OGTC Newsletter XX

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Gateway to Apparel Manufacturing in India


Vol. XX

Sec. Gen.



Director General


10 Years Journey


Gateway to Apparel Manufacturing in India

10th International Conference on Appareal & Home Textile

19th-20th Sept. 2014

Commitment to Excellence

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Kiran Soni Gupta

Officer of the Textile Commissioner


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48, New Marine Lines, Mumbai - 400 020
Tel. : 91-22-2200 4510/2201 4446
Fax : 91-22-2200 4693, E-mail : [email protected]
Website : www.txcindia.gov.in

It has been delighting to know that Okhla

Garment & Textile Cluster OGTC has
completed a decade of services to the
Garment Industry and have contributed vital
share in country's economy. OGTC initiatives
like skil development, enhancement in quality
and productivity, employment generation
especially to disables, being caring towards environment by
starting an exercise in measurement of Carbon Footprint in
Manufacturing Plants to reduce carbon emissions, supporting
academics and holding International Conferences every year
etc. are indeed appreciable and illustrative making such
initiatives imitable.
The Garment Industry is continuously growing significantly
which is indeed a very good sign for country's economy. Under
such growing era OGTC and akin organizations are expected to
meet their responsibilities firmly. From the government side it is
always assured that whatever the best possible support will
surely be provided.
On this occasion of completion of a decade, I am happy to
convey my greeting and best wishes to OGTC for its continuous
service towards Garment Industry being a cluster centric
approach with mission excellence as its motto. It is also
anticipated that they will continue to grow like this and keep on
contributing their vital share in country's economy.

(Kiran Soni Gupta)

Textile Commissioner

A decade ago OGTC was conceived and
formulated with the mission of making the
companies more competitive, more
productive and more successful by the
valuable role of relationship in meeting our
goals of excellence.
In every work place we talk about building the MR. PMS UPPAL
team, working as a team and my team but
quite often it is difficult to comprehend how to create the
experience of team work or how to develop effective team
.Belonging to the team in the broadest sense is result of feeling
part of something larger than yourself.
At OGTC we work with fellow members of the organization to

Apparel Export Promotion Council

Apparel House, Institutional Area, Sector-44
Gurgaon 122 003, Haryana, INDIA

I congratulate OGTC on the occasion of the 10th
International Conference on Apparel & Home Textiles.
Textile and garment industry, over the couple of years, has
seen unprecedented changes. Supplies are now finding
innovative methods to overcome uncertainties. Keeping
in view of the continued unpredictability in the
international market, the current conference theme
Commitment to Excellence is very apt and could not have
come at a better time.
The industry has to gear itself for the challenges coming
unalarmed to their door steps every day. I am confident
that the speakers would not only dwell as to how to guide
but also hand hold for the benefit of buyers and suppliers
AEPC supports and appreciates the initiative of OGTC.
I wish OGTC a grand success in their endeavour.
I emphasise what I said last year that In an highly
competitive and ever changing environment the modest
achievement may be a beginning but not end.

(Virender Uppal)
produce the results with the understanding of the mission /
objectives and contribute to the overall success
Once you are implementing your focused "great ideas," don't let
your desire for perfection stand in the way of achieving solid
performance metrics. Good results on a great plan are always
faster, more efficient and effective than perfection. Perfection is
too slow to achieve in a rapid 24/7 environment.
All of us can feel the positive change in the countrys political
and economic environment. The feeling of buoyancy is inspired
with the hope that Ache Din have almost arrived. We are sure in
the years to come OGTC spirit of forward thinking, cooperation
and care for all will take us far ahead of competition.
I emphasise what I said last year that In an highly competitive
and ever changing environment the modest achievement may
be a beginning but not end.

Commitment to Excellence

10th Annual Function

OGTC 10th Year celebration & Felicitation of Chairman AEPC on 19th Jan. 2014
OGTC organized a function forthe launch of 10th year
celebrations on Sunday, 19thJanuary 2014 at India
Habitat Center, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. During the
function OGTC & its members felicitated the new
chairman of AEPC Mr. Virender Uppal (MD Richa
Global). The function also included release of OGTC
Knowledge Video Series through Conference
Compendium.For the function, OGTC invited Mr.
Virender Uppal, Chairman, AEPC and Mr. Puneet Kumar,
IAS, Secretary General, AEPC Mr. M.K Mehra, Director,
OGTC introduced the occasion to fellow members. He
also spoke about the association of OGTC with AEPC and
AEPCs support in development of apparel industry and
the OGTCcluster. He also talked about the evolution of
OGTC cluster into a mission with focus on the
cumulative development of industry.
Mr. R.C Kesar, Director General, OGTC welcomed
Chairman AEPC, Sh. Virender Uppal, Secretary General
Mr. Puneet Kumar IAS, Sh. H.K L Magu Senior Vice
Chairman AEPC, Sh. Sudhir Sekhri Vice Chairman AEPC
& Sh. Ashok Logani Vice Chairman AEPC ,Ministry
officials, Invited Guest, Members of the press & OGTC
members. He explained details about the reason
behind formation of Conference Compendium in order
to share knowledge & experience of various speakers in
the industry. He also discussed how this information will
be made freely available to various industry members
through upload on You Tube oninternet.

