1) The Opportunities and Teacher Challenges To Overcome Inequality in Educational Opportunities
1) The Opportunities and Teacher Challenges To Overcome Inequality in Educational Opportunities
1) The Opportunities and Teacher Challenges To Overcome Inequality in Educational Opportunities
Malaysia is a country that rich in its multicultural population. The blend of beliefs, religions,
cultures, languages, literatures and public opinions are the foundations that build the
harmonious and stability among the people (Noriati Rashid, Boon). In Malaysian context with
cultural diversity in the classroom demands teachers to adapt their knowledge, skills and
attitudes to the challenges that emerge in these diverse contexts, so that the learning of all
students in their classes is stimulated. Teachers in culturally diverse classrooms must have
awareness of the special needs of students from different cultures and know how to apply
specific teaching strategies and inter-personal cues to create a positive classroom atmosphere
and to cater to the needs of diverse students. This is related with culturally responsive teaching
where it is about using cultural knowledge, prior experiences and performance styles of diverse
students to make learning more appropriate and effective to them. (Gay, 2000) Thus, some
methods and techniques will be highlighted in subsequent paragraphs implementing culture
friendly classroom environment.
challenging. This issue can remain a challenge for teachers, as opposed to becoming a
problem, if focus is placed on student learning as opposed to teaching.
Teachers need to be tuned in to the culture of poverty and be sensitive to the vast array of
needs that children of poverty bring to the classroom. Social contexts have a significant impact
on the development of children. The social world of school operates by different rules or norms
than the social world these children live in. Focus should be placed on finding a harmonious
relationship between the cultural values of students and values emphasized in school.
Considering that so many different cultures are represented in our society, we often encounter
students who belong to more than one cultural group. They may be poor in addition to being
non-English speaking or of an ethnic/racial/religious minority group (Bowman, 1994; Marlowe
and Page, 1999).
As teachers, these aspects of poverty make planning and preparation is absolutely critical.
Content needs to be related in varying ways to meet the needs of the diverse students in the
classroom. We have to consider the cultural values of these children as we arrange their
learning. Constructivism is a key concept in that it respects student differences and allows
students to use their own prior knowledge and experiences to make connections and learn. It
affords students the opportunity to become active learners by questioning, hypothesizing and
drawing conclusions based on their individual learning experiences. If there is limited foundation
for children to draw upon, we need to help them develop a base of knowledge and experiences
so they have somewhere to start.
By providing emotional support, modeling, and other forms of scaffolding, teachers can help
students use their strengths, skills, and knowledge to develop and learn (Marlowe and Page,
1999). Learning experiences and problem solving based on real-life problems can help them
deal with some of the issues they may be faced with in their lives. Learning by doing gives
students the opportunity to be active and imaginative problem solvers (Bassey, 1996). Thus,
diversity actually presents us with a chance to enhance the quality of education for all our
students and provide them with a variety of opportunities to develop into productive citizens. As
our schools and nation become more diverse, the need for understanding and acceptance of
differences becomes more important. Our challenge is to provide children with an effective
multicultural education that will foster awareness, respect, and acceptance.
5.0 Conclusion
In conclusion, teacher needs to know how to apply specific teaching strategies and interpersonal cues to create a positive classroom atmosphere and to cater to the needs of diverse
students where that is the requirement in building culture friendly environment. As our country
continues to exhibit great diversity, the need for understanding and accepting the differences
among all people has never been more important. Thus, the challenge for educators is to
present an effective multicultural education foundation by means of which all children can learn
to accept others. The goal of multicultural education is not only to teach children about other
groups or countries. It is also to help children become accustomed to the idea that there are
many lifestyles, languages, cultures, and points of view. The purpose of multicultural curriculum
is to attach positive feelings to multicultural experiences so that each child will feel included and
valued, and will feel friendly and respectful toward people from other ethnic and cultural groups.