Ethics and The Society
Ethics and The Society
Ethics and The Society
However, to halt the increase of greenhouse gasses, we would have to reduce emissions
by 60% to 70%, a level that would damage the economies of countries around the
world. To halt global warming, experts say that we would need to change our lifestyles
and values drastically.
Ozone depletion is also a serious concern. Caused by the release of CFCs into the
atmosphere, ozone depletion may lead to several hundred thousand new cases of skin
cancer each year and destroy many valuable food crops. Also, ocean plankton, on which
the entire ocean's food chain depends, may be severely damaged. Even though CFC
production has been nearly halted, we can expect the gasses already released to continue
damaging the ozone for the next century.
Burning fossil fuels causes acid rain and global warming. Though not as devastating
as global warming, it nevertheless is harming many fish populations and trees,
corroding bridges and buildings, and contaminating drinking water. Airborne toxins and
air quality in general are also serious concerns for human health.
Airborne Toxics are less catastrophic but highly worrisome air pollution threats; 2.4
billion pounds of airborne toxic substances released annually into the nation's
atmosphere, including phosgene, a nerve gas used in warfare, and methyl isocyanate.
Water pollution is likewise a serious problem. About 40% of the world's surface water
is too polluted to fish or swim in. Pollution comes from agriculture, mines, oil wells,
human wastes, manufacturing, detergents, and the food industry, among other sources.
Today, almost 1 billion people lack access to safe water and the worlds per capita
supplies of water are shrinking.
The pollution of the land by toxic substances also causes increased mortality and illness.
Hazardous or toxic substances are those that can cause an increase in mortality rates or
irreversible or incapacitating illness, or those that have other seriously adverse health or
environmental effects. Over 58,000 different chemical compounds are currently being
used in the U.S., and the number is increasing each year. How many of these chemicals
affect humans, no one really knows. The sheer volume of solid waste is staggering: each
U.S. resident produces about seven pounds of garbage per day. Though this quantity is
massive, it is not even close to the quantity of industrial waste. The EPA estimates that
about 15 million tons of toxic waste is produced in the U.S. each year. This does not
include nuclear wastes, which, because they are so concentrated and persistent, present
special problems for storage and disposal. Each nuclear reactor produces 265 pounds of
plutonium waste a year, a substance so toxic that only twenty pounds would be
sufficient to cause lung cancer in everyone on Earth. So far, no one really knows how to
dispose of this and similar wastes safely and securely.
As if pollution was not serious enough, we also must consider the depletion of species,
habitats, and natural resources. The world loses about 1% of its rain forests each year,
and between 15% and 20% of species had become extinct by 2000. Our consumption of
fossil fuels has recently been rising at exponential rates, but this cannot continue much
longer because we are coming close to the depletion point of fossil fuels. Minerals are
also being depleted, so we can expect them gradually to become more scare and
expensive. This scarcity will have a serious impact on the world economy.
Though some of the views of deep ecology are unusual and controversial, two
traditional views of ethics can also help us to develop an environmental ethic:
utilitarianism and concern for human rights.
William T. Blackstone has argued that the possession of a livable environment is
something to which every human being has a right. To some extent, U.S. federal law
recognizes this concept. The main difficulty with Blackstone's view, however, is that it
fails to provide any nuanced guidance on several pressing environmental choices. This
lack of nuance in the absolute rights approach is especially problematic when the costs
of removing certain amounts of pollution are high in comparison to the benefits that will
be attained.
Utilitarianism can answer some of the difficulties with Blackstone's theory. Utilitarians
see environmental problems as market defects, arguing that pollution should be avoided
because it harms society's welfare.
To make this position clear, it is helpful to distinguish between private costs and social
costs. Private costs are the actual costs a firm incurs to produce a commodity. Social
costs include the costs that the firm does not paythe costs of pollution and medical care
that result from the manufacture of the commodities. The divergence of private and
social costs is problematic because the divergence means that price no longer accurately
reflects all of the costs of a commodity. This means that resources are not being
allocated efficiently, and society's welfare consequently declines.
When markets do not take all costs into account, more of a commodity will be produced
than society would demand if it could measure what it is actually paying for the
commodity. In addition, producers ignore these costs and do not try to minimize them.
Since goods are no longer efficiently distributed to consumers, pollution violates the
utilitarian principles that underlie the market system.
