Message of Beitar: Hamazon?
Message of Beitar: Hamazon?
Message of Beitar: Hamazon?
Message of Beitar
Ari Cutler
Introductory Questions
What is the significance? Is this not a private defeat of a specific city? Maharal (Netzach Yisrael)
explains that that the five events that happened on the 17 th of Tammuz were the beginning of the
downward process leading to the five events on Tisha Bav which were a final blow.
Should the defeat of Beitar be in the same breadth as churban bayit? What is the nature of this
Why is the Hatov Umateev bracha which commemorates the miracle of Beitar placed in Birkat
The Rishonim ask why is the Hatov Umaiteev bracha instituted over better or more wine (Brachot
59b)? Why not with beautiful breads or salads? (As opposed to the Raavads opinion that it is
instituted for different breads)?
Is there an intrinsic connection between birchat Hatov Umaiteev when having more wine and the
fourth bracha of Hatov Umateev in birkat hamazon? Alternatively, they are both brachot of hodaah but
have no intrinsic connection? We will present imh four nafkah minot to this question.
Magen Avraham (175) paskens that if one states Hatov Umateev in Birkat Hamzon then it exempts
one from saying hatov umateev if have more wine.
This is only true if there is intrinsic connection between the two brachot!
Beis Yosef- (175) quotes Rav Kloneemus that since there is no necessity for saying bracha
before over Leaseeyato since there is no asher keeedeshanu in the nusach of hatov umateeev.
The Beis Yosef Disagrees as all birchot Hannah do not have the nusach of asher keedeshanu and
nevertheless it needs to be stated before the enjoyment happens.
The Rama in Darkei Moshe ( 175:2) explains Rav Kaloniomus opinion based on our question since
the bracha of hatov umateev by wine was instituted to remember the slain of beitar it does not matter if
stated before or after as the commemoration occurs!
Clearly the Rama holds there is intrinsic connection between the two brachot.
Machloket when one drinks first Red than White wine- (similar Wine- to Beer) We have seen Rishonim
discuss if need to make Hatov Umateev if it goes down in quality. One can claim two reasons why no
A. either less quality or
B. now you do not remember Beitar as it is white
For those that drink wine during nine days (Teimanim- like Mishnah in Taanit) one can claim that one
still should not make hatov umateev since still trying to temper ones simcha limit wine- if reason of
Beitar one can state that one SHOULD drink the two wines in order to actively remember Beitar
four cups of wine as representative of the four steps in redemption. He (Parshat Bo) explains that Chazal saw
wine as an important symbol of Kiyum Am Yisrael.