Mr. PMS Uppal President OGTC delivering presidential address

Releasing of the OGTC News Letter

L TO R Mr. M K Mehra, Mr. PMS Uppal, Mr. Virender Uppal,
Chairman AEPC Chief Guest, Mr. Puneet Kumar,
Secretary General AEPC and Mr. R C Kesar

He also thanked GIZ for the idea and support and Wazir
Advisors for giving it a shape.
Mr. Puneet Kumar IAS, Secretary General AEPC said that
though he is new to the assignment but promised to
familiar himself with industry issues& and take them up
at appropriate level. He promised all support to OGTC
Mr. PMS Uppal, President, OGTC spoke about 10 Years
of OGTC journey and emphasized the focus on Training
& knowledge creations. He acknowledge the AEPC &
Ministry of MSME support in carrying forward the OGTC

Commitment to Excellence

Mr. PMS Uppal Felicitating Mr. Virender Uppal

10th Annual Function

initiatives. He also briefed the guests about how the
idea of an international level conference on textiles and
apparel evolved and took shape into the form of
International Conference on Apparel & Home Textiles
The Support to conference as lead sponsor of AEPC was
appreciated and acknowledged.
After the initial welcome Mr. Virender Uppal
inaugurated and presented the Conference
Compendium to and complimented OGTC for the noble
thought of sharing knowledge with the industry and the
academics. He also highlighted burning issues facing
the industry and promised to take them at
appropriateslevels in the Government. He called upon
the industry and OGTC in assisting him in identification
of key issues.

Address by Chief Guest

Mr. Virender Uppal, Chairman AEPC

He also released OGTC Newsletter and OGTC Calendars

initiating the 10th Year OGTC celebrations.
A teaser video displaying the details of compendium
was also shown. Mr. Prashant Agarwal, Joint Managing
Director, Wazir Advisors spoke about the concept and
process of development of conference compendium.
The Conference Compendium is the structured
collection of video recordings from ICAHT 2010, 2011,
2012 & 2013 for various speakers & workshops. The
videos were compiled and classified into various topics
to form a training material for textile and apparel
industry professionals. These videos were also
uploaded on internet for free view to all. The links to
various such topics are given below:

Mr. Puneet Kumar, Secretary General AEPC

addressing OGTC Members

Mr. P M S Uppal Birthday falls on 19ht January 2014.

Members & guest Mr. P M S Uppal wished & offered
many happy returns of the day A birthday card signed by
OGTC members was presented to Mr. P M S Uppal by
Chief Guest Chairman of AEPC Mr. Virender Uppal
The function summed up with a vote of thanks by
Mr. M.K Mehra followed by dinner.

Mr. Virender Uppal presenting Copy of Conference Compendium

to Mr. Amit Kumar of GIZ

Commitment to Excellence

Development Institute


National Workshop on
Lean Manufacturing
Held at India Habitat Centre
New Delhi on 6.02.2014

Mr. R C Kesar, Director General OGTC

addressing at National Workshop on Lean Manufacturing

One day Workshop on Experiences of Lean

Manufacturing was organized by MSME Development
Institute, New Delhi, on 6 February, 2014 at Jacranda
Hall, India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, New Delhi.
The Programme was inaugurated by Shri Madhav Lal,
Secretary(MSME), Govt. of India at 10.00 a.m. Shri
Ramaesh Kumar Pandey, Joint Development
Commissioner (MSME) welcomed the Chief Guest,
dignitaries on/off the dais, Representatives of MSME,
Consultants and all the participants present in the Hall.
Shri Amrendra Sinha, DC(MSME), Shri Amit Yadav,
Industries Commissioner, NCT Delhi, Shri Vipin Sahni,
CEO, NABET, QCI, Dr. S.K. Chakrovorty, DDG(NPC) were
also present on dais during Inaugural Session.
Compendium of Success Stories of Lean Manufacturing
Competitiveness Scheme was released by the Chief
Guest. ShriAmrendra Sinha, DC(MSME) made
presentation on Lean Manufacturing and NMCP
Schemes. Shri Sinha emphasized on identifying more
Industries and more number of clusters for Lean
Shri S.K. Banerji, Consultant along with his associates
Sh. Rohit Goyal of M/s. Reva Industries Ltd., and Sh.
Amit Agarwal, M/s. PriyanshuEngg. Pvt. Ltd. made
presentation on Benefits Derived from Lean
Implementation Experiences through case studies of
Auto Components &Light engineering Industries, CNC
Commitment to Excellence

