Louis Althusser and Spinoza
Louis Althusser and Spinoza
Louis Althusser and Spinoza
Louis Althusser is chiey remembered today, when
he is remembered at all, as the progenitor and
leading exponent of structuralist Marxism, a curious
hybrid which ourished on the left bank of the
Seine in the 1960s and later enjoyed the status of an
exotic import in the left-wing Anglophone academy
in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Structuralist
Marxism was regarded as the convergence of two
independent conjunctures: on the one hand, the
structuralist movement, whose emergence in postResistan ce French in tellectual life seemed to
offer the possibility of a powerfully unifying discourse across the ossied boundaries of the human
and social sciences; and on the other, those currents
within Western Marxism which were attempting to
renew Marxist theory in the space opened up by the
partial thaw of Stalinism following Khrushchevs
I would like to thank Gary Maclennan, Paul Jones, Dan ONeill, Martin Thomas,
Murray Kane, Melissa White, Ben Jones, Daniel Bensad, John Game and Sebastian
Budgen for encouraging remarks and suggestions on a previous version of this paper.
Ted Stolze, Gregory Elliott, Geoff Goshgarian, Andr Tosel and Warren Montag did
not allow positive references to their own work to blind them to the deciencies
of mine.
72 Peter Thomas
denied that he and his co-workers had been structuralists, and, in their defence,
offered an alternative intellectual afliation. He argued:
If we never were structuralists, we can now explain why: why we seemed
to be, even though we were not, why there came about this strange misunderstanding on the basis of which books were written. We were guilty
of an equally powerful and compromising passion: we were Spinozists . . . with
very few exceptions our blessed critics, imbued with conviction and swayed
by fashion, never suspected any of this. They took the easy road: it was so
simple to join the crowd and shout structuralism! Structuralism was all
the rage, and you did not have to read about it in books to be able to talk
about it. But you have to read Spinoza and know that he exists: that he still
exists today. To recognize him, you must at least have heard of him.5
74 Peter Thomas
Montag 1998, p. xi. Montags comments should be understood as referring to
the exoteric doctrines of Althusser and his circle in this period (though he perhaps
underestimates the extent of the Spinozistic elements to be found even in these,
particularly Reading Capital). Within the general intellectual environment of this
group, Spinoza was an abiding and constant presence. Thanks are due to Gregory
Elliott for stressing this point.
Montag 1998, p. xi.
Anderson 1976, p. ix. The quotation from Lenin is from Left-Wing Communism
An Infantile Disorder (Lenin 1950, p. 15); Spinozas is from the preface to the Tractatus
Theologico-Politicus (Spinoza 1951, p. 11). Several features should be briey noted here
76 Peter Thomas
experience of class struggle as it has unfolded since Capital not from the
formulations and arguments of philosophers whose thought lay on the wrong
side of Marxs Copernican revolution.
When he turned to an explicit consideration of Althussers Spinozism,
Anderson found it to be a particular manifestation, if not the example par
excellence, of this general Western Marxism tendency of turning to pre-Marxist
philosophy in order to legitimate, explicate or supplement the philosophy
of Marx himself.15 Less philologically explicit than other Western Marxist
attempts to read Marx in relation to Hegel, Kant etc., Anderson argued that
Althussers engagement with Spinoza was nevertheless substantively the
most sweeping retroactive assimilation of all of a pre-Marxist philosophy into
Marxism, the most ambitious attempt to construct a prior philosophical
descent for Marx, and to develop abruptly new theoretical directions for
contemporary Marxism from it.16
In order to support this judgement, Anderson had carefully noted the
scattered and often elliptical references to Spinoza in For Marx and Reading
Capital, which he here systematised and whose signicance he briey assessed.
The inuence of Spinoza on Althusser was found to be pervasive. Anderson
went so far as to argue that nearly all the novel concepts and accents of
Althussers Marxism, apart from those imported from contemporary disciplines, were in fact directly drawn from Spinoza.17 Despite the disclaimer
that Althusser had also been inuenced by contemporaneous currents in
non-Marxist philosophy and other academic disciplines (those thinkers and
thought-forms most often noted by Althussers critics and expositors, such
as Bachelard and developments in epistemology and the philosophy of
science, Lacans re-reading of Freud and psychoanalysis, and, of course, LviStrauss and the high-structuralist tradition itself), the Spinozistic inuences
on Althusser, outlined by Anderson, were, in fact, so comprehensive as to
leave very little in the Althusserian system which was not directly drawn,
taken straight, faithfully derived from Spinoza. Anderson nominated the
six following correspondences between the thought of Althusser and Spinoza:18
78 Peter Thomas
deserve. Passages additional to those offered by Anderson will also be noted for the
interested reader. I have adopted the standard references for passages from the Ethics:
D = Denition, P = Proposition, Sch = Scholium, App = Appendix.
