Gaudiya Sandhyavandana

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The passage describes the procedure for Vaishnava Sandhyavandana which involves rituals like Acamanam (sipping water), Pranayama (breathing exercises) and mantra recitation at different times of the day to invoke Lord Vishnu.

Vaishnava Sandhyavandana is a ritual performed by Vaishnavites at dawn, noon and dusk to invoke and worship Lord Vishnu through rituals like mantra chanting, hand gestures and purification rituals.

The key steps involved are Acamanam (sipping water with mantra chanting), Pranayama (breathing exercises), Prokshanam (sprinkling water on body parts with mantras), Praashanam (offering prayers with water in hand) and Vandanam (prayers and salutations).

Vaishnava Sandhyavandana

Om Achutaya Namah
Om Anantaya Namah
Om Govindaya Namah
Om keshavaaya namaH Thumb to touch right cheek
Om naaraayaNaaya namaH Thumb to touch left cheek
Om maadhavaaya namaH Ring finger to touch right eye
Om govindaaya namaH Ring finger to touch left eye
Om vishhNave namaH Index finger to touch right nostril
Om madhusuudanaaya namaH Index finger to touch left
Om trivikramaaya namaH Little finger to touch right ear
Om vaamanaaya namaH Little finger to touch left ear
Om shriidharaaya namaH Middle finger to touch right
Om hR^ishhiikeshaaya namaH Middle finger to touch left
Om padmanaabhaaya namaH Four fingers to touch navel
Om daamodaraaya namaH Four fingers to touch head

Shuklaambaradharam Vishnum Shashi Varnam Chaturbhujam

Prasanna Vadanam Dhyayeth Sarva Vighnopa Shanthayeth
(Vishnu here refers to Ganapati)
Meaning: I invoke (dhyayeth) the Lord who is decked in white
(Shukla ambara dharam), who is allpervading (Vishnum), who is
himself fair in complexion (shashi varnam), 4-handed
(chaturbhujam), with a pleasant countenance (prasanna
vadanam). May he remove all obstacles from my path (sarva
vighna upa shanthayeth).

Om Bhuh | Om Bhuvah | Om Suvah |
Om Mahaha |
Om Janah | Om Tapah | Om Satyam Om tatsavithurvareniyam |
devasya dhimahi |
dhiyo yo nah prachodayat
Om Apah | Jyothi | Rasah | amrtam |
Brahma |
Sri Bhagavadajnaya Sri KrishnaPrithyartham
Pratah Sandhyaam upaasishye or mAdhyanikam karishye or
sAyam sandhyaam upashishye
Hold the tumbler in the left hand
2. Take a small quantity of water in the right hand palm
3. Sprinkle it on the head through right hand fingers, reciting at
the same time the mantras.

aapohishhThaa mayobhuvaH prokshaNa of the Head

taa na uurje dadhaatana prokshaNa of the Head
mahe raNaaya chakshase prokshaNa of the Head
yovaH shivatamo rasaH prokshaNa of the Head
tasya bhaajayatehanaH prokshaNa of the Head
ushatiiriva maataraH prokshaNa of the Head
tasmaa araN^gamaama vaH prokshaNa of the Head
yasya kshayaaya jinvatha prokshaNa of the Big Toes
aapo janayathaa chanaH prokshaNa of the Head

Meaning Oh water(Rasovai saha Oh Krishna in the form of

water), you are the giver of pleasure to all entities.Give us water

for our strength for greatest bliss(of bhakti), for seeing the Lord
Please distribute to us your taste of auspiciousness here itself
(instead of attaining this bliss in spiritual world)with the affection
that a mother has for her child. Let us come to you for help,As you
are the dwelling place of the Lord.Oh water, bestow the Lord to
For morning
Place "tiirtham" in the hollow of right palm and recite as follows
oM | suuryashcha maa manyushcha manyupatayashcha
manyukR^itebhyaH |
paapebhyo rakshantaam.h | yadraatryaa paapamakaarshham.h |
vaachaa hastaabhyaam.h |
padbhyaamudareNa shishnaa | raatristadavalumpatu | yatkiMcha
duritaM mayi
| idamahaM maamamR^itayonau | suurye jyotishhi juhomi
svaahaa ||
May the Lord, in the sun, in agni and the other devatas, protect
me from offences committed out of anger or passion.May the
Lord, presiding over the night, destroy all offences committed
during the night,by my mind, words, hand, feet, stomach, and
genital.Whatever offences remain in me I sacrifice them and
myself, in the form of this water, to the effulgent, immortal, allpurifying Lord in the heart.

For Noon:


Aapa: punanthu pritthiveem, pritthwee poothaa

punaathu maam
Punanthu brahmanaspathi:, brahma poothaa
punaathu maam
Yadruchhishta-mabhojyam yath, yadwaa
duscharitham mama
Sarvam punanthu maamaapo sathaascha
prathigraha swaahaa
Meaning : In short this removes all the offences
done from morning till noon including eating
non-prasada , uncleanliness etc.