& Sheet Metal Cluster. Film Show was arranged to

highlight the benefits after using Lean Tools like Kaizan,
5S, TPM. They also explained the challenges faced due
to resistance from different corners during
implementation of Lean. Mr. Goyal briefed that they
have reduced inventory by 33% after implementation of
Lean. It was also brought to the kind notice of audience
that after implementation of Lean there was
improvement in productivity, quality & manufacturing
cost got substantially reduced. All stake holders of
Sheet Metal Cluster, Light Engineering Cluster
enlightened that the units have been benefitted by
enormous monetary savings and their capabilities have
got enhanced after implementation of Lean Tools.
Presentation of 4 years journey of Lean was made by Dr.
S.K. Chakrovorty, DDG, NPC. Shri Chakravorty detailed
about the non availability of consultants in early stage.
He also detailed how 112 SPVs were formed during last 4
years. About 190 Nos. of consultants are empanelled
with NPC for Lean Implementation. DSR for Lean
Implementation in cluster was the most crucial stage.
He told that all 5 phases were completed in 58 Nos. of
clusters during last 4 years. 5000 Nos. of Kaizans have
been implemented in last 4 years. Inventory cost has
been reduced in most of the cases where Lean was
implemented. About 10000 No. of employees have
been trained during Lean implementation in
Delhi/Chennai/Maharashtra/Gujarat. On an average
there is annual savings of Rs. 1 crore/cluster. Rs. 3
crore/cluster has been earned by disposal of
wastes/scrap. Shri chakravarty also described about
training of 400 Nos. of LMCs during last 4 years.
Presentation on Relevance of Lean for Micro, Small &
Medium Enterprises was made by Shri Vipin Sahni CEONABET, QCI. He explained about elimination of waste
and improvement in Quality through Lean
Implementation in different clusters functioning in the
Shri Madhav Lal, Secretary(MSME) during his Inaugural
speech expressed his pleasure on successful
implementation of the Lean Manufacturing
competitiveness scheme covering various sectors
across the country. He also shared his happiness over
remarkable improvements in work place management,
quality, safety, and delivery. He also informed about upscaling of scheme by covering 500 mini clusters during
12th Five Year Plan. He stressed on need of

Lean Workshop Cont...

strengthening Institutions/Associations for effective
implementation of LMC Scheme.He also mentioned
with lean scheme started in OGTC in 2009
Presentation on Experiences of lean in Auto
Components & Light Engineering Industry and its
benefits was made by Shri Rajiv Chawla, President
Faridabad Small Industries Association. He
emphasized on need of adopting world class
practices. He advised MSEs to learn from their past
mistakes. Importance of low cost automation,
importance of value addition, knowledge and brand
management, importance of retaining teams and
retraining the employees were also detailed by Shri
Presentation on sustaining competitive and
responsible enterprises (SCORE) was made by Shri
N.K. Murali, Shri K.C. Raghavan, Shri Shashank
Kulkarni (Representatives of ILO). They emphasized
on HR strategy, employees participation, energy
saving, health and safety of employees, space
utilization, employee retention etc.
Ms. Pooja Makhija, Consultant detailed about Lean
transformation and success story in Apparel cluster.
Presentation was made on Waste elimination,
inventory reduction by implementing Kaizen.
Success Story of Lean implementation in apparel
industry was presented OGTC Member Shri Manish
Sachar and Shri Sandip Raina from Orient Fashions
group. Presentation of skill matrix, training on multi
skilled operations, introduction of KANBAN System
was detailed by them.
Shri R.C. Kesar Director General OGTC made his
presentation on overall Lean Scenario in country and
how OGTC was first cluster in country to implement
lean and presented the improvements & benefits
derived by OGTC members by successfully
implementing the lean manufacturing scheme. he
emphasized that is a continues process for
improvement, waste reduction. .

Mr. Madhav Lal, IAS, Secretary MSME, Ministry of MSME Chief Guest
addressing the National Workshop on Lean Manufacturing

Participants at the Workshop

OGTC Welcomes New Member

Company Name:
M/s Lecoanet Hemant Indian (P) Ltd.

Concluding Remarks were given by Shri Ramesh

Kumar Pandey, JDC (MSME)/.
Vote of thanks was offered by Shri R.P. Vaishya,
Director (MSME-DI, New Delhi).

A-22 & 23, Infocity, Sector-43,

Tel No: 0124-4768600
Mr. Hemant Sagar

Email Id:[email protected]

Commitment to Excellence

Lean Awareness Program MSME Lean Scheme 2013

for 2nd OGTC Lean Group
OGTC was the pioneer in implementing Lean in

Ms Pooja Makhija, Director, Fashion Futures,

their cluster in the Pilot Scheme of MSME and

presented the cluster with brief understanding of

successfully completed the same with great

the lean principles along with case studies of her

success in all concerned units.

previous clients.

A Lean awareness program was conducted for the

Various Case studies were presented showing

new upscaled MSME Lean Scheme 2013 in

various tangible benefits which were derived using

association with Fashion Futures under the aegis of

Lean principles such VSM, Kanban, 5 S, TPM,

Quality Council of India for the cluster members of

process Time ,Retention Time, Efficiency ,DHU

OGTC at Hotel Lalit on 22nd May 2014. The date

Rework ,7 wastes, Kaizens ,MIS, reduction in lead

also marks the signing of MoU between the 7 units

times, cycle time improvements ,inventory

and selection of Fashion Futures as their LMC (Lean

reductions , TQM quality circle ,Visual Controls

Manufacturing Consultant).

and various trainings

Following seven OGTC Members have formed a SPV

Mr Anurag Rastogi, from Quality Council of India,

M/s. Afflatus International, M/s Indigo Apparels.

presented the MSME scheme and Lean working

M/S Dimple Creations, M/S Fiori Creation, M/s

principles in detail. QCI, representing NMIU

Lecoanet Hemant India Pvt Ltd, M/S Pooja

(National Monitoring and Implementing Unit) has a

International, M/S Super Fashions.

major role to play in the entire scheme wrt the

implementation and assessing the performance of

The awareness program was attended by Mr

the consultants and cluster.