The relevant passages noted by Anderson are: Althusser and Balibar 1970, p. 40;
Spinoza 1985, p. 12. Also important are EIIP6, EIIP7Sch.
Althusser 1977, p. 169; Althusser and Balibar 1970, p. 216; EIIP7Sch. Althusser s
account of the process of abstraction in Marx in fact departs from Spinozas emphasis upon the symmetry of the orders within the attributes. For Althusser, in Reading
Capital, thought is a peculiar real system, established on and articulated to the
real world of a given historical society (p. 42), but this articulation is one of unevenness rather than identity. Signicantly, Althusser maintains that Marx goes even
further [than Spinoza] and shows that this distinction [between idea and ideatum/
thought-concrete and real-concrete] involves not only these two objects, but also their
peculiar production processes (p. 41). See, in particular, the following argument:
While the production process of a given real object, a given real-concrete totality (e.g.,
a given historical nation) takes place entirely in the real and is carried out according
to the real order of real genesis (the order of succession of the moments of historical
genesis), the production process of the object of knowledge takes place entirely in
knowledge and is carried out according to a different order, in which the thought
categories which reproduce the real categories do not occupy the same place as they
do in the order of real historical genesis, but quite different places assigned them by
their function in the production process of the object of knowledge (p. 41) (Italics
in original; underlining mine). This divergence is important for two reasons, which
will become clearer later in this argument. First, it refutes Andersons thesis of the
identity of the concepts: Althusser himself points out that there is a signicant
difference between his (and Marxs) concept and that of Spinoza. Second, because
Althusser clearly posits that Marx himself had already taken over concepts from
Spinoza and further developed them (even if unconsciously), it refutes Andersons
claim that Althussers deployment of Spinozistic themes was a novel and unwarranted development in Marxist theory.
Althusser and Balibar 1970, pp. 5960, EIIP43Sch. Also relevant are Spinoza 1985,
pp. 1819, and the denition of an adequate idea in EIIDiv.
Fourth, the central concept of structural causality of a mode of production in Reading Capital was judged to be a secularized version of Spinozas
conception of God as a causa immanens.22
Fifth, Anderson argued that Althussers passionate attack on the ideological illusions of immediate experience as opposed to the scientic knowledge
proper to theory alone, and on all notions of men or classes as conscious
subjects of history, instead of as involuntary supports of social relations,
was an exact reproduction of Spinozas denunciation of experientia vaga
as the source of all error, and his remorseless insistence that the archetypal
delusion was mens belief that they were in any way free in their volition,
when in fact they were permanently governed by laws of which they were
Sixth, and nally, Anderson argued that the implacable determinism,
which had led Spinoza to argue that Those who believe that a people, or
men divided over public business, can be induced to live by reason alone,
are dreaming of the poets golden age or a fairy tale, had been adapted by
Althussers infamous thesis that ideology is the very element and atmosphere
indispensable [to human societies] historical respiration and life.24
80 Peter Thomas
the minds confused knowledge of the body, and, nally, Spinozas observation that
although it was the object of the idea constituting the human mind, no one least
of all political theorists has yet determined what the body can do in EIIIP2Sch.
The reader interested in the evolution of Spinozas political thought is referred to the
book-length studies of Negris The Savage Anomaly and Balibars Spinoza and Politics
and Warren Montags Masses, Bodies, Power: Spinoza and his Contemporaries. Montag
has also provided an excellent short and accessible summary of the main themes in
his Preface to Balibars Spinoza and Politics.
The Althusserian notion of symptomatic reading itself bears an important
relation to Spinozas proposals for the unmystied interpretation of scripture in Chapter
7 of the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, pp. 98119. For an extended discussion of this
theme, see Montag 1993.
Anderson 1980, p. 125; New Left Review 1977, p. 275.
