Business Colours
Business Colours
Business Colours
Match the examples of different goods in (a) - (e) with the colours in the box that are often used by
businesses to 'categorize' them.
(a) A pair of trousers, a T-shirt and a cap.
(b) A television set, a stereo and a DVD player.
(c) A refrigerator, a dishwasher and a washing machine.
(d) A car, an air-conditioning unit and a bathroom suite.
(e) A carton of milk, 250g of cheese and a bottle of tomato ketchup.
white goods
brown goods
red goods
orange goods
yellow goods
What is the informal expression given to paperwork which takes a long time to complete? Is it:
(a) white noise (b) yellow card (c) green belt (d) red tape (e) blue ribbon
What is the difference between being in the red and being in the black?
Complete this sentence with one word: Goods and services which are paid for in cash, and therefore
not declared for tax, are features of a ________ economy.
What is the name given to taxes that are levied to discourage behaviour that will damage the
True or false: If you make a blue-chip investment, you buy high-risk shares in a company that is not
performing very well.
Sometimes a company will not deal with a person or company, etc, because they have done
something wrong and should be avoided. What is the name for this?
(a) to blackball (b) to blacklist (c) to blackhead (d) to blackmail (e) to blackleg
A company owns some land in the country that has been designated as a greenfield site. Can it build
a factory or warehouse on that land?
Complete this sentence: Embezzlement, computer fraud and insider dealing are examples of
________ crime.
Who might be offended if you described the work they did as a pink-collar job?
What is the name given to the buying and selling of goods or currency in a way which is not allowed
by law?
The MD of your company often has blue-sky ideas. From a business point of view is this a good thing
or a bad thing?
Your accountant tells you that the stocks and bonds you have recently bought are blue-sky
securities. Would you feel happy or unhappy about this?
For reference see Dictionary of Business - 4th edition (A&C Black Publishers Ltd, 978-0-713-67918-2)