Sharad Duggal, Mr Amarjit Singh, Mr Hemant Sagar,

Mr Rajat Kumar, Mr Bharat Thakur, Mr Abid Raza,
Mr D.P Malik, Mr J Tenaca, MS Megha, Mr
Shashikant, Mr Raju Singh and Mr Shashank from
the Lean Group member units.
Mr. R.C KESAR was designated to act as the Nodal
Officer for the Mini Cluster and to represent on
behalf of the Mini Cluster, all or any of the acts,
deeds or things necessary or incidental to the Mini
Clusters proposal for the Scheme.

Commitment to Excellence


Celebrated Platinum Jubilee on Completion
of 75 Years on 9/4/2014 at Mumbai.
The celebrations were attended by senior TA (I) members
from all over the country. TheTextile Association honoured
by awarding TA (I)RATNA to past presidents of the
associations and to some senior members for their long
dedicated service for the growth of the association.

The whole function was well organized depicting rich Indian

culture and was followed Dinner.

Mr. M K Mehra (Director OGTC) was honoured by RATNA

Award. Mr. Mehra was National president from 1989 to 1993
and Chairman of FAPTA (Federation of Asian Professional
Textile Associations) from 1991 to 1993. He is also recipient
of FAPTA award at Asian Tex Com. in Shanghai China in
October 2013. Life Time Meritorious Service Award at the
world conference in 2011 in Mumbai and Service Award at
the 67ht All India Textiles Conference in New Delhi February
Sh. R.K. Dalina Chief Guest Confering Ratan Award on Mr. M.K. Mehra

Mr. Mehra was conferred fellowship by the Chinese institute

of Textile Engineers in Taiwan in 1997,recipient of president
award during golden Jubilee celebration in 1989 and TA (I)
service Gold Medal in 1980.
Mr. R C Kesar (Director General OGTC) was also honoured
byRATNA AWARD. Mr. Kesar could notreceive award in
person since he was away on foreign trip. Mr. Kesar was the
Textile Association National President from 2001 to 2003 and
chairman of FATPA (Federation of Asian Professional Textile
Associations) from 2003 to 2005. He is recipient of
association service Gold Medal at the 67th All India Textile
Conference in New Delhi in 2012. He was the chairman of
conference organizing committee for the 7th Asian Textile
Conference held in New Delhi in 2003.

Mr. M.K. Mehra Sharing his Experiences of Last 50 Years

at the Platinum Jubilee Function

During the function homage were paid to past presidents late

Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, Late Maj. R.P. Poddar, Late Shri. G.N.
Vaidya and Late Shri K. Sreenivasan Past presidents Mr. B A
Shah and Dr. M.S. Mathivanan and Mr. R K Dalmia were
honoured and given TA (I) Ratna Award.
On the occasion the past national president Shri R.K. Dalmia
was the Chief Guest and a coffee table book on the 75 year
journey of the association was released. Mr. D R Mehta,
President Textile Association (India) delivered the
presidential address.
Guest of Honour Dr. Chandan Chatterjee, Director, CED & GM
iNDEXTb (A Govt. Of Gujrat Organization) and Shri R.D.
Udeshi, President, Polyester Chain in Reliance Industries Ltd

Mr. M.K. Mehra Conferring Ratna Award

on Mr D R Mehta National President TA (I)

Commitment to Excellence

Industry Interaction on
Exploring Opportunities for
Enhancing Business Partnership
Under the Cotton Technical
Assistance Programme for Africa

Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI), Bajaj Steel

Industries, Sarvoday Asharm also attended the event and
interacted with the delegation from participating countries
expressing interest to build further on trade and business
partnership between India & Africa.

An Industry Interaction on Exploring Opportunities for

Enhancing Business Partnership was organised at Nilgiri
hall, Hotel Oberoi, New Delhi on 7th March 2014under the
Cotton Technical Assistance Programme (Cotton TAP) being
implemented by Government of India. IL&FS Cluster
Development Agency is the Programme Management
Agency for the Programme. The objectiveof the consultation
was to provide a platform for Indian industry to interact with
participants from participating African countries in the
sector and explore possibilities for enhancing business
Mr. R C Kesar, Director General OGTC making Presentation.
Cotton Technical Assistance Programme For Africa
Strengthening the Value Chain



Mr. R C M Reddy, MD IL & FS addressing The delegates

The interaction was chaired by Shri Sudhanshu Pandey, Joint

Secretary, Department of Commerce,Government of India.
Mr RCM Reddy, CEO and Managing Director, IL&FS Clusters
welcomed the delegates and provided the introductory
remarksin context of the programme. On the occasion,
special address was delivered by H.E. Mr. Andr SANRA,
Ambassador of Republic of Benin. The interaction was also
attended by key representatives fromOffice ofDevelopment
Commissioner (Handloom) of Ministry of Textile and
implementing institutions including Central Institute for
Cotton Research (CICR), Central Institute for Research on
Cotton Technology (CIRCOT), Department of Agriculture
&Co-operation (DAC). The conference event was also
attended by Ambassadors/Representatives from embassies
of the participating African countries.

