Case Study 2014
Case Study 2014
Case Study 2014
Fernando Navarro
Case Study: EG, 8th Grade Music Class
May 3, 2014
I. Introduction
My case study is EG. I picked this student because he is bright,
but he struggles with discipline in almost in every class. Not only did he
tell me that he does not like my class and does not like music, he also
told me he is not happy at our school, Pikes Peak Prep.
EG is currently in 8th grade and used to play the clarinet two
years ago, but then stopped in favor of wanting to try the Trombone.
His attempt at trombone was unsuccessful. He was unable to be
successful in the trombone due to his poor attitude. EJ is Hispanic but
does not speak Spanish. His Father resides in Mexico and the father
does not speak English, so there is no communication between them.
I have noticed that EG behaves well with female teachers. He
does not get many referrals from his female teachers. I think the
problem is more about his necessity of male leadership in his life. His
mother is strict. Sometimes she scolds him in front of me about his
behavior in my class or even when he gets in trouble in other classes.
At the beginning of the school year, EG had some great classes
with me and he was participating well. He was by no means a stellar
student, but he had an acceptable level of participation. For some
reason, his scores in my class suddenly began dropping. He refused to
work and was disruptive. Since he is a natural leader, he caused even
greater distractions by his behavior. He also seems to like getting
attention from his peers. EG was my student last year as well. The 7 th
grade group in which he was was notoriously difficult for all the
teachers at Pikes Peak Prep. At that time he behaved more as a
2013-2014 Fall
2013-2014 Winter
II. Assumptions
During my meetings with EG, and also in all the information that I
found from his family and teachers, I found that EG is described as a
helpful person, and a smart student. From testing in 2011 to testing in
2012, EGs scores dropped. Pikes Peak Prep had a big change in the
2012-2013 school year, when EG was in 7th grade. In the transition from
the 11-12 and 12-13 school year, more the half of the staff left the
school. The mass exodus of teachers and the instability altered the
environment of the school. In addition, there were other changes
happening at the school. The school grounds were expanded and under
construction during the fall of 2012. There used to only be one building,
but the school acquired several modular classroom units. Because the
modular units were not ready at the start of the school year, there were
lots of transitional classroom and changes from week to week. At one
time the school rented a building close to the school that was really
disgusting, smelly, uncomfortable and unclean. The environment of this
building really impacted the students. The school also accepted several
new students who had a history of negative behavior or had been
expelled. According to staff who had worked in the school for years, the
school used to have a reputation of being very strict with order in the
It appears that EG has a dysfunctional family. When I say
dysfunctional I do not say it in a pejorative way. His mother is single
with three kids. She works a lot every day, with an average of sixty
hours per week. EGs brothers are both older than he is. The brothers
have a good reputation in school. EG has a good relationship with them
and I can see that they are the only male representation at home. EG
also does not get much quality time with his mother since she works a
These factors can affect a person. I can see that EG was
struggling with structure and he is thirsty for attention. In addition, the
difficult job of being teenager, combined with the earlier points, I come
to the assumption that these were affecting his entire environment. His
search for attention, and his role as a leader in his class ended up
shaping his personality.
Last year four of his peers were threatening to usurp his position
of bad boy and consequently he began to prove that he was still the
bad boy leader by acting out even more. At that time, EG started
having problems in all his classes, including his favorite ones. The fight
for his role lasted the whole last year, and EG did not stop competing
with the other bad boys all year long. The consequences were almost
fatal for his school career, because he almost got expelled. His grades
were down and he started having a bad reputation in our school.
In the beginning of this school year, the eighth grade class had
fewer students than last year, and this became a good ingredient for
the eighth grade class as a whole. Also, these students have a great
homeroom teacher who provides stability and structure in her
classroom. This entire situation has helped EG improve his academic
grades. The only problem was that he kept refusing to work in some
classes, including mine.
As far as music class, EG did not change his behavior, I tried to
figure it out and I came to the conclusion that, besides his struggles in
his family life, his age, and all the facts that affected him as a student,
EG bucked against male authority. His biological father is Mexican, and
the image of Mexican males conjures up bitter feelings. Therefore, his
struggle with male leadership is also greater because I am Mexican and
he told me that I remind him of his dad.
III. Literature Review
Robert J. MacKenzie, Ed. D. (2009) Setting Limits in the
Classroom: How to Move Beyond the Dance of Discipline in
Todays Classroom. Inspiring with Positive Motivation.
