JRBM Promoting The Tourism Industry

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Quest Journals

Journal of Research in Business and Management

Volume 2 ~ Issue 5 (2014) pp: 01-04
ISSN(Online) : 2347-3002
Research Paper

Promoting the Tourism Industry of Calatagan Batangas,

Dexter R. Buted1, Alex P. Ylagan2, Evangeline Mendoza3
Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City, Philippines

Received 16 May, 2014; Accepted 07 June, 2014 The author(s) 2014. Published with open access
at www.questjournals.org
ABSTRACT: This study entitled aimed to promote Calatagan as a tourist destination in Batangas. Descriptive
type of research was utilized in the study. Results showed that Lago de Oro is the most frequently visited over
the other attractions. The common problem encountered by the Tourism Industry in Calatagan is lack of
promotion. Among the social benefits brought by tourism in Calatagan they strongly agreed on promoting of
peace and order situation. Among the economic benefits they strongly agree on employment opportunities.
Tourism means more jobs for the people and improvement of their standard of living. All programs are
implemented and the government knows how to develop more of their place.

Keywords - Tourism Industry, Peace and Order, Lago de Oro, Batangas, Economic Benefits


Over the years, the Philippine tourism industry has been playing a key role in promoting mutual
understanding among nations, and as an instrument of national and economic development through poverty
alleviation and conservation of fragile natural and cultural resources [1]. Tourism is a fast growing industry that
has become a top priority of the economic agenda of a number of countries. It is believed that tourism can be
used as a tool to solve problems like unemployment and poverty in developing countries [2].
The word Calatagan is derived from the tagalong word Latag and it is synonymous to Kapatagan
which means a large expands of wide plain lands. Tourism has grown into one of the worlds major industries
and has thus also become increasingly important [3]. At the beginning of the century, record shows there were
less than two hundred settlers who chose this flat portion of Batangas because of its agricultural potentials and
its proximity to the sea. Archaeological researchers, however, show that there could have been more people
when the Spaniards arrived there in 1890.
The town is the site of the famous historical and archeological Calatagan Excavations" whose antique
pottery and other utensils contributed important facts about the culture and activities of the Filipinos before the
coming of the Spaniards. Archeological finds mostly pottery of Chinese origin, dug from six large cemeteries
and unearthed by Archeologists professor Olov T. R. Janse and Professor Robert B. Fox as well as conclusion
made by Professor H. Otley Bayer, point to the existence of a sizable pre- Spanish population in this place. The
same studies suggests that there was direct Chinese trade by water into Calatagan and this trade could have
centered at a place called Balong- Bato, where vessels coming from Mindoro and Manila still presently use an
entrance through the reef, which surrounds Calatagan [4].
The land occupied by the Municipality of Calatagan used to be known as hacienda De Calatagan; Don
Domingo Roxas acquired it from the Spanish crown in 1829. The successors, Don Pedro P. Roxas, continued to
develop the land. By the first decade of the century, it had progressed sufficiently to become a municipality in
1911, being an independent entity from its mother town called Balayan.
When the properties of the Roxas family which consisted of the hacienda in Nasugbo and Calatagan
were divided among the heirs, the ownership of hacienda De calatagan passed on to the family of don Enrique
Zobel whose heir continue to own considerable portions of the original hacienda. However, much of the land
was subdividedby the Zobels into residential lots, which are sold to the original occupants at prices ranging
from 20 to 30 centavos per square meter. The uncultivated Southern portions of the property of Don Alfonso
Zobel was subdivided into 2.2 hectares parcels and raffled off to bonafide residents of Calatagan at Philippine
Currency of one hundred pesos(Php 100) per hectare then.
*Corresponding Author: Dexter R. Buted
Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City, Philippines

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Promoting the Tourism Industry of Calatagan Batangas, Philippines