Commitment to Excellence

1. Mr Marius Guillaume SINHA

Ingenieur Agronome Institut
national de recherches
agricoles du Benin (INRAB)




2. Dr. HOUSSOU Ayihadji Paul

Ferdinand, Institut national
des recherches agricoles du
Benin (INRAB)
3. Mr. Jean Pierre GUINKO
Conseiller des Affaires
Economiques Charge d'Etudes
au Secretariat Permanent du
Suivi de la Filiere Coton
Liberalisee Ministere de
I'Industries, du Commerce et
de I'Artisanat

7. Mr. Mansour Nouradine

Classeur Coton
Coton Tchad
8. Mr. Ousmane Mahamat Taher
Ministry of Trade and Industry

9. Mr. Yerima Alhaji UBAH

Chief Agriculture Officer
Federal Ministry of Agriculture
& Rural Development

11. Mr. Mathias Kasamba

Parliamentary Committee on


4. Ms. SONTIE Sylvie

Directrice Generale
Direction Generale de l'Artisanat,
Ministere du Commerece, de
l'Industrie et de l'Artisanat

6. Mr. Tardjibaye Moyalbaye

Supervisor, Department of
Proudcution & Quality Nouvelle
Societe Textile Du Tchad (NSST)


10. Mr. Alhaji Hamma Ali KWAJAFFA

Nigeria Textile Manufacturers

12. Mr Mubiru Richard

Textile Manufacturer
Association of Uganda
13. Mrs. Jolly Sabune
Managing Director
Cotton Development

5. Mr. ZABSONRE Silvere

Directeur de Cabinet
Cabinet du Ministre de l'industire,
du Commerce et de l'Artisanat


Industry representatives from various association & councils

such as Handloom Export Promotion Council, Okhla
Garment & Textile Cluster, Textile Association (India) and


14. Mr. Bartholomew Willard

Ministry of Agriculture
& Food Security

15. Mr. Martin Chapasi Mpata


16. Mr. Abdullah Abdul Rehman

Cotton Ginners Africa Limited

OGTC Reduce 1293 Tones of CO2 eg Gases

Carbon Management
The latest report from IPCC highlights the precarious
situation the world is in vis--vis climate change. The
certainty that human beings are causing global warming
and the unprecedented damage being caused to the
ecology has been substantiated by the research ongoing
for the past 24 years. Five reports have been released so
far and all of them have categorically linked anthropogenic
causes for the massive spurt in greenhouse gas emissions.
While governments are delaying action, companies are
attempting to step in and make a mark. Retailers like
Walmart, Tesco, M&S among a host of others have
pledged to reduce their carbon footprint and also address
the emission profile of their supply chain. To this effect, a
few Indian organisations have taken the lead and outdone
their peers in measuring and managing their carbon
footprint profile. 13 units within the Okhla Garment &
Textile Cluster (OGTC) namely Affalatus, Boutique
International, Daffodils Exim, Dimple Creations, Genus
Apparels, Matrix Clothing, M.M Exports, Neetee Clothing,
Pee Empro, Pooja International, Radnik Noida &
Gurgaon and Saivana Exports pledged to measure and
understand what their carbon footprint was.

In the first year of the exercise, detailed training programs
were conducted for senior management, staff and floor
managers to understand why they needed to tackle
carbon emissions. Staff was also trained in setting up the
carbon management measurement systems and how
data tracking needed to be done for their respective units.
While training was performed by Cool Earth, the program
received support from GIZ in propagating the importance
of the subject.
Subsequently in the second year that has just been
concluded, staffs were well equipped to perform the
measurement in the systems on their own. By using a
sound data collation technique and building on the
exercise in the first year, most units have started to
understand how the carbon footprint profile has
increased/ decreased. This is a crucial step in the process
as it provides important learning and inferences in how


they should help prepare for any future legislation and/or

take steps to better manage their carbon emission profile.

On account of anonymity, individual emission profiles
cannot be revealed. However we will attempt to display
information for the entire cluster as a whole. Cumulatively
the carbon footprint of 13 units stood at 23962 Tonnes of
CO2eq (Carbon Dioxide equivalent) in the first year of
measurement for the period 2011-12. In the second year
of measurement the cumulative value stands at 28036
Tonnes of CO2eq (Carbon Dioxide equivalent). This shows
a marked increase of 4074 Tonnes of CO2eq gases for all
units. The individual increases or decreases have been
disclosed to the individual units and there is a need for
introspection at the local level to understand what they
need to focus on. While 10 units have shown an increase in
absolute carbon emission profiles, 3 units have reduced
their absolute carbon footprint. One among them has
shown the enormous efficiency of investing in renewable
energy. Having invested in carbon mitigation strategies
they have reduced their carbon footprint by a whopping
1293 Tonnes of CO2eq gases.