Limits define the path we want students to stay
on, but limits alone may not motivate them to
their attention and get their commitment to their class. Humans tend to
use more negative vocabulary to subordinates because that makes one
feel that he or she has control of everything. Or maybe, a person is
afraid of losing a position of respect, and consequently acts in that
degrading way. Therefore, a teachers job is motivating students by
knowing their weaknesses and their strength. A teacher must always
use a positive vocabulary in order to build up a healthy relationship with
The most natural way to try to manage the situation between EG
and I would be uttering despicable words against him. If I did so, that
would create a lot problems, bigger issues and I would create an
unhealthy relationship. t is always a big temptation to act on this way,
but acting this way would show up immaturity not only as a teacher but
also as a person. My goal with EG is to build up a relationship with
maturity, a relationship that would be based on respect. I do not want
to see EG only as student but also as a person, a human being that
looks for attention and fulfillment.
Teenagers are eager for acceptance. They look for it daily and
try to find it not only from their peers but also from adults, especially,
parents and teachers. How am I going to help EG to improve his selfimage? I can help him by using positive words. Instead of saying only
negative things I started to say everything positive that I see in him. I
wondered how many times he has heard positive comments from his
peers and his mom. What if a teacher that does not like him says
something positive about him? I truly believe that he would change his
perspective of that teacher to something positive.
Susand L. Haugland
Fay, J., & Funk, D. (Jim Fay David Funk Teaching with Love and
Logic: Taking Control of the Classroom
Self-concept has become a key factor in todays
education because so many kids have a poor one. There
have been innumerable teacher-training programs and
student curricula developed in the recent past to deal with
this educational malady. They were developed in response
to a needa severe need. An understanding of how we
arrived at this point may give us, as parents and
educators, insight into effectively dealing with the
Society had expectations of the extended family. Kids
were to watch adults and learn from them how to solve
problems. Adults were expected to give good advice and
be examples for kids to follow. Most certainly there were
exceptions, but, for the most part, a kids self-concept was
not an issue, because kids were developing their own selfconcepts through struggle. To know what to do for a kid
without a knowledge of that kids intimate variables is
often little more than a hopeful shot in the dark.
We need to address self-concept in school because of its
importance to student performance. However, we also want to be
effective in the long haul. Within the Love and Logic approach, self-
rhythm and musical notation. I told him that I wanted to help him on
those areas where he is lacking knowledge.
As a reward I told EG that I would talk to his mother about his
improvement so that he could have more privileges from his mom, and
also having a chart with his improvements would give him
accountability for his work. He agreed with me and in this second
meeting we started to talk about fundamental musical elements.
We started with rhythm notes such as quarter notes and quarter rests.
These exercises were easy for EG and he told me that he already
understood all that information. I told him that I just needed to see if he
understood each element of music, even basic musical components.
In the third week, we studied a little more complicated rhythm.
We worked with eighth notes and eighth rest combining them with
quarter notes. He really got it, and he told me that he had not worked
on this kind of rhythm. He mentioned that he thought this work was
going to be more difficult but he found it easy and fun.
In the fourth week, we worked on rhythm dictation. I clapped
different rhythms and he had to write with rhythm notes what he heard
from my clapping. At the beginning it was a little bit difficult for him, but
he caught on quickly and was doing a great job. I thought maybe the
fact of being one on one was really helping him to feel free and more
confident in my class.
The problem of his behavior at this moment was due to his fear
of failure. Since he did not have the knowledge, he could not really feel
confident to participate in my class. And since he wanted to feel
accepted, he did not want to show to his peers that we were going to
In the fifth week, we started working with musical notation. We
reviewed clefs and we talked about why we need clefs in music. He was
curious about it; he told me that he never thought about that question.
He took for granted that clefs were something that it was there in he
needed to learn. What I notice at this moment is that EG is intuitive in
different areas. He was asking more during our meetings. In normal
class, EG was participating more, he even was giving me the correct
definitions of different musical terms.
We also started to apply everything learned during our meetings
with his instrument. He plays percussion. Clapping rhythms are much
different than playing a percussion instrument. He tried and he
achieved it, he felt more confident playing his instrument.
In the sixth week, we kept working with the same kind of
rhythms, but now we applied some abstract elements. Some of these
elements which I call are dynamic signs (volume), for EG was a little bit
different because he was always playing flat, without any change of
volume. EG noticed music sounds different when we apply dynamic
In the seventh week, we worked again with some musical notation.
Even though most of the percussion instruments do not have musical
notation (solfge), this is part of the state standards for music class.
EG worked with two worksheets, one was treble clef notes and the other
one was bass clef. He did not really enjoy this work but he finished and I
noticed that EG was paying attention when I was explaining treble clef
notes and bass clef notes.
Self-monitoring for academic improvement appears effective with
EG. I found that he was more confident with my company and also, I
think the most important, playing his instrument. Getting to know
students is a great tool for education. Teachers cannot succeed if they