For evening :
Au Agnischa maa manyuscha manyapathayascha
m. manyu krithebhya:
paapebhyo rakshanthaam
Yadahnaa paapamakaarsham manasaa
vaachaa karmanaa
Hasthaabhyaam padbhyaam udarena sisnjaa
ahasthadavalum pathu
Yath kinchith duritham mayi idamaham
Sathye jyothishi juhomi swaahaa

Acamanam See earlier page.


dadhikraavNNo akaarishhaM prokshaNa of the Head

jishhNorashvasya vaajinaH prokshaNa of the Head
surabhi no mukhaakarat.h prokshaNa of the Head
pra Na aayuumshhi taarishhat.h prokshaNa of the Head
aapohishhThaa mayobhuvaH prokshaNa of the Head
taa na uurje dadhaatana prokshaNa of the Head
mahe raNaaya chakshase prokshaNa of the Head
yovaH shivatamo rasaH prokshaNa of the Head
tasya bhaajayatehanaH prokshaNa of the Head

Om ushatiiriva maataraH prokshaNa of the Head

Om tasmaa araN^gamaama vaH prokshaNa of the Head
Om yasya kshayaaya jinvatha prokshaNa of the Big Toes
Om aapo janayathaa chanaH prokshaNa of the Head
Om bhuurbhuvassuvaH (Take little water on your right palm and
throw around
your head in clockwise direction like pradaxiNaM )

Let me praise the Lord who is fond of yoghurt,Strong and swift as

a horse of victory(hayagriva).May the supreme leader, famous for
his pastimes, extend our lives beyond death.

Arghya Pradanam
Stand erect holding tumbler in the left hand between thumb and
2. Hold both palms together, separating the thumb of the right
hand from
rest of fingers.
3. Take water in both palms - holding palms at the level of the
4. Recite gayathri mantra verbally with sound waves emanating
from the
mouth; throw the water up in the air, looking at the sun, while
doing so
the heels of both legs should be raised. (That is arghyam is
standing on toes).
5. Repeat 3 times.
Om bhuurbhuvassuvaH tatsaviturvareNyaM

bhargodevasya dhiimahi dhiyo yonaH prachodayaat.h

(First ArghyaM)
Om bhuurbhuvassuvaH tatsaviturvareNyaM
bhargodevasya dhiimahi dhiyo yonaH prachodayaat.h
(Second ArghyaM)
Om bhuurbhuvassuvaH tatsaviturvareNyaM
bhargodevasya dhiimahi dhiyo yonaH prachodayaat.h
(Third ArghyaM)

Prayaschitta argyam if sandhyavandana is not performed on right

times :
Stand erect holding tumbler in the left hand between thumb and
2. Hold both palms together, separating the thumb of the right
hand from
rest of fingers.
3. Take water in both palms - holding palms at the level of the
4. Recite mantra verbally - throw the water up in the air, looking
at the sun,

while doing so the heels of both legs should be raised. (That is

arghyam is
offered standing on toes). Offer only one arghyam:
Om Bhu | Om Bhuvah | Om suvah | Om Mahah | Om janah | Om
tapah |
Om Satyam | Om tatsavitur vareniyam bhargo devasya dhimahi
diyo yo
nah prachodyat | Om Bhu | Om Bhuvah | Om suvah | Om Mahah |
janah | Om tapah | Om Satyam ||
5. Water should be taken in right hand palm and thrown around
the head
clockwise reciting Om bhuurbhuvassuvaH
Stand facing the sun with anjali mudra (Namaste posture).
Mentally Recite: asavAdithyoh BrahmA
In this Mantra, the Brahmana states: That sun is the Krishna

Achamana see earlier steps :

Similar to Arghyam but the heels need not be raised - hold
tumbler in the
left hand between thumb and first finger.
2. Thanks are rendered to twelve divine names of the
3. Hold both palms together, separating the thumb of the right
hand from
rest of fingers.
4. Take water in both palms - holding palms at the level of the
5. Recite mantra verbally - let water through the tips of the finger
to the
ground. Offer 1 tarpanam while reciting each mantra similar to

Om keshavaM tarpayaami |
Om naaraayaNaM tarpayaami |
Om maadhavaM tapayaami |
Om govindaM tarpayaami |
Om vishhNuM tarpayaami |
Om madhusuudanaM tarpayaami |
Om trivikramaM tarpayaami
Om vaamanaM tarpayaami |
Om shriidharaM tarpayaami |
Om hR^ishhiikeshaM tarpayaami |
Om padmanaabhaM tarpayaami |
Om daamodaraM tarpayaami