Smith 1984, pp. 723; Thompson 1978, p. 201; Eagleton 1991, p. 146; Meiksins
Wood 1986, p. 18.
82 Peter Thomas
Second, the presence of explicit references or not do not account for what
Pierre Macherey has referred to, in reference to Heidegger, Adorno and
Foucault, but undoubtedly with Spinoza in mind, as a thinkers philosophical
actuality. Macherey has argued that
One can consider a philosophy to be living or present not only because
it constitutes a source of reference or an object of study and reection
but because its problems and some of its concepts, independently of
every explicit citation, nonetheless in the absence of their author continue
to accompany other forms of thought which, elaborated in new times . . .
propose to bring new developments to philosophical reection.34
reference for the NLR at the time of the composition of Considerations on Western
Marxism) in his down-playing of this tradition (Montag 1998, p. x). The following
is Plekhanovs account of his conversation with Engels in 1889 in London: I had
the pleasure of spending almost a week in long discussions with him on various
practical and theoretical subjects. At one point our discussion turned to philosophy.
Engels strongly criticised what Stern rather imprecisely calls the materialism in the
philosophy of nature. So for you, I asked him, old Spinoza was right when he
said that thought and extension were nothing but two attributes of one and the same
substance? Of course, Engels replied, old Spinoza was absolutely right (Colletti
1972, p. 72).
Montag 1998, p. ix.
Macherey 1998, p. 126.
84 Peter Thomas
Similarly, in For Marx (in the essay On the Young Marx), Althusser proposed
that, rather than sublating Hegel, as much of both classical and Western
Marxism had supposed, Marx had instead retreated or returned to real history in order to found a scientic discourse freed from ideological mystication.
Althusser drew the conclusion that science (Marxism) was not, therefore, the
truth of ideology (philosophy), but, rather, was an alternative thought-form
generated by returning to the authentic objects which [were] (logically and
historically) prior to the ideology which has reected them and hemmed
them in.38 As a part of his clarication of this thesis, he then proposed that
science can by no criteria be regarded as the truth of ideology in the Hegelian
sense. If we want a historical predecessor to Marx in this respect we
86 Peter Thomas
claims he advanced regarding the afnity of Spinoza and Marx, than the
distinctive nature of the method of philosophical reading and activity he
claimed had informed this encounter. Rather than an explicator of Capital
avant la lettre, what Althusser found in Spinoza was instead a foil to facilitate
his understanding of Marxs work and his own works relationship to it.
88 Peter Thomas
90 Peter Thomas
Althusser suggests such an interpretation in his autobiography, when he links
the appeal to Marx to the refusal of orthodoxy. Althusser 1994, p. 222.
Althusser 1997, p. 11, see also Althusser 1994, p. 222.
Anderson 1976, p. 64.
This brevity was perhaps unavoidable in a work whose main concern was with
themes other than Althussers Spinozism. Nevertheless, given the seriousness of his
assertions particularly that Althusser had directly transcribed elements of Spinozas
thought the absence of a full analysis of the nature and signicance of this relationship remains a glaring omission which Anderson has not rectied in a separate
and more extended study despite asserting that further study would have little
difculty in documenting the real extent and unity of the transposition of Spinozas
thought in Althusser s theoretical work (Anderson 1976, p. 66).
This may or may not have been the perspective behind Andersons characterisation of Althusser s use of Spinoza; whatever his doubts about the relevance of
Spinozas metaphysics and political theory to twentieth-century Marxism, he has
expressed elsewhere admiration for the personal character of Spinoza (Anderson 1980,
p. 125). Nevertheless, his choice of metaphors had the predictable unfortunate effects
on the reputation of Spinoza among Anglophone Marxists. If Althusser = Spinoza,
then one can argue that Spinoza must bear at least some of the responsibility for
Althusser s errors as in, for example, the following comment of Simon Clarke. In
this conception [the theory of Darstellung outlined in Reading Capital] the economic is
permanently present in the political and ideological realms, on the analogy of the
presence of the Freudian unconscious in the conscious as the absent presence of a
present absence. The economic, like Lacans unconscious, exists only in its effects. The
philosophical inspiration for this conception is not Marx but Spinoza. It is only by recourse
to the Spinozist conception of the relation between God and Substance, with the economic taking the role of God and the political the role of Substance, that Althusser can nd
a place for the economic at all. Since it is only an act of faith that can establish the
determination, even in the last instance, of the economic once a secular, bourgeois,
conception of society is adopted, it is hardly surprising that Althusser s dominant
philosophical inspiration is that of metaphysical theology (Clarke 1980, pp. 845,
italics mine).