Commitment to Excellence

Tunisian Delegates Visit

on 3rd April 2014
The Tunisian Delegation was in Delhi, the delegation visit
was sponsored by Ministry of MSME through NSIC, The
delegation comprised of following officials of Government
of Tunisian.
Mr. Sadek Bajja, Director General of SMEs promotion
Mr. Samir Rekik, Director General of Textiles and Apparel
Mr. Noureddine Taktak, Director General Agency for the
Promotion of Industry and Innovation
Mr. Riadh Soussi, Director in charge of the Industry
Promotion Office, Ministry of Industry
Mr. Akram Elaatar, Deputy Chief of MissionEmbassy of
The delegation members visited M/s Pee Empro Exports
plant in Faridabad (Members of OGTC)
The delegation interacted with Mr. M K Mehra, Director
OGTC regarding the activities and functioning of cluster
discussed and how cluster improved the competitiveness of
The Director General Textile and Apparels Ministry of
Industry Government of Tunisian expressed desire to set up
similar cluster in their country. The members of delegation
were presented OGTC newsletter and momentos.


A team of official from Jeevika an organization of Bihar

Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society setup by Bihar
governmentto help & assistmigrant youth in helping
and guiding themsecuring jobs after induction
programme and training and scheme of planned
Migration support initiative visited OGTC secretariat
and interacted with Mr. R.C Kesar & Mr. M.K Mehra
The organization established a unit in NCR and the
youth migrating from Bihar in the search of suitable jobs
are given help on arrival. They undergo orientation
programme and training to finding suitable

Tunisian delegation in discussion

At M/s Pee Empro Exports Pvt. Ltd.

This project is being carried out in many industry

including Apparel industry. The organization has setup
center in Matrix Clothing, Khadsha, and
GurgaonMember OfOGTC. The organization also helps
in securing dormitoryaccommodation for the
freshmigrant. The agency is also helping training of
Differently Abled Persons and help in getting suitable
employment according to their disability and location
such centers have also been setup in other state such as
Rajasthan, Gujrat
They haverequested OGTC to help them in setting up a
trainingcenter and also helps in placement of trained
The organization also conducts programme in industrial
units and deliver lectures on self-development and
discipline. OGTC assurance was given to them that our
members will be pleased to participate in the project.
The team will make a presentation for OGTC members.

Group photo of Tunisian delegation and OGTC

Commitment to Excellence


The Workshop on Financing Energy Efficient Technology for MSME

Opportunities and Challenges was held at Hotel Park,
New Delhi on 3rd March 2014. It was jointly organized by
the Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises and
the German Development Cooperation GIZ. The key
note address was delivered by Mr. Madhav Lal,
Secretary, Ministry of MSME.
Mr. R C Kesar, Director General and Mr. M K Mehra,
Director OGTC attended the workshop
Energy efficiency and therefore energy efficiency
finance has been put high on the political agenda.
Although there have been a number of activities in this
domain, MSMEs still face challenges in understanding
the importance of the topic and are taking limited action
in response to proposals by the numerous energy audits,
awareness campaigns and capacity buildings
conducted. A first round of stakeholder consultations
suggests that the presentation of best-practices by
MSME will convince other entrepreneurs who have
already been exposed to energy efficiency awareness
campaigns. It has been observed that they often lack
trust and hence should be the first one to start such a
Against this background, the Ministry of MSME and GIZ
have organized this workshop. The goal was to address
MSMEs by showcasing best practices already
undertaken in the MSME sector. The workshop also
aimed to provide
a networking platform for the relevant stakeholders

such as MSMEs, bankers, Chartered Accountants,

Energy Auditors and Consultants and
information on relevant subsidies, loan schemes and

The Ministry of MSME presented details of the
Technology and Quality Upgradation Support to MSMEs
(TEQUP). The main objective of the scheme is to
sensitize the Indian MSMEs to upgrade their
manufacturing processes toward usage of energy
efficient technologies so as to reduce cost of production
and emission of Green House Gases. TEQUP supports by
way of

Capacity Building of MSME Clusters in EET (capacity

building - grant of 75% of the actual expenditure,

subject to maximum Rs. 75,000/- per programme; DPR
- grant will be 50% of the actual expenditure subject to
maximum Rs.1.5 lakh per DPR )
Assistance in Implementation of Energy Efficiency

