Laptop Screen Types
Laptop Screen Types
Laptop Screen Types
Including LC
D Bulb Replacement, Power Inverter Repair
Laptop screens today will use one of two common lighting systems. Both are still
considered LCD Screens because they are. The Image to the screen is Liquid Crys
tal Display; it is only the lighting that will change for these 2 types.
LED light on a laptop is newer technology because all screens used to use only C
CFL bulbs. The CCFL bulb is a thin glass tube with a protruding metal pliable ro
d on either side. Wires are soldered to both ends of the bulb then attach to a p
lug that will plug into the power inverter You will need to solder the wires to t
he ends if you ever need to order a replacement bulb. You can however usually fi
nd replacement bulbs that come prewired with plugs also attached. You get the sa
me size bulb as your screen specs specify.
When disassembling the screen, you will start by removing the power inverter if
it is attached. You will notice that all screens are framed with a thin metal fr
ame. This helps to hold all the screen parts together it also helps by framing t
he front screen glass panel in and protects the glass edges from harm. You are g
oing to use a Razor Blade here to help separate this metal frame from the rest o
f the screen.
This frame wraps from the front of the screen panel to the top of the panels edg
es all the way around the screen. Most screens will have 1 or several pieces of
tape that cover the frames edge. You need to run the razor blade edge between th
e seam of the screen frame and the aluminum bulb backing plate. To do this you w
ill flip the screen to its back side and start at the top of the screen, running
the razor from right to left. Be very careful not to cut the LCD bulb wires or
scratch any of the screen panels. The sides of the screen will usually have secu
ring tape that you need to either peel away or carefully cut to separate the fro
nt metal frame.
Once you have cleared any securing tape, you will now be unsnapping the metal fr
ame away from the screen panel. You will need a Plastic Pry Tool assist you in r
emoving the frame. The best tool would a guitar pick. You need to start at the t
op. It is imperative that you do start at the top of the screen when removing th
e frame because you are not completely removing the frame (you can, but it is no
t needed to change a bulb).
You will wedge the pick in between the seam of the frame and screen panel top si
de. Slightly pry upward near one of the imprinted tabs on the frame and push out
ward away from the front of the screens glass panel. Do not force this frame awa
y or you might crack the screen. Go Slow, Have Patience and you will easily be a
ble to separate this frame Slide the pick back and forth from the right side end
of the frame to the left end side. Then you can do the same to the sides, though
start from the top and work your way down the sides pushing the frame away whil
e you are going The frame will fall in front of the display panel (not literally
?fall?). You can now, either, pull the frame away and set a side, or you can lea
ve it attached to the bottom framing tape but just flip it down on the table whi
le holding the screen up at a 90% angle.
You will now see an aluminum bulb guard on the rear upper side of the screen. Th
is can sometimes have a micro sized screw on each side so look real close for on
e and remove it. Now, right where the screw you just removed was, flip the scree
n to the side and parallel with the bulb guard screw will be a screw on the side
of the screen again it will be a micro sized screw and will need to be removed,
the same goes for the opposite side of the screen, then again there might be a
second screw on the side of the screen towards the bottom of the side. Some will
So, when replacing the bulb, you will make sure the ends are properly recapped w
ith the white grounding rubber caps and that the wires are placed facing the cor
rect direction for reassembly. If you need to, take photos while you work to be
able to remember assembly and reverse process.
The Power inverter is the only part left for screen repairing.
You can only do so much to repair the inverter if failure occurs. The only thing
I have found that works about %60 of the time is to change the transformer bloc
k on the Inverter. It is the part with the copper wire wrapped all around it a lo
rectangular shaped component with legs on both ends (usually 2 to 3 on one side
and 2 to 6 on the other the legs attaching to contact pads on the inverter board
. You will need to use a soldering gun and flux paste.
I will now show you how to order a replacement screen for the specific laptop in
To replace a cracked screen (or what ever the issue ) you can order the screen by
the model number of the laptop, but I do not recommend doing so and it is the La
zy way to replace it.
Not only is it not correct, it could harm the laptop by possibly installing an i
ncompatible screen. You need to realize here that not all screen vendors will se
nd the exact screen you need and will sometimes replace with the closest compati
ble screen, even swapping stickers/labels I ve seen it all
The way you should be replacing / ordering the screen is to remove the screen, t
hen look at the white large sticker on the rear side of the screen. It will tell
you the exact part number of the screen, it will also show you the type/model o
f screen. These numbers/letters are important in ensuring you receive an exact r
eplacement part.
The replacement screen part replacement number will almost always include the sc
reens size in the number.
Here is a typical screen part order number:
LP173WD1 HD+ (TL) (A2) 17.3
Notice in the number that the screen size is in it (LP173), you will find this i
n most all screen numbers. Now, notice the (TL) and the (A2) this is very importa
nt that you replace with the same exact numbers. If you don t, you are risking dam
aging the laptop, or the screen simply will not work, it will show grey color or
a white-out.