Gayathri Japam
Perform the following (Refer earlier pages for details)

2. Pranayanama
3.sankalpa :
Mamo patha samastha duritha kshaya dwara Shri Krishna
praataH sandhyaa ashhTottara
shata sa.nkhyayaa (108)
ashhTaaviMshati sa.nkhyayaa (28)
gaayatrii mahaamantrajapaM karishhye||

oM praNavasya R^ishhi brahmaa touch the head

devii gaayatrii chhandaH touch the nose

paramaatmaa devataa touch the chest
oM bhuuraadi sapta vyaahR^itiinaaM atri bhR^igu
kutsa vasishhTha gautama kaashyapa aaN^girasa
R^ishhayaH touch the head
gaayatrii ushhNik.h anushhTup bR^ihatii paN^ti
tR^ishhTup jagatyaH chhandaa{gm}si
touch the nose
agni vaayu arka vaagiisha varuNa indra vishvedevaaH
devataaH touch the chest
aayaatu iti anuvaakasya vaamadeva R^ishhiH
touch the head
anushhTup.h chhandaH touch the nose
gaayatrii devataa touch the chest
gaayatrii aavaahane viniyogaH
aayaatu varadaa devii aksharaM brahma sammitam |
gaayatriiM chhandasaaM maata idaM brahma
jushhasvanaH |
ojosi sahosi balamasi bhraajosi devaanaaM dhaama
vishvamasi vishvaayuH sarvamasi sarvaayuH
gaayatriiM aavaahayaami (aatma aavaahanam)
savitriiM aavaahayaami (aatma aavaahanam)
saraswatiiM aavaahayaami (aatma aavaahanam)
May gayatri devi, bestower of benedictions, eternally the absolute
truth come at this time of chanting. Gayatri devi, who is glorious
in the vedas, the source of all meters, the source of all living
entities, be kind to us. You are unborn, you are strength, you are
victory.You are the abode of the devatas,You are the universe and
the life of the universe.You are everything and the life of
everything. You are supreme.

saavitryaa R^ishhiH vishvaamitraH touch the head

deviigaayatrii chhandaH touch the nose
savitaa devataa touch the chest
Say Gayathri 28 / 108 etc. times
One should chant the gayatri mantra ten or more times facing
east in the morning, east at noon, and north or west in the
evening. One may stand in the morning, stand or sit at noon and
sit in the evening. One should count on the right hand,
whichshoud be covered.

Gayathri upasthanam
uttame shikhare devii bhuumyaaM parvata muurdhani |
braahmaNebhyo hyanuGYaanaM gachchhadevi yathaa sukham.h
Devi, you reside on the top of mount meru, the highest point of
the earth planet. Accepting farewells from the brahmanas, go
now wherever you please.
mitrasya carsani dhrtah sravo devasya sanasim
satyam citra sravastamam
mitro janan yatayati prajanan
mitro dadhara prthivim uta dyam
mitrah krstir animisabhicaste
satyaya havyam dhrtavad vidhema

pra sa mitra martto astu prayasvan

yasta aditya siksati vratena

na hanyate na jiyate tvoto nainam
amho asnoty antito na durat

I glorify the transcendental Lord, called Mitra, the friend of all

living entities, who nourishes all living entities, who is steady,
famous for his pastimes, who is victorious over the demons, who
is eternal and infinitely wonderful.The omniscient Lord guides the
people , rewarding and punishing them by his mercy. Sustaining
both heaven and earth,. He vigilantly watches over all that we
perform.Let us make offerings to the eternal Lord.May the man
who serves the Absolute Lord, the friend of all, be blessed with all
necessities of life.He attempts to please the effulgent Lord by
determination;protected by you, he is never vanquished;he is
free from sin in this life and ever after.

----------------------------------------------------------(recited at noon only)

asatyena rajasa vartamano nivesayann amrtam martyam ca

hiranyayena savita rathena devo yati bhuvana vipasyan

ud vayam tamasaspari pasyanto jyotir uttaram

devam devatra suryam aganma jyotir uttamam
udutyam jatavedasam
drse visvaya suryam

devam vahanti ketavah

citram devanam ud agad anikam

caksur mitrasya varunasyagneh
a pra dyava prthivi antariksam
suryam atma jagatas tasthusas ca

tac caksur devahitam purastac chukram uccarat

pasyema saradas satam

jivema saradas satam
nandama saradas satam
modama saradas satam
bhavama saradas satam
srnavama saradas satam
prabravama saras satam
ajitah syama saradas satam
jyok ca suryam drse