The concept and spirit of thee present day land reform, may be said to have started at Calatagan before
the subdivision were made, as there were no private land ownership while all the lands belong wither to the
Roxas or the Zobel then. Subsequently, Calatagan continue to progress and develop to give its constituents
productive and decent human settlements.
The municipality of Calatagan lies on the Southwestern most of the province of Batangas in a
peninsula approximately one hundred and ten (110) kilometres south of the City of Manila. The Municipalities
of Balayan and Lian bound it on the North, on the south by the Verde Island Passage, on the east by Pagapas
and Balayan Bays on the west by South China Sea.
The western shoreline of the municipality is bounded by reef and relatively shallow water, where low
fish corrals are set up. The entrance of Stitio Balong- Bato has to go through the barriers of reef. On eastern
side, the entrance is through balbatican and Punta Buaya. The exreme southern part of the peninsula is similar to
most promontories bordering the sea and it is called Santiago.
Commerce and industry play a significant role in the economic structure of the Municipality. It is
primary economic indicator progress. Moreover, it strengthens the nexus of settlement fabrics by catering to the
local everyday needs of the populace.
To maintain the tourism industry, residents may provide additional services to satisfy tourists, maintain the
quality of the product and the characteristics of people and create more products that continuously develop their
social and economic resources [5].
Calatagan is a place, which is not yet, developed but despite of this, it has aesthetic value that is ready for
development. It is also a place where beautiful sites lie such as; Punta Baluarte, Calatagan Golf Club, Rosegold
Hotel & Resort, Lago De Oro Beach, and Nacua Eathing/ Fishing Resort.



This study entitled aimed to promote Calatagan as a tourist destination in Batangas. The study aimed to
determine the most frequently visited tourist attractions in Calatagan; to determine the extent of rating of the
residents and tourists to the different tourist attraction in Calatagan; to determine the common problems that
hinder tourism growth in Calatagan; to identify the respondents view on the social and economic benefits of the
development of Tourism Industry in the place and the to determine the extent of the implementation of the
development programs and projects by municipality of Calatagan.



3.1 Research Design

In order to determine the needed information about the most frequently visited tourist destination in
Calatagan Batangas, the descriptive method of research was used. The descriptive method is a fact- finding that
explains the present condition, what is happening or going on in the time of study. Descriptive method is the
appropriate and accurate method in gathering method. It is collected through questionnaire survey and
interview. In this method the researcher will be able to explain briefly the present condition of Tourism Industry
Industry in Calatagan Batangas. The information was analyzed, summarized and interpreted along certain time
of thought for the pursuit of a specific purpose of the study.
3.2 Participants
The study was conducted in Calatagan Batangas in the year 2010- 2011. The researchers made 50
respondents in the study; the 15 certified residents of Calatagan; 5 resort manager; 25 tourists and 5 government
employees. They were randomly chosen.
3.3 Instrument
In order to obtain the necessary information regarding the most frequently visited tourist destination,
the rate of the different tourist destination, the common problems that hinder tourism growth, the social and
economic benefits of the development of Tourism Industry in Calatagan and the development programs and
projects implement by the municipality of Calatagan, the researchers used questionnaire and interview as the
major tool in data gathering.
The questionnaire was designed as a checklist, which was divided into 5 specific parts to have a clear
presentation data. The first part of the questionnaire contained the most frequently visited destination in
Calatagan. The answer could either be most frequently, frequently, less frequently and not frequently. The
second part is the residents and tourists rating on the different tourist destination. It answered by excellent, good,
fair and poor. The third part is common problems that hinder tourism growth in Calatagan. It answered by
strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree. The fourth part is the social and economic benefits in the
development of Tourism Industry in Calatagan. The answers could either be strongly agree, agree, strongly
*Corresponding Author: Dexter R. Buted

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Promoting the Tourism Industry of Calatagan Batangas, Philippines

disagree and disagree. The last part is the development programs and projects implement by the Municipality of
Calatagan by using checkmark. The answers could either fully implemented, implemented, poorly implemented
and not implemented.
3.4 Procedure
As soon as the researchers know that there was a grouped thesis, the group started their topic by
brainstorming. The researchers thought of an interesting topic and the group requested their research instructor
for approval. After the topic was chosen, the broad topic was made into specific. Information of researchers
were gathered through the use books, unpublished thesis and other sources and reference that is essential to the
The researcher also visited Calatagan Batangas to conduct information about the topic. Then they
prepared questionnaire and submit it to the research instructor for approval. After the questionnaire has been
approved, the groups distributed it to respondents and give them a brief orientation about the purpose of the
study and were retrieved for immediate tabulation. After the retrieval the data were tallied, tabulated, statically
analyzed and interpreted.
3.5 Data Analysis
The data gathered from the respondents were tallied, tabulated and analyzed. The statistical measure
utilized in the study was weighted mean. Weighted mean was used to determine which tourist attraction in
Calatagan are more frequently visited.
To express meaning of the computed weighted mean of the responses on the most frequently visited
tourist attraction in Calatagan Batangas. The following legends which their corresponding values are used: Most
Frequently Visited (MFV): 3.50 4.49; Frequently Visited (FV): 2.50 3.49; Less Frequently Visited (LFV):
1.50 2.49; Not frequently Visited (NFV): 1.00 1.49. The same scale was used to analyze the meaning of the
computed weighted mean the responses on the residents and tourists rating on the different tourist attractions in
Calatagan with the following verbal description: Excellent, Good, Fair and Poor. For the common problems that
hinder tourism growth in Calatagan as well as the social and economic benefits in the development of Tourism
Industry in Calatagan, the following verbal interpretations were utilized: Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree and
Strongly Disagree. Likewise, the same scale was used to interpret the result of the development programs and
projects implementation by the municipality of Calatagan with the following verbal interpretation: Fully
Implemented, Implemented, Poorly Implemented and Not Implemented