For the central thesis of Considerations on Western Marxism was that Western
Marxisms philosophic detour was an effect of a complex political situation whose
cause was Stalinism and its reverberations throughout the international communist
and working-class movement. Anderson developed this analysis in great detail
and across an impressive range of theorists throughout this study. Yet, in his specic
analysis of Althusser s relation to Spinoza, he characterised that relationship in terms
which seemed to attribute the failings of the Althusserian system to the derisory effects
of reading Spinoza not to the complicated (and compromised) nature of Althussers
manoeuvring within the heavily Stalinised PCF (a fact even more noticeable given
that Anderson elsewhere has offered one of the more balanced political assessments
of Althusser s relationship to Stalinism (Anderson 1980, pp. 10030)). In the absence
of these necessary historical considerations, Andersons depiction of the nature of
92 Peter Thomas
from one thinker to another which has little in common with the tradition
inaugurated by The German Ideology. A properly Marxist intervention into
the eld of the history of ideas cannot be content to posit an essential (or
even virtual) identity between different thinkers on the basis of an apparent
homology between their concepts. Rather, if there is a remarkable similarity
between Althussers and Spinozas concepts, it behoves an historical-materialist study to explain the complex interaction of intellectual, historical, and
political causes which produced such an extraordinary event.
Althussers relationship to Spinoza committed the classic error which Spinoza denounced
as the source of all errors: mistaking effects for causes.
Montag 1993, pp. 512.
He emphasises that this openness should not be understood as an indeterminacy or ambiguity of Spinozas thought, but, rather, as a function of the
central philosophical strategy of the Ethics the operation of the Sive (in Andr
Tosels phrase), which was the foundation of Spinozas famous depiction of
the one substance as Deus sive Natura. This philosophical slogan, Montag
argues, summarizes both the content and the form of Spinozas philosophy
in the very fact that it simultaneously afrms and denies that it afrms
the radical abolition of transcendence. The rst term is translated into and
then displaced by the second. God disappears into nature63 but such a
translation and displacement must necessarily always remain provisional.
Having abandoned all a priori transcendental guarantees, Spinozas denial
of transcendence can only become actual, Montag suggests, when it is
94 Peter Thomas
Benjamin 1970, p. 257. Althusser s Augustinian commitment to the PCF (and
his coquetting with Maoism) necessarily complicated and perhaps compromised
the genesis and effects of his critique. To note this political origin is to remember
Althusser s work as a concrete intervention into a concrete political conjuncture. This
is particularly important given, on the one hand, the still lingering Thompsonian
prejudice, perhaps more often thought in the general Marxist culture than stated in
scholarly studies, that Althusserianism was little more than Stalinism theorised as
ideology; and, on the other, the tendency to treat Althusser s categories as neutral
ahistorical techniques to be absorbed into the arsenal of bourgeois social science.
Obviously, I am not suggesting that Althusser adopted the infamously difcult
mode of presentation of the Ethics (more geometrico). Rather, I am referring to Althussers
redeployment of elements of Spinozas philosophical strategy, primarily, the treatment
of the relations between concepts, between concepts and objects, and the ways of
transforming both of these. Clearly, this strictly philosophical thesis will require
modication when it is brought into relation with an explicit consideration of the
other elements of Althusser s detour (the historical and the political), which I hope
to attempt in a future study.
Space will not permit an analysis of the other, formally similar, notions of
Althusser and Spinoza which were nominated by Anderson. At least one pair of these,
however, should be noted as a fertile eld for further research: Spinozas theory of
the imagination and Althussers theory/theories of ideology. (Spinozas theory of the
96 Peter Thomas
imagination was in fact the subject of some of Althussers most specic and detailed
observations vis--vis his relation to Spinoza, particularly in the essay published in
The New Spinoza). A close examination of the relations of similarity and divergence
between these theories, and the historical causes for these relations, might help to
counter the still widespread prejudice that the Althusserian notion is nothing more
than poorly disguised Stalinism. Furthermore, attending to the development of the
relationship between imagination and superstition in Spinozas political texts might
help to clarify some of the ambiguities which I believe Althusser introduced into his
original treatment of the notion of ideology in Marxism and Humanism by his later
revisions in the celebrated Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses.