ya udagan mahato'rnavad vibhrajamanah sarirasya madhyat

sa ma vrsabho lohitaksah suryo vipascin manasa punatu

Manifesting himself as the universe, by passion and dull matter,

the Lord places the living entities, according to their merits, in the
material and spiritual worlds. The Supreme Creator of all jivas,
omniscient, moves through the world by his transcendetal
potency, like the golden chariot of the sun. Gazing at the light of
the spiritual world beyond the material realm we have achieved
the supreme , effulgent goal, the highest position. The Lord's rays
or potencies transmit Lord into the material world so that all may
see him. The Lord is situated in the highest position of wonderful
form and activities amongst all beings. The Lord is the eye of
mitra, varuna and agni, and witnesses all through them.He is
pervading the earth, heavens, sky, all living and non living
things.The Lord, the eye of knowledge, the primeval cause, the
well- wisher of the devotees, is eternally situated in the supreme
position. May we see the Lord for a hundred autumns.May we live
with the lord for a hundred autumns.May we rejoice in the Lord for
a hundred autumns.May we enjoy with the Lord for a hundred
autumns.May we stay with the Lord for a hundred autumns.May
we hear of the Lord for a hundred autumns.May we praise the
Lord for a hundred autumns May we be undefeated by demoniac
elements for a hundred autumns.So that we may see the
effulgent Lord eternally.The Lord has risen with effulgent body
from the midst of the great ocean.He is the strongest of the
strong, Lord of all lords, effulgent and all-pervading like the sun,
the wisest of the wise, with beautiful eyes the color of red
lotuses.My that Lord purify me by his merciful will.

----------------------------------------------------------(recited in evening only)

imam me varuna srudhi

havam adya ca mrdaya

tvam avasyur acake

tat tva yami brahmana vandamanah

tad asaste yajamano havirbhih
ahedamano varuneha bodhy
urusamsa ma na ayuh pramosih

yac ciddhi te viso yatha

pra deva varuna vratam

minimasi dyavi dyavi

yat kim cedam varuna daivye jane'
bhidroham manusyas caramasi
acitti yat tava dharma yuyopima
ma nas tasmad enaso deva ririsah

kitavaso yad riripur na divi

yad vaghasatyam uta yan na vidma
sarva ta visya sithireva deva
atha te syama varuna priyasah

Hear my prayer varuna (name of Vishnu/sun in evening),

and accept this offering today. I am desiring your mercy. I

seek only you. Worshipping you by prayers, I approach you for
this mercy.The person who worships you by offerings into the fire
desires only this.Oh omniscent Lord, undertand my heart, though
I have been neglectful of you in this world,Most praiseworthy
Lord, do not let me perish. Though endowed with intelligence, like
low-class people,we have deviated in our duties and service to
you every day.Oh Lord, whatever offenses to you and to mankind
that we mortals commit in performance of rites,whatever
obstacles we make to your will by our thoughtlessness,please
forgive that, do not punish us for that sin.
May I not associate with the devious people who cheat May we
never know what is sinful and untrue.Having overcome all
bondage,We should aspire only for your mercy.

Offer pranamas to gayatri in her different forms and to krsna's

asociates by folding hands while standing and saying:
Om Sandhyayai Namah (East)
Om Savitrai Namah (South)
Om Gayatrai Namah (West)
Om Saraswatai Namah (North)
Om sarvaabhyo devataabhyo namo namaH (East)- these are
associated of krishna
Om kaamokaarshhiit.h manyurakaarshhiit.h namo namaH

The palms of the hands are kept near ears, the body is bent at
waist level and
Abhivadanam is recited.

(..your pravara rishis name...{e.g. athreya}......){+optionally

( ........)
(.........) thrayarsheya or pancharsheya pravaraanvita}
(..gothra... {e.g. srivatsa gothra}.....)
(..suthra ... {e.g. appasthambha suthra}....)
(..your vedas name ...... {e.g. yajuh}......) shaakhaa adhyaayii
shrii (.....{e.g. kausthubha}.........) sharmaanaamaahaM

oM praachyai dishe namaH Facing East

oM dakshiNaayai dishe namaH Facing South
oM pratiichyai dishe namaH Facing West
oM udiichyai dishe namaH Facing North
oM uurdhvaaya namaH East folded palms upwards
oM adharaaya namaH East folded palms to the
oM antarikshaaya namaH East folded palms upwards
oM bhuumyai namaH East folded palms to the
oM Brahmane namaH East folded palms upwards
oM vishhNave namaH East folded palms straight

dhyeyassadaa savitR^imaNDala madhyavartii
naaraayaNaH sarasijaasana sannivishhTaH |
keyuuravaan.h makarakuNDalavaan.h kiriiTii
haarii hiraNyaya vapuH dhR^ita shaN^kha chakraH ||
shaN^kha chakra gadhaa paaNe dvaarakaa nilayaachyuta |
govinda puNDariikaaksha raksha maaM sharaNaagatam.h ||


Om Achutaya Namah
Om Anantaya Namah
Om Govindaya Namah

Hare Krishna mahamantra.

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