The remedy for external costs, according to utilitarians, is to internalize them to ensure
that the producer pays all of the real costs of production and uses these costs to
determine the price of the commodity. To internalize the costs of pollution, a firm may
be required to pay all those harmed by pollution. A problem with this way of
internalizing the costs of pollution, however, is that when several polluters are involved,
it is not always clear just who is being harmed and by whom. Alternatively, the firm
might install pollution control devices and stop the harm at its source.
This way of dealing with pollution is consistent with the requirements of distributive
justice. Since pollution's external costs are largely borne by the poor, pollution produces
a net flow of benefits away from the poor and towards the rich. Internalizing these costs
can reverse this flow. However, if a firm makes basic goods, such as food, then
internalizing costs may place a heavier burden on poorer people.
Internalizing external costs is also consistent with retributive and compensatory justice,
because those who are responsible for pollution bear the burden of rectifying it and
compensating those who have been harmed. Taken together, these requirements imply
that (a) the costs of pollution control should be borne by those who cause pollution and
who have benefited from pollution activities, whereas (b) the benefits of pollution
control should flow to those who have had to bear the external costs of pollution.
Internalizing external costs seems to meet these two requirements: (a) The costs of
pollution control are borne by stockholders and customers, both of whom benefit from
the polluting activities of the firm; and (b) the benefits of pollution control flow to those
neighbors who once had to put up with the firm's pollution.
Since the effects of pollution are so harmful, it might seem that no action to remedy
pollution could be too drastic. However, if a firm spends a greater amount on a pollution
control device than the amount of damage the pollution would cause, then the firm
should not install it; the economic utility of society will be damaged if they do. The
amount a firm should invest in pollution control, then, must rest on a cost-benefit
analysis: a precise calculation of what the device or practice would cost and what its
expected benefits would be. Thomas Klein summarized the procedures for cost-benefit
analysis as follows:
1. Identify costs and benefits of the proposed program and the person or sectors
incurring or receiving them. Trace transfers.
2. Evaluate the costs and benefits in terms of their value to beneficiaries and
donors. The standard of measure is the value of each marginal unit to
demanders and suppliers ideally captured in competitive prices. Useful
refinements involve:
a. Incorporating time values through the use of a discount rate.
b. Recognizing risk by factoring possible outcomes according to
probabilities and, where dependent, probability trees.
3. Add up costs and benefits to determine the net social benefit of a project or
The problems involved in getting accurate measurements of the benefits and costs of
pollution control are also illustrated by the difficulties businesses have encountered in
trying to construct a social audit (a report of the social costs and social benefits of the
firm's activities). This can be difficult, however. How do we measure the costs and
benefits of pollution control when they involve damages to human life or health?
Measurement itself is also difficult when the effects of pollution are uncertain and
therefore hard to predict. In fact, getting accurate pollution measurements is sometimes
nearly impossible, and the problem only is multiplied when there are a number of
polluters in a single area. Measuring benefits is likewise difficult, which poses
significant technical problems for utilitarian approaches to pollution.
Even where measurement is not a problem, another problem remains for the utilitarian
approach. Is it morally permissible to impose costs on unwilling or unknowing citizens?
Can some unilaterally impose costs on others without their consent? Even getting
consent is tricky, because many pollution problems involve information and risks that
are extremely technical and difficult to understand. It is perhaps impossible in principle
to get informed consent from a segment of the public on some complicated issues.
Because of these problems, some contend that utilitarianism cannot lead our pollution
control policy. Perhaps absolute bans on pollution are more adequate. Some writers
even suggest that when risk cannot be reliably estimated, it is best to steer clear of such
projects. Others maintain that we should identify those who will bear the risks and take
steps to protect them.
Many thinkers have argued that the environmental crises we face are rooted in the social
systems of hierarchy and domination that characterize our society. This view, now
referred to as social ecology, holds that until those patterns of hierarchy and domination
are changed, we will be unable to deal with environmental crises. In a system of
hierarchy, one group holds power over another and members of the superior group are
able to dominate those of the inferior group and get them to serve their ends.
