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Enrich and enhance children's

cognitive development.

Leads to greater achievement in core

content areas (reading, writing, social
studies, science & mathematics) in
both languages.

Assist children with developing

different learning styles, problem-
solving abilities and reasoning skills.
Program Design: individual who moves effortlessly between the
In our Spanish Immersion classrooms, languages, cultures and customs of two or more Improve children's understanding
different societies. He/She is fluent in the native and fluency in the native language.
students do not learn the Spanish language per se;
rather students acquire Spanish as they learn language of two countries and is able to effectively
Foster a sense of humanity and
content (language arts, mathematics, science and communicate with individuals and groups from
friendship across cultures.
social studies). each nation a Global Citizen:
1. Understand and value the customs and Increase children's ability to adapt to
Teachers are bilingual in both Spanish and
traditions of at least two different different environments.
English. Students split their educational time
between both languages. countries.
Increase children's ability to be more
Preschool 2. Is fluent in the verbal and written flexible in their thinking.
languages of at least two different
• 90% Spanish/l0% English Open the door to other cultures and
Kindergarten increase sensitivity to and
3. Maintains personal and professional understanding of language, values,
• 85% Spanish/15% English relationships with individuals from at least customs and traditions of others.
First Grade two different countries.
4. Identifies needs in both cultures and Increase career and educational
• 80% Spanishl20% English
One grade will be added each year. facilitates mutually beneficial collaborative
Our second goal is to promote academic achievement
Program Goal: Adapted from: Language and Children: Making
and ensure our students receive a strong academic the Match (3rd ed.), Curtain, H. and Pesola, C.
Our program's goal is twofold. The first is to education in both languages. (2003)
promote global citizenship. A Global Citizen is an
Grades available for Principal:
2009/2010 Rosa Thill 517-755-1220
Preschool, Kindergarten and
l" Grade Director of Bilingual
Education, FLAP and
Growth Preschools:
Sergio Keck 517-755-1391
200912010 l" Grade
201012011 2nd Grade MSRP Program Specialists
201112012 rd
3 Grade ThomasMumby 517-755-3391
201212013 4th Grade

201312014 5th Grade Lansing School

This progression will continue
until there is a comprehensive
Preschool through 12thGrade
Averill Elementary
Spanish program.
3201 Averill Drive
Lansing, MI 48911

Imps: pages Forest LANSING

GA verill School SCIIOOL

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