Emdr Prompt
Emdr Prompt
Emdr Prompt
Image what picture represents the worst part of the incident?
Negative Cognition When you bring up the picture, what negative belief do you have about yourself
now? (I statement, present tense)
Positive Cognition When you bring up that picture/incident, what would you like to believe about
yourself now?
VOC When you think of that picture/incident, how true does that (positive cognition) feel to you now on
a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is untrue and 7 is totally true?
Emotions/feelings when you bring up that incident and those words (negative cognition), what
emotions do you feel now?
SUDS On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is no disturbance and 10 is the highest disturbance imaginable,
how disturbing does it feel to you now?
Do the words (positive cognition) still fit, or is there another positive statement you feel would be
more suitable?
Think about the original incident and those words (positive cognition). From 1, completely false, to
7, completely true, how true to they feel?
Hold the image and words together. Do eye movement set.
On a scale of 1 to 7, how true does that (positive statement) feel to you now when you think of the
original incident? Measure the VOC after each set. Even if the client reports a 6 or a 7, do EM set
again to strengthen, and continue until VOC no longer strengthens. Go on to the body scan.
If the client reports a 6 or less, check appropriateness and address blocking belief (if necessary) with
additional reprocessing.
Body scan Close your eyes; concentrate on the incident and the Positive Cognition and mentally scan
your body. Tell me where you feel anything.
If any sensation is reported, do EM. If a positive/comfortable sensation, do EM to strengthen the positive
feeling. If a sensation of discomfort is reported, reprocess until discomfort subsides.
Closure (debrief) The processing we have done today may continue after the session. You may or
may not notice new insights, thoughts, memories, or dreams. If you do, just notice what you are
experiencing. Take a snapshot of it (what you are seeing, feeling, thinking, and the trigger) and keep a log.
We can work on this new material next time. If you feel it is necessary, call me.