Until these systems (such as racism, sexism, and social classes) are changed, we will be
unable to deal adequately with the environment. Ecofeminists, a related group of
thinkers, sees the key form of hierarchy connected to the destruction of the environment
as the domination of women by men. They believe that there are important connections
between the domination of women and the domination of naturepatterns of thinking,
which justify and perpetuate the subordination. This logic of domination sets up
dualisms (artificial and natural, male and female) where one of the pair is seen as
stronger and more important. To solve our ecological problems, we must first change
these destructive modes of thinking.
According to the ethics of caring, the destruction of nature that has accompanied male
domination must be replaced with caring for and nurturing our relationships with nature
and other living things. Nature must be seen as an "other" that must be cared for, not
tamed or dominated. Thought-provoking as these approaches are, they are still too new
and undeveloped to give us specific direction.
few quarts at the most. We would then be put in the absurd position of having to shut
down our entire Western civilization so that each future person might be able to possess
a few quarts of oil.
Third, we can say that someone has a certain right only if we know that he or she has a
certain interest that that right protects. The purpose of a right, after all, is to protect the
interests of the right holder, but we are virtually ignorant of what interests future
generations will have. What wants will they have?
John Rawls, on the other hand, argues that though it is unjust to impose heavy burdens
on present generations for the sake of the future, it is also unjust for present generations
to leave nothing for the future. We should ask ourselves what we can reasonably expect
they might want and, putting ourselves in their place, leave what we would like them to
have left for us. Justice, in short, requires that we hand over to our children a world in
no worse condition than the one we received ourselves.
The ethics of care support conservation policies similar to the ones Rawls advocates.
Utilitarian reasoning, too, supports Rawls' conclusions. Some utilitarians posit that the
ethical thing to do is to discount future consequences based on their uncertainty and
distance from the future. We are therefore clearly obligated not to take actions that will
almost certainly harm tomorrow's generations. However, since we can be less certain
what the effects of our actions will be on far distant generations, our responsibility
towards them is somewhat diminished.
We cannot rely on market mechanisms to ensure adequate conservation for future
generations, however. The needs of future generations are so heavily discounted by
markets that they hardly affect prices at all.
Six reasons conspire to bring this about:
1. Multiple access - If several separate extractors can use a resource, then the shared
access will invariably lead the resource to be depleted too fast. As with several
people with straws in one milkshake, each owner's private interest is in taking it out
as fast as possible.
2. Time preferences and myopia - Firms often have short time horizons under the
stress of commercial competition. This may under-represent the legitimate interests
of future generations.
3. Inadequate forecasting - Present users may simply fail to foresee future
developments. This may reflect a lack of sufficient research interest and ability to
discern future changes.
4. Special influences - Specific taxes and other incentive devices may encourage
overly rapid use of resources.
5. External effects - There are important externalities in the uses of many resources,
so that private users ignore major degrees of pollution and other external costs.
6. Distribution - Finally, private market decisions are based on the existing pattern of
distribution of wealth and income. As resource users vote with their dollars, market
demand will more strongly reflect the interests and preferences of the wealthy.
Many observers believe that conservation measures are falling short of what is needed.
Some even maintain that future generations will have a quality of life much lower than
our own. Industrialized nations will need to convert from growth-oriented technologies
to more labor-intensive ones. In fact, our entire economic system may have to abandon
the goal of steadily increasing production: continual economic growth promises to
degrade the quality of life for future generations. This is because demand for depletable
resources will continue to rise until the resources simply run out. Then, living standards
will decline sharply.
One group, the Club of Rome, predicted that a catastrophic collapse of goods and
services will result at some point in the middle of this century; by 2100 the world's
population may even drop below 1900 levels. More recently, the Worldwatch Institute
has concluded that even if the Club of Rome's timetables were off, their conclusions
were substantially correct.
As our supplies of energy diminish, other moral concerns are raised. Though the U.S.
has only 6% of the world's population, we consume 25% of its energy; 50% of the
people of the world get along with only 8%. Some seriously question whether highconsuming nations like ours can be justified in using for its own sake the nonrenewable
resources of the world that others are too weak or frugal to use themselves.
10. How do social ecology and ecofeminism attempt to rethink standard approaches to
the environment? What are the values and limitations of these views?
11. What considerations are relevant for the ethics of conserving depletable resources?
Do future generations have the same right to the earth's resources as we do? Do
other countries have the same claim to resources, such as energy, as we do?
12. What are the prospects for continued economic growth? What ethical problems
pertain to continual growth?
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