It is important to note that Spinoza does not, as is often supposed, posit only
two attributes (thought and extension) of the one substance. As a being absolutely
innite, God necessarily consists of an innity of attributes, of which each one
expresses an eternal and innite essence (EID6). Only two, thought and extension,
are treated in the Ethics, because it is, precisely, an ethics rather than a metaphysics
or encyclopaedic system. As Spinoza states in the Preface to Book II, I pass now to
explaining those things which must necessarily follow from the essence of God, or
the innite and eternal being not, indeed, all of them . . . but only those that
can lead us, by the hand, as it were, to the knowledge of the human mind and its
highest blessedness.
something quite other than what the orthodoxy intended. Spinoza did not
regard himself as an atheist his response to his critics was, in effect, the
famous maxim of Epicurus: Impiety does not consist in destroying the gods
of the crowd but rather in ascribing to the gods the ideas of the crowd. But
the consequences of what Althusser called Spinozas unparalleled audacity
was to prepare the way for a fully secularised conception of the universe,
a plane of immanence, in Deleuzes phrase, which could be explained on
its own terms and without reference to a beyond which determined and
guided it.69
It was this argument, more than any other, which led to the reputation
of Spinozism during most of the eighteenth century as a most perdious
atheism. In the changed conjuncture of German romanticism and its aftermath, however, a different interpretation of Spinozas Deus sive Natura began
to gain ascendancy for Novalis, Spinoza was the God-intoxicated man; for
Hegel, the problem with Spinoza was that far from his denying the divine,
with him there is too much God.70 Yet Spinozas contemporaries recognised
his philosophy for what it was in its own conjuncture: an intervention against
the pretensions of the orthodox theology of the time to maintain the innite
as a beyond from which the nite world was derivative and to which it was
secondary. If the concept of God encompassed everything, then the term lost
all critical force to distinguish between states of corruption and perfection,
the nite and the innite, this world and a beyond distinctions which were
absolutely crucial not only for defending the religious orthodoxy of the day
but also for maintaining the political status quo. As both Balibar and Negri
have recently stressed, this theological critique cannot be separated from its
political context: in the seventeenth century, theological disputes were directly
political. Deprived of a distinct status, Deus sive Natura soon became merely
Natura, a reduction which did not bode well for that other increasingly
dominant duality of the period, Monarch sive State. Spinozas critique of
traditional Judeo-Christian conceptions of God in the Ethics was in fact tied,
in the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, to a critique of the foundations of theocratic political institutions in the history of the Jewish people, and, in the
Tractatus Politicus, he extended and reworked this perspective into a critique
98 Peter Thomas
all forms of falsifying abstraction, and a search by the intellect for concrete,
comprehensible and explicable reasons, considered sub specie aeternitatis.
Those traditions within Marxism which he branded as economist had, according to Althusser, conceived of the determination of the superstructure by the
base/infrastructure in transitive terms. The crushing of the Left Opposition,
the rise of Stalins socialism in one country, and the institution of state-directed
production plans had been accompanied by the elevation of a strict notion
of economic determinism (based upon a distorted reading of the base and
superstructure metaphor) to a centrality and orthodox status it did not
possess during the period of classical historical materialism.75 Although
Althusser would not have accepted this foregoing narrative at any stage in
effects. This implies therefore that the effects are not outside the structure, are
not a pre-existing object, element or space in which the structure arrives to
imprint its mark. (Althusser and Balibar 1970, pp. 1889).
Also relevant in this regard is the notion of an authorless theatre developed in
Althusser and Balibar 1970, p. 193.
Althusser and Balibar 1970, p. 319.
