, 16, 18, 216
coupling 23
data for 74
example 286
transient 289
example, nonlinear 287
example, transient 292, 293
transient 18

impedance 15, 122, 128, 201, See also inductance
example 255, 257
wizard 128
data 23
DXF file 53
electric forces to stress analysis 229
Joule heat to heat transfer analysis 228

magnetic forces to stress analysis 228

temperatures to stress analysis 228
inductance 13, 14, 15, 122, 201
calculation 185
wizard 122
of electric field 109, 111, 203, 204
remanent 184, 191
inductor 15
installing QuickField 3
autorun 3
integral quantities 132, 184, 192, 199, 204, 208,
211, 214, 219, 226
of electric field 109, 110, 201, 208, 211, 214
of electric field, gradient of 109, 111
of magnetic field 13, 14, 15, 80, 106, 108, 182,
184, 190, 192, 198, 199
isotherm 112

Joule heat 15, 107, 137, 139, 192, 199, 208, See
power: losses

label 31, 32, 101
assigning data to 58, 59
assigning to geometric objects 48
copying data 92
deleting data 92
editing data 59
renaming 92
legend 161
loading See also field source
AC magnetic analysis 15
DC conduction analysis 17
electrostatic analysis 16
force 19, 224
heat transfer analysis 19
magnetostatic analysis 13
pressure 19, 224, 225
thermal 19, 77, 116, 223
local field data 118
copying to clipboard 119


magnetic permeability 14, 15, 59, 60, 63, 106, 108,
180, 183, 184, 187, 191, 192, 195, 199
magnetostatic analysis 13, 180
data for 59
example 232
objects 34
isotropic 19, 222, 223
orthotropic 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 111,
221, 223, 226
memory 102
mesh 32, 33, 101
building 49
deleting 50
density 33, 49
nonuniform 49
refinement 102
spacing 31, 32, 49, 52
visibility 50, 52
visibility options 52
mod (model) files 21
creating 32
editing 28, 3155
geometry 31
plane of 179
printing 55
view options 52

manipulating 34
ohmic losses See power: losses
overvoltage arrester 281

particle 162
particle trajectory, example 271
particles trajectory 162
password 5
pbm (problem description) files 21
peak value 194, 209
periodic boundary conditions 79

permanent magnet 13, 14, 59, 180, 181, 183, 186,

188, 191, 195
equivalent current 183, 191
example 236
example, nonlinear 232
phase angle 194, 209
physical quantities 184, 191, 198, 208, 210, 214
heat transfer 219
stress analysis 225
copying 54, 166
exporting 55
printing 166
picture, of the field 113
plane strain See strain: plane
plane stress 225, See stress: plane
Poisson's ratio 223
coefficient of 194
linear 194
electric 109, 110, 201, 203, 205, 206, 208
magnetic 13, 14, 15, 106, 180, 186, 195
active 211, 214
aparent 211, 214
losses 15, 16, 19, 23, 108, 109, 110, 199, 211,
reactive 211, 214
volume 74
Poynting vector 108, 199, 200
pressure 19, 79
hydrostatic 224
pictures 55, 166
X-Y plots 166
creating 22
data 57
database 21
description 21
editing 22
solving 101
properties window
problem 13, 28

radiation 75, 218
res (results) files 21

electric 17, 18, 109, 206, 208

circuit elements 98
geometric objects 34
vertices 49
serial conductor 64
shear modulus 223
solenoid 13, 15
example 233, 298, 304
thermal 16, 17, 216, 217, 218
specific heat 216
spiral coil 188
Stephan-Boltsman constant 218
strain 111
components 220
plane 19, 179
thermal 19, 221, 223
stress 111, 115
allowable 111, 226
axisymmetric problem 219
components 221
plane 19, 179
principal 19, 111, 113, 225, 226
tensor 113
thermal 19
von Mises 111, 226
stress analysis 14, 15, 19, 76, 115, 179, 219
coupling 23
data for 76
example 296
presentation methods 113
with imported loads 227, 228, 229
superconductor 13, 14, 15, 183, 190, 198

terminology 11, 31
thermal loading, example 300
torque 132
of electric forces 16, 17, 204, 211, 214
of magnetic forces 13, 14, 15, 184, 192, 200
transformer 14
transient analysis
electric 212
transient analysis
heat transfer 18
data for 74
magnetic 14, 23, 186
data for 59
plot versus time 158
time layer selecting 116
timing 25, 26
transient analysis
example 244
transient analysis
example 245
transient analysis
heat transfer
example 289
transient analysis
heat transfer
example 292
transient analysis
heat transfer
example 293
Transient Electric
example 280, 281, 283
transmission line, example 268, 270

units of length 27

in postprocessor 117, 156
versus time 160
temperature 18, 19, 23, 74, 80, 111, 216
ambient, for convection 218
ambient, for radiation 218
curve 74, 75
difference 116

vertex 31, 32, 179, 180, 196

and ac conduction data 71
and ac magnetic data 66
and boundary condition 181, 189, 197, 207,
210, 213, 217, 225
and dc conduction data 69
and electric charge 202
and electric current 206, 209, 212

and electric data 73
and electrostatic data 67
and heat source 217
and heat transfer data 76
and magnetic data 62
and mesh spacing 33, 49, 50
and stress analysis data 79
copying 35
creating 33, 34
deleting 37
labeling 48
voltage 15, 17, 63, 188, 196, See potential: electric

document 12
problem 12
tools 12
wizard 122
capacitance 16, 125

impedance 16, 128

inductance 14, 16, 122

X-Y plot 117, 130
copying 166
printing 166
versus time 158

Young's modulus 223
Young's modulus 77

zooming 51, 116


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