Lago de Oro is the most frequently visited over the other attractions with a weighted mean of 3.66 due
to its different facilities and amenities offer to the guests. Among the tourist destinations that are frequently
visited are Calatagan Golf Club, Rosegold Hotel and resort and nacua Bathing/ Fishing Resort. However the less
frequently visited is Punta Baluarte with a weighted mean of 1.98.
Lago de Oro Beach got an excellent rate from the respondents with the weighted mean of 3.55 because
it provides quality services and knows how to meet customer satisfaction. The management of Lago de Oro
Beach sees to it that their entire guest will be entertained fairly. Calatagan Golf Club, Rosegold Hotel and resort
and nacua bathing/ Fishing Resort are rated good while Punta Baluarte is rated fair with the weighted mean of
The common problem encountered by the Tourism Industry in Calatagan is lack of promotion,
accessibility and financial constraints with a weighted mean of 3.2, 2.74 and 2.62 respectively.
Among the social benefits brought by tourism in Calatagan they strongly agree on promoting of peace and order
situation. However they agree on upgrade social condition, promoting friendly, hospitable treatments to the
people and tourists and improvement of lifestyle.
Among the economic benefits they strongly agree on employment opportunities. Tourism means more
jobs for the people of Calatagan and improvement of their standard of living. However, they agree on trading
industry, income for local government, improve standard of living, economic growth or progression, investment
and development, prestige for the place and upgrade production of local products. All these will help in
upliftment of the economy.
As for the respondents all the programs are implemented and the government knows how to develop
more of their place. Such program as follows; Clean and Green Program, Environmental Management Program,
Municipal Solid Waste Program, Tourism Development Program, Power Services Development Program,
Protective Service Program, Health Care Program, Transport Development Program, Commercial and Industrial
Program and Sports and Recreation Program.

*Corresponding Author: Dexter R. Buted

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Promoting the Tourism Industry of Calatagan Batangas, Philippines



Calatagan Batangas has a great aesthetic value that can be used for promoting in the Tourism Industry
and has a possibility to attract and gain more tourists. In order to gain more tourists the resident as well as the
resort owner should provide the quality services and determined the needs and wants of target markets and
deliver the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently. Although tourism has been popular, we cannot
deny the fact problem do exist that hinder tourist growth in every place. To know the root cause of such
problems is a major distribution in determining ways to improve the Tourism Industry in Calatagan.
In every development there are always positive effects in their social and economic standing that lead in the
upliftment of certain place. The government does everything to meet and preserved the beauty of Calatagan.
Environment plays an important part in the growth of tourism. If the environment is degraded, interest of tourist
will diminish. It implements a number of programs to boost Tourism Industry in the place.
The government and resort owner should enrich more on all the attractions found in this destination
specially those attractions that are less frequently visited so that it will be appreciated and patronised by many.
The non-government, residents and government representatives may collaborate in demonstrating information
education communication focused on coastal management [6].
The resort owner should think of many ways on how to attract more tourists. They should develop
more of their place by offering different facilities and amenities. The government should properly implement all
the programs and projects in Calatagan and they should try to lessen the problems encountered by the
government employees, residents, resort manager and tourists by implementing those programs. The different
business establishments related to tourism must improve and develop their products, goods, and services they
rendered, also their facilities to attract more tourists [7].
The resident and local government of Calatagan should be responsible enough in upgrading the tourism
industry in their place in order for them to gain more social and economic benefits.The government must fully
identified programs to boost industry. However residents and resort owners as well as tourist should support the



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*Corresponding Author: Dexter R. Buted

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