Althusser 1977, p. 113. The difculty of this seemingly contradictory qualication
can, perhaps, be lessened by noting both its conjunctural and substantive import. In
terms of the former, it is important to recognise that the notion that the lonely hour
of the last instance never comes was an essentially polemical formulation. Having
rejected economism, but nevertheless refusing the symmetry of an expressivist model,
Althusser s notion assigned the economic the role of determining dominance; and
then, in a second move, in order to prevent the surreptitious restoration of economism, he had immediately stressed the complexity of this process of determining
dominance, as against the simple, transitive role played by the economy in an
economist model. See the following formulation: the economic dialectic is never active
in the pure state; in History, these instances, the superstructures, etc. are never seen
to step respectfully aside when their work is done or, when the time comes, as his
pure phenomena, to scatter before His Majesty the Economy as he strides along the
royal road of the Dialectic. From the rst moment to the last, the lonely hour of
the last instance never comes (Althusser 1977, p. 113). In substantive terms, if the
priority accorded to the economic in the notion of structural causality was less than
that posited by economism, it was still required to be more than in an expressivist
model of causation. It was less than economism, because the economy determined
not the social totality itself but its dominant element at any particular moment. Yet it
was also more than expressivism, because Althusser s repudiation of an essence or
centre which manifested itself in its various phenomena (and whose self-alienation
and self-restoration had been the driving force of the Hegelian totality) required him
to locate the totalitys displaced dynamism in one of its elements, namely, the
In short, just as Spinoza had done, Althusser arraigned his opponents with
unjustiably positing the cause of social phenomena (either the economy or
the essence of the social totality) as existing apart from its effects. The notion
of structural causality expressed a vision of society as a decentred structure
of structures, subject to the overdetermination and uneven development of
each of the structures within it, in which (paraphrasing Derrida) there was
nothing outside of the social totality that is, no privileged agent or essence
which was either prior to, distinct from, or exterior to the society which
they produced. Similarly, just as Spinozas refusal to locate the cause of nite
entities in an other-worldly beyond enabled him to attempt rationally to
understand the interrelationship of parts within the whole, without reference
to an unknown and unknowable ultimate guarantee, the notion of structural
causality sought to provide explanations for the phenomena of social life
according to thoroughly immanent criteria. It was an attempt to grasp the
self-productive complexity of society as a totality, without reference to either
a prime mover or spiritual essence which stood unaffected outside of that
production process.
telos, he argued that the truth of a philosophy lies entirely in its effects.92 If
the potentially negative consequences which I shall outline remained only
potential in Althussers own work, and are therefore, as Michael Sprinker
noted, outcomes for which Althusser cannot be held solely responsible, it
remains an historical fact that they were developments which his writings
did certainly help to license, whether these were based upon a faithful reading of the original texts or not.93 Two important potential consequences
of Spinozas and Althussers critiques can be contrasted in support of this
contention that Althussers and Spinozas respective totalities are incommensurable. If they appear to repeat well-known objections to Althussers
thought, it is hoped that their theoretical rather than polemical treatment
will allow a more balanced judgement and understanding of the causes
and effects of both Althussers work and that of his (more or less faithful)
followers. Further, it is hoped that they will furnish preliminary theses
for future research into the legitimate and illegitimate possible modes of
appropriation of Spinoza by contemporary Marxism.
First, because Spinozas Deus sive Natura was an innite totality, its power
was not exhausted by enumerating the various phenomena perceivable by
the human intellect. In other words, it was not the sum of its parts. Human
practices, like all nite entities, were particular nite modications of the one
substance, conceived through one of its different attributes, dependent upon
the one substance for their Being. But Deus sive Naturas integrity and potency
derived not from these modications, but from itself as the cause of itself
[causa sui]. A social totality, on the other hand, does not possess the same
type of objectivity, nor the same relationship to the phenomena which occur
within it. It possesses no being independent of the particular humans practices which occur within it, nor does it continue to exist, once those practices
themselves have ceased to exist in a strict sense, it is the sum total of
its parts. To posit a social totality as bearing to its parts the same causal
relationship as that of Spinozas one substance to its modications risks
Althusser 1997, p. 4. Montag makes the same point in relation to the Tractatus
Theologico-Politicus: As Spinoza remarked of Scripture, a text is to be judged sacred
or profane, good or evil, not by virtue of what it says, or even its truth, but by
its power to move people to mutual love and support. A philosophical work is
thus always an intervention in a concrete situation and is to be judged by the effects
it produces in this situation. (Montag 1998, p. xi).
Sprinker 1995, p. 203.
EIApp: if God acts for the sake of an end, he necessarily wants something which
he lacks.
EIDi: By cause of itself I understand that whose essence involves existence, or
that whose nature cannot be conceived except as existing. EIP11: God, or a substance
consisting of innite attributes, each of which expresses eternal and innite essence,
necessarily exists.