Technology Projects (subsidy upto 25% of the cost of

the project will be provided, maximum amount Rs.10
lakhs per project)
Assistance in Product Certification (subsidy to the

extent of 75% of the actual expenditure, towards

licensing of product to National/International
Standards, maximum Rs.1.5 lakh per MSME)
In the course of the event it was further demonstrated
that Energy Efficiency Projects are an effective business
model for MSMEs as well as for Banks. Taking into
account that latter are directly impacted in terms of
profitability, energy efficiency projects help them to
mitigate their portfolio risk and seize new business
opportunities. Further, bankers and Chartered Accounts
can play an important role to pave the way for a more
energy efficient MSME sector.
It was highlighted by the Ministry of MSME and various
other participants that
There is need for collaboration and coordination of

interventions in the field of energy efficiency for

Platforms such as Sameeeksha should be used more

effectively to share information about best practices

and outcome of interventions.
The collection of project related data across all

stakeholders working on energy efficiency

interventions should continue.
The preparation of benchmarking documents for

several interventions such as awareness raising for

MSMEs, energy audit preparation and capacity building
of bankers by the Ministry of MSME is seen as a very
useful undertaking by many participants.
Commitment to Excellence

Training, Employment and Advocacy for People with Disability

I take extreme pleasure in sharing with you that we
represent an NGO called SARTHAK which is working in
the field of disability rehabilitation. Employment is the
basic and the ultimate way to attain overall
rehabilitation. Therefore, it is the area of focus for us as
We work under three major heads, being Training,
Employment and Advocacy for people with disability
and Early Intervention for Children with Special needs.
We believe in the concept of involving the stakeholder
in the process of functioning, for better results.
Therefore, the corporate sector being the most
important stakeholder in the process since they are the
employers for the people with disability are also
involved in the process of training, employment and
advocacy for people with disability.
Today, I am writing to you, to share with you, how
disability affects ones life and makes it different from
the others. I was a dentist by qualification and
profession, but due to a genetic disorder, I lost my
vision. I was completely devastated for a year or so, but
the never give up attitude, or rather the attitude to live
with difficulties lead me to explore opportunities for
myself as a person who has a visual disability and also
has a family to look after. During this period, I realised
that organisations focussed on the skill development
aspect but the employment was not given due
Hence, I decided to start something which would
support these trained candidates to get a job to live
their life with dignity and respect. This is how, we
started SARTHAK. Today, I am extremely proud to share
with you that in a short span of 5 years, we have
supported the placement of 3000 candidates with
disability across the nation. This would not have been
possible with the support of the private sector

Today, I wish to tell you that Hiring of people with

disability has now become a business model and is a
right based approached and no more a charity.
Therefore, every organisation must look at the people
with disability as an alternate source of candidates or

They are definitely much more committed and sincere

towards their work. For a matter of fact, that anything
that involves effort is always respected and kept well.
You are people who are doing great jobs and I am sure
that if can get some support from your end, we will be
able to do much more. The work will become much
more effective and I am sure, you will do whatever
would be possible.
In this respect, I wish to humbly request you to kindly
give us an appointment, so that we can personally
come and meet you and present our case. I am sure
leaders like you who have reached such heights of
success in life will definitely take forward the weaker
sections of our society along with you and support us in
creating an inclusive world for all.
To know more about us, our activities and our partners
and supporters please find our brochure and the
Annual Report for the year 2013 as attachment. You
can also log on to www.sarthakindia.org to see our
activities and achievements.

If you look at the statistics which says that there is

almost 10% of the countrys population which has one
or more types of disability, the numbers that we have
reached is still very less and there is a huge mass still
waiting for an opportunity.
Commitment to Excellence


Skill UP Programed for Sewing Machine

Operators-OGTC Members Unit
Under Integrated Skill Development Scheme(ISDS)
Of Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India)
Objective: The programme is designed to enhance

Training of two batches of 50 sewing machine

technical knowledge of sewing machine operators to

operators each has started at Super Fashions,

make them more knowledgeable and efficient in their


day-to-day working. The programme also focuses on

soft skills, and safety aspects that are increasingly
becoming important in todays context.

The training programme will also be oprganised at

Neetee Clothing, M/s M.M.Exports, M/s Radnik
Exports and M/s Lecoanet Hemant Pvt. Ltd.

Contents: The programme covers following aspects:

Understanding stitches, seams, seam allowances
and other important sewing aspects
Developing proper understanding of taking
Sewing Defects causes & remedies
Selecting right needles and threads for different
Basic maintenance and trouble shooting of sewing
Important safety measures for a sewing machine
Importance of maintaining good health and hygiene
Maintaining healthy relationship with superiors and
Developing understanding of 5-S
Batch Size: 40-50, Duration: 6 weeks, Venue: Factory
Methodology: A team of qualified and experienced
trainers visit the unit and impart training to the

Programme Conducted by

operators in Hindi using lively audio- visual techniques.

Training consists of both classroom inputs and
practical demonstrations.

A very comprehensive

course material (in Hindi) is also provided to the unit

for distribution amongst the trainees.


Commitment to Excellence




Gateway to Apparel Manufacturing in India

Development Institute


Office of the

Textile Commissioner
10TH International Conference on Apparel & Home Textiles
Ministry of Textiles
19th & 20th September, 2014
At India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.