Spinoza 1951, p. 83.
other hand, cannot assume any such plenitude of being. A social totality is
necessarily incomplete, subject to further development and transformation
by the human practices which comprise it, which may possibly, but not
necessarily, involve the realisation of still dormant potentials. Furthermore,
because reection on the forms of human life . . . begins post festum,98 the
concept of a social totality must always be provisional. Future social formations, comprising different practices and relationships, may make possible
conceptions of the social whole radically at odds with those produced in our
own epoch, not only in terms of its content, but also of its structure. This is
another way of saying that, because the concept of a social totality is one
of those forms of thought which are socially valid, and therefore objective,
for the relations of production belonging to this historically determined
mode of social production,99 it necessarily is modelled, in our own time,
on the practices of a capitalist mode of production and its social relations.
To efface this concrete determinant by analysing the social totality as if it
were Spinozas one substance, however, risks positing, as having a validity
for social totalities in general, both contents and a structure which are specic
to capitalist social relations and their comprehension in the notion of a
(capitalist) social totality. The nite secretly becomes the model for the innite,
in much the same way as Spinoza argued had been done by the notion that
the divine possessed the human features of an appetite, will and desire. In
effect, these were the charges brought by many of Althussers critics: that
he was covertly projecting the historically specic features of capitalism
onto the notion of a social totality in general (particularly in relation to one
interpretation of his theory of the eternity of ideology), and that the social
totality had become a self-contained, unfractured plane of self-afrming,
mutually reinforcing elements and levels to which there was literally
no exterior, not even socialism. The bourgeoisie can be overthrown; the
ascendancy of structural causality is without term, in the words of Gregory
Elliotts succinct summary which left some critics questioning if even the
rst possibility would be realised.100
The conclusion to be drawn from this brief consideration of the differences
between Althusser s and Spinozas critiques is not the restoration of the
Andersonian thesis that Marxists must vigilantly guard against the corruption
of their creed by foreign elements drawn from pre-Marxian metaphysics.
Rather, it is that attempts to reinvigorate contemporary historical materialism by drawing upon elements of previous philosophies (or, equally, the
attempt to judge such efforts) will only be successful if they are undertaken
with a full and vigilant consciousness of the historical determinateness of
thought and philosophy. This is merely to restate a thesis which has always
been the foundation of the Marxist approach to the history of ideas, succinctly
encapsulated in a maxim of Fredric Jameson: Always historicise!
As I have previously noted, one of the distinguishing features of the Marxist
Spinozisms subsequent to and in part inspired by Althusser s (such as
Machereys, Balibars, Negris, Tosels, Montags and others collected in the
volume The New Spinoza) has been precisely such an attempt to produce a
more historically satisfying account of our contemporary relation to Spinozas
thought. An assessment of these works and their success in avoiding the
negative consequences which I have argued accompanied Althussers detour
via Spinoza will form the subject of a future study. I have dealt at such
length in this study with Andersons judgement of the nature of Althussers
Spinozism, however, in order to open the space necessary for a fuller and
unprejudiced engagement with these works and Spinozas thought more
generally. Given the richness of these works and their exploration of some
of the fundamental philosophical concepts of the Marxist tradition, I believe
that such an engagement is one of the pressing tasks for Anglophone Marxism,
in both its theoretical and activist forms. Whatever the errors or failings in
his initial attempt, Althusser should be remembered as the gure who more
than any other made these researches possible, which is, nally, to recover
another effect or truth of the Althusserian moment as an important resource
for the contemporary revitalisation of Marxism.
Althofer, Jayson 1999, Activist and Theoretical Marxisms: Early Receptions of Althusser
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Balibar, tienne 1998, Spinoza and Politics, trans. Peter Snowden, London: Verso.
Benjamin, Walter 1970, Illuminations, trans. Harry Zohn, Glasgow: Fontana.
Clarke, Simon, Terry Lovell, et al. (eds.) 1980, One-Dimensional Marxism: Althusser and
the Politics of Culture, London: Allison & Busby.
Colletti, Lucio 1972, From Rousseau to Lenin, trans. John Merrington and Judith White,
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Collier, Andrew 1989, Scientic Realism and Socialist Thought, Hemel Hempstead:
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Eagleton, Terry 1991, Ideology, London: Verso.
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Foucault, Michel 1970, The Order of Things, New York: Vintage.
Hegel, Georg W.F. 1995, Lectures on the History of Philosophy, trans. E.S. Haldane, Lincoln:
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