Come together as an industry and build hard

infrastructure, soft infrastructure like linkages,
predictability and research & development.
India apparel industry has a hope of coming into the
picture of preferred sourcing destination due to the
changing scenario in China, Europe, US and Bangladesh
The global apparel manufacturing industry is expected to
grow more than ever in times to come. According to an
estimate, the global apparel industry will reach a value of
US $ 1800 billion by the end of 2014. The apparel
manufacturers are now adopting new techniques to
increase their trade. New business models and
competitive strategies are used to enhance profits and
The conference is intended to cover all aspects of the
apparel industry, including the problems of small-scale
enterprises in the developing world, the barriers which are
hindering the growth of this industry, the strength and
weakness of the manufacturers in different region,
globalization issues, resource and manpower scarcity,
quality of the product, trade laws, adopting new
techniques to improve productivity, managing global
supply chain and finally changing apparel industry trends
with ever-changing fashions.
A cross-disciplinary event, the idea is to explore creativity
and the creative process through the lenses of imagination
and innovation.
The conference aims to provide an environment for
academics, researchers and practitioners to exchange
ideas and recent developments in the field of apparel
manufacturing. The conference is also expected to foster
networking, collaboration and joint effort among the
conference participants to advance the theory and
practice as well as to identify major trends in apparel

Commitment to Excellence

The Convention will be a great opportunity for

international trade fraternity to know the dual strengths
that India can offer, not only as a great supplier base, but
also as a fashion destination for international brand.
Hear about and share state of the art experiences in global
fashion marketing and supply chain management

A few quick facts about last years version ICAHT

2013 of the conference:

526 people attended over the two days

More than 70% of attendees were garment industry
As many as 60 of our attendees were garment Industry
69% of our attendees were senior level persons
30+ speakers shared knowledge & case studies over 2
80% of last year's attendees said they would like to
attend and probably or definitely recommend the
conference to a colleague


Environment : Carbon Foot Print Measurement in

Garment Industry
Direction: A clear sense of where the organization is
heading and how it will get
There that is meaningful to all employees
Leadership: The extent to which leaders inspire action
Culture: Shared benefits and quality of interaction
within and across unit
Accountability: The extent to which individuals
understand what is expected of them, have authority to
carry it out and take responsibility for delivering results.
Coordination: Ability to evaluate organizational
performance and risk and to add Opportunities when they
Capabilities: The presence of institutional skills and
talent required to executive strategy and create
competitive advantage.



Gateway to Apparel Manufacturing in India



The garment industry owners, their CEO's, industry
professionals, academicians, representatives from
industry associations, researchers, consultants, service
providers, final year and post graduate students etc.

Day One -19th September, 2014 - PRESENTATIONS

1) Presentations from International and Indian invited
speakers from varied fields of management,
manufacturing, marketing, social responsibility etc. And
2) Fashion show will follow the presentations
3) On the sidelines of the conference there will be a
Poster Presentation to encourage the research &
postgraduate students a poster competition on the
conference theme will be held where 3 best poster
presentations will get cash reward.

Day Two 20th September, 2014 - WORKSHOPS

Workshops will encourage attendees to put the creative
process into practice specific workshops are arranged on
selected areas from the above list by eminent experts from
India and Abroad for specific skill professionals.

Workshops- A Special Feature of ICAHT

It may not be out of place to mention that the concept of
workshops and general interest presentations is a novel
concept adopted by OGTC and has been found extremely
beneficial to the industry in terms of specific skill upgradation and creation of general awareness in the present
times, which are really termed as knowledge economy.




Mr. Jayant Kochar

Go Fish Retail Solutions,


Mr. Anant Sadana

Apparel United, India

Mr. Ashroff Omar

Brandix Lanka Ltd,


Mr. Tarun Bakshi

/ Mr. Rajive Suri

Triburg/Impulse, India

Mr. Mahesh D Amalean

MAS Holdings (Pvt) Ltd,


Mr. Nitesh Burman

MRS Fashions WLL,


Mr. Yoram Burg

OptiTex, USA

Mr. Rajat Sikka

M/s Saivana Exports,


Mr. J.D. Giri

M/s Shahi Exports, India

Mr. Gunish Jain

Royal Datamatics Pvt. Ltd,


Mr. Manish Sachar

/Mr. Promod Mishra

M/s Orient Fashion/

M/s Pee Empro Exports,

Ms. Pooja Makhija

Fashion Futures, India

Maj Gen N K Dhir

Alphabet Teletec (P) Ltd,


Ms. Devyani

Bullet Proof Manager LCC,


Organizing Committee:


Mr. PMS Uppal, Chairman

Mr. Vijay Mathur, Co-Chairman
Mr. R.C. Kesar, Conference Chairman
Mr. M.K. Mehra, Conference Advisor


D-104, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase I, New Delhi-110020, (India)
Ph. (91)11- 41609550, Fax (91)11- 26816520
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
and [email protected]
Visit us at www.ogtc.in

Commitment to Excellence

Printed at : Guide Offset Printers, D-11, DSIDC Pkg. Complex, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi-110015, Ph. : 25107524, E-mail : [email protected]

Motivation: Presence of enthusiasm that drives

employees to put in extraordinary Effort to deliver results.
External: Quality of suppliers, partners and other
external shareholders to drive value.
Innovation : of new ideas and the ability of the
organization to adopt and shape itself as needed
Responsible Fashion: Leading to Responsible
Technological Up gradation: Appropriate and
Continuous up gradation and absorption

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